#great voice as always
yashley · 4 months
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laura in critical role one-shots* (part 3)
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ragsy · 7 months
If the media landscape is going to be just remakes and reboots from now til the end of humanity, can we at least start doing what Scott Pilgrim Takes Off did, which was recontextualize its previous iterations rather than overwrite them? It never said "the books and the live action film are in the trash now, this is the new canon." What it actually said was "the books and live action film are my predecessors, I will build on what they made and have conversations with what they said." And I think that fucking rules
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shineemoon · 9 months
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"We are all connected. We can't work without each other." –Kim Kibum ♥♥♥♥♥
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finelythreadedsky · 6 months
JSTOR Wrapped: top ten JSTOR articles of 2023
Coo, Lyndsay. “A Tale of Two Sisters: Studies in Sophocles’ Tereus.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 143, no. 2 (2013): 349–84.
Finglass, P. J. “A New Fragment of Sophocles’ ‘Tereus.’” Zeitschrift Für Papyrologie Und Epigraphik 200 (2016): 61–85.
Foxhall, Lin. “Pandora Unbound: A Feminist Critique of Foucault’s History of Sexuality.” In Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey, 167–82. Edinburgh University Press, 2003.
Garrison, Elise P. “Eurydice’s Final Exit to Suicide in the ‘Antigone.’” The Classical World 82, no. 6 (1989): 431–35.
Grethlein, Jonas. “Eine Anthropologie Des Essens: Der Essensstreit in Der ‘Ilias’ Und Die Erntemetapher in Il. 19, 221-224.” Hermes 133, no. 3 (2005): 257–79.
McClure, Laura. “Tokens of Identity: Gender and Recognition in Greek Tragedy.” Illinois Classical Studies 40, no. 2 (2015): 219–36.
Purves, Alex C.  “Wind and Time in Homeric Epic.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 140, no. 2 (2010): 323–50.
Richlin, Amy. “Gender and Rhetoric: Producing Manhood in the Schools.” In Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey, 202–20. Edinburgh University Press, 2003.
Rood, Naomi. “Four Silences in Sophocles’ ‘Trachiniae.’” Arethusa 43, no. 3 (2010): 345–64.
Zeitlin, Froma I. “The Dynamics of Misogyny: Myth and Mythmaking in the Oresteia.” Arethusa 11, no. 1/2 (1978): 149–84.
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arctic-bookclub · 3 months
in my opinion, qphil isolating and exiling himself is only going to make things worse or delay the inevitable: as shown yesterday the enderking wants qphil to isolate, to not tell anyone, and luckily for our evil demigod that is exactly how qphil operates. he holds secrets in hopes of not hurting others, not getting them involved. and we just saw what happens when he has a support network helping him, he broke free from enderking’s grasp even for a moment. but that bit is not the only reason why his isolation is playing straight into enderking’s hands: it’s his insecurities as well. ”i’m a shit dad” ”i need to prove myself worthy of protecting” ”i need to provide better for the family” ”i need to be stronger” - all insecurities that are qphil’s downfall. enderking has already played into his need to provide for the kids as well as the want to be stronger (the buffs in the dungeon), what’s stopping him from digging his claws further to qphil’s core, his insecurities and weaknesses now that he has no one to break him out of his self-deprecating loop? when all he has are his thoughts, the caws of a crow and the voice of him? if no one finds him in exile, i think he will lose himself again, betrayed by his own mind
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mangofanarts · 10 months
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"Are you sure you lost a sibling? Or are you just having a disagreement with a sibling?"
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marshmallowgoop · 9 months
I combined footage from my Detektiv Conan Blu-ray with audio from my Case Closed FUNimation DVD and made an HD English dub clip compilation for Episodes 57-58, "The Holmes Freak Murder Case."
#detective conan#case closed#video#funimation english dub script#i wasn't actually gonna post this video to tumblr because it's so long (because i have a lot of feelings about this case!)#but folks on discord liked it and i'm all about my funi dub propaganda so why not right?#the dub script here is just so fun--and does so well at making the dialogue *work* and sound natural in english#and has so much flavor! it does arguably too much in terms of creative liberties but things like#'can i really trust what a kid saw?' of the sub translation compared to 'and what were you smoking before you ran out there?' in the dub#are much more enjoyable to me#(other fun phrasings: 'the one who's always hangin' around you guys' (sub) vs. 'the little-bitty one with the great big brain!' (dub))#(and 'of course not! the reason i applied for this tour was 'cuz i thought i might find kudo' (sub))#(vs. 'who me? no no no. actually i signed up because i was hoping to run into jimmy here. but i guess i'm out of luck' (dub))#(and so many more! this script just has so much character)#and while it is a shame that the dub eliminated heiji's accent i do like the changed line ('i know it's you!')#'cause you've met shinichi *once* heiji lol#but yeah this is a fun case! i'm really happy to have finally hd'd the funi dub for it :')#one of my favorite things about the funi dub is that jerry jewell (shinichi's va) voices conan's thoughts#and it's so nice to hear *shinichi* and heiji deducting together (and the way they finish each other's thoughts and vibe... it gets to me)
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celestialorcas · 3 months
I'm normal about this game I'm normal about this game I'm Heart. Lungs. Liver. Nerves. Heart. Lungs. Liver. Nerves. Heart. Lungs. Liver. Nerves. Heart. Lungs. Liver. Nerves. Heart. Lungs. Liver. Nerves. Heart. Lungs. Liver. Nerves. Heart. Lungs. Liver. Nerves. Heart. Lungs. Liver. Nerves.
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ohnoitsjetster · 4 months
Well thats it. I am officially no longer your dentist.
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
Me for the whole episode:
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Me for the 15 seconds of sskk interaction at the end:
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bbqhooligan · 5 months
omfg in the end of Saiki K Live Action its pretty much implied he was going to let her have the date she worked so hard for because she had solved everything else, then the rival school delinquents attack, etc etc and when he rewinds the time to do it perfectly this time, he catches Teruhashi's coy glance his way and he exasperatedly smiles with affection. thats the only way i can describe that expression literally he looks like hes trying to hold his face in place but the smile is bursting out by force causing the awkwardness. THEY HAD THEIR DATE IN THE LIVE ACTION UNIVERSE
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next time I see a profusely apologetic Filipina teenager submit her painting of a generic Indian Chief to a FB artists' feedback group in broken English only to get absolutely smoked by Americans in the comments accusing her of drawing purely from prejudice and bias,
I will singlehandedly destroy the Internet
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lyxchen · 1 month
Both Black Friday (the song) and Not Your Seed are highly underrated Starkid songs!!
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kiuda · 3 days
yknow during my break i tried to enter a new fandom and scouted around a bit just to be hit with the biggest bullshit takes ever that made me miss dsmp discourse days
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distraughtlesbian · 2 years
so we all just have to live with the knowledge that in some impossible universe where saccharina could be a part of the plot without jet’s death, both jet and ruby would have loved saccharina immediately and fiercely. she actually wants to take the throne! she’s cool! she’s tall! she has magic swords! she has a dyed undercut! she’s travelled the world! they would have been absolutely fucking ENAMOURED! amethar would have been overjoyed to have finally found her! he literally sent envoys searching for catherine after the war ended because she was the love of his life, and saccharina is the living, breathing embodiment of the love they shared!!! even caramelinda, who has zero stake in saccharina’s life or wellbeing, would have in all likelihood respected and might’ve even come to like her, maybe could have bonded with her over their shared love for lazuli!! we all just have to go to work and do our homework and buy groceries and feed our pets knowing we could have had all that, that saccharina COULD HAVE had a family the moment she found them after spending her whole life longing for them, but instead ended her story with her father across the continent, her stepmother coolly neutral towards her, jet dead in the ground, her relationship with ruby forever coloured by their first meeting and the fact that it will be years before saccharina is anything to her but a poor man’s jet, and burdened with the leadership of an entire nation at the age of 23! we all just have to pretend like that’s not completely devastating
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shannonallaround · 2 months
After pondering on it for several days, I have officially decided I did not like the direction of KFP4 and have banished it from my brain. It is no longer canon. KFP4? What's that? Don't know what you're talking about.
#spoilers ahead#it wasn't all bad#I really truly loved the scenes with Li and Mr Ping they were wonderfully hilarious#and the music was great#BUT#I just did not like the direction they took Po's story at all.#and I'm kinda furious they subtly undermined Shifu's character#by making him “fine”/“not fine” with Oogway picking Po as his successor instead of him.#it was only a thing for 2 seconds for the sake of humor but it completely undermines his inner peace character development#first off why can there only be one successor#and second off why can't Po take primarily the fighting side and Shifu take the spiritual side#It FITS HIM#don't know if most people would notice that shifu's character was undermined but because he's one of my favorites I sure did and it HURT#also um the furious five WHY didn't we have them be the main characters with Po instead of the fox chick no one cares about#literally their interactions with Po that's WHY WE'RE HERE DREAMWORKS#also it's become really obvious to me that the fox girl was literally written just so they could cast a specific voice actress in a big rol#nothing against that actress I love her in other stuff but that was a bad move Dreamworks#and another thing#the movie's message about change not always being bad is perfectly fine and good in theory#but such character change is only satisfying from a storytelling perspective if the audience actually WANTS the character to change!!!#I don't WANT Po to stop being the dragon warrior! I don't WANT him to pick a successor! That wasn't satisfying!! like whyyyyyyyyy#Plus he's like way too young?? to be worrying about this??? Oogway didn't worry about it until he was literally 900 years old#Shifu is what in his 60s? 80s? and he hasn't picked one#why would they make shifu worry about po doing that any time soon literally at all#so there dreamworks#I banish this movie#I banish it for one thousand years#kfp4#kung fu panda 4#po kung fu panda
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