#Eating Restaurants or Take-Out Pizza during Pregnancy
ladywellcare111 · 11 months
Pizza During Pregnancy: Is It Safe Or Not?
Pizza During Pregnancy: Is It Safe Or Not? #Pizza #During #Pregnancy: #Is #It #Safe #Or #Not?
Consuming Pizza during pregnancy can be safe. If certain precautions are taken, avoid toppings such as raw or undercooked meats and unpasteurized cheeses. Choose veggies, margaritas, or well-cooked meat pizza with pasteurized cheeses. Maintain a balanced and nutritious diet, and prepare the Pizza in a clean establishment. Safe Pizza toppings during Pregnancy When it comes to safe pizza toppings…
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megan-bopo-journey · 6 months
15th December
This morning was a tough morning with coeliac stuff. I'm feeling extremely anxious about glutening myself being pregnant but also this weird imposter syndrome just thinking about how relaxed I've been with this diet and yet I still fell pregnant and have seemed to maintain the pregnancy so far. I'm also 11 weeks which is when mum and Beth both lost their first pregnancies. I feel like because I havent been careful enough with my diet that I 'should' experience a miscarriage too, even though that's not how it works.
I have my work xmas party tonight and even though I called and confirmed they know what cross contamination is and how to avoid it I'm still scared that they'll react badly, or it'll bring up sympathy from my colleagues that I just cant deal with right now. I still have no idea if I'll go to Ash's thing, I'm leaning towards yes but I am feeling exhausted because I then have the thing on Sunday which again is around food and not a lot of time to set myself up for the week. I'm so thankful I only have one week left of work because between the anxiety with this pregnancy, anxiety coming up to social events with coeliac while trying to work I am TIRED!! Tired of making the decision of bringing my own food or asking all the coeliac questions and taking the risk, tired of thinking of what to eat all the time and meal prepping. Yesterday I got Roll'd and immediately regretted it because I KNOW it's a may contain and I should avoid it. But I was starving and didn't want to buy snacks I just wanted a proper lunch for once! And then I felt guilty and so worried I'm hurting my baby because I just can't manage how fucking strict this diet is. I hate how much stress this time of year brings because it all revolves around food which means me having to make decisions that I never asked to make. I feel like it isn't this hard for most people and I don't know why I just can't get past it. I'll be fine during quiet periods where there's not as much social events but as soon as there is I burn out so quickly. I tried to promise myself to follow up with 'treats' after events however when looking into it I don't always have time for solo dates and I still have to advocate for myself even if the restaurant is known for being coeliac safe. I'm getting my hair done on Monday (which is funny because I also had a hair appt after the retreat thing that was stressing me out so much) and apart from christmas day and the 27th that'll be it for food events for the year. Perhaps I just need to focus on doing the best I can to survive the end of the year mental health wise even if I can't advocate for myself every time and hopefully the new year I can focus on it more.
Tonight: "Just letting you know that I have coeliac which is like a severe gluten allergy, just wondering if you would be able to prevent cross contamination with the other pizzas when making mine?"
Tomorrow: Bring my food, just tell people "it's just easier", always the option to leave if it gets too hard. really think about whether I want to attend these events next year (this will be a good therapy topic) -this will be the hardest event, I want to push myself to at least try and go and I'll be relieved it's over but also proud of myself for going.
Sunday: I feel confident eating Elizabeth's mousakka and will be providing the pav so I know I'll get a safe dessert :) Be mindful with the crackers and dip etc.
Monday: get things to make chicken wraps for the week
Thursday: suggest non-food things with Navin e.g. starbucks, walk the river if she wants, nails done? tell her I am scared of getting glutened since getting preg
Xmas day: hard to control/predict, just do the best I can
27th: offer to order the chicken and let them know someone eating it has coeliac/severe gluten allergy
28th: unsure if I'll go, decide before xmas and just decline invitation.
Oh yes and thank god I have therapy on Wednesday!!
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fivenightsathaywire · 2 years
Build your own rockstar | Chapter 4/4
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Pairing: Glamrock Freddy X Female Reader Tags: Giving birth, pregnancy, fluff, human x machine
Minors DNI
The swell of your stomach caused Glamrock Freddy to feel immensely proud.
After months of repeated treatment, it was successful at last. The spells of morning sickness, bloating and other pregnancy-related ailments were oddly welcome.
Every now and then, Freddy would place a protective hand over his ‘Little Superstar’, as he had so lovingly dubbed your child already, and occasionally brought his metallic muzzle to your stomach to speak to it.
Weeks passed, months passed. The baby grew and so did your tummy, and you were glowing happily by the time you reached your eighth month. So far, it had gone without any trouble, and you had already started building a nursery for the baby.
The other animatronics weren’t as sentient as Freddy Fazbear, not quite comprehending his happiness yet fully aware that there was an adorable child growing inside your womb, and that Freddy would be seen as the father.
“If it’s a girl,” said Roxy, “You should call her Roxanne!”
You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, partially because she was deadly serious, and shovelled another spoonful of soft serve topped with tomato slices into your mouth - a strange pregnancy craving, really, but who were they to deny you such a simple pleasure?
Freddy rubbed gentle circles over your back, looking at you in a doting manner. “No, we’ve been thinking about the name–”
“Freddy, don’t spoil it!” you exclaimed with a mouth full of ice cream. You quickly swallowed it, wiping your lips with a napkin. “We can’t say the name of our baby before they are born!”
“Why not? I want to shout it from the rooftops and write songs about them!”
“That’s awfully sweet of you, Freddy, but really… It should be a surprise!”
Freddy’s ears momentarily drooped, but he understood soon enough.
“Don’t you have any standards?” Chica cried out upon witnessing you add a handful of jalapenos to your soft serve. “Even I wouldn’t eat that, (Y/n).”
You shrugged and took another bite. Freddy sighed happily, content with sharing his journey towards fatherhood with his closest friends.
“Alright you all, the tea party is over. Go towards your charging stations lest you be out of power during your show in an hour!”
Vanessa always had to spoil the fun, but you knew that she was right. With a low sound akin to a purr, Freddy nuzzled his nose against your face and you kissed his cold nose.
“Love you, sweetheart.” he told you, “And our Little Superstar.”
You beamed, rubbing his cheek gently. “I love you too, Papa Bear.”
The animatronics did as they had been told, leaving you in the staff restaurant. However, Chica halted next to you, reaching over to tip her oversized finger into your ice cream, having a taste regardless.
She flinched as if she had been able to truly detect flavour. “That’s revolting, (Y/n)! As soon as your pregnancy is over, I am sure you’d say the same.”
You laughed, taking another bite. “I don’t care,” you said, “Right now, I am still pregnant, so allow me to enjoy it now! And good thing that you don’t like it, that means that there is more left for me!”
Your ankles were sore, but you stood near the stage nevertheless, supporting your bulging belly with your hands whilst rubbing coaxing circles over the sore and itchy skin. Making sure to stay out of sight, you watched how Freddy and his friends performed, the crowd going crazy.
The songs were thoroughly familiar to you, for you had heard them time and time again, but you adored to hear Glamrock Freddy’s voice reverberate through the halls of the Mega Pizza Plex. It made you feel safe wherever you walked, for it kept you remembering that he was just around the corner, no matter what happened.
A warm feeling between your legs pulled you out of your concentrated state, and for a minute, you scolded yourself for feeling lustful just because of Freddy’s deep voice trembling through the speakers, but it was soon accompanied by a wave of pain, and the stain in your trousers was way too large to be from any sort of arousal.
“Vanessa?!” you called out at once, panic building in your chest. As quickly as your feet could carry you, you walked backstage, calling out to her, “Vanessa!”
She groggily looked around the corner of the staff room, with bleary eyes, as if she had just woken up from a nap on the sofa. You didn’t blame her, for she had a whole night shift to cover.
“I-I think my water just broke!”
She was awake at once, fixing her clothes and rushing over to you. Seeing the obvious stain, she placed you down on the sofa in the staffroom at once, ushering out any other staff members who gave you curious glances.
“Oh, (Y/n), no worries. Just stay calm, I will call the doctor - midwife - hospital, ah! I am prepared for this! Do you need me to fetch Fred–”
You put your hand on her arm, shaking your head. A wave of sudden pain overwhelmed you as your first contraction washed over you. “N-No, you don’t have to get Freddy! Labour… Labour always takes a long time, he will… Have plenty of time to finish the… Show!”
You felt light-headed, and when Vanessa said you were allowed to scream to let it all out, you didn’t have to hear that another time.
The shrill sound of a labouring woman filled the Pizza Plex, just loud enough for Freddy to hear over the blaring music blasting through the speakers. His ears perked up, the words of the song getting stuck in his artificial throat, and he looked behind him. Roxy gave him a strange look as Monty frowned. “Come on, Fredbear! This is your verse!”
Glamrock Freddy, however, was in no shape or form able to finish his performance now that his receptors had picked up your anguish - his true feelings and sentience were always stronger than his program - and he dropped the microphone at once to rush off, causing a deafening squeak to echo through the Megaplex.
“So sorry, ladies and gentlemen!” said Chica, “It seems that Freddy Fazbear has to take a bathroom break! No worries, because Monty, Roxy and I are here to sing you the next song - one of our newest singles!”
Freddy barged into the room and found you at once, your forehead damp with sweat, face distressed and in obvious pain. “Freddy,” you groaned, “Freddy, go finish your show! I will be… Ah! I will be fine! It’s only the first contraction, it will… Get better in a bit!”
“No!” protested Freddy, sitting down next to you to hold you, “I will not leave your side.”
Vanessa was still talking on the phone, her voice muffled by the wall. You listened to it for a second, huffing out deep breaths.
“Freddy, your show–”
“I don’t care about the show. Not when you are here giving birth! No, I will not leave your side.”
Vanessa returned, giving you a determined look. “They are on their way,” she said, and you gave a thankful, watery smile.
You couldn’t wait for this to be over.
Glamrock Freddy had indeed not left your side ever since you had begun your lengthy process of giving birth. Even though he sometimes had to keep his distance albeit at the behest of the doctor or because you were inexplicably yelling at him throughout bouts of intense pain - you had called him ‘Fucking Fazbear’ at least three times now in the past two hours - he remained in close proximity, keeping his eyes focused on your at all times.
Exhausted, and delighted.
Those were the only two emotions that ran through your veins the very moment they put a wailing, greasy baby girl on your bare chest. You held her at once, letting out a choked sob.
“Freddy,” you cried, “Freddy, look at her!”
The animatronics had no function to cry, but his voice was still thick with emotion when he whispered your name.
“Oh, my sweetheart. Our Little Superstar, our Little Starlet! She’s beautiful. Oh, she’s an angel!”
The other animatronics were delighted to meet your daughter. All shows had been cancelled for the day under the ruse of mechanical error so that everyone had time to settle in and get a look at the newest addition to the ragtag group of machines and humans.
“Little baby!” cheered Sun, “Can she play already? She is going to have so many friends!”
You laughed a bit, rubbing some (h/c) hairs from her forehead before kissing it softly. “Not yet, Sunny. It will take some time for her to grow.”
Sun pouted, but seemed to understand the fragility of the baby.
You held out the infant to Freddy, who carefully took it from you. She looked even smaller now that he was holding her against his chest, deliberately attempting to heat up his systems so that she could warmly snuggle up against him. She looked up at him with large eyes, momentarily threatening to cry, but soon fell asleep again.
“What is her name?” wondered Monty.
Glamrock Freddy and you looked at each other for a moment, smiling.
“Elizabeth.” you said.
A whisper went through the group of animatronics. “Lovely name!” declared Chica.
“Elizabeth, you know, after…” Roxy muttered, causing Freddy to nod.
“Yes. After Elizabeth Afton, may her soul find rest one day.”
The group was silent for a bit, admiring the image of Freddy holding the small girl in his large arms. As soon as she began to get fussy, Freddy gave her back to you so that you could nurse her.
“Can I snap a picture of her wearing my sunglasses?” Monty asked, causing you to laugh out loud.
“Absolutely!” you told him. “And everyone can hold her for a bit, but not right now. It is so wonderful for you guys to be part of her family. I am sure she will love all of you intensely.”
The group of animatronics dared to approach your bed to look at the babe more up close. Across the room, Vanessa stood leaned against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest. You locked eyes with her, and a shiver ran down your spine from the odd look in her eyes.
You opened your mouth to call her over so that she could see the baby as well, but the blonde already rushed out of the room, your gut unpleasantly clenching with worry.
Your concern was short-lived, for Elizabeth stirred against your chest and demanded your attention. The animatronics were in awe, lovingly looking at the newborn child. Freddy stroked your hair gently, momentarily having eye contact with you.
The wait had been so worth it, but you were happier than you could ever have imagined.
A wail filled the nursery as two-year-old Lizzie stirred awake from her nap. She turned in her crib to see where her parents were, but did not see them.
The door creaked open, and a boy no older than eleven appeared on the threshold, seemingly running from someone - or something .
The crying stopped at once as curious eyes witnessed how the boy rubbed some shaggy brown hair out of his face and began looking around the room. As soon as his gaze settled upon Elizabeth, he began to slightly panic.
“Oh, hey there!”
The toddler’s lip began to tremble as he approached her carefully.
“I mean no harm,” he promised, “My name is Gregory, and who are you?”
Elizabeth swallowed away her tears, but her attention was soon drawn to the door opening, the voices of her parents drawing closer.
“--Indeed, Vanessa has been acting off lately. Things seem so different when Elizabeth is around the other animatronics, too, when–”
Freddy halted in his tracks when he opened the door, seeing the young trespasser standing next to his daughter’s crib. Behind him stood you, hands underneath your swollen belly, Elizabeth’s sibling due to arrive within two months.
“You are not supposed to be in here,” said Glamrock Freddy with a strict edge to his voice, but you ushered him inside at once, closing the door behind you.
“Start explaining why you are here,” urged Freddy, “Now.”
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chrizbang · 3 years
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Pairing: Lee Felix x female reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: mature content, lowkey slow burn, breeding kink, soft!dom Felix, creampie.
Word count: 2.975
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You and Ashley have been friends for four years now. You went through a lot of hardships together, especially when Ashley had an unplanned pregnancy in the last year of college. Luckily, Mason, now her husband, is an amazing person, and even though it was hard, she was able to graduate. You loved her baby, Arthur, so much, like it was your little brother. You knew that their anniversary was getting closer and you wanted to surprise her.
"No way, I cannot ask you for something like that."
"You're not asking, I'm offering. Besides, you know I love spending time with Arthur," you said, holding your phone with one hand while you tried to wash the dishes you used to eat dinner with the other. 
"I don't know Y/N..."
"Girl, just stop. I'm not taking a no for an answer. Spending quality time with your husband is important and I know that you have been not getting laid lately."
"You have no idea how hard it is to have sex with a one-year-old making a mess everywhere." You both laughed. 
"I'll go to your house tomorrow at 7 pm. Get a reservation at a nice restaurant, get shaved and, wear your best dress. I want you and Mason to have a good time together."
"Okay, but only because it is our anniversary. I'm gonna take this as a present." Ashley sighed, knowing that she had to say yes anyway.
"Because it is, Ashley. I'll see you tomorrow, bye."
"Bye, honey."
You finished your shores and were planning on watching some videos on youtube when you heard your phone buzzing. You picked it up and saw that you had a message.
Felix, 8:45 pm: Hey
Felix, 8:45 pm: Sorry for messaging late but, are you free tomorrow?
You chuckled. Almost 9 pm wasn't late.
Y/N, 8:46 pm: Sorry, I'm going to my friend's house after work.
Y/N, 8:47 pm: I'm going to babysit her baby so she can go have dinner with her husband.
You met Felix at work, during lunch. He was new there and you have seen him sometimes walking around the place, but you never talked to him. Until one day when he dropped his coffee on you. You remembered how embarrassed he was, his cheeks were red and he profusely apologized. Ever since, you had some small talk with him here and there until one day you gave him his number, saying that he could message you if he needed help with something from work. You know it was bullshit since he was from a different department, but still, you needed an excuse to talk to him. He messaged you a few times but eventually, you thought it was a lost cause.
Y/N, 8:57 pm: Why do you ask?
Felix, 9:00 pm: Nothing.
Felix, 9:01 pm: It's silly.
Y/N, 9:03 pm: If it was that silly, you wouldn't have messaged me.
Y/N, 9:03 pm: Spit it out.
Felix, 9:12 pm: There's a convention for Star Wars fans tomorrow. You said that you loved the movies one time so I bought tickets for you.
Y/N, 9:14 pm: Why didn't you tell me before? 
Felix, 9:15 pm: I didn't know if you would want to go. But it's okay, don't worry about it.
You thought for a moment. You really wanted to spend time with him. Felix was so sweet, respectful and kind. He was also very, very handsome.
Y/N, 9:30 pm: Do you wanna come to my friend's house tomorrow with me? 
You looked at your phone five minutes later and saw that Felix visualized the message but didn't answer. "Congratulations, you fucked it up, Y/N," you said.
You sat on your couch and turned the tv on, planning on finally watching your favorite youtube videos, when you heard your phone buzzing again.
Felix, 9:50 pm: Sure, why not? Is it okay with your friend? She doesn't know me.
You sighed, happy that he answered.
Y/N, 9:51 pm: I'm gonna tell her but I'm pretty sure she'll be fine.
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"Is he cute?" Ashley asked, putting on her earring. She looked gorgeous with a tight red dress that accentuated her curves and contrasted with her dark skin. Her curly hair was in a bun, leaving her neck and shoulders exposed. You knew Mason would love it.
"He is very cute. And he's so nice too. I only invited him over because he seems really sweet."
You went to Ashley's house one hour before she would leave for dinner so you could help her get ready, and by help, you meant to force her to wear something that wasn't a t-shirt and jeans.
"How do I look?" she turned around, facing you.
"Gorgeous as always."
Ashley hugged you tight. "Thank you so much, Y/N. You know you don't have to do this, right?"
"But I want to."
The bell rang.
"That's probably Felix," you said.
"Let's go downstairs, I wanna meet this boy."
When you went to the living room you saw Felix talking to Mason.
"Hello, I'm Ashley, nice to meet you."
"I'm Felix, nice to meet you too," Felix raised his hand so he could shake Ashley's hand but she gave him a light hug. You smiled, finding really cute how awkward he was.
"Arthur is sleeping now, he already ate, but if he wakes up, there's milk on the fridge. He usually sleeps all night so you don't have much to worry about."
"Okay, you guys have to go before you're late for dinner," you said, pulling Mason and Ashley towards the door.
"Call me if you need anything. We'll be back tomorrow morning so you'll don't have much trouble with him."
"Don't worry about it. You can take your time."
"Also, don't forg-"
"Baby, we have to go," Mason insisted, holding her hand and trying to get her inside of the car.
"Fine. Bye everyone, see you tomorrow."
You waved at them before going inside and closing the door.
"I'm gonna check on Arthur for a second, you can wait here, okay?" You told Felix.
You went upstairs and checked on Arthur's room. He was sleeping soundly. You felt the urge to lightly pinch his chubby little cute cheeks but you decided not to bother him. You went to the living room again and Felix was sitting on the couch.
"Are you hungry? We bought pizza."
"Uhm, not really."
"Are you sure?" you insisted.
"Okay, one slice would be good."
Felix got up and followed you to the kitchen.
"Your friend has a beautiful house," he said, admiring the place.
"She does. I mean, she's an architect and Mason is an engineer, so they were able to buy a nice place," you cut a piece and handed it to him.
"You said that you studied together."
"We went to the same college, but I graduated in graphic design. For obvious reasons, I don't make as much money as them," you laughed. "Did you always wanted to work in a publishing company?" Felix sat on the balcony standing in the middle of the kitchen. "Honestly, I just wanted to work with what I love. Graphic design is not something that people value but it is what makes me happy." You looked at him and Felix smiled at you, his dimple prominent on his face. He was so cute. "What about you?" "Oh, marketing is definitely not something I dreamed of working with. My family has a long line of people that have been working with it, so I barely had a choice,” Felix confessed. "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah." He looked thoughtful like his mind was somewhere else. "I actually wanted to work with art. I love painting." "Really? That's so cool. Do you have a picture of a painting to show me? I would love to see it." Felix hesitated for a while before he grabbed his phone and scrolled through his gallery. "Please don't think I'm weird," he said before showing you the picture. You raised your eyebrows when you saw what was on the screen of his phone. A beautiful painting of you. You realized that he used your profile picture on Facebook as a reference. "Felix, this is amazing." "It took me a week to finish it," he said, holding his hands behind his back, clearly feeling shy. "I love it, really." You and Felix finished eating. You talked more about your plans for the future, the things you wanted to do with your life, your dreams. You were sitting on the couch watching tv when you heard Arthur crying upstairs. "Ops, somebody woke up." You got up to go to his room and you noticed that Felix was following you. "You don't have to go if you don't want to." "It's fine, I wanna help you." When you entered the room, Arthur was up in his crib, deeply crying. "It's okay," you said in a soft tone, picking him up. "I think somebody needs to change its diaper," Felix said. "You are right," you laughed. "Let's change this little boy." You put Arthur on the changing mat and started to change him, but to be honest, you had no idea what you were doing. Felix laughed. "Let me help you." Felix quickly changed his diaper, he clearly knew what he was doing. "Woah, how do you know that?" you asked, looking at him dumbfounded. He laughed again, amused by your reaction. "I have a small brother so I have changed his diaper plenty of times." "Aaah, that explains a lot."
"Let's see if he wants to eat," Felix said, holding Arthur in his arms. You went to the kitchen and looked for the milk. After pouring it into a pan, you heated it up. "We need to make sure we don't overheat it so it won't burn the baby," Felix said while he tested the milk's temperature. You put it into a baby bottle and gave it to Arthur who promptly drank it. "I guess he was hungry," Felix chuckled. "Do you plan on having kids, Felix?" you looked at him, completely mesmerized by how good he was with kids. "Yes, I love kids. I plan on having two kids one day." "That's so cute, I'm sure you'll be an amazing dad." Felix smiled, making your heart skip a beat. "Do you want to have kids, Y/N?" he looked apprehensive. "Yeah, one day. I still need to find the right person." "Of course." Arthur went back to sleep again when he was done eating. "Not gonna lie, taking care of a baby can be tiring," claimed said, sitting on the couch. Felix sat next to you, his knee touching your leg. "Do you want to watch a movie?" you asked. "Sure!" Twenty minutes later, you started to sleep. Your head felt heavy until it fell on Felix's shoulder. He simply smiled, enjoying the feeling of you so close to him.
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The sound of the bell ringing woke you up. You were laying on the couch, a blanket over your body. You looked around and Felix was sleeping on the smaller couch next to yours, with just a pillow under his head. You got up and answered the door. "Hey!" Ashley said, hugging you. "Hi. How was your night?" "It was amazing. Thank you so much, Y/N." Ashley went to the middle of the living room to drop her bag on the couch, Mason following behind. "How's Arthur? Did he behaved?" Mason asked. "Yeah, he slept almost all of the time." You rubbed your eyes, still feeling sleepy. Ashley turned around, seeing Felix sleeping on the couch. "You guys could have slept in the guest room," she laughed. "I'm gonna check on Arthur. What about some breakfast later?" Mason suggested. "That sounds great, but I think we should go home. Besides, you guys need to spend some family time with your baby." You woke Felix up, and while he was trying to get conscious, you chatted with Ashley about dinner. Mason went downstairs with Arthur and you chatted a little more before leaving. "Do you want me to take you home?" Felix asked, leaving Ashley's house by your side. "No, it's okay, I'll get an Uber." "Aw, come on. I'm not gonna let you leave on an Uber so early in the morning." You looked at him, admiring the freckles on his skin. His pink lips looked soft and you had to fight the urge to kiss him. "You know what, okay. I'll go with you." The drive to your house was silent, the music playing on the radio helped you to distract the thoughts on your head. The night you spent with Felix was amazing, seeing him being so sweet like that only made you even more attracted to him. Felix stopped in front of your house. "Well, we are here." "Do you want to come in?" "Oh... uhm, sure, yes, that would be great." You smiled and left the car, running to open the door for him. "Please don't mind the mess," you said, taking some clothes that were on the couch. "Don't worry about it." "Do you want to eat something?" "I'm fine, I'm still full because of the pizza from yesterday." "Okay." There was an awkward silence for a while and you realized you didn't think this through. Invite him over and what? "You know what? There's something I want to eat," Felix said. "Oh, okay. What do you want? I have bread, cereal, we can make panca-" "You." "What?" you looked at him, your eyes wide. "I w-want to eat you." Felix stuttered, his face showing that he was feeling too shy to be saying the words that left his mouth. "Oh, I'm... I-" you didn't have the chance to finish, Felix approached you and kissed you. You were still processing what was happening so you didn't kiss him back yet. Felix noticed and stopped kissing you. "I-I'm so sorry, Y/N, I shoul-" "No! It's okay. I just wasn't expecting." You kissed him, holding his face and tasting his lips. His left hand held the back of your head while the other held your waist. He bit your lower lip, his tongue entering your mouth and playing with yours. He pressed his body against yours and you felt his semi-hard dick. You whined, trying to control your breath. "Do you want to keep going?" Felix asked, his forehead resting against yours. You simply nodded. "Where's your room?" You grabbed his hand, guiding him to your room. Once you were inside, Felix slammed you against the door, pressing his body into yours. He started to grind his clothed cock on your heat and, this time, you couldn't hold your moans anymore. "Felix," was all you managed to say before he kissed you again. A messy kiss that screamed how much he was longing for you, how much he desired you. His hand grabbed your ass, pulling you closer as if it was even possible. "I wanna taste you," he said, taking you to the bed. You laid down and he wasted no time to take off your pants, pulling your panties with them in a swift movement. Soon enough, his tongue was exploring your wet lips, savoring the taste of your arousal. Felix played with your clit, his tongue sliding against the sensitive skin. You hoped that your neighbors had already left for work, otherwise you would end up waking them up because of your moans. Felix stopped eating you out to unbutton his shirt. "You have no idea how much I wanted to fuck you," he said, his voice deep, making you raise your hips, craving to be filled up. "Felix, please," you moaned. "You want me to fuck you, baby?" "Yes, please." It was embarrassing, you weren't used to begging. Most of the time that you had sex, you were always the one in control. But not with Felix. "Are you on the pill?" Felix asked, taking the rest of his clothes off and pumping his rock-hard cock. "Yeah, please fuck me." "Anything for you," he growled, sliding his dick into your dripping pussy. Felix already started an incessant pounding into you, stealing moans from your throat. "You are so fucking beautiful." You closed your eyes, feeling the burning on your stomach getting stronger. "Fuck, so fucking good, Y/N. You are taking me so well." "Please, don't s-stop." "Turn around, I wanna fuck you from behind." You didn't have much strength left, but Felix helped you out. He was inside of you again, hitting the right spots in this position. Felix felt your pussy tightening against his dick and he started to play with your clit. "Fuck, Felix, I'm gonna cum," you screamed, not being able to control yourself anymore. You came, a long moan leaving your mouth. "I'm gonna cum inside of your little pussy, I'm gonna fill you up so good." He didn't slow his pace, his hips hitting yours in a fast rhythm. "I'm gonna put a baby in your little cute belly, baby girl," he said, closing his eyes as his dick slid in and out of your pussy. "Fuck," you moaned. "You are gonna look so good, all swollen, f-fuck." A few lazy thrusts and Felix came inside of you. He kept thrusting on you for a while until you milked him out. He laid by your side, trying to catch his breath. Felix put his arm on his face, hiding it. He looked completely flustered. "I'm sorry, Y/N. It was way too soon for me to let out this embarrassing kinky stuff." "Felix, shut up. It was fucking hot," you smiled, turning around to hug him and rest your head on his chest. He played with your hair, the warmth of his skin making you fall asleep. But sleeping wasn't on Felix's plans. "Ready for round two?"
471 notes · View notes
simkhira · 4 years
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I Have 300+ Gameplay Mods?! & Yes, They All Work Together...
Yes, you read that correctly. I have over 300 gameplay mods / overrides in my game. 340 to be exact. & Yes, they all work just fine together. By that I mean hardly any last exceptions / errors. So if you are looking for ways to spice up your game - here you go, sis:
⭐ = my ultimate faves
PLEASE SEE ALL 300+ LINKS ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE! desktop tumblr won’t let us be great.
BIG DISCLAIMER: Use these mods at your own risk! Just because all 300+ of these mods work for me, does not mean they will work for you. ALSO - when patch day comes, do not refer to this list for the most up-to-date versions of mods… I will only be updating this list when I feel like I need to.
let’s start with... the basics:
MC Command Center ⭐
UI Cheats Extension ⭐
More Columns in CAS ⭐
No Mosaic ⭐
CAS Background
CAS Blob Remover
CAS Immersive Lighting
CAS Tidy Accessories + Details
New Loading Screens
Cube Map Remover ⭐
Into the Light (Lighting Mod)
Out of the Dark (Lighting Mod)
Twinkle Toes (Lighting Mod)
No Fade on Sims and Objects
Build/Buy Camera (Tab Mode) ⭐
Lot Trait Effects Hider
Smaller Plumbob ⭐
& then you need... realistic socialization:
Chat Pack ⭐
Whim Overhaul ⭐
Meaningful Stories ⭐
Personality Please
Better Elders
More Face to Face Conversation
Call Over Sims (Higher Distance)
Call Anytime + Chat Longer on the Phone
Unlisted Phone Numbers ⭐
Low Fun is Boring
Family Matters (Share Big News with Family Members)
Share More News ⭐
Congratulate More
Ask What Happened More
Conversation Tweaks
Chat Standing Still
No Stand Up to Greet
No Rude Intro Animation
No Flirty Animation
Apology Fix (Don’t Apologize if Your’re the Victim)
Angry Walk-style Only When VERY Angry
Less Intrusive Conversations
NPC’s Get Out of My Convo
Autonomous Parenthood Social Interactions
Autonomous Social Interactions
Reduced Idle Chatting
Know Your Coworkers / Classmates ⭐
More Away Actions
More Social Activities
Spend Weekend With
Teach Me the Rumbaism
now let’s talk about... realistic romance:
Chemistry System ⭐
Pillow Talk After Woohoo ⭐
No Shy First Kiss
No Woohoo Dance
Shower Woohoo Tweaks
No Romance for Family
Restricted Romance Interactions
Less Jealousy
Simda Dating App
Can I Come Over?
Date Night Event
Movie Night Event
Set Family Relationships ⭐
Set Extended Family Relationships ⭐
Bathroom Privacy Tweak
Bridal Shower Event
Bachelor(ette) Party Event
Auto Engagement / Wedding Ring ⭐
Vacation Weddings
Sit at Weddings
Better Wedding Presents ⭐
Honeymoon Event
Buy More Gifts from Phone
Ask for Romantic Massage
Realistic Divorce ⭐
Traumatic Divorce for Children
Improved Relationships
No Restaurant Bill When Invited ⭐
Faster Cooking at Restaurants ⭐
Better Food Quality at Restaurants
Finish Eating in Restaurants
Restaurant Guests Overhaul
Restaurant Sit Tweak
(can y’all tell that restaurants annoy me? lmao)
first comes love, then comes... pregnancy / toddler / kids / fur babies:
Ages Behavior Tweaks
Toddlers Spawn at Parks (with Parents)
More Children at Beaches
Pregnancy Overhaul
Rub Your Baby Bump (Small Pregnancy Overhaul)
Determine Baby’s Gender for All ⭐
Ultrasound Scans ⭐
Baby Shower Event
Amazing Birth (Rave About Your Delivery)
Advanced Birth Certificate ⭐
Sibling Care Tweaks
Make Less / Clean Less Mess
Auto Brush Teeth After Puking
Auto Put Activity Crafts into Inventory
Allow Toddlers to go to Services
No Call Out of High Chair
Toddler Power Nap
Better Toddler Milk
Better + Younger Nanny
Call a Babysitter ⭐
Call a Dog Walker
Shorter Dog Walks
Dog Walkers in Other Worlds
Scold All Pets
Sell Grown Up Pets
Pet Food Serving Overhaul
More Efficient Pet Brushing
Kids Can Walk Dogs
Kids Can Order Espresso
Kids Can Ride Bikes
Kids Have More Phone Interactions
Kids Can Cook
Kids Can Do Retail
Kids Can Garden
Kids Can Make Flower Arrangements
Kids Can Make Robots
Kids Can Workout
Kids Can Do Spa Activities
Kids Can Play Guitars
Kids Can Play Ping Pong
Birthday Anytime
Let Friends Age Up ⭐
No Auto Put Away Toys
No Auto Put Away Pet Toys
No Puddles Under Tubs (Toddler Bath)
Has to Pee Walk-style for Kids Only
Better Homework ⭐
Better Grade School ⭐
Better High School ⭐
Preschool for Toddlers ⭐
School Projects are Fun
More School Holidays
25 School Vacation Days
Prom Night Event ⭐
Sleepover Event
Pizza Party Event
Field Trip Event
Family Reunion Event
Pool Party Event
speaking of school... university:
Less Credits for Degree ⭐
University Costs More ⭐
University Holidays Fixed
Higher Scholarships ⭐
Rejection Letter
Harder Distinguished Degree Acceptance ⭐
Degree Required for Promotions
Faster Run to University Class
Teens Jump to University
Choose Your Helmet
Choose Your Roommates ⭐
Roommate Age-Checks
Roommate Significant Other Fix
Roommates No Random Outfit Changing
Roommates No Random Item Spawning in Dorms
Roommates No Spawning Meals
Roommates No Trash
Roommates Sleep All Night
Roommates Less Music
College Org Members Are Uni Students
Faster University Homework ⭐
Faster Tutoring Class
Copy Graduation Photos and Diploma
No Bad Microwave Buffs
No Ghosts on Campus
Sports Fixes
Game Day Event
Graduation Party Event
once you graduate... careers & aspirations:
Plan Career Outfit
Better Work Actions
Enlist in War ⭐
Live in Business
Faster Retail Actions
Faster Record / Edit Videos on Video Station⭐
Higher Acting Gig Payouts & Royalties ⭐
More Realistic Overmax Pay ⭐
Higher Payments for Paintings ⭐
Higher Royalties for Apps/Games ⭐
Higher Royalties for DJ Mixing ⭐
Higher Royalties for Lifestyle Brands ⭐
Higher Royalties for Song Lyrics ⭐
Higher Royalties for Music ⭐
Freelancer Edits are More Successful
Sketchpad No Fees
Campaign Rally Event
Visible Political Position
Watch Political Speeches at Podium
Retirement Party Event
The University Aspiration Pack ⭐
Accomplished Lady Aspiration
Family Aspiration
Grow Up Aspiration
Teacher’s Pet Aspiration
Knowledge Aspiration
Retirement Aspiration
Romance Aspiration
Famous Pastry Chef Aspiration
Twilight Years Aspiration
All-Rounder Aspiration
Programming Genius Aspiration
Travel and Culture Aspiration
Wellness Aspiration
9 to 5 Career Pack ⭐
Night Shift Career Pack ⭐
Part Time Career Pack ⭐
Fitness Career
Health and Beauty Career
Modeling Career
Journalism Career (Adult + Teen)
Trust Fund Career (Adult + Teen)
Welfare Recipient (Adult + Teen)
Saturday Jobs (Teens)
Oceanography Career (Teens)
Private Tutoring Career (Teens)
All Freelancer Careers (Teens)
Tutor (Odd Job)
Woohoo (Odd Job) - lmao
Art Show Event
hahaha... adulting sucks:
Basemental Alcohol ⭐
Happy Hour Event
SNB Realistic Bills ⭐
SNB Banking
Invest in Stocks
Lowered Thermostat Bills
Instant Thermostat ⭐
Auto Wrinkles for Adults
Life Decider 
House Warming Party (No More Fruitcake)
Door Knock Notification ⭐
Island Events Notifications ⭐
No Strangers Knocking at Your Door
Quick Showers / Baths ⭐
Shower + Bladder Reliever (don’t judge me)
Power Nap ⭐
Sleep All Night
Smarter Robot Vacuum
Functional Tide Pods
Clean Your Bedsheets
Auto Put Away Clothes
Auto Start/Dry Clothes
Laundry on Community Lots Costs
No Idle Laundry Animations / Sparkles
Don’t Prep Food Where You Angry Poop ⭐
Don’t Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop ⭐
Eco Dishwasher
Faster Cooking ⭐
No Auto Set the Table
Ask to Cook, Bake, Grill
BBQ Event
Custom Food + Recipe’s ⭐
Custom Drinks + Recipe’s ⭐
Grannie’s Old Cookbook + Recipe’s ⭐
Bake Cupcakes in Oven
Coolers are Cooling
Advanced Fishing ⭐
Fishing Trip Event
Fish for Crabs, Lobster, & Shrimp
More Seafood Servings
More Snacks in Fridge
More Food at the Bar
More Food in the Cafe
Flea Market Every Sunday
Get to Church
just in case you... get famous:
No Fame Decay ⭐
Celebrities Never Reject Fans
Celebrities are Quarantined in Del Sol Valley ⭐
Get Famous Award Overhaul
Less Celebrity Reactions
Famous Sims Gain Followers Automatically
More Follower’s Resolution for Everyone
Free Staff (Chef, Barista, Bartender, etc.) ⭐
Gardeners and Maids on Weekends
Red Carpet Event
whatever you are... just be happy and healthy:
Fitness Controls ⭐
Balanced Calories ⭐
Go for a Walk
Hiking Increases Herbalism Skill
Power Workouts
Athletic Outfit in Winter ⭐
Healthy Drinks
Improved Meditation Stool
Improved Spa Day Tablet
Improved Yoga Mat ⭐
Craftable Pottery
Less Elder Exhaustion
Less Sickness
Longer Basketball Games
More Fun Stuff
Online Gaming with Headsets
and I can’t forget these... more gameplay mods:
NPC Controller ⭐
Improved Autonomy
Simulation Lag Fix
Simulation Timeline Unclogger
Improved Autonomy During Loading Screens ⭐
No Empty Venues When Arriving ⭐
No Temperature Deaths ⭐
No Death from Murphy Bed
No React to Stranger’s Death
Realistic Death (Mortem) ⭐
Memorial Event
Freezing Sims Don’t Turn Blue ⭐
More Club / Holiday Icons
Make Hidden Holiday Traditions Selectable
Random Holiday Traditions
Wellness Traditions
More Holiday Icons
Less Rain More Sun
Less Snow More Sun
Summer Blow-Out Event
Christmas Eve Event
New Year’s Eve Bash Event
No Ugly Rain Outfits
More Umbrella Variations in World
Open Umbrella on Rainy Days Only
No More Broken Umbrellas
Destroy Leaf Piles ⭐
Dress Code Lot Trait
Gender and More Lot Trait
Preferences Lot Trait
Add Sims to Groups During Events
No Auto Club Gathering ⭐
Flower Arrangements Slower Decay
Take Photo Overhaul (Moschino Stuff) ⭐
Snorkel Everywhere
Don’t Turn NPC’s into Spellcasters
No Role Outfits for Sages
ROM Portal Only for Spellcasters
& you also need these... much-needed overrides:
More Sponge Colors
More Sippy Cup Colors
More Dog Leash Colors
White Ice Skates
Better Food Textures (All of Them) ⭐
Hidden Bassinet ⭐
iPhone X Phone Replacement
Playing Cards Replacement
Military Salute Overhaul
Small Saucer Light ⭐
Working Medicine Cabinet ⭐
Working Alarm Clocks ⭐
Realistic Fighting Animation 
Oasis Springs + Island Living Palm Trees ⭐
special thank you to all of the wonderful mod creators! seriously, I could not play this game without you guys... (no, really.) There are way too many of you guys to name without missing someone... so if you reblog this, all I ask is that you please tag your favorite modders! (& maybe even add your favorite mods?)
7K notes · View notes
talkfastromance4 · 4 years
/clementine/part 2: Ashton Irwin
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Here is part 2! Thank you all for the love and kind words on part one of /clementine! Left it open ended, thinking of making this a series of dad!ashton so let me know if you’d like me to continue!🥰🧡
Read part one here
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, morning sex
• • • •
A few weeks have passed, and their garden grew with more flowers, a two-person double hanging egg swing chair, and three new koi friends in the pond that she rightfully named Felix, Oscar and Patricia.
“Patricia?” Ashton asked scrunching his nose when the fish were delivered.
“Yes, Patricia, it’s the perfect name for her,” she responded with an indignant pout. “Did you know koi fish represent good luck, abundance and perseverance?”
“I didn’t,” he shook his head and watched her happily as she twiddled her fingers in the water. The fish swam up to her fingers out of curiosity, one of them (Ashton can’t remember the name) kissed her finger and she giggled. “Which one was that?”
“Felix. He’s going to be the fun one, I can tell.”
Every day since they received the fish, she’s been out in the garden for hours watching them and recording videos of them swimming. While he was working on some more music or video chatting with the guys she’d send him a snapchat with one of the fish peering up at him.
Patricia misses you, come say hi.
“Sorry guys, I gotta head outside. Patricia misses me,” Ashton tells the guys with a dramatic sigh.
“Who’s Patricia?” Luke asks stopping his guitar playing.
“One of his fish,” Michael chortles cuddling his face into Moose’s neck.
“Is Patricia really a fish?” Calum clarifies.
“Yes, Patricia is a fish. As is Felix and Oscar that Y/N so rightfully named them.”
“Oh, well good. I was gonna come over there and kick your ass if you were two timing Y/N,” Calum defends in her honor. The other three join in on laughter. As if Ashton would ever think of cheating on her, the notion of it was ridiculous.
“I would never,” Ashton shakes his head solemnly.
“Well, I guess your lady and fish need you,” Luke says picking back up on the song he was playing.
“They’re more her fish than mine.”
“Nah, they’re both of yours. Don’t kill them like your damn lemon tree,” Calum reminds him with a shake of his head.
“Fuckin’ lemon tree,” Ashton mutters then gets another message from her that’s just a string of fish emojis. “All right, I’ll talk to you later.”
He exits the video call then heads outside to the flower oasis where he spots her sitting on the swing leaning over her legs so she can peer at the pond. Ashton added another small pond with sand around the edges and it had lily pads floating on the water’s surface. He joins her on the swing, his hand finding homage to the center of her back while hers rests on his leg.
“See! She missed you, look,” she points to Patricia (the golden yellow one) is swimming away from the edge of the pond.
“She’s swimming away!” Ashton laughs rubbing her back affectionately.
“She poked her head to the surface when you came, you just didn’t see. Right Patty? How was the call?” she leans back in the chair folding her legs beneath her. Ashton pushes his feet on the stones so the swing moves.
“Good, good. We were actually talking about getting together for Halloween at Michael’s. Just something small.”
“That’ll be fun,” she sighs resting her head on his shoulder then lets out a big yawn.
“You’re still pretty tired, huh?” he asks in mild concern. Since putting the flower oasis together, she’s been more sleepy than normal, and he’s worried she might be getting sick. Did he overwork her? Was she still in that murky space of being neither here nor there?
“Yeah, but I’m not getting sick, I promise. I usually get a sore throat if that happens. I should be getting my period soon so that could be why.”
“Still, let’s get you some vitamins and orange juice,” he kisses the top of her head.
“Yes, doctor.”
She wakes up to a mug of steaming coffee next to her side of the bed and Ashton playing guitar outside carries into their room through the cracked window. It’s a clear, sunny day and while she stretches her chest and lower belly ache at the pull. Thinking nothing of it, she grabs her cup and heads outside to join Ashton on the swing.
“Morning my pretties,” she says to the koi fish who splash excitedly at the surface. She turns to Ashton and smiles, “Morning my other pretty.”
“Good morning sleepy girl,” he smiles shifting a little to the left so she can fit in the space next to him. “How are we feeling today?”
“Well rested.”
“Yeah?” he raises his eyebrows as he plucks at the chords.
“Mhm,” she hums sipping at her coffee.
“So, you won’t be asleep on the couch in about an hour and a half?”
After breakfast she was fast asleep on the couch and Ashton couldn’t help but laugh at his prediction being accurate. He feels something nagging at him in the back of his mind that something is going on with her. The Halloween party at Michael’s is this Friday and she’s been so lethargic for almost a month now. She swears she feels fine and says her body clock must be off or this is her body’s way of catching up on sleep she’s missed.
Ashton thinks it’s neither because they haven’t been anywhere apart from the grocery store and a restaurant here and there. Last week they went to the costume store to pick up their matching ringmaster outfits (The Greatest Showman was on repeat for a straight week) and she yawned throughout the whole shopping process. Then, she was snoozing on the drive home.
“It’s creepy to watch someone sleep,” she mumbles but her eyes are still closed.
“If you’re talking to me then you’re not asleep.”
“I felt your eyes and it woke me up,” she frowns then pats the back of the couch cushions. “Come sleep with me.”
“I already slept last night,” he laughs, “like normal people do. Are you turning into a vampire or something where you sleep during the day?”
“Come here and I’ll bite you,” she smiles peeking at him through one of her eyes.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” he situates himself behind her, his arms and legs pulling her against his body. She drags his hand to her mouth biting into the side of his hand. “Ow! Hey!”
“Told you I’d bite you,” she sighs snuggling into his chest. “Watch the show and I’ll sleep.”
“Are you sure you’re--?”
“I’m fine. No sore throat and no fever. Just sleepy.”
“I heard mono starts out like this…”
“It does and I had it when I was eighteen. I’m still eating so my appetite hasn’t disappeared. Who have you kissed that you think I’d get mono?” her tone turns sharp, but he knows she’s teasing.
“You know what I mean,” he nibbles at her earlobe and she squeals.
“It’s not mono or the flu or the bubonic plague. I’m just sleepy for some reason. Now shush, let me sleep or I’ll get cranky.”
He falls silent but his mind is still whirring trying to figure out what could be wrong with her. It’s not normal to be this tired and sleep all the time, is it? Is there some kind of sleep disorder that was onset somehow? Is she becoming narcoleptic?
Eventually, his 0-100 reeling thoughts make him tired and he joins her in a long nap on the couch. The next time he opens his eyes the sky is a dusty pink; his mouth is stale, and his joints are sore from laying in the same position. He feels something tickling his forearm, so he opens his eyes to see her finger circling over one of his moons.
“Are you awake now?” she asks softly.
“Yup,” he groans as he stretches his limbs and pulls her tighter against him. “You’re too comfy and your sleepiness is catching.”
“Welcome to the dark side,” she kisses inside the crook of his elbow. “I’m hungry, can we order pizza for dinner?”
“Sure angel, anything you want.”
She wakes up to two things: one of them being Ashton’s finger tickling designs up and down her thigh and the other being an insatiable desire for him. To be close to him, feel his breath on her skin and his fingers on her body.
She rolls over planting herself on top of him and presses her lips to his in a needy kiss.
“Well, good morning,” he groans when she rubs his morning wood with her hand. His own hands slip under his tank top she’s wearing to grasp at her breasts.
She moans at the contact, sucking on his lower lip and grinds herself on top of him. His thumbs and forefingers pinch her nipples and she lets out a gasp not usually feeling stimulated that way. Normally it’s his suckling and scrape of his teeth that get her aroused, she squeezes his shaft in reaction and Ashton huffs.
He removes his hands from her breasts to hook his fingers beneath her underwear.
“Get this off,” he sighs. She lifts her hips yanking the material down her legs then yelps in pleasure at his finger slipping between her folds. “Did you wake up this wet, pretty one?”
He holds her chin carefully with his fingers, loving the way her mouth opens in a small ‘o’ as he teases her lips but his actions make her retaliate by slipping her own hand below his boxers to circle her thumb over his tip. Ashton’s mouth falls open as well, their bodies curving into one another to feel more of each other’s touch.
“Ash…” she whines trying to tug off his own underwear.
It’s not normal for them to have morning sex, she’s self-conscious about her breath and bed head regardless of how many times Ashton tells her she’s perfect, he feels himself leak at the thought of slipping inside her now. They work together to get his boxers off and she holds herself up with one hand while the other gripped his warm, hard cock and nudged it between her folds.
She pushes herself down on him, his tip prodding against her opening, her slick acting as lubricant. She bites her lip in concentration as she pulls him into her the same time she pushes on.
“I got it, baby,” his hand replaces hers and he rubs his tip up and down her opening, gathering more of her arousal.
A small moan erupts from her as he coaxes himself inside her warm walls. It takes a few tries since they haven’t done foreplay but when he slips all the way in the moan she makes is sinfully delicious. She lowers herself the rest of the way, arching her back as she does and Ashton groans as he molds with her body.
She’s warm and snug around him as she rocks on top of him, her fingers twisting into his hair while his grip her ass and waist. He lifts his head the same moment she lowers hers, their tongues mingling together desperately.
Her hips dip and rotate as she rides him, Ashton’s hands guiding her movements as their kiss deepens. Starting at a steady rhythm to only increase his momentum with each thrust, her moans escaping into his mouth.
“Just like that, baby,” he praises on her lips, their hips smacking together.
“Right there,” she mewls breathlessly, their bodies rocking faster.
It’s intimate and sensual the way they’re making love, he needs her closer with each squeeze and roll of her body and she wants to feel every part of him. Their movements become jerky as they chase their release. He feels her clench around him, and he knows as her moans increase in volume that she’s close, that he’s making her feel good.
Ashton slides his legs up, so she’s angled as he fucks into her quickly, his hips snapping in quick succession against hers. She gasps as she comes on top of him loving how deep he is inside her. He transitions his hands to her face, holding her head so he can kiss her, his thrusts changing from quick snaps to a rolling pump so she can catch her breath.
“Have some more for me?” he mutters, fingers knotting in her hair. She nods and his long pulls shift to quick snaps yet again. Her hips meet his, her moans are louder than before and her pussy pulses around him in bursts.
This position, along with doggy style, makes her have multiple orgasms because he hits the perfect spot each time. She’s met with wave after wave of pleasure that rolls into one another, each one greater than the last. She peeks at him through half-lidded eyes and Ashton’s self-control falters.
Any time she makes eye contact while they have sex takes him to another level entirely. And now, seeing her in the morning sun, her face glowing and flushed has him reeling.
His strong arms hug her tight to his body as he fucks her relentlessly, her mouth sucking on his neck in his sweet spot. He’s giving her all he’s got, his body exerting his never-ending love and desire for her makes the bed rock.
“Mmm…come for me, babe,” she whines.
The sound of command in her voice has him stop mid-thrust as he reaches his climax, the lower half of his body suspended up in the air. She clenches with each release he gives her; his grunts tickle her toes as she’s filled with his warmth.
When he’s finished, he slowly lowers himself back onto the bed and she collapses on top of him so they can catch their breath. Their bodies are sticky, breaths hot on each other’s necks and she stamps kisses to his bare shoulder. His fingers move over the bumps of her spine that are sheened with a light layer of sweat. The tank top is damp and with a huff she rises off him to tug it off.
“Made me too hot,” she grumbles settling back on his chest.
“You are too hot,” he grins, and she rolls her eyes and attempts to lift her hips so he can pull out of her.
“Wait, wait,” he stills her movement by gripping her waist. His hands are hot on her skin and it makes her body shiver in the best way. With a groan he rolls over so he’s on top of her and still inside of her. The cool air on his sweaty back feels wonderful and the sight of her naked and pleasured in front of him is a sight for sore eyes. “Fuck, look at you.”
He cups her cheek and pulls a kiss from her, their bodies warm and electric in a post-sex haze.
“Why’d you flip us over?”
“So when I pulled out we wouldn’t make a mess,” he grins cheekily. Holding himself up he pulls out of her slowly but his release dribbles out onto the sheets anyway. “Ah fuck, that wasn’t supposed to happen.”
She joins his giggles at his attempt of a no-clean-mess, then admires the way his necklaces dangle and his dark curls cling and frame to his face. There are small bite marks on his neck from her mouth and his chest shines from the sweat.
“Remind me why I don’t like morning sex?” she cocks her head to side as her eyes devour him once more. His body is glorious, and she feels like she has to pinch herself in reminder that he’s real every time she looks at him.
He slips off the bed to retrieve a towel from the bathroom, her eyes zero in on his bare ass as he walks away from her. When he returns he wipes at the inside of her thighs then folds the towel in half and places it beneath her hips to catch whatever else leaks out. Ashton lays next to her resting his palm on her stomach.
“Because you’re crazy in thinking I’ll be disgusted by your morning breath,” he rolls his eyes and pokes her nose.
“Oh…so how was it?”
“You really have to ask? That was one of the best sex experiences we’ve had.”
“No! I meant my morning breath!”
“Oh…it was tolerable,” he shrugs then busts out a loud laugh at the expression on her face. “I’m kidding! Your breath doesn’t smell, so please, if you ever want to have morning sex again don’t hesitate.”
For the rest of the week they started their days by having sex as soon as she woke up. She pulled him from his slumber in very intricate ways. She was still pretty sleepy throughout the day, but she was only napping once a day now instead of three times. When Halloween finally arrived and they were dressed for Michael’s Halloween party, Ashton couldn’t keep his eyes off her in her costume.
The ruffles of her skirt stopped at the perfect spot on her thighs and the corset she had on made him groan at the sight. Her lips were painted a desirable red and he reminded himself he had to behave while they were around their friends.
Upon their arrival they were ushered to the Halloween back drop to have their photos taken then she was whisked away from his arms by the girls for another slew of photos. The night is filled with good laughter and fun until Ashton saw Y/N sprint off towards the bathroom.
He follows her quickly and arrives in the bathroom just in time as she kneels over it. He holds her hair as he crouches next to her waiting for her to be finished. She doesn’t drink often but when she does she always has a good handle on what her limit is and stops before she has a chance to get sick.
He tears off a wad of toilet paper and wipes her mouth when she slumps against him, her black heels scraping against the tiled floor.
“One too many shots?” he asks, and she shakes her head.
“I haven’t had any alcohol,” she whispers, her voice hoarse from throwing up. “I don’t think the mini corn dogs agreed with me.” Her face twisted in disgust at the mention of the food, Ashton tilted her head up so he could look at her.
Her eyes aren’t glossy and completely focused on him.
“You haven’t drunk anything?”
“I had some 7up but that’s it, I wasn’t feeling that well on the way here and alcohol didn’t seem like a good idea.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?”
“Because I was excited to see everyone and I thought it would pass,” she clears her throat then winces.
“How do you feel now?” he caresses her forehead, but she doesn’t feel feverish.
“Better now that I threw up,” she chuckles.
“Do you think you’ll be sick again?”
She sits up a little straighter then pushes herself off the floor. Ashton helps her stand, keeping a steady hold on her arms in case she’s wobbly but she’s sturdy enough.
“I don’t think so,” she rubs her stomach then looks up at him. She smooths his concern from his eyebrows smiling softly. “I’m fine now, I promise.”
“Maybe we should go home, let you rest—”
“No, we’ll stay until Luke will inevitably pass out on the kitchen floor. Let me rinse my mouth and I’ll meet you back out there.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go home?” he stresses his concern for her well-being.
“I’m positive.” She takes his hands in hers.
“And you’ll tell me if you’re not feeling well and we’ll go home?”
Ashton looks her over one more time, as if there will be a sign of an illness but she looks perfect in her get up aside from the pale in her face from getting sick. He sighs then brings her hands to his lips, kissing them. “Fine. I’ll be downstairs waiting.”
Ashton’s brainstorming all the possibilities of what’s going on with Y/N when he returns to the party. While he’s thinking of illnesses Y/N’s counting days in her head over and over as she gargles the mouthwash. It isn’t until she spits into the sink and stares at her reflection that she knows what’s going on with her.
Ashton had some errands to run and started rattling off all that he bought to Y/N while he pulled the items from the bags. He gives her a quick kiss while he continues, completely oblivious to how distracted she is and her constant glance towards the backyard.
“What’d you do today?” he asks when he’s finished his story.
“Uh, I decorated a little in the flower garden. Can I show you?”
“Sure, let’s go,” he smiles then follows her outside.
She steps carefully on the stones and sits on the swinging chair waiting for Ashton to approach. His eyes scan over the space, taking in the multitudes of colorful flowers then he stops on the fishpond. Felix, Oscar and Patricia are swimming lazily in a circle with a small orange rose floating in the center. He doesn’t really notice what she’s decorated then stops short when he’s at the middle of the path.
On top of the rocks where the water bubbles down are four white ceramic vases filled with orange and white baby’s breath and a light green ribbon tied around the neck. Each vase is perched on its own rock and Ashton loves the simplicity of the arrangement she’s done.
“They’re beautiful, angel,” he compliments.
“Did you see what’s on the vases?”
Below the ribbons on each vase is a letter painted in black. Ashton’s eyes scan over each one about five times before he gasps, his eyes widening as he looks at her. The vases spell out ‘baby.’
“You’re pregnant?” he rushes towards her falling in the space next to her on the swing, his hand flying to her stomach.
“I’m pregnant,” she whispers nervously.
He lets out a ‘whoop’ of excitement jumping up from the swing so he can peer at the vases again. Then he lifts her in his arms spinning her around in joy.
“Careful! I’m feeling a little nauseous today,” she laughs, and he sets her down on her feet. He kisses her. “Are you happy?”
“Of course, I’m happy! When did you find out? How far are you? Do we need to go to the doctor?” he fires off, his hazel eyes alight.
“I found out after Halloween and I think I’m three months…since it’s December. I made an appointment for next week already,” she answers all of his questions. “That’s why I’ve been so tired, and sex crazed.”
“So, you aren’t sick, thank God. Instead you’re pregnant!” he kisses her feverishly again, his hand hovers over her stomach and he kneels once more. “There’s a baby in there,” he murmurs pressing a kiss to her lower belly. “Hi baby love, I’m so excited to meet you.”
She pulls him back to his feet so she can kiss him. All her worries and nerves float away in the wind because he wants this just as much as she does.
• • • •
Taglist: @galcalirwin​ @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod​ @myloverboyash​ @rotten-kandy​ @tea4sykes​ @jannimoeller3​ @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​ @here-for-the-uproars @katiaw2​ @g-l-pierce​ @fairyintheglass​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby​​ @spicycal​​ @mysticalhood​​ @notinthesameguey​​ @wastedheartcth​​ @atlcalm​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @calumance​​ @babylon-corgis​​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​​ @lanternlover2​​ @istaywithmyjonas​​ @calteahood​​ @sarcastically-defensive17​​ @another-lonely-heart​​ @devilatmydoor​​ @frontmanash​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @mantlereid​ @lukedorkyhemmings​​ @addietagglikesbands​​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​​ @mayve-hems​​ @morguelth @haikucal​​ @thatscooibaby​​ @meghanrose05​​ @idontneedanyone​​ @dinosaursandsocks​​ @haveufoundwhaturlooking4​​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @burstintocolor​​ @zhangyixingxing1​​ @dead-and-golden​​ @mymindwide​​ @everyscarisahealingplace​​ @stardust-galaxies​​ @blackbutterfliescal​​ @redrattlers​​ @lovelybonesetc​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @quasighost​ @i-like-5sos​ @creampiecashton​
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Forever linked Part 5: Pizza and Pasta
Fake text (mostly) and scenario serie pairing Kwon Jiyong and his ex-girlfriend.
After a hurtful breakup she didn’t see coming, y/n is back in her country. But soon, she discovers that the man she has to forget is now linked to her, forever.
WC: 3369
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It was the middle of the afternoon and you’ve decided to take a little nap. This morning you’ve cleaned the furnished apartment that you temporary rent. You wanted to make it clean and fresh because tomorrow, Jiyong is supposed to come. You’ve talked on the phone and via texts with him multiple of times during the week. He reacted exactly as you predicted at the announcement. At the beginning he was unsured and anxious but after the initial shock he took his responsibility and he even seems to be happy. Jiyong will never turn his back on his own child or even not on you, you were always convicted about that. If you need him, he will be there for you in a way or another. You would do the same for him. What you shared together is too precious to just stop caring.
Daesung called you too this week. You were surprised because normally Jiyong cannot keep a secret for himself more than 1 hour but he didn’t mention the pregnancy to Dae. And it was not suppose to be a secret at all. To be honest, you don’t know how to interpret this. Dae asked you if you will come live in South Korea again, he misses you and cannot found a replacement since you are not working with him anymore. He wants his favorite teacher to come back and practice his drum skills again. Of course he asked you at least 100 times if he can “please pretty please be the godfather”.  He was also very surprised by the fact Ji didn’t mention the pregnancy but as he said «Jiyong hyung has changed a lot since your separation». You decided that it was not of your business anymore and didn’t ask him what he meant by that.
You and Daesung always had that special connection together. He was the first Bigbang member you got to know. One day, he called the music school where you worked and set an appointment for a private drum lesson. He was your second student in South Korea, that country you decided to start a new life in 5 years ago.  For one year, you’ve seen Dae in person or via facetime when he was out of the country, to teach him new drum techniques. Even though you keep telling him he was good enough to fly on his own, he stick by your side and always asked you some advices. Those drum sessions with him when you were both jamming together has become the beginning of a close friendship and from a thing to another, he introduced you to his members backstage one night after a show in Seoul. As soon as he introduced you to his leader, it was love at first sight and it was evident for everybody that saw you interact together that night.  Dae noticed the mutual attraction, the tension between you and Ji, so he managed to place you between him and Jiyong when you shared a meal all together after the show. He was a real angel, but not subtle at all.  Ji and you noticed his attempts to get you closer and your started to mock Dae together, already accomplices. That’s how everything started between you.
Sleeping peacefully on your back after that tiring morning, you felt a movement beside you on the bed. Then a soft kiss settles on your temple. Then an arm tighten your waist softly, you willl recognise that touch for the rest of your life. It’s him, it’s Ji. The man that you love and cherish with all your heart.  Jiyong’s hand found its way on you, lifting up your shirt to caress the soft skin under, palm flat on your belly just above the belly button at the exact place your baby has his little nest . You realized very fast you were not dreaming. 
“Jiyong? You were supposed to arrive tomorrow”.
Another kiss on your temple. Another gentle caress on your belly. A nose that found it’s natural place in the crook of your neck.
“I couldn’t wait any longer Kkul. Go back to sleep, let’s nap together like we used to do. I am jetlag already”.
Being pregnant, on your second trimester was suppose to be a wonderful period but you were exhausted all the time. You decided to do as Jiyong said and close your eyes, his hand softly caressing your tummy over and over again.  Those hands that always made you feel home, loved and safe.  You can only let them caress you, even if now the sensation is more bitter than sweet now.
When you open your eyes again, it’s dark outside. The fairy lights that you hung at the head of the bed are lit. Jiyong is still asleep. He didn’t move a bit, laying on his right side.  Ever since you know him, he was always sleeping like this, not moving at all as soon as he close his eyes. Sometimes his immobility was almost scaring you. You needed to make sure he was still alive by placing a finger under his nose to see if he was still breathing or feeling his heartbeat with your hand on his chest. He was moving his arms to drag you closer, to caress you or hold your waist but almost never to change his initial position. The way he sleep didn’t change since your breakup. Tonight, it’s face to face, his arm as a pillow under your head, your nose on his chest and legs intertwined that you wake up.
You know that even if you move, he won’t wake up so you stand up and decide to go take a quick shower. You were reading your maternity book when you hear him call your name, another habit he has as soon as he woke up and you were not with him. Those memories made your heart heavy but you won’t tell him that.
“Yaaa, Kkulie! Where are you? I am alone here”, he whined.
“I am in the living room, come”. You smiled as you answered. He didn’t change at all.
He came and sit close to you on the couch, again a kiss on your temple. That is something different from before. Normally, he would have kiss your lips and from a simple peck to another, the kiss would have become deeper.  Ji and you were always very intimate, physically close to each other. Whenever you were together, you had that need to touch, kiss and hug each other. Of course not always sexually, just to be in contact. To connect together. Jiyoung body was your home and yours was his. Sometimes, he could caress your earlobe for hours as he was composing beside you. Those long nights, he were even taking off your earrings to have full access to your earlobe. That proximity, that intimacy with somebody, you don’t believe that you will have it ever again, it’s too special.
You served him a hot tea from the stone teapot on the coffee table.
“Thank you kkul”.  At this point, there is no need to ask him to stop calling you this. He won’t, probably by habit.
“How was your flight?”
“Yeah, I know. I hate to take the plane, I hate that I have to wait...»
He doesn’t say a word and look at you, thinking. You know him by heart, he’s upset. It’s not gonna take long for him to talk so you just wait a little longer.
“I am deceived. Really”. He says after a short 5 seconds.
“What do you mean?” You asked him..
“Well, you’re almost 16 weeks pregnant now and you lost weight”.
“Oooh, that?” You said shyly, looking down.
“Are you eating? Do you feed the baby?” You know he don’t want to accuse you of anything, he’s just concerned for the baby’s health and yours. Hopefully, he knows you are doing your best as a caring person. What are you gonna tell him? You have never lied to him so you decided that you won’t start today.
“Jiyong, when you left me, I had a hard time. I cried a lot, that’s when I start to lose weight. Then we made that baby about a month later… then I got pregnant. What I thought were “heartbroken” symptoms were actually effects of the pregnancy. I didn’t have the classic morning sickness, I was just nauseous all the time and I was really tired. I thought I was depressed because of the break-up so I didn’t force myself to eat.”
“Do you think the baby lacked vitamins?”
“We’ll see in 2 days for sure but the doctor were not scared at all, he took measurements of my uterus and it seems to fit with the dates of the conception, when we had sex the month after the breakup. If the baby was conceived when we were still together, then I don’t know what it means. We’ll have to wait 2 days for the ultrasound. Now I eat, don’t worry, I actually eat for 3!”
“Ok, please do so”.
You both sip your tea in silence for a few minutes.
“I am glad to be here kkul, really. Please, tell me everything that happens to my little one. Please involve me in all the steps of our baby’s life even though I don’t deserve it”.
“Jiyong, why would you say such a thing, you didn’t do anything wrong”.
“I broke up with you and then I got you pregnant”.
You smiled.
“If I remember correctly, I was there too that ultimate night! And all those nights, well nights and days and… you know! I was never against the idea at all, I was never forced”.
“I know but still… We should have been more careful”.
“Jiyong, if you regret, I will declare that the baby has no father on the birth certificate, that’s all”.
He looked very upset.
“Yaaaa Kkulie are you crazy? I will not deny my child. We made that baby together, we will raise it together in a way or another”.
“Ok, thank you. I have to admit that even though I never doubt you that for a second, the idea of raising a child completely alone made me so sad. Hey by the way, how did you came in?”
“You use the same pass code than in our house”. He said, smiling.
He said
. Those words awaken all sorts of feelings. In that house, you lived happily. You thought you would live there with him until the day you die, happily ever after.
You talked for a few minutes, close to each other but keeping a certain distance. You talked about your cat Aye, about his projects with his band. He described you a few clothing he was working on at Peaceminusone.
“Kkul, are the restaurants still open here at this time here?”
“Yes, let’s go I am hungry too”.
You both know that in this town, Jiyong is able to be incognito very easily. He never needed a bodyguard when you both came to visit your family and friends. Walking side by side on your way to the restaurant, he suddenly asked you:
“What are we gonna tell our baby about his conception?” You started to laugh.
“We will tell the truth Ji. Nothing else but the truth”.
“You want my child to know I was never able to keep it in my pants in front of his mother?» He asked, laughing. «That one month without her was enough to make me undress her brutally?”
“Well Ji, he doesn’t have to know the details. But we will tell the truth. I don’t want to start to be a liar with my child”.
“Oh no, I don’t agree. We’ll see about it».
«That’s alright baby, we have a few years above us».
Baby. You called him baby. The word slipped by itself. You didn’t react, hoping he won’t noticed. He did the same.
Jiyong became quiet for a few minutes in front of his pizza and beer. Silent and concentrate. You know that expression very well so you gave him the pen and the little notebook that you always carried in your purse for those special occasions. He looked at you, probably surprised that you still carry that same book and pen you always did since that day you told him you will carry it for him, so he won’t forget his idea anymore. He took it and immediately started taking notes at a fast pace, not wanting to forget a single word. After he’s done, he tears off the sheet of the book, folds it and puts it in the pocket of his jacket. That beautiful jacket you watched him modify for at least 3 nights in a row, never satisfy with the color or the superpositions of the little embroidery.
“This song will be about you Kkulie».
“Ji, I want you to know that I am ok with our breakup. I’ll be fine, I’ll be happy. I just need a little more time but I am much better actually. So don’t worry about me.”
He took both his hands in his.
“That was what I call a change of subject… I know you will be. I know. But I was wondering if, maybe, we could get back together? You know with the baby coming.”
“Oh boy, absolutely not. A baby is not a good reason to be together. Not at all. Plus, you broke up to live your life like a young adult, to be free. Do you think I will trap you in a relationship with a child so you would feel even more squeezed? You needed to feel free from your responsibilities, a child is a major one”.
“Y/n, it’s not just because of the baby. I still love you, you know”.
“I know you do and I love you too. But now, I have a baby to protect, not just my little heart. There is no way in hell my baby will be in the middle of his mother and father. And I don’t want you to leave me again in 5 years when you realise you didn’t had the time to party enough. Then, it would be harder, with a baby that would cry for his appa to stay with us”.
He smiled but that smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“You always think of the others before you think of yourself Kkul. Always. That is something I admire about you. I don’t have that quality. I am selfish and egocentric”. He says, big tears on his cheeks.
“You are nothing like that, you’ve always think about me too, making me feel loved and desired. I was always your number one priority. Maybe that’s why, you got tired of us. Because you thought of me first. You also take care of your members, your family, your friends, your staff, you’ll be present for our child as well”.
You continue talking and finished your course meal.  He had a hard time to let go of your hand as you were both eating. He was overwhelmed. After your pizza and pasta, you ordered 2 parts of cakes, a brownies and a cheesecake with oreo crust. He stopped you, while you were ordering.
“Hold on, remember, I don’t eat too much sugar my love”.
“I know Ji. The brownies is for me but your baby is asking for the cheesecake, I already cannot say no to that little thing”.
He bursts out laughing, happy. He looked at you eating with appetite that big portion of dessert, You were not lying when you said you were eating for 3 now and he was more than happy about it.
“Are you sure we are not having triplets?”
“Hopefully not. If I continue to eat like that, I will be an elephant next week. But I can’t stop, I am so hungry”.
He paid the restaurant bill and as always, he gave a generous tip to the waitress.
“Let’s take a long walk, shall we? I need some fresh air after that day in the plane and you need to burn those calories”.  He said, teasing you. It’s the first time since he’s in your hometown that you see his smile really reaching his beautiful brown eyes.
You went for a walk around the city. Ji took some pictures and signed autographs with fans, always taking different poses to make sure each one of them would have their own souvenir. He ask them not to follow him and they obey. It was never that easy in Korea. Normally, they would have grab him, tried to hug and kiss him and push you on the side. In Korea, in Asia in general, he was a megastar and he was not able to get out of his house without a bunch of bodyguards. It was not an easy life to live.
Back in your apartment, as he was preparing his stuff to take a shower, he said:
“I love the country that raised you. People are respectful, girls are pretty, men are kind and polite. It’s a wonderful place to raise a child”.
“I might go back to Korea though. I don’t feel home anymore here. My best friend has left to live with her man in Shangai. I think we have a little something for asian boys”  you said laughing.
“But… but…”.
You stopped what you were doing. You knew exactly what he was gonna say.
“Jiyong, please. Don’t make it harder for me”.
“I have no right to be jealous, sorry. I fuck other woman myself...»
You placed your hands on your ears and made loud noises so you won't hear him.
“I don’t want to know what you do with your little shrimp. Please, don’t tell me”
“Shrimp? Little Shrimp? What is it you call little shrimp?” He asked you, pretending to be upset but laughing nevertheless.
“Whatever you call your penis, I don’t care. Just don’t tell me what you do with it. I promise you I won’t tell you what I do with my body”
“But I want to know what you do with your body since my baby is growing inside of you”
“You won’t, it’s not your business”. He pouts and he left to take a shower, without saying another word.
A few moment later, you felt yourself lifted from the couch, embrace against Jiyong’s chest. Your arms encircled his neck and you snuggled your nose against his cheek. You must have fell asleep while he was showering. He transported you to your bed and laid down by your side. You keep snuggling onto him, still half asleep and groggy. You realised he was undressing you like a little doll when he started to say:
“Kkulie, I am sorry. I told you earlier, I’m egoistic. I want to keep you for myself. You actually have the right to see somebody else of course.”
You let him do it, he saw you naked multiples of times and it’s not like he will undress you completely. He let you in your t-shirt only with your panties, put a blanket on the both of you and came closer.  His hand caressed the bare skin of your belly. Once again, it was a bittersweet sensation. You decided to let him do it anyway, after all, he won’t see you in a while after those few days. He might need that contact with his baby.
«Have you start to feel it move?»
«I think I have a couple of times but it was so subtle, I wasn’t sure».
“It must be magical”
“It is, well I am almost sure it was the baby. It was a small movement, like a butterfly wing or something like that”.
“I can’t wait to feel some movements too”.
You bawn, tired.
«I love you».
«I love you too Jiyong. Sweet dreams».
«Sweet dreams love».
You fell asleep at the sound of his voice, talking to the baby and with the sensation of his hand on your stomach. You feel strong, you know you will get over him. But for now, you wish he never had that «freedom» call.
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branbodhi · 4 years
I remember the first date we ever went on.
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I remember how I instantly let down my guard with you as we talked for the entire span of the travel to that nearby county. You had me so engaged.
I remember the floral pattern on your dress. The boots that you wore, with the socks protruding just past the tops of them. And your yellow beanie with the fuzz ball.
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I remember how it felt when we won rubber duckies (three to be exact) at the claw machine inside of that all-you-can-eat pizza restaurant. Naming them silly; Grandducky Purp, Fetty, and then there was the sore thumb, Fred.
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I remember making fun of that one guy's obnoxious laugh during the movie, and you tried to shush me, even though I knew you found it to be amusing.
I remember how easily our fingers interlocked and how I felt my heart rate spike when it occurred.
I remember you trying to hand feed me popcorn and I basically wore more of it than actually eating it.
I remember you gave me that look and we shared our first kiss in the front row of theater six, and I couldn't have cared less about the interruption from the film.
I remember that because you had foiled my plan to kiss you after the movie was over, that I went to follow suit and open your car door like I had been all night, and I proceeded to instead sit your purse on the roof on your car and make out with you passionately. We were both so weak afterwards.
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I remember when I made you cry from telling you that I thought you were still sexy even if you had stretch marks from your pregnancy.
I remember one of the first books we ever discussed was 'The Four Agreements' by Don Miguel Ruiz.
I remember first meeting your daughter and winning her over with the Paw Patrol sticker book.
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I remember us wanting to match and be cute so we wore black shoes, blue jeans, white tee-shirt, and a leather jacket.
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I remember that night at the hotel when I pulled you in close to me on the bed and made you talk about what was going on in your head, instead of you doing what was normal for you to dull your anxiety.
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I remember the first time we both said "I love you". I believe it was over messages in Snapchat because of my phone running off of Wi-Fi.
I remember meeting your cousin and her taking note to just how much I truly stare at you and with ounces of sincerity.
I remember being so nervous to dance with you at my own cousin's wedding, and this was before we became involved. Thoughts got provoked from God knows where that just said over and over "I want to make this perfect for her". You won me over that October night and you hadn't even known it.
I remember hearing you belt out Sugarland songs and having me completely melt with admiration.
I remember the times where I would gawk over your eyes and you'd be a perfect little brat and send me a picture of them being in direct sunlight.
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I remember recording myself while bawling like a baby and singing "Yours" by Russell Dickerson
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I remember giving you my Thumbs Up Mac Miller and the tie-dye Bob Marley shirts and asking you for flaunting photos.
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I remember sending excessive messages with attached pictures of house decor and wedding venues that we both favored.
I remember how you prefer your coffee, from 7-11, as well as Starbucks.
I remember wanting Bonnie and Clyde hoodies.
I remember our instant laughs with imitating Spongebob phrases.
I remember when you made me your favorite meal (chicken cacciatore) and it was beyond savory.
I could literally go on forever...
And a day...,
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stanx24-blog · 5 years
How to lose weight
For most people who are overweight or obese, the safest and most effective way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. If you eat less and exercise more, you will lose weight. It's as simple as that. There are no magic pills. Diets that sound too good to be true are just that.
Effective weight loss plans include several parts. You will find tips for achieving these goals in the next sections.
Eating less: Unless you eat fewer calories than your body uses, you will not lose weight.
Physical activity: Any good diet plan will include physical activity. Physical activity burns calories and is one less opportunity to eat during the day. You should exercise for at least 30 minutes, five times a week. Regular exercise also has many other health benefits.
Change in habits and attitudes: Most people have enough willpower to lose weight for a few weeks. To lose enough weight to improve your health and keep it off, you will need to change the way you think about food and exercise. As you eat, try to understand some of the hidden reasons you eat. You can learn to spot situations in which you overeat and head off the overeating. You can learn to enjoy eating less and being active.
Support: Many people find that enlisting friends, family, and coworkers for support is helpful in losing weight. Others prefer groups such as Weight Watchers or Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) to keep them motivated. The important thing is to seek the support you need to achieve your goals.
Drastic changes in eating habits, such as not eating at all (fasting), are usually unsuccessful. Eating too few calories causes your metabolism to slow down, meaning the body burns fewer calories.
Don't believe claims about losing weight while you sleep or watch TV, or plans that claim to cause weight loss without dieting or exercise. Such gimmicks just don't work. They may even be unsafe or unhealthy.
Of special interest to women who have gained weight during pregnancy is that breastfeeding helps you shed some extra pounds. It is good for your baby too.
Eating Less
Pay attention to serving sizes (portion control). Read food labels to find out how many calories and fat calories are in a serving. Keep a food diary or log to find ways to eliminate extra calories.
Eat fewer calories. By decreasing calorie intake by 500 per day, you will lose 1 pound a week. One way to eat fewer calories is to limit your fat intake. No more than 30% of your daily calorie intake should be fat calories.
Foods that contain large amounts of fat might surprise you. Many types of baked goods, such as crackers, cookies, cakes, pancakes, waffles, pastries, and special breads, have high fat levels. So do many prepared, convenience, and take-out foods.
Fat-free foods are not necessarily low-calorie foods. Fat-free versions of popular snacks often contain simple carbohydrates that are rapidly absorbed and converted to body fat if consumed in excess.
Eat fat-free or low-fat dairy products such as cheese or frozen yogurt. Consider changing from whole milk to skim milk.
Substitute egg whites or a product such as Eggbeaters for whole eggs.
If you eat meat, eat it in moderation. Lean meats, skinless chicken and turkey, and seafood are good choices.
Avoid high-fat foods such as popcorn, potato chips, snack crackers and cakes, cookies, cakes, pizza, cold cuts and other fatty meats, pancakes, waffles, sour or sweet cream, cream cheese and other whole-fat cheeses, butters and oils, peanut butter, olives, oil-based sauces and salad dressings, nuts, special breads and pastries, and fried foods.
Replace high-fat foods with the same quantity of low-fat, low-calorie food.
Prepare foods with little or no oils, butter, or other fats.
Remember, however, that some fat is necessary for a healthy body and mind. Doing away with all fat is not desirable.
Low-fat foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes will help you feel full. This helps you lose weight or control your weight.
Avoid sugary foods such as candies, jellies and jams, honey, and syrups. These foods offer little nutritional value and tend to be converted to fat quickly.
Limit alcoholic beverages, which provide empty calories -- calories that have no other nutritional value. Women should have no more than one alcoholic drink and men no more than two alcoholic drinks a day. An alcoholic drink is 4 ounces of wine, 12 ounces (one standard bottle or can) of beer, or ½ ounce of distilled liquor.
Don't stop eating altogether. Fasting may result in rapid weight loss, but most of this weight will be water and possibly even muscle. Your body slows its metabolism, making it very difficult to maintain any weight loss.
Healthy Meals for Weight Loss
Smart dietary guidelines
The American Heart Association recommends the following dietary guidelines, which are suitable for most adults.
Eat five or more fresh fruits and vegetables each day.
Eat six or more servings of grains (preferably whole grains) each day.
Eat fat-free and low-fat dairy, legumes, seafood, and lean meats.
Avoid foods with more than 2 grams of saturated fat per serving.
Balance your caloric intake with your energy expenditure.
Limit junk food, which is high in simple carbohydrates and low in nutrition.
Limit foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Eat less than 6 grams of salt each day.
General food preparation and meal planning tips: Try to eat servings of fruits and vegetables at every meal. Besides being delicious, they are full of nutrients and fiber. They may even help prevent certain cancers.
Boil, steam, bake, roast, or broil foods rather than frying in fat.
Use unsaturated fats, such as vegetable oils, rather than saturated fats such as butter, shortening, and lard.
Use olive oil spray rather than cooking oils to prepare foods.
Eat white meat chicken or turkey, lean meat, fish, or seafood. Trim the skin from poultry.
Use low-fat or nonfat dairy products.
To season foods, choose lemon or lime juice, vinegar, low-sodium soy sauce, plain tomato sauce, salsa and other sauces low in fat, or mustard. Use garlic, onions, ginger, and herbs and spices to flavor foods.
Avoid high-fat and high-calorie condiments such as mayonnaise, oil, ketchup, salad dressing, or prepared sauces.
Drink seltzer, water, caffeine-free soda, tea, or coffee with meals.
Breakfast suggestions
1 cup of juice or fruit
Egg whites or an egg substitute scrambled or prepared as an omelet in olive oil spray
Oatmeal or any sugar-free cereal with 6-8 ounces of skim milk
Low-fat cream cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, or nonfat yogurt
Caffeine-free tea or coffee
Lunch suggestions
½ cup of cooked vegetables, such as peas, string beans, asparagus, broccoli, summer squash, escarole, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, or carrots
½ cup of a leafy vegetable, such as spinach, kale, or chard
Green salad, plain or seasoned with fat-free dressing, vinegar, lemon, or any combination of these (no oil) -- include greens and raw vegetables such as tomato, bell peppers, cucumber, sprouts, radish, onion, cabbage, mushrooms, and celery
½ cup whole-grain pasta in meat-free tomato sauce
Sandwiches made of whole-grain or sourdough bread
2 ounces of water-packed tuna or salmon
Two slices of a low-fat cold cut or deli meat
1-2 ounces of low-fat cheese
Supper suggestions
½ cup of cooked vegetables, such as peas, string beans, asparagus, broccoli, summer squash, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, or carrots
½ cup of a leafy vegetable, such as spinach, kale, or chard
Green salad, plain or seasoned with fat-free dressing, vinegar, lemon, or any combination of these (no oil) -- include greens and raw vegetables such as tomato, bell peppers, cucumber, sprouts, radish, onion, cabbage, mushrooms, and celery
½ chicken breast, baked, or four slices of turkey, skin removed
White fish, such as snapper or fillet of sole, baked or steamed in plain tomato sauce, lemon or both
Two slices of whole-grain or sourdough bread or ½ cup of a whole grain such as brown rice
1/3 cup (or less) of fat-free yogurt or fat-free sour cream
For dessert
One small slice of cake or one cookie, low-fat or fat-free and cholesterol-free
½ cup of fat-free ice cream or fat-free frozen yogurt
Fresh fruit
If you choose to drink alcohol, do so in moderation (no more than two drinks per day for men or one drink per day for women).
To satisfy hunger between meals, eat unlimited quantities of celery, lettuce, mushrooms, green or red peppers, asparagus, cauliflower, cucumber, and broccoli.
Eating away from home
When eating in a restaurant, plan ahead. Think about ordering low-fat, low-calorie foods. Remember that most restaurants serve portions much larger than an accepted serving size.
Ask for a doggy bag or take-out container when you order. As soon as the food comes, set aside half (or more) for future meals. Then eat what is left on your plate. This will help keep you from overeating.
Skip the breadbasket and the appetizer.
Ask for foods to be prepared without frying or sauces.
Avoid high-fat side orders such as french fries, coleslaw, and garlic bread.
Order salad dressings on the side and dip your fork in the dressing, then spear the salad.
Drink plenty of plain water.
Increasing Your Activity Level
Moderate physical activity, such as walking, helps you lose weight and keep your weight down. At least 30 minutes of exercise a day is recommended.
Try to exercise at least five days a week.
Not exercising will sabotage any weight loss plan. Add movement, even in short 10-minute bursts throughout your day to get in 30 minutes a day.
Simple measures such as parking at the far end of the parking lot and taking the stairs instead of the elevator eventually add up to help you lose weight.
Exercise strengthens your muscles and improves the function of your heart and lungs.
If you are obese, particularly if you are inactive or have medical problems, check with a health care professional before starting an exercise program.
When walking for weight loss, distance is important, not speed. Wear a pedometer to measure your steps and then find ways to add steps during your daily activity.
To exercise, walk at a pace and distance that puts no strain on the body. Set reasonable goals. If you walk until you become tired, you will be exhausted when you stop.
Walk with smooth, rhythmic motions at an easy pace.
Each time you walk, walk slowly for the first five minutes to warm up. After five minutes, walk for 10 minutes at a faster rate if you can. Do not overdo it. You may stop to rest at any time.
When you have walked for 10 minutes without stopping, your first goal has been reached. The new goal should be to walk for a little longer time (say, 12 minutes). Continue to set new goals without overdoing it. It is important not to walk too fast or too long.
Chart your progress.
Other activities
Ride your bicycle to work or to the store.
Buy an exercise bike and pedal while watching TV or talking on the phone. Keep track of your mileage.
Join an exercise class appropriate for your level of activity and your medical condition. Water aerobics is a popular choice. Start slow.
Even weekend chores use calories if you do them the physical way.
Skip the riding lawn mower and use a push mower.
Wash your car manually.
Use a rake, hoe, and shovel for gardening chores.
Exercise tips
To let your skin breathe during workouts, wear loose clothing. Wear comfortable jogging shoes or sneakers.
Drink plenty of water before and after exercising. This will replace water lost by perspiration and prevent dehydration. If you want to carry a water bottle, you can drink while exercising.
Check your pulse rate frequently (every five minutes) while exercising.
Normal resting pulse rate may vary between 60 and 90 beats per minute.
Your pulse should increase somewhat while exercising. The pulse rate may increase up to 120. It is normal to become somewhat short of breath. If you are so short of breath that you cannot speak comfortably, stop for a rest and then continue at a slower rate.
While exercising, make it a point not to hold your breath. Holding your breath deprives the body of oxygen. Inhale with one movement, and exhale with another.
Do not continue exercising if you feel pain. Stop and take a break. If you continue to feel pain, talk to a health care professional.
Keep a record of your activity. You will see progress over time.
Top Diets: The Best Dieting Tips Ever
See Slideshow
Changing Your Habits and Staying Motivated to Fight Obesity
Changing your habits
Eat slowly and chew your food well. This helps you feel satisfied with less food.
The amount of food you eat is more important that the type of food. Think portion control. Familiarize yourself with official serving sizes, and measure and weigh foods accordingly.
Keep a record of when you eat, what you eat, and how much. This will help you spot situations in which you tend to overeat.
Avoid or limit comfort foods which are easily eaten foods (such as macaroni and cheese, ice cream, chocolate) that are used to modify your mood.
Don't give in to food cravings. These are typically foods with a high sugar content that cause your brain to release hormones that temporarily make you feel happy. These foods have addictive properties, so once you start eating them, it's difficult to stop.
Do not skip meals, especially breakfast. You will just be hungrier and more likely to overeat at the next meal.
Do not read or watch television while you eat.
Reduce your appetite by drinking one glass of water 30 minutes before each meal. If your stomach is not empty, food does not look as appetizing.
Drinking tea (especially green tea, white tea, and pu-erh tea) has also been suggested as a weight loss aid. Tea may contain caffeine, which acts as a stimulant. Tea also has no calories (assuming you don't add sugar or milk). Much like drinking water, drinking tea can make you feel full, thereby suppressing your appetite and reducing food cravings.
Stock your refrigerator with healthy, low-calorie foods. Snack on baby carrots instead of microwave popcorn. Don't keep high-fat snacks around the house.
Put a sign on the refrigerator that will help you think twice about snacking.
Reward yourself for specific achievements, such as exercising longer than you had planned or eating less of a tempting food. Of course, the reward should not be food.
Staying motivated
People often set unrealistic goals for themselves, only to feel guilt when they cannot stay on a diet or exercise program. Make changes in small steps. Look for small gains (that is, weight losses). Losing 1 pound a week is a reasonable goal.
Losing even 10% of your excess body weight can significantly lower your risk of obesity-related health problems. This is a good goal to start with.
Do not weigh yourself too often. Weigh yourself only once a week in the morning. An increase in weight of 1 pound or 2 may not be a true weight gain. It may be the result of water retention.
Group support programs such as Weight Watchers or TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) give you the support and encouragement of others with the same problem. They also promote healthy living practices.
For those who don't have the time to make it to support groups, there are now many free or low cost apps available for the iPhone, iPad, or Android which help determine and track calories, nutrition, and calorie expenditure. Try LoseIt!, Weight Watchers Mobile, Restaurant Nutrition, 40:30:30, Diet Point, or Noom Weight Loss Coach.
It is perfectly normal to go off your plan on occasion. Don't be too hard on yourself, and don't quit! Get back on track the next day.
Diet Plans: Beware
There are too many weight-loss diet plans to address each of them here. A few are discussed below.
Dean Ornish Diet
This is a very strict low-fat diet. Besides causing you to lose weight, it also decreases your cholesterol and has been scientifically proven to reverse coronary artery disease. Some people on this diet have decreased the size of the plaques in the arteries supplying the heart, thereby avoiding the need for open-heart bypass surgery.
The diet involves intensive lifestyle changes.
A vegetarian diet that includes 10% fat calories
Moderate aerobic exercise
Stress-management training including yoga and meditation
Smoking cessation
Group psychosocial support
Caution: The American Heart Association cautions that very low-fat diets may increase triglycerides. Increasing exercise and taking a flaxseed or fish oil supplement can minimize this risk.
Very low-fat diets may be difficult for all but the most motivated and disciplined people.
The Atkins Diet
This diet restricts carbohydrates. The introduction phase (two weeks or more) restricts carbohydrates to less than 20 grams per day. This excludes most fruits and vegetables and relies on a diet of mostly animal fats and protein.
It is true that simple carbohydrates, such as sugar and white flour, pasta, and rice, and alcohol, are rapidly absorbed and cause weight gain when consumed in excess. They should be avoided by people who are overweight or obese.
On the other hand, complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, brown rice, fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and soy products are rich in fiber, which slows their absorption. In moderation, they are excellent food choices for overweight and obese people. They should make up a significant proportion of the diet. And yet these are also strictly limited by the Atkins diet.
Numerous studies have shown that excess animal protein in the diet increases the risks of breast and prostate cancers, heart disease, kidney disease, and osteoporosis. Fats and proteins break down in the body to substances called ketones. The large amounts of fat and protein in the Atkins diet are likely to cause an excess of ketones in the body, a condition called ketosis.
Caution: This diet may not be appropriate for people with diabetes, and its safety in pregnant or breastfeeding women has not been established. It also establishes unhealthy eating habits.
The hCG Diet
Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone produced during pregnancy. This new diet plan claims that HCG can suppress appetite. The FDA, however, has not approved HCG for weight loss, and it must be prescribed by a physician. Over-the-counter preparations are often labeled as "homeopathic" but contain very little, if any, of the actual hormone. People lose weight on this diet because the plan calls for a restriction of calories to 500 per day. This is not healthy, and one is likely to regain any weight lost during the severe calorie restriction.
Medications and Surgery for Obesity
For people who are overweight and have been unable to lose weight with diet and exercise, consulting a weight-loss clinic may help. There are several prescription diet pills that are now available.
Sibutramine (Meridia) is a prescription medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1996. It may be recommended for people who are more than 30 pounds overweight. In clinical trials, people who took this drug lost an average of 5%-10% of their body weight. It may also help to keep weight off. It works by making the person feel full and thereby decreases food intake. It may cause an increase in blood pressure and should not be used by people who are on a number of other medications, such as antidepressants.
Orlistat (Xenical 120 mg by prescription or Alli 60 mg available over the counter) is a medication approved by the FDA in 1999. Your doctor may prescribe it if you weigh more than 30% over your healthy body weight or have a BMI greater than 30. Over one year, people who followed a weight-loss diet and took orlistat lost an average of 13.4 pounds, almost 8 pounds more than people who used diet alone to lose weight. It works by reducing the absorption of fat from the intestine. Diarrhea and incontinence of stool may be side effects of this medicine.
Lorcaserin (Belviq 10 mg one to two times daily) was just approved by the FDA in June 2012. It may be considered if your BMI is 30 or greater or if you have a BMI greater than 27 with weight-related conditions. Studies demonstrated that almost half of patients lost an average of 5% of their body weight when combined with diet and exercise (compared to 25% of patients with diet and exercise alone). Lorcaserin works by activating the serotonin 2C receptor in the brain, which helps you feel full after smaller portions. The most common side effects were headache, nausea, and dizziness.
Qsymia (combination of phentermine and topiramate) was just approved by the FDA in July 2012. It is only approved for those with a BMI greater than 27 with weight-related conditions. When combined with diet and exercise, studies have shown that half of the participants lost 10% of their body weight and four-fifths lost 5% (which equates to 12 pounds in a 227-pound person). Topiramate is associated with a high risk of birth defects such as cleft lip and palate. Phentermine (an appetite suppressant) was one of the ingredients in fen-phen and is associated with an elevation in heart rate. Because of these potentially serious side effects, Qsymia is only available through mail order. Other side effects include tingling, dizziness, alterations in taste, insomnia, dry mouth, and constipation.
Surgery to correct obesity (known as bariatric surgery) is a solution for some obese people who cannot lose weight on their own or have severe obesity-related medical problems. Generally, surgery is recommended only for morbidly obese people (body mass index 40 or greater) or for those with a BMI of 35 and greater or who have weight related-conditions. This generally means men who are at least 100 pounds overweight and women who are at least 80 pounds overweight.
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yourdreamscenarios · 5 years
When you cook for Christmas
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“Do you need help?” He asked for the millionth time and you gave him a look as you pointed your gaze on him. He stood on the other side of the counter, giving you a helpless look as he watched the way you huddled around the kitchen. No matter how many times you had told him to leave the room and to go sit with his friends, he simply refused to listen to you. He continued to linger close by, and often shot forward when he realized you wanted to lift something slightly more heavy or when you had to reach for sometimes. He was always there, luring around a corner, watching your every move. You could tell he didn’t agree with this, but you had made this agreement almost a year ago and it wasn’t like you could simply back away from it now. You had promised the boys a family dinner with Christmas, so that was exactly what you were going to give them. No take out, no expensive restaurants. Tonight was about spending time with friends, who had become as close as family. 
Your parents were going out with friends this Christmas, and the guys had work to get done so they weren’t capable of going home to celebrate at home. And so you were all stuck here together. Last year Jungkook had invited you along for Christmas as well, simply order some pizza and eat it on the couch. There had been nothing Christmas like about it, back then they hadn’t even had the time to put up a Christmas tree. This year though, the lights were shining in the living room, a large tree was standing in the further corner and several gifts were scattered underneath it. Hoseok had tried many times before to steal one just so he could figure out what was in them and which ones were for him. You had really tried to think of original gifts for everyone, but it surely hadn’t been easy. Namjoon had demanded for everyone to make a list with at least a few items on it, so that it would be easier to get something for everyone, but even that was easier said than done. 
You never knew what you wanted to get for Christmas. There wasn’t much you needed, and somehow you felt as if you already had everything your heart was longing for. You had a wonderful fiancee, who was becoming your husband within just a few months and you were expecting a wonderful son within a month. It was probably the reason why Jungkook refused to let you out of his sight. When you’d told him last year that you would hoist the party and that you would cook for all of them at the dorm next Christmas he had been so thrilled about it. They had all wanted a real Christmas for once, and to be able to forget about work and to get some actual rest during the holidays. But the situation had turned out slightly different than any of you had expected. No one had expected you to be pregnant by now. Of course, you and Jungkook had been trying, but none of you had thought that it would go this fast. You had only been trying for a few weeks when your pregnancy test had turned out to be positive. 
Your fiancee had been over the moon about it ever since, bragging about it to his friends. You had no idea what was going to happen once the child was born but you could imagine Jungkook parading through the dorm with him and showing him to everyone who came close enough to see his baby. Though, you were happy all the reactions were this positive and you were content that the two of you could do this together. You wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. “Is there anything I can do?” His voice resounded from behind you and you were just about to open your mouth to speak up when all of a sudden you felt two strong arms wrap around you. His large hands rested on top of your belly, covered by the apron you were wearing so you wouldn’t mess up your clothes. You stilled, holding the wooden spoon in one hand and the pepper in the other. His chin came to rest on top of your shoulder and you knew that he wasn’t about to leave, no matter what you would say. 
You had been able to control his worry during the first weeks of your pregnancy, even though he had panicked about every single things that seemed to go wrong. But ever since your stomach had been growing and there was visible prove of your pregnancy, his protectiveness had grown with it. He had literally begged you to stop working at a certain moment, and you had given into it. Not because you couldn’t handle it anymore or because you weren’t allowed to, but simply because you could tell it tore him apart every single time you left in the morning. He would call you almost every hour, no matter how busy his own schedules were. He had to know what you were doing, who was with you, if there was someone around to take care of you, when you were getting home. You didn’t want to stress him out even more and so you had agreed to stay at home during the last month of your pregnancy. 
You had been able to control his worry during the first weeks of your pregnancy, even though he had panicked about every single things that seemed to go wrong. But ever since your stomach had been growing and there was visible prove of your pregnancy, his protectiveness had grown with it. He had literally begged you to stop working at a certain moment, and you had given into it. Not because you couldn’t handle it anymore or because you weren’t allowed to, but simply because you could tell it tore him apart every single time you left in the morning. He would call you almost every hour, no matter how busy his own schedules were. He had to know what you were doing, who was with you, if there was someone around to take care of you, when you were getting home. You didn’t want to stress him out even more and so you had agreed to stay at home during the last month of your pregnancy. It was one thing to deal with being pregnant, it was another to have to worry about Jungkook’s state of mind every time you were away. 
You couldn’t stand the fact that he was constantly worrying about you and he was panicking around his friends because you refused to listen to him. besides, you couldn’t really complain. He took great care of you, spoiled you whenever you wanted and whenever you needed it. He was being a real gentleman twenty four seven and tried to be with you as much as he could. It was obvious he was getting more excited about the baby with every day that passes. He’d already decorated the room and by all the toys which were already stalled out you’d think that you were expecting two baby’s instead of one. Jungkook was planning on spoiling his first born just as much as he was spoiling you right now. But you could tell he was getting scared as well. Sometimes you notices it by the way he would look at you, like his entire world was turning upside down and he had no idea how to handle it. You felt the exact same way. There were times you would look down on yourself and you’d admire that little human inside of your belly, but there were also moments you feared it. 
From the moment your baby was born everything would change and everything would be different. It was going to be an adventure and there was a chance that the road would be rocky. You were still young, you had no idea how you should raise a kid. But you were convinced that as long as the two of you would stick together and would stand by each other’s sides, you would be just fine. Even though Jungkook didn’t seem to believe it himself sometimes, you knew that he was going to be an amazing father. This child was going to love him and they were going to have some amazing times together. You were going to become a family. “I wish you’d let me help you.” He said once more and you sighed deeply before lowering the spoon on the kitchen counter. While turning around to face him you made sure not to bump your stomach against him. You’d now gotten to the stage the baby would start kicking and you were not sure yet if you enjoyed those moments. At first you had been so shocked because of the feeling that it had almost knocked you over. 
Jungkook had been so worried, the poor guy. He had literally put you down on the sofa, surrounded by hundreds of pillows next to you and all over the floor, just in case you’d threaten to fall again. You would never forget the look on his face though, when you had grabbed his hand and you had placed it against the side of your belly, at the exact place you’d felt the strange sensation before. He’d been confused at first, but then his mouth had fallen open and his eyes had filled themselves with adoration. Now he kept on asking you when the baby was awake, and he would spend his time trying to feel his feet working against your insides. “He’s going to be a great dancer.” He’d once told you, causing you chuckle. Though that didn’t mean that you always enjoyed it, especially not when you were trying to sleep. “You can help me. By stop worrying about me and by enjoying the night.” You advised him and by the look he sent you, you could tell that wasn’t what he had been trying to say. You smiled innocently at him before rising up on your toes and pressing your lips against his for a short peck. 
“Don’t your feet hurt?” He asked as soon as you settled your heels back on the floor and you tugged up an eyebrow at him before shaking your head and walking past him to walk towards the set of cabinets on the other side of the room. Opening it you gazed inside to look for the thing you needed. “No, I guess I’m lucky tonight.” You informed him as you reached for a glass bowl, thinking of putting your salad in there. You wanted the table to have a nice decoration, you didn’t want it to ruin the Christmas sphere. You almost bumped into Jungkook when you turned to walk back towards the middle of the kitchen, which almost caused you to drop the bowl straight onto the floor. “Jungkookie!” You ranted, knowing that you couldn’t be angry at those large eyes that were staring at you so innocently. It wasn’t his fault and you knew that, but he was really getting on your nerves right now. His hands stole the content out of your hands before it could slip from your fingertips and you took a deep breath before thinking of what to say to him. Trying to make him leave wasn’t going to work, there was no way he was going to leave you to do all of this by yourself. It wasn’t like you couldn’t understand why he was so worried about you. 
You just wished he would understand for a second how irritating it was for you. It was as if this act was his last straw, because as soon as he placed the bowl on top of the island he settled his hands on top of his hips and looked at you with a stern expression. “You shouldn’t be doing all of this work! You’re eight months pregnant!” He said, as if he actually had to remind you of that. Only he wasn’t the one with a sore back, painful feet and a continuous full bladder. If there was one person in this room who knew what it felt like to be eight months pregnant, it was you. “I know! But that doesn’t mean that I can’t make dinner. It’s not like I’m in some threatening danger right now.” You reminded him and he opened his mouth as if he was about to argue with you about that little detail. Quickly you gave him a look which should tell him that you weren’t in the mood for a discussion and he seemed to get it because his mouth closed again without any words coming out of it. If there was one thing he’d had to handle quite enough these past few months it were your mood swings and he knew how bad they could get. 
“I just don’t want anything to happen to you, or the baby.” He muttered and you softened, not knowing if it was because of the sound of his voice or the intentions of his words. You’d always known he had never fought for anything different than your safety, you just didn’t want him to take your freedom as well. You sighed before taking a few long strides towards him, stopping in front of him so that you were able to hit your arms around his middle for a hug. You were no longer able to embrace him as tightly as you’d done before because something was always in the way, but that didn’t stop of him from hugging you back just as easily. “And I know that. But I’m not someone who’s going to sit on the couch all day long and spend my days watching reality shows. I need to do something. And then I don’t mean those puzzles books you bought me.” You said, remembering that he had bought you those a few weeks ago, offering them evert time you got bored. 
You came from a packed schedule, working from mornings till evenings, almost every single day of the year. You simply couldn’t go from everything to nothing in just a few weeks time, and surely not while you were still capable of doing stuff. You needed to put your energy in something or you would surely loose your mind. “But you’ve been marching around the kitchen all afternoon, you haven’t even taken a rest since you came here.” He continued and you realized that was true. Perhaps you had taken this Christmas dinner slightly too serious. Maybe you should have let him help you when he had asked you so many times before, maybe then you wouldn’t be having this discussion right now. As if the others had heard your conversation Seokjin and Yoongi suddenly popped up in the middle of the doorway, both acting natural but by the way they were looking at you, you could tell they were fully aware of what the problem was. 
“You two can watch over the presents now, we’ll take it from here.” Seokjin offered, walking straight towards the stove and grabbing the wooden spoon inside of his hold. Yoongi sniffed, following the smell and stopping beside his friend. You stuttered in argument, ready to fight them off. You hadn’t been cooking all afternoon to give the glory to someone else when you were almost done. You had put lots of effort in this and now you wanted to finish it. “Please babe…” Jungkook begged slightly, his hands gripping yours and carefully tugging you towards the doorway. For a small second you felt torn, but soon you relaxed your strained muscles and you let yourself being led away, knowing it was for the best. Your legs were indeed getting a little bit tired, and you’d been having that cramp in your back for at least an hour now. Perhaps it couldn’t hurt to spend some time with your fiancee of this lovely evening. 
After all, that was one of the reasons why you’d wanted to organize this, so that you could be with the people you cared about. As soon as the two of you arrived in the living room Jungkook placed the both of you down on the couch, with him sitting beside the Christmas tree. The lights were reflecting inside of his hair and you had to admit you really loved the sight of it. You couldn’t wait until you’d be able to celebrate the holidays with him and your child next year. “Well, isn’t this nice?” He asked you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and leaning you against his side. No matter how hard you had tried to fight it before, you felt your exhaustion kicking in and you willingly snuggled into him. “Let’s hope they don’t mess up the food. I’m not having take out this year.” You reminded him and he chuckled slightly as his hand crawled down your back and found the exact spot where your muscles were clenched together. 
Closing your eyes you enjoyed the way his fingers pressed into them, knowing exactly how to cure all your pains. “Maybe next year we can all cook together, me and you, and the baby.” He suggested and in your mind you could see the image of a messed up kitchen develop inside of your mind, but still you smiled. You were almost about to drift off when all of a sudden you felt Jungkook flinch beside you. “Don’t open it!” He shouted and when you opened your eyes you stared right at Hoseok, holding a bright red present inside of his hands, shaking it against the side of his head. You laughed as the younger one chased him around the room. Seriously, how could you ever get bored with these guys around? 
∙ BTS Masterlist ♡ ∙ Masterlist ♡
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altarsburning · 5 years
The Castles~!
** please note, this ship breakdown is solely for wardogsong’s portrayal of frank — if you are a frank writer and want to send one in, please do! no two ship breakdowns will be alike!
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how did they they meet? on a warm summer day, when maria was enjoying a day out with her girlfriends — there was some guy sitting against a tree, with some guitar, playing it, badly. and she had asked him to play something else because she was tired of hearing him butcher that song. and frank, in his flirtatious manner, said he didn’t take requests — but when he started playing pretty woman as she walked away, practically forcing her hand and making her come back, cemented their first date that evening.who developed romantic feelings first? probably frank, but he did make her say something uncharacteristic during their first encounter — he promised to stop playing, if he could play something at their wedding. and maria, in typical say-it-before-you’ve-thought-about-it fashion, told him, defiantly, you are not playing that at our wedding! and that was when she began to think about it. after the third date, maria elizabeth genovese was a goner.who is their biggest “shipper?” her nonna, definitely. while maria’s mother wasn’t pleased (read: thrilled) at the prospect of her first grandchild coming before her only daughter’s marriage, her nonna, luisa franco, saw something in frank. nonna luisa never speaks a lot of english — maria is fluent in italian — but she always called frank handsome, and kind. she told maria several times that frank was the one for her, that she could see it in the way he looked at maria when she wasn’t looking at him. when did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? first date, when he walked her to her front door (coincidentally her parents’ house because she was trying to find an apartment near the university, where she planned to go for dance). he was telling her goodnight, and when she turned to go, he said her name ever so softly, and kissed her. he nearly took her breath away. she went to sleep with a smile on her face that night.who confessed their feelings first? the arrival of soon-to-be lisa castle on the scene forced their hands. when she found out she was pregnant (after taking no less than seven different kinds of pregnancy tests, and saying a hail mary), she went to frank that night and told him. she also told him that she wasn’t going to make any demands or expect anything of him, but that she was keeping the baby. she also told him that she was falling in love with him, despite herself, and had been before she found out about the baby. she admits that three months is a short time to be confessing love, but there was something about the way he made her feel, the way he said her name against her lips, and the way his hand held hers. how relieved she was when he said the same thing to her.what was their first official date? it was something easy, where they didn’t have to put on airs and pretend, somewhere where they could talk and get to know one another. somewhere not too loud; maria doesn’t like restaurants where you have to shout to hear someone. afterwards, they held hands while they walked through the city.how do they feel about double dates/group dates? maria, honestly, isn’t a fan. she’s not a fan of having to keep multiple people entertained and carry on a conversation that could go six different ways. she prefers to be on her own with her husband — and she’s seen the way groups and crowded places make him feel, so she’s much better alone with him, either at a restaurant or at home with takeout. she’d rather be on the couch with her family eating pizza and watching a movie, then on a formal date.what do they do in their down time? what is downtime? is that a thing? maria was heavily pregnant and married before she’d known frank a year, and with juggling the baby and frank’s enlistment and subsequent deployment, there was no time to discover if they had couples’ hobbies in common, or if there was anything called relaxing. what was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like? maria’s mother was, as every italian mother is, stern faced and appraised frank as if he wouldn’t be good enough for her daughter. her father, a former marine who fought in vietnam, was eager to meet the man, and after a few beers, they got along famously. maria’s mother was slightly tougher to warm over, but frank got there. as for frank’s parents, both had passed, but maria did get the pleasure of meeting salvatore lombardi (played by @asilverjackal), a man she warmed to almost instantly. she saw a little of him, in frank.what was their first fight over and how did they get past it? it was, most likely, something to do with bills, or housing, or something small made ten times worse by frank being overseas and unreachable at the time — papers that needed signing, or something. raised voices and hand gestures were probably involved — maria elizabeth can get wickedly loud.which one is more easily made jealous? neither. frank knows maria loves him, and maria knows the same of frank. he is everything she could want in a husband — and her heart feels no desire to look elsewhere. and she knows frank is loyal to her and the kids, and doesn’t want anything else.what is their favourite thing to get to eat? maria loves to cook but sometimes she just loves takeout, especially when the order from the bamboo house, which has thai, japanese, and chinese menus. maria loves sushi, despite her very italian upbringing. who’s the cuddly one? what their favourite cuddling position? frank is the big teddy bear, maria doesn’t mind cuddling, but she’s not usually the one to initiate it, though sometimes she is, especially in the first few nights of frank being home. she tends to put her back to his chest and let his arms wrap her up in safety.are they hand holders? as often as they can be.how long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? what’s the circumstances? well, clearly, it probably happened on the first, second, or third date, seeing as maria was three months pregnant after their first date. who tops? frank!what’s the worst fight they’ve ever gotten into? when frank was up for deployment again, and decided to take it, despite maria asking him to stay stateside. there was also the fact that he was thousands of miles away when junior was born.who does the shopping and the cooking? maria, most definitely. she learned from her mother, and her nonna, who learned from their mothers and grandmothers.which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? frank, definitely. he’s gotten used to living in a defined space in the military, and he carries that into his home life. maria isn’t messy, but she’s used to living with kids who can’t pick up after themselves. who proposes? frank did, after maria told him about the baby. she wasn’t expecting it, and asked him if he was just marrying her because she was in the family way. she never really got a straight answer then, but she knows now — he loves her. do they have joined bachelor/bacheloette parties or separate? neither one of them had time for a party — maria wasn’t so sure she’d want one anyway, and if she’s a little honest, she’s glad frank didn’t get one; god knows what those marine buddies would have done — strippers everywhere. maria’s family did throw a little joint baby-wedding shower for her though, at her mother’s house.who is the best man/maid of honour? any other groomsmen or bridesmaids? they got married in a courthouse, with one of frank’s cousins standing in as witness. her family was too busy getting the backyard ready for the reception, though maria’s second cousin, fiona, was there to take pictures for everyone. big ceremony or small? try none at all. unless you count waiting in the courthouse lobby as a ceremony.do they have a honeymoon? if so, where? with the baby on the way, and frank’s looming deployment, there was no time to have one. frank kept talking about giving her one, a week away from the kids and bills, somewhere sunny and warm, but they never got the chance.do they have children? how many? lisa, and junior. they had talked about having more, maybe once frank left the military and found a civilian job, but that was never possible.
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
About my day | Bold what is also true for you :
I’m fond of:
Cats. Weed. New experiences. Getting to know people I have things in common with. Aliens. Horror films. Surveys. Mythology. Nature. The beach. The X-Files. Conspiracy theories. Documentaries. History. Reading. Clothes. Taking walks. Tattoos. Quadding/four-wheeling. Classic rock. Straight-forward people. Metal. Poetry. The Sims.
I’m not fond of:
Extremists. Closed-minded people. Cheese. People who judge or worry about the decisions/opinions of others. Disrespect/ignorance. The media. Cleaning. Romantic comedies. Bugs. ‘Reality’ TV shows. Technology taking over *every* aspect of life. Overdramatic people. Today’s music. Cliches. People who hold certain sentiments simply because the mass majority feels that way. Facebook. Self-righteousness. Being stared at. The US government system. Being condescended to. Being ignored. Beer. Snow/ice. Feeling trapped in my own head.
I enjoy eating/drinking:
Steak. Shrimp. Pizza. Pringles. Ben & Jerry’s. Rice. Potatoes. Bagels. Fruit. Skor bars. Aloe Vera drinks. Bolthouses. Water. Chicken. Salads. Omelets. Zucchini. Dark Russet chips. Hot chocolate.
I like to watch:
The X-Files. Law & Order: SVU. The Twilight Zone. American Horror Story. Married With Children. Twin Peaks. King Of The Hill. Nightmare Next Door. Wicked Attraction. Roseanne. That 70’s Show. Freaks & Geeks. Breaking Bad. Charmed. Family Guy. The Wonder Years.
I would describe myself as:
Laid back. Accepting. Indifferent. Realistic. Ill-tempered. Sarcastic. Blunt. Introverted. Witty. Good-natured. Understanding. Open-minded. Anxious. Headstrong. Honest. Lazy. Moody/Neurotic. Wise. Thick-skinned. Logical. Aloof. Impartial. Cynical. Humorous. Indecisive. Intuitive. Loyal. Modest. Brooding.
I’ve experienced:
A hangover. A really bad break-up. Smoking weed. Doing drugs other than weed. Being in a fist fight. Having my own house. Being on a plane. Smoking a cigarette. Sexual assault/abuse. A pregnancy. Being kicked out of my parent’s house. Hitchhiking. Shooting a gun. Physical abuse. Being hospitalized. An abusive relationship. Watching someone die. Seeing someone stabbed and/or shot. Being robbed. Competing in some sort of competition. Being in love. Gambling in a casino. A surgery of some sort.
Little things I love:
Forehead kisses. Comfortable silences. Warm blankets fresh out of the dryer. Doing something unexpected that wasn’t asked of you. Getting mail. When my kitties snuggle with me. Warm pavement on bare feet. Perfect cereal to milk ratio. Buying the last of something. Fast moving lines. Friendly cashiers. Taking the back roads. Driving on the highway during sunset. Coming across that song on your iPod that you love and haven’t heard in a while. Smiling at strangers. When you come home after a long day and realize it was grocery day. When all of your electronics have a full charge. The fact that mom always seems to have everything I need in her purse. When the last bite of food tastes better than all the rest. Happy tears. That look you give your best friend and then you both burst out laughing. Knowing when your favorite artist is releasing a new album. The atmosphere in a movie theater during a really funny film. When the whole crowd is singing at a concert. Intense eye contact that gives you goosebumps. The feeling that country music gives me. Finding the right words to say. People with beautiful souls. That moment when you realize you finally made it. Finding the perfect thing to wear. When you put zero effort into your appearance and someone compliments you. That feeling of letting go. Pleasant wake up calls. Knowing you made someone’s day a little better. The cold side of the pillow. Spotting the person you’re looking for in a big crowd. Taking off your bra after a long day. When you can taste food again after a cold. Christmas morning. Bloopers. Exact change. Finally remembering what I was going to say. New episodes of your favorite show. Multiple choice exams. Smiling in the middle of a kiss. Not having a to do list. Head massages.
Millennial Things | bold what you do
Binging Netflix a lot Always Snapchatting everything
Struggling with Instagram captions Always having to delete stuff because of full storage
Eating out at a place you discovered on Instagram Used iPods/MP3 players to listen to music Wanted a flip phone before iPhones were invented Can’t help but post everything on social media
Have/had/want acrylic nails
Always looking at the phone Use a bunch of hashtags
Have tattoos or piercings
Shop online Eat a lot of avocado/avocado food
Closet is full of unnecessary clothes Get your food delivered
Love drinking coffee
Use public transport a lot Eat a lot of takeout food Buy clothes or things you don’t necessarily need Work out/go to the gym/want to be fit
Focus on self-love
Have at least one entertainment site subscription
Love traveling/traveled overseas recently Spend too much money
Gen Z
Spend most of your time online Procrastinate 24/7 Consume too much tv/media content Know a lot about technology
Aware and accepting of diversity Binge Netflix Enjoy creating things Share a lot on social media
Prefer to do things digitally Grew up in a digital world Talk to friends online more than in person Have met a lot of new people online
Prefer digital books to hard copy
Career-focused Prefer online shopping over physical
Interested in things like fashion, beauty, and health
Watch a lot of YouTubers Aware of world issues and want to help
Eat a lot of fast food People your age are Insta “baddies” and “influencers” Want diversity
Bold all the things you've done:
You pile the food you don't like into a corner on your plate. And sometimes hide it in a napkin so nobody notices. You're a pro at moving food around your plate so it ~looks~ like you've eaten more than you really did. You fold your plate at family parties so nobody gets offended that you didn't like it. You've become a pro at sneaking to the trash can without anyone noticing, too. You always cut the crust off your sandwiches. You pick everything but the pepperoni off of combo pizzas. ...And sometimes even the pepperoni, too. You ALWAYS check the menu before you go to a restaurant. You check the menu again on the ride there, just to be safe. You have that one meal that's always your go-to. And you've had it so many times you got tired of it and had to find a new ~safe meal~. You prefer the food on the kid's menu to the regular menu. Chicken tenders and fries are your best friend. Buttered noodles, too. You can spot the food you don't like in any meal, no matter how little of it there is. Picking the food you don't like off your meal isn't enough, because the taste lingers. You hate it when your food touches, period. Your food and drink orders are always complicated. You have that one food you'll NEVER try because you just know you'll hate it. Picking pizza toppings with your friends is always a struggle. Your friends ask a million questions before you come over to eat for the first time. You're 100% not a fan of anything slimy in texture. Your best friends and family have a running list of the foods you hate. They get REALLY excited when you try something new and like it. Or when you try something you used to hate and end up liking it. When you find a new food you like, it's just about all you eat for a while. You always have your own snacks on hand, just in case. You have a ~picky eater speech~ memorized at this point for whenever people ask why you won't eat something. You've claimed to be allergic to something so you don't have to say you're just picky. Total: 9
0-9: Not picky
10-19: Kinda picky
20-30: Definitely a picky eater
0 notes
befitnesshub1 · 3 years
What Does Hummus Taste Like? What is it Eaten with: Composition, Benefits, Recipes
What Does Hummus Taste Like?, If you have never tried hummus and do not even know what it is, then be sure to read this publication befitnesshub.com. This delicious product, despite its high-calorie content, will benefit your health. Here you will find out why you need to try hummus, how and what is better to eat with, and how to make it from chickpeas at home! You are also waiting for you a classic recipe and variations that you can make from several ingredients.
What is hummus?
Every country in the world has its own signature dish and is associated with it. For example, Russia is pancakes. Ukraine – borscht, and bacon. Italy – pasta and pizza. Germany – beer and sausages. But Israel is, of course, hummus! Any person who has visited this country has definitely tried their world-famous snack and will look for it in their country on supermarket shelves or cook it independently.
So, hummus is a Jewish cold appetizer that has a mousse consistency, a spicy-sweet taste, and is made from chickpeas (a variety of peas) and tahini (sesame paste). Served most often with flatbread, pita bread, or chips.
History of its origin:
There are many versions of where this dish originates. There is no consensus on the national dish of which country it is: Greece, Turkey, Israel, or maybe Cyprus. It is believed that the first mentions of him were found in Egypt. Agriculture in this country was highly developing, especially the cultivation of cereals and legumes, and in particular, chickpea, which was sold to the countries of Asia Minor.
Even on the frescoes dedicated to Nefertiti and Emperor Akhenaten’s love, a chickpea branch is depicted, symbolizing masculine strength. And in Japan, chickpea grains found in the tomb of Tutankhamun were recently able to sprout.
Hummus is still mentioned in the work of the great Homer “Iliad” of the 8th century BC. In it, he tells in detail about the formidable Greeks’ diet and, in particular, about hummus.
The famous historian Pliny also talked about this snack and recommended it as a stimulant of childbirth and lactation. In ancient times, chickpeas were used not only in making hummus. The founder of botany, Dioscorides, discovered its medicinal properties: a positive effect on the digestive system. He often used it in the treatment of warriors and even included in his famous descriptions of 1,500 medicines that he developed.
In the 1-2 centuries A.D., it is believed that the flourishing of Rome’s trade came, and it was at this time that chickpeas came to India, where they received their further distribution and development. There are new ways of processing and using it that were invented.
More recently, 10-15 years ago, hummus made its way to Europe and received recognition there. It is prepared according to many different recipes; it is found in many countries globally and is one of the most common cold snacks.
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What does it taste like and what it smells like
Thanks to the crushed chickpeas, hummus tastes sweet and nutty-bean, which is incredibly creamy from the presence of tahini in sesame paste. Lemon juice adds a tart flavor, while garlic adds tanginess. The aroma can vary depending on spices such as sumac, cumin, and smoked paprika.
How to Make Hummus at Home
All you need to make hummus are a few ingredients:
chickpeas (boiled and chilled);
tahini (as a last resort, you can replace it with another nut butter);
lemon juice;
Olive oil.
How to Cook Chickpeas for Hummus
Place the chickpeas on a large plate. Examine it and look for damaged beans, rocks, and any other foreign matter that needs to be thrown away.
Rinse the chickpeas several times until the water runs clear. Soak it in clean water overnight with 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Then, wash it and soak it again in tap water for a few more hours. The grains should absorb most of the water and become almost double their original volume.
Wash the chickpeas well and place them in a large saucepan. Cover with water and simmer over medium heat until the beans can easily crush between two fingers. This will take about 1-1.5 hours, during which it is recommended to remove the foam.
When the chickpeas are boiled, strain them and set aside some water after cooking. It can be added to hummus if it is too thick.
Further on befitnesshub.com, you will find many options for delicious recipes for the step-by-step preparation of hummus with visual photos, and you will learn how to make it at home.
Classic Chickpea Hummus
This classic hummus recipe can easily modify by adding additional spices, vegetables, or other ingredients as desired. Add 1 to 3 teaspoons of savory spices such as cumin, sumac, harissa, or smoked paprika.
1 clove of garlic;
1 cup cooked chickpeas
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tbsp. l. tahini (sesame paste);
¼ h. L. table salt;
2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
2 tsp water;
paprika (optional)
How to cook:
Combine garlic, washed and dried chickpeas, salt, lemon juice, tahini (sesame paste), olive oil, and water in a food processor and chopped until smooth, scraping off sides of the bowl as needed.
Taste and add salt, olive oil, or paprika as needed—store classic hummus in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.
Beetroot Hummus Recipe
1 large red beet (about 300 grams);
1/3 cup tahini
1/3 cup olive oil
400 g cooked and chilled chickpeas (or canned);
1 large clove of garlic
3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice (1-2 lemons);
1 teaspoon salt
One tsp smoked paprika;
1 tsp ground cumin;
a sprig of chopped fresh cilantro.
How to cook:
Preheat oven to 200 C.
Peel the beets, wrap them completely in aluminum foil, and place them on a baking sheet. Bake until cooked through, about 1 hour. Let it cool down.
Cut the beets into large pieces—place in a food processor equipped with a blade.
Add tahini, olive oil, chickpeas, garlic, lemon juice, salt, paprika, and cumin.
Grind until the mixture is smooth and creamy; this will take 2 to 3 minutes.
Sprinkle with cilantro after chopping.
Prepared beetroot hummus can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.
Related: Does Balsamic Vinegar Go Bad?
Pumpkin Hummus Recipe
These Added to the classic hummus recipe, the pumpkin gives it a creamy, juicy texture and at the same time a bright orange hue.
The cooking method is just as simple:
Combine all the chickpeas, pumpkin puree, paprika, lemon juice, and garlic ingredients in a blender or food processor, then blend, adding olive oil slowly while the machine is running.
Once the hummus is smooth, season it to taste with salt and pepper, then sprinkle with black sesame seeds for an interesting crunch.
Hummus Chemical Composition
Hummus is a good source of many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B-6, folate, and thiamine.
Nutritional Value of Hummus per 100g
Name Quantity Percentage of the daily norm,%
Energy value (calorie content)177 Cal
Carbohydrates20,1 g15
Protein4.9 g
Fats8.6 g28
Dietary fiber (fiber)4 geleven
Folates59 μg15
Pyridoxine0,4 mg20
Thiamine0.1 mg6
Vitamin C7.9 mgthirteen
Potassium173 mgfive
Calcium49 mgfive
Copper0.2 mgeleven
Iron1,6 mg9
Magnesium29 mg7
Manganese0.6 mg28
Zinc1.1 mg7
Phosphorus110 mgeleven
All ingredients in hummus are rich in many important vitamins and minerals.
Tahini contains copper, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, and calcium. Garlic – trace elements, antioxidants, and vitamins (manganese, vitamins B6 and C, selenium).
Olive oil is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats and contains small amounts of vitamins E and K. It is packed with antioxidants. Antioxidants are biologically active compounds that help the body fight inflammation and prevent disease.
Although hummus is rich in vitamins and minerals, it should be eaten in moderation because the calorie content per 100 grams is quite high – an average of 177 calories.
Health Benefits of Hummus
Classic, authentic hummus is nutritious and packed with healthy nutrients that will benefit your health; here’s what it does:
It is an excellent source of vegetable protein.
The main ingredient in hummus is the chickpea, which belongs to the legume family and contains a large amount of vegetable protein: one tablespoon of chickpeas contains about 2.6g.
Eating high-protein foods speed up satiety, suppresses appetite, stabilizes blood sugar, and regulates weight loss. Protein deficiencies are most common in children, vegetarians, and vegans. Hummus is a great way to get extra protein, especially if you don’t consume animal or fish protein.
It is a good source of dietary fiber.
The fiber found in hummus is well known for its beneficial properties in maintaining a healthy digestive system. It helps control appetite and blood sugar and reduce the risks of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, and hemorrhoids.
It contains healthy fats.
Thanks to the main ingredient in hummus, chickpeas, this snack contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that are considered beneficial for our health. They improve blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Hummus can be eaten with diabetes.
It is a very low glycemic index product (6 out of 100) and does not cause an insulin spike in the blood.
Hummus is good for losing weight.
It can be enjoyed even on the strictest diet, replacing sour cream or mayonnaise with it to reduce calorie intake.
Hummus is good for women.
It is quite normal to eat hummus during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. It is rich in essential nutrients, including protein, fiber, folate, and iron.
Contraindications (Harm) and Side Effects of Hummus
While hummus is a very healthy snack, that doesn’t mean it can be consumed in large quantities. This is not a dietary product because of its rather large calorie content.
Hummus has more benefits than harm, there are some contraindications to its use:
Individual intolerance to any of the ingredients.
If you are obese, it is undesirable to eat a lot of hummus.
Hummus should not be consumed by those people who are prone to flatulence from legumes.
How and with what to eat Hummus to make it Tasty
Here are a few ways you can eat and enjoy hummus to fully enjoy its taste.
Spread hummus on bread or toasted toast.
Use mayonnaise or mustard.
Dip pita bread or your favorite chips in hummus.
Combine mashed potatoes with hummus.
Boil the eggs, refrigerate, cut them in half, remove the yolk, and then combine with the hummus. Put this mixture back in the egg whites, and the savory snack is ready!
Carrots, broccoli, cucumbers – are there vegetables that don’t go well with hummus?
Add it to baked fish along with rosemary.
Combine hummus with olive oil, lemon juice, and paprika for an easy, healthy salad dressing.
It can use like butter on sandwiches, burgers, and crackers.
Just eat hummus with a spoon.
Given the many health benefits of hummus and its delicious taste, it’s no surprise that this dish has gained worldwide popularity.
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What is Hummus and How is it eaten
Those who have visited Eastern countries such as Israel, Turkey, and Lebanon at least once will answer without delay what hummus is. This spicy cold appetizer is insanely popular in these regions and is considered quite a traditional dish. If you want to know what kind of delicacy it is and what it is eaten with, then the following information will be useful for you.
Hummus is a spicy cold appetizer, similar in appearance and consistency to a paste. The photos in the article clearly show this. This dish made from chickpeas (lamb peas) with spices and herbs and sesame paste, which is called tahini in eastern countries. Ingredients like these can tell you what hummus tastes like.
Low-calorie are very satisfying in hummus and one of the favorite dishes of vegetarians and supporters of proper nutrition. One tablespoon of this product contains 25 calories. This delicacy is extremely healthy and the basis of this dish is chickpeas. And it is known to help regulate blood sugar levels. Moreover, this product contains an abundance of fiber and other useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the body’s vital functions.
Related post: 10 Substitute For Mushrooms For Kitchen Recipes
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choisgirls · 7 years
EDITED: 7/14/18, 10:20pm
Heya howdy doodle doo my dudes, lemme know if there’s anything wrong~ ~404
If they’re a doodler or a writer
Favourite landscapes
Favourite holiday
Favourite seasons
MC can’t sleep due to back pain
MC being extremely flexible
MC insecure about tummy/freckles
Hiking date
MC makes/wears cosplay
Reuniting at the airport
Best friends/platonic
MC has pet birds
MC as a fencer
MC really into death metal
MC as a major snuggler
MC setting up Chanukkah decor
MC and the piano
MC as childhood friend
Engagement rings
MC as a tattoo parlor regular
MC spamming everyone with the Bee movie
MC loses focus easily
Tall MC
Favourite Studio Ghibli movies
Drunk MC/Love reveal
Favourite way to spend time with MC
Positive pregnancy test as holiday gift
MC inviting Unknown to Christmas event (Christmas DLC)
Kinda gross MC
MC being hit on by another person
MC with someone else during holidays (ANGST)
Having to get undercuts
Obese MC (insecure)
Insomniac MC
Extreme sports with MC
MC/Family sass battle
MC with acne scars
MC on period/heavy cramps
Classic rock obsessed MC
MC Randomly speaking Russian
MC afraid of people
MC from a cold country
MC insecure eating in front of others
MC addicted to dabbing
MC with an emo fashion
MC obsessed with Classic Rock
MC as an MMA fighter
MC holed up in their room because of mental health issues
Bilingual MC forgets names for things
MC doesn’t like people spending money on them
MC likes to say “I love you” platonically
MC works the nightshift
Wedding dresses/suits
MC being random at the wrong time
MC asking for a piggy back ride
Mute MC
MC who likes things meticulously clean and in order
6'6 MC
Slightly Telepathic MC
MC always wears heelies
MC with anorexia
MC does martial arts
Short MC has long legs
Hopeless Romantic MC
MC Sick on Christmas
MC as a politician
Reactions to Jaehee/MC friendship
MC picks at scabs and gets scars
MC is an irl princess
Misc. V headcanons
MC as Terry Crews (I hate this so mUCH)
RFA Playing Undertale
Bald MC
MC protecting RFA from being hit on
MC Constantly in hospital/afraid of hospital
RFA at a strip club
RFA as text messages from 404
MC oblivious to flirting
MC not wanting to give birth/okay with adoption
MC in musical having to kiss another actor
Teacher MC
Witchy MC
MBTI Personality Types
404’s Face Claims
MCXDanny DeVito because y'all hate me
Telepathic MC part 2
Winter Soldier/Black Widow MC
MC afraid of needles
Random Korean Culture HCS
RFA: Given blank piece of paper, what would they do?
MC is a Kpop star
MC is into cars
RFA+V+SAERAN Falling hard for MC
Sharing bed for the first time
Part two: Christmas Angst (HAPPY ENDINGS)
Celebrating MC’s birthday
RFA Break ups (ANGST?)
Finding out MC Knows Korean
Reactions to Jaehee x Zen
MC messes up their hair 
Reacting to MC being gay
MC pretends to be married to friend
MC as a Victoria Secret Model
RFA opinions on pineapple on pizza + other foods
RFA as Vampires: Feeding habits
RFA Falling for Male!MC
Going to Pride with MC
MC really loves cats
MC plays instrument fluently
MC randomly wanting to slow dance
MC having younger sibling(s)
MC Loving Stars and the Ocean
MC killing someone
MC with narcolepsy
Dominant (personality) MC
Being called senpai by MC
Ripping MC’s favourite underwear (I don’t consider this NSFW but be warned)
Adopted MC Feels Replaced by Family
Shy at first but comes out of her shell MC
MC pregnant with quadruplets
MC as professional cha-cha dancer
MC with an over-protective sister
MC having panic attack in public
MC With Sensory Overload
MC Accidentally taking a drug
Smart but Silly MC
MC Late to work due to frick frack (not NSFW)
Christmas gifts for MC
MC as a seasonal worker (Saeyoung x mc)
What they smell like
Camping Trip (Yoosung x MC)
Cooking with the RFA
Their Quirks? (Small mysme x bnha crossover)
Music tastes
MC with a child
Saeyoung/Saeran x MC fluff
(Not) Too sexy for my shirt (Saeyoung x MC)
Arms (Lyric drabble [Saeyoung x MC])
Nightmares (Jumin x MC)
Unrequited Love (Saeyoung [Saeran x MC])
First words to Deaf!MC
Gimme a Kiss (NSFW-ISH?) (Jihyun x MC)
MC afraid of flying (Zen x MC) (Jihyun x MC)
MC with winter blues (Jihyun x MC) (Zen x MC)
MC in a coma
Saeran/Yoosung with MC’s puppy
The stage that couldn’t love (Zen x MC) (TW)
MC with an identical twin
MC who is able to imitate voices
Choi Boi’s birthday (6/11/18)
Saeran’s Corner:
Annoying Unknown
Annoying Unknown Part 2
Annoying Unknown Part 3
Partners in Crime
Ice Skating
Playground Fun?
Biting Kink (SFW)
Tsundere Saeran
MC picking their lip
Morning kisses
Thirsty MC with good ending Saeran (NSFW-ISH?)
Virgin MC (NSFW)
Chimerical - Jihyun
Eunoia - Jihyun
Rubastosis - Jumin
Saeran being called Edgelord
Saeran singing “When Christmas Comes to Town”
Saeran/MC being intimate when Saeyoung walks in
RFA+V+SAERAN Reacting to seeing Saeyoung on mission/date
Saeyoung cutting off Zen’s ponytail
The MC’s
HIDDEN TREASURES {Treasure Hunter!AU}:
Chapter 1
In the Right Direction {VxMC}
Not Afraid of the Night {JuminxMC}
Leopard-print Bandaids {VanderwoodxMC}
Seeing Red {ZenxMC}
Treat or treating habits/favourite candy
Family Themes Costumes
MC Never celebrating Halloween
Couples Costumes
Haunted House- Jumin
Ghost?- Saeran
Haunting Pranks
MC Exploring an abandoned house
MC and Halloween Rituals
Ouija Board Mystake- Saeyoung
Reactions to Haunted House
404′s Ridiculous AU’s:
Duck AU
Sock AU
Stock Image AU
Car AU
Meme AU
Lamp AU
Coat AU
Restaurant/Fast food AU
Fruit AU
Homestuck AU
Dog AU
Shrek AU
Valentines (2018)
Jealousy (NSFW)
Pegging (NSFW)
Massages (NSFW)
MC making breakfast with nothing but a t-shirt on (NSFW)
7 mins in heaven/Spin the bottle (Possible NSFW?)
MC walks in on them masturbating (NSFW)
Masochist MC (NSFW)
Getting Caught Being Intimate by Child (NSFW?)
MC calling penises by weird names (NSFW-ISH?)
Saeran smut (NSFW)
MC loves keyhole sweaters (Light NSFW?)
Nymphomaniac MC
First Time Having Sex
What kind of porn they’d watch
Jumin smut (NSFW)
Literally a completely self-indulgent Fouran fic
404 Personal Emojis
Beautiful-mystic-mess/404: Fidget Spinner AU?
404: Saeran the Jolly Green Giant
ALL PERSONAL CAN BE TAGGED EITHER BY: #admin art #my art (sometimes can be found under any variation of #4s doodles)
4K notes · View notes
wellpersonsblog · 5 years
The Life-Changing Power of a Plant-Based Diet: A Case Study
When I think of Matt Tullman, a partner at No Meat Athlete and the co-founder of Complement, “unhealthy” is not the word that comes to mind. 
The dude drinks an entire Vitamix of smoothie every morning, and literally does a kettlebell workout during many of our phone calls. 
And he has a “30×30” goal — for 30% of the population to be plant-based by 2030, which means health shapes everything he does, both personally and professionally.
This is the Matt Tullman I’ve gotten to know over the past several years, so when he recently shared that not that long ago, he was 30 pounds heavier and functioning primarily on coffee and junk food, I could hardly believe it.
But it’s true. 
It wasn’t until something big happened — a loss of a family member — that he began to take a good hard look at his diet and his health (inside and out), and found that he needed to make a change.  
This isn’t a story of radical transformation or dropping 100 pounds in 50 days. The internet has plenty of those, and oftentimes, they’re unrelatable. 
Instead, this is a story of how eating whole plants can not just help you lose weight, but shift your entire physical health, way of thinking about food, and lifestyle.
‘I’m Healthy-ish, Right?’ An All-Too-Common Story
As Matt puts it, he never really thought of himself as unhealthy. 
As I barreled through my 20’s, I felt ‘healthy’ and was content with my physical appearance. I had no idea that, on the inside, things weren’t going as well as they appeared.
At the time, I was running a start-up that helped K-12 schools transition from textbooks to technology. I spent much of my time going between classrooms and district offices, often taking two flights per day. I ate whatever was in front of me. Or, if there was nothing around, I’d go all day without eating, except for large quantities of caffeinated liquid, of course. I was a slave to our corporate mission, and never gave a thought to long-term health considerations.
You’re young. You’re invincible. And you’re not that unhealthy, right? 
Aside from the whole K-12 start-up, I could have written a similar story. Many of us could. We grow up and go through college on a pretty standard, junk heavy diet. Maybe drink a little too much beer. Maybe drink a little too much coffee. 
We might get to the gym for a little weight training from time to time, but that hardly makes up healthy. 
Then as we get a little older, the weight starts to build up.
Then… something happens. For Matt, it was pretty dramatic.
I lost a loved-one to malnutrition and Coronary Artery Disease. I was shocked, confused, and determined to understand how this happens to the human body.
‘Stop eating everything. It’s all poison.’
If you know Matt Tullman, you know he doesn’t do things half way or gradually. He’s the kind of guy who commits to a 100-mile bike ride 6 weeks away. After not having been on a bike since high school, buys a bike, signs up, and sets out for a 40-mile training ride. 
(That’s a true story, it just happened.) 
When he started doing research and began to fully understand the link between food and health, his all-or-nothing instincts began to kick in. 
I was determined to embrace a plant-based lifestyle. I remember calling my girlfriend (now wife), Adriana, and saying, ‘Stop eating everything. It’s all poison. I’m pretty sure organic lettuce is fine. I need to do a little more research. I’ll get back to you.’
I was joking, of course, but the alarm was real and our approach was radical. Overnight, we became ‘vegan.’
I immediately felt a boost of energy. My need for copious levels of caffeine subsided. It was like the difference of how you feel after a thanksgiving dinner of turkey compared to a bowl of quinoa and spinach. I could recognize that my body wasn’t exerting so much energy trying to digest the food I ate.
But while I started to feel better, I also recognized that we had work to do in order to attain the goal of ‘whole food plant-based.’ We were vegan, in the sense that we ate everything except for animal products. 
But that included sugary processed food, refined carbohydrates, and lots of oil.
And while he was seeing results, he knew that to get to where he wanted to be, it would require a bit more than simply not eating animal products. 
With Whole Foods, the Pounds Fell Off
Like many new vegans — especially in the age of plant-based meats and cheeses — the transition to veganism often includes foods most people would call “indulgent” to say the least. 
Vegan mac and cheese, Beyond Burgers, pizza… 
That’s not to say you should always avoid these foods — there’s a time and place for these tasty treats — but even if they’re vegan, these processed foods are a far cry from whole fruits and veggies. 
So Matt and his wife sat down to come up with a plan. 
We established a goal — 50% of our meals would be whole-food plant-based (WFPB).  That’s when the real magic began. My energy levels further increased; I started to feel better overall; and I started to lose weight, despite not increasing my level of exercise.
So we increased it to 75% — 3 out of every 4 meals would be WFPB, and the results continued to improve — for both my wife and me.
What’s more is how my relationship with food began to change. When I saw candy (my favorites were Swedish fish, sour patch kids, or anything chocolate), I didn’t have the same desire. In fact, over time, they lost all appeal. 
Instead, what would excite me was the colors of fresh fruit and vegetables. My friends made fun of me more than once. When a salad would be delivered to the table, I would rave about the vibrant golden beets, yellow tomatoes, purple cabbage, or red onion – knowing that’s where the antioxidants come from… I’m sure my friends assumed that I was on some sort of powerful antidepressant or something. (I was not. I just got really excited about great food!)
By this time, I had lost about 30 pounds, and my wife did so as well. (Adriana also cured her hypothyroidism during this time, by the way.)
When results are good, it’s easy to want to keep going. So they did. 
90% whole-food plant-based, 95%, all the way up to nearly 100% whole foods, and eventually even giving raw-vegan a shot. 
But then… the honeymoon phase wore off. 
Sticking to a 100% WFPB diet became something of a chore. Eating out with friends was hard enough as a vegan. Finding no-oil or no processed carbohydrates at a typical restaurant was an extra layer of difficulty (unless, of course, you’re willing to eat a salad without dressing every time you go out with friends.)
Clearly, a compromise had to be made. 
Finding a Balance that Worked
They settled on 80% whole-food plant-based, a sweet spot where the vast majority of calories come from whole plant foods, but it still leaves a little room for indulgent meals, or cooking with oil or refined carbs. 
The best part? It feels 100% manageable for the long haul, and they’ve never felt better. 
We’ve maintained this diet for over 5 years. Adriana is now on to her second pregnancy and hasn’t shown any sign of hypothyroidism. We get regular blood tests and always impress the doctor with our cholesterol and triglyceride levels. (My son is also a chubby baby, so if that’s any indication of her health as a nursing mother, we’re good!)
Most importantly, this feels like an eminently sustainable way to eat, and the weight-loss and energy-increase seem to be permanent.”
Lead by Example, How Matt’s Family Also Saw Results
After seeing the results from Matt and his wife — and maybe after a little push from Matt himself — his whole family started focusing on nutrition. 
While not fully vegan, his parents aim for around 50% WFPB as well, and the results are impressive. 
My dad, who suffered his first heart attack at 48 years old, has lost 25 pounds and has a blood cholesterol level of 109 mg/dL (he still takes a cholesterol lowering medication, but they’re looking to reduce that, given his cholesterol has been cut  in half!) My mom also lost 20 pounds and has been able to stop her cholesterol and blood pressure medications. Even my sister, who is a Type 1 Diabetic, lost some weight and saw an improvement in her A1C (a measure of blood-glucose levels over time).
When you look at the family together, they’ve collectively lost over 100 pounds, improved or reversed diseases, and are thriving on new energy levels. 
And they’re doing it without crazy physical training, counting calories, or eliminating their family foods. 
All we did was focus on getting nutrient-dense, whole plants. For my wife and I, the goal is 80% WFPB. For my family, it’s a little less. But the results have all been the same: real improvements in our health, on the inside and out.
Find Your Sweet Spot
No two people are alike. We all have different metabolisms, goals, desires, and cravings. 
That’s why no single diet can or should look exactly the same. 
But if you focus primarily on the good stuff — whole, unprocessed plant foods — it provides a base for everything else. And from there, you can tweak your diet, exercise, and lifestyle to find the right balance — or the sweet spot — that works for you and your needs. 
That’s the premise behind a brand new program the No Meat Athlete team (plus several others, including a former Olympian) developed called 80/20 Plants. Work towards an 80% whole-food plant-based diet, and tweak the other 20% to fit your lifestyle. 
Right now we’ve opened up the program just to the No Meat Athlete community. Click here to learn more. 
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But regardless of whether or not 80/20 Plants sounds good to you, we encourage you to experiment and find your own sweet spot between whole plant foods and your indulgences.  
Because that could be the ticket for you and your family to live a long, healthy life.
The post The Life-Changing Power of a Plant-Based Diet: A Case Study appeared first on No Meat Athlete.
First found here: The Life-Changing Power of a Plant-Based Diet: A Case Study
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a-moon-child-28 · 7 years
Dating Jeff Atkins Would Include...
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This was requested by a lovely anon :) I hope I did a decent job I did write this while on the train towards college so it might not be as good but I kept the car accident out of this one just to keep it light :) 
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- Studying together, the two of you always study on Wednesday nights usually at your house since your parents work late and always leave you dinner money so Jeff comes over and you study together and order pizza for dinner 
- Going for late night drives, Jeff loves driving especially at night so on warm summer nights he picks you up and he drives around with the windows down and the music turned up loud
- Dates to the cinema, your favourite place to go on dates is to the cinema to see whatever movie is on it was were you and Jeff had your first date and now you go there every year on your anniversary 
- Playing video games with Jeff, you’re not the best at the shooting games Jeff plays but you press all the buttons at once and end up beating Jeff a few times to his disbelief 
- Meeting Jeff's parents, you hit it off with his parents straight away and they bring you in to their lives with open arms and you feel right at home in the Atkins household 
- Planning spring break together, you and Jeff planned to spend spring break together you both want to go away on a road trip out of state so you're both budgeting and getting jobs so you'll have enough money to have a good time without worrying about the dollar value
- Jeff giving you a promise ring, on one of your late-night summer drives Jeff pulls up to a beach and gets out of the car and you follow him onto the sandy shore, he pulls out a simple silver ring with two joined heart in the middle "it's a promise ring" he said "that I promise you one day we will get married and have kids and get old with each other" 
- You buying Jeff a promise ring, after he gave you the promise ring you decided you'd get him one because who says guys can't receive them too? You buy a simple white band ring and get two hearts engraved on the inside, you give it to him on your Wednesday night study and pizza sessions 
- Jeff and you helping clay, you and Jeff help clay with getting a date it takes a while but with the two of you working together you successfully get clay a date 
- You and Jeff following clay on his date, clay and his date go to a restaurant for their first date so you and Jeff put of fake mustaches and dark glasses while sitting across from clay and his date it's extremely obvious because you two look ridiculous and can't stop laughing the whole time you both eventually get kicked out of the restaurant 
- Jeff teaching you how to drive, you've put of getting your license for a while but when Jeff offers to teach you, you can't say no so you sit in his car as he directs you along and he's a great teacher 
- Going on picnics, you both enjoy food so going on picnics is the perfect date for the both of you, you make sandwiches and Jeff buys fruit and cake then you and Jeff spend the rest of the afternoon laying under a large tree in each other’s arms while eating 
- Losing your virginity to Jeff, Jeff is super sweet and reassuring when you two of you have sex for the first time, it's during the spring break road trip, under the stars in a field you two were star gazing in, he kept asking if you were sure and you had to kiss him to shut him up 
- Pregnancy scare, after you got back from spring break and everyone went back to school you had missed your period by 5 days and was starting to freak you called Jeff in tears and he came over straight away with three pregnancy tests, as you're waiting for them to work Jeff is telling you that everything will be ok no matter what the outcome is he'll always be there for you, they're all negative and you get your period the next day as well as the contraceptive pill
- You helping Jeff apply for colleges, making sure they're the same or close to the one you plan to go to, Jeff still doesn't know what he wants to do with his life so it's easier to get him to go to a college close to your preferences
- Cuddling on the couch, you prefer to be the big spoon while cuddling Jeff and he doesn't mind because he likes the feeling of your fingers running through his soft hair 
- Going to the basketball games to support Jeff, you go to almost all the games and wear the 'I heart Jeff Atkins' shirt you made during your free period and you take Jeff out for ice cream and a make out session if he wins and if he loses you go out for cake and a make out session 
Jeff deserved better!! I hope this was as enjoyable as my other one :/ <3 
Dating Zach Dempsey Would Include. 
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