#don't be discouraged to ask about characters I haven't mentioned
disastersareajoy · 11 months
Do yourself and me the favor of reading this before sending in asks or requests.
Speaking of requests, mine are currently OPEN!
You can find the request status here at all times so you know if you can send one in or if you should wait.
You can find my main Masterlist here.
I'll add anything I write to it so that's the place to go for an overview of my works.
What I DON'T write.
Pregnancy (Pregnancy is 1. possibly triggering for me and 2. something I have absolutely no experience in. Breeding kink is more than okay though)
Non-Con (CNC is all good, but not outright Non-Con)
Scat and/or urine
Anything involving minors.
What I DO write!
Smut and fluff are my go-to but feel free to throw angst, humor and anything else you can think of at me! I'll gladly try and do it justice. I really want to get better at writing horror, gore and spooky shit so if you have ideas or requests in that area, definitely send them in!
I myself am genderfluid and am completely good with writing Male, GN and Female readers! I am most familiar with the AFAB experience.
Trans readers are also always welcome, and I do have a bit of personal experience in that area. Same with queerness in the sexuality sense - Gay, Bi, Lesbian, Poly and everything else is totally fine by me to write about, either for a reader or a character.
I'm a very kinky fucker and I encourage you all to let your kinks run rampant in my ask box, my comments or tags, as long as you pay attention to my "do not write" list because those things also shouldn't be mentioned in any of those areas.
Gladly send me any type of asks! I'd love to interact with you, geek out about a character or movie together, or give advice (where I can). I want to be a positive presence and will reply in kind.
We support sex work of any kind in this household and any hate for sex workers will not be tolerated. Same as any hate towards marginalized groups - Be that homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, racism or anything else. Please just shut up and stay away from my blog. Thanks.
Characters I write for!!
Stu Macher 🪱 (Scream)
Billy Loomis 🪱 (Scream)
Danny Johnson/Jed Olson 🪱 (DBD)
Lester Sinclair 🪱 (House of Wax)
Bo Sinclair (House of Wax)
Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax)
Thomas Hewitt 🪱 (TCM The Beginning)
Bubba Sawyer 🪱 (TCM)
Buddy Swanson (Stage Fright)
Brahms (The Boy)
Bille Lenz 🪱 (Black Christmas, 1974 only)
The Driller Killer 🪱 (Slumber Party Massacre)
Non-Slasher Characters
Simon "Ghost" Riley (CoD) 🪱
John "Soap" MacTavish (CoD)
König (CoD) 🪱
Eddie Brock & Venom (Venom) 🪱
🪱 - Yes please for the love of god ask me about this character
These are all the characters that I am familiar with and feel confident enough to write for at the moment. This list will definitely get more names added over time as I play around with characters and get a better feel for them. Feel free to ask me about characters that aren't on this list (with some context where they're from) and I can still give you first impressions should I not know them at all. But who knows maybe you'll ask me about a character I'm still unsure about that I will end up rambling about!
Here's some characters you can gladly ramble to me about or ask me stuff about
The Lost Boys! 🪱 (All four of them obviously)
Any other Ghostfaces (including the recent movies)
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Randy Meeks
Freddy Krueger
Leslie Vernon
Jason Voorhees 🪱
Michael Myers
Ash Williams
The Grabber
General info
Father Paul Hill (Midnight Mass) 🪱
Billy Butcher (The Boys) 🪱
Black Noir (The Boys) 🪱
I don't only write, I also draw! I might post some drawings here and I might not, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.
English isn't my first language so I am aware that there will probably be some mistakes along the way. If you see one, please let me know and I will see to it that I get it fixed. I also have to ask that you aren't mean about it. Mistakes happen and I will not be made to feel bad or be talked down to over a typo, grammatical error or any other type of mistake.
If you send in an ask or a request; Be patient! Sometimes it takes me a bit of time to get into the right mindset to write, and to write confidently. I also have a life outside of this blog which will always take first priority. So if your request or ask hasn't been answered yet, know that I will get to it. And if you send in a request while mine are closed I'll simply let you know, no judgment or anger.
I hope you enjoy my writing, my rambles and anything else I might post.
See ya!
- S. / Disaster <3
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ao3commentoftheday · 11 days
How do you build confidence as a writer and start to feel okay with your own writing, as well as the stats your writing gets? I’m not a new writer, and I don’t think I’m a bad one, but I am really bad with capturing the fandom zeitgeist, and a lot of the times when I try to write characters based on how they acted in canon, I get accused of bashing them. I don’t care about rude or unflattering comments on my fics, but definitely fewer people kudos my fics when I try to write the characters how I see them instead of fanon characterization, and it sucks to know I don’t make fic recs lists or even get casually recced for anything I’ve ever written on Discord because of my writing choices. More and more often, I feel like I shouldn’t write because I know my fics will never get the praise and attention BNFs do, and then I feel guilty for not writing. But I also know that if I do, I’ll just end up with more fic readers won’t want, and let’s face it: it’s not like anyone will choose my fics when they could have a BNF’s. Is there any way for me to accept that no one will ever love my fic as much as they love fics by BNFs, and to stay motivated in spite of feeling like my writing is just permanently unwanted? Or would giving up at this point be kinder to myself if I can’t stop comparing? (I know frequent advice in these cases is to focus on building friendships and finding a community, but IME, people in fandom either aren’t interested, don’t reach out, or already have had their friends circle since the LJ days and don’t want to bother with you. Any advice on where I’d even begin?)
*hugs* Oof. That's a rough spot to be in, anon, and you're definitely not alone 💗
I think in this situation, you need to figure out what exactly it is that you're looking for. You start by asking how to get confidence as a writer, but I think you already have it. You know what stories you want to tell, and you write those stories the way you want to tell them. To me, that means that you have plenty of confidence. You have a clear vision and goal, and you write with them in mind.
Next, you mention stats but I don't think that's the issue either - except inasmuch as they can be a sign of other things. Stats on their own, however, are just numbers attached to your works. If seeing those numbers on your works and the works of others causes you distress or annoyance or another emotion you'd rather not experience, then I strongly recommend using a site skin to hide them.
The bulk of your message is about what it sounds like the issue really is: attention, praise, and yes community. You want people to get excited with about your works. You want people to talk to other people about the things that you write. You want to feel loved, or at least appreciated. You're not alone in wanting those things either.
I think the writing side of things is going well - at least from the information you've provided here. The part that isn't working for you is the posting. Putting your work up on AO3 is not only dissatisfying, it's actively discouraging you from writing more.
I'm going to make my own suggestion and then I'll leave the floor open for the blog to add in their thoughts: Have you considered role playing instead of fic writing? For the last several years, I've tucked my writing away in a discord server with my fandom bestie. We've written thousands of stories and millions of words, almost none of which have ever been posted to AO3. We don't feel the need for comments and kudos because we're both having so much fun collaborating with our blorbos and each other, writing things to make the other one happy (or sad or laugh etc), that what other people might think about it doesn't actually matter.
She also RPs in various servers with friends and strangers alike, but I haven't enjoyed that as much as just shooting replies back and forth with her. Your mileage may vary, as they say, but that might be one way to get the feedback and excitement that you're craving - whether it's in a big server with lots going on or just a little corner of 2 or 3 people.
What do the rest of you think?
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Forever My Ariel
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Gifs not mine
AN: Don't ever let people discourage you from making your dreams come true and if you haven't seen The Little Mermaid, go see it!
Synopsis: The trailer has just been released for your first feature film and the secret has finally been revealed. However not everyone is happy that you were chosen for the role of Ariel in The Little Mermaid
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Famous!Reader
Always thankful for my loves @hoodharlow and @nattinatalia 💕
Warnings: mention of racism
Jack Harlow Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
As you were scrolling through your timeline on different social media apps, the tears were steadily cascading down your cheeks and hitting your pillow that was covered by a white satin pillowcase.
You were so excited that your trailer for your acting debut had finally gotten released at midnight and you were incredibly proud of yourself. You had stepped out of your comfort zone and got into acting since you were primarily known for singing with your older sister. 
The Little Mermaid had been one of your favorite movies growing up and now that you had an opportunity to play her was a dream come true. Even though you did have to audition for the role, they approached you first telling you that they wanted for you to play Ariel. 
Then seeing you sing Part of Your World had everyone’s mind set.
They had found their Ariel. 
What you didn't expect was the backslash and people being up in arms simply because….
You were a black woman
Even though Ariel is a fictional character and also a mermaid who everyone knew not to be real, they didn’t mean the outrage was any less.  
One of the top trends on social media was 'Not My Ariel' and of course after you saw it, you had been crying ever since.
At midnight you had sent your boyfriend the trailer to watch on your instagram and he couldn’t stop saying how proud he was of you and now you were thinking that you might not have made the right decision regarding the role.
It was now later in the day and Jack was rehearsing for his upcoming CHTKMY tour and he was due to be back at your condo at any minute and the last thing that you wanted for him to see was you being upset.
You tried to wipe your face as best as you could when you suddenly heard the front door open.
“Shit.” You muttered and you knew that it was too late.
“Babe, where are you? Did you eat yet? I’m starving. Did you want…” Jack immediately stopped talking as he came into the bedroom and saw your tear stained cheeks and you furiously trying to wipe them away. 
“Um, no I didn’t. I’ll eat whatever you order. I don’t really feel like cooking anything tonight.” You said while shrugging and he immediately came over to you.
“Now you know you can’t hide those tears from me so what happened and how can I do my best to help fix it?” Jack asked as you were now sitting up and he quickly slid you onto his lap.
“It’s silly, baby. Don’t worry about it.” You answered trying to reassure him, but you knew deep down that he wasn’t having it. 
“It’s not silly if it has my girl upset.” Jack replied while kissing your cheek but all you did was shake your head.
All you did was sigh in response and you quickly went to lay your head on his shoulder and without warning, the tears started all over again.
“Baby, the last thing I want is to see you cry and you know that.”
You simply opened Twitter and handed him your phone so he could see the trending topics.
He immediately clicked on ‘Not My Ariel’ and began to scroll looking at the phone in disbelief at what people were saying about you.
“Why? Why are people so mean?” It almost came out as a whisper and Jack’s heart was breaking seeing you so upset.
“Because they have nothing else better to do. This doesn’t change anything, babe. I know you’re upset with good reason but the movie is finished and I know from the trailer that you did a damn good job and no one else they would’ve picked would’ve come close. Fuck them.”
“I worked my ass off for this.”
“I know and they can never take away how incredibly talented you are because everyone sees it. You’re amazing at what you do and people being racist fucks are never going to change that. And since when are mermaids based on real people? They could’ve made you blue and people would still find a reason to be upset and I would have still watched that shit.”
“Baby, this isn’t Avatar.”
“You get what I mean!”
“I do and I.. thank you for always being there for me when I need it.” You said while smiling up at him. 
“And you know that’s never going to change. I just…. It’s easier said than done but do not let them win. You’re letting them win by you allowing them to get you upset and that’s the last thing that we want or need. You’re amazing in your own right and no trending topic on Twitter is going to tell me otherwise. My baby is the shit and she’s everyone’s Ariel and I’ll kick anyone’s ass who disagrees with me.”
“I just… want everyone to love my performance in this just as much as I do.”
“And they will and I’m going to need for you to stop worrying what people think about you all the time. If you know that you did your best that is literally the only thing that matters. Haters are always going to be there, but while you’re over here making millions, what is their ass doing but sitting at home and hating from a social media app?”
“That’s true.” You said while nodding your head and agreeing with him.
“For now, I’m keeping your phone because the last thing I want is for you to be scrolling looking at unnecessary outta pocket shit that people are saying.”
“But what if….”
“No, if it’s something important I’ll give it back to you, but other than that no. We’re ordering food and having a movie night and no social media.” Jack was soothingly rubbing your back as you tried to scoot yourself closer to him if that was even possible.
“I want chinese and what are we watching?”
“The Little Mermaid of course and anything my baby wants, she gets.”
“Fine, but I’m singing the entire time.” You said while finally smiling up at him.
“Oh, so I get early access?”
“You always get early access, just don’t tell anyone because they might get jealous.” You answered while leaning over to kiss him and pinching his cheek.
It was now premiere night and you were extremely nervous and kept fiddling with your dress trying to smooth away any imaginary wrinkles that might be there.
Jack noticed and quickly went up to you and grabbed both of your hands to get you to stop.
“It’s going to be fine, baby. Remember what I told you.”
“I feel like I’m going to throw up at any minute.” You said while feeling extremely overwhelmed and your eyes were starting to brim with tears.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Breathe for me and relax. I’m right here and I will be here with you the entire time. I’m not leaving your side for the entire night.”
“Promise? I… I….”
“Shhh…. I promise, baby. You got this. Now everyone is about to see why you were the perfect person for this role and no one else. Take some deep breaths for me.”
You did as you were told as you heard Jack taking deep breaths with you and you could feel that your heart rate was now finally starting to slow down. You focused on your breathing and holding Jack’s hands to help ground you as he massaged small circles on yours.
This was something that he always did for you when you were nervous before an event.
Jack knew how your anxiety was and his priority was always making sure you were okay. 
“I love you, you know that right?” Jack asked you and you couldn’t help but to immediately smile at him.
“I love you too, more than I can put into words.”
“You feel any better?”
You simply nodded and smiled as you reached up to hug him and he quickly embraced you back and leaned down to give you several kisses. 
“I just… I know I say it all the time but I love you so much and the way you support me is just…”
“Oh no, babe Deidre is going to kill me if I make you cry because of how long it took for her to do your makeup. You can cry after! But you do the exact same thing for me. We’re always going to show up and support each other no matter what.”
“Always, nothing about that is going to change.”
“Now come on so I can sing all the songs and give a Grammy winning performance. Been waiting months for this!” Jack said and you immediately laughed as he took your hand and the two of you began to make your way downstairs in order to head to the theater where the premiere was being held. 
As promised, Jack didn’t leave your side for the entire night and would give your hand occasional squeezes to let you know he was there for whatever you needed him for. 
“Now it’s time for people to see why you’re forever going to be my Ariel.” Jack whispered to you once the two of you were finally settled in your seats and the movie was getting ready to play. 
Jack held your hand the entire time just like he promised and would periodically look over at you and smile
He was amazed at how well you did, but not surprised
He knew that you had it in you from the very beginning
When the credits of the movie started rolling, you were startled by everyone erupting in applause and giving you a standing ovation as you made your way up to the stage to say a few words. 
You couldn’t help but to cry looking out at the crowd and seeing how so many people were supportive of you and that they love it just as much as you did.
When the applause finally died down, you were doing your best to hide your tears before you spoke.
“I… I knew I was going to cry but damn. Just… thank you.” You said and heard laughter while you finally wiped away the rest of your tears.
“Words cannot even form a sentence of how grateful I was for this opportunity and so many amazing people had a hand in making that happen. I’m so happy that Disney trusted me along with everyone involved in the cast and crew to make Ariel come to life and I just want everyone to love this film as much as I loved making it. Never let anyone deter you from making your dreams become a reality. I remember being little and seeing the original film for the first time and now look, twenty something years later and I get to bring her to life on the big screen. I’m not just Ariel for some people and not others, and my boyfriend had to tell me that. I am everyone’s Ariel and I am so damn proud of stepping out of my comfort zone and letting little girls who look like me know that they can do this too.” 
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Liked by jackharlow, neelamthadhani, lolabroke, latto777, dojacat, champagnepapi, urbanwyatt, theshaderoom, and 6,870,921 others
yourinstagramname: always thankful that you get to be a part of my world and me in yours 💕
jackharlow: forever and always. so proud of you. you did amazing just like I knew you would.
yungmiami305: bitch you made me cry when I watched it even if I knew what was going to happen lol
neelamthadhani: job well done! I knew they picked the perfect person for this role!
maggieharlow: you were a literal dream the entire time. you didn't just play Ariel. YOU ARE ARIEL.
urbanwyatt: I see Jack is dressed like the ocean and ready to dive in yourinstagramname 😏
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt you are always so outta pocket, I CANNOT but yes. I agree lol
yourinstagramename: thank you so much everyone, you have no idea how much this means to me
See all 201,829 comments
Liked by yourinstagramname, urbanwyatt, claybornharlow, dualipa, icespice, lildurk, teyanataylor, and 4,823,031 others
jackharlow: Forever My Ariel 💕
yourinstagramname: jackharlow loveee you now how many times have you watched the movie? lmao
urbanwyatt: yourinstagramname this might be number six
jackharlow: not the both of you shaming me. my baby did amazing 🥰
urbanwyatt: and keeps asking me to refill the snacks so he can continue
neelamthadhani: urbanwyatt I'm joining so bring me some popcorn too
urbanwyatt: neelamthadhani imma start charging yall asses for this. I am making one more trip and that's it!
druski2funny: why didn't anyone invite me to the party?
yourinstagramname: druski2funny because you don't like to answer your phone
druski2funny: yourinstagramname but I'm here now!
jackharlow: druski2funny your ass is about to be late to your own funeral
See all 110,927 comments
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Liked by jackharlow, claybornharlow, yoursistersinstagramname, theshaderoom, latto777, lolabrooke, neelamthadhani, and 4,126,720 others
yourinstagramname: this is what a mermaid named Ariel looks like 😘
jackharlow: you got damn right and I don't wanna hear any negative shit! my baby did that!
lolabrooke: don't play wit her, don't play wit her
yoursistersinstagramname: my little mermaid 😍
yournamesource: forever our Ariel!!
yourbestfriend: she did what needed to be done and left no muthafuckin crumbs!
yournamesource: I need a sequel and idc what that shit is about. we just need to see you on the big screen more.
yourinstagramname: yournamesource something is getting revealed soon lol stay tuned
See all 461,780 comments
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obscurushydrae · 2 months
Rules of Play
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Please at least give it a read! Liking this post also means it’s more likely I will follow back, as I know you have RAU’d.
Updated 05/10/2024
Kar/Karmun/Karthonic either-or. If you want to separate min from muse, call me by my middle name, Asher instead.
They/Them is cool.
From New York, so the timezone is EST.
Birthday’s January 1990, so 30+
Spoonie with AuDHD
Artist, and educator, so I can get busy.
You can reach me on here or on discord. Just ask.
Personal blog @karthonic.
Sci-Fi Muse: @stellevatum
Above all else: Be Excellent to each other and party on, dudes!
Lurking for a bit before reaching out is fine, but I would like genuinely interested folks. Optional but I have an Interest Tracker for organization purposes.
Communication is key. My muse might be intimidating, but I'm not-- just very busy and on mobile more often than not. Don’t know something, or want me to elaborate: ask! I forgot a reply or not feeling a thing anymore, lemme know. I'm good. I like get to know the people I write with, it makes me plot things better.
This incarnation Kar is for Contemporary Supernatural/Fantasy/Mythology like verses. You can find the Og/Sci-Fi flavored Kar at @stellevatum.
While she's BPRD based,  don’t sweat it if you don’t know the other stuff. If your fandom/verse has a way in, I can finagle her into all sorts of place (she's literally an cosmic horror at heart).
That ‘selective’ part comes into play. I have every right to not follow someone, decline a roleplay, just as you do. Just be polite and respectful.
Crossover/AU/Multiverse/Self Insert friendly. Not your thing, then feel free to not follow.
There will be casual mentions of recreational drug use, more often than not mentions of alcohol than drugs, but will be tagged upon request. Other possible triggers are her fatalistic humor. 
This is not a content resource blog. If you’re here for the pretty pictures, aesthetics, or memes, this is not the blog for you.
Godmoding is discouraged but I’m not going to stop it. I will likely try to out ridiculous you Bugs Bunny style. Even though she can’t die, you’re free to try and kill her, but let me know first (either way she’s gonna be pissed FYI).
Most art is mine but will be credited. If I reblog any art reposted without the original creator’s permission, let me know. I’ll remove it.
Please don’t follow/interact if you’re under 18. If I follow anyone underage, it’s because I wasn’t able to access any about/ooc information, please don’t take it personally if I unfollow!
If I don’t follow you and you follow me, please just hit me up before doing something. Just because I don’t follow means I’m not interested, I just don’t think our characters mesh with the information given. If we chat about it, who knows!
If I follow you or like a post but not follow, it's likely because I want to check out your rules but can't find a mobile friendly/need time to look through things, especially if it's a carrd. If you follow back, I'll message/send passwords as I don't want to overstep.
I don’t usually greet/interact with personal blogs, so side blogs off personals give me a heads up. Otherwise, I might miss you.
I may unfollow or softblock-- but that doesn't mean I am not against second chances. It usually mean either we haven't really done anything and I'm keeping my dash tidy or you never followed back so I'm taking the hint and stepping off, or you were inactive for 6+ month and I assume you abandoned the blog.
If you'd prefer I don't accidentally re-follow, you are free to hardblock. It's a bummer, but we need to what makes each of us comfortable to write. I will only hardblock if it is in your rules or if it was something serious that warrants it.
Compatible Fandoms (ie I am Familiar with): BPRD/Hellboy, Hades, Devil May Cry, Wolfenstein, Gravity Falls, WTNV, Obey Me!, Sandman, Good Omens, Hellsing, Persona, Durarara!!, Castlevania, Blood of Zeus, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Basically anything with demons/angels/gods and the like. I will interact with Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss muses, even though personally I don't vibe with Viv.
Kar is an ancient cosmic horror who was supposed to destroy all reality. Raised by mortals, so she thought she was. But she's also got other forms, which folks may see.
As for appearance, unless you’re really looking you might notice the fangs. And for the most part, assume she’s wearing her signature sunglasses covering her eyes since those rarely are taken off in public.
While not usually brought up, but Kar has attempted to end her life and self-harmed. Nowadays it’s usually just masked with fatalistic humor, recreational drug use, and lots of drinking. 
There will be mentions of Nazis particularly of the occult sort, so if that makes you uncomfortable please feel free to step away.
Askbox will only be open for IC interactions, save for when the meme specifies Mun. IMs are for OOC communication. Anon feature is for sideblogs, multimuses to interact ICly with me. Any Anon messages good or bad directed to the Mun (outside of memes) will be ignored. The Anon feature is privilege, I will revoke it for my well-being if need be.
No Magic Anons, please!
There’s no need to wait to send me a meme if you’ve followed me for 5 minutes or 5 months, send the thing.
Reblog Karma is going to be enforced on this blog. That is, if you reblog an ask meme off me, please send me one. Otherwise, reblog the meme from @karref
Jump on any open post, there’s no need to ask permission, they’re there for that reason!
I will be keeping my posts simple! I don't have the time/energy to make formatted posts, and I like to keep things as accessible as possible. I do try to keep track of the heavily plotted stuff, but the casual things might drop off. Feel free to remind me if it's been a bit!
Communicate! If you’re having trouble writing a reply, talk to me! If you don’t like or not feeling a thread, say so and drop the thread. That also doesn’t mean things are done for good. Come to me if you want to skip/do something else.
If you’d rather we move things to discord, just ask! I’ll set up a server just for us!
Shipping is welcomed and willing to discuss the possibility, but I leave the rest to chemistry and just how we as writers write. Kar is into male muses, and will be polite about turning other people down, unless one doesn’t take the hint.
I will only write ships with muns older than 21, but 25+ is preferred.
That being said, I will no longer tolerate stringing me along, or vague replies. Please be clear and direct. If you are interested; say so. If you are not or no longer wanting to go in that direction, tell me. Any vague or non-committal replies will be treated as disinterest and dropped.
This blog is multiship, meaning each relationship is treated as its own separate place in the multiverse unless discussed and agreed upon.
Kar can be polifidelitous. She’s okay with having multiple partners and those partners having partners if your character is cool with it. But she can be selectively monogamous in your little bubble too.
NSFW may be on here, or I might do it over discord. I'm playing it by vibes. As I don't really have any established romantic stuff since rebooting, I can't say with any certainty. Will update when I do know.
Blood, Gore, Body Horror, Drugs, etc, will be tagged with (name); for instance drugs; . Special Tags on request.
Posts will be tagged upon request, just let me know!
If you read and understand this, I would appreciate if you'd leave a like the post, that way I know you have without forcing a password.
But if you'd like to message me, here's a DM icebreaker: What's your favorite extinct animal? (If you're lucky I may have cool fact about it.)
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stellevatum · 2 months
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Please at least give it a read! Liking this post also means it’s more likely I will follow back, as I know you have RAU’d.
Updated 05/10/2024
Kar/Karmun/Karthonic either-or. If you'd rather separate mun/muse you can use my middle name, Asher to refer to me.
They/Them is cool.
From New York, so the timezone is EST.
Birthday’s January 1990, so 30+
Spoonie with AuDHD
Artist, and educator, so I can get busy. I commute, so I'm on the train for a few hours a day,
You can reach me on here or on discord. Just ask.
Personal blog @karthonic.
On mobile most of the time.
I left the Tumblr RPC 4 years ago so forgive me as I catch up with the new etiquette, etc.
Above all else: Be Excellent to each other and party on, dudes!
This sounds redundant to post this but: If you have no intention of RPing with me don’t follow. Lurking for a bit before reaching out is fine, but I would like genuinely interested folks. Optional, but I've made an interest checker to help organize things.
Communication is key. My muse might be intimidating, but I'm not-- just very busy and on mobile more often than not. Don’t know something, or want me to elaborate: ask! I forgot a reply or not feeling a thing anymore, lemme know. I'm good. I like get to know the people I write with, it makes me plot things better.
This incarnation Kar is for SCIENCE FICTION/SPACE OPERA like verse. Her Contemporary/Urban Fantasy/Paranormal/Supernatural self can be found at @obscurushydrae
While she's Star Wars Based,  don’t sweat it if you don’t know the other stuff. If your fandom/verse has a way in, I can finagle her into all sorts of place (she's literally an cosmic horror at heart).
That ‘selective’ part comes into play. I have every right to not follow someone, decline a roleplay, just as you do. Just be polite and respectful.
OC/Crossover/AU/Multiverse/Self Insert friendly. Not your thing, then feel free to not follow.
There will be casual mentions of recreational drug use, more often than not mentions of alcohol than drugs, but will be tagged upon request. Other possible triggers are her fatalistic humor. 
This is not a content resource blog. If you’re here for the pretty pictures, aesthetics, or memes, this is not the blog for you.
Godmoding is discouraged but I’m not going to stop it. I will likely try to out ridiculous you Bugs Bunny style. Even though she can’t die, you’re free to try and kill her, but let me know first (either way she’s gonna be pissed FYI).
Most art is mine but will be credited. If I reblog any art reposted without the original creator’s permission, let me know. I’ll remove it.
Please don’t follow/interact if you’re under 18. If I follow anyone underage, it’s because I wasn’t able to access any about/ooc information, please don’t take it personally if I unfollow!
If I don’t follow you and you follow me, please just hit me up before doing something. Just because I don’t follow means I’m not interested, I just don’t think our characters mesh with the information given. If we chat about it, who knows!
If I follow you or like a post but not follow, it's likely because I want to check out your rules but can't find a mobile friendly/need time to look through things, especially if it's a carrd. If you follow back, I'll message/send passwords as I don't want to overstep.
I don’t usually greet/interact with personal blogs, so side blogs off personals give me a heads up. Otherwise, I might miss you.
I may unfollow or softblock-- but that doesn't mean I am not against second chances. It usually mean either we haven't really done anything and I'm keeping my dash tidy or you never followed back so I'm taking the hint and stepping off, or you were inactive for 6+ month and I assume you abandoned the blog.
If you'd prefer I don't accidentally re-follow, you are free to hardblock. It's a bummer, but we need to what makes each of us comfortable to write. I will only hardblock if it is in your rules or if it was something serious that warrants it.
Compatible Fandoms (ie I am Familiar with): Star Wars, Mass Effect, Borderlands, Alien/Predator, Dune, The Outer Worlds, Subnautica, No Man's Sky, Galaktikon, RaM, H2G2, and more!
Kar for the most part, is literally the Force. In a body. Raised by mortals, so she thought she was. And spent most of her life just vaguely gesturing and just going with "humanoid." Force sensitive characters might be able to sense her, but she can mask it.
As for appearance, unless you’re really looking you might notice the fangs. And for the most part, assume she’s wearing her signature sunglasses covering her eyes since those rarely are taken off in public.
While not usually brought up, but Kar has attempted to end her life and self-harmed. Nowadays it’s usually just masked with fatalistic humor, recreational drug use, and lots of drinking. 
Askbox will only be open for IC interactions, save for when the meme specifies Mun. IMs are for OOC communication. Anon feature is for sideblogs, multimuses to interact ICly with me. Any Anon messages good or bad directed to the Mun (outside of memes) will be ignored. The Anon feature is privilege, I will revoke it for my well-being if need be.
No Magic Anons, please!
There’s no need to wait to send me a meme if you’ve followed me for 5 minutes or 5 months, send the thing.
Reblog Karma is going to be enforced on this blog. That is, if you reblog an ask meme off me, please send me one. Otherwise, reblog the meme from @karref
Jump on any open post, there’s no need to ask permission, they’re there for that reason!
I will be keeping my posts simple! I don't have the time/energy to make formatted posts, and I like to keep things as accessible as possible. I do try to keep track of the heavily plotted stuff, but the casual things might drop off. Feel free to remind me if it's been a bit!
Communicate! If you’re having trouble writing a reply, talk to me! If you don’t like or not feeling a thread, say so and drop the thread. That also doesn’t mean things are done for good. Come to me if you want to skip/do something else.
If you’d rather we move things to discord, just ask! I’ll set up a server just for us!
Shipping is welcomed and willing to discuss the possibility, but I leave the rest to chemistry and just how we as writers write. Kar is into male muses, and will be polite about turning other people down, unless one doesn’t take the hint.
I will only write ships with muns older than 21, but 25+ is preferred.
That being said, I will no longer tolerate stringing me along, or vague replies. Please be clear and direct. If you are interested; say so. If you are not or no longer wanting to go in that direction, tell me. Any vague or non-committal replies will be treated as disinterest and dropped.
This blog is multiship, meaning each relationship is treated as its own separate place in the multiverse unless discussed and agreed upon.
Kar can be polifidelitous. She’s okay with having multiple partners and those partners having partners if your character is cool with it. But she can be selectively monogamous in your little bubble too.
NSFW may be on here, or I might do it over discord. I'm playing it by vibes. As I don't really have any established romantic stuff since rebooting, I can't say with any certainty. Will update when I do know.
Blood, Gore, Body Horror, Drugs, etc, will be tagged with (name); for instance drugs; . Special Tags on request.
Posts will be tagged upon request, just let me know!
If you read and understand this, I would appreciate if you'd leave a like the post, that way I know you have without forcing a password.
But if you'd like to message me, here's a DM icebreaker: What's your favorite extinct animal? (If you're lucky I may have cool fact about it.)
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Welcome to The Bad Batch Appreciation Week 2023!!!
The time for appreciating Clone Force 99 is near! The prompts have been revealed HERE, so we must set some rules. Seems fair, right? So, here they are:
Event Info & Rules
TBB APPRECIATION WEEK is a week-long, prompt-based creation challenge to celebrate our love for the Batchers and the show. There are 7 groups of prompts—one for each day of the week—, which can be used, skipped, or combined in any way you’d like. They are meant to be an inspiration without being taken literally (i.e., you don’t have to include the exact wording of prompts in your work). Feel free to interpret them at your convenience. For example, if the prompt is “anooba”, you can create either something about the animal, use it as a name/mascot of a sports team in your modern-day/our Earth AU, or as an analogy for someone with a voracious appetite. It’s up to you.
Each group contains a character plus 5 different prompts (SFW, AU/Trope, Dialogue, NSFW, and a color palette). As it says above, you can use any, some, or all of them. Also there's also a short list of jokers/alternatives that you can use only one time each to replace any of the main prompts. The idea is to give everyone as much creative freedom as possible. The participants can create works in any media they choose, including but not limited to: writing, art, edits, gifs, videos, playlists, cosplays, etc. The only restriction is that it needs to be focused on The Bad Batch.
Also, people can participate as much or as little as they want, meaning that you don’t have to do ALL the days if you can't/ don’t want to.
Collaborations are welcome and even encouraged. For example, if an artist and a writer want to work together, or a writer and a podficcer, or two writers, go for it!
When uploading TBB Appreciation Week content to your Tumblr blog, be sure to mention this blog and add the following hashtags:
#the character of the day
#day 1, #day 2, #day 3, etc… (the corresponding day)
#medium (gifset, fic, podcast, fanart, etc.)
#trigger warnings, if applies. (Please do NOT to add “tw” in front or at the end but only use the word/trigger itself, because the way Tumblr tag blocker feature works, it makes it harder for people to block the right tag.) (List of trigger warnings)
#prompt(s) used
#nsfw (only for NSFW content)
#any other relevant tags go here
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING (both by mentioning the blog and putting the necessary tags). That'll ensure that your post will be reblogged on this blog.
I'll do my best to reblogged everyone's posts, but if it passes 2–3 days and I haven't posted yours, please let me know.
In addition, you can also add your work to the Ao3 Collection if you want.
If you are posting NSFW fics or art on Tumblr, I ask that you use the Keep Reading break and/or the Community Labels to hide the NSFW portion of your work; and please, give the proper warnings; (If you don't know how to do a keep reading break on mobile, go to this tutorial). On Ao3, please, use the correct rating and warnings as well.
There won't be censorship in this event, so everyone is free to create whatever they want. Participants are expected to hold judgment to themselves of others and their works, even if they don't agree with or find it repulsive. That means that harassment of anyone or anything that they post (even if said work is something you personally find morally reprehensible) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Anyone that breaks this rule will be banned from the event. Curate your own experience by blocking what upsets/squicks/triggers you, and leave everyone else alone. That's the importance of the correct tagging, as it says above.
If an author or artist has asked for constructive criticism, you may give it (with constructive being the keyword). However, refrain to give any of the unsolicited kind, as it can be discouraging for the author or artist.
Important!! Show support to other participants by liking, reblogging, AND commenting. But most of all, HAVE FUN!!! This is meant to be a lay-back event to show love for our favorite characters.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!
If you have questions, you can check out the F.A.Q post. But if you don't find there the answer you're looking for, send me a message to the ask box or a DM, either in this blog or my fandom blog @nimata-beroya.
Thanks for reading, and happy creating!
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merrock · 7 months
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Only two months left this year, how did that happen?! Either way, welcome to November! We're ready for a busy, family and warmth and love-filled month ahead, and hope that you are, too. Read on to see what to expect and any important things we have to share.
November 18th -- RAILWAY 5K -- our annual run around town; everyone can participate, whether you're a pro, or a first time runner. run for yourself, or for charity!
November 3rd -- away football game; the final game of the season! but the team did make play-offs.
November 4th -- candy day; candy sales for all of your post-Halloween needs around the house!
November 10-13 -- world kindness weekend; a chance to do the kindest of things around town.
November 24 -- black friday; do all of your shopping around town!
November 25 -- small business saturday; make sure to save some shopping for local businesses!
Busy time, easy task? We hope so! We've shared a task for November that you can fill out in character (if you want -- we won't kick you out for third personing it, promise). We'll also be accepting kind things about Merrock and about each other during kindness weekend, so stay tuned for that one!
as usual, a reminder to read over our rules. we just want to make sure that all of our writers are aware of our expectations; small changes have been made, and a few pages have been updated.
please remember that triggers are triggering: period. whether it's a full out discussion, mention, brief allusion to, it's triggering, so just tag it with "trigger tw" and let that be that! also, do not bring up triggering subjects with someone OOC unless you know they, themselves, are not triggered by that, please.
if someone picks up your wanted connection, please be sure to plot and interact with them! and vice versa. both sides should do due diligence to carry through and make it happen.
in situations where something needs mod approval, please just be sure to have it from us before talking or posting about it. it may seem silly, but it keeps us all from having to backtrack!
be sure you are plotting with everyone! we have implemented the "three writers per character" rule, but of course we would like you to vary your writers. you don't always have to have a thread with every writer / character in the group, but it's really nice to branch out and spread some love.
we have less events this month, and that's alright! we also have some fun mini-events for you to use for plotting, and we know that this month is always busy. it's okay! we'd really like to see you use this month to post open starters, plot with those you haven't, get some fun stuff going on your own.
but December will kick off with an outdoor Winter Fun Party, and we will have our Winter Holiday Market, plus a New Year's Eve party, so take this month to just plot, relax, and enjoy before the fun hits. start thinking about gifts. ;)
November is largely a "game planning" month for me -- meaning I will be working on saving resources for next year's events. we have some fun stuff in store!
With the holidays around the corner, we know that things are busier, and we understand that it may mean things slow down on dash a bit. So don't get discouraged! We are not going to cut back on our activity requirements, however, as we feel they are incredibly easy to meet, even during the busy times. What we are asking is that you, as players, are responsible with what you can handle. If you need to drop or pause characters, that is okay. Ask for hiatuses when needed, but remember that we do not offer semi-hiatuses. As admins, we absolutely understand and respect that real life comes first! We just also know that groups can't thrive and survive without activity, so all we ask is that you try your best during this busy month/season. We'll have a post closer to Christmas time with some guidance on posting gifts and any changes we need to make to checks, as well! xx
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Feel free to delete this! I kinda went off blabbing😅 I saw the ask about Ace being the only one explicitly said to have dated before and my brain went on a tangent thinking about the other guys and their situations: Sebek might have been too tunnel vision into being Malleus's bodyguard to think about romance, Epel comes from a small town with very few people his age so it's possible no one caught his interest yet, Jack mentions being careful with choosing partners bc he wants to only have one for the rest of his life. Deuce is the only one I don't remember well, but maybe he's always been single bc he was a delinquent back then and too intimidating for people to think about romantically, had his mind more focused on his personal problems, and/or bc it simply wasn't something he was interested in back then (this last one can apply to the other guys as well tbh).
I could be very wrong, but out of the first years I feel like Ace is the most "normal teenage boy" out of all of them, so him being the one who was curious about dating/have dated before probably made the most sense. I do think you're both (you and the anon) are both right though: Ace is worst pick out of that bunch🤣
[Referencing this post!] DISCLAIMER: In discussing this topic, I'm NOT discouraging anyone from shipping themselves/their Yuusona/their OCs with the TWST characters, I'm STRICTLY talking about the canon lore of Ace being the only student character to have dated someone.
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Those are good points about the other first years and why they probably haven't had experience with dating yet (Ortho isn't included in this list for obvious reasons). That... pretty much leaves only Ace, the most "normal teenage boy" out of everyone (whether that's for better or for worse 😅)! He makes the most narrative sense as “a character who has dated before".
A correction, I don't think the original Anon nor I really said Ace was the "worst", just one of the less... emotionally mature options of the first year group 💦 I'm sure Ace had his sweet moments and happy times in his relationship, it's just that it couldn't be maintained long term. Their interests didn't align, and they slowly drifted apart. (I'd also imagine that his general mean teasing could get to be too much at times.) It happens; fucking up is an important part of learning how to be better (or, in Ace's case, realizing that romance maybe isn't for him right now and that he much prefers to hang out with his guy friends).
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ilikepjo24 · 11 months
Hi hello! Your recent Azula redemption post got me thinking (again) about who could give her the support that she needs. And I somehow always come back to thinking about Katara fulfilling that role at least partly. Katara, who didn't have the "fire nation=evil" mindset even back when Sokka did; who did the Painted Lady thing without telling anyone, just because she felt it was the right thing to do; who fucking gave Zuko a chance. Zuko. Of all people, back then. And who overpowered Azula in that final battle and actually saw her cry out in anguish. At that point, she did what she had to do, they were enemies and Azula needed to be subdued. But, later, I feel like she would want to... try and be kinder to Azula.
Katara is also just a kid, and it's hard to imagine her not getting tired of Azula's distrust (and Azula, being at her lowest, won't want to trust an enemy even if the enmity is questionable at this point), but I still think this could go somewhere, and at the very least I am bewildered that no one mentions Katara saying anything about Azula being locked in the asylum?? I haven't read the comics and I'm not going to, so idk if that's 100% on the writers or there's something that the fans ignore there, but it's so out-of-character to me.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, but honestly I just needed to get it out of my system, I'm totally okay if you just delete this ask or something.
First, I'd like to start by saying I got nervous when I saw the ask because I thought it was a hateful one and I'm really, really glad I read it and realized it wasn't because I 100% agree with you and I think a couple of my mutuals do as well.
Personally, I believe that Katara would rightfully be distrustful and upset for some time, because it's hard to trust someone who has hurt you and your friends, even if you feel sympathy for them. But at the end of the day, you and I both know that she'll never turn her back on people that need her.
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And Azula most certainly needed her at that time. Well, not specifically her, but she needed someone...
Preferably, I prefer it when that someone is Zuko but no one could ever convince me that Katara wouldn't care at all, or even worse, that Katara would be happy about it. Because that's just so ooc for her. She might not be Azula's biggest fan but we never see her be indifferent or glad to see someone in pain.
But neither Katara nor Azula would trust each other. At least not in the beginning. However, I don't think that would discourage Katara at all and at some point (50 years down the road or somth XD) Azula will have to accept that no enemy puts this much time and effort for you if they still view you as an enemy.
I'm delighted you haven't read the comics, they are terrible. Those comics don't feature the Katara you and I know, but a Katara that not only doesn't feel even a bit of sympathy (which is just basic human freaking decency at this point) but makes an effort to add to that pain Azula is feeling. Which is just not Katara at all, as we both know.
I actively encourage you to keep not reading the comics and keep on being so polite and pleasant when you interact with people. It can be very refreshing for bloggers ☺️
Have a nice day and thanks for the ask!
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light-lanterne · 1 year
the tl is talking about au's and separating them from our perspective of the canon material and i felt compelled to mention that part of the reason i can't bring myself to write much these days is because people have been remarkably icky about most of my au's :\
for the darkest eyes, i am insensitive for making mike struggle with (mild) addiction and self-destructive tendencies. in the trees are growing restless i am stealing will's storyline and giving it to mike,,, in my 4'33" au i am "an ignorant prick" (legitimately the words that were used) for having will accidentally say something that could be considered mean,,, for my angel and devil au i'm wrong for making mike the actual "main character" of the story even though it's all from will's pov,,, and i've gotten supremely nasty, sometimes gory dm's (particularly on twitter; had to deactivate dm's there) over my serial killer au,,,
i never give these asks and messages any attention, but i've gotten over two dozen of them between this and the fic recs account (even in the fic submission form,,,) and it does get a little overwhelming and discourages me from opening up any of my docs,,,
three of these stories i haven't even started posting, so no one knows how anything plays out >.<
all in all, it's clear that, for some reason, this fandom really doesn't like au's and has a very strong opinion on which themes and tropes can be explored (and how) and i don't understand how this happened :\ i've never seen this in any of the other fandoms i've ever been a part of and i know i'm not the only one who's had problems like this, all because i wanted to a) explore how mike and will navigate a completely different environment and b) tackle slightly more mature themes.
and that's not even addressing the way people react to any discussion of intimacy in fics, even (specially) if it's non-sexual in nature :\
idk,,, i guess it's just disheartening to have a cool idea and then getting it shot down just because people have a set viewpoint of how things are supposed to play out :\
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bewitched-bullet · 3 months
Hi bewitched-bullet,
I'm the anon who talked about their "irreconcilable differences" when it comes to how to portray the characters the other day. I only mentioned it in passing because my main point was their lack of communication. Now I'd like to elaborate on the character portrayals. Like I said I've followed them for a year. And for the last 5-6 months I've observed their interactions on an almost daily basis.
(I'm a peaceful and gentle person and I hope my writing has reflected those qualities)
TL;DR: John has been trying to establish the relationship as a middle-aged couple; Sherlock's characterization is more in Series 1.
During this short six months, I've seen John's love declarations at least 4 times, which was either doubted, ignored, or "forgotten" the next day by Sherlock. Not big declarations, but those that came naturally as a result of the scene. John was apparently discouraged (since probably 3 months ago? It's so hard to search the posts with the Archive turned off) and even stopped acting jealous when there was Sheriarty. Oh, there was one time, I think your other followers may also remember, that John and Sherlock talked about John playing clarinet. It was a huge reblogged post and in the end John posted a photo of him playing clarinet with a ring on his finger. When followers pointed it out,John asked Sherlock something like "what could you deduce from me wearing your family heritage ring?" The question never got a reply. I'll send you links of love declarations when I get some free time to search through the blog.
Sherlock, on the other hand, is portrayed mostly as in series 1: reckless, brilliant, petulant, etc. and cranks up those qualities even more than Series 1. From time to time he forgets Rosie's existence. He also adds a characteristic that was not in BBC canon: Sherlock's lack of understanding of common daily expressions, like heart=feelings. I've seen him given anatomy lessons to followers when it came to "heart" and such. When followers questioned how he was able to go around his work if he didn't understand very common expressions or having edibles at home when Rosie lived there, John explained something like, "oh, he's toying you guys. That's not the case". The thing is that Sherlock behaves the same with John, so "toying with followers" doesn't explain it. The real reason is that they see characters at different timelines/ life stages.
I haven't followed them long, but I could already see for a while now that they couldn't meet in the middle ground, so the problem went back even further. I saw posts that saying the group doesn't talk as mods. Let's say that I wouldn't be surprised considering the lack of communication I've observed. This mess could have handled so much better if they had real communication along the way. They should have parted their ways a long time ago if they successfully communicated that the differences were irreconcilable. Personally I don't think it'll ever work out with zero behind the scenes, especially among characters with a long complicated canon history.
Best Regards
These are extremely good points for the role play community.
If their interpretation of a character they are playing doesn't vibe well, be cordial and try different characters, make adjustments, or separate ways.
The John mod mentioned that they have a 3 year history of rping together. The blogs are only.....2 years old? So they were rping together for a year before coming to tumblr.
If the John mod was dissatisfied with their character chemistry and rp style(s), a year is more than enough time to figure that out.
Of course people can change their minds. But as we have seen from Mycroft/John and Harriett mods, they refuse to speak out of character to deal with the more serious issues.
It's a mess
Search tag "a scandal in tumblr" for more info.
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stellamancer · 9 months
OOO I wanna play for the fandom ask game!!
N, I, K, U ☺️🥰💕💌
N - Name 3 things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom or fandom of choice.
Slow burn long fic. And when I say long fic i mean more than 50k. I kind of feel like I might have to be the change I want to see in the world but man... People who write long fic like really long fic are truly admirable. I mean, if I scour ao3 I think I'll probably find some... that also requires scouring ao3.
I'm actually not sure what else? I think I'm pretty satisfied otherwise LMAO. Fanmerch maybe... But then again, maybe that's a good thing for my wallet. I buy a lot of official merch anyway.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so which and why?
Lin asked me the other day when I mentioned it, but in a sense I kind of got away from Mystic Messenger in part thanks to tumblr. To repeat my previous answer then, I felt pretty discouraged when I got rejected from zines and I thought I was at least a fairly decent writer. I didn't say it then, but in some ways I kind of felt like an outsider? Truthfully, at the time I mostly wrote and never really read and I think my hermit status then contributed to that.
I also don't like Stranger Things and have it filtered. After seeing 5000 of the same gif of that one guy's face. I'd had enough LMAO. I recently filtered something else but I shan't say. >_>;
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Katsuki Bakugou. I was distraught when it seemed like Hori was gonna kill him off because like... To bring that character so far just to kill him? Terrible absolutely terrible. (On the other side of that to also basically immediately resuscitate him? What was the point of killing him right there in the first place?) There have been recent manga developments that have caused me to feel the same way so I haven't actually read the manga since then OOPS.
U - Three favorite characters from three favorite fandoms and why.
I'm assuming this means one each, right?
Drakenier series - YorHa No. 9 Type S (9S)
Nines is really precious. Really sweet. How energetic he is! Enthusiastic he is! He's a good foil to 2B who is so stoic. I can't talk about him too much without getting into spoiler territory and someone who follows me is playing so I don't want to do that, but what I will say is 9S is a little unwell and I like that.
IDOLiSH7 - Nikaido Yamato
It's his glasses. I like a man in glasses okay!! Okay, so like Yamato is the type who would tease me and I'm a freak because I'm into that!! It's so funny because I'm a Yamato oshi, but like I think that objectively Mitsuki and Gaku and Ryuu are better men LMAO. More worthy of fawning over, but I still like Yamato because of that mean streak. Okay, next.
Jujutsu Kaisen - Satoru Gojo
There has never been a character that I've known was going to fuck me over the way I knew Gojo was going to get me. I've said this before, but it was a very conscious choice to not get into JJK for as long as I did because I knew. And even if he was the worst character ever I'd find some reason to like him. Actually you know what? Why is he even on this list? I hate him. He's so hard to write because it feels like there's too many things going on in his head and it's all layered and it feels like he's the master of being two things at the same goddamn time. Concerned but amused? Cool but a pathetic loser? I hate him so goddamn much.
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stygiusfic · 1 year
hi styg !! i'm really curious about 14 and 15 for those end-of-year writer asks if you feel like talking about it 💖 !!
hi friend!! <333 thank you for the ask!!
14. a fic you didn't expect to write
I haven't posted this yet, but the question doesn't say it has to be posted, so. Inspired by my re-read of The Island of Doctor Moreau by H. G. Wells this summer, I've written 40k words (and counting) of a Critical Role C2 fanfic trapping one of my favorite characters of the campaign, Essek, on the island that steals people's memories away and makes them slaves to the false god in its volcano. (Currently titled The Island of New Beginnings; I have a CR sideblog @bug4bread-sideblog which is where I'll share when it's done.)
It's not Hades, which is all I've posted in the past couple of years, and it doesn't mean my Hades days are over, but man, I'm having a blast playing in this new sandbox. It's also an experiment: I've only mentioned it to a few friends, and plan to start posting only after I finish. I want to see if multi-chapter is easier for me that way. So, unexpected but good!
15. something you learned this year
Feels like I learned a lot! Or gained more confidence in my process; probably a mix of both. (Under a cut because it got long!)
Overall, in the long long years I've been writing, I've written mostly short stories or one-shots, and I've always struggled the most with finishing the initial draft. There's always that perfectionist urge in me that wants to get all the themes and plot elements and character arcs in the right arrangement from the get-go, and if I'm feeling dissatisfied with my direction it's hard to stay motivated.
This year, maybe because I've recently wrangled with longer works, I feel like I'm building some endurance in that regard! You can get lucky with a one-shot and push it out in a day, and get a first draft that’s near perfect, but that’s just not possible with multichapter, for me, and I’ve finally started to accept that.
It's still hard to let go of the urge to polish right away, but I feel like I understand now more deeply that my process relies on multiple passes to get where I want to go. Especially for 20k+ stories, this is what I'm learning to accept as the process:
0.5 — Outline: In-depth outline of the whole story with its ups and downs, with a list of scenes too, and I'll usually outline each scene before I write it. (Who's in the scene? What do they want? How are the things they want out of the scene opposed?). The overall outline will be thin in the second half because I still don't know enough about my story, I'll find out what I'm actually getting at when I start writing it; I’ve learned that This is fine.
1. — First draft: Sometimes inspiration works miracles but waiting for a miracle is not a process. I really feel like this year I got a step closer to accepting that my first draft can and should be rough. It's a draft. It's sinking in that, when I look at my artist friends' progress videos, of course I don't expect them to make a perfect painting without sketching basic shapes first, so why do I keep expecting the writing equivalent of that from myself?
1.5 — Heart Notes list: This has been the game changer in 2022. It's a list of things to fix in a later draft, and/or think about on my next walk. When I'm drafting and dissatisfied with something (why would this character do this? why does this pacing fall flat? etc) or introducing some new element halfway through that I will need to rewrite earlier scenes to set up, I just put it on this list. And I don't think about it anymore for now. I used to compile these notes after the first draft was done, but those issues weigh on me enough that they would often discourage me and keep me from finishing the first draft at all. The list lets me mentally set down the weight of that problem, knowing I will address it later, so I can keep drafting now.
2. — Second draft: My beloved. Here is where I will do the larger rewrites based on my heart notes and rearrange stuff how I need it to be and just generally feel terribly relieved the first draft is behind me.
3. — Final draft: Just tweak some sentence-level stuff to make it read better and clearer, and we're done. (This is what I have always foolishly hoped the second draft would be, which meant I needed the first draft to be close to perfect already... and that’s how I got stuck.)
I still have a long way to go in terms of learning to let the first draft suck as much as it needs to, but I've been feeling a lot more secure in the idea that sucking is part of the process. I struggled a lot with writing in the first half of 2022. It's been getting better, and I think giving myself more leeway to suck at first and then seeing it work out in the end has helped a lot.
I hope 2023 is a good writing year for you (and in general too)!!
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bekkachaos · 2 years
For ask game - 3, 11 and 37 🥰
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Nothing specifically comes to mind other than like, obvious no-nos. Although any trope where fulfilling it would drastically change the fundamental aspects of the character/s I just can't do.
11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
I mean, why not both? It's always been something I've wanted to do, ever since I was a kid I've wanted to write. But it's also fun (mostly once I've finished writing the thing and can be happy about it 😅). It is a fun passion that I don't think I'd ever be able to stop!
37. Talk about your current wips.
Well thank you for asking Nonnie! I have so many, it's silly, I need to focus on one! But here are some of them:
Now I'm new to Buddie, I haven't published any but I have started 3 fics now just to get ideas out of my head!
Grey's Anatomy AU (untitled) - this will be a beast, I've got a hell of a lot of notes already, started my Grey's re-run for inspiration, and 6k words under my belt. Dr Eddie Diaz (aka Dr Dreamy) and intern Buck are burned into my brain already.
Fire up the night (something's burning in me) - this is a story where Buck and Eddie hook up, both a little tipsy, but then Eddie avoids talking about it with Buck because he's scared of changing things, scared of what the whole encounter made him feel and what that means. Buck gets discouraged, and he feels like Eddie regrets it and is embarrassed by it, so he patches things up as best he can and they go on not talking about it, but it doesn't go back to normal. There's going to be a lot of therapy sessions and they're both going on self discovery journeys. Slow burn and miscommunication (aka boys please just tell each other how you feel)!
I think that you (and I) should lose clothing - the 118 attend a rescue at a bar, and the manager thanks them by comping them tickets to the show later in the week. Only he fails to mention the show is a striptease, with the lead being the hottest thing Eddie has ever seen, and the man is stripping out of a fireman's uniform of all things.
Groundhog Day AU (you're gonna be the one that saves me) - I've been working in the next chapter of this fic where Michael wakes up, meets Alex Manes and has the best date with him, it's perfect and he can't stop thinking about him. So he wakes up the next day and goes to see him, but Alex doesn't remember who he is. He realises that he's woken up on Friday again, repeating the day over and over, and what better way to spend the day that trying to get Alex to fall for him again?
Accompanying Fics for An Oasis in the Stars - I have notes and rough ideas for a series of mini fics set in the universe where the humans crash land on the oasis. Each one would follow a different character (the main fic having centred around Alex and how he was falling for Michael). I'm thinking three mini fics, one each for Liz, Kyle and Michael.
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acourtofladydeath · 8 months
🎵💚 Once bitten and twice shy, I keep my distance but you still catch my eye. Tell me baby, do you recognize me? ❤️🎵
I certainly hope not because I’m going out of my way to ensure that you don’t
Hi it’s me again (santa)
I hope your week is going well!! I’ve been thinking about your present and I was curious if you would prefer something canon-compliant/canon-divergent and/or pre-canon?
Also, I have plans to incorporate Nesta and I was wondering if there were any other characters or ships that would be fun for you to read if I included them? No promises to get them all, but I’ll do my best!
Final fic-related question: do you have any hard limits? Anything that you actively do not want to read or read about? I want to ensure that your present is as enjoyable as possible ❤️
Now because you seem very cool and I’d like to get to know you, I’m going to quiz you a little more 😂
What is your favorite color? (mine is either cornflower blue or mossy green)
What’s your go-to comfort film? (a few of mine are P&P (2005,) Under the Tuscan Sun, and The Holiday.)
Most Ardently Yours,
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HI SANTA!! Thank you for that, by the way, I will now have that song stuck in my head through the end of the year at a minimum.
I like to stay close to canon compliant, but it could be pre, during, or post! Honestly as long as they're together and happy.
I did want to add that I will enjoy smut, but I truly want these boyos to be in L.O.V.E. = LOVE. I'm such a sucker for a good story behind any smutty bits that may be included. Smut not required, story preferred. (BUT smut not discouraged AT ALL, I just prefer it to be a part of the bigger story. Set the stage, ya know?)
So excited to hear about Nesta!!! If and only if it works with your story I'd love to see the bat boys in there for 2 reasons:
Nessian moments, my other favorite ship.
The bat boys reactions to Azris is one of my fave parts of the ship.
Also would never say no to seeing Lucien, especially for more brotherly love vibes. But I don't have super strong opinions on additional characters!
I had to think about hard limits for a while because I don't have many, if you've delved into my AO3 bookmarks at all you'll see QUITE A RANGE LEMME TELL YOU. I'm typically not a fan of anything that straight up bashes characters, I truly see them all with faults, strengths, and weaknesses. As long as things/opinions are explained within a fic, I'm good with most of it. There are no individual characters I avoid or dislike. I'm not a fan of elriel (I'm mentioning this because it's one of the only things I typically scroll past but not sure it's at all applicable here?) If you're specifically asking about kink ranges, lemme know cuz they're WIDE AND VARIED. If there's anal there must be lubrication of some kind, that's a hard line for me.
As for my favorite color, I've got a lot of teal things, but I'm starting to tend more towards deeper, darker blue-greens and lots of forest greens.
Comfort movie? Oh gods...this question...I'm not sure that I have one. I literally had to go look at my streaming services because I haven't watched many movies recently. I also tend to rewatch TV shows more than movies d/t time constraints. I'm also such a mood watcher/reader/listener that this answer literally changes hourly. I'm a huge fan of Disney's Peter Pan (see: my Azris Peter Pan AU), Beauty and the Beast (OG animation), and Hercules. I don't think I could watch The Prince of Egypt enough in one lifetime. Anastasia is another favorite. I enjoy The Proposal a lot too. White Christmas is my favorite Christmas movie. I'm a huge sucker for movies like "Rush" that are retellings of actual events (and a big F1 fan).
Pride and Prejudice and The Holiday are both great movies that I really enjoy, but haven't watched in a while!!
I'm looking forward to see what you cook up with and getting to know you more as well!!
A chronic over explainer who could not come up with simple answers and I hope that's okay. Please feel free to ask for clarification on anything!
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
Hello. If requests are open, and if the Valentine’s Day prompts are still in use, may I request a yandere Daycare Attendant (Sun version) with the prompt “Secret Admirer”? If requests or Valentine’s Day prompts are closed, please ignore this request. Thank you for your time.
𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖!𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕠𝕡 -> 𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕥 𝔸𝕕𝕞𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕣
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Secret Admirer ➤ “It’s been so hard to watch you from afar, and know that you’re completely blind to my love. But now I’m brave enough to kiss you, to touch you, to love you.”
>Fandom: Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach
>Character: Sundrop
>Warnings: Yandere, Unhealthy and Toxic mindset, Toxic behaviour, Stalking, Mentions of Kidnapping,
>Type Of Content: Prompt
>Word Count: 1775
•I placed the prompt list there to be used for whenever so don't worry! I'll only stop using it when each one of them is written about I suppose XD
•Funny enough I couldn't decide if I wanted to do this for Sun or for Golden Freddy so thank you for making up my mind! But sorry- I always feel awkward writing about Sun and Moon for some reason.
"You mean you still haven't met the Daycare Attendant?" Your co-worker asked in confusion, looking at you in surprise "No? Even when I visit the Daycare all that often, I've just seen posters of Sundrop." You replied with a shrug, you visited the Daycare somewhat regularly to deliver certain things they might need but you seemed to always miss the animatronic that took care of the kids.
"I don't know if I should call it weird or lucky. Sundrop always loves visitors, but good on you, he gets annoying most of the time so you saved yourself from that." You almost frowned in disapproval to how your co-worker worded that, but then reminded yourself it was one of the animatronics "You don't need to be rude about it, you know how the animatronics here will feel..." Still you sighed, knowing what you've been told, Sun might've taken an offence to that.
"Come on, he's just a robot." Your co-worker huffed, quickly finishing up their food as lunch break was about to end "Yes, and have you seen how robots act around here? Why don't you go and tell Roxanne or Monty that as a test." You shot back, taking the last sips of your drink, checking your phone when it buzzed "You know what, that's fair." They agreed with a sigh, only for you then to get up "The manager needs something delivered to the Daycare again, I think they ran out of glitter glue."
"Sun really likes using that up." Your co-worker chuckled, making you raise a brow "Oh wow, and here I thought it was the kids." You had to deliver two boxes full every week, if Monty's rage fueled tantrums didn't cost them enough, Sundrop's glitter glue obsession will.
"Hey there kiddos! What are you playing?" You smiled once entering the Daycare, seeing the kids run over to you with big grins, some knew you from coming so often "We're playing hide and seek with Sunny! Will you join, miss [Y/N]?" One of them excitedly asked "Sorry but I got work… Speaking of Sun, is he the one hiding?"
Although some were discouraged by your refusal they nodded "Yeah, Sun just randomly announced the game when he heard you were entering. He's shy!" One little girl giggled, causing the boy next to her to gag "Ugh, you're all so weird."
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Don't start fighting now. It's not weird that he's shy." You sighed, not wanting to cause a fight as you laid down the box of glitter glue down with the other "Not that! She keeps insisting Sunny has a crush on you which is weird! Having a crush on someone is weird! You get cooties!" The little boy huffed back, then winced once the girl next to her nudged his arm "It isn't weird! And you weren't suppose to tell them! Sun said it's suppose to be a secret!" She yelled at him, making the boy gasp and then cover his mouth, looking at you.
You stared in shock, observing their faces, they looked like they realised they made a mistake, even ready to cry, you sighed "What do you mean? I didn't hear anything. Who likes who?" By saying that you got the kids to sigh in relief. You frowned, you haven't even met Sun but he looks like he has a crush on you 'It might be because I always deliver glitter glue.' You chuckled to yourself.
'Don't be a coward and go over there.' Sun shushed himself, more so Moon while the other tried convincing Sun to go and talk to you "It's more complicated than that Moon!" Sun whisper yelled, then covered his mouth to not make any noise, only peeking out of where he was hiding from and looked at you for a few seconds.
'I can't!' Sun whined, an immediate annoyed growl came from Moon, having to play wingman 'Just go, you want them to know you exist right? When they end up liking you they'll be your best friend forever, or more?' Sun stopped at that. Thinking it over and the thought of you two being friends forever?...
He moved, carefully manoeuvring to not be seen, he wanted to be closer, Sun had only ever heard your voice clearly just a couple of times "What about you?" One of the little kiddos asked, confusing both you and Sun "What about me?" Your voice sounded melodic to him, it made Sun let out a happy sigh, finally, he's made progress on how close he can get to you. Pretty soon he'll fully talk to you without crashing.
"Do you like Sun too?" They asked you, it made Sun actually panic 'Look at the little ones, actually helping you.' Moon teased in Sun's mind, while you took a while to answer, staring at the expecting faces and sighed, you didn't want the kids to start crying or be sad "Yes, I like him too."
Sun might've short circuited 'DID YOU HEAR THAT!?' 'I did.' 'THEY SAID THEY LIKE ME TOO!' 'I heard.' The conversation between Sun and Moon continued like that, the former hiding still and happily thinking to himself even after you left. It took the kids at least 10 minutes before they found him, giggling mischievously, not knowing Sun had heard everything.
Sun can approach you in peace now, knowing you like him too.
'Why do I have to do this?" You let out a groan, having to move some party hats and extra toys to the Daycare by yourself, it was nearly closing time but the Pizzaplex got a sudden call for a birthday party to be held here tomorrow and since only you were currently still in your shift you had to do it by yourself 'Least I'll be alone-' You flinched when the lights suddenly turned on once you entered.
You frowned, Sun wouldn't just randomly come out right? You entered inside, closing the door and carefully making your way through the toys and cubes to not push over anything, you've heard Sun is a clean freak-
You immediately yelped when something grabbed you and picked you up, causing you to drop everything 'Fuck.' You growled, knowing if anything was damaged you'd get chewed out. Looking to see who had grabbed you, you were met with a loud and excited voice "Hello new friend! Gosh it's so good to finally meet you!" You stared in shock at the animatronic, it was your first time seeing him from this up close.
"H-hello, um can you let me go?" You politely asked, finally realising how tall he really was "Oh of course! I apologise, I got too excited!" Sun carefully lowered down. The jingles of his bells still sounded out from how excited he was "It's alright, um… I'm [Y/N]." You introduced yourself, sticking a hand out awkwardly, according to the kids Sun liked you right?
"I know!" The grin on the others face made you shudder, how tightly he grabbed your hand when shaking it 'Calm down, he obviously has a database of all the employees…' You told yourself to keep calm, looking at your hand that Sun was still holding "Can you let go please? I need to make sure the toys and hats are okay." You asked, letting go of Sun's hand and trying to tug away.
"Why don't you worry about them later!? I'm so excited to finally talk to you!" Sun still held your hand, his excitement very evident to the point it was starting to annoy and creep you out quite a bit "Sun I-"
"Do not worry about it." Sun repeated again, Moon actually felt like laughing 'Well this was going to go downhill.' "I know everything! I heard what you told the kids!" You stopped when he mentioned that '... No way.' A frown appeared on your face, looking up at Sun in disbelief 'How can he like me like that? He's a robot.' You quickly attempted to step back, yet to be grabbed by Sun again, the animatronic wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you still.
"Aww no need to be shy new friend! I feel the same way! Actually I've liked you for SUCH a long time!" He exclaimed, not observing how your expression started turning into a fearful one, trying to pull away from him, only for Sun to move closer "It’s been so hard to watch you from afar, and know that you’re completely blind to my love. But now I’m brave enough to kiss you, to touch you, to love you~" Your eyes teared up, the new information Sun told you made you sick to your stomach.
"No! L-let go!" You could hear your heartbeat, your breathing turning ragged as you tried kicking away at Sun so you could be let go of, suddenly, Sun's excitement and happiness plummeted down "What? Sunshine, what's wrong-"
"I lied okay! I-I mean I hadn't even seen you before so how could I…" You started trembling, tears appeared in your eyes when Sun tightened his hold on you, your blood ran cold when you looked at him "What." Sun hissed, glaring at you in an unsettling manner and making you freeze up.
'Hah! I knew it!'
"You… Rule breaker." Sun's voice was cold, uncaring and the complete opposite of before. It got you to regret what you had said "N-no- fuck- Sun-" You attempted to say before Sun wrapped a hand around your neck, his grip wasn't tight, but threatening enough to get you to stop talking "Language~" He laughed, it sounded out through the deserted daycare, tightening his grip on your neck
"You've been bad, lying, cursing..." You trembled in fear, holding onto Sun's wrist and attempting to shake it off, soon not only growing tired from thrashing around but also from how tight he had started to hold your neck.
"Looks like I need to teach you some manners, sunshine~"
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