#gigi and bette
maligsstuff · 2 years
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becabeale143 · 4 months
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shewholovestoread · 3 months
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Back when The L Word Generation Q Seasons 1 and 2 aired, I was inspired to write about it and in particular about Dani Nunez and Gigi Ghorbani. But season 3 was such an unmitigated dumpster fire and the awful way some of the characters were handled (cough-Gigi-cough) that I refuse to waste any of my time writing about it. But seeing as so much work (and thought) already went into it, I'm posting this master-list for any who want to go through them.
Gigi Ghorbani on The L Word Generation Q
The L Word Generation Q - Is Dani into Gigi - Part 1 of 2
The L Word Generation Q - Is Dani into Gigi - Part 2 of 2
The L Word Generation Q - Bette and Gigi
Can you please do an analysis comparison of Dani’s growth as a person in her relationship with Gigi compared to how she was in her relationship with Sophie?: Link
Question cause I wanna know your thoughts. On the night where Dani, Gigi & Micah went out, Gigi runs into Bette and I think this is the scene where Bette tells Gigi she isn't enough (correct me if I'm wrong tho) Do you think that's why she confesses to Dani afterwards? As a sort-of rebound?( I dunno… i always found that kinda off, how she moved so quickly from one to the other): Link
how would you deconstruct the "Are you hitting on me?" statement by Dani. Gigi clearly wasn't seeing this coming and was slightly taken back by the upfront question from Dani and when Gigi says no, it seems like Dani is slightly taken aback and confirms by asking "but you are not sure" as if she wanted her to say yes and for things to move in other direction: Link
Have you done the comparison of Gigi and Bette’s date and Gigi and Dani’s non date? If not can you?: Link
The L Word Generation Q - The Bette and Dani Fight
About Dani’s feelings for Gigi and Finley showing up at her house: Link
What did you think of the scene where Dani shows up at Gigi's office & Gigi gives her an excuse but Dani straight up calls her out on it by saying "maybe you just didn't want to see me" Do you think Gigi was surprised by that?: Link
Dani's scene with Nat and Alice.
I hate Rodolfo for the way he treats his daughter. But I can’t help but keep going back to him saying to Dani that he thought she’d end up with someone like Gigi. Do you think it influenced the way Dani viewed Gigi ? Was it something that nudged her in Gigi’s direction?: Link
the scene in Dani’s apartment where she says to Gigi “you sound like Sophie”. With Gigi’s reaction, I felt like she was a little upset for being compared with Sophie. I think it is because she already had feelings about Dani but and the “ex comparison” thing was something she didn’t like a bit. What do you think?: Link
in the scene where Dani tells Gigi she’s easy to talk to and Gigi responds by saying “not everyone would agree with you.” The look on Gigi’s face after Dani says “fuck ‘em” has always struck me as odd. It’s almost like Gigi is surprised by Dani’s response, or wasn’t expecting that reaction?: Link
I want to say that your analysis of GINI scenes are amazing. I'm curious to know if you analyzed the GINI hottest scene from episode 8 of season 2. If you did please send me a link. If you didn’t I really want to know you thoughts about it (the bode language and the other). Also what do you expect from season 3?: Link (Really clowned myself in this one, didn't I?)
I wanted to ask you why Finley seems to be obsessed with Dani. Link
Thinking about how Marja said GINI came to be cause they couldn’t bring in a lot of actors because of Covid and how Dani was supposed to date around…had that happened do you think Gigi would’ve still been interested in Dani? Link
What did you think of the scene where Dani shows up at Gigi's office & Gigi gives her an excuse but Dani straight up calls her out on it by saying "maybe you just didn't want to see me" Do you think Gigi was surprised by that? Cause I personally think she wasn't expecting Dani to come and apologize but she loved every minute of it when she did: Link
How would you deconstruct the scene where Sophie said to Dani “Because I know you” after consoling Dani in Ojai and Dani’s response was a deadpan “Do you?” to that? Link
The other day on YouTube I read something along the lines of "Gigi mentors/mother's Dani too much and she'll eventually get tired of her, what Gigi needs is an equal as her partner not someone that's emotionally immature" What do you think? Do you think Gigi will ultimately get tired of Dani? I'm actually kinda curious cause Gigi herself said that she eventually tires of her partners. Link
I also think one of the main differences between Bette and Dani is that Dani is willing to learn from her mistakes and actively tries to change for the better. I think this was shown in how she went about in starting a relationship with Gigi. We know that her relationship with Sophie started with Sophie cheating on her then girlfriend with Dani and them “fucking in a bathroom stall” the first night they met. Before starting anything with Gigi, Dani actively made sure Bette was okay with it because she knew they were dating/had just broken up at the time. Link
Hey, thank you for all the analysis. Can you do a deeper analysis on the scenes from the time Gigi tells Dani that her feelings have changed to the time Dani ends up at Gigi's doorsteps just before their first kiss. I am particularly interested in the park bench scene. I feel there is a lot of subtext in their conversation. Also, curious on what made Gigi tell Dani about her feelings after Dana's. Curious if you think the events at Dana's influenced her to just go for it. Link
Thanks so much for keeping us alive post end of season 2. Would love your take on the epic kiss in the rain scene in 207! Link
Hey, Thank you so much for every post you have written about Dani and Gigi. Your posts make me appreciate them more and also grateful to have found this corner of Internet where I can obsess over these two. That being said, I have one more question. I am not surprised that Dani is into Gigi. Gigi is super awesome and there to support her in Dani’s toughest moments and common who wouldn’t love Gigi back. I am curious about why Gigi is into Dani? Link
There’s this look on Bette face when she sees Gi and Dani at the bar in the love shack episode (episode 6 I think). I’m curious what you thought of it. Was it - huh, Gigi moved on too soon look? Or something else entirely? Thanks. Link
What do you make about the scene with Bette’s reaction towards Gigi/Dani being close at the bar during the karaoke scene of episode 6 if she didn’t “give a shit about Gigi” and was pretty much done with her by then? Link
Hi, thank you for your analysis they’re good :). What so you think about the it’s LA I’m sure there was traffic scene? Because for me GIGI kind of let her of the hook easy. That was inconsiderate of Dani. I was curious about your opinion for that scene. Thank you :) Link
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thesprock · 1 year
Miss Gigi Ghorbani singing soul music in the car
I died and went to heaven
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idtiky · 1 year
Episode 10 Season 3, aka last episode of the season, i loved this episode. So much stuff could happen in season 4, im hoping it will be renewed!
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If Sophie and Pippa connect, idk how i will organize this without crossing lines over other names. You guys can give me ideas while we wait!
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golnarghorbani · 1 year
Anyway in honour of the death of Gen Q, RIP to my main girlies 🤍
Daniela Nuñez, love of my life. Girlbossing around the place and being hot while doing it. Having to deal with shit exes, shit friends and a shit Dad but still remaining pure of heart.
Tasha Williams being the only one to bring me real, true joy in this last season. Having a smile and laugh I could watch on loop for hours. She will ALWAYS be a legend.
And finally, Golnar Ghorbani herself. Ignoring the character assassination that took place for her exit, she was that special little something something that had us all in a chokehold. A character with so much love and life and power and softness, she deserved a better ending
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empressofkalumina · 1 year
Welp. I don’t think beef noodles will be able to fix this one. RIP #gini.
@ margarine. 🍊🍊🍊
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treebranchy · 1 year
iirc Nat and Alice were living together no problem with the kids. But somehow Gigi needs permission to do that?? I get yall tryna get gigi and dani to break up but at least be consistent 😭
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puthyflapps · 1 year
Marja is trending on twitter and it amazes me that it took y’all 3 seasons to realize she’s a flop who doesn’t know what she’s doing with this show or these characters
I, however, have been a day one Marja-Loser Ryan hater
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maligsstuff · 2 years
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becabeale143 · 2 months
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
starting the season giving problems to the best couples?? whyy would you do that???
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thesprock · 1 year
Baby 🥹
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idtiky · 1 year
Season 3 Episode 9, TIBETTE IS FINALLY ENGAGED! im so happy they are finally in a healthy place. I added Tasha to the chart cuz she was in this episode, and im gonna be honest, i already knew she was going to show up, the way they mentioned her the other episode with Tom, and when she had to call 911 i already knew it was gonna be Tasha!
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msghorbani · 1 year
uma perspectiva alternativa para TLWGQ
sobre o episódio 3x01............ (parte 1 da review)
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Coisas que eu esperava:
 - passar raiva, muita raiva
 - avacalhação generalizada da trama
Porque a galera que escreve essa série só sabe acabar com tudo de bom que eles mesmos constroem. É uma verdadeira compulsão. E psicólogo que é bom ninguém procura, não é mesmo?
Sim, eu estava pronta para o ódio.
Só em dar o play o ódio veio. Vou resumir essa parte e dizer apenas que, até a marca dos 5 minutos, a raiva me consumia.
Bette e Tina? Não sabia o que pensar. Confesso, no entanto, que algo em meu coração foi tocado... Não deve ser Tibette, não faz sentido que seja! Been there, done that. Talvez eu esteja mexida com o término de um relacionamento de 5 anos? Sim, foi o término com minha namorada que me deixou soft, isso faz mais sentido que Tibette.
“Um ano depois”. Meu corpo estava contorcido em desgosto antecipatório. Minha face? Disforme. Só conseguia pensar em coisas ruins. A cena de sexo da Alice com um personagem que sabemos que será descartável? “Gen Zers are fun!” - será? Eu não estou me divertindo muito por aqui. Mas sabemos que é assim que funciona a série: coisas aleatórias sendo jogadas sobre nós (e cenas de sexo nos primeiros minutos com o único intuito de prender a audiência). Tom?? Cadê você?? Sumiu! Eu nem ligo para o personagem, mas não pude deixar de pensar nele!
E, dessa forma, com nada mais que 3 minutos já somos alertados de que seremos responsáveis por processar os pulos e preencher os buracos da narrativa. Nesse ponto, tinha certeza absoluta de que a experiência seria terrível. E eu teria que suportar isso pelas próximas semanas. Masoquismo; mais alguém?!
Aos 5 minutos, algo mágico acontece.
Não, nada de mágico acontece na série. Quer dizer, é claro que ver a Tess é sempre mágico. Para mim, ela não precisa sequer estar fazendo algo de relevante. A presença dela, por si só, é suficiente para amenizar as angústias do meu coração. Que mulher!
4 minutos e meio. Sei que irão arranjar algum jeito muuuito criativo (traição) para desferir um golpe no desenvolvimento de Tess e Shane como um casal e da Shane como pessoa. 4 minutos e meio. Puro ódio.
Sei que a série seguirá o caminho narrativo de sempre. Apelará para os mesmos desfechos. Veremos as mesmas situações, os mesmos “dramas”. Assistir The L Word é, desde 2004, como assistir o sol nascer no leste e se pôr no oeste. Sabemos de onde vem e para onde vai. É absolutamente previsível (se ainda hoje ignorarmos aquela sexta temporada do original lol). Ainda assim, we are here for the ride.
Adentramos oficialmente os 5 minutos. A tal da maquiadora é citada, sabemos o que isso significa. ÓDIO.
Pausa para o rosto da Shane. O que aconteceu aqui? O que foi isso? Eu achei a Shane ATRAENTE?!! Acredite, após 8 temporadas de TLW assistidas diversas vezes no que são agora 13 anos da minha vida (comecei com 15, faça as contas), isso é novo para mim.
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Mas então, eis que aos 5 minutos algo mais aconteceu... meu cérebro me brindou com o insight que poderá, finalmente, me libertar do masoquismo no qual me aprisionei há muito acompanhando TLW!
“Essa série é uma comédia! UMA COMÉDIA!” - foi esse o poderoso insight que meu cérebro formulou. Wow, brilliant!!11!
Podem falar o quanto queiram que The L Word é uma série de drama. Eu não entendo sobre gêneros televisivos mas, para mim, uma série dramática é aquela que me fará levar a sua narrativa a sério. E THE L WORD NÃO É PARA SER LEVADA A SÉRIO! Podemos esperar coisas como seriedade, plausibilidade, coerência, consistência e complexidade ao longo do desenvolvimento da trama? Seja sincera, gata.
The L Word é como uma viagem de montanha russa - eu já sei, você já sabe. Nada se sustenta por muito tempo. A gente espera 2 horas na fila mesmo sabendo que vai passar 2 minutos no brinquedo. E a gente ainda quer ir de novo depois! Essa é a realidade. Por que continuamos com a vã esperança de que vai ser diferente? Não vai. O show nunca se comprometeu a fazer algo além disso. Esse é o seu jeito, a sua proposta. E a gente continua aqui...
As histórias e personagens que TLW constrói para então destruir devem ser somente, e tão somente, aproveitadas enquanto duram. Expectativas outras além da fruição cômica (e erótica?!) momentânea só nos trarão decepções. Isso é certo.
Vamos superar a Carmen? Não. A morte esdrúxula da Jenny? Não. A saída da Gigi? Não. Vamos superar toda essa ““criatividade”” e “”finesse”” a que os roteiristas nos submeteram? Não!!!
Quem está nessa jornada há bastante tempo sabe bem de tudo isso. Talvez o que te falte, assim como me faltava, é aceitar que a série é desse jeito mesmo. É para ser curtida, e só!
[fim da parte 1 - grata pela paciência]
Obs: é possível que tudo isso não passe de uma elaborada defesa psicológica minha contra toda a dor a que seremos submetidas nos próximos episódios? Sim. Não é só possível, é provável!!
// na parte 2 irei falar sobre as surpreendentes impressões e sentimentos que tive nesse primeiro episódio que era para ser o portal do ódio nos lançando nessa tão aguardada terceira temporada de generation q //
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shewholovestoread · 2 years
Now that production is underway on season 3, do you have a wishlist/desires/hopes and dreams for Gen Q? Anything from completely plausible and you’d be shocked if it DIDNT happen to “i want this but the writers would never”
I've learned to temper my expectations when it comes to shows/series.. Especially since we've seen inconsistencies going from season 1 to 2 (which is strange but not entirely unheard of)
Having said that, I guess I'm just hoping that we don't get manufactured drama where it isn't necessary (I'm looking at Gigi and Dani) and now that I've had a few months to think on it, I think it's pretty likely that the writers/showrunner will throw some unnecessary drama.
Bette gets therapy, she desperately needs it.
Bette and Tina resolution: I hope that Bette and Tina can figure out what they truly want from each other because this constant back-and-forth isn't healthy for either of them and can't be fun for Angie
Dani breaking free of her father's toxic influence: I think this is pretty likely to happen considering how the previous season ended but it'll be interesting to see how the show addresses it.
Gigi as more than a love interest: Gigi is probably one of the most popular character on the show and I want to see things from her perspective. We see other characters' POV when it comes to Gigi but rarely get her POV and that needs to change. I love Dani and Gigi together but I want to know more about Gigi beyond her romantic relationships.
Finley gets the help she needs: This has been a long time coming. Her drinking being a problem is something we see as early as season 1 and things haven't gotten better. She needs rehab and I hope she stays and gets healthy.
Finley and Sophie need to take a break: I'll be honest, I don't like Sophie, I didn't like her in the beginning and that hasn't changed. She's not great at communicating, only too happy to get on her high-horse and make the other person in the relationship feel like shit. I don't think Finley and Sophie are ready to be with each other and I'd rather have Finley focus on her recovery than get distracted by Sophie.
Bette and Dani patch up: One of the best dynamics in season 1 was Bette and Dani and their relationship. It was heartwarming to see Bette's genuine regard for Dani in both seasons 1 and 2 and Dani to have a friend in Bette who's just that, a friend, a mentor. I hope that Bette can pull her head out of her ass and she and Dani actually patch up.. (I just hope that they don't start dating, Bette has a horrible track record and that's the last thing Dani needs)
Dani and Gigi actually doing well: I just want to continue seeing Dani and Gigi grow individually and together. I loved their dynamic in season 2 and I hope we see their relationship solidify into something deeper. But I think it's highly likely that there will be at least some drama between these 2 (and not the kind the fans want) to make the show more "exciting". I'm expecting at least a small break between them or Dani shutting Gigi out..
Tom and Alice: These two are cute but if that was an engagement ring that Alice found in his bag, the dude is moving waaaaay too fast. Maybe hold your horses a little. I think the ring will freak Alice out and prompt her to bail on him. It's way too soon and I think Alice needs time to settle into the relationship without the pressure of "do I want to marry this man?"
Shane and Tess: I don't see either of them leave Los Angeles. But for the sake of drama, I think the writers/showrunner will make it seem like Shane is leaving but then she won't.
So this is what I think might happen in season 3. I'm trying very hard to temper my hopes... But the more important question is: Do I want to watch each episode as it comes out or wait for the whole season be out and then binge it. On the one hand, it'll be exciting to see the season slowly unfold and analyse and predict what will happen the following week. On the other hand, bingeing it all in one go means that I won't have to endure the agony of waiting a whole week.. Any suggestions?
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