#francois le blanc
thedevotionaltour · 6 months
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Daredevil #11 - "A Time to Unmask!" (October 1965)
Written by Stan Lee Art by Bob Powell (pencils), Wally Wood (inks)
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ladies-of-fiction · 9 months
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Louise Francois Le Blanc de La Valliere
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marie-chatelaine · 2 years
L'important c'est la rose
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Toi qui marches dans le vent
Seul dans la trop grande ville
Avec le cafard tranquille du passant
Toi qu'elle a laissé tomber
Pour courir vers d'autres lunes
Pour courir d'autres fortunes
L'important c'est la rose
L'important c'est la rose
L'important c'est la rose
Toi qui cherches quelque argent
Pour te boucler la semaine
Dans la ville tu promènes ton ballant
Cascadeur, soleil couchant
Tu passes devant les banques
Si tu n'es que saltimbanque
L'important c'est la rose
L'important c'est la rose
L'important c'est la rose
Toi, petit, que tes parents
Ont laissé seul sur la terre
Petit oiseau sans lumière, sans printemps
Dans ta veste de drap blanc
Il fait froid comme en Bohème
T'as le c?oeur comme en carême
Et pourtant
L'important c'est la rose
L'important c'est la rose
L'important c'est la rose
Toi pour qui, donnant-donnant
J'ai chanté ces quelques lignes
Comme pour te faire un signe en passant
Dis à ton tour maintenant
Que la vie n'a d'importance
Que par une fleur qui danse
Sur le temps
L'important c'est la rose
L'important c'est la rose
L'important c'est la rose
- Gilbert Bécaud -
Source : LyricFind
Paroliers : Gilbert Francois Leopold Becaud / Louis Jean Mathieu Amade
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onenettvchannel · 8 months
LATE-DEVELOPING STORY: An LGBT-based Isekai anime 'I'm in Love with the Villainess' is potentially linked to 'The Familiar of Zero' adds up a new family antagonist member of Francois?
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(Written by Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Freelanced News Writer, Reporter and News Presenter of OneNETnews)
TOKYO, JAPAN -- In an amazing culture development of Japan, anime tsundere fanatics of the upcoming TV anime series "I'm in Love with the Villainess" have discovered a potential connection between the character 'Claire Francois' and 'Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière' from "The Familiar of Zero". This theory, which has caused very much a buzz among anime lovers suggests a family link between the two characters, in light of their common family name 'Francois'.
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(SCREENGRAB PHOTO via YT VIDEO / King Amusement Creatives)
"I'm in Love with the Villainess" tells the story of Rei Taylor, an ordinary office worker who wakes up one day inside the body of the protagonist from her favorite Otome game, called "Revolution".
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(Local high school at the Bauer Kingdom)
Transported unexpectedly into a realistic world (somewhat called 'Isekai'), Rei finds herself facing the challenges of high school life. It is here that she encounters Claire, the eldest daughter of a Finance Minister in the Bauer Kingdom.
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(Rough Translation: Voiced by Karin Nanami / Nobel and Arrogant Student in Bauer Kingdom)
Claire Francois is known as the main antagonist and is consistently bullied by the other students, including Rei alone.
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(Rough Translation: Voiced by Yu Serizawa / A single-minded, company employee in Japan)
Rei Taylor is known not only for her virtual experiences of bullying and navigating high school or college life but also for her interactive in-game relationship with the aforesaid female student blonde of the Finance Minister individual. The anime explores a lesbian-based love interest between the two characters, adding depth to the storyline.
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(A social point-of-view to see Claire in person during the realistic classroom session)
The theory of a potential connection between Claire Francois and Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière arises from the shared family name 'Francois'. While both characters exist in different anime universes and are from different animation studios in Japan, fans have speculated that there could be a hidden link between them.
Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière, a character from "The Familiar of Zero", has a similar family or middle name, which has led fans to question if there might be a familiar connection between the two characters.
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(SCREENGRAB FILE PHOTO / Louise Francoise Valliere officially married with Saito Hiraga and visit his hometown to meet his parents off-camera at the end of a final episode)
Since 'Saito Chevalier de Hiraga-Vallière', originally from Tokyo married Louise in the final 4th Season of the said anime in the Q1 2012, there is no clear evidence about her own daughter of Louise's mother. Furthermore, both their respective hometown cities, Bauer (Claire) and Tristania (Louise) are potentially distinct.
However, it is important to note that these connections are purely speculative at this point and have not been officially confirmed by the creators of either anime series or the respective studios J.C. Staff and Platinum Vision Studio.
It remains a source of interest and speculation within the anime community that Claire and Louise could have a connection of a family member of 'Francois'. Whether this theory holds any truth or remains a mere coincidence, it has undeniably added an extra layer of intrigue to the anticipation surrounding the series.
"I'm in Love with the Villainess" is set to air in Japan, starting October 2nd, 2023 on JOMX-TV 9's Tokyo MX and BS Nippon TV. Crunchyroll, a popular streaming platform, will soon be licensing the anime pending approval for streaming rights, allowing fans worldwide to enjoy the aforementioned anime series.
SCREENGRAB COURTESY: Google Images & King Amusement Creatives via YT VIDEO
EDITOR's NOTE: This is a developing story. We'll possibly obtain a new information between both sides of the anime once soon becomes later available. Also, Crunchyroll is a parent media partner and the affiliated online broadcasting firm on this Internet TV station of OneNETtv Channel & OneNETnews.
SOURCE: *https://wataoshi-anime.com/news/20230512_03.html [Referenced Cast Listings via Wataoshi website] *https://wataoshi-anime.com/character/ [Referenced Character Listings via Wataoshi website] *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Familiar_of_Zero *https://thefamiliarofzero.fandom.com/wiki/Louise_de_la_Valli%C3%A8re *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.C.Staff *https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%97%E3%83%A9%E3%83%81%E3%83%8A%E3%83%93%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A7%E3%83%B3 *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isekai *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_in_Love_with_the_Villainess *https://natalie.mu/comic/news/504925 [Referenced News Article via Comic Natalie] *https://anitrendz.net/news/2022/12/13/im-in-love-with-the-villainess-yuri-light-novels-inspire-2023-tv-anime/ [Referenced News Article #1 via AniTrendz] *https://anitrendz.net/news/2023/05/12/im-in-love-with-the-villainess-anime-reveals-trailer-visual-more-cast-october-premiere/ [Referenced News Article #2 via AniTrendz] *https://anitrendz.net/news/2023/08/10/im-in-love-with-the-villainess-drops-2nd-trailer-and-key-visual-reveals-release-date/ [Referenced News Article #3f via AniTrendz] and *https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/latest/2022/12/13/im-in-love-with-the-villainess-tv-anime-announced-for-2023 [Referenced News Article via Crunchyroll News]
-- OneNETnews Team
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Michele Tecchia: il ritratto di un consulente per l’energia
Michele Tecchia: il ritratto di un consulente per l’energia
Il modello economico che consente di ridurre l’impatto ambientale dei processi produttivi prende il nome di green economy. Questa forma di economia si propone di mettere un freno agli ingenti danni all’ambiente provocati dal procedimento di trasformazione delle materie prime in prodotti finiti e dallo svolgimento dei servizi necessari alla vita quotidiana di tutti noi.
C’è chi sta lavorando per applicare questo concetto ai diversi settori produttivi e, tra questi esperti vi è un consulente indipendente che è in grado di distinguersi per la propria attività in questo campo. Stiamo parlando del famoso Michele Tecchia.
Chi è Michele Tecchia?
Nato nel 1971 nel Principato di Monaco e cresciuto nel Regno Unito, si trasferisce negli Stati Uniti poco prima di far ritorno al Principato, dove vive attualmente.
Inizia la sua carriera lavorativa come venditore nel settore delle macchine fotocopiatrici per poi passare alla filiera di produzione delle stampanti per computer.
Ed è proprio nel lontano 2004, quando a Michele Tecchia sorge questo suo profondo interesse per il concetto di sostenibilità alle imprese di produzione, sia piccole che grandi.
Negli anni tra il 2008 e il 2009 si recava periodicamente in Cina e, la sua attività lo aveva portato anche negli sconfinati mercati asiatici.
Nonostante, dopo una serie di continui spostamenti, la Cina gli desse grandi guadagni, Michele Tecchia decise di ampliare i suoi mercati e impegnarsi nella ricerca di nuove frontiere lavorative, dove si rese conto che il settore immobiliare era quello che rispondeva al meglio alle sue esigenze. Da constatare che in molte interviste, ha spesso sottolineato quanto questo settore economico era in grado di fornire un’ampia opportunità di scelte.
Dopo essere tornato a vivere nel Principato, Alberto di Monaco, Michele Tecchia ottiene l’opportunità di poter ampliare la propria attività, focalizzando quest’ultima sulla sostenibilità e l’ecologia.
La vita del Principato, Alberto di Monaco e la visione economica di Michele Tecchia
Il Principato, così celebre ai nostri giorni, è sorto intorno alla metà dell’800 anche se la sua trasformazione forse più grande è avvenuta quando Francois Blanc, un ricco uomo d’affari, ebbe l’autorizzazione ad aprire un casinò. Quest’ultimo è stato, come dice Michele Tecchia, la vera e propria calamita che ha portato grandissime fortune in questo piccolo territorio. Una di quelle fortune è stata proprio la pianificazione urbanistica che ha goduto infatti di uno sviluppo accelerato, sia allora che oggi.
Come si inserisce un consulente per l’energia in questo ambiente?
La sua attività di consulente è rivolta alla ricerca del modo migliore e, soprattutto, più efficiente e sostenibile, per attuare, nell’ambito dei servizi pubblici e della produzione, le trasformazioni epocali come la digitalizzazione e le transizioni energetiche.
Quale posto al mondo avrebbe potuto essere più adatto, per varare questo processo così importante, del Principato di Monaco? Alberto II, principe di Monaco dal 2005 è una persona molto interessata e molto attenta alle iniziative di tipo ecologico. Dunque, l’interesse del sovrano per il tema della sostenibilità e le conoscenze e la passione di Michele Tecchia, si uniscono dando vita a conferenze nel Principato, che ormai si ripetono con una cadenza annuale: la famosa CleanEquity. Durante questa conferenza privata, vengono prese in considerazione le migliori aziende tecnologiche di nuova generazione che sono in grado di offrire tutti gli strumenti più efficaci per poter diventare autosufficienti e in modo assolutamente sostenibile.
La metodologia di lavoro di Michele Tecchia
I dibattiti più coinvolgenti dei nostri giorni, a qualsiasi livello essi vengano fatti, vertono il più delle volte su tematiche relative all’ambiente. Michele Tecchia utilizza il neologismo che deriva dalla contrazione delle parole economia ed ecologia, la cosiddetta “econologia”. Con questo termine vuole indicare la necessità di applicare i concetti base dell’ecologia all’economia, nel suo significato più ampio.
Il lavoro di Michele Tecchia è indirizzato alle aziende e vi sono punti distintivi del suo modo di fare consulenza energetica:
• L’argomento principe delle sue consulenze è la riduzione dei consumi energetici aziendali attraverso l’ottimizzazione degli strumenti tecnologici e suggerimenti per un comportamento responsabile. Al risparmio energetico che deriva da comportamenti adeguati da parte del singolo, deve essere affiancato un uso corretto delle risorse come ad esempio l’acqua. Quest’ultima, in territori con una distintiva conformazione geografica e contemporanea presenza di un numero molto elevato di abitanti, costituisce un bene prezioso da salvaguardare.
• Un altro punto fondamentale è il riciclo degli oggetti, sia a livello privato che a livello aziendale. Diventa necessario effettuare una raccolta dei rifiuti che consenta di recuperare tutti gli oggetti che sembrano aver terminato il loro ciclo di vita o che, al contrario, possono ancora essere utilizzati per altre modalità.
• Essenziale è la regolarizzazione dei dispositivi di condizionamento dell’aria durante i mesi estivi e l’ottimizzazione dei metodi di riscaldamento duranti i mesi invernali. Il settore immobiliare risulta dunque fondamentale in quest’ottica poiché le nuove tecnologie offrono strumenti come i materiali isolanti e metodi di costruzione edile innovativi per ottenere un importante risparmio energetico durante l’inverno.
Michele Tecchia diventa dunque uno dei primi ad aver capito, quanto sia importante applicare il suo concetto di “econologia” al business. Infatti lo sviluppo dell’economia può essere la chiave di volta per una società economicamente stabile e avanzata ma sempre all’insegna delle tematiche ambientali.
Michele Tecchia Website — https://micheletecchia.com
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news2pjm · 2 years
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Jeanne Morisseau au Marché de la Poésie 2021 pour la présentation de son recueil "Beiges, blancs, gris" avec Francois Mocaër (Editions Unicité), Claude Ferland Milewski (pour son ouvrage "Le défunt vit encore" (Unicité) et Patrick Libéreau (peintre, magnétiseur). (22/10/2021)
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francoisgoize · 3 years
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2021 - Lola Le Lann - Dior spa cocktail at the Cheval Blanc Hotel ©François Goizé
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kadtherine · 6 years
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#french people right now
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sanjuno · 3 years
Sanjuno’s Story and Fandom Masterlist
I’m going to pin this list of titles so that people can more easily figure out what they want to vote for each Friday. Anything labelled with Meta, WIP, or Concept can be voted for.
1.1.  Coordinates T by H: Eren’s coordinator abilities allow him to metaphysically bond with other humans, thereby giving everyone in the group the ability to psychically communicate with the rest and also boosting everyone’s healing ability exponentially to be on par with the Titan Shifters. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
2.    BLEACH
2.1. What Happens on Vacation: Crossover with YYH – turns out that Kurosaki Misaki was a senior ferry girl on sabbatical (which translates as living a mortal life unaware of her true nature) and she was late returning to work due to being trapped in Grand Fishers gut. Ichigo and Uryuu are very confused when their “cousin” Kazuma shows up to introduce his new bride to the family. Koenma is just really pissed off by all the paperwork he needs to deal with while cleaning up his father’s mismanaged pet project. Chaptered, WIP - Unposted
3.1.  A Code of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Lelouch, his two younger siblings, and Lelouch’s most loyal followers are reincarnated into Westeros. Lelouch proceeds to make it his lifelong mission to drive Cersei into frothing fits and strengthens the Baratheon dynasty to the point that even Tywin is impressed by his grandson’s machinations. Then CC shows up with dragons and Ned Stark starts to think that maybe Robert’s onto something with the “drinking to forget” idea. Meta
3.2.  Abandon Thyself: Post-Zero Requiem Suzaku travels back in time to the scene in the Shinjuku Ghettos when the truck explodes. Given that the people closest to him haven’t actually spoken to Suzaku in years, the origins of Suzaku’s obvious mental instability is hilariously misattributed by various outside PoVs. So when Suzaku hits his knees in front of Lelouch, swearing eternal devotion and vowing to make Lelouch the next emperor nobody panics. (They should really reconsider panicking.) Drabbles, Prompt Fill - Posted
3.3.  The Sun Also Rises: At the moment of his death in the Zero Requiem, Lelouch travels back in time to his childhood body. With only a week to go before Marianne is “assassinated by terrorists” Lelouch sets out to rearrange the board in a way none of the other players will see coming until it’s far too late. Lelouch has been given a second chance to make things right, and Lelouch wouldn’t be Lelouch if he didn’t plan big. This time around, Lelouch plans for his victory to be a bit more obvious. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
4.    DCU
4.1.  Time Enough: Terry McGinnis, his little brother Matt, and their dogs are the only members of their timeline to survive because Bruce Wayne was too old to see any more of his sons die in front of him. So they all got knocked out, shoved into an escape capsule, and ejected from the Batman Beyond timeline before it crumbles. Said time pod crashes into the middle of a Red Hood versus Match throw down, and Terry’s Wayne-inherited charisma is so powerful it allows him to banter his way into good graces of both villains. Jason drags them all off to his lair because every single member of the Batfam hoards orphans. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
5.1.  Saiyajin Pride: Alien biology has a larger impact on characterization that it does in canon. Mirai comes back to the main timeline live in sin with Videl and Gohan. Vegeta and Goku deal with some shit that comes from being the last full-blooded members of their species. Then just as things are settling down… Garlic is an idiot who thinks up a loophole in the “can’t wish people dead” rule and wishes Goku and Vegeta’s families straight out of existence and they end up in an entirely different reality. The only upside is that Vegeta finally gets to kill Frieza. Chaptered, WIP - Unposted
6.1.  Flight Of Dragons: Future!Lucy misses her target and ends up landing further back in time, during the same year Natsu and the rest of the Dragon Slayer kids were brought to when they were pulled forward in time.  Fairy Tail luck kicks in, and future!Lucy runs into child!Laxus as he escapes from his father after being fed the Lightning Dragon Lacrima. Laxus is handed a Prophecy and runs with it. Children have never needed Fairy Tales to tell them that Dragons exist, but they certainly help. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
6.2.  My Heart Overflows: Juvia and Grey have finally started dating, but the Fairy Tail Mage Guild has some interesting traditions when it comes to proving the validity of a romantic relationship. Oneshot, Prompt fill - Posted
7.1.  A Velvet Glove: Crossover with TMNT – Leonardo gets summoned to be Louise’s Familiar. Since all of his brothers are dead, Leo sees no reason not to make the most of this “lifelong bond of magic and spirit” and adopts Louise as his little sister. Halgenkia is not prepared for a Louise Francois le Blanc de la Valliere with ninja training. Henrietta is probably far too gleeful over making her best friend her Spymaster, but it’s not like anyone knows enough about what they’re doing to stop her. Reconquista gets exposed and smashed, and Wardes really should have respected his fiancée more. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
8.1.  A Dirge of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Several members of Avalanche and the Elite Soldiers are reincarnated as the spares and bastards of Westeros’ Great Houses. Given that Rhaenys Targaryen used to be Cid Highwind, the Sack of King’s Landing goes very differently. Meta
8.2.  A Feather’s Weight: Crossover with Naruto – Kakashi and Obito, along with their respective subordinates, are reincarnated in Wutai, and are thus in position to undermine a lot of Hojo’s plans simply by being themselves. Wutai still loses, but by a much smaller margin, and SHIN-RA realizes much too late that Wutai’s “concession” was a trap. Kakashi is a big shiny distraction for Sephiroth, the SOLDIERS revolt, and nobody knows who assassinated President Shinra. Chaptered, WIP - Unposted
8.3.  Antiviral: Woden and Gaia conspire to create antibodies to fight off Jenova’s infection. Cid and Vincent end up bearing the brunt of this decision, get roofied by Divine Intervention, and also end up the Gaian equivalent of demonic werewolves. Also the Planet is transforming all the SOLDIERS into werewolves too, yes, even the dead ones. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
8.4.  For Love Of: Cid Highwind crashes the Tiny Bronco into Lucrecia’s cave, does the metaphysical equivalent of tearing her heart out and eating it to absorb her power, and them proceeds to adopt General Sephiroth as his son because it’s not like anyone can stop him. Cid Highwind does what he wants. Sephiroth does what Mother wants. SHIN-RA soon regrets everything because Cid Highwind is a hell of a lot better at rewriting the social order than Avalanche is. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
8.5.  Hindsight is 20-20: CHAOS decides to rewrite time because they have a massive crush on Cid and they don’t want him to die. CHAOS fumbles the landing and Cid ends up in the body of some weird Lucrecia/Ancient-Cetra-Who-Was-Jenova’s-Host Clone and ends up giving birth to Sephiroth. Things only get worse from there. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
8.6.  Like it Rough: Cid likes Vincent a lot and also has a bit of a kink for scars. Cid walks in on Vincent naked, runs away to hide his raging boner, and Vincent ends up chasing Cid around the airship until he can pin his friend down in the Captain’s bunk because the demons are all drunk on the pheromones. Oneshot - Complete
8.7.  Names of Power: Jenova’s taint getting mixed into the Lifestream has far-reaching consequences, and Avalanche gets tapped to handle the fallout whither they like it or not. Series, WIP - Posted
8.7.1.     Small Packages: The Lifestream meddles in Avalanches lives even after the Planet has been saved. There are clones and ancient powers better off left alone but it’s not like Avalanche ever gets a say in the matter. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
8.7.2.     History Inverted: Jenova isn’t all the way gone and the Planet really doesn’t care if Humanity survives or not as long as the infection is burned away. Aerith shoves the spirits of Avalanche and their children into a new timeline because she doesn’t want to watch their souls get shredded. Avalanche proceeds to mosey along and wreak havoc in the way only they can manage. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
8.8.  To Earn the Sky: Echidna, Mother of Monsters and Heroes, and Jenova, the Calamity From the Skies, are at war. Hojo makes a very big mistake when he uses the Blood of Echidna’s Children in his Revenant Project. Cid Highwind is a good son, and his Mother wants to meet her new Grandchildren. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
9.1.  A Light of Ice and Fire: Crossover with FFVX – Noctis, his Retinue, and the loyal members of the Kingsglaive and Crownsguard are reincarnated into Westeros. Jorah Mormont is Cor Leonis, but Cor Leonis is not Jorah Mormont, and so the Northern Forces are something to fear in Robert’s Rebellion. By the time King Robert visits Winterfell, it will be a very different Northern Kingdom that he finds there. Meta
10.1.               Crossover Fixits to Help Westeros be Less Miserably Doomed: Various casts from other series end up reborn in Westeros and use knowledge from their previous lives to change the Game. Series
10.1.1. An Assemblage of Ice and Fire: Crossover with MCU – Team Iron Man focus, since Tony is reincarnated as Ned Stark. Starks are made of Iron, and Winter is coming. Tony’s genius intellect, knowledge of politics and economics, experience with magic and alternate realities, and the fact that Extremis carried over through his reincarnation and adapted to work with First Man magic means that the Stark siblings who go to the Tourney of Harrenhal are nothing like the canon versions. Rhaegar gets his Stark bride, and he proceeds to regret it for the rest of his life. Meta
10.1.2. A Balance of Ice and Fire: Crossover with SW – Qui-Gon Jinn’s three Padawan Learners and Padme (who got taken in Anakin’s place) are reincarnated as the Tyrell siblings. They proceed to follow the Will of the Force and prepare the Seven Kingdoms to win against the Long Night. Meta
10.1.3. A Code of Ice and Fire: Crossover with CG – Lelouch, his two younger siblings, and Lelouch’s most loyal followers are reincarnated into Westeros. Lelouch proceeds to make it his lifelong mission to drive Cersei into frothing fits and strengthens the Baratheon dynasty to the point that even Tywin is impressed by his grandson’s machinations. Then CC shows up with dragons and Ned Stark starts to think that maybe Robert’s onto something with the “drinking to forget” thing. Meta
10.1.4. A Dirge of Ice and Fire: Crossover with FFVII – Several members of Avalanche and the Elite Soldiers are reincarnated as the spares and bastards of Westeros’ Great Houses. Given that Rhaenys Targaryen used to be Cid Highwind, the Sack of King’s Landing goes very differently. Meta
10.1.5. A Dying Will of Ice and Fire: Crossover with KHR – The Tri-Ni-Sette holders and all those bonded to them are reincarnated into Westeros Noble Houses. Xanxus is born as Robert’s eldest trueborn son and Heir to the Iron Throne, and so all it takes is one look at the Wall to know that there is something to fear on the other side. Tsuna is busy swooning over Arya’s muscles but in-between reciting odes to his amazing betrothed he takes time to tell Nono’s ghost “I told you Xanxus would make the better Heir.” Meta
10.1.6. A Light of Ice and Fire: Crossover with FFVX – Noctis, his Retinue, and the loyal members of the Kingsglaive and Crownsguard are reincarnated into Westeros. Jorah Mormont is Cor Leonis, but Cor Leonis is not Jorah Mormont, and so the Northern Forces are something to fear in Robert’s Rebellion. By the time King Robert visits Winterfell, it will be a very different Northern Kingdom that he finds there. Meta
10.1.7. A Space Between Ice and Fire: Crossover with Naruto WCE – The Konoha Founders and their siblings are reincarnated as Starks and Baratheons and manage to save the Realms of Men while resolving their many and varied issues with one another. Meta
10.1.8. A Transformation of Ice and Fire: Crossover with TFG1 – Most of the Cybertronians who died during Unicron’s Awakening end up reincarnated as dragons (Seekers) and Direwolves (Autobots). The sapience of the animals causes significant changes to outcome of several key canon events. Meta
10.2.              Singing In A Different Key: SI is reborn as Jon Snow, who then precedes to Machiavelli the fuck out of the North in preparation for the coming Long Night and also to screw over the Lannisters. Because fuckthe Lannisters. Meta
10.3.               Wolf At The Door: When Ice takes the head of Eddard Stark, Valeryian magic mixes with the Blood of the First Men. It’s wild, uncontrolled, and Ned ends up as a four year old in Winterfell’s Godswood, staring at his reflection in the water. Eddara Stark, second-born child and first-born daughter of Rikard and Lyarra Stark looks back up at him. Ned, fully believing that this is his punishment for failing his family and best friend the first time around, decides to fix the Realm by fulfilling the Pact of Fire and Ice. The thing about being a woman is that no one ever expects you to be a threat, not even other women. The thing about being the Quiet Wolf is that everyone overlooks you until the moment your teeth sink into their throat. Concept
11.1.               Holy Days of Yore: Various celebration themed fic that explore Ban’s backstory as the “With Queen’s Grandson” and bring a bit more of that old black magic into the Get Backer’s lifestyle. Series
11.1.1. Lupercalia: Ban gets a magic matchmaker box in the mail and everyone wears their heart on their sleeve for Valentine’s Day. Oneshot - Posted
11.1.2. Oeastre: Ban gets roped into being the master of ceremonies for Maria’s coven and Easter gets interesting. (Everyone makes like bunnies.) Oneshot - Posted
12.1.               The Other Side of the River: One of the Jagermonsters manages to catch wind of Lucrecia’s plans and absconds with Klaus Barry during the confusion caused by the first explosion. This understandably causes some disruption in everyones plans when KB and his nanny run into Agatha during her time with the Circus. WIP - Unposted
12.2.               Threefold Path: Agatha, Gil, and Tarvek get their brains booted back in time during the si vales valeo and decided to run away and join the circus until they’re old enough to take over the world properly. WIP - Unposted
13.1.               Mistakes and Misdemeanors: Heero was on blockers for the entire war due to a series of implants, which did no favours to his mental health. When the implants run out Heero gets run over by a hormone train and absolutely nobody knows how to handle that. Chaptered, WIP – Posted (Under Revision)
14.1.               Black As His Name: Sirius Back lives! Because the Veil dumps his mind-and-soul into the empty body of his younger self in a world where Walburga Black lost it on her eldest son much earlier in life and Sirius was tortured until he was left brain-dead. Arcturus Black is pissed off over the treatment of one of his Heirs and since Sirius’ magic is still intact, names Sirius the Heir to House Black and proceeds to hold the Heirship over everybody’s heads for spite for as long as Sirius continues to “live”. Everyone in the Black Family is very surprised when the annual shaming ritual disguised as Sirius’ birthday party is crashed. By none other than the birthday boy himself. Sirius rolls with it and becomes a True Black in the most Marauder manner possible. WIP - Unposted
14.2.               Black Hunt Under Bloody Skies: Crossover with KHR – Regulus and Sirius both end up dumped into KHR because Death owes them a favour on its Master’s behalf. Things start to get weird after the Arcobaleno curse is broken. Regulus is actually Skull and Sirius is his Sky and they confuse the entire Mafia so much. WIP - Unposted
15.1.               A Jump To The Left Behind: Post game reality has all the races living in a Galactic Republic, and the Troll Ancestors and Human Guardians all need to team up in order to solve the mystery of the planetoid-sized meteor that just barreled into the middle of their busiest spacelane because their names are written all over it. In the process of exploring the meteor they accidently wake up the Players and Sprites. Chaos ensues. Concept
15.2.               Pandora’s Final Gift: A mermaid AU where a Deep Old One gives Eridan (and only Eridan) the memories of his Game Player Self as a lark. Eridan hits the level cap for his current reality, freaks out, saves Sollux’s life, and then absconds as far away from the center of the Empire as he can get. Concept
16.1.              Hunter’s Moon: The standard “Demon Mating Season” idea that draws on the infectious nature of demon energy in the Sengoku Jidai and runs with it. Everyone over the age of eighteen gets some. Kagome gets to go home and take a nap. Chaptered, WIP – Posted (Under Revision)
16.2.              Cry Wolf: Playing straight with the crack concept that Inuyasha and Kouga were betrothed as children. Kagome isn’t in the picture because she got yeeted back to her own time when the Shikon no Tama got purified. Chaptered, WIP – Posted (Under Revision)
17.1.               A Dying Will of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – The Tri-Ni-Sette holders and all those bonded to them are reincarnated into Westeros Noble Houses. Xanxus is born as Robert’s eldest trueborn son and Heir to the Iron Throne, and so all it takes is one look at the Wall to know that there is something to fear on the other side. Tsuna is busy swooning over Arya’s muscles but in-between reciting odes to his amazing betrothed he takes time to tell Nono’s ghost “I told you Xanxus would make the better Heir.” Meta
17.2.               Black Hunt Under Bloody Skies: Crossover with HP – Regulus and Sirius both end up dumped into KHR because Death owes them a favour on its Master’s behalf. Things start to get weird after the Arcobaleno curse is broken. Regulus is actually Skull and Sirius is his Sky and they confuse the entire Mafia so much. WIP - Unposted
17.3.               Burning Salt Water: Crossover with OP – Xanxus gets dumped onto the Oro Jackson during the Pirate King’s last voyage when Nono’s Zero Point goes sideways and he ends up adopted by Rouge and Roger while he heals. After the execution Xanxus ends up raising the ASL trio to take over the Pirate Throne and Ace sets the Moby Dick on fire when Whitebeard kidnaps him. Meta, WIP - Unposted
17.4.               Cat’s Paws: Uri has seen enough Time Travel bullshit to know how it works, and so when Hayato gets himself killed she grabs his soul and flings herself backwards in time because fuck the timeline this is her human and he’s not allowed to abandon her again. The other Box Animals think it’s a great idea and do the same with their humans, and this results in the kind of alternate timeline that gives Byakuran a headache. In other words, Uri creates a timeline where Flame Actives are a lot more Alien than they used to be and now everyone thinks Youkai and other myths are real. Chapters, WIP - Posted
17.5.               Fire Shall Waken: All of Nono’s sons are still alive when the Cradle Affair happens and it results in the entire 10th Generation gathering up their Harmonies, rolling Xanxus into a blanket burrito, and taking off to Japan under assumed names where they proceed to spend the next eight years coddling Tsuna and being spoiled rotten by Nana in return. Meta
17.6.               Gremlins Della Varia: Mammon’s experiments with the Curse have had some odd side effects on the Varia. It all comes out during the Ring Battles and the other Arcobaleno are Judging You, Viper. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
17.7.               Karma, and the Repercussions Thereof: Crossover with Naruto. Legendary Ninja from the Elemental Countries get reincarnated into KHR and proceed to adopt all the Magic Rainbow Fire Children. Nono and Iemitsu suffer. Series, WIP
17.7.1. Karmic Balance: Kakashi and Obito are ninja married from the very start because of metaphysical bonding and some minor haunting during their last lives. Between Ninshu Shinobi needing to be in Clans and Flame Actives needing to be in Harmonies it does not take long before the child stealing begins. Gokudera Kakashi is the best wife and Dokuro Obito repents, repeatedly and often, while also having the time of his second life. Tsuna loves his Kakashi-sensei and wants to be just like him when he grows up. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
17.7.2. Karmic Justice: Madara and his brothers are reborn as Fon’s nephews and do not take kindly to the Arcobaleno curse being put on one of their relatives. The Hibari Clan proceeds to start hunting for the Man in the Iron Man en mass. Madara and his brothers hit Namimori during Nono’s visit and witness the sealing of Tsunayoshi. They don’t take well to this either. Things go worse for Tsuna than they do in canon and Madara hunts down Tobirama because he needs the resurrection to be done perfectly. Tsuna loves his Madara-shishou and wants to be just like him when he grows up. Oneshot - Posted      Karmic Justice – Hubris: Madara comes across Xanxus in the ice while investigating the Vongola and despite Xanxus being a bit older than the usual target for child stealing decides to steal him anyway. After resurrecting Tsuna, Madara and Tobirama’s next project is defrosting Xanxus. Concept      Karmic Justice – Providence: Madara finds Xanxus on the streets while hunting in Italy for the Man in the Iron Mask. Wrath Flame calls to Wrath Flame and Madara instantly adopts the delightfully savage little boy. Then Namimori happens, and Tsuna’s seal gets him temporarily killed, and Xanxus reaches 100-year-vengance-plot levels of overprotective big brother. WIP - Unposted
17.8.               Music of the Spheres: Crossover with SM – Post Stars Usagi and Post Vongola Inheritance Tsuna are cousins who meet for the first time ever only after the Vongola’s enemies kidnap Ikkuko and Shingo. Usagi gets taken into protective custody by her Mafia relatives without being given the chance to say she doesn’t need it. Usagi then proceeds to seduce all the women, charm all the men, and accidently throw Iemitsu out the nearest window every time he’s in the same room she is. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
17.8.1. MotS - Celestial Chorus: Chibiusa’s arrival has Usagi dragging her family to Namimori to prove that Chibiusa isn’t their cousin and things get wildly out of hand. Meta
17.8.2. MotS - Sing In Exaltation: The Shingo from The Sharp Knife Of A Short Life hears the name of his ‘cousin in Namimori’ and immediately begins to meddle. Meta
17.9.               Overlooking the Obvious: They say that to truly know someone you need to walk a mile in their shoes. The adage is proven true rather dramatically when a misappropriated Possession Bullet ends up switching Gokudera and Hibari into each other’s bodies. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
17.10.           Reach For The Sky: Kamen Rider Sora and his team are the protectors of Namimori against the invasion of Youma from the dark dimension. Reborn shows up to tutor the last remaining Vongola Heir and ends up in the middle of a longstanding battle against the Forces of Evil. Does the World Greatest Hitman have what it takes to guide the mysterious masked Rider towards his true strength? Stay tuned to find out! Drabbles, Prompt Fill - Posted
17.11.           When the Nightingale Sings: Sky Flames are Dragons, and when a Sky is Sealed they turn into True Dragons once said Seal breaks. Tsuna has the Best Treasures Ever. Reborn is confused but willing to roll with it. Hayato needs to do all the research. Drabbles, Prompt Fill - Posted
17.12.           Where the Sky Meets the Sea: Crossover with OP – The ASL Trio are reborn as Sawada Tsunayoshi’s younger brothers, and the Will of D means they remember everything. Sawada Iemitsu might once have been Akagami no Shanks and despite lacking his memories knows better than to keep secrets from his wife. (Iemitsu does keep a lot of secrets from Nono, such as the fact that he has more than one son.) Iemitsu redirects Xanxus’ attention to the Family traitors, Nono never meets Tsuna, and nobody gets sealed. Then Reborn shows up, and everything is now on fire. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
18.1.              The Needs Of Our Natures: Wolfram decides to prove exactly how much his mother’s son he really is and seduces Yuuri. Wolfram seduces Yuuri like it’s his job. (Yuuri likes it.) WIP - Unposted
19.1.               An Assemblage of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Team Iron Man focus, since Tony is reincarnated as Ned Stark. Starks are made of Iron, and Winter is coming. Tony’s genius intellect, knowledge of politics and economics, experience with magic and alternate realities, and the fact that Extremis carried over through his reincarnation and adapted to work with First Man magic means that the Stark siblings who go to the Tourney of Harrenhal are nothing like the canon versions. Rhaegar gets his Stark bride, and he proceeds to regret it for the rest of his life. Meta
19.2.               Iron Laced: Crossover with TMNT – Maria Carbonell was actually Oroku Karai in disguise because she was on vacation from being a member of the Council of Shadows. Karai and all the Turtles accessed magic ninja dragon powers when they took over the Council and Karai-as-Maria passed that down to Tony. So Tony is actually a dragon and an encounter with the Enchantress leaves him locked in his dragon form. WIP - Unposted
19.3.               Miles To Go: Post-MCU Civil War almost-Time Travel where Tony grieves so hard he sends an Extremis injector capsule to the year before the Winter Soldier murdered his parents. Said capsule lands in front of a wasted 15-year-old Tony in the aftermath of a frat party. Cue the face hugger scene. Tony gets an Extremis upgrade about 30 years ahead of schedule and it’s the only reason he survives the memory download without his brain turning into mush. WIP - Unposted
19.4.               Perception: Instead of killing Scott in X3, Dark Phoenix instead fixes the brain damage that prevented him from controlling his optic blasts and then shunts him trough time an space. Scott wakes up 18-years-old in Stryker’s lab and proceeds to hijack Wolverine’s rampage so that they can both escape. James Howlett is impressed, and Cyclops hates everything but especially time travel because it ruins all his fallback plans. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
20.1.               A Feather’s Weight: Crossover with FFVII – Kakashi and Obito, along with their respective subordinates, are reincarnated in Wutai, and are thus in position to undermine a lot of Hojo’s plans simply by being themselves. Wutai still loses, but by a much smaller margin, and SHIN-RA realizes much too late that Wutai’s “concession” was a trap. Kakashi is a big shiny distraction for Sephiroth, the SOLDIERS revolt, and nobody knows who assassinated President Shinra. WIP - Unposted
20.2.               A Space Between Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – The Konoha Founders and their siblings are reincarnated as Starks and Baratheons and manage to save the Realms of Men while resolving their many and varied issues with one another. Meta
20.3.               A Widening Gyre: Rin survives the Chidori and her existence is now an S-class secret. Said S-class secret distracts Obito on his way to ambush Kushina’s labour and several different chase scenes take place. They all end up in the ROOT base made from one of Tobirama’s old labs and instead of Kyuubi getting loose Team Ro, the Fourth Hokage’s team of bodyguards, Obito, Anko, and all of ROOT plus Danzo himself get dumped into the Warring Clans Era. Obito kills Danzo in a panic when he realizes that taking the Bijuu means killing Rin, Kakashi sacrifices himself again, and there is a lot more running around. Kakashi suborns ROOT en masse, Obito is stupidly overpowered and homicidal but it’s okay because Kakashi is playing damsel in distress and distracting him. The Senju and the Uchiha are all really confused by these kids, there are far too many mistaken identities, and Konoha gets founded much earlier than in canon. Meta
20.4.               According to Custom: Hashirama and Madara should not be left unsupervised (that’s why Mito and Touka tend to lurk nearby when they have tea together) because it causes them to get Brilliant Ideas. This time they decide to make friends with one another’s little brothers. How Madara went from being “nice” to Tobirama to courting the oblivious younger Senju is still something of a mystery, but there are several bets riding on when Tobirama is going to realize what’s going on. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.5.               Around the River Bend: Tobirama feels Itama die and runs to the river to mourn. Quite predictably he meets Madara there, and the course of History changes. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.6.               Colours and Promises: Set a decade after the Evil has been defeated and life returned to normal, Tobirama (once the magical superhero Dragon) is still living with the side effects of sacrificing everything to save the world while he was still a teenager. Notes on a piano, and a familiar voice singing a familiar song. Tobirama finds Madara (once the magical superhero Phoenix) and finally gets to enjoy his victory. Love can be killed, but it never dies, only ever taking on new shapes as we move on with our lives. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.7.               Dare Not Speak Its Name: Madara is Demi as all get out aka Madara’s a virgin with a shy dick. Also known as the AU where Madara proposes marriage to Tobirama for the sake of peace and the children. The only reason Izuna approves is because the thought of Tobirama suffering a lifetime of blueballs is hilarious to him. Meta
20.8.               Heavy as the Mountain: Team 7 is losing the fight against Kaguya, but Obito and Kakashi perform a last-minute sacrifice that means the kids survive. It also causes them all to be de-aged by over a decade and thrown back in time to the Warring Clans Era. Kakashi and Obito die, Team 7 gets adopted by presumably-Hatake Kanna, then a few years later they run into Uchiha Izuna and it all descends into chaos. (Team 7 takes total advantage of everything to get their revenge on Zetsu and maybe fix some of Konoha’s longstanding issues at the same time.)  Oneshot, Prompt Fill – Posted
20.8.1. Crumble To The Sea: The adventures of time travelling Team 7 as they get adopted by the Uchiha Clan, arrange to make Izuna’s life miserable until he proves worthy of courting their An-chan, and get aggressively mother-henned by Uchiha Madara. (The last one came as a bit of a surprise.) Kurama ends up adopting the Uchiha Clan because he likes frustrating Zetsu, and Team 7 appreciates the extra time to grow taller before they need to go weed whacking. Concept
20.9.               In Konoha We Dance: The Uchiha Clan has a tradition of belly dancing and it fixes everything that was wrong with Konoha in canon. Series
20.9.1. O-Bon Appetite: Thanks to his dance training Izuna manages the core control to dodge Tobirama’s sword enough to avoid a fatal wound and Konoha starts off on more equal footing. Tobirama then walks into a traditional Uchiha celebration and his brain shuts off. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.9.2. Hot Like Burning: Kushina drags Minato to the Uchiha Police Office Party so she can make time with Mikoto and there is so much skin, Minato was not emotionally prepared for this. Fugaku takes advantage of the Yondaime’s weakness as only an Uchiha can and the glorious ‘ship FuMiKuMi sets sail. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.9.3. Got This Fire Burning: Overnight shifts at the Mission Desk gets boring. Konoha ninja like to dance, because dancing isn’t boring. Kakashi shows them all how it’s done when a member of Team 7 hits it. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.10.           Karma, and the Repercussions Thereof: Crossover with KHR – Legendary Ninja from the Elemental Countries get reincarnated into KHR and proceed to adopt all the Magic Rainbow Fire Children. Nono and Iemitsu suffer. Series - WIP
20.10.1.                Karmic Balance: Kakashi and Obito are ninja married from the very start because of metaphysical bonding and some minor haunting during their last lives. Between Ninshu Shinobi needing to be in Clans and Flame Actives needing to be in Harmonies it does not take long before the child stealing begins. Gokudera Kakashi is the best wife and Dokuro Obito repents, repeatedly and often, while also having the time of his second life. Tsuna loves his Kakashi-sensei and wants to be just like him when he grows up. WIP, Chaptered - Posted
20.10.2.                Karmic Justice: Madara and his brothers are reborn as Fon’s nephews and do not take kindly to the Arcobaleno curse being put on one of their relatives. The Hibari Clan proceeds to start hunting for the Man in the Iron Man en mass. Madara and his brothers hit Namimori during Nono’s visit and witness the sealing of Tsunayoshi. They don’t take well to this either. Things go worse for Tsuna than they do in canon and Madara hunts down Tobirama because he needs the resurrection to be done perfectly. Tsuna loves his Madara-shishou and wants to be just like him when he grows up. Oneshot - Posted  Karmic Justice – Hubris: Madara comes across Xanxus in the ice while investigating the Vongola and despite Xanxus being a bit older than the usual target for child stealing decides to steal him anyway. After resurrecting Tsuna, Madara and Tobirama’s next project is defrosting Xanxus. Concept  Karmic Justice – Providence: Madara finds Xanxus on the streets while hunting in Italy for the Man in the Iron Mask. Wrath Flame calls to Wrath Flame and Madara instantly adopts the delightfully savage little boy. Then Namimori happens, and Tsuna’s seal gets him temporarily killed, and Xanxus reaches 100-year-Xanatos-Gambit-vengance-plot levels of overprotective big brother. WIP - Unposted
20.11.           Look the Innocent Flower: Orochimaru gets the Hat instead of Minato because instead of working for Danzo he creates his Baby-no-Jutsu (the same one that produced Rogu and Mitsuki) and that’s how Orochimaru accidently turns Tenzo into the Orochimaru-and-Tsunade lovechild while field testing some gene-splicing adoption techniques. Sarutobi is so delighted by all the babies he names Orochimaru his successor without any further debate. Konoha proceeds to become a somewhat androgynous, gender-fluid utopia full off affectionate, friendly people who only want you for your body. Orochimaru refuses to allow hypocrisy in his Konoha and loyalty to ones comrades is not only encouraged, it’s enforced. Meta
20.12.           Negotiation is an Artform: Remix of The Art of Negotiation by Kage88 – Konoha’s Founders take a trip to Uzushio and the Uzumaki are annoyingly persistent in their attentions, even when said attentions are unwanted. Tobirama’s political savvy is not to be underestimated, and Tobirama’s just as ridiculously overprotective of his loved ones as his relatives are of him. Bitchy pining resolves into dating, and the only reason Tobirama lets Hashirama get away with betting on his love life is because Hashirama was the only one who had faith in Tobirama making the first move. Oneshot, Fandom Exchange Fill - Complete
20.13.           No Evil Abolishing Resentment System: Post Kaguya’s return, Madara gets bound by a System determined to help Madara turn all his Resentment Level into Love Points via a quick transmigration plot. Transmigrator!Madara gets to kiss-kiss fall in love with Reincarnator!Tobirama 55 times in a row. I promise that all the gratuitous makeout sessions are plot relevant. Meta
20.14.           Only Fools Rush In: Also known as the Uchiha Get Catnipped AU – the scene of Rin’s suicide is a few seconds off from canon and this not only results in Rin remaining alive, but Obito is also welcomed back to life so enthusiastically by his teammates that his Makengyou spontaneously manifests. A year or so later, Danzo attempts to use an experimental drug to weaken the Uchiha Clan enough for ROOT to have an easy time killing them and/or an excuse for eradicating the entire Clan. Only the drug is a happy-making drug that has every single member of the Clan manifest the Makengyou and immediately run off to snuggle their friends, family, and sundry other precious people. Meta
20.15.           Red in Hand and Claw: Madara has Raptor Summons. This fact is significantly more terrifying than anyone outside of the Uchiha Clan is really aware of. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.16.           Roads Diverged: Kakashi from a Darker-Than-Canon AU ends his fight with Obito with mutual destruction, and as they both lay dying Kakashi confesses to having always loved Obito. Obito being Obito and therefore unholy levels of Extra even for an Uchiha, proceeds to use Edo Tensai on Team 7 in order to heal Kakashi and then fling him through dimensions until he lands in a Lighter-Than-Canon AU where Kakashi sees Rin in time to avoid hitting her with the Chidori. Things spiral from there. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
20.17.           Spite And Fury: A crossover with the “Original Goods” Proud Immortal Demon Way from Scum Villains Self-Saving System – Uchiha Madara and Shen Jiu get combined into a single person and Cang Qiong is not ready for this much concentrated asshole. Too bad for them, the new-and-improved Shen Qingqui is here to stay. Meta
20.18.           That We Answer to Our Stars: Crossover with SW – Kaguya’s reality warp has some strange side effects to the point of ridiculousness. All the Uchiha to ever exist are resurrected and then dumped wholesale onto an alien deathworld that is essentially what Training Ground 44 would be if it was allowed to cover an entire planet. The Uchiha proceed to seduce the Jedi and foil all of Palpatine’s plans for galactic domination. Meta, Chaptered WIP - Posted
20.19.           The Memory Remains: Canon divergence via the reincarnation of Uchiha Izuna, his wife Kanna, and Senju Touka as Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi, and Nohara Rin. Yes, they retained all their memories. Yes, Konoha is going to suffer for its sins against the children. Yes, this is going to end in a Team Minato threesome. Meta
20.20.           The Thin Line: Kakashi loses patience with the Sandaime when no appreciable action is taken to remove Danzo from power even after Kakashi literally reports to Sarutobi’s face that he was ordered by Danzo to assassinate the Third Hokage. So Kakashi crashes an Uchiha Clan meeting and asks them to run away with him and his cute little brothers to a lovely tropical Island. Cue the Uchiha Exodus That Fucks Over Canon. Kakashi and the Uchiha Clan proceed to re-found Uzushio and collect a few S-class missing nin along the way. Meta, WIP - Unposted
20.21.           The Waters and the Wild: The Senju are High Court Fae, and the Uchiha are Wild Hunt Shapeshifters. Tobirama attempts to interrupt Hashirama and Madara during their riverside meeting, only it backfires when he realizes that Madara is his Soulmate. Also the Uchiha are “clothing optional” and Tobirama was not emotionally prepared for this. Oneshot, Prompt Fill – Posted
20.22.           To Linger In Dreams: After Kaguya takes over his body Madara gets yeeted out of reality into the Void. An eldritch Void god takes an interest in Madara and chucks Madara into a Magic Fantasy AU and Madara is even more not-Human than he was before. Also known as that really fucked up AU with cursed ABO dynamics. Meta
20.23.           Truth in Hyperbole: Shinobi are what happen when Aliens and Humans have kids, Bloodline Talents are what happens when Kami and Youkai ancestry gets added to the pot. Most of the time Shinobi stay mostly Human. Sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they really don’t. Series - WIP
20.23.1.                Blood Price: Tobirama wakes up after being killed and proceeds to resurrect his little brothers and Madara’s little brothers. Tobirama would resurrect Madara too but Madara had already managed to resurrect himself. Oneshot, Comm. Fill - Posted
20.23.2.                Still Waters Run: The Sage of Six Paths gets his ass kicked by his ex-wife, his daughter-in-law, and Tobirama’s mother. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.23.3.                A Thing With Feathers: Madara’s side of the story of their transformation into minor kami. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.23.4.                Come Away: Zetsu is targeting Obito in another attempt to create the Rinnegan. Kakashi has his first “near death” experience and Obito is not amused at all. Neither is Rin. Team 7 is overprotective and codependent regardless of the generation in question. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.23.5.                Quoth the Raven: Danzo’s schemes got him chased out of Konoha to escape execution, and he invades during the Chunin Exams in order to get his revenge. Summoning Tobirama using the Edo Tensai was probably not the best plan. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.24.           Tsukumogami No Kankurou: While he is still very young, Kankurou signs a Summons contract with the Tsukumogami (aka the Muppet Theater Troupe) and then proceeds to interrupt Yashamaru’s “attack” on Gaara while simultaneously wreaking havoc across the entirety of Sunagakure. All of this is done to get back at Rasa for not letting Kankurou play with his baby brother. The Middle Child Syndrome is strong in this one. Never underestimate the power of petty spite. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.25.           Twice is Happenstance: As a side effect of the battle against Kaguya breaking through dimensions, the ghosts of the Uchiha Clan send their memories as far back as possible. On the eve of his younger brother’s assassinations, Uchiha Madara wakes up with memories of being Indra and Sasuke. All the Uchiha have memories of their past and future lives combining with their current selves, and it causes something of a fracas while it gets sorted out. Cue the Uchiha Exodus That Fucks Over Canon. Oneshot - Posted
20.25.1.                Enemy Action: The building of Uchihatlantis, the knockback effects of remembering more than one lifetime, and what happens when the Uchiha start to go back out into the world in order to hunt down their spouses and mess up Zetsu’s plans. Meta
20.26.           Two Steps Back: Retired Rokudaime Hatake Kakashi accidently has his first vacation ever interrupted when he visits the Uzushiogakure ruins and gets slingshot back an incarnation or two due to triggering a derelict seal. Kakashi being Kakashi, he proceeds to continue with his vacation until he has a drunken bar hookup with Uchiha Izuna and now the beloved younger brother of Uchiha “I-can-fight-five-armies-and-win” Madara is stalking Kakashi in order to recite (hilariously awful) poetry about the beauty of Kakashi’s kenjutsu. This is not the retirement Kakashi signed up for. Drabbles, Prompt Fills – Posted
20.26.1.     TSB – And a Jump To The Left: The epic courtship confusion which descends upon the Land of Fire when the Time-Travelling King of Trolls and an Angry Weasel Brat attempt to out-romance each other. Meta
20.27.           Two Truths and a Lie: Mikoto and Kushina have been fake!dating for years to keep the more annoying Uchiha relatives from trying to get her married off. It’s a brilliant plan, and it works perfectly. But times change, and Kushina’s eyes are very pretty. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
20.28.           Wills of Fire and Conquest: Crossover with OP – Kakashi is Rouge’s little brother and ends up raising the ASL trio while also searching for other reincarnated shinobi. Obito and the rest of Akatsuki become the Red Dawn Pirates and Kakashi eventually founds a new Uzushiogakure on the Red Line. Ace decides he wants to be the Nidaime Uzukage, and Whitebeard accidently insults Ace’s mother so badly during the “recruitment” debacle that Ace spends 100 days trying to beat an apology out of the arrogant old goat. Shinobi-versus-pirate culture clash is frequent and hilarious. WIP - Unposted
20.29.           Worth of a Thousand Words: Political Hostage!Tobirama gets caught by the Uchiha just before he manages to use Hiraishin in battle for the first time. The Uchiha are all sensors that use Ninshu techniques otherwise since lost to time to communicate among themselves. This results in a much more united Uchiha Clan who are perfectly willing to let Madara push for a peace treaty with the Senju now that Tobirama’s capture has given them the leverage to do so. Meta
21.1.               1001 Demonic Nights: An AU Rikuo who was dragged into Yomi along with his Hakkai Yakko during the battle against the Nue manages to escape from hell by jumping into an alternate reality where his mother Wakana had a threesome with Rihan and Otome. Wakana left to take over her family shrine without telling her lovers that she was pregnant. The Rikuo who was born as a result died as an infant from the Nue’s curse on Nurarihyon’s bloodline. Both Rikuo and Otome’s daughter were conceived on the same night and are both half-demons due to Rihan shifting forms for kinky species-play. WIP - Unposted
22.1.               Burning Salt Water: Crossover with KHR – Xanxus gets dumped onto the Oro Jackson during the Pirate King’s last voyage when Nono’s Zero Point goes sideways and he ends up adopted by Rouge and Roger while he heals. After the execution Xanxus ends up raising the ASL trio to take over the Pirate Throne and Ace sets the Moby Dick on fire when Whitebeard kidnaps him. WIP – Unposted
22.2.               How Far I’ll Go: Roger had other lovers before he met Rouge and one of them was a Fishwife that he met at a Peacemoot. Their daughter was a mermaid and thus needed to remain on Fishman Island for her own safety. The World Government is so Human-centric that they don’t bother looking into any of Roger’s lady friends from the other races. Gol D Ann gives no shits about anybodies prejudices and when her mixed up genetics mean her feet come in about 20 years early she immediately takes off to track down her baby brother. Goldfish is Luffy’s favourite sibling and Ann is delighted to find three baby brothers for the price of one. WIP - Unposted
22.3.               Rumour, Slander, Hearsay: Garp is even worse at interpersonal communication than in canon and now the entire Marine fleet thinks that Monkey D Dragon is an oversexed degenerate who keep dumping his illegitimate spawn on his poor heroic father’s doorstep. Otherwise known as Dragon adopts ASL and they seek a glorious Revolution. Meta
22.4.               Those Who Favour Fire: Ace survives Marineford, even if only in spirit, because the Goddess of the Sea answered the prayer of another version of Ace. Waking up in the place of his 17-year-old murdered doppelganger, Ace now has to deal with raising a 7-year-old Luffy and escaping the notice of the Marines. Oh, and his murdered younger self is hanging around as a ghost, all the younger versions of Luffy’s crewmates keep showing up on Ace’s boat, and Ace keeps getting tripped up over how much more horrible this world is compared to the one he came from. Chaptered WIP - Posted
22.5.               Where the Sky Meets the Sea: Crossover with KHR – The ASL Trio are reborn as Sawada Tsunayoshi’s younger brothers, and the Will of D means they remember everything. Sawada Iemitsu might once have been Akagami no Shanks and despite lacking his memories knows better than to keep secrets from his wife. (Iemitsu does keep a lot of secrets from Nono, such as the fact that he has more than one son.) Iemitsu redirects Xanxus’ attention to the Family traitors, Nono never meets Tsuna, and nobody gets sealed. Then Reborn shows up, and everything is now on fire. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
22.6.               Wildfire Hearts: Ace goes back in time from his death to the Grey Terminal Fire, figures out how to use natural fire to heal himself, saves child!Ace and child!Luffy, changes his name to Portgas D Riot, runs away to the Grand Line with his baby brothers, puts together a new pirate crew, and hits on Marco so hard the Phoenix forgets how to complete his sentences. Everything works out for the better. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
22.6.1. WH – Heave A Sigh And A Wish For Me: SI-Clearfin Lionfish Mermaid named Occhio D Vittoria gets tapped in by the Ocean Goddess to help Riot et al from Wildfire Hearts succeed in their adventures.Oneshot, Prompt Fill – Posted
22.6.2. WH – Today Is The Day Of Reckoning: Riot is gathering up his new crew, forming the Anarchy Pirates, dealing with Garp, seducing Marco the Pheonix, and discovering that Sabo survived when his little brothers gatecrash a Revolutionary Army mission. Meta
22.7.               Wills of Fire and Conquest: Crossover with Naruto – Kakashi is Rouge’s little brother and ends up raising the ASL trio while also searching for other reincarnated shinobi. Obito and the rest of Akatsuki become the Red Dawn Pirates and Kakashi eventually founds a new Uzushio on the Red Line. Ace decides he wants to be the Nidaime Uzukage, and Whitebeard accidently insults Ace’s mother so badly during the “recruitment” debacle that Ace spends 100 days trying to beat an apology out of the arrogant old goat. Shinobi-versus-pirate culture clash is frequent and hilarious. WIP - Unposted
23.1.               Event Horizons: Leon isn’t human, and that changes things in the aftermath of the confrontation with Papa D. Count D wants to unravel the mystery of his favourite Detective, and Leon is starting to wake up. Hopefully they both find the knowledge they’re looking for before it’s too late and their enemy finds them. Chaptered WIP – Posted (Under Revision)
24.1.              The Hero Of His Own Story: When Green Oak is replaced as the Kanto Champion less than a full 24 hours after winning the title, he runs. Right into a Celebi that was looking for an assistant. Green Oak gets over his bullshit really fast because oh shit that’s an Angry Legendary. Green is also supremely unimpressedwith Red’s bullshit when he learns that Red was supposed to be dealing with all the world-saving events but is instead hiding in a depression cave. Meta
25.1.               From Olympus to Mu: The Senshi go to college and Mamoru reunites with the Shitennou. Basis of headcanons and characterization for any further post-canon SM fic. WIP - Unposted
25.2.               Music of the Spheres: Crossover with KHR – Post Stars Usagi and Post Vongola Inheritance Tsuna are cousins who meet for the first time ever only after the Vongola’s enemies kidnap Ikkuko and Shingo. Usagi gets taken into protective custody by her Mafia relatives without being given the chance to say she doesn’t need it. Usagi then proceeds to seduce all the women, charm all the men, and accidently throw Iemitsu out the nearest window every time he’s in the same room she is. Chaptered WIP - Posted
25.2.1. MotS – Celestial Chorus – MotS Spinoff AU: Chibiusa’s arrival has Usagi dragging her family to Namimori to prove that Chibiusa isn’t their cousin and things get wildly out of hand. Meta
25.2.2. MotS – Sing In Exaltation: The Shingo from The Sharp Knife Of A Short Life hears the name of his ‘cousin in Namimori’ and immediately begins to meddle. Meta
25.3.               The Sharp Knife Of A Short Life: SI is reborn as Tsukino Shingo under the aegis of the Roman God Janus and then proceeds to merrily say ‘screw canon, my sister gets to be happy or else’. Oneshot, Prompt Fill - Posted
26.1.               Spite And Fury: A crossover with Naruto and the “Original Goods” Proud Immortal Demon Way from Scum Villains Self-Saving System – Uchiha Madara and Shen Jiu get combined into a single person and Cang Qiong is not ready for this much concentrated asshole. Too bad for them, the new-and-improved Shen Qingqui is here to stay. Meta
27.1.               Infinite Blue: Zelgadis starts paying more attention to the deeper practices of Shamanism and gets in touch with his demonic side while achieving deeper harmony in himself. Xellos approves and it all results in magic explosions and very strange demonic courtship rituals. WIP - Unposted
28.1.               Skipped Tracks: The triplets from Underground end up transmigrating into the recently deceased bodies of their counterparts in a SatAM reality and proceed to rock out and confuse everyone. WIP - Unposted
29.1.               A Balance of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Qui-Gon Jinn’s three Padawan Learners and Padme (who got taken in Anakin’s place) are reincarnated as the Tyrell siblings. They proceed to follow the Will of the Force and prepare the Seven Kingdoms to win against the Long Night. Meta
29.2.               A Robe of Stars: Crossover with TMNT – The turtles and Karai help Obi-wan save the Initiates and babies in the Jedi crèche before the Temple gets razed. Once the children are safe, Obi-wan and his new allies turn their attention to saving the Vode. WIP – Unposted
29.3.               That We Answer to Our Stars: Crossover with Naruto – Kaguya’s reality warp has some strange side effects to the point of ridiculousness. All the Uchiha to ever exist are resurrected and then dumped wholesale onto an alien deathworld that is essentially what Training Ground 44 would be if it hadn’t been fenced in. The Uchiha proceed to seduce the Jedi and foil all of Palpatine’s plans for galactic domination. Meta, Chaptered WIP – Posted
30.1.               A Robe of Stars: Crossover with SW – The turtles and Karai help Obi-wan save the Initiates and babies in the Jedi crèche before the Temple gets razed. Once the children are safe, Obi-wan and his new allies turn their attention to saving the Vode. WIP - Unposted
30.2.               A Velvet Glove: Crossover with FOZ – Leonardo gets summoned to be Louise’s Familiar. Since all of his brothers are dead, Leo sees no reason not to make the most of this “lifelong bond of magic and spirit” and adopts Louise as his little sister. Halgenkia is not prepared for a Louise Francois le Blanc de la Valliere with ninja training. Henrietta is probably far too gleeful over making her best friend her Spymaster, but it’s not like anyone knows enough about what they’re doing to stop her. Reconquista gets exposed and smashed, and Wardes really should have respected his fiancée more. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
30.3.               Iron Laced: Crossover with TMNT – Maria Carbonell was actually Oroku Karai in disguise because she was on vacation from being a member of the Council of Shadows. Karai and all the Turtles accessed magic ninja dragon powers when they took over the Council and Karai-as-Maria passed that down to Tony. So Tony is actually a dragon and an encounter with the Enchantress leaves him locked in his dragon form. WIP - Unposted
30.4.               Paper Flowers: Leonardo and Michelangelo reconnect after years of separation and deal with some leftover issues from their childhood while they prepare to welcome the next generation of Ninja Turtles into the world. WIP - Unposted
30.5.               Patching the Trousers: Starting from the end of the Fast Forward arc, Leonardo gets lost in the multiverse and proceeds to adopt all the secondary turtles. All of them. Leonardo is the Mom Friend, only he’s not a friend he’s just a Mom. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
30.6.               Stained Bandages: Realistic resolution to the most common dark!Splinter tropes. Leo doesn’t really care about himself, but if you touch his brothers he will kill you. Splinter touches Raphael. Karai is gifted with Splinter’s decapitated head in a box. Oneshot- Posted
30.7.               Unraveled Sleeves: After First Contact and Splinter’s death from old age, the Turtles scattered to live their lives. Leonardo is the only one who stayed in the Lair. Making peace with the Karai was only the first step towards healing, and Leo makes peace with himself as he takes on students and his family grows again. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
31.1.               A Transformation of Ice and Fire: Crossover with GOT – Most of the Cybertronians who died during Unicron’s Awakening end up reincarnated as dragons (Seekers) and Direwolves (Autobots). The sapience of the animals causes significant changes to outcome of several key canon events. Meta
31.2.              Action Equals Reaction: There is a time and a place for everything. Even things like learning that your Air Commander is pregnant, and his parents are wingnuts. The middle of battle is neither the time nor the place. Oneshot - Posted
31.3.               Compromising Positions: Bay’verse Shattered Glass – Megatron knows that there’s something wrong with his brother, but nobody will listen to him. Oneshot - Posted
31.4.               High Stakes Wagers: Decepticon Romantic Gestures at their finest. Series
31.4.1. The Bet: Soundwave saves Starscream’s life after he gets blasted away from Unicron and they proceed to have wild, kinky spark-bonding and that’s it that’s the plot. Oneshot - Posted
31.4.2. The Rebirth: Starscream and Soundwave head off Galvatron and Zarak’s attempt to destroy Cybertron (and Earth, but that’s really secondary to them) and earn their just rewards for being on the winning side. Oneshot - Posted
31.5.               Nine Rings of Vos: The Epic Seeker Saga where Starscream is the uncontested leader of the Seekers and he’s using the Great War as a cover to renew his people’s population numbers, add some variety to their core coding, and also destroy the Cybertronian Government because they liked to make Seekers into their slaves. Seven-part Series, Chaptered, WIP - Posted
31.5.1. Before Dawn: A Rings spin-off where the Seekers are actually all sparklings who disguised themselves as their parents in order to survive the Great War. Crash-landing on Earth precipitates the Big Reveal and also the actual adult Seekers get woken from Government sanctioned stasis thanks to the energy surges caused by resource shipments coming in from Earth. Chaptered, WIP - Posted
31.6.               No Evil: Starscream is a scientist who wants to stay a scientist but he’s so damn good at being Air Commander that he gets promoted anyway. Also, his best friend/roommate from the War Academy is the closest thing to a therapist that the Decepticons have and that means Starscream stays mostly sane. Concept, WIP - Unposted
31.7.               Thundercracker’s So Crazy in Love: Seekers Go Into Heat and that will put the War on pause for a bit because of the crazy. Series
31.7.1. Always the Quiet Ones: Thundercracker terrorizes the Decepticon forces on Earth while displaying for his Wingmates and accidently kills Megatron. Oneshot - Posted
31.7.2. Decepticon Service Announcement: Thundercracker is the new Supreme Leader of the Decepticons and he’s decided that they’re in a good position to negotiate peace terms with the Autobots now. Oneshot - Posted
32. YU-GI-OH
32.1.               Old Game, New Rules: Sentinels and Guides are a built in part of society and a certain playing card game ties into that a bit more than most people would expect. There’s a lot of gratuitous soul-bonding smut, worldbuilding runs rampant, and there’s a lot of social commentary on the futility of stereotyping any portion of the population based on a single point of commonality. Chaptered WIP – Unposted
32.2.               The Future of the Past: Jounouchi’s past life left a surprise in their soul that the trip to memory world triggers and now Katsuya is living through all of Jono’s memories. Chaptered WIP – Posted (Under Revision)
33.1.              Bonds: Koenma and Yusuke are soulmates and Enma Daioh interferes because one his brat son is properly wedded and bedded Enma can take a long overdue vacation. Oneshot – Posted
33.1.1.                  Ties That Bind: Koenma and Yusuke are just starting to get used to being bonded mates when a new/old-and-forgotten enemy shows up to complicate things. WIP – Unposted (Under Revision)
33.2.              What Happens on Vacation: Crossover with Bleach – turns out that Kurosaki Misaki was a senior ferry girl on sabbatical (which translates as living a mortal life unaware of her true nature) and she was late returning to work due to being trapped in Grand Fishers gut. Ichigo and Uryuu are very confused when their “cousin” Kazuma shows up to introduce his new bride to the family. Koenma is just really pissed off by all the paperwork he needs to deal with while cleaning up his father’s mismanaged pet project. Chaptered WIP - Unposted
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thedevotionaltour · 6 months
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Daredevil #11 - "A Time to Unmask!" (October 1965)
Written by Stan Lee Art by Bob Powell (pencils), Wally Wood (inks)
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harvardfineartslib · 2 years
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“The ice and the long moonlit polar nights, with all their yearning, seemed like a far-off dream from another world— a dream that had come and passed away. But what would life be worth without its dreams? - Fridtjof Nansen, “Farthest North,” 1897
This publication introduces the artistic legacy of the planet's frozen frontiers now threatened by a changing climate. Tracing the impact of glaciers, icebergs, and fields of ice on artists' imaginations, “Vanishing Ice” explores the connections between generations of artists who have adopted different styles, media, and approaches to interpret alpine and polar landscapes.
Image 1: Front cover with image by Jean de Pomereu, “Fissure 2 (Antarctica)” from Sans Nom, 2008, archival inkjet print. Description: A fissure on the ice showing the dark water underneath
Image 2. Top: Marc Theodore Bourrit, “Le Mont Blanc vu en face du coté de l’Allée-Blanche,” from Horace-Benedict de Saussure, Voyages dans les Allpes, 1786, engraving. Bottom: Patrizia Imhof, Le Mont Blanc vu en face du coté de, l’Allée-Blanche, 2009, color photograph Description: Two photographs showing the difference in the amount of ice and snow on Mont Blanc. Top image from 1786 shows a lot more amount of ice and snow covering the mountains. Bottom image shows very little snow on top of the mountains.
Image 3: Francois-Auguste Biard, Pêche au morse par des Groënlandais, vue de l’Océan Glacial (Greenlanders hunting walrus, view of the Polar Sea), Salon of 1841, oil on canvas. Description: A couple of fishing boats with fishermen in the foreground, surrounded by a number of large icebergs in the rough sea.
Vanishing ice : alpine and polar landscapes in art, 1775-2012 Matilsky, Barbara C. [author] 1st ed. Bellingham, Wash. : The Whatcom Museum ; Seattle, Wash. : Distributed by the University of Washington Press, 2013. 144 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. Language: English "This publication accompanies the touring exhibition, Vanishing ice : alpine and polar landscapes in art, 1775-2012, for the Whatcom Museum ... Whatcom Museum, Bellingham, Washington, November 2, 2013-March 2, 2014; El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso, Texas, June 1-August 24, 2014; McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinberg, Ontario, October 11, 2014-January 11, 2015" 2013 HOLLIS number: 990138118670203941
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thedutchsighthound · 4 years
WSRN times 150m race 26/07/2020
8-10 KG KEUR KLASSE 1 Lucy Ernst Hofman 11,45 2 Lotta Marianne Booij 11,92 3
ELITE 1 On Top Timothy Fidom 10,32
10-12 KG KEUR KLASSE 1 Puck Lissa vd Nes 10,09 2 Twiggy Steven Krap 10,38 3 Efi Cisca vd Toorn 11,08 Esmee Leo Hendriks 11,69 Siri J.V. vd Hurk 11,94
ELITE 1 Quoca-ine Elita Dassen 9,54 2 Pink Hot Lady Elita Dassen 10,08 3 Abby Laila van Vooren 10,09 Kyra Merel vd Velde 10,62
KEUR KLASSE 12-14 KG 1 Daddy Cool Angelique Huisman 10,97 2 Eliesha Cisca vd Toorn 11,36 3 Desigual of GM Leo Hendriks 11,39 Ace Erwin Klijn 11,43 Aprille Marianne Booij 11,62 Megan Marianne Booij 12,15 Ivy Ernst Hofman 12,30 Jim Hielke de Roo GT
ELITE 12-14 KG 1 Layla Merel vd Velde 8,97 2 PinkPop Elita Dassen 9,96 3 Funk de Luxe Diana Vermylen 9,98 Pocket Rocket Timothy Fidom 10,25
KEURKLASSE 14-16 KG 1 Bliss Monique Post 10,23 2 Blueberry Miho Masui 10,31 3 Raspberry Miho Masui 10,41 Poppy Hills Leo Hendriks 10,75 Lloyd Tania Delahaye 12,34 Miss Logan Ben Honingh GT
14-16 KG ELITE 1 Gentle Heart Edwin Kasteleijns 9,55 2 Djuno Mary van Gameren 9,63 3 Lucky One Timothy Fidom 9,64 Tourmaline Timothy Fidom 10,05
KEURKLASSE 16-18 KG 1 Courtborne Ganges Lydia Kersbergen 10,47 2 Schubert Elly de Visser 10,72 3 Hazel Monique Post 10,87 Nio Lie Florus 10,97 Emi Cisca vd Toorn 11,00 Xenophon Leo Hendriks 11,13 Paxie Lie Florus 11,50 Bliss Nathalie Molenaar GT
ELITE 1 Barney Frank en Eliza 9,24 2 Dino Frank en Eliza 9,25 3 Nosey Blue Lad Vivien Boeykens 9,48 Juno Hellen van Meene 9,86 Evy Jan Visse 9,91
18+ KG Keur 1 Bidai Olaf en Manon Le Blanc 10,93 Tore Rob van Rhijn GT Mylo Nathalie Molenaar GT
Elite 1 Grover Frank en Eliza 9,54 2 Annie Frank en Eliza 9,94 3 DJ Kitty Mulder 9,99 Pebbles Francois Damen 10,14
GALGO 1 Hugo Jorine de Groot 10,06 2 Messi Jamie Altepost 10,22 3 Bella Frans van Meene 10,42 Angel Loes Peterson 11,12 Saga Jamie Altepost 11,40 Mila Jamie Altepost 12,25 Jojo Natasja Wijnrox 12,75 Famke Loes Peterson 12,50
BARSOI 1 Opaal Anneke Smit 12,91 2 Aston Anneke Smit 13,56 3 Fritz Anneke Smit 14,4
IT WINDHOND 1 Xylon Anneke Smit 12,46 2 Djinto Lilian Pike 13,05 3 Djalani Lilian Pike 19,87 Xeno Rob vd Sande GT Vigo Tania Delahaye GT
PODENCO 1 Djueno Lilian Pike 12,47 2 Djesta Lilian Pike 13,5
SILKEN WINDSPRITE 8-10 KG 1 Juul Marry Reijerkerk 12,53 2 Tessy Christel Mijers 14,05
10-12 KG 1 Timon Christel van Hout 14,34 2 Spriet John vd Eshof 29,28
12-14 KG (Note that with Falco the flagraiser gave the go when raising the flag, the time is not actually accurate sadly...) 1 Falco Arjanne Lagendijk 10,1 2 Zappa Arjanne Lagendijk 11,1 3 Elvis Arjanne Lagendijk 11,44 Yanosh Inez Hoefer 11,52 Pablo Inez Hoefer 12,26 Kaya Fam Huitema 12,73 Raja Daphne van Driel 12,78 Cinta Daphne van Driel 16,78
14-16 KG 1 Remus Anne Binnendijk 10,5
18+ KG 1 Orion J.V. vd Hurk 10,81
BASENJI 8-10 kg 1 Aoide Janneke de Graaf 14,54
10-12 kg 1 Maeva Janneke de Graaf 13,74 2 Mirtillo Janneke de Graaf 17,04
12-14 kg 1 Finlay Janneke de Graaf 12,5 2 Beau Marieke Hoeijmakers 12,88 3 Mazzer Rebecca Etman 13,43
AZAWAKH 1 Alice Francien Honing 13,34
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rasmusundepo-blog · 5 years
Asal-Usul Roulette
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Agen judi online undepo Roulette adalah salah satu permainan kasino paling populer di dunia dan dinikmati oleh jutaan setiap hari, tetapi di mana semuanya dimulai?
Term'roulette ' berasal dari roda words'small ' dalam bahasa Prancis sehingga aman untuk mengasumsikan bahwa orang Prancis ada hubungannya dengan penciptaan permainan. Blaise Pascal dikreditkan dengan pengenalan permainan rolet primitif dalam pencariannya akan mesin gerak abadi pada abad ke-17. Namun, roda rolet itu sendiri diyakini merupakan kombinasi dari sejumlah permainan lama Inggris, Perancis dan Italia yang sudah ada.
Deskripsi awal dari roda rolet dapat ditemukan di Perancis novel'La Roulette, ou Le Jour ' dan ini adalah di 1796. Namun referensi paling awal untuk permainan ini terlihat pada 1758 di New France (sekarang Quebec) yang sebenarnya melarang permainan judi yang dikenal sebagai rolet daftar judi online undepo.
Bentuk rolet Eropa (1 hijau 0 daripada 0 dan 00 di versi ' Amerika ') ditelusuri kembali ke kota Jerman Homburg. Ia masih dikreditkan ke dua orang Prancis, Francois dan Louis Blanc. 0 tunggal telah diperkenalkan untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan dalam mendukung penjudi dan karenanya menjadikannya pilihan yang lebih menarik yang 00 gaya permainan. Dan ketika bola mendarat di salah satu bagian rumah mengklaim semua taruhan di atas meja.
Ketika Jerman (salah satu Kekaisaran terbesar di Eropa saat itu) dilarang bermain game di perjudian tahun 1860-an dan roda rolet pindah ke selatan Perancis dan memegang Monte Carlo. Agen Judi Online Undepo Monte Carlo dengan cepat menjadi tempat di mana elit dan kaya kali ini datang untuk berjudi dan tetap identik dengan kasino sekarang.
Sementara itu, pada saat ini, rolet sedang bepergian ke utara melalui Amerika Serikat mulai di New Orleans. Itu di sini, karena kecurangan baik oleh penjudi dan operator yang Roulette menjadi meja permainan atas dan juga di sini bahwa roda rolet seperti yang kita tahu sekarang menjadi standar situs judi online undepo.
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haitilegends · 5 years
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Petite causerie sur La Méringue Haïtienne.
Il nous a été adjugé par le Président de l’association HOHS, Mr le Docteur Pierre Alix Haspile, la tâche de vous présenter une petite causerie sur la méringue Haïtienne. Cette présentation nous permettra de véhiculer quelques informations qui reflètent ce genre de musique qui, selon certains critiques, devient désuet, suranné ou erroné.
Dans une première partie, on va pouvoir démontrer comment le mot Méringue ait connu différentes connotations à travers le temps et l’espace. Nous essaierons aussi de graviter autour de différents styles de Méringue, leurs cadences et certains artistes qui ont contribué à l’embellissement de cet héritage culturel. Dans une seconde partie, l’aspect social de la méringue sera mis en relief dans toute sa splendeur par Marc Mathelier, virtuose de la guitare.
Méringue: Quand ce mot résonne a vos oreilles, à quoi pensez vous? Si vous recherchez ce thème dans un dictionnaire Français, vous verrez que cela ne désigne pas une danse où un genre de musique. Le mot méringue désigne plutôt’ une sorte de pâtisserie légère à base de sucre et de blancs d’œufs que l’on fait cuire à feu doux.
Serait il le groupe carnavalesque fondé par Antoine Duverger pendant les années quarante.?
Il fut un temps au Congo, lorsqu’on se référait à une femme méringue, il s’agissait d’une prostituée. Alors dans le contexte haïtien qu’est ce que ce mot veut dire?. Serait –ce le Compas Direct, ce dérivé de la méringue Dominicaine ou la Cadence Rampas, un extrait du Compas Direct qui se différencie de ce dernier par ses phrases musicales assez longues et sa guitare de style Rock and Roll. D’où vient il ce mot qui hante bon nombre d’entre nous et qui a suscité pas mal de controverses dans notre monde culturel?
Comme nous rapporte l’histoire, discipline scientifique qui s’assigne de façon objective à révéler le passé humain. Le musicologue, Jean Fouchard dans son livre titré’ La Méringue Danse Nationale D’Haïti’, nous fait remarquer que le mot ‘ Méringue’ avait pris naissance à Saint Domingue vers la fin de la colonisation et fut introduit par les esclaves Mozambiques lors de la traite des noirs. Ce mot écrit-il vient d’une danse Bantoue nommée ‘Mouringue”
Sténio Vincent de son coté, musicien, ancien magistrat de Port-Au Prince et Président D’Haiti s’est basé sur cette assertion “ Tout se fait en immitant” pour éliciter la théorie suivante dans son livre “ La République D’Haïti Telle Qu’elle Est”. Il est très probable que c’est en voyant leurs maitres danser le Fandango que les esclaves des anciennes colonies Espagnoles finirent par les imiter et inventer la Danza. C’est en observant leurs maîtres que les esclaves en voyant leurs maîtres danser la Polka l’avaient probablement modifiée pour la faire devenir la Chica (danse Africaine d’origines guerrières ) et c’est en modifiant la Chica que les esclaves de Saint Domingue finirent par inventer le Carabinier dont est née la Méringue qui est devenue une danse nationale.
Le Docteur Constantin Dumervé, l’auteur de ‘ Histoire De La Musique En Haiti’ rapporte au chapitre dix de ce livre une assertion du musicologue, pianiste, Dr Frank Lassègue. Appuyant les avances du Dr Lassègue, le Docteur Dumervé s’accorde avec l’idée que le mot méringue aurait pour origines deux mots Anglais remontant à l’époque coloniale” Merry ring” significante de danse joyeuse. Comme vous avez pu constater, le mot Méringue veut dire tout un monde de choses et il est important à ce que son origine soit sujette à questions.
Pendant la seconde moitié du dix neuvième siècle, la méringue projetait l’allure d’une musique raffinée où l’influence de Cécile Chaminade (1857-1944) et Louis Moreau (1829-1869) était perçue par l’ ouie. A cette époque, les deux cousins, Albert Grandville, Fernand Frangueul et Mauléart Monton étaient à la une. Ce dernier, l’auteur de la mélodie, “Choucoune” traduisit ses sentiments en utilisant des mesures à deux temps imprégnées de quintolets. Cependant, au fil des ans, on a pu constater que cette forme d’écriture régulière est devenue la base de la méringue Haïtienne. Alors, pour codifier et symboliser ce trait, Occilius Jeanty, père et fils, écrivirent une grammaire musicale en 1888 (Paris Librairie Évangélique).
En 1904, Théramene Menes, compositeur, théoricien, professeur de musique au Lycée Alexandre Pétion, contrairement aux Jeanty, préférait le two steps; la musique syncopée Américaine. Aux travers de ses échanges d;idées ou d’opinions, la méringue fut bifurquée en deux branches. L’une revêt l’allure d’une musique romantique que l’on jouait dans les salons dont les précursseurs furent Michel Mauléart Monton 1855-1898, Justin Elie, 1883-1931, Ludovic Lamothe, 1852-1953 et Occide Jeanty Fils 1860-1936. Cependant, la deuxième branche de la méringue fut influencée par les Duroseau, Lyncée 1859-1936 et ses deux enfants Fabre et Arthur. Les Duroseau s’exhibaient en interprétant de la musique sautillante, une méringue qui se dansait à l’anglaise, c’est à dire; en sautant. En face de ses courants d’idées, il paraissait que Sténio Vincent se fut alligné du coté de Théramene Ménes et des Duroseau parce qu’il avait cité Ménes dans son livre” La République d'Haïti Telle Qu’elle Est”. Qu’est ce à dire de la citation suivante?
Maintenant, nous prenons la liberté d’ajouter que, nous aussi, nous avions sacrifié au “quintolet” mais , depuis l’ importations des two steps Américains, nous avions reconnu notre erreur et nous avions éssayer d’adopter pour noter notre méringue la méthode Américaine. Nous disons que la méthode Américaine est bonne pour rendre nos pensées mélodiques plus agréables dans la méringue parce que le two steps, en somme , n’est que de la méringue écrite correctement et danser à l’anglaise.
Cependant, il demeure certains que la méthode utilisée par Michel Desgrottes (1925-1994) pour écrire “Destin’ que Nemours Jean Baptiste et Pierre Blain ont gravée sur disques appartiennent aux Jeanty. Luc Jean Baptiste utilisa la même formule pour composer “Dianne”, Kiki Wrainright, ‘Haiti Mon Pays” et il en est de même pour Francois Guignard, 1904-1979, qui immortalisa Adeline, sa fille bien aimée. Dans cette même lignée de notation, Antacidas O. Murrat, 1915-1988, nous dota de “ Soirée Perdue, Soirée Gonaivienne, Irene qu’il écrivit pour sa femme, et Fleur De Mai, mélodie reprise par Gina Dupervil en 1993”. Quand j’ai entendu la nouvelle version de “Fleur De Mai, je ne pouvais m’empêcher d’écrire une lettre au producteur de ce disque audionumérique où Fleur de Mai est interprétée en boléro.
Nous ne saurions minimiser ou ignorer l’approche du Dr Charles Dessalinnes dans son disque titré “ Charles Dessalines Et Son Sax Tenor”, ou Bernadette, méringue lente ou langoureuse, composition de Delyle Benoit des Gonaïves , a été mise en relief (RID104).
Que dire du travail de Eddy Prophete après des années d’absence de la scène musicale Haïtienne? Son premier compact titré Katso, paru sur le label Mini Records en 1995, lui a permis de redorer ses blasons en interprétant au piano solo des thèmes de la méringue Haïtienne aromatisées avec du Jazz. Eddy sur ce disque audionumérique une tradition musicale presque oubliée.
Je crois fermement, comme le Docteur Constantin Dumervé que la méringue, musique des colonies Espagnoles et D’Haïti n’est méprisée que par des musiciens qui n’ont pas suffisamment de théorie pour la comprendre. Il est évident, qu’au fil des ans on a pu reconnaitre trios styles de méringues:
La mélodie lente ou langoureuse ( Fleur De Mai, Choucoune, Souvenirs D’Haïti de Othello Bayard, Haiti Chérie de Marcel Sylvain et Cité Du Cap Haitien de Ulrick Pierre Louis.
La mélodie vive, le Compas Direct, la Cadence Rampas et certains rythme Ama tonel, Nibo de Ludovic Lamothe, mélodie exécutée avec une impression vive( Edner Guignard et Son Orchestre/ Les Belles Méringues D’Haiti, MarcCD400.
La mélodie forte ou meringue carnavalesque. Nibo de Ludovic Lamothe exécutée avec une impression furieuse, Zizipan de Occide Jeanty, Men Jet la de wébert Sicot et Tou lumen de Nemours Jean-Batiste
Pour terminer, j’aimerais parodier le Dr Dumervé en disant que ‘la méringue se caractérise par le mélange de trois éléments distincts: Une inspiration rythmique de l’Afrique, une exubérance Espagnole et une élégance française qui prévaut comme un héritage du passé colonial.
Texte: AdrienBerthaud.
Photo - Édition : Hugo Valcin HAITI☆LEGENDS ( Une contribution de Dljean-bernard Duroseau )
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plumeetprose · 3 years
Que diriez-vous de financiers aux fraises ?
Que diriez-vous de financiers aux fraises ?
“Le bonheur est toujours à la portée de celui qui sait le goûter.”Francois de La Rochefoucaud Pâtisserie traditionnelle française, le “financier” est un petit gâteau en forme de lingot composé de poudre d’amandes, de farine, de sucre et de blancs d’œufs. Reconnaissable par leur forme rectangulaire, les financiers se laissent volontiers décliner sous la forme de muffins et s’agrémentent à…
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onthebridle · 3 years
Eight Questions With Harry Peter Hoblyn
It's been said for years that too much of a good thing is bad for us; I'd happily argue against that. Can you have too many holidays? What about too many meals out or sometimes too much Rosè with friends on a summers evening? Remember what that feels like? The euphoria of it all? The carefree attitude and ability to do whatever we want in the sunshine? So close but just that short nose away currently meaning targets have been dropped in class to Sweets and binge watching At The Races; but too much of both of those will never be too much! It was only 12 months ago that we had no racing at all. Meetings around the globe called off and courses shut down before being colour coded. Many fell into the dreaded Red in France, we were denied the Edmond Blanc, Fontainebleau, Djebel and a plethora of others at all levels.
Luckily the sunshine on the horizon is coming into focus on times that has challenged few, beaten some, given hope to more, courage to others and strength both of will and mind to many.  Those good things will return, as will the sight of green turf on a racecourse and the soft, glossy texture of a racecard in your hand and not forgetting the raspy tone of a bookmaker hollering his place terms and the price of the jolly canvassing your for those purple notes in your pocket. For now im happy to stick to my Red & Black gums and more French Racing on ATR so thanks all the same!
This week's guest Harry Peter Hoblyn of Hyphen Bloodstock and Racing Manager to the red and black stars of Al Asayl Bloodstock. I cannot thank him enough for the detail, time and effort he went into.
Eight Questions With.. Harry Peter Hoblyn!
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AH (Ande Humphrey): We start off with a look back to last season and we have to start with The Revenant. What a horse he is for you and the Al Asayl team - how did it feel to watch him win the Prix Daniel Wildenstein and then follow up at Ascot?
HPH (Harry Peter Hoblyn): It was fantastic to see The Revenant land the QEII. His seasonal debut last year was scheduled just a few days after racing was cancelled in France which was unfortunate and then by the time racing was up and running again the ground had got too firm for him. We were a little nervous before the Wildenstein just because it had been so long since his last run but we needn’t have worried as he did it fairly simply. I was at Ascot in 2019 and although he ran a great race, no one wants to be second so to watch him go back last year and beat a strong field was amazing although it was a very different atmosphere to the year before. AH: Will he follow the same path as last year and have a nice long break until the autumn or could we see him out earlier?  HPH: He is set to run in the Prix Edmond Blanc on 3rd April at Saint Cloud, a race that he won in 2019. He will have a G1 penalty this year but Francis is delighted with how he has come through the winter and we are hopeful that he can start off his season in the right way. As far as targets after that both the Lockinge at Newbury and the Prix D’Ispahan at Longchamp are options. Obviously there are races like the Sussex and the Queen Anne through the season but both tend to be run on firmer ground than suits him. All roads will lead to Champions Day at Ascot and hopefully the successful defence of the QEII. I’d love to see him do a bit of globe trotting but we will take each race as it comes and go from there.
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AH: If you could have any race back and run it again last season - which would it be? 
HPH: If I could run one race again from last year it would probably be the Euphoria’s listed race at Deauville on 22nd August. She was 2nd behind Makaloun who went on to finish 3rd in the Criterium de Saint Cloud. She’s such a tough little filly and pushed Makaloun all the way. It would have been great to see her get her head in front.
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AH: The famous red and black colours have won a few times already this season with Dream Of Stars, Silver Quartz and Count Rostov - how pleasing is it to start so positively? 
HPH: We’ve had 6 winners from 19 runners so far this year which is one of our best starts to a year and hopefully we can build on that for the rest of the season. Silver Quartz seems to be improving as he gets older and is coming over to Lingfield for the Mile race on All Weather Champions Day on Friday (Hollie Doyle booked). He’s a dude of a horse who has found a place in the heart of everyone who has ever had anything to do with him so I’m sure there would be plenty of people who would be happy to see him run well on Friday. Count Rostov seems to be following in his brothers footsteps and improving with age. Their sister Irrepressible has just had her first foal (a Dabirsm filly) so it would be great if SQ and CR could provide a few updates this season.
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AH: You've got Le Nomade in the Jockey Club and Grand Prix De Paris, La Viette and Tide in the Diane - we are a long way out but how does it feel to have entries in the Classics?
HPH: It’s great to have entries in those kind of races, that’s what you strive for as an owner breeder and you are using the upper echelons of the stallion ranks. Our goal has always been to breed and race at the highest level and I think that the past few years have shown that we are making progress in that department. Whether the horses that have those entries this year will get there is still to be seen but as you say we are still a good way out at the moment.
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AH: Al Asayl have their horses with just two trainers in Francis Henri Graffard and Francois Rohaut in France - is there a reason for this? 
HPH: We have always kept our horses with a small group of trainers rather than spreading them out all over the place. We have supported Francis-Henri Graffard since the early stages of his training career and we have been rewarded for that support with Group 1 wins for The Revenant and Bateel. Bertrand Le Metayer refers to Francis as the ideal son-in-law because he is always so immaculately mannered and professional and I think that’s a pretty fair assessment although personally I wouldn’t let a daughter of mine date someone quite so short!! Jokes aside he has been very successful and in my opinion definitely has to be considered as a potential heir to the throne of French racing. François Rohaut is an exceptional horseman and his care for the horses is second to none. He had a great year for us last year despite all the Covid related setbacks and that success has been rewarded with some decent 2yo’s so hopefully that success can continue. He also trains our Arabians in France headed by Mujazif who won a Group 2 last year.
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AH: You have plenty of two-year-olds in France this season and a few unraced 3yos - can you give us a few to follow and why? 
HPH: This year we only sold one yearling so we have sent a decent team into training. We have never been producers of very forward horses, a lot of our mares are quite classically bred and as a result require a bit of time. That being said there are certainly a few two year olds I’m excited to watch progress this season, François Rohaut trained Khaleesy (Galileo x Fleeting Spirit) and her first foal is a Ribchester colt called Life on Fire that had just entered training with François. François has also been pleased with Subtle Truth (Dariyan x Allegria) so far, hopefully he can show the same amount of promise as Euphoria did in her 2yo season. Of the slow burners L’Astronome (Frankel x Tymora) at Graffard’s is a great physical type and although he will need time I’m excited to watch him develop. With regards the unraced 3yos three year olds, a few to look out for are La Viette (Oasis Dream x Hazel Lavery), Kastaka (Dubawi x Elle Galante) and Esperanza (Invincible Spirit x Tereschenko) all three are raw fillies with terrific pedigrees and look like they are going to improve with age.
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AH: Finally, what are the goals for Al Asayl and yourself in the 2021 season in France?
HPH: Our goals for 2021 are to continue to produce the best horses possible. Obviously The Revenant will be a big flag bearer for us this year and after he had such an interrupted season last year it would be great to see him have the full season we hoped he would have last year. We’ve got some exciting yearlings at Haras de Vieux Pont at the moment including Bateel’s first foal by Roaring Lion and The Revenant’s half sister by Saxon Warrior so it is important to us that we give them the best possible start before they go into pre-training. 
On a personal level I have developed a bit of a niche for myself managing and selling stallion nominations given to Jockeys upon the horses retirement. I’m working with some of the best jockeys in England, Ireland and France and I hope to build on that throughout the coming year. -
Back soon with another guest and 8 more questions!!
Thanks for reading!
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