Alright monkebrain, to study, you gotta make yourself accountable. Is that really it?
I do truly believe making yourself accountable is the only study tactic that works. However, it isn't that easy to spring out of bed every other day and head to your library, coffee shop, etc.
This is where all those fancy habit strategy things come into play.
Layering accountability. Example: Tell a study buddy you'll meet them at the library at 8:00
Remove delays. The night before, pack your books, charge your laptop, etc. Minimize the factors that can slow you down on your way out.
Consistent rewards. Might seem kinda stupid, but people are animals like any other, so exploit the fact that you have a monkebrain, take advantage of it. Treat yourself to a nice coffee, a pastry, anything really once you are en route. Because showing up is 95% of the battle.
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Humans were not programmed for the society we've managed to create. That's why shits rough.
Our brain (and the rest of our body) has been fine tuned for hunting on plains and forests, foraging for food. Not for sitting-in-a-chair-for-50-hours-a-week type bullshit.
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