#digital arlt
ex0skeletal-undead · 1 year
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Works by Skirill
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andrescasciani · 1 year
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“FRAGMENTARIA" - citas ilustradas por Andrés Casciani (26/4/23) “Los hombres eran locos. Sufrían cuando eran felices por miedo a perder la felicidad”. 123 años de Roberto Arlt - Ilustración digital, 2023 http://andrescasciani.com/
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optomstudies · 6 years
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Hey, so usually I'm very early and prepared for exams but this time for my Christmas exams, I've left EVERYTHING until 5 days before the exams! There's too much to memorise in such a short amount of time! And I have a busy schedule so I can't do revision 24/7! Any tips? 
Pssst! The best tip for cramming is actually to not cram!! 🙃 But if you have to, here are some tips that actually work! 💲💲
Throw out all distractions, and palm off as many commitments as possible to others.
You’re a student at the end of the day. That’s your job, so do it properly. Before you are a retail worker, a movie buddy, a chauffeur for your siblings, or a studyblr blog manager, you are a student. 
You don’t have a lot of time left, so give your phone to your parents or someone you trust to keep it away from you. Add StayFocusd to Chrome and turn on the nuclear option so that you only use the internet for study purposes. Get your friends/siblings or parents to do chores for you and make it up to them after the exams. 
Know what’s likely to be tested.
This is much more important than anything else. There are going to be important concepts that you learn that are not going to be tested. No point studying for something that won’t be asked about. Pro tip: think about the homework exercises that you got and what they tested. 
Just as a general rule, the most basic things such as definitions (skim read these), as well as the most complex cases, will not comprise the majority of the test. For complex cases, you can’t just skim read them, but you should get an idea of the skills/processes that you need to solve them. 
For example, when learning about different diseases, the point is to make you a practitioner which can deal with the most dangerous (life-threatening, sight-threatening no matter how rare), most common (>1% prevalence) and uncommon (0.1-1%) diseases, which will comprise the majority of the points. The rare conditions (<0.1%) will either be right near the end of the test or be bonus point questions. The other thing is that if even if they do ask about rare conditions, it’s going to be a distinguishing sign, or it is related to a more common condition. And the question they most likely ask is “what further tests would you do to aid diagnosis?” which relates to basic concepts of disease diagnosis. 
Also, just keep in mind that there are university exams which literally ask you minutae in the multiple choice questions. For example disease exams have asked things like “What percentage of people with diabetes mellitus have diabetic retinopathy?” and have four really similar options for percentages. You just have to had studied that, and odds are you won’t be able to remember a hundred different stats prior to your exam if you’re cramming (just don’t cram, you literally can’t cram for uni exams). 
Divide your time appropriately (not necessarily equally) between understanding the course content and doing practice exercises/ examination style questions.
If you just launch into doing practice questions without having some sort of knowledge, you’ll get stuck on a lot of questions, get the questions wrong, and need to refer back to your textbooks and do a lot of searching and flipping through pages, which wastes your time.
So start off by going through the concepts first so that you know enough not to constantly look back. You should try to allocate as much time as possible actually answering questions though, because there’s no better way to prepare for an exam than to do exam-style questions. 
Step-by-step: Count the number of chapters/lectures you need to cover, and divide it equally amongst about 40% of the time that you have left, so that you know how long to spend revising each lecture. 
Focus on one exam at a time, and study the hardest concepts which require a lot of reasoning and understanding in the morning. 
Studying in the morning allows you to be at your freshest and most switched on. If you’re strapped for time, focus on being able to explain things. Explain it to your parents, siblings, or gudetama plushie. Explaining is an exercise in summarising which tests your ability to understand causative elements and how they relate to different consequences. 
Ask questions to yourself whilst studying. 
This tests your knowledge, and is a good way for you to check what you know and what you don’t know. When you’re cramming, you likely don’t have someone to help you at such short notice, so you need to be that person for yourself. Plus, it primes you to think like an examiner/exam paper - you’ll start realising what’s likely to be tested, which helps you narrow down what to study, and it helps you for the next part: practice questions. 
For example: geometry - to give a simple example, yes, you need to know what an angle bisector is, but are they likely in the exam to ask you to “Write the definition of an angle bisector.”? No. They’re going to get you to actually get your tools and bisect one. 90% of the time, you don’t need to know a definition in maths - it’s only the foundation knowledge so that you can answer actual questions. 
For example: medical/health science. Yes, you need to know differentials for diseases, but are they going to ask you to “List the differentials for ___”? No, that’s too simple, they’re obviously going to get you to eliminate a differential by considering the similarities and differences in signs and symptoms. So it’s much better to spend your time learning which conditions have similarities and what the distinguishing signs are e.g. Fuch’s Uveitis has stellate KP that is scattered all around the corneal endothelium - all other forms of uveitis pretty much have the KP scattered in Arlt’s triangle because of the convection currents in the anterior chamber. 
Chunk information together. 
This is a much more effective way of summarising all the information you need to study. Think of your memory as a mind map or a expandable list or like a set of folders in My Documents. You should try and sort things into topics and sub-topics that you can simply expand by just thinking of the title of that sub-topic. 
Step-by-Step: Cover up the information you’ve written under the sub-topics, and then try to recall it all just by looking at the title (acts as a trigger word). 
Topic/Chapter/Lecture 1
“Sub-Topic 1″ #Try and recall all the info below by reading this#
#cover up this information#
#cover up this information#
#cover up this information#
“Sub-Topic 2″
“Sub-Topic 3″
Not only does this 1) actually test your knowledge through a smaller form of the blank paper method (previously written about here) but it also 2) allows you to chunk and remember massive amounts of information just by seeing the trigger word (the title of the topic). 
It helps to make a mental note of how many points were written for each section.
Tie everything together with a mnemonic. 
Of course, the issue now is that if you don’t have the trigger word then you won’t remember that chunk of information - so you need to counter that by using a mnemonic to remember the top level of topics and link everything together in your mind. 
Using this method is what I’ve always done to remember large chunks of information. That way, when key words turn up in the question, you will be able to remember all the information under that category and hence answer the question flawlessly. 
Practice by doing one exercise for each type of question. 
Particularly useful for studying for maths/science. You just need to know how to solve one question in the set to know how to solve the rest. Pick the hardest question at the end of the question set because it will involve the most skills to complete. 
Study in a different order. Study your concepts in reverse. 
Make sure you change things up, because you don’t want your brain to only be able to answer a question if all the topics lead on to the next. The questions in the exam are going to be covering all your topics in all different orders. Jump from Chapter 3 to Chapter 5 to Chapter 2, and do the same for the sub-topics. 
Secondly, study concepts in reverse because this is how exams test who really knows their stuff. For example: instead of learning that Disease A has Symptoms 1, 2, and 3, force your brain to think “What Disease has Symptoms 1, 2, and 3?” - because this is exactly the type of question that comes up in exams. 
Drink water, take breaks, sleep. 
Still needs to be done to maximise your productivity. Not taking breaks will make you less efficient and less effective. You also said that you have other commitments so try to get that stuff done in the short breaks between your study sessions so that you can be productive. Take a 5-10 minute break every hour and get out of your seat and stretch. Sleep is essential for our brains to consolidate information and retain information. 
Best of luck!!
My study tips directory (web only) for the full list (over 80+ original posts/guides!)
29/11 How to Be Fluent in Languages Masterpost 3 👂 27/11 How to Be Fluent in Languages Masterpost 2 📰 26/11 Thinking about Stress 1 and 2 23/11 Motivation to Make You Study! 🏃 22/11 How to Be Fluent in Languages Masterpost 1 🙊 20/11 Advice: Art School vs. College 🎨 19/11 Exam Study Tips 💯 15/11 Digital Organisation System 💻 14/11 Library Adventures! 📚 11/11 Budgeting for Students 🏦 10/11 How to Deal with Leeches 🐛 08/11 Extra-Curriculars Tips 🤹 07/11 More Handwriting Tips ✍️ 07/11 APUSH Masterpost 🤠 06/11 Memorising Tips 💭 06/11 How Your ATAR is Calculated Infographic 💯 04/11 Reading a Scientific Journal Article 📜 02/11 Tips: Tackling Assignments while Sick 🤒
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sobrelibros · 2 years
Sobre El Juguete Rabioso, de Roberto Arlt
Roberto Arlt fue el primer escritor argentino que leí. Y no ocurrió producto de la música, como en el caso de Oscar Wilde o producto de los videojuegos como con Charles Mathieu. No, fue casualidad. Y sé que a muchos les gusta la palabra “causalidad”. Pero ¿qué causa motivó a mi papá tener libros de Roberto Arlt y Antón Chéjov escondidos en su mesita de luz? Nunca lo supe. Nunca pregunté. A mi papá le gustaba alardear -le sigue gustando- de su lectura rápida y de corrida, aunque nunca lo vi leer más que algún diario Clarín o una revista Viva.
El caso es que, mientras buscaba un par de monedas para unas fotocopias urgando en la pieza de mi papá mientras él estaba de viaje, me topé con estos libros. El Juguete Rabioso y Luna Roja de Roberto Arlt y La dama del perrito de Antón Chéjov ¿escondidos? entre viejas boletas de luz y de Internet en el cajón inferior de la mesita. Mi primera impresión fue de extrañeza y curiosidad. Se los mostré a mi hermano mayor y él tuvo la misma impresión. Los dejé arriba de mi escritorio sin saber con qué intención puesto que leerlos no era una de ellas. Todavía estaba envuelto por la experiencia anterior: escuchar música, ver que leían los músicos, leer lo que leían los músicos. 
En este caso fue diferente. Quizás la primera lectura proveniente de una recomendación genuina de lectura cercana. Mi hermano mayor, a causa del aburrimiento o de algún corte de luz, leyó a ambos autores. Se fascinó con Silvio Astier y el personaje del Jorobadito. Me instaba a leerlos. Yo accedí, pero con un alto grado de obligatoriedad y bajo de interés.
A medida que la lectura avanzaba, por suerte, esa obligación a la lectura decayó y me dejé persuadir por la atmósfera de Arlt: esas calles oscuras de focos pequeños en los cruces que tambaleaban con una brisa nocturna, los barrios, los ladrones, los personajes pintorescos, el advenimiento de un mundo moderno en una ciudad aún, a simple vista, campestre, pampeana, de malones y juerguistas; la ciudad vibrante de los años 20, las veredas, las ventanas abiertas, la brisa de puro existencialismo (todavía en Chajarí se puede sentir esto). Roberto Arlt tenía la grandeza de combinar sutilmente situaciones altamente humorísticas en un plano de soledad, pobreza, tristeza y desolación. Recuerdo siempre el impacto -y aún no sé el porqué- de ver escrito la palabra “eléctrico” o “luz eléctrica” [si había instalación de luz eléctrica, arrancábamos los cables, portalámparas y timbres]. Era como ver escrito lo cotidiano, lo que también pertenecía a mi mundo. También encontraba en el personaje principal algunos rasgos que me caracterizaban un par de años atrás donde era más violento, menos paciente, más propenso a la pelea física, menos creativo con las palabras. La literatura me pacificó.
Con el tiempo descubrí la importancia de Roberto Arlt para la literatura argentina, no voy a extenderme en lo obvio. Otra vez, como con Oscar Wilde, había comenzado leyendo a escritores argentinos de alta gama. Volví a encontrarme a Arlt con sus Aguafuertes porteñas y cariocas, con sus obras de teatros delirantes y su novela Los Siete Locos. Ese mundo de crónica y de vivencias diarias me llevaron a escribir los primeros relatos que, mezclados luego con Alejandro Dolina y Eduardo Galeano, fueron, si se quiere, mi primer “corpus” de cuentos. Uno fue publicado en su momento en un diario digital: La fuente del chajá. La necesidad de escribir surgió, en esos años, sólo como consecuencia de querer estar en la mesa con esas personas que uno admiraba y sigue admirando.
En este último año que pasó, 2021, tuve el placer de reencontrarme nuevamente con su obra para la cátedra de Taller de Escritura. No me voy a olvidar jamás el placer de la oscuridad que me brindó El Juguete Rabioso, esa sensación de estar en un mundo que pasó pero que sigue pasando y yo estoy ahí, siendo partícipe de eso, de ser un poco el personaje de la narración y a su vez que esa narración incida en mi forma de ver y comprender el mundo. 
Silvio Astier, el antihéroe argentino del encanto, el ladrón de libros: un promotor de la necesidad.
Gracias papá.
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Arlt, Roberto
El Juguete Rabioso. - 1º ed.
Buenos Aires: Nuevo Siglo, 1996. 111 p.
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horaciogennari · 3 years
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Cuando la Memoria te devuelve a Caminos que no Debiéramos Nunca Olvidar
Eran las 8:20 PM del 3 de enero del 2019. La luz del día se extendía algo cansada sobre uno de los tantos Lagos del Sur Argentino. Era el momento de las sombras alargadas, de silencios devueltos por leves golpeteos de pequeñas olas contra fatigados botes. Esos escasos, pero ansiados momentos de serenidad. Nada podía estar mal, pero lo estaba. Un émbolo, un trombo decidió también irse de paseo por la abierta Patagonia. Y allí, en ese lejano espacio, sin avisar, ni pedir permiso, ni decir “agua va”, un rayo en un solo segundo apagó para siempre la visión de mi ojo derecho. Súbito, fulminante, lapidario y sin vueltas, final. Ni la chance de sentir dolor alguno, ni de tomar reparos. Ciego de toda ceguera a mi diestra quedaba. Luego, los médicos diagnosticarían “Oclusión súbita de la arteria central de la retina”. Pero los lagos y mi mujer seguían frente y junto a mi y eso no era para nada poco. Saberse ciego para siempre de uno de sus ojos implica que debe empezar a cuidar y hasta amar a su ojo bueno. Quédese tranquilo el lector que no vengo contar nanas ni a ponerlo al día de mis sistemáticos estudios clínicos. Mi columna de opinión ya va por otro lado, así que le ruego que me acompañe. Serán seis minutos de reloj.
Cuál es el secreto de mis ojos y qué es por lo que ellos entraron a lo largo de mi vida? Cuáles son los recuerdos más profundos, en los sótanos más oscuros, en los rincones más extremos?. Y en la búsqueda de esas respuestas se le debieran a usted agolparse infinidad de instantes únicos e irrepetibles. Todo lo que entra por sus ojos (o por su tacto, o su olfato, o su oídos, o sus sabores) no solo van camino a sus remembranzas, sino por sobre todo, van camino a los aprendizajes, que no son otra cosa que la acumulación de experiencias.
Kai-Fu-Lee (1961-) es quizás la personalidad más destacada del mundo en temas relativos a Inteligencia Artificial (IA). Lee nació en Taiwán y actualmente vive en Beijing. Entre múltiples aportes a la tecnología moderna desarrolló un sistema de reconocimiento de voz continuo e independiente del hablante. Teniendo solo treinta años de edad hizo su primera presentación de IA al Leonardo Da Vinci de la Era Digital, Steve Jobs, CEO entonces de APPLE. Al año siguiente, el Wall Street Journal (teniendo Lee solo 32 años) lo ubicó en primera plana dando noticia mundial de sus fenomenales descubrimientos. Los aportes del Profesor Lee dieron pie a lo que hoy se llama “Deep Learning” (Aprendizaje Profundo), donde con máquinas, no ensambladas precisamente en depósitos desgravados de Tierra del Fuego, se está revolucionando una por una las profesiones y oficios de todo lo que se pueda imaginar. Estamos en tiempos de ejecución inmediata y no de poner continuamente sobre la mesa temas que el mundo ya ha dejado atrás. Seguramente es un derecho bien ganado la igualdad de géneros, pero más debiéramos luchar por la igualdad para poder estudiar, trabajar o recibir salud en forma equitativa. Ni mis ojos ni mis oídos gastarían un solo segundo en aprender idiomas inclusivos o tonteras semejantes, pero si pondría todo mi esfuerzo en tener un manejo perfecto del idioma inglés. Claro es más difícil aprender inglés que tirar las “e” por algunos sustantivos de género o escribir algunas “x” impronunciables por rincones de la retrógrada gramática que anacrónicos profetas quieren imponer.
Todos sabemos lo duro que se trabaja en China. Lee mismo nos cuenta que allí se definen a los trabajadores con un simple número de tres cifras. Preste atención y luego respóndase que número es usted. Por ejemplo, alguien es “996”, cuando comienza a trabajar a las nueve de la mañana, termina a las nueve de la noche y hace lo mismo seis días a la semana (996). Una variante más tempranera podría ser un “886” y si le gusta el alba métale con un “776”. Comience cuando comience esto es setenta y dos horas a la semana de trabajo con un solo día de descanso. Debo serle franco, salvo excepcionales fortunios, no creo que con un 934 ni aún con un 955, usted pueda progresar. Es así que China, en pocos años más, equiparará el liderazgo de USA.
USA es el país de los descubrimientos, las patentes, el desarrollo tecnológico sin freno, pero de los altos costos. China es el país de las implementaciones, de las fábricas “997”o más aún de las “007”, donde se trabaja a dos o tres turnos, siete días a la semana. Es así que China es el país del bajo costo y donde se produce gran parte de lo que se inventa en USA. Ambos mandan y mandarán en el mundo. Dos superpotencias trabajando conjuntamente. Esto llevará al planeta a una enorme riqueza y crecimiento en veinte años. No tengo duda alguna. Si la revolución industrial sumo millones de puestos de trabajo en líneas de producción y ensamble, la revolución de la inteligencia artificial sumará nuevas habilidades más relacionadas con las ciencias duras y de la misma manera que veremos desaparecer muchos trabajos actuales, veremos aparecer con furia nuevos puestos jamás imaginados. La IA necesitará más maestros, más enfermeros, más trabajos relacionados con la compasión y el servicio a nuestros mayores, más personas capacitadas para que se pueda enseñar a distancia. Y es aquí, donde a mis ojos vuelvo a recurrir.
Por mis ojos entraron recuerdos de fábricas funcionando, de veredas sucias de aceite o de aserrín amontonado de talleres barriales que funcionaban (996), de ver a mi padre (886) cansado llegar de su gira de ventas y pedirme que lo ayudara a acomodar facturas por orden alfabético. Por mis ojos se acumularon nostalgias de la buena educación, del respeto al hogar, de saber perfectamente lo que estaba bien y lo que estaba mal. Mi curva de aprendizaje se formó, a través de mis ojos, conociendo que cuanto más me acercara al “996” del Profesor Lee, más posibilidades tendría de progresar y salir adelante.
Mis ojos vieron que la familia era un sólido bloque de contención, en momentos en que tener una sola TV (en el cuarto compartido por todos) era una fiesta. Mis ojos vieron las calles de Lanús caminando hacia mi Escuela Pública No. 19, jamás con paros, una escuela “856”, ya que los sábados eran para el encuentro de las familias. Vi mesas con poca comida y donde se comía lo que había. Vi a mi abuela darle un beso al trozo de pan cuando este ya estaba viejo y no podía tener otro destino que la basura misma. Vi zapatos rotos y las manos de mamá para dar las caricias de comprensión. En mis ojos tengo el primer beso robado a una niña de por allí. Vi a papá llorando cuando perdimos la final del Mundo contra el Ínter allá por el 65.
Por mis ojos entraron esas cancheras pibas de Adrogué y ver venir el colectivo 318 y saber que “a toda persona mayor había que darle el asiento”. Pero lo más importante que vi, fue Trabajo, Estudio y Amor en la Familia. Quizás el mayor secreto de mis ojos es que aprendí y comprobé que con el Esfuerzo y la Educación se avanzaba, decididamente había que estar cerca del “996” del Profesor Lee.
Si sus ojos nunca leyeron un libro, si nunca se perdió entre libros de Cortázar, de Borges, de Arlt o cualquiera fuese, poco ha alimentado su alma. Si sus ojos nunca vieron un reloj para entender que a una soberana y única hora se debía comenzar la tarea, es que seguramente no se ha formado en la disciplina del orden. Confesar que ha vivido, es haber visto reproches de padres o de jefes o de maestros por no dar con la vara exigida. Me pregunto en que momento, todos los ojos todos, dejaron de comprender que los manuales del buen ciudadano no están ni escritos, ni se pueden comprar. Simplemente se aprenden y se respetan.
Compartida que fue mi isquemia patagónica, compartiré un secreto con usted. En algunas noches previas al sueño, en esos momentos donde la mente nos trae todos los compromisos que tenemos por enfrentar, mi método preferido de escape es ubicarme en un lugar y año determinado y tratar de recordar todo lo que mis ojos absorbieron en ese entonces. Quizás son pocos minutos, ya que Morfeo me viene a buscar casi siempre rápido. Mi mente se transforma en un auténtico teatro donde la pelota de trapo toma forma y el soldadito de plomo es de una magnitud mayor que cualquier PlayStation. Mis ojos, por los cuales entraron todas mis memorias, finalmente al sueño me llevan.
Y al igual que yo, quisiera que cierre sus ojos unos minutos y trate de recordar todo lo que entraron por ellos. Vieron o no una Argentina mejor? Vieron o no personas de una altura moral mejor que los acomodaticios que nos gobiernan? Vieron o no que el Dr. (Odontólogo) Héctor José Cámpora (1909-1980) nunca fue ni revolucionario, ni alborotador de mentes, ni acelerador de corazones. El ex Presidente, dentista, Dr. Cámpora gobernó por solo cuarenta y nueve días y consiguientes noches. Ni legado dejó, ya que fue expulsado del mismo Partido Justicialista en 1975, por la Sra. María Isabel Martínez de Perón. No se le conoce ni un libro, ni tan siquiera algunas hojas con pensamientos para debatir.
Escuche, toda su vida pasa y pasó por sus ojos. Suba la frente y mire. Perder la capacidad de observación es el camino a la ignorancia más profunda. Que sus ojos perdonen sus falsos pasos, pero que sus ojos le devuelvan las virtudes de su pasado. Sin olvido, pero con perdones. No puedo decir que ya he visto lo suficiente, pero gracias Señor por permitirme tener plena capacidad de visión en mi otro y solitario ojo.
Cuál es su número? Cuál es el Secreto de sus ojos?.
Tributo a Kai-Fu-Lee (1961-)
28 de febrero de 2021
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Muestra de ilustradores en CCR basada en Aguafuertes Porteñas de Roberto Arlt
Técnica mixta, digital
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hmandirola-blog · 5 years
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Roberto Arlt, autor de El juguete rabioso y Los siete locos, murió a los 42 en Buenos Aires el 26 de julio de 1942. Seis obras de Roberto Arlt en formato digital: - Los siete locos - Los Lanzallamas - El amor brujo - El juguete rabioso - Secretos femeninos - Aguafuertes porteñas https://www.instagram.com/p/B0pNWQ7AokR/?igshid=1447xxwakkn78
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OZ Makes Augmented Reality (AR) Detailing a Reality for Biopharma
OZ Makes Augmented Reality (AR) Detailing a Reality for Biopharma
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OZ’s AR-Detailing application is the first major innovation in physician Detailing for 20 years
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–lt;a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AR?src=hash&quot; target="_blank"gt;#ARlt;/agt;–OZ, a global consulting company enhancing customer experiences through digital innovation, recently launched a first-of-its-kind application that brings an augmented reality…
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whittlebaggett8 · 5 years
Chinese Tourism to US Drops for First Time in 15 Years
Right after far more than a 10 years of fast advancement, Chinese vacation to the United States is falling. And that has cities, malls, and other vacationer spots scrambling to reverse the pattern.
Travel from China to the United States fell 5.7 % in 2018 to 2.9 million readers, in accordance to the Countrywide Journey and Tourism Office, which collects facts from U.S. Customs types. It was the first time considering that 2003 that Chinese vacation to the U.S. slipped from the prior 12 months.
Friction among the United States and China is one explanation for the slowdown. The Trump administration initial imposed tariffs on Chinese solar panels and washing devices in January 2018, and the trade war has escalated from there. The United States now has a 25 p.c tariff on $200 billion worthy of of Chinese imports, whilst China has retaliated with tariffs on $60 billion of U.S. imports.
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Very last summertime, China issued a vacation warning for the United States, telling its citizens to beware of shootings, robberies, and high costs for healthcare care. The U.S. shot again with its have warning about travel to China.
Wang Haixia, who functions at an global trade organization in Beijing, traveled to the United States in May well for her sister’s graduation. She and her relatives prepared to invest 10 days in Illinois and New York.
Wang claims she may have stayed longer but does not want to lead to the U.S. economic system amid the trade war.
“I cannot terminate this vacation for the reason that I promised my sister I would go to her graduation,” she reported. “My family members will lead a lot more than 100,000 yuan to The us just being for 10 times, and that is ample.”
There are other factors powering the slowdown. Economic uncertainty in China has vacationers at the decrease finish of the market place vacationing closer to property, states Wolfgang Georg Arlt, director of the Chinese Outbound Tourism Investigate Institute, which located that 56 % of tourists leaving China in the very last three months of 2018 went to Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan when compared with 50 % in 2017. Those who do vacation farther are trying to get out additional unique destinations like Croatia, Morocco, and Nepal.
Chinese travel to the United States had already been moderating from its breakneck pace earlier this ten years. In 2000, 249,000 Chinese visited the U.S. That tripled to 802,000 by 2010, then tripled once again by 2015, in portion since of higher incomes, far better very long-haul flight connections, and an easing of visa constraints, according to McKinsey, the consulting business.
The United States welcomed a lot more than 3 million Chinese people in 2016 and 2017. But yr-in excess of-calendar year advancement edged up just 4 percent in 2017, the slowest speed in a lot more than a ten years.
Most business-watchers agree that any downturn is short term, considering the fact that China’s center class will only continue on to expand. The U.S. govt forecasts Chinese tourism will improve 2 p.c this calendar year to 3.3 million guests and will reach 4.1 million readers in 2023.
“Even if the Chinese economic system cools, it is nonetheless going to continue on to be a extremely excellent supply of progress for the journey marketplace,” mentioned David Huether, senior vice president of exploration for the U.S. Travel Association.
In basic, global travel to the United States has been declining. In general knowledge for 2018 hasn’t been released nevertheless, but worldwide journey fell 2 p.c in 2016 and was flat in 2017.
But because China commands some of the greatest tourism targeted visitors to the United States, any falloff will be felt by destinations that have arrive to rely on Chinese shelling out electricity. In 2017, the state experienced the fifth optimum variety of U.S.-bound visitors, powering Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Japan. Ten many years earlier, China was not even on the leading 10 record, slipping behind nations like Germany, France, South Korea, and Australia, in accordance to the National Vacation and Tourism Workplace.
China did not crack the best 10 checklist until 2011 and has been climbing at any time considering the fact that. Shelling out by Chinese readers — which doesn’t contain pupils — ballooned a lot more than 600 p.c between 2008 and 2016, to approximately $18.9 billion. In 2017, that fell by 1 percent to $18.8 billion, or about 12 percent of in general tourism shelling out.
To maintain on to those pounds, specialists say the tourism marketplace ought to do a lot more to retain up with Chinese tourists and their switching desires.
Larry Yu, a professor of hospitality administration at George Washington University, notes that Chinese tourists — significantly youthful types — are ever more preparing visits working with social media applications like WeChat and are significantly less probable to ebook via large tour groups. They have also promptly adopted smartphone-dependent payment techniques.
Destinations should commit in those people systems now if they want to continue on attracting Chinese travellers, suggests David Becker, previous CEO of Bring in China, a New York-centered journey consultancy.
“A great deal of organizations appeared at the Chinese market place as simple income, but we have to be suitable to the Chinese,” Becker stated. Entice China, for instance, has served luxury shops in Manhattan incorporate Jeenie, a dwell translation app, and insert Alipay and WeChat Pay for cell payments.
Other folks have also been stepping up their endeavours. The Beverly Centre shopping mall in Los Angeles caters to equally busloads of Chinese travelers and mid-dimension groups. But now it also focuses on smaller teams of less than 10 VIP buyers, suggests Susan Vance, the mall’s internet marketing and sponsorship director. The shopping mall has also pushed suppliers to give China UnionPay, a digital payment assistance. More than 100 merchants now have it, Vance says, up from three in 2014.
Tourism officers are also catching on to WeChat. In late 2017, Washington D.C. became the initial U.S. town to start an interactive tutorial in the app. Chinese tourists can use it to get instructions to attractions, entry audio tours in Mandarin and uncover eating and searching. The city’s internet marketing place of work has one personnel member committed to WeChat.
Washington also just lately released a Welcome China system that teaches resorts, dining places, and other venues about Chinese customs and encourages them to present issues like Chinese-language menus or in-area slippers. Forty-4 motels and a handful of restaurants have signed on.
Elliott Ferguson, president and CEO of Destination DC, the city’s promoting office, reported the number of Chinese travelers going to Washington doubled in the last 5 a long time right before slipping marginally in 2017. But Ferguson, who traveled to China last month to meet up with with tourism officials, mentioned there is nonetheless significant desire in travel to the United States.
“We’re beefing up our attempts mainly because we see there is so much prospective for development,” he stated.
By Dee-Ann Durbin for The Associated Press, with added reporting by Anne D’Innocenzio.
The post Chinese Tourism to US Drops for First Time in 15 Years appeared first on Defence Online.
from WordPress https://defenceonline.com/2019/05/29/chinese-tourism-to-us-drops-for-first-time-in-15-years/
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andrescasciani · 4 years
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"La mala resignación de los pobres" *Ilustración digital por Andrés Casciani sobre un relato de Roberto Arlt. - Editado en Revista Subte Nro 8 (Buenos Aires, enero de 2020) andrescasciani.com
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touristguidebuzz · 7 years
European Destinations Are Trying to Stand Out to Chinese Travelers
Destinations are increasingly using WeChat to market to Chinese travelers. Pictured are Chinese tourists at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. georgios kaleadis / Flickr
Skift Take: More destinations understand that WeChat is a different ball game than western channels and they're getting smarter about how to reach Chinese travelers on the platform. The challenge is showing how Paris, for instance, is different from a city in Belgium or Germany that also wants to attract more tourism.
— Dan Peltier
Many destinations from all corners of the globe are trying to reach Chinese travelers with ad and marketing messages as nearly 140 million Chinese traveled internationally last year.
The challenge in spreading those messages in China is making them stand out from competitors on platforms such as WeChat, the largest messaging and digital commerce mobile app in China.
That’s according to Roger Qiu, Ctrip’s general manager of destination marketing for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, who spoke during a call organized by the China Outbound Tourism Research Institute (COTRI) on Chinese tourism growth and trends in Europe in 2017 and beyond. Ctrip is China’s largest booking site and has been investing in tour operators and other tourism businesses to deepen its strength abroad.
Qiu said that many European destinations, which have experienced steep growth in Chinese arrivals in recent years, are having a difficult time differentiating themselves in photos and videos, for example, on WeChat.
“In Chinese travelers’ minds, many European countries are very similar,” Qiu said during the call. “But it’s not always about the picture, it’s the story behind the picture you have to educate our clients with.”
Having captivating photos and storylines on WeChat and other Chinese platforms is especially key for mobile bookings, said Qiu. Ctrip had twice as many mobile bookings as desktop during the first half of 2017. “Mobile will be a new trend for the Chinese tourist, especially for the young generations,” he said.
Helping Independent Chinese Travelers
WeChat is helping to enable Chinese travelers who want to take part in the increasingly popular option of traveling independently or taking semi-guided tours instead of sticking with a guide for an entire trip.
“Chinese tourists aren’t into low-standard tours anymore,” said Qiu. “Price isn’t the only influencing factor anymore with Chinese and might actually harm the reputation of the destination.”
Destinations need to diversify their activities on WeChat, not only with shopping but also the availability of local food, said Qiu. “The Chinese tourist is starting to enjoy more local activities such as amusement parks and museums,” he said. “Medical tourism is also becoming more and more popular.”
While packaged tours are still popular in China, the growth of travelers going without a tour has challenged Ctrip to make more customized itineraries. “For travelers going independently, some are looking for tickets to attractions on mobile last-minute,” said Qiu. “Some of our providers can only make tickets available one or two days before and can’t provide tickets in real time.”
Chinese travelers are tired of traveling overseas and only meeting other Chinese tourists, one reason why there’s a growing shift towards independent travel, said Wolfgang Arlt, founder and director of COTRI, also speaking during the call. “This has come up again and again in our research,” he said. “Chinese travelers want destinations to be ready for them and to see some Chinese but not too many.”
Chinese Tourism Growth in Europe
Chinese tourism has grown exponentially across Europe during the past decade and most recently, Northern and Eastern Europe have been welcoming particularly high volumes of Chinese travelers, COTRI data show. Northern European tourism boards such as Visit Norway, Visit Sweden, and Visit Finland have all been running marketing campaigns on WeChat, COTRI found.
In Serbia, Chinese arrivals are up 160 percent year-over-year for the first half of 2017 while arrivals for Poland and Croatia are both up more than 60 percent for the same period and Iceland’s arrivals are up nearly 57 percent (see chart below).
Western Europe still has the highest number of Chinese arrivals with Italy at 1.5 million for the first half of 2017 and France at 970,000, for example.
“More countries are getting opportunities to become popular in this fast-changing Chinese market,” said Arlt. “But it’s clear that the trend is to go to smaller European countries.”
The main drivers for increased Chinese tourism in Europe have been simplified visa procedures, more direct flight connections and more information readily available on Chinese platforms like WeChat, said Alrt.
“Schengen countries continue to open more visa application centers in China that help to shorten the visa processing time and a number of countries in Europe outside of the Schengen agreement recognize the visa for entries into their country from a Schengen country,” said Arlt. “However, it is still difficult for Chinese leisure travelers to get a multiple- entry visa for the EU.”
So far this year, 16 new routes were launched connecting Chinese airports with European airports, such as two new Milan routes and direct flights to Madrid and Barcelona.
But being able to manage that growth hasn’t been easy for some destinations, said Arlt. “Many destinations have been successful with getting large package tours from China, but many of those tours only stay for a few hours in some destinations,” he said. “They create what is called overtourism and a lot of problems for destinations.”
Besides marketing on WeChat, networking with Chinese living in Belgium has been one of the biggest assets for Wallonie Bruxelles Tourisme a Belgian, a region in southern Belgium, said Dominique Andre, manager of overseas and emerging markets for the region’s tourism board.
“It’s important to get local Chinese [residents’] thoughts about what we’re doing with tourism marketing,” she said. “Chinese living in Europe are very, very important. They’re in contact with their families and they can be our ambassadors in China.”
Year-Over-Year Growth in Chinese Arrivals for Select European Countries  
Country Percent Growth in Chinese Arrivals For First Half 2017 Serbia 161.7% Bosnia and Herzegovina 94.2% Montenegro 74.6% Poland 73.2% Croatia 67.6% Spain 64.4% Estonia 62.3% Iceland 56.7% Czech Republic 56.5% Finland 53.7% Hungary 52.4% Slovenia 49.2% Netherlands 42% Norway 40.9% Russia 32.2% Austria 28.6% Italy 26% France 24.4% Romania 21.9% Sweden 19.9% Germany 17.8% Macedonia 10.2% Switzerland 9.5% Cyprus 8.8% Denmark 4.4%
  Source: Chinese Outbound Tourism Research Institute
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rollinbrigittenv8 · 7 years
European Destinations Are Trying to Stand Out to Chinese Travelers
Destinations are increasingly using WeChat to market to Chinese travelers. Pictured are Chinese tourists at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. georgios kaleadis / Flickr
Skift Take: More destinations understand that WeChat is a different ball game than western channels and they're getting smarter about how to reach Chinese travelers on the platform. The challenge is showing how Paris, for instance, is different from a city in Belgium or Germany that also wants to attract more tourism.
— Dan Peltier
Many destinations from all corners of the globe are trying to reach Chinese travelers with ad and marketing messages as nearly 140 million Chinese traveled internationally last year.
The challenge in spreading those messages in China is making them stand out from competitors on platforms such as WeChat, the largest messaging and digital commerce mobile app in China.
That’s according to Roger Qiu, Ctrip’s general manager of destination marketing for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, who spoke during a call organized by the China Outbound Tourism Research Institute (COTRI) on Chinese tourism growth and trends in Europe in 2017 and beyond. Ctrip is China’s largest booking site and has been investing in tour operators and other tourism businesses to deepen its strength abroad.
Qiu said that many European destinations, which have experienced steep growth in Chinese arrivals in recent years, are having a difficult time differentiating themselves in photos and videos, for example, on WeChat.
“In Chinese travelers’ minds, many European countries are very similar,” Qiu said during the call. “But it’s not always about the picture, it’s the story behind the picture you have to educate our clients with.”
Having captivating photos and storylines on WeChat and other Chinese platforms is especially key for mobile bookings, said Qiu. Ctrip had twice as many mobile bookings as desktop during the first half of 2017. “Mobile will be a new trend for the Chinese tourist, especially for the young generations,” he said.
Helping Independent Chinese Travelers
WeChat is helping to enable Chinese travelers who want to take part in the increasingly popular option of traveling independently or taking semi-guided tours instead of sticking with a guide for an entire trip.
“Chinese tourists aren’t into low-standard tours anymore,” said Qiu. “Price isn’t the only influencing factor anymore with Chinese and might actually harm the reputation of the destination.”
Destinations need to diversify their activities on WeChat, not only with shopping but also the availability of local food, said Qiu. “The Chinese tourist is starting to enjoy more local activities such as amusement parks and museums,” he said. “Medical tourism is also becoming more and more popular.”
While packaged tours are still popular in China, the growth of travelers going without a tour has challenged Ctrip to make more customized itineraries. “For travelers going independently, some are looking for tickets to attractions on mobile last-minute,” said Qiu. “Some of our providers can only make tickets available one or two days before and can’t provide tickets in real time.”
Chinese travelers are tired of traveling overseas and only meeting other Chinese tourists, one reason why there’s a growing shift towards independent travel, said Wolfgang Arlt, founder and director of COTRI, also speaking during the call. “This has come up again and again in our research,” he said. “Chinese travelers want destinations to be ready for them and to see some Chinese but not too many.”
Chinese Tourism Growth in Europe
Chinese tourism has grown exponentially across Europe during the past decade and most recently, Northern and Eastern Europe have been welcoming particularly high volumes of Chinese travelers, COTRI data show. Northern European tourism boards such as Visit Norway, Visit Sweden, and Visit Finland have all been running marketing campaigns on WeChat, COTRI found.
In Serbia, Chinese arrivals are up 160 percent year-over-year for the first half of 2017 while arrivals for Poland and Croatia are both up more than 60 percent for the same period and Iceland’s arrivals are up nearly 57 percent (see chart below).
Western Europe still has the highest number of Chinese arrivals with Italy at 1.5 million for the first half of 2017 and France at 970,000, for example.
“More countries are getting opportunities to become popular in this fast-changing Chinese market,” said Arlt. “But it’s clear that the trend is to go to smaller European countries.”
The main drivers for increased Chinese tourism in Europe have been simplified visa procedures, more direct flight connections and more information readily available on Chinese platforms like WeChat, said Alrt.
“Schengen countries continue to open more visa application centers in China that help to shorten the visa processing time and a number of countries in Europe outside of the Schengen agreement recognize the visa for entries into their country from a Schengen country,” said Arlt. “However, it is still difficult for Chinese leisure travelers to get a multiple- entry visa for the EU.”
So far this year, 16 new routes were launched connecting Chinese airports with European airports, such as two new Milan routes and direct flights to Madrid and Barcelona.
But being able to manage that growth hasn’t been easy for some destinations, said Arlt. “Many destinations have been successful with getting large package tours from China, but many of those tours only stay for a few hours in some destinations,” he said. “They create what is called overtourism and a lot of problems for destinations.”
Besides marketing on WeChat, networking with Chinese living in Belgium has been one of the biggest assets for Wallonie Bruxelles Tourisme a Belgian, a region in southern Belgium, said Dominique Andre, manager of overseas and emerging markets for the region’s tourism board.
“It’s important to get local Chinese [residents’] thoughts about what we’re doing with tourism marketing,” she said. “Chinese living in Europe are very, very important. They’re in contact with their families and they can be our ambassadors in China.”
Year-Over-Year Growth in Chinese Arrivals for Select European Countries  
Country Percent Growth in Chinese Arrivals For First Half 2017 Serbia 161.7% Bosnia and Herzegovina 94.2% Montenegro 74.6% Poland 73.2% Croatia 67.6% Spain 64.4% Estonia 62.3% Iceland 56.7% Czech Republic 56.5% Finland 53.7% Hungary 52.4% Slovenia 49.2% Netherlands 42% Norway 40.9% Russia 32.2% Austria 28.6% Italy 26% France 24.4% Romania 21.9% Sweden 19.9% Germany 17.8% Macedonia 10.2% Switzerland 9.5% Cyprus 8.8% Denmark 4.4%
Source: Chinese Outbound Tourism Research Institute
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aleyamilcordoba · 7 years
Los 'Amigos de Fierro' de Raota, en una publicación paranaense
El sitio web '170 escalones' (ver aparte) acaba de publicar un artículo sobre las fotografías que forman parte de la colección 'Amigos de Fierro', presentada por José Luis Raota en Villaguay en 2013. "La idea era retratar la relación profundamente humana que establecen algunas personas con sus autos: esa amistad que se inició cuando apretaron el acelerador por primera vez", recuerda José Luis en la publicación.  Dice además que llevar el proyecto a la práctica le demandó tres años de trabajo: comenzó con película analógica y terminó en digital. El resultado es un conjunto de imágenes de numerosos personajes de Villaguay, la mayoría retratados en blanco y negro, posando junto si auto, su 'chata', su Estanciera, su camioneta y todos esos compañeros a los que no cambiarían por nada en el mundo. "Son los vehículos que los llevaron de viaje, que sirvieron para enseñarles a sus hijos a manejar y que ahora disfrutan sus nietos. Son tesoros andantes que suelen verse mejores que cualquier auto nuevo", dice Raota.  La muestra tuvo su lanzamiento en Villaguay en 2013, con la presencia de varios de los protagonistas: los de carne y hueso y también los de "fierro". Luego, la exposición fue presentada en otras ciudades. "Está pensada para que sea itinerante, porque más allá de que las fotografías pertenecen a gente de Villaguay, retratan una situación que se da en muchos lugares", explica el autor.
   170 escalones El sitio '170 escalones' es una publicación sobre arte y cultura, creada por Pablo Russo, Franco Giorda y el villaguayense Manuel Siri: los tres residen en Paraná y están ligados a la actividad en medios de comunicación. Para bautizar a su página recordaron a "las escalinatas que suman ciento setenta escalones", descriptas por Roberto Arlt cuando hizo pie en el puerto y las barrancas parquizadas de la capital entrerriana. "Subimos, bajamos y nos detenemos en cada uno de esos 170 escalones que sortean el accidente barrancoso entre el río y la ciudad. Nuestro impulso es la curiosidad, y pensamos cada peldaño y cada descanso como la posibilidad de mirar, conversar, escribir, ilustrar o fotografiar", expresan los autores para explicar el nombre de su publicación y describir sus objetivos. "Rescatamos testimonios, vidas, obras, trabajos. Lo hacemos tanto en el jardín florido como en el basural. Vamos tras la humanidad en las calles y la realidad detenida debajo de las gradas. Esperamos contar con la osadía y la perspicacia que nos permitan la originalidad, la libertad y la experimentación para narrar", manifiestan, en una suerte de declaración de principios. via Blogger http://diariovillaguay.blogspot.com/2017/09/los-amigos-de-fierro-de-raota-en-una.html
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almaclara · 7 years
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This is the lineup for saturday's #artblock #LDCC on #periscope . I'll be livestreaming from 8-9pm EST arlt periscope.tv/ Lvolpintesta and most likely ve showing you some awesome new tool i got called #theslate @iskn which lets you sketch in pencil and paper into a #digital #drawing...CURIOUS? Then come to the livestream!!!! #fashionillustration #digitalsketching #fashionsketching #fashiondrawing #periscopeapp #artistsofperiscope #periscopeartists
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andrescasciani · 4 years
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"Impresiones de un porteño en El Azul" *Ilustración digital por Andrés Casciani sobre un relato de Roberto Arlt. - Editado en Revista Subte Nro 8 (Buenos Aires, enero de 2020) andrescasciani.com
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andrescasciani · 4 years
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Nueva Revista SUBTE (Nro 8 - Buenos Aires - enero 2020) *portada e interiores ilustradas por Andrés Casciani sobre textos recuperados de Roberto Arlt. No te la pierdas! andrescasciani.com
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