#he became a medicine cat cause a warrior sounded like too much work
laraendlight · 1 year
Hello Tumbrl people!
So, I share today the second chapter of my and my love's crossover between Dialovers and Warriors.
In case you missed the first chapter, here's the link to said post: https://at.tumblr.com/mattalara/hello-tumbrl-people-to-get-some-attention-to-my/6o3h3u2bi39w
We'll know if you didn't read it... even 'cause it would be confusing to read a chapter without knowing what happens before 😂
The characters' names are all on the first chapter's description (the author's notes are long enough without the list, but I can add them in the comment section as well), the new ones are only Cordelia's new name thet will be changed in story and Beatrix (Stormleaf).
Special thanks to @kyouxa for suggesting both names in her "ask" blogs of those two Diamoms and... let's go to the chapter and don't hold back suggestions to improve my english.
<< What do you think about Caringbat? >>
<< Too obvious. Plus, I don't want her new name to sound like it comes from the Clan of our bastard father. >>
<< Alright, alright... Caringblood? >>
<< My dear brother, since when you became such an edgelord? >>
<< Hey! You can't use that word in a serious conversation and pretend to voice your opinion! >>
Caringheart covered her eyes with a paw and exhaled.
Since they decided to not follow Starclan, the brothers were arguing about her possible leader's name and the new realm full of ancestors they should have looked up to.
"This will take forever..."
<< Guys, please, don't fight. >>
Said the she-cat as she got closer to them and smiled gently.
<< These are all good suggestions, but maybe we should find whoever will grant me nine lives first, maybe they will give me my leader name. >>
The toms nodded.
They would have preferred to choose the name for the queen who stole their hearts and gave them something to run away for and escape their father's grasp, but they respected her decision.
<< We still have a problem... >>
Said Tailwhip.
<< We don't know if there are ancestors who will grant you nine lives. >>
<< Well... >>
<< Yeah, we don't even have a medicine cat that can call for them or recieve messages and prophecies. >>
<< And you have to choose a deputy. >>
<< Everybody shut up! >>
Hissed Hiddensmile while wrapping his tail around the Caringheart.
<< Don't put too much pressure on her. >>
<< Thank you, Hiddensmile. >>
Smiled her as she became probably the first cat to be able to blush under her fur.
The blonde feline then cleared her throat.
"I can't just sit down and do nothing, I need to be more leader-like."
<< Greenclaw, you have great knowledge of erbs, can you be the medicine cat? >>
The red cat was pleased to know Caringheart trusted him with something that important and nodded.
<< I can do it. >>
<< Do you know only which erbs are good, or you actually know how to heal a patient as well? 'cause for the firsr part of the job, we are all pretty good at finding catnip~ >>
Joked his brother, Maskedinnocence.
<< Very funny brother, really... >>
<< Well, it's still useful so... >>
Giggled Caringheart before regaining her composure.
<< Now, I may know a ghost I could talk to and while I'm dreaming, Tailwhip, can you take care of the Clan for me? >>
<< Sure. >>
<< Why him?! >>
Asked the other toms as she carefully choosed her words.
<< Wait, I meant take care of "boring" things like keeping the food in check, surveiling the construction of the dens and choosing the best materials to protect our camp, those boring things. But he can't do everything alone now, can't he? >>
<< I could... >>
<< So, he will choose someone to take care about the patrol to make sure this place is safe and someone who will work with the hunting one instead, these are the most important things for now. >>
The cats looked satisfied with her plan, but then came the question who made her freeze in her steps right as she was going to her den.
<< Who's the ghost you want to speak to? >>
Asked Lustfulgrin, adding shortly after: << It's her, isn't she... >>.
That topic was delicate, the she-cat knew it really well and tried to ease the tension by licking the cat's muzzle gently.
<< She's the only one I can communicate with so easily, I'll be fine, I promise. >>
<< But what if she tries to take over your body again? >>
She could feel the hint of fear in his voice, the toms were all good at hiding that unpleasant emotion, but she knew them really well.
<< Then we'll stop her, don't worry. >>
Lustfulgrin wasn't the only one who wanted to stop her from doing it, every cat in the group was tempted to block her way, but they still let Caringheart go in her den to sleep and, hopefully, dream.
"I didn't miss this place. Not one bit."
She had visited once the Dark Forest, during a nightmare, that place was horrible, but if she was there, that meant the cat she was looking for wanted to talk.
<< Is someone there? >>
Asked Caringheart walking around and following the scent of another cat she picked up after a few moments.
She finally found who she came for, the beautiful queen with a long purple fur and green eyes who looked more like those of a snake than a cat, the mother who gave Hiddensmile, Lustfulgrin amd Songbirdpaw more traumas than anything in their childhood, untill they decided to take matter into their own paws.
<< Hi... I see you're... pretty good. >>
Meowed the blonde queen as she offered a little smile, hoping the other was in a good mood.
The other cat looked at her claws, inspecting her paw like she was looking for some non-existent imperfection in it.
<< If by "pretty good" you mean bored, then yes, you got it right. >>
She hissed getting on her paws.
<< I've lost count of how many moons I've spent roaming this place until my paws got sore... >>
<< I'm sorry. >>
<< ... the only good thing I got from having all this time for myself, was coming out with a better name. Of course mine was already good, but I came to think of something that suits me better than Snakerose: Immortalrose, as the everlasting beauty of such a splendid flower. >>
As the purple queen talked and waved her paw like she was pointing at something and a crowd had to follow her with their eyes, the younget she-cat got closer and offered another smile.
<< It's a beautiful name. >>
<< I know, but you're not here to compliment me, aren't you... >>
<< Well- >>
<< ... and I doubt you came to land me the body that should be mine. >>
Immortalrose finally turned to look at her, her eyes held a dangerous threat and while her voice sounded calm, her smile was hissing a clear: "Oh, the ways I could make you scream" trough the fangs.
<< What do you want? >>
"Oh well, the sooner we get to the point,  the sooner I go back."
Caringheart sat down next to her, feeling confident with the fact that the ghost couldn't hurt her, she had Immortalrose's heart after all, if she got hurt, the ghost would have felt the pain.
If she died, then the ghost would fade into nothingness.
<< Alright. You probably know what's happening right now with me and the others. >>
<< I do. >>
<< Then you know that we need someone else to take Starclan's place and I need nine lives. >>
<< Yes. So... ? >>
<< "So..." you're a ghost, don't you know some way I can get these lives? >>
Immortalrose almost made her jump out of her fur in fear when she bursted out laughing all of sudden, whiping her eyes with the tail like she was drying some tears.
<< Oh my, you're such a comedian! For a moment, you sounded serious when you asked for my help. Like you really expected me to give it to you! >>
Caringheart just looked at her with annoyance, she wasn't sure on the right way to proceed.
"I can't threaten her..."
She wasn't even going to try, it would have taken to her getting laughed at again, or attacked.
But maybe, if she played her card carefully and asked for the brothers' help right after...
<< Well, I see that you can't do it... >>
<< Ot's not that. I don't want to do it. >>
<< Maybe I'll ask someone who can. I think Stormleaf is in Starclan, right? >>
Oh, if looks could kill!
<< Don't you dare, mention her. >>
<< Oh, will you do it then? It would benefit the both of us since, you know, those nine lives will keep me and you alive if something happens... and that could be soon considering how many cats want to hurt me. So, will you do it or do I have to go search for Stormleaf and make you "live" with the thought of mine and your safety depending on her? >>
<< You're on thin ice, you little bit- >>
Before Immortalrose could finish her sentence, a clear-furred queen with blue eyes landed in front of her like she had just jumped down from the dead tree near them.
<< Did somebody mention me? >>
Caringheart swallowed nervously the lump in her throat, now looking at those spirits who hated each other with passion and one of them who was ready to make her pay for her words.
"Why do I always end up in these situations? I just wanted an answer!"
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shegananigans · 3 years
QUEEN... what is the NDRV3 Warriors clan called? What are their names...? must know or I'll petrify
come back to me anon! i take a sec to answer asks like this cause i'll take any excuse to draw my silly cats lmao
I don't rly have a name for their clan yet, but I'm open to suggestions! Some of the names and designs may change a bit with time because i have a tiny little brain
oh god i'm gonna have to tag all of them
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gonna leave some fun trivia i thought up while drawing them under a cut so this post doesn't get too long lmao
- Duskflight and Tigerleap are littermates! they do Not get along most of the time, despite their parents' best efforts
- Beetleheart and Peachblossom are half-siblings, their father was a selfish tom that caused both their mothers a lot of pain and embarrassment. Part of Beetleheart's motivation to become a great and honorable warrior comes from him wanting to uplift his mother's name. Peachblossom claims to not give a shit about the whole thing
- When they were younger, Littlethorn tried to convince Beetleheart that they were also brothers and that's why their names sounded so similar (Littlepaw and Beetlepaw, then)
- Snakestripe was named after his older sister Rainstripe, who was very frail and sickly, and passed away to a greencough outbreak shortly before he got his warrior name. Since then, Snakestripe has developed a fascination with spirits and how to contact them (they were close but not Like That I promise)
- Somehow, no one seems to recall what Sunnybounce's name was before she joined the clan. She's also not telling
- Berrystrike loves to hang out in the elder's den, because its the chillest and quietest place in camp. Except when Duskflight comes to visit his grandparents, then it becomes the loudest place in camp and he has to leave
- Brightstone stumbled upon the clans completely by accident, he wasn't even supposed to be able to get out of his humans' house, but a window left open by accident marked his fate. Both his hind legs are prosthetics, which Peachblossom became fascinated by from the moment they met
- Robinclaw joined the clan after developing a very slow friendship with Duskflight. She saved him from a fox snare in a moment of weakness and he never stopped pestering her since
- Despite her constant sleepiness and lazyness, Redhaze is truly gifted at medicine work, she'd just much rather leave it to Sunnybounce if possible
- Mossbreeze tends to... disappear, every so often. He always comes back but sometimes he just starts walking in one direction and goes MIA for a couple days, no one's been able to talk him out of this
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mystech-master · 3 years
F/GO High School/Modern AU BS
Me and @rex101111 have been talking about a modern/HS AU ft. as many Chaldean servants as possible. Here are the ideas we came up with (I am pretty much cut and pasting our message convo, so this is a mixture of both me and Rex's ideas):
Gil is the douchbag Senior everyone hates but his dad owns the school or whatever so he can do whatever he wants. The only decent person who willingly hangs out with him is his childhood friend Enkidu who's hoping he can un-douch his bro. He has kid Gil as his little brother and Caster Gil as his older bro who both agree that he sucks (Gil is the loser middle child of the family), Caster Gil wonders what Enkidu sees in his shit head brother. "He's too good for you." "Blow it out your ass." "One day he's going to wise up, see how much of a shit you are, and when you're all alone don't come crying to me." Caster Gil is in college studying political science, Kid Gil goes to a fancy boarding school. Archer Gil goofs off and throws parties
Scathach is a swimming class teacher, mainly b/c I recall underwater training being a part of Cu's regiment under her tutelage. People were jealous of the Cus for like two seconds when they find out the swim teacher is their mom, then they see her having them do an extra twenty laps and ignoring when OG Cu starts floating in the water. "CU DIED!" "YOU'RE NOT HUMAN!" while Scathach is like "you have two seconds to stop playing around before I ACTUALLY drown you" and he's back to doing laps.
Yeah with 4-5 Cus (if you count Setanta from Arcade) that is like 5 brothers.
Nightingale as school nurse, she is friends with Asclepius who works at a hospital associated with the school (strictly professional, but the students think otherwise).
Side note, keep in mind you can have multiple servants be the same type of teacher, just for different classes/grades.
King Hassan is the old Religious History teacher. Every one thinks he's older then the rock is the school is made out of. He has a scary face and a scarier voice but most students consider him the most fair and patient teacher in the whole school. He always gets a lot of food gifts before Ramadan form the students. (A few students, such as the Guda twins and Mash, call him gramps.) The other Hassans are his grandkids, like actual grandkids. He's super strict with them because he expects a lot from them. He always praises them when they do well though. He made sure they ALL got into his class and they've been living in fear ever since. They love their grandpa but by Allah they know not to disappoint him. The only one to ever get out of anything is kid Hassan (one of the hundred face). Cursed Arm is oldest, then Asako (the main hundred face), then Serenity.
"I am very disappointed in ALL of you, have you all lost your heads? I swear I-*to kid Hassan*-ah no Habibi not you you're fine here have a candy-*back to the rest*-I KNOW you're better than this!"
VERY traditional guy, Cursed Arm mutters "Oh for God's sake" while doing a pop quiz and King Hassan looms over him and growls, "No Blaspheming In This Class Room"
For the various Artoria/Arturias, I imagined Lancer and Lancer Alter being sisters, so Saber Alter is a cousin. That leaves everyone else to just be sisters with one brother. Mother Lartoria owns a casino and gas her own yacht in reference to the summer event where she became a Ruler. If you want MHX could be a part of the family as a massive fucking Star Wars nerd. MHXX and MHX Alter are her mom and sister (so MHXX is a third sister for the two Lancer Artorias)
For Irisviel, I remember in one of the Nero Fest things that she was called Therapist Iri. Maybe she starts to get into that b/c she wants to help her adoptive son Shirou (instead of a big fire like in Zero it can be an orphanage fire thing, similar situation but a much smaller scale) , so she is the school therapist/psychiatrist. Like Maruki in P5 Royal.
Iskandar died in his 30s, Waver is around his 30s as Lord El Melloi II. The two are old college friends who still hang out and Alexander is Iskandar’s kid.
If you guys want you can see this as the two being gay dads since I know that ship is popular.
Fran had an abusive father before Babbage and Moriarty got involved. In the og story, Frankenstien has a scientific mindset like his creator, here Fran has a talent in the field, but she also hates it b/c it reminds her of him. Like imagine being talented at the thing your abusive parent was good at/known for. Moriarty tried to get it into her that SHE'S the one with the talent, not her college dropout bum of a father, "From you tell me of him Victor couldn't engineer his way out of an argument with a cat, you have a magnificent mind my dear, not letting it flourish to spite him would be a horrible waste...it's your talent, your skill. Not his." He smiles that smile she loves that scares every one but she knows he only smiles like that when he is absolutely convinced of something, "and you can out perform him without breaking a sweat."
Moriarty teaches Fran sign language while Babbage teaches her some engineering.
Jekyll is going for a major in medicine with a minor in law (in the actual irl story Dr. Jekyll was a doctor in medicine and law).
For science associated servants, you got da Vinci, Babbage, Edison, and Tesla as possible science teachers.
The Jeanne sisters. Without the Avenger BS, the reason Jalter (or Joan as one series of fics calls her) could hate her here is just inferiority complex and being compared to her perfect saint big sister all her life. Joan does have her talents, based on the summer event an, but again she doesn't acknowledge her own talent b/c of her always being compared to her older sister., in the 7 counterfeit events she is a really good artist. And it is the typical thing of Jeanne actually being scared out of her wits of being less than perfect because of all the expectations thrust on her. She gets one A- and runs to the bathroom crying and Joan has to swallow her pride and actually have a conversation with her sister for the first time in years. Jeanne Alter lily puts up Christmas decorations super early, much to Jeanne Alter/Joan's displeasure.
Martha is Jeanne's BF since middle school and has this HUGE dog that scares everyone and growls at anyone expect Martha and Jeanne. She calls him Terry.
Rex loves Penthesilea. and we talked at length about the situation between her and Achilles. Can you not tell that he likes a woman who can kick his ass *gestures to all of his Baiken posts*
Rex's idea: I think they had a fight when they were little and Achilles, being a little shit back then, made fun of her for being a girl, and Penth has been sore about it ever since. She keeps running into big misogynistic meatheads that reminded her of that and she just got angrier over the years. She's a wrestler and can knock out just about every dude in school by herself. Achilles is very regretful about back then and wants to apologize but Penth ain't having any of it.
My idea: I thought they were on opposing HS sports teams and when Achilles handed her ass to her he forgot to drink his respect women juice and then Penth got all pissed.
In this AU, Penth and Hippolyta's dad was a general who taught them how to kick the ass of men twice their size since they were seven or something.
Penth surprises everyone when a festival comes up and she gets picked to be the one to organize everything...and does a spectacular job. Another surprise is that she plans on being a business major when she goes to college (Obligatory Amazoness CEO jokes)
Bedivere is the Arturia Pendragon family butler with a prosthetic arm. He's also the security guard, last guy that tried to steal something or cause trouble got slapped right out of the window he sneaked in from.
Francis Drake and Artoria Alter Lancer are work friends (referencing them both being associated with the Wild Hunt in F/GO's lore).
Beni-Enma is the short and shorter tempered lunch lady, last kid who mouthed off at her during lunch got smacked upside the head with her spoon. She's sweet, but if you're in detention and have to help her in the kitchen she's a mini Gorden Ramsey, "IT'S RAW DECHI!!!" She can also come into the home EC class where Shirou is her best student. Also her roasting of the other girls like in her quest. Getting Fs in Beni's class is the worst, because it isn't just an F, it's a meticulous dressing down of exactly why letting into a kitchen should be considered a war crime, dechi.
The three Avenger Nobus are three different people. 1st Ascension is basically Archer Nobu, then you got Oda Kipposhi, and then the mom is Ascension 3 with Demon King Nobunaga. The youngest Ascension 1 Nobu is a musician. Demon King Nobu is one of those "super scary but also super polite people that only makes them scarier" type, basically a female koei Nobunaga from samurai warriors (check out some cutscenes form the games with him, he's a treat).
Imagine Demon King Nobu mom in a business suit.
Suzuka Gozen and Sei Shonagon are the textaholics who always talk in slang to the point of it sounding like they speak a different language. Murasaki is the librarian but Sei is like that ONE student who just makes her job so much harder.
Every week it's "No phones in the library Miss Shonagon." while Sei rolls her eyes and types out twitter post like "fugly ol librarian at my school needs a life lol"
Oui Katsushika is a gifted art student, and her dad (not a floating little octopus), is just a normal dude with a squid/octopus like beard. She's the teacher's pet in De Vinci's art class.
Eresh and Ishtar come from a rich family, Ereshkigal is the older sister so she had a shit load of responsibility to take over the family business while Ishtar basically gets to party her life away. Rin is the cousin they each try and swing their way. Eresh wants Rin to keep up her studies and get into a good university, Ishtar wants Rin to loosen the fuck up and admit that she likes that scrawny Emiya kid already.
BB is the host of a talk show downtown so she is kind of an absentee mom. Meltryllis has prosthetic legs that she specifically asked to be made into stilts b/c she wanted to be taller, and Passonlip has a massive rack that makes life difficult (either people staring, people assuming she's gonna be a home wrecker b/c said staring must be intentional, etc.), and of course he also has prosthetic arms to match her canon claws, obviously not as massive.
Hijikata is a very serious police officer but his wife Carmilla just uses this to have fun in the bedroom. They have two Dobermans. Hijikata's route has him patrolling near the school so most of the kids know as that scary police dude that has a picture of his wife in his pocket. One day a famous Idol called Eli-chan~ (yes spelled with the ~) is about to perform in the town and the kids can't stop talking about her, so Hijikata overhears. But, being the serious dude he is he shrugs it off until he sees a picture of this "Eli-chan~" and realizes it's his sister-in-law that came to visit and suddenly the influx of parasitic paparazzi near his house start making sense.
Carmilla: "Now you see why I hate them?", Hijikata: "No you cannot send the dogs after them honey."
She almost ran one of them over in her, very expensive, car and when that reporter says she should be locked up Hijikata corrects that would only happen if she had hit him...and she would be fined. For littering.
Okita Alter being Hijikata's partner, while Okita is her younger sister who's looked up to Hijikata since she was a little kid but she has asthma and such so she's afraid she might not get accepted.
Sigurd owns a metalworks shop (referencing his myth where he was raised by the dwarf Reginn), he met his wife Brynhildr when she was disowned by her overly controlling father.
Ozymandias, Nitocris, and Cleopatra are all the high board members of a company. Nitocris specifically got wind of Scheherazade's abusive husband situation and after getting said husband arrested, she offered Scheherazade a job.
Atalanta is a college student/TA who worked with Achilles' dad who ends up at their HS for a program or something, Achilles' dad has told him a lot about her.
Amakusa Shirou is an uncle married to the CEO of Babylon Gardens Pharmaceuticals, Semiramis. Semiramis herself is kinda chill if REALLY scary. She had to be pretty cutthroat to get to her position in the company, but Amakusa Shirou helped her mellow out, but she is still a massive tsundere.
"You know you COULD poison their lunch." "Semi, dear, I'm not going to poison my coworker's sandwich for being an ass." "It wouldn't kill them! Just a bit in their peanut better and they'll be stuck on the toilet for a week, no harm no foul."
Rex initially said Taiga would be an overly enthusiastic gym teacher but then I remembered that she was a homeroom/English teacher in Fate canon, but either or can do if you wanna be unique.
For Quetzalcoatl, Wrestling club supervisor when she isn't the senior year gym teacher. Some of the male students laughed that they didn't think a woman would know anything about wrestling. Two piledrives later, the students have earned a new appreciation for the importance on how not to be two pieces of shit. She's big on Lucha as in canon and during Halloween she gets JAGUARMAN to have an exhibition fight with her. They make a show of it but later on Taiga admits that Quatz could have CRUSHED her if they were actually fighting. She takes the wrestling club out for homemade Mexican food after tournaments
For Siduri, there's a bunch of rumors she's dating Caster Gil but it's strictly professional, Caster respects her too much to consider that. Archer Gil hits on her relentlessly, she manages to wound his ego more severely then anyone else simply by being unfailingly polite in her rejections and treating him like what he is, a teenage punk jumping higher than he can handle to land.
Ibaraki is Shuten's adoptive little sister after she was taken from an abusive mother, hence why Ibaraki looks up to her. Ibuki is either Shuten's big sister who had to take on a guardian role, or just her mom. Shuten and Ibuki have a bit of a strained relationship because Shuten saw the way Ibuki acted as they grew up, taking more and more responsibilities onto herself and refusing any distractions. And she decided that her biggest nightmare is to wake up one morning and realize she's turned into Ibuki so she tries to do everything to avoid that, hence their relationship not being the best. Ibaraki is kinda stuck in the middle because she wants to side with Shuten but she sees where Ibuki is coming from. Messy.
Caren is still Kotomine’s daughter, but he isn’t a good dad and in rebellion she sleeps around despite being a woman of god. Including sleeping with local punk Angra Mainyu. Angra Mainyu seems like a bad guy but he has a shit load of issues due to being blamed for everything going wrong in his old town, eventually coming to believe them and thinking he will cause nothing but problems. Caren banging him gives him a type of closeness he’s never felt, but under very warped circumstances.
For the Tamamo family, Vitch totally fucked her way up a corporate ladder or something, imagined Tamamo Cat working at a Cat Cafe if she were a Student. Tamamo no Mae accidentally fed her prev BF a food he was allergic too, and that kind of haunted her and scared her rep. IDK basically she seriously fucked up a previous relationship, either on purpose or accidentally, and that kind of hurts her deeply so she wants to start over with Hakuno.
Nero and Tamamo no Mae are rivals over this one guy.
Kiichi Hougen is the adoptive mom, Benkei is the family friend/uncle, Taira is Ushiwaka's older sister. Taira isn't on the best of terms with her family, some drama way back caused a rift and nowadays Ushi is the only one who's willing to talk to her and visit. Benkei never lets her go alone because he doesn't trust Taira one bit. Taira and Ushiwaka are Kintoki and Tomoe's cousins (I say Tomoe b/c apparently her husband and Ushiwaka were half cousins, with their grandpa having kids with their grandmas. I tried to make a whole family tree out of a few servants).
These are the ideas we had the most to talk about, if you guys have any suggestions for your fav servants in this AU, let either me or Rex know. Or just reblog and say them here. Who knows maybe you have a much better idea for a Servant we already mentioned.
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bird--egg · 3 years
The link to the AO3 version of this chapter here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30351717/chapters/75897176
Waking up was always a chore when the temperature outside made it tempting to lay around aimlessly. Cedar chose to wake up before the sun had properly risen, especially since it meant the weather was slightly cool. She felt a strong burst of longing towards Shadowclan, whose warriors were generally asleep during the morning and midday and awake during dusk and night.
Stretching, Cedar poked her head out of the elders den warily. Most of the camp was sleeping soundly and she felt confident enough to move further outside, yawning silently. She licked her white forepaw and groomed herself slowly, tension unwinding as she watched the sun rise. Tigerpetal emerged from the tangled hedge that made up the medicine den, stretching dramatically before entering the leaders den. Cedar wondered what the medicine cat was doing talking to the leader so early on.
Her ears flicked towards a sound behind her and she noticed a black pelted cat approaching. Their eyes were a very vibrant green and one of their ears was crooked. What was their name? Cedar wondered a tad anxiously as it became apparent that they were coming to talk to her.
“Hey kit.” They meowed sleepily. Cedar squinted, offended at being called a kit. “You and Mothscar got a job today?”
“Not that I know. You should ask my mentor.” Seemed improper to ask an apprentice-or a ‘helper’ what they would be doing for the day without the mentors input.  The black cat blinked.
“I can’t, Mothscar needs his beauty sleep.” Beauty sleep? Cedar tilted her head slightly in confusion. Emerging from the elder’s den, Mothscar laughed.
“If I’m aiming for beauty than I’m afraid I’ll be asleep long enough to wake up and see Larkkit’s ceremony.” Mothscar walked up to the two cats, nudging the lanky cat affectionately.
“Cedarpaw, this is Newtpool. We left Riverclan together when they were just a kit.” Cedar wondered what Mothscar had been doing leaving Riverclan with a kitten, the two were clearly not related. She suddenly faintly remembered her father Ridgesnarl complaining about ‘picky’ Riverclan cat’s. At the time she’d been confused at Ridgesnarl’s disgust, but perhaps pickiness was more specific to kicking out cats who weren’t good enough?
Newtpool glanced at the older white tom with an oddly neutral face, seeming to have a silent conversation with him. Mothscar just continued to smile placidly.
“Mothscar!” Tigerpetal yelled as she was exiting the leader’s den. She completely ignored Newtpool, walking in front of the lanky cat. Newtpool rolled their eyes to Cedar, who just stared back.
“You and your helper are coming to the gathering tonight. But there’s a couple caveats to your presence being allowed.” Behind her, Newtpool puffed out their chest and was pointing their nose in the air in a way that did kind of remind Cedar of the way Tigerpetal was looking down at her. She concentrated very hard on staring neutrally at the medicine cat.
“You’re not to tell anyone where you’re from, and don’t go conversing about your helper position.”
“Well, that seems silly.” Purred Mothscar. “Why wouldn’t we want the other clans to her about our new position? Maybe they have some kits they’d want to keep from becoming apprentices too.”
Tigerpetal’s lip raised slightly, showing gleaming white teeth. There was a long drawn-out silence as the medicine cat and the elder stared each other down, and Cedar couldn’t help but notice the chatter of cats waking up had completely drawn to a halt. Her ears pressed against her head, and she wished that she was beside Newtpool or at least behind Mothscar instead of in front of Tigerpetal.
Finally, Tigerpetal let out a low growl. “Mind yourself, Mothscar. The ice you’re walking on is getting thin.” Mothscar said nothing, simply looking at the ginger tabby with a friendly expression. Tigerpetal tail lashed once, before she stalked away to the medicine den.
“Newtpool!” She yowled from inside the den. “Get your tail over here!” Newtpool looked dismayed, shooting Mothscar a grumpy glare.
“Great.” They meowed, “Now she’ll have a burr in her pelt all day. And who has to deal with her?”
“I’m coming!” They yelled back, stomping away to join their mentor. Mothscar’s posture slumped slightly.
“Poor Newtpool.” He joked, looking back to his apprentice, whose fur was puffed out and eyes wide. She had no idea why Mothscar kept pushing his luck when it came to her status. Did he just hate Rootstar so much he would oppose his rules whenever he could? Would Tigerpetal really hurt an elder? Could she even, as a medicine cat? Was that…allowed?
Seeming to accept that she wasn’t going to say anything, Mothscar flicked her lightly with his tail.
“Let’s go see if we can find some moss.”
 By the time the sun had started to go down, Cedar was full of nervous energy. Going to the gathering felt like an opportunity, but for what she wasn’t sure. To escape? Was the situation bad enough that leaving it would be escaping?
And even so, what clan would want her? She was wary of Riverclan because of the conclusions she’d drawn with Mothscar and Newtpool, but would Thunderclan take her? What if they were worse? She had no idea what was considered normal behavior towards a cat living in your camp who was from an enemy clan.
Besides, what if they punished Mothscar for her betrayal?
A paw poked her shoulder, interrupting her thoughts. She turned to see Willowpaw’s grass-coloured eyes shining at her. She moved back slightly.
“Hey Cedar!” He chirped happily. “Me and Stormfang are supposed to be pairing up with you at the gathering! And I’m even allowed to call you Cedarpaw!” Cedar felt like he could have said that last part a little quieter, because Stormfang immediately left her conversation to glower at her apprentice. Cedar left the Willowpaw to his scolding, briefly hearing his voice squeak out ‘you said I could though!’.
Cloverpaw was waiting by the entrance of camp, watching her mentor with tired eyes. Pigeonflight was talking loudly to Marigoldfur, who couldn’t have looked more uncomfortable. Cloverpaw glanced at Cedar but seemed too worn out to snap at the she-cat. Cedar wondered what training Pigeonflight was making Cloverpaw to cause her to look so run down.
They both sat beside the other completely silently, watching Pigeonflight fail to flirt like they were spectating. As the grey tabby accidentally implied that Marigoldfur’s brother was stupid, Cedar flicked her ear. “Yikes.” She meowed simply, and Cloverpaw snorted before looking at the dark grey she-cat with shock.
“Cedar.” Stormfang called, walking with a pouting Willowpaw. Cedar looked away from Cloverpaw’s blue and green eyes. She followed Willowpaw, feeling Mothscar follow her out of camp. Most of the clan left for the gathering in order to look like they had more cats than they actually did. Since Shadowclan was out of the picture, Windclan no longer had to worry about their camp being ambushed while away. The whole trip to four-trees Willowpaw talked her ear off, often stumbling as he tried to walk and look behind him at the same time. Meanwhile, Cedar was interested in watching Windclan’s long grass slowly become shorter as they approached Riverclan. She could even see the edge of Shadowclan’s burnt pines, which made her throat close up. He forced herself to look instead at Four-trees, which wasn’t totally undamaged either. The fire seemed to have badly burnt the tree closest to Shadowclan, but the other three were slightly singed as well.
Between the trees was more cats than Cedar had ever seen. Her eyes widened as she tried to take in the number of bodies packed into a relatively small space. Willowpaw also seemed shocked, tail shooting straight up in the air as he let out a small ‘meep’. Cedar slowed her pace so she could walk directly beside Mothscar, who seemed amused at her surprise.
Windclan seemed the last to arrive at the gathering. Most cats seemed to be sticking with their own clans, murmuring with each other. Cedar noticed that Windclan moved as a unit, barely spreading out and heading right beside Thunderclan.
“Everyone seems spooked.” Mothscar noticed, eyes flicking to Shadowclan’s burnt tree before returning to the crowd. Cedar grunted noncommittally. She’d never been to another gathering.
“So we just sit here?” She asked, and Mothscar looked a little surprised that she had spoken, before shaking his head.
“No, not normally. Young cats like yourself often talk to the other young cats of every clan.” He paused, and meowed “Stick with Thunderclan cats for now though. They’re the ones that don’t smell like fish.” Cedar nodded hesitantly, stepping away from the white elder slowly. Social interactions were not especially her strong suit. She had little time to worry about it before an orange tabby stumbled into her. The fire coloured apprentice whirled around to face Cedar, fur oddly spiky without being raised.
“Hey, a Windclan cat!” They meowed excitedly, tail lashing. “Wow you look really grumpy!” She added on belatedly. Cedar was not aware of what face she was making and attempted to shift it to a more friendly look. The Thunderclan apprentice flinched back before laughing uproariously. Willowpaw padded towards them, waving his tail at her as he sat near them.
“Hi! I’m Willowpaw, and this is Cedarpaw. What’s your name?”
“I’m Robinpaw.” Robinpaw announced, bowing with flourish. Willowpaw giggled, delighted. Cedar stood awkwardly, glad Willowpw had introduced her.
“This is my second gathering, and I haven’t seen you guys before. You must be new apprentices huh?” She asked, whiskers twitching. “Little tiny babies? Sparrows just leaving the nest??” Willowpaw mroowed with laughter.
“A sparrow? Can we be a cooler bird than that?” He asked happily, and Robinpaw opened her mouth to reply when the leaders yowled for the gathering to start. The clans fell quiet, turning to face what trees were left.
Rootstar was sitting proudly on the Great Rock, startling larger than the other leaders. Beside him was an older looking she-cat with a pale sun coloured pelt and amber eyes. She had several vicious battle scars on her but looked bored even as she was standing to begin speaking to all the cats gathered in front of her. Leaping up the Great Rock was a silver tabby with sharp looking white patches. Her eyes were yellow like the flowers in the meadow, but she looked decidedly more unpleasant. Something about their expression felt like fire against Cedar’s fur.
“Do you mind if I start?” The silver leader asked the other two. Rootstar flicked his tail in a ‘go on’ motion, looking slightly annoyed. Robinpaw leaned into Cedar’s vision, whispering: “The creepy grey cat is Troutstar. And the cat with all the cool scars is Sandstar, Thunderclan’s leader.”
“Why not.” Sandstar snorted, and Troutstar ignored the sarcasm in her voice, stepping forward.
“Riverclan has done well this moon. Despite the heat the river is running well, and food is plentiful. We had no trouble with the fire, as the river protected us.” Cats murmured uneasily as Troutstar casually mentioned the fire, and Cedar gritted her teeth.
“Rockshade has given birth to two kits, and we’ve chased some troublesome rouges off our land.” At this, Sandstar stepped forward. Troutstar shot the other leader and icy look, which Sandstar ignored.
“Speaking of troubling rouges, could Riverclan please stop chasing away their own members? It’s getting depressing to watch.” Cedar’s ears flicked, glancing backwards at her mentor, who looked vaguely troubled. Troutstar scoffed.
“Your mistaken if you think Thunderclan has any rights to command anything of Riverclan.”
“I’m commanding nothing; but I think most of us know that a stable clan shouldn’t be running off loyal clanmates.” At this, Troutstar’s whole bearing changed, fur laying flat and posture loosening.
“Thank you for the suggestion Sandstar. May I ask how your own clan is doing in these hot temperatures?” She asked, tilting her head. Sandstar looked at the other leader with lidded eyes, almost amused. Cedar swore she almost heard the older leader mutter ‘flawless transition’ to themselves before speaking to the clans at large.
“Thunderclan is doing fine. The shade helps the temperature feel more bearable.” And with that, she sat down. Rootstar took this to be his cue, coming to stand beside Sandstar.
“Windclan has new apprentice’s joining it’s ranks, Cloverpaw and Willowpaw.” The rest of the cats repeated the names to varying degrees of enthusiasm, but Robinpaw gave Cedar a confused look. Pelt prickling, Cedar pretended not to see. Why hadn’t Rootstar just lied and named her as well? Wouldn’t excluding her just be more suspicious as more cats began to recognize her and learn her name?
“Prey is doing well, and we’ve fond the heat quite unbothersome.” Rootstar lied, looking unbothered and smug.
“But enough of that. I’m sure we’re all aware of the fire that raged in Shadowclan territory this moon. Shadowclan’s lack of presence here tonight is telling, and I feel it’s reasonable to assume they were either chased off the land by the fire or…” Even Rootstar’s hate for Shadowclan seemed to falter for a moment. Sandstar shook her head softly.
“We will mourn for Shadowclan if they are gone. It is an unprecedented tragedy in Clan history, to have an entire clan taken from us.” There was a deep and painful silence as the gathered cat’s absorbed the implications of Shadowclan’s loss. Cedar, meanwhile, was digging her claws into the dirt. She felt the heat of the flames flickering around her, and worse, heard the laughter and chatter of clanmates who might be-
“While this is true,” Troutstar meowed, looking unmoved “Their land needs to be divided among us.” At this Sandstar turned to the other leader, looking angrier than she had the rest of the gathering.
“Until Starclan gives us confirmation that Shadowclan is gone, we shall. Do. No. Such. Thing.” She hissed out fiercely, pelt raising and looking ready to strip the flesh off of Troutstar. Troutstar’s ears flattened, and she almost took a step back, before standing her ground. After a moment of silence, the silver leader smiled pleasantly.
“I can agree to this, for now. If there is no news in the next three moons, Riverclan will take it’s claim of territory.” And with this announcement Troutstar leapt from the Great Rock, Riverclan hurriedly following their leader.
“Wow that was eventful!” Willowpaw meowed nervously, looking guiltily towards Cedar. Robinpaw nodded, bouncing slightly.
“No kidding! I thought Sandstar was gonna shove Troutface right off the Great Rock!” With this startlingly impolite statement, a warrior shoved Robinpaw onto their paws.
“Don’t be rude to a leader.” They grumbled, sending Robinpaw along with the rest of Thunderclan, which had begun to trickle out of Four-Trees. Willowpaw watched her leave with wide eyes as Cedar turned to her mentor, surprised to find Stormfang close behind her as well. Had she been there the whole gathering? Pelt prickling, Cedar rushed past her into Mothscar’s white pelt.
Even as Windclan begun to leave Cedar couldn’t help but feel things were going to get a lot worse. Was Shadowclan really lost?
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sunnymoon-sunshine · 4 years
“Do you ever wonder if you’re doing the right thing?”
As the words rolled off his tongue, Fireheart became acutely aware of how it sounded, even to his own ears. Pathetic might have been the prime word to use, and he almost expected to hear just that. To be called pathetic, to be told to go home. He certainly felt it, and Sandstorm was blunt to a fault, someone who said exactly what she thought and nothing less.
But her eyes were brimming with pity. He could hardly stand it.
The paths they followed were old haunts of his, trails that he had followed late at night with Spottedleaf. A medicine cat and a loyal warrior, the spiritual guide and the outcast. Respect and trust came at a price, he found. A clan’s respect came at the cost of the cat who never wavered in her belief in him.
His first two friends in ThunderClan, the cats he could trust with his life, had settled elsewhere. Ravenpaw found safety in a warm barn far from home, and Greystripe had followed a siren’s call, wading into a river stained red with blood. And Spottedleaf was now so out of reach. It was easy to feel alone, helpless in his greatest time of need. For all the talk of unity, he had always been a stranger when it was convenient for the clan.
“Fireheart, are you listening to me, or are you getting caught up in yourself again?”
Sandstorm’s cross meow broke him of his thoughts. If anything, he thought idly, watching the tip of her tail flick back and forth like a rattlesnake about to strike, she should have been fire. She could’ve burned the entire forest down. She could have taken down any force between her and her clan. Large, burly, with wit as sharp as her tongue, Sandstorm could have been - should be - the wildfire that ThunderClan needed, the fire that saves the clan--
“You really aren’t listening to me, you rat.”
Those were the eyes of a lady with claws and teeth and a dislike of being ignored. “Ah, I-- sorry, Sandstorm.” He dipped his head as he apologized. Internally, he berated himself. She was one of the cats that liked him the most (at least, she did like him the most, but that look was positively scathing) and to incite her fury would do him no favors.
She very pointedly rolled her eyes. They stood nearly shoulder to shoulder, having stopped in their midday patrol (or leisurely stroll, as Dustpelt would later accuse him of indulging in) for Fireheart to unload just a sliver of his anxieties onto her.
“I will repeat myself,” Her voice was low, which was probably a danger sign and definitely a signal to listen and listen well, “Only once.”
“You, Fireheart, are the only cat I have ever met that so strongly seems like the only one with any sense, and yet is fueled by an exact lack of any logical thought process that it’s boggling to witness.”
“You hunt for a rival clan because they seem hungry, you decide to take in mangy, flea-bitten monsters. You go on the hunt to ruin the name of one of ThunderClan’s mightiest warriors on the word of a nervous apprentice and an enemy warrior,” She listed off his numerous sins, as if he hadn’t forgotten how much trouble each caused for him, “And yet, the most frustrating part is that it all worked out.
“RiverClan is in our debt, Yellowfang is our new healer, and Tigerclaw turned out to be a homicidal bundle of fur with a few too many ambitions to contain himself. You’ve saved the clan countless times, became our deputy and second in command at a hideously young age, you are one step away from holding power over the entire clan, and you have the utter gall and sheer nerve to think you’re doing the wrong thing.”
She narrowed eyes that gleamed with unchecked fury. “I ought to claw your nose right off your face, serves you right.”
The protest erupted from him before he had time to gather his scattered thoughts. “Half the clan hates me,” The thought had always been there, but the words felt like a ball of thorns in his throat, “And they’ll never let me forget I was once a house cat. Bluestar’s out of her mind and I’m deputy because of it.”
“You’re deputy because you’re the only one who bothers to stick his nose into every hole just to make sure there’s not a fox!” She raised her voice and her tail, “And who cares if you were a kittypet? Tell Darkstripe that maybe if he were a kittypet, he’d be deputy instead of moaning around and nosing Tigerclaw’s old dirt.”
Fireheart’s ears flicked back against his head. “You used to call me a kittypet all the time.” He reminded, because it had to be said. She had, and that was a truth that couldn’t be escaped.
At that, Sandstorm drew herself up to her full height. “I was a stupid apprentice. Because, Fireheart,” She leaned forward, nearly nose to nose with him, “Cats can change. Tigerclaw’s a killer, Bluestar’s lost it, Greystripe’s a traitor, and you’re a clan-bound hero. You hear me?”
And when he didn’t know how to respond, he simply nodded. Her whiskers quivered.
“You know, I think you’re the biggest disaster ThunderClan’s seen yet. Can’t even fend yourself from me.”
There was a warmth seeped into voice this time, and as she drew back to give him space, he saw it in her eyes - a hint of affection, or at least some kind of tolerance. From Sandstorm, either meant a lot. “What if I don’t want to fend myself from you?” He challenged, letting himself relax, straighten out. “You seem to be the exact aggressive confidence I need, apparently.”
“Aggressive confidence?” Sandstorm echoed, with a hint of a purr in her voice.
“Very. I know now that if I doubt myself again, I’ll be eating my own tail.”
“That’s right!”
Sometimes, perhaps, the right thing wasn’t clear. But whatever happened, he was sure that Sandstorm would at least be right there beside him - maybe not approving of all the things he did, but at least being honest about it. He rather liked that about her.
Cats could change, after all. Sandstorm was proof of that.
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signs-of-the-moon · 3 years
Moon Rise: Chapter 37
A half moon had passed since the last battle for the Forest Patch. Treeclan made no attempt to trespass or take back the land Grassclan had claimed; and Grassclan kept to their own boundries, opting to take this time to heal and train. There were multiple cats who itched to get back out there and strike their enemy once more, but Whitestar demanded patience. 
"We have been given a great opportunity," she proclaimed during a strategy meeting, "because of this peace, our clan is growing strong again."
"Some peace. Feels more like a stalemate. What if Treeclan is planning something?" Snailear fretted. 
"Then we'll be ready for them," responded Chicorynose, eyes darkening. Every cat knew Chicorynose was the biggest advocate for getting the clan back on the battlefield. She wanted revenge on Treeclan for their almost-victory in the last fight. And for the death of her little sister Heatherwing.
Swiftcloud twitched her whiskers, building up the courage to speak up. "Do you think something could be wrong within Treeclan?" She wondered, earning looks from her superiors. "I remember when I'd fought Thornberry in the last few battles, he didn't...seem to be giving it his all. His blows didn't hit as hard as usual. And..and he smelled kinda strange..." Swiftcloud trailed off, shrinking a little in her fur. A few of the clan's senior warriors whispered among themselves while Whitestar swished her tail thoughtfully.
"I think Swiftcloud may be onto something," meowed Sheeptail. "A cat or two I'd fought in the last battle seemed a little dull behind the eyes, and shaggy in the scruff. Even some of the young ones. It felt too easy, even though it ended in a stalemate."
"And Treeclan doesn't seem to be checking their border as frequently as of late," Tigerfang chimed in. "I've been on the last two border patrols and haven't caught fresh Treeclan scent either time."
"Hmm, that is concerning. Perhaps we should investigate what is going on with our neighbors," Whitestar proposed, raising her chin a little.
"Should we send spies across the border?" Chicorynose suggested, licking her shoulder fur.
"No," Whitestar countered, rising to her paws. "We shall send a patrol to their camp."
"That's mouse-brained!" Slugsnout hissed. "Our cats will be shredded if we send them into the heart of Treeclan territory. We're better off catching a patrol to interrogate or something."
"We will be visiting in peace. Treeclan will have no right to attack. And to ensure this, I will lead the patrol myself. I will also be bringing Snowfrost and a few non-fighting warriors along so the clan will not feel threatened."
"Snowfrost?" Chicorynose parroted the medicine cat's name in a tone which sounded like she'd bitten a bad piece of fresh-kill. "Why would you allow her to come with you to Treeclan?"
"She knows the territory better than any of us. And should there be no patrols at that time, we'll be needing a guide. I know Snowfost will be able to lead us safely through the forest and to Treeclan camp," Whitestar answered surely. The senior warriors exchanged wary glances. 
"I still think it's a mouse-brained idea," Slugsnout muttered under his breath, but still loud enough for Grassclan's leader to catch.
"Which is why I won't be bringing you," Whitestar hissed, shocking the white and ginger patched warrior with her perceptiveness. "Swiftcloud. You will accompany me to Treeclan. You've been there before, I'm sure you'll recognize the area. And I think I'd like Rosebloom to come with as well. Can you send her to my den please? And Snowfrost too."
"Um, yes Whitestar," Swiftcloud agreed with a blink.
"Very good, thank you. Meeting dismissed."
One by one, the senior warriors trailed out of the den. Swiftcloud followed closely behind, padding away from the group across the clearing to search for the cats Whitestar requested for a patrol.
The first place Swiftcloud decided to check was the warrior's den. Perhaps the cats she needed to find were taking shelter in the warmth of the large boulder. It was a cold day after all, with dark clouds looming in the sky above. It might even rain.
Swiftcloud slipped into the crack of the den, blinking to allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness inside. When her vision cleared, she was able to make out the shape of one of her soon-to-be companions. Rosebloom was laying in her nest at the back of the den, an empty patch of wool beside her which lay untouched. The former queen had taken to building a second nest beside her own ever since she'd returned to warrior duties. Swiftcloud always wondered if Rosebloom saved the space for her deceased mate, Ryestep, but never had the courage to ask. In fact, since she became a warrior again, Swiftcloud hadn't spoken to the she-cat much at all.
"Rosebloom. Can I bother you for a moment?" She piped softly, trying not to disturb the other molly too much. 
Rosebloom's eyes fluttered open, dilated with sleepiness as she focused on Swiftcloud across the den. 
"Hm..? Oh yes, of course. What can I do for you, Swiftcloud?"
"It's for Whitestar, actually. She'd like an audience with you in her den." 
"Really?" Rosebloom yawned, stretching all four of her legs out. Her face twisted for a heartbeat then relaxed just as her muscles did. The former queen stood to give her pelt a shake, then sat back down to groom. "In that case, I'll be sure to meet with her shortly."
"Thank you." Swiftcloud dipped her head respectfully to the older she-cat before turning, allowing Rosebloom some privacy to clean up. 
Out in the open, Swiftcloud searched for her next target. As she scanned the clearing she parted her jaws, tasting the air for the familiar scent of Grassclan's senior medicine cat. When she'd caught hold of it she was off, following the trail to the medicine den.
Here she found Snowfrost, sitting alone at the back, covered by the shade. By her right was a pile of lavender, perhaps the last for the season. To her left, more generic flowers and leaves. The lynx point molly was concentrating on sorting a particular set of herbs. Her mouth moved as she recited the use of each plant, piling them on top of each other in a neat row of four. Perhaps they were meant for the elders. When she'd finished with those, Snowfrost gently swept them aside with her tail, then pulled another pile of herbs in front of her with a paw. Swiftcloud hated to interrupt the medicine cat while she was busy with her work, but Whitestar needed to speak with her. Quietly, she padded deeper into the den, seating herself a tail-length away from the medicine cat to patiently wait for her attention.
"Swiftcloud," Snowfrost meowed with a glance, but otherwise not taking her focus off her herbs, "did you come to have that shoulder of yours examined? I'm assuming the cold has been causing it to ache some, judging by the way you're favoring that side."
Swiftcloud felt herself flush beneath her pelt self consciously. She hadn't even registered the ache in her shoulder until it was pointed out. Snowfrost's a really good medicine cat if she can tell that while hardly even looking at me. "I..I guess it's a little tender. But I'll be alright. That's not what I came here for, though. Whitestar would like to speak with you in her den, when you have a free moment."
"A meeting, hm? I wonder what she could want from me." Snowfrost's ears twitched as she poked her claw into a bundle of leaves below her paw, her eyes narrowed. Whether it be from annoyance or concentration, Swiftcloud was uncertain.
"It's nothing bad, I promise," the patched molly found herself needing to assure. Snowfrost blinked and glanced up at Swiftcloud again, her tail-tip twitching. With a sigh, she rose to her paws. After putting her supplies away, she headed to the den's exit, and disappeared past the ivy tendrils. Swiftcloud held herself back a heartbeat before following. She carefully picked her way through the clearing and over to Tall Stone, watching the tip of Snowfrost's tail disappear into the stone's crack. The white and black patched warrior seated herself outside. She waited patiently for the other mollies to emerge, standing once Rosebloom came into sight. Snowfrost came out after her, padding back to her den with Whitestar watching her as she went.
"Snowfrost's putting together some traveling herbs for us. Once she's done so, we may leave," she informed the others. Within moments, Snowfrost had returned, three bundles of leaves in her mouth. Swiftcloud resisted the urge to grimace as one was placed at her paws. She remembered how vile these herbs tasted, and was not looking forward to eating them again. But Rosebloom and Whitestar didn't seem to have a problem with them. So, Swiftcloud buried her disgust and quickly gulped down the nasty concoction. Once they'd all had a dose of their medicine, Whitestar flicked her tail prompting her patrol forward. Chicorynose called out well wishes behind them, just as the last of the mollies slipped through the bramble tunnel. 
While traveling across the meadow, the patrol's pace was swift. Whitestar wanted to reach the Forest Patch by sunhigh, so that they'd hopefully make it back to familiar ground before the sun would set. As luck would have it, the patrol was right on time. As they drew closer to the Treeclan border, Whitestar began to slow down.
"Snowfrost, why don't you lead us the rest of the way?" She suggested, looking back towards the medicine cat. Rosebloom's eyes narrowed as the healer brushed past her to stand beside their leader. 
"I haven't been that far into the forest in ages," Snowfrost warned. "How are you so sure that I will lead us in the right direction?"
"I have faith that you will," Whitestar answered simply. Rosebloom let out a snort, prompting Snowfrost to lash her tail.
"Faith? In me? My, I haven't heard that in quite a while." There was resentment in the healer's tone and Swiftcloud couldn't understand why. Didn't all warriors put faith in their medicine cats? Sure, Snowfrost was unpopular, but that was no reason to not have faith in her. 
"Just do as you're told," Rosebloom growled, "don't make this into a big deal. We don't have any time for that."
"Rosebloom's right, I'm afraid. Come now, let's get moving shall we?"
Snowfrost simply grunted and lifted her chin. She moved to the head of the patrol, keeping a few paces in front of Whitestar. She led the patrol onward through the Forest Patch, ducking under low hanging branches, and leaping over tree roots. The four she-cats twisted and turned through the brush cautiously, following the medicine cat's lead, up a small incline and into an area where the trees began to thin. Swiftcloud recognized this place, moreso by scent than by the scenery surrounding them. A few more fox-lengths ahead, the Thunder Path came into view. A monster had recently stormed by-judging by the smoke still lingering in the area. The four mollies huddled together, pressing themselves side by side as they looked out at the black stone path in front of them. It was dangerous going across, Swiftcloud remembered, and so the patrol would have to be very careful.
For safety they checked in each direction. First left, then right. In the other direction the rumble of an approaching monster gave the patrol enough warning to jump to safely. Once it sputtered passed, the mollies cleared their lungs of its fumes and dashed across the stone. They skidded to a halt safely on the other side, resting in the undergrowth. Here, in the deeper part of the forest, bird song echoed through the trees. Squirrels could be seen scurrying across bare branches, chasing each other around tree trunks in an attempt to steal food away from their rivals.
The forest was a much livelier place than any Swiftcloud had seen before. It was serene. For a brief heartbeat she thought back to the time she'd left her kittypet home, eager to explore the wild beyond her garden and neighborhood. What would her life have been like if she had chosen to visit the forest instead of the meadow? Would she be a Treeclan warrior now? Would it be possible for her to be as happy in the forest as she was in the open fields?
Swiftcloud gave her pelt a quick shake, ridding herself of such hypothetical questions and thoughts. She had no doubts in her mind about the place she'd chosen to call home. Despite all the trouble going on, she was happy. That's all that mattered. A warm feeling filled Swiftcloud's heart as she glanced at each of the mollies on her patrol. Snowfrost was padding a fox-length ahead of the rest. Her muzzle was raised so she could see exactly where she was going. Every now and then she'd pause to sniff at a particular plant or tree before pressing onwards again. Despite her earlier griping, she seemed to know exactly where she was going.
Next in line was Whitestar, who carefully watched every move the medicine cat made. Every now and then she would check on Rosebloom and Swiftcloud, but otherwise her focus remained forward. Like usual, her overall demeanor was as calm as water. But the leader's eyes showed trouble. She must have been wondering what the patrol would find once they'd reach Treeclan. She could even be worried about the sort of greeting they'd receive showing up unannounced. Whatever might be going through Whitestar's mind, it remained unclear.
Rosebloom seemed the most wary of their surroundings the deeper they traveled into the woods. She bristled at every unfamiliar sound, probably expecting an ambush from an awaiting Treeclan patrol. Her fears were justified; the clans were still at war after all. The mission they were carrying out was dangerous. But the patrol was peaceful, so Treeclan had no reason to attack. Still, Swiftcloud figured Rosebloom probably couldn't consider things in the same way. Especially since she'd lost her mate to Treeclan unjustly.
The forest floor began to dip beneath the patrol's paws as they reached the heart of the forest. The winds revealed fresh cat scent the further they headed in the same direction. Treeclan couldn't be too far off now. Three bear-lengths ahead, Swiftcloud spotted a wall of shrubs in their path. As they drew closer to it, the easier it was to make out the blackthorn bushes which lined the outer perimeter of Treeclan's camp. They had made it! Although the joy of the Grassclan cats' arrival was short lived.
Swiftcloud fought the urge to shrink back in fear and disgust as the patrol at last settled outside their enemy's home base. A smell unlike any other hung over the clearing like a poisonous fog. It was murky and bitter, similar to the stench of bile. It was repugnant. The Grassclan patrol exchanged troubled looks among themselves, silently questioning their choice to visit. But they knew there was no turning back now. They had to figure out what was wrong with Treeclan, if only now to prepare themselves for whatever may come. 
Whitestar led the way to the entrance of the camp. She crouched momentarily, springing into the low hanging branches of the Entrance Tree. She waited for the rest of her patrol to follow before jumping down into the heart of Treeclan's land below.
The camp appeared very different in the cooler seasons of the year. An unnatural silence hung in the air, devoid of birdsong and chatter. The trees which surrounded the clearing were practically bare now, exposing dull light onto the leaf littered floor below. The sun peeked through the clouds momentarily, revealing illness within the sunken eyes of warriors laying around camp. Swiftcloud felt uneasy. 
Cats lazed around by where she assumed the medicine den was, coughs rattling in their chests. The clan's unusually few apprentices worked hard on the elder's den, taking expert care of a lone silver and black tabby she-cat. Pitiful shrill mewls erupted from the nursery from kits begging for relief. And worst of all, hardly any cat paid attention to the visitors who had invaded their home. It was as if the entire clan was in a sickness related trance.
"Whitestar," a cat meowed, voice steady but firm. Wolfheart approached the Grassclan patrol from across the clearing, dipping his head to the leader with the deepest of respect. Swiftcloud noted that Wolfheart appeared healthy in comparison to a lot of his clanmates, although he did look a bit thin. It was good to see at least one warrior unphased by whatever ailed everyone else around them. "You must be Starclan sent to have come all this way. Follow me; Blazestar will want to speak with you."
Rosebloom and Swiftcloud exchanged a glance but said nothing, following Whitestar as she was led to the Great Stump by Wolfheart. Snowfrost walked just a few pawsteps faster than her clanmates, trying to match pace with the tom. She cleared her throat, obviously trying to gain his attention. But Wolfheart ignored her entirely. Snowfrost's ears soon lowered, betrayal crossing her features. Rosebloom growled as she watched the medicine cat, while Whitestar fixed her with a glare. The mollies' display was so unusual to Swiftcloud. Neither Rosebloom nor Whitestar were the types to get annoyed. Why were they now acting so hostile? It must have been because they were in Treeclan's camp, Swiftcloud reasoned with herself. Maybe they were upset that Snowfrost was trying to be friendly.
Blazestar emerged from beneath the Great Stump as he scented the enemy patrol approach. Whitestar flicked an ear, stopping her patrol a tail-length away from the Treeclan members. Alone she stepped forward to speak with her fellow leader.
"Well isn't this a surprise." Blazestar looked at each Grassclan warrior in turn. His head was lifted high with authority. For once, no hostility shone in his expression. "Welcome. What brings you four here today?"
Whitestar dipped her head respectfully. "Grassclan has not scented one of your patrols in quite some time, Blazestar. We were wondering what had become of Treeclan since our last battle."
"Some cats thought you had left your forest entirely," Snowfrost muttered, sarcasm apparent.
Blazestar narrowed his eyes at the medicine cat, not the slightest bit amused. "You would've liked that, wouldn't you? Considering the reputation you have within my clan."
The fur along Snowfrost's spine rose instantly. She flexed her claws in and out again, as if she were trying to hold herself back from cuffing the Treeclan leader's ears.
"We are not here to discuss past grievances," Whitestar broke in before an argument could ensue. "We simply came looking for answers."
Slowly, Blazestar forced himself to relax. He huffed, licking down his ruffled chest fur. "Well, you've found them. There isn't any use in trying to hide the obvious, when the sickness in my clan is so apparent."
Swiftcloud had to admire the bravery it must have taken for Blazestar to admit his clan's weakness. Leafbare had hardly begun to dawn upon the Land's Star. And yet Treeclan had fallen victim to greencough. Things must have been terribly rough for them. 
"We've lost many brave cats already. Most of our elders have perished. And even my long time deputy hunts in Silverpelt's domain."
"Thornberry has passed?" Rosebloom asked quietly. Blazestar gave a sad but confirming nod.
"Wolfheart is doing a fine job as replacement. Although he still has much to learn, and has very big paw prints to fill. Still, we are all getting on as best as we can in these challenging times of the year. Mothsong is dividing up what's left of our catmint to ensure all of our sick get at least a small dosage." 
"Low supplies, hm?" Snowfrost queried. Blazestar looked to the medicine cat with intrigue. He seemed almost eager to hear what else she might have to say. "Well there's a simple solution to that. I can provide your medicine cat with the herbs she needs."
Rosebloom bristled at the offer, with Swiftcloud looking to the medicine cat for an explanation. Did she really have the authority to offer such assistance? Swiftcloud's attention turned towards Whitestar to see what she would say. 
The siamese she-cat seemed to be lost in thought for a heartbeat. When she finally spoke again, her tone was hard with seriousness. "I will allow our medicine cats to share catmint with your clan, seeing how much of a hold this illness has on you. But, we will only share only under one condition."
"Oh?" Blazestar prompted. "And what might that be?"
"The war between us must be postponed," Whitestar began. "You see, I believe this could be a benefit for both of our clans. Grassclan will have time to heal from the wounds yours has left, while Treeclan can recuperate from it's greencough. I propose we call a two or three moons long truce. I think that should be ample time for us all to become fit enough to fight again."
Blazestar seemed bewildered by the prospect that his enemy would grant him such a luxury. Time to heal? In war? The idea must seem absurd. But it was obvious that Blazestar was desperate. Everyone knew how dedicated he was to keeping Treeclan well and strong. By this point, he would probably agree to most stipulations. 
"We will gladly accept your offer, and your proposal," Blazestar finally meowed with a head dip. "The war between Treeclan and Grassclan shall be settled when the worst of Leafbare is over."
"When the worst of Leafbare is over," Whitestar echoed in agreement, sitting down. She dipped her head to the other leader once more then sat erect to address the four cats around them
"Wolfheart, Rosebloom, Swiftcloud, Snowfrost. You are the witnesses of this agreement. As such it is now your responsibility to help us maintain peace for the next season. You are the proof that this meeting took place. Be sure to keep hold of our agreement."
The three warriors and medicine cat nodded, moving to flank their respective leaders.
"I shall bring the catmint to the border tomorrow at sunhigh," Snowfrost informed Blazestar. "It is crucial that you let Mothsong and Berryfrost know immediately. I will not sit around for long, should they decide to take their time meeting with me."
Blazestar swayed his tail, turning to Wolfheart. "You heard her. Go and make sure my sister and her apprentice are aware of the plan. I'd like to know what Mothsong says when she finds out about the herbs." There was a softness in the ginger tom's tone, and an excited gleam in his eye. It was hard for Swiftcloud to tell if Blazestar was excited about the temporary truce, or if he was anticipating how happy Mothsong would be.
Whitestar rose to her paws and flicked her ears twice, summoning her patrol to fall in step behind her. 
"We'll be taking our leave now, Blazestar. I'll be waiting to hear an update from your clan come half-moon. May the winds be with you." 
"And may Starclan light your path," Blazestar answered in return. "I'll have Moonface and Tigerlily escort you four back to the border."
The Grassclan patrol gathered by the Entrance Tree awaiting their escorts arrival. Moonface and Tigerlily padded up to them a few heartbeats later, flanking either side of the patrol. The warriors acted as guides as they all made their way back through the forest, and swiftly across the Thunder Path. Swiftcloud fell in step beside her friend Moonface and spoke with her as they travelled. Through her, Swiftcloud was able to learn that Magpietail had had her kittens; the clan none the wiser of their half-clan heritage. She also learned of the molly's recent pairing with her longtime friend Sunflower. It felt nice to catch up with the lives of her Treeclan friends, outside of a gathering. For a little while, things felt as though they were normal again. And perhaps, if they were lucky, this truce would lead to a more long lasting peace. 
Grassclan's patrol finally pulled ahead once the scent of their borders became noticeable. Their Treeclan escorts watched as they went, and promptly bid them farewell once they'd crossed back into their own territory. Whitestar in return expressed her gratitude before at last leading her patrol back towards their camp, the light of the settings sun guiding their path onward.
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fan-clan-fun · 4 years
These cats are just a pair of siblings that I had a lot of fun working on. They are basically two sides of the same coin, foils to each other. They are members of a fan clan (I know, shocker) called HawkClan.
I apologise for any grammatical errors, weird sentence structures or anything like that, english isn’t my native language.
Wonderful! And no worries about the writing, Im always impressed by non-native english speakers and their impressive english, at least when compared to the other languages I myself supposedly speak. So let’s see what we have!
Adderstar: Massive, intimidating, a frightening foe. These are the words most cats would use to describe HawkClan’s young leader, Adderstar. But don’t let her physical appearance fool you, this huge tabby has an ever bigger, albeit squeamish heart!
Born into a litter of three, Adderkit was the biggest and strongest one. She would often be found rough housing with her two brothers and the other kits in the nursery. But with great power comes great responsibility. That’s a lesson Adderkit needed to be taught the hard way. During one of their usual play sessions she accidentally tackled one of her brothers, Shadowkit, violently, breaking one of his ribs which caused internal bleeding. Despite the medicine cat’s best efforts, Shadowkit passed away. After that, Adderkit refused to play with the other kits, especially if they were younger or smaller than her. Blazekit, angry with his sister and unable to cope with the loss of his brother, became cold, angry and distant. He now refuses to acknowledge Adderstar as anything more than a leader and lashes out at any cat who points out their obvious connection.
Interesting, Im curious about when she would have done this and how. Cats can do some serious damage, but to have the strength (unless it was aided by height or some other advantage) to cause a broken bone and internal bleeding would be quite difficult, not impossible, just difficult. But! Maybe an easier ( and even more heartwrenching) way it could have happened, was if their sibling got an infection when Adderkit played carelessly with claws out. It could have made Adderkit much more careful of how she fought. That said, I really do like this motivation, and either way if you wish to keep it, would make for a compelling character development.
Moons passed, but memories of her brother kept haunting the she-cat, even when she started her apprenticeship. Darkstar, the former leader, having seen her potential and her struggles, decided to mentor the young cat himself. Both cats were insanely stubborn, refusing to acknowledge the faults of their ways; Darkstar, too focused on battle tactics and strength, and Adderpaw, afraid of her own power and abilities. The two cats clashed on multiple occasions, but Darkstar wasn’t known for giving up a challenge. He realized that the best motivation for Adderpaw was the pain of others. He would often put himself, sometimes other cats, in dangerous situations that would require immediate action from Adderpaw to solve. This is why Adderstar is so good at fighting badgers, according to some cats. Slowly but surely, the two started to understand and trust each other.
See I like the dynamic between Darkstar and Adderpaw.... but I dont think it would be either wise  or realistic that a clan leader would allow either themselves or clanmates into a potentially dangerous situation just to encourage an apprentice. Maybe if it wasnt actually dangerous, but it would be a bit odd to put the responsibility on an apprentice to save the day, when it would be the leader’s job to do that. Unless... well I’ll address it below.
Many moons later, Adderfang was made deputy, instead of Blazestep, whom many cats regarded as the best warrior in HawkClan. This widened the rift between the two siblings even more. Adderfang never thought of becoming a leader. She just wanted to fulfill her warrior duties and get her mind off her brother’s death. She didn’t want to be a leader, she had no need for more worries.
So I do think it is very odd that Adderfang would have been chosen as deputy when the rest of the clan regarded their sibling better. That said, you could argue that Darkstar’s actions in her apprenticeship (reckless self endargerment and potential endangerment of others) and then choosing her as deputy over other better liked candidates, could point to nepotism or serious character flaws. I feel like there is more going on with Darkstar that might need to be addressed for this to work. Not impossible, but an interesting conundrum.
“He has the heart and passion of a Bear. You have the strength and clarity of a Hawk.” That was all Darkstar said. Adderfang understood none of that. Strength? Well, she had that. And what good did that bring her? Death and sadness, nothing more. Clarity? All her life, she knew nothing, but confusion. What is her place in her clan? Does a murderer even deserve a place to call home? She tried to pry Darkstar for more; she needed reasons, true reasons, not baseless statements. But Darkstar wouldn’t say more. He’d just smile, like he knew something that no other cat did. “You’ll understand one day, mousebrain.”
But even after standing on the shores of the High Lake (A/N: it’s just a big, icy lake, this is where deputies are made leaders under the full moon), even after becoming Adderstar, she still couldn’t quite grasp what those words meant.
Im curious what those words mean too, I feel like there could be some background spiritual stuff going on.
Blazestep: HawkClan’s finest warrior. And also it’s angriest one, this jet black cat is one scorching inferno. He’s brash, aggressive, and he’s not afraid of showing his fangs or unsheathing his claws. How does one small, frightened kit grow up to be a walking volcano, ready to erupt at any moment?
His brother’s death hit Blazekit harder than any blow from a cat ever could. Shadowkit was the only kit willing to play with the weakling Blazekit. All the others would mock or turn their backs on him. And, playing with Adderkit was just plain sad. Even as a young kit, Blazekit could see that Adderkit was going easy on him. Never once did she shove him too hard, bit or scratched him playfully. What’s worse, she even pretended to be hurt when Blazekit tackled her or batted at her with his tiny paws. Blazekit hated all of it. He hated Adderkit and her pity, he hated the disgusted and mocking looks of the other kits. Shadowkit was the only other cat he could confide in.
And then Shadowkit was stripped away from him, by Adderkit of all cats. Blazekit was truly alone now.
Sounds like a lonely and frustrated kit, poor guy.
Adderkit tried to reconnect with him, but he rejected her pitiful attempts. It’s not like Adderkit made such a tremendous effort either: whenever Blazekit would confront her, she’d just avert her gaze, murmur something and leave with her tail drooping. Blazekit hated it. He hated how Adderkit couldn’t face the truth, how she couldn’t, no, didn’t take responsibility for her strength. Instead of realizing the power in her paws, she just hid away from it. Blazekit hated it.
Moons went by, and soon, it was Blazepaw’s turn to prove himself. His mentor, Nettlemoon was the exact opposite of the fiery tom. Nettlemoon tried to teach the young cat patience, but Blazepaw would have none of it. Despite this, he was an outstanding apprentice; he could execute most moves with ease and with little practice and he was excellent at predicting his opponent’s next move. He was just bad at catching squirrels.
But being good wasn’t enough for Blazepaw, he wanted to be the best. He’d train long and hard after nightfall, when the clan was asleep, often overworking and injuring himself. He had to get stronger. No cat will make fun of him anymore, he’ll make sure of that.
So at this point I really worry for this apprentice, and worry that neither his mentor of the clan around him seemed to notice his struggle. I cant imagine that his mentor wouldnt have noticed his injuries and addressed them. He may be hot headed and determined to be the best, but there is only so much he can get away with before he should have consequences. Then again, if you do continue with the thread of Darkstar putting himself in danger, I suppose an absent mentor wouldnt be entirely unrealistic for the clan.
He was Blazestep now, but his goals never changed. And he was going to make it. He could already see Darkstar appointing him as deputy. He could see all of those mocking glares turn into quick, wary glances filled with fear. He could see himself standing on top of The Ruins (A/N: a place for the leaders to stand during clan meetings, it’s just an old church overgrown with weeds and trees), fur blowing in the wind, looking down at HawkClan. He could see himself racing towards battle, his clan at his back and Shadowkit at his side.
And then it was stripped away from him, by none other than Adderfang.
So I am curious about why the clan ended up liking (or at least respecting) Blazestep more than Adderfang, at least that was what I understood since it seemed he was considered a better warrior by the clan. He does seem to have a lot of anger issues to work out, so with your explanation of his character it makes a bit more sense that his sister is deputy, but I feel like there is a disconnect between your personal discussion of the siblings personalities and how the clan perceives them. Maybe its just a case of unreliable narrator. Is Blazestep really sneaky, and hides his true anger problems and ambition? I suppose if he was clever enough as an apprentice, and didnt push himself too far he might have been able to pull the wool over his mentor’s eyes, but he would have to be very clever and careful not to injure or tire himself so much that it would affect the rest of his training. 
Anyway, I hope I didnt sound too critical, but these characters are very interesting and compelling, interesting enough that I was quite invested in them! I hope to see how you decide to write them in the end!
So, yeah, these two are the main duo of HawkClan. Sorry for the long read, I got pretty carried away while writing.
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Warrior Cat OC's
I came up with a Small family of Warrior Cat OC's from Pre-Into the Wild. Like Pre Mapleshade and such. They are Sandclaw (Shadowclan's best dad), Gorsefang (Dark Forest Resident) and their kits Yarrowfoot (made of anxiety and curiousity) and Hawkflower (Trans momma and resident badass Lesbian).
I'm going to put this undercut and give the kits their own posts but let's start with mom and dad!
Gorsekit is born a few days after Sandkit. Gorsekit grows up alone with no siblings, but with a loving mother named Larksong. Her father Bluetail had died in a border skirmish before her birth. Her mother loved her and encouraged her daughter to play with other kits. Gorsekit never saw much reason to play, mostly because no other kits listened to her rules. Sandkit at least considered her rules and orders so when Larksong asked Gorsekit to play she went to Sandkit. Sandkit thought Gorsekit was odd, but fun because she didn't think he was bad for being small. Sandkit was the runt of a big litter of 6 kits and rarely got much attention. The two gravitated together throughout their lives.
Once an apprentice Gorsepaw's need to control those around her got even worse when a bolt of lightning struck her mother in front of her, killing Larksong. The medicine cat claimed that it was no women of Star Clans, but rather a freak accident no one could control. Gorsepaw's subconscious need for complete control began to turn deadly after that. Her mother had long helped keep her control issues from spiralling away but with her gone Horsepaw started to manipulate every cat around her. She always has a way with words and managed to turn everyone of her flaws into someone else's fault. No one hated Gorsepaw, they thought she had the short end of the stick and they pitied her. The only cat Gorsepaw didn't manipulate or harm was Sandpaw.
During this Sandpaw stuck by Gorsepaw's side. He was struggling as an apprentice due to his small size and weak frame. Gorsepaw took it upon herself to help Sandpaw improve, the two would sneak out to train together. Gorsepaw towered over Sandpaw, but never threatened him. The day Sandpaw got his warrior name was the day he saved his Border patrol from a Thunderclan ambush. Having broken off to hunt a vile, Sandpaw found the waiting ambush. Unwisely Sandpaw attacked them, loudly proclaiming them trespassers. The sounds of fighting and Sandpaw's howls brought the patrol to him. They patrol found Sandpaw taking down a Tom twice his size his claws digging deeper into his foe than any other. Thus he was named Sandclaw.
Gorsepaw got her warrior name for her long Fangs, nothing to heroic. In fact Gorsefang avoided standing out too much, only enough to get the clan to do things her way. She and Sandclaw became mates shortly after Sandclaw got his warrior name and not a moon later they were expecting kits.
The coming of her kits only made Gorsefang even more manipulative. She became outright bossy and snappish. The clan put it off as nerves having lost her parents early in her life. Gorsefang was ecstatic about her coming kits and she gave birth to two Tom's. Sandclaw named the smallest Yarrowkit, and Gorsefang named the biggest Hawkkit.
Now Gorsefang was not a good mother. She was already manipulative, having turned most of the clan either against one another or turning cats on themselves. Now with Kita Gorsefang believed she had the means of completely redoing the clan in her image. She knew she'd never be leader. But maybe Hawkkit would.
Gorsefang ensured that Hawkkit and Yarrowkit only believed what she told them. Everyone else lied, only their Mama knew the truth. When it became clear they Yarrowkit was to weak to uphold her vision Gorsefang neglected him. She withheld milk, claiming that he was a 'little glutton' who 'never left enough for his brother', and so on. She also managed to make it seem that any little harm that befell her or anyone else was Yarrowkit's fault. Yarrowkit, turned in on himself.
Hawkkit on the other paw, was the golden kit. He could do nothing wrong and if he did he was told not to be his brother. Gorsefang forced her visions and ideas on Hawkkit who was more their father in personality. Hawkkit knew herself enough to rebel some. But it always ended badly.
Whilst the Queens tried to voice concern Gorsefang's deceit was to entrenched. That was until Sandclaw witnessed his Kit's abuse at its worst.
Yarrowkit ran away one day, and Hawkkit followed. Sandclaw and a patrol went to find them, Gorsefang howling for her kits at camp. They found Hawkkit and Yarrowkit staring down a Fox trap and muttering to each other. Sandclaw talked them away gently and grew concerned when. They flinched from the kindness. It was then that Sandclaw saw bite marks on Yarrowkit's scruff. He tried to find out what caused them but his kit would not say. Sandclaw gently took the two home furious with himself for allowing his duties to interfere with the family he loved so dearly.
Upon returning to the nursery Sandclaw vowed to remain by the kits sides along with his mate and went to tell Jaystar, their leader, he was retiring so young. As he left there was a small talk between mother and kits, then a yowl of pain. Sandclaw turned back to find Gorsefang biting down on Yarrowkit and hissing to Hawkkit about obeying and never acting out again. Disturbed Sandclaw lunged at Gorsefang, the cat who had stayed by him al his life, and slew her. She cursed him to never draw blood again as she died.
Sandclaw accepted this and any punish.ent to befall him for killing his mate, but Jaystar believed he was in the right. The work and manipulation of Gorsefang was being revealed and the clan had a lot to undo.
Sandclaw retired from Warrior duties to serve in the Nursery as a guard and adoptive parent to any orphans. But first he worked to love, nurture and cherish his four moon old kits that Gorsefang had nearly broken. It took moons but eventually Hawkkit, now Hawkpaw, and Yarrowkit, now Yarrowpaw, recoved some. Yarrowpaw suffered anxiety and never truly became a warrior, rather he moved more towards the Medicine cat den and eventually became the Medicince cat Yarrowfoot. Yarrowfoot fell in love with a Tom named Bramblefur, and the two shared a kind romance that never resulted in a mateship.
Yarrowfoot would later discover on a trip to the Moonstone. That his Mother Gorsefang, was in the Dark Forest and had sworn revenge on Shadowclan. Yarrowfoot did all he could to ensure her treacherous whispers never fully took hold in the clan again.
As an apprentice Hawkpaw eventually revealed to their dad what had been said that Gorsefang flew into a rage about. Hawkpaw was a Molly, not a Tom. Sandclaw immediately supported his daughter and did everything to ensure she felt supported to as he did Yarrowfoot when he came forward as Gay.
Hawkpaw found that she loved Hunting and became a hunter for the clan. Upon recieving her warrior name, Sandclaw approached Jaystar with a request. Hawkpaw cried when Jaystar named her Hawkflower, showing that the clan saw her as she saw herself. She mated with a Molly named Flintear and had three litters with her until the final litter of 3 Molly's and 2 Tom's, killed Flintear. By then Sandclaw had retured to the elders den and took her father's place in the Nursery caring and guarding all kits.
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lightningnose · 6 years
Hey there Dawnfoot! Name’s Thymeflower! You seem like a really handsome tom~ I am pretty fast on my paws too! But of course, my abilities raising kits are far more incredible. Care to tell me more about you? What about your family? So you are in Starclan! How is it?? Is it dark and warm like the seers tell? Do you get to see everything from up there? How fascinating!
Dawnfoot: Oh! Wow, uh, hello Thymeflower! That's quite nice of you to say. I mean, I probably could've been a -face in WindClan with my short fur and all but uh, thanks! Well, I was a WindClan Warrior. Never made Deputy or anything, and I don't think I'd have wanted the job either. Too stressful for me! I loved running those moors, it was always great. And hunting for the Clan, too. Hemlockwhisker and I always made a great team! Oh, my family? Well, my mom is Boulderstorm. She's finicky, but also very devoted -- at least, on her up days. Some days she's more sulky, but that's cool! She's really good at adapting to things on the fly and all. She's really big, and is actually a black classic tabby! A lot of Boulder- cats are grey, but I mean, big rocks can be brown too, you know? My dad is Applenose! Boulderstorm liked having him around since he could always find me and my littermates really quickly. He's a cream classic tabby with white paws, though he's got amber eyes like me! Mom has hazel eyes. Oh, uh, I got my figure from dad. He's a bit too serious, sometimes, but he does know when to take it easy and he's an amazing story teller! Hah, I definitely didn't pick up on his eloquence. I kinda just ramble! My sister didn't, though! Skipperfur. She's an oddity in WindClan, cause she's really big and she's got long fur! She's a tortoiseshell, black and ginger, and she's got white paws like dad. Hazel eyes like mum. She's really good at working hard. She likes helping Medicine Cats figure out prophecies, and back when we lived, she loved helping keep the camp clean. She'd do boring jobs just to help. She was actually the only one of us three to make it to being an Elder! I died as a seasoned Warrior as a result of a snakebite I got; the snake had gotten into camp, and we had a lot of Kits, so I went after it. I killed it! So none of the Kits died because of that snake. But the snake took me down with it! Oh well, it happens. Then there's my brother, Snailstorm. He's a vivid kind of guy. He's really chatty on his up days, and super good and getting things done, but on his down days he mostly just listens to history lessons and helps sort herbs and such. His memory is outstanding! He's practically a spitting image of mom, actually, just with amber eyes and a smaller figure. I never had a mate. Neither did Skipperfur, though Snailstorm was mates with Gudgeonfur! I did have Kits, though! With Helmockwhisker. She's my best friend in all of StarClan. She's really clever and has a pretty sharp sense of humour, and she doesn't really care if you offends you with how blunt she is, but she's so devoted and she's not afraid to get up in someone's face if they're doing something she doesn't like. And she's smaller than I am! Though, she's definitely not a morning cat, haha. We were born on the same day! Boulderstorm gave birth to me and my littermates in the morning, and Lilyheart gave birth to Helmockwhisker and her sister that same evening! We were raised together, we trained together... She really is my best friend in the world. We don't see each other as mates, but we did want to have a family together. So we did! Our only daughter is grey, like me, though she's a lot darker in colour than I am. Her name is Murktail! She was a great Warrior, really good at helping teach Apprentices how to run around on different kinds of terrains. She shares her mother's bluntless, but I think she got the eloquence from Applenose cause sometimes she just sounds so musical, like a songbird! Hemlockwhisker and I also had two sons, Grousefoot and Lightningwhisker. Grousefoot actually became a Medicine Cat! He thought it'd be nice to change things up, plus he'd always been devoted to StarClan and wanted to increase that devotion. He became really good at his job! Though, he was quite prone to overworking himself. Always had been, really, even as a kit he'd try and learn every waking hour... I'm glad he has more cats around in StarClan, to make sure he rests enough. He's so stubborn! He's a really interesting colour, the kittypets call it cinnamon and in modern times it's been adopted by the Clans. Really dark and reddish... But no stripes! Either that's just how it worked out, or Hemlockwhisker isn't a tabby under her white, either. Lightningwhisker was also a Warrior. He could be lazy in that he hated getting up, but once he was up it was hard to get him to stop! Like his brother, he was always on the go. No wonder those two got so fast! He was always really clever, though he likes talking in riddles when he tells people what to do, and that can get annoying. But he's still great! He was such a devoted mate to Avocetheart, and a great dad to their Kits! I'm proud of them all, and I love them all so much! As for StarClan? Hmm, well. It's certainly never too cold or too hot, but the exact temperature depends on what part of StarClan you're in! Some parts are darker, we've got some pretty nice cave areas, but a lot of it is really bright! The moors up here are amazing, they stretch out for so long... Hemlockwhisker and Grousefoot and Lightningwhisker and I love racing across them, when we can, and Murktail sometimes keeps score of who wins... I'm happy here. I miss the territories, sometimes, but it's nice up here. Plus I've gotten to befriend so many cats from different Clans... Are you well, Thymeflower? I have to say, I've always really admired the -flower cats who help teach and raise Kits. I helped out with my Kits of course, but I always felt so awkward around others' Kits! What's your Clan like?
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tanglestripe · 6 years
IslandClan’s Struggle Ch 9
[AO3] [Fanfiction] (I’m not dead! Just took a while to finish up these chapters, but double chapter update today to make up for it.)
Tanglestar watched Badgerclaw limp the rest of the way into the den, her tail flicking. She was not angry with her warrior, but she was worried. The young cat had gone through so much, and she seemed like she wanted to give up. But she could not; StarClan had shared with her a prophecy, that a young warrior at the depths of despair would rise to bring the clan out of darkness. She was worried, however, that this would be too much for her to handle. And it seemed that she had been right. If Applepaw couldn't pull through, it might hurt Badgerclaw irreparably.
She looked around at her clan. They were worried and the first hunger of Leaf-bare was beginning. Warriors and apprentices were already beginning to go hungry, giving up food so that the queens and elders could eat. She herself hadn't eaten for two sunrises, worrying about her clan staying strong. She had to choke back a sigh at how small the freshkill pile was, picking out the biggest fish for the queens and padding to their den. They would be hungry, and now that some of the shock was gone, she wanted to check on Lionkit. He had been released from the medicine den shortly after Badgerclaw was sent out, and the  warrior hadn't even acknowledged him. She pushed her way into the nursery, whiskers twitching when she saw how excited the kits were to have a fish. She dropped it beside Splashfur to let her divide it up for the kits.
"Lionkit, will you tell me what happened?" she asked while Splashfur was tearing off pieces. He looked up with her with wide eyes.
"Applepaw went out to get herbs. I wanted to come too, but she said no, 'cause kits have to stay in camp. But I tracked her! Until she found out I was there." he looked down at his paws, guiltily. "It threw her against the tree and it would've eaten me if it hadn't been for Badgerclaw. And now she's mad because I made her rescue me." He sounded so sad. She gave his head a reassuring lick.
"It is not that she is mad at you, but that she is worried about Applepaw. That was a very foolish thing, not listening to your medicine cat and then sneaking out of camp." she meowed. She tried to sound stern, but not mean. It was delicate balance that Lionstar had achieved, and she was still working at it. He nodded a little, backing up to press himself against his mother. When she heard a snicker from the other side of the den, she turned to look sternly at the kit.
"Shellkit, this is a lesson you had to learn too. Or have you forgotten when Eaglekit nearly drowned?" she meowed. He hung his head and mumbled an apology, and she nodded. She could not wait for these kits to be apprentices. She could remember the feeling of being cooped up in camp and only wanting to explore the big world she was now a part of. She turned back to Lionkit, hoping she looked friendly.
"You've learned your lesson. Do not leave camp again until you are apprenticed." she meowed. When he nodded, she added, "And Badgerclaw is not upset with you. She is scared for Applepaw." He nodded a little, and seemed to be feeling better about things, so she left him be. She padded across to her den once she left the nursery and curled up in her nest for some sleep.
* * *
A moon passed. She tried to keep her clan together as prey began to get more scarce due to the freezing rains. Applepaw was healing slowly, and though Badgerclaw had not left her warrior duties this time, she spent every spare moment with the apprentice. It was easy to tell how much she loved her. Even though she was skinny and tired with hunger, Tanglestar had heard from Spottedstream that she was giving half of her rations to the apprentice. As she was healing, she was protesting more an more, but Badgerclaw always insisted. She would need to talk to her if it carried on to a point where the warrior could not perform, but she doubted that Applepaw would let it get there. She was a medicine cat apprentice after all, even if she was back to being restricted to camp.
She stretched before padding outside, narrowing her eyes against the freezing rain. IslandClan cats did not mind getting wet, but the rain was like ice, and her muscles hurt from shivering when she was out in it too long. She padded over to the group of warriors that was gathered around Ravenfeather under the flat rock that sheltered the elders den where they would stay dry while the deputy assigned patrols. He dipped his head to her as she approached, and she was reminded again how old he was getting.
"Clovernose and Pebblefall, I would like you to take your apprentices out to be assessed today." she meowed. "We need more warriors, and it's about time they got their warrior names." They both nodded, eyes shining at the prospect of their first apprentices becoming warriors. She then looked to her deputy. "I will also lead a hunting patrol past the great tree to look for birds, who is not on a patrol yet?" He thought for a brief moment before nodding to two cats.
"Whitefoot and Nightwhisker can do with you." he meowed. The warriors waited as he assigned the rest of the patrols before padding away. She led her patrol to the entrance and they left camp together.
"It has been a while since we got to hunt together," Whitefoot purred. Nightwhisker chuckled and nudged him.
"Yeah, and don't scare the birds off like last time." she replied. He huffed.
"That was one time, and we were apprentices!" he bowled her over and they tussled briefly in the mud before standing back up, laughing. Tanglestar could not help but laugh with them. Whitefoot was an old friend, and seeing him and her sister playfight like they were apprentices made her feel young again. It took some of the weight of responsibility off her shoulders.
"Come on!" she called. They followed after her as she bolted down the path they were following. They followed, her sister laughing happily as they ran.
They stopped when they reached the great tree and split up. Tanglestar sniffed around the roots of a smaller tree, picking up the scent of a squirrel. She slipped into a crouch when she spotted it nibbling on a seed and crept forward. She waited until she was close enough and pounced, killing it with a swift bite. It was small and likely would not be much of a meal, but the clan needed all they could get. She stopped to scrape earth over it before continuing along. The rain had let up, and they needed to get in as much hunting as they could before it began again.
She managed to catch a magpie as well and carried both bodies over to the tree they were to meet at. Nightwhisker was already there, two finches in front of her, and Whitefoot soon joined them with a single small rabbit. It normally would be a sad catch, but since Leaf-bare had truly settled over them, this much prey was hard to come by. They padded back to camp in silence, Tanglestar at the lead, and when they returned to camp they added their catches to the pile. She saw Wolfheart watching from the shelter of the elders den and padded over with her squirrel.
"Here, you need to keep up your strength," she meowed after dropping it at her feet. Wolfheart shook her head, pushing it away from her.
"The kits and queens first, then the warriors." she replied. Tanglestar's tail twitched. Her mother was difficult at the best of times, but since Ferretfoot had died she refused to be taken care of by the clan.
"The kits and queens, and then the elders. You gave a life of service to this clan, it is our duty to look after you." she retorted. Her ears pressed back against her head in surprise when Wolfheart doubled over, coughing. Once the fit had passed, she looked up at her.
"I do not have much time left, Tanglestar. It would be mouse-brained to waste fresh-kill on me." she rasped.
"Nonsense," she meowed, "Come, let me take you to Spottedstream and get something for that cough." Wolfheart looked like she wanted to argue, but she just sighed and let her support her bad side as they made their way slowly to the medicine den.
"When did my kit get so bossy?" she grumbled as they made their way across the clearing. Tanglestar chuckled and gave her head a lick.
"When I became leader." she replied, helping her into the medicine den. Applepaw was asleep in her nest and Spottedstream was trying to coax Leopardclaw to eat some herbs as he coughed and shivered in another nest. She did not look up when they entered.
"Find a nest over here if you're coughing." she ordered. Tanglestar helped Wolfheart settle into a nest and then briefly pressed her nose to Spottedstream's fur.
"Need any help?" she asked. The medicine cat's eyes brightened a bit when she saw her, but she looked exhausted.
"Try to get him to eat these," she meowed, pushing herbs toward her before hurrying to the back of her den for more. Tanglestar gently offered them to the warrior.
"Here, ,Leopardclaw. You need to keep your strength up." she meowed. He had another brief coughing fit, but listened to her, and once he could breathe again he slowly chewed the herbs. By that point, Spottedstream was treating Wolfheart, who complained but obeyed the stern medicine cat. As Tanglestar turned to leave, she saw Applepaw get shakily to her paws and pad to the back of the den to fetch more herbs. Froghop and Frostface had also padded into the den, coughing. Tanglestar left then. She did not want to catch their cough and she trusted the medicine cats with the safety of her clan. It was already sunhigh, but she had to do something productive. She left the camp on her own to try fishing.
* * *
She returned with a single carp and placed it on the pile. It had taken her most of the rest of the day to catch it. The warriors had already fed the clan, she knew, and they were splitting the remaining few pieces amongst the cats who had not eaten the night before. Her stomach growled, but she did not take a piece. The clan was beginning to starve, and she had lives to lose while they only had one. She briefly stopped to talk to Pebblefall and Clovernose, who told her their apprentices were exceptional hunters, even if it was leaf-bare. She nodded to them, then leaped to the top of the rock fall. She was always nervous addressing her clan, but she was getting better at it the more she did it. And naming warriors was quickly becoming one of her favorite things to do as leader. She remembered her own ceremony, her and Nightwhisker had shivered with excitement as they stood in front of Lionstar. And she felt a fondness for every warrior she named, getting to see them as excited as every cat is when they finally get to be a warrior.
"Let all cats old enough to swim gather here beneath the rock fall for a clan meeting!" she called. Most cats were out in the clearing, but at the summons the few who were in dens made their way into the clearing. The only cats missing were those in the medicine den. "Acornpaw and Deerpaw, step forward." They stepped forward to stand in front of her as she hopped down.
"I, Tanglestar, leader of IslandClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them both to you as warriors in their turn. Acornpaw," she called, and the apprentice stepped forward. She was trembling with excitement. "do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do." she meowed. Her voice shook a little, but she kept her head held high.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Acornpaw, from this moment you will be known as Acornsplash. StarClan honors your strength and spirit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IslandClan." She rested her muzzle on her head and felt her lick her shoulder before sitting up straight again. The new warrior bounced a little as she padded back to sit beside her brother, and her whiskers twitched. She was glad that they had so many young cats in the clan.
"Deerpaw," she waited for him to step forward, "do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do!" he meowed. He was not shaking, but his voice gave away his excitement. She fought back the urge to chuckle at hearing just how eager he was to be a warrior.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Deerpaw, from this moment you will be known as Deerfur. StarClan honors your cleverness and bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IslandClan." She rested her muzzle on his head, and when he licked her shoulder, she stepped back.
"Acornsplash, Deerfur!" the clan called. Flamepelt stepped close to twine his tail with Acornsplash and nuzzle at her fur as cats began to crowd the new warriors. She reminded them about their silent vigil before padding away to the medicine den. Applepaw was awake, trying to coax the newest arrival, Honeykit, to eat her herbs. At the sight of her leader, she agreed, and Applepaw turned to see who it was.
"Oh, Tanglestar. Can I help you with something?" she asked. She looked like she was going to make a full recovery from her head injury, eyes bright and inquisitive, but Spottedstream still had her resting as much as she could.
"I was just looking for Spottedstream. How are you feeling?" she asked. The apprentice's tail flicked.
"She is resting. I am feeling much better. Spottedstream is afraid to let me leave camp, but she said starting tomorrow I can leave the den."
"Leaving the den is a good step. Fresh air will do you good. I am sure she will let you out soon." she purred reassuringly, giving the apprentice's head a lick before waving her tail as a goodbye and padding into Spottedstream's part of the den. Sure enough, she was fast asleep, nose under her paw and snoring softly. Tanglestar settled close to her, licking her neck. She stirred a bit, but must have noticed the scent because she snuggled closer with a soft mumble. Tanglestar groomed her fur for a while before settling down and falling asleep.
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arce-elliot · 7 years
A little thing I wrote for my character Hornetnose in @clansoforegon. I apologize in advance.
Also, keep in mind that all the subjects talked about in this story are vague and described from a child-like perspective. If that is something that you think may bother you, proceed with caution.
TW: death, head injury, child abuse, self-deprication
“It’s hard for me to tell what makes cats mad sometimes.”
My name is Hornetkit and I’m two moons old! I have a sister named Honeykit and two dads! My papa’s name is Sandtuft, he stays with us in the nursery. My father’s name is Salmonbelly, he’s a big, brave warrior!
I mean, Sandtuft is an amazing warrior too, but Salmonbelly is super strong! He doesn’t spend too much time with us but Sandtuft says he loves us very much. He’s just too busy being the best warrior in the Clan! I wanna be the best warrior one day too!
We’re in RippleClan, which is the best Clan ever! We live near the water and we get to eat fish! I haven’t gotten to try fish yet ‘cause I’m too little, but Sandtuft says we can try it soon!
We also have the best medicine cat! Their name is Smokeleaf. They get to spend all day in their den with lots of funny smelling leaves and pretty flowers! I try to sneak in there a lot to look, but Sandtuft says I shouldn’t do that. Sometimes I knock the leaves over but I don’t do it on purpose! My legs are long and it’s hard to walk! I don’t know how the grown-up cats do it.
My name is Hornetkit and I’m in trouble. Well, Sandtuft and Honeykit say I’m not, but everyone looks at me like I am.
Honeykit and I got to go outside of the den for the first time a few days ago! I can’t remember it much but I bet it was super fun! But apparently I tripped and hit my head. I told you walking was too hard!
Anyway, Smokeleaf says I’m fine but I had to go in the medicine den for a few days. That was amazing! I got to see all the pretty leaves and things! Sometimes I even got to eat some stuff! It was very cool. I even started learning some of the names. The things that Smokeleaf keep giving me are called chamomile and feverfew! They are both cute little flowers so I don’t want to eat them, but they make my head not hurt as much and make it less fuzzy.
Sometimes I hear Smokeleaf and Swallowstar whispering outside the den. Sometimes they even say my name! But whenever I ask what they’re talking about Smokeleaf just makes this face and stops talking. I’m not sure what they’re talking about, but it makes Smokeleaf sad. I don’t want them to be sad!
Sandtuft and Honeykit visit me a lot! Salmonbelly hasn’t had a chance yet, though. He’s too busy hunting!
My name is Hornetkit and I’m so proud of my sister! She became an apprentice today! Her mentor is Fawnwhisker. She’s super excited but she’s sad that I can’t be an apprentice yet. That’s what Swallowstar and Smokeleaf were always whispering about, apparently, but its fine! Swallowstar just wants to make sure I’m totally fine to become the best warrior ever! At least, that’s what Sandtuft told me.
Sandtuft was very upset about it too. I tried to tell him it was okay but he was still very sad. I heard him and Salmonbelly arguing the other day, and Sandtuft sounded like he was crying. I hope he’s okay.
My name is Hornetpaw and I’m an apprentice now! My mentor is Mottlefoot and he is the second best warrior ever! He would be the best, but Salmonbelly is the best! He even came to my apprentice ceremony! He was kind of frowny the whole time, but he’s usually like that! I finally get to sleep in the apprentice’s den with Honeypaw and that’s so fun! We haven’t gotten to train together yet but Mottlefoot says we could later if I work really hard!
I’m trying my best but I don’t think I’m learning fast enough. Mottlefoot is very nice and patient, but when I get something wrong he smiles at me and something’s wrong with it. It’s a good smile, but it’s…it’s hard to explain. It reminds me of the smile Smokeleaf gave me in the medicine den when I was little.
I’m going to say a mean thing, but I would never say it if I wasn’t repeating it. Salmonbelly pulled me aside the other day and told me that Mottlefoot was…that he was a… “mouseheart”. Ugh, even thinking about it makes me feel icky. What a mean thing to say! He said that I was never going to learn to fight well with him as my mentor. I tried to say something back but he kind of walked away.
Mottlefoot said it was okay I wasn’t good at fighting. He says that every cat in the Clan has different skills and that makes a Clan strong. But Salmonbelly says I’m not a good warrior if I can’t fight. How am I going to be the best warrior ever if I’m not sure what being the best warrior even means?
My name is Hornetpaw and today was a bad day.
Sandtuft took me out hunting today and we ran into a big fox. It was so big, and its teeth were so sharp, I’ve never seen anything scarier in my life. Sandtuft told me to run back to camp and get help, and I ran back so fast, I ran as fast as I could, I did my best I tried so hard!
But by the time we got back to the fox…Sandtuft was hurt really bad. I don’t remember much after that; Smokeleaf says I fainted. But we had the vigil tonight and it was so sad. I can’t believe he’s gone. But Mottlefoot says he’s up in StarClan now, watching over us, and that I’ll get to see him again someday. I hope so.
Salmonbelly won’t talk to me. I overheard one of the younger apprentices saying something. Honeypaw tried to cut them off, but I heard what they said. They said Salmonbelly thinks it’s my fault. But I did everything Sandtuft told me to do! I tried my best!
I don’t know what to think. I’m just sad. I want my papa to come back.
My name is Hornetpaw and I’m scared.
Salmonbelly keeps trying to help me fight better. Whenever I’m out hunting by myself he keeps following me and we always end up sparring. It’s really scary, but I don’t think if I told anyone they would believe me. I mean, Salmonbelly is the best warrior in the Clan, so he knows what he’s doing. Maybe this happens to all the apprentices? Yeah, that makes sense.
Honeypaw is going to be made a warrior soon! I’m so excited! I bet she’s going to get the coolest name ever! Mottlefoot says I’ve still got a little bit to go but I think that’s fine! I don’t want to be a warrior until I’m the best warrior!
Maybe I should ask Honeypaw about Salmonbelly? I don’t know, I don’t want her to get mad at me! It’s hard for me to tell what makes cats mad sometimes.
My name is Hornetpaw and I’ve decided that Salmonbelly might not be the best warrior.
I know that sounds really silly, but it took a long time to think about. I told Honeybee (that’s her name now, Honeybee! Isn’t that amazing?) about what Salmonbelly was doing and she did get kind of mad. But she told me it wasn’t because of me, but that he wasn’t supposed to be doing that. She said she wouldn’t tell, though.
I don’t think Salmonbelly can still be the best warrior if he’s not following all the rules. Warriors are supposed to follow the rules, right?
Maybe if I train really hard he’ll stop doing it. I’m going to ask Mottlefoot if we can do more battle training!
My name is Hornetpaw and my ear hurts really bad.
I did something a little stupid. Salmonbelly snuck up on me again and I told him that he wasn’t supposed to do that anymore. I didn’t tell him who told me, even when he asked me. I’m really proud of myself! He yelled at me super loud and I didn’t even run away! I did flinch a little, though.
Sometimes he hits me over the head with his paw. It doesn’t hurt that bad, it’s just a little cuff, that’s all. Today though he didn’t do it right. Mottlefoot says we’re supposed to keep our claws in whenever we battle train but everyone makes mistakes! Anyway, his claw caught my ear a bit. It hurt a lot but now I have a nick in my ear like all the big strong warriors have! He told me I can’t ever tell anyone how I got it though. I made up this cool story about catching a really strong rabbit that kicked me! Even Honeybee believed it, I’m getting super clever!
My name is Hornetnose! I’m a warrior now!
After my ear got hurt Salmonbelly didn’t bother me anymore. I guess it was a test and I passed! I had my warrior assessment a few days ago and I caught a really big fish and a bird! I also found some foxglove in the territory that no cat had found before! I smelled it super easy, but apparently no one else could. Mottlefoot said that it was poisonous and I did a good job, because now they can tell everyone where it is to avoid it!
Swallowstar named me ‘Hornetnose’ for my ‘exceptional tracking ability’. Did you hear that! I’m exceptional! That’s a very big word, but Honeybee said it meant ‘really really good’!
I don’t know if I’m the best warrior, but at least I’m an exceptional one!
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