#fazbear frights shadow bonnie
idsfantasy · 7 months
Hey as the professional FNAF person could you explain remnant and agony? I'm kind of confused about what it actually does since it seems to cause all kinds of weirdness in the books.
Alright, so basically in the world of FNAF, emotions aren't just contained in the body. If you feel an emotion particularly strongly, it can linger and infuse itself into nearby objects. Agony is the most powerful lingering emotion, and typically appears as a sort of black oozing substance.
Remnant is interesting. It's described like this in Fazbear Frights:
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In FNAF AR, there are two kinds of Remnant. The normal kind, and dark Remnant, which summons Shadow Bonnie. I'm pretty sure dark Remnant is tainted by evil or Agony in some way, whereas the normal kind is just the general nonphysical-energy infused kind.
Remnant can be present without a spirit fully attached. It's a "Remnant" of something intangible, like a memory, emotion, or a spirit. We can see this with novel Charlie, as she doesn't have the original Charlie's soul, but rather is the product of Henry's emotions during her construction.
Additionally, Remnant can be used for healing, power, and giving/anchoring life. It can cure illness and injuries, increase the power of an entity, and keep someone from dying. I'm 99% sure Remnant is the reason why Scraptrap has a lot more human bits than Springtrap did; William would have regrown human bits as he wandered around finding ways to get Remnant to recover.
Remnant reacts differently at different temperature, and while it was theorized by William to be neutralized with high heat, that either doesn't actually work, or the destruction of Remnant doesn't lead to a soul being William to move on. A spirit can exist without or outside of a vessel, but interfacing with living people in that case is much harder. Remnant (afaik) is the anchoring force between a spirit and their vessel.
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the-autistic-spider · 5 months
he's here
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part 2 to he's around the corner
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nezeliaaaa · 2 months
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my foray into creativity for the year
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r7inyz · 3 months
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random dump of school doodles from the last few months
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foxyfire101 · 9 months
All these for @fnaf-beyondtheshadows :3
Cw: blood/gore/body horror
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Nightmare Designs Under Here (Heavy Gore Warning)
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@kirbycorn @demi-hell-hole
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goofynoodles · 2 months
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It’s the yellow thing from into the pit!
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gamrocfeddy · 2 months
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fazfrights doodles because the tag is deadddddd
i was surprised how little hide and seek art there is, since it's one of my favorite stories so far (i'm up to book #8)... though i am still mad about the ending
also bonus gn plushtrap because. look at that thing. it's perfect
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the-burd-lord · 5 months
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First post of the New Year! Based on that one Fazbear Frights story from Blackbird- “Hide and Seek.” Although the ending was kinda odd I still enjoyed the story. I liked what it was trying to do.
I see so many things wrong with this drawing, but I haven’t been able to properly finish line or color a piece in months I’m just happy to be able to finish it. Going into the New Year with a positive attitude, especially to art! Gotta just not worry about perfection, silly thing to realize but it’s true.
Hope y’all have a happy New Year’s Day!
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fazfrightsquotes · 1 year
Eleanor: *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB?
Plushtrap: Bold of you to assume I was born at all.
Faz-Goo: I personally was created in a lab.
Shadow Bonnie: I just straight up spawned lol.
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cyber-streak-extra · 7 months
This is just a short little thing for my own Fazbear Frights AU—although I’m not sure what I’ll be fully calling it, it needs a full name.
Title: Don’t Worry
Description: After getting swapped, Alec has a lot of time to think things over——what happened, and what may happen.
He silently stared up towards the top of the closed dumpster. Minus all of the little glows coming from the other bears, it was still so dark.
Alec, frankly, wasn’t sure how long he’d been in here for—been in the dumpster, and in the body of the small Freddy Fazbear. It still felt like Hazel’s birthday had happened just yesterday.
The events that happened that day—the words—wouldn’t stop repeating over and over in his mind. He could never remain in his mind for that long, though.
The voices—desperate and scared, just like him—crying out for help... usually brought him to the present. The others in the dumpster with him never stopped.
He heard the words—their words, and his own, but none were coming out. No matter how hard he had been trying, Alec couldn’t get his mouth to successfully work.
Help! Alec heard a clearer voice coming from his left side—the Lonely Freddy there was recently thrown into the dumpster.
Alec had, somehow, managed to make himself fall asleep—and when he awoke, the other little bear—with a missing arm—was there. He could guess that was the reason they were tossed.
The voice that he heard sounded a little older than his own—at least from what he could tell from all of the other voices speaking in the dumpster.
Help me... did I do something wrong? Among the voices, he heard another—this one’s voice sounded young—maybe around Hazel’s age, he assumed.
As the voices continued calling out, Alec stared back up. There were so many in the dumpster. How did it happen for them...? Alec couldn’t help but wonder.
He doubted that, with any of the others alongside him, that they ended up like this in a similar way to him. Alec shook his head—or at least tried to—it didn’t move like he wanted it to.
Anything that he had done before this—he doubted that they’d done. They all probably just wanted to hang out with these things...
It was his best guess, at least—Alec didn’t know any of them personally—just that they all had one thing in common: they weren’t in their actual bodies any longer.
Alec would’ve frowned—if the bear itself was capable of emoting anything else other than a smile. But who would have ever wanted to hang out with these things?
Even before... this, Alec had thought the small bear was just plain creepy—surely others had to have felt that way about them, too, right?
Help! Help me! Alec shut his eyes—or, the bears eyes, at least. Help us! Please! Help! It felt like everything was growing louder than before.
What was that Lonely Freddy doing now? In his body? Before he’d been tossed away, he knew the Lonely Freddy had been sitting around and talking with Hazel.
He hoped that, somehow—hopefully, someone would figure out that it wasn’t him. That something else was in his body—pretending to be him.
But Alec didn’t know when or how that would happen—or how someone would possibly figure out that what was supposedly him was a toy bear—and that the real one was in the bear’s body.
He’d wanted to talk back then—when the swap had first taken place. He’d wanted to get his family’s attention—let them know that who they were talking to wasn’t him.
Now, Alec wondered what would have happened if he had managed to start speaking. Would they have even believed him? “It’s me—the real Alec! Me and that bear swapped bodies!”
Alec opened his—the bear’s—eyes back up. I wouldn’t have even believed that...
He assumed that he’d be considered broken or malfunctioning—and creepy—and be tossed into the dumpster, anyway. Maybe his aunt would’ve believed him.
His aunt... Alec still didn’t have a clue as to what the Lonely Freddy piloting his body could be doing—but, surely—maybe—she could tell that something was up? He hoped.
Alec stared down at the body he’d swapped with. He didn’t know what was going to happen—but he just wished that he could see them again.
He wanted—needed to be able to tell... Alec wouldn’t frowned again. What was going to happen? To him? To all of them in here?
So far—for however long it had been at this point—they’d all remained in the dumpster after being carelessly tossed in for one reason or another.
Did the employees here plan on just keeping them all in here? None of them had been taken out—at least from what Alec could recall—everything was starting to mix together.
The voices of the others were getting far louder again. Alec stared back up. He’d tried once to get the lid of the dumpster open—but had been very quick to fail.
The only times it had been successfully opened and closed was when an employee would drop else in—which didn’t happen all that often. Alec had heard and seen three new ones.
He shut the bear’s eyes.
Alec hadn’t fallen asleep like he’d managed to do so before—instead, he had found himself rather deep into his thoughts—enough to the point that he didn’t hear anything around him.
He’d started thinking over potential ideas that he could do—and what that Lonely Freddy could possibly be doing. Why had it done it?
All of these bear’s were swapping with people—and Alec wondered if they were always just... like that. If they felt like doing it because they wanted to...
Or, if someone—Alec didn’t know who—had programmed them... somehow, to do this. But why? And how? He wouldn’t have guessed that something like this was possible.
He was pulled out of his thoughts—being greeted by all of the other voices—when he heard a rather loud noise coming from outside the dumpster.
Alec hadn’t paid too much attention, but from what he had been able to make out, it sounded like something heavy landing on the floor. What’s happening?
He kept staring up—and he noticed how the others had put their attention there, too—at least the ones that he could see from where he was.
Alec kept staring—and he could feel the eyes of the bear widen as he realized what was happening. The dumpster was being open. But something felt... different.
When it fully opened... Alec didn’t see anything—no employee or whoever else had decided to come back here. At least, at first.
A few seconds passed, before he saw a head peer down into the dumpster, hands pressed against the sides. Except, whatever—whoever—didn’t seem human.
It looked like a shadow that was peering down at them all—a shadow with large rabbit ears. W-What?... The cries continued—Alec felt himself join in.
The shadow rabbit kept staring, and as the thing did, Alec noticed something. It had been pure black—no other colors—but now, he was starting to make out other colors and details.
Eyes—the shadow had white eyes now—which were scanning the area. He could make out a mouth, too—the thing’s hands were partially white, too—it kind of looked like if the thing wore fingerless gloves.
As Alec stared back, it was like the thing was becoming more detailed—more physical?—and not just a blurry shadow that you’d see late in the late from the corner of your eyes or something.
The rabbit like thing finally did something other than stare. The rabbit reached forward, hands going into the dumpster—and that was when Alec spotted that the thing had started to float.
When the rabbit had reached in, the body shifted, and Alec could see the rest of the body behind the rabbit—every bit of it floating in the air. He could make out that the rabbit was wearing a bow tie, too.
“Don’t worry...” Alec heard a voice say—was it... coming from the shadow rabbit thing?
Alec would have gasped—the shadow rabbit reached, and carefully picked him up. Being gentle as could be, the shadow rabbit took him out of the dumpster.
He stared up at the rabbit. He felt like crying—but he didn’t think that would do anything—nor would he actually be able to in this body.
The shadow rabbit held him close. He watched as they glanced back at the dumpster, and then towards the door of the room a couple of times—like they were trying to debate on something.
Then, the shadow rabbit’s focus was back on Alec. “You will be okay...”
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sourcocktail · 1 year
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Wanted poster for a school project😶‍🌫️
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mariewhatthe · 9 months
I'M ALIVE ! Sorry if I haven't published anything or haven't given any signs, school eats up my time and sometimes I don't even want to enter Ibix, but oh well.
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I'm working on a small comic that has Shadow Bonnie and Eleanor as protagonists, I love them both and I love making Eleanor as the antagonist/villain. I don't know when I'm going to finish it but let time tell when it wants. I love creating stories with characters that appear for 10 seconds.
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redfoxdude07 · 2 months
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The Mimic
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Fnaf World
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Have I made myself clear?
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junkbox39 · 11 months
Hide & Seek Shadow Bonnie Poster I Made
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lat-the-jester · 5 months
Tag yourself. I'm FrightsFiction
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noctistheowlfan · 6 months
Hurricane Archives: Fazbear Entertainment
Board of Directors
CEO Karl Bossman: Dead Man Walking
Chairman Oliver Kane: The Desperare Man
Managing Director Leon Smith: The Drunkard
Executive Directors
Jullian Hollister The Last Man Standing
Markus Walker: The Future POTUS
Oscar Rain: MISSING
Non-Excecutive Directors
Alexander Washington: The Witness
Kevin Thompson: The Accountant
Employees of Freddy's Hurricane
Manager Jack Marlo: The Grieving Father/Fazbear Frights Night Guard
Assistant Manager/Night Guard Scott Carlson: Phone Guy/Phantom Freddy
Chief Technician Susan Right: Phone Girl/Phantom Mangle
Dayshift Security: South Beckley
Head Waitress: Carla Heynes: Party Organizator/Phantom Chica
Janitor Vincent Savitt: The Second Hurricane Ripper/Aftons Follower
Missing Children and What remains of Past Employees
Gabriel Davidson: Freddy Fazbear
Jeremy Smith: Bonnie the Bujnie
Susie Walker: Chica the Chicken
Muffin: Mister Cupcake
Fritz Benson: Foxy the Pirate Fox
Cassidy Marlo: The Princess/Golden Freddy
Timmothy Bossman: Shadow Freddy
Ivan Kervovich: Shadow Bonnie
Asks are now open for Questions about Hurricane Archives!
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