#episode 4x16: Trio
stinalotte · 10 months
Season 4, Episode 16: Trio
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He said, while eating a lollipop, sitting with his back to a motherfucking Stargate. In a sentient alien city. That he FLEW. From one planet to another. Through HYPERSPACE. In another GALAXY. But sure, the negotiations are the thing that are not in the job description.
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I just love those three together. As I already said, Jennifer is actually a very relatable character. And in this episode, you already see how she's starting to change—she's getting braver, and her snarky side is coming out a bit more. Also her and Sam's interactions are great. Female friendships are criminally underdeveloped in SGA and I need more! And Sam's face right before Rodney falls through the ceiling is totally Amanda trying not to burst out laughing.
This was a bit of an escape-room type situation and the set was a great design, especially as it was tilting at the end. That's insanely difficult and exhausting to act and move in. I know that the fandom has its issues with the "ohohoh, the girls might take off their shirts" jokes, but I'm willing to cut Show some slack because I remember TV from that time and let's just say, things were different. Stuff that would be unacceptable now didn't even register als problematic then. (It's still shitty and unnecessary, but I won't hold them to 2023 standards. Moving on.)
The two women setting Rodney straight about his disaster of a non-proposal to Katie was great. I live for these little personal moments.
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While I am diehard McShep trash, I also am a multishipper for the simple reason that I don't like conflict, not even with myself. I will probably get things thrown at me for saying this, but watching Jennifer and Rodney sloooooowly develop mutual crushes—one, as is tradition, a bit more oblivious than the other—was kinda cute. While Katie was sweet and kind, she was too sweet. McKay needs someone to call him out on his bullshit, and when Sheppard isn't around, someone has to pick up the slack, right?
Anyway, that "I won the bet with the bar trick and now you owe me a beer which means you totally have to go out with me" was smooth as hell and good for you, Jen.
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[Side note - how does money work on Atlantis? Do they have a commissary-like thing apart from the mess hall where you can buy extra stuff? Is there a thriving underground economy which deals in chocolate and the good coffee? Whenever someone goes to Earth, do they get handed a 27 page shopping list from places like Sephora and Target? Which currency are they using? I remember Chuck collecting betting money in like 8 different denominations in one episode...]
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jauntilyplacedcaps · 2 years
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Rodney McKay Whump - SG: Atlantis
1x03 Hide and Seek - First human trial (DNA manipulated), given a shot, pushed off a balcony, shot (in the leg/off-screen), "punched," verbally bullied, panicking, sacrifices himself, unconscious, sore 1x06 Childhoods End - Annoyed by children, held at arrow-point, exhausted 1x08 Underground - Captured & threatened by Bashirs best friend 1x09 Home - Stranded on earth, captured, unconscious, 1x10 The Storm - Held captive by the Genii, threatened, arm squeezed 1x11 The Eye - Hostage, thoroughly pissed 1x13 Hot Zone - In danger the whole episode, attacked by a vision ghost (schizophrenic), coping (emotional) 1x14 Sanctuary - argument with sheppard, didn't sleep, only person not in love with the fancy evil "priestess" 1x19 The Siege - Falls from a great height, "permanent back damage," offended, emotional (not about himself)
2x01 The Siege pt. 3 - Almost killed, forced to fight the wraith 2x02 The Intruder - Attacked by coolidge leak, scared by transport beam (is weird), sickened by Sheppards flying, attacked by wraith virus controlled ship 2x03 Runner - Captured/threatened by Ford, caught in a trap upside-down 2x04 Duet - Trapped inside Wraith dart, collapses, unconscious, hospitalized, another consciousness in his body; ego destroyer, angry, sore, fighting for body control, seizure, emotional, kisses Beckett, collapses 2x05 Condemned - shot down, chipped a tooth (?), captured, threatened 2x06 Trinity - Obsessive, makes Sheppard worry/pity, emotional 2x08 Conversion - Worried about Sheppard 2x10 Lost Boys - Kidnapped, threatened 2x11 The Hive - takes dose of wraith enzyme, passes out, goes through insane withdrawal, hospitalized, unconscious 2x14 Grace Under Pressure - Serious head injury, trapped hundreds of feet under water, hallucinating sam, cold and wet 2x17 Coup D'etat - Genii trap, collapses, captured
3x04 Sateda - Takes an arrow to the butt, immense pain, cared for 3x07 Common Ground - Scared by a mouse 3x08 McKay and Mrs. Miller - Alternate reality Rodney, emotional rollercoaster 3x09 Phantoms - Shot in the chest 3x12 Echoes - Worsening headache, nose bleed, passes out, deaf 3x14 Tao of Rodney - Hit by energy pulse (gene mutation), nervous, acting increasingly strange, insomnia, emotional, overstimulated headache, passes out, hospitalized, flatlines 3x16 The Ark - Almost sucked out into space 3x20 First Strike - Caught in explosion, visible face injury
4x02 Lifeline - Captured 4x03 Reunion - Attacked by wraith, alone, betrayed, shot unconscious, captured 4x04 Doppleganger - Faces greatest fear, flatlines/cardiac arrest, beaten up 4x06 Tabula Rasa - Deadly disease/lose memory, shot unconscious, running/hiding from militia 4x08 The Seer - sees vision of them getting captured 4x09 Millers Crossing - he and his sister kidnapped, threatened, great bonding with Sheppard 4x10 This Mortal Coil - Captured 4x12 Spoils of War - shot unconscious, captured, almost tortured 4x13 Quarantine - Panicking, ultimate pessimist --> causes his own heartbreak (how NOT to get a girl), L rizz 4x14 Harmony - Forced to guard a child, held at gunpoint 4x16 Trio - Falls, trapped in a cavern, in danger & panicks the whole episode 4x20 The Last Man - Old, depressing backstory, technically dead
5x01 Search and Rescue - Some face scratches, bleeding, panicks 5x02 The Seed - Panicking x100 5x03 Broken Ties - Captured 5x04 Daedalus Variations - Shot in the arm (worse than it sounds) 5x06 the shrine - Intense memory loss, serious pneumonia, coma, hospitalized, panicking/insanely emotional help infected, intense headache, surgery 5x08 The Queen - Captured 5x09 Tracker - Bonding with Ronon, chased and punched by a wraith, manhandled, sore, shot at 5x10 First Contact - Captured, sore 5x12 Outsiders - Captured 5x13 Inquisition - Knocked unconscious 5x16 Brain Storm - Freezing
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tuiyla · 2 years
Ranking Santana’s solos based on importance to her character, part II
Part one with the bottom seven and the introduction to this whole ranking can be found here, go give that a read before continuing with this one. Done? Okay, so this part two of this different type of ranking and we’ve reached the top 7 Santana solos in terms of how important they are to her character.
7. Cold Hearted
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We’re continuing almost right where we left off, since the last song on part one’s list also had to do with Santana’s New York storyline and her complicated relationship with her roommates, particularly Rachel. Enter Cold Hearted, a Santana solo that serves many a purpose, among them showing off and intimidating a guy she doesn’t trust in the slightest. But if we dig a little deeper than her elaborate use of what I can only describe as scaffolding, and even a little deeper than being dramatic for drama’s sake, Cold Hearted is about how Santana is as a friend.
I’ve long argued that Santana’s New York storyline rests entirely on two pillars: her career and questioning of, which is in part represented by her version of DROMP, as discussed previously. And the other one, her friendships and her journey of expanding this inner circle that previously only included Brittany and maaaybe Quinn. The unlikely Kurtcheltana trio is very new when Santana performs this song in 4x16 Feud but that makes Cold Hearted all the more important. You see, despite Santana singing this to Brody in a literal sense, symbolically it’s only about him and addressed to Rachel instead. The lyrics are meant for Rachel even if she only finds out retroactively that Santana even sang this song and doesn’t exactly appreciate it. And I think that’s crucial to Cold Hearted making it to the top 7 because it becomes a representation of who Santana is as a friend at this point in season 4 and how she’ll approach her relationship with Hummelberry.
Even the fact that Santana goes behind her roommates’ back here to confront Brody at their school is on brand for her and further establishes the whole Cold Hearted performance as a quintessentially Santana thing to do. She’s a little misguided in her attempt to intimidate Brody into leaving, yes. She’s misguided in a lot of her early attempts at proving herself to her roommates. And yes, she didn’t need to be this extra, but that’s who Santana is and that’s another aspect which elevates Cold Hearted to this spot. The most crucial point? That it represents how Santana, at the end of the day, is a hardcore friend with questionable methods but wholehearted belief in protecting her friends and confronting sus people like Brody. It’s extra, it conveys her distaste for Brody, it betrays how she thinks Rachel deserves better, it’s a very Santana-esque move. What else can we wish for.
6. If I Die Young
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The difficult one, isn’t it? A song that has been impossible to view in a vacuum separate from irl stuff from the moment it was performed on the show and has only become even more tragic since. If I Die Young is a favourite of mine, both the song itself and this cover, so I admittedly have bias going into this and not to mention the baggage it has due to incredibly real-life events. But if we at least attempt to put all that aside for a moment, I’ll argue that If I Die Young represents a similar aspect of Santana’s character as Cold Hearted does, only in a much more sincere and heartbreaking way.
If I Die Young is Santana’s tribute to Finn. As tumultuous as their relationship was and as much as Santana puts up her bitchy front up to this moment in the episode, it’s a touching tribute to a life cut short. But more than that, I’m choosing to place If I Die Young here because, by starting out with Santana weirdly offensive speech and ending in an emotional breakdown, it showcases who she is. Leave it to Santana to introduce her tribute with insults that baffle the audience but show her true colours in song. It’s not just the song choice, in itself touching and, in retrospect, haunting, but the way she sings it with so much heart and the way we see her mental journey take place throughout, it’s so telling. Santana has a strange relationship with the difference of words vs. actions and this time it’s no different, though very much in the tragic category.
And I do have to acknowledge once again that If I Die Young and in fact The Quarterback as a whole carry a lot of real-life baggage and it feels strange to judge this performance’s emotion as that of Santana’s when there was a very real pain there for Naya and others. But, despite what some annoying pieces of misinformation would have you believe, Naya was acting and at the end of the day we have Santana the character. And Santana the character had a very, very complicated relationship with Finn full of hurt, but that doesn’t mean her love can’t shine through in song. Especially in song, since we see time and again and particularly with later episodes how much easier it is further to be sincere in music than in plain words. So If I Die Young is as sincere as we get, and as raw by the end of it.
If Cold Hearted showcases Santana’s misguided but well-intentioned attempts at looking out for her friends, If I Die Young is proof of her heart even when she herself would rather not acknowledge it. What elevates it above the season 4 solo is this deeper sense of vulnerability, even before the breakdown. That it’s Santana baring her heart and she herself being taken aback by it. It’s fundamentally an expression of love, through song choice, context, emotion through vocals. And maybe the placement is mostly due to bias, sure, and maybe everything to do with The Quarterback is impossible the rank within the same framework as the rest of the show. Despite all that this feels right and so I rest my case.
5. If I Can’t Have You
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Moving on to lighter subjects, we’re going from bluegrass to disco and talking about the solo that I’ve seen so many misinterpretations of. If I Can’t Have You doubles as both the kickstart to Santana’s career struggle storyline and as a serenade to Brittany, a public one this time around, and that combo gets it to the top 5.
First, let’s start with the career aspect and how Santana herself claims this is a song about her love for fame. Though I do think a lot of her post-performance speech is due to Will so incredibly weird and presumptuous about her song and Santana not vibing with that at all, as she shouldn’t, I also think it holds some truth. Truth in that If I Can’t Have You is about Santana hyperfocusing on the one thing she for sure knows she wants post-high school: fame. Her plans are so vague because she doesn’t quite have the introspection to examine what it is that appeals to her about fame and yeah, some of it is being defensive when Will goes ahead and takes a huuuge leap in logic. I don’t blame her for being weirded out by that and I don’t blame her for being an 18 year-old wanting fame but not having a clue as to what that means. So I do consider this to be the truth, her truth when it comes to this song.
But, and this is where the misinterpretations come in, I also think it was a love song directed towards Brittany. Only, Santana doesn’t do so well with an audience when it comes to how incredibly vulnerable her love for Brittany makes her and she doesn’t do well with people assigning her labels and paths and things she doesn’t want. So she refutes If I Can’t Have You being about her love for Brittany- no, actually. Crucially, she refutes all the bullshit Will starts talking about and doubles down on the fame aspect. But that can’t take away from the fact that it is a song, a love song she sings to Brittany and does so with the whole club there. Similarly to Love You Like a Love Song’s significance, this aspect of IICHY is about Santana having grown so much and being able to sing a song like this. Which is why it’s even more infuriating that Will had to go and ruin it and Santana got defensive, but it shows that Santana’s come a long way but she’s not there yet. She’ll sing to Brittany with the whole club being there but when she’s called out on it and when people try to put her into boxes, she doubles down. Good on her for that last part, Will can get fucked, but Santana could also have just admitted that it was a love song to Brittany instead of insisting it was all about fame.
All in all, an interesting example and the last solo on our list not to be what I consider an actual big character moment but a good case study of where Santana was at, mentally and emotionally, nonetheless. What’s the point in all this analysis if she’s not a layered and flawed character, after all.
4. Mine
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If anything should tell you that this isn’t a personal preference ranking it’s that Mine is here and not on top, where it famously belongs according to my GCV tastes. And while Mine continues to be that bitch as far as I’m concerned, it’s doesn’t quite make it to the top 3. Still, fourth place is an achievement and it’s deserved for how serves not just the Brittana relationship but Santana’s character. If this was a Brittana songs and their significance ranking, Mine would go straight into the top 3 and possibly battle it out with Landslide but it still holds meaning for Santana as an individual.
The breakup is one of Santana’s most mature decisions in the whole series and I’m honestly struggling to think of anything else that could snatch first place from it. It’s not just that it marks a milestone in the Brittana relationship, it’s that, fresh off from graduation and her first few weeks in college, Santana already has enough distance from Lima to be able to make a more mature decision she ever could have in high school. People sometimes ask me why, as a Brittana fan, do I love their breakup so much but it’s simple. Because it is about love. About not wanting to lose each other but also not wanting to hurt one another. About Santana taking a step back and making a decision she knows will break both their hearts but deciding it’s better than the alternative. The potential of losing each other much more permanently.
That in itself is a breathtaking view into Santana’s character. And it’s so beautiful because we know her journey doesn’t end here, we know she’ll later use Nutbush as an opportunity to make Britt jealous even though she initiated the breakup and told Brittany to go out there and date. It’s not that Mine is the be all end all of mature decisions it’s that it shows a journey, a progress that isn’t linear and shows just how much Santana will be able to grow now that she’s out of Lima. And yes, it also shows how their relationship with Brittany has evolved.
I also love the words Santana says before the music starts. Where I could say things with music when words just weren’t enough. It shows further self-awareness and proof of introspection. And is it any wonder? She fell in love with Brittany in that back row. She counted smiles, she was her angsty teenage lesbian self. But not that the choir room isn’t the place she goes to for comfort, she realizes and, I think, appreciates just how much music means to her. Santana, who’s always been big on words and insults and threats but rarely was as intimidating when it came to actions. Who talked a big game but couldn’t articulate when it came to feelings. Music gave her an outlet and so she utilized its power excellently here.
I mean, do I even need to say it? Vocally, emotionally, Mine is the perfect solo. Compared to the original’s upbeat vibe it’s almost haunting and, in Britt’s word, sad. And yet there’s that spark of hope because Santana Lopez might have turned Mine into a breakup song but she did so with so much heart and love and even maturity. For all these reasons and more, I wholeheartedly believe it’s as much a milestone for her own character development as it is for the Brittana relationship.
3. Songbird
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And just when you thought we were done getting emotional over choir room serenades, here comes the biggie. Similar to Mine in many ways but also the inverse and representing an entirely different moment in time for Santana. If Mine was introspective and a confidently vulnerable moment then Songbird is the baby step that lead to it. And though you could argue, and you’d be right, that Mine!Santana is much more self-assured and an overall better rounded version of herself than Songbird!Santana, I still place this higher than Mine.
The reason is simple. What we’re looking for here is not “when was Santana the best version of herself,” it’s more about how well a given solo represented that moment in time for her and what it tells us about her character. And sure, it’s also about when she was the most at her “character development fulfilled”-ness. But in the case of Songbird getting into the top 3, it’s not about the objective importance of a given moment but rather, how big a deal that step was for Santana relative to where she was in her story. And in that sense, there’s no beating Songbird as far as Brittana-related songs go. And McKinley songs, too, since this is the last solo on the list that Santana performs while still a high schooler.
Think about what this step meant for Santana. She might only be singing in private (Brad doesn’t count), she might be oh so fragile and she might even change her mind about coming out right after telling Brittany ‘yes’ re::Fondue for Two. But for these few minutes in the choir room she poured her heart out. She went through the Rumours album, listened to Songbird and went, ah yes. That is the song that best expresses what Brittany means to her. Even a step beyond Landslide! And it’s so raw and so personal and something she couldn’t possibly bear to be open about in public. But when it’s just Brittany sitting in that back row, Santana allows herself to fully feel her own feelings through Christine McVie’s song. In the grand scheme of things and how much she grows later on, it might not seem like much. But in that moment? Man, it means everything.
Landslide or not, Hurt Locker or not, I believe this is a major milestone in Santana’s journey and one of the first moments during her coming out storyline where she really allows her feelings to sink in. She allows vulnerability, if only for those few minutes, only in the choir room, only with Brittany. It’s impossible to overstate the importance of this, of what it meant for Santana to take this step forward even if it was then two steps back. Heck, maybe especially because it was then two steps back. Progress isn’t linear, Santana’s certainly isn’t, but these moments are no less magical and in fact all the more integral to who she is as a person.
2. Girl On Fire
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God, I’ve waited so long to go on and on about Girl On Fire’s significance and now.... I have way too little to truly get into it  And to be honest Girl On Fire, as well as the one last remaining song deserve their own posts so who knows, maybe parts three and four. But I won’t leave you with nothing, I will justify these choices.
When I first heard Santana performed Girl On Fire in the show, I immediately thought it was the perfect choice. Granted, that assessment was mostly vibes-based  Santana is fire and if nothing else, the fact that this is the only time in the series this symbolism is implied would already put Girl On Fire on the top of my list. So much so that this was originally the number one solo I chose, until some aficionados of what was originally second place convinced me. Beyond the fire symbolism, it’s also just everything else not only about the fact that Santana got to cover this song but when she had the chance to.
I ranked Nutbush, her other Diva solo low and I stand by that but there would have been no better placement for GOF then just as Santana finally makes her way to New York. We’ve seen her struggle and hesitate about the future since I Can’t Have You and we’ll see her stumble some more, as DROMP shows, but this moment is truly hers. She makes one last attempt to make Lima home and Brittany stops her from making that mistake, instead encouraging her to do what she’s been wanting to for a while now. The word that circles my mind whenever I rewatch this whole scene with the Lima to NYC transition is triumphant, because it truly is such a milestone for Santana and such a leap of faith. A life-changing decision, really, and it ends up being a net positive even with struggles and roommate problems.
And for Santana to sing this song, of all things, it feels apt beyond comprehension. I’ve been saying for a long while that Girl On Fire is Santana’s character defining solo and, despite it only coming in second today I stand by that. The lyrics feel so appropriate, a somewhat rare occurrence on Glee and the whole sequence is worthy of the character. And trust me, the standard is very high for anything to be worthy of Santana in my eyes. Some highlights that a separate post would need to get into deeper include “You can try, but you'll never forget her name” and the entire bridge:
Everybody stares as she goes by 'Cause they can see the flame that's in her eyes Watch her when she's lighting up the night Nobody knows that she's a lonely girl and it's a lonely world But she gon' let it burn, baby, burn, baby
That’s so quintessentially Santana and it feels so satisfying to be able to say that, and that Glee chose an appropriate moment to let her sing this solo. When else if not when she truly leaves Lima behind, when she takes a leap of faith, when, after having regressed, she faces adult life for real. All of it is so good that I can barely believe it exists on a show like Glee.
1. Alfie
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Between the Alfie love of some fellow Santana fans @randomcanbian​, @amazonworrier​ and @danisdreaming​​, and posts they’ve made such as here and here, I felt like I had no choice. That last one especially tipped the scales but make no mistake, it wasn’t peer pressure that led me to making this final decision and putting Alfie on top. As with Girl On Fire, it’s hard to articulate everything that Alfie means in the context of Santana’s character within the constraints of a post like this. I could keep it brief by asking, what’s it all about? And just saying ‘love’, but it does warrant a little more exploration than that.
So... Alfie is Santana’s last solo. We started with Science Fiction Double Feature and now we’re here, both in terms of the show and this ranking. Season 6 scaled back on the number of solos, with even Rachel not having as many and characters like Kurt and Blaine having none. When I had my first full watch of the series, I was secretly, or, well, not so secretly hoping Santana would have one more hurray. And what a solo it is, one with a context unrivaled in its significance and a song that embodies Santana in a very different way than Girl On Fire did but is arguably even more poignant.
I don’t need to explain to anyone already reading this the role Alma plays in Santana’s life and what this performance dedicated to her means. What it means that Santana’s already been rejected before and she is once again when Alfie finishes. But also, what it means that Santana stands her ground anyway and stands by her own identity, by her growth that happened in spite of Alma’s rejection and cruelty. If only fools are kind, Alfie, then I guess it is wise to be cruel. That was Santana for so long and so much of it was because of Alma’s upbringing of tough love. But Santana isn’t a little girl anymore and she’s certainly not Alma’s little girl.
Santana’s also not the terrified girl who walked the halls of McKinley, so cruel and so afraid to show genuine emotion. She carries that person with her, sure, but she’s also singing about love in an auditorium full of friend and miscellaneous new kids now.The Santana who rejected vulnerability and never thought she could embrace love to the fullest is now singing an ode to the very thing. She has people literally backing her because she opened her heart up. She has the strength to basically reject Alma’s rejection because she’s come too far to believe that kindness is foolish and love isn’t something she could have. Instead, she is love and, though she still has a long way to go, she gives love and accepts it freely.
All of that is embodied in her performance of Alfie where she puts herself, her heart in the limelight and is brave enough to face Alma and a possible rejection. And when the rejection comes, she can cope much better thanks to the support she has because she opened herself up to kindness. This is Santana at her most vulnerable, arguably at her bravest, and since those are things she struggles with throughout the series, I’d even dare to say her best. And Alfie becomes the best solo in terms of importance because she pours all that into every syllable and every note. Don’t you see? She believes in love. The girl who sued to tear everyone down and would only dare whisper her true feelings, who would rather live up to worst expectations then open herself up to the potential of hurt now believes in love, above all.
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 2 years
a while ago, i made a post ranking each season premiere episode of glee (click here) so i thought i should rank the rest of the episodes:
5x02 - tina in the sky with diamonds
6x02 - homecoming
3x02 - i am unicorn
4x02 - britney 2.0
2x02 - britney/brittany
1x02 - showmance
5x03 - the quarterback
2x03 - grilled cheesus
6x03 - jagged little tapestry
4x03 - makeover
3x03 - asian f
1x03 - acafellas
4x04 - the break-up
2x04 - duets
1x04 - preggers
5x04 - a katy or a gaga
6x04 - the hurt locker, part one
3x04 - pot o' gold
3x05 - the first time
4x05 - the role you were born to play
6x05 - the hurt locker, part two
1x05 - the rhodes not taken
2x05 - the rocky horror glee show
5x05 - the end of twerk
4x06 - glease
2x06 - never been kissed
5x06 - moving out
6x06 - what the world needs now
1x06 - vitamin d
3x06 - mash off
4x07 - dynamic duets
6x07 - transitioning
3x07 - i kissed a girl
5x07 - puppet master
2x07 - the substitute
1x07 - throwdown
2x08 - furt
4x08 - thanksgiving
6x08 - a wedding
3x08 - hold on to sixteen
5x08 - previously unaired christmas
1x08 - mash up
1x09 - wheels
5x09 - frenemies
3x09 - extraordinary merry christmas
4x09 - swan song
6x09 - child star
2x09 - special education
4x10 - glee, actually
2x10 - a very glee christmas
5x10 - trio
6x10 - the rise and fall of sue sylvester
1x10 - ballad
3x10 - yes/no
3x11 - michael
2x11 - the sue sylvester shuffle
5x11 - city of angels
4x11 - sadie hawkins
1x11 - hairography
6x11 - we built this glee club
6x12 - 2009
2x12 - silly love songs
5x12 - 100
1x12 - mattress
4x12 - naked
3x12 - the spanish teacher
5x13 - new directions
4x13 - diva
3x13 - heart
6x13 - dreams come true
1x13 - sectionals
2x13 - comeback
4x14 - i do
3x14 - on my way
5x14 - new new york
2x14 - blame it on the alcohol
1x14 - hell-o
5x15 - bash
3x15 - big brother
2x15 - sexy
4x15 - girls (and boys) on film
1x15 - the power of madonna
2x16 - original song
1x16 - home
5x16 - tested
4x16 - feud
3x16 - saturday night glee-ver
4x17 - guilty pleasures
3x17 - dance with somebody
5x17 - opening night
1x17 - bad reputation
2x17 - night of neglect
1x18 - laryngitis
2x18 - born this way
4x18 - shooting star
3x18 - choke
5x18 - the back-up plan
2x19 - rumours
3x19 - prom-asaurus
4x19 - sweet dreams
5x19 - old dog, new tricks
1x19 - dream on
1x20 - theatricality
2x20 - prom queen
5x20 - the untitled rachel berry project
3x20 - props
4x20 - lights out
4x21 - wonder-ful
2x21 - funeral
3x21 - nationals
1x21 - funk
2x22 - new york
3x22 - goodbye
4x22 - all or nothing
1x22 - journey
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stargatevp · 2 years
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Thurs 18th of November SGA 4x16 Trio   Host: @1989nihil
Sun 21th of November SGU 2x16 The Hunt. Host: @dorothyoz39 (backup @1989nihil )
Time: 3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CEST
Links: Episode List | Watch HERE | Subscribe to Calendar
DM a MOD ( @arrowsbane @1989nihil @dorothyoz39 @angelblaze) for the password.
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tedbecca · 3 years
All Gifs
Good Girls
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Gifset Per Episode
Good Girls Appreciation Week 2020
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Incorrect Good Girls
By Episode
Season One: 1x01 ~ 1x02 ~ 1x03 ~ 1x04 ~ 1x05 ~ 1x06 ~ 1x07 ~ 1x08 ~ 1x09 ~ 1x10
Season Two: 2x01 ~ 2x02 ~ 2x03 ~ 2x04 ~ 2x05 ~ 2x06 ~ 2x07 ~ 2x08 ~ 2x09 ~ 2x10 ~ 2x11 ~ 2x12 ~ 2x13
Season Three: 3x01 ~ 3x02 ~ 3x03 ~ 3x04 ~ 3x05 ~ 3x06 ~ 3x07 ~ 3x08 ~ 3x09 ~ 3x10 ~ 3x11
Season Four: 4x01 ~ 4x02 ~ 4x05 ~ 4x06 ~ 4x07 ~ 4x09 ~ 4x10 ~ 4x12 ~ 4x13 ~ 4x14 ~ 4x15 ~ 4x16
Brio + Lyrics and Quotes
I'm a Liar by Amy Shark
My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift
Hoax by Taylor Swift
Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift
Stay Away by Carly Rae Jepsen
Tempting Me
The Great Gatsby
Literary Sexts
Static Image + Good Girls
Good Girls Trio
Good Girls Trio in S3
Fave Annie Outfits in S3
Beth + Full Shots in S3
Jane Boland
Ted Lasso
All Edits
By Episode
Season 1: 1x01 ~ 1x04 ~ 1x05 ~ 1x06 ~ 1x07 ~ 1x10
Season 2: 2x02 ~ 2x06
Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls + Mighty Ducks Parallel
Luke/Lorelai + Exile by Taylor Swift
Luke/Lorelai + Happiness by Taylor Swift
Kevin Can F**ck Himself
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Lena Luthor Appreciation Week
Wynonna Earp
Kate McKinnon
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r1ver-6 · 3 years
Alright, halfway through! Still with me?
4x3- High Noon-ish: Cowboys, gay cowboys, need I say more?
4x4- The Devil is in the Details… and the Upstairs bedroom: Major Shus vibes and relationship talk- Henry says their dating
4x9- Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark: Shawn angst good, James Roday Rodriguez really shows some range in this one. Very nice in a whumpy way. Shassie as well
4x12- A Very Juliet Episode: Lassie, Gus, and Shawn being a ridiculous trio and purely trying to help Juliet, they are like puppies trying to make her feel better
4x15- The Head, The Tail, The Whole Damn Episode: good Shassie moment for you guys. Also very good shot of Shawn’s eyes, very pretty
4x16- Mr. Yin Presents: just as good watching second time, edge of seat, beginning of Juliet/Lassie imo
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bensonstablers · 3 years
okay - loving all the superstore reblogs! have to ask - fave episode and characters??
Hi, okay, so, I’m going to be honest and say that although I do actually really like the show, most of the episodes were kind of forgettable for me? (I care more about the characters and their dynamics. A lot of the episodes just kind of mush together in my head, haha)
Anyway, my point is that below the cut I’ve included my top 10 (they’re only listed in released order though) which I elaborate on slightly and underneath that, I’ve listed all the other episodes that made a mark on me seen as there aren’t too many compared to the amount of overall episode count :)
Firstly, here’s my fave characters though :’)
Amy and Jonah share the top spot which I’m extremely pleased about because America Ferrera and Ben Feldman were the two main reasons I wanted to check out this show in the first place. (I was just dumb and kept putting off actually watching it until Netflix UK recently put s1-5 on :’))
Outside of them I also really love: Cheyenne, Dina, Garrett, and Kelly (with Cheyenne probably making my top 3 with Amy and Jonah!)
Not faves but I want to say I really appreciated Ana Ortiz and Tony Plana showing up in Superstore considering they were main cast members in Ugly Betty alongside America. It made my heart very happy to see them again (especially when Tony Plana played her dad in both show lol)
My 10 favourite episodes so far:
1x09 All-Nighter
Seeing them locked in the store together and having fun is always so much fun to watch but this has the added bonus of drunk Amy. (It was also the first episode I felt I really enjoyed).
2x17 Integrity Award
Jonah meeting Amy’s parents and hanging out in her old bedroom. That’s it, that’s the main reason I love this episode, haha.
2x22 Tornado
The build up to the tornado!!! Amy/Jonah hiding out together!!!! The kiss!!!!! The pain when Adam and Emma show up at the end to find Amy and Jonah looks so sad!!!! (And also, Sandra refusing to help Carol is downright hilarious).
3x13 Video Game Release
Amy and Jonah sneaking through the walls in Cloud9 is too fun and I could watch them laugh and be together constantly, I love them. (Also Amy realising she likes Jonah!!!)
4x02 Baby Shower
Cute Cloud9 family moments!!! Amy/Jonah being absolutely adorable and Garrett asking how long they’ve been dating. Also, Dina’s photoshoot being weirdly hilarious and iconic.
4x05 Delivery Day
Amy and Dina going into labour at the same time? What did I do to deserve such gold???? Also, Jonah being there for the delivery and even offering to pay Amy’s medical bills so she could have the nice hospital? Um excuse you, I did not asked to be attacked like this.
4x12 Blizzard
Again, family locked in Cloud9 together, I’m a sucker for it!! I love seeing them together and having fun and being a family, ugh, yes, but also Amy and Jonah having to share that mattress and being such a married couple (lord I would like to thank you for this gift)
4x17 Quinceañera
As may be apparent, I just love when the Cloud9 family enjoy themselves especially when that’s outside of work. Jonah is a total disaster in this, haha, but I really love his scenes with Emma and I wish we got more.
5x10 Negotiations
Amy/Dina/Cheyenne is a trio I never expected to love and this episode is so good for them!!! (It was also fun to see Jonah and Sandra try to stand up to corporate who can honestly suck it)
5x20 Customer Safari
I really loved the game they played (trying to get photos of customers doing specific things), it was a lot funnier than I expected, but also I really love the dinner scene with Jonah’s parents and brother! It’s such a disaster but so good and surprisingly funny, haha.
The following are those other episodes that were memorable to me! (Again, they’re just in release order).
2x19 Glenn's Kids
2x21 Cheyenne's Wedding
3x15 Amnesty
3x19 Lottery
3x20 Gender Reveal
3x21 Aftermath
3x22 Town Hall
4x01 Back to School
4x07 New Initiative
4x13 Lovebirds
4x15 Salary
4x16 Easter
4x22 Employee Appreciation Day
5x14 Sandra's Wedding
5x16 Employee App
5x21 California Part 1
6x01 Essential
6x02 California Part 2
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
What do you think are some underappreciated Glee episodes?
This is a good last question for the night :) 
Bad Reputation (1x15) - I think there are a lot of funny things going on but it’s often ignored because there aren’t any big, plot revolutionary moments in it.  I also think the humor is in the music, which might have been lost a little on a general audience.  
Duets (2x04) - I mean, people do praise it, but I think it’s a magnificently written episode, and an episode where they use the entire ensemble well, where everyone has a rather strong and balanced arc.  The production level of Glee was always iffy, but this one nails it. 
Sexy (2x15) - There’s a very mature and open minded conversation about sex in multiple forms in this episode and I think since it’s squished between Blame It on the Alcohol and Original Song it gets a little lost, but it’s just as strong an episode for a lot of good reasons 
Heart (1x13) - Glee’s Valentine’s episodes were exceptionally strong -- it seemed to be the one time of year when they really understood how to use their ensemble in a good way.  It’s a little overshadowed by Silly Love Songs and I Do (and even Tested) but it’s a highlight in a somewhat abysmal sea of episodes. 
Makeover (4x03) - It sets up The Break Up, so it is a little hard to comeback to, but there is a lot of great Blaine and Kurt stuff in here, but not often remembered as being a great story for the both of them. 
A Katy or a Gaga and The End of Twerk (5x04-5x05) - The first one is actually incredibly funny, while the second one has a very poignant Unique story.  Both of them have fantastic Kurt subplots.  True, they’re both a little outlandish, but they are also sitting in the shadow of The Quarterback 
Frenemies and Trio (5x09-5x10) - These are both solid episodes with some really great plot lines.  Yeah, the Rachel/Santana fight gets slightly irritating as it plays out, and the most frustrating part is that this is where you can tell the show is really stalling to get to 100, but I’ll still stand by the fact these are still really enjoyable episodes. 
Most of Season 6; With the exception of episodes 9 and 10, and a little bit of bumpiness, the whole season is really fantastic, and is often dismissed because didn’t go where people wanted it to go and feels very different from what the show once was.  
Some runners up, where there are still things I had problems with within the episode so they didn’t make my main list, but maybe not as bad as people think; Mattress (1x12); Furt (2x08); Yes/No (3x10); Saturday Night Gleever (3x16); Choke (3x18); Swan Song (4x09); Feud (4x16) 
If I didn’t mention it -- it means I think it got the praise (or the criticism) it deserves :) 
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aceofwhump · 4 years
What do you suggest watching first to get into the Stargate universe??
Ohh that’s a tough question for me lol! My gut instinct is to say start at the beginning and watch the 1994 film. It’s really important to watch the original film in order to really understand the stargate universe because everything started there and the shows make references to the movie verse all the time. After the movie comes Stargate SG-1 and then Stargate Atlantis starts during season 8 of SG-1 and then Stargate Universe (which I must confess I never got into at all) starts after both of those. 
But that’s a lot and the film won’t really give you a feel of how the Stargate tv show is so another way of getting into the show is by watching some of the best episodes first and seeing if you like it. I suggest the following episodes to watch as a glimpse of the feel of Stargate (and yes I’m suggesting a lot of the whumpy ones because that’s what I do lol). Also note that I’m incredibly biased towards Daniel Jackson episodes. I love him. I can’t help it. Anyway, these are my favorite episodes and ones I think might make good introduction episodes. 
Followers who also love Stargate: Please feel free to chime in here with your favorite episodes to introduce people to stargate!
1x01 and 1x02 Children of the Gods
1x07 Cold Lazarus
1x13 Fire and Water
1x18 Solitudes
2x04 The Gamekeeper
2x05 Need
2x15 The Fifth Race
2x21 1969
3x04 Legacy
3x10 Forever in a Day
4x06 Window of Opportunity
4x08 The First Ones
5x12 Wormhole X-Treme!
8x12 Prometheus Unbound
9x01 and 9x02 Avalon
10x03 The Pegasus Project
1x01 and 1x02 Rising
1x04 Thirty Eight Minutes
1x10 The Storm and 1x11 the Eye
2x03 Runner
2x04 Duet
2x14 Grace Under Pressure
3x04 Sateda
3x07 Common Ground
3x14 Tao of Rodney
4x16 Trio
5x01 Search and Rescue
5x06 The Shrine
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jauntilyplacedcaps · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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gleetriggerwarnings · 5 years
Masterlist by Episode
Season One:
✨1x01 - Pilot
✨1x02 - Showmance
✨1x03 - Acafellas
✨1x04 - Preggers
✨1x05 - The Rhodes Not Taken
✨1x06 - Vitamin D
✨1x07 - Throwdown
✨1x08 - Mash-Up
✨1x09 - Wheels
✨1x10 - Ballad
✨1x11 - Hairography
✨1x12 - Mattress
✨1x13 - Sectionals
✨1x14 - Hell-O
✨1x15 - The Power of Madonna
✨1x16 - Home
✨1x17 - Bad Reputation
✨1x18 - Laryngitis
✨1x19 - Dream On
✨1x20 - Theatricality
✨1x21 - Funk
✨1x22 - Journey
Season Two:
✨2x01 - Audition
✨2x02 - Britney/Brittany
✨2x03 - Grilled Cheesus
✨2x04 - Duets
✨2x05 - Rocky Horror Glee Show
✨2x06 - Never Been Kissed
✨2x07 - The Substitute
✨2x08 - Furt
✨2x09 - Special Education
✨2x10 - A Very Glee Christmas
✨2x11 - The Sue Sylvester Shuffle
✨2x12 - Silly Love Songs
✨2x13 - Comeback
✨2x14 - Blame It on the Alcohol
✨2x15 - Sexy
✨2x16 - Original Song
✨2x17 - A Night of Neglect
✨2x18 - Born This Way
✨2x19 - Rumours
✨2x20 - Prom Queen
✨2x21 - Funeral
✨2x22 - New York
Season Three:
✨3x01 - The Purple Piano Project
✨3x02 - I Am Unicorn
✨3x03 - Asian F
✨3x04 - Pot of Gold
✨3x05 - The First Time
✨3x06 - Mash Off
✨3x07 - I Kissed a Girl
✨3x08 - Hold on to Sixteen
✨3x09 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas
✨3x10 - Yes/No
✨3x11 - Michael
✨3x12 - The Spanish Teacher
✨3x13 - Heart
✨3x14 - On My Way
✨3x15 - Big Brother
✨3x16 - Saturday Night Glee-ver
✨3x17 - Dance with Somebody
✨3x18 - Choke
✨3x19 - Prom-asaurus
✨3x20 - Props
✨3x21 - Nationals
✨3x22 - Goodbye
Season Four
✨4x01 - The New Rachel
✨4x02 - Britney 2.0
✨4x03 - Makeover
✨4x04 - The Break-Up
✨4x05 - The Role You Were Born to Play
✨4x06 - Glease
✨4x07 - Dynamic Duets
✨4x08 - Thanksgiving
✨4x09 - Swan Song
✨4x10 - Glee, Actually
✨4x11 - Sadie Hawkins
✨4x12 - Naked
✨4x13 - Diva
✨4x14 - I Do
✨4x15 - Girls (and Boys) on Film
✨4x16 - Feud
✨4x17 - Guilty Pleasures
✨4x18 - Shooting Star
✨4x19 - Sweet Dreams
✨4x20 - Lights Out
✨4x21 - Wonder-ful
✨4x22 - All or Nothing
Season Five
✨5x01 - Love, Love, Love
✨5x02 - Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
✨5x03 - The Quarterback
✨5x04 - A Katy or a Gaga
✨5x05 - The End of Twerk
✨5x06 - Movin’ Out
✨5x07 - Puppet Master
✨5x08 - Previously Unaired Christmas
✨5x09 - Frenemies
✨5x10 - Trio
✨5x11 - City of Angels
✨5x12 - 100
✨5x13 - New Directions
✨5x14 - New, New York
✨5x15 - Bash
✨5x16 - Tested
✨5x17 - Opening Night
✨5x18 - The Back-Up Plan
✨5x19 - Old Dogs, New Tricks
✨5x20 - The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Season Six
✨6x01 - Loser Like Me
✨6x02 - Homecoming
✨6x03 - Jagged Little Tapestry
✨6x04 - The Hurt Locker, Part One
✨6x05 - The Hurt Locker, Part Two
✨6x06 - What the World Needs Now
✨6x07 - Transitioning
✨6x08 - A Wedding
✨6x09 - Child Star
✨6x10 - The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester
✨6x11 - We Built This Glee Club
✨6x12 - 2009
✨6x13 - Dreams Come True
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shrinkthisviolet · 3 years
For the TV show/movie ask... The Flash ;)
Favorite male character: Cisco!
Favorite female character: IRIS ANN WEST-ALLEN
Least favorite character: Probably either Cicada or the Thinker
Prettiest character: Iris again! She’s just gorgeous!
Funniest character: Definitely Cisco, I’m gonna miss him 🥺
Favorite season: Tie between 1 and 2
Favorite episode: 1x17 will forever have a special place in my heart for being the first Flash episode I ever saw (thanks Mark Hamill!) 🥰 but I also love 5x5 for the Iris and Nora bonding (and Nora realizing that her mother does indeed care)!
[EDIT 6/11: I also have a soft spot for 4x16–Flash!Iris is just...AHHH I LOVE HER 🥰]
Favorite romantic ship: Westallen, hands down! Anyone who legitimately thinks it’s incest can fight me on that
Favorite family ship: The Westallen trio (Barry, Iris, and Nora)! Tho Nora could stand to respect her mother more 💀
Favorite friendship: Kara & Iris! Also Barry & Cisco, I love them! I love Harry & Cisco too
Worst ship: Any ship involving any of the Wells with anyone on Team Flash. I just...I’m sorry, the age difference is just too much for me. I know they’re all adults but it’s WEIRD (especially since, in Harry’s case, his daughter isn’t that much younger than them!!)
Send me a movie/TV show and I’ll answer these questions for it!
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todaydreambelievers · 7 years
Top Twenty Survey Results
Okay guys -- I have the results of your Survey!  
While I’m not that surprised by the results there are a few interesting things to observe...
After the first 8 - the percentage of people voting for an episode drops below the majority.  You guys may be Klainers - but what you enjoy with the rest of your episodes is incredibly varied.  
The average number of votes an episode got was 41 (14.9%)
Only 20 Episodes had 0 votes
The longest stretch between 0s was between Wonderful-The Hurt Locker pt. 2
Season 2 has the most difference between high ranked episodes and low ranked episodes.  
Season 1 had the most number of ‘0′ vote episodes with 6.  Season 2 was second with 5.  
Average vote per episode per season:
Season 1 - 25 Season 2 - 66 Season 3 - 43 Season 4 - 31.5 Season 5 - 49.1 Season 6 - 44
Total Votes: 276
Original Song (2x16) - 219 (79.3%)
The First Time (3x05) - 207 (75%)
Never Been Kissed (2x06) -190 (68.8%)
Born This Way (2x18) - 162 (58.7)
New New York (5x14) - 161 (58.3%)
Love, Love, Love (5x01) - 157 (56.9%)
Dreams Come True (6x13) - 154 (55.8%)
Prom Queen (2x20) - 150 (54.3%)
The Quarterback (5x03) - 121 (43.8%)
Silly Love Songs (2x12) - 115 (41.7%)
Blame It On the Alcohol (2x14) - 113 (40.9%)
2009 (6x12) - 108 (39.1%)
Dance With Somebody (3x17) - 108 (39.1%)
Tested (5x16) - 107 (38.8%)
I Do (4x14) - 105 (38%)
Big Brother (3x15) - 100 (36.2%)
Grilled Cheesus (2x03) - 96 (34.8%)
Dynamic Duets (4x07) - 94 (34.8%)
Preggers (1x04) - 94 (34.1%)
The Break Up (4x04) - 91 (33%)
A Wedding (6x08) - 89 (32.2%)
The Purple Piano Project (3x01) - 81 (29.3%)
Pilot (1x01) - 77 (27.9%)
The Hurt Locker pt. 2 (6x05) - 71 (25.7%)
Theatricality (1x20) - 68 (24.6%)
Micahel (3x11) - 66 (23.9%)
Guilty Pleasures (4x17) - 64 (23.2%)
Furt (2x08) - 64 (23.2%)
Duets (2x04) - 62 (22.5%)
Extraordinary Merry Christmas (3x10) - 54 (19.6%)
Old Dogs, New Tricks (5x19) - 53 (19.2%)
The Power of Madonna (1x15) - 53 (19.2%)
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project (5x20) - 52 (18.8%)
Girls and Boys on Film (4x14) - 51 (18.5%)
Nationals (3x21) - 51 (18.5%)
Puppet Master (5x07) - 50 (18.1%)
Sexy (2x15) - 50 (18.1%)
Laryngitis (1x18) - 50 (18.1%)
Bash (5x15) - 49 (17.8%)
Movin’ Out (5x06) - 48 (17.4%)
Loser Like Me (6x01) - 46 (16.7%)
Hold Onto 16 (3x08) - 45 (16.3%)
Journey to Regionals (1x22) - 45 (16.3%)
A Very Glee Christmas (2x10) - 43 (15.6%)
Glee, Actually (4x10) - 41 (14.9%)
Wheels (1x09) - 37 (13.8%)
Vitamin D (1x06) - 34 (12.3%)
Shooting Star (4x18) - 33 (12%)
Diva (4x13) - 33 (12%)
Asian F (3x03) - 33 (12%)
Goodbye (3x22) - 32 (11.6%)
Wonderful (4x21) - 31 (11.2%)
On My Way (3x14) - 31 (11.2%)
Glease (4x06) - 30 (10.9%)
New York (2x22) - 30 (10.9%)
Sectionals (1x13) - 30 (10.9%)
Trio (5x10) - 27 (9.8%)
A Katy or a Gaga (5x04) - 27 (9.8%)
Thanksgiving (4x08) - 27 (9.8%)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (2x05) - 26 (9.4%)
Transitioning (6x07) - 25 (9.1%)
The Hurt Locker pt. 1 (6x04) - 24 (8.7%)
100 (5x12) - 23 (8.3%)
Sadie Hawkins (4x11) - 22 (8%)
Heart (3x13) - 22 (8%)
Jagged Little Tapestry (6x03) - 21 (7.6%)
Homecoming (6x02) - 21 (7.6%)
New Directions (5x13) - 21 (7.6%)
Swan Song (4x09) - 21 (7.6%)
Rumours (2x19) - 21 (7.6%)
Props (3x20) - 20 (7.2%)
Promasaurus (3x19) - 20 (7.2%)
City of Angels (5x11) - 17 (6.2%)
Saturday Night Gleever (3x16) - 16 (5.8%)
I Kissed a Girl (3x07) - 16 (5.8%)
Mash Off (3x06) - 16 (5.8%)
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle (2x11) - 16 (5.8%)
Hello (1x14) - 16 (5.8%)
Previously Unaired Christmas (5x08) - 15 (5.4%)
Ballad (1x10) - 15 (5.4%)
Opening Night (5x17) - 14 (5.1%)
Frenemies (5x09) - 14 (5.1%)
Choke (3x18) - 14 (5.1%)
Special Education (2x09) - 14 (5.1%)
Britney/Brittany (2x02) - 14 (5.1%)
Home (1x16) - 14 (5.1%)
We Built This Glee Club (6x11) - 13 (4.7%)
Dream On (1x19) - 13 (4.7%)
The New Rachel (4x01) - 12 (4.3%)
All or Nothing (4x22) - 11 (4%)
Naked (4x12) - 10 (3.6%)
Mash Up (1x08)  - 10 (3.6%)
The Back Up Plan (5x18) - 9 (3.3%)
Tina in the Sky with Diamonds (5x02) - 9 (3.3%)
Makeover (4x03) - 9 (3.3%)
I Am Unicorn (3x02) - 9 (3.3%)
The End of Twerk (5x05) - 8 (2.9%)
Britney 2.0 (4x02) - 8 (2.9%)
Mattress (1x12) - 8 (2.9%)
Yes/No (3x10) - 7 (2.5%)
Bad Reputation (1x17) - 7 (2.5%)
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester (6x10) - 0
Child Star (6x09) - 0
What The World Needs Now (6x06) - 0
Lights Out (4x20) - 0
Sweet Dreams (4x19) - 0
Feud (4x16) - 0
The Role You Were Born to Play (4x05) - 0
The Spanish Teacher (3x12) - 0
Pot o Gold (3x04) - 0
Funeral (2x21) - 0
Night of Neglect (2x17) - 0
Comeback (2x13) - 0
The Substitute (2x07) - 0
Audition (2x01) - 0
Funk (1x21) - 0
Hairography (1x11) - 0
Throwdown (1x07) - 0
The Rhodes Not Taken (1x05) - 0
Acafellas (1x03) - 0
Showmance (1x02) - 0
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lightwood-alec · 7 years
TV Episodes 2017
13 Reasons Why (13) 1x01 - Tape 1, Side A 1x02 - Tape 1, Side B 1x03 - Tape 2, Side A 1x04 - Tape 2, Side B 1x05 - Tape 3, Side A 1x06 - Tape 3, Side B 1x07 - Tape 4, Side A 1x08 - Tape 4, Side B 1x09 - Tape 5, Side A 1x10 - Tape 5, Side B 1x11 - Tape 6, Side A 1x12 - Tape 6, Side B 1x13 - Tape 7, Side A 8 Out of 10 Cats (1) 20x08 - Jamali Maddix, Rick Edwards, Kate Humble & Joe Lycett (New Year’s Special) 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (1) 12x01- Stephen Mangan, Noel Fielding, Fay Ripley & the Brett Domino Trio A League of Their Own (9) 11x11 - Christmas Special 11x12 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part One 11x13 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Two 11x14 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Three 11x15 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Four 11x16 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Five 12x01 - Rob Beckett, Dele Ali & Stephen Mangan 12x02 - Emma Bunton, Mo Farah & Anthony Joshua 12x04 - Charlotte Dujardin, Cesc Fabregas & Romesh Ranganathan American Gods (1) 1x01 - The Bone Orchard American Horror Story: Cult (11) American Horror Story: Hotel (4) 5x07 - Flicker 5x08 - Ten Commandments Killer 5x09 - She Wants Revenge 5x10 - She Gets Revenge An Unfortunate Series of Events (1) 1x01 - The Bad Beginning: Part One And Then There Were None (1) 1x01 - Episode One Animal Kingdom (14) 1x08 - Man In 1x09 - Judas Kiss 1x10 - What Have You Done 2x01 - Eat What You Kill 2x02 - Karma 2x03 - Bleed for It 2x04 - Broken Boards 2x05 - Forgive Us Our Trespasses 2x06 - Cry Havoc 2x07 - Dig 2x08 - Grace 2x09 - Custody 2x10 - Treasure 2x11 - The Leopard Archer (2) 8x01 - Archer Dreamland: No Good Deed 8x02 - Archer Dreamland: Berenice Arrow (1) 6x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2 Atlanta (10) 1x01 - The Big Bang 1x02 - Streets on Lock 1x03 - Go for Broke 1x04 - The Streisand Effect 1x05 - Nobody Beats the Biebs 1x06 - Value 1x07 - B.A.N. 1x08 - The Club 1x09 - Juneteenth 1x10 - The Jacket Ballers (8) 1x02 - Raise Up 1x03 - Move the Chains 1x04 - Heads Will Roll 1x05 - Machete Charge 1x06 - Everything Is Everything 1x07 - Ends 1x08 - Gaslighting 1x09 - Head-On Bates Motel (3) 5x05 - Dreams Die First 5x06 - Marion 5x07 - Inseparable Big Fat Quiz of the Year (2) 1x24 - Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2016 1x25 - Big Fat Quiz of Everything 2017 Big Little Lies (7) Big Time Rush (1) 2x15 - Big Time Reality Bill Nye Saves the World (2) 1x01 - Earth Is a Hot Mess 1x02 - Tune Your Quack-o-Meter Billy on the Street (18) 1x01 - And Away We Go... 1x02 - Television is the Greatest Thing to Ever Happen to Me! 1x03 - Drunk Rich 1x04 - Can Rachel Dratch Name 20 White People in 30 Seconds? 1x05 - The Meryl Streep Showdown 1x06 - Where in the World is Scarlett Johansson’s Vagina? 1x07 - Ask an Asian! 1x08 - Are You Smarter Than a Gay Fifth Grader? 1x09 - Did You Hear Madonna Died? 1x10 - Joan Rivers Gets Quizzed in the Face 2x01 - Billy Meets Mr. Singh! 2x02 - The Lesbian Lightning Round, with Andy Cohen 2x03 - Scream for an American Girl Doll, with Will Ferrell 2x04 - It’s Spock - Do You Care?, with Zachary Quinto 2x05 - Whistleblow that Jew!, with Rashida Jones and Maya Rudolph 2x06 - It’s Debra Messing, You Gays!, with Debra Messing and Christian Borle 2x07 - Do You Think Gisele Bundchen Understands the Jokes on Portlandia?, with Nas and Ashley Benson 5x08 - Curbside Conga Line with James Corden The Blacklist (4) 4x03 - Miles McGrath (No. 65) 4x04 - Gaia (No. 81) 4x05 - The Lindquist Concern (No. 105) 4x06 - The Thrushes (No. 53) Black Sails (10) 4x01 - XXIX 4x02 - XXX 4x03 - XXXI 4x04 - XXXII 4x05 - XXXIII 4x06 - XXXIV 4x07 - XXXV 4x08 - XXXVI 4x09 - XXXVII 4x10 - XXVIII Boardwalk Empire (2) 1x04 - Anastasia 1x05 - Nights in Ballygran The Bold Type (10) Brooklyn Nine-Nine (23) 4x11 - The Fugitive, Part One 4x12 - The Fugitive, Part Two 4x13 - The Audit 4x14 - Serve & Protect 4x15 - The Last Ride 4x16 - Moo Moo 4x17 - Cop Con 4x18 - Chasing Amy 4x19 - Your Honor 4x20 - The Slaughterhouse 4x21 - The Bank Job 4x22 - Crime & Punishment 5x01 - The Big House, Pt. 1 5x02 - The Big House, Pt. 2 5x03 - Kicks 5x04 - HalloVeen 5x05 - Bad Beat 5x06 - The Venue 5x07 - Two Turkeys 5x08 - Return to Skyfire 5x09 - 99 5x10 - Game Night 5x11 - The Favor Castlevania (4) 1x01 - Witchbottle 1x02 - Necropolis 1x03 - Labyrinth 1x04 - Monument Dear White People (10) 1x01 - Chapter I 1x02 - Chapter II 1x03 - Chapter III 1x04 - Chapter IV 1x05 - Chapter V 1x06 - Chapter VI 1x07 - Chapter VII 1x08 - Chapter VIII 1x09 - Chapter IX 1x10 - Chapter X The Defenders (8) Difficult People (28) Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (4) 1x01 - Horizons 1x02 - Lost & Found 1x03 - Rogue Wall Enthusiasts 1x04 - Watkin The Exorcist (9) 1x08 - Chapter Eight: The Griefbearers 1x09 - Chapter Nine: 162 1x10 - Chapter Ten: Three Rooms 2x01 - Janus 2x02 - Safe as Houses 2x03 - Unclean 2x04 - One for Sorrow 2x05 - There But for the Grace of God, Go I 2x06 - Darling Nikki The Flash (3) 2x04 - The Fury of Firestorm 3x17 - Duet 4x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3 Freedom Fighters: The Ray (3) 1x01 - Episode One 1x02 - Episode Two 1x03 - Episode Three Future Man (13) Game of Thrones (2) 7x06 - Beyond the Wall 7x07 - The Dragon and the Wolf The Get Down (11) 1x01 - Where There Is Ruin, There Is Hope for a Treasure 1x02 - Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames 1x03 - Darkness Is Your Candle 1x04 - Forget Safety, Be Notorious 1x05 - You Have Wings, Learn to Fly 1x06 - Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice 1x07 - Unfold Your Own Myth 1x08 - The Beat Says, This Is The Way 1x09 - One by One, Into the Dark 1x10 - Gamble Everything 1x11 - Only From Exile Can We Come Home Girl Meets World (1) 3x21 - Girl Meets Goodbye Glue (6) 1x01 - Everyone 1x02 - James/Janine 1x03 - Eli/Rob 1x04 - Tina/Dominic 1x05 - James/Rob/Cal 1x06 - Rob/Tina The Good Place (21) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - Flying 1x03 - Tahani Al-Jamil 1x04 - Jason Mendoza 1x05 - Category 55 Doomsday Crisis 1x06 - What We Owe to Each Other 1x07 - The Eternal Shriek 1x08 - Most Improved Player 1x09 - ...Someone Like Me as a Member 1x10 - Chidi’s Choice 1x11 - What’s My Motivation 1x12 - Mindy St. Claire 1x13 - Michael’s Gambit 2x01 - Everything Is Great! (Part 1) 2x02 - Everything Is Great! (Part 2) 2x03 - Dance Dance Resolution 2x04 - Team Cockroach 2x05 - Existential Crisis 2x06 - The Trolley Problem 2x07 - Janet and Michael 2x08 - Derek Gotham (22) 3x12 - Ghosts 3x13 - Smile Like You Mean It 3x14 - The Gentle Art of Making Enemies 3x15 - How the Riddler Got His Name 3x16 - These Delicate and Dark Obsessions 3x17 - The Primal Riddle 3x18 - Light the Wick 3x19 - All Will Be Judged 3x20 - Pretty Hate Machine 3x21 - Destiny Calling 3x22 - Heavydirtysoul 4x01 - Pax Penguina 4x02 - The Fear Reaper 4x03 - They Who Hide Behind Masks 4x04 - The Demon’s Head 4x05 - The Blade’s Path 4x06 - Hog Day Afternoon 4x07 - A Day in the Narrows 4x08 - Stop Hitting Yourself 4x09 - Let Them Eat Pie 4x10 - Things That Go Boom 4x11 - Queen Takes Knight Halt and Catch Fire (1) 3x01 - Valley of the Heart’s Delight House of Cards (13) 5x01 - Chapter 53 5x02 - Chapter 54 5x03 - Chapter 55 5x04 - Chapter 56 5x05 - Chapter 57 5x06 - Chapter 58 5x07 - Chapter 59 5x08 - Chapter 60 5x09 - Chapter 61 5x10 - Chapter 62 5x11 - Chapter 63 5x12 - Chapter 64 5x13 - Chapter 65 How to Get Away with Murder (2) 3x10 - We’re Bad People 3x11 - Not Everything's About Annalise Iron Fist (13) 1x01 - Snow Gives Way 1x02 - Shadow Hawk Takes Flight 1x03 - Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch 1x04 - Eight Diagram Dragon Palm 1x05 - Under Leaf Pluck Lotus 1x06 - Immortal Emerges From Cave 1x07 - Felling Tree With Roots 1x08 - The Blessing of Many Fractures 1x09 - The Mistress of All Agonies 1x10 - Black Tiger Steals Heart 1x11 - Lead Horse Back to Stable 1x12 - Bar the Big Boss 1x13 - Dragon Plays With Fire The IT Crowd (5) 4x03 - Something Happened 4x04 - Italian For Beginners 4x05 - Bad Boys 4x06 - Reynholm vs. Reynholm 5x01 - The Final Episode It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (10) 12x01 - The Gang Turns Black 12x02 - The Gang Goes to a Waterpark 12x03 - Old Lady House: A Situation Comedy 12x04 - Wolf Cola: A Public Relations Nightmare 12x05 - Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer 12x06 - Hero or Hate Crime? 12x07 - PSTDee 12x08 - The Gang Tends Bar 12x09 - A Cricket’s Tale 12x10 - Dennis’ Double Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (30) 4x01 - February 12, 2017 (Trump vs. Truth) 4x02 - February 19, 2017 (Russia) 4x03 - February 26, 2017 (Affordable Care Act) 4x04 - March 5, 2017 (Tibet) 4x05 - March 12, 2017 (American Health Care Act) 4x06 - March 19, 2017 (United States Federal Budget) 4x07 - April 2, 2017 (Cannabis) 4x08 - April 9, 2017 (Gerrymandering) 4x09 - April 16, 2017 (2017 French Presidential Election) 4x10 - April 23, 2017 (Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner) 4x11 - May 7, 2017 (Net Neutrality) 4x12 - May 14, 2017 (Dialysis) 4x13 - May 21, 2017 (Stupid Watergate) 4x14 - June 4, 2017 (Paris Agreement) 4x15 - June 11, 2017 (UK General Elections and Brexit Negotiations) 4x16 - June 18, 2017 (Coal Mining and Bob Murray) 4x17 - June 25, 2017 (Vaccine Safety) 4x18 - July 2, 2017 (Local News and Sinclair Broadcast Group) 4x19 - July 30, 2017 (Alex Jones and InfoWars) 4x20 - August 6, 2017 (United States Border Patrol) 4x21 - August 13, 2017 (North Korea Crisis) 4x22 - August 20, 2017 (Nuclear Waste) 4x23 - September 10, 2017 (Joe Arpaio) 4x24 - September 24, 2017 (Corporate Consolidation) 4x25 - October 1, 2017 (Forensic Evidence) 4x26 - October 8, 2017 (Confederate Monuments) 4x27 - October 15, 2017 (Equifax Security Breach) 4x28 - October 29, 2017 (National Flood Insurance Program) 4x29 - November 5, 2017 (Economic Development Incentives) 4x30 - November 12, 2017 (Donald Trump’s Presidency) Legends of Tomorrow (18) 2x09 - Raiders of the Lost Art 2x10 - The Legion of Doom 2x11 - Turncoat 2x12 - Camelot/3000 2x13 - Land of the Lost 2x14 - Moonshot 2x15 - Fellowship of the Spear 2x16 - Doomworld 2x17 - Aruba 3x01 - Aruba-Con 3x02 - Freakshow 3x03 - Zari 3x04 - Phone Home 3x05 - Return of the Mack 3x06 - Helen Hunt 3x07 - Welcome to the Jungle 3x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4 3x09 - Beebo the God of War Legion (8) 1x01 - Chapter 1 1x02 - Chapter 2 1x03 - Chapter 3 1x04 - Chapter 4 1x05 - Chapter 5 1x06 - Chapter 6 1x07 - Chapter 7 1x08 - Chapter 8 The Lodge (3) 1x01 - The New Girl 1x02 - Reality Check 1x03 - Opportunities Luke Cage (6) 1x08 - Blowin’ Up the Spot 1x09 - DWYCK 1x10 - Take It Personal 1x11 - Now You’re Mine 1x12 - Soliloquy of Chaos 1x13 - You Know My Steez Master of None (5) 2x01 - The Thief 2x02 - Le Nozze 2x03 - Religion 2x04 - First Date 2x05 - The Dinner Party Making History (2) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - The Shot Heard Round the World Me, Myself & I (2) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - The First Step The Mindy Project (17) 5x08 - Hot Mess Time Machine 5x09 - Bat Mitzvah 5x10 - Take My Ex-Wife Please 5x11 - Dibs 5x12 - Mindy Lahiri Is A White Man 5x13 - Mindy’s Best Friend 5x14 - A Decent Proposal 6x01 - Is That All There Is 6x02 - A Romantical Decouplement 6x03 - May Divorce Be With You 6x04 - Leo’s Girlfriend 6x05 - Jeremy and Anna’s Meryl Streep Costume Party 6x06 - The Midwife’s Tale 6x07 - Girl Gone Wild 6x08 - Doctors Without Boundaries 6x09 - Danny in Real Life 6x10 - It Had to Be You Mr. Mercedes (3) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - On Your Mark 1x03 - Cloudy, With a Chance of Mayhem Mr. Robot (10) 3x01 - eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h 3x02 - eps3.1_undo.gz 3x03 - eps3.2_legacy.so 3x04 - eps3.3_metadata.par2 3x05 - eps3.4_runtime-error.r00 3x06 - eps3.5_kill-process.inc 3x07 - eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk 3x08 - eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko 3x09 - eps3.8_stage3.torrent 3x10 - shutdown -r Narcos (4) 1x01 - Descenso 1x02 - The Sword of Simon Bolivar 1x03 - The Men of Always 1x04 - The Palace in Flames New Girl (1) 6x04 - Homecoming The Night Of (7) 1x02 - Part Two: Subtle Beast 1x03 - Part Three: A Dark Crate 1x04 - Part Four: The Art of War 1x05 - Part Five: The Season of the Witch 1x06 - Part Six: Samson and Delilah 1x07 - Part Seven: Ordinary Death 1x08 - Part Eight: The Call of the Wild NTSF:SD:SUV:: (22) 1x01 - One Cabeza, Two Cabeza, Three Cabeza...DEAD! 1x02 - The Birthday Party That Was Neither 1x03 - Exes and Oh-No’s! 1x04 - The Risky Business of Being Alone in Your Home 1x05 - Dolphinnegan's Wake 1x06 - Tijuana, We've Got a Problem 1x07 - Full Hauser 1x08 - Up Periscope, Down with San Diego 1x09 - Cause for ConCERN 1x10 - Piper Doesn't Live Here Anymore 1x11 - Twistin’ the Night Away 1x12 - I Left My Heart In Someone's Cooler 2x01 - 16 Hop Street 2x02 - The Real Bicycle Thief 2x03 - Sabbath-tage 2x04 - Lights, Camera, Assassination 2x05 - Time Angels 2x06 - Whack-A-Mole 2x07 - Robot Town 2x08 - Comic-Con-Flict 2x09 - The Return of Dragon Shumway 2x10 - Family Dies Powerless (9) 1x01 - Wayne or Lose 1x02 - Wayne Dream Team 1x03 - Sinking Day 1x04 - Emily Dates a Henchman 1x05 - Cold Season 1x06 - I’ma Friend You 1x07 - Van vs. Emily: Dawn of Justice 1x08 - Green Furious 1x09 - Emergency Punch-Up Preacher (8) 2x01 - On The Road 2x02 - Mumbai Sky Tower 2x03 - Damsels 2x04 - Viktor 2x05 - Dallas 2x06 - Sokosha 2x07 - Pig 2x08 - Holes Prison Break (10) 4x01 - Scylla 5x01 - Ogygia 5x02 - Kaniel Outis 5x03 - The Liar 5x04 - The Prisoner’s Dilemma 5x05 - Contingency 5x06 - Phaeacia 5x07 - Wine Dark Sea 5x08 - Progeny 5x09 - Behind the Eyes The Punisher (1) 1x01 - 3AM Queer as Folk (UK) (1) 1x01 - Episode 1 Riverdale (7) 1x01 - The River’s Edge 1x02 - A Touch of Evil 1x03 - Body Double 1x04 - The Last Picture Show 1x05 - Heart of Darkness 1x06 - Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill! 1x07 - In a Lonely Place Saturday Night Live (2) 42x19 - Chris Pine / LCD Soundsystem 43x03 - Kumail Nanjiani / P!nk Scream Queens (4) 2x07 - The Hand 2x08 - Rapunzel, Rapunzel 2x09 - Lovin’ the D 2x10 - Drain the Swamp Sense8 (11) 2x01 - Happy F*cking New Year 2x02 - Who Am I? 2x03 - Obligate Mutualisms 2x04 - Polyphony 2x05 - Fear Never Fixed Anything 2x06 - Isolated Above, Connected Below 2x07 - I Have No Room in My Heart for Hate 2x08 - All I Want Right Now Is One More Bullet 2x09 - What Family Actually Means 2x10 - If All the World’s a Stage, Identity Is Nothing But a Costume 2x11 - You Want a War? Shadowhunters (20) 2x01 - This Guilty Blood 2x02 - A Door Into the Dark 2x03 - Parabatai Lost 2x04 - Day of Wrath 2x05 - Dust and Shadows 2x06 - Iron Sisters 2x07 - How Are Thou Fallen 2x08 - Love Is a Devil 2x09 - Bound by Blood 2x10 - By the Light of Dawn 2x11 - Mea Maxima Culpa 2x12 - You Are Not Your Own 2x13 - Those of Demon Blood 2x14 - The Fair Folk 2x15 - A Problem of Memory 2x16 - Day of Atonement 2x17 - A Dark Reflection 2x18 - Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen 2x19 - Hail and Farewell 2x20 - Beside Still Water Sherlock (3) 4x01 - The Six Thatchers 4x02 - The Lying Detective 4x03 - The Final Problem Silicon Valley (10) 4x01 - Success Failure 4x02 - Terms of Service 4x03 - Intellectual Property 4x04 - Teambuilding Exercise 4x05 - The Blood Boy 4x06 - Customer Service 4x07 - The Patent Troll 4x08 - The Keenan Vortex 4x09 - Hooli-Con 4x10 - Server Error Smallville (1) 9x06 - Crossfire Stranger Things (9) Supergirl (1) 3x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1 Superstore (3) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - Magazine Profile 1x03 - Shots and Salsa Teen Wolf (6) 6x11 - Said the Spider to the Fly 6x12 - Raw Talent 6x13 - After Images 6x17 - Werewolves of London 6x19 - Broken Glass 6x20 - The Wolves of War Time After Time (2) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - I Will Catch You Trial & Error (13) 1x01 - Chapter 1: A Big Crime in a Small Town 1x02 - Chapter 2: A Wrench in the Case 1x03 - Chapter 3: The Other Man 1x04 - Chapter 4: An Unwelcome Distraction 1x05 - Chapter 5: Right-Hand Man 1x06 - Chapter 6: Secrets & Lies 1x07 - Chapter 7: The Case Gets Big 1x08 - Chapter 8: A Change in Defense 1x09 - Chapter 9: Opening Statements 1x10 - Chapter 10: A Hostile Jury 1x11 - Chapter 11: Unusual Suspect 1x12 - Chapter 12: The Defense Rests 1x13 - Chapter 13: The Verdict The Twilight Zone (1) 3x08 - It’s A Good Life Twin Peaks (9) 2x11 - Masked Ball 2x12 - The Black Widow 2x13 - Checkmate 2x14 - Double Play 2x22 - Beyond Life and Death 3x01 - The Return, Part 1 3x02 - The Return, Part 2 3x03 - The Return, Part 3 3x04 - The Return, Part 4 Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (13) 3x01 - Kimmy Gets Divorced?! 3x02 - Kimmy’s Roommate Lemonades! 3x03 - Kimmy Can’t Help You! 3x04 - Kimmy Goes to College! 3x05 - Kimmy Steps on a Crack! 3x06 - Kimmy Is a Feminist! 3x07 - Kimmy Learns About the Weather! 3x08 - Kimmy Does a Puzzle! 3x09 - Kimmy Goes to Church! 3x10 - Kimmy Pulls Off a Heist! 3x11 - Kimmy Googles the Internet! 3x12 - Kimmy and the Trolley Problem! 3x13 - Kimmy Bites an Onion! The Vampire Diaries (2) 8x00 - Forever Yours (Retrospective Special) 8x16 - I Was Feeling Epic Veep (10) 6x01 - Omaha 6x02 - Library 6x03 - Georgia 6x04 - Justice 6x05 - Chicklet 6x06 - Qatar 6x07 - Blurb 6x08 - Judge 6x09 - A Woman First 6x10 - Groundbreaking Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later (8) When We Rise (8) 1x01 - Part I 1x02 - Part II 1x03 - Part III 1x04 - Part IV 1x05 - Part V 1x06 - Part VI 1x07 - Part VII 1x08 - Part VIII Will (7) 1x01 - The Play’s the Thing 1x02 - Cowards Die Many Times 1x03 - The Two Gentlemen 1x04 - Brave New World 1x05 - The Marriage of True Minds 1x06 - Something Wicked This Way Comes 1x07 - What Dreams May Come The Young Pope (10) 1x01 - First Episode 1x02 - Second Episode 1x03 - Third Episode 1x04 - Fourth Episode 1x05 - Fifth Episode 1x06 - Sixth Episode 1x07 - Seventh Episode 1x08 - Eighth Episode 1x09 - Ninth Episode 1x10 - Tenth Episode Total: 675 TV 2016 TV 2015 TV 2014 TV 2013 TV 2012
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