#divya: enemies
nakatomi-ayumu · 1 month
enemies | divya & ayumu
for: @divya-effendi location: vievecor city park
It was pretty much hate at first sight for Ayumu when it came to the Effendi coven leader. They still remembered the time many years ago when Divya was much younger and practicing spirit magic, or so she said, and ended up summoning them into her living room.
How dare she?
Who gave her the right to summon an ancient spirit like them for a practice run? Ayumu had chewed the much younger Divya Effendi out back then and disappeared in the next instant and in the years that followed, they never let the witch live it down.
"What are you doing in my presence, you third-grade witch?" the spirit sneered at Divya as she walked past them in the park that day, uncaring of how rude they came across to a coven leader because this rudeness was reserved just for her.
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wereoz · 2 months
the way that divya and eduardo are at 100% slay capacity 24/7 but they CANNOT ever maximise their joint slay due to their status as mortal enemies because (unfortunately) they suffer from being down bad for some random loser…….
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mythrae · 8 months
Maybe some questions for Divya?? 12, 19, 22, 32, 52
kisses for u thank u so much 🫶🏻💖
original asks linked here!
(under cut bc it’s long)
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
It’s kinda silly for her to admit, but she always cracks up laughing when she sees people fall. Enemy gets knocked to the ground from a powerful Eldritch Blast? Hilarious. Companion slips on ice and falls flat on their ass? Comical. She’ll even laugh at herself if she falls, as long as it’s not from an enemy hit.
NOTE: she does not find it funny when members of her party or her allies are downed, that would be cruel :)
19. What would they do stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Even after all her years training as a monk, Divya prefers to not be confrontational. So at first she would probably ignore them until they say something to her. She’ll be sitting there like that one picture of the taxidermy fox like
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22. What simple activity that most people do/can do scares the character?
Divya cannot cook because she’s scared of fire. Ironic, because she is a tiefling. But due to recent events of Elturel descending into the hells, he fear has come back tenfold. Prepping food without heat? That’s fine. But do not let her cook for your party.
32. If they committed one petty crime/misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
You know that scene in Aladdin where Princess Jasmine had disguised herself as a commoner and she gave a child an apple from a shopkeeper’s cart and just… didn’t pay? It would be something like that (minus the disguise part). Thoughtful because she wants to help others, especially the helpless, but thoughtless because she gave her bag of coin to Wyll and has no money on her.
52. Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
When she was younger, Divya definitely acted on her emotions more often. But as she matured and developed her skills as a monk, she became more reasonable, getting facts from all sides before making any rash decisions.
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justmybookthots · 10 months
The Jasad Heir
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3.25/5 stars
This is a strange one for me. On the surface, it ticks off most boxes. The prose, and its lack of anachronism (given the kind of medieval lifestyle of the cast)? Good! It’s very to my taste. The characterisation of the male lead, Arin? Fantastic. I remember being so pleasantly surprised when I first read his introduction, which I had been wary about, because most male leads have been horrifically portrayed for me. I admired his cool temperament, and his intelligence was well-depicted too. Also the slow-burn? The enemies to lovers trope? The trials? All boxes that I want ticked off. 
So what went wrong?
The problem with this book, while mostly inoffensive, is that it’s very underwhelming. Usually, I start off every book feeling mild interest, and I tend to read a chapter or so, then take a short break before coming back, then rinse and repeat. If the book is good, about some way through I stop taking breaks and start reading it non-stop. 
This “some way through” never happened with The Jasad Heir for me. In fact, it took me roughly a week to finish it (to be fair, it is a big book), and that was with me pushing through because I needed to move on to my other books.
Crooked Kingdom is about the same length, and I finished it in one day.
I don’t know what’s wrong with The Jasad Heir. Not exactly, anyway. It’s just lacking that little spark that makes my heart skip a beat. I think a large part of it is the pacing. You have a very intriguing premise and good writing and intriguing characterisation of your male lead, but the way the moving pieces are set in place is… lacking. The trials needed to be a bigger deal than they were, and not pushed to the ending of the book. The other competitors—especially the girl (can’t remember her name. Divya?? She had so much promise)—were wasted potential and just brushed to the side. 
Moreover, I need to add that the main character was... a little TSTL at times, and her friends didn't really add anything to the story other than serve as a catalyst for her magic. So not even all the moving pieces were good.
The tension just wasn’t there. The singular peak in the story that I enjoyed was when Sylvia, the heroine, was jealous of Arin’s relationship with another girl—good, good, there’s tension—then she leaves and is stabbed by one of the rebels, and she almost dies. (Again, good—I actually feel the stakes, though I know she’s not going to die, of course, but this doesn’t seem like something she’s going to bounce back from easily.) Arin is frustrated and makes the choice to save her life rather than pursue the rebel, which was a very pivotal point for his character because he’d originally only kept Sylvia around to catch the rebels. 
After that, the tension ebbed into nothing, and I just didn’t care anymore. Am I supposed to feel shocked at the reveal of one of the rebels' identity? They were just someone Sylvia mentioned fleetingly from the past; I didn’t even remember their name until I searched it up as a keyword in the ebook, and was like, oh. Yeah, she mentioned this person one time or something. 
This book is a debut, and it definitely feels like one. It could do with several rounds of editing and a restructuring of the storyline to raise the stakes and up the tension. I also didn’t feel much for the romance, which, if I looked at it clinically, I should have. I don’t know why. I really don’t. When they had their first kiss, I was just like, mm'kay. It goes to show a story is more than specific jigsaw pieces I like, because if they misalign, the complete picture is nothing but wasted potential. 
But! Some credit should be given where credit is due. I liked how Arin's reveal to be a somewhat decent person was more digestible than, say, Rhysand's portrayal, where SJM practically shoved down my throat what a great, woooooonderful ruler he was. I won't go further than that, because the ACoTAR series is a special nightmare of its own that I don't wish to touch upon here.
That said, I will read The Jasad Heir's sequel when it comes out because the premise we've been left with is very interesting. Let's hope it hits better then.
- 6 Aug 2023
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Book Recommendations: More New Science Fiction 
Meru by S.B. Divya
For five centuries, human life has been restricted to Earth, while posthuman descendants called alloys freely explore the galaxy. But when the Earthlike planet of Meru is discovered, two unlikely companions venture forth to test the habitability of this unoccupied new world and the future of human-alloy relations.
For Jayanthi, the adopted human child of alloy parents, it’s an opportunity to rectify the ancient reputation of her species as avaricious and destructive, and to give humanity a new place in the universe. For Vaha, Jayanthi’s alloy pilot, it’s a daunting yet irresistible adventure to find success as an individual.
As the journey challenges their resolve in unexpected ways, the two form a bond that only deepens with their time alone on Meru. But how can Jayanthi succeed at freeing humanity from its past when she and Vaha have been set up to fail?
Against all odds, hope is human, too.
This is the first volume in “The Alloy Era” series. 
The Shattered Skies by John Birmingham
The Sturm, a group of "species purists" intent on destroying any human with genetic or cybernetic enhancements, returned from the far reaches of Dark Space to strike a devastating blow against humanity. Though their victory seemed inevitable, a small group of reluctant heroes managed to beat back the invading force. Now left with the remains of a crippled civilization, they must work together to rebuild--and to stand guard, in case those weren't the only enemies hiding in the dark...
This is the second volume in “The Cruel Stars” series. 
Eversion by Alastair Reynolds 
In the 1800s, a sailing ship crashes off the coast of Norway. In the 1900s, a Zepellin explores an icy canyon in Antarctica. In the far future, a spaceship sets out for an alien artifact. Each excursion goes horribly wrong. And on every journey, Dr. Silas Coade is the physician, but only Silas seems to realize that these events keep repeating themselves. And it's up to him to figure out why and how. And how to stop it all from happening again.
Invisible Things by Mat Johnson 
When sociologist Nalini Jackson joins the SS Delany for the first manned mission to Jupiter, all she wants is a career opportunity: the chance to conduct the first field study of group dynamics on long-haul cryoships. But what she discovers instead is an entire city encased in a bubble on Europa, Jupiter's largest moon.
Even more unexpected, Nalini and the rest of the crew soon find themselves abducted and joining its captive population, forced to start new lives in a place called New Roanoke.
New Roanoke is a city riven by wealth inequality and governed by a feckless, predatory elite, its economy run on heedless consumption and income inequality. But in other ways it's different from the cities we already know: it's covered by an enormous dome, it's populated by alien abductees, and it happens to be terrorized by an invisible entity so disturbing that no one even dares acknowledge its existence.
Albuquerque chauffeur Chase Eubanks is pretty darn sure aliens stole his wife. People mock him for saying that, but he doesn't care who knows it. So when his philanthropist boss funds a top-secret rescue mission to save New Roanoke's abductees, Chase jumps at the chance to find her. The plan: Get the astronauts out and provide the population with the tech they need to escape this alien world. The reality: Nothing is ever simple when dealing with the complex, contradictory, and contrarian impulses of everyday earthlings.
This is a madcap, surreal adventure into a Jovian mirror world, one grappling with the same polarized politics, existential crises, and mass denialism that obsess and divide our own. Will New Roanoke survive? Will we?
We Won’t Be Here Tomorrow and Other Stories by Margaret Killjoy
Death cults, queer love, and the end of everything.
Spaceships, man-eating lesbian mermaids, swords, spears, demons, ghouls, thieves, hitchhikers, and life in the margins. Margaret Killjoy’s stories have appeared for years in the science fiction and fantasy magazines both major and indie. Here, we have collected the best previously published work along with brand new material. Ranging in theme and tone, these imaginative tales bring the reader on a wild and moving ride. They’ll encounter a hacker who programs drones to troll CEOs into quitting; a group of LARPers who decide to live as orcs in the burned forests of Oregon; queer, teen love in a death cult; the terraforming of a climate-changed Earth; polyamorous love on an anarchist tea farm during the apocalypse; and much more. Killjoy writes fearless, mind-expanding fiction that is redefining the genre.
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
From the adjective ask game: 9, 22, 23, and 27, please?
9. Reliable
I'd say tis a tie between Prim and Divya. They both will do what it takes and you can 100% trust them to do the job and tell them your darkest secrets, they will never tell, ever
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22. Introverted
I'd say Jesse. That man is scared of his own species lol (with a few exceptions) and is the most socially awkward man ever. Homeboy can't make a conversation 😭😭😭 we love him anyway tho
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23. Extroverted
I'd say Isabelle. Truly, she has too many friends and very few enemies. She's a sweetheart
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27. Anxious
Oof, Adonis! His fear gets the best of him and rarely shows it, it's more on the inside.
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oftatteredwings · 1 year
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heather ; she/her — gmt — 30+
nottinghillstart — all intros here.
addison bailey ( theo james ). he/him. 35. manny. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
vegas ex wife. ( wc on main. ) ( amelia bennett. )
the big ex. ( kali ngo. )
client he had an affair with.
current/past clients, etc.
close friends. ( finch fletcher. )
alana smith ( jenna coleman ). she/her. 35. owner of piece of cake. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
siblings ( 3/3 ). ( wc on main. ) ( spencer, rowan & jasper smith. )
ex boyfriend from 18-25. london based. ( wc on main. ) ( shot cameron. )
short-lived exes since 25.
best friend.
swimming friends.
regular customers.
alexander ‘alex’ metcalfe ( josh hutcherson ). he/him. 29. staff at heart and soul gallery/artist. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
older sisters ( 0/2 ).
possible love interest. ( spencer smith, callum belrose. )
close friends.
ex best-friend.
art connections.
alexander ‘xander’ taylor ( joe keery ). he/him. 31. sales assistant at forbidden planet. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
spouse. ( zibby spiegel. )
siblings-in-law. ( ophi & levi spiegel. )
cousins (1/2). ( wc on main. ) ( nix edwards. )
the one disastrous ex.
close friends.
d&d members. ( jett corrigan-ortiz. )
amber stevenson ( freema agyeman ). she/her. 42. midwife. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
friend to lover. london & hospital based. ( wc on main. )
best friend.
those whose babies she’s delivered.
attempted/failed dates & relationships.
fellow people who attend groups. ( kirby cerulli. )
ana valle ( camila mendes ). she/her. 25. personal assistant. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
boss. ( divya mathur. )
high school/college ex.
the bestest of best friends. ( sawyer faust. )
group of girlfriends.( zizi deliz, michaela cunningham. )
fwb... she’s not good with relationships now.
christian muhire ( ncuti gatwa ). he/him. 28. barista at the grind. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
siblings/adopted siblings (1/7). it is a very big family lol. ( cameron & freddie muhire. )
flatmate/friend he moved to notting hill with.
close friends.
partying friends.
connor barrie ( jonah hauer-king ). he/him. 27. postman/student. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
coming soon...
ellora ‘elle’ chari ( simone ashley ). she/her. 25. zoo keeper at london zoo. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
flatmates. ( blair sandoval & dawson dagon. )
ex who helped her realise things. 
fellow london zoo staff.
close friends.
best friend. 
emma ainsley ( margot robbie ). she/her. 32. sfx make-up artist. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
younger sister. ( marty ainsley. )
exes. ( hawk campbell. )
disastrous dates.
close friends.
work connections. ( eve nam. )
emmanuel ‘manny’ taiwo ( toheeb jimoh ). he/him. 24. staff at knock out gym/lifeguard. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
brother. ( very close in age. )
flatmates (3/3). ( ryan jedda, mal montgomery & jasper smith. )
convention/cosplay friends.
sports friends.
unlikely enemies.
evan phillips ( nick robinson ). he/they. 28. bartender at the wolfe’s den. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
cousin that took evan in.
roommate. ( tully harris. )
close friends.
old school friends from eton.
exes. ( blair sandoval. )
father figure.
gabriel ‘gabe’ amiri ( anthony keyvan). he/him. 22. pottery instructor at come clay with us/student. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
will they, won’t they relationship.
best friend. ( calliope jones. )
good friends.
fellow students.
like a sibling to me.
hayden foss ( michael cimino ). he/they. 22. cashier at skate me out tonight skate shop/student. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
adopted siblings (1/2). ( petri foss. )
flatmate. ( petri foss. )
close friends. ( leonardo cline. )
pretty serious ex since arriving.
crush. ( rebel bravo. )
holly berne ( lily james ). they/them. 30. owner of holly’s sweet treats/blogger. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
twin brother. ( wc on main. ) ( klaus berne. )
other siblings (0/4). 2 younger. 2 older.
the one who got away. nyc based.
best friend.
their one employee for holly’s sweet treats. ( hikari saito. )
iris flores ( america ferrera ). she/her. 37. florist. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
best friend she house shares with.
close friends.
people she employs for her floristry business.
sister from another mister/brother from another mother.
jason ‘jace’ montgomery ( freddie fox ). he/they. 28. server at farmacy. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
fellow montgomerys. ( mal montgomery. )
flatmates (2/2). ( wc on main. ) ( jett corrigan-ortiz & callum belrose. )
close circle of friends.
jonah matthews ( kit harington ). he/him. 35. general practitioner.  ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
two sisters.
ex/mother of luke.
ex fiancé. ( scarlett turner. )
close friends.
fellow aa members.
joshua ‘josh’ bell ( darren barnet ). he/him. 31. deliveroo rider/gardener. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
flatmate. ( cameron muhire. )
close friend from home. canada based.
good friends.
fellow adrenaline junkies.
frequent deliveroo people & those he gardens for.
flirtation. ( rachel riley, katya mikhailova. )
kian zhang ( harry shum jr. ). he/him. 39. owner & head stylist at kian zhang hair. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
twin sister. ( aurelia zhang. )
ex-boyfriend. ( wc on main. )
ex-wife/mother of his child.
clients at the salon.
close friends.
layla campbell ( antonia thomas ). she/her. 35. book editor. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
old friend from home who helped her.
close friends.
writers she works with. ( alexander munroe, agustin baeza. )
people she met through her addiction program.
leah de león ( adria arjona ). she/her. 30. owner of next chapter bookstore. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
coming soon...
leo thorsen ( will poulter ). he/him. 29. nature photographer/odd job man. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
sister. ( astrid thorsen. )
estranged wife. ( wc on main. ) ( sissy garrett-thorsen. )
best friend.
friends since moving to london.
fellow amateur photographers.
lily-grace belrose ( karen gillan ). she/her. 33. dressmaker & designer. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. ) ( old interactions. )
siblings (1/2). ( callum belrose. )
ex-boyfriend from high school. ( details in intro. )
best friend. ( scarlett turner. )
close friends.
other exes
marco ricci ( milo ventimiglia ). he/him. 43. owner & head chef at ricci’s. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
younger siblings (0/2).
the ‘i did try’ ex. ( aurelia zhang. )
best friend/second in command. ( wc on main. )
close friends.
regular customers.
mei xuan ( lana condor ). she/her. 27. musician/jewellery maker. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
band members. ( caleb ryan, avi horovitz & dani stokes. )
will they won’t they relationship.
past relationships.
regular jewellery customers.
best friends. ( davina alvarez. )
moon tae ( sang heon lee ). he/him. 26. host at ricci’s. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
the one that got away.
band members (4/4). ( jaden lapointe, liam kumar, jedi feng & jett corrigan-ortiz. )
best friend.
close friends.
natasha ‘nat’ lee ( lydia west ). she/her. 28. disney vlogger. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
best friends.
other disney enthusiasts.
fans of her youtube channel.
nathan ‘nate’ young ( ryan gosling ). he/him. 40. photographer. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
college ex-boyfriend. nyc based.
the one he had an affair with. nyc/la based & male.
good friends.
owen marr ( phil dunster ). he/him. 30. personal trainer/fitness guru.  ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
siblings. ( 3/3. ) ( sparrow, jagger & wilde marr. )
best friend. ( kash bronson. )
mother of his daughter. ( guin judd. )
good friends. ( scarlett turner. )
stephen meyer ( josh duhamel ). he/him. 50. band manager. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
long term partner. ( wc on main. ) ( charlie beck. )
secret child. ( wc on main. ) ( auden meyer. )
niece. ( jovi  dicamillo. )
members of the bands he manages. ( caleb ryan, avi horovitz, dani stokes. )
best friend/good friends.
sunny reyes ( victoria justice ). she/they. 28. nail technician/gymnastics coach. ( intro. interactions. face. musings. )
half-siblings (0/2). ( both older. )
on and off boyfriend.
best friend.
fellow na members. ( river reyes. )
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song-tam · 3 years
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Um Dani? I have a question about LBAF.
So. Remember in LoS, when Malec came to the rescue of the Blackthorns? Tavvy, Rafe and Max were made to stay together as in here:
Magnus glanced fleetingly at Alec. “After we eat we need to send the children to Idris. Diana’s standing by on the other side to help us keep the Portal open, and I don’t want her to have to wait too long.”
It was kind of him, Julian thought, to phrase it as if sending the children to Alicante was a favor Magnus was doing Diana, rather than a precaution taken to protect them. Tavvy skipped along with Rafe and Max to the dining room and Julian felt a pang, realizing how much his little brother had missed having friends close to his own age, even if he hadn’t known it.
So here's the confusion:
In LBAF, you mention that Rafe and Anjali are of the same age, aka teenagers. But in Canon, it's written that around QoAaD, Divya and Diego had just started to realize their friendship meant more. Like, Diego had a slight inkling, since he was still not over Cristina. In QoAaD, it says that Diego was brightly chatting with Divya about something (nerd stuff probably), which means that they are a huuuuge way from getting married and having kids.
Also, let's face it, Rafe's around 8 years here.
Divya and Diego are around 18 here.
They have a 10-year age gap!
Surely Anjali would be around 9-10 years younger than Rafe, provided the lovebirds do marry within two years after the Cold War.
Of course, I know we can manipulate Canon to our liking in our fanfics, but this kinda seems like a stretch?
Also. Selena and Lexi.
You say they are around 4 years younger than Rafe.
Clary was supposed to marry Jace in the Wicked Powers, five years in the future. Which means Rafe is now around 13 years. Aaaand seeing how badassy Clary is, I don't think Clary would have kids that early.
I mean, yeah, she could, but it's Clary. It just seems unlikely.
Selena and Lexi would be... around 15 years younger than my bebe Rafe?
Also. Georgia.
Isabelle is same as Clary, I think, she would want to have kids, but not as early (her case is different since she's already married, but I think she would have a kid later, not that early). Not to mention, if Gigi is as old as the twins, Rafe's 14-15 years older than her too?
David could be adopted when he is adopted, but he's still be around 9-10 years younger 😭. (Mavid could still work, since Max's aging would slow down but again, we don't know when that would happen 😭)
Lmao timelines are so confusing at times.
But, I swear, I have nothing against LBAF. I love the gang, I love Rafe and Anjali and the enemies-to-lovers trope, I love Max And David and their pure love, I love Lexi and her chaos, Liv and her drama, and their fake dating trope (!!!), I love Selena and her Magnus Fandom™, and all their chaos, and I love you, but I was just really confused. Feel free to delete this ask if you want, go right ahead. But I was doing a deeply thought out research on LBAF vs Canon and was just terribly confused.
Again mentioning this, we can bend Canon to how we see or want it (like I did in IWACU) but again, Rafe would have to be Peter Pan or go back in time, which I... don't think he does.
Lmao, I did delve right into this, didn't I?
(Also, TMI, but I was thinking about this in the shower 😂😂😂)
Oof okay. Not you making me do math on a Sunday.
Rafael and Anjali - Rafe was actually five years old in Qoaad. Max was three. Tavvy was seven.
And Anjali is adopted. She would have been around 7 when they adopted her. It's mentioned in part 01.
"Jace knew many children had been orphaned by the war with the cohort - like Diego’s daughter, who had been adopted from the Chennai Institute."
- Chapter 1.
“But how could you not care?” Selena asked, feeling utterly confused. “Don’t you want to go back?”
“I lost my parents in Idris,” Anjali said, her voice low. “I don’t ever want to go back there. The cohort can set it on fire, and I would gladly watch it burn.”
- Chapter 3.
Lexi and Selena -
I completely agree that Clary has the vibes of someone who wants to wait longer to have kids, but for the sake of the story, they had the twins right after they got married. I don't think that's a stretch tho.
The twins are only six years younger than Rafael. Which means they were born one year after the event of TDA (again, he was only 5 at this time)
Same goes with Gigi. She is seven years younger than him, not 14-15 lol. I feel like you have confused Rafael's age or got the years wrong or something.
And David and Max are the same age. They are both 19. I don't understand where the 10 year age gap came from....
Let me know if it makes more sense to you now :)
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zerogate · 2 years
Although sexual attraction seems to play a role in both modern and Vedic abduction stories, there may also be other motivating factors. The abduction of King Duryodhana in the Mahābhārata is an example in which the underlying motives involved politics and military strategy. King Duryodhana once had an encounter with some Gandharvas, who had cordoned off an area around a lake for recreational purposes and had blocked Duryodhana’s army from entering. When Duryodhana tried to enter anyway, a fierce battle took place, and he was captured by the Gandharva forces.
At this point, Arjuna, who was staying nearby, used his political connections with the Gandharvas to free Duryodhana. Arjuna and his brothers had been driven into exile by Duryodhana, but Arjuna intervened to save him from the Gandharvas on the grounds that he was a relative and a human being. Duryodhana was humiliated at being saved by a person he had scorned and mistreated as an enemy, and he decided to give up everything and fast unto death.
However, it seems that some other parties had long-standing plans for Duryodhana, and they weren’t at all pleased by this turn of events:
Thereupon the Daityas and Dānavas, hearing of his decision, the gruesome denizens of the nether world who had been defeated by the Gods, now, in the knowledge that Duryodhana would wreck their party, performed a sacrificial rite in order to summon him.
With mantras, the Dānavas summoned a “wondrous woman with gaping mouth,” and asked her to fetch Duryodhana. This woman was a Kṛtyā, a type of demonic being, and she was able to transport the king by mystical travel: “Kṛtyā gave her promise and went forth and in a twinkling of the eye went to King Suyodhana [Duryodhana]. She took the king and entered the nether world and a little while after handed him over to the Dānavas.”
The “nether world” is not exactly the region beneath the surface of the earth. According to the Vedic literature, there are three regions known as Svarga, or heaven. These are delineated in relation to the ecliptic, or the orbital path of the sun against the background of fixed stars. There is Divya-svarga (divine heaven), the region of the heavens to the north of the ecliptic; Bhauma-svarga (earthly heaven), in roughly the plane of the ecliptic; and Bila-svarga (subterranean heaven), to the south of the ecliptic. The Bhauma-svarga is sometimes referred to as Bhū-maṇḍala, and it is the “flat earth” mentioned previously. The “nether world” is Bila-svarga. It is “out there” in the heavens, but at the same time it can be reached through mystical travel by entering into the earth. The nether regions can also be entered by taking the pitṛ-yāna path, which is said in the Viṣṇu Purāṇa to begin near the constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius and extend to the south in the direction of the star Agastya, or Canopus.
Once Duryodhana was in the presence of the Dānavas, they explained to him that his birth on earth was arranged in advance as part of their plan. His great bodily strength and his near immunity to weapons were arranged by their manipulations. He therefore shouldn’t spoil everything by taking his life. Dānavas and Daityas, taking birth as earthly heroes, would assist him in his battle with the Pāṇḍavas. The Dānavas also pointed out that they would use mind control to make sure that this battle had the desired outcome:
Other Asuras will take possession of Bhīṣma, Droṇa, Kṛpa, and the others; and possessed by them they will fight your enemies ruthlessly. When they engage in battle, best of the Kurus, they will give no quarter to either sons or brothers, parents or relatives, students or kinsmen, the young or the old. Pitiless, possessed by the Dānavas, their inner souls overwhelmed, they will battle their relations and cast all love far off. Gleefully, their minds darkened, the tiger-like men, befuddled with ignorance by a fate set by the Ordainer, will say to one another, “You shall not escape from me with your life!” Standing firm on their manly might in the unleashing of manifold weapons, best of the Kurus, they will boastfully perpetrate a holocaust.
If this wasn’t enough, the Dānavas also explained that the hero Karṇa and the “sworn warriors” (a band of Rākṣasas) would slay Arjuna. After convincing Duryodhana that he would be victorious, the Dānavas arranged for his return:
The same Kṛtyā brought the strong-armed man back when he was dismissed, to the very spot where he had been fasting unto death. Kṛtyā put the hero down, saluted him, and when the king had dismissed her, vanished then and there.
After she was gone, King Duryodhana thought that it all had been a dream, Bhārata, and he was left with this thought: “I shall vanquish the Pāṇḍus in battle.”
This story from the Mahābhārata has a number of features that are also seen in UFO abduction accounts. These include:
1. A strange being takes Duryodhana bodily to another location, where he has a meeting with other strange beings.
2. Mystical or higher-dimensional transport is used.
3. The strange beings have human form, but look “gruesome.” Certainly they are “aliens.”
4. These beings have been guiding Duryodhana’s life from the very beginning.
5. They designed his body so that he would be nearly impervious to weapons. Thus they apparently engaged in genetic manipulations, or something similar.
6. The aliens were planning to manipulate human beings through mind control.
7. After his interview, Duryodhana was returned to the spot where he was taken, and after setting him down, his captor disappeared.
8. After the experience, it seemed to be a dream.
-- Richard L. Thompson, Parallels: Ancient Insights into Modern UFO Phenomena
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elainahalevyx · 3 years
“Miss Halévy.” The driver opened the passenger door for her and the woman slid in. She was wearing all black; black jeans, black combat boots, black trenchant, black leather gloves, and her eyes were covered by big sunglasses. There was nothing left to chance, not when the mission was as important as this one. 
London was in an uproar, even though the civilians did not know it or feel it. Every man had been in the streets, looking to make others pay. They were right, at this point, none of them were able to get to the Russians - not if they wanted Évelyne to live. Perhaps if she had not been so important, they would have said fuck it and captured the Vorshevsky’s wife. After all, she had always been an easy target - especially as she tried to disassociate herself from the rest of them so much. 
“Pierre, take me to central London.” There was no need for further explanation, as she liked to brief her driver before as well. He wasn’t used too much, but certain things required a capable man who was bred for this purpose only. 
London flew in blurry images through her window as they drove. By this point, Rutherfords had to have known what had happened. Elaina truly wondered if once again, they would play the card of ‘it wasn’t them, so they shouldn’t be touched’. They were still such a weak power. How did they not realise that aligning themselves with the Russians would not bring them anything at all?
Right, inexperience.
Well, Elaina had a perfect plan - one made to shoot two sitting ducks with one bullet. 
The car stopped, and with a gloved hand, the Frenchwoman indicated the man to sit in place; ready for when she needed an escape. Pierre was going on a little drive. 
“Bisous.” She grinned as she opened the car door and got out. The sun was shining, as if on her. She looked sleek, ready for battle, but at the same in a way not to attract attention to her - her sister had taught her that, amongst many other things, including the one she was holding in her pocket. 
Not one hour ago, Elaina got one of her soldiers to send a text to a Russian. One that they knew was easily distracted - he was new to their organisation - someone not fully trained, and she got one of hers to get close to him, pretend they were a Russian in London, looking for a friend as not everyone had to be in the mob. Sometimes, a friend was all it took for them to be made use as dogs. Now he was there, she could see him looking around the crowd looking for one of hers, a person who would never turn up.  
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” 
The other target was there, too. This day, Elaina did not want to go small; countless times, they took small steps towards them, exercising their boundaries. It was how Divya had gotten away without a scratch. Elaina Halévy did not do the same mistakes twice. 
Melissa Lin and Francisco Vidal had no idea what was about to hit them.
With her hand in her pocket, Elaina started walking towards them, slow in step, not drawing a single eye to her. She was a ghost in the streets of London; she was a shadow moving between the people. 
Five metres till target.
Elaina took out her gun with the silencer already attached to the end of it. 
Two Metres till target.
The safety of the gun was removed.
Target ahead.
Holding her gun next to her ribs, Elaina aimed at the stomach and shot the bullet, knowing exactly where it would hit. This wasn’t a murder, well, unless they wouldn't play for time and let her bleed out. But no, this was the first warning and the first part of the many things that were still to come. 
She continued walking and finally approached the Russian guy and handed him the gun. “You better run, otherwise you know what Kosta might do.” The poor man was too confused to really listen in to who was talking to him, who handed him a gun, and why did he even take it in the first place. To her pleasure, he took off, running as fast as his feet could take him. But apparently not fast enough, as the Rutherford began the chase. 
There, soon they would find out it was a Russian who threatened the life of their second in command. Soon, they would begin to see how fragile their alliance was. Soon, they would begin to reconsider their choices. 
If they don’t kill each other first. 
It was their fault for bringing the Russians in, thinking they would somehow have the upper hand in this game of mobs. Perhaps, once they began to taste the medicine of war, they will finally realise the game they are playing. 
With a smile, Elaina walked away from the scene as people started to rush. Pierre was already waiting for her on the other side, in the car, as instructed. 
Once inside, she removed her gloved and placed them on the side. 
The first job was done. 
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sunshineandviolets · 3 years
Got tagged by @javallsyfyn & @griffin-wood, thank you very much. Decided to just pick a random few mcs from various different IFs
Shanaya (Mind Blind): You are perfect//It's okay to make mistakes//You will never be normal
Naomi (Mind Blind): I'm done with you // Your brother is not the enemy // I care about you
Zuvia (The Exile): Let's go home//You are not a monster //You don't belong here or anywhere
Jasmine (twc): I choose you // I'm listening // Your father never loved you enough to stay
Shivani (twc): You are an important asset to the team // You are enough // You are just a burden to them
Divya (twc): I'm not leaving you // You are worthy for love // You are just like your mother
Aditya (kotsam): Your my hero // You can't save everyone // You're a danger to those you love
Ananya (attollo): You are a good sister // get angry, get upset, don't be afraid to show your emotions // You failed him
Aleisha (abyss): He's alive // Listen to your heart // You're lost without him
Nicola (body count): I love you // I see you // Who are you again?
Rekha (body count): You are the life of the party // This isn't just a game // I'm falling for you
Arielle (blood moon): You are meant for this // their deaths weren't your fault // The moon will always win
Tagging: @ashtis @queerbrujas @agentnatesewell @magesmiths @nerdferatum @farahswife
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mythrae · 8 months
For the bg3 ask 1 asks, how about 3, 5, and 9 (for any of your tavs uwu)
Congrats on being my first ever ask 🥹🫶🏻✨ I’ll answer for three of my tavs bc I got the time today 🤠
(Click here for the prompts, feel free to send any #s in my inbox!!!)
3. Has your character been using their illithid powers?
- Taversia has a few (charm and force I think?) that she still regularly uses in combat
- Mythrae had a LOT of powers from the illithid tadpoles, but after finding out the truth about the Dream Visitor, she’s kinda sketched out by the tadpoles and tries not to use them as much, unless it really comes in handy
- Divya flat out refuses to use them them, she has just been giving them to Astarion since he’s the only one who wants them
5. Do you remember the first humanoid enemy your Character killed? Was it the first person they’ve ever killed, in your opinion? Would they have been bothered by it?
- Since Taversia was a member of the Flaming Fist, she has definitely hurt people enough for them to eventually be killed, but she never intentionally tried to kill someone. I believe the first character they killed in the game was one of the tieflings that captured Lae’zel (oops), and in that moment it didn’t bother her because she was rescuing her soon-to-be companion
- Being the Dark Urge, Mythrae had killed before, she just doesn’t remember it. She did fight off the goblins in the grove, and it wasn’t too much of a bother to her. The first death that really bothered her was (SPOILER FOR DURGE STORYLINE) when she killed Alfira in her sleep. She had good interactions with her before that infamous night so it shook her thy she could end her life so easily.
- Divya was probably the most bothered about killing the goblins at the grove. Being a monk and trying her best to have a peaceful mindset, she never thought she would be using her powers to end another person’s life. She’s still getting comfortable about killing enemies “for the power of good” and moral battles like that!
9. Do you have a favorite of the tiefling refugees? Is it the same as your character’s?
- I think Taversia’s favorite is Zevlor, just because she sees a lot of herself in him: strong leader, wants the best for his people, but is willing to admit his faults (at least that’s what I got from the bit of act 2 with him)
- Well, Mythrae’s was Alfira… and she has a soft spot for Mol and the kid she saved from the harpies. She still has the story he wrote her in her pack and carries it with her to help her remember that there’s still good inside her.
- Divya and I share the same favorite tiefling refugee 😮‍💨🥵 our goodest boy Dammon. He’s gonna wife her up y’all will see!!!
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jaxtheoraliestanner · 3 years
ohhh top five stalkers most likely to be in an enemies to lovers trope? (get ready, I’m about to spam you with this stuff)
You mean apart of an enemies to lovers trope?
So which stalkers would beat someone up and then ask them out two weeks later?
Got it.
Shady ( I think Shady fits most of these to be honest-- ), Ali ( I can see it happening ), Divya ( you probably wouldn’t beat them up, though ), Cherry ( would probably smack them and think “huh, they’re cute” ), Cress ( no reasoning for this one-- ). 
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Sci-Fi Book Recs: Cyberpunk
Machinehood by S.B. Divya
Welga Ramirez, executive bodyguard and ex-special forces, is about to retire early when her client is killed in front of her. It’s 2095 and people don’t usually die from violence. Humanity is entirely dependent on pills that not only help them stay alive, but allow them to compete with artificial intelligence in an increasingly competitive gig economy. Daily doses protect against designer diseases, flow enhances focus, zips and buffs enhance physical strength and speed, and juvers speed the healing process. All that changes when Welga’s client is killed by The Machinehood, a new and mysterious terrorist group that has simultaneously attacked several major pill funders. The Machinehood operatives seem to be part human, part machine, something the world has never seen. They issue an ultimatum: stop all pill production in one week. Global panic ensues as pill production slows and many become ill. Thousands destroy their bots in fear of a strong AI takeover. But the US government believes the Machinehood is a cover for an old enemy. One that Welga is uniquely qualified to fight. Welga, determined to take down the Machinehood, is pulled back into intelligence work by the government that betrayed her. But who are the Machinehood and what do they really want? A thought-provoking novel that asks: if we won’t see machines as human, will we instead see humans as machines?
Infomocracy by Malka Ann Older
It's been twenty years and two election cycles since Information, a powerful search engine monopoly, pioneered the switch from warring nation-states to global micro-democracy. The corporate coalition party Heritage has won the last two elections. With another election on the horizon, the Supermajority is in tight contention, and everything's on the line. With power comes corruption. For Ken, this is his chance to do right by the idealistic Policy1st party and get a steady job in the big leagues. For Domaine, the election represents another staging ground in his ongoing struggle against the pax democratica. For Mishima, a dangerous Information operative, the whole situation is a puzzle: how do you keep the wheels running on the biggest political experiment of all time, when so many have so much to gain?
Repo Virtual by Corey J. White
The city of Neo Songdo is a Russian doll of realities -- augmented and virtual spaces anchored in the weight of the real. The smart city is designed to be read by machine vision while people see only the augmented facade of the corporate ideal. At night the stars are obscured by an intergalactic virtual war being waged by millions of players, while on the streets below people are forced to beg, steal, and hustle to survive. Enter Julius Dax, online repoman and real-life thief. He's been hired for a special job: stealing an unknown object from a reclusive tech billionaire. But when he finds out he's stolen the first sentient AI, his payday gets a lot more complicated.
Liquid Cool: The Cyberpunk Detective Series by Austin Dragon
Liquid Cool is the debut cyberpunk detective series! It’s cyberpunk re-imagined—science fiction meets the detective thriller in an ever-rainy world of colossal skyscrapers. Hover-cars fly above in the dark, bustling skies and gray people walk below on the grimy, flashy streets of this “neon jungle.” Metropolis isn’t a bad place, but it isn’t a good one either. Uber-governments and mega-corporations fight for control of the super-city, but so does crime. We were introduced to Liquid Cool , by the free prequel short, These Mean Streets, Darkly . We met an average woman, Carol—hardworking and decent in every way—only to have her daughter kidnapped by the psycho cyborg Red Rabbit. Can Police Central find the girl in time—alive? And is it really another senseless act of random violence in the fifty-million-plus super-city? This story continues…and there are so many more. For the first time, we meet our private eye (and unlikely hero), Cruz in a super-city where there are a million victims and perpetrators. Welcome to the high-tech, low-life world of Liquid Cool. But watch out for tech-tricksters, analog hustlers, and digital gangsters—psychos, samurais, and cyborgs aplenty—they may want your money, or your life, more than you do.
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vajranam · 3 years
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Ramanujacharya was a great scholar with lot of patience, was simple and generous. He belonged to the Allavandar tradition. His father was Keshav bhatt who stayed in southern region of Terunkudur. Ramanuj lost his father at a very young age. He went to study under the tutelage of a guru named Yadav Prakash. Ramanuj was a sharp student who now started taking out mistakes from his guru's wrong teachings. So the guru, on pretext of sending his disciples to Kashi, conspired with Ramanuj's cousin to kill him in deep forest. But he was saved by a hunter and his wife. Later he acquired many siddhi's and cured the Princess of Kanchi.
When the sage Allavandar was on his deathbed, he sent his disciple to call Ramanuj. But before Ramanuj could reach , Allavandar was no more. On reaching Shrirangam, Ramanuj noticed that three fingers of Allavandar were turned. Only Ramanuj understood it's significance that his guru had entrusted him the work of analysing Brahmsutra, Vishnusahastranaam and Divya Prabhandam. Ramanuj vowed there to get these works completed. The guru's finger now were straight. He took Vaishnav diksha from the main disciple of Allavandar whose name was Periyanambi.
Although he was married but he decided to become sanyasi under Yatiraj. His first guru Yadav Prakash was now Ramanuj's follower in repentance.
He took guru mantra from sage Nambi(Om Namo Narayanaya). His guru urged him to keep this mantra secret but Ramanuj publicly declared this mantra. On facing his guru's ire and curse, he said that if so many people can attain moksha with this mantra, he was ready to go to hell. The guru repented and embraced him.
He was made to take the seat of Allavandar by his followers. His enemies tried to poison him but was alerted by a lady.
He travelled extensively. He wrote the bhashya of Gita and Brahmsutra. He wrote Shri bhashya on vedant. His group was known as Shri sampraday. They believe Shri Mahalaxmi as their originator. His main follower was Kurtallavar who had two sons named Parashar and Pillann. Ramanuj made Parashar write the bhashya of Vishnu sahastranaam and made Pillann write on Divya Prabhandam, thus completing his guru's last wish.
The King of Shrirang was a staunch shaiva. He called Ramanuj to his court with an ulterior motive. Recognising this Ramanuj sent Kurutallwar impersonating as Ramanuj. As a true shishya, he propagated Vaishnav dharm in the court. The King got Kurutallwar's eyes removed.
Ramanuj now came to stay at Shalgram in Mysore. There the King Bhittidev was a Vaishnav. Here Ramanuj stayed for twelve years. He restored an ancient temple at Nimmle which still exists and is known as Tirunarayanpur temple. Once he was attacked by dacoits but was saved by his disciples. He teturned to shrirangam on the death of the King there. He established a vaishnav temple there for Allwar and Nammalwar followers. He reconstructed the temple at Tirupati. He propagated bhakti marg upto ripe old age of hundred and twenty.
His teachings tell us that ishwar is the only Purushottam. He practised VISHISHT ADVAITWAD. According to him ishwar is present in each and every body. Jeev is just his sevak. The aim of life should be purusharth. Bhagwan Narayan is Satt, Mahalaxmi is his shakti and is chitta and this world is their Anand vilas. Laxmi narayan are the parents and jeev is their santaan. The duty of santaan is to serve parents and receive their kripa. They come as avtars from time to time. Always recite the name of Narayan and serve them with our thoughts words and deeds.
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