#ed brain
joyllyquerdiminuir · 2 days
amanhã vai ser meu primeiro passo pra voltar de vez pra ana orem por mim e me desejm sorte amigas por favor!! meu ponto fraco é pão e eu to comendo 3 por dia com muito queijo e manteiga😞 preciso me controlar, por isso amanhã vou começar a pegar mais pesado 💕 bjsss boa noite até amanhã
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kirakirakirasstuff · 5 months
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steinsholt · 11 months
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Você realmente quer comer?
Por favor, não coma. Você esteve tentando emagrecer há muito tempo! 5 minutos de prazer não irão te ajudar. Vão apenas te causar desconforto e culpa. Orgulhe a Ana, transforme cada gordura em exercício, você não odeia seu corpo o bastante?
Tenha auto-controle, e trate a comida como uma necessidade, e não um prazer. Coma apenas quando for obrigado, coma só o necessário. Se continuar desse jeito, ninguém vai te amar.
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marshmellowtwigxxx · 25 days
I literally only have to lose 0,3kg a day to reach my gw by the end of the month. I need to do this. I will do this.
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plumplum-girl · 5 months
I don’t think any therapist can actually help with EDs…
It always seems like they don’t know how to fix us, probably because nothing works…
They tell you it’s not their expertise, or no one works with people with eating disorders… it’s actually really hard to find a therapist in the first place… I think because we scare the shit out of them, honestly…
And then, it’s either radio silence or canned responses…
You get a therapist that you mention your super fucked up relationship with food to, and they just kind of gloss over it and never help you address it
OR they’re a know-it-all who’s gonna “tell you how it is,” but when they start talking, it’s clear they have no fucking CLUE what they’re talking about. Whatever they say just feels like irrelevant babble…
“Your food is connected to your mood!” Ok, wow, good for you; you rhymed - that’s not helpful… “Food is fuel.” Yeah, great alliteration there, buddy. When is something you say actually going to be helpful??
I think because the only way you’d grasp this life is if you lived it. And if you have, I suspect you don’t actually know how to help. Because I’m sure you’re trapped here too. So we’re all doomed to never recover.
Like they do NOT actually get it.
Pessimistic af tonight, eh old Plum? Jesus.
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mjiscold · 1 year
I fucking hate my ed with such a passion but my absolute favorite thing in the world is losing weight in unhealthy ways. It feels so fucking good.
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isa-pdrgl · 1 year
TW Pro Ana ; mentioning of weight
I’m back at 103lbs and I hate myself for it
Arghhh I was finally feeling better with being at 100lbs but I just had to ruin it all
I want to be at least like 90lbs and I know these 3 pound are not that huge but they are something and it bothers me so much
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dark-iris · 10 months
Unpopular opinion ed addition: cucumbers aren’t that great 😬😩
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joyllyquerdiminuir · 7 days
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duas mulheres, uma gorda e uma magra.
as duas tem a mesma personalidade, o mesmo estilo e etc...
mas quem você acha que sempre vão escolher pra ser amiga ou namorada?
quem você acha que vai ter mais oportunidades na vida?
quem você acha que vai ser mais chamada em entrevistas de emprego?
A magreza é uma dádiva.
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kirakirakirasstuff · 7 months
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donttellanyoneimdying · 10 months
MASCSPO - Preppy edition
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marshmellowtwigxxx · 9 months
Helping out the community, comment with your favourite low calorie foods! (I am in needdd)
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mjiscold · 1 year
Things people said when I was at my gw:
“You’re so skinny and pretty!”
“You’re just so stunning”
“She’s so tiny I didn’t even see her there”
“You’re too skinny, you should eat”
“You look like a model”
“Is that all you’re eating?”
“You look anorexic”
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