#fruits to be avoided during pregnancy
ladywellcare111 · 11 months
Pizza During Pregnancy: Is It Safe Or Not?
Pizza During Pregnancy: Is It Safe Or Not? #Pizza #During #Pregnancy: #Is #It #Safe #Or #Not?
Consuming Pizza during pregnancy can be safe. If certain precautions are taken, avoid toppings such as raw or undercooked meats and unpasteurized cheeses. Choose veggies, margaritas, or well-cooked meat pizza with pasteurized cheeses. Maintain a balanced and nutritious diet, and prepare the Pizza in a clean establishment. Safe Pizza toppings during Pregnancy When it comes to safe pizza toppings…
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wakingpost · 7 months
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womenlifestyles · 1 year
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ikaroux · 2 years
How are they with their pregnant companion? Al Haitham, Dottore, Pantalone.
Synopsis: Pregnant, your husband/partner is over the moon. But how would he take care of you during pregnancy?
Style: Cute, fluffy, female reader.
Bonus NSFW (18+) I remind minors to avoid reading this kind of content.
Alert: May contain story spoilers for some characters.
Characters: Al Haitham, Dottore, Pantalone.
Next on the list: Ayato, Itto, Heizou, Cyno.
Part 1 Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Xiao, Venti, Albedo, Kazuha, Childe.
Part 2 Scaramouche, Dainsleif, Thomas.
Note: For this headcanons, I assume that the reader is of age and that she is in a relationship with the genshin boy for a while! For Al Haitham, I don't know the character yet, I haven't met him during the main quest. I wrote him as I imagined him in a serious love relationship, like for Dottore and Pantalone. For Dottore, in the manga he is portrayed as a cruel man, who does not hesitate to play with the lives of others. I like the idea that once in love, he can completely change. You are beginning to know me, I never write anything cruel or violent. Dottore, Pantalone and even Pierrot (if I were to write about him one day), I would always soften the characters in their relationship, so don't be surprised to see no torture, insult or abuse.
PS: I'm trying to do a rewrite of part 1 with Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya etc… I would like to add more details to what I already wrote…
Part 1 Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Xiao, Venti, Albedo, Kazuha, Childe.
Part 2 Scaramouche, Dainsleif, Thomas.
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Vomiting, fatigue, late menstruation. Alhaitham would quickly notice the signs of your pregnancy. And, by the archons, if his deduction proved correct, you would make him the happiest man in Teyvat.
He would not tell you immediately, preferring to take you to a doctor first. Nevertheless, he won't be able to hide that sweet little smile every time he meets your eyes. No matter how much you ask him why he looks so cheerful, Alhaitham will just tell you in a calm voice, "You'll know soon enough."
When the doctor tells you the good news, Alhaitham will warmly welcome you into his arms, tenderly kissing the top of your head. "You knew, didn't you?" You tell him against his chest, which vibrates against your ear from his laughter. "Why didn't you tell me?" He gently pulled you away from his embrace to look into your eyes. "I didn't want to see your face devastated if it turned out I was wrong." His lips met your forehead. "But I'm glad you weren't."
Alhaitham was a scholar, a man more often occupied with furthering his knowledge than frolicking about the city. He spent most of his time reading, writing, studying or observing and, of course, improving his fighting skills. He was a man with a cold and distant appearance, often considered an unpleasant person, but as soon as you appeared in his field of vision, his expression would soften and he would stop all his activities to take care of you, and even more so since you were pregnant. The people of Sumeru as well as the scholars who knew the man well will be amazed at the change in his personality as soon as you entered the same room.
The man would personally take care of your meals, preparing each dish with care to ensure your child's good health as well as yours. He would select every ingredient and buy it for you. He would ask (or order, depending on your point of view…) Tignari and Collei to bring him the best fruits of the forest. Cyno would also be part of the game, whether willingly or not…
Alhaitham's hands are perfect for massages. He will use on you essential oils made in Sumeru to massage every painful part of your body. He will also apply it to the areas where your skin is more susceptible to stretch marks.
When he was not with Lady Kusanali, you will find him at the academy, sitting at his desk with several scrolls spread out in front of him. He has always allowed you to visit him, but where once his focus was on his work, since your pregnancy, Alhaitham now wants you close to him, pulling your body into his lap, one of his hands resting comfortably on your now beautifully rounded belly. His lips gently kiss your cheek before one of his hands picks up his quill between his fingers to continue taking notes. The gentle rubbing of his hand on your belly, the sound of the pen against the paper, and the peaceful breathing of your lover will accompany you into a pleasant sleep.
Alhaitham could sometimes see your face light up with intense joy when you felt the baby move. Curious, he would try to understand your feelings by touching your belly. The first time, his child had stopped moving as soon as he put his hand on you. "Sigh why do I feel like this child will be a strong head"; "Because he will be stubborn like his father!" You laughed and reassured him as best you could, one hand tenderly caressing his cheek before kissing him.
Alhaitham accompanied you on every visit to the midwife. She advised both of you to try haptonomy in preparation for the birth. It was a therapy that allowed you to create an emotional bond with your baby. She was to teach you both how to communicate with the baby. Touching was a fundamental thing and your lover did a great job of that, applying gentle pressure to feel the baby move.
With each touch, Alhaitham could feel his child respond as he "played" and stroked your belly, your hands gently placed over his to accompany him. He would often talk to your belly, his deep voice seeming to soothe your baby.
Sometimes he would stop whatever he was doing just to look at you. The more your belly rounded, the more he felt moved… You were so beautiful, standing there in front of that flowerpot you were watering, one hand on your belly while singing a nursery rhyme to your child. You were so precious to him, a jewel in his life.
Since your pregnancy, you had been moody. The midwife had already explained to him that this was normal, so Alhaitham did not worry about it. However, he stayed by your side through every bad patch that came your way, calming your fears. He knew you would be a good mother, and he told you so whenever you were in doubt.
At night, Alhaitham already had a habit of holding you close to him while you slept. Now that you were pregnant, every time you lay down next to him, he would massage your belly and your aching chest until you fell asleep. He will look at your sleeping form for a long time, his hand still on your belly before tenderly kissing your forehead, whispering a warm "I love you". He will fall asleep against you, his hand continuously brooding over your baby, who seemed to react to his father's warmth by giving gentle strokes against you.
Alhaitham was always lovingly tender with you. Throughout your pregnancy, he would bend over backwards for you, taking care of everything in preparation for the birth. He was the one who took care of decorating the baby's room, as well as everything administrative. He wanted to remove all the unnecessary stress from your head and take on his future role as a father.
Alhaitham will be an exemplary father, always encouraging his child to excel, to believe in his abilities. He will show great patience in his education.
NSFW Bonus:
Pregnancy hormones made you insatiable. The first time you begged your husband to take you, he was lying comfortably on your marital bed with a notepad in one hand and a pen in the other. Without him having time to react, you straddled him, gently pulling what was in his hands away to focus his attention on you. He knew immediately what you wanted and was neither surprised nor shocked. His lips met the sensitive skin of your neck as his hands came to rest on your waist to help you sway against his hips. You could quickly feel his sex rising up under his clothes as you rubbed languidly against him. You were driving him crazy. Crazy with desire, and your pregnancy wasn't helping.
Alhaitham would always go easy on you, he didn't want to bully you or hurt the little being in your belly. He would undress you calmly, his lips worshipping the parts of your body that were offered to him. By dint of rubbing against him, you were wet enough to take him inside you, nevertheless, Alhaitham preferred to prepare you for him, thrusting a finger then two between your lower lips, making you moan at the sudden invasion. As he pumped his fingers inside you, you clung to his clothes, begging him to remove them and penetrate you as deeply as possible. He couldn't resist you, but still decided to make you cum once on his fingers before tearing off his clothes and giving you the object of your desires.
As soon as he got what he wanted from you, he withdrew his fingers, leaving you panting and sweaty. He slid his tunic over his head as quickly as possible before opening his pants to pull out his manhood already soaked by his own excitement. His heart pounded against his chest as he helped you stand over him. You straddled him in one go, without giving each other time to adjust. Grunts filled the room. Both of you had red cheeks as you slowly rolled your hips against him, whispering his name over and over in his ear.
It felt good. Terribly good. Alhaitham helped you with your movements, using the strength in his arms to lift your hips up and down with more speed and precision. He was surprisingly loud, moaning loudly, his head pressed against the back of the bed. At this rate, he wasn't going to last long. Knowing you were pregnant, full of desire for him because of the hormones was making him dizzy.
He made you cum several times that night, before retiring to take care of your exhausted, but finally satiated body. After cleaning you up, Alhaitham took you in his arms to let you sleep. His hand, warmly placed on your belly, rocked you. He whispered loving words in your ear to help you fall asleep. Before he fell asleep, he made sure to tell you and the baby that he loved you more than anything.
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"Dottore! I have good news for you!"
Dottore never thought about having children. Not with the life he was leading. He was known to be a cold-hearted man with little to no regard for human life. So when you happily told him of your pregnancy, Dottore would cease all movement with a grim look on his handsome face. His ruby eyes seemed empty as they remained fixed on the bottle filled with a strange liquid that he handled carefully before you arrived in his laboratory. "Good news, you say?" His calm voice nevertheless hid a hint of horror. Shivering at his chilling tone, you slowly moved away from him, understanding that he was not happy about the news. Quickly, you ran out of his laboratory, tears in your eyes. "Tsk… Shit!"
Dottore didn't care about people, much less their feelings… Many women had coveted him for his intelligence or his looks, but none of them had interested him enough to make him feel affection. His relationships had always ended in the same way, as soon as one of his suitors started to annoy him, Dottore killed her in cold blood, using her body for his experiments… So why was it so different for you? Why did your distress affect him so much?! Why, by all the gods, did he have to fall madly in love with you? Abandoning everything he was doing, he ran out of his laboratory to catch up with you. Dottore was a man of incredible intelligence, but he always felt like a complete idiot when it came to you. He easily hurt you with his words or his behavior. Yet, you had always stood by him, faithful and loving. So when he finally managed to grab your wrist, he vowed never to be the cause of your tears again.
Without a word, he pulled you into his arms, letting you beat his chest as hard and as long as necessary if it would earn him your forgiveness. Losing you was not an option… "Let me go! " He tightened his arms around you a little more as he heard your words. "I'm sorry…" He whispered in your ear in a broken voice, which stopped all your movements instantly. You weren't used to hearing him apologize. "A baby? The idea's not so bad." You sniffed against his shirt, plunging your face deep into his chest. "You really are just a jerk…"
After that, Dottore had a completely different demeanor with you. Where he was once obsessed with his research and experiments, his mind now wandered to you, often imagining you with a round belly. A gentle smile would sometimes appear on his lips as he tended to a few vials filled with some herbal liquid or poison. Seeing him like this often frightened his subordinates, who would ask him in a hesitant voice if everything was all right, which usually erased his soft, happy expression to find that cold, threatening façade.
Your companion was not a very popular man, either among the Fatui or anywhere else on Teyvat. He was feared for his experiments on humans and hated for being the cause of death of many. He knew that your relationship with him could harm you, so for your safety and that of his unborn child, he decided to have you live near the Tsarina's palace, only a few steps away from his laboratory. The only people Dottore trusted absolutely were his copies of himself, who took care of your protection in his absence.
At your request, Dottore will cease his research on human beings (though not willingly), claiming that your child does not need a murderer for a father. The two of you argued about this for a long time, but Dottore had found someone who could stand up to him, even finding you frightening at times (and even more so since your pregnancy), when you got upset about the methods he used in his experiments.
Dottore would go to great lengths not to upset you. He knew that strong emotions were not good for you during pregnancy. As a doctor and scientist himself, he knew the risks of miscarriage. He refused to have you followed by a doctor out of nowhere and preferred to be the one to follow your pregnancy and delivery.
During the first six months of pregnancy, Dottore would continue to spend a lot of time in his laboratory, asking Pulcinella to look after you and your needs when his clones could not.
Your husband would leave work in a hurry if one of his copies came to warn him of a problem. You'd be surprised to see him come running, breathless and disheveled, slamming the door to your house and calling your name in a hurry. If you complain of stomach pain, Dottore will lay you down on the bed, taking his medical equipment with him to examine you. As soon as he was reassured of your health, his body would relax as he continued to examine your belly with his stethoscope, a small chuckle making his vocal cords vibrate. When he removed the object from his ears, his amused gaze turned to you. "Would you like to hear it?" For the first time, you could hear your child's first sounds. A softly beating heart… Dottore tenderly kissed your forehead as the first tears of happiness rolled down your cheeks.
After the seventh month, Dottore would spend more time with you. It was strange not to see him working on one of his experiments or even just seeing him in a more casual outfit. Now that he was home more often, Dottore personally made sure you rested properly, sometimes forcing you to lie down on the couch where you were sitting and rest your head on his thighs to fall asleep. Of course, you didn't say anything, enjoying these moments of affection between you and him. Dottore was more tender than he wanted to be, his hand caressing your hair until your eyes closed. You were the one who had made him like this, affectionate, tactile, in love… He had become completely addicted to you, to the idea of building a family… He couldn't deny that a little bit of fear was making his heart twirl.
The more your belly rounded, the more your back became painful, often forcing you to sit or lie down. Dottore would work on massaging your back until you felt nothing.
"I'd rather it be a girl." he once told you. You laughed, knowing exactly why he was saying that. "You'll take what comes, honey." Dottore had seen and lived with younger versions of himself, ranging from childhood to adulthood. You had always thought he was a bit of a father to them, even though it seemed strange.
Dottore always made sure to keep you away from his work to avoid any danger from the Fatui. But, when people hostile to Fatui had attacked you during a moment of inattention on his part, you had seen a face of your husband that you had never seen before. Anger invaded his features, distorting his beautiful face into a mask of hatred. You knew that Dottore already had a lot of blood on his hands and you didn't want your child's father to have any more. Just as he was about to kill those who had hurt you, your voice brought him back to his senses. So, since he couldn't punish them himself, he would let the Fatui justice system do it for him. Perhaps it would have been better if he had killed them…
Your child adored his father, you could tell by the way he wiggled in your belly whenever he heard his voice or felt his hand on your belly. Dottore may have told you it was ridiculous, but you could still see his ruby eyes sparkle every time he felt his baby press against the palm of his hand.
Overall, Dottore will be a very strict father, hoping that his child will follow in his footsteps. He won't be strict to the point of being scary or hateful, he was just what was needed to keep his child from straying from the straight and narrow. Nevertheless, his child will love him unconditionally, seeking his approval, attention and affection every time he comes home.
NSFW Bonus:
You had reached the second trimester of your pregnancy, and you were beginning to feel a rather ferocious carnal appetite. Dottore would be the one to claim you first, though, not waiting for you to come begging. Of course, you were happily guided by this man. You didn't know if it was the pregnancy that made you want to be one with him all the time, and frankly, you didn't care. The only thing that mattered to you was to feel him inside you, to have him claim you, to desire you. Maybe it was a subconscious need to feel desirable again as some of the curves were coming in with the pregnancy?
When Dottore came home, he quickly threw his long fur coat on the coat rack before looking for you in the house with the only idea in mind to make you his. You were used to his roughness in bed, but now that you were pregnant, he was more gentle. He'd take the time to prepare (or rather torture) you with his fingers, caressing your slit and then massaging your clit before his lips took over after tending to your sensitive breasts. Even if you were wet enough for him, Dottore would always add extra lube to his fingers and member.
Your round belly prevented you from getting into certain positions during sex. Most of the time, Dottore would dominate you with all his form, just to save you from any unnecessary physical effort. But sometimes he would simply lay you down on the mattress with your back to him, spreading one of your legs to facilitate the penetration of his member into you.
The swaying of his hips would be torturously slow at first. Dottore liked to play with your nerves, putting aside his desire to hammer you to listen longer to the small moans of pleasure that you offered him. You were so sensitive that it made him lose his mind. But there comes a time when his restraint breaks, and as his lips marked the skin of your neck in a possessive gesture, his hips would increase the pace of their thrusts. Your husband's grunts of pleasure along with the moans of your name would eventually send you over the edge.
Dottore would wait patiently for you to calm down before continuing, his hips slowing in a languid circular motion. He wouldn't cum yet, preferring to savor you for as long as possible. His hand would come to rest on your belly for a while, caressing it gently. He would silently claim your lips with his eyes, kissing you deeply, tangling your tongues together. Dottore was a cold and cruel man, but in your arms, passion and warmth would emanate from him like a fire.
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"Sweetheart, I have a gift to give you."
Pantalone was a Fatui enforcer, a wealthy banker known throughout Teyvat as a false, calculating and unscrupulous man. Who would have thought that such a person was capable of loving anything other than his money and starting a family?
When you offered him this small rectangular box carefully sealed with a blue ribbon, Pantalone first looked at it with a doubtful air before displaying his usual smile. "Do we have something to celebrate my dear?" Your sweet, innocent smile always cracked him up. As you remained silent and your gaze grew more insistent, the man sighed before one of his hands tugged at the ribbon that surrounded the package. When he opened the box, he was surprised to find inside a small knitted sweater, obviously made by you. He remained silent for a long time, observing the garment in his hands. "Um… isn't this a baby garment?" He fell silent, realizing what he had just said. When his eyes met yours in a silent question, you nodded sharply, confirming his suspicions. Trembling, he dropped the box to the ground, treasuring the sweater in his hand as he pulled you into his arms. You had both been trying to have a child for several months, and so far, it hadn't been a real success. He was going to do everything he could to take care of you both…
The first few months were complicated for you. You had every morning violent and unbearable nausea. But Pantalone always managed to help you get over it, sitting you on his lap after giving you a cool glass of water. He would massage your belly until you felt better.
Pantalone is rich. Excessively rich. It's almost indecent. Next to him, you felt like a smile. Yet your husband had been poor and that was the same reason why he was spending a lot of moras on his unborn child. He wanted to give him a luxurious and comfortable life, everything that he had not had in his youth. The furniture was made of the best wood. The sheets, mattresses, and all the fabrics covering the surfaces were made of the most expensive materials in all of Teyvat. Of course, he also showered you with gifts, giving you clothes, bringing you all the food you wanted. He spoiled you and fulfilled your every wish.
When the two of you go out, Pantalone always keeps a protective hand on your lower back, warning those who would want to hurt you. He wants to keep you from any unnecessary stress, especially if it's work-related.
You'll be quite surprised to learn that Pantalone has told all of his harbinger colleagues about your pregnancy. Sometimes he would sit in Dottore's office and tell him about your growing belly with unconcealed pride. Dottore would often growl at him, asking him to get out of his lab. The man hated to see his colleague, usually wearing a cold, manipulative smile, so gaga over a "baby.
In the early stages of pregnancy, Pantalone sometimes didn't come home all week, too busy managing Snezhnaya's bank. He hated to leave you alone for so long, even knowing that you had bodyguards protecting you. And although Pulcinella would come to see you from time to time, sometimes bringing you some sweets or your favorite fruit, it didn't make him feel any better. Every day he would write you a letter and you would rush to answer it. He was always so anxious to hear from you…
Pantalone is the kind of man who will talk to your belly, hands gently encircling your hips and an ear pressed against you, hoping to feel his movements and hear his child. If you're sitting comfortably on a couch, the man will come between your legs, face against your belly, eyes closed, savoring your hands combing his long silky hair. He would be perfectly capable of falling asleep in this position, totally serene in your hands.
Sometimes your companion would come home late from work and find you asleep on the couch in the large living room, patiently waiting for him to return. The man would let a long sigh escape him before displaying one of his rare tender smiles, approaching you to kiss your forehead, your nose and then your lips. His hand would warmly caress your rounded belly, until he was startled by his baby's movements. "Well, aren't you still asleep my precious? Be good, don't wake up mommy…" Gently kissing the spot where he had felt his child's thrashing. He would eventually lift you gently off the couch, carrying you in his arms to lay you down in your bed.
Every time Pantalone passed you, he would pull you into his arms, kissing your lips and whispering about how beautiful he thought you were with your rounded belly, brooding over his child. "How is it that every day you get more and more gorgeous?" You would often roll your eyes, cheeks flushed and a slight smile on your lips before silencing him with a kiss.
Pantalone has a deep, gravelly voice, perfect for soothing your child's fidgets as well as your nerves. He will gladly lay you on his lap with a Snezhnaya storybook in hand and read it slowly until you fall asleep.
Your mood swings will never disturb this seasoned businessman. He will find the right words to calm you down.
Your husband will be very affectionate with you. He'll always speak softly to you, the warmth in his voice soothing your often frayed nerves during pregnancy. He will put aside his evil eye, wanting to live many years with you and your child.
Pantalone will be a very loving father and like Kaeya and Zhongli, extremely gaga over his child. He would spoil him to excess if you weren't there to temper him.
NSFW Bonus:
Your partner did not hide his desire for you. After all, he never stopped telling you that he found you beautiful and desirable… Pantalone was not in the habit of asking for you at any time of the day, often too busy with his work. But he couldn't help it, your pregnancy made it impossible for him to control his urges.
Your sexual relations were always slow and languid. Pantalone had never been a rough or brusque person. He liked to sit you on his lap in his office, his fingers penetrating your wet slit. He wanted to hear every moan, every whisper of his name in your mouth. His free hand took hold of your sensitive breast, gently pinching and pulling your nipple. His lips would mark the skin of your neck before moving up to your jaw and then your ear, gently whispering to you to cum for him… His deep voice, marked by lust, will make you rock on his fingers.
Pantalone likes to take you from behind, sticking you against a wall before penetrating you. His hips will slowly sway behind you, first in a teasing circle before moving in more forcefully. One of his hands would be under your belly, helping you bear the weight, however lightly, while the other would draw your hips into place. A smirk would appear on his lips as you begged him to go faster. "Oh? Don't you appreciate the way I take you? It seems to lull our child to sleep though, don't you think? " And indeed, it was possible for sex to lull a baby to sleep in the womb. Reluctantly, you gave in to your husband's slow rhythm.
As soon as he felt your walls tremble on his member as your orgasm approached, Pantalone accelerated his thrusts, surprising you in the process with a shrill cry of sudden pleasure. "Pantalone! The baby he-"; "I never said it was enough to be slow to rock him honey." You quickly climaxed, screaming his name over and over until he released his load inside you, his head collapsing onto your shoulder, his breath tickling your bare back. Both of his hands would rest on your lower abdomen, tenderly caressing it as he whispered his love for you in your ear.
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pedge-page · 4 months
Okay but pls feel free to ignore this I'm not creative but I love your writing
But I have an elderly sphynx (cat) and he's the love of my life, he gets cold so he wears jumpers and hats, and wants to be inside my clothes for warmth and is just an absolute baby, and sleep in my arms/in my hood honestly 24/7. He's like a small person he's so needy.
I can picture Joel getting home and pregnant reader has acquired one from someone, and the cat is her "practice" baby and she dresses him up and absolutely spoils him and carries him everywhere and Joel is just so baffled by what on earth is going on. BUT CANT QUESTION IT BECAUSE READER IS A MEANIE (as she should be) (mother knows best)
Sphinx cats are so cute oh my gosh!!! She would love him so much, subconsciously because she'd think it's like a little Joel when he would shave and be like "smooth—hairless—baby man" (which is subsequently the last he shaved fully).
Also can't believe youre gonna give such cute imagery but not even show us with a pic ugh devastating but ALAS. Here's how it would go:
- - - -
When Joel comes home, he usually expects one of two things: you're sleeping on the couch with some mixed fruit jelly smeared all over your mouth and between your tits, or you're throwing a plastic cup (because he pre-baby-proofed the house to avoid having any dangerous objects in YOUR grasp) at his head for opening the door the "wrong way" (how does one open a single sided hinged door the wrong way? He's still trying to figure it out).
So when he walks in the front door and hears excited little peeps from you from the bedroom, he's a little weary.
It's not till he's tossing his keys on the counter and hearing you say "you're such a handsome man" that Joel's heart stops.
There's no way. You wouldn't. Not now, not so fucking pregnant with his baby—
Oh fuck. Was it his baby? Or was it this "handsome man" in HIS house with HIS wife, canoodling in HIS bed!??
And how long? How long has this affair been going on under his roof? The entire time you'd be angry at Joel during your pregnancy, maybe you meant it? Maybe you were done with him, seeking something new and exciting?
When Joel finally rounds the corner, just one step away from the doorway, listening to your giddy gasps and rustling clothes, he doesn't know if he can bring himself to find out. Can only imagine a million things he's going to see, all of which are too painful to conceptualize.
He hears your excited giggles, closes his eyes, braces his heart, and walking in.
It takes him a second to register what he's looking at: there's no other man in here, but rather something tucked up in one of his old high school hoodies that you're wearing, backwards, with the hood hanging against your chest.
Then there's something moving in it, and he's almost scared you may have already had the baby and are suffocating it in the hood, though your belly is still very much full, so what—?
"Joel!" You shout, looking petrified as if you're caught in a scheme.
Before Joel can even speak up to ask what's going on, you're pulling what is possibly (from Joel's perspective, mind you) the ugliest pink squirmy ballsack out of his hoodie, complete with a skiny pale rat tail, big marble eyes and pointed ears.
"Meet Ramses!"
He drops his backpack at the door and stares. "What. Is that."
"I literally JUST said his name is Ramses." you scold, kissing the—thing— on the wrinkly folds of its forehead.
It starts purring affectionately, and it clicks.
"That's a CAT?" Joel shouts.
You can feel the poor thing curls up against you with tension at his booming voice.
Joel, please, lower your voice—"
"Where's its fur? No wait, why is it here? How did you get a cat? Who's cat is it? WHY do you have it??"
"Well Deanna next door had a family emergency in Connecticut and they had to fly out this morning, so I agreed we'd watch Ramses until they got back."
"Why is it naked? What did you DO to it?" Fucking hell, Deanna and George are going to have a field day to find you'd shaved their pet literally within 24 hours—
"That's the way it is. Never seen a sphinx cat before?"
Hes not really listening at this point. Joels heart rate had finally caught up with him as he kind of breathes a sigh of relief.
A cat. He thought you were having an affair with a cat.
"Isn't he sooooo cute!!!" You squeal with little jumpy feet.
But it's not cute. Not with the way it's looking at Joel, with its slitted murderous eyes and pointed claws clinging to you while it hisses at him.
"Why is it in my hoodie?"
"He's cold, damnit Joel even YOU noticed he's naked. Poor handsome baby needs all kinds of love, and sweaters, and warmth and—"
The little sucker is just eating it up, as you babble on about getting it jumpers, and baby socks, and cutting all of Joels sweaters up so it can rest on top of your belly, and a spot for it in the bed—
"The BED? NO. No ballsacks in the bed."
"He's SO much cuter than your HAIRY ballsack, Joel, which as far as tonight, can agree to those terms and sleep on the couch." You scoff him and hold Ramses to your chest, scratching his ears and kissing him as you shove past your husband.
Joel doesn't know what to do. Its one thing to agree to feed a cat every so often for a friend while they're out. It's something else entirely to be doing... what you've been doing.
There's a new amazon box in every hour with custom knitted cat sweaters and hats and ear muffs that you've gone off the reservation with just "needing" to keep warm, now full blown getting an outfit for every occasion. He hears you talking to it like a person, using a baby voice to tell him how handsome he looks, "like a wittle baby pharoh". Joel is tripping over all the cans of luxirous cat food youve been "testing" to find his desired taste. The man can't even get cuddles with you anymore because you're so god damn obsessed with swaddling Ramses in your clothes and softest blankets.
And it KNOWS. The damn cat KNOWS you've completely ignored your ever doting and pampering husband for it—while it does NOTHING but absorb your affection. You've craddled it against your every exposed piece of skin from sleeping across your neck to letting it rest atop your bump. Each time Joel tried to hug you, there's a quick hiss at him and low and behold there's the sleeping Ramses all nestled in HIS GODDAMN HOODIES (granted, that he gave you BUT STILL) wedged between your tummy and tits like a sauna, all curled up as youre talking to it like its a—
Oh my god.
"Are you... practicing—for the baby??"
You stop mid bounce of the kitty in your lap, wearing a matching knitted sweater to yours. "What! No! Thats—" but your eyes faulter to the cat who's just been helplessly going along with your toying. "No! Ramses is just a sweet little kitty who has NEEDS. Poor baby boy is so cold, he needs warmth of a —"
Joel goes to sit down but the cat is giving him a less than inviting glare, so he slinks back to the other end of the couch.  "Honey. I think you're taking the cat-sitting too far."
"NO Im not!" You cry. You clutch the poor baby close to you defensively.  Why are you crying? I mean, you KNOW why--you're worried Joel is going to take your baby away from you—
Ooooooooooooooooooh. Oh fuck.
You stare at the little lump of skin curled up in your lap, with his collar that says "mommy's goodest boy" and realize how much Joel is definitely right...
Not that you'd EVER tell him that.
"No. You're wrong. I'm just being a fantastic neighbor. And you're being a shitty husband and not supporting me."
"That's a little too far—"
"And—" you interject. "Even if it WAS my baby practice. Which it isn't. You aren't being a very supportive father here either."
He sighs in defeat.
Can't argue there.
so when Deanna and George call to let you know they're going to be another week up North, you let them know Ramses is in good hands.
All true. Now that Joel had gained Ramses trust and had maneuvered the little guy in the new baby sling that you two could not figure out for months, you felt pretty confident in Joel's papa skills blossoming.
- - - -
Joel dealing with Preggo Wife masterlist
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worriedvision · 2 years
An unexpected gift - Tighnari 
Reader is pregnant, reader is also human - not a hybrid like their boyfriend. How will they deal with it? Gender neutral pronouns, Female bodied reader. If I tag this wrong please tell me. tw: pregnancy tagged as ‘tw: pregnancy’
At the start of your relationship with Tighnari, one thing you both agreed not to have until you had an established income was having children. It wasn’t so much that he didn’t want children, he simply wanted to have the ability to raise them relatively well - which income would help with. 
You sometimes had conversations about it, you growing more comfortable with the idea of carrying his child, but Tighnari insisted it wasn’t safe - there was limited evidence of a healthy child from a human and hybrid. Yes, it was entirely possible to conceive, however there was no certainty the child would even live. You understood his point of view, the idea that he was genetically different to you, so you decide to stop talking to him about it.
You engaged in sexual activity quite often, neither of you thinking about protection at the time, and at first it was fine. 
Then, you had a feeling you were pregnant. No matter how you try to calm yourself, nothing worked. The nausea, the way you felt exhausted, and on top of that you weren’t able to do your work quite as well. You stole a spare pregnancy test from your boyfriends medical kit, and you are horrified to see a positive result. 
In a last glimpse of hope, you go to a doctor. After being reassured that they would maintain confidentiality unless they deemed you unsafe, they perform tests on you as well. They expected you to be nervous, knowing your relationship with Tighnari, and they mentally prepare you before telling you that yes, you were pregnant. 
Your face falls into your hands, devastation hitting you hard. Tighnari didn’t want to have biological kids with you given the circumstances, yet neither of you were safe with the sex. It was bound to happen, but it hurt when the consequences bore fruit. 
You couldn’t bare to think of how he would react to the news. You knew he was normally so understanding of things, but this wasn’t something he would brush off. Not able to think rationally in this moment, you begin to blow it out of proportion in your mind. You thought of how he would turn his back on you, calling you an idiot before kicking you out of his house - leaving you a single parent, left to pick up the pieces. He wouldn’t think of you in the way he used to, he wouldn’t love you.
So, you grow distant from him. Any time you could, you avoided any conversation with him. Oh, is that a withering zone I see? Is that an injured adventurer? 
Back when your symptoms were mild, Tighnari was worried that you were wanting to have children, and deep down he knew he wanted to start as well. He was fearful of the idea of you breaking things off due to wanting children and him being a stick in the mud with his opinion. 
When you started being sick during patrols, Tighnari grew worried. He  takes care of you when you pass out in the middle of a withering zone, the other forest ranger listing off your symptoms. 
Funny thing is, Tighnari figured out instantly this was you being pregnant. It was a checklist of things he would be going through to check on someone who was going through this, and you were facing them alone. Thinking of the arguments you had, it was no wonder you tried to grow distant from him. He understood that he couldn’t see how you viewed things, knowing your hormones were out of control at this time. Chances were, you were stuck with your own thoughts. It did also explain why a pregnancy test went missing right before you grew distant from him. 
So, he takes good care of you, hoping to talk to you the moment you wake up about your child.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” Tighnari sings, resting his palm on your cheek. You lean into it, missing your boyfriends affections so much. “Hows the baby?”  He teases, you suddenly pulling away and sitting upright. That, causes you to be sick. Tighnari thankfully had a sick bowl close by, not heaving at all as he has seen and smelled much worse.
“Sorry.” You weep, looking over at Tighnari. “I should have been careful, and I got pregnant. I know it’s dangerous to have a child because of evidence but I wanted to keep the child and I didn’t want to see your reaction when I told you I was pregnant so I kept distant and I miss you so much and I love you and I -”
“Less of that, dear.” Tighnari soothes, grounding you. “I have been thinking about the conversations with pregnancy, and after some deliberation I have come to a conclusion - I would like to try for a child.” He smiles reassuringly, maintaining eye contact with you as if his words weren’t enough.
You can’t even form words, you’re so overwhelmingly happy that you didn’t have to plan out a life without Tighnari. The idea of him being the father and looking after your child alongside you, seeing him teach his child, cooking meals for the family.
Oh, you were looking forward to it.
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thunderheadfred · 5 months
Been fortunate to avoid bad baby dreams, which is apparently pretty common during pregnancy because the hormones fuck up everything, including your dreams.
Last night I finally had a nightmare that something Bad happened, and I was inconsolably upset. Then I woke up having to pee because my (very alive) fetus was pushing on my bladder and I’m like. “Wait. My baby is inside me. Not in an egg the cats can knock off the counter.”
NICE TRY, NIGHTMARES. You loaded up the chicken frightening program but I am a monkey ahHA (scampers up a tree to eat fruit)
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About Nina Cerasus’s illness the HCM
I mentioned in most of the chapters in Star-crossed and in Heavenbound (they both my fic you can read them here) that she has an illness that causes her character to have some plotlines and complexity. 
It is actually a rare disease in real life, and not many know about it, so I decided to make an extra post to share some extra info about it. Let’s dig in!
About HCM: 
It’s a type of heart disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). 
It basically causes the heart muscles to thicken, which in turn makes it more difficult to pump blood through the body’s system. HCM is a heart disease that can affect how effectively the heart can pump blood.
HCM is autosomal dominant condition, meaning that individuals have a 50% chance of inheriting, or passing on, the predisposition to this disorder to their children. (Nina inherited from her father Felix who already had a heart transplant surgery.)
What is it like to live with a disease like this? 
The symptoms that Nina exhibits include shortness of breath, chest pain, and a propensity for fainting or feeling dizzy. There’s also a heightened risk of heart failure or sudden cardiac death. Also the medications she needs to take, make her often have a cold nose, hands and feet. 
People with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) will benefit from a heart-healthy diet. This includes a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in added sugar, sodium, and trans and saturated fats.
So Nina usually eats a very healthy balanced meal.
Making lifestyle changes such as exercising more, quitting smoking, and avoiding alcohol are beneficial. However, if you have HCM you should speak with a doctor before increasing your physical activity. The recommendation for people with HCM is to avoid high-intensity exercise since it can worsen symptoms. This is why Nina has pilates classes with Master Plo, and meditating classes.
About drinking coffee or other caffeinated drinks, always talk to your cardiologist! Because  caffeine is a stimulant that affects everyone differently. If you are living with HCM, know how the foods, beverages, and supplements you consume could affect your heart rhythm.
Like alcohol, caffeine can also cause dehydration, which can worsen the symptoms of HCM. Ask your doctor about caffeine and what levels of coffee, soda, tea, and other caffeinated products are safe for you to drink.
I made Nina a tea girlie. 
Women with HCM generally tolerate pregnancy well. The risk is however higher in women who are symptomatic before pregnancy or in those with severe left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. The incidence of arrhythmias does not appear to be increased during pregnancy and maternal mortality is low. But I made Nina make the decision to not have her own biological baby, and choose adoption instead in the Heavenbound storyline.
Author's Note: 
I have to say that people with this kind of disease can live a normal life.
But I slightly overemphasized Nina's illness at certain points for dramaturgical reasons.
For example, hyperspace travels take a toll on her, if she doesn't receive certain treatment beforehand. This idea came from the fact that all travel can be physically stressful for us, so traveling in space and hyperspace jumping can certainly have an even greater effect on a person, and there is also space radiation. Thus, Nina must receive a certain vitamin cocktail injection in my story before the trip. This is, of course, fiction!
Nina avoids alcohol, smoking and caffeine-based drinks mostly. In her early 20's and party years she drinks and occasionally smokes, and quits it after receiving some bad news of her health.
She drinks mint tea. She exercises often and takes the necessary medications despite the side effects. She chose not to have a baby because she does not want to pass on this disease and is also afraid of death caused by childbirth.
I also wanted to show the emotional side of what it's like to live with this type of illness. In Star-crossed fic I have written many emotions based on my own experiences. (Not everyone accepts this disease with such feelings, of course it happens differently for everyone.) But in Nina's point of view - even if it was a little exaggerated - I gave her a lot of emotions and memories from my life. 
In the first chapter and several other crisis situations, Nina experiences these  emotional "storms". 
These panic attacks usually happen to her after experiencing trauma. For example, when her mother died or when her father left them. When she found out about her illness and when Maul left her. (all mentioned in Star-crossed fic).It’s basically a panic attack mixed with deep repressed depression bursting out. 
She called these episodes "storms" because just like the rain clouds these episodes end eventually.
Under these episodes she usually feels chest pain, dizziness, nauseous and she can't stop crying for a long time. 
Nina is terribly ashamed of these episodes, she feels weak and vulnerable, which she hates. In such cases, she releases all suppressed anger and sadness by crying. When they are over, Nina is numb and quiet, her mind clears as she rebuilds her armor/or inner world. She represses and buries all the painful memories and thus tries to move on. (The first chapter of Star-crossed is basically an episode of one of her "storm.")
I know I kinda trauma dumped her, but don't feel bad about it. With these illnesses both physical and mental I wanted to give her character some complexity, and some dramatic deep feelings.
She is my character and I wanted to write a character who has the same illness as me. This is a kind of personal coping mechanism for me and I don't want to receive negative comments about it. If you don't like it, or triggered by it then, please move on to another blog and another story.
Taglist: @hellhound5925 @cloneloverrrrr @stardustbee @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @firstofficerwiggles
let me know if you would like to be added!
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Comprehending Women’s Weight Loss
Women have particular difficulties when it comes to losing weight because of a variety of factors such as hormone swings, biology, and psychological issues. A woman’s weight loss journey is shaped by these factors, and gaining lasting results requires an awareness of them.
The Particular Difficulties Women Face
When it comes to losing weight, women frequently face different obstacles than males. Pregnancy, menopause, and hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle are a few examples of factors that can have a big impact on body composition and metabolism. Women’s self-perception and weight loss strategies can also be influenced by cultural norms and societal pressures related to body image.
Biology and Hormonal Factors
Hormonal cycles that affect the female body can have an impact on metabolism, energy levels, and hunger. Water retention and cravings are among the variables that are influenced by the fluctuations in estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels during the menstrual cycle. Creating a weight loss programme that works for women requires an understanding of how these hormonal changes impact metabolism and energy expenditure.
Psychological Elements
When it comes to losing weight, women frequently encounter particular psychological obstacles, such as emotional eating patterns, negative body image, and social pressure to meet particular body ideals. It is crucial to address these psychological aspects in order to promote a positive outlook and sustain long-term success in weight loss efforts.
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Crafting a Sustainable Weight Loss Plan
Women who want to lose weight should create a long-term plan that includes reasonable objectives, a healthy diet, consistent exercise, and lifestyle changes.
Setting Realistic Goals
Achievable goals are essential for maintaining motivation and commitment to a weight loss programme. Women should set reasonable objectives based on lifestyle considerations, body composition, and general health rather than just the number on the scale. The trip can seem less intimidating and more doable if long-term objectives are broken down into smaller, more achievable benchmarks.
Balancing Nutrition and Exercise
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A healthy weight is achieved and maintained through a balance between exercise and nutrition. While limiting processed foods and sugary snacks, women should place a higher priority on nutrient-dense whole foods, such as an abundance of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Maintaining a healthy weight can be maximized by combining regular exercise, such as strength training and cardiovascular exercises, with a well-rounded diet.
By reading this Ebook obese women can solve many of their problems Click Here
Incorporating Lifestyle Changes
Long-term weight management requires implementing lifestyle changes in addition to diet and exercise. Getting enough sleep, controlling stress, drinking plenty of water, and forming a solid support system are all important factors that can help a woman reach her weight loss objectives.
Nutrition Strategies for Effective Weight Loss
Weight loss is largely influenced by nutrition, and women can effectively support their goals by optimizing their food choices.
Emphasising Whole Foods
It is imperative to prioritize complete, unprocessed foods in order to supply the body with necessary nutrients while reducing unnecessary calories and harmful substances. Meals that are high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help women lose weight and feel full and energized.
Mindful Eating and Portion Control
Women who practice portion control and mindful eating are better able to recognise their bodies’ signals of hunger and fullness, which helps them avoid overindulging and supports good weight management. Mindless snacking can be less likely by eating mindfully, chewing food carefully, and savoring every bite. These practices can also increase satisfaction.
Controlling Intake of Macronutrients
Maintaining optimal energy levels, promoting muscle growth and repair, and controlling appetite all depend on the balance of macronutrients, which include proteins, lipids, and carbs. Every meal should have a balance of the three macronutrients, with whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats being the top choices for women.
Exercise Regimens Tailored for Women
Any weight loss programme must include exercise, and women might get the most benefit from mixing up their routines to get the most out of it.
Strength Training for Metabolic Boost
Women benefit most from strength training because it increases lean muscle mass, which raises metabolism and improves fat burning. Women can enhance body composition, gain strength, and lose weight by including resistance activities like bodyweight exercises, resistance band workouts, and weightlifting into a weekly regimen.
Cardiovascular Workout to Burn Fat
Cardiovascular activity is a great way to increase cardiovascular health, burn calories, and enhance general wellbeing. Regular engagement in physical activities including walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, and dancing can raise heart rate, boost calorie expenditure, and aid in weight loss.
Incorporating Flexibility and Balance
Women should include flexibility and balancing exercises in their fitness regimen in addition to strength training and cardiovascular exercise to increase mobility, lower their risk of injury, and improve overall physical function. Exercises like yoga, pilates, stretching, and balancing can enhance other workouts and advance overall health.
Lifestyle Practices that Aid in Losing Weight
Adopting good lifestyle behaviors is crucial for sustaining long-term success in weight loss attempts, in addition to food and exercise.
Making sleep and stress reduction a priority
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Getting enough sleep is essential for controlling hormones that govern hunger and metabolism, which makes it a critical component of weight loss. To control stress levels and enhance general wellbeing, women should strive for seven to nine hours of good sleep each night and use relaxation methods like deep breathing, yoga, and meditation.
Hydration’s Effect on Losing Weight
Maintaining hydration is critical for promoting metabolism, facilitating digestion, and controlling hunger. To encourage satiety and avoid overeating, women should make it a goal to drink lots of water throughout the day, especially before meals. Choosing foods high in water, such fruits, vegetables, and soups, can also help you stay hydrated and lose weight.
Building a Support Network
A woman’s weight loss journey can be greatly impacted by having a solid support system because it can offer inspiration, accountability, and encouragement. Women should surround themselves with like-minded friends, relatives, or support groups that can help them along the road and provide understanding, support, and direction.
In conclusion, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight necessitates a multimodal strategy that takes into account lifestyle adjustments, activity, and diet specific to the needs of women. Women can start on a successful weight reduction journey and realize their goals in the long run by identifying the obstacles they encounter, setting realistic goals, emphasizing regular exercise and a balanced diet, and embracing healthy lifestyle practices.
Without any side affect Women’s use this supplement for weight loss click here
Disclaimer: There are affiliate links in the link given above and if you buy something, I'll get a commission to meet my educational expenses but no extra cost to you.
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For whatever reason it reminds me of Desperate Housewives and Wisteria lane. Or just Wisteria in general.
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It's unfortunately it's anything but wistful or romantic.
This is inspired by the netflix series Poisoned. I hate that title but it's a great watch. I learned a lot from it. I highly recommend it particularly for medical students and residents etc.
So, listeria are gram positive rods (most bacilli are negative) making this relatively easier to remember (purple rods). Also catalase positive. IT's also a facultative anaerobe - so both cultures may be positive (aerobic and anaerobic bottles).
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the species that is the culprit for major human pathogens is Listeria monocytogenes.
At increased risk groups (more likely to die of Listeriosis) - the immunocompromised and extremes of life, including the elderly, pregnant women and neonates. Immunocompromised: HIV, anyone on long term highish doses of steroids, leukaemia/oncology patients etc. Worryingly, incubation time is 3-90 days in these groups, so it's difficult to really trace or keep track of. Pregnant women are at 20x higher risk of acquiring the severe form.
Source: CDC
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Hence why during pregnancy you're advised not to consume raw salads, fruits, cold cuts, soft cheeses, sprouts and smoked salmon or sushi, no mayo and no raw egg (definitely no raw milk) etc. Similarly, common recommendation is you serve none of these to children under the age of 1. It naturally lives in soil (hence avoidance of raw sprouts) and can live in animals. So it can frequently contaminate food.
Image Source: SA Health
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As with COVID (I can't believe I'm using COVID as a measure of things), it can cause mild food borne illness (nausea, vomiting diarrhoea, myalgias, even fevers) to invasive disease causing sepsis and even meningitis or encephalitis. Incubation time is a few days in the mild form.
IMage source:
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Death by Listeria when you have the severe form (Listeriosis) is 20%, astonishingly high given you have a 1% chance of dying from Salmonella.
It's a small risk but the issue is that complications and fatality if you do acquire is high. It's also highly preventable, but the challenge is food safety and avoiding certain foods as a consumer.
i.e. in pregnancy, most will have diarrhoeal illness that's mild. But in the subset that get invasive disease and really unwell, there's a 20% risk of miscarriage, risk of premature labour and risk of still birth at 3% in the US. In the states, pregnant women are also 10x more likely to get Listeria infection. That is, illness after exposure.
On the final note of prevention, also always properly refridgerate food to 4 degrees celsius and cook meat to 165 fahrenheit or 73 degrees celsius. As I've learned from the Poisoned documentary, you can ask restaurants to do this, ask them to use an internal thermometer to measure - as rare/medium rare etc have no meaning as it pertains to food safety. If they can't, order something else.
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With meningoencephalitis, we just presume that Listeria is a possibility and treat empirically while awaiting investigations.
Investigations: - CSF (lumbar puncture) in event of signs of meningism or encephalitis (classic headache/fever/stiff neck/rash and/or acute confusion or seizure AND fevers) --> expect the classic features of bacterial meningiits and gram stain positive for purple rods - PCR - stool cultures have no value - blood cultures--> look for gram positive rods in the preliminary findings, expect a call from the lab Empirical therapy: - none in asymptomatic or mild disease. just monitoring until symptoms resolve and supportive care (fluids etc.) - Listeria is a notifiable disease to the health department in most Western countries that keep track of outbreaks. - in the US, standard treatment is ampicillin. - in Australia at least, standard therapy is IV benzylpenicillin, 2.4 g 4 hrly in meningitis or encephalitis and everyone is just started on this until bug identification/gram staining and sensitivities return. - in hypersensitivity, bactrim is used. - cephalosporins have no activity against them (or "inherently resistant), hence you can see IV ceftriaxone and benzylpen in the drug regimen for empirical therapy of meningitis - cef covers gram negatives, strep pneumo (most common cause of meningitis) and neisseria meningitidis - duration of therapy in severe disease: 3 weeks, 6 weeks if immunosuppressed
Really great summary here.
Random historical trivia
listeria is named for Dr. Joseph Lister, a British surgeon who introduced sterilisation of equipment and antiseptics to surgery, improve post op care and observed that microbes are the cause of cases of poor wound healing or post op infections. he also began to look at them under the microscope as an early pioneer of bacteriology.
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Lister's father by the way, made compound microscopes for a living, so lister became proficient at using this and started publishing articles during medical school
this also led to a lot more research on inflammation and coagulation
weirder trivia: in his med school days, surgeons commonly did not wash hands between patients and some didn't even change gowns, glorifying how busy they where by how many stains were on it by the end of the day
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so unsurprisingly his early battles to pioneer antiseptics and aseptic techqniues to prevent the transmission of infection in surgical patients were pretty uphill
Resources CDC guidelines WHO guidelines FDA Statpearls --> great at covering basic physiology and pathology etc. in a short form. Australian therapeutic guidelines - unfortunately not free.. so won't bother to link. If you work at any large-ish Australian hospital you'll have 'free' access. Wikipaedia US list of outbreaks CDC recommendations on foods to avoid vs okay to eat to avoid Listeria
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ladywellcare111 · 1 year
Pomegranate to Eat After an Abortion for Fast Recovery: Pomegranate After an Abortion
Pomegranate to Eat After an Abortion for Fast Recovery: Pomegranate After an Abortion #pomegranate #juice,pomegranate,is #it #safe #to #eat during #pregnancy,#Pomegranate #to #Eat #After #an #Abortion #for #Fast #Recovery: #Pomegranate
Pomegranate: A Superfruit for Post-Abortion Recovery Undergoing an abortion can be a physically and emotionally challenging experience for women. Focusing on nourishing the body with nutrient-rich foods is important to aid recovery. Among the many options available, pomegranate is a superfruit that offers many health benefits. Incorporating diets of pomegranate after an abortion can support fast…
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wakingpost · 1 year
Here is the list of the fruits to avoid during pregnancy by the woman. Because this will help the child inside the womb to live peacefully and properly. Have a look at the same and continue reading the article till the end of the same. In order to know about the fruits that are required to be avoided by the pregnant lady.
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joyfulhealths-blog · 3 months
How to Grow Your Nails Fast
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In a world where trends change as quickly as the seasons, one thing that never goes out of style is healthy, strong nails. Whether you're into nail art or prefer a natural look, having well-groomed nails can boost your confidence and enhance your overall appearance. But what if you're struggling with slow nail growth? Fear not, as we delve into the intricacies of nail growth and explore effective strategies to accelerate the process.
Understanding Nail Growth
Anatomy of a Nail
Nails might seem like simple structures, but they are actually quite complex. Each nail comprises multiple layers of a protein called keratin, which provides strength and protection. Beneath the visible nail plate lies the nail bed, where new cells constantly form and push the nail forward.
Nail Growth Cycle
Nails, like hair, follow a distinct growth cycle consisting of three phases: the anagen (growth) phase, the catagen (transition) phase, and the telogen (resting) phase. Understanding this cycle is crucial for maximizing nail growth potential.
Factors Affecting Nail Growth
Diet and Nutrition
You are what you eat, and the same applies to your nails. A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins is essential for promoting healthy nail growth. Incorporate foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to nourish your nails from the inside out.
Hydration Levels
Hydration plays a significant role in nail health. Dehydrated nails are more prone to breakage and brittleness. Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water daily to keep your nails hydrated and supple.
Hormonal Balance
Hormonal fluctuations can impact nail growth. Women may notice changes in nail growth during pregnancy, menstruation, or menopause. Maintaining hormonal balance through proper nutrition and lifestyle choices can help support healthy nail growth.
Nail Care Habits
How you care for your nails can either promote or hinder their growth. Avoid harsh chemicals found in nail polish removers and household cleaners, as they can weaken nails. Additionally, refrain from using your nails as tools for tasks like opening cans or scratching surfaces.
You can also try this product ProNail Complex
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Tips for Faster Nail Growth
Maintain a Balanced Diet Rich in Essential Nutrients
Fuel your body with the nutrients it needs for optimal nail growth. Incorporate foods high in biotin, vitamin E, iron, and zinc into your diet. Consider adding supplements if you're not getting enough nutrients from food alone.
Stay Hydrated
Hydration is key to healthy nails. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your nails hydrated and prevent them from becoming dry and brittle.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals and Nail Trauma
Protect your nails from damage by avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals and minimizing trauma. Wear gloves when cleaning or doing dishes, and be gentle when filing or shaping your nails.
Practice Proper Nail Care Techniques
Trim your nails regularly to prevent breakage and promote growth. Use a gentle nail file to shape the edges, and always file in one direction to avoid weakening the nails. Keep cuticles moisturized and gently push them back rather than cutting them.
Consider Supplements and Treatments
Explore supplements and treatments specifically formulated to promote nail growth. Look for products containing ingredients like biotin, keratin, and peptides, which can help strengthen nails and stimulate growth.
Natural Remedies for Nail Growth
Coconut Oil Massage
Massage coconut oil into your nails and cuticles daily to moisturize and strengthen them. Coconut oil contains fatty acids and vitamins that nourish the nails and promote growth.
Garlic Paste Application
Apply a paste made from crushed garlic cloves to your nails and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing off. Garlic is rich in selenium and sulfur, which can help stimulate nail growth and improve overall nail health.
Lemon Juice Soak
Soak your nails in lemon juice for a few minutes to help brighten and strengthen them. Lemon juice contains vitamin C, which promotes collagen production and aids in nail growth.
Professional Treatments for Nail Growth
Nail Strengthening Treatments
Visit a nail salon for professional strengthening treatments like gel overlays or dip powder manicures. These treatments can provide added protection to weak or brittle nails and promote growth.
Nail Growth Serums
Invest in a quality nail growth serum containing ingredients like peptides, vitamins, and antioxidants. These serums penetrate the nail bed to nourish and strengthen nails from within, promoting faster growth.
Nail Extensions and Overlays
Consider getting nail extensions or overlays if you struggle with short or weak nails. These artificial enhancements can provide instant length and strength while allowing your natural nails to grow underneath.
Lifestyle Changes for Nail Health
Manage Stress Levels
Chronic stress can take a toll on nail health. Practice stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to promote overall well-being and support healthy nail growth.
Protect Your Nails
Wear gloves when performing activities that may expose your nails to harsh chemicals or excessive moisture. Protecting your nails from damage can help prevent breakage and promote faster growth.
Avoid Excessive Use of Nail Polish and Nail Polish Removers
While nail polish can add flair to your look, excessive use can weaken nails. Give your nails a break from polish occasionally to allow them to breathe and recover. When using nail polish removers, opt for acetone-free formulas to minimize drying and damage.
Nail Care Dos and Don'ts
Dos: Keep Nails Clean and Dry
Practice good hygiene by keeping your nails clean and dry. Use a gentle soap and water to wash your hands, and dry them thoroughly afterward to prevent bacterial or fungal infections.
Don't: Bite or Pick at Nails
Resist the urge to bite or pick at your nails, as this can cause damage and hinder growth. Instead, keep your nails neatly trimmed and filed to reduce the temptation to bite or pick.
Understanding Nail Disorders
Common Nail Problems
Be vigilant for signs of common nail disorders such as fungal infections, nail psoriasis, or ingrown nails. Prompt identification and treatment can prevent further damage and promote healthy nail growth.
You can also try this product ProNail Complex
When to Seek Professional Help
If you experience persistent nail problems or notice sudden changes in nail growth or appearance, consult a dermatologist or nail specialist. They can diagnose underlying issues and recommend appropriate treatments to restore nail health.
Growing your nails fast requires patience, consistency, and a holistic approach to nail care. By nourishing your body with a balanced diet, practicing good nail hygiene, and exploring natural remedies and professional treatments, you can achieve the strong, healthy nails you desire. Embrace the journey of nail growth, celebrate progress along the way, and flaunt your fabulous fingertips with confidence.
Please note that this article contains affiliate links to products that I believe may be beneficial for readers interested in enhancing their nail health and promoting faster nail growth. If you click on these links and make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.
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lalicicek91 · 3 months
Mood swings can be influenced by a variety of factors, including biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Here are some common reasons for experiencing mood swings and strategies to help manage them:
1. **Hormonal Changes**: Fluctuations in hormones, such as during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause, can contribute to mood swings. Keeping track of your menstrual cycle and practicing self-care during hormonal changes can help alleviate mood swings.
2. **Stress and Anxiety**: High levels of stress or anxiety can lead to mood swings. Practicing stress management techniques such as mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, regular exercise, and seeking support from friends or a therapist can help reduce stress and stabilize mood.
3. **Sleep Disturbances**: Poor sleep quality or inadequate sleep can affect mood stability. Establishing a regular sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimizing your sleep environment can improve sleep quality and reduce mood swings.
4. **Nutritional Factors**: Nutritional deficiencies or imbalances, such as low blood sugar levels or inadequate intake of essential nutrients, can impact mood. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can support stable mood.
5. **Underlying Mental Health Conditions**: Mood swings can be a symptom of underlying mental health conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder, or borderline personality disorder. Seeking professional help from a therapist or psychiatrist for proper evaluation and treatment can address underlying mental health concerns.
6. **Substance Use**: Alcohol, drugs, and caffeine can disrupt neurotransmitter levels in the brain and contribute to mood swings. Limiting or avoiding substance use, especially during times of emotional instability, can help stabilize mood.
7. **Lifestyle Factors**: Lifestyle habits such as excessive screen time, lack of physical activity, social isolation, or unhealthy coping mechanisms can exacerbate mood swings. Engaging in activities that promote physical, emotional, and social well-being, such as hobbies, socializing, and relaxation techniques, can improve mood stability.
It's essential to identify the underlying causes of your mood swings and develop a personalized plan to address them. If mood swings persist or significantly interfere with your daily functioning, don't hesitate to seek support from a mental health professional for further evaluation and treatment. They can provide guidance, support, and effective strategies to help you manage your mood swings and improve your overall well-being.
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"Labor of Love" (Part 1)
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SUMMARY: Jake and Lilah look forward to the impending birth of their baby girl. Also, they have an unexpected encounter with the last person they want to see. Continuation of “Broken & Beautiful.”
Part 2
PAIRINGS: Jake and Lilah; Will and Allison
TRIGGER WARNING: Read with caution! This part references Simone's grooming/abuse of Jake when he was a child. Nothing graphic or detailed.
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     It’s March now, and I’m in my sixth month. Baby Maya is still doing well, and she still seems to have a fondness for being a night owl. I know some people may think I’m crazy, but I’m convinced that the reason why she’s especially active at night is because she knows that’s when she can have the full attention of her parents. From the moment we wake up in the morning, Jake and I are busy getting ready for the day. And while we’re bartending, we can’t exactly stop every five minutes to talk to her via my baby bump. So it’s at night, when we’re at home, that she seems to take advantage of the quietness. Jake laughs off my suspicions, of course. Whatever the reason, our little girl likes to throw a late-night party for one in my womb. Not that I’m complaining. I love feeling her move around. It means that she’s healthy and safe.
     According to my OB, I’m also healthy. Though I feel like my body is waging a war against me. The sixth month has ushered in a new set of pregnancy symptoms: heartburn, backaches, dizziness, leg cramps and hot flashes.
     Up until recently, I was never one to move around much during sleep hours. It used to be that I could fall asleep and maybe - once in a blue moon - switch positions once or twice. Now, thanks to my aching back and the occasional leg cramp, I just can’t seem to stay comfortable. I don’t know how Jake puts up with my tossing and turning. Thankfully, the leg cramps can be prevented by staying hydrated. I always make sure to keep a “go cup,” filled with water handy. The only thing is: I have to get up to pee more often. During the day, I can take advantage of a stool whenever I need to take pressure off of my aching back or if dizziness hits me. And at night, Jake and I have become experts at arranging the pillows so I can stay comfortable as long as possible.
     As far as the heartburn is concerned, I have to avoid some of my favorite foods. It’s been easy to part with spicy foods. But when my OB suggested avoiding chocolate and citrus, I just about hit the roof. I am a “chocoholic,” and sometimes my resolve begins to crumble whenever I see anything chocolate being paraded in front of me at the restaurant. On top of that, my favorite fruits happen to be oranges and lemons. On the rare occasion when I end up cutting lemons at the restaurant, and I catch a whiff of their scent, I have to remind myself of two things: (1) if I sneak a bite, I’m technically stealing from the restaurant; and (2) I’ll just pay for it later on. Curse you, heartburn!
     I wish I could say that my changing body and weight gain haven’t affected how I feel about my appearance. There are times when I absolutely love the way I look. If I’m wearing a cute maternity dress, and I have my hair just so, I feel confident. But then, there are those days when I want to avoid the mirror as much as possible. When that happens, Jake is quick to assure me that I’m still beautiful and desirable to him, bump and all. That sentiment is sweet, but it’s hard to feel that way sometimes. And let’s just say that my work clothes? They’re even less flattering, now that I have this belly.
     Jake and I managed to get out of bed early this morning, as we’ve chosen today to go shopping for a stroller and a crib. Thankfully, there’s a place nearby that sells baby gear. They also happen to deliver, which is an added benefit to having them close to where we live. Since our place is only a few blocks from the store, we’ve opted to walk home. Of course, there are certain smells that get to me. But it’s a nice morning, and I want to have a nice stroll with my husband.
     Jake and I take our time, walking side-by-side. “Well, that was a productive morning,” I comment, threading my arm through his. He makes a sound of agreement, and I smile to myself. “Just think. In three months, she’ll be here. Maybe by then, we’ll have a middle name picked out.”
     “I thought we agreed on Elizabeth.”
     “We did. But then, I realized that her initials would be M.E.H. You know, ‘meh’. Doesn’t convey the right message.” He chuckles. “I know! I know. I’m over-thinking things again. Maybe we’ll keep Elizabeth on the table.” I stop for a moment, thinking. I tend to lean toward the old-fashioned names, and so I suggest “What about Katherine?”
     “I thought we ruled that one out.”
     “We did?” I scrunch up my nose, scanning my memory banks. “I don’t think so.”
     “Yup. It was during our ‘Olivia, Elizabeth, Anne, Katherine, Jade’ debate.”
     “Really?” I roll my eyes. “I guess my pregnancy brain has struck again. Well, I guess we can revisit Katherine and Olivia.”
     “What about Jade?”
     I don’t particularly like that name, but Jake seems to favor it. And you know what they say about marriage: it’s important to make compromises. “All right. We can revisit Jade.”
     We pass by a bakery that happens to have its doors open, and the scent of freshly-baked bread wafts toward me. This, thankfully, is one of the few scents that doesn’t bother me. If anything, it makes my stomach growl. Loudly.
     “Sorry. Guess it’s that bread. Smells delicious,” I say with a blush.
     Jake laughs. “I’m a little hungry, too. What do you want?”
     My response is immediate. “Bagel. Plain cream cheese.”
     We break apart and, while Jake enters the bakery, I sit down on a nearby bench so I can rest my back. I look down at my belly and give it a light, affectionate rub. “What do you think, little one? Do you want to be ‘Maya Jade’ or ‘Maya Katherine’? How about this: one kick for Jade. Two for Katherine.” One kick. “Traitor,” I tease with a little laugh.
     My mirth soon comes to a screeching halt when I hear a familiar, feminine voice say to me “Hello, Lilah.”
     I close my eyes and cringe as chills run up my spine. I let out a steadying breath, open my eyes, and look up at the intruder. “Simone,” I greet cooly.
     She looks down at me, eyebrow raised. Damn! “I see you have a new addition on the way. Congratulations.”
     “Thank you.” I look in the direction of the bakery, but it’s too crowded to see my husband. Jake, where are you? Hurry up! I think to myself.
     “Well, I’m very happy to see that things are going so well for you.”
     “Thanks.” I have to get out of here. Pronto. “ Umm ... I hate to be rude, but I really should get going. I have to work in a few hours.” I make a move to stand up, hoping she’ll take the hint, and stop in my tracks when she speaks again.
     “Are you still in touch with Jake?” I roll my eyes up at the heavens and turn around to face her, trying to keep my expression neutral. “I know you two were close. I lost touch with Jake a while ago, and I’m wondering if he’s all right.”
     Not wanting to give away too much information, I keep things vague. “He’s fine. Now, if you’ll excuse me ...”
     I don’t know what to do. I want to get away from Simone; from the negativity and stress she’s making me feel. But I can’t just leave Jake behind. Especially without notice. Chewing on my lower lip, I try to work out what I should do. Deciding I should warn Jake, I duck into a nearby shop and pull my phone out of my purse. In a matter of moments, I’ve typed out my warning and sent it to him.
     Jake, S.O.S. Simone just showed up. She’s outside the bakery. She knows about the baby, and she asked about you. I’m hiding out in the flower shop nextdoor.
     I let out a long breath and run a hand over my belly, trying to calm down. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as I begin to pace, hoping Jake will get my message in time. The florist asks if I’m all right, sharing a concerned glance with one of her customers. I give them both a nod and say “I’m fine.” I stay close to the window, looking out every now and then. Still no sign of Jake.
     “Is there anything I can help you with?” the florist asks.
     “No. I’m just waiting for my husband. Thank you.”
     The florist nods, seeming to accept my answer. “Would you like some water? I can bring out a chair, if you’d like to sit down.”
     “Water would be great. Thank you.”
     The florist approaches me a little while later, presenting me with a cold bottle of water. “Are you sure you don’t want a chair?”
     “I’m fine. Just wondering where my husband is,” I say, trying to play it off as a pregnant wife who’s feeling impatient. I take a few gulps of water and put the cap back on, pretending to be a potential customer. “These arrangements are lovely. Have you been in business long?”
     “Six years. If you don’t mind ... what are you having?”
     Rubbing my belly affectionately, I answer “A girl. She’s our first baby, and she’s due in June.”
     “Your first. How exciting!” She pauses for a moment. “May I offer you some free, unsolicited advice?” I nod. “Take as many pictures as possible. To this day, I regret not doing that with my children.”
     I give her a smile. “My husband is a photographer. I’m sure we’ll be up to our ears in pictures. I don’t know how many he’s taken of me and my bump.” I look out the window again, frowning when I see Jake. Seems he wasn’t able to sneak past Simone after all. “Umm ... I see my husband outside. Thank you for the water.” I open my wallet and pull out some money, intending to reimburse her, but she waves me off.
     “No need to worry about that. You just enjoy that baby of yours.”
     “I will. Thank you, Molly.”
     Bracing myself, I push open the door and step outside. As predicted, Jake’s reunion with Simone is a tense one. He is facing me, his expression stern. Simone, meanwhile, has her back to me. Seems my text message didn’t make a bit of difference. Either he didn’t have a chance to read it before he left the bakery, or he received it in time and decided not to hide out until Simone was gone. I’m not exactly thrilled about being near that woman again. Knowing what she did to Jake makes my skin crawl, and I don’t want her to try to weasel her way back into Jake’s life. But Jake needs my support, and I’m tired of hiding. And so, smoothing down my dress and squaring my shoulders, I step into what feels like Ground Zero. As I move closer, I can pick up on what Simone is saying.
     “I don’t understand you, Jake. Two years’ worth of silence. Because of what? Because I went back to Etienne? Because I chose to make a life for myself?” She shakes her head, making a single clucking sound with her tongue. “I’m disappointed in you, Jake. I thought that, with a little time, you’d come to your senses. I thought you were more mature than this.”
     Jake’s eyes narrow into a glare, his jaw clenching. If I’m going to make my move, it’s now. Without saying a single word to Simone, I step around her and take my place by Jake’s side. I reach out and take his hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He returns the gesture and then says “Simone, you remember Lilah ... my wife.”
     The petty side of me wishes I could take a picture of Simone, because her reaction is priceless. In all the years I’ve known her, I’ve never seen her flabbergasted.
     “Your wife?”
     “Yes. His wife.” I hold up my left hand to show her the simple white gold wedding band that graces my finger.
     Simone casts a look in Jake’s direction, and he simply stares back at her. “When did this happen?”
     “Last year,” Jake states with a smirk.
     “Oh! Well ... congratulations! I’m happy for you two.”
     “Are you?” Jake snarks back.
     She blinks at him, and she has the gall to act surprised. “Yes, Jake. Of course I am. I know we’ve had our differences, but I just want you to be happy.”
     “Really?” He shakes his head. “You want me to be happy? Is that why you tried to come between us?” He gestures between himself and yours truly. “Is that why you tried to put doubts in our heads?”
     “Jake, I --”
     “Don’t!" He leans toward Simone, looking her directly in the eyes. She seems to be intimidated by him now, and it’s a wonderful sight. For once, the manipulator seems to be backed into a corner. Jake keeps his voice low, but his anger comes through loud and clear. “Don’t deny it! Don’t try to twist things around! Don’t you fucking dare try to manipulate me again! For years, I let you get away with it because I was terrified that you’d write me off and abandon me. You knew that, and you used that to keep me under your thumb.”
     “Jake --”
     He lets go of my hand, and I watch while a few pedestrians give us strange looks as they pass by. “Whenever I came close to finding happiness apart from you, you did everything you could to take it away. You did that with my business plans, and I let you. You did the same thing when Lilah and I got together. That time, you failed because I love her ... and she loves me. And for once in my life, I feel safe.” Simone stares back at him, and Jake nods at her. “That’s right, Simone. I feel safe with Lilah. Do you know why? It’ because she doesn’t lie to me or manipulate me. All she has ever done is stand by me and love me. And you hate it because it means that I don’t need you anymore! It means can’t control me or keep me under your thumb! For once, I’m living my life the way I want to!”
     Simone stays silent this time. Maybe it’s because her shock has rendered her speechless, or maybe it’s because she knows better than to try to argue with Jake. He stays quiet for a while, taking a series of deep breaths. Then he looks around, and I watch him carefully as he leans even closer to Simone. What he says next seems to shake her to her very core.
     “And I remember what you did to me, Simone.” He nods at her, his pale skin flushed with anger. “That’s right. I don’t remember how young I was when it started, but it did happen. You can say that you were a child. But I was a child, and what you did to me ... It’s sick. You took whatever innocence I had left, and you twisted it and you degraded it. I don’t care that you were lonely. I don’t care that your parents didn’t pay attention to you. There’s no excuse for what you did to me. I trusted you, and you betrayed me.
     “Because of you, I’m damaged. Yes, my mother’s suicide messed me up. But you made life miserable for me. I don’t think I’ll ever be fixed. All I know is this: I’m better off without you. And I’ll be damned if I let you back into my life. This time, I don’t just have myself to look after. I have a wife ... and we have a child on the way. And there’s no way in Hell that I will ever let you near us again. They mean everything to me. And you? You are nothing. Stay away from me. Stay away from us. If you come near us again, you won’t be walking away.”
     The staredown lasts for what seems like an eternity until Simone backs down. Jake straightens up, takes a few steps back, and gently grabs my hand. He watches Simone for a few seconds longer, giving her a warning glare, and then walks with me in the direction of our apartment. We’re only a short distance away from our building, and Jake casts a glance behind us every now and then to make sure Simone isn’t following us. We reach our building and, when we’re certain she’s long gone, use our key to open the main door. We make our way up the stairs to the second floor and stop outside apartment 2A. It’s only now, as Jake fumbles with his key, that I see that his hands are shaking.
     “Here. Let me.”
     I gently take the key from him and insert it into the lock, turning it to the left. Another half-turn to the right, and I pull the key out of the lock. We step inside and Jake closes the door, leaning against it with a heavy sigh. After setting the key down in the dish on the table by the door, I step forward and reach out to him. Because of my belly, I can’t give him a full-frontal hug like I used to. Instead, I wrap an arm around him and lean against him, my head resting on his shoulder. The palm of his left hand is pressed against the small of my back, while his other hand rests on my belly.
     “Are you okay?” I ask, listening as his breathing slows down to a normal pace.
     He breathes out a sigh and kisses the top of my head, breathing in my scent. “I’ll be okay. What about you? Are my girls okay?”
     “Yeah. We’re fine. I’m sorry she ambushed you. I thought that if I went into the bakery, I’d lead her straight to you. That’s why I texted you and hid out in that flower shop. I didn’t know what else to do.”
     “Hey. It’s not your fault. You and I both knew she’d show up again.” He pauses for a few seconds. “I needed it. I had to tell her what she did to me. She’ll probably never stop making excuses. But ... I think it’s safe to say she’s out of our life for good.”
     We pull apart and face each other, and I reach out to touch his face. Stroking his cheek with my thumb, I say “I know what happened back there wasn’t easy for you, but I’m proud of you. I always am.”
     He kisses the palm of my hand, and I can feel him smile against it. Then he leads me over to the sofa, where we eat our pastries in comfortable silence.
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raventamed · 7 months
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Odilia Redwyn. hailing from a rich merchant family in B.aldur's G.ate Odilia has been raised to aim high. Her parents are eager to establish strong ties with nobility & so at a young age Odilia marries the heir of the influencal Redwyn dynasty. The relationship with Alinor's father Farkas is short lived, one of the few times that Odilia allows herself to indulge in her own desires. The pregnancy it leaves her with is very much unwanted, threatening her position at court & her untainted reputation & most likely Odilia would've gotten rid of the fruit had she discovered it sooner. With that possiblity gone, she gives birth to Alinor. The elf ears of the child leave no doubt about the illegimitacy & for 5 years Odilia & her husband do their best to hide Alinor from society, never confirming or denying the parentage. Eventually Odilia discovers a temple of Silvanus in the forest & pays them a good price to take in Alinor. With that she's rid of this taint (in her own eyes) & soon after her husband dies, leaving Odilia in charge of the family. She never really supported an upstart like Ulder Ravengard as Grand Duke & would've rather seen one of the established nobles in that position. Though when Gortash appears, Odilia sees the potential & the advantage in siding with him & she becomes one of his early supporters.
Alinor's resemblance with their mother can't be denied & aside from the eyes their features & hair are very similar. Which is also a big reason why Alinor has avoided the city for years, because she doesn't want people to make the connection between them, for everyone's sake.
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Farkas Leaffoot. As a wood elf & druid, Farkas has always preferred life in the wilderness. During one of his few visits to B.aldur's G.ate he meets Odilia & the spark between them burns bright until Farkas' departure ends the affair. He never learns about the child he sired, as Odilia never saw any use in that. While Alinor grows up unbeknownst to him, Farkas rises to be the leader of a small circle of druids not far away from where his child studies & hunts.
Alinor never met her father & all she knows is that she bears his last name. They convinced themself early on that most likely their father simply had no interest & therefore remained absent. She does have the same violet eyes & the strong connection to nature.
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