#driftwood texas
m00ndingochan · 1 year
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We’re frozen in! No electricity, no water! Roads are black ice, the sound of cracking trees is the only sound…
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Saying “why he kinda…” while watching horror movies with friends whenever the most rancid murderer (my type) is on screen>>>>>>
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livindeadgirlgrav · 9 months
can you plz write headcannons or a story about female reader picking up nubbins sawyer while he’s hitchhiking, one thing leads to another, and she’s riding him to death (not literally teehee) in the back of her van🖤? maybe a bit of dom reader too? thank you so much🖤🖤
Yessss! Of course! Thank you so much for the request! I can totally write a headcanon also if you like! I love my little stories lol
Pairing: Nubbins Sawyer x Dom fem reader
Warning: NSFW!! Very nsfw, mention of drugs, violence, etc
Ps: Not 100% proof read it’s 3am lol it’s possible I overlooked something
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You were a lost soul according to your parents, but in your mind all you wanted was to be free. A lot of things gave you that feeling of freedom- music, the open road, and a couple psychedelic drugs here and there. Having all three at your disposal you felt pretty free today. Driving your 72' Ford van you jammed all the way down the road. You hummed at the silk like feeling of the wind running through your fingers as you held your hand out the window. You smiled to yourself when you saw a hitchhiker on the side of the road. Of course you pulled over for them. First off it was way to hot to be walking I mean you were practically naked in your mothers eyes. And secondly he was pretty cute and you didn't have anything to do all day besides seeking that sweet freedom.
Once you came to a stop the strange looking man quickly got in the car. "Hey man? You alright? Its super hot out today. Suppose to be the hottest day of the year." You stated trying to make small talk. The man now in your passenger seat smiled. "Where you heading too hm?" You smiled at him as you started to drive away occasionally looking at him. "South" You nodded. "Same!" You giggled. "So how did you get out here?" You asked softly. "I was at the slaughter house, my brother work there. My grandfather too! My family always been in meat." He chuckled a little liking the attention he was getting from you. "Oh cool, my daddy was in it for a bit too but got a better job as I grew up. I never liked it, it made me sad seeing the poor babies." The man chuckled. "Its good food though, see they make head cheese. T-they take the head and boil it expect for the tongue and they scrap all the flesh away from the bone. They use everything, they don't throw nothin away!" Hearing the man ramble on you thought it was a bit gross but also kinda cute, he was so excited as if he hadn't had anyone to talk to in years. Like a little lost puppy. You giggled a bit, "Well I didn't know that." You smiled at him then looked back at the road. "Oh I love this song" You said turning up the radio, the wind blew into your window perfectly swaying your hair from side to side. Your attention was captured when you saw a flash coming from the man. Looking over you saw the man grinning as he looked at you then his camera. “Hey you took my picture!” You giggled. “You can drive to my house! It’s just down this road! A-and you can have dinner with me and my..” before he could finish you cut him off “Are you asking me out on a date?” You asked as you pulled over. The man looked at you confused. “Let me see.” You said as you scooted closer to him and took the photo out of his hand. “It’s not bad. You wanna take some more?” You smirked at the man.
Before you knew it the two of you were in the back of you 72' Ford van. You made the first move which wasn't unusual for you. At first you whispered sweet nothing into the nameless man's ear, then started nipping at his ear and the skin on his neck, earning soft moans from him. You noted at how edger the man was, noting how he trembled at your touch. Seeing how he wanted to touch you just not sure how. "You can touch me if you want, I don't bite..hard." You giggled then moaned softly as the man place his hand on your exposed thigh. "We can be slow if you like?" The man starred at you in awe and shook his head no. "Good boy." You quickly straddled his lap and began to kiss the man, kissing you back the man placed his hands on your waist. Grinding you kept kissing him till he pulled back a little to let a moan escape his lips. "It feels good doesn't it?" The man nodded as he laid back watching you grind against his lap. Smirking you kept going as you removed your shirt then your bra watching the mans face as he grinned ear to ear. You grabbed the mans chin softly and pulled him to you. Looking down at him you felt very dominate and free. The mans breath hence at the sudden touch, looking up at you he went to kiss you but you moved back slightly. "Tsk tsk so you wanna touch me?" You asked. "Y-yes." The man stuttered. "What do you say?" "Please?.." The man was very impatient as he was so needy, wanting a release. Grinning you placed the mans hands on your chest and he bucked his hips uncontrollably, making you chuckle. You grinned against the man making him shutter and moan. "You are so big." In a matter of seconds you both went after the same thing, his belt. You pushed his hands away and he grunted frustrated. Grinning you undid his belt and then his pants, going to undo yours he stopped you, pushing your hands away lightly. The man quickly unbuttoned your daisy dukes. Lifting yourself up the man pulled your shorts down. Before you even realized he was inside you and you rode him like a bull rider. Hearing his moans, grunts and whimpers. It was music to your ears and he was so unaware.
You both stayed in that metal tin till the sun went down, changing positions and occasionally fighting for dominance (when you won more than once) you moaned as the now naked man trusted into you and kissed on your neck. Grabbing his hair you moaned out, grinding as best you could against. The man moaned as while almost in perfect harmony with you. Before you knew it you both were finishing at the same time, it was something you never experienced before! A feeling washed over you that you swear was familiar but it definitely wasn’t.
Laying in the floor of the van you snuggled up with the man you come to learn to be Nubbins. Finding a old blanket under one of the seats you both snuggled underneath . Surrounded by polaroids of your naked body and of his you both fell asleep on the biggest high you could only imagine.
Hey! I hope you enjoyed! Thank you so so so much from the request and thank you tons for reading!
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choptopmia · 9 months
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drunkbeefstudio · 3 months
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ethanhoewke · 11 months
if i die i die
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credit: hewittswhore
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fvnk2fvnky · 5 months
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Proud of this one
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soupbabe · 1 year
Could I request the long haired slashers w a S/O that loves playing with their hair, washing it , tying it up and like coos about how handsome they are?
Long haired slashers: Vincent sinclair, Thomas hewitt, Nubbins sawyer and otis driftwood!
Playing with the Slashers' hair
Featuring: Nubbins Sawyer, Otis Driftwood, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair
I was close to putting Chop Top in this line up because I love his personality but I remembered you can't really braid 3 strands of hair 💀
Tagging: @slaasherslut, @rottent33th , @the-pinstriped-hood, @devil-doll13
Otis Driftwood
- While it can stroke his ego, I think it makes him embarrassed for the most part
- Not even the cute blushy kind of embarrassment, he kinda gets agitated and doesn't want you to be all on him until he calms down
- He doesn't like feeling as if he's getting soft, but your fingers feel so good in his hair
- Maybe he makes this a private only kind of thing, he can't risk the family seeing him like this
- Baby teases you both as is, if she walked in and saw you braiding his hair and cooing over how handsome he is, no one is making it out of his room alive
Nubbins Sawyer
- He loves it when you play with his hair !!
- Literally he can't stop laughing and sit still, that's how happy he is when you do it
- He has the shortest hair out of this group, but it's still so much fun to play with it
- Especially when you wash his hair, there's no doubt he's using the shampoo and conditioner as a way to have a mohawk
- I think showers and baths might be the only time you can catch him more relaxed, he melts like putty when you massage his scalp
Thomas Hewitt
- You are legally obligated to put dandelions in his hair
- It flatters him to no end when you lay him on your lap and you just surprise him with compliments!!
- He can't sign anything, he's too busy covering his face with his hands
- While washing his hair is less than glamorous- all the sweat, dirt, and blood build up isn't pretty, it makes him feel so loved
- He doesn't take good care of himself, so having you there with him feels like a blessing
Vincent Sinclair
- He's another one that doesn't have the best self care track record, he completely absorbs himself in his work
- Literally there are bits of wax stuck to his hair he needs a whole day off to take care of it
- But he is also very flattered by your actions, though he focusses a lot more on the act of you taking care of him rather than the confidence boosts
- If you let him, I think Vincent would want to return the favor and take care of your hair too
- Thinking about showering with Vincent, guiding him through your hair routine so he can help you unwind and savor the moment you have with him
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berteder0 · 10 months
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And otis is here too
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j4mj4m · 8 months
Bill Moseley and his cat 🐱🐱
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nubbims · 8 months
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And the Otis practice shit I did…something like that ig
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m00ndingochan · 9 months
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intimacyequalsdeath · 4 months
Disclaimer, Please Read
Hi my babies, After the other days post entitled "Fuck off" about someone I had blocked due to them being a minor with a shrine account to the two gross fuckers behind the Columbine school shooting I decided it would be good to make this post since I after that account encountered ANOTHER ONE FROM A DIFFERENT PERSON that was also a shrine to Columbine.
My blog is for horror movie villains and slashers. In laymans terms my blog is about FAKE CHARACTERS MADE UP FOR SOMETIMES CHEESY HORROR MOVIES. My blog is not the place for anyone who idolizes real serial killers or especially people like the fucks who were behind Columbine. If I find ANY of that shit on your account I will block you whether your 18plus or not as I do not tolerate that at fucking all and will not associate myself with it.
This is an issue I've seen within the slasher community before of people blurring the lines and incorporating actual real people who did horrible, disgusting things into the slasher fandom and I will NOT have that on my blog. The slasher community is for FAKE CHARACTERS from movies we all enjoy. It is no place for your fucking wet dream over gross motherfuckers who did disgusting things to people take that shit elsewhere and away from me and my followers.
So yes I just wanted to make this post to make my standpoint very clear and that I will not hesitate to fucking block and REPORT any account with any of this bullshit on it to tumblr if you try to follow or interact with me on here. Stay out of our fucking fandom and away from me and my community.
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alexloveshorrormovies · 5 months
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Enjoy these silly photos I made their all baby girl
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pigeoncreep · 3 months
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Art dump 😦
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drunkbeefstudio · 3 months
What's up my handsome British boy😌🫶🏻 I have another idea >:] male y/n or trans masc y/n on the couch and any slasher you'd like 😘🫶🏻
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