#he was a boy she was a grandma can i make it any more obvious
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so life goes like this..
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austonwithan-o · 1 year
Summer Job- Trevor Zegras x Reader
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After a certain boy walks into your hair salon. How could you say no to him asking you on a date? I mean customer satisfaction right?
No warnings!
You had just recently moved to Bedford, NY to live with your grandparents. They offered for you to live with them during the summers when it was too expensive for you to fly back to Portland where your parents lived. Attending NYU completely on scholarship you didn’t have time for a job during the school year. You did cut hair on the side for some of your friends and they paid you some which covered some weekend excursions but nothing too crazy. Little did you know that side hustle would lead to you meeting the love of your life.
Sitting in your bed you scrolled through job listings, a lot of grocery stores, gas stations, target, fast food places were hiring but nothing really caught your eye. Annoyed you closed your laptop letting out a groan.
“I refuse to work at McDonald’s mom. I’m not coming home smelling like fries and grease and it’s a whole 40 minute drive from here! There’s literally nothing interesting here.” You were annoyed with the sparse selection of employment available and despite your obvious disappointment your mom let out a laugh much to your dismay.
“Honey I know you don’t wanna come home smelling like a fast food place but you’re gonna have to choose something. Plus it’s just for the summer! Just like what, 2 months? You can survive 2 months y/n or here maybe ask grandma and grandpa if they have any friends who have businesses. They know a lot of people around there.” Her voice rang through the speaker phone on your nightstand, it wasn’t a horrible idea, your grandparents did have a great reputation in the town and a lot of friends.
“Hmm you’re not wrong?” You said picking up your phone, “I’m gonna go talk to them it’s dinner time anyways.”
“Alright sweetie I love you! Have a goodnight and keep me updated on the job hunt.”
“Will do momma! Love you too!” Hanging up and making your way downstairs the smell of your grandmas food was heavenly. You loved it here.
“Oh perfect! I was just about to call you down!”
Your grandpa said pulling a chair out for you to sit. You smiled and thanked him as he pushed it in.
“So grandpa I was on the phone with mom, looking for jobs with her and I was wondering if you knew anyone who would be willing to hire me for the summer? I mean there’s fast food and restaurants and stuff but I just thought maybe you’d have more, I guess, connections around here?” Taking a bite of the chicken on your plate. There was a few seconds of silence before your grandma spoke.
“You know I actually do know someone who’s hiring but are you good with hair? My friend Carla has a hair studio 10 minutes into town and she’s looking for another employee.”
“I can cut hair! I have a little side hustle at school cutting hair for like $10. I mean I’m not professional but I’m definitely not bad at it. I can also style and dye hair too!” This was the perfect job you thought plus the tips would be great!
“Her name is Carla! I’m going in tomorrow to get my hair trimmed. I’ll introduce you to her, she’s such a sweet lady!” Your grandma said, “We will leave around 11? My appointment is at 11:15 and I like getting there a bit early.”
You agreed. After dinner you spent a few hours playing cards and chatting with your grandparents eventually heading up to your room.
You woke up around 10:30am a little tired from staying up watching hair tutorials refreshing your memory on how to cut hair but you didn’t need much reminding.
You showered, got dressed and ran downstairs grabbing the keys to your old Jeep.
“Grandma I’ll drive!” You exclaimed rushing out the door.
“Alrighty I’ll be there in a second.”
The drive was peaceful. Driving through the colorful country you couldn’t help but admire how nice and green everything around you was. Your thoughts were interrupted by your grandma.
“I don’t know if you watch hockey at all but Carla has a little bit of a celebrity customer you know.” She smiled, “I’ve met him before his name is Trevor Zegras. He’s a hockey player. I’m not sure which team but he’s a cutie. Maybe you’ll get to cut his hair.” She shot you a wink making you roll your eyes.
“Ah yes grandma I definitely need a hot hockey player boyfriend to distract me all summer.”
“He’s a very charming young man! I bet you two would hit it off!” You laughed at her statement. A relationship was definitely the last thing on your mind for the summer. Making friends? That would be fun but definitely no boyfriend.
“Grandma you know I don’t need a boyfriend. I mean especially since I would just be leaving to school in a few months.”
“You never know y/n! People come into your life for different reasons.”
You smiled at her words but it was true. You didn’t want a summer fling. It wasn’t your style. If you were gonna date someone it was going to be serious and having a hockey boyfriend was definitely not on your list of things you needed.
You arrived at the hair salon. The sign displayed on top read, “Bedford Village Hair Design” it was a cute little shop. You could see a few workers at their stations and a few customers in the chairs. You both walked in hearing the chime of the bells, “Alice! Good to see you! You’re a bit early but I’ll just get you started over here-“ the woman who you assumed to be Carla gave you a wide smile.
“And who might you be?” She asked pulling you into a hug.
“Carla this is my granddaughter y/n! She’s staying with me for the summer and I brought her here to introduce her to you! She’s looking for a summer job and I think she would be perfect for your salon!” She said as she sat down in the seat, you followed close behind the two, standing beside Carla.
“Well I definitely wouldn’t be apposed! Can you cut men’s hair? I have more and more male clients coming in and I need more help around here!” Carla spoke trimming away at your grandmas hair. She was definitely not new to this.
“Yes! I cut my guy friends hair all the time in school. It’s like a little side hustle so I can make some money during the year.” You explained.
“You know what that sounds great! If you want just swing by tomorrow let’s say around 9:30am and you can start if that’s okay with you? I have someone coming in at 9:45am who you can do. He’s very sweet.”
“That sounds awesome! Thank you so much!”
You waited in the corner for your grandma to be done her hair which took about 20 more minutes and with that you both left after.
The next morning you woke up throwing on a flowy floral dress trying to match the vibe of everyone’s outfits yesterday. You wanted to make a good first impression so you took your time with your hair and makeup. Rushing out the door it was 9:15 by the time you left luckily there’s never any traffic in the small town.
Walking inside the small business you were greeted by Carla and another worker Gracie. She was around Carla’s age and very very sweet as well.
“Hi you must be y/n!” She greeted you giving you a hug.
“Yes! It’s good to meet you?”
“Gracie! My name is Gracie! Well I’ll give you the heads up since you’re new I’m gonna let you take my regular client at 9:45 today. His name is Trevor! He’s very nice so don’t be intimidated and he will let you know how he wants his cut.” She said handing you an apron.
For some reason your heart dropped a bit but you didn’t know why. You hadn’t even met the guy let alone seen his face and already freaking out.
“Are you sure? I mean I can take someone else if you want-“
“Lovely don’t be silly! I insist don’t worry he won’t bite you! I’ll still be here I’ll just be organizing in the back and Carla will be in the front or back with me.” She said and with that the sound of the door opening and the bells jingling made you freeze in your place.
“Carla! Gracie! And new girl?” You shyly turned around to face him. His smiled was so bright and his eyes were so pretty. He walked over and gave Carla a hug all while scanning you up and down. He pulled away eventually giving you a firm handshake. His touch sending sparks up your arm, making butterflies form in your stomach.
Oh my God he was gorgeous.
“Trevor this is y/n! Y/n this is Trevor! She’s gonna be cutting your hair today Trevor.” Gracie said grabbing his hand. His eyes hadn’t left yours and you could sense the nervous energy radiating off of his tall figure. He ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair which fell perfectly back into place framing his chiseled features.
“Oh cool! I’ll get a buzzcut this time.” The two older women let out exaggerated gasps slapping his shoulder making him laugh.
“Hey I’m kidding! You know I’d never do that Carla.” You couldn’t help but laugh as well at their reaction. You were already loving this job and you’d been there for about 10 mins.
“Trevor the day you get a buzzcut is the day I officially quit my job.” She handed you a barbers gown and he followed your lead by sitting down in the chair letting you throw it over him securing it in the back. Your hands were shaking and he could feel it as you tied the back lightly brushing the back of his neck.
“Alright y/n let me know when you’re done, I’m going to help Gracie in the back. Trevor no buzzcuts.” She gave him another light slap on the shoulder and he shot her a wink. The two ladies walked off exchanged glances at the two of you.
“You can lean back and I’ll wash your hair first.” He followed your directions placing his head in the neck rest.
“I’ve been coming here for a long time and I’ve never seen you here or around here for that matter. Where you from?” Trevor asked looking at you. You refused to make eye contact with him because you knew you’d fold under his eye contact.
“I’m from Portland but I live here in the summer times and I go to school at NYU.” You explained as you massaged his scalp with the shampoo.
“Oh that’s sick! Yeah I live here during the summers but I’m in Cali most of the year.” He was very obviously enjoying you running your hands through his hair and you couldn’t deny. You did as well.
“My grandma comes here a lot. She said you play hockey huh? I didn’t know there were hockey teams in California.” You admitted almost feeling a bit stupid letting those words leave your mouth. Trevor grinning at your remark.
“It’s a weird place for ice hockey that’s for sure but yeah the Anaheim Ducks. I’m guessing you don’t watch hockey?”
“Not at all. I’m not huge into sports but I played volleyball in high school.” You rinsed his hair off then wrapped his hair up in a towel and motioned for him to move to the hair cutting seat. His height shocked you a bit more when he stood up letting you really observe him. You caught the smell of his cologne as he walked by sitting down in the chair. You couldn’t get enough of him but you were fighting the feelings.
“I’ll have to get you to watch a few games. It’s important if we’re friends you watch hockey or at least know how the game works.” He stated looking at you through the mirror making it harder to concentrate with his gaze.
“Also, keep the shape but just make it a bit shorter. It’s kind of hard to see now.” Trevor grabbed a front strand of his hair pulling it down his face to see how long it was.
“Oh so we’re friends now?” Teasing him a bit. You snipped away at his hair following his request. You couldn’t help but notice all the tattoos on his arms as well letting your eyes scan his features more.
“I mean I’m trusting you with my hair so of course we’re friends but let’s say I ask you out on a date. Would that make or break the friendship.” The question caught you off guard.
Y/n you just said you weren’t gonna date anyone. Tell him no.
“I mean I don’t see how a date could hurt the friendship. I’m free anytime past 4 when the salon closes.” You couldn’t believe you just said that. It was like you had no control.
“Perfect I’ll pick you up at 4 tonight. What you’re wearing is perfect.” You blushed at his comment. Finishing up his hair and blow drying it. He stood up and you shook the barber cape off. You did a pretty good job you couldn’t lie.
“You know I might have you cut my hair from now on beautiful.” He turned around to face you.
“I mean I charge more so if you’re fine with that I’m fine with that.” Joking obviously you walked over to the wall grabbing a broom to sweep up all the hair you cut off.
“Worth every penny. I’ll pick you up at 4 from here. Leave your car here and we’ll just take mine.” Carla came back to the front soon after.
“Yay no buzzcut! You did really well Y/n.” Carla gave you an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
Trevor made his way up to the front with Carla to pay while you cleaned up the hair on the floor.
“I’ll see you tonight y/n.” Winking at you he left the salon.
“I’m guessing you two hit it off huh?” Carla smirked.
“I mean I wouldn’t deny it.” You blushed at her comment making her laugh.
“He’s a great kid y/n. I wouldn’t let him near you if he wasn’t.” Carla smoothed out her apron retreating to the back again.
This was gonna be a very interesting summer and an even more interesting school year.
Tbh idk how I feel about this one but oh well
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lutawolf · 6 months
The Sign Commentary Review Ep 3
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I'm saying fuck it and doing this commentary anyways, even though it's way late. (my kid got into a car accident. Fuck this year.) Anyways I think I'm hilarious so here we go.
Home dude really just let Tharn get kidnapped and looks so lost about it. Hahah! The friend group drinking at the idea of Phaya and Tharn having sex. So dead.
The way these coconuts are stirring up Phaya. And why did his brain go straight to shower. He is so obvious and doesn't even care. Then races out to call the man. Like, are you just now realizing what is going on. This is real life drunkenness, I swear. When Chalothon shows up in the camera feed, it's a total audacity of this bitch moment.
Good news, Chalothon is not having any luck controlling Tharn either. The faces Phaya makes at his phone.
HAHAHA! Phaya's face when he gets back to the table and sees all the guys. He went from being on top of the world to a no good, shitty day real fast. Poor baby, lol.
Phaya's book collection has me jealous. The music playing while he is visualizing the girl. Especially with those subs (mysterious music playing). 🤣🤣🤣 The whole scene with the sister, omg. (mysterious music) (footstep sounds) (footstep sounds) (mysterious music) Phaya's eyes shifting as if in panic. All very dramatic.
Grandma is so pretty!!! She's hilarious too.
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Somebody got romance on the brain! I mean, I'm only guessing, between the closeness and the subtitles telling me that romantic music is playing. Then dreams of cuddling Tharn. Cute! I like how the lighting makes them look like they are underwater.
Boy woke up so confused. "I must have thought about him too much." Ya think?!?
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Phaya is a talented artist. He has a lot of art of a boy also a side profile of a female. The one we can't see clearly makes me think of the dragon from the water. Is the cat a Cha Kla? Cha Kla is a mythological cat from Thailand.  Legend says that the Ch Kla are terrified of humans and will hide from them, but if they are seen or touched, that person will eventually die. However, they are usually black, where this is white with black surrounding it.
Grandma, "Are they twins?" Then Phaya goes on to fill her in on everything. These two have a very close relationship.
"Did I do anything weird last night?" Boy, that is a loaded question. Ya'll Yai is adorable. He is for sure one of my favorite side characters.
Doc... I'm having doubts that I'm gonna like you. You've barely talked, but you have slime ball written all over you. And what is up with Tharn saying that him and Phaya aren't that close??? Clearly he isn't that close to the Doc if he is hiding stuff.
Nong Khai!!! Nong (low area like a swamp) Khai (lost) is situated on the banks of the majestic Mekong River, one of the world’s longest and most iconic rivers. It's also a very important pilgrimage for Buddhist because of a revered Buddhist stupa that dates back to the 16th century and is believed to contain relics of the Lord Buddha. You know what else it's known for?? Nagas. These mythical creatures are semidivine beings that are serpent shape-shifters. Whether it is a human form, full serpent, or half serpent, half-human form, the Nagas can take up whatever shape they prefer. They are a strong and attractive species, who are regarded as guardians of treasure which resides in the underwater kingdom of Patala-Loka or Naga-Loka, a stunning place decorated in gems.
Now I'm really excited!
💜💜💜 I'm dying. "She's gorgeous." "I know that, but she's also very scary. I'm afraid of her." This honestly makes me like him even more. NGL. They are pretty close with the Abbott. Aww, poor Yai getting ganged up on. *Snickers*
Clues! "While you’re staying here. Let me warn you about something. Make sure you often meditate and dedicate the merits to those whom you have wronged in the past. So that it would help lighten the consequences of your karma. Got it?"
"Is he still not free from them? They’ve been after him since when he was born. That’s why he had to live at the temple. What do they want from him? Why are they so vengeful?"
Shot to sad Abbott and sad Tharn.
Phaya asking the Abbott if he remembers him. Give me answers! Give me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, Finally!!! It's come out that he is the boy that was saved by him!
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And we crash again. That's so fucking sad, is this why he thinks the people he loves dies??? "Everything has already been destined. His life is written by the karma he did in his past life." This is so fucking sad. But wait! There is hope! "His destiny has been entwined with someone since his past life. That person will lead him to experience bad things. But it is also that person who would be able to free him from his karma."
Okay, so the Rocket Festival they are talking about and why the date is significant. The Rocket Festival is usually celebrated on the weekends in the middle of May, just before the start of the crop plantation period (the rainy season). This ancient festival is a merit-making ceremony which involves firing home-made rockets towards the heavens to captivate the rain gods and hope for a good monsoon season before the crop plantations take place.
"Whether you’d be free from those whom you have wronged in the past... depends on whether you’d be able to find the owner of this amulet tonight." Damn, that's not ominous. Poor fucking kid.
Ahhhhh, this is when his visions started! No thoughts, he just dives in. This boy does not deserve to have to pay for his past life! I absolve him! You live by a river, and you're just shaking him? Fucking turn him over and smack his back!
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Past, Phaya is so puppy dog.
Wait! You forgot to give him the amulet!!! Dumbass kids. Always forget the important part. I mean... Well, I guess saving a person from drowning is the important part, but you know what I mean! Oh good, Phaya found him.
"So, he would probably live for a very long time. But you have to be careful though. If both of your destiny are entwined like what I think... You would eventually find each other again."
And clearly, Yai has always been the way he has been since forever.
Naga! He dreams of Nagas! Usually the festival associated with Naga is the Naga Fireball Festival. Which is celebrated in the fall or Buddhist Lent period. In this festival, people gather along a certain stretch of the Mekong River, to witness glowing red 'fireballs' shoot up into the sky. The number of fireballs sighted can range from hundreds to thousands. The local people attribute this phenomenon to the mythical 'Phaya Nak', a giant serpent that they believe resides within the river.
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Okay, I'll shut up now and get back to the show.
"He doesn’t know how to swim. But he still wants to go and play near the riverbank."
"Grandma, I really heard someone calling me there last night."
That's just a great kid. We almost saw the Darwin Theory in action. The stupid shall not inherit the earth. Gee wiz, I hear disembodied voices, let's go investigate near water where I can not swim. This is like me hearing a gun shot and going to check it out. No, I don't want to die, I'm not that noisy. The unknown can stay unknown. Phaya as a kid was so soft and shy. Boy has he changed!
WTF is not wanting to take the amulet. Don't be an ungrateful asshole, kid. Tharn takes no shit, even as a kid.
"What you saw wasn’t a dream. It was your karma." "Are you saying that... they are those whom I have wronged in my past life?"
We're getting closer to answers! Ahhh, we're talking more about the Naga!!! So Tharn was a Naga in a past life??
"You both are destined to help each other Trust each other. Only then, you would be able to free yourself from your karma. Your kind hearts are your best weapon. And remember to always trust each other. Help each other. And you both would live a happy life, like you’ve always dreamt of." Sounds simple enough... (dumdumdum aka thunder sounds)
Oh snap! We got some bad weather! Okay, so Naga have different classes. From the general Nagas who have large bodies like great serpents with a crest on the head and strong poison to the celestial ones who have several heads with lethal poison and supernatural power such as disguising themselves more than just as a human being. Furthermore, certain ones can effect rain. The power to bring rain or cause drought by stop giving it. Some beliefs say they can disguise themselves as rain clouds and/or rainbows. That is why the quote for the Rocket Festival is "How much water will the Naga give this year."
Ohhh, who could this be? The king of Naga? There are a few options, so I won't hazard a guess just yet.
Can I just say that I'm loving that Phaya is chasing after scared Tharn. Yai and Phaya hugging like they didn't just get drunk together the night before. 🤣🤣🤣
"It was quite dark, so I didn't know he actually looks like this." OMG, I'm Dead. Hahaha Yai... I can see why you and your gf fit together.
Ahhhh I'm loving this so much!! You see the Naga decorations on the bridge?? This is in association with their connection to rainbows. The rainbow signifies the bridge between earth and the underworld. Sorry if this shit is boring, you guys! Like I said earlier, I'm way late, and so I'm just writing about what I find interesting. Because I refuse to force beliefs on my children, I give them books on world religions and beliefs. I read it so that I can help them as they read what they are interested in. I find all this stuff so captivating.
The way Yai looks at his girl. So sweet.
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Okay, I see what they are doing here with the dream, but I'm dead. That hair and his facial expression. Like he is seconds away from laughing at himself. I would love to see BTS of this part right here.
Look at Phaya just calling Tharn out. Like Bitch, try and run from me. "Why didn't you want to tag along with us."
Isn't that where he was sitting when he had the vision? Phaya, you wish he was hitting on you, lol.
Not matching clothes!!! Tharn bitching all the time but damned if he didn't put on the matching clothes.
He left her cause she was naga! What!
Yes, he is telling you that you are the cause of his bad dreams. But he still wants you to stick around so nevermind.
I love these fools. I love grandma. Now everyone knows that Phaya is the boy that was saved.
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I like Sand.
"If what you said is true, Yai and I both love you like our own brother... but we’re still safe and sound."
"Don’t let what the Abbot has predicted come true." Grandma come back! Explain this to me...
Hahah! Tharn is so sassy. "Did you use this kind of story to hit on the girls in France?"
See, no hiding for Phaya. He just straight up tells Tharn that he likes him. I think evil jellyfish is a new favorite nickname for me. I really want to read this book but it's like 15 bucks. Crazy!
AHHH! They finally kiss!!! "And this is called a goodnight kiss."
Tharn's face when Phaya says goodnight. Bless the poor boy. Well fuck, we getting stormy weather over a kiss? What the hell is gonna happen when they do more!?! I think I liked it better when the sex just woke up the evil twin, not cause destruction of humanity. Tharn is cute but I don't know that he is Noah Arc worth it kind of cute. Just saying.
Running scared! But that's okay cause Phaya is very willing to chase. Even tackle.
"Do you want to get hurt?" Phaya over here like, yes please. With a cherry on top. I love the cockiness of both of them. I adore when Phaya puts his tongue in his cheek. These two! Thank you Saint! You are a blessing amongst men. I really enjoy this kind of foreplay. No punches were pulled. Noticed Phaya is wearing the talisman.
Ahhh, it's the forcing him to submit and then telling him he is a good boy for me.
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I’m Police Major Akkanee Assawawaisoon, your team leader. Yay! He is back!
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I love these coconuts. Tharn going and sitting by your brother, Phaya is going to kick your ass again.
Ahhhhhh. I'm so excited for this saturday!
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thesweetnessofspring · 5 months
What blows my mind on rereading the books is how attracted to Peeta Katniss is. I hadn’t read them for years so I did think of them as a typical wholesome relationship with a nice guy that never dives into the attraction parts. But now I see the constant flirting that happens, the hunger and need to be close, the description of his body and face, the whole beach scene. And Peeta is super respectful for all of the books but Suzanne didn’t make it seem like a lot of nice guys are written where they wouldn’t dare show any attraction. Peeta in the cave is sneaking in kisses and post games he mentions them being alone together. They’re RIDICULOUSLY into each other . And I appreciate that they found the balance of a nice couple being horny for each other, it always feels like most media at the time portrayed sexual need as something that can only happen with bad boys.
They are into each other at EVERY SINGLE LEVEL it is ridiculous. As a fandom grandma, I remember when people were fancasting Peeta back in the day and one of the more popular choices (though he was 🤢 for many reasons) was Alex Pettyfer. I think a lot of people pictured Peeta super hot (as opposed to what he really is, which is boy-next-door-cute) in part because Katniss's details and descriptions of him are soooo layered with her attraction. Like yes, Katniss, please go on more about his big strong arms and the sunlight in his hair and his blue eyes. 😂 We don't get Peeta's POV but it's obvious he's smitten by her physically as well, saying the flames suit her and that to him she's "perfect."
And Peeta!! That boy could be such a heartbreaker if he wanted to! He flirts with Katniss so effortlessly and in general is really good around people, but he never gives her cause to be jealous (by my reading of the book he doesn't with Johanna in the elevator, even though the movie interpreted that part differently). And oh my, does Katniss crave his touches! Even from book one she's giving him genuine gestures of affection and delighted in what he gives to her. I think because kissing is more intimate she has a harder time feeling the "hunger" when they only ever kiss in front of the camera. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if Katniss ever had a chance to really kiss Peeta without cameras around she would have made up her mind about the boys a lot sooner.
Non, it is so, so, SO important to me that Katniss and Peeta have that real sexual chemistry you talk about and why the movies are so disappointing in this aspect. I think that relationships between adults in shows and movies have offered more that are "healthy, in love, and hot for each other" recently, but we hardly ever see it for teenagers! The "nice guy" is usually kinda awkward or there isn't a lot of chemistry, and all of the sexual tension comes from the "bad boy." There isn't really a bad boy equivalent in THG, but Peeta still fills in a sort of "good guy" role in the love triangle and the fact that Gale can get jealous and pushy but Katniss is still like 😑 with him, but 🥰 around Peeta is sooooooooooooo important. Like yes, teach those young people that healthy conflict resolution is hot!! Teach them that safety and gentleness is a turn-on!! YES YES YES!!!
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beeanca-writing · 5 months
That other anon was being an asshole, but I am curious about what you had planned for EfC? Not gonna lie, I'll miss the cast—would be nice to know what happens to who!
I'm still unsure what I'll do with EfC. I might come back to it once this current period of my life is over, though it'd likely be very different. First of all, it'd be a shorter story. I'd either get rid of some of the ROs, or find some way to better integrate them into the narrative (compare Harry, who you can have this huge, important backstory with vs Val, whom I love but is also just some guy, I guess?). It'd also probably be more focused on romance since that's usually what interests me the most in IF anyway.
I also might scrap a lot of it and stick to the storylines that interest me the most—mainly the Harry stuff. A shorter game dealing with The Hedonist returning to Court and having to face Harry sounds really fun to write, and it'd be a lot less complex to plan than this whole mess. Also, Harry is definitely a more developed character than some of the other ROs. For example, I love Camila to death, but she doesn't have much significance in the story other than "The Hedonist's friend" and I was never able to find her some meaning.
I'd also make The Hedonist even more of a fixed character by getting rid of all personality stats and focusing solely on their actions instead of worrying about personality. The stats were all carried over from CoG, and it's never been something I enjoy in their brand of IF. I was going to do this anyway when I first transferred the game to Twine, but stupidly asked Tumblr what they thought and, since most people preferred keeping the stats, I did that even though I didn't really want to.
As for to what would happen to the cast... In case I do come back to EfC, I don't think this would change much, so I'll put it into a read more in case someone doesn't want to know. If anyone has any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Grandma would die. Sorry!
Also, Cordelia was The Hedonist's twin who drowned in front of them, but that was a bit obvious, wasn't it? I'd definitely remove that from any rewrites, it's so unnecessary and cliché.
Henry would divorce Elizabeth to be with Nicholas. The Hedonist could either support him on this or not.
Due to the divorce, the rest of the family would be disgraced in Court. Evie's reputation is a little less affected if she's still with Harry.
As I mentioned in the past, The Hedonist can choose whether to stay in Court or not at the end.
The Hedonist and Evie can repair their relationship or not. Evie eventually makes an effort to become friends with The Hedonist, and you could choose whether to play nice or not. If The Hedonist romances Harry and you manage to have a good relationship, she forgives you, but asks for some time away from both The Hedonist and Harry.
I didn't really plan Camila's character arc well. She becomes a Republican rebel and can either still be friends with The Hedonist or have distanced herself a bit if they continue to be an asshole.
Sabina can choose to no longer be a nun if encouraged either by a friend or romanced Hedonist. If you romanced her but didn't encourage her to leave the convent, she dumps you. (Note: You later find out she was forced to become a nun by her family.)
Similarly to Sabina, Narcissa can choose to break things off with the Emperor if, again, encouraged either by a friend or romanced Hedonist.
Calvin's ending is the wildest one, actually. He finds out he's a father after the boy's mother passes away. The Hedonist can either tell him to abandon the boy or tell him to raise him (if Calvin is romanced, they kind of become a step parent).
Val can be encouraged to start studying to become a librarian. Also, his whole thing is that his father is the Emperor lol
Lastly, horse boy Harry will want to divorce Evie if romanced and marry The Hedonist instead. If you refuse to marry him, he divorces her anyway but doesn't stay with The Hedonist. A friend!Harry stays with Evie, I think? I don't know.
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murmel-malt · 2 months
I NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT DAERA!!!! Sweet girl!!! Feel free to go on about her endlessly
How long does she live? Does she take lovers? Remarries? Does Baelon live? Does he become king? What is going onnnnnn!
Anon, I love and appreciate you!💕💕 And I am using this as a prompt to talk about Baelon and my current plans for him within this AU.
Let me preface this by giving my reasoning for why Hedaera survived Baelon’s birth but Aemma didn’t: Daera is perfectly willing to throw an absolute fit and fight and refuse back-to-back pregnancies like Aemma was subjected to. She is very much a spoiled princess and hasn’t really heard the word ‘no’ that often but is very proficient in using it herself and does so with abandon. Thus Daera was healthier than Aemma was. While Aemma had several failed pregnancies in canon, Daera had only one (two years after Daenys was born) and didn’t let Vizzy near her for the next three years.
But now that Heir McSon is here, things can go two - well, three - ways: 
option a) Baelon continues to live and becomes king, there is no Dance and everybody can focus on more important things. Which is nice but also kind of boring so I present 
option b) Baelon does live but not long enough to become King. At the point of his death Viserys is pretty sick and Daera, still grieving, even less willing to try for another child. Like in canon Vizzy is pushed to name Rhaenyra heir to keep Daemon away from the throne until there is another boy (which they just kind of expect and try to pressure Daera into). The game changer here is that both Rhaenyra and her sister are already married.
Because Daera was never given the chance to have any say in her future she is extremely pushy about her daughters having it and Vizzy being kind of uninterested in his daughters until Baelon’s death agreed just so Daera shuts up about it.
So Rhaenyra is happily married to Harwin Strong and Daenys to Tyland Lannister. Jace is already born so Rhaenyra already has an Heir McSon of her own.
and option c) Baelon dies pretty early, before Rhaenyra’s marriage is secured. She is made heir, kind of forced to marry Laenor (to Daera’s displeasure about the forced part and pleasure about the Laenor part) and has her sons with Harwin. tbh I haven’t completely figured this option out yet because it is too close to canon for my taste (also there is no way in hell Daera will let Rhaenyra screw herself and her future over by having such obvious bastards) but maybe I will come up with a nice little twist to make it more appealing to me.
But with Daera alive and unwilling to go through any more childbirths, there obviously won’t be any brothers for Rhaenyra to compete with for the throne so the Dance as we know it won’t happen. That doesn’t mean there won’t be any conflict though.
As of now, I have no plans to have Daera die anytime before seeing her grandchildren grow up happily and know the Realm is moving towards a stable future. And be a sassy grandma in the process.
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pro-logue-epi-logue · 3 months
Remember when I said, I have more than 3 rants saved in my drafts? Yeah, so here is one of them.
Not a Random Thought but more of a RANT -
Alex fucking Palmer by god i hate this shit piece of a character( sorry for this crude language or upcoming ones, if any) befor some people say oh you gate alex you must be mYsOgInIsT, if you hate a woman you are not misogynistic and believe me i hate horseman and that shithead aydin too but this is about her.
Lets be honest here, NO ONE hates alex for her friend with benefits thing with Will, like okay you fucked move on and neither do anyone hate her for being a luxury escort.
She deserves every bit of hate for being a total bitch to emmy for no reason, looking down on her, comparing her trauma to her, emphasizing she suffered more??
Seriously Alex Palmer deserved a punch to the face.
At one point i even began to understand Aydin's point of view and i hated that scum bag, but alex she just got worse and worse.
Concepts like Dignity and maturity are foreign to Alex Palmer and it shows.
Also i don't think anyone else noticed this, but she clearly wanted to be way more than she was in everything specifically in Will's life thats why she kept on butting in.
She was so goddamn annoying.
I really blme PD for this too, they went about will and alex and will and damon all the time and when people started Shipping them, they were like "How did this happen?"
Why create a fuss of them when they are not even end game?????
Will was an alcohol and drug addict, was depressed, thought about suicide for years when he was around alex and damon And people are shipping them?????
The guy would have probably died of OD if they(Damon andalex) were around and emmy hadn't come back.
What kind of a shitty ass friend was this alex like she knew about will drugs and all not once did she say anything to stop him?? I know she is not responsible for it,but she acted all entitled all throughout Nightfall maybe used her head and said anything, even damon tried to make him stop drinking????
Also, someone has to say it so i will, this devil's night fandom is full of idiots and hypocrites, it is so normal for them to hate on banks and emory like they weren't the only two with brain, they literally LOVE the horseman but hate on emmy for what ?? Because she rejected a boy, or signed those paper??
She was backed in a corner and had to save her grandma, she thought of will and was technically helping them or else more videos would have came out?? Did you not read the book?? Horseman assaulted Rika, Damon treated Banks like a Dog, Will was a bitch to Emory in blackchurch, always pushed her in corners in high-school and by god they just Love them.
Or maybe they hate her because they wanted willalex.
Its is sooo common to hate on banks and emmy but god forbid someone mentions how much of an idiot rika was, alex almost let emmy got r*ped( someone mentioned it in a post that alex knew about taylor but didn't show herself to emmy), the douche bags horseman enough said but yes hate an orphan girl who wanted to save her grandma and did nothing wrong. Especially SOME fans act like you killed someone instad of mentioning the obvious.
Also how the fuck on earth PD can throw willemmy out of the window in their own goddamn book, ever since alex arrived everything was Alex,alex and bitch alex,...
The train scene was sooooo disgusting and vile and what made me livid is after that will says " oh she belongs with us, she is like us" i was literally like shutup asshole it took you this to see emmy belongs with you not when she said she loves you, and also the alex deserves to be taken care of, like fuck off!!!! she was nothing but a cunt of emmy for no reason in blackchurch and even after that, if anything emmy should have slapped her real good. But obviously as she was a fucking fanservice so it was only logical to throw willemmy and everything about them out of their book, right??
No one even hugged emmy, i said it once and i will say it again none of those assholes deserved emory scott. Not even Will bitchy grayson.
And the loop holes in Nightfall that were like 20 kept on coming because of this alex plot was sooo stupid.
How can you write a character like emory, so strong and complex and will insecure and addict and literally abandon them in THEIR OWN BOOK.
But yes Alex "fucking pick me girl, i am better than you emory" Palmer deserved the entire half of the book.
I once saw a tiktok that said Alex carried this series. My reaction was like
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She did nothing to the plot in corrupt, hideaway or killswitch instead of making normal things sexual and i don't count the shopping scene in hideaway because kai paid or else she wouldn't have done it. And in nightfall all she did was be a stupid bitch who was jealous of emory because will still wanted Emmy and aydin was ignoring her, as he should this bitch grated my nerves.
Everytime someone says Alex was awesome, i just sigh and move on.
I didn't pay any attention to alex in other books like she was a side character right, but in NF apparently she becomes a major character and ended up running the book, i blame those horny Facebook group people who wanted Alex so much they kept on bugging Them, look what you did you ruined a book that was about to be an awesome one.
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june-julie · 11 months
Heyy!!Um if you don’t mind can you write for mbav?(benny weir x fem reader) Something along the lines of evil benny creating reader’s evil copy and she starts flirting hard with the real Benny and when Sarah and the real reader destroys the evil copies Benny gets sad and misses the evil copy :>
Two is better than one.
Benny weir x fem!reader
“What were you thinking?”
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Warnings: cursing, seductive behaviour, degradation.
— Summary; what anon said 🫶🏻
— A/N; I LIKE IT PICASSO this came to me when cleaning and I literally stopped everything to write it. I got so many evil copy requests I’m down them ALL.
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Benny and you didn’t particularly have a clear relationship at times.
There were certain things he said or done that always had you second guessing,
maybe it was the way he looked into your eyes a second longer than usual when he smiled that signature grin of his or maybe it was the way he teased you until he was sure he made the tips of your ears red but one thing was clear,
It was the things he would do a second later that would make you uncertain It was obvious Benny weir flirts with any girl that walks his way and honestly you were thankfully that the girl were daft enough to pay more attention at the fuck boys than Benny otherwise you were sure he’d be snatch up by now.
“Ethan you’re delusional if you think Benny weir has any sort of romantical feelings for me at all.” You explained your frustrating case of what always clouded your mind.
“Why are you so sure of yourself? Why is it so hard to accept what I’m saying is true y/nn? You’re telling me you don’t see the way he looks at you?” Ethan protested but not as strongly as he had before, poor Ethan has this whole conversation rehearsed with not only you unfortunately.
Benny had to force a giggle out of himself to cover for the untrue words Ethan had mistakenly spoken “dude, no need to lie to me. I like the girl and all but I think by now I can tell when a girl doesn’t like me as hard as that is to believe.” Benny replied sarcastically to a eye rolling Ethan, his favourite expression in both Y/N and Benny’s opinion.
Christ you guys even argue the same.
“Let me entertain the possibility that you are right for a minute,” Ethan merely nodded mind elsewhere. “If I get as far as asking him out and not get rejected by whatever godsend was on my side that day that Benny didn’t run away scared of my ‘proposal’ “ you qoutated for your special day of the weeks rant affect “who’s to say he still wouldn’t make comments about every other woman he saw that day? We just wouldn’t work as much as I wanted to.”
“Denial is a river in Egypt.” Ethan chimed matter of factly with a cheeky smile he knew pissed you off “your just trying to convince yourself because you know none of that mumbo jumbo isn’t going anywhere with me.”
“E, you wanna know how I can see that she doesn’t like me?” Benny tugged on his backpack straps with a thin pressed lip “not really.” Ethan muttered unbothered “great, well for one I flirted with a girl right in front of her today to get any reaction out of her anything! And she didn’t care! That’s like movie 101 the chick totally storms off in jealousy yet she didn’t budge.” He finished
How was it that Ethan was the only expert in spotting the hurt in the teens faces ? Or the broken laugh he oh so quoted All you guys needed was to stop being so stubborn and a little confidence couldn’t hurt.
It was after school and you were walking home with your headphones on, playing whatever song your iPod had to offer on shuffle then you spotted something, oh cool benny grandma Evelynn is having a yard sale.
“Hey Benny what’s up?” You waved as you saw his grandmother leave the stall seemingly leaving Benny to sell the remaining products,
“grandma is selling all the junk in her house she no longer uses and she said if I help I get extra cash so currently being an entrepreneur.” He grinned leaning on the table with his collared striped sweater sleeves pulled up revealing his forearms, that mixed with his smile had you saying ‘shut up and take my money!’
“I don’t think that’s how that works but sure I’m always up to support a business.” You furrowed your brows but nonetheless went along with his playful manner “I’ll take that vintage camera.” Maybe it’ll help with you and your friends picture day project.
“Fine choice m’lady.” You giggled in response and took the camera “I’ll see you later benns’ “ and with that you left.
It was the next day at school and if you had known Benny and Ethan had their own school picture day idea maybe you wouldn’t have volunteered to help your friend.
But having said that it didn’t stop you from sticking your tongue out at Benny like a child cheekily as he slumped in defeat
“defeated with my own tools.” He muttered as you laughed sympathetically in response patting his shoulder “sorry Benny rabbit, maybe next year?” You teased further more making sure to use the name you knew he hated cause you just loved to be the person to grind his gears.
Unfortunately you missed what he whispered to Ethan “It’s cute when she says it..” ethan looked puzzled at the boy.
You agreed after class to futhermore help your friend by testing out your retro cam, having successfully found a dark room you firstly tested it with a simple selfie really 2010 pose of you, Y/n.
And then you set it aside to develop, continuing with your classes.
Later on you went to check on it and would you look at that! Perfect 80s selfie, you just Missed the laboured breaths behind you as you were knocked unconscious.
Benny tapped his pencil on his desk as he watched the clock on the wall, you should definitely be at this class he remembered on your timetable you had the same classes as him! So then where were you? 10 minutes went by and mid way through class Y/N finally showed up,And boy did she make an entrance.
Are you allowed to wear shorts that short? Or leather jackets that cool?
You slumped in your chair looking directly at the teacher, eye contact and all. “Care to explain what was more interesting than class that made you 20 minutes late Miss Y/N L/N?” The teacher rightfully asked through a stern voice.
“literally anything..?” Y/N replied as if it was a joke and not they were real consequences.
The Teacher was taken aback “Y/N this is nothing like you whatever has gotten into you I’m not dealing with this today.” She explained furthermore to a doodling Y/H/C.
“I didn’t want to deal with this math today and yet here we are.” Y/N shrugged “who in the right mind puts fucking letters in marginal equations?” The teacher scoffed “detention IMMEDIATELY.”
And with that Y/N stood up, smirking at Benny who’s mouth was agape “like what you see? Or is staring your new habit Dork?” She leaned on his desk table inching closer to him as she maintain intense eye contact “what did I just say?” The teacher raised her voice and with that Y/N practically strutted out.
Benny leaned into Ethan “I don’t know what Y/N has done with herself but I like it.” He spoke unbeknownst to Ethan’s bewildered expression, this has supernatural written all over it and yet again he was the only one to spot it.
Obviously Y/N wasn’t gonna listen to the teacher though, she had a better plan in mind. Why not finish what she started? So she dragged her friend to the room where she left the camera and made a copy of her, putting on her best sickly sweet voice imitating the other sweeter more rational Y/N she managed to fool her friend into becoming a copy just like her and whilst Y/N was having fun Terrorising other teens days her friend would make more evil duplicates.
Fun and innovative, woman in stem yk?
Mindlessly she walked through the halls she had about a few hours before school was over and then she could go to go carts she rented for the day.
That’s when she spotted him. Benny weir. she just needed to figure out why the other Y/N was so intrigued by him so she made her way over to him “well if it isn’t just the guy I was looking for, can I talk to you? “ benny looked around puzzled and then nodded, Y/N turned to look at Ethan “alone. take a hint third wheel.” She did a fake smile for a millisecond benny raised a brow
Third wheel? In what?
“What is it that makes you so important?” She began in a low tone as she eyed him head to toe slowly “my charm, i get A’s in calculus I do a killer Tom cruise from top gun impression” no one in the world could not cringe at the words Benny utters.
Well unless you got a tolerance like the other Y/N does, which was what evil Y/N was so aggravated to figure out.
“Not the things you say Idiot, the things you do.” She took a step closer to him “ I’m not sure I’m following now y/nn? This about my yearbook photo idea?” He guessed utterly lost, poor guy.
“This is about how every thing you say or do drives other me crazy, you’ve such nerdy arms and yet she fawns over your slender hands.” Evil Y/N sure knew how to cut and praise you in the same sentence that was for sure.
Benny didn’t respond he just looked down to said hands in question and then back at Y/N he was finding it hard to maintain eye contact under this pressure “I bet you haven’t even been with a girl, how pathetic.” She chuckled yet her eyes showed interest and she inches nearer again.
Benny gulped “Y/n what are you talking about…?” Benny managed to speak as he trailed off as if he spoke any louder than he did he was afraid you would stop.
“Maybe if I teach you a few things you might actually have the balls to get with me.” Why she was speaking about herself in the third person was beyond Benny but what wasn’t beyond him is whatever degrading kink evil you just summoned in him.
He grinned “if this is you getting back at me for teasing you so much I admit im not sorry.” You pressed your hands flat against his chest “that’s exactly what it is.” sexual frustration totally didn’t play a part at all.
So you tangled your hands in his brunette locks and peckered his neck then his lips
And then she stopped with a tug of his hair releasing a low whine from Benny as he opened his Green eyes “If you actually want to take me up on my offer find me in the dark room, I’m only having fun. Think you can do that pretty boy? Hm?” Benny nodded cheerfully She smirked and spon around on her heels and walked away.
Did Y/N just walk straight out of his wet dream or something?! Like I know yesterday Y/N was pretty Damn sexy in her flarely skirt that Benny was so sure she put on intentional to screw with his head but this was definitely a dream he had only a week ago.
Somwhere along the line you woke up, not evil you but actual you and you spotted your friend tied up,
“what happened?! Are you alright?” You asked frantically concerned as you untied her “there’s a evil copy of me and you going around terriorising people! I don’t know what’s going on but I think she knocked you out too!” That would explain the raging headache that got worse by the minute.
‘I have to go tell Sarah and Erica’ you thought.
Frantic to find Sarah you scanned the halls as you tucked a strand of Y/H/C behind your ears and was certainly not looking where you were going and it became more certain when you bumped into a unknown force.
Benny flushed being met with you, except you lost the shorts and the leather jacket, but hey you did sport his favourite skirt on you “I knew it was intentional!” He muttered under his breath thinking aloud
“benns’ are you okay? You look a little red and your shirt is all scrunched up..” you expressed with much concern for the boy “I’m fine, y/n. And if I’m not I’m still taking you up on your offer later and you can make me fine.” He grabbed your hand to politely shoo it away from his striped shirt as he winked
“offer? What offer? Benny I need your help finding Sarah.” Benny tilted his head in confusion That word be the third time today you drive him around the bend in mind whipping mood Change,
you are a force of nature woman.
He was gonna flirt but he saw your expression and put his feelings aside for a moment “what’s wrong bunny?” His brows furrowed “there’s these evil copies of me and (I forgot her name I’m so sorry) walking around and they’re planning on making way more! We need to stop them or who knows what they’ll do.” You pleaded with urgency.
“That chick Ethan’s into? Wait you have a copy?” You nodded, deciding against telling Benny that she had a boyfriend right now as it wasn’t the top priority going on right now.
Benny slumped, of course it wasn’t you.
“Benny? Hello? Come on!” You grabbed his hand and went to find Sarah and Ethan, unknowing to how extra sweaty his hands were today as you interlaced your fingers together.
“What in the Jennifer’s body is this bullshit? You’re meant to be evil Me?” You scoffed eyeing her “it’s not like I give a fuck what you think honestly cause you’ll be dead in a minute.”
“Honey you’re just another bad selfie gone wrong.”
A few minutes of bickering and fighting go by and you finally manage to tear the developed photo apart.
Sarah stormed into the bathroom after dealing with the other copy “are you okay?!” You nodded offering a Sympathetic smile “totally should’ve took that jacket before she vanished.” Sarah rolled her eyes reminding you of how she does it just like Ethan does and you both smiled.
“Let’s get you up.” She helped you from your position on the floor as you regained your breath and stood up.
Now with school done you rejoined your favourite best friends as Rory, Sarah, Erica and Ethan walked ahead. Benny still looked distant and you couldn’t help but notice it.
“Hey Benny you’ve been quiet all day, are you alright? I hope evil me didn’t say anything mean to you, If she hurt you that wasn’t me I’d never do any like that.”
Benny for the first time after today looked you in the eyes again with a hitched breath I don’t think he’ll ever forget your hands on him, or your pillowy soft lips for that matter.
“She didn’t it’s just she said some things…” you looked at him as he looked down “what did she say?” Her words played in his mind but he couldn’t bring himself to repeat them so he shook it off “nevermind it doesn’t matter, it’s stupid I’m all good.” He forced a smile but you saw through it “hey.. you know evil Y/N rented go carts?” You tried cheer him up and knowing Benny it worked and automatically he was back to his old self “only room for 2!” And with that you two scurried to front in giggles
Maybe things could be different now?
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Ahhh I’m sorry that was so short but I hope you like it😭😭 I’m gonna proof read it later if I made any mistakes <33
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swanpit · 1 year
Could you tell us any more of your thoughts regarding DeathPuss, DeathKitty, and/or DeathPussPaws? Like headcanons, or just random tidbits? Only if you feel like it, of course. I love your art a lot, btw!
from what i got about them so far it turns out to be a slowburn process with kitty being surprisingly more involved than initially thought XD
and hoo boy this is gonna be long ass post too
some potential tidbits is that after the movie, maybe they saw death just talking casually with perrito, i think him and perrito could be besties, probably the quickest. perrito can surprisingly keep up with him and not put off by his morbid interests and of course death greatly respects his view on life, thus perrito shall be the first bridge (i do agree with the HC that death is potentially there when perrito is almost drowning but maybe perrito didnt remember much) puss might still be afraid a bit, kitty is rightfully wary of him and protective of other team friendship, some tidbits i had on them, other than talking about those obvious parallels, maybe kitty tries to sneak attack him or test him or stuff, just to make sure he's not here to harm and mess with any of her newfound family (at first yeah but later on when they got better they enjoy sparring with each other and they can have interesting banter where it seems like they can go toe to toe with each other...puss is definitely impressed and have mixed feelings...side note, perrito noticed their similarities) death and kitty is definitely gonna bond over their similarities, surprised at first, become more unnerving at how so in tune they are sometimes. death had to admit that for a cat, kitty had been very careful with her life unlike puss, and for kitty, death is definitely much sneakier than she thought, and maybe she feels challenged about that (they both can land on their feet but puss still cant XD so there's also that...or even make same expressions sometimes) and yes the similarities? even if they gonna quick to be besties in terms of deeper feelings going on they gonna bottle it up and not addressed it right away, and some point later i can see them having that moment like yondu and rocket in guardian of galaxy. the "I KNOW WHO YOU ARE, BOY!! BECAUSE YOU'RE ME!!!"line, especially and the "worst" part is this can go both ways XD as for puss' side, he could be still a bit scared and stuff, make sense but he'll slowly gonna reach out again after several "quests and shenanigans", and also seeing how he interact with others like kitty, perrito and other people who didnt earn his wrath some "quests" that i had in mind so far is the murder mystery at shrek's where his reputation is on the line and death is probably the only murder witness so puss really has to convince him to help them (as this should be happening early on maybe death still hestitates if he should get this involved with mortal affairs, but maybe puss' insistence on protecting shrek and fiona wins him over in the end). the challenge here is, that since death already give them the answer on who the murderer is, their job is now to gather convincing evidence .tho i also have a plan to have the culprit suspecting that they got a help from a witch during this trial (said "witch" is death, i thought will probably be ironic if after advertised as big bad wolf he disguised himself with magic as a seemingly frail, witchy grandma this time, like he's an old castle servant who's always been there since forever, especially since he should've known king harold's final moments) another possible idea after that is them all trapped in a gladiatorial arena and has to perform for the audience if they want to get out from there and another possible thing after that is team friendship ended up in possession of one of death's eye
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now i'm still not sure how this could happen maybe he got caught up in battle (not with another mortal, potentially, but with other supernatural creatures, demons, vengeful ghosts, mythical creatures, what have you) so he has to distract this creature but entrust the eye to team friendship. i had in mind that here, they gonna encounter various baddies who are suspecting that team friendship got a hand on a powerful artifact and want it for themselves, or for riches, and one in particular wants the eye to destroy it because they think it's too dangerous for any mortal to possess it. obviously puss just want to protect the eye and return it to its rightful owner. tho the challenge is that they are the only ones who knows whom the eye truly belongs to, so sometimes when they talked with other villains, they dont have the same context death is definitely gonna be slowly more and more actively involved in the team friendships' journey as he started to enjoy and miss their companionship more and more as for the romance side, from puss i think it slowly developed after those several quests where they already relied and trust each other multiple times. some funny moments i had in mind is puss tries to hold his hand but he cant reach XD when flirting with death he flirts back but sometimes cant really tell if this is genuine or just him playing along because he thinks that no way this is gonna go far it will be fun seeing how the more romantic puss deal with....death (which in my HC is the farthest from it, he'd rather infodump you the secrets of the deep than giving you flowers for example) but there's gonna be adjustment as they cats slowly learn how to figure him out the cats will give him flowers later but it kinda started like, puss will wants to write a song about him (with kitty's help) and at some point they want to describe his striking eye color and got a bit stumped on what to compare it with , until puss saw a red poppy during one of their outings (he gave kitty a blue one!)
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the thing with puss here probably, if this is the old him, he'd probably gonna brag about dating death, imagine how that would add to his resume! people are gonna hail his name! he will get even more legendary! but post movie puss has another worry that sometimes it's like he was handed this super powerful weapon that he knows now, that he's not strong enough to use it, so he can get overwhelmed at times. this is one of the issue they have to address eventually as for death he might also need some time to reconcile that there's actual people who want him around on their lives, and even those might know a lot of mortal's physical limits, probably need to catch up a lot in terms of their emotional limits here...and sharing vulnerability as well, definitely gonna need adjustment for someone who's too used living alone for too long (tho he's also probably not willing to tell them all possible secrets he think they're not supposed to know so there's also that, mostly to protect them) bonus : possible proposal scene(??) "we...want you to be part of our lives" "oh?..but i already am, i already am part of yours and everyone's lives" "...oh we don't mean it that way" "...what?" some of misc HCs death is sterile, there i said it, puss asked him if he can...reproduce one day (in his defense, he is high on catnip/super drunk) and death has to remind him that his job is to take lives when it ends , not to create them death can surprisingly be the team mom sometimes death associated sound of life with gurgling organs slooshing around in liquid...as for my "life HC"....it's...end up with a surprising connection here since i want my "life" to resides deep in the water...since life begins in the water after all (and maybe not as one particular specific animal either, but as a colony of marine organisms)
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Life always make a noise, that's how you know something is out there Death is silent the cats are definitely gonna have opportunity to ask many kind of questions, some he will never answer, either because he's not comfortable for sharing it or it's just not for mortals to know, for their sanity's sake....some that he answered will make them unable to see some things the same way again these are what i have in mind for now, probably will get more later as i get more ideas, but so far, still stuck on the first quest with puss since that will need more than just one or two simple pics to explain
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littlebrotherteam · 1 year
my kyokao headcanons
as ever, my head has been a mess but kyokao is my safe place lol. 
1. I like to think that Kyouya’s traditional family has always been aware he was a little queer boy and just did their best to raise him into A Proper Cishet and avoid any Bad Influences but Tamaki the Chairman’s heir was the unexpected plot twist and before they knew it Kyouya was surrounded by a bunch of freaks hosting in highschool.
2. not only that, he was a pretty central part of that group, mommy and all.
3. however, in front of his traditional family he masterfully obeys and bows down to whatever they say despite disagreeing and never wavered in either (not obeying, nor disagreeing) .
4. enter Kaoru, who was raised as the “youngest” kid in an unconventional matriarchy ruled by independent women very enclosed in his own comfortable world and doesn’t get the kind of “people-pleasing” “conventional” Ootori attitude so hes like I do what I want and genuinely disregards their rules ( ie “lol interviewer Akito was a pain in the ass so I read books in your bed hope its k” ) 
5. as Kaoru is said to have taken a bit after his mom and grandma and both are known for being pranksters and ‘fuck the police’ kind of people but deep down caring I like to think this is the kind of person he becomes. So at first he does w/e and genuinely doesn’t care to get the Ootoris but later acts on PURPOSE in a way that doesn’t get Kyouya in trouble but still defies their traditions   
6. Kyouya of course secretly laughs, loves it, pretends he hasn’t seen anything
7. Kyouya inherits from the Ootoris his stubborn stick-in-the-mud ways but that can be both bad and good eventually. Like he’s the sound voice or the safe place when Kaoru gets too caught up in trends and stuff like that because his sense of identity is a little wonkily developed. The one who goes “this is too much” and Kaoru thinks and goes “.. in retrospect maybe that was too much” . 
8. rather than “they had been dating for ages and nobody knew” or “everybody knew BUT them” I like to think their history is more like “they always felt kinship but were in different lanes so it couldn’t work out and everybody agreed, until one day they weren’t so it was the obvious development”
9. rather than thinking that Kyouya or Kaoru hate PDA I think both are kinda fond of it. Kaoru is always quite touchy-feely and Kyouya was shown to be comfortable with things like getting massages from Tamaki and bedding Haruhi . But of course they’d also be quite “there is a time and place for everything” .
10. in my head at some point Kaoru the fashion designer starts wearing really flashy clothing (perhaps yelling HARAJUKU! HARAJUKU!!! enthusiastically, almost ironically) while Kyouya looks like an impeccable suits-megane-Harvard-student-srsbsns type of person yet they appreciate eachother’s style (like Kaoru would appreciate the good taste in finely tailored suits, and Kyouya likes dresses anyway and respects Kaoru’s professional skills .. ) and get along .. which would make anyone who looked at them getting along raise their brows.  
11. in my head even Fuyumi who is usually accepting would go ohhhhhhh....... o h . . . when she realizes “so .. this new friend of yours is the guy who did the yaoi gimmick in ya club? huh .. ”
12. in short I love them
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ratguy-nico · 5 months
2# Father of the Bob
And this is a perfect example of a great episode beyond a holiday special episode (I didn’t even realized that it was a christmas special until I read the series wiki)
The episode gets me since minute one. Since the very first scene I knew this episode would be it. And is just that this first scene is devastating, seeing how Big Bob demerit Bob’s efforts and ideas, he doesn’t even take a moment to think about how this hurts Bob, it’s not important, is not a moment that would mark Bob for life, is just another day. It makes me sick.
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Then I saw the 15 minutes rule, and it reminded me so much of my own relationship with my grandma that Big Bob became immediately a villain in my head, some hurtful man who didn’t care about his son, but oh boy if I was wrong.
Big Bob is not a villain, is not a bad man, he’s just a very imperfect dad. Because yeah (for me) Big Bob is not a good dad, not a bad dad either, and I get this for others episodes as well.
Big Bob wasn’t a great dad, he loves Bob of course, but he also hurt him deeply over the years and since a young age, but how the serie deal with this is what amazed me. Big Bob in this moment of his life, where he thinks he already lost his son, is still trying to change, which is huge for me.
Big Bob, even if at first didn't wanted to admit it, understand why Junior go, why they couldn’t work together and finally recognize that he made things in the wrong way, and he is indeed trying to change and be more accesible and communicative, we see more of this in further episodes. But he doesn’t do this expecting for Bob to go back, he does it because is the right thing to do, is what needs to be done.
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I’m not trying to say Bob wasn’t also in the wrong, cause he was, but he’s the one to extend the branch of olive and he does it in the best way possible.
Who knew this man could actually communicate his feelings in such an on point way. Damn.
And know that we are in this scene and I have to clarify this next part is my brain looking too deep into things. (pls bare with me)
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For me this whole scene in Pete’s Gay Bar alludes not only to Bob’s burgers ideas or him running away from Big Bob's Dinner, but is also about his sexuality (and maybe even his autism).
Bob can not believe his father is just so comfortable in this kind of place, surrounding by people that are just like Bob, this parts that Bob always thought his father couldn’t accept, this parts of him he couldn’t even voice out loud himself. Cause in this scene is obvious they both know, but they just don't talk about it. Bob assumes Big Bob will never accept it and Big Bob try to not mention it cause he doesn’t get it, but he wants to get it, want to understand, but he doesn’t tell Junior any of this, maybe under the assumption that Junior doesn’t even care cause it just too late.
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The line “You have weird and happy kids” broke me. Big Bob knows as well as Bob that the kids are different, neurodivergent, but don’t have the knowledge to refer properly about it. Big Bob accepting the fact that the kids are weird but still amazing and, most important, happy as they are, close the circle of him rejecting his son in the past for being weird and ungrateful (not happy) and for the cherish on the top he says “You are a good dad” cause yeah Bob is certainly doing it better than him at the past.
I really love this episode so much, maybe even more that the actual Top 1 but for now here it is. Is a complex episode, that I could see over and over and still think more about it.
I love how passive-aggressive Linda is with Big Bob, she really wants for him and Bob to have a good relationship and she forced as she does with her own parents. But in this and other episodes is clear that she doesn't forgive Big Bob for all the things he put Bob trough.
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The kids are the glue on the episode. With their innocence and naivety in the matter they get to bring the family together. They don’t get why their dad doesn't like Pop Pop but they don’t really care, they like their Grandpa and that’s what matters.
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I kind of ship Big Bob and Pete, there it is I said it. Leave me alone. This destroy all my discourse but I just love the idea of Big Bob finding love again and in this man that obviously support him and like him the way he is, they get each other. Shut Up! leave alone.
Oh and "Baby You Can Chive My Car Burger" is so special to me, I'm just waiting for the right moment to cook it, is like one of my dreams in real life.
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smokingasters · 1 year
Reading PP Providence spoilers has depressed me. I have mixed feelings about the movie, I suppose I can have a proper think about it only after I see the movie (it’s not available yet in my country). Read ahead at your own risk of being spoiled. This is a vent/commentary.
Shinya being a reckless fool is consistent enough…I’m pretty sure I’m going to break down crying during some of his scenes, especially the ones with Saiga. I am hoping for some Kou Gino content as well, the tension between my best boys has me nervous. I am curious to see how it turns out, the tension could be felt between them in S3 so we don’t know if it’s fully resolved or not. I know that Ginoza has a right to be angry at Shinya and my heart goes out for those two, their relationship was complicated from the start. The prodigal son returning to face those he left behind, it’s obvious that people are angry at him.
About Shinya especially, apart from the fact that he’s weighed down by the ghost of Makishima, depressed and losing his sense of purpose, being used as a tool for war and being haunted by multiple deaths and wars, being turned from a detective to a killing machine it is a tragic journey. From some of the stuff I read in S3 novels and Gino’s reaction to their reunion, Shinya must be feeling incredibly alone. But is he ever going to heal? Knowing that Professor Saiga is dead and that Shinya goes to jail for killing Tonami… I don’t know if that’s even possible. There was no mention of Makishima’s ghost either but I like to think he’s still being haunted, after all Sinners Case 3 and Providence occur back to back.
As for Akane’s part, I’m more concerned that she took that step to shoot Kasei I do not understand her reasoning yet but I can understand her grief and anguish. She’s suffered, losing her friend, her grandma and she’s faced with the inability of doing anything against the System while working under it.
But the whole Atsushi Shindo angle strikes me as strange. In S3 novel translation, Akane is typing out her reflections about the System, from the very beginning I felt that Kei and Arata were planted by Akane because it’s a part of her plan to bring down the System by replacing it with something better, and I ventured a guess that the System caught on and this was why she was imprisoned but with Providence spoilers I am confused as to why that was never her goal and she took such an action. The plot doesn’t make sense to me yet.
Her motivations and beliefs turning to a degree where she violates the law for her personal sense of justice strikes me as odd and uncharacteristic. Because make no mistake, Shinya and Akane though have a similar outlook on the System react to it in very different ways.
Shinya uses his rage against the System to rebel against it. His sense of justice is deeply personal and rooted in his emotions and he’d rather bear the burden of his sin of killing alone than have anyone else share it for him. He’d repeatedly break the law and handle things his way.
Akane uses her judgment, her intuition of ethics in the law to make her decisions. Her process is slow but it’s fuelled by her conviction alone of what the law truly is. Not the systems or the provisions but the collective belief of people and she knows that using violence against violence will only create more chaos.
Which is why it strikes me as odd that Akane of all people would take this step. Regardless, she technically avenged Kagari. I also somewhat dislike the fact that Shinya is required to step in and protect her, because I believe Akane is strong enough to protect herself (2015 Akane and Sinners of the System Akane is my favourite) Shinya was not by her side all this time and she suddenly isn’t a damsel in distress…in any manner of speaking. From the context of the spoilers it might be that the story is a commemoration of S1 Psycho Pass so there are multiple parallels and callbacks to S1.
Other than that, I’m curious about the Stronskaya document, how does it tie in with being a threat to Sibyl? S3 had no mention of this, with all the crazy things going with Bifrost so are these two related? Or is this document a way to put an end to the System that the Peacebreakers tried to exploit?
Have they elaborated about the MFA’s motivations? Frederica is someone that I am extremely curious about especially since she talked about changing the shape of the world and has previous enforcer’s affected by the System working for her. From the workings in Sinners, I felt as though the MPSWB and MFA had come to an agreement to phase out the System without alerting it. I believed that was why Hanashiro scouted Shinya, so that he could aid her with his skills to bring an end to Sibyl.
Saiga in Providence does state that: Justice has many sides.
Since the very beginning our protags pursued their own interpretation of justice and the law. We see Ginoza trying not become like his father but ultimately becoming a victim to the System, loyally helping out Akane and staying by her side to keep an eye on her. We see Akane trying to reform the System by leading a team of Inspectors and Enforcers that’s based on trust and respect, on treating latent criminals like humans. We see Shinya giving in to his personal sense of justice, fuelled by his sense of pride and betrayal at the System for failing Sasayama, because it let someone like Makishima get away.
What I want to see is the dynamic between the MPSWB and the MFA, working to take down the System and the deeply philosophical questions to still underline the plot. That is the Psycho Pass that I ended up enjoying.
I’ll be clear, I’m not a fan of shipping…(yes I self-ship but that is a different matter. I do it for my enjoyment) I’m more interested in the dynamics between the Golden Trio and the deep rooted reflections on society and human life, A.I and socio-political criticisms and the personal philosophies of the characters.
Okay vent over. On another note, will we ever get to see an interaction between Shinya and his mom? Is Tomoyo ever going to scold her brat of a son for putting his friends through such pain? For running away? Despite all his faults I also want him to feel some affection and love and feel validated, my man is too depressed, the smoking and drinking is going to end him soon regardless, if the guns don’t get to him first.
Shinya is such an idiot.
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midnightcreator12 · 6 months
The Portal Home is Built With Roadblock Chapter 26 - Homestretch
AO3 Link
And this chapter has new ref sheets for Chula!
Chula spends a little time with the boys before she goes home. And she makes a decision.
“Seriously. We were on an Earth, with pizza, for a month!” Mikey threw his hands in the air dramatically. “How did we never get you any? Leo told us that you don’t have pizza in space and we never once order in!”
Chula shrugged, “Must’ve slipped our minds between the whole kidnapping thing that happened.”
“Which I would prefer we did not talk about! Thank you very much!” Donnie shouted from his seat.
“Can you guys chill?” Raph grumbled from the middle of the transport. “Raph’s trying to drive responsibly.”
“You mean grandma slow!” Leo gripped. “Dude, I haven’t had a creepy supreme in over a year! Step on it already!”
Mikey pulled a face at the mention of the ‘creepy supreme’, sticking out his tongue, “Why do you even like that stuff?”
“Predator turtle brain,” both Leo and Donnie answered in unison.
Chula chuckled, shaking her head, “You think we should let this Hueso fella know that Leo’s, ya know, not dead?”
“Why spoil the surprise?” Leo asked. “I think it’d be kinda fun to just do my normal thang.”
“You don’t know how to tell him without it being weird and sad so you’re springing it one him instead,” Donnie said.
“Okay! We’re here!” Raph jumped up from his seat, clapping his hands together. “I’m thinking an extra large creepy supreme for me.”
Mikey gagged.
Chula snorted, dutifully following the boys off of their tank and into…a narrow alleyway with a, frankly, ridiculous amount of graffiti. She still walked into it, even as she eyed the overflowing refuse bins and tiny scavengers, “Seems like an odd place for a canteen.” 
“Well, ya know, can’t make it too obvious. Kinda defeats the purpose of a secret restaurant,” Leo strode up to a particularly heavily painted stretch of wall, popping a hand on his hip as he looked it up and down before spinning and falling backwards.
Right through the wall.
Chula jumped forward on instinct, claws snapping out to pull Leo back. But she stepped partly through with the action. Color and noise exploded around her in bright gold lighting and dusty old brick.
She blinked a few times, eyes scanning over the dozens of- yokai, Leo had said they were called?- that occupied the space, eating, drinking and laughing, filling the space with a cozy atmosphere.
The rest of the turtles scrabbled in behind her, all four moving to ‘present’ the canteen to her.
“Pretty sweet, right?” Leo beamed up at her.
She chuckled, reaching down to ruffle his now very long mask tails, “Yes Verd’ika, it is very cool.”
“Hey sweet,” Mikey pointed towards the far wall of booths. “Our spot is open!”
“Oh yeah, best seat in the house,” Leo pumped a fist before grabbing Chula and tugging her further into the canteen.
When they got closer, it became clear why this was the turtles favored spot.
It was a simple booth overall but one thing that made it different was the fact that the table was off center. The small change meant one side could accommodate the three smaller turtles and one could easily fit Raph and all found would be perfectly comfortable.
And, in today's case, a Mandalorian hybrid as well.
Leo pretty much launched into a seat, followed closely by Mikey, both giggling and shoving each other. Donnie and Raph settled in much more calmly, shaking their heads at the other two’s antics.
Chula started to sit as well, when a feeling crawled up her spine.
She didn’t know if it was Lasat instinct or Mandalorian training, but she always knew when someone was staring at her. And sometime after the fourth time Leo got kidnapped, her sixth sense extended to him.
So when the feeling of eyes linger far too long started to make her fur stand on end she paused, slowly turning to scan the room.
She found the guilty party easily, because he was literally standing in the middle of everything.
But when she spotted him, she had to do a double take.
Then a triple.
Because, yes, Leo had told her living skeletons were a thing here and the proprietor of Run of the Mill was one of these living skeletons. But even with that prior knowledge, actually seeing an actual skeleton, standing in a dark suit and hat holding a little book and pen, made something in her brain screech to a halt in shock.
But if that skeleton was who she thought he was…it would explain the staring.
She turned back to the group, sliding into the booth and lowering her voice, “Out of curiosity, how close are you to that Hueso fella?”
“Oh, me and Mr. Bonsey are great friends! We even went on an adventure one time and I helped him reconnect with his brother and I totally saved this place from disaster to help him out.”
“I helped that time, ya know,” Mikey grumbled, crossing his arms.
Leo flapped his hands dismissively, “Yeah, yeah, we learned a lesson about teamwork and healthy sportsmanship…why do you ask?”
Chula’s ear flicked, listening to the squeak of leather shoes on hard flooring as someone started to advance on the booth. She grinned and raised one hand to point.
Leo frowned, slowly turning to see where she was pointing. And she could see the moment he saw the bone-man coming at the table, literally seconds before the said table shuddered from a bony hand slamming down on it.
“If you think this is a cute prank kid, I’m going to ban you.”
The entire table stared for a moment, with a mix of surprise and shock at the statement.
Leo blinked, brow pinching, “Wow, okay, I knew this was gonna hit hard but wow, did not know you cared that much boss.”
“Pepino,” Hueso probably meant to growl the word out but he sounded almost choked up to Chula.
Leo was quick to keep talking, going a mile a minute as he explained, “Okay! I didn’t set up a prank or anything. I got portal jacked into a completely different dimension. Technically twice but one was kinda on purpose but, anyway, it took me awhile to get back and first thing we needed to do was make sure my rescuer had a slice of proper pizza from the best spot in town. Did you know they don’t have pizza in space? There is no pizza in space man!”
Hueso frowned, finally looking around at the rest of the table and, by extension, at Chula. She smiled, trying very hard to not wonder how a face made of bone was so damn expressive.
His…eyes? -eye sockets? How did expressions work when someone didn’t have any skin?- narrowed as he looked her up and down. She sat back, waiting for his appraisal to conclude, very aware that Leo was watching the interaction with bated breath.
His face was still pinched as he slowly turned back to Leo, “...she won’t cause any problems, will she?”
“You kidding?” Leo chuckled. “She is, like, the chillest person you’ll ever meet. Chill as ice, as a cucumber, cooler than an icy cucumber-”
Hueso sighed and pinched his nose bridge as if he was annoyed. But Chula smirked, seeing some tension leave the man's shoulders, “Haven’t changed a bit, have you pepino?”
“Nooope!” Leo said proudly. “And since we cleared all that up, how about some pizza? My friend here has never had it and I haven’t had a decent pie in ages!”
Hueso sighed again but he was smiling softly as he whipped out his pad and pen again, “What are you niños wanting today then?”
The boys almost instantly started talking over each other, rattling off their orders so quickly, Chula didn’t catch most of what they said. But the chaotic mix of voices didn’t seem to throw Hueso in the slightest. His pen was practically flying and his small smile grew wider and wider with every moment. He was beaming when he finally left the table.
“I think he missed you,” Chula commented lightly.
“Yeah,” Leo murmured. Then he shook himself, plastering a smile on his face, “I mean, yeah, duh, of course he missed me! I’m basically his favorite customer.”
The other turtles collectively groaned, with Raph even mumbling a quiet, “You’re definitely not even close, dude.”
Chula chuckled, folding her hands on the table, “Tell me again, how did you all even find this place?”
“Oh now that’s a story!” Leo beamed, happily launching into the story of how they’d happened to see another yokai going in years ago and had naturally followed her..
She smirked when Leo tried to claim he had been dominating the ‘Maze of Death’ that the place had and his brothers were quick to correct that they’d all done awful in it when Hueso returned with several pizzas.
The smell of cooked cheese and bread hit her nose. Her ears flicked up in interest at what she assumed to be the creepy supremes, covered in small, squirming tentacle creatures. Two more joined those, with much more tame and not alive toppings. Mikeys had a yellow fruit mixed with chunks of meat while the one Leo had ordered on her behalf had a bunch of thin, round slices of meat and what looked like peppers.
She took another sniff of the air before grabbing a slice, mimicking the boys as they started to dig in. She could feel when they all paused to watch her take a large bite out of the pizza.
The explosion of cheese and spice on her tongue made her ears twitch and a happy, high trill to burst from her throat.
“I knew you’d like the spice lovers!” Leo crowed happily.
“Mikey,” Chula swallowed and beamed at the box turtle. “You’re teaching me how to make this.”
Mikey grinned back, eyes shining, “Yes! We’ll make you a pro pizza chef in no time!”
Chula took another bite of pizza, reveling in the clash of flavor that burned her throat and made her taste buds sing. 
“Try this too!” Leo scooped us a slice of his creepy supreme as passed it over the table.
Chula happily took the slice, crunching down on the little creatures and through the thick crust.
She definitely couldn’t leave until she learned all she could about making pizza from Mikey. The clones would love this stuff.
Chula raised a brow at Donnie when she saw where he did his shopping, “This is a refuse-yard.”
“And I recall Leo saying that you traded scrap for extra money.”
“...you know what, fair.”
Donnie smirked and activated his battle-shell to boost himself over the fence. Chula rolled her eyes and manually vaulted over after him, “I thought you said you had what you needed for the last touch-ups on the Tortuga.”
“Technically,” Donnie stressed out the word as he hovered between piles of trash. “I could use my current martials to just replace the generator prongs, but I would also like to upgrade the positioning array! It was a bit of a rush job and we’d already used most of our resources on the ship. And since you don’t seem to be in much of a hurry, now is as good a time as any!”
Chula hummed, trying to ignore the comment about how she wasn’t pushing the timeline up. She probably should be but…Astra could look after things for a bit longer. Chula was just…making sure Donnie didn’t burn himself out or anything.
Plus, she had to have a chat with that Berry person. And she’d told Mikey he could give her armor a new paint job.
So she shrugged and started picking through a pile of rusted transport parts, “And you definitely needed me for this, huh?”
“What-oh, yeah, of course I did! Why wouldn’t I need the help? We’ll be carrying a lot of materials back to the lab and I clearly need help with that and you’re clearly the strongest one among us at the moment! Therefore it was not weird at all for me to request you help on this mission! Yes, nailed it, perfect story.”
Chula chuckled and moved to loom behind Donnie and give him a very flat look, “Donatello. You can just say ‘I wanted us to hang out one on one’.”
“Whaaat, that, me, no, why would I think that? What would-,” Donnie paused. “....maybe.”
Chula cackled then, reaching down to ruffling Donnie’s mask tails before moving away again, “Leo was right, you’re an awful lair.”
“SCOFF!” Donnie cried indignantly. “I am excellent at deception!”
“Uh-huh,” Chula nodded, moving further away to dig into another pile. Donnie was ranting but she let the words wash over her, only really paying attention to his voice and where it was coming from.
It was actually pretty easy to keep tabs on Donnie. The kid liked to talk, even if his audience wasn’t fully listening. So she wandered around, quietly digging through piles of metal to find all the things Donnie wanted them to get. 
Her search took her a bit further than she had meant to wander away but she could still hear Donnie, now fully momologing to himself, so she wasn’t worried. Her ears flicked forward in interest when she spotted a dented terminal jutting out of a pile of plastic bags. She dragged it out to start prying open the casing and see if any of the internals were salvageable.
She froze before she could even dig her claws into the terminal seams.
Because the scrapyard had suddenly gone very quiet.
Chula spun and spinted back to where she’d last heard Donnie, quietly hoping that he’d just paused in his rants for air.
Her ears twitched when she picked out voices again. Voices, more than just Donnie. And she didn’t recognize any of the voices as Donnie.
She crouched as she got closer, using the piles of trash and shadows to conceal herself as she peered around a corner.
Then she frowned at the scene before her.
Donnie had, in fact, been joined by some new people, three teenagers if Chula was guessing correctly. The girl of the group was talking, ranting almost, waving her hands dramatically along with two wrist tablets that covered her lower arms. The design reminded her of Donnie’s but it was bulkier and more bells and whistles were sticking out of them.
And speaking of Donnie. Chula’s confusion doubled at the almost bored expression on his face. He even rolled his entire head when the girl held out her arms to show off her tech, “I would be flattered by the imitation if it wasn’t so….rudimentary.”
“Oh, but I’ve made some additions of my own!” The girl said, hands flying as she started tapping the screens.
Chula’s hackles rose as dozens of purple flying droids seemed to appear from nowhere, circling around the group. Donnie still didn’t look concerned but Chula’s hand moved to her hip anyway.
“Now,” the girl continued, steeping her fingers. “Since our last encounter we looked into the parts that you stole-”
“Borrowed,” Donnie interrupted.
“Stole,” the girl countered back. “Face it Von Ryan, you’ve stooped to our level. But what I want to know is. What oh what are you trying to build?”
Donnie scoffed, “Even if I told you, that project would be far past what you could comprehend. So, if you're done showboating, I really need to get back to business.”
The girl's face pinched in anger, jaw tensing as her hand moved to one of the wrist tablets.
Chula bared her teeth and moved.
She hadn’t armored up fully for this little outing, but she had brought her weapons. And it turned out, Earth droids were very breakable.
The three humans jumped and screamed as her blaster blots rang out, knocking the droids out of the air. Donnie didn’t scream but his shoulders did jump when the first bolt screeched through the air.
Chula paused when the last droid hit the ground, carefully lowering her as she slowly moved her gaze to the three teens.
They stared back, eyes wide as each scanned her up and down.
The skinny one with glasses broke the silence, “Nope!” he spun, sprinting for the fence while chanting. “Nope, nope, nope, no thank you! I’m out!”
“Hey! Wait up!” the other boy scrambled after the first.
Much to the girl's dismay, “Hey! Get back here you two!”
Neither boy listened to her, both far too busy climbing the fence and running as far and fast as they could.
Chula cleared her throat, turning to Donnie, “Is there a problem here Edeemir’ika?”
“...I could have handled that,” Donnie grumbled.
Chula hummed and looked back to the girl.
She’d turned back to Chula, eyes going wide again as she started to frantically tap at her tablets. 
Chula’s eyes narrowed and she took a step closer, growling out, “Are we going to have a problem kid?”
 The girl swallowed, looking down at her tablet then up again, “T-this is none of you business, ya know!”
“Oh, it became my business when you threatened my kid,” Chula bared her teeth in a wide grin and moved fully out of the shadows. “So like I asked. Is. There. A. Problem?”
The girl took a step back.
Donnie snorted, leaning against a rusted transport, “I’d start running if I were you Kendra. Miss. Verd has a very ‘take no prisoners’ attitude.”
Kendra looked between Donnie and Chula, taking another small step back.
Chula advanced, letting a growl rumble up her throat.
That got her moving. Kendra spun and started booking it, calling shrilly over her shoulder, “This isn’t over Donatello!”
“Yeah, yeah, vengeance, payback, other…speech about how I’m gonna pay,”
Chula huffed, stowing her blaster and moving to stand Next to Donnie, “Are they an issue a lot?”
“Hardly,” Donnie sighed. “They were barely a challenge for me before I tapped into my ninpo. Now they’re a minor annoyance.”
Chula hummed, watching Kendra scrabbling over the scrapyard fence.
She felt Donnie looking at her. She dipped her head to meet his narrowed eyes, “What?”
“I was under the impression that kids were not a group you would fight. The Purple Dragons are annoying but hardly worth a rule exception.”
Chula nodded, “Yeah but they don’t know that, do they?”
Donnie blinked.
Then started cackling, “Oh I am so glad you accompanied me!”
“Chula, Chula, Chula!”
Chula paused so the orange and green blur heading her way could launch himself onto her back. She was a bit surprised when Mikey kept going, climbing over her shoulder, but she put her arms out so that when he tumbled fully over her shoulder he landed safely.
He was beaming, almost vibrating with excitement and clutching one of his sketchbooks, “So, I remember you said I could give your armor new paint and I was brainstorming and I got the awesomest idea! I made some inspo designs we can look at and I can go get metal paint tonight and we can paint it super soon if we narrow down the design asap.”
Chula hummed and started walking towards the common area, “So basically, you want me to look over the designs now.”
“Mmmmaaaaybe!” Mikey hunkered down in his perch.
Chula snorted but plopped down in Raph’s beanbag chair, adjusting her hold so she could better look at the book in Mikey’s lap. “Well, let’s see it then Tranyc'ika.”
Mikey paused, hand frozen as it went to open the book, then tipped his head back, “Tra-nechie?”
“TRAH-neesh,” Chula corrected.
“Tranyc,” Mikey repeated softly. “I know the ‘ika’ means little but Leo’s never used tranyc. What’s that mean?”
“Well, the literal translation is ‘star-burned’,” Chula said. “But a more common translation is ‘sunny’ or ‘sunshine’.”
Mikey giggled, “I should let you know, I’m usually opposed to being called ‘little’ anything.”
“You’re all little to me,” Chula countered. “You all just itty-bitty lil terrapins.” The statement was accompanied by her squeezing her arms and pitching her voice higher.
Mikey cackled, squirming in her hold, “Okay, okay!” Chula loosened her arms and let Mikey breathe. “Okay, I will allow one exception to my rule.”
“Oh, like I wasn’t going to call you ika anyway,.” Chula gave one more squeeze. “Now, let me see those drafts, hmm? I’m lookin’ forward to that new paint job.”
Mikey grinned, flipping open his sketchbook.
Chula whistled at the first image, an impressive recreation of her helmet in black ink and layed with bold, blue stripes overtop, “You didn’t happen to get a second option on this one, did you?”
“Not exactly,” Mieky fiddled with the edge of the flimsi. “It’s just…we all know you gotta go back to your dimension eventually. And it sounds really dangerous there so I thought, maybe I could put all of us on your armor. That way, we’ll all kinda be with you.”
Chula smiled, heart swelling at the thought Mikey had put into this, “That sounds really nice actually.”
Mikey peered up at her. 
She smiled down at him, “You got any more drafts with all your colors?”
Mikey beamed, flipping a few pages until he got to some sketches of her full armor, “I may have made a few versions.”
“Nice,” Chula snuggled down in her seat, pointing to the image of her chestplate, the stripes replaced by orange lighting bolts. “Can you put a star on there? Over the iron heart.”
“Ohhh, yeah, that would look epic!” Mikey whipped out an orange marker.
“Hey, uh, Miss. Verd?”
Chula blinked, slowly turning to look at Raph, “Miss. Verd? Where did that come from?”
Raph ducked his head in embarrassment, “...yeah, that was kinda weird.”
Chula smiled, taking a little mercy on the kid and patting his arm, “Hey, okay, why don’t you tell me what you want, hmm? I assume that’s what the formality was about.”
“Well…I was just wondering….if you could maybe…spar…with me?”
“Oh is that all!” Chula grinned, slinging an arm around Raph’s shoulders and started walking to the ‘dojo’. “Don’t know why you didn’t join me and Leo this morning if you wanted a spar. But he tends to need an outlet a lot per day so maybe the three of us-”
“Um, actually, Raph just wanted it to be one on one.”
Chula paused, glancing down at Raph. The kid was wringing his hands nervously, eyes fixed on their feet.
“...any reason you want it to be one on one?” She asked. “Because if you had Leo fightin’ with you, let’s be honest, you’d actually have a chance landin’ some hits.”
Raph frowned at that, a cute furrow forming on his brow, “Raph can take you!”
“Oh, ho, can you now?” Chula’s smile turned to a smirk as she pulled away, cuffing Raph lighty on the back of his head before dancing away.
Raph spluttered at the tap, head whipping to where she’d been and then back to her, “We haven’t gotten to the dojo yet!”
“And? Come on, who limits a good spar to one room?”
Raph stammered more, so Chula zipped forward long enough to give him another tap on the shoulder.
That seemed to be enough to snap Raph out of his stupor. He twitched at the hit but when he looked up to see Chula moving away again his eyes narrowed. Chula grinned when he dropped into a ready stance. Her grin got even wider when he moved first, hard and fast and right for her.
She brought her arms up to block, the force of Raph’s attack making her slide back. She dug her claws into the floor and twisted one hand to grab Raphs wrist. He yipped in surprise when she flipped him, slamming loudly onto the floor.
He shook off the impact quickly, rolling away from her and to his feet. He took more castion this time, moving slowly around Chula, eyes flicking up and down, looking for an opening.
Chula’s hands flexed, hackles raising as she waited for Raph to make a move.
When he attacked again, she sidestepped, grabbing the lip of his shell and using the momentum to roll him to the floor again. She pinned him, smirking as he blinked confusedly at her, “Now, why are you doin’ this with me and not one of your brothers?”
Raph’s eyes went wide and he turned his head away, “Uh…Leo said you were a good fighter and-and you’re strong enough so Raph won’t hurt you and my brothers are smaller-”
“Oh like that stops them,” Chula huffed, standing up. “Pretty sure every bad guy you fight on the regular is twice your size. Which makes them at least three times as big as your brothers.”
Raph was back to stammering, trying to look anywhere but Chula, “It’s, um, you know, different! If-if I get too into it I can do more damage and Raph doesn’t want to hurt anyone.”
Chula frowned, crouching down next to Raph, “You wouldn’t ever hurt your brothers.”
Raph flinched at that, sitting up and hugging himself, “....but I have.”
“What? When? Pretty sure Leo would have mentioned that to me at some point.”
Raph huddled into himself even more, “...it was during the Invasion.”
Chula frowned, thinking back and trying to parse out if Raph hurting the other boys was ever mentioned.
“...you cannot be talkin’ about how you got mind controlled by the Krang.”
Raph’s head ducked partly into his shell.
“Okay, no, no. Whatever convoluted bantha-osik you’ve logiced out in your head is wrong. I may not know all the details of that invasion but you know what I do know? You are not responsible for what you do when under mind control. And I have given this talk to way too many clones, seriously, mind control and manipulation weirdly happens a lot in the battalion, so trust me when I say with complete certainty that you, Raphael Hamato, would never hurt your siblings. Ever.”
Raph blinked, jaw opening slightly, then closing again, “...mind control was common with the soldiers you worked with?”
“Yes,” Chula leaned back to sit more on her haunches, tipping her head back with a groan. “Force users, plant spores, freaky worm things, a whole planet that just messed with baselines humans for some reason. Never figured that out, didn't want to figure it out, just sent a big ol’ ‘do not land here’ to the Republic on that one.”
Raph snorted.
“Ah, there’s a smile,” Chula beamed, bumping Raph’s shoulder. “There’s your awesome, toothy smile. Now, are we gonna keep thinking silly things Aranar’ika?”
“...maybe,” Raph peeked up. “I’ll stop if you tell me what aranar means?”
“Oh, look at your pronunciation. Very good,” Chula beamed. “It means ‘defender’. Felt it suited you.”
Raph blinked again, eyes going wide as he looked down at his own hands, “Aranar.”
He smiled and Chula saw his shoulders shimmy a little and a tiny chirp come out of his mouth. She felt a burst of warmth at the reaction and basked in Raph joy at the nickname.
“Whoa, looking good guys!”
“Right?” Chula twisted at the waist, admiring her armor in a floor length mirror. “We still gotta add the protective coating but I wanted to see it all together. Mikey did amazing.”
She wasn’t exaggerating to Leo in the slightest, she loved the design Mikey had eventually settled on. The chestplate had a massive star over the iron heart, framed by four lighting bolts. The gold on her arm bracers was replaced with bright purple rectangles that mimicked Donnie’s markings. Her backplate had been redone with red spikes and a large Hamato Clan symbol. And her helmet was now adored with blue stripes that were obviously inspired by Leo’s facial markings.
She’d loved it on flimsi and seeing it on her armor made her love it even more.
She did a small spin, showing off the entire ensemble to Leo and Mikey.
Leo laughed, clapping as he approached, “Very nice, very nice. Excellent work as always, Michel.”
“Aw, you guys,” Mikey giggled.
“Just needs one more touch,” Leo said, his expression suddenly becoming nervous.
Chula turned to fully face him, removing her helmet, “Oh? What did you have in mind?”
“Well,” Leo cleared his throat. “I know Donnie’s hasn’t got the cross-dimensional cell phone thingie done yet but…you know, in case he finishes before you get a chance to visit.”
Leo reached into the pocket of his pants and pulled out a flat object wrapped in blue fabric. Chula quickly set her helmet aside, opening a palm for Leo to place the object into her hand. She noted with surprise that the fabric was Leo’s mask, the one that he had been wearing when they first met. She handled the tattered fabric carefully, fingers ghosting over the torn edges and old blood stains before opening it.
Inside the mask was a belt emblem, almost exactly like the ones all the turtles wore, only this one was a bit on the larger size. A smile spread across Chula’s face, “This is perfect!”
Chula turned to face the mirror again so that she could fix the emblem and mask to her belt. The metal gleamed as she turned back, popping a hip for extra effect, “This really ties the whole thing together, don’t you think?”
Mikey giggled, nodding enthusiastically, “Oh yea, the whole thing was definitely missing that! Good thinking Leo!”
Leo huffed, folding his hands behind his head, “Duh, can’t be in the Mad Dogs without our emblem. But, you know you don’t gotta keep the mask, right? It was just the closest thing I had to wrap it up.”
“I know,” Chula started to pull off armor pieces and lay them out on the tarp she and Mikey had been using. “But I like it, it gives me some flair, don’t you think?”
“Absolutely!” Mikey agreed as he started grabbing the top coat sprays. 
Leo blinked, his smile slowly turning into a confused frown. He looked down at his tattered mask tails hanging from behind the emblem, then back up to Chula.
The smile returned, a much softer, more genuine one, “Happy to help.”
The yokai in question looked up from his stovetop, “...did you climb in through my window.”
“Yup,” Chula smirked, leaning against the wall. “Wanted us to meet, without the kids.”
Barry wrinkled his nose and turned back to the stove, “Then why not use the door? And if you’re going to break into my residence, at least use my name. I am Baron Draxum, warrior alchemist of the Yokai.”
“Ooooo, well ain’t you fancy,” Chula cleared her throat. “Well I am Chula Verd of Mandalore, multidimensional traveler and honorary member of the Hamato clan. And the one who would very much like to talk about that throwing Leo off a roof comment.”
“I’m surprised the little showman hasn’t mentioned it to you,” Draxum sighed. “I will admit I was not completely in my right mind at the time and I may have taken things to an unnecessary extreme but I created the turtles to be very durable. That fall would have merely injured him, he could have easily- how did you get over here?!”
As Draxum had rambled on, Chula had slowly made her way across the apartment. So when Draxum looked up, she was almost right in his face, causing him to leap back.
She smiled, saccharine sweet, “Oh, well, I guess it’s fine then. He would just get a little hurt if you chucked the kid off a roof.”
She felt a little bit of pride when the aloofness Draxum had been holding finally cracked. His eyes flicked around as she leaned even more into his space, “...clearly, Leonardo has rubbed off on you.”
“We’re both terrible influences on each other,” Chula tilted her head and grinned with all her teeth. “Now, this would normally be the bit where I make you regret messin’ with one of my kids.”
“But it would upset Mikey. And Leo tells me you’re familiar with the Hidden City.”
“...I am…”
“Greeaaat,” Chula leaned closer, until they were nose to nose. “So, you wouldn’t happen to know where I could find a forge, could you?”
“...not one open for public use.”
“Oh, well then I guess you’re gonna help me break into a forge, aren’t you?”
“...that won’t be necessary,” Draxum managed to souffle away from her and straighten back to full height. “I have one at one of my old laboratories. It should still be perfectly functional.”
“Ah, you don’t want to pull a heist with me…Barry?”
He glared, “Barnor. Draxum.”
“Whatever you say Berry.”
Two weeks after Chula had brought Leo and his family home, she stood at the ramp of her ship once again.
The Hamato clan had gathered around as well to see her off.
She hugged each tightly, letting the feeling of each embrace ingrain itself into her memory, even Donnie’s brief little side hug.
Leo was the last, fiddling with his hands as he stood before her, “You’re gonna visit us right? Once you make sure everything is okay?”
Chula hummed, crouching so that she was eye-level with Leo, “You know…my dimension, my galaxy. It’s harsh and unkind more often than not, especially to the people important to me.”
Leo frowned, confused.
“I was planning to steal away the entire battalion, ya know. The Republic doesn’t see the clones as people, they wouldn’t have anything to go to after the war ends. What better place to give them a new life than an entirely different dimension?”
She saw the moment her implication clicked in everyone's minds.
But Leo was the one to voice it, “You’re gonna come back…and stay?”
“Yeah,” Chula nodded. “I want to stay close, you’ve all become family to me. Plus, I gotta keep you crazy kids out of trouble.”
Leo launched himself forward and Chula caught him easily, squeezing tightly enough to pick his feet off the ground.
Mikey threw both his fists in the air with a cheer, “We’re getting new cousins!”
“Would you perchance be bringing back the ship your battalion inhabits as well?” Donnie asked.
Chula laughed, giving Leo one last squeeze before dropping him, “Now, Draxum very kindly showed me where to find a forge for a little side project. Just a little trinket for you kids.”
Chula reached into her belt, pulling out her gifts and separating out the one with a blue cord. She held it up, letting the metal visage of a mythosaur skull gleam in the pump station lights.
“Whoa,” Leo stared at the pendant, cupping his hands around it. “What is it?”
“That is a mythosaur skull, one of the few things every Mandalorian agrees on is that it’s the symbol for all of Mandalore,” she placed the pendent into Leo’s hands before stepping towards the others, passing out the rest. “And on the off chance you bump into another Mandalorian, this should be enough for them to keep you on their good side.”
“Reassuring,” CJ huffed as he looped the cord around his neck. “But it looks really cool.”
“Ditto!” Raph agreed as he put his own pendant on, made slightly bigger to match his size.
Chula chuckled, handing the last Mythosaur pendent to April before going back to Leo, grabbing him in another quick hug, “I’m going to come back with my clan. I’ll drag Astra here kicking and screaming if I have to.”
“Looking forward to it,” Leo grinned. “And can’t wait to meet her.”
Chula smiled. Releasing Leo and heading up the ramp. She paused at the top, turning to give one last wave to the kids, “See you all in a few days.”
“Anata wa hitori ja nai,” Leo said, the statement echoed by his family.
Chula paused, “Well, now you get to give me the language lesson.”
“It’s something our family says,” Leo explained. “It means ‘you are not alone’.”
Chula smiled, a warm feeling wrapping around her, “Well then. Anata wa hitori ja nai, Hamatos. I’ll see you all very soon.”
A loud chaos of ‘bye’s and ‘see you soon’s echoed up to her as the ramp slowly lifted.
Chula’s smile grew as she bounded through the corridors and up into the bridge. She could hear the roof whirring open as she took her seat. 
The console came alive as her hands danced over it. Her smile became downright manic as she settled into her seat, feeling joy almost buzz in every limb. The ship sang in reply to her excitement, engines creating a wonderful symphony as she lifted it into the air.
She reached over, preemptively plugging in her dimensions coordinates.
“Wonder how much has changed,” Chula murmured as she broke above the clouds and activated the gateway.
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squiddokiddo · 1 year
On character challenge:
6, 8, 13.
If all claimed, dealer’s choice.
Can be any or all.
Hi thanks for asking.💛💛
I wasn't sure who to pick so I put everyone in a name wheel to pick for me.
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6 ・Worst personality trait: Lady Penelope edition
I love Penny, I really do, but I find her back and forth, will they won't they relationship with Gordon kinda frustrating.
Do you love him??? Tell him!!! It's obvious that he loves you!!! AAAAAAA!!!!!
I really wish that they'd had more screen time together where Gordon wasn't at risk of killing himself on a mission because it makes Penny look really bad, she only appears to care about Gordon when he's in danger and plays hard to get the rest of the time. It makes her look manipulative which she isn't!!!
The brothers had plenty of quick shots of them doing random activities (playing chess, talking about memories, playing games) why couldn't we have had that with Gordon and Penny, just hanging out and doing mundane every day stuff and bonding??? I'd probably still open to shipping them if we'd had scenes like this.
I guess this is more of a writing flaw than a personality flaw but it's my only complaint about Lady Penelope, other than that I love her.
8 ・Unpopular opinion: Jeff Tracy edition
For being the center of the story despite not even being there for 99% of the time, TAG Jeff is very plain and forgettable.
I honestly don't really care much about Jeff as a character, he doesn't have that iconic vibe of classic Jeff, he had way more character and personality. He was a strict but concerned dad, a commander, a stubborn asshole, he was powerful and iconic.
TAG Jeff is just a guy who was missing who just happened to be the boys' dad. He has way more of a memorable presence while being missing than he ever did after he showed up at the end. The boys talking about Jeff and his influence was way more memorable and enjoyable than him being found.
Again this might be a screen time issue since we only got to have him for 2 episodes but that's my opinion lol.
13 ・Dumbest thing they've ever done: Grandma Tracy edition
I like to think grandma was a bit of a punk anarchist back in her teens, fighting against the system lol.
I'd like to think the dumbest thing she's done was beat up a cop who was harassing her and her friends for no reason, not because she was wrong in the situation but because she was immediately jumped by a bunch of other police officers and arrested.
Later in life, the younger Tracy boys go digging through Grandma's things while "treasure hunting" and find copies of her mugshots and paperwork for court, and that's when the family learned that grandma was a badass.
It makes a fun little story to tell people at gatherings and parties now.
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Again, thanks for asking I hope I didn't ramble too much lol.
Ask game
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thekinkyleopard · 4 months
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Interview with an OC
A Short Interview with Levi Anderson
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Hey Guys! I’m starting a new series and reviving an older one! I’ll be doing OC Fact of the Week as well as Interview with an OC twice a month! Just thought it would be fun so enjoy this short interview with everyone’s favorite snow leopard shifter, Levi 🥰💚 (if you ever have any questions for the OCs you can send me an ask or DM! Just make sure to note it’s for the interview 🥰
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First question, Levi, How would you describe your childhood?
“Oh boy, well, that’s sort of a loaded question because there were some really good moments that make me feel like I might have had a semblance of normalcy in my childhood, but then again….with how on and off again our mother was, I’d say it was, lonely, and confusing mostly. I never really understood why my grandma didn’t take in Connie and Erin….and I’ll never understand why my mother never loved us enough to fight harder….”
2. I respect that answer! Next question, who was your role model growing up?
“Well, my grandmother mostly, she taught me how to cook, and sew, and just lots of useful homemaker skills but I’ve also always heavily admired Princess Diana. She would have brought peace amongst the shifters and humans…she was truly kind, and I try to think about the ways she would approach certain things,”
3. Great Answer, Lee, Diana was a treasure for sure. How about this question, what was it you wanted to be when you grew up, when you were younger?
“Oh that’s easily, I had always wanted to be a doctor when I was a kid, I really loved helping people with their “owies” and making them feel better, especially my siblings before they were taken. However, when I got into my teens I realized how much it costs to go to school for that, and also that the medical industry is more money hungry than anything, so I chose to be my own boss and travel the world! Helping people organically!”
4. That would have been a really good career for you, I could see that. Here’s a less heavy question; how do you like your eggs?
“Hm, I really love a good scrambled egg but the way Remi makes over medium eggs is my top favorite way to eat them!”
5. Can’t go wrong with a good crispy over medium! Last question, if you were stranded on an island and could bring 3 people and 2 items with you, what and who would you bring?
“Hmm that’s tough…I suppose the obvious answer for who…would be Remi, and definitely Draeko, but see my last answer may surprise everyone, which is I’d def choose Biziil. He is the perfect person to be stranded on an island with because he was once stranded in the Arctic! He would definitely know how to help us survive….and as for supplies? Probably a good pair of gloves for climbing, and shoes!
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Again all great Answers, Levi! Thanks for taking the time today to indulge with me and the fans! 🥰💚
“I had a lot of fun thanks for having me ☺️”
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overseer-picard · 1 year
You probably know the episode "Suddenly Human" best from this famous photograph.
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But what you might not know is that it's actually not a bad episode at all, it just gets shoved to the side by it's three very big, intimidating disc-mates "Best of Both Worlds", "Brothers", and "Family".
Basically, the Enterprise finds these little alien teenagers getting irradiated on their damaged ship. So they save them. But one of them is (gasp) A HUMAN.
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Side note: as a teenager, I thought this kid was the most beautiful creature to walk the earth and tried to draw him a lot, as twitterpated teenage girls do. And I remember my mom being supportive but also like :/ honey. there are so many others.
But anyway. This kid, Jono, was taken as a baby by these generic lumpy head aliens after his parents were slaughtered by them and he was raised by a captain dude named Endar (not to be confused with Andor, or Ender, or Endor).
We learn right off the bat these boys like to SCREAM. Like, literally. It's their sound of mourning and it's just a continuous howl. Jono immediately, and rightfully, gets yelled at by everyone within the first ten minutes.
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Picard does some research and finds out that this kid is actually named Jeremiah and is the grandson of an admiral. So of course he's like "We gotta get this human boy back to human space so he can be a human with his ancient admiral grandma who is a human."
And everyone is like "Uh yeah, no duh. That's clearly the right choice."
But there's a problem. Jono only responds to Picard because he's a) the Captain, and b) a man. You see, these are sexist lumpy head aliens because we needed a strong reason as to why the obvious caretaker choices, Troi and Crusher, couldn't help more.
So Deanna is like "Captain. You will be this boy's father now." And Picard is like "I will literally yeet myself out an airlock and go get re-assimilated by the Borg if you make me do this"
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Like, I cannot emphasis enough how much Picard does not want to do this. He even rehearses a whole speech about why he's not cut out for the horrors of parenting and Deanna is like "Wow, that was so well rehearsed." And Picard is just surprised Pikachu that she, an empath, could see through his carefully crafted lie.
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So Picard accepts his fate and goes to talk to Screamy Boy but then his worst nightmare comes true: the child wants to move in with him.
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And, because duty overrides Picard's inner reflex to just die, he lets the kid move in with him and he spends the entire time trying to not cry as he watches his precious things get smudged up with grimy child hands.
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But things actually seem to be going well. Jono hangs up an edgy looking sparkle hammock because, and I'm guessing he's not wrong about this, the beds hurt his back.
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I mean, look at this. I'd take a hammock over what is essentially a padded cinder block any day.
And then the highlight of the episode happens, Picard invites Jono to an invigorating game of Space Balls and he wears a beautifully revealing spandex number. Star Trek + Exercise Clothes = Beauty.
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"You know, this whole hanging out with a teenager thing isn't so bad." -Picard, four minutes before things get bad.
Jono starts having conflicting feelings about the possibility that he might actually be a human so he does the only thing that seems reasonable: stabs Picard while he's sleeping.
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I cannot get over the hilarious irony that the one time Picard tries to take on a parental role, the thing he fears most in life, he ends up getting stabbed.
But then Picard realizes that he's being stupid by trying to force this kid to accept a heritage he doesn't want and decides to give him back to Captain Endar.
And there's a genuinely very sweet little moment at the end where, before beaming off, Jono takes his gloves off (a payoff to an earlier scene where he said he didn't want to touch any dirty aliens) and gives Picard a little head boop goodbye, the same move he greeted his alien dad with earlier.
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And Picard's artificial heart grew three sizes that day.
In all seriousness, I genuinely really like this episode even if it doesn't get that much attention. It's quite well written and has decently strong acting from the kid and the alien dad. I also love the ingenuity of the title, "Suddenly Human", because it gives several layers of explanation and commentary with just two words.
This is a "Good thoughts, good plots" episode.
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