#ft whitney
dr-monroe · 2 years
Starter for @whitney-fletcher
Location: a wooded running trail
Time: sometime after midnight
Typically when Monroe was out on a run she had earbuds in and her dogs running with her, things that signaled to most people she ran into to leave her alone, but tonight she had forgone both. Her earbuds were dead and she came from the hospital, not home, so she was alone. She disliked running without music if she was being honest, she needed something to drown out her thoughts, otherwise she ended up pushing herself past exhaustion to compensate. It was an unhealthy habit, one she tried to break. As she cycled through her thoughts, and fought to quiet them before she outdid herself she spotted a familiar figure ahead on the trail and slowed, she could use a break to drink water anyway. “Out late running again? I thought you artist types enjoyed your sleep? Or is this a bout of artist block induced insomnia?” She asked, gently teasing after gulping down her water.
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faiirytalcs · 2 months
closed: whitney ramakrishnan & wilbur robinson ( @wxlbxrr ) location: wilbur's place
For the past few months, Whitney had felt like she was kind of living in a dream. Things were actually going pretty well for her and even working for Reina hadn't broken her spirit. It was such a foreign feeling and one that Whit didn't want to lose. This dream was how she found herself at Wilbur's place again for another one of their lessons which had actually been working wonders on her confidence. No, she wasn't super confident yet, but progress was being made! That was good. Pulling back from him, Whitney's eyes widened as she couldn't help but laugh. "What? You're not seriously asking me that, are you?" At this point, it shouldn't have surprised her. "I'm not going to talk about using what I've learned - what does that even mean??"
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ausetkmt · 3 months
Whitney Houston - Heartbreak Hotel (ft. Faith Evans & Kelly Price)
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boy-armageddon · 2 months
sometimes (very rarely) my demons get to me and i start enjoying shitty edm. or generally shitty electronic music
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allfearstofallto · 3 months
I did it :)
Degrees of Lewdity LI Transformations - Headcanons
All Male LI x Fem! PC Reader
Ft: (Corrupt, pure) Sydney, Whitney, Kylar, Robin
TW: 18+ MDNI, deviancy, wolf tf, harpy tf, bull tf, knotting, unprotected sex, Dub-Con, cumming inside, breeding
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Angel! Sydney who's pure as the day he was born. Strawberry blonde hair that seems to shimmer in the light, hazel eyes that only pass forgiving stares. Wings whiter than freshly fallen snow and a golden halo, reflecting an almost blinding light off his glasses. Sweet pure Sydney isn't just the talk of the temple, his unshaken virtue is the talk of the entire town. Though he'll humbly insist that he can't cast blessings, but people still beg him to pray for them which he'll do regardless, he's too kind not to.
Fallen! Sydney who's lost that light in his eyes, dark hair draped over his shoulder. The blinding light of his halo is now changed to an inky black over his head, until one day he comes back with a fresh set of horns sprouting from his forehead. White wings look like they're dipped in oil, their color slowly sinks and becomes dark. You wonder if he seems happier this way, his insatiable lust making him palm himself through his shorts while looking at you, grinding himself against his hand while wordlessly mumbling what he wants to do to you.
Wolfboy! Whitney who doesn't let anyone mention the ears or fluffy tail he sprouted. Who insists that he only likes going into the woods because it's an easy place to smoke without being bothered. His new assets means that his already firm grip as he pounds into you, is now met with the painful feeling of claws digging into your hips, sharp teeth at your neck, threatening to bite. When he cums inside your already trembling cunt, he bullies that big knot of his inside. The swell of it filling your abused pussy up, knocks the air from your lungs.
Harpy! Robin who always had such a lovely singing voice, but when he sprouts colorful wings and a feathered tail his voice seems to get brighter. He sings you to sleep while stroking your hair, hands gentle as he's careful of his abnormally long claws. His love making is more passionate now, a pretty voice singing out as the claws dig into the bedsheets below you, those wings of his flapping as he fills you with cum, then nuzzles against your chest. He sleeps with a defensive arm around you, making sure you're full of his seed, but more importantly safe.
Bullboy! Kylar who's desperate, begging for your touch. He needs to be milked, so badly it hurts and only you can do it for him. His cock, abnormally large, balls heavy and filled to the brim. You'll stroke his cock as he stands stiffly, moaning out loudly while praising you with words of love and admiration. He cums while practically convulsing from your hands, your fingers slick with his precum. His balls tense, bovine tail wagging as cum drips down your arms, a seemingly never ending stream leaving the twitching head.
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leclercss · 7 months
Tainted Love, Part 8 (Charles Leclerc ft Lewis Hamilton)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
plot: in an attempt to fix your marriage, you've reluctantly agreed into being in an open relationship with your husband. so far, it's only been your husband that has taken advantage of your recent arrangement until one night out you meet a man who makes you begin to question your marriage.
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: (+18) mentions of smut, cheating and some swearing
authors note: this is going to be the second last chapter but my emotions are real.
word count: 4.3k
taglist: @ironmaiden1313, @ru-kru, @buendiabebeta, @flwr-quicksilver, @ravioli19, @julesandro, @hornedravenclaws, @thatobsessedreader @pinkangelavenue, @queenofshinigamis, @notleclerc, @paullinne, @bisexualbith, @tempo-rary-fix, @bbygrlllllll, @teenagedreams-cl, @lunamelona, @leclerc16s, @palomaxaxaxa
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Your eyes remained glued on your phone, as they have done for the most part these last three days.
All fixed on the "Read" underneath your message. You're not really sure what else you're expecting really. For him to respond to you after that shit show? You must have been out of your mind if you thought that Charles would ever want to speak to you again. If the roles were reversed, you'd have done the same thing. But he loved you, so surely this was worth talking through?
Here you were again, stuck between delusion and heart break. It's the only placed you'd been since Lewis slammed the taxi door in your face. And in a fucked up way, it's the only place that comforts you because facing the reality of your situation feels so much worse.
Your tragic trip down memory lane is interrupted by Whitney placing your McDonalds on your lap. It's been your forth one since you arrived at her apartment on Sunday evening, when you could no longer stare at the front door anxiously waiting for Lewis to come home.
"Have you heard from Lewis?" Whitney asks as if she's been reading your mind.
"No," your response is practically a grunt.
Whitney bites her bottom lip, hesitating for a moment before she asks her next question.
"Have you heard from Charles?"
She pauses again.
"Have yo-"
You interrupt her with a loud sigh and Whitney takes the hint to stop asking you questions that are any way related to the shit show of your life right now. Since you had arrived at her apartment four days ago, with a weekend bag and a stream of tears in tow, you'd barely spoken. Well, you'd barely spoken after you finally told Whitney everything. And that meant everything.
She'd poured you a large glass of wine (or two) when you began to explain the last twelve months of your life. From when yours and Lewis' relationship began to change, to your suspicions of Lewis sleeping with other women, to you confronting Lewis about working on your relationship, to Lewis' genius solution to your marriage woes by suggesting an open relationship, to Lewis taking full advantage of that arrange me before you finally had enough with your constant arguments with Lewis.
And then, on that infamous girls night out where you kissed Charles, and, unbeknownst to Whitney, you spent that night with him, then there was the Joris birthday party shenanigans, to Lewis' sudden awakening and the reconciliation of your marriage on the very same night of Joris' party. Then you somehow found yourself juggling both relationships seamlessly all up until your birthday when Charles whisked you a way for the best weekend of your life when you declared that you were falling in love with each other. And finally, a week later, Lewis was treating you to the most extravagant birthday yet until you found yourself at the dinner from hell where your both your marriage and your relationship fell to pieces.
Fuck, did this all really happen within the space of 12 months?
Whitney watched on as you spilled the truth on the chaos that was your life, through the tears and snot that streamed down your face. She didn't say anything, she just took in all of the information while filling up your glass with wine the second it became empty. She wasn't sure how to process all of this. There was just so much information to unpack and while she had some inclination that you weren't telling her certain things about your relationship with Lewis, she could have never imagined that this would be the situation.
And, Charles?
Yes, she knew that you had kissed him that night and yes, she teased you about it every now and again. But being in love with him? Having a full on relationship with him? Let's just say it wasn't on her 2023 bingo card. This was some soap-opera level shit.
But then she thought about it a little more, during your many hours of silence between the two of you in the last few days, that maybe there were some signs when it came to Charles. You'd always tensed up whenever she mentioned him. At first she thought it was the embarrassment from kissing him on that night out, and the fact that you regretted your actions since you were still so invested in your relationship with Lewis.
There was a couple of times when Whitney had suggested that the two of you meet with the guys for a few drinks but you'd always come up with an excuse. Actually, come to think of it, you'd only come up with an excuse when you realised that Charles would be present. Did a drunken kiss from months ago really upset you that much? she'd thought at the time.
But then Whitney thought about it a little bit more. It wasn't just you that had acted weird, it was Charles and Joris too. Charles' cheeks would always flush whenever your name was mentioned. And Joris would always look at Charles for a reaction. That was pretty innocent. Maybe Charles was just a little embarrassed about your kiss and Joris teased him about it too.
But then Whitney would remember the look on Charles' face whenever she'd turn up at the pre-arranged drinks on her own. She'd told the guys that you were at home or out with your husband and Charles just had this bizzare look on his face before spending the rest of the evening looking like a lost puppy and would spend most of the time on his phone. Wait, had he been texting you the whole time?
Despite him being single, she never saw him with other girls. He never seemed the faintest bit interested. And that always surprised Whitney as someone with who looked like Charles did definitely got a lot of attention. She'd seen it first hand the way girls would throw themselves at him. But he'd always shrug them off. He just wasn't interested.
There was that one time when Charles turned up completely out of the blue when the two of you were out with a couple of friends and Joris decided to tag along. Yourself and Charles had said hello and greeted each other with a polite hug but the two of you were just so awkward. For two adults in their mid to late twenties, it was almost comical the way the two of you acted around one another. Like a pair of school kids being forced to be around their secret crush.
Whitney had briefly noticed the lustful looks Charles had given you all evening. It was almost kind of weird the way he'd look at you, hoping to catch your attention, especially when he knew your were married. At one point, herself and Joris had to hold back their laughter when Charles so obviously glared at the random guy who had bought you a drink at the bar. It was all just an innocent crush, right? Come to think of it, the two of you did leave the bar in quick succession that night…
As for Joris, well Whitney had asked him about Charles a few times. Did he have any women on the go? Was he open to dating? But Joris just shrugged it off, said that Charles was a bit of an odd ball when it came to women. There was someone that he was really into but it was a touchy subject so they weren't allowed to bring it up. Turns out it was you that was the touchy subject.
As for spending time with Joris, he more often than not suggested for him to go to Whitney's place when they were hooking up. He'd made up some excuse that the guys were sick of hearing one another having sex and they kind of made a rule to keep sex at the flat strictly to nights of parties or when it was 100% sure that the other guys wouldn't be around. She never thought a group of guys would care about something like that but apparently it was a French thing. Or so Joris had said.
Whitney came to understand very quickly that it was all a cover up for you and Charles to spend time together. She'd called Joris yesterday to ask him what the fuck had been going on. He'd explained everything, or at least everything he knew. And when Whitney asked about how Charles was managing, the silence from Joris' end of the phone told her everything.
Whitney sighed, "He really loves her that much?"
"He does".
She felt sorry for Charles but she also felt sorry for you. Yes, you'd found yourself in this mess. And you had made so many mistakes from what she’d heard. But she firmly believed that none of this would have happened if it wasn't for Lewis and his stupid ego. Whitney felt validated in her dislike for Lewis. Yes, he was hot, rich, successful and apparently was great in bed but his personality was just so ... bland. There was just a surface layer to him, never any substance other than how what he showed on the outside. Behind the tattoos and the ridiculous fashion was an insecure man who only seemed to care about you when your attention was on somebody else.
She thought back to the time that Lewis proposed to you. After the wild sex and love bombing naturally died down and it was time for the two of you to to build a foundation, you'd started to get a bit irritated at the lack of effort from Lewis’s side. Your relationship with Lewis looked like it was running its course and so you had decided to go on a date with some guy just to test the waters, to see if there was a better guy for you out there. But that experiment had ended pretty quickly. As soon as you had started to date anyone else, Lewis was very quickly back in the picture and seemed more invested than ever. Whitney had expressed her concerns to you about his newfound interest but you ignored her, you were blind to whatever Lewis did. And so, Lewis locked in your attention for the long term by proposing just a few months later and that was that.
You had fallen for it and you fell for him even harder. And now, four years later, you had found yourself in the same cycle. This time with more catastrophic consequences. It seemed like your marriage was over, and sadly your relationship with Charles.
"Do you hate me?"
Whitney's head quickly turned in your direction. Your eyes were glued to the TV. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills had captured your attention and you were shoving a dozen McDonald's fries into your mouth. It's the first time you'd sparked up a conversation since taking refuge on her sofa a couple of days ago.
"What? No, I don't hate you," Whitney sighed. "Why are you asking me that?"
"I don't know," you mumble as you continue to be captivated by the tv screen. "I've been a pretty shitty friend. Lied to you for months and then coming running to you when it all goes tits up".
Whitney felt her stomach sink. "[Y/N], I could never hate you," she began. "Yes, I'm upset that you didn't tell me what was going on. You know me. Yes, I have my opinions and I know you don't always want to hear it but at the very least I would have never wanted you to go through this alone. I hate seeing you like this".
For the first time in a while, your eyes move away from the tv screen. and you're staring at the McDonalds that's in your lap. You're fighting to hold back the tears.
"I know. I should have told you. I was so scared that you'd judge me. I know you've never liked Lewis all that much," you stop to wipe your nose, "And this whole open marriage crap was doomed from the start but I really thought that if I said yes, he would see how much he really loved me and that I was willing to do anything for him”.
You fall silent. The only sound in the room coming from Lisa Rinna throwing a glass a table. That damn dinner in Amsterdam.
Don’t you ever go after my fucking husband.
Whitney isn't sure what to say, so she waits for you to continue.
"I want to hate him for this whole thing, you know. He was the one fucking other people first but we both made a promise that we would never hurt each other. I was always sure he'd be the one to hurt me but I'm the one that hurt him".
Whitney jumps out of her seat to console you and you let yourself sob in her arms. Hearing you speak about your relationship like this made her heart break. Maybe you weren't as blind to Lewis' behaviour as she thought.
"[Y/N], he has to take some of the responsibility in this. He stepped out on you first and he asked you to commit to something that you were uncomfortable with. He used your feelings for him against you," Whitney tells you. Her hand soothing your back. Your sobs become even louder.
"That's why I'm angry at him. He pushed me away and I fell in love with someone else because of it. But why do I feel so guilty?"
Whitney sighs, "Because you still want him to love you, like you always have".
Silence falls again for a few moments.
"[Y/N], do you still love Lewis?"
You nod. And then there’s silence again.
"Can I ask you something?"
You lift your head off her chest and look up at her. Your eyes red, skin all blotchy. You look so innocent and child-like in her arms. You don't answer her but your silence is enough of a yes for Whitney to ask you her next question.
"Who are you more sad about losing? Lewis or Charles?"
Not long after you had finished your conversation with Whitney, she had tucked you into her bed for some well needed rest.
Her heart ached for you and she felt guilty. Guilty that she had made her dislike for Lewis so apparent that you were too scared to tell her the true state of your relationship. The only thing she was grateful for was that Lewis hadn’t gotten you pregnant through out your relationship, it was the only way that this situation could be worse than it already was.
She was so angry and frustrated that it had gone so far. An open marriage, who the fuck does this guy think he is?, she had thought to herself. And he gets to act like he's the victim? This man had some serious audacity.
She secretly enjoyed the fact that Lewis felt so threatened by Charles that he made himself look like a right dick at your birthday. She'd have loved to have seen his face when the ball dropped and he realised that Charles, the man you loved, was just a metre or so away from him. Karma was a funny thing.
But the more Whitney got lost in the rabbit hole of finding new ways to find pleasure in Lewis' misery, the more she realised that whatever her feelings were towards Lewis or Charles or this entire series of unfortunate events, she couldn't let your heart break any more. If she couldn’t have prevented all of this mess from happening before, she was going to try and fix some of it for you.
And so, with your conversation from before at the front of her mind, she decided to send out a text.
Probably a bit of a surprise that this message is coming from me but I love [Y/N] more than anybody and I know you probably don’t want to see her right now.
I can’t imagine how angry and hurt you are but she never wanted this to happen. I can see how much she really loves you and I know that you love her too.
You two need to talk. You can’t fix this otherwise and you deserve that chance to fix your relationship.
I haven't seen her this bad in a very long time. Can you please come and talk to her? She's staying at mine.
And it turns out Whitney’s text worked. Not long after she got a response.
Sure, I can come by tonight?
And so he did.
Whitney didn’t miss the sadness in his eyes as she opened the front door. The skin underneath his eyes were dark and it looked like he had spent the last few days crying, almost as much as you had been.
“Thanks for coming, I know it couldn’t have been easy coming here,” Whitney said. Her voice soft, whatever she was feeling, seeing him in person like this made her feel guilty. And she didn't even do anything wrong.
He just grunted in response.
“Come in,” Whitney said, stepping aside to allow him into the flat. “She’s just asleep at the moment but I thought it was important that you guys talk.”
He nods. “You said she’s been in a bad way?”
Whitney nodded sympathetically. “Yeah, it hasn’t been this bad since her dad passed. Today was the first day that she’s properly spoken since she told me what happened when she arrived on Sunday”.
She pauses for a moment.
"She might smell of McDonalds when you see her though. It's all she's been willing to eat," her attempt at making a light-hearted joke doesn't clear the awkwardness in the room.
He’s just staring at the ground, hands shoved into his pockets. He doesn’t really want to be here, but somewhere deep down he believes he owes it to you. If Whitney was reaching out, it was definitely something worth listening to. Even if they didn't have much of a relationship.
“What did she say today?”
Whitney sighs softly, “I think it’s for her to say”.
He nods again.
“Can I see her?”
This time Whitney nods, “Sure. The bedroom is just the door on the right”.
He mumbles a thanks and heads down the short hallway. He takes a moment outside of the bedroom and Whitney watches his movements. He’s nervous as he takes a deep breath before stepping into the bedroom.
You feel the presence of somebody taking a seat on the bed beside you but you’re slow to respond. You assume it’s Whitney coming to check on you and so you just tell yourself to go back to sleep.
The person beside you stays still for a while. You can feel their eyes on you but you try not to let it disturb you. It’s the first time you’ve properly slept in days.
It’s a few minutes later before the person on the bed decides to lay down beside you, their body ever so close to yours.
You let out a groan. “Whitney, I love you but I don’t feel like spooning right now”.
You hear a dry chuckle beside you, like they’re forcing themselves to laugh.
“It’s not Whitney”.
Your eyes immediately open and you turn to face the person that’s in the bed beside you. The room is dark but you don't need to see him to know who it is. You know that voice so well.
“Charles,” you whisper.
You can’t believe that he’s here beside you and so you reach out to touch him to make sure that it’s really him here with you and not just a part of your dream.
He’s real. And he’s here beside you, letting your hand rest on his cheek as you search for his eyes in the darkness.
“What are you doing here?”
“Whitney messaged me. She said that you weren’t in a good place,” Charles responds.
“She messaged you?”
“Yeah, I was pretty surprised as we don't really speak much but she felt like we needed to talk”.
You smile softly. Grateful for your best friend but also grateful that Charles’ hasn’t decided to stomp on your heart. Or so he hasn’t yet.
“I’m surprised I’m here, to be honest. Joris would kill me if he knew I came to see you,” he chuckles but he doesn’t find it funny. He finds it painful actually to think of how much is best friend despises you. It wasn’t all your fault though, not in Charles’ eyes.
“When Joris had booked the Salt Bae restaurant for Saturday, I thought that the bill was going to be the most shocking thing that evening but I’d have paid for 50 of those ridiculous gold steaks if it meant I didn't have to sit through that dinner,” Charles continues. As the level of uncomfortableness rises in the room, your hand falls from his cheek and you find yourself wrapping you arms around your legs for comfort.
You don’t know what to say. Where do you even begin?
Charles fills the silence for you. “Lewis would have been pretty happy to buy 50 of those steaks the way he was splashing this cash that night,” Charles’ voice is laced in annoyance and disgust.
You cringe at the memory of Lewis’ over-the-top behaviour that night. But that’s not what leaves your mouth.
“It feels weird to hear you talking about him,” you whisper, you can’t believe this is the thing that you say out of all the things you could say. It just felt so strange hearing Charles mention Lewis by name.
Charles scoffs, “What? Your husband? I’m just amazed he didn’t end up bending you over the table and fucking you in front of me but he was definitely making a good go of it. I felt sorry for the couple who was at the table with you who had to hear that cringey naked chef story”.
His tone is getting angrier the more he speaks.
“I’m sorry, Charles,” you can barely hear your own voice. You feel like a coward for not saying more but you honestly don't know how to get your words out. You can’t read the expression on Charles’ face because you can’t see him through the darkness. So you just let him do the talking.
“I’m just surprised that you’d be married to someone like that, you know. So obnoxious and so vulgar,” he spits, “acting like he’s got the biggest dick in the room. I wanted to punch his fucking face in".
You've never heard Charles speak like this before, with so much hatred and venom in his voice. It looks like Lewis' antics had gotten under his skin after all. You couldn't blame Charles for feeling this way though, Lewis did everything in his power to emasculate Charles that day.
"I wouldn't have blamed you if you did," you whisper. You reach out for Charles in the dark, you hand resting on his arm. He tenses up a little but he doesn't pull away which reassures you that he can't hate you that much if he's letting you touch him.
"He's not worth it. What kind of a man is he anyway? Cheats on his wife for months and then throws the toys out of his pram when he finds someone who actually loves her for her," he huffs.
But it's those last few words that fill you wish some warmth and gives you the courage to ask Charles the following question, "Do you still love me, Charles?"
You feel him place a hand on top of yours in the dark.
"As much as everyone doesn't want me to, I can't stop loving you, [Y/N]," he responds. His voice is the softest it's been since he came into Whitney's room.
"Do you hate me?" God you've had to ask that question one too many times today.
"I don't hate you, amour. I hate that you married a guy like him. Yeah, he's good looking and rich or whatever but he's an asshole. You deserve so much better than that," he pauses his mini rant and takes a deep breath, "Look, I knew you were married when we first got involved so I've only got myself to blame. But since the night that we met, I haven't spent a day not thinking about you".
It sounds weird but Charles thinks that he can hear you smile in the dark.
"You just called me amour".
You can't keep the smile to yourself and a sense of relief washes over you at the sound of him calling you that special pet name.
"You'll always be my amour, even if you are married to a man with shitty tattoos," Charles grunts but the tension seems to leave his body and he pulls you towards him in dark, somehow pulling you into a hug and your head is resting on his chest.
"I'm so sorry Charles, I never wanted this to happen," you whisper. "You never deserved any of that. I thought I'd have lost you, especially when you hadn't responded".
Charles sighs, "I know. I just needed some time".
His fingers find their way into your hair and begins to lightly stroke you hair, resting his chin on the top of your head.
You just lay in each other's arms, taking in the smell and feeling of each other. You don't want to let you because if you do, you're so afraid that he'll come to his senses and run from you. But he doesn't seem to want to let go of you either, and you remain content in each other's arms.
Eventually, he breaks the silence.
"Have you spoken to him?"
You hesitate for a moment, but decide to tell him the truth, "No. He doesn't want to speak to me. After dinner, I got in the Uber and he didn't get in. And then he never came home. I messaged him when I got here to let him know I'd be here for the forseeable, so he can make sure that Roscoe is taken care of".
Charles hums as his response but he doesn't say much.
"I'm pretty sure he hates me," you're not sure why you've said this, especially to Charles of all people.
"He probably just hates himself," Charles is honest with his response. You look up at him in the dark.
"Maybe he hates you a little. But he I think he hates me the most," Charles chuckles. "But I don't mind though, he's the one that fucked himself. And if he wasn't so selfish, you wouldn't be here with me right you".
And in the dark, you feel Charles warm breath hit your face before his lips find yours. The kiss is gentle and neither of you really know what to do next. The both of you couldn't imagine you being in this place just a mere two hours ago. And so you savour the moment for what it is before the both of you slowly pull away from the kiss.
Charles' breath catches in his throat a little, as if he wants to say something but he doesn't. And so you stay in each others arms a little while longer.
You're not sure how much time has passed, you're pretty sure that the two of you fell into a light sleep at some point. But as you begin to stir in Charles' arms, he finally finds the courage to say what he's been holding in.
"I want to be with you, [Y/N]. But I need more than a half of you," he begins. He waits for some sort of response from you but all you manage is to sit up and look at him.
He lets out a little sigh. You're waiting for him to finish, almost as if you're waiting for him to tell you what to do. To tell you how you can fix this.
"I think we have a good chance at things but my first mistake was thinking that I could be okay with you being married. Even if he wasn’t entirely in the picture, he’s still there. And he won’t let you go without a fight. You know, I thought half of you would be better than all of you. But maybe I need to be more like Lewis and be selfish. And so, if you want us to work," he pauses, making sure that you're still fixated on him, “I need to know that things are over between you and Lewis".
All you can do is gulp as the consequences of your actions begin to sink in.
It was time to make a decision - Lewis or Charles? The longer you waited to make your choice, the more likely you’ll lose the both of them forever.
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miku-meeku · 3 months
[Amy(PC)'s Confessions(not literally) of Whitney]
ft. Sydney
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blacksoulblackcats · 2 months
"Rip _ you would've loved _" Trend Ft. The bachelor(ette)s
Rip Alex, you would've loved the TikTok shop and saturdays are for the boys
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Rip Elliot, you would've loved Cannibalism used as a metaphor for love and Hozier
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Rip Harvey, you would've loved The Bachelor and Keurig
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Rip Sam, you would've loved Shoe Gaze and Literal Memes
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Rip Sebastian, (my love) you would've loved League of Legends and vape mods
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Rip Shane, you would've loved South Park and Crocs
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Rip Abigail, you would've loved Final Fantasy and MLP infected au tiktoks
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Rip Emily, you would've loved simply nailogical and cake carts
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Rip Haley, you would've loved Pink Whitney and saying "I'm just a girl"
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Rip Leah, you would've loved Brittany Broski and The Crane Wives
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Rip Maru, you would've loved Chat GPT and Grays Anatomy
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Rip Penny, you would've loved Sour Dough starters and Wordle
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Written In The Photos - Social Media Series
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decided to take a little break from writing (I will still be writing after this, don’t worry!) but I didn’t want to leave you guys without content so I present the Written In The Photos series. each driver/player has a song and their post is inspired by said song :) I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed making it <3 // special thank you to my bestie @themandaloriansdiaries for all her help with song choices and all the cracked out convos we had to put it together. 
Carlos Sainz Jr - Smooth Operator by Sade
late nights, jet leg and messed up sleep schedules lead to words spoken which would normally be kept to themselves. 
Jack Grealish - Hot Girl Summer by Meg Thee Stallion 
party after party, Jack seems to be spotted with the same girl over and over again.
Lewis Hamilton - Loveeeeeee Song by Rihanna and Future 
he’s sick and tired of seeing you in private, he wants the world to know you’re his. 
Sergio Ramos - Way 2 Sexy by Drake 
working for a footballer isn’t easy, it’s even harder when everyone thinks you’re dating. ( footballer x pr manager)
Max Verstappen  - Can We Still Friends by Tyler, The Creator
even the best of the friends can have falling outs, especially when you’re on opposites side of the track.  (teammate/rival!reader)
Andy Robertson - I’m Still In Love With You by Sean Paul ft. Sasha and Jeremy Harding
so many years apart and you’re still in love with the same guy you’ve always been in love with.
Lance Stroll - Stuck With You by Ariana Grande 
every relationship goes sour, except for the one you had with a certain brown eyed boy. 
Pato O’Ward -  Sunday Candy by Nico Segal 
snapshots of love and life with the love of your life.
Jude Bellingham - P Power by Gunna ft Drake  
young and in love, you two find yourselves making headlines more often than not. 
Sebastian Vettel - Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado and Timberland 
can’t keep his hands off you and can’t keep the flirty comments away. (redbull seb) 
Kylian Mbappe  -  Hotel Room Service by Pitbull 
secrets unravel when you’re caught together in spain.  
Jenson Button - Money by Cardi B 
diamonds are a girl’s best friend after all (sugar daddy!jenson)
Ruben Dias - Golden Hour by JVKE 
you supported him through it all, it only made sense you were the one there in the end. 
George Russell - London Boy by Taylor Swift 
grey weather is a bit of a downer, unless you have someone by your side. 
Bukayo Saka - Star Boy by The Weeknd
proud, proud, proud; you showed everyone just how proud you really were. 
Mick Schumacher - Dark Red by Steve Lacy 
he only has eyes for one girl and it’s the one girl he wasn’t supposed to be looking at. (vettel!reader)
Neymar Jr - Tití Me Preguntó by Bad Bunny 
he promised to change, you were stupid enough to believe him but people never really change do they?
Lando Norris - Young, Dumb and Broke by Khalid 
regret makes people do crazy things. 
John Stones - I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston 
your husband winning the treble calls for celebration and you two finally get the night out you deserve. 
Esteban Ocon - Sure Thing by Miguel 
attached at the hip; the sunshine to his rain. you were everything to him. 
Erling Haaland - Sunday Mornings by Maroon 5
sunday mornings were a bit of a tradition for you, everyone notices when the pattern changes.
Pierre Gasly - Creepin’ by The Weeknd 
loyalty runs both ways, until it doesn’t anymore but nothing ever really changes, does it?
Virgil Van Dijk - Let ‘Em Know by Bryson Tiller 
some things never change, no matter how much you try. 
Fernando Alonso - I’m Still Standing by Elton John 
looking up and looking down, it never felt so right. 
Jordan Henderson - If I Ain’t Got You by Alicia Keys 
with your 10th anniversary around the corner, you both get a bit in your feels.
Charles Leclerc - A Sunday Kind Of Love by Etta James 
races, weddings and races again; sundays hold a special place in his heart. 
Trent Alexander Arnold - One Kiss by Dua Lipa
all it took was one kiss and the floodgates were opened. 
Daniel Ricciardo - Woo by Rihanna
monaco is good to those who are good to it, especially those who win. every winner deserves a prize worthy of a king.
Christian Pulisic - Unforgettable by French Montana and Swae Lee
the star player and the ex girlfriend of his closest teammate are spotted together; you’re too unforgettable.
Kostas Tsimikas - Boyfriend by Ariana Grande and Social House
you were his until you weren't, but then you were again. the two of you tangled in the sheets and in a web of confusion; were you or were you not?
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runa-falls · 10 months
screaming with moots masterlist
i thought it would be fun to keep a list of my ramblings with my amazing moots bc these ideas are too good to get lost in the void (my insanely crowded blog)!
please read content warnings (cw) before diving in :^)
chef!miguel o’hara - @missdictatorme
cw: suggestive content, fluff/angst, big simp!mig
jake lockely smoking while he fucks the reader* - @whatthefishh
cw: smoking, weed, voyeurism, sex while under the influence
single dad!miguel x preschool teacher!reader - @campingwiththecharmings
cw: none, just fluff!!
moon boys w/ sex pollened!gf* - @romanarose
cw: potential dub-con, overstimulation, tag teaming?
mig's nano-tech closet + it's malfunction*- @missdictatorme
cw: mentions of naked cuddling and cockwarming -- somnophilia (bro idfk), slight size kink (I JUST KEEP ADDING TO THE CW'S 💀)
the moon boys fuck with the suit on (increased stamina)* - @melodygatesauthor
cw: multiple orgasms, overstimulation, marking, degrading words, the suits, mention of chasing rp
blow jobs, overstimulation, and feral!steven* - @missdictatorme
cw: overstimulation, hair pulling, choking/gagging, slight dacryphilia, degrading words, sore/fucked out throat idk
poe dameron x FO!reader* - @campingwiththecharmings
cw: mentions of torture/violence, potential dub-con elements, edging, sub!poe, stockholm syndrome, poe is so pretty 🥺
headcannons for drunk!moon boys* - @missdictatorme
cw: ahhh so much fluff + cuteness, filterless!steven, soft!marc, chaotic!jake, a little drunk fucking
knight!miguel x princess!reader* - @missdictatorme
ft. @campingwiththecharmings with her INSANE TAGS
cw: feral!reader, protective!miguel, assassination attempt, non-explicit smut
mafia boss!miguel x rival's wife!reader* - @campingwiththecharmings
cw: mentions of infidelity, smut (AH WHITNEY), jealousy, unhappy marriages/life :(
fruit play with marc* - @romanarose
cw: smut, food play, juices EVERYWHERE, marc is so hot
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aifoslin · 1 month
Ft. 🚬 Whitney n 🍓Aia (PC)
After hearing the audio made me want to do this asap😆
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faiirytalcs · 5 months
𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚗𝚎𝚢 📲 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚛 👻
whitney: Hello ghost friend! Get it cause the ghost thing at the pawn shop? whitney: Anyway, I hope it's not strange I'm texting, but I was debating going to The Jukebox to try their new milkshake flavor. Want to come?
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mofuubuns · 2 months
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Little comic thingy based off a conversation I had with @mikahshell !!
Jezebel and Mari catching up at Alex's cottage ft. Whitney's spidey senses 🍃
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hilziger · 7 months
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: 𝓢𝓘𝓝𝓝𝓔𝓡𝓢 + 𝓢𝓐𝓘𝓝𝓣𝓢 (fucktober horror nights ft Cody Rhodes )
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1:18  ───|──────── 2:53
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮
WARNINGS: [ sexual acts done in a church, thick black reader, sunshine x grumpy relationship trope, pet names, praise and shaming kink, slutty asf !, (sexual nun costume (?) explicit themes, degrading kink.]
Taglist[ @juceynightmare @southerngirl41 @technicallymiaa comment to be added (:] shout out to technicallymiaa cause this is inspired by a devante swing imagine she wrote which was SO MF GOOD OMFG.
The streets felt like they were spinning as the young girl strolled the breezy fall sidewalk drunkenly as she finally reached the back steps of the chapel. Her feet were aching in pain and her head pounded with the pink Whitney she consumed as she leaned against the door to catch her breathe for a moment.
“ugh I wished Cody could've came with me” she pouted to herself, she went to this Halloween party alone due to this last-minute trunk or treat Cody had to host for the kids at his stepfather's Catholic church, she felt slightly upset but not for long as she had a pretty decent time at this function. She opened the back door walked inside and up three small steps before her eyes met the back of Cody's head and body seated at the piano.
The sounds of her kitten heels echoed throughout the chapel as she slowly approached him wrapping her arms around the male's slightly buffed frame. “Had fun?” he asked his eyes not coming off a program pamphlet he must have made earlier today, the women drunkenly giggled before kissing his cheek lightly, “Once the drinks started flowing yes, but it would've been so much better with you there codes” her speech was slurred before she removed herself from him placing her small purse ontop of the Grand piano.
“Well you know I have my duties here darling, I wasn't really expecting this to come up but you know my mom and how she loves throwing me into things” he took his visions off the paper for a brief second as he looked at the women he proudly called his girlfriend, she looked captivating as usual but something caused codys heart to pause. A nun costume? Your Brown luminescent skin glistened under the stage light from the cocoa butter and body lava she frequently put on.
the gown stopped just above her knees, her hair was in a slick back puff but the hood still draped her head, and lastly, her glossy, sticky black lip gloss coated her plumped lips, Cody was lost for words as Y/n went inside her mini purse to pull out a cherry jolly rancher to suck on, all he could think was sinister, wicked things he wanted to do to her in this insane costume.
A nun?
A nun?
“Hellloooo?? Earth to Cody” She waved her hands in his face snapping him out of his mini trance, his eyes examined her briefly before arching his eyebrow. “ care to explain your outfit?” she spun and twirled lazily around him giggling before she stood in between his legs, “well I wore it as a joke for you if you would've came but you know how that ended up” she shrugged before returning over to the piano leaning against it.
Cody rolled his eyes feeling the annoyance creep into him as she continued her games with him, he knew she played too much but to this degree? Walking in here at this hour of the night mocking nuns and sisters? He wanted to be mad but his body burned and his dick swelled up at the thought of bending you over relentlessly and taking you so sinfully in the middle of the moonlit church.
“You think you’re so amusing huh?” He taunted slowly getting up and walking towards her to trap her body against the piano. Her black acrylic nails grabbed lightly at Cody’s baby pink satin tie, looking up at him both innocently yet lustfully as if she were non verbally asking to get fucked right then and there, “ shamefully I’ve sorta wanted to dress as a cute nun nothing more” a sly smirk plastered her face feeling the grip Cody had on her waist slightly get tighter, “you and your games Y/n.. if you wanted to get fucked in the chapel like a whore why didn’t you say so?”.
That statement alone forced her to pull his tie attaching her plumped lips to him, the jolly rancher swapped between the two lovers' mouths shrinking in size as they passionately made out. Cody hungrily and desperately bit on her bottom lip as he slithered his palm to her throat gripping her gently before pulling away.
His blue orbs scanned her before ripping the black lace off her dripping arousal, Y/n's cheeks burned with cynosure as she was left exposed to Cody, the sounds of him unbuckling his pants burned her with anticipation as he hiked her body up while he pumped his length in his hand. the evident veins popping as she turned her head away being forced to look at him as his hand held her chin. “ don't worry you'll get what you want in just a minute bunny” his tip graced your tight pink opening, your wetness instantly coating Cody’s tip as she softly moaned at the teasing before without warning shoving all of his 8 inches into her tight arousal.
She gasped as she watched him loosen his tie taking it off, a evil smirk graced Cody’s lips fully bottoming into her womb hearing a relaxed groan from him . “ look at you, already pathetic for me, you stupid little nun”. THRUST, Cody slammed his hips into yours after that statement, your eyes big as saucers trying to hold on as Cody thrusted hardly into you again getting a quick porn like moan out of you.
“Codes wait-“ he wasted no time thrusting against Y/n once more, before smashing his lips onto hers and beginning to rhythmically thrust into you getting nothing but loud exotic moans, Cody smiled against his lover's lips moaning sounds of his own trailing his hand up her costume more pulling out her breasts as he fondled with her right nipple.
“You're taking me so good bunny.. Fuck you're so tight” he gritted through his teeth, all you could do was breathlessly whimper and moan under Cody's Sinful punishing, her black lip gloss was now smeared across her lips as she watched him slowly place his tie around her neck, pulling it down to slowly tighten it to produce a comforting choking sensation. “ f-fuck.. Cody please” you whimpered before he wrapped the satin around his fist bringing your small head up by pulling it.
His eyes looked dark as if Cody wasn't in his body anymore, Y/n gulped as she looked him dead in his eyes, her puffy lips pouted as he slowed his strokes down smirking down at her, “What's the matter baby? Im going too slow for your liking? My slut wants to be fucked harder?” the feeling of his dick began to speed up in strokes, and she whimpered rolling her eyes slightly biting her bottom lip.
“S-Shit..! You fuck me so good Cody!” she moaned out taking his now strong-hitting strokes as he continuously hit her G-spot, her mascara ran down her face, her hood was now off, and her edges slightly rising up as Cody fucked her into overstimulation. Cody’s thrust started to pick up sloppily, digging himself as deep as he could watching her stomach begin to bulge out as he dummy fucked her on top of the piano.
“my pretty bunny.. F-fuck you're gonna make me cum” Her walls clenched down on him gradually as she was close to her peak as well, squeals and begs escaped from her as if felt Cody was fucking all the sins out of her viscously, and her tears streamed down her face in pain and pleasure, finally screaming out in a gut-busting orgasm.
“Fuck im cumming! Oh yes, Cody!!” a series of screams and praises emitted from her as her squirt shot out of her like a water gun, it hit Cody on the chest soaking herself and him up.
A door opened from the front of the chapel revealing what seemed to be the Priest, Cody’s stepfather, “ Hey Codes I been looking for-” you moaned loudly before Cody sloppily kissed your lips, your eyes made contact with the Priest having a naughty smirk on your face pulling away from Cody.
“Why hello Father”
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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A Lockheed SR-71A. Note the leaking fuel appears blue in the photo. The J58 engine, developed in the 1950s by Pratt and Whitney was designed to operate for extended speeds of Mach 3+ and at altitudes of more than 80,000 ft. The J58 was the first engine designed to operate for…. extended periods using its afterburner, and it was the first engine to be flight-qualified at Mach 3 for the Air Force. The SR-71 as well as the YF-12A and most of the A-12s are powered by two J58s. ©Lockheed Martin.
@kadonkey via X
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leclercss · 7 months
Tainted Love, Part 7 (Charles Leclerc ft Lewis Hamilton)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
plot: in an attempt to fix your marriage, you've reluctantly agreed into being in an open relationship with your husband. so far, it's only been your husband that has taken advantage of your recent arrangement until one night out you meet a man who makes you begin to question your marriage.
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: (+18) mentions of smut, cheating and some swearing
authors note: drama.
word count: 3.1k
taglist: @ironmaiden1313, @ru-kru, @buendiabebeta, @flwr-quicksilver, @ravioli19, @julesandro, @hornedravenclaws, @thatobsessedreader @pinkangelavenue, @queenofshinigamis, @notleclerc, @paullinne, @bisexualbith, @tempo-rary-fix, @bbygrlllllll, @teenagedreams-cl, @lunamelona, @leclerc16s, @palomaxaxaxa @barelytolerabled, @miniemonie2001, @lightdragonrayne @tempo-rary-fix
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Your hand is currently placed on Lewis’ lap, fingers laced with his. His thumb caressing the skin on the back of your hand. Your head resting against the window as the Uber took you through the busy streets of London. His touch is nice. It’s the closest you’ve felt to him in a really long time. It was impossible not to take notice of the affection that Lewis has been giving this evening, in fact he had been showering you with affection all day.
His first display of affection was waking you up on your birthday with him standing stark naked at the side of your bed, his modesty hiding behind a cooking apron which read something mildly offensive like “I fuck better than I cook”. Which proved to be true as Lewis had ordered in some breakfast from a fancy place. But he had gone more expensive on the champagne so that made up for his dire cooking skills in his words.
After a naked breakfast, he proved his fucking was better than his cooking by treating you to a morning full of sex and champagne.
This was followed by a naked shower together before Lewis sent you out for a girlie afternoon with Whitney, having booked you a trip to the salon for a hair and nail appointment for you both. All expenses covered by Lewis.
Someone’s finally getting his finger out at last, Whitney remarked. Which you followed with a playful eye roll.
Once you returned home, Lewis surprised you with a whole new outfit for the evening. From a stunning new little black dress and to a brand new pair of Louboutin heels with a new YSL handbag to top off the new outfit. All for your fancy dinner reservation with a couple of friends at Nusr Et.
But despite the extra effort that Lewis had put into your birthday and somewhat your relationship lately, you couldn’t help but feel that it all felt so materialistic and forced. And while your relationship had improved over the last couple of months, you were sure that Lewis was going the extra mile to compete with Charles. He didn’t know who Charles was, but he knew he had competition on his hands.
Throughout the birthday filled with sex, pampering and luxury, your mind always drifted back to Charles. You just couldn’t help but compare the contrast in how your birthday was celebrated.
After the incredible sex with Charles last weekend, he confessed that he was falling in love with you. He hadn't even realised it slipped out of his mouth until you lifted your exhausted body from his chest to look at him.
He instantly noticed the shock on your face. He’d really thrown himself under a bus, he thought to himself, telling a married woman that he was falling in love with her. What an idiot he was. He was ready for the world to swallow him whole until he felt your lips on his.
“Charles, I think I’m falling for you too”.
He had never been so relieved. You loved him, and now he was so sure of it. How could you not be after the months that you had spent together? The bond that you had developed was deep and this weekend was only confirmation of that.
After your declarations to each other, you continued your physical infatuation through more sex. Although this time more romantic and sensual. At some point the champagne and birthday cake became involved.
You weren’t sure what time either of you fell asleep at. After all, you’d spent hours talking about life in between love making, embracing one another. And when you did eventually fall asleep, you remained tangled in one another. Connected both physically and emotionally.
You could have never imagined how that one random girls night would change your entire life. But you were forever grateful for meeting Charles. The love he gave you, gave you the fulfilment you had yearned for so long.
“Baby, we’re here,” the sound of Lewis’ voice brought you back to reality.
“We’re at the restaurant,” Lewis answered before he followed up with a light chuckle. “You okay, babe?”
You laughed it off. “All good, sorry. Think that last glass of champagne hit me a little”.
You let Lewis take the lead as he helped you out of the taxi, making sure your hand was in his.
“Or the two you had before that getting ready,” he teased as you made your way to the restaurant. You’d be joined by a couple of friends this evening. Well, they weren’t really friends. They were acquaintances. Yourself and Lewis didn’t have many friends in common. And if you did spend time with others as a couple, it was usually with another couple that you were friendly with. But never friends.
As you reach the front door of the restaurant, you feel Lewis stop in his tracks. A little confused, you turn to him. He’s staring at you, his eyes glistening, and you feel him take your other hand in his.
“Baby, you look so beautiful tonight,” he sounds so sincere, how can he not be when he’s looking at you like this. “And I’m so glad that we get to spend your birthday together”.
You smile at him.
“I love you, [Y/N]”.
You lean in to place a peck on his lips, “I love you too, Lewis”.
You both make your way inside and find that George and Carmen are waiting inside for you. After a quick exchange of greetings and the obligatory “happy birthdays” were thrown around, you all enjoyed a drink or two at the bar while you patiently waited for your table.
Lewis lead the way with the birthday cheers. “To the birthday girl”, he exclaimed before placing a soft kiss on your neck.
“Happy birthday, baby”.
“So, [Y/N], that YSL bag is looking pretty new,” Carmen giggled.
“Indeed. A special gift from the husband,” you laughed before stretching your foot out to wiggle your foot.
Carmen gasped. “Louboutins as well? Lewis, you really went above and beyond,” she cried out which led an already delighted with himself Lewis to take more pride in his purchases.
“George, take notice,” Carmen warned him before you both carried on with some girly chats while George and Lewis rambled on about some new car they were both thinking of buying.
Not long after, you were informed that your table was ready and Lewis led you to the table, hand in hand. You weren’t sure if it was the several glasses of champagne that was coursing through your veins but you were feeling positive about tonight.
“I’m really excited about tonight, baby,” Lewis whispered into your ear as if he was reading your mind.
You flashed him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand, “Me too”.
That reassurance was very short lived. For about five seconds to be precise. Just as you turned to find yourself at your dinner table, you made eye contact with someone who was the last person you expected to see tonight.
It was Joris.
He looked just as shocked as you did. And when his eyes moved lower to see your hand in Lewis', both wedding bands on display, his shock turned into a combination of horror and disgust.
Oh my Go- If Joris was here it often meant that Charles was in tow. In a subtle state of panic, you had a quick look at the table. Some momentarily relief hit you as there was no sign of Charles, just a couple of other guys but then you saw there was an empty seat beside Joris.
Your legs began to feel like jelly and you were pretty sure they were about to give way at any moment.
“[Y/N], our table,” Lewis’ voice once again pulling you back to reality again this evening. You noticed he’d pulled your chair out for you and you nodded, praying to God he hasn’t just seen you take the biggest gulp of your life and your sudden state of panic.
You spent the next few moments pretending to listen to the waiter who was beginning to explain the menu and specials of the evening, but all you could think about was who was about to fill that empty space in the chair on the table opposite you.
You barely even noticed that Lewis’ hand was on your thigh as he asked the waiter for a bottle of champagne. Champagne was the last thing you needed. Right now you needed a rocket ship to take you out of this planet because your worst fears have just been confirmed to you as the empty seat beside Joris is filled by none other than Charles. You can’t even bear to look at him, you’re trying to listen to what George is saying to distract yourself but your heart is thumping so loudly in your chest that you can’t hear anything else.
But you can’t miss that in the corner of your eye, Joris has whispered something into Charles’ ear. And Charles instantly looks in your direction. You’re not sure if the expression on his face of fear, horror or shock. Most likely all three. Because he’s sitting on the table directly opposite from you and your husband. And he can’t help but notice the hand that Lewis has on your upper thigh.
A wave of nausea hits him, but he’s pretty sure that you’re feeling a thousand times worse than he is.
He has no idea how he’s going to survive this evening, let alone get out of this restaurant in one piece.
“[Y/N], are you okay? You look a bit pale?” George asks you.
Fuck off, George, you think to yourself but he’s only being kind. You’ve not said a word since you sat down at the table and that was a whole … three minutes ago?
Jesus Christ. You were pretty sure a lifetime has passed since you realised you’d be having a double date with your husband while your secret lover was sitting two seats away from him.
You cough, realising you haven’t answered George.
“I’m not feeling the best. I think that last glass of champagne has hit me badly,” you mumble as you stare blankly at the menu in front of you. You haven’t been able to look at anything else for the past couple of minutes.
“Fuck, it’s been a long day. We probably drank a little too much,” Lewis assures Carmen and George as he soothes your back gently while his other hand moves a strand of hair that has fallen onto your cheek, tucking it behind your ear.
“What’s wrong?” he whispers in your ear but you shake your head. Too traumatised to speak.
You vaguely hear Carmen asking the waiter for some water as Lewis continues to console you. He’s confused at your sudden change of mood. Just five minutes ago you were laughing and giggling but something has affected you so badly.
He was pretty convinced it wasn’t drugs, that wasn’t your thing. But he didn’t have a clue what else could have happened. As he looks around to ask the waiter for some ice his eyes can’t help but fall on the scene at the table next to him.
There’s a brunette guy, staring at him angrily with his brown eyes. Lewis frowns, not sure why he’s on the receiving end of a filthy look.
Who the fuck is this guy? And what’s this guys problem?
That’s a question for another day as it’s the other brunette beside him who now has his attention.
His head is low but he’s looking at your table. No, he’s looking at you. It’s a strange look he’s giving you. Lewis doesn’t catch it at first but as his mind starts to wander it reminds him of the kind of look Roscoe gives the two of you when he’s eaten one of your shoes, or socks or your-
Wait, this guy looks… guilty?
Lewis feels a cold sensation run through his body. What the… And when he turns back towards you, to see how you were doing, he finally recognised the expression that’s been on your face the last few minutes.
You were guilty too.
It was … him.
It didn't take much convincing for you to know that Lewis knew that was Charles was… him. The other guy in your life who you never spoke about but who you spent every spare moment with. And to your surprise, Lewis didn’t let it faze him from the outside. After he got you some water and ice and gave you the opportunity to “sober up a little”, charming Lewis made an appearance and boy did he put on a show.
You practically winced every time he laughed a little too loudly at one of George’s dry jokes. Or when he pulled you in for a kiss on the lips, followed with a “that’s my beautiful wife”. You were pretty impressed with yourself that you didn’t throw up any time that his hands touched you in a loving and affectionate way. Sometimes pushing the boundary of inappropriate for the dinner table.
You accepted your fate of going to hell in the after life when Lewis not-so-quietly hinted at the sex you had this morning and his naked Chef bit. Even Carmen looked a little surprised at his revelation. She didn't know you guys well enough for Lewis to be revealing such information but you and Lewis both knew that this wasn't for Carmen and George.
It was for him.
And God it was so obvious to the three of you (you, Charles and Lewis) what Lewis’ intentions were. All he needed to do to complete the humiliation for Charles was for Lewis to piss on you like a dog marking his territory.
Through the chaos, you found yourself being impressed by Charles’ ability to sit through the rest of his dinner without storming out. Or for not throwing a punch in Lewis' direction. You wouldn't blame him if he did. But you didn’t miss the disheartened looks he threw you every now and again. Those looks were often followed by looks of disgust from Joris. Fuck, you’d spent so much time building trust with Charles’ friends only for it to all crumble within seconds at some stupid, overly priced celebrity restaurant.
You hated this place.
It was almost embarrassing how over the top Lewis’ orders were when it came to the food and drinks but he didn’t seem to care. “It was your birthday after all” and boy did he let it be known that he, as your husband, was pulling out all of the stops. He was going to take every single opportunity to silently lap it up in front of Charles that he was the one that was sitting beside you, with the wedding ring on his finger while he touched you all evening.
You had to refuse to go to the toilet with Carmen at one point out of fear of what would take place between Charles and Lewis if you dared leave the table.
When would this nightmare come to an end?
Thankfully, Charles, Joris and co quickly finished off the last of their drinks and practically ran out of the door as soon as he they had finished paying their bill.
Charles didn’t even look at you as he stood and walked by you. How could he when Lewis was being this obnoxious?
You could feel yourself slowly start to breathe again as the weight of Charles’ presence began to lift. That relief was soon replaced with guilt as you thought about how awful and embarrassed he must feel having sat through this ordeal tonight. Only one week after he had told you he had loved you for the very first time.
“You seem a little better now, [Y/N],” Carmen remarks as some natural colour returns to your face.
You smile at her, “I think it was a good idea to lay off the champagne to get me through dinner in the end”.
“I think you’ve got this man to blame for all that champagne,” George chuckles and flashes Lewis a cheeky grin.
For the first time in what feels like forever, you manage to look into Lewis’ eyes. You can’t make out the emotions in his eyes. They certainly don’t match the smile that’s spread across his face.
“Can’t believe I forgot how messy she gets when she’s champagne drunk. I’ve witnessed it far too many times when she’s come back from those bottomless brunches”.
His playful tone still doesn’t match up with the look he’s giving you.
You smile nervously, “I’ve forbidden myself from a bottomless brunch ever again after the last time”. You hope a funny drunken story can replace the ever growing tension between you and Lewis. Thankfully George and Carmen don’t seem to realise, they don’t spend enough time around you to pick up on such behaviour.
As dinner draws to a close and Lewis pays the bill for a meal he’ll surely be regretting for a very long time, you excuse yourself and head to the bathroom so you can catch your breath ahead of what will be the most dreaded Uber of your life so far.
As you take a deep breath, you look in the mirror at your reflection. You’ve somehow managed to look presentable on the outside as your walls begin to crumble internally.
How likely was it that you could lock yourself in this bathroom and stay here forever?
It was impossible. At some point you had to face reality with Lewis but you were more torn up about facing reality with Charles. After all that you had built over the past few months, surely this evening was going to end your relationship in glorious fashion.
You stare at the text that you’ve composed to him, thumb hovering over the send button. Contemplating if it was going to make it all worse. How could you salvage this situation? But you take the risk and press send on your message to Charles.
I’m so so so sorry Charles. I never imagined that this could ever happen and hate that you had to go through something like this. I have so much love for you and I hope that, when you’re ready, we can talk. Love, [Y/N] x
You lock your phone and make your way out of the bathroom to meet up with Lewis, George and Carmen before the three of you make your way out of the restaurant. Heading in different directions, you say your goodbyes and await your individual Ubers.
George and Carmen’s arrive before yours and you wave them off as you’re left to stand in silence with Lewis.
The tension was unbearable as you both refused to look at each other. You were almost shaking despite it being a warm summer evening. Lewis on the other hand seemed hot and bothered as he began to fidget with his shirt while pacing up and down the pavement. His gaze fixated on the concrete beneath you.
You’re not sure how much time passed by before you found the courage to speak to Lewis.
“Lewis, I’m so sorry,” you begin. The guilt and desperation is clear in your voice.
He stops in his tracks. “I don’t want to hear it,” he growls but you ignore his request.
You’ve got word vomit. “I didn’t know he was going to be here. I promise you”.
“Lewis, please”.
“I would never do this to you. I’m so sorry. I never meant for this to happen”.
“I don’t know why he was there. We never hang out in the same places so for him to be here”.
'Why is this happening to me?"
“I love you, please say something”.
But he says nothing.
And as your Uber pulls up and you wait for him to join you inside, he finally looks at you.
“I’m not coming home tonight, [Y/N].”
You hadn’t noticed that you were crying until your breath catches in your throat.
“I’m not coming home,” he says again. No emotion in his voice. “I’m done. Enjoy the rest of your birthday”.
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