#he isn't included ever b/c he Isn't Included Ever he's not Really in this group even though it'd just be 5 ppl to wrangle instead of 4......
laurasauras · 8 months
Careful on that last post there's tons of proshippers in the notes blindly praising him
oh hon, are you lost? i really don't hide what i write!
i'm going to take you in best faith and assume you meant this as a kind heads up. i also want to assure you that this very long post is not meant to make you feel bad and please don't take it as me starting an argument with you personally. it's just something that's been on my mind lately and you've given me an excuse to articulate it!
seriously. it's not you, it's me.
i think the labels of pro/anti-shipper are very stupid and they're a very fandom-centric thing. not because people don't get up in arms about what professional authors write, because of course they do, but because when they do, they don't identify themselves as doing so exclusively on the basis of the romantic pairings in the work.
you wouldn't get someone saying "jamie x cersei writer george r r martin is bad because he wrote incest", you'd get someone saying "game of thrones is bad because it contains incest, graphic sex, rape, gratuitous violence, fantasy themes" or whatever it is they have problems with. or they might say something along the lines of "game of thrones is immoral". and that judgement is based on the work, not on martin as a person.
pro/anti is not based on a person's creative work, because people identify with these labels when they've never created fanfic/fanart. it's a personal identity. "i believe it is bad for someone to create/consume works with romantic pairings based on x" or "i believe people should be allowed to create/consume whatever they like". the "x" in that is usually incest/age gap/power inbalance of some kind, but people can come up with all sorts of things to fill in the blank.
"antishipper" is a convenient label because it isn't defined. it's like saying "moralshipper", where you never say what the morals are. those on the outside of the label are automatically bad, and those on the inside get to be anxious about whether any of their actions or thoughts are going to be called out.
it's the equivalent (and there's a large overlap here) of having a pinned post saying "freaks dni" or "dni if you're a, b, c, or any of the other bad things". it's the safe thing to do, because you can't get called out for forgetting to publicly declare that you don't want racists to interact with you, but it's also an exercise in anxiety.
not for the people who label themselves as proshippers or gladly fly the freak flag! those people either block (sensible) or argue (pointless) or hatefollow (genuine self harm), but they don't panic about the fact that they're being excluded. they might feel sad and they might have anxiety over the potential of being included on a blocklist or callout post, but they know who they are. no, those posts--and to an extent the label of antishipper itself--create an "in" group. and wherever there's an "in" group and those inside hate the "out" group, those inside either Don't Think About It or they live in fear of being kicked out.
and the same is probably true of some proshipper circles. some people would view a member having a personal squick as a betrayal of the group.
by putting a label on it, you're making it into a club.
that's my criticism of the labels. there is some horrific bullying behaviour on both sides, so i won't bother to criticise that. if you think it's okay to tell someone they should hate themselves or they should be harmed due to their opinions, i don't want to be your friend. i don't think that is ever productive. the only thing it does is make the person saying that kind of thing feel that they have done their civic duty. it doesn't change minds, it doesn't soothe victims, it's just nasty.
in terms of what the labels represent, here are my main criticisms of antishipping (because proshipping is defined as "not antishipping" so is useless to talk about). and i'm focusing on incest here because it's easiest to choose one thing rather than go broad:
it implies that it's impossible for a work of fiction to be about a topic without also condoning it.
it states that liking or disliking a work of fiction is a moral action. by liking something, you are actively doing something bad. by disliking something, you are actively doing something good.
it specifically fixates on the ship--i already mentioned this, but it bears repeating. two siblings kissing is not allowed; explicit torture is, so long as it's not tied to a romantic relationship.
it talks about "normalising" concepts, and to normalise is apparently to make them acceptable in wider society. which is ridiculous:
because if incest didn't exist before supernatural shippers, we wouldn't have had a word for it;
because fanfiction is not something that the majority of wider society is aware of, let alone consuming;
because there are 33,509 fics in dean/sam (supernatural) as of the time of posting, and i promise you that none of those authors are kissing their siblings because they enjoyed writing about fictional brothers kissing. i promise you. because ...
because incest is a very real and very illegal and very fucking bad thing. the vast majority of incest is paedophillic and rape. the vast majority of the offenders are not reading fanfiction. they did not learn that incest existed because of fiction and decide that it was an okay thing to do to someone else. the argument that they would is fucking insane.
it can be comforting to say "people who consume this kind of media are bad, and i don't consume that media so i'm not bad."
it can be comforting to say "i don't associate with anyone who consumes this kind of media, so i am not in danger of being hurt."
it can be comforting to say "by saying that i'm an antishipper / proshipper / terf / terf hater / whatever in my bio, i am signalling to those on the outside of my group that they are unwelcome on my blog and unwelcome in society. i am cleansing my space and the world of those people."
and it's all bullshit.
it doesn't matter.
here's a list of things that you can do that do have a positive impact in the world:
plant a tree. call your mum. smile at the baby in the line in front of you. attend local council meetings and advocate for equality. start a book club. compliment someone's art and reblog it. learn how to say thank you in your country's sign language. buy your mate a coffee. assume people are trying their best. put your pronouns in your email signature. take your dog for a walk. write a story that will make someone feel something.
just be kind.
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babiejoshi · 11 months
Lead us to the Caves pls, I would like to slurp some Yiga Theory condensation off of the stalactites
i wanted to initially make a video about this but the way this is worded i know i MUST answer
take to mind this theory was built up almost exclusively on botw and NOT hw:aoc or totk but it also includes elements from games like oot/mm/ww/mc/tp and a few others here and there but dont worry about it, at its core its a botw thing
okay so the relationship between the sheikah and the hylain family is strange. like incredibly strange. like... racist strange. Just looking at it from the perspective of being an non-white american, the relationship between them gets worse and worse the more you look into it. A specific "race" or rather ethnic group of people is designated to work specifically FOR the royal family of hyrule, and its worded in ways that are insultingly so. "The only majorly accepted theology in this nation denotes an entire ethnic group of people to exclusively live and serve the family which by the way are also descendants of the main god of said religion" A group of people that just so happen to "enjoy" this servitude in any and all aspects that they are seen, constantly passing down traditions of generations of rules and expectations on to their children on how to train and protect and use even your best intelligence and technology, not for you, not for your lives or families but rather EXCLUSIVELY for the royal family. A family that consistently, over and over, fail and fall. Sometimes for uncontrollable means, other times its due to things like a war. But regardless of the reason, no matter what hyrule, despite having the god descendants themselves running the nation, it always falls into disrepair. which ok fine that happens... but if you look at other nations in the zelda universe while they will have conflicts (thats why theyre a part of the games to begin with) often sort that shit out, and we never hear about them again. (A, B, C) kind of like they learned from it or something.
Now hear me out for a sec because this is the actual theory and the stuff before is just kind of setting it up.
The sheikah are slaves, and the yiga clan are a group of individuals that rose against the people that oppressed them and had forced them into servitude but while doing so were painted as working for and outright supporting the uprising of ganon. The yiga do not attack regular people, the only ones that they ever seem to actually attack are
members of the royal family
link but only when he speaks to them
link AFTER beating master kohga or asserting alliance with the sheikah/the royal family
somebody who snuck into THEIR base (okay okay yeah they stole the thunderhelm first but like if you hear big dick is back in town what are you gonna do? just sit there and let them reinstill the one thing that you spent a century keeping successfully at bay? no youre gonna try and take away that power from them even if it means thievery.)
the shiekah like twice canonically (and really thats arguably only once because if it werent for dorian WHO WAS A YIGA it probably wouldnt have gone past stealing the heirloom.)
Now that seems like a lot, but is it really?
And the thing is... we know this isnt *that* crazy of a movement. For one, there are WAY more members of the yiga clan than there are of the sheikah, which implies that a mass amount of the sheikah race, and people who were mixed with the sheikah, were in fact fed up with being forced into slavery. >i.e. learning and training on a constant basis, exclusively to serve a kingdom that routinely takes advantage of peoples and forgets about them or throws them aside once their benefit is no longer necessary
For another, the idea of deliberately working to overthrow a political system and economic class that has kept your race specifically down from being seen as anything other than servants isn't really that farfetched. Not to mention using real world history we know that often times, groups that align themselves with the idea of gaining civil rights are often not only ridiculed and disrespected but also are painted in media as "bad guys". listen i know what im about to say is embarrassing, and its incredibly stupid to compare real world groups of activist to that of a villain organization in a childrens game but i mean we know that irl activist and civil rights groups, especially ones that often advocate for direct action, are typically portrayed in media and the world around us as terrorist organizations, whether or not they actually are. especially if the actions of said organizations or movements are valid. What I'm saying is... I dont think they actually give a fuck if ganon is in power. If anything it would make a lot of sense that they don't want anyone in power. But that doesn't read well, it doesnt fear monger. It makes the yiga but especially the sheikah the victims of generational violence, which the royal family WOULD DEFINITELY NOT WANT THE GENERAL PUBLIC OF HYRULE TO KNOW.
And why not? Well... Then whos the bad guy? Not the hyrulean family, not the same family that had a war with a neighboring nation made up almost entirely of women for decades where in which they tortured said women in a secret well in the middle of their godly given slave race's town that only specific people would have been able to navigate purposefully hiding what would have been war crimes all for a little bit of land. NOO NOT THEM.. THEY WOULD NEVER
Not only that but also,, the yiga are kind of, one of the only actually functioning societies left.
That's not even mentioning... The yiga don't outright hate the sheikah. like its even seen in how they speak to them. They clearly have ties to them, not only in their practices and knowledge but in general. Dorian is a great example of this, because yes he is currently no longer a member of the yiga it doesn't change the fact that he initially was, but even at the end of the day his race was still sheikah and that his wife, before her death, is also implied to have been a sheikah. it's not the sheikah themselves that they hate, that would be stupid. to hate your own race, your own kin. its ridiculous, but not nearly as ridiculous as laying down on your back and accepting that you (someone who just so happened to exist) must live exclusively as a servant, even if your master is away. It's not just selling yourself short, its selling your children and your ancestors equally as short. Saying deliberately that you are nothing purely because they say you are. Who wouldn't uprise from that? Don't you want to quit these patterns?
I really hate how they made the yiga in botw, actually i hate a lot of the weird race stuff they do in loz but particularly i hate how they butchered the sheikah and how they keep fucking them up. like.. i dunno man
It's just not fair...
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unproduciblesmackdown · 5 months
for real billions being like "oh axe can't change enough....wendy can though....let's think about why that is?" like okay i'm questioning and i'm thinking. i'm shrugging to maggie siff as she talks about "well how much can you [my character...] have changed in a way that matters if you're still choosing the same things, doing the same things, you know?" like yeah i do know. oh so wendy isn't married to chuck anymore or working with axe. she's just having Nuclear Family Dinners with chuck and inviting axe to still perhaps formally have business ties with her again. she doesn't change enough either. but billions Says she does, because billions keeps choosing the same thing, which is that wendy, because she is so Epic (and because she is a woman? thinking about feelings, and managing and mitigating the shitty men around her as her responsibility and movingly meaningful role in this Life as her destiny?) she must win and get the best ending, and to make it better than even these central men's endings, it's like, well, gotta believe she was better at changing!
like, around here on billions, in many more cases than not it matters so so much less what any of these roles Do and more that they were simply Born Epic.
rian does so little of any meaning that you could excise the role entirely and, if you really want to replace some unimportant affect there, very very easily do so with other roles. this is just all the more obvious in s7. she didn't do anything. she sure didn't change. she was as much or more of a bully than dollar bill, despite billions supposedly countering this by just having rian call bill a bully, and, b/c she's Epic, she can't be factually incorrect. she's not simply Too Kind for all this b/c of anything she's ever done, which contradicts this. she gets to leave and pursue a generically epic winner goal and state further aspirations for another (romance!! b/c what else could a winner want? why wouldn't a winner obtain this? billions asks rhetorically but i'm grabbing it by the scruff of the neck wielding a knife like okay you've invoked this with words, Let's Devote Words to talking about what your precious little Romance is lmao. and then to why people would want it. and then to why they wouldn't get it. and then what) and it doesn't matter when she says things completely contradictory to prior said things, which billions doesn't have her do due to this being an approach or tendency of the character's, but because anything she says at any moment Is True, b/c she's epic, so she's factually correct, and she's just made to say shit so that it's explained to us why they wrote material for her in that moment, b/c she's sure not a character nor doing anything important nor driving her own plots whether it ties in to more prominent characters or not. well of course taylor Must show up to be our ticket to bearing witness to rian's deserving exit, not b/c of anything she did, in spite of many things she did, b/c she's epic. check out all these great things rian has to say to them. file not found. i'm sorry they didn't write a character here instead.
what does wags do? virtually nothing, besides hinder things, like most of what wendy does except even worse. why is he here. why is he even motivated to be here, so allegedly important to this group effort. he doesn't change. billions gives him the episode winston, who wasn't born epic, was never gonna get, b/c epic wags deserves as much. billions laughs and goes haha yes yeah that was mean, right. that was shitty and immoral and cruel. but it was good! because wags is epic. so we had fun. winston is not us, anyways. did we think it Meant Anything for winston to decide to quit, despite how much he wants and hopes for from taylor, or rian, or anyone else around here? if there Was any reflection thusly, it was more than winston Deserves, b/c he's not epic, so he deserves bad things, including to be ignored / disposed of / forgotten, b/c we recognize he doesn't have worth or quality, even as billions also always informs us that winston's correct about how good he is and how valuable that is. that alignment can't be Right, b/c he's not epic. some call it confidence, billions calls it arrogance, and what are the odds they don't just consider this to be first and foremost finally, inevitably, crumpling him up and throwing him away while everyone admires wags' sunk shot in doing so? he's an object being set up, wags is the Star Player spiking him into the ground, b/c winston's not epic, and wags is. winston's always been written as the ignorantly ableist perspective on all the autistic people around who are inevitably encountered & turned into the Insistently Annoying Charmless Weird Nerd archetype or what all, diagnosed as Offputting, as Rude, as Arrogant, whatever projections made about someone who must surely be so inconsiderate and hostile. and then they Just Never Change, while the perspective on people who are "recognized" as autistic is that what's best for them is to exorcise as much of that autism as possible, which is "any," by trying to abuse someone into compliance. which is how all the epic people around winston treat him, at "best." never any conflict for rian over treating him just like that, and writing him off from her ambitions for her life b/c she, like us, recognizes someone who's below her station, and Not Epic, thus bad. and there could never be any conflict there, b/c she's epic, so of course she can exit on her own terms b/c she's just too kind and deserves too much, or for taylor ignoring and disposing of this asset in winston if not also this alliance, b/c they're epic, so of course they can take anything from winston and we have no further questions about this, no consequences for wags doing this to someone, doing nothing for anyone, b/c he's epic, and we relate to and value the epic people. and we laugh at winston b/c he's not epic, and can't be, with his being autistic, his having his body, and we are satisfied in knowing that dooms him forever and we are now forgetting he exists after we take what can be used from him because how could we care? we're too epic for that.
meanwhile taylor Must praise wendy's role in their life, despite that all wendy's Done is be their intermittent saboteur much more reliably than she's sometimes decided to indeed try to help them, because hello? wendy's epic. she deserves to have fellow epic people say positive things about her no matter what, which is the extent of a Valuable Relationship. preceding the "you really live like this" farce that was ostensible peak heartwarming romantic moments with axe b/c of his stalking and sabotage and, truly the heart of romance, possessiveness; it was that s4 farce that axe was being heartwarmingly supportive by throwing some money at a problem of hers to direct her life without asking after having used her as a pawn to get revenge on his gf, but also that before this his input and moral support about the professional ethics issue was to dismissively say to wendy that, well, she's epic. and wags eventually incredibly doing the same thing but with all the herculean effort of taking her for drinks or whatever. And That Is Relationships. epic recognizing epic.
and that was also all of Billions(tm)
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
i've already read ur post about whether u think jikook will ever come out or not and i mainly agree with you.
but, i've just found this on twitter https://twitter.com/soompi/status/1456797909001850880?s=21 and i want to know your opinion about it, i mean if the kpop industry is slowly accepting it, could this have an impact on other gay kpop idols coming out, including jikook (well me assuming that they're in a relationship).
thank you :)
Ask in reference to this post I am assuming 💜
I am for the most part not a fan of gossip sites like this. Lol its just not normally a great place to find information. If you click on the link though, the article talks about how they are showcasing their great friendship in this photo and their interactions of supporting each others music.
So is this really acceptance? I know nothing about these 2 idols or anything about their relationship together or their friendship. I can't give my opinion on it really, but if they ARE boyfriends, and one put out an I love you caption on this type of photo and all the articles are talking about is how cute their FRIENDSHIP together is.... is that really acceptance? If one of them was a woman do you think the article would be speculating on their relationship status or if it was a relationship reveal to the fans? Or would it still just talk about aww cute they are friends. Because I have a feeling what would be all over the headlines if that was a het pairing like this rather than 2 men. I mean, the Same idol Leo had a few years ago a massive dating scandal apparently for photos snapped of him opening his arms for a woman and then walking off with her with his hand over her shoulder. Literally that's it, thats all that the photo was. Yet this isn't even considered as a possibility of something that could be more than platonic. It's just assumed friendship because of them both being men.
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Not to mention that nothing I can find online shows either one of them are out in anyway or anything about if they are queer. So IS this coming out? Is this the industry being more accepting? Idk, I don't really think so. There ARE other idols who have come out and more open and explicit with how they have come out. Such as Holland refusing to debut with a company because they would have made him hide who he was, so he debuted on his own as an openly gay idol. Or Som Hye In who posted to her personal Instagram a photo of her kissing her girlfriend and saying she is Bisexual. Members of DIP Seungho and B Nish admitted to being in a relationship together and boyfriends since their debut in 2016. Maman openly stated she was gay and was later kicked out of her company for it. And all of these people have faced lots of discrimination for doing this and it's incredibly brave of them. I don't know these groups or individuals or anything about them, this is simply what I can find online.
DIP members Seungho and D Nish:
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No, my opinion really hasn't changed. I have this post here as well where I share a video made by 2 women who were or still are in the kpop industry as idols/trainees. They mention in the video about how there are plenty of lgbtq idols and how it's very much so not talked about openly.
As well as this post that I made about homophobia is South Korea and how far they still have to go
Not to mention again that Jimin and JK are in the biggest group in the world right now. Anything and everything they do is basically open for discussion and to be picked apart. They still have a potential military service to get through, they have the attention of the leaders of their country on them. Not everyone HAS to be a symbol for progression, sometimes it's enough to be open about your support for your community while quietly living your life as authentically as you can in a way that makes you feel comfortable and safe. And that is enough and and shouldn't have to do or say anything more. Do I think JM and JK are currently hiding that they are in a relationship? No, I think they are being quite clear and explicit about it lately. But they are also still letting things sit in a bit of ambiguity in the way they haven't and probably won't actually confirm anything. Just live they way they will and let those who see it, know, and those who refuse to see it, let them sit in their ignorance. And I stand by what my opinions were in that first post, if they ever do explicitly confirm anything, I don't think it will be until a long ass time after the group disbands, and even then, who knows. You can read my first post linked at the top here if you want to read more in depth over my opinion there.
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I think especially after the moments we have been getting lately and what they've been saying to us, it's very much an "either you get it by now, or you don't." And they will just continue living the way they want to and chilling in their transparent closet. Lol
Hope this helps, just my personal opinions here though of course. You are all free to agree or disagree as you choose. 💜
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stubbornjerk · 3 years
Why people keep telling you to block them if you support Pholo (Penumbra Edition)
Or: why jitterbug-juno really deactivated
I love when people categorize this as fandom wank. Really makes you feel like you’re putting the onus on either side of the conversation.
I’m making this post not because I want to stir up spoiled milk, but because I want it out there that this wasn’t a purity culture war.
The TL;DR version of this is that fans of color tried to tell Rab (prev. jitterbug-juno) not to post her Omegaverse (or A/B/O) fic. And instead of taking the L, she posted it on Ao3 and deactivated.
But, if you want context, well, buckle in. CW for mentions of racism and transphobia.
What did jitterbug-juno do?
Before I get into this I do want it out there that I will not be linking Rab’s fic, but I will show you this screenshot of the summary of it.
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[ID: It is a screenshot of a fic, “As You Are” by Pholo.
Summary: Peter can hide his scent glands behind cologne; makeup; concealer pads. He can quash his heats with suppressants. He can divert the urge to nest and fawn.
But he can’t feign another gender’s subvocals. He lacks the anatomical capacity. Mag taught him to distract from his silence with fast, flashy words. For longer heists he relies on social convention. Traumatic mutism is uncommon, but remarked upon by enough war vets and soap operas to be widely recognized. Peter’s marks assume he’s been harmed long before they assume he’s a closeted omega. It would take quite the backwater brute to ask why he doesn’t murmur or chuff or growl.
On the 'Blanche there are the usual furtive glances. Juno makes clear to Peter that should he ever want “to talk about what happened,” he’ll be there to listen. The gesture annoys Peter more than comforts him.
‘Nothing happened,’ he wants to scream. ‘There’s nothing to talk about!’
There are 14 comments, 85 kudos, and 11 bookmarks /end]
You decide what you’re doing with that information, but honestly, I’d rather you don’t give it anymore engagement than it deserves.
There was a period earlier this June (yes, even though it’s only the 10th, at time of writing) when Rab was posting snippets of the aforementioned fic on her blog and tagging it appropriately, putting it in the attention of pretty much the entire Penumbra fandom.
What’s Omegaverse or a/b/o and why is everyone so against Rab for it
If you know what Omegaverse is, I don’t have to tell you why it’s controversial. If you don’t know what Omegaverse is, well, Fanlore said it best:
a kink trope wherein some or all people have defined biological roles based on a hierarchical system, with the terms originating from animal behaviour research. There may be werewolf, knotting, or other animalistic elements involved, or the characters may be otherwise purely human.
The term is generally written with slashes (a/b/o). Many fans, particularly ones from Australia and New Zealand, are uncomfortable seeing the term without slashes because it is also an Australian slur for aboriginal people.
I won’t get into the history or the heaps and tons of other discourses (mostly about fictional male pregnancy, homophobia, transphobia, sexual assault, etc.)  that go on within that. We’re here specifically on Rab v. Penumbra fans of color and we’re staying there.
Anyone who’s been in Penumbra enough to realize that everyone draws the Junoverse characters in a certain way knows that a) Juno is black, b) Nureyev is Asian, and c) as a fan you have to be aware of what you’re subjecting or saying about either of them because of the political repercussions that come with it.
And despite that, Rab proceeded to write Peter Nureyev, a gender nonconforming gay Asian male character that is widely headcanon’d as trans, into a fic using a kink trope that relies heavily on animal behavior.
Unlike most people new to fandom, Rab is aware of what Omegaverse is and is very much white. She is (and if she isn’t, should be) aware of the racist undertones that writing him in would get.
I couldn’t get a screenshot of what snippets Rab was sending out into the ether, seeing as a majority of my friends would rather not have seen any at all (I have all of the usual tags blocked so I wouldn’t have seen it either way), but needless to say, Rab got attention for it. Both positive and negative.
Anne (@hopeless-eccentric) even posted a satirical fic, in the odds that Rab was just writing this thing to be “the first” to write Omegaverse fic in the Penumbra tags.
But, I’m assuming more than one fan of color came into Rab’s inbox and messaged her about it, but someone I know (who would like to remain anonymous) was gracious enough to take a screenshot before he sent his in and let me use it for this post:
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[ID: A message to jitterbug-juno about to be sent by a sender whose name is censored with a black bar. His messages says:
“as someone who is a person of color i think the nature of the fic you are writing right now is extremely racist and attributing animal characteristics to lgbt people of color is not at all appropriate, especially when you are someone who is white. i have to ask you to not publish this fic and to reflect as to why you would want to write this in the first place, these tropes are extremely harmful and”
There are 33 characters left to write into the message. /end]
I can’t speak for whoever else sent asks about the fic she was writing. If anyone was actually not-so-gentle with her, well, minorities don’t really owe it to you to be gentle about what they can tell is bigotry-tinged behavior.
But, the message was clear: this is different from your garden variety, lily white straight male character m/m kink fantasy. This is an actual queer Asian character that a lot of queer Asian people feel attached do. Do not post the fic.
What happened next: the beginning of the end
The next morning, I woke up to most of my friends being frustrated by this post on Rab’s account:
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[ID: Dated 5 June, a post by jitterbug-juno:
“Gonna leave the fandom for a while. Wishing you all well.”
The tags say the following: not sure if i’ll be back, thank you so much to everybody who’s read my fics, and who’s sent asks or engaged with my art or any of that, you’re amazing and I’m sending love /end]
That... was not what fans of color wanted, but it was definitely an action they took. Some celebrated, as they were very much wary of Rab for having caused much of the same category of drama in fandoms like Voltron: Legendary Defenders and Warrior Cats. This also meant that she was probably not going to post the fic either.
Some, myself included, were relatively pissed, as they’d wanted even just the measly bit of accountability. An apology or an acknowledgement of having been called out in private and that they’ll take time to consider why. But instead we got Rab leaving in the face of fans of color telling her not to post her Omegaverse fic.
Well. The next day...
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[ID: Dated 6 June. A post by jitterbug-juno titled, “Well... that was short-lived”
“I gave the situation a lot of thought yesterday. The reaction to my omegaverse previews made me figure I should leave the fandom. It seemed like the safest option.
But you know what?
I don’t want to leave. The fic discusses the tropes of omegaverse and I spoke to several POC on Twitter, and I’m going to post it with plenty of tags so people can avoid it if they wish. I’m not going to be chased out of this space.
Thank you to everyone who sent messages yesterday. I shouldn’t have made that post about leaving. It was really reactionary. I’m okay and I appreciate your support so much.
(bolded on the post) To those who are angry and uncomfortable with me: Please block me. If you’re going to talk about this fic on Tumblr and Twitter– and this may sound odd– PLEASE NAME ME as Jitterbug-juno or Pholo. Don’t vague me. That way people who don’t want to see this discourse can add my name to their block lists.“ /end]
That certainly was short-lived, she wasn’t kidding.
This got a lot of outrage. Again, the fic is up on Ao3 and she has not taken it down. A lot of POC were pissed and I didn’t see a single fan of color actively support what she was doing, at least, not in my friend group. Everyone started making those posts to block them if you liked the fic or Rab’s content in general, in accordance to what Rab wanted.
Perseus (@mraudiodrama) noticed/pointed out that Rab deleted the part where she said she spoke to several POC about releasing her fic, as well as the part where she said she refused to be chased out of the fandom. This was an incredibly pointed detail to edit out, according to some.
Tumblr media
[ID: A screenshot of jitterbug-juno's last post taken 11:00PM. Much of it is the same except the following bolded words are removed: "The fic discusses the tropes of omegaverse and I spoke to several POC on Twitter, and I’m going to post it with plenty of tags so people can avoid it if they wish. I’m not going to be chased out of this space." /end]
That same day, Rab deleted her blog. I actually caught this one on tape, believe it or not.
[ID: A screen recording taken at 12:01 PM of someone scrolling down jitterbug-juno's account. The posts and asks about Omegaverse and her post about leaving and coming back are conspicuously absent. /end]
Initially, I thought she deleted all mentions of it. I wanted to see firsthand if the rumors about her deleting portions of it were true. If she added things where she was saying that she wanted to write it because she was autistic and wanted Nureyev to be autistic too, regardless of the numerous QPOC telling her not to do it.
Instead, it turned out, she deleted her blog.
And now, we're here. The fic is still up. Her blog is down. Rab's public Twitter account @nataclinn is quiet about this. Her @cushfuddled Twitter account is on private after her run-in with the Warrior Cats fandom, according to a friend. And her Tumblr @cushfuddled account has nothing but memes.
Again, I didn't make this post to stir up drama. I wasn't even obsessively making this post as a call-out because she isn't in the fandom anymore. I just want it out there that this isn't a purity culture thing that got out of hand in a fandom as niche as Penumbra. This was a case of someone being called out and failing to acknowledge it before running away. And I want all that out of the way before I say:
If you are on Rab's side of this debacle, I, a queer person of color, want nothing to do with you either.
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gothgirlbethany · 2 years
Hcs for Judas? I wanna know more abt his strained relationship with religion
((alright the last one left, mostly written when i was half asleep lol))
original post
A-Realistic: Judas was one of the first kids to fall down to the Basement. He grew to hate God more than he already did when he saw the little 5-year-old Isaac stuck down there too. Judas brought with him his Book of Belial and some change, and his health was seemingly weakened by God. Both of them knew Judas sold his soul some time ago. Both of them knew this was a form of divine punishment.
Because his soul belonged to Belial, even when Judas died as an adult he still kept the benefits from the Book. It bound itself to the pocket knife he had on him, creating Dark Arts.
B-Hilarious: Complete COMPLEEEETE TSUNDERE. He's just better at hiding it than most. Don't get me wrong, he's still an asshole. But there was that feeling of pity when he saw Isaac naked and afraid, and when Laz was on low health and had no extra life and Judas took damage for him 'cause he was worried--oh! And let's not forget when Beth was cornered by a Shady and he used the last charge of his book to save her! And even helped her up and said he didn't wanna see her hurt!!! By GOD, the teasing he got from Lilith for that last one.
He also begrudgingly joined what Cain calls the Triple Threat--a group composed of him, Cain, and Samson--that Eve always called the Super Nerds. T.Cain wants to reform the group again and this time Judas is all for it while Sam's the one holding back. If they ever get back together Eve's gonna call them the Ultra Nerds.
C-Angst: Judas was one to often question God's actions. He never understood how God claimed to love all His children, then proceeded to drown them all in the Great Flood, punish a faithful man with death because he attempted to catch the Ark of the Covenant before it fell, mystically impregnate a 14-year-old with His son who was born to die a horrible death, among many other actions across both Testaments. Whenever Judas asked the sisters or preachers why God would do such terrible things to the ones He loved, the responses ranged from "God works in mysterious ways…" or a hostility he never thought he'd see from someone at a church.
Judas found that God and those who work for Him won't give him the answers he wants, and that God isn't as cool as everyone made Him out to be. Judas gained an interest in the occult at a young age. He discovered he agreed more with people and ideas that opposed God. And he found a way to make a pact with a demon.
He sold his soul to King Belial and was "blessed" with his accursed book (written in backwards Latin and ancient Hebrew) that Judas was able to read through infernal magic. He immediately got attached to it. He just couldn't stop reading it. The more he read the more his red locks fell out, the more resentful and solitary he became, the more he'd push away everyone, including his best and only friend.
Judas has always been a solitary person. But one day a really friendly kid named Jesús got him to open up and they quickly became friends. Everyone often joked about their names and that Jesús should watch out, but that just caused Judas to accept his friendship out of spite. He found that despite their clashing personalities they actually got along really well. This was the first time Judas felt like he had a real friend.
After he sold his soul he didn't want to be around Jesús anymore. But he was doing it for his safety. He didn't want to expose Jesús to the dark arts. He didn't want Jesús to find out and be afraid of him. But running away only made Jesús upset.
One day Jesús had the guts and approached Judas to ask if he'd been feeling okay. That he has been awfully skittish lately, and avoiding everyone more than usual and running off to read his weird new book. Judas says he's fine, just fine. Jesús asks if he's sure, only for Judas to angrily yell that HE IS FINE!
"I… I'm sorry… I've just been invested in this book, is all…" Judas says.
"But Jude…" Jesús says, "Those pages are blank."
Judas quickly gets up and runs away. And that was the last time he ever spoke to Jesús. It was an unintentional betrayal.
I haven’t decided exactly what causes Judas to hang himself as an adult. Obviously religion plays a part. Maybe he thought he’d die alone anyway. He has pushed all his friends and family away, and never thought he'd see Bethany or the other Basement kids again. Now that he's dead, even when he completes his trial he will never walk the Earth again and be sent straight to Hell.
D-my basement now: British. Fucking britboy. Do you understand how many beans on toast jokes hes gotten from Azazel. Do you understand how many times Cain has pointed out the r's hes put at the end of words. Do you understand that he and Beth call each other "Manc" and "Yank" respectively AND affectionately??? Fucking redcoat.
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simmonsized · 3 years
Question for TRaG, which I love with all my heart and am, just, infinitly curious about: do you have any headcanons on what might be happening on alternia right now? Obviously the trolls won't show up in the story, because that would: A) be a lot of characters to handle and B) are probably doing their own thing, but I just wanted to know if you've thought about what might be going down on murder planet, assuming the situation is even comprable.
Hello! I'm so glad you love the fic! It's incredibly close to my heart c: Sorry this is so late, I woke up last night and saw this but I fell back
asleep! I wrote some sleepy notes before I passed out though, and I'll probably just ramble a bit!
I think I've said this before but you're right, the trolls would simply be too many extra characters to balance, and i was going for a more traditional post-Sburb au feel anyway, haha!
(this got really long)
All that being said, I can't really speak for any potential ancestors considering it's kind of implied they existed centuries apart, unless you wanted to drop them all in there for funsies, but we don't have much in the way of actual info for them so ur guess is as good as mine!
It would also be technically half Alternia, half Beforus, by the laws of the RNG universe, which always tickles me pink. I do love the idea of the troll hives getting smashed together, though I'm not entirely sure what the doubled up population would look like, considering on Alternia all the adults were off planet to prevent rebellion or w/e and on Beforus we only know that beforus Feferi was more interested in the idea of "culling" in reference to caring for other trolls (albeit in the cringiest, worst way possible).
It would be interesting to see actual troll cities with adults present, though I don't have any particular layout for Alternia vs Beforus personality (the green moon was Scratch, after all, and now that he's gone, where does that leave Alternia??)
Anyway the furthest I've ever really got is:
- Feferi from the beta trolls perspective would still be the "heiress" but I guess Meenah's there too, and I reckon that Beforus Feferi would be easier to talk to, and more willing to allow change, if only because??? what else do u have to lose, honestly?
- Honestly short of shaking Sollux upside down like a kid trying to get lunch money from a nerd's pockets, I don't imagine they would have any way of contacting the kids. Sollux was the one who set up the viewing screens in the first place, and he doesn't actually have a reason to set up a connection, and whether or not they other trolls ask him is up to the person who writes it, I guess! I think he'd be more willing to do it as a favor, since it's pretty much canon he loves his friends but, ur guess is as good as mine!
- the only thing I actually put any thought into is that literally nothing is more important or as funny to me as Karkat and Kankri sharing a hive. there's a lot of fun parallels there between them and i genuinely just. think it's the funniest thing in the world.
- there's probably a lot of sissy slapfighting happening. i wonder if kankri had a crabdad too
- i'm not even going to get into the vast glub we'll just assume that either didn't happen or isn't happening again because phew what a thing to come back to life and die again
- i want damara to get five minutes to herself
- I think Terezi and Latula could benefit from having some genuine conversations about their roles in their friend groups and the world's expectations of them c:
- i honestly have no opinion on vriska that's none of my business
there's an old roachpatrol fic that briefly covers a karkat and kankri interaction on a post-game beforus that i actually adore very much, but since this world is like, inbetween, who can say!
They're such different worlds, and it'd be jarring af to smash them together, especially considering the cultural division
I won't ever apologize for not including the trolls, since that's not a story I'm interested in telling, but I don't mind musing on them from time to time, if only because it's interesting to conceptualize c:
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
Does genocide/death matter in dbz? What makes Frieza blowing up a planet different then Beerus? Our main cast our friends with the literal gods. We've seen that there is a afterlife and they're multiple ways to bring back the dead. I feel like the ethics of that universe get really complicated and it just doesn't get addressed. Which is fine since the show isn't about that, but something to think about.
The show might not address it but I DO. But no, for real, I’ve thought about this more than I probably should have, anon. Based on those (very broad-stroke) thoughts my general conclusion is that death originally did matter a whole lot, then it didn’t, now it does again in Super. So presenting a very rough timeline: 
During the Dragon Ball era people have notably grown up with death as a permanent thing. Like in real life, they fear it and avoid it and largely don’t know that it can be undone. The dragon balls change this, but at this point they’re a) incredibly difficult to locate, b) often hard to obtain even when located (i.e. at the bottom of an ocean), c) have more rules attached to them (you can only be resurrected so many times), and d) are constantly threatened via the death of Earth’s guardian. So death may not be permanent... but it sure as hell isn’t easy to reverse either. It’s a bit of a pipe dream. 
In the early DBZ era we have this trend continuing. That’s why Goku’s death at the hands of Raditz still has an impact. Same with Krillin’s death as everyone (characters included) are figuring out how the Nemekian balls fit into all this and what exactly they can accomplish with them. It’s important that Krillin died when he did--when death still felt semi-permanent and something of a significant loss--because otherwise we’d have no true motivation for Goku’s Super Saiyan transformation. 
Mid Cell arc into Buu is where I think we start seeing death as a no big deal kinda thing. By this point the dragon balls have far less restrictions attached to them, they can be picked up in just a few hours by our heroes, and the next generation (Trunks and Goten) have an indifferent, “Just use the dragon balls” mentality. Death takes on a slightly different meaning at this point in the story. Part of that includes changing our perspective about death from “They’re gone for forever” to “We just can’t contact them for a long, long time and that’s still pretty depressing”--i.e. Goku leaving for seven years and Gohan not getting to grow up with his father. He might know he’ll see him again someday, but that doesn’t lessen the emotional difficulty of being alone then and there. 
Another consideration at this point is whether someone WILL bring you back--i.e. Frieza fears his hell because barely anyone cares about him + his henchmen don’t stand much chance against our heroes, the ones hanging out around those dragon balls. The conflict of “The dragon balls are only useful if you can get ahold of them” has changed from “Wow these are really hard to find/access” to “Shit they’re now controlled by a small group of very powerful people.” We start to see the balls as a coveted resource. Just because they exist doesn’t mean you get to use them. 
More importantly though, I think during this era the how and when people die takes center stage, not necessarily that they did die. I think a good example of this is when Piccolo thinks Buu killed Gohan and the Supreme Kai is fearful that he’ll die at the hands of his blast. For each there’s a general sense of “This shouldn’t happen”--because dying is horrible and painful and if you care about this person you don’t want them to go through that--but also a sense of “If Gohan dies now we have one less person to fight Buu, so Buu might destroy the entire Earth before we can resurrect anyone, so we might not have a way of bringing ANYONE back EVER.” It’s a domino effect. The conflict now is who is dying, when they’re dying, and whether their death will impact the others’ ability to fix things at the end of the day. We see the same thing happening in Super when Frieza destroys the Earth in his last moments. Death is suddenly a threat again because the heroes’ solution to this problem was erased alongside life itself. No more dragon balls. The gods they know can’t magically make a whole planet and its life reappear. There’s nothing to do... except Whis’ temporal do over. And that has a 3min limitation/can only be used once every X amount of time. Meaning the next time Whis CAN do it far more than 3 mins will have passed, making the technique useless. If they don’t fix things now they never will. 
Which leads us to Super as a whole. Overall I think it’s done a very good job of re-establishing the stakes. First we’re shown through that Frieza moment that the level of power these characters hold now means that destruction can happen instantaneously... sometimes too quickly to do anything about it, even when you’d normally have ways of fixing stuff after the fact. Then we learn about the pretty much limitless super dragon balls, but they’re spread across two universes. Good luck getting those in a hurry. Most significantly though, we’re introduced to characters whose power exceeds everything else we know about death. Like Beerus’ hakai. Or Grand Zeno’s abilities. Maybe you can wish people back with the regular or super dragon balls... but that ultimately won’t matter if you’re erased entirely from your timeline and don’t even exist in an afterlife anymore. Or your entire universe is erased, along with any of those magical objects. 
These are the kinds of people that our heroes risk pissing off nowadays. Like the rest of the series, the stakes keep getting higher. If normal death doesn’t mean much anymore--we can wish you back, visit you in Other World, undo time, etc.--then you have to introduce pure erasure instead. A lack of existence across all worlds and timelines. That’s why the Tournament, to my mind anyway, still had weight. Everyone watching knew that the winner could use the super dragon balls to wish things back to normal... but whether the Grand Zenos would let them was the question. For all the characters know they might have used their little wish orbs and then the Omni Kings went, “Nope!” and erased everything again. Their power is just too substantial to combat if they’re insistent on making death permanent. 
(As a side note regarding Beerus and Frieza: Frieza is the exact sort of guy that Beerus is supposed to deal with... but then didn’t. Same with Buu. Beerus’ destruction exists to keep balance. Our DBZ villains’ destruction exists to cause selfish chaos. However, we’re shown time and time again that Beerus is sleeping instead of doing his job (resulting in death that should never have happened, like the supreme kais); he’s destroying worlds not because balance requires it, but because he didn’t like their food. He even threatens his entire universe by picking a fight with Goku. Beerus, bluntly put, isn’t good at his job, but ultimately I like that about him. It emphasizes how fallible and human ALL the gods are. They’re not perfect, etherial beings who appear unknowable to us and therefore exist as characters we can’t connect with... they’re all screwups in their own ways lol). 
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duanecbrooks · 7 years
The Return Of Girls Gone Write     Further unmistakable evidence that women, by and large, are the superior writers: the former George W. Bush press secretary and current Fox News host Dana Perino's my-life-with-my-dog-Jasper memoir Let Me Tell You About Jasper...: How My Best Friend Became America's Dog and the large-screen sprite Anna Kendrick's personal/professional memoir Scrappy Little Nobody. These two books are, frankly, flat-out joys to read, the former being a frequently warmhearted, often humorous, always heartfelt telling of her life and experiences with her pet dog Jasper, who, as she convincingly claims, has become the real and true star of the Perino family; the latter being an engaging, sprightly, consistently witty literary self-examination of one of the modern-day American cinema's most succulent and most appealing chicks. To partake of these tomes consecutively, both from beginning to end, is to spend quality time with a pair of delightfully quirky, keenly aware, firmly articulate she-babes who, each in her own way, have a marvelous sense of proportion, a marvelous refusal to see themselves as having any kind of Greatness.             Before getting into just exactly why these superb books are superb, allow me to go into how I first became aware of Kendrick (If you'll remember, Perino first came into my life via her first-rate within-the-George W. Bush-administration memoir And The Good News Is...: Lessons and Advice from the Bright Side). Kendrick caught my attention, as do many other other folks and things these days, via YouTube. Specifically, first, during a compilation of Kathie Lee/Hoda's "best" Today "celebrity moments," wherein, when Kendrick was asked whether or not she'd like to play a game, she facetiously mimicked Nader and replied mock-earnestly: "No! I hate games! I hate fun, I hate laughing!" (Later, she was shown doing some mock-dirty dancing with said girls); second, during a trailer for one of Kendrick's more recent theatrical films, namely Get A Job, the aforementioned trailer's two highlights, for me, being 1) this scene where Kendrick's filmic character, Jillian by name, is sitting on the floor lamenting the fact that she spent almost all of the money she had on a BITCHIIN' pair of shoes, while clad in a pair of equally bangin' black toreador pants that, given her sitting position, magnificently show off her magnificently long, lean legs and her magnificently-proportioned bare feet; and 2) a long shot of Kendrick adorned in a man's white shirt and tie and black high heels and again displaying those stylishly long, lean legs. Thus I was already primed, due to being previously turned on by Kendrick, to favor her tome.             It's here where I'll deal with the highlights of both books, the places where our memoirists especially grab ahold of and, simultaneously, charm and delight us.               .Perino, on the vast network of fans/friends that has developed due to her having Jasper: "It is a bit wonderful that through television and social media, Jasper and I became friends with so many people across the country. I enjoy interacting with my followers and fans, and I really feel that we have modern-day friendships--people I've never met, but that I've come to know over time through short digital interactions. It has widened my circle of people I talk to, and it's deepened my appreciation for people from all walks of life. I now get a chance to communicate with people I wouldn't have ever known; the Internet has given us a way to connect and network that didn't exist before. We're all neighbors now (with the proper amount of fencing to keep things friendly).               "Often this new group of people has cheered me up or warmed my heart just when I needed it. Working in politics and live cable television can be stressful, and switching off at the end of the day isn't always easy. Jasper's following has actually given me a way to set aside the work portion of my day and exchange some messages with my electronic friends, which helps me keep grounded and cheerful."                 .Kendrick, on her brother Mike: "My brother is my hero. I've idolized him since the day I was born and I still do. He's responsible for at least sixty percent of my personality, for better or worse. I'm told that if you're an only child, you grow up thinking you're the center of the universe, and if you have tons of siblings you grow up with a healthy perspective on how small you are in the grand scheme of things. I'd like to think that my brother told me I was a worthless brat often enough that I got the same effect...     "Mike's main interests [when we were kids] were watching Star Wars, playing Magic: The Gathering, and avoiding his annoying little sister. The only time he happily included me was when he wanted to play 'Pro Wrestling Champions,' as I was an ideal partner on which to inflict moderate injury."           .Perino, on Jasper's television debut: "Jasper made his debut on The Five [Perino's Fox News political talk show] as a sleepy puppy at just two months old, and a star was born. I brought him on set and when we were back from commercial break, I showed him off for the camera. He looked right into the lens with his deep blue eyes (a Vizsla [Jasper's breed] is born with blue eyes that eventually turn amber). He snuggled into me. Hearts melted.             "Jasper has tons of personality and is as photogenic as any dog I've known. On Jasper's birthday, my [The Five] producer lets him come on the show and he sits on a chair, for the most part, wearing a bow tie collar, and you would think he knows exactly what he's doing when he looks into the teleprompter. He's certainly better behaved than [Five co-host Greg] Gutfield."             .Kendrick, on her early period as an actor: "Starting in theater gave me a basic work ethic that I may not have gotten if I started in film and television. I worked six days a week, eight shows a week (two shows on Wednesdays and Saturdays, Mondays off). It wasn't so much the schedule--I worked in accordance with child labor laws--it was that I was held accountable for my work.             "Once, during rehearsals, our director was playing with the shape of a musical number that involved most of the cast--which jokes should stay, where they should go, etc. He decided to try reinstituting a small joke I'd had in a previous draft, and we started the number again from the top. I lost where we were in the music and I opened my mouth to say the line, a measure too late. He was already shaking his head and signaling the pianist to stop.             "'Anna just lost a line. Let's go back to how it was before and start again.'"         .Perino, on her period as W.'s press secretary: "[B]ecoming the White House press secretary was the best thing that ever happened to my career. I learned so much--about policy, world affairs, management, and politics.             "But the most important lesson I learned working for President Bush was about character and how to conduct myself under stress and attack. I found out how to be productive despite obstacles, and appreciated how a communicator can help calm a situation, advance a negotiation, or lead to a solution.               "The press secretary is the pinnacle for a public relations professional--it was the opportunity of a lifetime.                 "But having worked in politics for so many years, I'd built up a fairly tough exterior. The daily battles can wear a person out, and in some ways, I became edgier and harder than I'd ever been.         "It was also a lofty position, and the surest way you can lose your way in Washington, D.C., is to let any of that power or prestige go to your head.             "Throughout those years [first dog] Henry kept me from losing sight of what was important in life: appreciation and gratitude for my health and blessings, and the love I shared with [hubby] Peter and our dog."     .Kendrick, on her early life as a struggling actor: "The next pilot season [for television series] was starting up, which meant I was usually sent on one to four auditions a day. I discovered MapQuest and wrote down directions by hand since I didn't have a printer. Between that and my growing knowledge of the city, I was only getting lost, like, six times a day. Pilot season is grim because you're sent in for everything, no matter how wrong you are for it. I kept a mountain of clothes and accessories in my trunk so I could go from the fourteen-year-old goth daughter on a TNT drama to the spoiled twenty-two-year-old receptionist on a workplace comedy. It's obvious now that splitting my focus made it responsible for me to do well on any of them, but I was in no position to turn down auditions.               "How do I describe my personal life during this time? I met funny, interesting people. I went to art galleries downtown, I performed a one-woman show for free on the street corner. Except none of that's true. I spent most of my time trying to find ways to occupy myself without spending money or ingesting calories."                     .Perino, on what she terms Jasper's "protest pee": "When I wrote And the Good News Is... I received a lot of gifts for Jasper, including an embroidered quilt with the Great Seal of the United States. It is beautiful and functional. [Peter and I] take it with us to our friends' homes if we are invited to stay the night, because, well, you try telling Jasper he can't sleep on the bed. With the quilt, we're covered. Literally and figuratively.                   "When we're at our place in South Carolina, leaving him in the house is even more stressful. For a while, whenever we'd go out, we'd come home and find that he'd peed on the floor. As soon as we'd walk in, we'd know something happened, because Jasper would grab a toy as he always does, but instead of frantic joy and butt wagging, his tail would be down and he'd look guilty. It was hard to discipline him because you're supposed to catch them in the act. [Hubby] Peter would get pretty made at Jasper, and I'd feel terrible.                 "'He's so scared to be left alone,' I'd say.           "'No, he's being a brat,' Peter responded."                   .Kendrick, on behavior at showbiz events: "There's a campaign called #AskHerMore, which was started by some thoughtful, intelligent females (Lena Dunham, Reese Witherspoon, Shondra Rimes, etc.). It aims to ensure that when women attend events, they are asked about more than their dresses. Men don't answer questions about their clothes; why should we [women]? A simple and understandable request.                 "However, if people could ask me less, that would be great. I would love it if we could limit my red carpet topics to my favorite colors, what sound a duck makes, and my thoughts on McDonald's All-Day Breakfast--blessing or curse?"                 Also: Nearly the final half of Perino's book consists of various @FiveFanPhotoshops pictures that very humorously show Jasper in a collection of quite colorful poses--Jasper painting a portrait of Perino's former boss, W.; Jasper as a race-car driver; Jasper and Perino involved in the Kentucky Derby with the latter on top of the former, et al. And Kendrick's tome closes with a "Bonus Reading Group Guide," wherein there are "a few questions to help you get the most out of your reading experience."(As an addend, Kendrick wittily 1] apologizes for the "fact" that her "Guide" offers no red meat for those of us who "happen to run a trashy celebrity news blog that requires you to peruse the content of privileged cretins like me"; and 2] gives us permission to "use these questions [in the "Guide"] as a template for creating misleading but juicy headlines." She winds up by, also wittily, summing up what she, so she claims, is conveying: "[F]amous white girls are really fun to be mad at") Among the queries asked in the "Guide":                                        .."Though every page of Scrappy Little Nobody is perfect in every                           way, which part is your favorite? Make a list (it can be a Post-it that                           says, 'Every part is my favorite') and tape it to your chest for the rest                                 of the day."                                        .."When Anna compares Zac Efron to Charles Manson, is she making                                 a joke or trying to warn us about a potential murderous mastermind?"                                .."In the sections about Alexa Chung and Olivia Palermo, the author                           viciously maligns two innocent and very fashionable girls. Is Anna a                           shady, basic bitch, or the shadiest, basic-est bitch?"                                       .."Anna makes a lot of bad decisions. Can you think of a time when                                 you've made a bad decision? Oh wow, really? We're gonna pretend                                   you can't think of a single example? YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER                             THAN ME?!"             And thus there are the books of Dana Perino and Anna Kendrick, the former being a greatly stylish, consistently witty, always loving paean to a dog who is not only a beloved pet but, as Perino very convincingly limns, one of the most well-known and well-regarded personalities in America (easily, happily, well above and beyond any yammering about "animal rights"); the latter being an engagingly lively, undeniably honest, unrelievedly funny self-portrait of a celebrity gal who is obviously on the sides of life and living, whose unflinchingly upbeat, never-say-die attitude comes through in literally every paragraph.                 In the much-lauded theatrical film The Magic of Belle Isle, the single Mom Charlotte O'Neill (Virginia Madsen), during an evening dinner with her daughters and that evening's guest, the renowned Western novelist Monte Wildhorn (Morgan Freeman), asserted: "I've always felt that a book does something no friend could: Stay quiet when you want to think." To partake of the Perino and Kendrick tomes as they "[s]tay quiet" is to have you "wanting to think" about them--always favorably and, very often, with unsheathed laughter.
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