#fake it till' you make it i guess
kioni-kun · 2 years
I think I'm posting the wrong way on tumblr but, eh whatever.
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galehowl · 8 months
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Can't believe I finally made a new character that is... Actually new and not Ray and/or Drago in a different setting lmao
He's an Astromancer for our new DnD campaign, some random info under the cut
Disguises as a high elf via a handy magical illusion thanks to an enchanted ring and necklace, and goes by the name Rovan when as such
Also goes by "he" while in disguise, but normally uses they/it as well, doesn't really care which are used
Astromancer, so... space magic. Ended up being a spellblade with teleportation powers and also... Fire. So much starfire.
The glowing patterns on his body shift and change by will or as a reaction to various things, much like those of "our" cephalopods; they're bioluminescent and are way more noticeable in the dark, though the intensity and hue can change
Glasses also act as sunglasses when out and about during the day, as its eyes are sensitive to sunlight, and it generally keeps its body mostly covered as well
Would probably be called a nerd
Is trying to help investigate a series of murders in a town along with the rest of the group, since they were asked for help by the locals
Locals who heard rumors that the group helped uncover a cult a few years ago, which was literally accidental on their part, they were all in the wrong place, wrong time, don't really know each other and went their separate ways afterwards, no one actually is good at solving crimes
No one in the group knows that the elf is not, in fact, an elf
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peithopathos · 10 days
You know how Commandant Stilson sold Ranger titles to rich kids in the Early Years? I wonder if any of the "bought" Rangers are still around by Ruins of Gorlan. Like, imagine some rich unmarried middle child whose parents buy them a job as a Ranger because they just want him gone so bad. However, instead of buying himself a velvet cloak and flaunting his power around, he puts 213% of his pussy into becoming an *actual Ranger* based on tiny scraps of knowledge and hearsay.
He ends up joining the rebellion because he has genuine respect for the Corps/king but because the EY Ranger Corps was a bureaucratic nightmare with no documentation literally no one knows he's anything more than a slightly underperforming Ranger with a shitton of determination. Crowley only catches on like 30 years later when refiling some pre-EY paperwork and finds the "receipt" of his position's sale. By then, our unnamed fake-Ranger has had 3 apprentices and is nearly retired so Crowley just sweeps it under the rug.
[Alternatively: Everyone knows he's a "bought" Ranger immediately but he has so much moxy that they retro-fit him into a late apprenticeship anyway.]
[[Alternatively-Alternatively: The unnamed Ranger is Halt and his parents shipped him off into a mid-level position in a different country under a changed name as a plot to fake his death and have Ferris rule instead. Presumably, because Halt is clearly autistic and an "embarrassment" to the family.]]
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rui-drawsbox · 2 months
How do you draw cowboy hats so well TEACH ME UOUR WAYSSSSSSS /nf lol
if this is about the two and half boothill fanarts i did, i just copied the hat from screenshots
did a little study for his gestures before starting anything srs (im in love with how he moves) and i (unwillingly) also had to do his hat
for the red-sketch thing i had to midly improvise the perspective from the references i already studied and for the colored icon i just copied the ingame screenshot LMAO
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(↑he's so cute im gonna explode)
i dont have ANY technique for cowboy hats, if i ever drew one before boothill i dont remember it KHDKSJF super flattered that i fooled you tho 🤭
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kovalitics · 1 year
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Being an adult is weird.
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batmanfruitloops · 6 months
Tw: suggestive content
it's more warranted this time, so viewer beware,
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I'm not obsessed, you're obsessed,
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thanatoseyes · 1 year
Is it witchy to buy tea and a deck of oracle cards? I'd like to think so.
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skamesp · 9 months
I got...a job...im...???
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navramanan · 1 year
I go through these short periods of time feeling very okay and good even only bc i distract myself from what pains me until it catches up again and the cycle repeats itself
#i think it's verrrrrrrrry close to catching up again after i've had normal 2 weeks lol#so many ifs and buts and would things be better had i made a different decision lived in a different place or time etc#but i'll never now i'll always only have the here and now and the unchangeable past#and the very incertain scary future i'm trying so so so hard to be hopeful about but seeing things as they are right now. i really dont kno#i can only fake it to some point. i cant fake it till i make it. i'll fall apart countless times and then wont make it anyway#i feel like. i feel like all the circumstances i've been in have all always been against me#like i'm the only unlucky one among the people i know#i try so so so hard to remind myself that people who seem to have it so much better have their own problems too#but then also i remember something i wrote down once as a teen. the phrase you typically hear#''i have been battling (?) with this problem but am lucky enough to have a support system / loving friends etc''#and idk how right i am with thinking this way but no matter what problems you have.#it's the toughest thing to lack deep connections with at least 1 person ideally like 3 i guess bc it's such a fundamental thing#you know having someone you can ALWAYS turn to without feeling bad and you know that they can and do turn to you too#and i do have a few wonderful friends i love so so much but i feel and know that no one needs me like i need them#every friendships feels so fragile to me. no one depends on me turns to me for advice or to vent etc#and when i feel like i need to do any of those things i cant turn to any of them#there's still inevitably a sort of disconnect i feel#and it terrifies me that i'll never find someone i connect with on a deeper level and it's mutual and we both can depend on each other#and there are no boundaries no shame no unspoken words#i dont know how true any of my feelings are but. but yeah#nesi rants
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frodo-baggins · 1 year
whenever someone says to me ‘oh they’re super shy’ abt their kid/family member/friend etc it’s always such an odd experience cos i’m like have i seriously somehow finessed you into thinking that *i’m* not the shyest person in the entire world bnkbdnskbmlajjobvhdbbdk
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
I only think my art is good when someone asks "whoa dude YOU draw that??" which maybe says something about my self image idk
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balladofsallyrose · 2 years
what’s strange is that people have been calling me ‘confident’ when it actually feels like a facade
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Uhm... what if I told you that my brain keeps bubbling with plot for the hybrid!demon thingy I pitched to you??
Please don’t be mad at me 😭 I feel like I am abusing your patience and I am sorry. I will stop talking about it after this ask, I swear 🥺
Just a few things first hihi:
You don't have to take it. Or take only a few parts of it if you want. It's just that since it's already on my mind and I have no other purpose for it, I might as well give it to someone that could maybe make good use of it. If you don't use it, that's ok, it was still a good mental exercise for me.
Honestly I have already gone so far off with it, that it's almost completely divorced for the prompts you initially proposed - which makes sense considering I went of on just a few words you gave at first.
The only things I have written start to finish are academic papers, documents and a couple small stage plays for kids (charity work, nothing professional). There was a poet fase during childhood but I don't think that counts. And the reason I don't write this story myself is because I would definitely loose all motivation halfway and just abandon it unfinished - I do it with other things too like painting, drawing, crocheting, sewing... creativity comes in random spurs for me. As soon as a idea stops feeling fresh and challenging in my brain, the fun is gone and so is the motivation to keep going for it thank god I am not like that with relationships.
Btw that is one of the things I've been admiring a lot in you - your relentless commitment to going through with such a laboring fic like yamqn. Even if it gets taxing and big and tiring sometimes, you keep going with the writing and the community building, and you don't even falter with the quality at any point. How??? When I say you are amazing I MEAN IT ♡.
Now regarding a few things you pointed out:
- The good thing about having a demon!character is that they are immortal. Beomgyu will live eternally and oc can reincarnate as many times as you want. You know what I am saying? Get where I am getting at? You can write how many versions of it as you want - each one a different oc lifetime/reincarnation. Maybe my version could happen in the 70s, and the one you have thought of is in the actual current days idk. The God of this universe is you, writer! You play the faiths, you create the rules, you control time and space, you command that universe! I know you might not want to commit to yamqn for so long - there are other things you want to write too and you have a life. But I am just giving you food for thought hihi
- I like complicated things lol there is not much more I can say here I guess 😅 no excuses to be given.
- Like I said, my mind kept bubbling and I think I got the rough answer to most questions I made you myself.
Aaaaand now we get to the story:
♡ How is oc like now?
Like you said, in this lifetime oc is a bunny!hybrid. Back when mutations began happening, oc ancestors where a family of court entertainers - well educated ladies that frequented the high circles of society serving as dancers, conversationists, muses for known artists and sometimes concubines. With time bunnies as well as kitties and foxes, stereotyped as stealthy, graceful and sensual beings became highly sexualized they started being seen as the sex-workers class. And well, from the reputation that comes with this practices, society wouldn't grant theses especies many opportunities out of it - so the stereotype becomes a planted reality.
♡ How this version of oc life is like?
A few decades ago government raised concerns over the reality of those types of service hybrids. Since they are not big predators and are so attractive to other species, government started passing laws assigning specific neighborhoods for those species to live, "for their own safety" you know. Thus red-light districts became a thing. Not long after another law was passed, imposing that every family of bunnies could only keep one fertile child and all the other children in the house were to be castrated - bunnies reproduce fast and they are in sex work so overpopulation could easily become a problem, they said. Truth be told, they thought it was starting to look "ugly" to have so many prostitutes around "respectable" neighborhoods, so the people in power decided to keep them down in numbers and hidden in their own corner. So that is where oc have lived all of her life. She was lucky, or unlucky, that her parents picked her to be the fertile child - that means she would not be put to serve on the family business, and instead only took the role of administrator of the place after her parents died. She even managed to get into university to learn administration, but the amount of sexual harassment she got from other students for simply being a bunny - a relatively rare virgin bunny at that - was too much so she quit after a couple semesters. She then decided to dedicate herself to taking care of her siblings (can we get stripper!yeonjun and boyfriendforhire!soobin as her brothers??) and the family business without caring much about the rest of the world anymore.
♡How oc and beomgyu meet again now? How does he befriend her?
Don't get me wrong, of course demons are not pristine goody-two-shoes, they are bad... but so are humans. The thing is that humans, especially humans with power are not big fans of taking accountability for their actions - so they began using demonic presence and demonic influence as scapegoats for all of their wrongdoings. Unsurprisingly, that type of discourse going around only makes the already generally bitter feelings a large part of society have towards demons into even greater animosity. On the last few years things only been getting worse, and street mobilizations against demonic access to public human institutions, for exemple, happen frequently. Religious cults are the new mafia and every once in a while you would hear of then planning attacks on demons, especially minor demons. Then higher demons counterattack and the cicle repeats itself. Lately where could be the only parts of town that a succubus or a incubus could walk around, or even live in, without having to worry about someone throwing a stone at them: yes, the red-light districts. They would have to be a common appearance around there anyways considering their nature, right? So no one really objects their presence there, but since they could become kind of competition to the local workers if things get out of hand, those two groups of social outcasts oftenly team up and most establishments have a partnership with one or two demons to bring in the clients and share the outcome - easier job for the humans, easier food for the demons. Imagine how Beomgyu felt when he went around the red-light district looking for a place to stay and, after being turned down by multiple establishments because "his beauty would diminish the value of their product in comparison" (lol), he knock on the door of one last business and the one he sees in front of him is not only the prettiest bunny he has ever seen but also the one carrying the soul of his one true eternal love. Upon seeing her he immediately, instinctively, feeling the need to impress her, uses of his powers to take the form of fantasy (of his own desires, instead of someone else's for the first time... he didn’t even know he could do that) and appear to her as a innocent destitute bear!hybrid boy looking for a job in exchange for a place to stay (he is not lying, that is basically what he came for... a few details can be left for later, right?)
(you make your magic to maneuver the whole him being ashamed of his status and afraid that being around him would harm her again part of the story fit here. I think it could make for a lot of very dramatic and very sexy conflict. I am literally giving you sex demons, and a entire social class of sex workers as the main characters. It oozes unapologetic sex, but with many underlayers of shame, sadness and misery)
And somehow I made another ask just as huge and about the same topic 🤣🤣 The amount of plot I have been throwing at you for this feels about three seasons long already, I know. I kinda feel a little sorry for you now.
I was actually wondering if you'll elaborate more or not 😂
Ok so here is what I'm thinking. He sees her before he enters the establishment and realizes it's her so he spends some time observing her, seeing her struggle and deal with unruly clients so he decides to take on the form of a bear hybrid to be big and strong for her to seek protection from him.
When he finally knocks on her door, he wants her to not be scared of him or else she'll turn him away so he decides to make himself appear wounded. She takes him in and tends on his wounds until he gets better. One of her brothers suggest than since gyu is so attractive, he could make his living there but for some reason oc feels like she doesn't want that. She feels jealous somehow and so she tells him that he doesn't have to. That's when gyu knows he got her. He offers to work as a guard and she's happy about it.
But throughout his stay there, he keeps getting closer to her, subtly touching her and using his incubus powers on her (maybe even exchanging her heat suppresant for sugar pills) because she keeps putting a distance between them as she hates being a bunny hybrid and thinks gyu only wants her because of how sexual her species is. But this drives gyu crazy because he needs to feed but ever since he saw her he just can't bring himself to feed on anyone else.
Until finally she breaks, her heat comes for the first time and she quickly locks herself up in a room. Gyu goes after her and attempts to get her to open up to him but she refuses. So when she sleeps. He uses his powers to enter her room and seduce her. But as they fuck, she feels her energy draining and with horror she realizes that gyu is a succubus. She tries to push him off but it's too late, he won't let go now.
That's as far as I got so far.
I'm still unsure about keeping both demon and hybrid elements in one story. And yeah different eras could work but then because of the introduction of hybrids, there would still have to be hybrids in the other eras so I'm not sure about that.
I feel like if I am to do this I'd have to separate it from the yamqn universe and make it another lost love story or just plain old yandere gyu 😂 idk i'm confused
Honestly I think my main issue with this pitch is the hybrid part because even though I really like the plot we've created here and even though i'm obsessed with hybrid fics i feel like they can come across as a bit goofy to readers so it might make yamqn seem less serious because of heats and knotting and bunnies you feel me? Like don't get me wrong like I said I LOVE hybrid fics but idk if I wanna involve it with yamqn. Add to that demons and it gets out of hand.
Idk what do other readers think?
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aeide-thea · 2 years
woke up this morning feeling p blergh (most notably nauseated, also mildly headachy but that's less unusual) which is unfortunate both bc, you know, unpleasant and bc i'd sort of vaguely resolved i was going to try and do something every other day (every day seemed like too much pressure lol) that would be worth writing home about (or, you know, writing tumblr about, as the case may be), and yesterday was my day off from that so in theory today is again adventureday ('adventure' defined loosely, may include Accomplishing Tasks but ideally i'd Go Somewhere to accomplish them) but i'm feelin. a lil dubious.
gonna start with like. toast and tea and see if that settles things, i guess?
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tortademaracuya · 2 years
I'ts so fucking annoying when people try to be cutesy and make jokes about how they don't want to get therapy when they need it/could benefit from it. Alright then keep being miserable with your unhealthy coping mechanisms
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weremustelidae · 2 years
in 2019 for Minecraft's 10th anniversary I did a huge artwork highlighting additions from each update along with the names of the updates but 1.0-1.3 don't have names so I just made some up and the post got over 13,000 notes and nobody noticed
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