#he'd only horde toys when his sister was around
thearbiter · 1 year
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nightly sketch
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twdsfiction · 7 months
[ Daryl dixon x girl reader] Ms rulebreaker pt 2
Tw - fluff, mentions of childhood trauma, swearing, injury.
Daryl sat me down by the stool that was in the corner of the shed, he whispered, "be quiet. it's dark outside, the horde could be near still." I rolled my eyes with a playful grin, he states, "what? Why you staring at me with that goofy smile and wide eyes?" I replied, "I never hear your voice this much usually you're ignoring me, or just genuinely quiet. It's cute. It has this whole grungy thing in it" our eyes meet a little before he asserts, "this is why we don't" and i got off the stool on one leg hopping towards him, a inch away from his face as i said, "why intimidated by me dixie?" He rolls his eyes and backs away as he replied, "nah, you don't intimidate me, no one does, plus you barely can stand." then walks off sitting on the other side of the room. I saw him scavenge through his bag a bit And throws a blanket he had in his bag at me. I caught it. And I said as I sat back on the stool. "Why did you come after me" as he laid down on the floor and stared at the roof with his bag slightly under his head as he states, "I guess cause... you're only a rulebreaker because no one was there to make the rules, you and your brother lost both parents, from the beginning of this, you're a smart person, pain made you dumb." He turns over to sleep.
I smiled to myself before standing off the stool onto the floor, and gently laying on the floor, He was turned over but I could tell he was awake. And I wanted so badly to cuddle him, I mean... he was barely far away and basically just said he cares about me. But I got cold feet and turned the other way.
The next day..
I woke to the sound of munching, so I quickly got up hopping onto my sore foot, and turned to see Daryl chewing a squirrel. I sighed in relief but confusion, as I said, "why in the hell are you chewing so loudly?" He grunts and goes back to eating, i replied, "we have to head back to Alexandria... my brother needs his rhino?" As I picked up my bags and searched through it to see no rhino, and I started to panic and look for it, and then I yelled, "Daryl! where the hell is it!" He shrugs his shoulder. As he states, "hell if I know, I was saving and carrying you? Must've got lost in the horde. Just find him another animal or sum, one of the alexandria kids can donate a toy or something." I angrily grabbed my bag and asserted, "well thank you for saving me dixie, you did your job, now I'm going back to the horde." He stands up throwing the squirrel down as he shouts, ,"like hell you are? Hey y/n!" I grabbed the door and he grabbed my arm and pulled me from the door.
I turn to him, snatching away my arm and pushing him away as I said with so much anger and sadness. "I'm going! I don't care if I did he needs it!" And Daryl shouts, "which one he needs more huh? His sister or a fucking stuffed-animal? You gonna run back to that horde be my guess. I ain't gonna stop ya" my eyes teared up as I begin to cry, I replied, "our mom gave us that rhino before she died,, And when i was little girl it made me feel safe, when the world turned to shit, shit i gave it to my brother. Her death took away my childhood, imagine what these could do to him, he's just a little boy he's doesn't deserve this, and my uncle still out there what if he comes back.?"
Daryl eyes seemed to look at me different know, like he felt a slight guilty or something, but that turned into determination as he states, "you uncle that used to live in Alexandria with you guys at first, before you broke off in that horde back with glenn?" I nodded in slight embarrassment, he asserts, "what he do you" I looked away but he added, "y/n you can tell me, my father was a son of bitch too, he'd always hit me and ny brother. One time me and my brother merle went out hunting for our next meal, while that drunk son of a bastard was sipping on bourbon. I was around 6 so I go "daddy I got dinner" The bastard started beating me to a pulp. As he stated, "you worthless piece of shit, you don't deserve fish, where's my fish huh?" And merle mocks me the whole year." I ended up with a black eye and a few more injuries.." my eyes soften at Daryl's story, he really was just a man. With many mysteries, and inever knew he went through something so rough.
He sits on the stool and he add, "I get it, you know, push away everyone do it on your own, I'm a master. And you didn't deserve the abuse" my soft eyes staring at his in empathy turns to anger as I said, "I wasn't abuse and he was lonely! Okay, he was lonely and he was the only other family my mom had, so i had to keep him entertained, I should be grateful he wanted to keep us." I started to sob. "Please don't tell Rick or Glenn, or anyone." Daryl walks back and forward for a little swaying his arms like he always does. Before breaking a bottle of the beer or brought, such causes me to jump in fright. He shouts, "no! That son of a bitch! He told ya that didn't he, that you should be grateful he wanted to keep you guys! After he did tha" I looked away and nodded and Daryl yells, "He had no Business! Touching you! I tell you when I see that prick I'm gonna kill em!"
I was too scared to talk so I stayed to myself by the stool, when Daryl sits down and he states, "that asshole... he told me and Rick you guys were his world, he sounded so convincing. All suited up and I used to be a lawyer? Was that a lie too?" I yelled, ",Daryl just stop! Okay! I don't wanna talk about it anymore, forget I said it! My uncle is a saint. Okay just stop"
I stood up and grabs her bag walking out. And shortly after he came out and said, "where you going anyway? You don't even know where Alexandria is?" I shrugged my shoulders before replying, "I can wing it, take another way." He states, "how about the correct way? With or without you I'm going back." He turns the opposite way, and as I slowly heard as his footsteps get further away, I couldn't help it. So I yelled, "aye Dixie" he grunts while looking at me from afar, when I stated, "wait up, I just realize i don't have a clue how to make a fire" he asserts, "yeah, rubbing two sticks together won't work.. tried to tell you yesterday, but ms rulebreaker have a mind of her own huh?" I smiled as I playfully shoved him a little, causing his eyes to meet mine. "I think you like that about me, Daryl dixon." He his cheeks got so red. He was embarrassed it was pretty cute in my eyes. He broke eye contact, After that we begin walking back to Alexandria.
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A Sword Through the Fog
Scene 7: DawnHeart
"God-cursed fog," Juhn muttered to himself. "Are we going to be sitting here for another day?"
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The three adventures were sitting in the airship's dining hold. The Crossheart was more of a light corvette, able to hold upwards to twenty people of various sizes if the need was there. She laid her boots onto the table, invoking a look of scorn from her brother.
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"My ship, my rules," she said addressing his expression. "You wanted to get here now. Do you want to head back while Gusc loads us up?"
Juhn shook his head wildly. "No, no. We might as well just organize our equipment. Are you bringing your rifle?"
"Of course, I'm bringing my guns. I have authorization to carry. L.A.D.D.E.R agent privileges."
Raina shifted nervously. Juhn laid a hand on her shoulder.
"I'll show you to the sleeping quarters and you can relax as sister and I go through the lift-off checklist."
Raina nodded as Juhn led her below.
Lialka rubbed her chin as she mused over the trip they'd be taking as soon as the fog lifted. They had food, mostly beans and tack, six months worth of water and enough munitions for a mission or two. A mission or two in Eirstead, given the hordes of undead that skulked around at night.
"Raina," she sighed. "Why do you have to be so weird?"
Weird things were a common happening whenever the two siblings visited. She just attracted strange things. Fey creatures, lake beasts, even her boogeyman friend. It didn't matter what rare creature it was, it always found her. And now, the book. That damned book. Juhn had told Lialka that he'd begun seeing things. Not to the same extent as Raina - he could only see destruction, but since he touched the book he'd been more on edge. Almost as if he expected to be harmed.
This was why Lialka joined the Secure & Protect division of L.A.D.D.E.R. More freedom and getting to the bottom of the strangeness that surrounded Atasora. Those were what appealed to her. After all, it gave her an excuse to visit Raina more often and get closer to the forest. Lialka didn't know why, but the trees always called to her when she visited. She hadn't actually anticipated that Raina would become part of her job. She sighed again as she got up and pulled out some papers in one of the many crates she had dragged in on her way to Inthal. It was the size of a cannonball, filled to the brim with papers.
"Dreyus is going to want a report," she muttered to herself.
She thought up an excuse for Raina without having to inform her superior about what was really going on. Lialka didn't want to lie about Raina's strange abilities, but she knew all too well Dreyus' obsession with amassing strange and dangerous artifacts. The last thing she wanted was for Raina to become yet another one of his "toys". It was bad enough she had to deal with master sergeant Ravencroft from time to time. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to deal with him anytime soon on this adventure.
Even if she had been in reverie, she'd have heard the shallow taps coming from her left.
Dorathi, that bitch, she thought to herself. Which wasn't totally correct. If she were speaking ontologically, she'd be the bitch. After all, she was part wolf-kin.
She licked her fangs as she reflected on that fact. She arched an eyebrow as she felt the sharp pang of a cut on her tongue. She'd have to file her teeth down.
"Yes, I'm alone. They'll be a while," Lialka said softly.
Dorathi pulled back the boards on the wall and carefully crawled out. She took a piece of chalk and marked an x on the boards she had entered from.
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"My crossbow's there," she said.
"Why are you here? I thought you were going to stay in Dimspire. Please tell me you're the only one."
"You're the only one."
"Ora-Laho's big toe! Dorathi, why do mom's goons have to get involved?!"
"It's been a long time since the two sisters have had anyone to listen to them. Hardly anyone listens."
Dorathi's eyes narrowed as she finished her sentence. Lialka grimaced.
"Wait, isn't Juhn a Grail-knight? Doesn't that count?"
"He's not connected to Galiloen."
"Raina's connected to Galiloen?!"
Dorathi facepalmed before looking for an exit. Lialka chuckled.
"It's fine. The crew quarters are soundproofed."
"That's a security risk."
"The ladder leading to makes chiming sounds as you walk on them. And there's an alarm and a command word to activate it in the case of an emergency. We're safe here. Except from you until Boto gets back."
It was Lialka's turn to narrow her eyes.
"I still don't know how he's able to track me. Even you have trouble finding me."
"Not always. Sometimes I just let you get away. After all, you're family. And you work for mom."
"My loyalty is to the Wizards of the Scrying Eye, not it's arch wizard."
"It still doesn't change the truth."
"Lialka, when will you stop confusing facts for truth. What I said was it. It's only a fact that your mother is in charge for now."
Lialka arched an eyebrow.
"I'll be in my hidey holes. I'll come to you if I need anything."
"Need anything?" Lialka asked.
"I have rations," Dorathi replied.
Dorathi grabbed her crossbow, wiped the chalk off of the wall and climbed up to the ships deck.
Lialka sighed. Hopefully the ship would be ready by evening latest.
I wonder what those two are up to, she thought looking towards the crew quarters.
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