#diabolik lovers lunatic parade
♡ 20 Datos de Diabolik Lovers que quizás no conozcas ♡
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1. El nombre Cordelia tiene la raíz latina cor-, cordi-, cordis-, que significa corazón.
2. Algunas de las novias sacrificadas anteriores a Yui se volvieron familiares de los Sakamaki (murciélagos), según lo explica Laito durante su ruta en Haunted Dark Bridal. 
3. Según se ha dado a entender a lo largo de la franquicia, Karlheinz es el único que puede convertir a otros en vampiros con sólo una mordida (como lo hizo con Carnelian y probablemente con los Mukami). Esto puede deberse al gran poder demoníaco que posee.
4. La otra manera de ser convertido es que un vampiro se alimente reiteradas veces de un humano en un período de tiempo largo, tal vez de meses, lo que se conoce como "despertar". No obstante, esto puede acelerarse si el humano ya es amante del vampiro (si ya mantienen una relación física estrecha). En este caso, si el humano bebe la sangre de dicho vampiro, puede convertirse sin la necesidad de llegar al "despertar". Esto ocurre en Haunted Dark Bridal, más específicamente en el Ending 2 de Shu, y también es mencionado por Subaru en su Ending 1.
5. En el prólogo general de More Blood, Karlheinz elimina el espíritu de Cordelia del corazón que Yui posee, ya que estaba ligado a éste. También da a entender que todo lo ocurrido en Haunted Dark Bridal falló por culpa de este lazo entre Cordelia y Yui, y que al quitarla se estará asegurado de que "la nueva Eva" se encargue de todo.
6. Según los datos históricos proporcionados durante las rutas de los Mukami en varios de los juegos, se puede afirmar con certeza que vivieron durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, y que "la revolución" a la que se refieren es la mismísima guerra. Por ejemplo, en un flashback de More Blood, Yuma describe a un tanque de guerra, tanques que fueron creados durante el transcurso de la Gran Guerra y que, en un inicio, eran utilizados para aterrar a la población y distribuir propaganda debido a que no eran eficientes en el campo de batalla.
7. Laito en "La noche antes de la boda" afirma tener más de cien años.
8. En el Versus de Shu y Reiji, Reiji se disculpa (a su manera) con Shu por lo ocurrido en la aldea y pide que lo perdone, pero Shu dice que no principalmente porque no puede perdonarse a sí mismo. Sin embargo, en el Vampire End de Shu en Dark Fate, Shu y Reiji arreglan sus problemas, siendo esta vez Shu quien dice que lo quiere a su lado cuando ascienda al trono. Esto significa que Shu pudo finalmente cerrar el capítulo más doloroso de su vida (la pérdida de Edgar y el miedo a perder a otro ser querido) para enfocarse y aceptar su futuro y destino como rey y Adán.
9. En el Vampire End de Yuma en More Blood, es el mismísimo Karlheinz quien casa a Yui con Yuma, utilizando a su alter ego Reinhardt para camuflarse.
10. Según lo que Laito da a entender en el Cd drama versus con Ayato, Cordelia abusó de él desde que era un niño.
11. Es muy probable que la apariencia de Kino sea en realidad parecida o idéntica a la apariencia original de Karlheinz, ya que éste posee únicamente el ADN de él. Eso podría explicar por qué se dice que tiene cierto parecido con Reiji, ya que Cordelia (durante la ruta de Reiji en Haunted Dark Bridal), afirma que Reiji es físicamente parecido a la apariencia real de Karlheinz.
12. Según lo dicho por Richter en Dark Fate, Burai (Bry, el Señor de los Demonios y padre de Cordelia) está vivo pero recluido en algún lugar desconocido.
13. En Haunted Dark Bridal, Shu dice que Transilvania fue una vez "el paraíso de los vampiros", pero que actualmente está asediada por cazadores de la iglesia.
14. Ririe es en realidad Lilie, sólo que se ha escrito literal a la fonética japonesa. No se entiende muy bien cuál era la intención de este nombre, pero lo más probable es que pretendieran darle otros nombres a los Sakamaki (como si fueran sus nombres originales o "de nacimiento"), como ocurre con Yuma (habiendo sido su nombre humano Edgar). Aunque esto carece de sentido ya que, hasta entonces en los flashbacks, los niños Sakamaki eran llamados de la misma manera por la que se los conoce actualmente.
15. Siendo Tougo Sakamaki un nombre falso de una identidad falsa que utiliza Karlheinz para moverse en Kaminashi y en el mundo humano en general, el apellido Sakamaki es, por ende, falso. 
16. Los directivos de la academia a la que asisten los diaboys, la Academia Ryoutei, saben que son vampiros. En Dark Fate, cuando aparecen por primera vez Carla y Shin, el director de la escuela está aterrado porque es plenamente consciente de lo que son y hace todo lo que éstos le ordenan.
17. En Lunatic Parade un conde coleccionista de objetos extraños y valiosos del Mundo de los Demonios roba el corazón de Yui y lo reemplaza con un artefacto mágico.
18. En Lost Eden, más precisamente en el Manservant End de Kino, Seiji y la Iglesia sentencian de muerte a Yui. La condenan como a una bruja y terminan quemándola viva.
19. En el Vampire End de Shu en Lost Eden, Reiji recibe un ataque mortal de Kino que iba dirigido hacia Yuma. Reiji le dice que, con esa acción, espera reparar algo de lo que le ha hecho en el pasado; a lo que Yuma responde que no hacía falta ya que lo había perdonado hace tiempo por el incidente de la aldea. 
20. Sí se presta atención a los poderes de Karlheinz y Sócrates, podemos notar que Karlheinz tiene el poder de manipular el tiempo mientras que Sócrates, el de manipular el espacio. Esto queda en evidencia en Chaos Lineage en donde Sócrates, en un intento por verificar la elección de Eva, crea un mundo falso del cual, si se intenta huir de una manera que no es la correcta, genera una brecha en el espacio-tiempo que da lugar a una realidad alterna hecha de recuerdos, pero carente de toda vida.
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Bueno chicos, dejaré esto hasta aquí porque lo considero demasiado extenso. En cualquier caso, haré una segunda parte con más datos relevantes que merezcan la pena saberse.
Muchísimas gracias por leer y espero que haya sido útil ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
¡Hasta pronto ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡!
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diagirlsrua · 1 year
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Character Song
Ayato :
Azusa :
Shuu :
Reiji :
Gin no Bara | Mr. Butterfly Mask | Ichigo no Tsumi | A certain Prophet's Fate
Laito :
Q.E.D |
Kanato :
Subaru :
Kou :
Kino :
Shin :
Carla :
Ruki :
Yuma :
Seiron Syndrome |
Drama CD
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equinox-86 · 3 months
𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 ★ 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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♬ BGM: Endless Merry-go-round ♬
「 Noctis 」 GYAAAH!! 「 Kou 」 KYAAAAAAAAAH!!!! (1) 「 Shu 」 ...Zzz 「 Noctis 」 (Eh? That high-pitched voice? Don't tell me, ...Kou?!) 「 Noctis 」 (Uwah... Who would've known he had such a girly scream. That scared me.)
「 Shu 」 ...Zzz...Nn.. 「 Kou 」 KYAAAAAHH!!!! 「 Noctis 」 KOU, SHUT UP! You're gonna make me scream, too!! 「 Noctis 」 (This ride is scary, I'm holding back my fear, but Kou's scream is tempting me to scream too!! It's contagious.) 「 Kou 」 KYAAAAAHHHH!! 「 Noctis 」 GYAAAAAH!! 「 Kou 」 KYAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! 「 Noctis 」 KYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! 「 Kou & Noctis 」 KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! 「 Shu 」 ...? 「 Shu 」 ...can you guys shut up?
「 Kou 」 Ehe~☆ 「 Noctis 」 (How does this guy switch from being all scared to posing for a photo?! Is this another one of his facades?) 「 Noctis 」 (Wait... did he? ...Did he scream on purpose to make me look stupid in the photo?!)
(1) 'Kyah' is a high-pitched female scream.
A/N: COINCIDENTALLY, IT'S ALSO KOU'S BIRTHDAY TODAY SOOOOO HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY💖💕💕💕💕💕 I have one more Kou-centered Chibi CG in the works featuring Richter. Look forward to it ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
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mysteryunfolds · 2 months
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Feral on my knees rn
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Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade Masterpost [FULL ENGLISH TRANSLATION]
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[ プロローグ ・ PROLOGUE ]
[ ストーリモード ・ STORY MODE ]
[無神とのデート・ DATE WITH MUKAMI ]
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marin0109 · 1 year
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arypurple · 9 months
Résumé des jeux Diabolik Lovers
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Alors, non, ce ne sera pas un résumé foireux. Cet article sera là pour résumer le synopsis de chacun des jeux. Attention, je ne fais que dire le synopsis du début car le reste de l'histoire, c'est aux joueurs de décider en choisissant de faire la route d'un quelconque personnage et en faisant des choix avec l'héroïne. Il y a sept jeux en tout si on inclut pas les CD's drama.
Haunted Dark Bridal: Yui Komori, 17 ans et fille d'un prêtre, se rend dans la ville de Kaminashi car son père est en déplacement à cause de son travail. Elle sera envoyée dans un étrange manoir car son père lui a dit qu'un parent éloigné allait l'accueillir. Mais Yui va tomber sur une fratrie de six jeunes hommes, les Sakamaki, et découvrira bien vite qu'ils sont des vampires. Commencera alors sa nouvelle vie dans le monde des ténèbres. Yui décidera alors de choisir qui aura le droit de boire son sang.
More Blood: La vie continue pour Yui alors qu'elle vit encore avec les Sakamaki, tentant tant bien que mal de se faire à cette vie. Alors qu'ils se mettent en route pour l'école, quelque chose provoque l'accident de leur limousine et Yui fait ensuite un étrange rêve. Quatre individus vont ensuite entrer en scène: les Mukami. Leur but étant d'obtenir Yui afin de devenir Adam.
Vandead Carnival: Les Sakamaki, les Mukami et Yui sont invités par Karlheinz à un carnaval qui aura lieu dans le monde démon. De plus, dans cette invitation, il est dit que Yui sera la reine du carnaval. Les deux familles vont alors se rendre sur place afin de profiter des festivités avec Yui et comme d'habitude, cette dernière doit choisir qui elle va accompagner afin d'être protégée, étant tout de même une humaine qui s'aventure dans le monde démon.
Dark Fate: Une éclipse lunaire survint. Alors que Yui est mêlée aux conflits des Sakamaki et des Mukami qui veulent sucer son sang, deux individus débarquent dans l'académie: les frères Tsukinami. Ces derniers auraient été auparavant transférés dans une école du Royaume-Uni et sont de retour au Japon. Mais les motivations des deux jeunes hommes sont bien obscures et les origines concernant le cœur de Yui referont bien évidemment surface.
Lunatic Parade: Yui fait un étrange rêve où un homme lui dit que sa possession la plus précieuse lui a été confisquée. À son réveil, on constate très vite qu'elle n'a plus d'odeur... ni de cœur. Son cœur a été volé par le comte Walter et a été remplacé par une pierre appelée "Kleinod". Mais l'effet de cette pierre s'estompe petit à petit, ce qui risque de tuer Yui. Par la même occasion, ils ont reçu une invitation et les frères vont donc devoir se rendre dans le monde démon afin de récupérer son cœur. Mais il y a un défilé en même temps et Yui devra choisir qui va l'aider pour ses recherches.
Lost Eden: Karlheinz n'est plus, ayant confié son pouvoir à l'un de ses fils. Dans le monde des humains, des vampires sont tués les uns après les autres. Quelque chose est en train de se préparer et l'équilibre dans le monde démoniaque s'effondre petit à petit. Un individu au nom de Kino entrera en scène, prêt à tout afin de s'approprier Yui, et ne reculera absolument devant rien pour y parvenir.
Chaos Lineage: Les trois maisons, Scarlet, Violet et Orange, se livrent bataille. Yui se réveille dans une église et complètement amnésique. Des vampires arrivent alors et se disputent pour avoir cette fille qu'ils appellent "Eve", dans l'espoir de devenir le souverain suprême. Il s'agit en fait des Sakamaki, des Mukami, des Tsukinami ainsi que de Kino qui semblent tous avoir perdu la mémoire. Yui essayera alors de retrouver ses souvenirs.
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kayodumping 3 + mini announcement!
i'm preparing for a little open interaction with our little instigator, hunter! i'm not sure if it'll be up within the week or next, but it'll definitely drop within the month.
it's a simple little interview, affectionately named kayo's Demonic Interview Extravaganza. don't look into the initials too hard :^) (despite the title humans muses are definitely welcome <3)
anyway enjoy your assortment of semi-regular doodles goodnight <3
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starshapedpetals · 1 year
has anyone else played carla’s lunatic parade & got a different ending then the good & normal? that happened to me & i can’t find anything on it. does anyone know what ending that is? i think the kids show up again & you don’t get the finale picture
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kandadara · 1 year
Ronaye and Yui Halloween Picrew
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A little late on the party for Halloween, but here's a picrew of my DL OC Ronaye and Yui for it. Wanted to go for a Yin-Yang kind of vibe for them. I swear, this is giving me Vandead Carnival/Lunatic Parade vibes with the chibi style.
You can find the picrew here: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1797391
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solistaire · 3 months
Ordre des jeux / Où se les procurer
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À toi qui lis ceci : bonjour, bonsoir ! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰ La plupart des fans de Diabolik Lovers le sont depuis des années, et ont eu le temps de faire assez de recherches pour comprendre par quel jeu commencer et comment y jouer, mais ce n'est pas forcément le cas de tout le monde. Ici, je t'explique tout ce que tu as besoin de savoir à ce sujet !
L'ordre des jeux est déjà précisé sur la page d'index, mais un petit rappel ne fait jamais de mal !
Diabolik Lovers : Haunted Dark Bridal (PSP, PS VITA, PS4, Nintendo Switch)
Diabolik Lovers : More,Blood (PSP, PS VITA, PS4, Nintendo Switch)
Diabolik Lovers : Vandead Carnival (PS VITA)
Diabolik Lovers : Dark Fate (PS VITA)
Diabolik Lovers : Lunatic Parade (PS VITA)
Diabolik Lovers : Lost Eden (PS VITA)
Diabolik Lovers : Chaos Lineage (Nintendo Switch)
Pour les jeux disponibles sur PSP, tu peux très facilement te les procurer gratuitement et y jouer directement sur ton PC par le biais d'un émulateur. J'ai déjà écrit un tutoriel à ce sujet, que tu peux retrouver juste ici !
Pour ceux disponibles sur PS VITA, il n'existe malheureusement à ce jour aucun émulateur vous permettant d'y jouer. Il te faudra donc te contenter de vidéos YouTube, de traductions écrites, ou bien te procurer une PS VITA ainsi que les cartouches de jeu ! (Tu peux aussi très facilement hacker cette dernière et les avoir gratuitement...)
En ce qui concerne Haunted Dark Bridal et More,Blood, leur disponibilité sur PS4 et Nintendo Switch est vraiment intéressante : le jeu porte le nom de Diabolik Lovers : Grand Edition, et cumule les deux premiers opus sur une seule cartouche/CD. Tu peux facilement te les procurer sur eBay, ou bien Buyee. Tu peux également les trouver sur Amazon, mais je te le déconseille : si tu vis en France, le prix de vente du jeu s'élève à un peu plus de 100€. J'ai trouvé le mien sur eBay à 50€, alors je te conseille fortement cette alternative.
Maintenant que tu sais comment retrouver tes vampires préférés, je t'invite à consulter l'article d'avertissement, pour être sûr.e de savoir dans quoi tu te lances en commençant à jouer ou à lire les traductions de ce jeu. Je t'invite également à lire la brève présentation des personnages si tu as du mal à savoir vers qui t'orienter en premier ! ( ’з`)ノ⌒♥*:・。.
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uzi-boozii · 8 days
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This post is a collection of scans I have taken from some of Diabolik Lovers art/Illustration books I own! The books I have scanned that are in this post are: -Illustrations X -Illustrations II -DIABOLIK LOVERS 公式設定集 -Vandead Carnival Official Visual Fan Book -Lunatic Parade Official Visual Fan Book Note: These are not my proudest scans. I tried hard to get them as clean and as close to how they look IRL as possible, but it seems as if the App I use to scan has either dipped in quality or the scans simply weren't too kind to these pages in particular (either that or I've become rusty after so little posts these past few years). I hope people enjoy these scans nonetheless! Enjoy!
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Master List
[7/142 total completed]
[1/31 complete]
Sakamaki Family
Karlheinz Sakamaki [wip]
Richard Sakamaki [wip]
Cordelia [wip]
Beatrix [wip]
Christa [wip]
Ririe (Shuu) Sakamaki [wip]
Reiji Sakamaki [wip]
Ayato Sakamaki [wip]
Kanato Sakamaki [wip]
Laito Sakamki [wip]
Subaru Sakamaki [wip]
Mukami Family
Ruki Mukami [wip]
Emilio (Kou) Mukami[wip]
Edgar (Yuma) Mukami [wip]
Azusa Mukami [wip]
Tsukinami Family
Giesbach [wip]
Krone [wip]
Felzein [completed]
Menae [wip]
Carla [wip]
Shin [wip]
Komori Family
Seiji Komori [wip]
Yui Komori [wip]
Other Characters
Burai [wip]
Zweig [wip]
Elberth [wip]
Yuuri [wip]
Count Walter [wip]
Reine de Aji [wip]
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Daibolik Lovers Media
[4/104 complete]
Games [wip]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal
002. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage
Drama CDs [wip]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Character Song
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Limited V Edition
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Limited V Edition
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS More Character Song
011. DIABOLIK LOVERS Bloody Bouquet
013. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade
015. DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Songs
017. DIABOLIK LOVERS Eternal Blood
018. DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene
019. DIABOLIK LOVERS Grand Edition
022. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage
023. DIABOLIK LOVERS Born to Die
024. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, More Bloodl
Manga [wip]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Fan-made Manga
Anime [completion in progress]
Diabolik Lovers (2013 • 2 seasons)
Official art/Merchandise
???. Chaos League Jewelry [complete]
???. Bloody Banquet (2024) [complete]
???. Merry Christmas (2014) [complete]
Music [wip]
001. BAD HOWLING-惡意共鳴-
002. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Scream
003. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST III-
004. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST Ⅱ-
005. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST-
006. Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Soundtrack CD
007. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
008. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.10 Reiji Sakamaki (character CD)
009. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
010. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.3 Ruki Mukami (character CD)
011. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.4 Kou Mukami (character CD)
012. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.5 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
013. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.6 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
014. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.7 Yuma Mukami (character CD)
015. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.8 Azusa Mukami (character CD)
016. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.9 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
017. Diabolik Lovers MORE,BLOOD Original Soundtrack+Drama
018. Diabolik Lovers Original Soundtrack
019. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
020. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
021. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.3 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
022. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.4 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
023. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.5 Reiji Sakamaki (character CD)
024. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.6 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
025. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.1 Ayato VS Subaru
026. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.2 Ruki VS Azusa
027. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.3 Carla VS Shin
028. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.4 Reiji VS Kanato
029. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.5 Kou VS Yuma
030. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.6 Shu VS Laito
031. Diabolik Lovers Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
032. Diabolik Lovers Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
034. Diabolik Lovers Vol.3 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
035. Diabolik Lovers Vol.4 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
036. Diabolik Lovers Vol.5 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
037. Fanatic of Night
038. Guilty×Guilty!!!
039. Kindan no 666
040. Kyūai Labyrinth
041. Midnight Pleasure
044. Unlimited Blood
Other [wip]
001. Official Tweets
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Visual Fanbook
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Anime Official Fanbook
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Official Fanbook
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival Official Fanbook
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS 5th Anniversary Book
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Short Stories
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Voiced Interviews
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[2/7 complete]
Locations [wip]
Races [completed]
Endzeit [wip]
Fact/Vocabulary sheet [wip]
Timeline [wip]
Game guide
Richters writings
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equinox-86 · 2 months
Hotel Mondstein || The King of Founders, The Vampire Hunter & The Lazy Man are in Charge of All Rooms
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—She has a tight grip on Carla.
「Carla」 Do not get in my wa–
「Noctis」 Stop.
「Carla」 Mortal, you dare cut off my sentenc–
「Noctis」 Yes. Could you maybe not kill him? I won't hear the end of Reiji's nagging if I fail to keep this vegetable alive. We can't afford a clean-up service.
「Carla」 Do not stop me, I shall not have any mercy towards anyone who opposes me, even you, Noctis.
「Noctis」 Alright, it's on you to decide whether to waste your money on this hotel's repairs or spend it on dry cured ham and artworks. Be my guest.
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—He ceases his attack.
「Carla」 Hmph...
「Noctis」 (Phew... that was close!)
A/N: You guessed it. Another CG based on this Drama CD. This series is so fun! I have a few more planned before I try to make 4Koma panels in the MMB/Daylight style. I've always imagined Carla's magic as white or light blue, but this time, I made it purple and black, so it looks like he's serious SERIOUS about killing off Shuu ∑(✘Д✘๑ )
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Route Masterlist; Ray Tsukinami
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001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal [WIP]
002. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood [WIP]
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival [WIP]
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade [WIP]
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage [WIP]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu [WIP]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Character Song [WIP]
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood [WIP]
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, More Blood [WIP]
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Limited V Edition [WIP]
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Bloody Bouquet [WIP]
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS Eternal Blood [WIP]
010. DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene [WIP]
011. DIABOLIK LOVERS Grand Edition [WIP]
013. DIABOLIK LOVERS Born to Die [WIP]
001. Official Tweets [WIP]
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Visual Fanbook [WIP]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Anime Official Fanbook [WIP]
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Official Fanbook [WIP]
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival Official Fanbook [WIP]
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS 5th Anniversary Book [WIP]
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Short Stories [WIP]
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Date with Sakamaki
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ー The scene starts in the classroom
*Ding dongー Ding dongー*
Yui: Phew...Finally it’s the end of the day...
( I don’t have any after-school duties to take care of today, so I suppose I’ll head to the limousine early. )
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Let’s see...Textbook goes inside the bag, now just to put away my pencase as weーー )
Reiji: Is Komori Yui present?
Yui: Eh? ...Reiji-san!? 
( What brings him to my classroom...? )
ー Reiji walks up to Yui
Reiji: Aah, this is where you’ve been. 
I have been looking for you. Now come with me. 
Yui: Eh? ...With you? What do you mean!? 
Reiji: Exactly as I said it. Now hurry. 
Yui: O-Okay...
( I wonder what he wants from me...? )
ー The scene shifts to the outside of the school
Yui: ( I just followed him for now but... )
Ah...It’s raining...
( I forgot to bring an umbrella with me. However, I guess I won’t need one since we’re going home by limousine. )
Reiji: Yui, what are you doing? Let us get going. 
Yui: Eh? ...Where are we going...? Besides, I don’t think that’s where the limousine is parked... 
Reiji: Why don’t we go home on foot today? 
Yui: Eh? ...On foot!?
( Why would he suddenly suggest that...? )
( I wonder if he needs to talk to me about something after all? )
Ah...But I don’t have an umbrella...
Reiji: That is no problem. I happen to have one prepared right here. 
ー Reiji opens his umbrella 
Reiji: Come on, get underneath. 
Yui: Eh? ...But that’s your umbrella, isn’t it? So I shouldn’t use it, right...? 
Reiji: ...Hm? What are you saing? We’re going to use it together, obviously? 
Yui: Together? ...Wait, eeh!? 
( Is he asking me to...share an umbrella!? (1) )
T-That’s a little...
Reiji: Come on, off we go. 
Yui: Wah...!
Yui: ( In the end, we actually ended up sharing an umbrella. )
Reiji: ...Is there something on my face? 
Yui: N-No! Nothing!
( I’m kind of nervous because there’s less distance between us than usual...! )
Reiji: ...
Yui: ...
( I should strike up a conversation, or else it’s kind of awkward... )
Um, Reiji-san? Is something up today...? 
Reiji: No, there is nothing in particular. There is simply something I want to show you. 
Yui: Something...you want to show me? 
Reiji: Yes. It is something we cannot reach unless we go on foot. 
Yui: I see...
( I wonder what that could be...? )
ー The other students start to make a fuss
Yui: Hm...?
( Ah...The people around us are looking our way...I guess it makes sense since the two of us are walking together like this... )
Reiji: What’s the matter? You suddenly went quiet.
Yui: Ah...Well...I was just scared that walking together with me like this...might cause issues for you as well...
Reiji: Hm? Aah...Are you referring to the surrounding students?
Fufu...You’re such a silly girl. No need to pay any mind to them. 
It does not matter what they say or think. I want to walk with you, it’s as simple as that. 
Yui: Reiji-san...
Reiji: I hope that I’ll be able to turn that frown of yours into a smile...Well then, we’ve arrived. 
Yui: Eh...?
ー The scene shifts to the school’s backyard
Yui: ( This is...the backyard...right? )
( I don’t think I’ve come here very often. )
Reiji: ...These flower beds are what I wanted to show you. 
Yui: Eh...? Woah!
( There’s a bunch of pretty flowers blooming! )
Reiji: Aren’t they lovely covered in raindrops? 
Yui: Yes! I had no idea these were growing in the school’s backyard!
Reiji: I found out only recently myself. 
I invited you over here because I wanted you to witness this sight as well. 
...I hope it made for a positive experience.
Yui: I’m happy! Thank you for bringing me here!
Reiji: Fufu...I suppose it was worth taking you here then. 
*Ding dongー Ding dongー*
Reiji: ...
Aah...Is it already this late? 
Yui: Reiji-san...?
ーー Achoo!
Reiji: Oh dear, is everything alright? Seems like you stayed in the rain for a little too long. 
I suppose we should head home soon? 
I cannot let you get cold. 
Yui: I’m sorry...
Reiji: Please do not look so sad.
We can always come back, right? I’d love to visit again on a sunny day next time. 
Yui: ...Yes!
Reiji: Let us head home then. I shall pour you a cup of hot milk tea once we’re home. 
ー The scene shifts to the road back home
Yui: Reiji-san, thank you so much for today.
Reiji: No, as long as you enjoyed it, that is all that matters to me.
I was a little worried about having to walk back home in the rain like this but...Surprisingly enough, it isn’t that bad. 
...Although that might just be because you’re here next to me. 
Yui: Eh...!? 
( ...! His face is right next to mine...! )
Reiji: ...I was only teasing you a little. Come on, you’ll get wet if you move too far away.
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: Scoot a little closer. 
Yui: R-Reiji-san...!
( Uu...How embarrassing... )
Reiji: Haah...It honestly feels like a shame to just head home now... 
Yui: Eh? ...Reiji-san, what did you say just noーー 
ー A car gets close to them
Reiji: ...Watch out!
Yui: Eh? ...Kyah!?
Reiji: ...!
ー The vehicle speeds by
Yui: R-Reiji-san! Are you okay!? Your uniform got wet...
Reiji: ...It was just a little splash. More importantly, are you alright? 
Yui: Yes, I am. Because you protected me...
Reiji: That’s good. However, the issue is...
That it was our limousine who splashed muddy water all over my uniform...
Yui: Eh? ...Ah, you’re right...! 
( W-Who could have...? )
ー Shuu gets out of the car
Yui: S-Shuu-san...!? 
Reiji: Shuu! I had a feeling it would be you...
Shuu: Oi, you...What are you spacing out for? Hurry up and get in the car.
Yui: Eh...? Are you talking to me...?
Shuu: Who else? It’s cold...Could you please hurry up? 
Reiji: Shuu! Did you even hear what I said!?
I cannot believe you would not even apologize after staining my uniform...
Shuu: Hm? Aah...Did some water get on there? I wasn’t the one driving though.
Reiji: That is not the issue!
Shuu: Haah...Buzz off...Whatever. Just hurry up and hop on in.
Yui: Kyah...!
Reiji: Hold it, Shuu! I am not done talking to yーー
Shuu: ...It’s my turn now, isn’t it? 
Reiji: ...Well...
Yui: ( ...? )
Shuu: ...Oi, start driving.
Reiji: ...
ー The scene shifts to the inside of the limousine
Yui: ( Ah...Reiji-san is disappearing into the distance... )
Shuu: ...What?
Yui: What is this about?
Shuu: Nothing. All you have to do is keep quiet and follow me. 
Yui: S-Sure...
( I don’t have the faintest clue as to what’s going on... )
( Also, he said it’s ‘his turn’ earlier, but what did that mean...? )
Excuse meーー
ー The car comes to a halt
Shuu: Haah...Guess we’re finally here. 
Yui: Eh? Where, exactly...?
Shuu: It’s too much trouble to explain it. Just come with me and you’ll see.
Yui: Ah, Shuu-san...!
ー The scene shifts to the shopping mall
Yui: ( A clothing store...? Also, it looks like an expensive one... )
Shuu: Well...I’m passing the baton to you now. Go ahead and pick out any outfit you like. 
Yui: Eh? N-No way...!
( He said I could choose anything I like but...How am I supposed to make a selection from such fancy clothes...!? )
Shop employee: Welcome. What are you looking for today?
Yui: Um...
( What now...!? )
Shuu: ...Haah...What a drag...Oi, go show her some clothes which might look good on her. 
Yui: Shuu-san...
Shop employee: Understood. Well then, dear customer. Please follow me this way.
Yui: O-Okay...
Shuu: ...Nn...
Yui: ...Sorry for the wait...
Shuu: Pwaah...Hm? Why are you still wearing your uniform?
Yui: Well...I actually couldn’t decide which outfit to go for...
Shuu: ...If you can’t make up your mind, you could have just bought both, right? What a pain...
Yui: They’re very expensive clothes, I could never...
Shuu: Hmm...You’re a weirdo. 
...Whatever. So, which clothes are you conflicted about?
Yui: These two...
Shuu: ...
Yui: ...
( Uu...He went quiet... )
( I guess I should have expected this much. I’m sure picking out clothes is too much trouble for hiーー )
Shuu: ...Go with the right one.
Yui: Eh?
Shuu: Once again, the right.
Yui: Ah, this one!?
( To be honest, if I had to choose, I would have probably gone with the right one too... )
( He actually shares my opinion...! )
Shuu: Well then, wrap this one up for us. ...Pwaah...I’m sleepy...
Shop employee: Understood. 
Yui: T...Thank you very much. But are you sure it’s fine? These are very fancy clothes...
Shuu: Shut up...It’s fine, so let’s just get going. 
ー Shuu starts walking away
Yui: Ah, wait, please! Shuu-san...!
ー The scene shifts back to the inside of the limousine
Yui: Shuu-san, thank you very much. 
I can’t believe you bought me such an expensive outfit...
Shuu: I didn’t do anything, really.
Yui: But you picked it out for me, remember...?
Um, may I ask what made you select this one...?
( I wonder if he liked the print...? )
Shuu: My reasoning...?
Well...The wide collar would make it easy to suck your blood.
Yui: Ah...So that’s why...
Shuu: Is there any other reason I should have?
Yui: No...
( I feel embarrassed for even expecting anything in the first place... )
Shuu: ...Say.
Yui: Eh? Yes!?
Shuu: ...Are you having fun right now?
Yui: Eh? ...Ah, yes...!
( Although I’m even more so embarrassed... )
Shuu: Hm...
Um, Shuu-san! Todayーー
Shuu: ...
Yui: ( Hold on, he dozed off while resting his head on my shoulder...!? )
( H-He’s so close...! )
Um...Wake up, please...!
Shuu: Nn...Nnh...
Yui: ( What now? It doesn’t seem like he’ll wake up any time soon...! )
( Although...I guess I shouldn’t wake him up right now, huh? )
ー The car comes to a halt again
Yui: ( Ah...Seems like we’re here already. )
( Shuu-san is still asleep...I can’t carry him by myself either, so what should I do...? )
ー Kanato enters the car
Kanato: ...Yui-san. So this is where you’ve been. I was looking for you. 
Yui: Ah, Kanato-kun...!
Um, Shuu-san fell asleep and...
Kanato: I can tell that much. Shuu! Hurry up and wake up! It’s my turn!
Yui: ( ‘My turn’...? )
Shuu: Nn...Shut up...What? Aah...Kanato...?
Go ahead and take the woman with you then...I’m still sleepy...
Kanato: I will do so so either way.
Well then, Yui-san. You’re coming with me. 
Yui: Ah...S-Sure...
 ー The scene shifts to the balcony
Yui: ( We came to the balcony straight away...I wonder if we’re going to do something here? )
Kanato-kun...? What did you bring with you...?
Kanato: It’s the telescope I used when I was a child. We’re going to use it to look at the stars. 
Yui: ...The stars?
Kanato: ...Do you have a problem with that?
Yui: Oh no! Not at all!
Kanato: I’m sure that watching the stars...would be very fun.
Please help me put it together.
Yui: ( No wonder he talked about using it in the past, it has an antique feel to it... )
( However, I have to agree that it must be fun to watch the stars through such a stylish telescope... )
Kanato: Ah...
...I can’t...figure out how to assemble it...
Yui: Kanato-kun, let’s start over one more time? I’ll help out too!
I’ll hold the bar, so can you fix the clasps in place? 
Kanato: ...Okay.
Yui: I guess this should do...?
Kanato: Yes, thank you very much. You gave it your best shot.
Well then, shall we take a look right away? 
Yui: Yes!
( The rain stopped at some point, so there’s a pretty starry sky...! )
( I’m sure we’ll be able to spot plenty of stars. )
Kanato: You can get the initial look.
Yui: Are you sure...? Well, allow me to go first then.
ー Yui looks through the telescope
Yui: Wow...! Kanato-kun, I can see a bunch of stars!
Ah...That one large star shining brightly in the distance...What was that constelling called again? 
Kanato: Which one? 
Yui: ( Wah...He’s peeking through the telescope alongside me...! )
Kanato: Hey, which star where you referring to?
Yui: Ah...Um, the one shaped like a triangle over there...
Kanato: Aah, that constellation. I know that one. 
Yui: Eh? Really?
( Could it be he looked it up beforehand...? )
Kanato: It’s formed from three stars creating a triangle so...It’s ‘The Shortcake’ (2). 
Yui: ...Eh!? The Shortcake!? 
Kanato: Yes. And next to it, you can see ‘The Pudding à la Mode’. 
Beneath that one...The round one, that’s ‘The Cream Puff’.
Yui: Um...
Kanato: Aren’t you glad? You gained some valuable knowledge today.
Yui: ( ...He took the time to teach me, so I guess I’ll leave it at that. )
Thank you for teaching me, Kanato-kun!
Kanato: Fufu...You’re welcome. 
Yui-san, it’s fun watching the stars, don’t you agree? 
Yui: Eh? Yeah, of course!
Kanato: ...I’m glad.
ー He steps back
Kanato: Victory is as good as mine. Fufu...
Yui: Hm? Did you say something just now?
Kanato: No, nothing at all. Anyway, why don’t we look at the stars one more time? 
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: ...Ah!
Yui: W-What’s wrong?
Kanato: Clouds...
Yui: Eh? Clouds?
Kanato: The stars are hidden behind the clouds!
Yui: ( Ah, he’s right...There weren’t any clouds earlier though... )
Kanato: Uu...Uu...How could they...So mean...! I even went out of my way to prepare a telescope...!!
So why did these stupid clouds have to appear...!
Yui: C-Calm down, Kanato-kun...!
Kanato: How am I supposed to keep my cool!?
How come you seem so calm!? 
You can no longer watch the stars with me, do you understand that!?
Yui: I mean...That’s true, but...
However, I already had plenty of fun when you told me about the constellations earlier...
Kanato: ...Really?
Yui: Yes!
Kanato: ...Then, will you join me for dessert now?
Yui: Eh? Sure. I don’t mind. 
Kanato: In that case, hurry up and come with mーー
???: I don’t think I can let that happen, Kanato-kun~
Yui: ( This voice... )
Laito: Heya, Bitch-chan~! Your beloved Laito-kun is here~ Nfu~
Kanato: Laito...
Laito: It’s not very nice to of you to try and abuse the situation to steal Bitch-chan away, Kanato-kun~
It’s my turn next after all. 
Kanato: ...Could you not word it in a way that makes me sound like a criminal?
I will let you have her. ...It’s already clear that victory will be mine after all. 
ー Kanato walks away
Laito: Kanato-kun sure sounds confident. I’m excited for this now.
Yui: Hey, Laito-kun. 
Laito: Yes, Bitch-chan?
Yui: You said it’s your turn earlier but...What does that mean? 
( Now that I think about it, they all said something similar. )
( I wonder if they’re up to something...? )
Laito: Hmー? Aah, you don’t need to worry about it. 
More importantly...
ー He moves closer
Yui: ( Wah...!? )
Laito: Why don’t we have some fun together? 
Yui: Fun...?
Laito: Yes, exactly. Something fun which makes you feel really good~
Well then, let’s go~? 
ー The scene shifts to the dining room
Yui: Um...Laito-kun, what are we going to do in the dining room?
Laito: Nfu~ ...Something fun. ...!
Yui: Kyah...!? 
( H-He pinned me down...!? )
H-Hold up, Laito-kun...! We’re on top of the table...
Laito: Ah~ A plate shouldn’t be getting up from the table, you know? 
There, gotcha~
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...What do you mean, ‘plate’!? 
Laito: What? I thought I was pretty clear? Nfu~
You’re going to be my plate for what’s to come. 
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Eeh!?
Laito: Once again, don’t move, okay? If you squirm around too much, I can’t put anything on top of you, can I?
Yui: What are you going to put on me then...!? 
Laito: Well, of course...
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: My favorite food, macarons!
However, it wouldn’t be fun to simply line them up on top of you, right? Therefore...Just like this...
Yui: ...!?
( He smeared...whipped cream on my lips...!? )
Laito: Listen closely, Bitch-chan. I’m going to doll up these pretty lips of yours, so don’t speak, okay?
Yui: ...Nn...!?
Laito: Now I just gotta place a macaron on top of this bed of whipped cream...Voila.
Laito: My very own combination of whipped cream with macarons is complete. Nfu~
Yui: ( Uu...I can’t talk properly because there’s cream all over my lips...! )
Laito: No need to grow impatient Bitch-chan. I’ll make sure to devour you, so rest assured? 
Yui: ...!
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( I never said anything about that...!? )
Laito: Well then...Time to dig in~
Nn~ ...I feel like this macaron enjoyed from your lips tastes even sweeter than usual.
Yui: ...! How mean, Laito-kun! I can’t believe you’d suddenly do this to me...
Laito: Eh~? There’s nothing mean about it now, is there? I could tell you were enjoying it as well...
Yui: T-That’s not...!
Laito: Hey, be honest with me? It actually got your heart racing and you had fun as well, didn’t you? 
Yui: ( ...I mean, it did make my heart race but...Still. )
...Well...It’s because you leant in so close...
Laito: I mean, I couldn’t eat the macaron without doing so, could I?
Personally, I wouldn’t have minded if it ended with a kiss instead~
...But I guess I have no other choice today.
Yui: Eh...?
Laito: Oh no, nothing. More importantly...
ー He moves closer again
Laito: It seems like simply decorating your lips didn’t quite satisfy you. 
Yui: Eh!? W-What are you saying!?
Laito: I mean, it’s written all over your face, you know?
Yui: It isn’t...!
Laito: I wonder~? But no need to worry, Bitch-chan.
I’ll apply it to a different place this time.
Yui: ( And where could that be...? )
Laito: Nfu...
Subaru: ーー Hold it!
Yui: S-Subaru-kun...!?
Laito: Ahーah, what a shame. Guess my time’s up already.
Subaru: Get off her already!
Laito: Yeah, yeah. I know. ...Ah, Subaru-kun. 
Subaru: ...What?
Laito: Personally, I wouldn’t be against changing the plans and having some fun with the three of us together~?
Subaru: Che...Shut up! What makes you think I’d do that!?
Oi! You shouldn’t be layin’ on that damn table forever either! Hurry up and get your ass over here!
Yui: Kyah...
Subaru: Ugh...
Laito: Ahー That’s no good, Subaru-kun. You have to be a little more gentle with the ladies.
Subaru: ...Che, shuddup. I know that much...
Oi, no need to give that guy another second of your attention. Let’s go. 
ー Subaru walks away
Yui: Ah, wait for me, Subaru-kun...!
ー Yui runs after him as the scene shifts to the shopping district 
Yui: ( We made it all the way to the shopping district so I wonder just for far Subaru-kun plans to go... )
Subaru: Shut up. Just shut up and follow me. 
Yui: S-Sure...
ー The scene shifts to the shopping mall
Yui: ( When I was here with Shuu-san earlier, we went into a different direction, so I wonder where we’re headed this time...? )
( Huh? ...Isn’t this cafe...? )
Subaru-kun, this is...
Subaru: ...Can’t you tell? 
Yui: I mean, I can but...
( It caught my attention even before the opening, but I had given up on ever being able to come here because of how popular it is... )
One of the girls in my class said it’s almost impossible to get a seat because of the insane amount of reservations? 
Subaru: None of my business. Let’s go. 
Waiter: Welcome. My apologies for the wait. Please folow me.
Subaru: Hmph...
Yui: ( I wonder if he made a reservation for us...? )
Subaru: Oi. Don’t be spacin’ out. Hurry up. 
Yui: Ah, my bad! I’m coming. 
ー They enter the cafe
Yui: ( There’s an open terrace...It’s lovely but also a little embarrassing because the people outside can see us... )
Um, Subaru-kun...Why did you take me here today...?
Subaru: ...I don’t want to come to this place but...Girls love this sorta stuff, don’t they? 
Do you have a problem with that!?
Yui: Not at all...! I’ve been wanting to come here after all...!
Subaru: ...Hmph. Is that so? 
Waiter: Have you decided on your order? 
Yui: What should we go for?
Subaru: I don’t need anything, so just order whatever you like. 
Yui: Eh? ...Really...? Um, then...
Yui: ( ...Ah, it says they recommend this fruit juice...I guess I’ll go for this one. )
Excuse me, I’d like one fruit juice. 
Waiter: Understood. I will bring your order shortly. 
ー The waiter walks away
Yui: Subaru-kun, are you sure you shouldn’t have ordered something as well? 
Subaru: Yeah...
Yui: O-Okay...
( Subaru-kun...He doesn’t seem to be enjoying this very much... )
( I’d feel bad if I’m the only one having a blast... )
Subaru-kun, listen...
ー The waiter returns
Waiter: My apologies for the wait.
Yui: T-Thank you very muーー
( This glass...There’s a heart-shaped straw in it...!? There’s even two ends to drink from... )
Waiter: We served the drink in a way for the two of you to enjoy it together. 
Subaru: ...The fuck is up with that embarrassin’ straw...? 
Yui: Yeah...I think they might have mistaken us for a couple...? 
Subaru: Haah!? What are you sayin’!? 
Yui: I-I mean...Seems like there’s a lot of couples around us as well...
Subaru: Che...
No way in hell I’m takin’ a sip from this thing. It’s all yours. 
Yui: O-Okay...
( I’d be way too embarrassed to drink from this straw together with Subaru-kun anyway... )
Yui: ( ...Hm? Huh...? )
Subaru: Oi, what’s wrong? You’re not gettin’ any at all. 
Yui: Huh? How strange...? I’ve been sucking on the straw the whole time though...
Could it be...?
Subaru: What?
Yui: Perhaps this doesn’t work unless you drink at the same time...?
( Seems like the couples around us are doing the same... )
Subaru: ...!
The fuck...? Drinkin’ at the same time? There’s just no way!
Yui: But it doesn’t seem like there’s another way to try it...
Subaru: ...
Yui: ( I’m sure he doesn’t want to do that... )
I won’t force you butーー
Subaru: ...Ahー Fuck! Gimme the damn straw!
Yui: Eh? But...?
Subaru: Shut up! I decided I’m gonna do it so I will!
I didn’t bring you here to see you sulk after all...
Come on, hurry up and take the other end of the straw!
Yui: O-Okay...
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Uu...I expected it but this is still embarrassing...! )
Subaru: Here I go...Nn...
Yui: ...!
Yui: ...
( We somehow managed to finish the whole thing but...Subaru-kun won’t face me now... )
Um, Subaru-kunーー
Subaru: ...Was it good? 
Yui: ...Eh?
Subaru: You heard me. I’m askin’ if you enjoyed your drink just now.
Yui: Ah...Yeah. It was good! I can tell why this cafe is so popular...!
( To be honest, I was too embarrassed to fully enjoy the taste... )
Subaru: I see. That’s good then. 
There’d be no point in having taken you here if you didn’t enjoy it after all. 
Yui: Eh...?
Subaru: You’ve been wanting to come here, right? That’s why...You know...
Yui: ( I mean, I did, but... )
...Did I ever mention this store to you...?
Subaru: Hmph. It’s not exactly hard to figure out when you leave a magazine featurin’ this place layin’ ‘round in the living room. 
Yui: ( Uu...Actually, I might have read a magazine like that the other day... )
I can’t believe you actually took me here...Thank you, Subaru-kun. 
Subaru: ...Don’t thank me over every single lil’ thing. It’s annoyin’. 
Che...Oi, we’re headin’ home now.
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun. One secoーー
???: Chichinashi, I finally found you!!
Subaru: Che...That guy’s here, huh...?
Yui: A...Ayato-kun!? 
Ayato: Oi, Subaru! You just clicked your tongue at me, didn’t you!?
Subaru: I didn’t. Don’t get on my case. ...Why are you here? 
Ayato: Fuck. You’re way too cheeky despite bein’ younger than me. Whatever. I’m here for Chichinashi, not for you. 
Yui: M-Me...!? 
Ayato: Do you see anyone else ‘round? Oi, stop dawdling and come here already!
ー Ayato tugs her his way
Yui: Hold up, Ayato-kun!? 
Ayato: See you, Subaru! It’s my turn now. 
Subaru: Che...
ー Ayato takes Yui to the park
Yui: Ayato-kun...What are we going to do here...? 
Ayato: Aah? Shouldn’t that be obvious? Here!
Yui: Kyah...What’s this...? Could it be, a basketbal...?
Ayato: Well duh. 
Let’s have a lil’ match together!
Yui: Eeh!? There’s no way...!
Ayato: Yes there is! You get to play with me. You should feel grateful!
That’s settled, so let’s get this match started right away!
I’ll praise you if you can somehow get past me. Well, pretty sure it’s impossible though. Hehe. 
Come on, start dribblin’!
Yui: ( Why do I have to do this...? But Ayato-kun seems excited so I’d feel bad about rejecting his offer... )
( I have zero confidence I’ll be able to pull this off though... )
Well then...Here I come, Ayato-kun...!
ー Yui starts dribbling, trying to get past Ayato
Yui: ...Ugh...!
Ayato: Hehe...You’re just as clumsy as I thought you’d be...There!
Yui: Wah...!?
Ayato: Too bad, Chichinashi! I win!
Yui: Haah...
There’s no way I could ever beat you...
( He’s way more athletic than I am after all... )
Ayato: What’s wrong? You’re done already? Borin’ー...
Guess I have no other choice...I guess I gotta go this route with you instead...Up you go!
Yui: Eh...? Kyah!?
( He lifted me up in his arms...!? )
Ayato: ...Hang on tight...!
Yui: ...Kyaaah...!? 
ー Ayato leaps into the air as Yui closes her eyes
Ayato: Oi, Chichianshi! We’re actually flying through the air so whatcha closin’ your eyes for!?
Yui: I-I’m scared...!
Ayato: There’s nothing to be afraid of while I’m holding you, right?
Yui: ...Uu...
ー She slowly opens her eyes
Yui: Wow...!
( The night sky...! )
Ayato: What do you think? 
Yui: Yeah...! What a lovely view!
Thank you, Ayato-kun!
But shouldn’t we head back home soon...?
Ayato: Ah? Nah...Hehe. 
...Hey, Chichinashi? Why don’t I speed up a little while you’re enjoyin’ the nice view?
Yui: Eh...? Ayato-kuーー
Yui: Kyaaah!?
Ayato: Haha! What a pathetic cry!
Yui: G-Geez! Stop playing around and put me back down...!
Ayato: Oh? You want to go back to the ground that badly? In that case, I wouldn’t mind dropping you right here, right now?
Yui: You can’t do that...!
( If I were to fall down from here, I’d get more than just a little hurt...! )
Ayato: You’re so borin’...Oh well, whatever. Guess we should head back down soon.
Yui: ...
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi. Can you hear me? 
Yui: ...Ayato-kun...
( Ah...What should I do...? Suddenly I’m feeling faint... )
Ayato: Chichinashi? 
Yui: ( I’m sorry, Ayato-kun...I... )
ー Yui loses consciousness 
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi!? Why are you passin’ out...!? God, you’re such a handful...
*Ding dingー*
Ayato: Che...Time’s up already?
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Reiji: Ayato! Explain yourself! Why is she unconscious!? 
Ayato: I dunno. She’s the one who fainted on me out of nowhere. 
Kanato: Fainted...you say? Could it be...Did you suck her blood? Unforgivable...
Laito: Eehー!? Is that true, Ayato-kun? In that case, you should have called me over as well~
Reiji: I cannot believe you. We made it very clear not to suck her blood...
Ayato: Shut up! I didn’t!
Subaru: Then why is she out cold!?
Ayato: Not my problem!
Shuu: ...It was probably due to fatigue, no? She’s been dragged around from one place to another by six different people after all. 
Reiji: You do have a point...I suppose we might have asked a little too much from her. 
Ayato: It’s not my fault that she got tired. I guess you guys just sucked? 
Laito: Hmー ...But Bitch-chan seemed to be really enjoying her time spent with me. Her cheeks were flushed bright red~ 
Subaru: Are you sure that it wasn’t just you gettin’ a kick out of the situation...?
Laito: Oh geez, Subaru-kun! No way! Bitch-chan gave her consent as well. 
Kanato: She was smiling with me as well. 
Ayato: Heh, she said ‘Thank you, Ayato-kun’, to me, you know?
Subaru: In that case, I got a thank you as well...!
*Clap clap*
Reiji: Okay, that’s enough. We won’t know the true answer until we ask her personally, right?
Instead of wasting our time getting into trivial discussions, we should discuss the elephant in the room. 
Subaru: And what would that be? 
Reiji: How we are going to explain the situation to her...once she wakes up. We have to think about it, no? 
Laito: Say, in that case, I happen to have a very good idea. 
Kanato: We’re listening? 
Ayato: Your ‘good ideas’ give me shivers up my spine...
Shuu: ...Agreed. 
Laito: Goshー You’re all so mean. However, I’m pretty sure it’s worth the listen at least.
Reiji: If you are that confident...
Shuu: Hurry up. 
Subaru: I’m sendin’ you flyin’ if it’s some random bullshit. 
Laito: You all say that, but I bet you’re all curious~
Kanato: Did you say something? 
Laito: Oh no, nothing? Anyway, I’ll announce it now. 
The plan I came up with isーー 
Yui: ( ...Hm...Huh...? What happened to me? )
( If I recall correctly, I visited various places with the guys...And then I was flying through the air together with Ayato-kun... )
( But what happened afterwards...? )
???: ーー Oi, ...nashi...
Yui: ( ...I can hear someone...This voice is... )
ー Yui opens her eyes
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Ayato: You finally woke up, huh? 
Yui: Ayato-kun...And the others too...
( A-Anyway, where am I...? Are we on top of the water...!? )
( How did we get here!? )
Laito: Geez, Bitch-chanー We were worried because it took you so long to wake up~
Yui: Eh? I...What happened to me? 
Reiji: You lost consciousness while with Ayato. Then afterwards, you slept soundly for a whole 24 hours. 
Yui: A whole day...!? T-That long...
Um, anyway, there’s a lot I’m not grasping about this situation...
It must be somehow related to what happened yesterday...right? 
Reiji: Exactly...Before explaining the current situation, I suppose I should start by telling you about how it all started. 
Yui: How it started...?
Reiji: The other day, Ayato...
Laito: ...suddenly blurted out: ‘Chichinashi seems the most happy when spending time with me!’, correct?
Yui: ...Eh!? 
Laito: That’s how all of us got into an argument, trying to convince the others that we’re the one who makes you the happiest. 
Reiji: Exactly...Honestly, I can only assume that I must have been out of my mind back then to let myself get talked into the whole ordeal....
Anyway, it eventually led to us agreeing that we should decide by each of us taking you on a personal date. 
Kanato: We were competing against each other...To see who could give you the most enjoyable time. 
Shuu: In the end...Ayato messed up and you fainted before being able to give us an answer. 
Ayato: Oi! Don’t make it sound like it was only my fault!
Subaru: ...But it’s the truth, isn’t it? 
Ayato: Excuse me!?
Reiji: Come on, you two. Calm down.
Yui: ( I see...They were all trying to give me a good time... )
Laito: So, since we dragged you all over to the point of you collapsing. 
We actually felt just a teeny tiny bit sorry, you see? 
And that’s how we decided to make it up to you by treating you to something nice~!
Kanato: We rented a boat and settled on taking you out on a cruise. 
Yui: A cruise!?
Ayato: And you get to enjoy Reiji’s cooking on top of that! Sounds like a great deal, no? 
Reiji: Please do not talk about me as if I am but a mere servant! Good grief...
If you continue to spout such nonsense, all you will be getting for tonight’s dinner is a glass of water. 
Ayato: Haah!? Fuck that!
Yui: ( Now I understand why everyone seemed to be acting a bit odd yesterday but... )
I feel like I need to say sorry...I would have never thought you’d all go this far for me.
Subaru: ...I don’t think you need to worry about it that much? 
Yui: ...Subaru-kun? 
Subaru: It’s us who decided to make a big deal out of it and got you involved without you knowing.
Laito: Exactly~ Besides, you always tend to us in various ways...Get it~?
Kanato: ...We could thank you every now and then. 
Ayato: None of this would have happened if I didn’t say that back then so you better be grateful to me, Chichinashi? 
Shuu: ...Well, there you have it. As long as you have fun in the end, isn’t that what matters the most?
Reiji: It is a shame it had to be Shuu summing it all up but...He is correct. 
All that matters is that you have a good time. Today is all about you after all. 
Yui: ...You guys...Thank you so much...!
Reiji: Fufu...Seems like we can finally wrap up this conversation. 
Ayato: ーー No, hold up. 
Kanato: What’s your problem, Ayato?
Ayato: Who succeeded at giving Chichinashi the best time in the end? We never heard her answer. 
Yui: Eh...?
Laito: Hmー You do make a point. We have to make that clear.
Or else there’d be no point in having competed in the first place, right?
Hey, Bitch-chan? Which date did you enjoy the most? 
I mean, I know it was ours obviously...but I’ll ask you just in case~
Subaru: Haah!? When was it decided that you won!? 
Kanato: Exactly. Please stop talking nonsense.
Hey, you had the most fun watching the stars with me, correct? You did, right!? 
Yui: Y-Yeah...That was fun...but...
Shuu: ...Heh...You’re clearly putting her under pressure so anyting she says is irrelevant. 
...Hey, listen. You haven’t forgotten what I did for you, have you? 
You seemed quite pleased as well...So you don’t need me to tell you who you should pick, right? 
Yui: W-Well...
Subaru: Oi, hold up! You’re clearly putting her under pressure as well!?
To be honest...I rather never set foot inside that cringy shop again...
But if you want to go...I wouldn’t mind joining you. 
Yui: ...Uu...
Ayato: Shut up! You should just live up to your reputation as a shut-in!
Oi, Chichinashi! You’re obviously going to choose Yours Truly, right? If you pick any of the other dudes, I’m gonna have to punish you, understand? 
Reiji: Good grief...I deliberately remained quiet on the topic because I predicted this would happen...
Although, I suppose there is no way back now. You, there is nothing to think about, is there? 
All you have to do is follow your heart. If you do that...Then the answer should be clear, no? 
Yui: ( Their dates...While they often left me baffled, I still had fun amidst all of it. )
( That’s why...I can’t pick just one. )
Um...They were truly all fun in their own way so...I guess I can’t choose one...
I’m sorry...
Ayato: ...
Kanato: ...
Laito: ...Nfu~
Subaru: Che...
Shuu: ...Haah.
Reiji: ...
Yui: ( Uu...They’ve all gone quiet... )
( But these are my honest feelings... )
Reiji: ...Good grief...I guess it can’t be helped. It’s you we’re talking about here. 
I knew from the very beginning that you wouldn’t be able to choose the best one. 
Laito: Yeah, I kind of had that feeling as well. 
Kanato: Then...I guess we have to call it a draw...? 
Subaru: Che...That’s how it ends!? 
Reiji: Oh well, what is so bad about that? Our initial goal was to give her a good time after all. 
Well then, I should probably get to cooking soon. 
Ayato: We’re finally gonna eat? I’m starvin’...
Yui: Ah, Reiji-san! Is there anything I can help with...?
Please let me...As a way to thank all of you. 
Reiji: While I appreciate the offer, I am afraid I will have to turn it down this time. 
Did you not hear me earlier? Today is all about you. 
Yui: Reiji-san...
Reiji: Come on, you lot. Get to your posts and put everything reaーー 
Shuu: ...Aah, I’d like a meat dish.
Reiji: ...Hah? What are you saying, Shuu? You were in charge of fetching the ingredients alongside Ayato and Subaru, remember? 
Shuu: I’m way too tired since I had to come all the way here today...I’m gonna leave that up to the two other guys.
I’ll be over here taking a nap...Just wake me up when the food’s done, okay? ...Pwaah...
Reiji: Excuse me! I will not let you!
Kanato: Hey, Reiji. Can I roast some marshmallows on here?
Reiji: ...! Wait, Kanato! We’re going to grill the vegetables on the barbecue in a bitーー
Reiji: Aah! What have you done!?
Laito: Hey! I’ve polished the silverware enough like this, right? 
Reiji: Hm...? Seems like you’ve not quite gotten the hang of it yet.
I believe I told you to polish it until you could clearly see your own face reflected in it?
Laito: Ehー? This is still not good enough? My hands are tired already...
Yui: ( They’re as whimsical as ever... )
( Must be rough on Reiji-san... )
( Hm? Over there...Ayato-kun and Subaru are fishing...? )
Ayato: ...Oh, could it be I got a bite!? 
Subaru: Oi! Keep your eyes on the rod! If it’s actually a fish, it’s gonna get away!
Ayato: Shut up! Don’t order me around! If you’ve got time to do that, go fetch me one of those nets instead!
Subaru: I don’t need you tellin’ me what to do either!
Yui: ( I’m pretty sure they’re in charge of the food supply as well...I wonder if that’ll end well...? )
( But... )
Reiji: Ayato! Subaru! What are you two doing!?
Ayato: Shut up! Subaru is the one who knocked it over!
Subaru: Don’t put the blame on me! You’re the one who lost control over your rod and bumped into the desk, remember!?
Shuu: Haah...Pipe down...
Reiji: Shuu! If you’re awake, hurry up and lend those two a haーー
Laito: Reiji, my bad~! I broke one of the tableware sets. 
Reiji: Excuse me!? Which one did you break!? 
Kanato: Wait, Reiji! Do something about these burnt marshmallows first. 
Reiji: ...
Aah, god! You lot...!
You! My bad, but could you perhaps help me out a little?
At this rate, I doubt there will ever be any food on our plates. 
Yui: Ah...Yes, of course!
( But in the end...I guess it’s these times we spent all together which I enjoy the most? )
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi! Don’t be standin’ there and help me out already!
Yui: Yeah, I’ll be right there!
( I guess it’s nice to have a day like this every now and then...! )
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) 相合傘 or ‘ai-ai gasa’ is a term which has recently gained a lot of popularity, referring to (usually couples) sharing an umbrella.
(2) In Japanese, the names of all constellations end with the character 座 or ‘za’ which literally means ‘seat’. In English, there is no such system when naming constellations, so I just wrote the word in capital letters to indicate that it’s the name Kanato gives to the constellation.
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