#erich collin
thetisming · 29 days
Broadway has turned into something commercialised and all about money, rather than stages for stories to be shared. people only care about how much money shows make, but people never give new shows a try so amazing new shows that tell important stories and production and soundtrack and actors close. if there's not a big tv (specifically tv, people don't care about actual BROADWAY legends anymore) name for the media or it's not a revival people don't care. new musicals that tell historical stories that shouldn't be forgotten close after a few months, no matter how amazing the story or score or set or actors are. Broadway isn't about the heart anymore, it's about money and big names. it's barely even for theatre people.
Lempicka is closing and i am devastated for so many reasons. Harmony already closed earlier this year.
Tamara de Lempicka was a famous painter. she was married to a rich man, and originally painted their daughter or landscapes and things like that, but she eventually painted Rafaela -- her girlfriend. she painted her mainly naked and they loved each other. she was a bisexual painter, and more than that a brilliant painter, and she is being forgotten. she was part Jewish, too. she fled to Paris with her husband, which is where she met Rafaela.
there's a musical about her. it's closing on May 19th. it opened officially on Broadway on April 14th. both this year.
The Comedian Harmonists were a band. they were an internationally popular German band between 1928 and 1934. 3 of the 6 of them were Jewish. Nazi Germany started in 1933. you can probably piece together what happened, but i'll tell you anyway. they were separated and erased. they were not forgotten, they were erased. Nazis destroyed almost all of their recordings. the Harmonists never saw each other again. their names were Ari Leschnikoff, Harry Frommermann, Robert Biberti, Roman Cycowski, Erwin "Chopin" Bootz and Erich A. Collin.
there was a musical about them. it closed on February 4th, and opened officially on Broadway on November 13th (2023).
do not let Tamara or the Harmonists go forgotten. listen to Lempicka and Harmony. research the people. find bootlegs of the musicals if you can. learn about them. teach about them. please, don't let people forget about them.
this isn't about the musicals closing, these are about important people being forgotten and erased from history. please, don't let this happen.
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catboyrichardkarinsky · 3 months
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look at him. i want to eat him (affectionate)
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paktderpakte · 9 months
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Fratricide. Two Meteors ratefight above a bay in Hong Kong during the Japanese blockade. In the background, over the beach, a flight of Schwalbes chases another Meteor. Oil on canvas, 1944.
Original landscape, original planes
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blood-mocha-latte · 4 months
~ miscellaneous tag game ~
tagged by the lovely @mutantmanifesto and @dontirrigateme <3
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
rough draw but munich! 'twas gorgeous and also where I got engaged
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
dragging my ass through college in two years and double majoring. nearly killed me but by god it's done
Favorite books?
the awakening by kate chopin - the woman in white by wilkie collins - all quiet on the western front by erich maria remarque - a tree grows in brooklyn by betty smith - letters from the 442nd by min masuda
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
mah wife (borat voice)
Favorite thing about your culture?
god what even is my culture. how unhinged would i sound if i said swamps and rigatoni
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
joined about three years ago but not on tumblr, but watched the pacific first
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
no because i. have a reading list and they aren't up in the queue lmao
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
leckie. he’s like. webster if webster was a wet cat what’s not to love. favorite moment is all moments ever EXCEPT for the sex scenes because what kind of hallucinogen did i take to have to watch that
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
i write fic and am. a little consumed by it at all times. i also make edits but am going through a bit of a rut with that so for now only writing thank you
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
eliza dushku for her wonderful performances in buffy the vampire slayer and angel (i'm gay. can you tell)
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
just this entire dick allen poem which is luztoye coded forever and ever
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
hm. idk. i once got bit by a raccoon in a bayou and had to get rabies shots for the next two weeks
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
i write everything by hand and then put in in the Computer which is like. a built in beta edit. and then mah wife (borat voice) betas for me because she's wonderful
Three things that make you smile?
mah wife (borat voice) (i'm predictable)
our air purifier (i’m old)
our vintage dog teapot
Any nicknames you like?
my name is three letters long like there's not a lot of leeway there. i went by adelasia for a while which is my middle name but like. that's it. does papera count
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
@lamialamia is the pillar of my entire person at all times and genuinely one of the nicest people i’ve ever met. linh wrote this wonderful fic for the secret santa exchange, which i am currently reading and fawning over
@staud is easily one of the talented people in the entire hbo war fandom and has the fucking VISION for gifs and videos. most recent of which i’ve watched (and panicked about) being an incredible eugene sledge video. erin is also just fucking funny bro idk what to tell you
@mutantmanifesto is someone that is like. genuinely a celebrity to me. every time i see lenora’s drawings anywhere i have flashbacks like i’m in the louvre. also just a wonderful person with incredible taste
@ep6bastogne is on a tumblr hiatus right now but always deserves a shoutout. she did incredible edits of skinny sisk, eugene roe, ron speirs, and david webster for the secret santa exchange that changed my brain chemistry forever and is one of the warmest people i’ve ever talked to
@ewipandora is someone that i’m ALWAYS holding hands with <3. both a genuinely funny and wonderful person and has incredible taste in reblogs. ewi is currently doing a band of brothers ship series that i plan to Consume as soon as possible because i have no doubt that they’re incredible
@dcyllom is an incredibly underrated and kind part of my Dashboard Experience™ and is also just wonderful and one of my favorite Tumblr People :)
@educationalporpoises is a genius and an INCREDIBLE writer. zee was my secret santa gifter and this luztoye fic knocked it all the way out of the park and into the cemetery, which is how hard it slayed. also wins for best mutual handle
@almost-a-class-act is ridiculously supportive and kind, and a backbone of the hbo war fandom forever and always. sam’s also one of the best fucking writers to ever grace this earth, with the most recent thing i’ve read being this top notch luztoye fic <3
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
die. girl i work in an er i'd be the first to go
Favorite movie?
ladri di biciclette for all time favorite movie ever. a perfect movie
Do you like horror movies?
it depends entirely on the level of homoerotism that can be found in those movies. and also if matthew lillard is in it
everyone mentioned above as well as anyone who wants to do it since i have no clue who’s been tagged :)
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edenfenixblogs · 5 months
Hello Eden (is it okay to call you that?)
Do you have any current favourite songs? What kind of music do you generally listen to?
And do you have any favourite books? What kind of books do you like to read?
If you are okay with sharing, no pressure.
Sending you love and strength ❤️
Ah!!! Thanks for this ask @sunnenfinster! What a lovely change of pace.
Eden is fine!!!!!
Ok, so I love music and books!
Of all broad genres of entertainment media, music is probably what I follow least closely. It’s not that I don’t like it; I just am always behind the curve in my tastes. I love listening to most confessional singer/songwriters. I love folk, rock, pop, and rap. I also get a lot of music I like from the background of media like TV, Movies, and podcasts. In general, I love confessional singer-songwriters from any genre.
Fave singers (and the albums I’d recommend from them: songs I’d recommend from that album [notes]):
Jem (Finally Woken: Come on Closer, Falling for You, Just a Ride). All songs on this album rock, to me.
Sheryl Crow (Sheryl Crow: A Change Would Do You Good, [about choosing love over anger and stopping gun violence], Redemption Day [about the Bosnian war], Maybe Angels [could be about aliens or being in a cult idk but it’s a good song about misplaced belief] I love every song on this album tbh. Wall-to-wall bangers.
Missy Elliot (Under Construction: Gossip Folks, Work it)
Suzanne Vega (99.9 F: 99.9 F, Blood Makes Noise, Rock in the Pocket, When Heroes Go Down)
Artists and songs I like in general: Aimee Mann (her voice is like butter and I could listen to her sing forever); Eliza Rickman: Pretty Little Head; Sims: Icarus; Dessa: Call Off Your Ghost; Sifu Hotman: Matches (I know no other songs by this artist but I LOVE this one so much. I’m gonna go listen to it right now); Lorde: Yellow Flicker Beat; Björk: Human Behavior; G Flip: Hyperfine, Gay 4 Me, Killing My Time; Aimee Mann: That’s Just What You Are [I love Aimee’s voice and could listen to her sing the phone book. All songs off her Magnolia Album are amazing too]
And gosh. So many more…
As for books!!!! OMG! I love books so much. I love so many different kinds of books. Some fave genres include: Classic Lit, Magical Realism, Sci-fi/Fantasy/Speculative Fiction; Engaging YA Series, Historical Fiction; Culinary History and Analysis; and Mythological Retellings
Classic Lit Faves:
“To The Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf [This contains my fave quote in all of literature. This could also never be adequately adapted into a movie. It’s a fascinating look into how people think and how we all process internal thoughts. Must be comfortable with long sentences, semicolons, and allowing sentence clauses to wash over you like ocean waves in order to enjoy this book]
“Cider with Rosie” by Laurie Lee
“All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque
“The Portable Dorothy Parker” by Dorothy Parker
“The Odyssey” by Homer, translated by Emily Wilson
“The Iliad” by Homer — both Emily Wilson’s Translation and Stanley Lombardo’s Translation
Magical Realism
“The House of the Spirits” by Isabelle Allende
“Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter” by Mario Vargas Llosa
“Bless Me Última” by Rudolfo Anaya
“Like Water for Chocolate” by Laura Esquivel
SFF Faves:
“An Absolutely Remarkable Thing” and “A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor” by Hank Green
“The Martian” by Andy Weir
The Tiffany Aching line of the Discworld Series by Terry Pratchett (“The Wee Free Men,” “I Shall Wear Midnight,” “A Hat Full of Sky,” and “Wintersmith”)
“The Locked Tomb” Series by Tamsyn Muir (“Gideon the Ninth,” “Harrow the Ninth,” “Nona the Ninth” so far)
Engaging YA
“The Hunger Games” Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
“Grishaverse” Series by Leigh Bardugo
“Shadow and Bone Triogy” (related to the Grishaverse) by Leigh Bardugo [note: I didn’t know until making this list that Leigh Bardugo is an Israeli Jew! Very cool]
Historical Fiction:
“Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe” by Fannie Flagg [the associated cookbook is very good. Also, you’ll never eat ribs the same again]
“Tracks” by Louise Erdrich [one of the most interestingly written books I’ve ever read. Has two dueling narrators. This is part of a series of books but can be read as a standalone]
Culinary Analysis History
Bree Wilson’s books (“First Bite: How We Learn to Eat,” “Consider the Fork,” and “The Way We Eat Now,” specifically) are some of the best out there. [I didn’t realize until a couple weeks ago that Bee Wilson and the classicist translator Emily Wilson are sisters! They are both extremely smart, engaging writers.]
“Omnivore’s Dilemma” by Michael Pollan
“An Edible History of Humanity” by Tom Standage
“Food: A Cultural Culinary History” by Ken Albala (this one is a Great Courses course, so not technically a book. But it’s available most places you can get audiobooks. And it’s what got me fascinated with this subject)
Mythological Retellings
“Circe” and “The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
“The Silence of the Girls” and “The Women of Troy” by Pat Barker [TW Rape]
“Norse Mythology” by Neil Gaiman
Genre Defy-ers
(These are some of my All Time Faves that can’t really be confined to any genre)
The “Outlander” Series by Diana Gabaldon [and the related “Lord John” Series by the same author] (TW: for Rape)
“The Anthropocene Reviewed” by John Green
Just Finished Reading
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” by Truman Capote (Wow it was so good. I haven’t seen the movie in a while but I seriously doubt they adapted it faithfully. It was so surprising!!!)
Currently Reading
“Murder on the Orient Express” by Agatha Christie
Selections From My To Be Read List
“The City of Brass” by S.A. Chakraborty
“Lessons in Chemistry” by Bonnie Garmus
“The Source” by James Michener
“The Secret of Cooking” by Bee Wilson
“Equal Rites” by Terry Pratchett
“A Time Traveler’s Guide to Medieval England” by Ian Mortimer
“What You Are Looking For Is In The Library” by Michiko Aoyama
“The Doomsday Book” by Connie Willis
I also love to read cookbooks from various cultures to gain insight into those cultures in a very tactile way.
Sending you love and gratitude! 💜💜💜💜
I’m always down to discuss books!
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ben-learns-smth · 1 year
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hypothetically, you're only able to keep 20 of your books. only one book per author/series. so what books are you keeping?
thank you @the---hermit and @selkiestudies for once again testing my inability to choose <3 not being allowed to pick more by one author helped to decide and so did having lots of my faves as epubs only
the long way to a small angry planet (becky chambers)
harrow the ninth (tamsyn muir)
the mask falling (samantha shannon)
was man von hier aus sehen kann (mariana leky)
lakelore (mclemore)
she who became the sun (shelley parker chan)
ich bin linus (linus giese)
disability visablility (alice wong)
the hunger games (suzanne collins)
heimat (nora krug)
das neinhorn (mark uwe kling)
devotions (mary oliver)
you better be lightning (andrea gibson)
ella minnow pea (mark dunn)
gender kram (louie läuger)
the secret life of addie larue (v.e. schwab)
the gloaming (kirsty logan)
reasons to stay alive (matt haig)
liebesgedichte (erich fried)
blutbuch (kim de l'horizon)
in case you haven't done this yet but would liķe to I'm tagging @oneanxiousstudybuddy @septemberstudies and @yourneighborhoodbibliophile
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medium-observation · 6 months
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Boop! The Musical - Chicago Tryout
December 3, 2023 - Medium Observation
Video | Matinée
Jasmine Rogers (Betty Boop), Faith Prince (Valentina), Ainsley Anthony Melham (Dwayne), Erich Bergen (Raymond), Stephen DeRosa (Grampy), Angelica Hale (Trisha), Phillip Huber (Pudgy), Anastacia McCleskey (Carol), Lawrence Alexander (Ensemble), Colin Bradbury (Ensemble), Tristen Buettel (Ensemble), Joshua Michael Burrage (Ensemble), Gabi Campo (Ensemble), Daniel Castiglione (Ensemble), Rebecca Corrigan (Ensemble), Josh Drake (Ensemble), RJ Higton (Ensemble), Nina Lafarga (Ensemble), Morgan McGhee (Ensemble), Aubie Merrylees (Ensemble), Ryah Nixon (Ensemble), Christian Probst (Ensemble), Ricky Schroeder (Ensemble), Gabriella Sorrentino (Ensemble), Brooke Taylor (Ensemble)
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Notes: Nice video from the second week of previews and Version 3.0. Some scenes are majorly wideshot due to the nature of the show, along with usher activity. Some washout can be seen at times but it's not too bad.
NFT DATE: June 6th, 2024
Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB5Cro
Video is $20
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Six - Second US National Tour (Boleyn)
November 19, 2023 - Medium Observation
Video | Matinée
Cassie Silva (s/b Catherine of Aragon), Zan Berube (Anne Boleyn), Aryn Bohannon (s/b Jane Seymour), Terica Marie (Anna of Cleves), Taylor Pearlstein (s/b Katherine Howard), Courtney Mack (t/r Catherine Parr)
Excellent video of a fantastic group of alternates and Courtney's unexpected final performance as Parr!
NFT DATE: December 1st, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB3Ye3
Video is $20
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Mrs. Doubtfire - First US National Tour
November 16, 2023 - Medium Observation
Rob McClure (Daniel Hillard), Maggie Lakis (Miranda Hillard), Giselle Gutierrez (Lydia Hillard), Cody Braverman (Christoher Hillard), Emerson Mae Chan (Natalie Hillard), Aaron Kaburick (Frank Hillard), Nik Alexander (Andre Mayem), Romelda Teron Benjamin (Wanda Sellner), Leo Roberts (Stuart Dunmire), David Hibbard (Mr. Jolly/Ensemble), Jodi Kimura (Janet Lundy/Ensemble), Alex Branton (Ensemble), Jonathan Hoover (Ensemble), Sheila Jones (Ensemble), Julia Kavanagh (Ensemble), Marquez Linder (Ensemble), Alex Ringler (Ensemble), Lannie Rubio (Ensemble), Ian Liberto (s/w Ensemble), Lauryn Withnell (Ensemble), Julia Yameen (Ensemble)
Near perfect capture of the tour! Some washout is seen in wideshots due to primary robs doubtfire outfit being so Bright.
NFT DATE: June 6th, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB3Z7Y
Video is $20
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Frozen - First US National Tour
November 29, 2023 - Medium Observation
Caroline Bowman (Elsa), Lauren Nicole Chapman (Anna), Erin Choi (Young Elsa), Annie Piper Braverman (Young Anna), Jeremy Davis (Olaf), Dominic Dorset (Kristoff), Collin Baja (Sven), Preston Perez (Hans), Jack Brewer (Oaken), Evan Duff (Weselton), Tyler Jimenez (Pabbie), Renée Reid (Bulda), Kyle Lamar Mitchell (King Agnarr), Katie Mariko Murray (Queen Iduna), Natalie Wisdom (s/w Head Handmaiden), Jack Brewer (Bishop), Kate Bailey (Ensemble), Kristen Smith Davis (Ensemble), Jason Goldston (Ensemble), Natalie Goodin (Ensemble), Zach Hess (Ensemble), Adrianna Rose Lyons (Ensemble), Alexander Mendoza (Ensemble), Nick Silverio (Ensemble), Daniel Switzer (Ensemble), Peli Naomi Woods (Ensemble), Michael Allan Haggerty (s/w Ensemble), Jessie Peltier (s/w Ensemble)
Absolutely gorgeous video of this tour! Lots of wideshots and close ups.
NFT DATE: June 6th, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB5mqB
Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at [email protected]
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Reading List for the Year:
All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque
The Volga Rises In Europe - Curzio Malaparte 
The Skin - Curzio Malaparte 
Kaputt - Curzio Malaparte 
Mine Were of Trouble - Peter Kemp
Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell
Four Ball, One Tracer - Andrew Hudson
The Path to Freedom - Michael Collins
The Battle for Spain - Anthony Beevor
Storm of Steel - Ernst Junger
Raids and Rallies - Ernie O'Malley
Guerrilla Days - Tom Barry
The Motorcycle Diaries - Ernesto Che Guevara
The Last of the Mohicans - James Fenimore Cooper
Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
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memesandmusicalss · 2 months
ok guys so apparently i share a birthday with erich collin 😃 NO WAIT PLEASE IM NORMAL I SWEA-
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dotsayers · 5 months
For the fic writer asks - 6, 18 and 26 please :D
6. What ship(s) captured your heart?
well as you WELL KNOW, friend of mine, this is the year i tumbled headfirst into biggles fandom. as a result i now have a Very Healthy attachment to james bigglesworth/erich von stalhein and a swiftly growing appreciation for algy lacey/ginger hebblethwaite. i also had my dalliance with the terror and goodsir/collins, as well as bridgens/peglar. OH AND WORRALS/FRECKS. truly this year has been a bountiful one
18. What was the hardest fic to title?
third time lucky! anyway i hated titling the pragmatic sex lichen fic because it was the moment i realised i had to think about it in the time between finishing writing and reveals. and i ended up with an okay title but not one with real pizazz
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
it's not been posted on ao3 but being honest: it has to be the cursed au i've been putting on dreamwidth, in which biggles & co are a very niche rpf fandom in present-day canonverse. it's my best idea ever and if i ever think of an actual plot to use in that context it will be my magnum opus, much as #strongpoison was my best work of 2023
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hey people of tumblr. yes everyone. this isn't fandom specific.
you've probably never heard of it but there was a german singing group called the comedian harmonists. they were as popular as the beatles at their time. yet you haven't heard of them. it's because three of them were jewish and active around the ride of hitler and the nazis intentionally destroyed nearly every recording they ever released.
they made a Broadway musical about them called Harmony. you probably haven't heard of that either even though it wanted to keep their legacy alive. Not enough people cared and so it closed early and while until now we had the hope that it will be nominated at the tony awards, it unfortunately wasn't.
I want all of you to look up the comedian harmonists. And listen to Harmony. and the podcast the creators of Harmony made called Who were the comedian harmonists.
Harry Frommermann. Robert Biberti. Ari Leschnikoff. Roman Cycowski. Erich Collin. Erwin Bootz.
Please please please do not forget them.
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notanotherinfjblog · 1 year
MBTI fiction writers
Unfortunately, though for obvious reasons, I’m constrained by my own reading habits, so if you have any suggestions for underrepresented types here, please let me know and thanks for the ones that I’ve already received!
Margaret Atwood
Joyce Carol Oates
Tom Rachman
Markus Zusak
Hank Green
Gillian Flynn 
Bernardine Evaristo 
Lois Lowry
Ruth Ozeki
Kai Meyer (interview is in German)
Neil Gaiman
J. R. R. Tolkien
David Mitchell
Philip Pullman
John Green
Terry Pratchett
Douglas Adams
Jonathan Safran Foer
Lauren Oliver
Brandon Sanderson
Patrick Rothfuss 
Michael Ende (interview is in German)
Mariana Leky (interview is in German)
Frank Herbert
Aldous Huxley
Matt Haig
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Rohinton Mistry
Audrey Magee
Jenny Erpenbeck (interview is in German)
Eleanor Catton
Alissa York
Wolfgang Koeppen (interview is in German)
Helen Oyeyemi
Gavriel Savit
Maggie Stiefvater
Jan Philipp Zymny (interview is in German)
Stephen Chbosky
Daniel Handler
Rick Riordan
Christopher Paolini
George R. R. Martin
V. E. Schwab
Jenny-Mai Nuyen (interview is in German)
Astrid Lindgren
Ken Follet
Elizabeth Nunez
Kerstin Gier (interview is in German)
Cornelia Funke 
John Boyne
Maja Lunde
Sebastian Fitzek (interview is in German)
Anna Burns 
Lucinda Riley 
Jack Livings
Tomi Adeyemi
Victoria Aveyard
Suzanne Collins 
Raquel J. Palacio
Jojo Moyes 
Ursula K. Le Guin
Rosamunde Pilcher 
Rebecca Gablé (interview is in German)
Kirsten Boie (interview is in German)
Jhumpa Lahiri
John Irving
Erich Kästner (interview is in German)
James Dashner 
Fredrik Backman 
Leigh Bardugo
Sabaa Tahir
Paulo Coelho
Stephen King
Jonas Jonasson
Jussi Adler-Olsen
Erich Maria Remarque (interview is in German)
Fatima Farheen Mirza 
Tash Aw
Andreas Izquierdo (interview is in German)
Antoine Laurain 
Adam Silvera
Nicholas Sparks 
Cecelia Ahern
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redspecial20 · 2 years
Hello everyone, I'm Sandy/Dee Dee!
I love music (mostly 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s), reading, playing guitar, photography and retro/vintage stuff, old cars, dragons, etc.
Mostly here I will share my photos, things I created in Picsart, something with one of my favorite bands or my favorite quotes...
My DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/sandydeacon
Pinterest: https://cz.pinterest.com/RedSpecial462/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/kwm5zcjah6loq8qk54h0jutpz
Moji oblíbení fotografové: Mick Rock, Dežo Hoffmann, Jim Marshall, Daniel Angeli, Eric Kogan, Annie Leibowitz, Antonín Kratochvíl, Koh Hasebe, Andrea Lemos, Peter Simon, atd.
My Fave Bands/Singers: Queen, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Who, Ramones, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Def Leppard, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Pink Floyd, Bon Jovi, Mötley Crüe, GnR, BGs, Roxette, KISS, Meky Žbirka, LP, Scorpions, The Doors, Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, Sex Pistols, Janis Joplin, David Bowie, Green Day, Aerosmith, Bowie, Elton John, Phil Collins, Genesis, Van Halen, Sadeyes, JVKE, David Kushner, Harry Styles, etc.
My Fave Artists: Warhol, Lichtestein, Modigliani, Kahlo, Ronnie Wood, Banksy, Botticelli,...
Favourite Movies: Hair, Bohemian Rhapsody, Grease, Dirty Dancing, Help, Yellow Submarine, Amelie from Montmartre, Lion King, The Song Remains The Same, Piti piti pa, Labyrinth, Ghostbusters, Sgt. Pepper's lonely hearts club, Rocket man, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Singing in the rain, etc....
Favourite TV Shows: Stranger Things, Metal Family, Gilmore Girls, Daria, Randall and Hopkirk, Glee, etc.
Favourite Books: Love Story, Little Prince, On The Road, Breakfast at Tiffany's Just Kids from Patti Smith, Life from Keith Richards, etc
Favourite Writers: Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Erich Segal, Jacqueline Wilson, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Charles Bukowski, Arthur Rimbaud, Peter Orlovsky, Gregory Corso, Ivan Martin Jirous, Patti Smith, Colleen Hoover,...
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gidgett · 2 years
Dear Monday:
Can I also please say how fucking GOOD it feels that after I quit in July, Collin quit in August, Erich quit in September and Alex’s last day is in October? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Calgary location is literally employee-less.
Just goes to show that selling 51% of your company for money is not always a good thing. But hey you probably don’t give a shit anyway. Good luck being bossed around by a power hungry asshole. And good luck finding people who will run your calgary store. You lost two of your longest working employees bro, cause you can’t get shit together!! Bahahaha
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levyscripts · 2 years
Vax’ilmore Playlist:
Sanctuary by Welshly Arms
Hold On- Chord Overstreet
Running Up That Hill- Placebo cover
Cosmic Love- Florence + The Machine
Never Let Me Go- Florence + The Machine
Breath Of Life- Florence + The Machine
The Only Exception- Paramore
Decode- Paramore
Stay The Night- Zedd ft. Hayley Williams
Lovely- Billie Eilish, Khalid
Leave Out All The Rest- Andie Case cover
Granted- Olivia Rodrigo
Face My Fears- Utada Hikaru
Don’t Think Twice- Utada Hikaru
I Was Wrong- Sleepstar
I Don’t Deserve You- Plumb, Paul van Dyk
Don’t Deserve You- Plumb
Somebody To Die For- Hurts
Rewrite The Stars- Zac Efron, Zendaya
You Are The Reason- Duet Version- Calum Scott, Leona Lewis
Ghost- Justin Beiber
Hunger- Ross Copperman
Unsteady- X Ambassadors
Unsteady- Erich Kee Gravity Remix- X Ambassadors, Erich Lee
Take Me To Church- Hozier
If I Die Young- The Band Perry
Far Too Young To Die- Panic At The Disco
Bad Liar- Imagine Dragons
When You’re one- Avril Lavigne
The Sound of Silence- Disturbed
Believe- Adam Lambert
Say Something- A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera
How to Save a Life- The Fray
What Hurts The Most- Rascal Flatts
What’s Left of Me- Nick Lachay
Young and Beautiful- Lana Del Rey
Unconditionally- Katy Perry
You’ll Be In My Heart- Glenn Close, Phil Collins
Photograph- Ed Sheeren
Chasing Cars- Snow Patrol
Reach For Me- Krysta Rodriguez
New Day- Kate Havnevik
Brake Enough (Featuring Christina Perri)- Lindsey Sterling, Christina Perri
In The Air Tonight- Jon Howard
My Love Will Never Die- AG, Claire Wyndham
Stand By Me- Florence + The Machine
Ashes- Celine Dion
Take On Me- MTV Unplugged- a-ha
Lose You To Love Me- Selena Gomez
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tenaciouspostfun · 3 months
The Gulfshore Playhouse Inaugural Season at the new Baker Theatre and Education Center! Two dazzling theatres. Seven fabulous productions. Anything Goes, Every Brilliant Thing, Dial “M” For Murder, The Lehman Trilogy, Noises Off, Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill, and Sweet Charity. Learn more.Good morning, Robert!
Monday night the Briefing was at opening night of The Life and Slimes of Marc Summers at New World Stages. Part interactive game show, part memoir, the show stars Marc Summers and is written by Alex Brightman with music by Drew Gasparini. At curtain call, Marc gave a heartfelt speech thanking everyone who made the show possible and pointed out people in the audience who changed his life and career path (many of them mentioned in the show). Marc's genuine kindness was exemplified by the fact that all of those people from his past showed up to support him. Also in attendance were Mike O'Malley, Brad Oscar, Alex Timbers, Lena Hall, Robin Russo (Marc's Double Dare co-host) and Melissa d'Arabian (Food Network Star winner). Following the performance was a party at Bryant Park Grill. GOT A TIP?
First there was harmony.
"The full story of the lost singing group that inspired Broadway’s ‘Harmony’" by Broadway News' Ruthie Fierberg - "When Bruce Sussman first started writing the musical that would become “Harmony,” in the 1990s, there was only one historical resource about the Comedian Harmonists: the 1976 Eberhardt Fechner documentary about the German singing group, which had sparked Sussman’s interest in the group in the first place. Given that the doc was the only available reference, it is remarkable how much Sussman got right in the final musical. But, as with any stage adaptation, Sussman had to condense his material, and he also dramatized moments.
The Comedian Harmonists did not start off with the exact six members that eventually rose to fame — the six that were depicted as the original and final sextet in “Harmony.” In reality, it took more than a year (and the incorporation and ousting of multiple early members) to get to the perfect combination of six musicians: buffo Harry Frommerman, bass Robert Biberti, first tenor Ari Leschnikoff, second tenor Erich Collin, baritone Josef Roman Cycowski and pianist Erwin Bootz."
Listen to the first episode of “Who Were the Comedian Harmonists? The True Story Behind Broadway’s ‘Harmony’”: https://bway.ly/tfum5u
"What to Know About This Crazily Crowded Broadway Spring Season" by The New York Times' Michael Paulson - "Is this year more April-centric than most? What’s happening this year is a version of what happens every year — a lot of shows open in April, and a lot of industry insiders express concern." https://bway.ly/enib3t
"Live Performance in New York: Here’s What to See This Spring" by The New York Times - "“The Notebook” and “Cabaret” land on Broadway. Olivia Rodrigo’s tour stops in Manhattan. Plus: Herbie Hancock, Heartbeat Opera and Trisha Brown Dance Company." https://bway.ly/wovqwr
-- "Eric Keen-Louie Named Artistic Producing Director at La Jolla Playhouse" by American Theatre - https://bway.ly/xpt8d3
-- "Nidia Medina Named Producing Director of INTAR" by American Theatre - https://bway.ly/3jefqu
-- "Artistic Director Brandon Carter to Leave American Shakespeare Center" by American Theatre - https://bway.ly/kmu6rz
-- "Khalia Davis Named Producing Artistic Director of Coterie Theater" by American Theatre - https://bway.ly/k4amlg
-- "Fountain Theatre Artistic Director Stephen Sachs to Retire" by American Theatre - https://bway.ly/1ww2ls
W4EMusical (Water for Elephants): “Tech at The Imperial Theatre” - https://bway.ly/17jz9h
-- Full series here: https://bway.ly/twgwa5
Museum of Broadway announced upcoming February events.
-- On Saturday, February 24 at 12:00pm will be A History of Minstrelsy with Ben West. Join musical theatre artist and historian Ben West, author of the upcoming book The American Musical, for a journey into the history of minstrelsy, including its legacy of blackface on Broadway, its trailblazing Black artists, and its impact on the development of the American musical.
-- On Wednesday, February 28 at 12:00pm will be Mary & Ethel…And Mikey Who? Talkback and Book Signing with author Stephen Cole joined by Klea Blackhurst and special guest Anita Gillette.
-- On Thursday, February 29 at 10:30am will be Spotlight on Black Broadway Producers. In the Museum’s continued celebration of Black History Month, join Rashad Chambers, Sade Lythcott & Brian Anthony Moreland in-conversation with Merrily We Roll Along’s Krystal Joy Brown.
Nicole Ari Parker replaces the previously announced Audra McDonald, who withdrew due to a scheduling conflict, in the role of Cleopatra, opposite John Douglas Thompson as Antony in Red Bull Theater's upcoming Antony & Cleopatra, presented in association with The Acting Company, on March 25 at 7:30pm at the Lucille Lortel Theatre.
"Broadway box office sees biggest Presidents Day weekend boost since 2017; nearly all shows increase in gross and attendance" by Broadway News’ Michael Abourizk - "In a week that encompassed both Presidents Day weekend and the promotional event Kids’ Night on Broadway, Broadway’s box office saw significant growth. Following the lowest-grossing week of the season to date, the 23 current Broadway productions took in $26,946,864, an increase of 27.2%. Attendance increased 7.3% from week ending Feb. 11, tallying 201,727 Main Stem admissions during week 39 of the 2023-2024 season. Theatergoers filled seats to 94.1%, up 8.1% from the week prior, and the highest capacity figure seen so far in calendar year 2024. This year’s 27.2% jump in gross marks the largest increase over a week which includes Presidents Day weekend since 2017, when the gross increased 29.1%. Additionally, this year’s increase is well above the ten-year average increase of 19.4%." https://bway.ly/o2ro38
View the Broadway Grosses Week Ending 2/18/2024: broadwaybusiness.com/grosses
CONGRATULOTIONS: "Stephen Schwartz will be inducted into Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame" by Broadway News' Michael Abourizk - "Composer Stephen Schwartz will be named to the Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame (LIMEHOF). Schwartz, who grew up in Long Island’s Williston Park, will be inducted during a ceremony on March 23 at the LIMEHOF headquarters in Stony Brook, New York." https://bway.ly/ftjgny
UNIONS: "A Growing Movement Off-Broadway: Atlantic Theater Workers Vote Overwhelmingly to Join IATSE" by IATSE - "In a historic move, 178 crewmembers of the Atlantic Theatre Company have voted to join The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), becoming the first group to unionize with IATSE in a major non-profit theater off-Broadway. The announcement comes only two weeks after workers at the off-Broadway musical “Titanique” voted unanimously in favor of IATSE representation." https://bway.ly/ok9p8y
TICKETING: "Water For Elephants On Broadway 'Ringside' Seating Now Available" by BroadwayWorld's A.A. Cristi - https://bway.ly/4qousa
"Kate Taney-Billingsley's American Rot Will Make World Premiere at La MaMa; Count Stovall to Lead Cast" by Playbill's Meg Masseron - "Kate Taney-Billingsley's American Rot will make its world premiere at La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club next month. Estelle Parsons will direct the new play, which will run at the downtown theatre beginning March 14. An official opening night is slated for March 18." https://bway.ly/p3cudj
The New Group's The Seven Year Disappear has been extended through March 31 at The Pershing Square Signature Center.
"Christian Borle, Krysta Rodriguez and Ephraim Sykes to Star in Bye Bye Birdie at the Kennedy Center" by Broadway.com's Darryn King - "Two-time Tony Award winner Christian Borle, Krysta Rodriguez and Tony nominee Ephraim Sykes will star as Albert, Rosie and Conrad Birdie, respectively, in the classic Charles Strouse-Michael Stewart musical Bye Bye Birdie at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Part of the Broadway Center Stage series, the show will play 11 performances only, from June 7 through June 15, in the Eisenhower Theater." https://bway.ly/t8lguu
"Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’s Purpose to Have World Premiere" by TheaterMania's Linda Buchwald - "The Steppenwolf production, directed by Phylicia Rashad, will run March 14-April 21." https://bway.ly/g6v5ti
"Lora Lee Gayer, Adam Chanler-Berat, Judy Kuhn to Star in Unknown Soldier at Arena Stage" by TheaterMania's David Gordon - "The Michael Friedman-Daniel Goldstein musical will run March 29-May 5." https://bway.ly/x2ukh7
"Goodspeed’s The Mystery of Edwin Drood Announces Cast" by TheaterMania's Linda Buchwald - "The cast includes Lenny Wolpe, Liz McCartney, Mamie Parris, and more." https://bway.ly/p6l61a
"Anything Goes, Sweet Charity & More Set for Gulfshore Playhouse 2024-2025 Season" by BroadwayWorld's Chloe Rabinowitz - https://bway.ly/l3x7e1
ON THE ROAD: "'Back to the Future', '& Juliet' and more make debut at Fox Theatre for 2024-25 Broadway season" by Spectrum News St. Louis - "... Back to the Future Broadway ... A Beautiful Noise Musical ... Peter Pan the Broadway Musical ... Six U.S. Tour ... Shucked Musical ... Some Like It Hot ... Kimberly Akimbo ... & Juliet ..." https://bway.ly/6h21pq
"Donny Osmond to Return to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat to Launch New UK Tour" by TheaterMania's David Gordon and Alex Wood - "Donny Osmond will return to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat to launch a new UK tour this holiday season. Osmond, who played Joseph over 2,000 times, will graduate to the role of Pharaoh for a run at the Edinburgh Playhouse December 3-29." https://bway.ly/e0g0zr
"Mind Mangler to embark on tour after West End run" by WhatsOnStage's Alex Wood - "Playing first at the Apollo Theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue in the West End from Thursday 14 March to Sunday 28 April, 2024, the piece will then run on tour from 15 May to 16 June." https://bway.ly/lg4skb
FILM: "Where to Stream the ‘Mean Girls’ Movie Musical Online" by The Hollywood Reporter's Danielle Directo-Meston - "... is available to buy or rent on digital at Prime Video, Apple TV and other on-demand video platforms, and it’s also expected to stream on Paramount+ soon." https://bway.ly/585xyc
AWARDS: "Amber Gray, More Win 2024 Bistro Awards" by Playbill's Logan Culwell-Block - "Winners of the 2024 Bistro Awards, recognizing the best in NYC cabaret performances, have been revealed, with the honors set to be handed out at an April 1 gala at Gotham Comedy Club. All awardees will perform at the special event, to be hosted by Bistro and MAC Award winner Steve Hayes." https://bway.ly/lqm4m0
IN DEVELOPMENT: 4 Times Entertainment announced JoAnn M. Hunter as the director of the Broadway bound Jo – The Little Women Musical. 
GALA: "New York Theatre Workshop's 2024 Gala Will Honor Director Liesl Tommy" by Playbill's Logan Culwell-Block - "New York Theatre Workshop's 2024 Gala will honor director Liesl Tommy, with an event planned for March 18 at Gotham Hall. Nicole Ari Parker will host the evening, which is set to include performances and appearances from Shoshana Bean, Brandon Victor Dixon, Adrienne Warren, Tamika Lawrence, Eisa Davis, Joy Woods, Elizabeth Judd, John Manzari, and more to be announced." https://bway.ly/q4lmiw
CONCERT: "Linda Eder Returns to 54 Below This Spring" by BroadwayWorld's Stephi Wild - "Performances are on May 16, 19, & 27, June 21 & 25, and July 2 at 7pm." https://bway.ly/zljsud
JAQUES: "Chicago Is A Trailblazer Too" by Jaques' Gordon Cox - "Here's how the long-running revival played a lead role in bringing Broadway to the world" https://bway.ly/5c5drj
NORTH JERSEY: "This NJ theater keeps sending shows to Broadway. What is it doing right?" by North Jersey's Jim Beckerman - "[Paper Mill Playhouse] is now sending its fifth show to Broadway. "The Great Gatsby," ... is helping to cement Paper Mill's status as not just a Tony-winning regional playhouse, not just the official "State Theater of New Jersey" (as proclaimed by former governor William Cahill), but also as a new New Haven — a place where Broadway shows are born." https://bway.ly/da454c
BROOKLYN RAIL: "Ripping Off Your Skin: In Jordan Seavey’s Plays, Art Requires A Little Bloodletting" by Brooklyn Rail's Joey Sims - "His newest play, The Seven Year Disappear, explores the depths artists will plunge to mine their own life for art." https://bway.ly/52ci5d
HUFFPOST: "In Broadway’s ‘Spamalot,’ Leslie Rodriguez Kritzer Gets The Diva Moment She Deserves" by HuffPost's Curtis M. Wong - "“I never thought this would be a part that would come around for me because, historically, it’s been played by tall, glamorous women,” Kritzer told HuffPost in an interview. “But once we were rehearsing and performing it, it blew my mind. It’s great to be in a show where I have flexibility to create every night. It’s a nice freedom we don’t usually have in musical theater. I can really fly.”" https://bway.ly/jvvygl
NY TIMES: "‘Jelly’s Last Jam’ Returns, Bringing a Jazz Tale to a New Generation" by The New York Times' Marcus J. Moore - "Jason Michael Webb, the show’s guest music director, said he wants audiences at the musical about Jelly Roll Morton to experience “a time period that does not exist anymore.”" https://bway.ly/g5zg2y
The Gulfshore Playhouse Inaugural Season at the new Baker Theatre and Education Center! Two dazzling theatres. Seven fabulous productions. Anything Goes, Every Brilliant Thing, Dial “M” For Murder, The Lehman Trilogy, Noises Off, Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill, and Sweet Charity. Learn more.SPONSOR A BRIEFING
INSIGHTS: "Broadway Pipeline: February 21, 2024" by Theatrical Index - "Each week, Theatrical Index provides a pipeline of shows in development aiming for Broadway. ... 
In development ... 
Come Fall In Love - The DDLJ Musical
Yash Raj Films
Death Becomes Her
Universal Stage Productions
Ella: An American Musical
Steve J Scarduzio, John Hart
Empire Records
Bill Weiner, Hunter Arnold, Cody Lassen 
Farewell My Concubine
Rob Minkoff, Philip Lee ..." https://bway.ly/dzbhdw
That's just a sample of Broadway News' premium content for industry professionals.
7:30 PM:  PREVIEWS  Teeth @ Playwrights Horizons
7:30 PM:  OPENING  Jelly's Last Jam @ City Center
THIS DAY IN BROADWAY HISTORY: In 2008, a revival of Sunday in the Park with George opened at Studio 54.
BROADWAY BIRTHDAYS: Tyne Daly, Corbin Bleu, Titus Burgess, Christine Ebersole, Andréa Burns, Kelsey Grammer, David Geffen, Rachel Hoffman, Kim Coates, John Shivers
Grant Gustin talks about making his Broadway debut in ‘Water for Elephants’ on TODAY. Check it out: https://bway.ly/3wc323CONTACT USBROADWAYBRIEFING.COM
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