#dwayne is such a dad. but he is also a Lost Boy. at least he is trying though
enquiringangel · 6 months
Bad Influence
A silly fic inspired by a chat in the notes from a post from @themarginalthinker . The Boys have potty mouths; Laddie picks up on this. Also on AO3
Paul was the best at scoring the good shit, so the rest of them parked up outside the arcade while he ventured inside to see what was on offer. Dwayne could see him from here chatting to a boy waiting in line for a turn at Pac-Man, an arm around his shoulders.
The rest of them had parked up outside while they waited for him, Marko chewing at a loose thread on one of his gloves as he watched Paul cozy up to the dealer. David and Star were sharing a cigarette, David taking a pull and then holding it up to her lips. Dwayne drummed his fingers on the handlebars of his bike, watching Laddie play pinball.
The pinball machine was sci-fi themed, with green bulb-headed aliens and little disc-shaped spaceships that lit up and chimed and made pew pew noises every time the ball bounced off one of them. Green lights flashed frantically as Laddie mashed at the buttons, but as the ball fell between the flippers, the aliens’ eyes blared red and the machine made a flatulent blat of disappointment.
Laddie scowled at the machine and slapped the console in disappointment. “Fuck,” he said in his childish voice.
At first Dwayne thought that his enhanced hearing had failed him, but the sound of chuckling erupting from behind him and Star’s sharp exclamation of, “Laddie!” put paid to that.
The little guy looked over at Star innocently. “What?”
“You mustn’t say that,” Star scolded him.
“Why not?” Laddie protested. “You guys say it all the time.” A smile tugged at his mouth, a haven’t-I-been-naughty-and-isn’t-it-fun kind of look. His face had lit up at his older brothers’ obvious amusement.
“You’re nine years old,” she said, glaring disapprovingly at the boys for encouraging him. Marko screwed up his face in an exaggerated impression of her scowl, which made David let out an honest to god snort. “Swearing is a sign of a limited vocabulary,” she added, turning away from her companion huffily.
“I’ll have you know my vocabulary is extensive,” Marko protested. “I can call someone a cunt in five languages.”
Laddie immediately perked up. “What’s a—”
“It’s a word Marko will keep out of his goddamn mouth if he doesn’t want me to ram a bar of soap down his throat hard enough for it to shoot out of his ass,” Dwayne declared, eyeing the other boy with a forbidding expression. Age made vampires stronger, but the gap had to be a century or two before it started to matter. Marko might be older, but he could and would end him if he didn’t buck his ideas up, and he had no issue with broadcasting this thought into the other vampire’s mind.
“Whoa, chill.” Marko held up his hands in the universal sign of surrender, no longer laughing.
“Star’s right little man,” Dwayne said now, looking at Laddie seriously. “You shouldn’t be swearing. You have to be at least twelve before you can say words like that,” he added, missing the way Star’s approving look at his support melted into an expression of exasperation.
Laddie scuffed the toe of his shoe against the ground, face sulky. “Sorry.”
“It’s cool,” Dwayne said immediately. “And it’s our fault anyway. We’ve all got to cut back on the cursing.” Laddie was just a kid, and way too impressionable. They were meant to be taking care of him, not messing him up.
“Yup and while we’re at it we’re all going to church this Sunday,” David snarked. “I better dig out a suit.”
Dwayne ignored the remark. “Every time someone swears around Laddie it’s ten bucks in the swear jar.”
“The swear jar? For fuck’s sake, Dwayne—”
Wordlessly, Dwayne turned to face his leader and held out his palm. For a moment the two of them stared one another down, thoughts streaming between their minds. Dwayne’s were heavy with memories of another little boy he’d been responsible for, a little boy who was buried in another state in an unmarked grave. He didn’t mean to be maudlin, but it had the desired effect.
David sighed quietly and dug into his pocket for a roll of bank notes, peeling off a ten and slapping it down into Dwayne’s palm.
Dwayne tucked it away in his jacket, satisfied.
At that moment, Paul came back out of the arcade with a grin on his face. “We got some molly bitches. Let’s get shitfaced tonight motherfuckers!”
Marko clicked his tongue. “Such foul language, Paul. You should be ashamed.”
“Extremely ashamed,” David said, shaking his head. “Give Dwayne thirty bucks right now.”
“What the fuck for?”
“Forty bucks. For the swear jar.”
“Swear jar?” Paul echoed, looking at them both in obvious bafflement. “What fucking swear jar?”
“Fifty,” Star counted, resting her chin on David’s shoulder, arms loosely encircling his middle.
“We’re setting a good example,” Dwayne explained, nodding his head towards Laddie. “Now.” He held out his hand.
“Pay up.”
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Headcanons for Vampire bois
David is a wine mom, period. He already smokes like a fucking chimney, so why not down some good ole wine with Barbara at a weekly book club?
Paul would definitely eat a marble if someone dared him to, as a matter of fact I think he’d eat one just because he’s curious of the taste.
Marko as at least once had tried to brush out his curls and got the brush stuck. With hair like that there’s no way at least one comb or brush hasn’t gotten stuck in there.
Dwayne just zones out, he just completely slips out of reality, he won’t even be high when he does it. He’ll just gaze off until someone (Wine mom David) pats him on the shoulder to bring him back.
David was definitely like that video of Cardi B smoking three cigarettes when he met Michael, man was probably stressed as heck.
They all equally hate Max, not only because he’s an ass with the whole family thing, but because he makes the same dad jokes that they’ve heard for centuries.
Paul definitely chews on stuff, not furniture, but just things that he’s holding, like a wooden popsicle stick, or a pencil. (Definitely snapped one by doing so.)
Dwayne will definitely draw things with Laddie, drawing the amusement park, maybe even Laddie will draw a family portrait or a picture of Dwayne’s bike.
Marko will just climb shit. He’ll just look at a wooden pole and just decides to climb it. (On a few occasions he has fallen from said climbing spot.)
At least one of the boys drinks bourbon, I’m leaning towards Dwayne but David could drink it too. Not sure who drinks it, but at least one of them does.
Also I’m pretty sure this image sums up the Lost Boys.
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saltylandland · 1 year
The Lost Boys attractiveness rating
Curtesy of me. This may be a bit controversial but I’ll be giving reasons worry not. Also I’m not including Sam, the Frog brothers, and laddie for obvious reasons.
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Tall, Dark, and handsome. My type and honestly, considering my past crushes have been Uta + Ayato (from Tokyo Ghoul) and Andy Beirsack, this really isn’t shocking. Plus he has long hair and he’s indigenous (I am also indigenous) he’s so fucking deadly lol.
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I have a thing for voices and his is just 👌 and he’s just pretty, even with the mullet lol. Like look at that smile!!!! Plus out of all the boys I draw him a lot.
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It took me awhile to get on board with him actually, but then someone described him as angel face and I was like ‘!!!!!!!’ Yeah totally! Plus he has a cool jacket, has pet pigeons, and he’s (at least Headcanon) creative.
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80’s Esmeralda lol. But like she’s so pretty??? It’s unfair. She’s also (Headcanon) creative. The main reason she’s this low on the list is bc women weren’t really allowed to have personalities in the 80s :/ (I’m joking,,, kinda) she could’ve been so interesting, instead she betrays her (supposed to be) friends for something she willingly gave up and Debbie Ryan. She makes Bella Swan look responsible.
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She’s also very pretty, just,,, women ❤️ also she’s very sweet, kind, and protective. Negative points bc she was a ‘starseed’/ ex-hippy kinda person which is a red flag.
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Nothing against him or his actor (rest in peace Brooke) but he just looks like my uncle??? And a little like my Dad in the 80s, so I can’t get the appeal. Usually when I write for poly!lost boys or him on his own I replace his face with some other 80s Heartthrob or hair metal band member (Jon Bon Jovi? Especially when he was younger? ❤️👌)
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I hate that Debbie Ryan smirk he does, plus every Michael I’ve ever met is a shit.
Max 🤮🤢
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Also keep in mind if he has been in Santa Carla for who knows how long, especially on the boardwalk where teens would want to hangout, he could’ve remembered Lucy when she was young. Ew.
Honourable mention
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He may not work like he used to but he is goated and a role model to everyone.
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david-powers-simp · 11 months
What the lost boys would be like as fathers
What's good, my homies. This idea came to me and I knew I just had to write it so enjoy my peeps. I didn't proofread this either, so my apologies for any mistakes.
Also besties really quick before we get into the headcancons. I just want to thank all of you guys so much for all the likes and reblogs you've been giving me and all the sweet comments on my writing it means so much, so thank you guys 😭💖🩷
Now, I think it would be pretty interesting how the boys acquire their kids. I think it's possible the boys could get a human pregnant. But i also think the boys might would wait until their partner was a vampire before having kids. However, I have no clue how the child would grow. Would they grow normally? Would they grow rapidly? There are so many unanswered questions. So, for the sake of this fic, I am just going to say that the boys have children that grow at a relatively normal pace. Maybe a little faster than humans. But not drastically.
This man. This man right here would be such a fun dad. He would take his kids on so many adventures. Like he would go to the boardwalk and make it his mission to take his kids on every single ride so that they could have the absolute most fun possible he would also buy ~steal~ his kids anything they wanted. His little hell raiser happiness is a top priority. Yes, marko calls his kids his " little hell raiser." And yes, I've been saying kids plural because I feel marko would have more than just one little munchkin he'd have at least 3 kids. Now, I don't think he would have all his kids close together. There would definitely be a few years age gap in between. I think marko is a very fun dad and not very stern. Don't get me wrong, marko can be stern in certain situations. Like if one of his kids could've gotten serious hurt/did get serious hurt. Marko then would have to be a little stern and tell them that what they did was dangerous and not something they should be doing or should even do again. However if his kids started to cry because of his stern words hurting their feelings he'd immediately go into soft dad marko and apologized for making them upset and that he was only stern because he was scared and worried than probably offer to take his little bundle of joy out for ice cream. Also, an important note is that the age I see marko having kids between the ages of 3 - 5. So he would have a ball with all the stuff he'd get into with his babies. Piggyback rides are a must. Marko carries his kids almost everywhere. Even when him and the boys are going out, he even installs a little seat onto his motorcycle so his kid will have a place to sit and not fall off. Now, if marko had more than one little one at a time, he would have one of the other boys ~most likely dwayne~ hold onto his other munchkin.
Sweet Paul. He would be baby crazy. I see Paul having one, maybe two kids. Paul would be the dad that says yes to anything and everything. He'd be the fun dad but with no limits. That's where he's different from marko, marko also is the fun dad, but marko has boundaries. Paul, not so much. Don't get me wrong, Paul loves his babies so much, but the way Paul sees it, if they aren't going to die doing it, let them have fun. I do see Paul as a boy dad. Maybe even a boy and a girl. I think he would find his kids absolutely killer outfits for them to wear too so if he has a son hed def find and outfit for his son to match him and for his daughter he would also match her but this time hed probably put a bow in his own hair to match her. Bro, imagine how sweet paul would look with like a punk bow in his hair to match his daughter im crying. He would definitely be a cuddly dad. I can see him playing with his bundles of joy for hours before settling in for a cuddle pile with them. I think the age range for Paul's kids would be 7 - 9, so close to laddies' age. Paul definitely would show his kids his music so they can rock out together. Cartoons are a must for Paul. One day, he brought home a portable TV for the kids since the cave doesn't have electricity or power outlets, for that matter. And even since then, paul and his kiddos would be obsessed with cartoons. Everyone's favorite is definitely care bears. Paul may or may not have gotten obsessed with care bears, and he may or may not have a growing collection of stuffed care bears he's got for his kids. I could also see Paul as like a pop tart dad. He'd let his kids eat sugar if they wanted even for breakfast. Now, don't get me wrong, he'd make sure they eat healthy sometimes, but mostly, they could have whatever they wanted. Paul will 100% draw and color with his kids too. He'd spend hours with them, making different master pieces of artwork.
Ah, daddy dwayne. Look, dwayne is prepared to be a dad. He was born ready. I think being a parent comes so naturally to dwayne. Like the instant dwayne sees his child. boom. He's in dad mode and just knows exactly what to do. Like I'm talking, he knows when the baby is crying a certain way, dwayne knows exactly what his baby wants. I think dwayne's kids would be newborn - one year old idk I just think dwayne loves babies. He adores kids as well. But come on, I don't think any of us would complain about seeing dwayne be all soft and sweet for his little baby. Dwayne would probably have like 5 kids, so good luck. What can I say? Our man loves kids and loves sex so win win on his part. And I know im not the only one that thinks dwayne would be a girl dad. Hed make and amazing girl dad. He would cradle them so gently when they're little, but once they've gotten bigger, hed treat his daughters like absolute princesses. Hed pick them flowers, braid their hair, read to them, paint their nails. I believe in my soul that dwayne would take a scarf and wrap his kids to his chest when he's busy. This includes when he's riding his motorcycle, walking around the boardwalk just anytime, really when he needs both his hands, but his baby wants to be held. I think dwayne would be a pretty relaxed dad but very cautious. Hed make sure to keep a close eye on his kiddos so that'd they don't get hurt. He has lightning fast reflexes, too. He'd be able to see an accident waiting to happen miles away so you can be rest assured that the kids would always be in good hands with dwayne. He would be very responsible with his kids, making sure they are always safe, happy, and healthy.
Believe it or not, I think david really wants kids. I just think it would take a little time for him to admit it. David would be a sweet dad, just very worried and stressed, I think, at first. I see david having either one kid or four. There is no in between. He would thrive with kids ages one to two. Because for david those ages are the best because they can sit up, crawl, maybe even walk. Plus, the cute baby babbles. David would love that part. He'd definitely be over the moon his his baby started calling him "dada." He would love milestone. He'd love watching his sweet little one grow and succeed at things. I think david would either have a son or three boys and one girl. Now, with that being said. David would be very, very protective over his kids. Not a soul could speak a bad word about his precious angels, and if so, they'd end up being dead in a ditch somewhere. Simple as that. David would be stern but not overly stern. Like david would correct his kids but in a soft way. Like if his baby was trying to chew on his earring. Instead of getting frustrated or scolding his baby. David would simply pull out an antique silver teething ring he had on a chain underneath his shirt. And he would simply give it to his baby. I think david would also consistently carry his baby everywhere. Even if his little one can walk, he'd prefer to carry his baby so he knows that his son or daughter is safe. David would always be extremely alert when out with his bundle of joy. I think it would definitely take david a while before he let any of the boys watch his baby bat. Even though david does trust the boys, he believes his his baby is safest with him.
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starlahuskyz · 7 months
Which of the Lost Boys do you think is the most likely to…
Paint your nails?
Know how to cook or at least make something edible?
Have a tattoo(s) or to get one?
Borrow something and not return it?
Take home a zoo animal?
Take the longest in getting ready or do their hair?
Talk or snore in their sleep?
Want to do karaoke?
Eat a spoonful of wasabi?
Get hangry before a meal?
Pie someone in the face as a prank?
Thanks for asking!
Marko strikes me as the artsy type so I could see him doing it, but Paul would also be into it...just not very good at it.
They can't cook anything without in depth instructions, yet they still manage to fuck it up somehow.
I could see Paul maybe wanting to get group tattoos but everyone else is absolutely against it.
All of them, they take what they need at it's a 50/50 on whether you get it back or not. (results may vary)
Once again, all of them.
Paul and Marko probably steal exotic birds or even the occasional big cat if they are daring enough.
David's hair is probably fried by how much bleach he's putting in it which must take him quite some time. And Paul probably takes an obscene amount of time figuring out which bracelets to wear for the outing.
During daysleep they are silent, but if they were to take a nap during the night then Paul probably mumbles a bit and I like to imagine that Dwayne snores like a dad.
Paul is an avid karaoke fan and he doesn't have the worst voice, if he's drunk though...keep the mic away from him.
Marko will eat anything.
David and Marko get pissy when they are hungry.
Paul and Marko are menaces when it comes to pranks.
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lazywerebat · 1 year
i’ve got a lovely request for you (and some more in a sec since my brain is on 24/7)
the lost boys x trans male reader who dresses like a dad
the long shorts, oversized tshirt with a hawaiian shirt on top, of course we can’t forget the socks with sandals
so it’s just the reader dressing like this cause it’s comfortable (obviously he has some jewelry to add to it) and the boys just full on make fun of him because it’s silly !!
Looking Like A Dad !
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Polyam! Lost Boys x TransMan! Reader
warnings; boys making fun of reader for his outfit ( its only meant light-hearted and jokingly ) !
word count; 3.1k
a/n; thanks sm for request! i hope you liked it! im sorry if its bad, im dissociated a lot lately so it might me bad TvT !! also don't judge me for title, i couldn't think of any better :')
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It was nice summer evening and you were getting ready for tonight to hangout with your lovely boyfriends. You finished youre outfit, some long shorts, oversized t-shirt with a hawaiian shirt on top, socks with sandals and of course you added youre favourite jewelry. You looked at yourself in mirror and smiled to yourself. You liked how you looked, it all screamed you and you were happy with it.
You went to boardwalk to search for your boyfriends, you weren't really sure if they went hunting or not. Either way you liked it on boardwalk whenever it is with them or without, so it didn't matter because you will have fun. After a while on being on boardwalk, you came to conclusion that they went hunting and were probably in cave.
You were carefully walking down the stairs to not slip cause those stairs were so damn slippery. As you were in your thoughts, thing you didn't wanted to happen in fact did happen, you got your hands ready to avoid fall so it doesn't hurt much but that fall didn't happen either.
“Woah there handsome, don't want ya falling out of closet”
you heard a voice, you opened your eyes to see Paul, you playfully rolled your eyes and he just kissed your lips and of course you kissed him back. He got you safely on ground when you got grabbed by someone and got lifted in air, you let out a surprised scream.
“Hey there little bug, hows our silly man?"
Marko questioned when he got both of you on ground, you weren't expecting that at all, so you were trying to process while he was waiting for you to answer.
“I'm fine, just a little warning before you do that, okay?"
you replied and look at him. He smiled goofy then placed both of his hands on your cheeks and kissed you deeply. You felt kisses on your neck and figured out its Paul. David sat in his usual spot, his wheelchair, Dwayne laid on couch reading a book, while terror twins were with you.
"Come on, give him a break. At least he deserves one from both of you and his clothes."
David spoke, you looked at him,
"Hey! Nothings wrong with my clothes!"
you said,
"Right, whatever makes you sleep at night."
David chuckled lightly and you pretended to be mad, so you crossed your arms.
"Aw look at him!"
Paul smiled goofy and you just looked at him with annoyed look.
"Ya sure? You wear similar clothes almost everyday."
Dwayne expressed while still looking at his book.
"Tells me a man who wears same clothes every night and sleeps in it too."
You stated and all of them look at you surprised, you wouldn't really say anything back to their jokes but now you were feeling like it. Other three bursted out laughing while Dwayne looked at you with 'surprised and what the fuck' expression.
"That same shit applies to other three of you."
You reminded them as you were looking at them. They had same expression as Dwayne now and you were trying not to laugh but failed. Then they were laughing with you and you five spent rest of night with each other, them making jokes abt your outfits and cuddling with each other.
You knew their jokes were meant to be lighthearted and not taken seriously, so you knew they weren't serious.
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soupbabe · 2 years
The Lost Boys (separate) with a Plus Size S/o!
It's bound to happen,,I get attached to a new piece of media? Boom. I make em adore fat ppl
- First off. I just want to say that this man definitely has a dad bod and no I won't take any criticism
- May I just say he adores you??
- He isn't one on mushy romance and pda (or affection for that matter) but at the cave? You're always by his side
- Almost always you're seen in his lap in his wheelchair, an arm around your soft midsection
- I feel like his favorite part of yours is your chubby cheeks/double chin
- Like I can easily imagine David taking a gloved hand to squish your cheeks together, making your lips puff out like a fish just to tease you
- That and in his softer moments just kissing along your softer jawline and double chin?? Svshsjsdgsh I love it
- He's also very possessive of you, that's why you're stuck to him like glue around the boys and at the boardwalk
- He knows your hot and revels in the fact that he got to you first
- shdhdbsjh I love him, he's probably the least shallow out of all of the guys
- He doesn't care for a bit of pda like holding your hands while y'all are on the boardwalk or a small kiss here and there
- This man loves to pick you up and carry you around. You weigh nothing to him
- Literally one time Dwayne walked around with you on one arm and Laddie on the other like it was nothing bsbdjdnsn
- finally, what vampiric strength should be used for: Embarrassing ur fat s/o by just carrying them around everywhere
- This man loves big arms I'm just saying-
- Feeling your arms wrap around him when you're on his motorcycle? Like?? Hes sure he died again
- Also I just feel like he has a small fascination with them
- Like sometimes y'all be on the couch together and you'll just feel him poke and squish em
- It's just so soft?? It's what gets him through it
- He's so possessive of you it's so funny fhdjdjd
- He takes you out once and glares at the stares strangers give you, regardless if it was positive or negative
- I don't think Marko is this stupid but I find it a nice thought of him being persistent on you wearing his clothes (jacket, shirt, whatever he can get his hands on)
- But like he completely forgets that he's built like a twig and the clothes wouldn't fit
- He just wants to see his s/o in his clothes that's it that's all he wants in life
- Marko's love language is biting people
- Not even in a vampire way either he'll just straight up bite you without explanation
- And if you do ask why he does it he's just like "You're soft" and leave it at that
- Loves thick thighs like??
- Sometimes he'll just lay between your legs, just enjoying how they feel around him 💀💀
- Run your fingers through his hair and he swears he's ascended
- There's only one word for him: Handsy
- He's such an ass about it too, like he'll come up from behind and latch himself onto you
-And if you complain about it he'll just hold you tighter and wave it off with a "What's the matter? Can't I just show my babe some love?"
- Personal hype man, worst person to go shopping with
- He tries so hard to get you in the most revealing clothes for shits and giggles dude-
- Wear a crop top and shorts and he goes full heart eyes oh my god he's shameless in his staring
-,,,like the way you fill out your clothes so nicely?? How he can see every curve ?? Like <333
- Paul lives for your tummy omg
- 100% wolf whistles when you go to lift your arms to put something away and your shirt rides up and your soft stomach pokes out
- It's his go to area when he gets grabby too; it always takes you by surprise and it makes him laugh every time
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Hi, I've never done this before but I was wondering of you could do a scenario where the boys (separate) meet your parents and/or family for the first time. (I love your blog btw, you make my days more enjoyable
God this ask is so freaking cute. Pardon any spelling errors/grammar mistakes cause I did this on my phone at 5:30 in the morning lmao. Also, I'm going by the ~average~ nuclear family of one mom and one dad (even if my own household isn't like that lmao)
The Lost Boys x Meeting the Parents
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Will pretend that he doesn't care if your family likes him or not, but he actually Does™
He's not gonna change his look or anything for your parents. He just doesn't want them to be against him or to be an obstacle in any way that would prevent you from seeing him. Your parents not liking him could be a real pain in the ass, and you remind him of that right before the two of you leave. It's basically a reminder to be on his best behavior
It takes forever to actually convince him to meet them because he's kinda like- who needs parents when you're a vampire ahahaha. Plus the only parent he has to base judgement on is Max so he doesn't have high expectations.
But if your parents do like him,,,,and your dad calls him son? Oh god daddy issues have been activated
Your dad put a hand on his shoulder and complimented his hair what do you mean he can't move in???? (If you tell the others they will make jokes that David wants to fuck your dad I'm sorry)
David is a little bit more wary of your mom, but he's still nicer to her than he would be to Max. Basically, David just tones down being a dick and that's it. He's a pretty charming guy when he wants to be so he'd probably 8/10 get your parents approval. Especially if David keeps up the whole "gentleman" thing since he's from like the late 1800s.
Will most likely end up on a first name basis with your parents by the end of the night
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He thinks meeting the parents is important, not because he wants their approval, but because it's a big step in the relationship. It's just solidifying what you currently have and Dwayne is cool with that
Didn't really take much convincing. You just invited him to dinner one night and he just goes "Cool."
Harder to convince him to wear a shirt though. This will take forever, rip your parents but Dwayne likes having his tiddies out. Best you can do is get him to wear a wife beater that shows just a little bit too much side-boob y'know the ones I'm talking about
Dwayne just had a way,,,with parents. He starts off very polite with a, "Hello Mr and Mrs. _____" and you stand to the side as your parents welcome him in like he's always been there. It's been five minutes and your mom is already insisting on him calling her by her first name. He's not a talker but he does put in a little bit more effort around your folks. Doesn't really matter either way though cause your parents already love him
You pull him aside to ask him if he pulled any mind tricks on them but he's just like, "Nah."
Moms love Dwayne. I'm sorry but they do. He eats a lot and he's not picky so once he's cleared his second plate your mom is just fawning over how he's a "big growing boy" and even if Dwayne hasn't aged a day in like nearly a century he still plays into it. Your dad will ask him questions and the two of them talk about Car Stuff™
Dwayne will 10/10 steal your parents sorry I don't make the rules they're his parents now
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Has absolutely no will or desire to meet your parents I'm sorry. Will probably avoid the meeting for as long as possible. It's not until you're genuinely starting to get pissed at him that he'll groan for a solid minute before saying, "Fine. Fucking fine."
Marko will Not™ change for the meeting. The crop top stays on. So do the leather chaps. It's not dinner attire but Marko makes a point to not changr
Marko acts this way because he's the most androgynous and he's the least likely to be accepted by 80s standards rip. He's just prepping to be hated, even if you swear that your parents won't be assholes
Marko is welcomed into your home and is,,,,, uncomfortable. He tries to make small talk but it's hard to filter out all the curse words he says on a daily basis. He's the second quietest of the boys, so he just clams up whenever he feels like he's making an ass out of himself. Is mostly just overthinking so rip this vampire
Even if your parents like him, it's hard for him to accept that. He just assumes that they won't because he's grown used to Max for like the past century. Is weirdly??? Liked by one parent??? And not the other??? (Most likely your dad because Masculinity™)
May not be popular with your parents but if you have any pets- ohhoHO
Will lay on the floor with a furry friend or will stare inside the cage of your family pet. Marko may not be good with parents but he just Gets™ animals
Solid 7/10 of whether or not your parents like him cause they just think that he's "interesting", but will 10/10 steal your dogs love and affection
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Most excited to meet your parents and will meet them the earliest out of all the boys
There's no convincing him to change any aspect of his outfit, even the mesh shirt so- don't even ask because Paul will just find a way to turn it into flirting ("trying to get me out of my clothes, babe?")
Honestly, you're gonna have to warn your parents more than you're gonna have to warn Paul
Paul is the type to immediately call your parents mom and dad. Like, they open the door and he hugs both of them like they're his very own parents. Is just as affectionate with your parents as he is with everyone else i.e. kisses your mom's cheek and gives your dad friendly pats on the back. Let's just say your parents are,,,,Bewildered™ but oddly charmed
Paul is like a walking tornado and let's just say that, while Paul is very friendly, your parents aren't super impressed by how "lax" he is. Basically, Paul screams sex, drugs, and rock and roll and this was the 80s parents worst nightmare
He somehow eats three plates of food and your parents are just in a constant state of confusion. Paul is as polite as he can be and thanks your mom, might even offer to help wash the dishes, and has started to affectionately call your dad "pops" before the night is over
Paul thinks the night went great and really likes your parents but there's a 5/10 chance that they actually like him back. Paul promises to come back soon and somehow you know he isn't kidding
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
Hey guys I'm gonna be out and about today but before I go out to town I thought I leave you with some little Laddie Headcanons! A special thank you to my co-writer @imlostinsantacarla !
Laddie Headcanons
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Unfortunately, Laddie was a part of a home in which a divorce was in the process of being filed. There was an immense amount of tension in the family dynamic whilst his father and mother sought to gain custody of him individually as they were in the midst of a messy breakup. The young child’s grandparents were aiding his father in filing for custody over him as his mother was hell bent on having sole custody without any visitation rights.
It’s well known that Laddie’s face was on a milk carton in the movie, with the word ‘MISSING’ written above it. This is just primarily speculation, of course. However, why else would two parents who didn't care about their child put up missing person’s posters everywhere? It’s certainly obvious that his parents were deeply troubled and affected by their son going missing, in conjunction with being apprehensive over his safety as they had no idea where he was.
Whilst his father was attempting to gain custody of him with his grandparents' help, Laddie’s mother lost him one night whilst on the BoardWalk too busy getting drunk at a bar, which is how and where the boys found him. He was all on his lonesome, wandering the BoardWalk terrified. The sight sincerely pulled on their heart strings. Seeing a little kid lost in the dead of night searching for his mother desperately just did not sit well with them.
Armed with the knowledge that their fellow sister Star was having second thoughts over their lifestyle, David immediately took the initiative to coax Laddie into drinking his blood and turning into one of them. This was not only to provide the child with a home, but also a strategy put in place to keep Star close and have her fully commit to their way of life as vampires. After all, girls love kids, don’t they? Surely her maternal or big sisterly instincts would kick in and provide her with the drive to become a caring figure for the young boy whilst solidifying her place in their group. She’d already agreed to the terms, there was no backing out now!
The other boys come to a conclusion of agreement that this is the best option as they cared about Star immensely, least enough to put up a fight when she was considering leaving, and they could not just let a poor boy stay out on the streets with nothing. There was a high likelihood of him getting kidnapped, murdered or something far, far worse whilst he was out there on his own. So they made the collective decision to take him under their wings and into their home, promising him that he would always remain safe with them.
Graciously, as if it were a match truly made in Heaven, Laddie and Star got on swell. The wee boy clung onto her desperately as she truly did remind him of his own mother and how she once was when she was with his dad. Star also bears a resemblance to his mother physically, ensuring that Laddie would bond with her much easier. The boys could not have been more happier and celebrated their success.
And thus it was settled! The boys took Laddie to the hotel and turned him, buttering him up a little in order over the next several to gain his trust and comfort.
"So, Laddie, you like it here?” David smirked at the young boy sat on the edge of the fountain in the hotel.
“Yeah it’s super cool!” He beamed enthusiastically, dangling his little legs off the edge and swinging them back and forth, they barely even hit the ground.
"Would you stay forever?" David pressed further, blonde brow quirked up in intrigue.
"Can I?!" Laddie exclaimed with an enormous grin plastered on his childish countenance.
"Hell yeah little dude! We even have a pretty, cool big sister for you!" Paul interjected just as happily, patting the tiny guy on the shoulder.
"Mhm," Dwayne added, "and you can play every night."
"And you can eat as much as you want without getting sick, dude!" Marko declared.
"So, Laddie, what do you say?" David asked, head cocked to the side as he watched the little runts eyes float from face to face.
He sits still for a moment... "Hell yeah!"
The guys cheered excitedly, Marko handing David some fancy looking bottle, who in turn passed it to Laddie. "All you gotta do now, is drink this."
"It smells funny. What is it?"
"Old grape juice."
All the while, when Laddie is missing, his mother is struck with excruciating bouts of grief and shame, and attempts to get herself into a better space. Overcoming the worry and guilt that she feels over losing her son through alcohol, drugs, whatever it was that had caused her to lose her son on the BoardWalk that night, is an incredible challenge. She felt she had let her son down as well as her previous marriage. It only spurs on Laddie’s father to find him and gain total custody of the boy.
Living with four rambunctious teenage boys is a handful in itself, so it’s not a wonder that Laddie swears like a sailor, a terrible habit he picked up from the boys. Yet his one sister attempted profusely to set a better example for him. David and Paul find it hilarious that Laddie has a filthy potty mouth, whereas Dwayne and Star aren’t a fan of his newfound language.
“Hey, watch your language, bud.” Dwayne states sternly, chocolate orbs glowering into Laddie’s smaller ones.
“Pussy!” Paul bursts out in between a false coughing fit.
Laddie truly adores reading comic books frequently. In fact, the Frog brothers knew Laddie far before they knew the Emerson’s, they just didn’t acknowledge the kid all that much since he was far younger than them. This was especially since they were far too engrossed in blabbering about vampires, their investment in their own stuff made it impossible for them to give an ounce of attention to him. In their eyes he was always just the little twerp that stood on his tiptoes at the counter in their parents store, sprinkling dollar bills on top of a fat stack of mad magazine, Batman, and secretly some horror comics stuffed underneath the other ones he’d picked out.
“ 'Scuse me, can I get these," Laddie inquired politely, his eyes peering up at the two brothers behind the counter arguing over what the best way to waste a vampire was.
“Uh, yeah sure kid, whatever.” Alan stated fervently, his eyes still plastered on his brother's brooding gaze.
Edgar stuffed them into a plastic bag without sparing the kid a glance. “$15.75.”
“Okay.” Laddie stated in defeat before scooting over a wadded up ball of a $20 bill onto the counter before collecting his change and leaving with his head hung low.
Laddie is still a sucker for comics and wants new ones on a constant basis, it’s certainly something that aids him in passing the time at the hotel. Yet Paul’s adamant that he isn’t going to pay those dorks at the comic book store a single cent from his pocket. And David is a master at mental illusions, so there is one hell of a team to concoct a way to steal comic books. Neither Paul nor David feel any shame in it. David will create the illusion that Paul is walking by the store, only to actually be stealing a stack of comics to keep the poor kid happy.
Star and her inability to part with her human nature and high morals, is never too thrilled about the entire ordeal of stealing comics for Laddie. Laddie sees nothing wrong with it and only responds with utter enthusiasm at how awesome Paul is because Paul can do whatever he wants! This leads to Laddie following in the footsteps of the other boys, believing that he can both take and have whatever he wants, whenever he wants it no matter if there’s real life consequences involved because he can use his gifts (with training from David) to acquire all of his desires.
It’s also a common occurrence for Laddie to experience homesickness; after all, he misses his parents dearly because even though they weren’t the most astounding or perfection parents, they were still his parents. When this occurs, he’ll often seek out Dwayne or Star for comfort, sitting beside them, perched into their sides. They will attentively listen to him, reminding him of how much they themselves and the other boys love him and how they aren’t going anywhere. They all will be together forever. They’d even let him know that his parents and grandparents still love him too, even if he has a new family now.
Laddie unfortunately had to learn the hard way not to go to David about this specific predicament, because whenever he did, David would unintentionally guilt trip the kid about missing his parents. It wasn’t something he meant to do, it was just that David had never really had a home or a family that cared about him, his world before being a vampire was a dog eat dog world. You had to fend for yourself and choose your family. Even then he’d seen people get chewed out for trusting the wrong folks. So there’s a huge disconnection between the pair when it comes to familial things.
Whereas Marko and Paul will do things that will take Laddie’s mind right off of the down parts of being a missing child. They’ll happily play with him, get him his favorite food, read comics with him, steal said comics from the comic book store, maybe even let him help them tinker on their bikes, blast some gnarly music, you name it! They’re prepared to go all out in helping him feel happier where he is in the present and understand that he has a place with them.
Now, as for Laddie’s tantrums… well, every child has them. Usually they tend to be pretty humorous to Paul, Marko and David- that is until something happens to their precious stuff. To be fair he is an eight year old boy, of course he wants to mess with Paul’s Walkman or Marko’s bike keys! Paul nearly had an aneurysm when he saw Laddie accidentally ripped his mint condition 1965 Playboy Magazine.
"Dude who the fuck- my fuckin- WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!"
Laddie, who had been a bit spoilt from months of pampering from a group of enabling teenagers, showed minimal signs of remorse. "They were ugly anyway, she hand on granny panties or something."
Dwayne had to step in and hold Paul back from wringing the kids neck out like a wet dish towel!  "Dude, Paul he's a kid"
"I will eat you, you little turd!"
Once again, David cracks up frequently until Laddie begins to delve into his stuff also. It all began when he wanted to go for a ride and David being the more lazy member of the group had turned him down, especially in a much firmer tone the second time around. So what did the little shit do? Hide all of their keys to their bikes.
"Dude, where are my fuckin' keys," Paul hissed, digging through the cave like a tornado went through the damn thing. 
"Yours too?" Marko exclaimed his question, settling down the couch he had lifted onto the ground. “Mine vanished.”
David chuckled to himself, that was until he patted his pocket where his precious motorcycle keys had suddenly proved to be void of its contents. "Alright which one of you assholes stole my keys?!"
However that confrontation ignited an inferno of a tantrum from the small boy, who was so used to suddenly getting his way and now he was faced with the harsh reality of being told no. The boys should have really thought twice of enabling an eight year old boy! A fit from a kid can get ugly real quick, yet it’s a whole different story when that kid is an emotional half vampire that flips tables and screams at such a volume and octave that glass cracks. Star tends to primarily be a softer disciplinarian, she isn’t fond of the idea of yelling or smacking him, she’s much too gentle for that. Dwayne on the other hand, while preferring to approach things along the placid route, feels that sometimes it’s a necessary evil- while David just straight up thinks that a good smack on the mouth ought to settle him down.
Laddie is a thorn in their asses when he’s bored out of his mind, and the boys learned rather harshly and swiftly that having a little brother was not as fun as the Brady Bunch had it appear. This kid got into all their stuff, no matter how fool proof they made it, the kid always found a way! He would follow them excessively around the cave like a lost puppy, tell them the same story for HOURS on end, ask far too many questions that Marko would just blank the kid out with his music, only for Laddie to talk even louder! It was more than evident that the child had little concern over the fact that they were killers, he’d still happily pester them until they vamped out. In fact, he went out of his way to do that! The crazy little shit…
Laddie would climb on top of one of the many dust caked couches in the hotel right next to where David was reading and peek over his shoulder to get a noseful of whatever he was focused on. "Whatcha reading?" Laddie asked innocently, chin resting on the blonde vampires shoulder.
"....War and peace." David grumbled irately.
"What's that? It's big! It looks boring! Why are the words so tiny? What's it about? Who's the hero? Who's your favorite hero? Mine's batman! Well, I like Iron Man too but Batman has all the gadgets and stuff, and I like his cape but I guess you don't need a cape to be cool, but I like the cape anyway- I like Superman's cuz it's red, red's my favorite color. What's your favorite color? Well I mean red's super cool- oh but black! Black is really cool, i guess you probably like black too huh? I mean you wear it all the time, but really maybe it's cuz-" he had blabbered all of that out in one go without so much as a breath in between his sentences! And David selfishly wondered what the repercussions were on if he flew the kid onto a random cliff and left him there for several hours. He knew it probably couldn’t be good, but it was worth a try if he was ever going to catch a break and get this book finished! Not to mention the countless times that Paul’s thrown into the mix of things, David can’t stomach it and leaves the room because he can’t handle two obnoxious chatter boxes all at once. Star yelled at him once for hypnotizing Laddie to fall asleep because he wouldn't stop talking about Batman and Robin.
It’s obvious that Laddie tends to ride with Dwayne, and it’s because Dwayne is capable of ensuring that Laddie stays in one piece. If the kid had his way and rode with Paul… let’s just say that Laddie would be smeared road kill! And frankly, none of the other vampires trust Paul with the kid. Last time he rode with Paul, he was nearly flung forward when he went off of a steep ramp. Star almost slapped the smirk straight off of Paul’s face! Even Marko thought it was a bad move of Paul’s. So, it was a collective decision - minus Paul’s whining and bitching, in conjunction with Laddie’s pouting - that Laddie rode with Dwayne from now on.
When the boys were killed off one by one, Laddie was the only one who was saddened by this, because he had formed genuine bonds with his older brothers and even though they weren’t perfect, they’d kept their word to him and kept him safe. He was going to miss Paul and Marko playing with him and teaching him cool stuff about bikes and rock n’ roll. He’d even miss David and the way the man got irritated whenever he flitted about him. But the one he was surely going to miss the most was obviously Dwayne. Dwayne was like the older brother that Laddie had dreamed of ever since he was a kid. Dwayne had taken him under his wing and ensured that no one messed with him. He listened to him whenever he was homesick and was always super patient with him and just all around compassionate. Out of all of the boys, Laddie related to him the most. And now he was gone. Though each boy held a special place in his heart. As he left the Emmerson residence, he didn’t have the stomach to look at their dead bodies as he sniffled on his way out, tears streaming down his face. Although they hadn’t been the best to Star and sometimes weren’t the kindest to him, he knew that they had loved the pair of them and deep down, Laddie would always love them.
After the entire ordeal, Laddie decided he’d set foot on finding his parents again and sadly left Star behind. She reminded him a lot of the boys and she would always have a special place in his heart. Before he left he hugged the life out of her, staining her gypsy purple skirt with his tears as he thanked her for loving him and taking such good care of him. He promised her that he’d never forget her and he hoped she never would forget him. Star was heartbroken but also knew that it was best for Laddie to return to his parents and live his life out normally. She hoped he’d grow up to be everything wonderful in life and she assured him that he would remain important and ever present in her gentle heart. A long way down the line they met each other again and embraced like close siblings that hadn’t seen each other in centuries. They were much older now and wiser.
But back to the present, Laddie stumbled upon his mother on the BoardWalk that night, as though it were a miracle. The woman looked strikingly similar to Star, she was the woman that he had remembered from earlier on in his childhood, and he was truly overcome with joy. He got to see his father again which made him happy also. Although his parents couldn’t work things out, they managed to come to a steady agreement that they would have equal joint custody of Laddie, which was something that made things easier on him to adjust back to ordinary life. However, whilst he was missing, his beloved grandparents passed away, never having lost hope in Laddie being alive and returning home someday. Laddie missed them dearly but he adjusted as best as he could to his brand new life. He was never really the same after being with the boys and Star and losing them all, his parents were aware of the change but Laddie never discussed what had happened to him, only responding in vague statements or exclamations.
Somehow though, he found a way to keep in touch with Star, Michael, Lucy, Sam and the Frog brothers. They were all connected through these twisted and sad chain of events, and his bonds with them only deepened as he got older. Even Though they had remained adrift in life, Star, Sam, Lucy and Michael showed up for Laddie's graduation when he finally got through high school. Even still he remained in Santa Carla up until his graduation dinner out with the Emmersons, Star and even the Frog Brothers had shown up. Wandering for a moment on his own, his pace slowed until he came to a haunting stop.
Just beyond the tilt-a whirl, outside the arcade, he swore, parked on the boardwalk he could see a group of biker boys. As the 80s peeled away into the wild teenage rebellion of the 90s, their styles had altered. A blonde still sported a wild lion's mane, another had messy curls grown out. The platinum blonde one was the first to alert the other three of Laddie's gaze. The four grunge rockers sported bizarrely skeletal motorcycles, laughing with each other, now carrying mischievous smiles. Before he could even confirm the haunting visage of said familiar faces they vanished in a flurry of roaring engines. The last to leave looked at him with dark, haunting brown eyes. He could see under the guy's leather jacket and torn up Nirvana t-shirt jagged scar tissue around each of his limbs faded into bronze skin. They just looked at each other for what felt like a lifetime, and a wave of chills trickled down his back. The raven haired biker smirked at him, no malice in his grin. Only a soft farewell, proud even. And then he was gone. Laddie managed to take a deep breath in, silently turning on his heel to return to Star and Michael at the diner. When he got home he was applying to a few out of city colleges, somewhere away from his past.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
F9 Ending Is a Game Changer
This article contains F9 spoilers.
Family. It’s the mantra by which Vin Diesel’s Dom Toretto has lived his life for nine movies, and it’s long been the handy slogan for the Fast and Furious franchise, too. But perhaps fittingly for an installment which sees director Justin Lin step back behind the camera, the theme of one’s chosen family has never been more pronounced.
What it means to be in Dom’s “mi familia” is central to F9. After all, this is the film where we learn Dom and his dear sister Mia (Jordana Brewster) have another sibling who they never speak of: John Cena’s morally ambiguous Jakob. As becomes clear over the course of the film, Brian might’ve been the brother Dom chose, but that was only after choosing to disown his actual little brother. But it’s kind of a funny story about the past: it can come roaring back at you like a Mustang flying beneath a military jet.
Hence when the F9 ending comes around, all those inner conflicts come bubbling to the surface. Indeed, the actual narrative stakes of the finale are almost an afterthought.
How Family Wins
The basic mechanics of the ending are fairly simple. Jakob and his oily business partner, poor little rich boy Otto (Thue Ersted Rasmussen), have successfully stolen access to Ares, a digital weapon operated from a satellite that gives its owners control over every operating system in the world. Or as Ludacris’ Tej points out, “Ares is the God War; if Jakob gets his hands on this, he’ll be the God of Damn Near Everything.” Once its upload is complete, Jakob and Otto will more or less be able to hold the whole world hostage.
The actual folks who save the day, then, are really Tej and Roman (Tyrese Gibson) who ride a rocket-powered Pontiac Fiero into space. By driving the car straight through the satellite, they prevent Otto from gaining control of the whole world’s digital space. But back on earth, he’s already cut Jakob out at this point, making a new deal with his brief prisoner Cipher (Charlize Theron). Which on a certain level you have to respect since she burned Otto harder than a thousand mean tweets with that “You’re Yoda” line.
By teaming with Cipher, the silver spoon prick sets Jakob up to die. Instead Dom’s little brother forms a new alliance with his long lost siblings, and together they bring down Otto’s truck and Cipher’s drone-controlled plane.
Why Dom Is Furious
More important than the plot mechanics of space travel and digital MacGuffins, however, is the relationship between Dom and Jakob. Established with total straight faced sincerity in the opening credits, Dom and Jakob’s backstory rewrites the very first The Fast and the Furious movie where we were told Dom went to prison for beating near to death the man responsible for his father’s racing crash. As we now discover through flashback, that was a lie that Dom only wishes was the truth. While the man who got wrenched might have helped cause their father to crash, Papa was set up to lose the race due to Jakob sabotaging the vehicle.
This is the dirty secret which caused Dom to banish Jakob from his sight after he got out of prison, and it is why Jakob remade himself into… well, John Cena. He wanted to be his own man and a greater alpha than his big brother could ever dream of becoming. Dom Toretto, the ultimate paterfamilias, pushed his actual flesh and blood away and has been attempting to replace him ever since.
It’s an interesting retcon which gives Toretto’s “Family” a little more depth and also sets Cena up to be a franchise mainstay, presumably replacing the unmentionable Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson), whose offscreen beef with certain co-stars makes a return unlikely. Because, of course, Jakob really didn’t try to kill his father; it was Dom’s misunderstanding because their Dad asked Jakob to help him throw the race. And through the compassionate influence of Mia, Jakob discovers he really still wants to be Dom’s little bro.
It’s a nice sentiment, although it plays an interesting contrast to another major subplot in F9. Much of the film is rightly about bringing justice to Han (Sung Kang), who died in Fast & Furious 6/Tokyo Drift (the timeline is complicated). Yet his murderer was forgiven and accepted as a member of the family in The Fate of the Furious.
The Han of It All
In F9 it’s revealed that Han faked his death to protect a young orphan named Elle (Anna Sawai) in Tokyo. Nonetheless, the man Dom thought killed another surrogate brother was invited to the family barbecue in the last movie. Jakob did not kill anyone in Dom’s new family… but he did try to hurt Elle, whose blood held the Ares access codes. He certainly kidnapped her and threatened an extended member of the family. It’s also unclear if Jakob played a role in shooting down the plane Mr. Nobody (Kurt Russell) was on before the movie started, but he did work with Cipher at the time—the woman who also killed the mother of Dom’s child.
We of course don’t know if Mr. Nobody is alive or dead, but he was a close enough associate to Dom’s kin that they wanted to investigate his disappearance and save him if they could. In other words, Jakob is only a few degrees removed from Jason Statham’s villainous Shaw who was so quickly forgiven. But then, I suppose that’s why we never learn Mr. Nobody’s fate; nor is Jakob quite yet at the stage of being at the family cookout. That can come later, as there are at least two more mainline Fast and Furious movies in the works.
In the meantime, the film closes on Dom once again at the grill. Trej and Roman have returned from space after spending weeks on the International Space Station. It’s left ambiguous how there was enough food or oxygen for their unplanned visit, and how this wasn’t a global incident. (Also would international governments see them as heroes for stopping a terrorist like Cipher? And if so, would that not be a front page story around the world?) Whatever, they’re back from orbit and are now chilling in East LA with Dom.
And as food is put on the table, everyone waits for the one person whose chair remains empty. While the movie has the good grace not to CGI Paul Walker’s face into another scene, the unseen driver running late to the dinner is of course Brian. At least in this universe, the reunion is whole.
… And if you stay for the post-credits Han may yet truly bury the hatchet with the family’s most controversial member: Jason Statham. But that’s another story for another time.
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crazyforhorror · 4 years
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Chapter four: Are you kidding me?
— Paul pov—
I sat perplexed on the floor of the laundry room trying to figure out what was wrong with the washing machine. My favorite white pants were covered in blood and i cant get the stains out to save my life! Poor human females, i dont know how they do it honestly. It has been hours of me trying to get it done after successfully luring people her to feed off of. This is how i ended up here....... my swearing must have been loud because Laddie came into the laundry room with a look i could describe only as a teacher who was about to lay a ruler to your hand for talking too much and far too loud in class. “ dad you do realize there is this thing called bleach, right?? You just add that when you do your laundry with stain remover spray and you are good to go! I swear that is is super easy, here let me show you.” He says while putting in the needed liquids and starting the wash. The only problem with that was he was standing on my legs to reach the opening and the dials of the big machine that i was at war with. He was standing on my BARE legs in his COMBAT BOOTS. Now that my legs were all muddy and gross and were going to have shoe prints in bright red....... life with kids i guess though, right? David passed with a chuckle and said, “wow Paul your kid is smarter than you are. That’s sad bro.” I flipped him the bird and continued to listen to Laddie babble, this time about a new show he and Marko had discovered on the TV set tonigh. A ten year old is smarter than me. Are you kidding me??as the munchkin leaves the room I let a growl bubble up in my chest at the thought that David had told me the wrong stuff to remove blood, he told me freaking ketchup and mustard were the stuff you needed to use and when i had done that, i lost a pair of pants to the garbage man. Now i at least had Laddie to help me out but how did he know?
—Star Pov—
I still looked for Laddie even though he had been gone so long. What caused him to run away? were Michael and I hard on him? Did he think we were trying to change him too much? We were walking to the opening of the old cave, having yet to check here for him. Maybe he had gone here, Michael once said to me. I mean this did used to be his home for quite some time. What we saw when we entered the cave shocked us to the core. A cold feeling settled its home in my gut, something was wrong about it. It did NOT look like it was left abandoned by the guys, it looked a bit daare I say, empty.
“Kids found the cave and raided it huh?” Michael asked me with a tone of both disgust and awe.
“No, No one in all my time with the lost boys, we never ONCE had someone raid the cave let alone actually come in. Unless the guys brought them here for their.....dinner. But STILL we NEVER had that problem. This is fishy; something else has happened here. I intend to find out.” My voice wavered a few times, a wobbly tone that told how disturbed to my core I was. This did not feel right at all, almost like something more sinister is deceiving us all. Not something I look forward to learning about honestly. Did Laddie come back to the cave  and get stuff that reminded him of the boys before he ran away? I started looking around for any possible leads to what went down in here. The old boom box paul loved, missing. Dwayne’s skate board collection? Missing. David’s books that were neatly piled up behind his little alcove? Gone! Marko’s pigeons and their cage? Poof! They too were gone.Laddie’s favorit toys and teddy bear and blanket that if he were to lose he would never be the same was all long gone. Even the old Jim Morrison Poster that once draped the wall of the back part of the cave was gone.... Wait if this was all missing, “ It looks like someone took very specific things and in a hurry too, its messy, looks rushed and oddly enough all the missing stuff was things the guys loved more than anything. Something isn’t right here Michael, I think we need to get the Frog brothers again so don’t you dare touch anything. There is definatly something more than we can see scratching the surface of this.” His eyes widened as I let the words shake out of my mouth, I was for sure pale, looked sick and you could feel the mood of the room become fridged with horror, confusion. This was something we needed advice on.
-- Michael Pov--
It was still early morning as Star and I made way to Edgar and Alan’s comic book shop. They looked rather incredulous to our arrival and asking for help. “But they are gone? Has a new coven come in and replaced them that quick?”
Star shook her head, her frizzy curls bouncing around her face. “ No their stuff was missing but only the things that were important to them, and before you say it was Laddie before he ran away, there was too much stuff gone. Paul’s boom box and tapes, David’s books, Marko’s pigeons and their cage, Dwayne’s skateboards AND all of Laddie’s toys and his favorite bear and blanket are all gone. It looked like it was done in a hurry and something just dosen’t add up here. Something sinister is hiding in this situation. and yes we checked the ENTIRE cave, they are not in thier sleeping quarters or any of the old rooms that were still accessable. Nada.” Sam pops out from a shelf area with a comic book limp by his side. “But they all died. Are you positive that the surfers didn’t go and take things they didn’t go and take things they liked before the kid got got his stuff and he ad gotten it later?” I only nodded with a look of grim worry shattering my face. We had to find out what what was going on so we decided to take the kids there to let them look around. The shop got closed up and we all made our way back to the cave at the edge of Hudson’s bluff.
Im sorry this took so long to get this up. My anxiety and depression are pretty rough right now and I don’t have my own computer so updates are a little crazy. I hope you enjoyed this! im going to get caught up on this and then I will also go through the family tree I have made. 
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sameteeth · 4 years
marco lostboys hcs
im back on my bullshit baby! here goes nothing , under the cut bc it will probably be SUPER long lol
 first and foremost, marko is gaytrans autistic. this is canon
he came from a small town and had an older brother who was kind of a major douche to him and always made fun of him for everything. he always knew better/was faster/bigger than marko and made him feel bad for just like. existing. so marko embraced the whole annoying younger sibling vibe just to get away with annoying his brother without feeling like he was just being annoying by existing
his parents didnt give a shit about him since his mom was a teacher and was always busy with other kids and his dad was a traveling salesman who wasnt around a ton. so marko had to be super independent, but always wanted attention/love from his parents
they always had lofty goals for him but never gave him the support necessary for him to achieve it- they were upset when marko barely graduated high school and was content just working a minimum wage job in town
his mom was an alcoholic and his dad wasnt physically abusive but he yelled and broke shit to scare/intimidate marko
marko HATES being touched without warning- he’ll lash out without thinking. every lost boy has been victim of this. its not fun and marko gets rlly upset when he sees hes hurt his brother and helps clean them up and then disappears for a while
marko also likes to feel free to just go without anything holding him back, so sometimes he’ll be gone for a long time with no explanation. he loves to go someplace new he’ll probably never go again and invent a fake name/life for himself, or he’ll wander somewhere secluded and alone just to feel in control of his life
he always comes back though, and the lost boys all know that marko doesnt want to really leave, he just feels trapped for some reason
he loves all the textures on his jacket!!! he stims by playing w all the dangly things and it jingles when he walks bc theres metal and bells and junk sewn on and he loves to just shimmy around and make noise!!!
he also LOVES pressure stims- in the winter they will do cuddle piles with marko on the bottom bc three people laying on top of him is The Best Stim Ever!!!
he goes nonverbal whenever hes super overwhelmed, and it either culminates with him going somewhere alone to just stare at the ocean and think his thoughts or with going on a Super Fast Motorcycle ride for the feeling of escaping/the wind bc he loves that feeling
when he gets too excited marko jumps around and clicks his teeth!! he loves chewing on things and has gone through quite a few pairs of gloves. he tries not to chew on his jacket since it is his magnum opus in terms of sewing
he loves to braid/weave/sew, pretty much any thread related thing. he’s made his own patches before and has gotten really good at embroidery! not without pricking himself a million times tho lol
marko tugs on his hair when he feels trapped and will bite himself, which gets dangerous fast. dwayne is probably best at helping him calm down- he will hold marko’s hands and usually one of the lost boys keeps a box-braid of leather on hand for marko to chomp on instead of himself.
but he loves to take care of animals!! obviously birds, but he’s brought home all sorts of weird creatures. seagulls, cats, squirrels, rabbits, bats, groundhogs, dogs, deer, even a cougar once!! david did not let him keep it tho. he really wants to get fish, but they dont really have electricity or money for a tank and marko would rather die than take poor care of an animal
he’s a visual learner but he’s also dyslexic so reading is hard :(
when its just him marko has at least 1 braincell. as soon as its him and paul they collectively have -3 braincells. they get up to the DUMBEST shit
marko kinda unconsciously seeks out dwayne for physical affection, just bc he’s the biggest and marko doesnt entirely remember his childhood but having someone Larger than him is reassuring and he goes straight to dwayne when he feels unsafe
that being said he and paul do platonic cheek/forehead/nose kisses and cuddle all the time :) david is less free w physical affection but marko is the youngest and gets special treatment aka a hug once a month every month from david
hhhh theres more but im out of marko ideas lol but i love him
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The best kept Secret - Chapter Two
Fandom: the Lost Boys
Pairings: none yet
Warnings: none I can think of- if you find one I missed just tell me :)
A/N: the San Francisco Agency is made up- if something like that does exist, I was unaware of it. Also, I don't own the boys, just the oc's in this and any previous stories.
Max was beginning to grow worried. He and Robin wrote each other monthly, sometimes even multiple times a month, with her telling him about Helena, and him telling her more about half-vampires and sending them money and gifts. He had asked about her own life, but Robin always refused to answer. So, Helena was and stayed the subject of their letters.
But now, he hadn't heard from Robin in three months.
Helena had taken to writing him once in a while too, but he hadn't got any letters from her either. Ever since that gift when she had broken her arm she would write him from time to time, telling about school or performances she had had. She had started of with sending the letters to Mr. Lawrence, but soon it changed to dad. But now he hadn't gotten a letter from her in months either, and it worried him. This was highly unusual, and it worried him.
The bad feeling in the pit of his stomach was more often than not right. He knew something bad had happened to Robin, and possibly to Helena too. He hoped that this was the one time he was wrong - but he feared he wasn't. If he learned one thing it was to trust his guts, and he knew that at least his daughter was in danger. He just hoped he could help her before something really bad happened.
Max decided to make a call to the local authorities, wanting to make sure that his family would be alright. Wanting to make sure he was wrong. Surely they'd know if something did happen.
He dialled the number of the San Francisco Agency, and waited for someone to answer. The agency kept an eye on missing people, on recent deaths and helped solve missing people cases.
"Hello, you're speaking to Jade from the San Francisco Agency. How can I help you today?"
"This is Max Lawrence speaking. I'm looking for my daughter, Helena Gwendolynn Lawrence. I haven't heard from her or her mother in several months and I am quite worried about them."
"Alright, let me look them up, sir."
It was quiet for a while, the ticking of the keyboard and some faint voices on the background were the only noices that came through the horn for a good few minutes.
"Mister Lawrence? I'm afraid I have bad news for you sir," the young female on the other end of the line spoke, "We were not aware that there were any family members or we would have contacted you sooner. Robin Carlson has passed away due to complications after a car accident. We are still looking for her - and your daughter, but she disappeared without a trace. I - I am very sorry mister Lawrence..."
"Thank you."
"When we know more I will make sure to-"
"Thank you."
His voice was cold as he hung the phone. Robin was gone. Sure, he hadn't seen her in almost fifteen years, but it hurt still. And then his daughter - his Helena - just disappeared. He needed to find his daughter. Maybe she was out there looking for him, but chances were it was way worse. He couldn't lose her. Not when he hadn't even met her once.
For the past few weeks the vampires had gotten this weird vibe. That feeling you have when something familiar is around, but you don't know quite where. The feeling that something is missing, but you can't tell what it is exactly. That you're forgetting something, but you cannot remember what you forgot. The four vampires had gotten stuck with that feeling for a couple of weeks now and it was bothering them.
David was on edge, wanting to know what it was. Dwayne, Marko and Paul also noticed the vibe, but seemed to be handling it well- or atleast better than David. Of course they felt it too- they just decided to ignore it. David didn't. Hé couldn't let go of that feeling. He felt as if something was pulling at him, and he needed to know what it was and why.
Max noticed the feeling too. The feeling that someone with the same blood, sharing the same bloodline, was close by. He wanted to know whether or not it was Helena. He wanted to know where the vibe came from, and who it was. So, he too, was on edge. He hadn't gone to work, hoping to find some answers.
It was three days later, the vibe still there, when the boys decided to give Max a visit. As their sire, maybe he could give some clarity about the feelings they'd been collectively having.
Max heard them drive up his driveway, and opened the door, looking as they got off their bikes.
"You feel it too, isn't it?" Max looked at his sons as they stood at his front door.
"What's causing it?" David asked.
"Go to the living room. I think it's time we talk."
Soon the four vampires were sitting in the living room of their Sire.
"So?" David looked at Max, an air of arrogance surrounding him.
"Your sister is in trouble."
The boys were quiet.
"Nice try," Paul chuckled, "a sister. Have you completely lost it now?"
Max glared at him, before continuing his story.
"About sixteen years ago I met a woman, Robin. One thing led to another and she got pregnant. Her daughter is my biological child. A few weeks ago her mother died, and I'm afraid she's been taken by hunters."
"You just assume this because-?" David looked at Max.
"I got a letter, The Widow sund it to me. The local group of vampire hunters have taken a young girl to a research facility," he read, "I think she might be yours."
"And now what? You expect us to go in their and help some random girl? Basen on an assumption?" Marko looked at Max, finding this whole idea absurd.
"Don't worry dear," a female voice spoke softly, looking at the young girl on the floor, "Soon you will have some company. Get some sleep now, you won't get much tomorrow."
The girl that was laying curled up on a thin mattress, clearly covered in bruises, whimpered quietly, her voice to sore to respond.
The door closed with a loud bang, leaving her on her own.
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Hi! I was wondering what it would be like to date the lost boys if you had a little girl that you adopted? Who would be like hard no and who would be father of the year? Your writing is so great!
Okay, so- here's my take on how the boys would be if you had a kid. I'm making the age range around like 7-9, so just slightly younger than Laddie
Poly!Lost Boys x S/O with an Adopted Daughter
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Some of the boys were a little hesitant at first, let's not sugarcoat this. They were turned when they were teenagers, and the sudden idea of that much responsibility being placed on their shoulders was a little daunting. It was similar to Laddie, but this time they wouldn't just be considered an older brother. They'd be considered a step-dad. Though, they were really into you, so they decided to give it a chance
Dwayne was completely fine with it. It was a bit of a shock, but a welcome surprise when you revealed you had an adopted daughter. The way he acts around her definitely makes you swoon. Dwayne will carry her around on his hip so she doesn't get lost in the Santa Carla crowds. He always checks in on her to ask if she's thirsty or hungry, and completely takes on the fathering role. Calls her his "little princess" and will sit down for tea-parties with her. Just his giant self in one of her tiny play-chairs holding an empty tea cup surrounded by her stuffed animals. Actually takes tea-time very seriously and learns all the names of her stuffed animals. He's actually really happy that Laddie has a playmate and the two of you will take them out to the boardwalk/take them on rides together. He tries to put her to sleep, but she's doing that kid thing where she won't let go. "Princess, you have to go to sleep." "But then you'll leave *puppy eyes*" Dwayne, under his breathe, "Ah, crap-" Ends up laying in her tiny bed until she falls asleep. She'll curl her fingers around his hair and he might end up falling asleep too. Will read to her to help her sleep. Definitely whipped and definitely a 10/10 dad
David doesn't hate kids. But he doesn't really like them either. But! He likes you so he tries his best. He can never remember the names of her stuffed animals, no matter how hard he tries. And no matter how many times she corrects him. Just imagine David holding a stuffed animal while a seven year old corrects him on its name and the way he just blankly stares down at the little girl as he tries to make it seem like he's listening. If David has to listen to the Speak-n-Spell one more time, he's gonna chuck it out a window. Is the king of going "oh, really?" Whenever she rambles on because you told him that he had to at least try to pay attention to her (because it's good for her development). Even though David isn't crazy about kids, kids probably love him because of his LOOK. Like your daughter probably wants to touch his hair and play with his earring and David just kinda sits there as a little girl squeezes his cheeks. Won't admit it, but be actually really took it to heart when your daughter called him "cool". Probably doesn't want her to call him dad and instead just has her call him David. Is Protective™ of her though, and you call him out for being soft because he has a habit of checking that she's at least holding onto one of them. Is probably the best disciplinarian just because he's probably the least effected by her puppy dog eyes. Is overall a 7/10 dad.
Marko is the terrible influence type of dad. Your daughter suggests drawing on the walls and he's just like, "Y'know what would be cooler? Drawing on the ceiling." Will teach her curse words and how to curse colorfully. The first time she lets out the f-bomb he laughs so hard he nearly cries. Will win her a thousand stuffed animals. Marko is the one that lets it slip that they're vampires to your daughter and all of the boys are about to throttle him until she just says "cool!" He shows her what his vampire face looks like and let's her touch his fangs. Marko just yelling "I'm gonna get you" before chasing after your squealing daughter with his vampire face on. You're a little worried at first until you see that she's screaming from laughter because Marko is tickling her. Let's her play with his jacket all the time/inspect all the different patches he has. He kinda expects it because she's a kid and it has a lot of colors/things to touch. He really encourages her artistic side and buys steals her art supplies for all three of you to play with on your dates. Listens to all her stories and let's her drag him around the house as she talks. Holds her hand when they walk on the boardwalk and the two of you swing her- Cannot discipline her because he usually caused trouble with her. Overall, 8/10 dad
The second Paul finds out you have a kid, he starts calling himself a dilf. Paul is actually really good with your daughter, but only because they're basically the same mental age and have the same amount of energy. The two of them have long conversations and go on adventures together. Really, when Paul comes over you kind of become a third wheel rip- Paul tries his best not to curse around her but he always forgets. Tries to introduce her to some cool music and will also try to teach her how to play guitar. Will sing to her, but he hates that she constantly requests for kid songs. Takes it upon himself to teach her rock music so she'll ask for something else. Let's her braid his hair and even put some makeup on him/do his nails. Your daughter calls him pretty one (1) time and Paul will never forget it. Is a very affectionate type of dad and demands cheek kisses. Gives her lots of piggyback rides/carries her on his shoulders. Talks to her like she's an equal, and she really likes it. The two often just sit criss-cross on the floor rambling about different things while you and the others hang out in the background. She calls Paul stinky one (1) time and the boys won't let him forget it. He nearly cried. Also, cannot discipline her, but mainly because he's a big softie for her. Overall, 8/10 dad
All of the boys are Protective Dad's™ and will literally kill someone for your daughter. A group of older boys pick on her/pull on her hair? They are ready to beat the shit out of a couple of thirteen year olds
Overall, I wouldn't say any of them are truly against it or wouldn't date you for it. They all have their own parenting styles though and their own level of how well they can care for a kid, however. Either way! They love you and your daughter just the same
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