#zal owen
thetisming · 1 month
Broadway has turned into something commercialised and all about money, rather than stages for stories to be shared. people only care about how much money shows make, but people never give new shows a try so amazing new shows that tell important stories and production and soundtrack and actors close. if there's not a big tv (specifically tv, people don't care about actual BROADWAY legends anymore) name for the media or it's not a revival people don't care. new musicals that tell historical stories that shouldn't be forgotten close after a few months, no matter how amazing the story or score or set or actors are. Broadway isn't about the heart anymore, it's about money and big names. it's barely even for theatre people.
Lempicka is closing and i am devastated for so many reasons. Harmony already closed earlier this year.
Tamara de Lempicka was a famous painter. she was married to a rich man, and originally painted their daughter or landscapes and things like that, but she eventually painted Rafaela -- her girlfriend. she painted her mainly naked and they loved each other. she was a bisexual painter, and more than that a brilliant painter, and she is being forgotten. she was part Jewish, too. she fled to Paris with her husband, which is where she met Rafaela.
there's a musical about her. it's closing on May 19th. it opened officially on Broadway on April 14th. both this year.
The Comedian Harmonists were a band. they were an internationally popular German band between 1928 and 1934. 3 of the 6 of them were Jewish. Nazi Germany started in 1933. you can probably piece together what happened, but i'll tell you anyway. they were separated and erased. they were not forgotten, they were erased. Nazis destroyed almost all of their recordings. the Harmonists never saw each other again. their names were Ari Leschnikoff, Harry Frommermann, Robert Biberti, Roman Cycowski, Erwin "Chopin" Bootz and Erich A. Collin.
there was a musical about them. it closed on February 4th, and opened officially on Broadway on November 13th (2023).
do not let Tamara or the Harmonists go forgotten. listen to Lempicka and Harmony. research the people. find bootlegs of the musicals if you can. learn about them. teach about them. please, don't let people forget about them.
this isn't about the musicals closing, these are about important people being forgotten and erased from history. please, don't let this happen.
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catboyrichardkarinsky · 3 months
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harmony boys
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rhera · 6 months
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prairienina · 9 months
trailer for "A Murder at the End of the World" - brit marling & zal batmanglij's new show!
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boardchairman-blog · 6 months
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**Shots of the Episode**
A Murder at the End of the World (2023)
Episode 2: “The Silver Doe” (2023) Director: Zal Batmanglij Cinematographer: Charlotte Bruus Christensen
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tv-moments · 2 months
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A Murder at the End of the World
“Chapter 7: Retreat”
Director: Zal Batmanglij
DoP: Charlotte Bruus Christensen
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mycabbagesbitch · 1 month
The Brit Marling/Zal Batmanglij bugshit sci fi cinematic universe has me by the throat right now. A Muder At The End Of The World has Clive Owen (sexy) and "Genesis" by Grimes in the soundtrack (sexier) and poignant musings about the dangers of intersecting paranoia and technology and climate doomerism and also, most importantly, Raul Esparza playing a pissy bitch (affectionate.) I'm getting to The OA like seven years too late but it has everything, it has interdimensional goddesses and psychological thriller interpretive dancing and Jason Isaacs in silly science glasses and people are gay Steven and indie rock darling Sharon Van Etten is also there acting for some reason? Zal Batmanglij is the brother of Rostam Batmanglij, famed music producer and former member of Vampire Weekend, who does the score. Losing my marbles.
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yamnbananas · 6 months
A Murder @ the End of the World or a Glitche in the System 👀
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surprendslejour · 4 months
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pozimek · 7 months
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stuff-diary · 6 months
A Murder at the End of the World
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2023
A Murder at the End of the World (2023, USA)
Directors: Brit Marling & Zal Batmanglij
Writers: Brit Marling, Zal Batmanglij, Melanie Marnich & Rebecca Roanhorse
I've been a huge fan of Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij ever since their Sound of My Voice days, so I was really excited about their return with a murder mystery, one of my favorite genres. Thankfully, they managed to set up a pretty interesting mystery that got me hooked from its first episode. That being said, I was much more invested in the flashback storyline than in the retreat one, and I think I would have enjoyed a full version of that more than the actual show. And honestly, I didn't like the final episode. I understand the point of it all, but it just felt anticlimactic, and like it was trying way too hard to be deep and relevant. Regardless of my problems with some of the writing, I must praise the production design. All the sets look really expensive and luxurious, and they make for a fully believable futuristic hotel. To sum up, the weak ending means that A Murder at the End of the World is far from perfect, but it's still a pretty fun murder mystery with a touch of science-fiction.
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lserver362reviews · 5 months
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GAH, I loved this so so much!
A techie gen z feminist Knives Out 2 in Iceland with a perfect soundtrack and awesome cinematography! I watched this show with my pal, Pat, and we are huge fans of the OA so we were looking forward to checking this out. Such great characters, and yes I'm biased towards Harris Dickinson (Bill Farrah was so written by a woman!), but Emma Corrin was seriously giving baby Jodie Foster and I came to really love Darby Hart. We did keep asking why she would trust Ray from the start but I think that's due to growing up in the soup of ubiquitous technology. I also freaked out seeing my girl, Josie Packard from Twin Peaks! Joan Chen is as stunning as ever. Clive Owen also nailed it in this role. At first I felt that he was no Jason Isaacs but his outbursts were played perfectly and I really enjoyed his screentime. Ryan J. Haddad also really came out of the wood work towards the end there as a great character. I love that this show allowed everyone a bit of time with Darby as to have us as the audience ask, okay do we trust them? I am delighted by the quintessential moment of the ensemble being questioned around the sofas at the end of the show. Very Agatha Christie. I'm not typically a murder-mystery person nor a true crime person but I really really love the way these two genres were handled with such a fresh and emotionally grounded way. The realism in this show is lovely. Some people have said it was heavy handed and I completely disagree. The show and the character's dialogue remain extremely humanity focused. I often watched with a cup of tea in hand, in light of Darby never wearing enough, and it made me grateful for warmth. From the No More I Love You's scene I was hooked on this show, and while some people have said the ending was a letdown or predictable, I disagree, even though I did guess it during the last episode. The emotional weight of the twist was a gut punch of AI and where we're at and could be headed. Very brave and moving stuff me thinks. For all of the tech featured there was so so much life. It's the relationships and our emotions that reign as the important takeaway. Our bonds to each other and the power of that. I don't know how Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij did it again but I should have never doubted that they could. Some silly thoughts include, never trust a Gemini and RIP Darby Hart's mom's ipod.
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swanasource · 8 months
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In your latest collaboration, the FX series A Murder at the End of the World, out November 14, an eccentric billionaire, played by Clive Owen, ­summons an eclectic group of strangers to his exclusive enclave in ­Iceland, where one of them winds up dead. Emma Corrin plays Darby Hart, a writer who investigates that death. Like your series The OA, A Murder at the End of the World combines technology, otherworldliness, and intrigue in a story that takes place in the not-too-distant future. But let’s go backward: How did you two meet? Zal Batmanglij: I met Brit when we were both at Georgetown University. This was a few decades ago, and the school was having their first-ever film festival. My friend Mike and I had made two short films, and Brit, who was 18 and a freshman, led the standing ovation for our movies. I thought, Who is this magical girl? She was so blonde, like Cosette in Les Misérables coming to life...We became aware, as we got older, that queer folks and women make great creative partnerships. Look at Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe, Nan Goldin and David Armstrong. Queer people and women—we inspire each other!
Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij Envision the Future, Interview in W Magazine
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rhera · 6 months
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A MURDER AT THE END OF THE WORLD Chapter 4: Family Secrets
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catboyrichardkarinsky · 4 months
Roman Joseph Cycowski
Erwin Bootz
Harry Frommermann
Robert Biberti
Ari Leschnikoff
Erich Collin
You haven't heard these names because the nazis made sure to erase every trace of them. But they were there. Three of them were jewish. Three of them were not. They were the comedian harmonists. At one point the most popular singers in europe. They were together between 1928 and 1935 when they were forced to disband.
Harmony closes on Broadway today. It was telling their story. It never found the right audience despite having music written by Barry Manilow, despite theatre legend Chip Zien being perhaps the most central character (despite the role not being in the original script at all), despite Sierra Boggess of Phantom of the opera fame, Julie Benko of Funny girl fame, Blake Roman of Hazbin hotel and the rest of these talented actors who aren't known yet (they will he, i trust it). Danny Kornfeld. Eric Peters. Zal Owen. Sean Bell. Steven Telsey. Allison Semmes. Stuart Zagnit (original english voice actor of Professor Oak in Pokemon fun fact) and everyone else who worked on this wonderful show. They deserved more. Harmony deserved more. This musical that makes me cry everytime deserved so much better. I hope it will find an audience one day.
Happy trails Harmony. May the comedian harmonists' memory live on in one way or another.
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signedmio · 4 months
Hi! I accidentally submitted a response for the Hazbin matchups when submissions were closed, im sorry. In case you didn’t receive it, here’s mine again :)
My name is Aster. Im bisexual and demisexual. I mostly think romantically about male characters. I’m a huge theater kid, would like to go into directing/playwriting. I’m quite reserved and don’t like loud environments. Would rather stay home and read than go out drinking. I sit in the corner writing an entire script into my notebook from memory.
I have ADHD and many symptoms of autism.
I cannot understand sarcasm most of the time, and I need to take most everything seriously. You can find me picking at my finger pads all the time and having violent mental breakdowns because I can’t figure out a math problem :). I think I’m a very lovely person, people just need to stay and look past my self-destruction. I either sleep til 3pm or not at all
Style: Some say I dress like Kurt Cobain. I cannot go anywhere without my shirt tucked in, a musical sweater, and my tote bag. My earbuds are my security item. I have medium length brown hair, hazel eyes, kinda big nose, braces and glasses.
I have huge daddy issues. I’ve seen Zal Owen as a father figure for as long as I can remember. I don’t have any siblings and am not close at all with any family other than my parents.
Love: I love physical touch!! Kiss me, cuddle me, hold by hand, etc. I also love acts of service. I���m such a sucker for romance and intimacy. Like, let me sit so close in public that I can smell your gum. Rose filled bubble bath just for us, hell yeah. I’m so used to being forgotten or discarded socially so I just kinda need THAT person to actually give a shit. I’ve had my heart constantly broken since I was eight. I need a lot of reassurance and care. I’d like a partner/bestie who is invested in my special interests (can talk to about a show, can harmonize properly with, etc). I’m very very clingy, let’s just say that. I can talk for literal hours about my interests and tell you all the info you need about anything Broadway.
I like to see the good in everyone, and will always try my best to help and be the one to love and support others when they’re not getting any, even if we’re strangers. There are some people I just loathe, though.
Hobbies: I play piano and ukulele. I have huge appreciation for music, and love analyzing it. I love writing and sketching, though I’m not the best at either. I just watch a lot of YouTube and sing a lot of showtunes outside alone on my swings after a long day of socializing.
hey aster!! i didn’t get a request from you so i don’t think i got it haha anyway, i decided to pair you with…
Angel Dust !!
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Angel doesn’t mind staying home with you because honestly, after a long day of shooting, going out to party isn’t his number on priority it’s Fat Nuggets you
As much as I don’t think Angel’s too love language is physical touch, he wouldn’t shy away from giving it to you
I can see him going to shows with you as well, Angel gives me heavy theater kid vibes, tbh
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