#delta note: hope those are the right tags sorry if not
deltalunaris · 3 years
NEVERMIND, Read up on what Cymbalta has been doing to my poor pals on this here site and others. Today’s the only day I take it, not taking it tomorrow or for any other day. Those side-effects & withdrawal symptoms are fucked.
Actually, is it okay for me to go cold turkey after just having taken one (1) Cymbalta 30mg just once? Tagging other meds because I need a reply asap, thanks pals.
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finiteuniverse13 · 3 years
home is people, not a place 2/?
Part 1
Summary: Clay gets attacked on base. DEVGRU finds an issue in that.
TW: Blood mention, physical assault, canon typical violence
Tag: @rebelwrites @chibsytelford @bravo-four-seal-team @velvetcardiganbucky @supervalcsi @abby-splace @itsonautopilot @thegirlwhoisalwayswriting @pinkrockstar19 @softi92 @mrsmarvelous1995 @jayhalsteadfan-2417
Lisa is pissed. She has every right to be. Clay had been attacked in the Bravo cages.
She’d watched the kid go from a strap who couldn’t stay in his own lane to an operator who could lead Bravo – and Tier One, for that matter – into the future. And then he’d been attacked in his team’s cages, in his own cage. Blackburn was still at the hospital – he’d found the kid in a pool of his own blood; Lisa wouldn’t blame him if it took an apocalypse to separate him from the kid – making sure that the kid got appropriate care.
She pushed open the door to Bravo’s briefing room, not that it actually had any members of Bravo in it. Alpha, Charlie and Delta were all there, waiting on her brief on the situation. Echo would have been there, if not for them being halfway through their first deployment as a team. There had been hesitation about deploying Echo – the loss of the last Echo line-up still sat heavily in the Tier’s mind.
The three team’s Master Chiefs and 2ICs had sat in Bravo’s usual chairs. Full Metal and Derek sat in Jason and Ray’s chairs, respectively. Beau and his second in command had taken Sonny and Trent’s, while TJ was sat in Brock’s. Delta Two had distinctively chosen not to sit in Clay’s seat, instead sitting in a chair usually used for either Cerberus or a support staff member, depending on the op.
(It was very funny to watch Brock and Clay push a wheely chair with Cerberus on it between the two of them, and they’d pretty much mastered the art of doing it in the last few months. Cerb had found that if he allowed it to happen, he’d get belly rubs and treats, so he was unbothered about it)
The other seats had a random assignment, seemingly first-come-first-serve. The ones unlucky enough to have not found seats stood tensely, arms crossed and grumbling under their breath to each other.
Nobody sat in Clay’s seat.
All 18 operators looked up when she walked in, attention snapping to the person with the most information. As she walked in, her gaze caught on the table space in front of Clay’s chair. Clay had left his book on the table. It’s about as thick as a brick, and Sonny would probably take a glance at it and tell Clay it was as dry as one. The embossed cover didn’t read English, and Lisa had a feeling that there would be very few, if any, people in the room able to read any part of the book.
She stood at the front and pushed her emotions down. These operators were here for information, not emotion.
“At 0145 this morning, 4 Green Team members entered Bravo’s Cage room. At 0157, they left, and returned to the Green Team barracks. 0204, Lieutenant Commander Blackburn entered the Bravo cages. He dialled 911 and was assisted by Alpha Four-”
She cuts herself off for a few seconds, as various operators slapped Jordan on the back, mumbled thanks spreading through the room as they reassured themselves that one of their own had helped their kid.
“Assisted by Alpha Four at 0207. Ambulance arrived at 0215. The Green Team members were apprehended by Alpha and Delta at 0248.”
She pauses again as a ripple of thanks goes through to room, Alpha and Delta thanking their Master Chiefs and each other and Charlie thanking both teams.
“Petty Officer Spenser was admitted to hospital at 0224, and was assessed as having a concussion, a broken nose and 5 bruised ribs.”
Alpha, Charlie and Delta’s medics all take note of this. They’re probably going to be on Clay’s ass for the next few months about this, right behind Trent.
“Bravo arrived at the Hospital at 0243. They are all with him. Hayes has asked that he is included in any appropriate punishments.”
Full Metal snorts. “Bet he didn’t word it like that”
A series of chuckles and grins echoes around the room. He did not word it like that. There was much more swearing, and much, much less formal language. He’d implied murder no less than 5 times.
Lisa allowed a smile to pass through the stony calm façade she had up.
“Command has delegated these appropriate punishments to be carried out within DEVGRU and have stressed the importance of leaving an impression on future graduates. This cannot be a recuring event.”
TJ pipes up first, almost before she’d finished talking. “I say we let Metal work his magic, make sure nobody finds them.”
This gets mixed responses, but Lisa isn’t surprised when none are wholly negative. They all had a younger brother in the form of Clay, and they had all trained for years in the art of killing their enemies as swiftly and efficiently as possible, and these candidates fell wholly and completely under the title of ‘Enemy’.
Metal gives a faux hopeful look to Lisa, and Lisa can tell that he’s not entirely dismissed the possibility, even as he does a terrible job at pretending to still consider it an option that Lisa could authorize. Lisa plays into the joke – god knows that Tier One needs some light in this disastrous day – and gives him the look mostly used for when Bravo (usually Sonny) suggests a stupid idea that shouldn’t had even crossed their minds. Blackburn jokingly referred to it as her “bad dog” look, and it worked for its purpose, making the operators put their tails between their legs. A few faces form smiles, and a few look to be wavering on the edge of smiling.
“No murder, and no death.”
This gets her grumbles, and not all of them are joking. Clay had gotten all of them out of sticky situations. Every operator in Tier One had a handful story where Clay had needed to be briefed on their op, and all of them had at least one where he’d taking calls at 2am to translate over a connection that he could barely hear English through. He’d never berated them for waking him up, and had often taken time to teach various operators key phrases, if he knew they were deploying somewhere where he knew the language.
Beau goes next, possibly the most level-headed of the Master Chiefs – both in the room and not. “Advanced SERE?”
Now this, Lisa can work with. Something about her posture must change, a twitch in her face, because the room suddenly erupts in sound. Charlie Two, Delta Five and Alpha Three all are in close enough range to clap Beau on the back, and they do so in quick succession.
“Gentlemen.” She raises her voice to be heard by the room. There’s nothing gentle about the looks on their faces.
“I’ll leave you to figure something out. Report to me with a plan of action.” And with that, she gives them a single nod and begins to leave. Her turned back does not block out the whispers of violence, but it does hide the vicious smile that’s stretched itself out along her face.
Nobody would even think about hurting their kid. Ever again.
As Clay blearily opened his eyes, he realised that he’d succumbed to pain-med-induced sleep. A few hours had probably passed since then, based on the fact that sunlight was now filling the room. Sonny was sat on his right side, gaze focused on the room’s TV screen, which was showing a play-by-play of a football game. The volume was cranked down, and even as Clay becomes more aware; he can only hear every other word.
��Son?” The word passes his lips without him meaning it to. Sonny’s head snaps over to Clay, so fast that Clay fears he may have given himself whiplash.
“Hey Bam Bam, how ya doin?” The toothpick moves hypnotically. Stop looking at the toothpick. Stop it. Stop it. Sonny’s casual expression is betrayed by the slight waver in his voice, a sliver of raw emotion that Sonny couldn’t fully supress. Clay gives him a strained smile in lieu of answering and reaches his hand out. Sonny catches the hand before it moves very far, holding it in a tight grip.
Sonny’s thumb absently runs across Clay’s unblemished because he hadn’t even been able to fight back knuckles, and his spare hand turns off the TV, leaving them in silence.
“Kid.” Clay’s eyes widen slightly, and he almost pulls his hand out of Sonny’s grip at the softly spoken word. He tries to get in the apology, the explanation, before Sonny can tell him that Jason is punishing him for being unaware.
“I should have being paying attention. I know I should have been paying attention, I was just so tired.” I’m sorry I’m so sorry don’t kick me out please
Sonny freezes. What?
“Clay. Stop. Stop-” he has to cut himself off before he says something that includes those really touchy-feely-emotions he’s feeling. Thankfully, Clay doesn’t take the pause as an opportunity to continue. “Stop trying to defend yourself. None of us blame you, Blondie. You were on base. You should have been protected. We won’t fail you again.” Sonny gives him facts, because he knows that if he tries to do anything else he’ll make it worse.
“Son?” Clay recalls a voice calling through the dark, through the black water he was floating in, a voice he’d recognised; “Did Blackburn find me? He- he had blood on his hands”
For a moment, Sonny curses Clay’s blessings as a sniper. He’d always been able to notice the little things, the things none of them would notice. “Yeah, he was checking that none of us were sleeping in the cages.”
Clay nods, and then his brows furrow. He breaks eye contact with Sonny and frowns in the genal direction of his feet. His face makes what Sonny calls his ‘Brainiac’ Face, and Sonny can only assume that he’s thinking about what happened with Blackburn, not rationalizing with himself that the beating was somehow his fault.
“Son, can I talk to him?” Sonny doesn’t want to think about whatever that conversation is going to be, so he nods and begins to gather his stuff. His cap is hanging precariously from one on the bed’s corners, his phone on the bedside table. He stands and ruffles Clay’s head, laughing despite the stink-eye he gets for it. Clay doesn’t mind it, and he has the feeling the next few weeks, if not months, are going to be filled with various forms of physical contact to reassure his teammates that he was still with them.
And now he’d asked Sonny to get Blackburn. God what do you even say to the guy who had found you beaten? ‘Hey Boss, I’m sure that what you saw was horrifying, but I’m alright now?’ God help him. Sonny hadn’t given him a weird look, so he’d probably been expecting Clay to ask at some point.
Clay’s train of thought is interrupted when a soft knock sounds on the door. There’s a second of pause before the door opens. Clay can’t think of a time when Blackburn’s looked worse. There are dark circles under his eyes, and a vaguely haunted look in his eyes. His eyes have a red tinge, and Clay can’t tell if that’s from sleep deprivation, or something else. His hands are rubbed red and raw, and Clay can tell that Blackburn had taken extra care to get every fleck of blood off his hands. He’s in a jacket that looks too big for him, and Clay suspects that Trent had a hand in that. Since the injured person – Clay – wasn’t someone he could immediately care for, Trent had gone for the next best thing, a shaken Blackburn. Under the jacket, he’s still in his fatigues, and by the time he’s finished the assessment of Blackburn’s top half, he’d moved close and sat down, hiding everything below his waist from Clay’s view.
Blackburn reaches out, putting a palm on Clay’s forearm, Clay’s hand mirrors it on Blackburn’s arm, and tension bleeds from Blackburn’s figure. His shoulders slump slightly, and he leans forward.
“How are you feeling?”
Clay considers lying, considers saying that he’s not in any pain, considers easing Blackburn’s mind. He decides against it. Blackburn had found him in a pool of blood, it’s the least he can do to tell him the truth. “My ribs hurt. But I’m, I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad you were there.”
Clay is the sometimes literally bleeding heart of Bravo, levelling out Sonny’s emotional constipation, and the admission is the balm of some of the burns on Eric’s soul. Eric leaned forwards, shuffling closer to the bed, trying to hide the blood on his knees. He hadn’t been home to change, a call to his wife at 8am had told her that he wasn’t going to be home for a while. She, like the amazing wife she was, had been understanding, and then grumbled at him to let her sleep. They’d both laughed and exchanged ‘I love you’s before his wife ended the call. Clay didn’t need the stress of knowing that Eric had knelt in his blood. Nobody needs that.
“Gave me quite a scare, gave all of us quite a scare.” Eric doesn’t tell him that he’d spent the last half hour scrubbing his hands raw, that Jason had needed to strong-arm him into the waiting room, that Trent had given him one look and offered up his jacket, that he’d had his head in his hands until Sonny had come into the room and told him that Clay wanted to talk to him. Doesn’t tell him that he’d stood outside for nearly a minute before he’d knocked, that he’d needed to barrel in before he lost the nerve to speak to his operator. He usually prides himself on staying calm, on being collected, but Clay had been attacked in one of the few places on earth that he could honestly and without reservation call home. That scared Eric. If he couldn’t keep his operators safe on base, where would they be safe?
“Davis is talking to command about adding locks to the cage room doors, make sure this doesn’t happen again.” If she wasn’t already talking to command about it, she would be soon.
Clay nods. He shifts and grimaces in pain.
“Do you want me to get a nurse?” It’s a safe question, one that doesn’t involve the emotions in the room.
Clay ignores the lifeline. “I’m alright as I am. Did you get the guys?”
Eric nods. Breaking the news to Bravo had been the highlight of his morning. “Command is letting DEVGRU work out how to punish them.”
Clay grins. “I bet Metal is having fun with that.”
It’s Eric’s turn to smile, and a soft chuckle makes its way out. “Davis is under strict orders to not accept a plan that involves murder. I’m sure Alpha’s disagreeing with that.”
Alpha was most likely to deploy with Bravo, and all were in line with their Master Chief’s ‘Bury-first-questions-second’ policy when it came to Clay. Eric had a feeling it wouldn’t take much convincing to get Delta and Echo behind the plan, and that Charlie would only argue on principle.
Tier One was a brotherhood that didn’t take kindly to injury, as the world would learn.
Echo One – Zack Greer – a newly promoted Delta Two, wasn’t a very outgoing man. One and Twos were meant to both complement and contrast each other, a precarious balancing act honed over years of living out of each other’s pockets. TJ had needed a level head, so his Two was calm in the face of crisis.
Echo Two, on the other hand. A Floridian man, Elliot Howe, promoted from Charlie Three, who was under strict orders to never drink unsupervised with Sonny Quinn, lest they empty a bar and then burn said bar to the ground. He’d chaffed under Beau’s tight ship, so when the opportunity to move to form Echo had arisen, he was hard pushed to say no.
Together with Echo Three (Alpha Three), Echo Four (Delta Six) and two Green Team graduates as their Five and Six, they’d created a tight brotherhood.
Echo Five, Dan Wilder, a multilingual K9 handler, had initially been lost at DEVGRU, not quite fitting in. He’d reached out to the youngest operator – Bravo Six – in order to get some advice. What he didn’t know at the time is that their languages had overlap. Together with Clay and Ares – his K9 – he’d been able to find someone to practice with.
Echo had long since lost count of how many times Clay had come into their cage room, with a well-loved book, offering it to Dan with a brief explanation of how it would interest him. The book was never in English, and neither was the explanation. For all they knew, Clay could have spent the last few months giving Dan anything from Harry Potter to The Anarchist’s Cookbook (he’d actually only given Dan one of those, and Dan was under strict instructions not to tell them which, and Dan had been recommending others back).
Sonny, on the days when they were hanging out after work, sometimes tagged along to these exchanges. He’d joked about a book club, and Echo Two had picked up on the joke immediately, and since then the pair had resigned themselves to the nickname.
Between Clay’s frequent interactions with Dan and the fact that all of DEVGRU was deadly protective of Clay, it was no surprise that when Echo had heard the news, they hadn’t been happy. Command had fought a battle with Echo to keep them deployed, and Echo had nearly won. Dan had been on many rants, talking to empty space in Pashto – Four only caught a few words, and those were all along the lines of murder and death. Ares was giving out a low, constant growl. Both of the DEVGRU K9s were as protective as their owners, it seemed.
The door to their dorms slammed open and Zack marched in. Echo looks up in sync, and if it weren’t so serious, Zack would be amused by how much his men look like Meerkats. “Got word from Virginia.” This sets his men on edge, Howe half-steps forward, and his shoulders visibly tense up. “They found the green team rookies. We’ve been asked to approve the plan of their punishment before it gets sent to be approved by command.” Malicious smiles break out among the barracks.
They may be 7000 miles away, but they wouldn’t let anybody off the hook because of it.
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theshy1sout · 3 years
Inseparable - Chapter 8
Tags: Broppy, Slow Burn Fluff, Not Rated, Trolls Mythology AU
Ao3 here
Note: Sorry it took so song, i haven’t edited it yet, and im not gonna tag it now, i will edit and tag it later, cause im so tired now. Enjoy xd
Branch is scared. Oh, he is so scared. 
Last month was such an emotional rollercoaster for the god of the Night. He had cured himself of feeling anything he doesn't know how long ago. He was just empty and blank for the world out of his duty. When "Poppy" just happened without any warning, he tried getting to it, treating it like another tree that grew in the forest. Cause it was just another Immortal who ignored him. No big deal. Half a year lasted quickly as usual.
But then the pink woman started to interact with him. It woke up many forgotten thoughts in his nighty mind. Mostly emotions like anger or frustration. But when she apologized to him... Like to normal, equal Immortal... Like it was her who was a bad guy in this world... His inside just exploded with feelings and thoughts. 
Firstly he tried to dull them, but he didn't feel that he wanted to do it so desperately like he used to. For the first time in his life, he doesn't feel like hiding himself is what he needs. Well, it is even the opposite: he discovers curiously new thoughts and feelings inside him and it is more and more fascinating for some reason...
Especially this weird brand-new thing he feels when Poppy smiles gently or says something really nice about him... or when she touches him...
So Branch is scared. The Palace of Harmony is overwhelmingly big and a huge azure entrance suggests that behind it are so many Immortals, so many halls and chambers, there is so loud of laughs and talk, food and drinks everywhere, and there is nothing like Silence he likes... There are so many reasons to be scared for him. But he doesn't feel bad about his scare. It's weird. But he really wants to walk there for Poppy. To show her and himself, that he really deserves a friend like she is. He knew that he would be stressed, he expected that, he has reasons to be stressed, he was ready for that, he doesn't let the fear stop him this time.
So yes, Branch is scared, but he feels also a bit of excitement.
- So... - The goddess of the Day smiles nervously. - How do you feel?
Branch takes a deep breath.
- Still weird with the fact that we left the Staff of the Light in the checkroom.
- Well - Poppy chuckles. - It is gods' checkroom after all. In the Palace of Harmony.
- Yeah, but... It was said to be the most important artifact in the world.
- I know, dad told me a lot about how careful I have to be with the Staff - She rolls her eyes. - Way too much I think.
- So - Branch whispers after a long while of Silence. - We go in?
This time Poppy takes a deep breath.
- I'm so stressed! - She whispers loudly. - I know it's nothing to be scared about, but what if I say something stupid on the Sharing! I've never taken part in the Sharing!
- Well, it is so stressful...
- I've planned what to say for so long... I wrote it on paper, but I still feel it's not perfect
- Can I see it?
- I threw it away.
- Oh.
- The others are way more experienced than me. What if I... I don't know, say something so obvious for them? What if they wouldn't be that impressed by things I'm gonna share? What if I bore them or even annoy them? What if I say something stupid in front of all of the Immortals, including my dad?!
- Don't worry, I'll be there with you - Branch puts his hoodie off and smirks at her. - To laugh the loudest.
Poppy collapses a giggle.
- It's you who is supposed to be the stressed one - She chuckles.
- Oh I am so terrified - His voice almost trembled. - I do it only for a friend.
She frowns, smiling at him.
- Your friend must be so lucky for having you.
Branch has not a clue how she knows the exact words to leave him speechless, mindless, melted like a snowman in spring, and with heart rushing like a falcon hunting its victim. 
He forces himself to stop staring at her pink eyes and look away. He pins his eyes on the blue door handle and the single thought can stay in his mind, it just drops from his lips without his awareness, as a quiet mild whisper:
- I hope she is...
He grabs the handle as quickly as he can, just to pretend that he didn't say anything, and he gives her an asking sight.
- Are we going in?
Poppy looks down smiling slightly. She takes a single strand of her dark pink hair behind her ear.
- Yeah - She grabs the other handle and finally looks at him. - Let's do it in three.
He nods.
- One - He starts counting.
- Two...
- Three! - They say together and press the handles.
The loud chatter just hits them in their face. The huge chamber is full of a talking and laughing crowd of colorful Immortals. There are so many, so many of them. Branch's ears get down. He suddenly realizes that he forgets about the fact that he got his hoodie off. It's so embarrassing. He immediately puts it back on his head.
- I don't know, you look pretty creepy in it - He hears Poppy's voice next to him. - Earlier was better. Much more friendly.
He glances at her and her encouraging smile. His hand clenched on the edges of his hoodie are shivering. His breath is snatchy. Maybe he isn't ready as he thought...
- We can leave.
He even forgets that he is still staring at Poppy. Her voice is so calm.
- They haven't noticed us yet. We can leave if you want.
Branch hesitates. The crowd is really big.
- What about the Sharing?
She shrugs her shoulders.
- I have the opportunity every year.
- How do you do it so easily? - He breathes it out.
- Reading your mind?
- Giving up on your dreams for me.
- Well, maybe one day you will do the same for me?
Branch closes his eyes. He takes a few deep breaths. Really deep. He stands straight. And puts his hoodie off.
- This day is today, my lady!
Poppy squeals so loudly with joy. She jumps a few times like a happy little kid and then punches Branch in the arm like Barb usually does, making him say 'ouch' and rub his arm.
- That's my man! - She cheers, pointing at him with two finger-guns.
He can't do much but chuckle. Now the goddess is really in her element. She forgets about all the stress and worries, she looks so happy to be here and see her friends. She's...
- Branch! What a surprise! - The familiar voice calls him from the crowd, interrupting his thoughts.
Oh. Of course. Poppy's squeal caught the interest. He should've expected that. He feels his head naked and his face too visible. But no no no no no, he can do this!
OH thank goodness, it is Milton.
- Hi - The god of the Night tries to sound confident, but of course, he's not. - Nice to meet you
- It is nice to meet YOU here! - The god of the critters chuckles. - I didn't expect you here!
- Well, I'm as surprised as you...
- Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners! - He says, noticing Poppy. - It's also nice to meet you, Poppy!
- Not as much as you, Milton - She smiles sweetly.
- As charming as always - Violet-skinned god smiles at her back and for some reason Branch feels he doesn't like it. But why?
- So what happened that you're here? - Milton turns back to the god. - And you put your hoodie off!
- I know. It's so crazy, isn't it?
- Well, now you look much more like you 
- I know, right? - Poppy beams. - I told him the same!
- So you made him do those things? - Milton chuckles.
- It was my decision - Branch points out.
- Yes, it was his decision. And I wouldn't be more proud of my friend - She smiles at the blue-skinned god, making his lips form into a smile too.
- Milton is right. You are so charming - He says, looking away.
The violet god and the pink goddess laugh. And it is so good. With every single minute Branch feels more and more confident.
- Maybe we should find some food? - He suggests. - I'm starving after all of this stress.
- Oh yeah, me either - Poppy agrees. 
- I guide you to the buffet - Milton points at the crowd. - Follow me!
So walking through the Immortals with his hoodie off is... Weird. Branch feels so many eyes on him, but he also hears so many greets. He didn't expect even one nice greet, so all of those "Oh, is that Branch? He looks so good!'', "Branch? It's good to see you here!", "Look! Branch's here!", "Nice to meet ya, Branch!" - cheer his spirit up a lot. Everybody smiles at him, one guy even gives him a high five (his name is Cooper if Branch remembers it correctly). When they finally arrive at the table with the food, his heart has not a bit of fear. He is trembling slightly from excitement.
Immortals don't need to eat or even drink. They do it just for the taste of food, so it is kind of entertainment for them. Branch doesn't remember when was the last time he tastes something. But Poppy is so excited to try every single dish and drink. And of course, she has to share everything with friends around, and Branch isn't an exception. Chocolate, fruits, fruits in chocolate, cakes, cookies... He feels full so quickly, but the food just tastes irresistibly good. And besides that, nothing could stop Poppy from sharing everything with him.
While more and more her friends are coming to meet the goddess of the Day, Branch also starts to be surrounded by Immortals. They all are just fascinated to meet him face to face. His real blue face. They treat him like a lost brother who's found after years, who was missed and longed-for, and it is so touching. He never dreamed about them being so nice to him, but the last thing he expected was that he could find a lot in common with some of them. He has no idea how long he spent debating with Delta Dawn, the goddess of Justice, and Quincy, the god of Wisdom, about trolls' near and far future.
And then, out of sudden, the sound of the bells' ringing carries through the chamber. Everybody cheers and starts to leave. Except for Branch.
- So... I guess it's the Sharing time - He hears Poppy's voice next to him.
- Yep. They are going to the Sharing room?
- Yes.
- Are we going with them?
The pink woman bites her lips and starts nodding.
- Scared and excited? - The god guesses.
- Yes.
- Me either - He says and shows her a fist to bump.
- A fist bump? - She chuckles.
- Barb taught me. She gave me a professional handshaking course. I have the license now.
Poppy laughs heartily. After hours of talking with the others Branch really missed that sound. She bumps his fist and adds a little 'explosion'.
- I have to say, I'm pretty impressed - She smiles at him. - I didn't expect you would adapt so quickly.
- Neither did I - He smirks. - But I am so glad that you forced me to come here.
- I forced you? You made this decision yourself! I even told you many times that you didn't have to come!
- I know, I know - Branch chuckles. - But it is your fault after all.
And out of sudden, totally automatically, without thinking, without planning it, without any reason to do that, he just raises his hand and grabs the strand of her hair that just fell on her face and put it behind her ear. As if he does it every day, but he doesn't. He did it so mindlessly. He realizes what he's doing only then does his fingers touch the warm, pink skin of her ear. He gets his hand back like burnt. 
- I'm sorry!
- No no no! It was quite... nice of you thank you... - Poppy says without commas. She bites her lips, looking away. 
- We-we should go - Branch announces awkwardly.
- Yes! - Poppy turns to the entrance with the same awkward grimace on her face.
The Sharing room is a place that needs a bit more attention. There are around a hundred of Immortals and the room is big enough to seat exactly that amount of gods. Comfy colorful benches are mounted in circles. The ceiling is really high and in the dome shape to make the room acoustic. In the very center is a little round stage with stairs, so the person standing on it who shares things with their audience is visible and hearable for everyone. 
Seats are not permanent, so Poppy and Branch just sit where is the nearest. They didn't intend to sit together, they just sat down. When everybody has a seat, King Peppy announces the Sharing and the room fills cheers. The order is spontaneous. Immortals just stand up and walk on the stage in the center. If two or more stand up at the same time, they give way to each other politely. Everything goes with harmony and respect. When someone tells about their achievements from the previous year of their work, everybody is listening up to them quietly, and when the person on the stage finishes the story, some Immortals ask a few questions with a curious and genuine interest. Every god and goddess stepping down the stage gets a huge, loud applause. 
Poppy is shifting on her seat the whole time. After a long while she whispers to Branch:
- After this one. I'll stand up after this one.
- Are you sure you're ready?
- Yes!
- I mean, emotionally.
The pink goddess bites her lips. 
- No.
Branch thinks for a moment.
- So here's the plan: if you forget what you wanted to say, I'll start choking so loud so Moonbloom, the goddess of Health, will jump to help me and...
- No, Branch, no! - Poppy whispers, trying not to laugh. - I can do this.
- I do not doubt it - He smiles at her and their sights meet. They both jump when gods start suddenly cheering and applause.
- Okay - Poppy takes a deep breath. - Let's go.
She stands up and gets everybody's attention. They all start clapping again and King Peppy even yells "That's my daughter!" which is a bit embarrassing for her. When the goddess of the Day steps on the stage, the view of a hundred Immortals makes her lose her grip. So many eyes directed into her. She feels breathless for a minute. But then she notices someone waving to her shyly. It is Branch. When he gets her attention, he lifts the corners of his mouths with his fingers, forming a smile, way too wide for his face. Poppy grins, amused. She takes a look around the audience and sighs deeply.
- So my name is Poppy, as you all know, and I am the goddess of the Day.
She takes another deep breath and stands upright.
- This year was really short for me, but also full of hard work and successes I'm super proud of! But the one I want to tell you the most, the one I put all of my heart into and cost me a lot of time and effort, but... It was totally worth it. 
She thinks a few seconds before her next words.
- You know, I firstly wanted to tell you, guys, a long story about singing birds and colorful dawns and twilights. But just now I realize what is really the thing I want to share with you.
She put another little pause here.
- It's my teamwork. I mean... - Poppy looks straightly into Branch, but even if someone can't see what she is looking at, they all just know. - Our teamwork.
The god of the Night just blinks with surprise, staring at Poppy with his eyes wide open.
- We made the Midday - Poppy continues, looking around. - The time during the Day when trolls and other creatures can take a break from hard-working. 
She tells everything from the very first concept of the idea to the successful final. She doesn't forget to mention what an important part of this project had Branch and his idea of shadows. When she finishes, the audience just explodes with loud applause. Everybody calls Midday genius and amazing. Poppy jumps excitedly from the stage and runs back to her seat.
- Are you hearing this applause, Branch? - She yells to be heard through the noise. That was so stupid question and she knows it, she just was so excited. But then she realizes...
The god of the Night isn't here. 
- Did you see where he went? - Poppy asks Holly, who sits right next to her seat.
- You won't believe me if I tell you - The orange goddess chuckles, and then to Poppy's huge shock, she points at the stage.
- So... All I want to say is - When Branch starts speaking, the Silence falls in the room. - I wasn't here for such a long time. I used to hate Sharing so badly, you all know about it. But I feel that for the first time in my life I have something to share. 
He speaks confidently and loud, but without looking at anybody. His body is all hidden under his grey capote, only his head is visible.
- I made it with Milton's and Suki's little help. - He announces, and then he gets his voice quieter and more gentle, as if he speaks to himself, looking down at the stage's floor. - To fill the Night with the sweet sound of humming.
He stands a minute in Silence, but nobody interrupts it or even moves. Everybody waits patiently and almost breathless. And then he opens his capote, like big dark wings and the soft sounds of hundred little voices humming a sweet melody carry through the room. Tiny colorful birds fly from the stage and surround the audience to its amazement.
- Hummingbirds! - Poppy squeals way too loud. - It's hummingbirds!
- Yes, it is - Branch nods, aware that the pink goddess can't hear him. He smiles at her pure happiness, at her eyes pin in the birds flying around.
If a year ago someone told him that he would take part in the Sharing, the god of the Night would laugh or at least swear that if it'd so, he would be forced to do it. But now, he is standing on the stage willingly. And he doesn't regret being here.
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Strength In Numbers
Author’s Note: Your girl is writing for WWE for the first time! This is for @helplessly-nonstop‘s Winter Time Challenge. I’m happy to take part in it especially since it’s my first writing challenge with a prompt. This might turn into a full blown series bc I got so many ideas. I hope y’all enjoy! P.S special thanks to @vonschweetz for willingly reading this over for me. Check out their fics too!
Word Count: 1,097
Warnings: Fluffiness 
Pairing: Suggested Dean x oc
Prompt: “That’s it! You three are grounded! No fighting for you! No food for you! And… dammit, is there anything that you actually love?” “Revenge.” “No vengeance for you.” ”I was gonna say ‘I’ll get you for this,’ but I guess that’s off the table.” “And how right you are.”
The WWE was a competitive field. Especially in the Diva’s division. Not a lot of women got the spotlight. It was a scratch and claw your way to the top kind of division while the men’s division wasn’t nearly as competitive. Mostly because there was multiple spots for the men while ladies had one spot. That was it. 
I was one of those ladies fighting for a spot that all the other girls wanted. I have wanted to be Divas Champion for a long while. I wanted to be this generations Lita or Trish Stratus. That was something I wanted for years and years. Now I was in the WWE but trying to push up myself above the rest of the girls to gain that attention and become the new Divas Champion.
I managed to get close. I was so close to winning a number one contender's match. I had so many people believing in me. Little girls,young women,friends and family had been rooting for me to get that number one contendership and finally reach my dreams. In the end I came up just a little short. AJ Lee pinned my shoulders for the number one contender spot. To say I was disappointed was an understatement. I couldn’t help but sit and feel a little sorry for myself in the corner of the ring. 
AJ skipped around the ring,giving me a big grin before wiggling her fingers at me and sliding out of the ring. I ignored the camera in front of me zooming in on my face. I sighed,resting my head back on the turnbuckle with my eyes closed. My eyes opened slowly and I knew I had to get out of the ring before the next segment began. Just as I was about to lift myself up and get out of the ring an eerily familiar theme sounded that made my heart stutter.
The crowd went crazy. Some cheering and some booing loudly as the three men descended from the WWE Universe,new titles placed over their shoulders and around their waists. The fairly new United States Champion, Dean Ambrose; and his two brothers in arms the new Tag Team Champions, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins. I was frozen. These men had turned the WWE locker room inside out easily. I was just a woman in their ring now. 
Before I knew it the Hounds of Justice slid into the ring. Roman was stoic as ever while Seth just regarded me curiously. The one who perplexed me the most was Dean Ambrose who was smirking at me like he had a secret I didn’t know but wanted to. The United States Champion swaggered over,looking down at me. For a second I thought he was going to yell at me,threaten me or even just kick my ass outta the ring. Instead a taped up hand was presented to me. Confusion and curiosity flashed over my face. What position was I in to refuse a member of the Shield being nice to me? Slowly I reached up,placing my hand in Dean’s. With one strong pull Dean pulled me back onto my feet. I barely came up to his shoulders but my eyes were trained up to his blue ones. I could see Seth and Roman closing in and decided it was time to go. Just as I was about to slip between the ropes Seth moved over and sat on them,holding it open for me. Dean copied him on the other side a second later. I took my chance,ducking between the ropes and with one nod of thanks I hopped down and made my way backstage.
Thinking back to that incident I couldn’t help but smirk to myself. The Shield for weeks followed me,popping up backstage and in ring to see me. All so they could do one thing: ask me to join them. The Shield had gold but they didn’t have all the gold. They wanted the women’s gold among their ranks and it had been decided among the three that I was fit for the job. 
“Knock it off!” Seth whined at Dean,ruining my good mood.
“Stop being a dick and gimme the god damn remote then!” Dean argued back with his brother. In the end they really were like brothers. 
“You both gotta shut the hell up. I can’t hear anything!” Roman roared in frustration.
“All three of you stop it!” I finally yelled,slamming my book closed. The three men’s heads whipped over to me in shock that I yelled over them three arguing. 
“Kitten has some roar in her,huh?” Dean grinned earning him my book flying at him.
“Man,don’t talk to her like that! She’s our friend. I don’t wanna hear you flirting with her.” Seth groaned and whacked Dean with a pillow. In retaliation Dean grabbed a pillow and started going to town on Seth. Roman,deciding to make things ‘fair’,began beating them both.
“Oh my god.” I groaned and got up out of my chair. I went to my bag,rummaging around in it before pulling out an air horn. Something I kept in handy when Seth and I decided it was time to play some pranks. I knew I was gonna piss off some hotel mates but dealing with three whiny hounds was not how I was spending my evening. I pressed on the horn’s button for a quick second and it was enough to make the three men halt their fluffy pillow assault on one another. “That’s it! You three are grounded!” I yelled,walking over and taking the pillow from Dean. 
“No fighting for you!” I poked Seth in the chest;
“No food for you!” I poked Roman in the chest;
“And...dammit,is there anything that you actually love?”
Dean grinned at me,dimples on display and all. “Revenge.” He answered,side eyeing Seth and Roman.
I grabbed Dean’s chin and turned his head back to me. “No vengeance for you.” I told him with a glare.
Dean opened his mouth then closed it before pouting. “I was gonna say ‘I’ll get you for this’,but I guess that’s off the table.” 
I leaned in close,poking Dean in the chest with a smirk. “And how right you are.” I told him,patting his chest before moving away from the three of them. “I’m gonna take a bath. Behave,boys.” I told them,grabbing my book on the way out.
“Whipped...” I heard Seth murmured before a cry out of pain from him and Roman laughing.
“I’ll ignore that small act of vengeance,Ambrose!” I called followed by the three men laughing together.
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capsironunderoos · 6 years
“You Know I Think You’re A Bad Ass.”
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Zach Mitchell x Female!Reader
Request: Could I request a Zach Mitchell x reader? Where Owen is the reader's legal guardian, she was the kid of his best friend from the navy but when he died she was left alone with no other family. And since she knows a lot about dinosaurs, from picking up random shifts around the park, but mostly helping with the Raptors and the baby dino petting zoo, she ends up with Zach and Gray when they get into trouble. And Zach is completely infatuated by how she talks about dinosaurs with his brother and everything; and Owen is going nuts looking for her with Claire.
Word Count: 6.6k
Warnings: No spoilers for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Jurassic World spoilers. Blood and injured reader. Dinosaurs!
Author’s Note: *credit to the gif maker* Okay this took me forever to write I know I’m terrible. It’s super long and I hope it fulfills your request! (I think whoever requested this actually deactivated their blog but if it was you just let me know and I’ll tag you!) Don’t hesitate to send in a request or simply drop in for some conversation! I hope you enjoy! (Also (Y/N) is your name!)
capsironunderoos masterlist
“I would really rather not babysit on the day the park opens.” You huffed at Owen. He had taken you under his wing after your dad, his best friend during service, had died, leaving you with no one but him.
Owen smirked and continued throwing food to his patient raptors, who seemed just as in tune with the conversation as you were. “Look, (Y/N), I promised Claire I’d do this for her. Turns out I can’t. That’s why I have you!” You rolled your eyes and leaned up against the railing, watching Owen throw the last mouse to Delta, sending the raptors into the dense brush underneath you.
“Besides you work with babies all day!” “Yeah I do.” You retorted back, sending him a stare. He was referencing your job in the petting zoo, and you were referencing well, him. “Watch it.” He laughed and you followed him down to his office.
He grabbed a few papers and wrote some things down as you landed on the old red couch that had probably been in there for longer than you had been alive. “You really expect me to be able to take care of two young kids? On the opening day of a theme park?” Owen sighed and turned to look at you. “Honestly what can go wrong?”
*a few days later*
You waved goodbye to Owen as he left the yard on his motorcycle, dreading the day ahead. You turned back into the bungalow and went to your room, grabbing a random shirt, some shorts, and your typical work boots. There was no need to get dressed up for a day of babysitting. You grabbed a baseball cap, one you were pretty sure you had snagged from the gift shop, on the way out the door and climbed onto your own motorcycle.
Owen had told you that Claire wanted to meet you and the boys in the main area of the theme park, so you started up the bike and made your way there, parking it behind the building with various other cars. You jumped off and straightened your clothes as best as you could and walked into the large building, spotting Claire’s red hair immediately.
You made your way over to her, having to push through the growing crowds to do so. “Claire.” You called and she turned to you, smiling brightly. “(Y/N)! Hi! Thank you so much for doing this!” You nodded and smiled lightly. “I don’t think I really had a choice.” She laughed loudly and you were sure that she absolutely nervous. “The boys will be here soon!”
You nodded and crossed your arms over your chest, looking around the room. You hadn’t really had the opportunity to explore the entirety of the park yet. Most of your days on the island were spent either working with Owen on the bikes and the raptors, studying the various dinosaurs you looked after, or actually working with the baby dinosaurs in the petting zoo. But just having seen the raptors and the babies was enough for you to believe that no expenses had been spared. There were holographic interactive maps and dinosaurs, feeding times to observe, tours to take, and probably a million other things to do.
“Aunt Claire!” You heard yelled across the room and turned your head to see a boy probably eleven or twelve years old running into Claire’s open arms. “Gray!” She responded and he smiled up at her. He seemed actually happy to be here, unlike the tall brooding character behind him. “Zach!” Claire happily called his name and he smiled lightly before it disappeared again. Your eyes widened. Owen had said babies. You thought you were going to be watching young kids have a good day looking at dinosaurs. You hadn’t even run a brush through your hair before leaving the bungalow! “I’m gonna kill him.” You muttered under your breath before hearing Claire speak again.
“It’s been a long time since I saw you guys!” Zach laughed shortly. “Yeah, about seven years.” Your eyes widened slightly at his remark. How had she not been around her family for that long? Claire nodded apologetically and turned to you.
“Boys this is (Y/N). She’s gonna be showing you around today!” Gray excitedly turned to look at you and smiled. Zach just looked at you. “Do you live here?” Gray asked and you nodded. “Yeah I do.” His smile seemed to widen, if that was even possible. “Well! I have about a million things to do so I should be going!” Claire called over her shoulder as she left you standing with the boys. “Well I guess we should get going.”
You sat beside Gray on the train, Zach opting to sit across the aisle near a group of teenage girls. You were clearly annoyed, and Gray caught onto it. “Don’t worry he has a girlfriend.” You laughed and sat back against your seat. “You might want to tell him that.” It was Gray’s turn to laugh this time.
He settled down and got quiet for a minute before turning to look out the window. “Hey do you see that?” He asked you and you looked at what his finger was pointing at. A few control vans were making their way across an empty field. “Is everything okay?” Gray asked you, turning to look at you as you answered him.
“Oh yeah I don’t see why not. I haven’t been alerted to anything. Most likely another Magnapaulia is out of it’s zone. They’ve been doing that a lot lately.” Gray nodded. “Do you know what kind of dinosaur that is?” He nodded again and you smiled. “It’s a genus of herbivorous lambeosaurine hadrosurid dinosaur.” You stated at the same time and his face lit up. “It lived 70 to 83 million years ago and was the largest hadrosaur dinosaur. It was 50 feet long and weighed around 25 tons and typically roamed around North America.” You rambled to him and he nodded excitedly. “And they could run really fast!” He retorted and you laughed, shaking your head.
“Yeah they can! So that’s probably why those control vans are heading that way.” He nodded, content with your answer. You watched him turn back to look out of the window and rested your head against the back of your seat.
“Where did you learn that?” You heard come from across the aisle and turned, your cheek resting on the back of the seat, to see Zach looking at you intensely. “I work with a lot of the baby dinosaurs here, so I try my best to learn everything I can about them in my spare time. I can tell you all of the names of the babies in the petting zoo right now and at least one vital fact to go along with them.” He nodded and watched as you turned your head so that you were looking straight ahead. He was kind of amazed by you, but he wasn’t planning on telling you that.
You and the boys were currently in line for the gyrospheres. The line had been super long, even with the passes from Claire. So, to pass the time, you and Gray had been discussing dinosaurs.
Your favorite, his favorite. Facts about random ones. Which ones were the easiest to care for. Which ones would make the best pets. Zach had been annoyed by it at a first. How could someone like you have that much in common with his annoying younger brother? But the more you spoke, the more Zach seemed to listen.
He liked to hear you pronounce the different names and once found himself wondering what his would sound like rolling off of your tongue.
As you got closer to the beginning of the line you leaned over the railings to talk to the operator of the ride. You seemed to know him pretty well as Zach and Gray watched you converse easily with him. Zach leaned up against the railing opposite yours, crossing his arms over his chest. Gray watched him quietly, moving to stand beside him. “You know you’re not gonna get anywhere by just staring at her right?”
Zach shot Gray a look and Gray dropped the subject, moving to stand beside you. You noticed him beside you and ended your conversation with the ride operator. “I think we’re next Gray!”
You placed a hand on his shoulder and he grinned up at you. “Are you gonna ride with me?” He asked and you smiled, dropping your hand back to your side. “I think I’m gonna let your brother spend some time with you actually.” Gray groaned and you looked over to see Zach frowning. “I’ll be right behind you I promise. I’m not gonna let you two get into any trouble.” Gray nodded and leaned against you. You laughed lightly and placed your hand back onto his shoulder as the next empty gyrosphere rolled up. “Okay boys.” Zach and Gray climbed in and buckled up as the gyrosphere began to move. You smiled and waved, turning to wait for your gyrosphere to arrive.
“Sorry everyone but I just got a call saying the rides are all closed and that everyone needs to report back to the main island.” You turned to the worker, your eyebrows raised in concern. “What’s wrong?” You asked him over the various groans and complaints. He turned to you and the look in his eyes sent chills down your spine. “I think there’s an asset out of containment. A big one too.” You let out a shaky breath.
“Can I still get a gyrosphere?” “What, no (Y/N).” “I have to. I sent the boys out.” He sighed and pressed the buttons for the next empty gyrosphere to roll in front of you. “Thanks.” You called out as you climbed into the ride. “I’m so getting fired for this.”
Gray and Zach were 100% sure they would need therapy after this trip. They were currently being repeatedly slammed into the ground by the escaped Indominous Rex. You were a few yards away and you weren’t exactly sure how you were going to get them out of this without being eaten.
You unbuckled and opened the door of the gyrosphere, prepping yourself to run. Suddenly the boys were no longer under the gyrosphere and instead were running towards the thick trees. You ran after them, quickly catching up with them as the Indominous Rex let out a deafening roar.
“What are we gonna do!” Gray screamed and you honestly didn’t know what to tell him. You noticed the trees were beginning to thin out and before you knew it you were running through a completely open field.
You glanced back behind you and felt something grab you around your waist, yanking you back. You turned and noticed Zach was the one holding you, keeping you from completely falling into a tiny lake several hundred feet below. “We need to jump.”
“What?” You and Gray yelped at the same time. “It’s either jump or be eaten.” Zach yelled back as the Indominous Rex finally made it’s way through the tree line, roaring loudly and causing the ground to shake the closer it got.
“Fine!” You screeched and began pushing Zach and Gray in front of you. The I-Rex was beginning to get too close for comfort and you were just wanting the boys to get out okay. “Gray first!” Zach yelled and Gray looked up at you, tears threatening to spill over. “I can’t!” You could feel the ground shaking violently. “Here! My courage cap!” You pulled your hat off and placed it on his head before pushing him over the cliff and into the water. “Now Zach go!” He nodded and jumped off.
You could practically feel the I-Rex breathing down your back as you leapt off the cliff, which caused you to barely feel the claws that sunk into your lower back. You hit the water loudly and Zach swam over to you, holding out his arm to keep you underwater along with Gray. A few seconds of waiting seemed to stretch into minutes before Zach pulled you both above water. You swam to shore, laying your face down in the cool wet mud, not even budging when Zach and Gray began yelling beside you. “Shut up before that thing comes back!” Zach whispered loudly.
Gray obeyed and sat down in the mud beside you. “Hey um, (Y/N)?” You turned to smile up at him. “Your back’s bleeding.” You nodded, your smile widening before you laid your head back in the mud. “Oh shit.” Zach whispered and you could feel his hand ghosting over your back.
“We’ve got to get her out of here.” Gray stated and you smiled weakly because you could basically see the look Zach was shooting Gray. You groaned quietly as Zach picked you up, trying his best to not bother your wound. “Let’s go.” Gray said and began leading the way through the thick brush surrounding the trees. The last thing you heard before slipping into sleep was a distant roar in the background.
Zach and Gray had been working for about twenty minutes since you last woke up. They had managed to find an abandoned building covered in dinosaur paintings and moss. Some of the rooms seemed completely untouched, while some didn’t even resemble rooms anymore.
They had stumbled through a few doors, Gray leading the way as Zach carried you. He was beginning to worry about you. Not that he hadn’t been before, but your blood was beginning to completely soak the sleeves of his jacket. Gray pushed open the next door in front of them and was surprised to see two jeeps with “Jurassic Park” written across them.
Zach walked over to the one that looked most likely to work and placed you in the passenger seat. The sudden movement had woken you up, your vision splotchy and your back on fire. “You gotta put pressure on it.” You slurred out as you grabbed Zach’s collar. He swallowed nervously and pulled your hand from his shirt.
“Gray see if you can find a first aid kit.” You mumbled and he nodded, beginning to search for one in the garage. “All of the antiseptics will be useless.” Zach snapped and you turned to look at him. “Bandaids don’t go old dummy.”
He smiled at you and almost forgot what was happening when you smiled back at him. The only thing that pulled him out of his daydream was your movements to begin peeling off your shirt. “Woah woah what are you doing!” Gray yelped as he ran beside you with a first aid kit that looked as if it had been through both world wars. “I have to make sure the wound doesn’t start closing up with my shirt shreds in it. That would suck.”
Gray looked up at Zach, seeking reassurance. Zach shrugged and you continued pulling your shirt off. He was trying to remember that this was literally a do or die situation, but he was just thinking about how pretty you looked sitting in the passenger seat of a car he was going to be driving with your hair a little wild and your burgundy sports bra complementing your skin. “Here. Throw this away for me.” You said, handing the shredded shirt to Gray to keep him busy. He nodded and you pulled the first aid kit into your lap, opening it up and grabbing the roll of gauze.
“Are you partial to that hoodie?” You asked and Zach quickly took it off, handing it to you. He couldn’t remember exactly who gave it to him but he was pretty sure it was his current girlfriend, who he now had all intentions of breaking up with as soon as he got his hands on a phone. He watched you cut it into strips with a rusty pair of scissors that had been in the kit before you began to stand up. He scrambled to grab your hands and help pull you up and out of the Jeep. “You’re gonna have to lay these on the wounds and then wrap the gauze around me. Can you do that?” He nodded and glanced over his shoulder as Gray appeared beside him.
He took the first strip of cloth and laid it on the first wound. It stung more than you cared to admit and you found yourself leaning against the Jeep. “Okay Gray hold this here while I wrap the gauze around her.” Gray obeyed and Zach helped you stand up and hold your arms in the air as he carefully wrapped the gauze around you. When he was content with his quick fix he lifted you back up into the passenger seat. You smiled and patted his cheek softly, your eyelids drooping heavily. He blushed and placed his hand on top of yours. He didn’t move again until he was absolutely sure you were sleeping.
“Okay Gray, remember when we fixed up grampa’s old car?” Gray nodded, putting down a pair of night vision goggles and moving to stand next to Zach to look into the engine of the Jeep. “This is going to be just like that.”
Zach and Gray surprisingly worked well together, when they weren’t arguing or ignoring each other. The Jeep was working in no time and they were speeding through the jungle. They had almost made it back to the main part of the island when Gray spotted something strange in the rear view mirror. “Drive.”
He mumbled and you began to stir in front of him, waking up quickly as he mumbled it again. You followed his horrified gaze and looked over his shoulder to see a hoard of pterodactyls and who knows what other flying dinosaurs following closely behind you. “Drive!” You and Gray yelled it this time and Zach pressed the pedal into the floorboards. You began yelling at the two guards above the entrance gate and were surprised at how long it took for them to respond.
You and the boys quickly ditched the Jeep and ran down the main strip of shops just as the flying dinosaurs reached the crowd. People were screaming as they were lifted off the ground and then dropped. You glanced over your shoulder to see a few pterodactyls trying to lift a baby triceratops from the ground of the petting zoo and fought every instinct in you to stay with the boys. “Zach! Gray!” You turned in the direction of the screams and started running with the boys to Claire. “Watch out!” She yelled and you turned to see one of the biggest flying dinosaurs you had ever seen aiming right for Gray. He and Zach scrambled to the ground and up against a wall as you froze in shock. A shot rang out from behind you, instantly bringing the dinosaur down and causing it to come to a stop about a centimeter from Zach’s hand on Gray’s chest. You sighed in relief as they scrambled up off of the floor and over to you. You enveloped them in a hug before ushering they over to Claire. You watched as they were reunited and began to search frantically through the group of soldiers aiming at the few remaining dinosaurs for Owen. You spotted him just as one of the dinosaurs did, landing on him and knocking him to the ground.
“Owen!” You screamed and grabbed a gun from a dead soldier, aiming it at the dinosaur and continuing to shoot it long after it had died. Owen turned to see you and quickly stood up, grabbing the gun from you and wrapping you in a tight hug. You were crying and he placed his hand on your back, feeling the gauze. “For starters, this isn’t good. But I’m also concerned with where your shirt went.” You laughed through your tears and shrugged your shoulders. “You can ask The I-Rex about both of those things.” His face dropped and he pulled you back into his chest. “We need to get out of here. I have a bad feeling all of this has something to do with my raptors.
Owen had been right. When you and the crew had pulled into the raptor station there were men in uniform coming from every direction. Hoskins was standing with Barry a little ways off and you waved to Barry, who smiled widely and waved back. Hoskins glanced at you and waved as well, but you simply flipped him off and kept going.
You were following Owen to where the raptors vitals were being checked, the boys following closely behind you. He let you in the gate and shut it before the boys could get in. You could hear Gray groan and move over to the bars. You placed a steady hand on Blue’s exposed face, her breathing slowing down and her eyes closing. “I told Barry to bring you a shirt.” Owen mumbled as he checked on Delta. You nodded and glanced over your shoulder at the boys. “So who’s the leader?” Gray asked and Owen turned to the boys, leaning his arms on the fence. “Blue is.” You smirked. “Well they travel in a pack. So who’s the Alpha?” It was Owen’s turn to smirk this time. “You’re looking at him kid.”
“Owen please let me go!” You pleaded, pulling on the shirt Barry had grabbed from his office. “No kid I don’t know how this is going to play out. There’s something they’re not telling me about this new dinosaur and I don’t have a good feeling about it.” You huffed and watched him get on his motorcycle. “Plus Claire needs you, and so do those boys.” He threw his gun over his shoulder, helping it find its place against his back. “You’re tougher than all of them put together. And you know the park like the back of your hand. You’re just as important in all this as I am.” He smiled softly at you and you ran to him, giving him a huge hug. He chuckled and you could feel the vibrations in his chest against your cheek. You stood up and he placed his hands on the handlebars of the bike. “I hope you’re ready to pay for some therapy sessions.” You chided as he brought the motorcycle to life. He laughed loudly and nodded. “For you and me both kid.”
You backed up and watched him ride off with the rest of the caravan, slowly making your way over to the medical van Claire and the boys were currently occupying. You climbed into the back with the boys, pulling the doors shut behind you and sitting in the floor in front of the boys. They were leaned into the window connecting the cab with the back half of the truck and you could hear the livestream. Barry talking to Owen, Owen instructing the raptors. “Your boyfriends a bad ass.” Zach mumbled to Claire and you rolled your eyes. If Owen had heard that you would have been sure his ego would have grown three sizes.
You stood up and started to look for some more gauze and maybe a cleaning solution for your wound when you heard screams coming from somewhere. You just couldn’t tell if they were from the tablet or from outside. “Okay that’s enough.” Claire yelped suddenly and closed the window off, causing the boys to sink back onto the boxes they had been sitting on. “Something’s not right.” You whispered and Gray looked up at Zach. Zach sent him a look that said everything would be fine. It was eerily quiet for a few seconds before a loud thud could be heard coming from the cab. Claire screamed and you could hear a guy telling her to go.
You turned to look out through the glass windows on the back door of the van, your arms spreading out behind you to protect the boys. Suddenly both doors were thrown open and a bloodied man began to climb in. Gray screamed and the man began yelling orders. You stood frozen, watching as the man struggled to climb in as Claire began turning the keys in the ignition. He yelled at you and you moved to help him in when he was suddenly pulled back onto the ground. You screamed this time, catching a glimpse of Charlie as she jumped on top of the man you had just been helping. She looked up at you and then quickly turned her head back to the man below her. You stood in shock as Claire gunned the van, causing you to almost fall out of the back doors. Zach quickly grabbed your arm, pulling you into him, causing both of you to fall onto the floor.
Tears were making their way down your face and you hadn’t even noticed. Zach pushed himself up and against the wall of the van, bringing his arms around you. You didn’t really care if the boys saw you as weak or bad ass, you just needed a few seconds to process what the hell was going on.
You pressed your face into Zach’s shirt, trying your best to block out the bright lights of the van. His arms tightened around you and you felt Gray come up beside you, his hand finding yours. You turned your head to smile up at him. He smiled back, tears of his own leaving little trails on his chubby cheeks. You couldn’t see it, but Zach had the biggest smile on his face. He hadn’t felt this calm for almost a year. What with his parents constantly arguing and on the verge of divorce and with having to take care of Gray when they failed to. He rested his chin on top of your head and you let out a shaky breath. “If we have any chance of getting help or of getting off this island we need to get back to the main shopping area.” Zach released his grip on you as you moved over to the window. You slid it open and leaned in, grabbing Claire’s attention. “Where are you going?” “To the main part of the island. I think there might be a few people left but if not maybe the phones are still working.”
You began to agree with her when you felt someone tapping your shoulder. You turned around just in time to see Charlie and Delta advancing on the van. “Oh shit.” You whispered and motioned for the boys to press themselves against the back wall of the van. Why hadn’t one of you tried to close the van doors back? Charlie had called to Delta, gaining her attention and nodding as if they were secret agents. Charlie quickly disappeared into the woods, leaving Delta to speed up. “What do we do!”
Gray yelled and you searched the van, scrambling for the first object you saw. It was one of the electric batons the animal control units used when an asset was out of containment. Delta screeched into the silence and your hands were shaking as they tried to turn the baton on. Zach and Gray both screamed as Delta leaped onto the back of the van, not making it all the way in but beginning to pull herself up. Your eyes kept darting between her and the baton, before you finally hit it against the metal floor of the van. The motion must have knocked something loose as white sparks of electricity shot out of the end of the baton.
“I’m sorry!” You yelled at Delta, who stopped what she was doing to look at you. Her moment of weakness allowed for you to stick the baton into her chest, knocking her off the truck and into a convulsing pile on the ground. You sat up on your feet as you noticed motion from the darkness behind the van. You weren’t happy about harming the raptors but if you had to do it again you would. “Owen!” You heard from behind you and squinted to see him following closely behind on his bike. You turned the baton off and crawled back over to the boys. Gray hugged you and you laughed. “That was amazing!”
You were following closely behind Owen and Claire as you made your way into the main attraction of the island. “The lab is this way.” Claire guided the group through a few shortcuts and you were quickly in the empty lab. “It’s all gone?” Claire asked to no one in particular. The boys were staying close to you and you were staying close to Owen. Owen turned and moved towards an opening in the wall, you following him quietly.
“What is this? A secret lab?” The hidden room was almost as large as the lab itself. Various reptiles were stored in tanks and you and the boys moved to look at things further when Hoskins stepped into the room. He began to speak to Owen as a group of soldiers came in and whisked off the last container of DNA. He opened his mouth to speak again but didn’t get to complete his sentence as Owen connected his fist with Hoskins jaw. He stumbled back and began to counter Owen’s move when Blue burst into the lab.
“Has she been following you?” You whispered to Owen and he shrugged slightly as he spread his arms out, blocking Blue from you and the group. “Blue.” Owen called and she turned her head curiously, seemingly grinning at Owen. He nodded and she turned her attention to Hoskins. Owen began ushering the group back out and into the lab, still guarding them from Blue.
“Hey! Nice girl! We’re on the same side, you and I!” You watched with Owen as Hoskins reached his arm out to an eerily quiet Blue. He had almost placed his hand on her snout before she opened her mouth and bit his arm. He screamed and Owen pushed you back out into the lab. “Let’s go!” He yelled and you followed him through the halls of the lab, almost falling when Blue jumped through a glass pane next to you. Owen grabbed your arm and pulled you with him. Blue was close behind and you smirked when Gray hit the podium, cueing a hologram of a dinosaur to jump in front of blue, causing her to stop. You made your way outside and almost down the steps when Owen stopped abruptly.
Claire was holding onto his shoulder and you leaned around to see what was keeping him from running. Charlie was eyeing Owen and standing in the only clear path. You moved back to stand with the boys when you heard Blue bust through the door behind you. Owen looked over his shoulder and cursed under his breath. “Alright. Alright.” He cooed moving slightly as Blue and Charlie watched him closely. He pulled his gun off of his shoulder and kicked it to the side. Charlie and Blue called to each other and seemed to agree that they were happy with Owen’s actions.
Owen started to move when Delta came up beside him, looking at her sisters. “Come on Delta don’t give me that shit.” She let out a call that almost mimicked a laugh and Owen smiled at her. The group began to move when Owen stopped again. “Oh my god if we stop one more-“ Owen placed a hand over Claire’s mouth and pointed in front of him.
The I-Rex had found her way to where all the action was happening. Blue moved in front of Owen glancing over her shoulder to look at him. “Go go go!” He whispered and ushered everyone into a small souvenir shop.
Claire was sat beside Owen and then Gray, you, and Zach filed in. You tried to sit in absolute silence, your left hand holding onto Grays wrist and your right hand interlaced with Zach’s. The fight going on between the raptors and The I-Rex was one of the loudest things you’d witnessed. You noticed Gray counting beside you and furrowed your eyebrows. “We need more teeth.” He whispered and began counting. “What?” Owen snapped and you sat up. “He’s right.” “What?” He snapped again and before you could explain the I-Rex’s large claw burst it’s way into the souvenir shop.
Owen covered his mouth with his pointer finger, urging everyone to stay silent. The large claw had hooked itself around Gray’s fanny pack. He looked up at you with tears in his eyes as you and Owen did your best to hold onto him. Zach’s left arm wrapped around your back as his right made its way to the buckle connecting the Fanny pack together. Owen looked up at him as Zach glanced back and forth between the I-Rex and the buckle. It seemed to be an hour before the buckle loudly came undone, and Owen began shoving everyone into the next shop. “I have to get more teeth!” You yelled, grabbing a flare from a first aid kit and snatching Claire’s walkie talkie from off of her skirt. Owen nodded and watched as you began running towards the park. “You’re just going to let her sacrifice herself?” Zach yelled at him and Owen turned to Zach. “She’s not going anywhere.”
You began to slow down as you reached the paddock you had been running towards, taking small steps until you were in the camera above the doors line of sight. You slowly lifted the walkie talkie up to your lips, pressing the call button. “Lowery. I need you to open paddock nine.” “(Y/N)? Is that you?” “Yes Lowery can you please open paddock nine?” “Are you crazy?” “Lowery man up for once and open paddock nine!” You yelled. “Okay geeze no need to get personal.” You dropped the walkie talkie as you heard the paddock doors creaking open.
Taking a deep breath you lit the flare, holding it above you as the last door fully opened. The red light coming from the flare illuminated two eyes and you shuttered slightly as the T-Rex stepped forward. “Let’s go!” You yelled, the dinosaur roaring almost as if in agreement with you. You began running, your tired feet pounding against the wet cement as you led the dinosaur back to The I-Rex. As you rounded the corner you could feel the T-Rex breathing down your back. Your hands were beginning to shake and you were just hoping this would work. You glanced over your shoulder one last time before throwing the flare at The I-Rex’s back.
The two large dinosaurs moved to face each other and let out ground-shaking roars. You slid over to where you could see Owen running to the boys and Claire. He nodded at you and Gray looked as if you had just rocked his world. Zach smiled warmly at you and Claire helped you up. You all ran closely behind Owen, watching as the T-Rex and Blue fought The I-Rex. You stopped when you reached the end of the shops, watching as the T-Rex slammed I-Rex onto the ground near the Mosasaurus enclosure, knocking part of the fence into the water. As the I-Rex struggled to get back up, the T-Rex backed up slowly, watching her struggle. Blue stood protectively near the group, glancing between you and Owen. The I-Rex let out a loud roar that was cut short when the Mosasaurus leapt up onto the concrete and pulled her into the water.
The air was silent as the T-Rex turned to Blue, roaring in communication. Blue called back and the T-Rex turned, making its way into the jungle. You and the group walked out into the open, you and Owen breaking away to move closer to Blue. “Charlie? Echo? Delta?” You asked and Blue cawed sadly. You nodded and moved to her, placing a hand on her snout. Owen followed your actions, placing his right hand on her snout and his left hand on your shoulder. You both backed up, watching as Blue looked to Owen. He shook his head and she chirped quietly before running off.
It had been at least four hours since the park had gone to shit, but you knew you weren’t going to be sleeping anytime soon. As soon as Blue had disappeared the cheesiest group hug had followed, everyone smiling and crying and saying how glad they were everyone was safe. You had started to follow Owen back to the motorcycle when you felt lightheaded and collapsed. They had rushed you to the make shift medic area set up on the island and the doctors had done their best to clean your wound and dress it with what little supplies they had.
You were currently hooked up to an IV, sitting on a cot with a blanket draped across your shoulders. Zach sat next to you, his hand interlaced with yours as his thumb rubbed circles into your skin. Gray had his head in your lap, your “courage cap” barely resting on his forehead. He had fallen asleep on you almost as soon as they had cleared that you were going to be okay. You glanced over at Zach and he grinned up at you. “You know I think you’re a bad ass.” He stated and you laughed, nodding as you placed your head on his shoulder.
You woke up later still on your cot, but this time you were alone. The boys had disappeared and you had to admit you were disappointed. Hopefully their parents had come to pick them up. You sat up on the cot, letting your feet touch the concrete below it as you pulled your IV out of your arm. You winced slightly as you stood up, wrapping your blanket around you.
Owen was probably packing up the bungalow and you had a few things in there to pack up too. Maybe you could move back to the states and open up a motorcycle garage or something. Anything normal sounded good. You wrapped the blanket tighter around you as you made your way through the maze of people. You jumped slightly as you felt a hand against your shoulder, turning quickly to meet whoever it belonged to.
“Did you think you could slip away that easily?” Zach asked as he smiled at you, the crinkles beside his eyes deepening. You grinned widely, tears springing into your eyes. “You know you’re not going to get anywhere by just staring at me.” He laughed and pulled you into him, kissing you deeply. You were sure, as you wrapped your arms around his neck and he pulled you into his chest, that you both were releasing the past days anxieties. When you literally felt as if there weren’t any traces of air left in your lungs, you pulled away, instantly placing your head on Zach’s chest. He pulled you into him even more, if that was even possible. You stood like that for a minute, wondering what the next few hours, days, weeks, even years held for you before you felt someone tap your shoulder.
You broke away from Zach, smiling down at Gray. “Now that you’re my brothers girlfriend can we hang out sometime and talk about dinosaurs?” Zach playfully hit the back of his brothers head, causing all three of you to laugh. “I’d love that.” Gray nodded. “Good. Because we make a great team and I think it’s best if we stick together,” he concluded, matter-of-factly. You laughed and enveloped him in a hug he happily returned before running back to his parents.
You looked back up at Zach as he smiled warmly at you. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but my brothers right. I honestly can’t believe I’m going to be with two nerds now.” You laughed and smacked his arm, causing him to smile as he kissed your cheek. “He is right though, you know.” You whispered as you looked into his eyes. Zach nodded. “Yeah. I think it’s best if we stick together.”
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septicemic-main · 6 years
you say you werent enough for me and youll never be, but you always were and more. you were good to me and i didnt do you right, and thats my fault. ive owned my mistakes many times but it seems like whenever i own it, you tell me to get over it. but here’s the funny thing; i dont have a tag for you anymore. i have gotten over you. im not mad at you. i mean, kinda, because sometimes some of the things you say just kinda irk me (but everything irks me), but i do care about you and you always were enough for me. you were always there for me. you were more than what i could ask for. and i respect you for being such a good person to many people (the both of you). you’re open minded but strict on this rule of keeping your own personal morals and thats the most respectable. n, i tried to be you. i really did. i 100% failed but i tried. 
however, i really dislike when people, not wyatt just so were clear (talking abt st;;ao0000lk’’’’’’’er), send me screenshots of you guys saying “i hope you choke,” “i hope you burn in hell,” “youre a dumbass,” etc. because its just? excessively aggressive. and i was highkey suicidal mostly from those comments alone. i mean the dumbass part is true, but combined with the other two it just kinda hurts more.
i am sorry about what happened, and i do wanna say sorry, and i do want to respond to that letter, but to be real...for most of it, i cant say anything because i dont even know what i was thinking either. i mean, i could say sorry, which according to you is enough? but not...because its not enough for me. and thats what i was missing. thats why i did you guys wrong, because i wasnt doing things for myself. i was putting others before myself and that was wrong. i wasnt thinking about what i was saying, i was thinking of what others were saying. i wasnt thinking about what i was doing, i was thinking of doing what others were doing. i wasnt trying to help myself because i wanted to help others. thats why i hated when people tried to help me too much, because i wasnt letting myself be myself. and im working on it. im doing what i want now. im not singing now because thats what other pretty girls do, im rapping because its what i want to do. im not playing minecraft and animating because others want me to, its because i want to do those things. and i hurt other people because i felt like others would hurt me first. i didnt trust myself so i trusted someone else.
and on another note, i never manipulated anyone as of recently. it was all in elementary and up until halfway (i think?) of 6th grade. the thing i posted was a manic episode and i feel gross for admitting to that, but also relieved because now that its in the open i can continue looking back on it and fixing it as i grow and progress. and yes, i am fixing myself. i am working on myself. do i need “hard to swallow pills” to fix myself? no. am i making behavioral changes? yes, slowly, but its getting better. there have been bumps and twists and turns, but im getting better. im learning to accept myself more, not my body, but my mind and personality. 
as for environmental changes,,,hah. yeah, thatll be a while. i cant move out of my house any time soon since im on 6 month parental probation. well, about 5 months now. i think. asdhfuu, but as for my friends? dropped allen, thank god, dropped delta, thank fucking god, ellie is getting better but i still highkey dont really like audrey but thats never gonna change and tbh thats on ellie not me, and ive dropped so many other toxic people in my life now and i just? i feel like i am better now. i have good friends and an even better best friend. so im doing fine. but i am gonna say now, and this is gonna be hella aggressive probably, but you dont know me anymore. you know parts of me, parts of the old me, but you dont know whats happening right now. you dont know the new parts of me that are starting to bud, and you dont know the things ive done to get them. you know part of it, not all of it.
im still working on myself, im a work in progress, but really i always will be, because i will be changing everyday as many things do. i am constantly growing and learning things, and in more than just academic ways. ive opened up completely to strangers, im not ashamed or embarrassed being a furry or agender, im not ashamed of being kin or therian or alternative or being unsure of my sexuality. im finally secure with all of that, and i can accept myself for who i am rather than what the internet or society wants me to be or thinks i should be. 
and im even less concerned about what you think of who i am. i know me, you dont. i never really opened up to you, and i still havent now. there are so many things i was ashamed of that i kept from you, and probably for the better. we are strangers, and we’ve never met. i dont know you anymore. and you never knew me. you can protest this all you want, but im not going to fight you anymore. im waving my white flag. you win. i was a dirtbag, i was a cunt, a bitch, and i made mistakes. but you can never claim you know me, and you can never claim we were friends. because we werent. you were friends with someone im trying to forget. you were friends with a toxic, shit person who hid themself because they couldnt express themself. but not me.
i hope you have a good rest of your whatever tho, night, day, year, etc. *also, i do not want the gsa shirt since i wasted my remaining money on other things :L max asked me abt it and i didnt know if he told you already or not but since im assuming youre seeing this i thought id mention it Ldgusfolashaigf,,,
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