#hallie's cooking adventures
clairelutra · 11 months
things that helped me so much in the kitchen
realizing i could drag a chair over and plop my ass down even during more intense phases of cooking. there is no requirement for this except a sturdy structure at sitting height and a desire to Sit.
taking out all the ingredients i need for the recipe at the start and putting them away as soon as i wouldn't need more for the recipe (start with a full kitchen, leave with a dirty but largely empty one)
keeping in mind that most fats are interchangeable chemistry/balance wise, and the only things to look out for are a) if they're solid at room temp and b) flavor profile
relatedly: mixing fats to raise the smoke points of more delicate ones when frying (e.g. adding olive oil to butter to keep it from burning so easily, or adding canola oil to olive oil to save my fire alarm)
chopping everything that needs to be chopped before i start
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morgana-larkin · 1 month
Could I trouble you for a chessy X reader where the reader is the current ranch hand. Reader has an accident in the stables and chessy is the only one around to save her. Fluff and angst please
Hello! So I didn’t know what kind of angst you wanted so I assumed accident angst and not like romantic angst. I ended up coming up with 2 different ideas for injuries and couldn’t fit them both in one fic, so surprise! They’ll be another one soon. Not a part 2 but like an alternate one. So this one the reader ends up in a coma and the other one reader will have amnesia. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: peeps, I got no Marilyn, Misty and Moiraine prompts. I also just realised how many crushes I have that start with an M. Melissa, Marilyn, Misty and Moiraine, wow, 4 M’s. Anyway, getting off track, send in those prompts!
Please Wake Up
Warnings: sad Chessy(yes it’s a warning cause I say it is.), reader gets injured, reader in a coma, LOTS of fluff
Words: 4.45k
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You finish brushing the horse when Chessy walks into the stables.
“Hey” She says and you turn around.
“Oh Hey Chess.” You tell her and exit the horse stall and close it. “What’s up?”
“Oh nothing much, just wondering if you were hungry, I made lunch.” She says and you smile.
“You know I never pass up a chance to have your cooking.” You tell her and she smiles.
You remember how the invites of food started and you feel so lucky to have Chessy in your life.
*a month ago*
Chessy and Hallie walked into the stables to see Hallie’s horse again. A few minutes later Chessy told Hallie to go have her lunch now before it gets cold and Hallie took off.
“Hey y/n.” She says and you turn around from cleaning the saddle and look at her and smile.
“Hey Chessy” You say and go around and continue scrubbing.
“When do you usually have lunch?” She asks casually.
“Um well , I don’t actually. I’m not much into cooking so I just have breakfast, dinner and snacks in between.” You tell her and she frowns.
“You should be having lunch if you’re working in the stables all day.”
“I got snacks.” You tell her and point to your bag.
“Oh ya, and what snacks do you have?” She challenges.
“A protein bar.” You mumble and she asks what you said as she walks closer. “A protein bar.” You say with a pout and she sighs.
“Ok, come on.” She says and you look at her confused.
“Come on, I’m not letting you work through the day with nothing but a protein bar. So I’m making you lunch.” She says and grabs your hand when you weren’t moving.
“Oh Chess I’m fine.” You tell her but she completely ignores you so you halt your steps and she turns to look at you. “Really I’m fine.” You say and your stomach chooses that time to grumble. Chessy looks at you, crosses her arms and quirks an eyebrow.
“Wanna try that again?” She asks.
“Not really, no.” You say and you go to turn around back to the stable but she grabs your hand again and drags you to the house.
When you enter the house, you see the twins running by. “No running in the house you two.” She tells them and they apologise and walk away. She gets you to wait at the kitchen island while she whips something up quickly. “Don’t even try to back out. Even if you went back to the stables, I’ll still make something and bring it out to you.” She tells you when she gets some food out.
You watch her make something for you and you stare at her the entire time. You already realised your crush on her and the fact that she’s making you food so you don’t get hungry, it warms your heart.
You get lost in your thoughts that you don’t realise that she’s talking to you. “Y/N!” She yells and you snap out of your trance and look at her.
“What?” You ask.
“I asked you what you had for breakfast.” She tells you and leans on the counter.
“Oh, eggs and toast.” You tell her and she looks at you.
“And dinner?”
“Probably a rice meal or some noodles to just pop in the microwave. Or if I’m feeling adventurous, a tuna sandwich.” You tell her and she snorts.
“You weren’t kidding when you said you don’t cook.” She says and you look down a bit embarrassed. “Hey, it’s fine, no judgement.” She says and you look at her, not believing her at all.
“That’s a lie, you are judging.” You call her out and she chuckles.
“Ok a little bit.” She admits, then goes back to finish the food. She finishes what looks to be an omelette, and puts it on a plate then gives it to you. “There we go, an omelette with some peppers in it.” She says and she goes back and looks to make one for herself.
“Thank you.” You tell her and smile when she looks at you.
“Of course, can’t have you go hungry.” She says and you blush and take a bite of the food.
“What else did you put in it?” You ask and she looks at you. “Cause it tastes like there’s more than eggs and peppers.” You say and she smiles.
“Chef's secret.” She tells you and places the finished omelette on a plate and turns the stove off.” She then sits beside you and eats with you. You blush when she does and you hope she doesn’t notice. She does notice all your blushes but never mentions it, since she doesn’t want to embarrass you.
*present day*
You enter the house and follow her to the kitchen. “Is everyone out today?” You ask as nobody is in the house except for you and Chessy.
“They all went camping for the weekend and they took Sammy with them.” She tells you and you realise that that means you’ll be alone with Chessy for 2 days and you blush a bit.
“So just you in this big house for 2 days?” You say to try and make conversation like a functional human, even if you’re freaking out a little.
“Yep, if you want, when you’re done today then you can join me and we can watch a movie and have some dinner together.” She asks you and you’re glad you don’t have food yet as you’re sure you would have started choking.
“You’re inviting me to stay after I’m done my work?” You ask her confused and she looks up at you, she then hands you a plate with food on it. “Thank you.”
“Ya.” She says and she tilts her head. “I mean we are friends.” She tells you and you smile. She then finishes putting the food on another plate for herself and comes to sit beside you like she always does.
“We are?” You ask but it sounds more like a statement than a question with your excitement. She giggles at you and shakes her head.
“You’re cute.” She tells you and you’re sure your cheeks match the twins hair. “Of course we’re friends. We talk quite a bit and I make you lunch, I don’t do that for just anyone you know.” She tells you with a smile.
“Well in that case, I would love to join you in the evening when I’m done.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“What time will you be done?”
“Around 4.” You say and she nods.
“I’ll come get you at 4 then.” She says and you smile. The two of you then continue with lunch and some conversation. After you finish, she takes your plate as usual and puts them in the sink. “What do you think about chili for dinner?” She asks when you get up to go back to the stables.
“I love chili, haven’t had it in years though.” You tell her.
“Was the last one you had store bought?” She asks and you shake your head.
“No, my mom made it for Christmas about 5 years ago and that was the last time.” You say.
“Alright, well I’ll end that streak and make chili tonight.” She tells you and you smile at her.
“Can’t wait.” You say and then leave to the stables.
At 3:58pm, you give the newest addition to the stables, a pony, some dinner and she neighs.
“You’re welcome.” You tell her and then you go to leave when thunder comes and it sounds like it could be right over you with how loud it is. Then all of a sudden you feel pain in your back and you fly forward with a scream from you and hit your head on the wall.
*back to 3:58pm*
Chessy came to come get you with a smile, she thinks maybe it’s the perfect opportunity to confess her feelings. Out of nowhere the sound of thunder comes and it’s pretty loud and she hears a horse neigh and then you scream. She bolts to the stables and sees you on the ground in front of the wall. The door to the pony is open and she puts it together that the thunder must have scared the pony and kicked you by accident. She immediately runs to the house to go get the phone to call 911 and they arrive 6 minutes later. Chessy watches as they get you into the ambulance and leaves the driveway to go to the hospital.
Chessy makes sure to close the door for the pony and the stables, rushes to the house and quickly makes a note for the Parker’s, for when they get home tomorrow. Then runs to her car and goes to the hospital to make sure you’re ok.
She ends up at the hospital 15 minutes later and runs to the front desk to ask where you are. The girl tells her the floor but says she can’t go in as they’re running scans. Chessy runs to the floor quickly and informs the front desk person on the floor who she’s there for. She gets told to wait in the waiting area and a doctor will be out soon to let her know about your condition.
She goes to sit on a chair and runs a hand through her hair nervously. She starts swaying back and forth and her thoughts catch up to her. She can’t believe you kicked by their pony, it wasn’t a new pony either, they’re about 2 years old, so they weren’t tiny but also haven’t reached their full height and weight. She thinks maybe due to that fact, you’ll be ok.
After a few hours of waiting, Chessy falls asleep and gets woken up later by a doctor. Her eyes shot open and looks at the doctor and she stands up.
“You’re here for y/n y/l/n right?” He asks her and she nods. “Are you family or friend?”
“Friend, but her family is in a different state. How is she? Is she ok?” She asks worried.
“Very well. She’s alive, at least now she is.” He begins and Chessy’s face pales very white. “She did die for about 10 seconds and then we brought her back. She has a bit of internal bleeding where the horse kicked her but we fixed that. The big thing is that she’s in a coma right now.” He tells her and her knees buckle and she falls in the chair.
“And I’m guessing you don’t know when she’ll wake up.” She says, already knowing the answer.
“I’m afraid not. Some people have been in a coma for a couple days while others can be in one for years.” He tells her and tears fall down her cheeks. “If you want you can go see her.” He offers and she immediately nods and stands up. He leads her to your room and she sees wires attached to you and your arm in a cast.
“Why is her arm in a cast?” She asks.
“Oh the horse got her arm a bit. Wasn’t too big, should be off in a week or two.” He says and she nods. “I’ll leave you alone, if you want to call anyone then the front desk has a phone just for that.” He says and she nods again but just continues to look at you. He closes the door and she’s left in the room with you. Everything hits her at once and she starts walking up to you and cries when she reaches you.
“I’m so sorry y/n.” She says through sobs. She sits down in the chair and scoots it closer to you. She grabs your hand and kisses your knuckle and she gets some strands of hair out of your face. She looks at your face for a few seconds before she gets up and kisses your forehead. She then sits back down, still holding your hand. She looks at a clock and sees that it’s 2am. She suddenly feels tired and lays her head next to your arm and falls asleep.
She wakes to a nurse gently shaking her awake and she springs up and the blanket falls off of her. When did she get a blanket? She immediately looks at you and you’re still the same then she looks at the nurse.
“Sorry to wake you but I brought you some food in case you were hungry.” The nurse says and Chessy smiles at her.
“Thank you, I am quite hungry actually.” She says and accepts the offered food.
“I’m sorry about your friend by the way. If it makes you feel any better, I’ve seen a lot of people survive a kick from a horse.” She says with a soft smile.
“Thanks. But she also hit her head on the stable wall.” Chessy says and the nurse puts her hand on Chessy’s shoulder as comfort then leaves. Once she finishes the food, she puts it on the table beside you and holds your hand. “I still can’t believe this happened to you. I need you to wake up for me. I was gonna tell you how I felt last night before the movie. I was going to let you choose what to watch and I’d make popcorn for us and if you felt the same way, maybe cuddle while watching it.” She says then she starts crying again.
A few hours later, the door to your room opens and Chessy thinks it’s a nurse or doctor again so she doesn’t look. Then 2 pair of arms wrap around her and she yelps. She then looks and sees the Parker’s there and the twins are hugging her. She puts her hands on their arms to hug them back. “Thank you girls.” She says and when she removes her hands is when they pull away.
Nick and Elizabeth come towards her and Nick puts a hand on Chessy comfortingly to let her know he’s there for her.
“What are you guys doing here?” She asks and wipes a couple tears away.
“We got home and found your note and then came straight here.” Elizabeth tells you and then she gives Chessy a hug.
“She was kicked by our pony?” Nick says in disbelief and Chessy nods after pulling back from the hug.
“I heard her scream and went running, found her on the ground at the wall.” Chessy explains.
“Is she going to get better?” Annie asks as the twins are on the other side of the bed.
“Is she asleep right now?” Hallie asks.
“I’m afraid it’s more than just asleep Hal. She’s in a coma. She hit her head against the wall pretty hard.” Chessy tells them and Elizabeth gasps and covers her mouth in shock , while the twins jaws drop in shock.
“Oh dear.“ Elizabeth says and puts her hand over her heart. “I’m so sorry Chessy.” She says and gives her a side hug. “We know how you feel about her. Is there anything we can do for you?”
Chessy looks up at her confused. “What do you mean you know how I feel about her?” She asks.
“We know you have a crush on her.” Nick explains and Chessy blushes.
“Ya, you have lunch with her every day.” Hallie says.
“You laugh so much with her, even more than with us.” Annie adds.
Chessy looks at all of them in shock but then goes back and holds your hand.
“She feels the same about you dear.” Elizabeth tells her and Chessy snaps her head up at her. “She has the same heart eyes as you do when she looks at you.” At that, a few tears escape her and Elizabeth hugs her again.
“I was going to tell her how I feel. I invited her to stay for dinner and a movie and she accepted. And I was going to tell her then.” Chessy explains as she pulls away from the hug and wipes her cheeks with her hand.
“I’m so sorry Chessy.” Elizabeth tells her.
“How about I go get us all some food and we can all eat in here together and keep you some company?” Nick offers and Chessy nods.
“I would like that, thank you.” She says, and Nick leaves and takes the twins with him. Elizabeth pulls up a chair beside her and comforts Chessy the best she could.
Nick comes back with some food and Chessy practically inhales it, since she only ate some hospital food in the past 24 hours. When she’s done, Nick grabs her garbage and leaves on a table for them to take with them when they leave.
“Thanks guys, for the food and the company.” She tells them and they all smile at her.
“Of course, you’re family Chess.” Nick say to her and she gives him a smile. She holds your hand with both of hers and lets out a sigh. Elizabeth rubs her back soothingly and Chessy leans her head on her shoulder. They all continue conversation to keep her occupied and they suggest to her that she should wake around a bit and maybe get some fresh air.
She obviously declines at first but then realises she has to pee and then agrees. She does end up feeling a bit better after the walk and bathroom break, and she does go outside for a few minutes and takes deep breaths. She comes back half an hour later and there’s the nurse that Chessy met this morning there and a doctor, the nurse smiles at her upon seeing her.
“How is she?” Chessy asks them.
“She’s doing better.” The Doctor says. “Her arm is healing properly, we’ll need to do another scan to find out about her back and make sure the internal bleeding hasn’t come back. We did find a cut on her head yesterday but that’s just about healed.” He says and she breathes a sigh of relief.
They end up doing another scan and they told her that everything is healing as it should and her physical injuries will heal in no time.
A couple hours later, the Parker’s leave as the twins have school the next day and they told her they’ll be back tomorrow. Elizabeth stopped at home earlier to get Chessy some things, like extra clothes, some hygiene supplies, a few snacks and a few things to do. Chessy thanked her a few times for that.
They leave and Chessy ends up doing a few crossword puzzles. The nurse comes back to check on you and Chessy as well a couple times before her shift ends.
A month goes by and all your physical injuries healed except your back, they took the cast off after 2 weeks and said your back will be healed in a couple weeks. The Parker’s have come by a few times a week to check on you and Chessy.
“I think the nurse likes you, Chessy.” Elizabeth told her after the nurse left.
Chessy looked at her confused. “What?”
“Y/n’s nurse, the one that just left. She always smiles at you and checks on you.” She tells her.
“I haven’t noticed.” Was all Chessy said.
The Parker’s convinced her to go home at least 3-4 times a week to get proper rest, and she does after making the hospital swear that they’ll call the house if anything changes with you. They got Chessy her own phone and number pretty quickly.
Chessy does end up having to tell the nurse she’s not interested in a date after the nurse asks her out and the nurse understands.
About a month and a week after your accident, Chessy is sitting in the chair, holding your hand, doing a crossword, when she feels a small twitch. She immediately puts her crossword book aside and gets up.
“Y/n!” She says and feels your finger move slightly and she brings your hand up to kiss your knuckle. She then feels your hand squeeze hers and she runs out to call a doctor. A doctor and 2 nurses come in quickly and they look at her. “Her finger moved and then she squeezed my hand.” She tells them and they scurry around for some things as you’re waking up. Just then, you slowly open your eyes and the first thing you see is Chessy.
Chessy is looking down at you and smiling and has a few tears that start to roll down her cheeks. You look around and see 3 people you don’t know and look at the room. “Where am I?” You ask.
“You’re at the hospital, you were kicked by a horse at the Parker’s residence and you’ve been in a coma for 5 weeks.” The doctor tells you and you look over at Chessy for confirmation and she nods. “Are you feeling any pain?” He adds and you nod. The nurse gives you some water and then you go to speak.
“A bit in my back and my head.” You say and Chessy lets a few more tears slip at hearing your voice again.
“Your back is still not fully healed, we’ll give you a temporary wheelchair for now and return it when you no longer need it. As for your head, it could be a headache due to the sensory overload or the information overload but we’ll keep an eye on it while you’re here for another couple days.” He tells you.
“I got… about half of that.” You say.
“I got it all.” Chessy tells them and the doctor nods at her.
“We’ll be right back, we’ll need to get a few more things to run some tests to make sure everything is alright.” He says and they all leave. Which leaves you and Chessy in the room alone and she starts crying.
“Hey what’s wrong?” You ask her and she holds the cup to give you more water after asking.
“I thought I might lose you. I heard you screaming and then I saw you on the ground. I called 911 and rushed to the hospital after they left in the ambulance with you.” She says and you get a good look at her and you don’t know how long she’s been here with you.
“They said I’ve been here for 5 weeks right?” You ask and she nods. “How long have you been here?”
“Off and on for 5 weeks.” She tells you and you’re surprised. The doctor and the nurses come back and run a few tests and they deem that you’re good and one of the nurses brings you food. You eat the food while Chessy stares at you the entire time.
“What?” You ask her and she smiles.
“Nothing, I just can’t believe you’re awake.” After seeing you in the bed, not moving, not hearing your voice for 5 weeks, it’s nice to see you awake.” She tells you and you blush. She smiles even more and wipes the tears from her cheeks. “I was going to tell you something, the night of your accident.” She says and you look up at her.
“What were you going to say?” You ask and she takes a deep breath and holds your hands in hers.
“I was going to confess how I feel about you.” She starts and you gasp a bit. “I was going to tell you that I think about you a lot, when I wake up and when I fall asleep, and a lot of times in between those. I was going to tell you that I would love to cook for you forever, and want to get to know about you. I was going to tell you that I’m falling in love with you and if you want to go on a date with me.” She says and looks at you.
You don’t seem shocked anymore, more so happy with hopefully happy tears. Chessy thinks and then you nod. “I would love to go on a date with you. I’ve been falling in love with you too.” You tell her and she gasps slightly now.
“Really?” She asks and you nod. Chessy is so excited and she leans in and kisses you. You kiss her back and Chessy thinks it’s one of the best days of her life.
You end up staying at the Parker’s house for a month as your back needs to heal more. Chessy immediately offered to take care of you when the doctor was asking you who could help you. The Parker’s help Chessy wheel you inside the house and welcome you back. You ask how the horses are and Chessy pushes you to the fenced in yard in your wheelchair. You see the horses walking around and the pony that kicked you. The pony sees you and gallops over to you and sticks their nose out to you and you pet his nose.
“Aw, I know you didn’t mean it, the thunder scared you and it was wrong place wrong time.” You tell him.
Chessy takes care of you for the rest of the day. You end up finally having that Chili that night and watch a movie while the Parker’s give you the living room for the evening. Chessy carries you onto the couch and you end up cuddling together while watching a Disney movie.
By the end of the movie, Chessy in sitting up against the arm of the couch with you on her, in between her legs. Her arms are protectively around your waist and you’re leaning back on her. Chessy ends up scooting down a bit with you, so she can lay down and you slowly turn around to be face to face with her.
“Hi.” Chessy says with a smile.
“Hi.” You say back and Chessy looks a bit sad for a couple seconds then smiles again. “What’s wrong? What were you thinking about?” You ask.
Chessy tucks a lock of hair behind your ear and thinks you look beautiful. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”
“Chessy.” You say with a sigh.
“Alright, well remember how I said I thought I lost you?” She asks and you nod. “That’s because I did. They told me you died for a few seconds and they brought you back.” She tells you and you’re stunned.
“I- I died?” You ask in disbelief and she nods. “Wow” you say and then nuzzle your head on her neck. You both end up falling asleep and Nick comes down to get something and sees you both asleep and covers you with a blanket.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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joslincox · 19 days
The Alpha Bitch Trope in Cartoon
Tricia Holmes from 6teen is well known by the gang as the most popular girl at their school and is the snooty archnemesis of Caitlin Cooke, who used to be a member of her Girl Posse.
Subverted on American Dad! where the "hottest girl in school" and head cheerleader Lisa Silver appears willing to go out with the nerdy Steve and is surprisingly understanding when the show's antics keep messing up the planned dates. In another episode, it looks like she and her Girl Posse did something terrible to Steve's unpopular girlfriend... but it turns out it is actually Steve's friends who are responsible, once again subverting what you'd expect from Alpha Bitch behavior.
Amphibia has Sasha Waybright, Anne's snobby and manipulative Toxic Friend who has a strong desire to rule over and control others; she even says herself that she ruled her school back on Earth. Anne starts the show off as her unwitting minion, being encouraged to engage in delinquent behavior and the like. As the series progresses, Sasha ultimately drives Anne away from her, especially after the latter realizes how bad of a friend she really is. By the third season, however, Sasha comes to realize how horrible she was and grows out of this behavior to become a better person.
Nanette Manoir from Angela Anaconda, also a Fauxreigner French Jerk and something of a teacher's pet. Angela has had many an Imagine Spot where she gets thoroughly humiliated and/or maimed.
Priscilla and Penelope Pinkpaws from Angelina Ballerina.
Cora, the daughter of the CEO Nora Rita Norita, in the Animaniacs (2020) short "My Super Sour 16" is an arrogant, spoiled Rich Bitch who wants her Sweet 16 to be absolutely perfect.
Muffy from Arthur used to be this and occasionally still has shades of it, particularly in the episode where Arthur starts acting like her. However, she has a Hidden Heart of Gold.
As Told by Ginger:
Miranda Kilgallen is the second-in-command and the Girl Posse leader to Courtney Gripling. She also defrosts a little. She never exactly becomes friendly, but she's a lot worse at the start than she is at the end.
Courtney Gripling is an inversion — Lovable Alpha Bitch. She's the queen bee; pretty, rich, popular, and more than a little narcissistic, a (self-proclaimed) snob, but she's a genuinely sweet person who doesn't seem to harbor any malice towards anyone — unlike her friend Miranda. While her sidekick Miranda is quick to insult the unpopular girls, Courtney is friendly with them.
Penelope Lang in Atomic Betty. Her two lackeys are a pair of sycophantic nerds, and she is infamous for referring to people as "losers" often.
Raquelle from Barbie: A Fairy Secret, although once the plot gets into motion, it's mostly pushed by the wayside.
Violet Nylund and Ashlynn Torescu from Barbie Presents Thumbelina.
Formerly Sloane, Hallie, and Dua for Camp Pop and Olivia and her friends for Camp Royalty from Barbie In Rock N Royals.
Tammy Bounceaway from Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures.
Tanya Butaire from LEGO Friends.
Batman Beyond has Blade and Chelsea. Blade is actually fairly apathetic, but has the look down pat, and is more than content to do things such as throw most of a school assignment on Terry, or manipulate a classmate to make another guy jealous. Chelsea, is usually a lot more sympathetic; she's actually a rather nice person, as seen in "The Last Resort," and except for being dismissive of Howard Groote, doesn't really do anything bad. Though she sometimes tries to get Dana to see other guys, it's because she thinks Terry isn't good for Dana, due to him always brushing her off.
Claire Brewster in Beetlejuice who is still the "stuck-up, shallow yet very pretty girl" type.
The Benedict Express
Madison, while technically a protagonist, is essentially the Beta Bitch to Alpha Bitch Erica Green and has often participated in her schemes against less attractive girls. Her status as the daughter of a professor allows her to get away with anything. Of course, their rival Sarah who is rarely shown is an even bigger Alpha Bitch.
Ciara Toler, when she was in high school and before she was brutally raped as a consequence of her bitchiness. While she showed strong Alpha Bitchy traits partly because of her status as "Barbee Creek Barbie" and "the princess of the projects" - the most attractive girl in her 'hood - her snobbishness is portrayed somewhat sympathetically as arising from her impatience with living in a community filled with people who preferred to wallow in poverty and being the only person (even in her own family) with a drive to improve herself. In fact, she often tried to act more like a Cute Sports Club Manager and uplift the spirit of her friends and neighbors before becoming exhausted with the fact they were only interested in drug dealing and violence.
Tammy Larson from Bob's Burgers is something of a subversion in that she thinks she's an Alpha Bitch and assumes she's super popular. The thing is, she doesn't have anywhere near as many friends or followers as you think she would if she were that popular. The only person who hangs around her on a regular basis and actually seems to like her is her Beta Bitch Jocelyn, and even she doesn't seem to like Tammy that much. The only other people who could possibly be considered her friends are Jimmy Jr., Zeke, and the Belcher siblings, and that should tell you something about her popularity level since they don't seem to actually even like her.
Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: Girl has a nemesis called Lila, who mockingly calls her "the queen of nerds" and threatens to shut down Girl's after-school cosplay club if elected school president, just to be mean.
Nina Harper from Braceface. Interesting, though, in that she and the protagonist, Sharon Spitz, were actually best friends when they were little. But a mishap with one of Nina's dolls that got its head popped off ended their friendship when she accused Sharon of being the culprit (even though she had no proof that Sharon did it). So her bullying Sharon is more or less out of spite. They do somewhat reconcile as the series goes on. Especially by season 3 when it's revealed that Sharon was indeed innocent of the doll incident; Nina's cousin was the cause of that.
Suzi from Camp Lakebottom is McGee's vain and bossy sister, a former pageant queen, and a huge Attention Whore.
Cleo from Clone High. She is a very selfish, snobby, cynical, vain, manipulative, pretentious, and materialistic stereotypical school diva who cares only about her social image, beauty, and popularity. Like in many a high school story, protagonist Abe has a hopeless crush on her despite the fact she's clearly more interested in Jerk Jock JFK.
Come the revival series set in 2023, Cleo expects she'll still be the most popular girl in school and is utterly horrified to learn she's been replaced by Frida Kahlo, an artsy skateboarder with a slight mustache and a giant unibrow. In fact, Frida and Harriet Tubman think Joan of Arc is cooler than Cleo.
Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas in Code Lyoko is a strange version of this. In the first season, this is played straight, with the exception of a few scenes in only a few episodes. However, her assistance to the heroes in later seasons, particularly the second and fourth, is often offered without a second thought or a specific request for a reward, though this can happen quite a bit in a life-or-death situation. It seems that her personality alternates between seasons, from a straight Alpha Bitch with several Pet the Dog moments in Seasons 1 and 3 to a more Jerk with a Heart of Gold Lovable Alpha Bitch in Seasons 2 and 4.
Paulina from Danny Phantom. The most popular girl in school and loves to rub it in people's faces.
The show also had Valerie Grey, who early in the show ends up losing her wealth and becoming a Fallen Princess. She still retained some bitchiness before completely mellowing out and becomes a villain towards Danny’s ghost half.
Played with on Daria. You'd think the title character would have one as an arch-nemesis, but no, girls like Brittany are generally nice (if condescending) to her. Daria's sister Quinn, however, is part of the Fashion Club, the popular Girl Posse of their grade...and is in constant competition with its leader Sandi for dominance. Essentially, the two never have time to torture less popular girls because they're torturing each other instead. Quinn is generally the more sympathetic of the two, if only because she doesn't abuse poor Stacy, the group's least popular member.
The longer the show went on, the more it seemed like Sandi was a Deconstruction of the Alpha Bitch. While the boys of Lawndale all see Sandi as hot, there was nothing to indicate Sandi truly was as popular as she believes she is. Since she spends far more time battling Quinn for supremacy in the Fashion Club, Sandi's supposed popularity only ever was apparent within the confines of the club. Furthermore, when she decides to quit in "Fat Like Me" only Quinn appears sorry that Sandi's leaving while Tiffany and Stacy seemed overjoyed at the thought of Sandi no longer breathing down their necks. Considering Sandi is repeatedly shown to be an egotistical and manipulative Attention Whore, it's no wonder she's desperate to maintain what little foothold of popularity she has in a space she has total control over.
Andrea Davenport from The Ghost and Molly McGee is a snooty tween "influencer" who tries to make Molly a pariah on her first day at school just because she kept mispronouncing Andrea's name (which she insists is pronounced "AHN-dree-ah" and not "ANN-dree-ah").
Pacifica Northwest from Gravity Falls, which is later deconstructed in season 2 when it's suggested she's only this way because her rich parents are even worse and raised her to be stuck up. She begins to defrost as of "The Golf War", then "Northwest Mansion Mystery" reveals that she wasn't raised to be a bitch, she was mentally abused into being one. To put things in perspective, Pacifica was nothing more than a bully and a brat, but she isn't a sociopath. Dipper convinced her that there is still redemption for her.
"The Golf War" had Mabel lampshade this by calling her a "walking one-dimensional bleach blonde Valley Girl stereotype".
Mindy from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy is a much younger Alpha Bitch, as well as an incredibly obsessive one. For example, she loses her head cheerleader position to Mandy (who just shouts the game plans to the team) and, after consulting the "patron saint of cheerleading" (a trophy she thinks is talking), decides the best solution is to incapacitate her in some way in the middle of a match, or, failing that, blow her up. If she sees Mandy with anyone aside from Billy or Irwin or the like, she walks up to them, puts on an obscenely perky face, and says "You're my best friend!"
Trina Riffin from Grojband acts this way, even though she only has one dedicated underling, her much put-upon childhood friend Mina. Nonetheless, her official bio states her to be the most popular girl at her school (although since we rarely ever see the characters at school, this never pops up in the series).
Paige Logan from Grossology. She is a popular but very snobbish girl.
Harvey Street Kids:
Frufru, the local rich girl. She's depicted as being haughty, self-absorbed, and into fashion, but lacks a Girl Posse, indicated to be simply because she's so distant from the other kids.
Zoe, Audrey's abusive older sister, is a more obvious example, being a head cheerleader and the leader of a trio composed of her and her two friends.
Rhonda Wellington Lloyd comes between this and Rich Bitch in some episodes of Hey Arnold! However, she actually is shown to have a friendly side, since her best friend Nadine actually is implied to be a middle-class girl (and with almost completely different interests than Rhonda—Nadine loves arthropods, Rhonda loves fashion). Her romantic interest in Harold, who actually is fat and less popular, is another redeeming feature.
Miraculous Ladybug:
Chloé Bourgeois. Her father is the Mayor of Paris and spoils his 'little angel' rotten. She hits all the marks for personality, but she is not very popular at all, with only one friend, Sabrina, who she treats more like a servant and also doesn't understand what friendship might actually be. She thinks everyone adores her (they don't), and can rarely accept she made a mistake. Among her most heinous acts is locking an emotionally insecure girl in the bathroom so she could be next to Adrien, who Chloé has a crush on (and said insecure girl does not) in a class photo. She is responsible for most cases of people becoming sad or angry and getting brainwashed into supervillains, to the point that Hawk Moth once created an akuma with no specific victim in mind and had it follow her around since he figured she was bound to piss someone off eventually. Unfortunately, he caught her on the day she was specifically trying to be nicer to people, so it took a little while, but she eventually delivered.
Lila Rossi. She convinces the rest of the class, who adores her, to do whatever she wants and manipulates people to try and turn them against Marinette (the only person who doesn't like her). She also torments people for petty reasons, such as sending a picture of herself kissing Adrien to Kagami, or the aforementioned turning people against Marinette because Marinette refuses to believe her Blatant Lies. She also acts spiteful and horribly rude, insulting people behind their backs.
Audrey Bougeois is one of these all grown up — she's a snobby, rude, and narcissistic fashion critic who belittles and threatens to fire anyone that doesn't meet her impossibly high standards. Her own family isn't exempt from this; her treatment of her husband is flat-out Domestic Abuse, she alternates between belittling her daughter while misremembering her name and encouraging her to follow her example (said daughter being Chloé), and while she treats Zoé slightly better, she doesn't really pay attention to her unless she puts up a Jerkass Façade.
Monster Buster Club gives us a subversion of the Always Female rule. Resident Alpha Brat Mark is a male Spoiled Blond Rich Kid who delights in insulting and generally being less than pleasant with the four kid heroes, apparently for no reason.
Cleo from Monster High is popular, vain, and frequently tries to manipulate situations to be about her. However, she does love her boyfriend and her friends, and occasionally displays redeeming qualities, becoming more of a Lovable Alpha Bitch as time goes on. Deconstructed in that her popularity is the result of her need for positive attention, which comes from her father and older sister treating her coldly and telling her about the importance of power, both of which went to Cleo's head.
Cleo: "I'm Cleo De Nile, and I've got to give the people what they want."
Tiff and Brit, the Crust cousins from My Life as a Teenage Robot, who continually plot to keep Jenny/XJ-9 unpopular.
Diamond Tiara from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, with Silver Spoon as the Beta Bitch, are a pair of spoiled brats who tease Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle about not developing cutie marks yet, and taunt Scootaloo about the fact that she can't fly. The episode "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" reveals Diamond was raised to be mean by her mother Spoiled Rich, who's far worse than she is, prompting her to stand up to her near the end and become nice.
Neo Yokio: Arcangelo is a male example. He leads the "east side gentlemen" who look down on Kaz for being Nouveau Riche.
Mayor Paul Spryman from Ozzy and Drix. He is a 14-year-old brain cell who has absolutely no business being in charge of the city and bullies Ozzy for being an Emo Teen and Drix for being a Nerd.
In Pixel Pinkie, Suzi is the school's alpha bitch who immediately marks Nina as a target for her strange clothes and Amazingly Embarrassing Parents.
Amity Blight in The Owl House, although she is technically more of the academic variety and grows into a lovable one fairly quickly. Her friend Boscha, while a Beta Bitch in status, is a more straight example in regard to attitude. Following Amity taking a level in kindness midway through Season 1, Boscha becomes the new Alpha Bitch in her place.
Princess Morbucks on The Powerpuff Girls (1998). She's a rich, spoiled Prima Donna that thinks she's better than the girls. Nobody at her school likes her. She even wants to become a member of the girls, which they turn down because she lacks any qualities of the team. Taken up notches in the 2016 reboot; she no longer wants to be the fourth Powerpuff Girl, she wants to be the only Powerpuff Girl.
Princess Natasha: Greg's girlfriend Kelly is this, at least as far as Natasha is concerned. She is totally self=absorbed and her 'crimes' include wearing too much makeup and cheating off her fellow students.
The Ashleys in Recess. Despite having some moments where they aren't a bunch of Rich Bitches, they spend the majority of the series wanting to screw with everyone for the sake of being mean.
Vana Glama from Sidekick is a classic case, a popular and self-centered primadonna who gets the best grades at the Sidekick Academy, has all the boys (especially Eric) drooling over her, and is served by the beleaguered nerd Kitty Ko.
In The Simpsons episode "Eight Misbehavin'", the family describe what happened to them during a nine-month mid-episode Time Skip. Lisa reveals that she became the most popular girl in school, "but then blew it by being conceited". Whilst the details of this are never revealed, it is probable that she became an Alpha Bitch during that period.
Gemini Stone from Sabrina: The Animated Series, a stand-in for the original Libby on the live-action series.
Also Portia from the friends forever movie.
The Spectacular Spider-Man
Liz was introduced as one, mocking Peter as much as everyone else, until a boost of Character Development after seeing him in different light turned her into his love interest.
Sally Avril is the most abusive girl of the group, even mercilessly mocking fellow clique-member Flash Thompson when his hero, Spider-Man, appears to be committing robberies. Slightly subverted when Peter's aunt has a heart attack as Flash mentions that even Sally feels sorry for him, although she is not as forthcoming with her sympathies as his friends are. Both she and Flash have gone through a bit of Character Development. When she thinks that Peter's been killed, Sally is horrified. She does say it's because she'll have to tell Liz and Liz "looks awful in black", but when she sees that Peter's okay, she performs a textbook Anger Born of Worry. A bit later, she tells him that no, she doesn't care, but she doesn't want him to be blown to bits, she's not a monster. In the last episode, she's glad Liz broke up with Peternote .
Gretel from Staines Down Drains is the arch-enemy of Mary-Jane. She is a spoilt girl who usually bullies the Staines with her friends, the Lupe brothers.
Brittney Wong from Star vs. the Forces of Evil hits all the typical beats: she's a bratty, selfish Rich Bitch who became captain of the cheer-leading squad at Echo Creek Academy "on her own, and not because her dad made a generous donation to the school." Naturally, Brittney hates Star for being one of the few kids she can't intimidate and for stealing attention away from herself
Strawberry Shortcake: Angel Cake has moments of such in the 2003 series, especially in the final season, to the point of playing the villain in "Sleeping Beauty".
Peppermint Fizz was this in her early appearances but outgrows such behavior following her redesign.
Raspberry Tart/Torte becomes one in the 2021 series, with the addition of Adaptational Villainy. She drops this after Season 1, when she warms up to Strawberry and becomes one of her closest friends.
Melody from Teenage Fairytale Dropouts is a mean girl in that she's constantly looking down on Fury for the latter being a fairy who still hasn't grown her wings yet.
Total Drama: From the first generation, Heather and Courtney. Heather is a classic queen bee whereas Courtney revealed herself to be a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing with her bossy and overly competitive personality as the series progressed. Both were the Alpha Bitch on their respective teams in the first two seasons with Heather serving as the show's main Alpha Bitch in Island and Courtney in Action. However, in World Tour, both girls clash for the position.
From the third generation, Amy and Sugar. Amy treats her twin sister Samey with absolutely no respect, and pretty much acts like a Jerkass towards her other teammates as well, particularly Jasmine. Sugar is a pageant brat who asserts herself as the dominant female, especially over Ella and Sky.
From the fourth generation, Julia. She starts as a fake Granola Girl social media influencer, but Beneath the Mask, she's as self-absorbed as one can get. MK eventually exposes Julia's real personality to the world, but Julia's popularity doesn't suffer for long— she gets thousands of new followers who enjoy her real personality, and she's relieved that she no longer has to act nice to be popular.
Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race:
Taylor treats her mom Kelly like shit, and she is often rude to the other contestants.
Josee is a rare adult version, given how she regularly bullies her partner Jacques and belittles other teams, primarily the Cadets and the Sisters.
Mandy from Totally Spies! is a textbook case of this trope. Extra points for being shallow. Her cousin Mindy is also shown to be this, but it takes five seasons for her to show up.
It's spin-off show The Amazing Spiez! also has this with Tami.
Coral from Trollz is the head cheerleader, perpetually stuck-up, and is mean to the BFFL. She gets a case of Break the Haughty when Simon temporarily takes over and makes her his servant, and when Amethyst helps her she thanks the cast before returning to her usual ways.
Winx Club
A girl from Bloom's old hometown named Mitzi definitely fit the bill, despite appearing only a few times. In the Halloween episode, she invited Bloom and her friends to a party—which turned out to be an elaborate scheme to humiliate the girls. She bought and rigged a house, made up an elaborate legend, hired actors to pose as party guests (complete with scripts), and set up elaborate special effects around the house, just to pull a prank on someone she had barely seen in two years, along with four girls she had never met. Mitzi gets a more prominent role in some episodes of the fourth season: she lays her eyes on Brandon and wants to take him from Stella. Later, the Wizards of the Black Circle temporarily turn her and two friends into evil fairies. After that, she's practically Put on a Bus. She appears again in Season 5, and whatever time she's not playing fangirl to the Trix involves her being a bitch to her little sister.
The Trix themselves qualify. They bully others in school and generally boss others around before getting expelled. After episode nine, they get much, much worse, what with the multiple attempted homicides, turning The Cutie into a pumpkin for ruining one of their plans, removing the heroine's powers in a needlessly sadistic way after threatening her parents and revealing her backstory, and attempting to take over the universe. They're like Regina George, only with magical powers.
Christie Wilson from The Weekenders. She's a snooty jerk.
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jaigny · 2 months
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Justin Dowling for @awkwardwhims 's Yearn For Fern
26 Years/He/Him/Allosexual
/Genius/Family Oriented/Generous/Hot-Headed/Adventurous/
Grew up as an only child with his single mother, Hallie.
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His occupation is just doing up his mother's farm since she is too frail to do it herself due to going through chemotherapy for Stage 2.
Never knew who his biological father.
Despite his endless duties on the Palamino Ranch he takes the time to do hobbies he enjoys such as playing the guitar, creating jewelry (especially in tones that reflect nature like his fave colours.) and horse riding along with the occasional book and chess match with his mum.
His Mum used to on the ranch, breed and race champion horses in her younger days and stopped due to having medical episodes and now loves to play the piano sometimes alone or along by Justin's guitar and gardening.
Justin also enjoys baking and cooking and likes to try new recipes.
Is hoping to find that special someone who will love him and be a complete addition to hopefully his family.
He does have a bit of a temper sometimes
Loves going on adventures around Chestnut ridge especially in Deadman's Cavens or horse trails and would love to explore more with his special sim.
Has a burn mark on his forearm from a vicious bushfire a delinquent sim started during Black Summer
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Selina Kyle as a parent
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Note: Is it weird? Maybe. Will I write it anyway? Absolutely. Listen, there are enough romantic and smutty headcannons about random characters we need more platonic headcannons as well. And before you ask, yes, this is absolutely my reaction to Wayne Family Adventures. Bless that comic.
Side note: I liked Hally Berry's Catwoman, sue me.
Just like Bruce, she's the type to just pick the random feral child from the street and be like, yes you're mine now. Alternatively, you're the one who picks her up from the street, feeds her, and...look you have a mom now.
I headcannon that Selina and her mum had been very close before she passed away. You don't escape it either. Watching cartoons, late-night visits to the grocery store for snacks, shopping sprees, chatting, and snuggling in bed.
Speaking of shopping that woman is a fashion diva and would never miss a chance to give you a makeover.
Ivy and Harley regularly hang out in your apartment. They're your crazy wine lesbian aunties. Despite Selina's protests, they call you Little Siren, as in a member of Gotham City Sirens.
Selina's a fun mom. She lets you do whatever you please and always is down for some fun. The downside of this is that at times you'll have to be the responsible one. Cooking, cleaning, and taking care of dozens of her cats falls to you more often than not.
She becomes less reckless and more hesitant to take more risque heists. Worries about your safety more than she worries about hers.
Actually doesn't want you to become her successor or become a thief in general. When you ask her why she simply tells you that the business of it isn't as cool and glamorous as it sometimes looks. Considering that you had to patch her up many times she climbed through the window you'll have to agree.
If you insist on following her on this path regardless, she's very protective of you and doesn't take any chances. Celebrate every single diamond necklace and ring you've taken.
She'll probably have a very independent parenting style, giving you a chance to make your own choices. She trusts you'll grow and learn your own way. However, if you mess up, she'll let you simmer in it for a while. Selina wants you to be able to think for yourself and form your own way in life.
She may have a problem if you're more needy and dependent and won't be direct about the things you feel and want.
Very open about sex and relationships and is willing to give you any advice you need. Although she may have extensive knowledge in the sex department, when it comes to relationships...well...
You're one of the few people who's allowed to see her at her lowest.
She cares for you more than she'd admit in front of any of her "colleagues".
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abookishdreamer · 5 months
Character Intro: Dysis (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Age- 13 (immortal)
Location- New Olympus, Olympius (The Royal Palace)
Personality- She's an adventurous young girl who finds the bright side in any situation, no matter how dire. She's also quite creative, finding a solution to any problem.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. Being the goddess of the sunset her other powers/abilities include limited photokinesis, limited umbrakinesis, & limited circadian manipulation.
Dysis is an unofficial junior member of The Horae. The other junior members are the identical twin daughters of Themis (Titaness of justice)- Eunomia (goddess of law & legislation) and Eirene (goddess of peace).
She lives with her mother Mesembria (Bria) (goddess of the afternoon) in their apartment in the royal palace on Mt. Olympus. Her bedroom has wide streakless windows, a fringe chandelier, hanging chair installations, and a "gallery" wall dedicated to her paintings. The color scheme is puce, red-orange, cerulean, magenta, & tangerine.
Dysis has an animal companion, a she-dragon named Vespara. The dragon is quite young and too small for her to ride, but she enjoys her company. The dragon has magenta and orange-gold scales with dark orange wings. Her horns haven't grown in yet. Dysis is looking forward to when Vespara is fully grown where she'll be able to ride her. In the meantime she's been teaching her a few aerial tricks! Dysis was pleasantly surprised when Vespara cooked her own meat by command.
She always sleeps with the windows open.
Other members of her immediate family includes her aunt Hesperis (goddess of the evening & sunset) and her cousins Halcyone (Hallie), Erytheis, & Hesperia (The Hesperides).
Dysis' favorite thing to eat for breakfast is a bowl of cinnamon oatmeal topped with chopped mango, coconut yogurt, and carmelized sugar. She also likes fried plantains with scrambled eggs along with her homemade jam filled dragonfruit muffins.
She quite enjoys living in the royal palace. Because of it's expansiveness & massiveness, it truly sometimes feels like her and her mom have their own place, away from everything. Dysis has come into contact with the royal family a handful of times- mainly Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning), Hera (goddess of women & marriage), Eileithyia (goddess of childbirth), and Hebe (goddess of youth). The general feeling in the palace has been awkward since the Queen & her youngest daughters moved out. On the days where the kids are at the palace, Dysis will sometimes babysit Hebe for the King if he's too busy. She once oversaw a sleepover Hebe had with a few friends- including Prophasis (goddess of excuses) where Zeus paid her 500 drachmas!
A go-to drink for her is piña colada juice. She also likes coconut water, pineapple juice, orange juice, iced tea, aloe vera juice, & her homemade "sunset" juice- made with cherries, peaches, watermelon, carrot juice, oranges, and apples. Her usuals from The Roasted Bean are a small caramel latte & a large fruit punch splash.
Sunglasses are her weakness when it comes to shopping!
Her favorite thing to get from The Bread Box is a ham & swiss sandwich added with extra pickles and honey mustard.
Dysis and her mom have a very close relationship. At times they're like best friends than the traditional mother-daughter. She appreciates the independence her mom instilled in her. A common bonding activity for them is watercolor painting. They've also taken a candle making class together!
There's this exquisite rose gold sun charm necklace that she always wears which was gifted to her by her mother.
Some of Dysis' favorite products include the tropics collection of Olmorfia nail polish (her fav color being "tan lines," a sandy taupe speckled shade), the Olmorfia Lust for Dusk palette, the La Petit Amour jelly gloss in the shade "Clementine Crush", the Glory's Crown banana butter shampoo & leave-in conditioner, and the Wanderlust parfum, which was created by Auxo (goddess of summer, vegetation, & plants). She keeps the perfume in the fridge to make the scent last longer.
She loves snacking on dried orange fruit chips!
Dysis is fond of her mom's good friends (the other members of The Horae), especially the gift giving during the holidays. She especially likes the papaya & coconut oil sea salt body scrub gifted to her at Christmas by Nymphe (goddess of self-care).
She's currently on break from school. Other godly kids in school include Pandia (goddess of the full moon); they're good friends, Epidotes (god of purity), Krysothemis, Pompe (goddess of rites), Telete (goddess of prayers), Calocagathia (Aggie) (goddess of nobility & goodness), Deucalion, Achelois (goddess of the moon & comfort), Philia (goddess of friendship), E.B, Thespios (god of acting), Thrasos (god of boldness, insolence, recklessness, & courage), and Anaideia (goddess of ruthlessness, shamelessness, & unforgiveness).
Dysis is a pretty good academic student, her favorite class being art. She couldn't help but feel uneasy when the Underworld Studies class was added onto her schedule. Dysis almost threw up on the day where the class was supposed to dissect a strix (an owl-like creature native to the Underworld). On the other hand, she does like her teacher Ms. Hollowgrave, a lampade.
Her all time favorite dessert are the piña colada cookies (with a coconut rum glaze) from Hollyhock's Bakery.
She has smoked pot a few times. It started after she shared a blunt with Anaideia and her friend Bellatrix in the girls' locker room during gym class.
Dysis loves listening to Summerstar, The Lucid Petals (the sister goddesses Chloris & Antheia), M9 (The Muses), Eurydice, and Apollo. She has listened to a couple of her cousins' songs (The Golden Dolls), wondering when they'll release more music.
Her favorite frozen treat is dragonfruit ice cream! She tops it with shaved coconut & pineapple syrup.
In the pantheon Dysis admires The Nesoi (esteemed island goddesses), Eos (Titaness of dawn), Iris (goddess of the rainbow), and Hemera (goddess of the day). It's said that Dysis' aunt will become her official mentor when the time comes. She thinks that it'll be a great opportunity to get to know Hesperis better.
Dysis has the BIGGEST crush on Astraeus (Titan god of dusk, stars, constellations, & astronomy).
The only gift on her current Christmas wishlist is the Diamond Ave. sunglasses shaped jeweled clutch!
In her free time Dysis enjoys watercolor painting, listening to music, doing lanyard, surfing, bike riding, hanging out with friends, shopping, reading, drawing, yoga, swimming, volleyball, baking, and cooking.
Her favorite meal is rasta pasta with grilled chicken.
"It's almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream."
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trivikoblog · 1 year
Luxury resorts in Chikmagalur
Chikmagalur, nestled amidst the lush green hills of Karnataka, is a popular destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers. To cater to the growing tourism, Chikmagalur has many options for luxury accommodation. There are a variety of options available ranging from luxury resorts in Chikmagalur, luxury homestays, and luxury hotels in Chikmagalur.
The luxury resorts in Chikmagalur offer a blend of comfort and luxury with world-class amenities and breathtaking views. The Serai Resort, spread over 70 acres of lush greenery, is the perfect place to unwind and relax. Java Rain Resorts, located amidst the hills, offers a perfect blend of nature and luxury with its private pool villas and exquisite dining options. Flameback Lodges situated on the banks of River Bhadra is a perfect getaway for nature lovers with its cozy cottages and activities like bird watching and fishing.
Luxury homestays in Chikmagalur offer a more personalized and homely experience. Halli Berri Homestay, located amidst the coffee plantations, is the perfect place to unwind and relax with its spacious rooms, private balconies, and home-cooked meals. The Hidden Valley is a luxury homestay located in the heart of the Western Ghats and offers a perfect blend of nature and luxury with its spacious rooms, private balconies, and activities like trekking and bird watching. Thippanahalli Homestay, a century-old homestay located amidst the lush greenery of Chikmagalur, offers a perfect blend of tradition and luxury with its spacious rooms, antique furniture, and home-cooked meals.
Luxury hotels in Chikmagalur offer a conventional stay with a perfect blend of comfort and luxury. Taj Gateway Hotel, located in the heart of Chikmagalur, offers world-class amenities and services. The Gateway Hotel KM Road, located on the outskirts of Chikmagalur, offers stunning views of the hills with its spacious rooms, pool, and exquisite dining options.
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minnimari · 4 years
Enderal Character Ask – Fill it out yourself or reblog as is to use as an ask meme. Have fun! <3 So i start to work, but only in short answers :D ————————————— 1. The basics – name, age, etc… Her name is Mya Megles, 28 years young, female and quite normal.
2. Describe their appearance. I would say her hair is dark brown with little bit red. The red you can see in the sun.
3. How do they like to dress? She likes to wear trousers best and a linen shirt. Leather shoes not more. Yaaa.. its not special, but the most comfortable without armor. And dressesonly for nice occasions.
4. Do they have any markings (scars, tattoos, birthmarks)? Hehe.. a heroic scar on the face from a fight with a domestic cat ;D Big scar on the hip and a few small strokes through the birth of son.
5. What are they like? Describe their personality (use whatever tools you like- MBTI, D&D alignment, astrological signs, Hogwarts house, words/phrases): Ouw yes this ancient civilication. They call them starlings, i thing. So the stars are really beautiful, and plants, right. Astrology, Symbols and all this magic things.
6. How would they describe themselves? Mya is a little bit shy, but a happy person. She loves beautiful things such as sunsets, candles and flowery meadows. Just an almost typical woman. As far as trust in others is conserned, she is rather careful, because shes been hurt badly in the past.
7. Education level? On a scale from 1 to 10 she is a 7/8. Mya is a "Bookworm" and reads everything she can get her hands on.
8. What are they proud of in themselves? What are they embarrassed about? Proud? Rather happy to finally be able to decide for yourself about your own life. And possibly ashamed of being laughed at because of their height. Not to be taken seriously. As they are now by most in the Sun Temple ;D
9. Do they know any languages other than Inal? Only Inâl and native language.
10. What, if any, aspects of their mother’s culture influenced them growing up? Mother always sang songs about the old gods, no matter at what time. It always cheered her up. Mya´s forgotten many things in recent events :(
11. Name a song (or a few) that remind you of them. Almost all songs remind me of previous life with my family.
12. Speaking of songs, can they sing? What is their voice like? How about instruments? Mya can sing, but she doesn´t like singing in front of people. She´s got a deep voice for a woman. Hm.. She doesn´t know much about music, and she doesn´t play any instruments.
13. What was their life like before coming to Enderal? Before we noticed the real war, it was a nice quit life with son Kaleb and partner. Since he disappeared and mother died of a serious illnes and old age. She was lonely with son for short time until she met Sirius.
14. How did they decide to leave Nehrim? When Sirius opened Myas eyes to begin a new life. Kaleb (4) was too young to make this journey. With a heavy heart she placed him in a kind of monastery. The abbot knew her and her mother from befor. Now she doesn´t even know if Kaleb is still alive. Not a day goes by without thinking of him. The plan to go to another country came from Sirius. Different perspectives, different opportunities. He never told her how old he was. She suspected he was younger than she was. He had a lot of plans for the new life.
15. Describe their relationship with Sirius. Sirius will always remain Mya´s best friend, or like a brother. He was the only one she could trust after the thing with Kalebs father. Mother said she couldn´t sit in the house forever, she´s still young. So she made contacts with the outside world. They understood each other from the beginning.
16. Who do they blame for what happened to their family? Hmm... fate? The Nehrimese? Why must we always look for fault in others? Perhaps there were reasons for what happened.
17. Apart from stowing away, have they ever broken the law? On the run, Sirius and Mya stole to keep from starving. They couldn´t take much food with them on their journey.
18. How honest are they? Under what circumstances would they lie? She would only lie if the lives of the innocent were at stake. Better to be honest and hurt, than to be dishonest and have a bad conscience.
19. Worst memory(s)? Best memory(s)? Worst: mother on her deathbed with that whitegrey face. When she brought Kaleb to the monastery. Best: Mother always cooked and sang, and everyone laughed. Even Sirus was there. The birth of Kaleb. 20. Fight, or flight? Fight!
21. Describe their combat style. In short words: defensive and with full energy!
22. Have they ever killed before? What is their reaction to combat? She killed, yes. The blood is shocking at first. But it was easier to get through, when you were distracted.
23. How do they react to having magical abilities? Do they use them? Mya uses Restoration- spells after combat. Thats all she can take. She can´t handle potions. Fear of arcanistfever is very real. 24. What do they think of Enderal? Enderal is a beautiful country. Big Forests, great coastlines... The people are a little too much led by their trails. A little limited in their ability to think ahead. :D If she wanted to live in a place like this, it would be the Sunshine coast.
25. Did they do the Biggest Egg Hunt Ever quest? Of course! She got all the eggs Kurmai wanted.
26. How do they feel about joining the Order? What do they think of Arantheal? About the joining the Order, uh... it all happened very quickly. There was no time for Mya to get at least a little bit of information about it. She could have simply accepted smaller tasks, like Jespar. The life of a mercenary. A beautiful title. Myas opinion about Arantheal is very divided: He´s a nice guy, could be Myas grandfather. Strange was only that he put so much responsibility and trust in her. Apart from that she is a foreigner and has no idea. But she soon realized that he was selfish.. The opinions of his advisors were not important to him at all.
27. What is their opinion of the gods (or lack thereof)? The people of Enderal would be better off without the gods. They´d just ahve to learn to turn their own heads. That´s what it´s for. Each man should choose his own path, decide which vocation is best. A mayor or king would be quite sufficent for rules.
28. Wine, or pipe? Both! More wine, less pipe. Mya´s only weakness.
29. Do they spare or arrest Hallys, the farmer-turned-bandit in the quest, Deus Ex Machina? Why? Arrest him! He puts his own life before that of 100 poor people. The family should go to the food bank itself. If they´re not too proud.
30. What are their feelings and opinions about the Undercity? Mya´s disappointed about the undercity. The roads are destroyed. The "houses" aren´t even made of stone. It stinks everywhere. In the uppercity not a word is spoken about it. This is no life for a human being. If Mya could, and had the means, she would change so much. Not to see herself in a better light, but to prevent suffering. At least for the children or the sick.
31. How do they react to the beggars of Ark? When Mya sees a beggar, she supports him/her. Either with food or coins.
32. Where and how do they spend their time when in Ark? She´s home a lot. Sometimes in the dancing nomad with Jespar, when he has time. When Mya needs her rest, she also goes to Undercity in the Tavern.
33. What would they do with three wishes? Good Question. She would save them for important moments.
34. How do they feel about death? Do they fear it? Fear death? No, he´ll come one day anyway. Or if you´re not careful.
35. What (else) do they fear? Mya´s afraid of spiders. Big, hairy spiders... Fear of heights.
36. Do they have any secrets? Secrets, yes... Everyone has their secrets... :P
37. How is their behavior around people they like? People they dislike? If one of her loved ones needs help, she is there. But when she really likes someone, she shows it with little gestures and specific word. If she does not like someone at all, she tries to avoid them as much as possible. For example Natara.
38. What is their relationship with the companions? Who, if anyone, did your prophet romance? It´s difficult. Mya was initially very fascinated by Jespar. He is a good friend. Both have the same view of freedom and relationships. It is always an adventure to travel with him. He always has something to say. But Mya is not sure if she wants to start a romance with him.   As for Calia, besides Arantheal, she was the only person of the holy order who talked to her normally. She´s like a sister. Unfortunately, she is too devoted to her sacred duties. So spending time with her is very difficult. In herself a beautiful woman and very trustworthy, but not suitable for a romance. Now Esme: She doesn´t really know anything about Esme. She is a nice girl yes, but she is too attached to her partner. Esme and Mya finished a mission together, but when they finally met at the Tower, there was not much to talk about. The ways parted. Let us come to Tharael.. If Mya had never entered the arena, she never would have met him. In short words: He´s an asshole, but one with good intentions. Mya always wonderes if he had ever seen the uppercity. In all his conversations, everything he said referred to the Undercity, the father and the bad sides of the people. He definitely needs to relax. ;) Finally Dijam. A very strong personality, very dominant. The meeting with her were pleasant. But Mya can´t imagine spending a few days with her. Dijam is always convinced of her opinion, so Mya would never dare to speak her own mind. It would definitely lead to a fight. Currently, there is no Romance with Mya.
39. Was there any non-companion character that they were close to? That they particularly disliked? + Konstantin was an old unfriendly guy, but still quite cool. If Mya was interested in magic, he could be her mentor. She´s still wondering, was he like that in Nehrim? -Natara didn´t even knoe Mya and thougt she was going to be judged. Does she really think that Mya chose this path?
40. How do they feel about myrads? They are respectful animals. Loveable if domesticated, as the keeper said. Mya prefers the horse because of her fear of heights.
41. What dreams or ambitions did they have before coming to Enderal? What about afterwards? She never had big dreams. Just a simple life with her son.  Now her only dream is not to be alone and see Kaleb again. Maybe there are bigger dreams and Mya just doesn´t know it yet.
42. Do they like cities? Or do they prefer the country? Is there a region of Enderal that they like or dislike more than the others? It´s too loud in the city. Life in the country is much more relaxed. The suncoast was impressive from the beginning...
43. What do they do to lower their considerable stress? When Mya comes home after a mission, cooking something or meditating by the fireplace.
44. Describe their perfect day off. There are so many things you can do. Like take a bath in a water hole. Or lying on a flower meadow by the lake with a good book.
45. List three of their favorite things. Three things they hate? Her favourite things are her books. She likes listening to other people´s stories. Wine!.. hehe What she does not like are loud noises, ignorance and bad food :D
46. What’s in their pockets? Oh it varies from trip to trip. Myas diary is always with her. A few coins. Food. Everything you find interesting on a mission.
47. Pets? Mounts? Treasured possessions? A cat that always hides in the house. Then there is Hurricane the horse. Myas prized possessions are her books. Nothing about material things is more important to her.
48. How are their cooking skills? For regular food, Mya cooks very well. She learned that from her mother. She likes to bake things.
49. Do you consider any particular quest or side quest to be definitive for your prophet? Which one(s) and why? Every secondary task that involves making decisions is difficult for her.
50. How forgiving are they? For example, if they were yelled at in a brothel after searching high and low for this little sh*t, how would they react? Hm. It depends on what situation Mya´s in. If she sees a boy steal an apple, it´s her. But if she sees someone taking money from the poor. Then Mya´s not forgiven. (Hallys)
51. What do they think of the Veiled Woman? The first time, Mya thought she was in another dream. Whether she´s s ghost or a god, it doesn´t matter. When the veiled woman really plays a major role in this matter, why can´t she help? It will always be a mystery. She has no opinion for her. She doesn´t show herself enough.
52. If they had been a victim of one of the black stones, how would it have affected them? What would they have used its power to accomplish? Similar to little Rhyneus, she would have created a world as it was before. When everyone was alive and with her. Sirius, Mother, Kaleb,... In the end she would go crazy, because it´s all up to her wishes.
53. What was their reaction to the Black Guardian’s revelations? Do they accept or reject his offer? Even though it all sounds very lgical what the black guard says, she refused. The reason is: If he really comes out of that device/Goliath( How ever;)), the whole thing would start all over again. He would be a "god", yes. People would be subservient. And as it was depicted in the Star City, it would all happen again. Over and over.
54. How does their story end? With Mya, the story will never end. All solutions have good and bad sides. If she doesn´t start the purification and the construction of the beacon, everything is fine. All her loved ones stay alive.
55. Do they change over the course of the story? In what ways? No.
56. Anything else you’d like to share about them? At this moment, not no.
I am not a big writer but... enjoy it, please :D Big Thanks for @enderalappreciationblog
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ofswannsx · 4 years
what if for the ship meme,,,, u did all of them for casllie 👀👀👀 or dealer's choice if u don't wanna do them all askjfak
you know I have to do ALL of them because Caspian wants me to let everyone know how much he loves Hallie. nasty. anyway, read more bc this shit long lmfao !!
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1) did your muse fall in love with mine quickly, or was it a long process?
bro when i tell you caspian fell hard for hallie i mean he fell HARD. like the first time he met them he was head over heels. he just KNEW that he was going to fall for them. he tried to deny it and stop it he really did but we all know how that turned out.
2) have they ever asked my muse to dance? do they even dance with my muse at all?
yes in the kitchen playing sunflower vol. 6. if it’s in front of people they act like goofs turning fast songs then towards the end they go for one slow dance and be that mushy couple on the dance floor
3) are they the type to steal food from my muse’s plate?
yes and he’s earned a stab with a fork for it
4) does your muse ever cook for mine? if so, is it good – or does it suck ass?
yes all the time. he better good at cooking fran & Elizabeth didn’t spend time with him cooking for him not to be good at it smh
5) what’s something they do when my muse is down?
he takes her to the beach. he’d make a nice picnic for hallie and just sit by the shore until the stars came out and di whatever he could to make them smile. whether that’s telling dumb jokes or go exploring
6) what’s a topic they’re scared of talking about with my muse?
i think for the longest time Will was a topic that caspian didn’t like to talk about with hallie because it was just so heavy and he didn’t know how to process it. there was underlying guilt he felt with it because he had his dad. yeah will was still a father figure to him but he’s biologically lightning’s and by that extent he also had fran and his sisters were without a dad for years.  Athena didn’t even know her dad so the fact he had so much compared to his sisters he never wanted to talk about the unknown that came with Will’s return and the fact he was the key to Will returning also makes him guilty. Marriage also is something that’s scary. They’ve probably danced around the topic of it but seeing as though his own parents are divorced (he doesn’t blame them by any means and knew that they were meant for other people later on in life) and seeing what his mom went through it scares him. He knows he wants to be with Hallie forever though he just hopes their forever doesn’t get interrupted. 
7) are they the type who’s affectionate? if so - how do they show their affection? if not, is there a reason they’re not affectionate?
yes caspian is very affectionate. he shows affections through hallie’s love language. he’s also big on hugs. if he’s not hugging hallie from behind while standing/talking to someone something is wrong. they ARE that couple to make out a lot pour one out to their siblings who witness this foolery
8) are they the type to go on dates? if so, to where?
def a more laid back type. ‘dates’ are more at home unless it’s like a BIG special moment like their anniversaiy which caspian has to think hard about when is since he didn’t know they were dating for a while because he’s a himbo
9) would they stay in bed with mine all day? if so, doing what?
yes. cuddling, talking about their future together, planning new adventures, watching movies, roasting each other and sleeping
10) what’s a typical night between our muses look like?
they make dinner together and make a mess while they’re at it. maybe caspian put flour on hallie’s nose and they retaliate with a whole egg on his head. during dinner, they talk about how their day went and just take time to catch up and really just focus on one another. they def watch some mindless tv for a while before going to bed. in between expect a lot of headassary like arm punches, affectionate name-calling and sometimes some light-hearted pranks depending on the day and mood.
11) do they read together? if so, what?
yes !!! whatever book hallie is reading at that time. Caspian likes to put a comic book into their rotation from time to time
12) who washes the other’s hair in the shower?
they take turns. caspian does have to bend down, like REALLY bend down, to let hallie wash his hair but he’ll strain his back for them any day. he complains about soap in his eye the entire time tho
13) who is the driver? or do they switch places? or do none of them drive?
hallie is the driver. caspian literally crashed a ship on his dad’s yard. do u all really trust him to drive ???
14) who likes to smack who’s ass for no reason other than laughs? or are they both well-behaved?
caspian was raised by a southern gentleman to be a southern gentleman pirate that being said THEY SMACK EACH OTHER’S ASSES. hallie more so bc they’ve probably like throw caspian over their shoulder a few times for doing. so he doesn’t give surprise ass taps anymore 
15) do they like movies? if so what movies would they watch with mine?
yes he loves movies. honestly, they watch a lot of action/sci-fi movies or whatever movies hallie likes caspian will watch. he also asks at least once a week they watch the classic will ferral movie Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby that raised him
16) do they communicate their problems or are they the type to hold everything in until someone becomes upset?
they’re very good with communication when it comes to things that aren’t too soul-crushing. there’s a lot of trust and mutual respect between them. i think what helps is not only are they partners but best friends and if something bothers them they’re going to be upfront about it and work it out. they do bicker like an old married couple tho i will admit if they have an ‘argument’ it’s probably bc caspian did something dumb like leave the freeze open and let all their ice cream melt
17) do you see them as the marrying type?
lmfaoooooooooooo yes. ya’ll see whom he was raised by. yes, he’s the marriage type. 
18) if they had kids, who would be the fun parent?
IF THEY DO WE LITERALLY PLANNED KIDS ALREADY, anyway it’s caspian. literally, he’s so goofy and a push over he is for sure good cop in the good cop/bad cop scenrio. he’d be like ‘oh come on, babe, we were wielding dangerous weapons when we were their age it’s fine!!!’
19) do they get along with my muse’s parents?
he’s terrified of them. he’s terrfieid of all the santuccis (and by an extent kathleen and Penelope). he respects them and gets along with them. he tries not to say some head ass shit. 
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halliesweets · 2 years
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full name   giulia beneventi  hallie sweet ( stage name ) birth date   8 june 1989 ( verse dependent ) current age   33 years old ( verse dependent )  astrological   solar gemini, lunar leo, aries rising gender   cis female hometown   venice, italy current residence   venice, italy occupation   club dancer  bounty hunter education   bachelor’s degree in renaissance studies languages   italian, english, latin
height   5 feet 4 inches tall weight   undisclosed hair color   blonde, dyed from natural brunette eye color   hazel build   slight, flexible piercings   ear lobes tattoos   the rialto bridge on her upper right thigh, a sun on her inner left wrist, and a star on her inner right wrist notable features   small faded scar on her chin from a childhood injury, somewhat eye catching sense of style ( or “style” depending on your opinion ) faceclaim   bria.nne ho.wey  /  alt faces to be announced
traits   passionate, patient and steady in high stress situations, outgoing, confident, proud, stubborn, protective, independent, and open minded diagnoses   post traumatic stress disorder ( being managed ) vices   alcohol consumption, mari.juana consumption, and the occasional use of other pyschoactive substances; none are excessive or habitual phobias   sedation, needles likes   wine, music, dance, summer, the venetian canals, chicken parmigiana, history, cooking, taking care of plants, thrift shopping dislikes   theft of cultural artifacts, willful ignorance, her mother, being talked over, the sight of red liquid on pavement, thoughtlessness 
father   teodoro beneventi mother   julia beneventi, née bishop siblings   ceri beneventi ( sister, younger by 7 years ) current situation   hallie is a former club dancer currently working to undermine the illicit antiquities trade biography   placed under the cut below. content warning for the murder of a parent, and a mention of verbal / emotional abuse by another.  
the eldest daughter of archaeologist teodoro beneventi and retired ballerina julia beneventi, guilia was enrolled in a dance studio practically as soon as she was old enough to totter around on her toes. she had a very close relationship with her father but he was murdered when she was eleven. giulia and ceri were left to the sole care of their mother, who had always been somewhat harsh; she became more so towards them, though giulia stepped up and took the brunt of the lashing words for her sister. as soon as she was 18, giulia was kicked out of the house, though she was frequently there anyways to look after ceri. she decided to put herself through college, pursuing a renaissance studies degree to honor an interest she shared with her father; she earned a living dancing in underground clubs, where she picked up a “retro chic” fashion style and the stage name hallie sweet, which she began going by permanently. she graduated but chose to keep dancing. she truly enjoyed the corner of the community she’d found, and she made enough to set a chunk aside for ceri when she turned 18. only two years ago, hallie was walking in a fashion show for a stylist friend who was down a model when her life collided with a treasure hunter called santiago fuentes and a black market antiquities dealer called william berger. santiago’s attempt at intercepting william at this particular show wound up with hallie being taken hostage, and santiago’s successful rescue of her ended in william escaping. however, due to the revelation that william berger was the man that murdered her father at a dig site, hallie became far more involved in the situation than she would ever have expected. in the end, william berger was put behind bars, santiago moved on to the next adventure, and hallie was left with a burning desire to continue pulling at that thread until it unraveled even the tiniest portion of the tapestry. maybe it’s a personal vendetta, a way to honor her father’s memory; maybe it’s her finally chasing after something that she wants to do for no reason other than she wants to do it. no matter what, she always makes time for ceri - she’ll call her from halfway around the world, she makes every opening night show - she loves her sister more than anything. 
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clairelutra · 1 year
meal prep, the "i can stand upright for about an hour, and then i'll sit down and won't get up again" edition
so!! i've needed quick meals for basically ever, and it was high time i sis meal prep again, but i'm crazy drained and can't manage a whole lot. so!! i thought i'd write up what i'm doing for this meal prep in case it helps anyone else. everything is packed in 16oz deli containers i got for like $7 at the restaurant supply store
strawberry trifle: -strawberries cut into bite size chunks, coated in a few tablespoons of sugar and left to sit for a few hours -vanilla pudding mixed from a packet -pound cake, sliced and stuffed on top of the strawberries
keep in fridge until ready to eat. invert into a bowl if you feel fancy, idk. you could probably keep whipped cream or something on hand to top it and make it extra great but i was too lazy for that.
sweet potatoes and ham: -diced ham from one of those pre-cooked dinner hams you get at the supermarket near the sliced meats -cooked sweet potatoes from a microwave steamer bag (idk how many stores offer this but the internet has instructions for cooking sweet potatoes in the microwave and presumably those could be substituted for the steamer bag) sliced in half + a pat of butter and spoon of brown sugar on top
after it's packed, it's pretty easy to just. dump it all in a bowl, heat it up for a couple of minutes, then consume.
ham and stuffing: -thick slices of a dinner ham (could also be rotisserie chicken or turkey or whatever) -thanksgiving stuffing from a box -canned cranberry sauce
make sure the cranberry sauce is at the bottom; it'll soak up into everything it's touching, and moreso if it's got gravity helping it, so how Joined you want your cranberry sauce and stuffing is up to you. dump in bowl, heat, and enjoy.
so that's what i'm eating for the next few days, after getting sick to death of corn dogs, shared in hopes that it is useful inspiration to some poor soul out there in need of packed meals.
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questfriendspodcast · 6 years
What is the players and the characters ideal date?
For Elee: 
Wandering around somewhere naturey, preferably slightly dangerous but not too much, then food. She sucks at cooking, so if the date can cook that is a huge bonus. The ideal date also probably includes getting laid.
For Emily: 
Wandering around somewhere naturey in cool weather, but preferably not dangerous at all, then food. I have a huge sweet tooth, so dessert is also ideally involved. I am always thrilled to go to the arboretum, butterfly house, or conservatory near where I live.
You know that scene in The Little Mermaid where Ariel goes on a carriage ride with Eric to explore the city and she is super excited about literally everything? Basically that (as long as MISHA knows that they are things that their date enjoys as well). For the evening, if MISHA liked their date a lot and they knew what a date actually was, they would love to show them something that they enjoy watching at night. Such as the moon. Or the nuptial flight of queen ants.
For Ari: 
Anything that involves walking around doing something fun while talking. So hiking, going to a museum, going to an amusement park, stuff like that. Something that is not just sitting in front of one another talking (or at least not during the whole date). 
For Xoc: 
Xoc’s perfect date involves seeing something new and exciting, something unknowable and inspiring. Of course it should also be something his date is excited about as well. Basically it’s just a magic show.
For Tom: 
Some kind of adventure or discovery. Like geocaching or finding some out-of-the-way spot.
For Hopper:
Hop really likes to listen to people talk about what they like, so if his date had some sort of a favorite location (like a favorite museum or coffee shop or park), he would want to go there. But if he was forced to choose, he’d probably just want to go for a walk or a picnic. (Note: He would not bring calzunes to a picnic. They are not a date food.)
For Hallie: 
It’s 8 o’clock on a Saturday night. The band is getting ready to play. I sip a classy cocktail as you walk into the bar dressed to the nines in a slick ‘40s outfit. You are right on time because you didn’t crash your plane into the Atlantic Ocean. You are also Steve Rogers. The night is ours. 
For Kyle: 
Cuddling on the couch with Emily while she screams in fear at my reckless playing of Breath of the Wild. So our typical Saturday night, really. (But in all earnestness, if I can cook for a date I’m pretty happy.)
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brattbeatweekly · 6 years
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BrattBeat Weekly 
May 9, 2018
The BrattBeat Calendar is bursting! The month of May is always so busy and this year is no exception!  Take a look at the featured events below for an overview of all the great activities going on in our area this week.  There are special events for mom too!   For a more complete listing visit our calendar page.  Have a great weekend! 
NEYT presents: James and the Giant Peach, JR
Fri May 4th 7:00pm - Sun 13th 3:30pm
JAMES & THE GIANT PEACH JR. Directed by Katrina Spenceman With Danielle Sessler and Hallie Flower Based on one of Roald Dahl’s most poignantly quirky stories, Roald Dahl’s "James and the Giant Peach, ...
New England Youth Theatre, 100 Flat St, Brattleboro, VT 05301, USA
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The Glass Menagerie
Fri May 4th 7:30pm - Sat 12th 9:30pm
Shoot the Moon launches into a madcap production of Tennessee Williams' ageless masterpiece THE GLASS MENAGERIE. Williams' autobiographical drama propelled him into the public eye and established him ...
Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery, 139 Main St #407, Brattleboro, VT 05301, USA
Legacy Putney: Indigenous Voices
Wed May 9th 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Legacy Putney: Indigenous Voices of the Land with traditional food prepared by The Grammar School N∞tauau Kaukontuoh “she hears the crow”, a woman of the Eastern Woodlands. She lives her life in the t...
Next Stage Arts Project
We Love You, Mom!
Fri May 11th 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Bring Mom to the Brattleboro Food Co-op on Friday, May 11, any time between 12-6pm, for gifts, coupons, samples, and more. Enter to win prizes, and the first fifty moms receive a free carnation! Free ...
Brattleboro Food Co-Op, 2 Main St, Brattleboro, VT 05301, USA
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Artist talk with Nora Breen
Fri May 11th 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Nora Breen- a NYC multidisciplinary artist, will be installing her giant pinwheel in Railroad Square in downtown Keene NH on May 12th, 2018 for one year! Machina Arts helped to guide and support Nora ...
The Hive: Co-working Space
The Great New England Bundt Cake Competition
Fri May 11th 11:59pm - 12:00am
Strolling of the Heifers’ 2018 Culinary Centerpiece: Bundt Cakes! Our annual culinary competition for 2018 aims to find the tastiest and best-looking Bundt Cake in New England! It’s time for amateur a...
Strolling of the Heifers
“Spring into Health” 5K Run
Sat May 12th 8:30am - 10:30pm
Our 9th Annual Spring Into Health 5K will be held on Mother’s Day Weekend, as always. This popular annual event, sponsored by People’s United Bank, draws over a hundred participants each year. While p...
Townshend Common, Townshend, VT
Mother's Day Specials in Turners Falls
Sat May 12th 8:00am - 7:00pm
Turners Falls + Mom Specials and offers this Mother's Day, May 12-13! Saturday, May 12 Alice in Wonderland Card-Making Party Carnegie Public Library, Turners Falls, 10:30am Don’t be late...for a very ...
Turners Falls RiverCulture
Pinwheel Sculpture Ribbon Cutting
Sat May 12th 10:00am - 11:00am
Nora Breen- a NYC multidisciplinary artist, will be installing her giant pinwheel in Railroad Square in downtown Keene NH on May 12th, 2018 for one year! Machina Arts helped to guide and support Nora ...
Railroad Square, Keene, NH
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Girls on the Run VT 5K
Sat May 12th 10:00am - 12:00pm
Southern VT 5k Celebration MAY 12, 2018 8:30 am – CELEBRATION BEGINS 10:00 am – 5K START TIME BRATTLEBORO UNION HIGH SCHOOL, BRATTLEBORO REGISTRATION (community runners): We invite family, community m...
131 Fairground Rd, Brattleboro, VT, 05301, United States
We're Muslim Don't Panic: Amirah Sackett Performance
Sat May 12th 2:00pm - 3:30pm
The hip-hop group “We’re Muslim, Don’t Panic“ was conceived of by dancer Amirah Sackett in 2011, a moment Sackett referred to as “a really tumultuous time in history as far as Islam is concerned.”Dete...
Sobo Studio
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Artist Opening: Bruce Campbell, Thinking the Cosmos
Sat May 12th 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Mitchell • Giddings Fine Arts is pleased to feature sculptor Bruce Campbell’s “Thinking the Cosmos: Kinetic Sculpture” from May 12 - June 24. An opening reception will take place Saturday, May 12 from...
185 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT, 05301, United States
Mother's Day Brunch at Orchard Hill
Sun May 13th 9:00am - 1:00pm
Orchard Hill Farm & Breadworks cordially invite you to our annual Mother's Day Brunch, a fine foods feast featuring ingredients from neighboring farms. This is our seventh annual celebration to honor ...
Orchard Hill Breadworks, 121 Old Settlers Rd, Alstead, NH
Mother's Day Brunch
Sun May 13th 11:00am - 2:00pm
Celebrate mom with Mother's Day Brunch at Windham Hill Inn. Farm to table cuisine, beautiful views and the sounds of Spring await. We'll be serving between 11am to 2pm. View Our Menu - bit.ly/WindhamH...
Windham Hill Inn, 311 Lawrence Dr, West Townshend, VT 05359, USA
Mother's Day Gardening Party
Sun May 13th 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Make a homemade bouquet of fresh flowers, decorate a pot, and plant seeds that you can watch grow at home. It's the perfect Mother's Day celebration for the entire family! $4 members | $10 non-members...
Retreat Farm, 45 Farmhouse Square, Brattleboro, VT 05301, USA
Mother's Day Dinner
Sun May 13th 4:00pm - 8:00pm
Honoring the generations of Mothers' that have taught me to appreciate and cook great food. Reservations suggested: 802-254-6245, www.bluemoosebistro.com www.facebook.com/events/2017426081840042/
Blue Moose Italian Bistro, 39 Main St, Brattleboro, VT 05301, USA
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Warrior Yoga Girls at BODHIFIT
Mon May 14th 3:30pm - 6:30pm
Warrior Yoga Girls 💗 Starts Monday May 14: 4 Week Spring Session after school 3:30-4:45 PM ( Mondays) through June 4. w/ Kristin. for more info check out our workshop page on www.bodhifit.net www.fac...
Poetry Workshop for Young Poets
Mon May 14th 4:30pm - 7:30pm
5-week poetry workshop series for young poets (ages 12+). Led by Ruth Antoinette Rodriguez Mondays 5/14- 6/11 plus an additional reading date TBD. 4:30-7:30 at Antidote Books in Putney. In this worksh...
Antidote Books, 120 Main St, Putney, VT 05346, USA
Reserve Now!
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Community Lantern-Making Workshop: 1
Tue May 15th 6:30pm - 8:00pm
The first of three lantern making workshops with Gowri Savoor. Gowri is founder of A River of Light, an organization committed to bringing art to the community through participatory art events, parade...
Broad Brook Community Center 3940 Guilford Center Road, Guilford, VT
Reserve Now!
Theatre Adventure's "Questery"
NEYT’s Theatre Adventure presents "Questery", an original play. 
10:30am - 12:30pm
WED 16 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM (Sensory-Friendly) 
THU 17 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM 
FRI 18 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM 
West Village Meeting House, 29 South St, Brattleboro, VT 05301, USA
Upcoming Events
Here are a couple events happening later in the month.
Camp for a Common Cause 2018
Fri May 18th 4:00pm - Sat 19th 10:00am
CAMP FOR A COMMON CAUSE TO BENEFIT GROUNDWORKS COLLABORATIVE MAY 18, 2018 ON THE BRATTLEBORO COMMON Join us on Friday, May 18th for an overnight campout on the Brattleboro Common – raising awareness a...
The Common, Park Pl, Brattleboro, VT 05301, USA
Vermont Crafts Council Open Studio
Sat May 26th - Sun 27th
During the Vermont Crafts Council Open Studio weekend, stop by Vermont Mosaics for a tour of our studios featuring handmade mosaic art made with hand-cut stained glass and ceramic tiles. We use old je...
Vermont Mosaics, 82 Country Dr, Guilford, VT 05301, USA
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jenniferfaye34 · 5 years
#Giveaway ~ Sword of Soter by Ralene Burke... #books #fantasy #Christian #readers
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Grand Finale for
Sword of Soter
By Ralene Burke
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch - Author Interview
For those new to the series, what should they know? Yes, the series is written from a Christian worldview. In fact, the trilogy was inspired by the premise question, “What if the Armor of God were real?” But, no, I did not endeavor to preach or convert or anything like that in the story. It is just a fun epic fantasy adventure!
Life is What It's Called - Excerpt
Karina thrust the sword toward Tristan’s gut, but he sidestepped her advance. She stumbled forward a couple of steps, then growled, spun around, and lunged again. “No.” Tristan batted her blade away with his and swatted her behind. “You’re too impatient. You have to wait for the right opening.” Karina sucked in a breath. The more she trained with Tristan, the more she wanted to take the dull blade in her hand and run him through. Releasing a long breath, she squared her shoulders, turned around slowly, and smiled as sweetly as she could manage. “I am sorry. I have no idea what has come over me.”
JeanBookNerd - Guest Post
A SWORD OF SOTER CHATTERER PANEL — RALENE BURKE Interviewer: Welcome one and all to the Sword of Soter panel. We have got the noble questers for the sacred armor with us today: Karina, Queen of Aletheia and Prophetess of the Creator; Tristan, Prince of Tzedek; Rashka, Guardian of Shadowed Wood; and Sam, Knight of Aletheia. Sam (growls): I am not a knight. Karina: Of course, you are! You have shown more courage and strength of character in the last weeks than most of the knights of Aletheia have shown in lifetimes. It’s an honor that would have been bestowed upon you more officially if we’d been in Aletheia. Sam: Thank you, Your Highness.
Candrel's Crafts, Cooks, and Characters - Interview
4.) What drives you as a writer? I am an encourager and a “fix-it” type person. As a writer, I seek to combine both of those traits in a way that can inspire and encourage readers. That can be pretty difficult in fiction, but I don’t mind the challenge. I live for the days when I hear from a reader and they say that my stories helped them in some way.
Remembrancy - Excerpt
Tristan stared off in the direction of the sound. “That definitely lends to the mystery of what lupens are doing this far south." Another howl echoed through the chasm and across the plains. Karina took a step toward Tristan. An answering bay came from the east, from the distant woods. More than one? Her heartbeat skittered. A chorus of howls brought frightened whinnies from the horses. Dom stomped his feet. “We need to go, Prophetess.
Wishful Endings - Guest Post
Top 10 Things to Bring on a Quest We’re going on a trip…a journey…a QUEST. First, we have to pack. Now, this ain’t a trip to the Bahamas—we can’t bring 3 suitcases on a plane to unload onto a cart and then into a car. If we’re lucky, we’ll have a horse to strap a couple extra small bags to. . .
Hallie Reads - Review
"I enjoyed getting to know Karina and the characters that surround her on her quest, as well as the challenges they face and overcome. An uplifting spiritual thread, too, can be found throughout the two stories. All in all, these books left me ready for the next one."
Christy's Cozy Corners - Excerpt
“And what has you two stooping to eat humans again?” The woman paused before the two ogres and raised her head to meet their glares with one of her own. Bogey jerked his thumb in the other ogre’s direction. “Madge’s stomach.” “What have I told you two about engaging with innocent folk?” The mysterious woman crossed her arms. From here, Sam could tell her eyes were a beautiful emerald green, the same color as her dress. No wonder she hid so well on her approach. Whoever she was, at least she seemed to be on his side. Or at least on the side of not letting the ogres eat him.
Faithfully Bookish - Interview
What did you learn or discover about yourself (or your characters) while writing Sword of Soter? R: Well, I discovered I could write 10k words in a single day on multiple Saturdays. Ha! Life was kind of hectic, and I kept having to catch up on my word count goals. On a more serious note, writing Rashka’s story in this book, helped me work through some of my own issues of “trying to do it all on my own.”
Reading Is My SuperPower - Review
"Armor of Aletheia and Sword of Soter present an action-filled allegory of faith set against the backdrop of good vs. evil . . . the author has clearly drawn some intricate world-building and left some intriguing possibilities for the third and final book in the trilogy. A great choice for young adults, to entertain as well as strengthen their faith."
Paulette's Papers - Excerpt
She opened her eyes to a shimmering green flame, reminiscent of the bonfire from their night in Greenhorn. She shrunk against Tristan’s side. He nudged her farther behind him and stood, pulling his sword. Masculine laughter rose from amid the unusual flames. Rashka, her face a stoic mask, rounded the fire with her bow poised as she made her way toward Karina. “What is happening?” Karina asked. “I do not know, Prophetess.” Rashka fixed her gaze at the fire. “Stay back.”
Library Lady's Kid Lit - Review & Interview
"After reading Armor of Aletheia earlier this fall, I was eagerly anticipating Sword of Soter. Ralene Burke did not disappoint. Burke continues the epic adventure begin in book one. Some of the characters continue in Sword of Soter and new ones are introduced. . . . If you enjoy epic fantasy like Lord of the Rings or Chronicles of Narnia, I highly recommend Sword of Soter." Who did you have in mind as you wrote the book? The Sacred Armor trilogy was written for those who are still searching for their calling. Or those who have found their calling but are unsure they are worthy of it or how to embrace it. Each character is the story is called to something they are uncomfortable with for different reasons, much like we are.
Andi's Young Adult Books - Excerpt
Holding his monocle, the man offered a deep bow, to which Karina nodded. There was something familiar about him. “Greetings, Queen Karina. How nice to see you again. You are welcome indeed. I am sure you have forgotten by now, but I am Bormain, steward of the roy—by the Creator, Tristan Lemur, is that you?” Karina fought to maintain her composure as she turned to Tristan, who stiffened before holding out his hand in greeting. “Bormain, my good man, it is good to see you again.” Bormain looked a bit flustered. “I did not realize we had two royal guests.” He quirked a brow. “Much less that you were traveling together.”
Colorimetry - Guest Post
Building a Storybook World One of the best aspects of being a fantasy writer is the freedom to build our own story worlds. Granted, to an extent, we are still bound by the laws of science. But there is still massive freedom in creating a new world, including geography, creatures, and cultures. . .
Inspirational Reading Adventures - Interview & Review
Q: Which genre is your favorite? If you could only write or recommend readers read one, what would your ‘go-to’ genre be? A: FANTASY! I love that fantasy allows us to expand our imagination, to create new worlds, new peoples, new creatures. We can explore all the stuff we face in real life, but in a way that is removed and still provides a sense of escape. "If I enjoyed the first, I loved reading Sword of Soter! From the start, I was quickly pulled back into to this series, and having already met some of the main characters, this one holds more character growth and I loved all the awkward tension as Tristan and Karina learned to work together both with each other, and with others. I also felt this one is a smoother read, and the pacing was much better."
Red Headed Book Lady - Guest Post
#SHINEBeyond in Soter Readers often ask me where I came up with the #SHINEBeyond tagline and what exactly it means. And I’m all too happy to take the time to answer as this philosophy is something dear to my heart. Essentially, #SHINEBeyond was a culmination of all my work in writing, editing, and ministry—a cohesive theme seen in everything I tried to do. . .
Romancing History - Excerpt
As the steward opened the door, Karina cleared her throat. “Please remind the king that my business is urgent. I need to take my leave as soon as possible.” “I will, Your Majesty. Enjoy your stay at the palace.” And then he was gone. Karina turned back to the room. Tristan stood in the corner not bothering to hide his smirk. Rashka paced by the windows, looking out over the courtyard below and the sea beyond. Lady Moriah and the two handmaidens stood off to the side, watching them expectantly. What now?
Singing Librarian Books - Spotlight
Locks, Hooks and Books - Excerpt
Sabreen clasped her hands together and held them near her heart. “And you found her.” The words sounded sarcastic, yet there was a hint of some other emotion—something Sam could not determine. He chuckled. “Yeah, I found her with a bounty hunter.” She gasped. “How did you all get away?” “We didn’t. Turns out the bounty hunter was helping her. At least he was by then. After he kidnapped her. After he took her to Faramos.”
Paper, Ink, & Lizard - Review
". . . Burke’s passion for Christ shines through the pages of Sword of Soter through her characters, especially the main character Karina. Sword of Soter is a pleasant story and great for reading on rainy days."
J. L. Mbewe - Review
"Ralene Burke knows how to weave a story! . . . Sword of Soter was an enjoyable read that kept me turning the page to see what will happen next."
Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post...
Sword of Soter (Sacred Armor Trilogy #2) By Ralene Burke YA Fantasy, Christian Paperback & ebook, 275 Pages September 25th 2019 by Elk Lake Publishing Inc NEW KINGDOM. NEW FRIENDS. NEW DANGERS. NOT EVERYONE CAN BE TRUSTED … Karina, Tristian, Rashka, and Sam venture forth into the wilderness of Soter on the next leg of their quest to retrieve the Armor of the Creator. With the ancient evil already affecting the kingdom, nothing in Soter is what it seems—from what skulks beneath the canopies of the woods to what lies within the sleek white and gold of the capitol city to the people Karina and Tristan have known since they were children. Danger lurks around every corner. Discerning who to trust is paramount to staying alive and discovering the location of the Temple of Soter. Yet, to Karina’s horror, Faramos’s reach finds them time and again. The longer they are forced to dawdle, the more people are affected by the growing panic in Soter, and the closer Faramos is to taking over the Three Kingdoms. Can Karina retrieve the information they need while Tristan keeps his brother at bay? Or will the entire quest disintegrate before they even arrive at the temple?
(Affiliate link included.)
Goodreads│Amazon Also available on KindleUnlimited.
Other Books in the Series
Armor of Aletheia
(Sacred Armor Trilogy #1)
By Ralene Burke
YA Fantasy, Christian
Paperback & ebook, 268 Pages
August 29th 2018 by Elk Lake Publishing Inc.
The death of her king changes Karina’s life forever. Fleeing the royal house, she must leave her life behind to seek out the Armor of the Creator—to save the very people who now hunt her.
Faramos, the evil warlock waiting to unleash hell, knows the Creator has already chosen his warrior, so he sends his bounty hunter to retrieve her. After Tristan abducts her, he witnesses Karina’s gentle nature and strong independence, and he finds he can’t complete his assignment.
Together, they set out to retrieve the armor and defeat the hordes of creatures sent to destroy them. But is Tristan’s heart secure as he faces certain death for defending the queen? And will Karina have the courage to become all the Creator intends her to be? Failure will condemn the world to eternal darkness.
(Affiliate link included.)
Goodreads│Amazon│Barnes & Noble
Also available on KindleUnlimited.
About the Author
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Whether she’s wielding a fantasy author’s pen, a social media wand, or a freelance editor’s sword, Ralene Burke always has her head in some dreamer’s world. And her goal is to help everyone #SHINEBeyond their circumstances! Her fantasy novels are available on Amazon.
When her head’s not in the publishing world, she is wife to a veteran and homeschooling mama to their three kids. Her Pinterest board would have you believe she is a master chef, excellent seamstress, and all-around crafty diva. If she only had the time . . . You can also find her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or at her website.
Bookstagram Tour
This has its own giveaway, so go check it out! Enter at each stop for extra entries.
October 28th: @TheReadingCornerforAll
October 29th: @h.szott
October 30th: @mamabear_reads
October 31st: @brenyandbooks
November 1st: @bookishdelightz
Tour Giveaway
One winner will win a prize pack that will include print copies of Armor of Aletheia and Sword of Soter, a plush blanket, a tumbler with candy, a journal, and a pen all inside a half-bushel basket inlaid with a gorgeous book print material.
US only
Ends November 6, 2019
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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naturecpw · 5 years
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Food Idioms with Meaning and Examples in English 
(A) Baker’s Dozen
Meaning: Thirteen
Example: Your order of a dozen doughnuts is ready. We’ll throw in one more to make it a baker’s dozen.
(A) Hard/Tough Nut to Crack
Meaning: A difficult problem
Example: The problem of how to motivate employees can be a tough nut to crack sometimes.
(Have) Egg on One’s Face
Meaning: Be embarrassed, feel foolish
Example: Fred had egg on his face after claiming he could climb the tree but then having to give up.
(Put) All One’s Eggs In One Basket
Meaning: Rely on a specific course of events
Example: If we depend on a rise in the price of oil, we’re putting all our eggs in one basket. What if it falls?
Note: Generally used with “put,” as in the example.
(Take It with a) Grain of Salt
Meaning: Be skeptical of a statement
Example: James will tell you all about his adventures in Africa, but take it with a grain of salt.
(The) Icing on the Cake
Meaning: A bonus; something that makes a good situation even better
Example: My new girlfriend is very intelligent. That she’s beautiful is just icing on the cake!
(To Be on the) Gravy Train
Meaning: To make an easy living, to benefit easily from one’s association with something that brings profits
Example: Ever since her company’s stock split, Rita’s been on the gravy train – she was given stock as a benefit.
Note: This expression probably originates from the language of railroad hoboes.
(To Have) Bigger Fish To Fry
Meaning: To have more important things to do
Example: I can’t help you with your presentation right now. I have bigger fish to fry.
A Few Sandwiches Short Of A Picnic
Meaning: Abnormally stupid, not really sane
Example: Sometimes I think John’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic. He never seems to understand directions.
A lot on one’s plate
Meaning: A lot to do
Example: I just have a lot on my plate right now while I’m finishing up my degree and doing this huge project for work.
Acknowledge The Corn
Meaning: Admit to a mistake, especially a small one; point out one’s own shortcomings, or another’s
Example: OK, I’ll acknowledge the corn. I took the candy bars from the kitchen table.
Acquired Taste
Meaning: Something one learns to appreciate only after trying it repeatedly
Example: Asparagus is an acquired taste. I hated it as a child, but now I love it.
All Sizzle And No Steak
Meaning: Failing to live up to advance promotion or reputation
Example: Some people feel the Apple Watch is all sizzle and no steak.
All The Tea In China
Meaning: Great wealth, a large payment
Example: I wouldn’t go out with him for all the tea in China!
Apple of One’s Eye
Meaning: A favorite person or thing, a person especially valued by someone
Example: Edward has only one child, and she’s the apple of his eye.
Bad Egg
Meaning: Someone who is not to be trusted
Example: James is a bad egg. Don’t trust him.
Note: This is much less common than its affectionate opposite, “good egg.”
Bar Fly (or Barfly)
Meaning: Someone who spends much of his or her time in bars
Example: The place was filled with barflies and other assorted creatures of the night.
Best (Greatest) Thing Since Sliced Bread
Meaning: An innovative development
Example: Have you tried the new iPhone? It’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Big Cheese
Meaning: An important person in a company or organization
Example: Let’s all be on our best behavior today. The big cheese (the president) will be visiting the office.
Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
Meaning: Try to do more than one is capable of doig
Example: That’s a huge lawn. Are you sure you can finish mowing it today? Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
Bottom of the Barrel
Meaning: Low-quality choices
Example: Our top five candidates for the job have all turned us down. We’re really getting down to the bottom of the barrel here-maybe we should place a new ad.
Bring Home the Bacon
Meaning: Earn money for one’s family
Example: I can’t complain about my husband. He may not be the world’s most glamorous guy, but he brings home the bacon.
Carrot-and-Stick (Approach)
Meaning: A tactic in which rewards are offered, but there is also the threat of punishment
Example: The boss is using a carrot-and-stick approach-if we meet the sales target, we’ll get raises, but if we don’t, he’ll cut vacation time.
Meaning: To present evidence selectively to one’s own advantage
Example: The president was accused of cherry-picking research to justify her programs.
Chew the Fat
Meaning: Chat for a considerable length of time
Example: We’re not doing much – just chewing the fat and having a few beers. Why don’t you come over?
Cook Someone’s Goose
Meaning: To insure someone’s defeat, to frustrate someone’s plans
Example: Let’s steal one of the spark plugs from Don’s car. That’ll cook his goose!
Couch Potato
Meaning: A lazy person who watches a great deal of television
Example: Mark is a couch potato. I can’t remember the last time he left his apartment except to go to work.
Cry over Spilt (USA: Spilled) Milk
Meaning: To waste energy moaning about something that has already happened
Example: The money is gone. Don’t cry over spilt milk – there will be new opportunities.
Cut the Mustard
Meaning: Do something adequately
Example: I don’t think I’m too old to cut the mustard. If you give me a chance, I’m sure I can do the job well.
Eat Humble Pie
Meaning: To admit defeat or error, to accept humiliation
Example: The coach was forced to eat humble pie after confidently projecting victory.
Note: This is also used in the USA but is less common.
Eat Someone’s Lunch
Meaning: Defeat someone thoroughly
Example: China is systematically teaching people to speak African languages, but very few Americans can speak them. When it comes to trade with Africa, they’re going to eat America’s lunch.
Food for thought
Meaning: Something that makes you think carefully
Example: The teacher’s advice certainly gave me food for thought.
From Scratch
Meaning: From individual ingredients, not using a prepared mix
Example: I’m looking forward to tonight – my girlfriend is baking me a cake from scratch for my birthday.
From Soup to Nuts
Meaning: Everything; from beginning to end
Example: Amazon started out as a bookseller, but now they offer everything from soup to nuts.
Hard nut to crack
Meaning: A difficult problem or a difficult person
Example: This problem is getting me down. It’s a hard nut to crack.
Have a Lot on One’s Plate
Meaning: Be busy, be in the middle of many ongoing tasks
Example: I’ve got a lot on my plate right now, but why don’t we meet next week?
Have bigger fish to fry
Meaning: Have more important things to do
Example: It’s really not worth my time; I’ve got bigger fish to fry!
Have egg on your face
Meaning: They are made to look foolish or embarrassed
Example: The CEO really had egg on his face after he went on stage to demonstrate the new product and couldn’t get it to work right.
Have One’s Cake and Eat It, Too
Meaning: To want two incompatible things (usually used in the negative)
Example: If you want lower taxes, you have to expect problems in school funding-you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Be like chalk and cheese
Meaning: Things or people who are very different and have nothing in common
Example: The hotels here and in Russia are like chalk and cheese – you’ll find much better service here.
Hit the Spot
Meaning: Be very satisfying (said of something eaten)
Example: We went to Mark’s Midtown for lunch. I had a grilled chicken sandwich, and it really hit the spot.
Hot Potato
Meaning: A controversial subject or difficult project that is best avoided
Example: Tax increases will be a hot potato in this election, and most candidates will try to avoid taking a stand on them even if they think they’re necessary.
Note: This is often used in political contexts.
In a Nutshell
Meaning: Expressed in a few words
Example: You should apply to the university now. There are lots of reasons, but in a nutshell, it will end up costing you more if you wait.
In a Pickle
Meaning: In need of help, in a difficult spot
Example: I’m really in a pickle. I spent all the money I had saved, and I have no way to pay next semester’s tuition bill.
Like Two Peas in a Pod
Meaning: Bearing a strong resemblance
Example: Hallie and Maria aren’t related, but they’re so similar – like two peas in a pod.
Low-Hanging Fruit
Meaning: Easy parts of a task; solutions easy to obtain
Example: It’s easy to solve those puzzles – they’re low-hanging fruit. But the Sunday puzzle is much more difficult.
Not Mince Words
Meaning: Moderate or weaken a statement
Example: The boss didn’t mince words in my performance evaluation. She said if I didn’t improve, I’d be fired.
Nutty as a fruitcake
Meaning: Crazy; idiotic; wacky.
Example: The kids are always nutty as fruitcakes when they’ve had something sugary to eat.
Pie in the sky
Meaning: Something that is unrealistic or that cannot be achieved
Example: He keeps talking about how he’ll move to Los Angeles to be a famous actor, but it’s just pie in the sky if you ask me.
0 notes
tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Hora de aventuras
CBS ha renovado Evil por una segunda temporada
BBC Two ha renovado Defending the Guilty por una segunda temporada
HBO Max ha revivido Adventure Time. Será una undécima temporada titulada Distant Lands.
Amazon ha renovado Modern Love por una segunda temporada
Freeform ha cancelado Cloak and Dagger tras su segunda temporada
ITV ha cancelado Beecham House tras su primera temporada
Noticias cortas
John E. Reid and Associates, Inc., liderada por un antiguo agente de policía pionero en las técnicas de interrogación, ha demandado a Netflix y Ava DuVernay por referirse incorrectamente a sus técnicas en When They See Us. En la serie se insinúa que la "Reid Technique" consiste en coaccionar al detenido sin comida, acceso a un baño o la supervisión de los padres. [Fuente]
FX ha despedido a Kurt Sutter, showrunner de Mayans MC, por múltiples quejas sobre su comportamiento. Esto no afecta a su trato con 20th Century Fox TV. Él mismo se describe como una persona abrasiva y desagradable. [Fuente]
CBS ha encargado nueve episodios adicionales de Bob Hearts Abishola, veintidós en total.
CBS ha encargado temporada completa para All Rise, Carol's Second Act y The Unicorn. No ha especificado el número exacto de episodios extra, que podría variar entre tres y once.
The CW ha encargado nueve episodios más para Batwoman y Nancy Drew, veintidós en total.
Megan Mullally (Karen) no aparecerá en dos de los episodios de la última temporada de Will & Grace. Se cree que podría ser debido a tensiones con sus compañeros.
Ashley Romans (Tabitha) será regular en la segunda temporada de NOS4A2.
Incorporaciones y fichajes
Carmen Maura (Volver, La comunidad), Cecilia Suárez (La casa de las flores, Todo por amor), Ernesto Alterio (El método, Días de fútbol), Carlos Cuevas (Merlí, Cuéntame cómo pasó), Alejandro Speitzer (La Reina del Sur, Enemigo Íntimo), el bailarín Isaac Hernández, Ester Expósito (Elite, Tu hijo), Pilar Castro (Cuestión de sexo, Los Serrano), Mariola Fuentes (Los abrazos rotos, Hable con ella), Eduardo Casanova (Aída, Gym Tony), Manuel Morón (Crematorio, La peste) y Juan Carlos Vellido (Hierro, Todos los hombres sois iguales) protagonizarán la miniserie Alguien tiene que morir en Netflix.
Lee Pace (Pushing Daisies, Halt and Catch Fire) y Jared Harris (Chernobyl, The Crown) protagonizarán Foundation en Apple TV+. Serán Brother Day, el actual emperador de la galaxia; y Hari Seldon, un genio matemático que predice la caída del imperio.
Sophia Bush (One Tree Hill, Chicago P.D.) será recurrente en Love, Simon como Veronica, la nueva novia del padre de Mia (Rachel Naomi Hilson).
Freddie Prinze Jr. (I Know What You Did Last Summer, Scooby-Doo) será Travis, el exmarido de Punky (Soleil Moon Frye), en el revival de Punky Brewster.
Joseph Mawle (Game of Thrones, MotherFatherSon) se une a The Lord of the Rings. Los detalles no se han revelado, pero se cree que interpretará al villano Oren, frente al joven héroe Beldor (Will Poulter) y la protagonista Tyra (Markella Kavenagh).
Meagan Good (Minority Report, Californication) y Raymond Lee (Here and Now, Mozart in the Jungle) se unen como recurrentes a Prodigal Son. Serán Colette Swanson, agente del FBI que trabajó con Malcolm (Tom Payne); y el novio de Ainsley Whitley (Halston Sage).
Ryan Robbins (Arrow, Sacred Lies), Mishel Prada (Vida, Fear The Walking Dead: Passage) y Timothy Webber (Once Upon a Time, Loudermilk) serán recurrentes en la cuarta temporada de Riverdale como Fred, el hermano de Frank (Luke Perry); Hermosa, investigadora privada de Miami; y Forsythe Pendleton Jones I, el abuelo de Jughead (Cole Sprouse).
Hallie Todd (Jo), Robert Carradine (Sam) y Jake Thomas (Matt) volverán al revival de Lizzie McGuire.
Zosia Mamet (Girls, Tales of the City), Colin Woodell (The Originals, Devious Maids) y Rosie Perez (Search Party, Rise) serán Annie, la mejor amiga de Cassie (Kaley Cuoco); Buckley, un actor sin trabajo; y Megan, azafata jefe y amiga de Cassie; en The Flight Attendant.
Lela Loren (Power, Altered Carbon) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de American Gods como Marguerite Olsen, nueva vecina de Shadow Moon (Ricky Whittle).
Brittany O'Grady (Stars, The Messengers), Shalini Bathina (Undergrad), Sean Teale (Skins, The Gifted), Colton Ryan (Homeland), Samrat Chakrabarti (The Sinner, The Kindergarten Teacher), Gopal Divan, Sakina Jaffrey (Timeless, House of Cards) y Emma Hong (Glass) protagonizarán Little Voice.
Noah Emmerich (The Americans, The Spy), Fred Willard (Modern Family, Eveybody Loves Raymond), Jessica St. Clair (Playing House, American Housewife) y Don Lake (The Bonnie Hunt Show) serán recurrentes en Space Force como Kick Grabaston, jefe de gabinete de las fuerzas aéreas; Fred Naird, el padre de Mark (Steve Carell); Kelly King, una contratista que ayuda a Mark a construir una nueva base en Colorado; y Brad Gregory, asistente de Mark.
Amber Gray (Escape at Dannemora) será Gloria Valentine, hija de un esclavo y dueña de una plantación, en The Underground Railroad.
Poppy Drayton (The Shannara Chronicles) se une como regular a la segunda temporada de Charmed. Será Abigael, una poderosa y misteriosa bruja.
Cory Hardrict (The Oath) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de SWAT como Nate, hermano de acogida de Jim Street (Alex Russell).
Anne-Marie Duff (Shameless, His Dark Materials), Rafe Spall (The War of the Worlds, Roadies), Mark Addy (Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey), Annabel Scholey (The Split, Britannia), Johnny Harris (This Is England, Fortitude), MyAnna Buring (The Witcher, Ripper Street), Ron Cook (Mr. Selfridge, Chernobyl), Stella Gonet (Holby City, The Cry), Faye McKeever (Trollied, A Confession), Kimberley Nixon (Fresh Meat, New Blood) y Duncan Pow (Holby City, Flowers) protagonizarán Salisbury.
Chris Cooper (American Beauty, Adaptation) será Leonard Geist, un botánico excéntrico, en la segunda temporada de Homecoming.
Kevin James (Kevin Can Wait, The King of Queens) protagonizará y producirá The Crew, comedia de Netflix ambientada en el mundo de NASCAR. Será el jefe de equipo en un taller que debe aceptar a regañadientes a sus nuevos compañeros millennials.
Jaleel White (Family Matters) se une como recurrente a The Big Show Show, comedia de Netflix protagonizada por Big Show, la estrella de la WWE. Se desconocen detalles.
Cristela Alonzo (Cristela, The Laundromat), Helen McCrory (Harry Potter, MotherFatherSon), David Suchet (Poirot, Press), Kit Connor (Rocketman, War & Peace) y Joe Tandberg pondrán voz a Hester, Stelmaria, Kaisa, Pantalaimon y Byrnison en His Dark Materials.
Ken Watanabe (Incepcion, The Last Samurai) protagonizará Tokyo Vice, en HBO Max, junto a Ansel Elgort. Será Hiroto Katagiri, detective y figura paterna de Jake (Elgort).
Dylan Walsh (Nip/Tuck, Unforgettable) se une como recurrente a la décima temporada de Blue Bloods. Interpretará al nuevo alcalde de Nueva York.
Keegan-Michael Key (Key & Peele, Dolemite Is My Name) y Dylan McDermott (American Horror Story, The Politician) se unen como recurrentes a la tercera temporada de No Activity.
India de Beaufort (Kevin (Probably) Saves the World, Veep), Michael Thomas Grant (Roadies), Kapil Talwalkar (American Princess), Alice Lee (Brittany Runs a Marathon) y Stephanie Styles (Bonding, American Vandal) se unen como recurrentes a Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. Serán Jessica, prometida de Simon (John Clarence Stewart); Leif, un programador desaliñado y dulce; Tobin, un programador inteligente pero sin habilidades sociales; Emily, esposa del hermano de Zoey (Andrew Leeds); Autumn, barista de la cafetería favorita de Zoey y Max (Skylar Astin).
Brad William Henke (Orange Is the New Black, Lost) será Big John Gray, líder de una milicia en contra del gobierno.
Abby Brammell (9-1-1, The Unit) y Bambadjan Bamba (The Good Place) se unen como recurrentes a la sexta temporada de Bosch. Serán Heather Strout, una mujer de clase obrera que puede o no estar relacionada con los asuntos de su marido; y Remi Toussaint, la mano derecha de Jacques Avril (Treva Etienne).
Karine Vanasse (Cardinal, Revenge) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de God Friended Me como Audrey Grenelle, socialite francesa con una misteriosa conexión con la cuenta de Dios.
Ashley Zukerman (Manhattan, Succession), Marielle Scott (You, Lady Bird), Shane Harper (Awkward, Code Black) y Adam David Thompson (Godless, The Sinner) se unen como regulares a A Teacher. Serán Matt, el marido de Claire (Kate Mara); Kathryn, profesora de francés y nueva amiga de Claire; Logan, hermano mayor de Cody (Cameron Moulène); y Nate, hermano mayor de Claire. Rya Kihlstedt (Yellowstone, One Mississippi), Camilla Perez (Gotham, Star), Cameron Moulène (Foursome) y Ciara Bravo (Wayne, Red Band Society) serán recurrentes como Sandy, madre de Eric (Nick Robinson); Alison, exnovia de Eric; Cody, chico de fraternidad; y Mary.
                Nuevas series
Hugh Laurie (House M.D., The Night Manager) desarrolla una adaptación de una novela de Agatha Christie (no mencionada) para BBC. No se sabe si también la protagonizará.
The CW desarrolla una precuela de The 100 ambientada 97 años antes y centrada en los supervivientes de un desastre nuclear en la Tierra. Un episodio de la séptima temporada The 100 servirá como backdoor pilot.
Gabrielle Union (L.A.'s Finest, Being Mary Jane) protagonizará y producirá Tips, dramedia sobre una joven que encuentra una vía de escape de su trabajo y una ruptura reciente comenzando a trabajar como bailarina de barra en un bikini bar. Creada por Cherry Chevapravatdumrong (The Orville, Family Guy).
Apple TV+ encarga Mosquito Coast, basada en la novela de Paul Theroux (1981), sobre un idealista que se lleva a su familia a Latinoamérica. Escrita por Neil Cross (Luther), dirigida por Rupert Wyatt (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) y protagonizada por Justin Theroux (The Leftovers), sobrino del novelista.
Apple TV + encarga Shantaram,  sobre un ladrón de bancos australiano que escapa de prisión y se muda a la India, donde encuentra una nueva vida en los barrios bajos de Bombay y también la forma de entrar en su mundo criminal. Protagonizada por Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy, Queer as Folk), Richard Roxburgh (Catherine the Great, Rake) y Radhika Apte (Sacred Games). Basada en la novela de Gregory David Roberts (2003). Escrita por Eric Warren Singer (American Hustle). Diez episodios.
Apple TV+ desarrolla El Gato Negro, adaptación del cómic de Richard Dominguez sobre un joven del sur de Texas que quiere vengar la muerte de su mejor amigo y toma la antigua identidad de su abuelo, un luchador mexicano que luchó contra el crimen hace décadas. Protagonizada y producida por Diego Boneta (Luis Miguel, Scream Queens). Dirigida y producida por Robert Rodriguez (From Dusk Till Dawn, Desperado).
Hulu encarga The Mysterious Benedict Society, drama para jóvenes adultos, basado en la novela de Trenton Lee Stewart (2007), sobre cuatro huérfanos dotados reclutados por un excéntrico benefactor que los envía a una misión secreta. Creada y escrita por Phil Hay (The Invitation, Destroyer) y Matt Manfredi (The Boys, The Invitation).
Netflix Polonia encarga The Woods, adaptación de la novela de Harlan Coben (2007) que cuenta la historia de un abogado, todavía afectado por la desaparición de su hermana hace veinticinco años en un campamento de verano, que investiga ahora la muerte de un chico que desapareció con ella. Escrita por Agata Malesinska y Wojtek Miloszewsk. Seis episodios.
La segunda sueca serie original de Netflix será Love & Anarchy, dramedia romántica sobre una consultora y madre casada y un joven técnico informático que comienzan a flirtear y a retarse con cosas que cuestionan la vida moderna. Creada por Lisa Langseth y escrita por Langseth y Alex Haridi (Quicksand). Ocho episodios.
Netflix encarga la coreana Round Six, sobre gente que falla en la vida por distintas razones pero reciben una misteriosa invitación para participar en un juego de supervivencia para ganar diez millones de dólares. La historia incluirá juegos infantiles populares de Corea. Dirigida por Hwang Dong-hyuk (The Fortress, The Crucible).
Netflix encarga la coreana Extracurricular, sobre varios estudiantes de instituto que se ven inmersos en una serie de conflictos y acontecimientos que retan los valores y la moral.
Netflix encarga la coreana The School Nurse Files, sobre una nueva enfermera de instituto que descubre secretos y misterios gracias a su habilidad sobrenatural de perseguir fantasmas.
Netflix encarga la coreana My Holo Love, drama sobre una mujer exitosa (Go Sung Hee, Suits) que no es capaz de reconocer caras y debido a esto se encuentra sola la mayor parte del tiempo. Un día conoce a un holograma de inteligencia artificial llamado Holo (Yoon Hyun Min).
The Moodys se estrena en FOX el 4 de diciembre
La octava temporada de Last Man Standing se estrena en FOX el 2 de enero
Deputy se estrena en FOX el 2 de enero
La séptima temporada de The Haves and the Have Nots se estrena en OWN el 7 de enero
Outmatched se estrena en FOX el 23 de enero
Duncanville se estrena en FOX el 16 de febrero
Tráilers y promos
The Crown - Temporada 3
9-1-1: Lone Star
The L Word: Generation Q
On Becoming a God in Central Florida - Temporada 2
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