#her perspective on him is so HILARIOUSLY different than louis's i love it
mycenaae · 2 years
louis about lestat: he had a way about him. he was an asshole but also charming and i was helplessly captivated
claudia about lestat: he lets me kill people but he's a bitch and a half
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fictionadventurer · 7 months
Victober Wrap-Up
The Romance of a Shop by Amy Levy: I read this one on October 1st. Very easy, very fun, if very underwritten, read about four sisters who open a photography shop. Gives a fascinating perspective on a different side of Victorian daily life.
The Europeans by Henry James: I forgot this one almost immediately after reading it, but I did enjoy it. The best way I can describe what I like about Henry James is that he writes like a woman. There's a concern for the inner lives of characters and the little moments of daily life that you usually don't see from male authors, and it works really well for the types of stories he tells.
Miss Meredith by Amy Levy: Short novella about a young woman who takes a job as a governess in Italy, and who gets a much nicer romance out of it than most of those types of characters. It's nothing ground-breaking, but it's fun to see her perspective on the setting, and the romance reminded me so much of some scenes from an old, beloved, abandoned WIP that I couldn't help liking it more than it probably deserved.
The Law and the Lady by Wilkie Collins: I loved the heroine of this book. I was so invested in her story. She was going to solve the mystery of her husband's past, no matter who stood in her way. Her (hilariously) pathetic wet napkin of a husband doesn't deserve her, but he needs her, and she loves him a lot, so I can root for them. It's astounding to me that a Victorian man can write such good female characters. They get to be people--strong-willed, intelligent, flawed, the center of their own stories rather than just a prop in someone else's. My love for Valeria papered over a lot of other flaws in this story (some not-great use of disabled characters, for one), and I'm seriously considering picking up another of his books next month. (They have perfect November vibes).
The Leavenworth Case by Anna Katharine Green: Not technically Victorian (it's American), but still the right time period. Apparently, this is where a lot of the detective genre started. I love the detective--he's got a quirk of not making eye contact with people, and I love that he's explicitly so working-class than he can't pass himself off as a gentleman for investigating this high-society crime--but I don't care about any of the characters, and the writing's not great. (Though it's kind of hilarious how often the narrator gets information because people come up to him and go, "You're a lawyer, right? Let me ask for advice about an intricate situation that just happens to tie into the case you're investigating.") I'm about 2/3 done with the audiobook, but it's going to be a bit of a slog to finish.
A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson: I'd probably find this a bit too cutesy most of the time, but I read this on a Sunday when I was feeling under-the-weather, and it was exactly what I needed. Very sweet, easy read.
Wuthering Heights by Emile Brontë: I made it a chapter and a half. It's a Hard No.
Diary of a Nobody by George and Weedon Grossmith: I heard it was short and funny, so I tried a couple of pages. Maybe there's a cultural divide, but I just wasn't feeling it.
The Odd Women by George Gissing: I tried a couple of chapter of the audiobook, because a story about women working as typists in late-Victorian England sounds right up my alley. I'm only two chapters in, but I'm debating whether to go further, because he already writes about women like a man--way too detailed descriptions of their physical appearance that suggest they're already decrepit in their early 30s, a suggestion that "we leave it to the men to decide if she'd be attractive"--and that doesn't bode well for a book with a female cast. It is just about to introduce the "progressive" woman who's about to drag the main characters into this newfangled job, so maybe it'd get better, but I'm not sure I'm invested enough to try.
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larryfanficcatalog · 3 years
Non Au
page one || page two
Given A Chance (174k)
Summary: Louis and Harry run into each other five years after One Direction ends and learn how to love each other again. Featuring: Reggie as the overweight labrador, Niall as Louis’ last grip on reality, and Nowheresville, North Carolina as the setting for Louis’ worst nightmare to come true.
And Then A Bit (159k)
Summary: Harry and Louis fake a relationship for publicity. Eventually it becomes a lot less fake and a lot more real.
To The Ends Of The Earth (68k)
Summary: During a yearlong hiatus, Louis visits Harry at his cabin in Idaho, where long-buried feelings ignite like the fire keeping them warm.
Still I Call It Magic (15k)
Summary: harry and louis before and after concerts throughout the last 4 years.
It Goes, It’s Golden (151k)
Summary: Harry and Louis broke under the strain of it all and now, years on, there's a chance to put all the pieces back together. Set in early April 2015 all the way through to October. Written in Harry and Louis' perspectives, alternating every chapter.
Call Unanswered (249k)
Summary: The day after his 27th birthday, Harry Styles attempts suicide. Louis is flown to his bedside to unravel the mystery of why he did it after a flash drive is found with a note attached, addressed to Louis. On it are a collection of 78 songs, all written for different dates from their past.
When We Were Younger (53k)
Summary: In where you get to see small glimpses of Harry and Louis' life together through the years, first through the eyes of others and eventually their own, as their life keeps spinning madly around them.
Love Is A Word (You Gave It A Name) (21k)
Summary: it's christmas. in between snowman building, tree shopping, and ill-advised skating on a frozen lake, louis and harry get ready to take the most important step of their lives.
They Know (7k)
Summary: The start of Harry and Louis' relationship from the other boys' point of view.
Happy To Be Here (70k)
Summary: The weeks spanning October 2012 - January 2013 are a rollercoaster for Harry and Louis. There's shows to play, an album to promote, publicity stunts to be acted out...and several new tattoos to be inked. Throughout it all, the boys focus on the most important thing in their lives - their relationship.
Who Knew (130k)
Summary: Louis cheats on Harry and gets a girl pregnant
The Winner Takes It all (6k)
Summary: Harry wears only his purple boa, and Louis make good use of the other two.
Stop The World (‘Cause I Wanna Get Off With You) (12k)
Summary: Five times Louis and Harry get walked in on at the worst time, and one time Louis makes sure they don't.
The Dark And The Dentist (66k)
Summary: “I know this song,” Louis whispers, and Harry has to lean his ear toward him to pick up what he’s saying. “It was written for people to dance to it. We should be dancing.” We can’t, Harry almost spits, but it’d be stupid of him. Louis knows they can’t. Even if he looks like any regular Parisian in their twenties, and Harry looks like any hipster Parisian in their twenties, they can’t anyway. To be fair, they probably wouldn’t do it even if they were out. But if they were two uni students, both in Paris for an exchange, meeting over fallen books at the library, or because of mutual friends, or watching Monet’s Water Lilies? “How would we dance?” Harry murmurs, mouth almost pressed to Louis’ cheek, so close he can feel his warmth. What a picture they must make, two millionaires freezing in a park and dreaming of a different life.
An account of the events of November 2014. Canon-compliant.
Always Come Back To You (29k)
Summary: “I’ll do it,” Harry offers brightly. No one even blinks. “I’ll do it?”
Louis sighs irritably. “Shut up,” he orders, tossing a pillow in the general direction of Harry’s face. This is a terrible time for jokes, especially Harry’s lame, old people ones. Not that it was an old people joke. Just that most of the time Harry’s jokes consist of knock-knocks or terrible puns. The type of jokes old people like, Louis’ pretty sure. His nan always finds them hilarious when Harry tells her one.
Harry bats the pillow out of the air without even blinking. “Be reasonable, Lou,” he says in his most reasonable voice.
Louis is perfectly reasonable, thank you very much, and he’s also frustrated and upset and tired and he really wants to punch something. Maybe he should have held on to that pillow a little longer.
“You’re not gonna fucking do it,” he snaps. “That’s the last thing I need.”
Gravity Pulls On You And Me (4k)
Summary: Having to hide his relationship isn't easy. Harry knows it's the price he has to pay to be able to be in One Direction and still be with Louis. Keeping his love a secret is slowly starting to upset him more and more. One night, he reaches his breaking point.
Bigger Than Life (49k)
Summary: “Boybander Harry Styles spotted leaving West Hollywood joined hand in hand with new beau, Xander Ritz”
His heart drops in his chest as he scrolls down, ignoring the short irrelevant article and looking desperately for a picture. Sure enough, there’s pap shots of Harry and Xander, walking hand in hand, looking drunk and cheerful and together.
And that’s—that’s really not what Louis was expecting at all.
Perfect (8k)
Summary: Harry and Louis write Perfect.
If You Say Run (I’ll Run With You) (4k)
Summary: an interpretation of what happened behind the scenes of One Direction's final performance before the hiatus.
I Want To Be So Complete I Could Light A Whole City (3k)
Summary: Harry and Louis have a weekend together before Louis is back in the States and Harry is set to jet off to Jamaica to start recording his album. Harry's love for Louis runs so deep he might just suffocate.
Rainy Days In The Sun (5k)
Summary: It's not always perfect, but it's them. A collection of scenes.
A Few Of My Favorite Things (8k)
Summary: Harry and Louis do cat sitting.
The Ways We Fight (10k)
Summary: How Harry and Louis learn to disagree with each other.
Of Love And Ice Cream (2k)
Summary: A little look into a very hot day in LA. Harry and Louis are hot, eat ice cream and, as always, love each other.
Sugar Pie, Honey Punch (2k)
Summary: Harry is baking and Louis is not helping.
You’re My Light (2k)
Summary: Harry arrives at their home in LA a day after Louis and finds him smoking on the balcony.
Go And Ride With Me, Get High With Me (2k)
Summary: harry and louis smoke before the apple music festival
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mewtonian-physics · 3 years
An Honest Review of Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion
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Spoilers under the cut!
Hi! Penny (not that one) here with the next installment of my Nancy Drew game reviews!
In case you haven’t seen the previous reviews, a quick overview of how I’ll be doing this:
I’m going to include several different factors in my review of each game. First, the plot; obvious enough. The plot is, after all, the driving force behind the game. I’ll also be talking about what I think of the characters, as well as how fun it is to play/replay, and the general atmosphere/setting of the game too. And, of course, I’ll talk about my opinions of the music. I’m not going to be doing any ratings or anything like that, no numbers will be coming into these reviews; I’m just going to say my honest thoughts. (Even when they are not nice thoughts.)
Please remember that these reviews will be my entirely subjective opinions! If you disagree with me on any points, that’s absolutely your prerogative, and in fact, I’d love to discuss it with you and hear some perspectives aside from my own. These reviews are not meant to hurt or invalidate anyone’s feelings, but only to put forth my own.
So without further ado, my review of Message in a Haunted Mansion!
I wouldn’t really say the plot here is anything special. It’s not bad, though! It’s just not particularly memorable. It’s the classic ‘saboteur’ setup combined with ‘hidden treasure’, and you’d think that mixing the two would add a bit of extra spice to it, but... the problem is, they don’t really get mixed. Instead, the saboteur plotline feels like it gets pretty swept under the rug in favor of finding the treasure and also doing some inane puzzle work. There’s also a subplot about figuring out what’s causing the titular hauntings, but it’s honestly wrapped up very quickly and anticlimactically. Plus, there aren’t really any big twists, and the historical backstory feels like it doesn’t get enough attention. It’s a plot that makes sense, but it’s not a plot that sticks with me. 
The characters in this game are a bit of a mixed bag. We have Rose Green, owner of the Golden Gardenia; Abby Sideris, her spiritually-minded business partner; Charlie Murphy, the handyman; and Louis Chandler, an interior decorator. Some of these characters are incredibly boring. To this day I’m not even sure if Rose has a personality beyond ‘do this chore’ and ‘don’t fuck up’. I just get nothing from her at all. Same with Louis, honestly, aside from the absolutely hilarious ending where he runs out of the mansion while calling you a loser if you don’t spot the pun in his name in time to stop him, somehow without killing him. I really think that should have killed him. Abby is fun. I like to imagine her doing her little fake psychic stuff on a larger scale. She does a bit of cold reading in the game and I would’ve liked to see more of that kind of thing; she feels like she gets pretty sidelined in comparison to the kind of role she could have had. I have no particular thoughts on Charlie except that I wonder where they found him. I really wish that Emily Foxworth could’ve been an actual character. 
I don’t want to be mean. I really don’t want to be mean. But so much of this game is just trekking around doing inane little puzzles for Rose, or more inane little puzzles to find the treasure, or to figure out exactly which key goes in which spot and where is the goddamn attic key come on--What? No. I’m not mad. Anyway, I feel like it could’ve used the removal of a few of the inane little puzzles and the addition of some more fun ones. As it is it isn’t exactly my idea of a great time. Plus, they still haven’t gotten to the point in the series where they start handing out the minigames. I want my minigames that I sometimes spend more time on than I do the actual case, damn it.
The atmosphere in this game is fantastic! The setting is so well-done--the Golden Gardenia is absolutely beautiful, but in the right spots, you get this sense of unease that works really well. With the ‘hauntings’ added in, there’s a lovely creepy vibe to it, especially when you factor in some of the ones that Abby’s tricks don’t seem to explain. 
The music is the other area where this game really shines. It’s so well-done--memorable and fitting. I absolutely love the ‘Saloon’ track! The spooky, ghostly sound of the piano--it’s absolutely perfect. This game has the best soundtrack so far, and in my opinion, this is when the soundtracks really start to ramp up in quality.
This game has some really amazing elements. Just wandering around the Golden Gardenia, experiencing the scares on offer, and listening to the fabulous music is a really fun time. Unfortunately, some unimaginative puzzles combined with an only mediocre plot and disappointingly flat characters means that the game itself falls far short of the potential it could have had. It’s still worth a play, but it’s definitely not one I’d recommend particularly highly, especially when compared to some of the other truly stellar games in this series.
See you next time, when I review game #4: Treasure in the Royal Tower!
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lululawrence · 6 years
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lululawrence’s February 2018 Fic List
Click here for previous months’ fic lists
Welcome to my inaugural fic reading list! haha I’m going to try my very best to do this every month on the Larrie Fic Writer Appreciation Day (Is that what we called it? Sorry if I missed that up...), so here we go. Here is a list of the fics I read this month.
Fire and Ice by YesIsAWorld/ @louandhazaf I love all of Nic’s stuff I’ve read and I have no idea what I was expecting from this, but I loved it! It was such a fun read and she did a great job of infusing the fic with such wonderful warmth and personalities.
Watch the Sun Coming Up by anonymous There’s going to be a lot of A/B/O fics on this one, partially because of the exchange and partially because I just can’t get enough, but this one was so great! I loved the dynamics with the packs and the dichotomy between “city” packs and “country” packs. It was a fascinating and amazing read!
Prince Harry and the Expert in Motorcycle Maintenance by juliusschmidt/ @juliusschmidt ...do I actually need to say more than just listing the author? lol As per her usual, this fic was hilarious and dramatic and powerful and lovey and sweet, but the hilarious was even stronger than usual. I literally was crying laughing while I yelled random lines at her as I read. A fabulous read.
We Will Find a Way by justalittlelouislove/ @justalittlelouislove OMG okay so this one was so unexpected. As in I thought I knew where it was going, and in some ways I would be right, but it always came about in ways I didn’t expect. I loved it and it was beautiful and soft and exactly what I was needing on the day I read it. 
A Story for the Ages by FallingLikeThis/ @suddenclarityharry I am such a sucker for fake relationship fics, and this one did not disappoint. She took the trope and added a different spin on it, in that Harry and Louis didn’t really know each other before the faking happened, and it just made it that much more fun/awkward. haha!
OmegaVision by anonymous The Truman Show meets A/B/O featuring rare male omegas?!?! This is exactly my kinda read and the author put it together in such a way that things made sense. Like, the naming of the child to how it all worked and the dynamics and motivations of characters, but also it’s all written from the perspective of NOT the star of the show. It’s just such a fascinating read, you guys!
In the Middle of Junes by hilarry13/ @howharrymetlouis This fic was so soft and pure and sweet and it just made me smile SO MUCH. Plus, I pretty much can never have enough baker Harry fics ever.
Back to Seventeen by crimsontheory/ @ireallysawanangel This fic was SO MUCH. I mean, soccer/football coach Louis and teacher of first graders (i think?) Harry meeting up after years and just...the awkwardness and pining and then sexual tension and everything was just. It was amazingly done. 
Saved Tonight by objectlesson/ @horsegirlharry I loved so much how they went from fanboy/suspicious writer who just wants to hide to becoming such strong presences for each other. The building of the relationship and the way they worked through and overcame the various issues that happened made this entirely relatable and beautiful. I adored it.
We’re What’s Right In This World by BriaMaria/ @briannamarguerite I saved this fic for a lot longer than I usually would have because I knew it would kill me in the best of ways and it absolutely did. I devoured it and cried and screamed and hoped and loved right alongside the characters. It is definitely one of my new favorite fics.
Pal-entine’s Day by kiwikero/ @icanhazzalou This was adorable and cute and for five seconds heart wrenching haha Such a sweet read.
just my style by anonymous OMGOSH THIS FIC!!! I loved the angle it took with regards to Harry’s illness and helping him recover and the relationship that was able to build because of it and through that. It was amazing and a fabulous world to get lost in!
As We Were, As We Are by jaerie/ @jaerie I was a bit iffy about how I’d be able to handle Alex/Louis fics. I can do Marcel, so I thought I could do Alex if the fic was well done, and this was hella well done! You could absolutely tell she did huge amounts of research and made it as accurate as possible and because of that I got completely lost in the world created. The story and the characters and everything were so incredibly compelling, it drew me in almost immediately. It was definitely a great start to Alex fics for me.
See It Turning Red by dinosaursmate/ @dinosaursmate Gosh this was so hot and the pining was painfully delicious and the background was so much more compicated than I anticipated! It was just all around such an incredible and far deeper fic than I expected. I really should have known, considering who wrote it, but somehow it caught me off guard still. I adored this fic.
All I Needed by anonymous A/B/O OT5 meet HP-verse? AND omega Harry? I truly don’t need to say anything more. That right there obviously makes this fic a win.
Where Do We Go Now by anonymous This fic was a trip from beginning to end because it’s the epitome of Worst Rommate Ever and hidden genders from the humans and all kinds of complicated emotions that all come together with a surprise at the end. It is amazing.
Mutability by haloeverlasting/ @haloeverlasting From the moment I knew this fic was a thing as B was posting it, I knew I would love it. A book club being such a huge part of healing and self discovery and relationships and just everything is one of my all time favorite things ever, so I knew I would love it, but I loved it even more than I expected. B wove stories and intricacies into this that gave it such power and depth, it’s definitely one of those fics you read that stick with you for a long time.
Bently Station, Now Arriving by anonymous A/B/O Cinderella AU of sorts...IN SPACE?!?! I never realized I needed this fic until I had it. It was a blessing and a gift and I adored it.
Since I am horrible at organization, I know I’m missing some of the ones I read, and for that I am so incredibly sorry, but I truly did do the best I could. Thank you to everyone who put so much of themselves into these stories so we could have amazing entertainment at our fingertips! I adore all of you for it.
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moon-yean · 7 years
Review: Maximilian
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Sooo here are my lenghty (and gif-heavy) thoughts on Maximilian: Das Spiel von Macht und Liebe. Will contain some spoilers.
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1477. When the Duke of Burgundy dies in battle, Mary, his only child, intends to rule over the duchy despite the rule of male succession. As the richest heiress in Europe, the sharp-minded young woman is coveted by many suitors. Mary resists the citizens of Ghent who, spurred by the French King Louis XI, try to force her into a marriage with Louis’ son Charles, a boy of poor health and a weak mind. At the same time, Maximilian of Habsburg, the young Austrian archduke, stubbornly opposes his father, the Roman Emperor Frederick III, who also wants his son to marry the young Duchess of Burgundy.
And so the conflict between France, Austria and Burgundy begins.
And in the midst of it all: Mary.
(you might have to wait a few moments before all the gifs in this post have loaded!)
Cast / Characters
Right. Let’s take a look at the cast and characters first (just some of them, the ensemble is huge).
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I liked the whole cast so I don’t really want to single out a performance. Mary’s character starts out stronger than Maximilian’s but the focus shifts towards the end and he’s ultimately the one with the better arc (going from a stubborn hothead to someone able to take on responsibility). Hers is basically fulfilled once they get married (going from a stubborn ice queen to someone able to find joy in a fate she can’t change) which is slightly disappointing. They did a good job building her up as a strong character but it’s at odds with the realities she’s faced with - namely the pressure from the citizens and the role she is assigned as a woman. I really liked how the show highlighted how and why life might have been difficult for women at court, not just in the character of Mary but also in that of Margaret of York, her stepmother, or Johanna of Hallewyn, her lady-in-waiting/friend. It also becomes apparent in the scenes at the French court: King Louis XI even goes so far as to tell his daughter Anne de Beaujeau that he wishes she had been born a boy. Patriarchy can inconvenience men as well, in this case because Louis (and everyone else) thinks that his son Charles is an idiot unfit to rule which makes Louis and his wife desperate to have another son who can succeed him to the throne. 
They have one, François, but - spoiler alert - he dies as an infant. The show takes a lot of leeway with the historical timelines but it does so to great effect, in my opinion. Making this event concurrent to the power struggle over Burgundy lends a lot more urgency and meaning to the proceedings: It’s crazy to think how much the consolidation of power hinged on maintaining a dynasty without a weak link in the chain; the pressure on every person must have been immense. We see this with Charles who is a brat but also a victim (the scene where we wets himself because they force him into a room with a woman to “become a man” is horrifying).
As for the side characters, I must admit that I really enjoyed the subplot with Johanna and Wolf and although I expected to ship Maximilian/Mary because they’re a historical OTP, I ended up more invested in their servants. They were cute.
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But Maximilian/Mary were cute as well. I just think that the build-up was better with them than the pay-off.
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I’ve already said that I liked the writing for the characters so let me just add a few words about the writing in general: There were some clunky bits of dialogue but overall it was pretty decent for German screenwriting which might be because it was actually written by an Austrian (this is an Austrian-French production after all). They often create better-flowing dialogue. I liked that there was a good amount of humor in it, especially when it comes to the culture clash. The first feast with the Austrians and the Burgundians is hilarious. The only dramatic scene that really stands out to me in terms of writing in retrospect is a scene that I have already alluded to: The one where we learn that the baby boy of King Louis XI has died. 
The writing in that scene is very simple. But together with the imagery and the music, it creates an incredible atmosphere. We see smoke billowing into the dark sky. Then we see burning wood. A beautiful but solemn choir is singing. And then we hear Anne de Beaujeau’s voice and later see that she is talking to her sister Jeanne de Valois (I tried to translate it but it still sounds a bit clumsy in English, sorry about that):
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It’s impossible to recreate the impression that the scene leaves. But there are several bits of concise and poignant writing in the script. Moments that lend some weight to the story. What they also do: Prevent the antagonists from being painted as villains. Yes there are antagonists, mostly King Louis XI and his henchman Philippe de Commynes, but they are allowed to have solid reasoning  and understandable motives. The Austrian court is just as dark and uninviting a place as the French court, in fact, it’s a lot darker and more “primitive”. Frederick III is presented on the same level of ambiguity as Louis XI. Two old monarchs trying to save their legacies. The younger characters are allowed to serve some heroism but even they struggle with circumstance and how it shapes the decisions of an individual.
On that note: All the political maneuvering is well-done in the script but I could see people getting confused by the different factions and settings. Which is why I thought that the slow pacing of the first episode was good. But the show can’t maintain it. The build-up to the meeting of Maximilian and Mary is amazing and they meet late. Unfortunately, that doesn’t leave much time in the last episode to show them getting to know each other and fall in love. The scenes that they have are well-done but the pacing over the whole mini series is just uneven. That’s a shame and makes me wonder if some stuff landed on the cutting room floor. (Like, I wasn’t expecting a huge battle as the climax but they should have done juuust a little more and even if it had just been more impressionistic shots; too much fade to black and time-jumping towards the end.)
What I really loved was the whole atmosphere: The gloomy cinematography, the music, the costuming… for me it struck the right balance between being gritty/realistic and distinctly historical and pretty (which is not to say that it’s historically accurate because I don’t know about that; but historical fiction is more about feeling than fact anyway). I just wish they had distinguished the different geographical locations better visually. Sometimes it was a bit difficult to keep up with what was happening and where. Ghent was done best imo.
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I also loved the POV perspective with which the sword fight was filmed (which was the best action piece... fitting, since Maximilian was the “last knight”).
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Here, have some more impressions:
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This mini series is just beyond gorgeous. Very dark in many places which makes gif-ing a bit difficult but still, amazingly filmed. I’ll probably repost some of these gifs as separate gif sets because otherwise it’d be a waste.
I REALLY RECOMMEND THIS, despite a few shortcomings (that mainly have to do with - not enough time -).
In Germany, it will air on ZDF on consecutive nights from 1-3 October 2017 at 10 pm! If it’s not been shown in France yet, keep your eyes peeled, because I’m sure it will be (half of it was filmed in French and it’s a French co-production so... one would hope so). A German-language DVD will be available on amazon.de starting on 4 October.
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maggieisalarrie · 7 years
Titles: A
A Cauldron of Love by zimriya (27k)
“Oh for Merlin’s sake, yes,” Niall interrupts finally. “Harry’s been in love with Louis Tomlinson since that time in second year when he went and accidentally peed on him.”
Harry turns to face him, horrified. “Niall!” he squeaks out. “You promised you wouldn’t tell anyone about that!”
Niall just shrugs and wipes his mouth with a napkin. “Aw, come off it, Hazza, was it really a secret?” When Harry doesn’t say anything, he pauses and looks up. “It was?” he says. “Ah, bollocks.”
A Hogwarts AU.
A Harmony of Frost and Flames by londoniscalling (13k)
"He’s passing lockers and whistling a quiet tune when he first smells it. His body comes to a halt and his nostrils flair instinctively, eyes going wide as he registers what the scent resembles.
An omega in heat."
Louis goes into his first heat at school and Harry accidentally puts them into a compromising position.
A Harmony of Frost and Flames Extended Epilogue by londoniscalling (7k)
Sequel to A Harmony of Frost and Flames.
A Long Way From The Playground by nightwideopen (11k)
Louis is a single dad who is having a lonely life crisis and Harry is a doctor that carries around princess band-aids in his pocket.
Scraped knees make grown men bond, apparently.
A Million One, A Million Two (a Hundred More Will Never Do) by LittleLostPieces (42k)
While Harry doesn’t want to spend his final year at Wilshire Academy sharing his space with yet another idiot roommate, he figures he could have ended up with a lot worse than Niall. As the school’s newest scholarship student, Niall provides a fresh perspective on Harry’s privileged life, as well as a grounding presence when Harry’s other friends, Liam and Zayn, are acting like lunatics. Most importantly, though, Niall introduces him to Louis, a cynical townie with zero interest in spending his time around entitled boarding school kids. Convincing Louis that he’s more than a trust fund and a charming smile won’t be easy, but Harry’s never been one to back down from a challenge.
An AU loosely inspired by the short-lived WB drama, Young Americans, and the Gotta Be You music video.
A New Buzz by stylesoftheshire (7k)
‘No way,’ Louis says, shaking his head disbelievingly. ‘Only you would come out to your best friend by making him buy you a fucking dildo.’
The classic tale of how Louis helps Harry purchase a vibrator and later helps him use it.
a prayer for which no words exist by Eliane (34k)
"Louis is a few seconds away from blowing up a rather important section of the New York subway when he sees Harry for the first time."
A Run At The Past by hostagesfic (11k)
Harry doesn’t expect it to happen while Gemma’s in Australia. He’s not lonely, this time, with plenty to do and the adrenaline of the end of tour, the excitement of going back to Japan. And Gemma, of course, her jokes at his expense and her flirting with Niall and her hugs for every occasion, the way she looks like mum when she scolds him half-heartedly. There’s no reason it should happen.
He wakes up in Louis’ bed anyway.
a runaway american dream by dangerbears (15k)
AU. they take route 66 with only each other and their secrets.
a virgin to that money by eversincewefellapart (7k)
AU. Harry and Louis are broke university students who hate each other and make a sex tape. (In which Louis gets fucked a lot, Harry can't find the camera, and the road to falling in love is different for everyone.)
Accidents Happen by lanaboo222 (19k)
Harry is accident prone and Louis is a volunteer minor emergency worker. They meet a lot and things happen.
Ace by aclosetlarryshipper (32k)
It’s real. He can’t keep denying it. Denial has just made things more difficult. Acceptance is the first stage to anything.
Louis sniffles and pulls the sun visor down, flipping it open to reveal the mirror. He stares into his own icy eyes, grimacing at the red rim around the edges.
He tries to say the words, but they still feel too final and condemning.
The sexuality crisis you probably haven't read.
Adore You by isthatyoularry (67k)
“We invited our new acquaintances from uptown. You’ve simply got to meet their oldest son!” said his mother with a flourish, and suddenly it became abundantly clear as to why his parents had so adamantly demanded he join them in Deansville for the entirety of the summer.
Against his wishes, Harry spends the holidays at his family’s summer estate, and is reluctantly pulled into a courtship he didn’t ask for. Harry doesn’t want to get married, but Louis does. They don’t fit, but then again they really, really do.
Vaguely set in the 1920’s. Headpieces, jazz, fashionable canes, and flapper dresses, and that.
Ain’t My Fault by afirethatcannotdie (7k)
“Liam, M4M is for sex! You posted in a sex forum about your missing jacket.”
“It is not for sex!”
“It is. Trust me.”
“Well, if it helps me find my jacket then I don’t really see why it matters. Besides, someone already texted me about it. This Styles guy’s coming over in a bit to get it.”
“You invited the avocado man to come get his jacket at our flat after posting on a sex forum. Do you see where this is going?”
“I really don’t.”
“Someone is going to have to have sex with the avocado man!” Louis screeches, and Liam covers his ears.
AU. Liam posts an ad on the wrong section of Craigslist, Louis is pretty sure they’re gonna get murdered as a result, and Harry’s missing an avocado.
all i want for christmas is by crybaby (18k)
With Harry up against his side, his little four year old snuggled in his lap like it’s her favourite place, Louis could really believe they’re a real little family, off to their chalet to spend Christmas in the snow. A real little family where Louis would have the luxury of kissing Harry under mistletoe and rolling around in the fresh snow with him, taking him upstairs to his bedroom and fucking him to keep him warm.
(harry is louis' daughters' au pair. they spend christmas in austria)
all the diamonds you have here by vashtaneradas (22k)
it hits louis now, how fucking close to the precipice they’re standing. or, an au feat. investment banking and children.
All We Have by colourexplosion (6k)
He looks at the person who’s asked him a question and then immediately wishes he hadn’t. He’s beautiful, is the thing, and Harry’s met him before.
“No, sorry,” he says, shaking his head, averting his eyes. It’s an old habit, one he’s gotten better about resisting, but he supposes seeing Louis Tomlinson out in the wild transports him right back to youth club.
“Ah, s’fine really,” Louis says, instead of just walking away like a normal person, “Pretty boy like you shouldn’t be smoking anyway, yeah?”
Harry’s cheeks flood with heat before he can stop it, and he squeezes his eyes shut. Of course. Of course Louis Tomlinson — the boy who basically made Harry realize he’s gay — thinks he’s cute now. Ten years after the fact, and much too late for it to do any good at all.
Or, a 'Grown' au
Always Be My Baby by itsmiz (8k)
Louis isn't looking forward to his birthday, and Harry makes him see that age truly is just a number.
Based on Louis' tweet: 22 is old :(
Always Come Back To You by whoknows (29k)
“I’ll do it,” Harry offers brightly. No one even blinks. “I’ll do it?”
Louis sighs irritably. “Shut up,” he orders, tossing a pillow in the general direction of Harry’s face. This is a terrible time for jokes, especially Harry’s lame, old people ones.
Not that it was an old people joke. Just that most of the time Harry’s jokes consist of knock-knocks or terrible puns. The type of jokes old people like, Louis’ pretty sure. His nan always finds them hilarious when Harry tells her one.
Harry bats the pillow out of the air without even blinking. “Be reasonable, Lou,” he says in his most reasonable voice.
Louis is perfectly reasonable, thank you very much, and he’s also frustrated and upset and tired and he really wants to punch something. Maybe he should have held on to that pillow a little longer.
“You’re not gonna fucking do it,” he snaps. “That’s the last thing I need.”
amaryllis by hattalove (147k)
“Where are we?” “Um. A little while out of London?” Niall tries, seemingly the only one willing to not be mysterious and provide Harry with information, and. Oh. “London London? As in, the capital of England London?” he asks, just in case he’d misheard. “No, the other London,” Louis laughs, low and biting. He comes closer finally, the moonlight just enough to reveal a sharp-cut jaw and pale skin. “Sorry, Pup.” Nobody’s ever called Harry a “pup”. Frankly, he finds it quite insulting, but he lets it slide to try and comprehend his current crisis.
or the one where harry gets bitten by a werewolf. louis is the mysterious not-quite alpha, liam and zayn have Things going on, niall is their token human, and together, they watch a lot of TV.
And Then A Bit by infinitelymint (159k)
“We’d like to give the fans what they want.” Magee states, placing his hand on the table in front of him and leaning forward. “We want to give them Larry Stylinson.”
Or, take a parallel universe where Louis and Harry were never together, mix in a two year hiatus and an impending comeback, pour in a dash of lost fans, two tablespoons of strong friendship and a Modest! employee with a good idea. Add a squeeze of pretending to be a couple, lots of kisses and a tattoo or two. Stir. Serve: the mother of all publicity stunts.
(aka Harry and Louis fake a relationship for publicity. Eventually it becomes a lot less fake and a lot more real.)
anything plain can be lovely by el_em_en_oh_pee (5k)
Harry sees Louis - like, really sees Louis - again for the first time in his mid-thirties. (a grew-up-together AU)
Around the World by orphan_account (6k)
“Could you–” Harry breaks off, gasping as Louis leans in to bite the sensitive skin just under Harry’s jaw, a favourite spot of Harry’s. “Could you, y’know, in French?”
“Could I what, H?” Louis asks, peppering kisses underneath Harry’s jaw and trailing them up to his lips.
“Dirty talk,” Harry says in an exhale.
Or, Louis dirty talks in French. Kind of.
Autumn At My Window by TheCellarDoor (20k)
A canon-compliant AU, in which Harry and Louis are both in the band and have been sharing flats and hotel rooms for nearly five years, but never made the leap past 'friends who are too close for comfort'.
Featuring a lot of pining, Louis' addiction to Harry's scent, and a whole lot of sexual tension that might just snap loose when they decide to spend some time together all on their own. 
Last edited: September 7, 2017
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Which k drama should I watch next? I've only seen boys over flowers and weightlifting fairy kim bok joo so far, but I see you posting about all these shows and they look good, but which ones are the best? I mean I have to work so I can't watch all of them unfortunately haha
Hey! Okay, so be prepared for a huge deluge of information and incoherent babbling over the kdramas I love. This is gonna be a lot…
And thanks for asking the question! I’ve honestly been thinking about doing a totally random post about this anyway :)
So, I totally understand about the job thing, I am just insane and watch way too much tv way too fast…but with kdramas, slow and steady will still get you there, and probably it will be healthier and with the same if not more enjoyment if you don’t plow through them like a tornado as I do. Okay, so enough of that…here’s the list:
Goblin: the most beautiful, well-done, tragically happy (…so actually sad but with hope and some happiness at the end) kdrama out there….honestly, there is too much to say. The cinematography is stunning, the acting will blow you away, especially gong yoo’s and kim go eun was terrific too. This one has a really cool plot that deals with reincarnation in a super cool and interesting way. Honestly I wasn’t really a fan of the concept of reincarnation until I got to see it from the cultural perspective that’s presented in kdramas. This is half historical drama/half present day. 
Scarlet Heart Ryeo (Moon Lovers): A time travel trope starts off the story, sending the female lead back in time to the Goryeo dynasty and she’s thrown into the political machinations of the many princes/sons of the first king of Goryeo, many of whom are vying for the throne: cue tragedy…honestly, this show is so good, with a stellar ensemble, but you gotta be prepared for tragedy and heart break…but you’re going to enjoy it.
Healer: which is one of his best shows (and a good show regardless of whether he’s in it or not) is a fun action adventure. It’s about this guy who is a thief (nighttime errand boy) for hire, whose code name is ‘Healer.’ Ji Chang Wook is great at action BUT is on top of that, I think, a really good/enjoyable actor. And honestly, his smiles are sunshine and when he cries, it will break your heart. Basically, it’s about him and the female lead (who’s totally great too) working to bring to justice the people behind the murders of some journalists in the 90s who were murdered but honestly, I would definitely recommend this show if you don’t want something as heavy as Goblin (which, warning, is a bit slower paced than some kdramas) or Scarlet Heart Ryeo. Some other good Ji Chang Wook shows, (but not as good as Healer) are: Warrior Beak Dong Soo, Bachelor Vegetable Shop, and K2. Warrior Beak Dong Soo, is a sprawling historical drama that’s kinda long at 29 episodes, though honestly the plot sustains itself fairly well. And in Bachelor Vegetable Shop, Ji Chang Wook plays the most pure cinnamon role in the whole world who just wants to sell quality fruits and vegetables to people and make their life better (there’s honestly a ton more drama but that’s the basis, lol). K2 is a bodyguard-love story, political drama. 
The Master’s Sun: This is also one of my ALL-TIME favorite kdramas. It has So Ji Sub (who is beautiful and a compelling actor) and Gong Hyo Jin (who is amazing in everything she does and she’s one of my favorite actors). Anyways, it’s a bit long (23 or 24 episodes rather than the usual 16 that the others I’ve mentioned so far are) but it’s amazing. It’s about a girl that can see ghosts after she had a near-death experience and she runs into the ceo of a company (who has a traumatic past) and for some reason when she touches him, the terrifying ghosts she’s been living with for years suddenly disappear. And through a series of circumstances, they end up working together to mutual benefit and it’s a bit of a serial sort of show (which is a bit different than the normal kdrama that just has an overarching plot). For almost every episode there is a new ghost/story and at the same time the show’s story arc also follows the investigation of uncovering the truth behind the male lead’s traumatic past. (And maybe it was just me) but some of the ghost stories definitely got me teary/sobby, but they are so compelling, and then the otp is such a great slow burn with a fantastic resolution. This and Goblin and Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo are my favorite kdramas of all time. 
Coffee Prince: This is another Gong Yoo show. It’s a bit older, but just give the first episode a bit and you probably won’t notice. It’s about a girl in a Twelfth Night/She’s the man cross dressing scenario, where she gets mistaken for a boy and through a somewhat convoluted way that makes sense, ends up getting a job at a coffee place called, Coffee Prince, that only has male baristas. And honestly it’s so great, and the female lead is super great and hard working and I love her and Gong Yoo’s character’s whole inner turmoil of his attraction to her (whom he believes to be a him) is great and fun and angsty and perfect. 
Other honorable mentions are: Full House, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon, Jealousy Incarnate (which is honestly this really great show about a weather girl-turn newscaster who’s in love with a male newscaster who gets breast cancer and she is the one who tells him he might have it and honestly it’s so good and interesting and deals with a lot of great stuff, k, this one’s actually a strong recommendation too), She Was Pretty (strong rec. as well), Chief Kim (about a rag-tag team of accountants trying to take down the man, it’s hilarious), Cheese in the Trap, Entourage, Hwarang, Cheer Up, Page Turner (a great little three-episode thing, Kim Ji Soo and Kim So Hyun are TERRIFIC in this), Shopping King Louis (which is light and happy, the main two are actually human puppies), My Shy Boss, Oh My Venus (Shin Min Ah and So Ji Sub are in this and their chemistry is terrrrrrific), Descendants of the Sun.
Also for a quick k’drama’ fix there are a couple movies I’ve watched which were great: Finding Mr. Destiny was kinda great, pretty light (a bit tv-movie-esque) but still strong and really enjoyable. And Train to Busan, which is the THE BEST ZOMBIE/HORROR film made in the recent past. And honestly, if horror’s not your thing, still give it a try. It’s not really mine either but I managed with this movie and it ended up being totally worth it–soooo good (and sad). Also, Werewolf Boy was great (the half that I watched) but I haven’t finished it yet.
Okay, gosh, that was SO MUCH, but that’s basically all of the good ones, although I may have missed a few here or there.
Enjoy! Please let me know how you like any of them. I’d be so happy to discuss your thoughts :)
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maryofone · 6 years
Am I still allowed to like Aziz Ansari? I was just about to write a crush post on him right before that story broke about his questionable actions, but then I held off. If he turned out to be a complete piece of shit, I didn’t want to regret writing about my love for him (cough Louis cough). It seems that his actions on that night are at least debatable, given how much of the internet has taken the time to debate it. And there are certainly some unsavoury parts to that story that I’d like to chew on here, but first I want to talk about why I’ve loved him all these years:
Parks & Rec, obvs. He was actually the reason I started watching that show at all. The entire cast is to be cherished, but he was the first to get my attention. The whole swiggity-swag vibe he brought to Tom Haverford’s character was so fucking perfect because it was like he was making fun of millennial culture but totally owning it at the same time. Aziz was like nothing I’d ever seen before. Partially because Hollywood has been shoving mostly white people in our faces forever, but also because there was something about him that just felt so fresh. So modern.
I didn’t necessarily crush on Tom Haverford. He was technically too ridiculous for me to swoon for. But then Aziz came out with his standup specials, and we started to get a bigger picture of what made this guy tick. Clearly he’s a pretty big thinker on dating, and relationship dynamics, and communication between the sexes. Sure, a lot of comedians talk about that shit, but Aziz does it in a way that feels especially vulnerable. He isn’t afraid to talk about his insecurities, which seem almost frantic (and hilarious) at times. He so perfectly embodies the anxious uncertainty of my generation. I started to really love him after watching his specials, because he made me feel so much better about my own insecurities in the dating world.
Then he wrote Modern Romance, which I was not expecting, and which is a book everyone in my generation should read. It’s not just some ghostwritten autobiography on his life. He took his fascination with dating and wrote a whole fucking book about it. And really did his homework! Poring over research and traveling all over the world to try and make sense of what it’s like to fall in love in the modern world, for all kind of cultures. Aziz didn’t have to do anything but coast for the rest of his career, or at least just stick with writing comedy. But no, he wanted to go write a book about love and communication. And yes, that got my attention.
THEN he came out with Master of None, but at this point I was no longer surprised that he was inspired by matters of the heart and fascinated by the nuances of communication. It was already clear he had a gift for this kind of subject matter, and then he gave us the gift of that show. If there’s one thing this guy seems interested in, it’s the way men and women interact with each other.
So yeah, I was pretty surprised when I heard that he made a woman feel violated after a romantic encounter. And there seem to be all different sides of this debate: whether he did anything wrong; whether she just regretted fooling around with him; whether he should have read her signals; whether she even gave any signals. I really don’t want to join any of those debates because they’re exhausting (and none of us were actually there), but I do wonder how a guy who seems so sensitive to the perspective of a woman in his writing could be so oblivious to it when he has his hand up her skirt. Aziz Ansari’s body of work should almost be considered hard evidence that he gives a shit about the feelings of a woman, but it sounds like he was less than aware of them that night. And I think that’s where this Time’s Up movement needs to head next. After we’ve uncovered all of the monsters who intentionally violate women, it’s time we start highlighting (and helping!!) those men who really do have good intentions, but aren’t as good at reading women as they think they are.
After much consideration I’m going to plant myself in the camp of belief that Aziz is NOT a piece of shit. I’m just going to cross my fingers that he learns how to read us better, so I can keep reading him.
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My Favorite Films From My Childhood (1980-1992)
There’s no doubt in my mind that the 80’s and 90’s were some of the best years in film history. There are so many memorable films that it’s easy to see why kids of my generation were so heavily influenced by them.
I hope some of these films will bring back a few memories of long forgotten films, as well as bringing a few other films to your attention that you may have missed.
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1 - Back to the Future - 1985 It’s the perfect film. It has everything you could possibly want in a movie - action, romance, comedy. You name it, Back to the Future has it. It’s also perfectly 80’s. I could probably talk about Back to the Future all day. It’s one of those films that I can watch at any time from start to finish. Back to the Future also set the rules of time travel for every film that has come after it. Just a fantastic adventure.
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2 - Back to the Future Part II - 1989 I know a lot of people don’t like Back to the Future Part II, but I’ve always loved it. Honestly, growing up the two films were always played back-to-back on TV, so I kind of look at them as one film. I love how the film goes from the past, to the distant future of 2015. It’s kind of crazy to think that the future we saw in 1989 is here. It’s one of the many aspects of Part II that makes it so endearing.
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3 - The Goonies - 1985 The Goonies is my childhood. When I think back to when I was a kid, I can’t help but think of this film. It’s unfortunate that Hollywood doesn’t make movies like this for kids anymore. Most films aimed at children are animated, but The Goonies was an adventure film featuring kids made for kids. The great thing about the 80’s is that there were quite a few films where kids or teens went on some sort of adventure, many of which you will see on this list.
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4 - Rambo: First Blood Part II - 1985 I’ve told this story a million times, but Rambo: First Blood Part II is one of my earliest movie memories. I remember watching the film on a big screen TV in the video store my parents owned. Sylvester Stallone was just this larger-than-life character and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. That’s another thing the 80’s had in spades, larger-than-life action stars. First Blood Part II started my love affair with action movies that continues to this day. I couldn’t get enough of it back then and I still can’t. Unfortunately, those larger-than-life action stars are now extinct.
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5 - Commando - 1985 I will never forget the opening scene in Commando for as long as I live. In case you haven’t seen it, Arnold is walking through the woods with the biggest chainsaw on the planet in one hand and perched on his other shoulder is a tree. You read that right. The man is carrying a freakin tree on his shoulder. You’d be hard-pressed to find a more badass introduction to a character. Commando also starred Alyssa Milano, who became my first crush after watching Commando. The 80’s and 90’s featured tons of one-man-army films and nobody is more of a one-man-army than Arnie in Commando. That includes Rambo. Here’s a link to that opening in case you think I’m exaggerating: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGrSEDPn0-g
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6 - Ferris Bueller’s Day Off - 1986 Ferris Bueller is the coolest movie character of all-time. What kid or teen didn’t want to be Ferris Bueller in the 80’s? The girls loved him, guys wanted to be him and the teachers envied him. Any kid that has ever tried to stay home from school has Ferris to thank. I’m not quite sure what this new generation identifies with (if anything), but I find it hard to believe that Ferris Bueller’s Day Off wouldn’t be just as enjoyable to young people today.
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7 - Red Dawn - 1984 As you read this list, you will notice a few trends. One is the fact that there are quite a few films where teens fight against some sort of evil power. It seemed like a popular film to make in the 80’s and 90’s, I’m not quite sure why, but boy I’m glad it was. For a tween boy, it couldn’t have been cooler to see characters not much older than me fighting terrorists and all sorts of other bad guys. As for Red Dawn, it’s one of those movies I watched when I was so young that I had images in my head from certain scenes that I had no idea they were from Red Dawn until I saw the film years later. Also, make sure you skip the remake. It tries to ruin my childhood.
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8 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - 1984 I know it’s hated. I’m fully aware of this, but if you were a kid in the 80’s, you loved Temple of Doom. I love all the Indiana Jones films, and although Raiders of the Lost Ark came out first, I’m pretty sure I saw Temple of Doom before it. I must have watched Temple of Doom two dozen times as a kid. It seems like my friend and I, Tom Laffin, would watch it every Friday night. For me, it still holds up all these years later. I don’t care what the haters say.
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9 - Die Hard - 1988 Die Hard is the greatest action film of all-time. I remember watching this film as a kid and just being blown away. I’ve seen the film countless times since I was a kid, but even as a young film watcher, there’s so much that stuck with me into my adulthood. It’s just the perfect action film. Maybe my favorite part of Die Hard is that John McClane is just a regular guy. He has a receding hairline, he doesn’t quite have the chiseled physique of a Stallone or an Arnie and he takes a beating. If you were to go back in time and take a look at 10-year-old Mike, you’d probably see me running around in a white t-shirt, barefoot with a duffel bag full of toy guns and fake detonators slung across my back.
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10 - The Rescue - 1988 For years, I couldn’t remember the name of The Rescue. I only had a few vague scenes in my head and a brief plot synopsis. Thankfully, with the power of Google, I was able to track the film down. Much to my dismay, the film has never been released on DVD. However, I was lucky enough to find the VHS tape at a Goodwill. I look forward to watching the film again because it’s been probably almost 30 years since I’ve seen it. The fact that the story and a few scenes stuck with me for all those years proves how much it impacted my childhood. The story is very similar to Iron Eagle in the sense that a bunch of kids have to rescue their Navy S.E.A.L parents who have been captured by some made up foreign country that evokes a striking resemblance to every Middle Eastern country.
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11 - Big - 1988 Big is the rare film where your perspective will change depending on when you watch it. For me, I was able to watch the film at two different times in my life and get a unique experience both times. When Big was released, I just so happened to be around the same age as the young boy in the film. It’s great to see the film through the eyes of a kid. Then, years later, I watched the film again in my 30’s, which is the age Tom Hanks transforms into. As an adult, I was able to see the film from a whole different perspective. I’m not sure I can think of another film that offers such a unique experience.
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12 - Home Alone - 1990 I was the same age as Kevin McCallister was in the film and I remember thinking how cool it was to see a kid protect his home from two thieves. To this day, Home Alone is a must watch every Christmas for me. It brings me right back to being a kid again. I’m pretty sure I can recite the entire film.
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13 - Toy Soldiers - 1991 I just love Toy Soldiers. I thought it was so cool that the film took place at an all-boys boarding school. Watching these teens come together to fight terrorists was just awesome. Years later, the movie would mean even more to me after I attended an all-boys high school. Unfortunately, I never had to fight terrorists with my friends. I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t plan out what I would have done if it did happen though.
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14 - Iron Eagle - 1986 Yes, Louis Gossett Jr. is in Toy Soldiers and Iron Eagle. What can I say, the guy likes helping teens fight bad guys. Anyway, Top Gun is the more popular 80’s fighter jet movie, but it’s Iron Eagle that was my favorite growing up. Again, I just think I identified with the main character more because of my age. Only in the 80’s can you have a movie where a teen learns how to fly an F-16 in order to save his father. It was the 80’s and it just worked. The film spawned 3 not so great sequels.
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15 - A Few Good Men - 1992 There’s a lot of great films on my list, but most of them are action films, comedies and films aimed at a younger audience. A Few Good Men is probably the only adult drama on my list and it’s no coincidence. I was 12 when A Few Good Men came out and it marked a new chapter as a moviegoer. Sure, I still watched tons of comedies and action films, but I started watching more and more dramas and films geared towards a more adult audience. My sister and I can still quote whole scenes from A Few Good Men. It’s one of the greatest films of all-time and I’m not sure why it doesn’t get more attention for being just that.
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16 - What About Bob? - 1991 Every film has its fair share of people that just don’t care for it. However, I’ve yet to run into a single person in my 37 years on the planet that doesn’t like What About Bob? Bill Murray was never better as the annoying, yet lovable Bob. The film features so many hilarious scenes and I love watching Richard Dreyfuss slowly lose his mind. A pure classic.
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17 - Clue: The Movie - 1985 Tim Curry, the multiple endings, Madeline Kahn (“flames, on the side of my face”), that maid’s cleavage, Mr. Green slapping Mrs. Peacock (“I had to stop her screaming”). There’s so much I love about Clue. Like many of the movies on this list, I can watch Clue everytime it’s on TV. It must have been cool watching the film in theaters because different parts of the country got different endings. It wasn’t until the VHS was released that we got the multiple endings together.
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18 - G.I. Joe: The Movie - 1987 When I think of my childhood, I think of my G.I. Joe action figures. I had over 100 of them. In fact, I still have them. As you would expect, I also loved the cartoon. I remember when the film was released, I thought it was the coolest thing. It introduced a whole bunch of new Joes, as well as new bad guys. All these years later, the film has aged fairly well.
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19 - Spaceballs - 1987 I happen to be the rare 80’s kid that didn’t grow up with Star Wars, but that didn’t stop me from watching Spaceballs a ridiculous amount of times. The fact that I really had no idea what they were spoofing and was still able to enjoy the film, proves how great of a film it is. Spaceballs was my first introduction to Mel Brooks and he remains one of my favorite filmmakers of all-time. In the years that followed, my dad showed me all of his classics, but Spaceballs still remains my favorite for the simple fact that I loved it as a kid.
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20 - The Princess Bride - 1987 If you need more evidence how different twins can be, ask my sister about The Princess Bride. She hates it. I think it has a lot to do with the Rodents of Unusually Large Size. Personally, I find the thought that somebody couldn’t love The Princess Bride INCONCEIVABLE!
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21 - Ghostbusters - 1984 If you grew up in the 80’s and you didn’t love Ghostbusters, you were probably a pretty lonely kid. Ghostbusters is easily one of the most iconic films of the 80’s. I just watched it with my 9-year-old cousin last summer and it’s amazing how many parts of the film really isn’t for kids. No big deal for 80’s kids, but now it would be a different story. Like with most of his films, Bill Murray steals every scene.
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22 - Airplane! - 1980 I remember watching Airplane! with my dad when I was a kid. As I got older, I slowly started to understand more and more of the jokes. No other film helped mold my sense of humor more than Airplane. The film is just as funny to me as an adult as it was when I was kid, maybe even moreso.
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23 - WarGames - 1983 Another movie revolving around teens. There were so many films in the 80’s that revolved around teens and kids. I’m not sure when that all stopped, but they’re pretty rare now. WarGames is actually ahead of its time. A kid almost starts WW3 by playing a video game online. Pretty advanced stuff for 1983.
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24 - Gremlins - 1984 I hear there are people who don’t like Gremlins, but I choose not to associate with them. Gremlins is a very unique film in many ways. It’s the rare horror/comedy, but it’s also a great Christmas movie. I’m not sure why, but every Christmas Gremlins gets forgotten when the networks usher out their usual lineup (A Christmas Story, Elf, Home Alone, Christmas Vacation). Also, I dare you not to fall in love with Gizmo. He’s easily one of the most adorable film characters of all-time. Sorry, E.T.
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25 - The Karate Kid - 1984 Another 80’s teen movie. Gotta’ love it. Every kid in the 80’s was karate chopping his sister (or anything that moved) after watching The Karate Kid. I’m not sure there’s a more 80’s feeling film on this list. In fact, The Karate Kid might have started the movie cliché of the group of villainous jerks that every similar film since The Karate Kid has implemented.
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26 - Planes, Trains and Automobiles - 1987 The good die young. John Candy is easily one of the greatest comedic actors in film history. He’s fantastic here as Del, a lovable loser that unintentionally terrorizes Steve Martin while trying to get back to their families for the holidays. The chemistry between Martin and Candy is just amazing. The film ends up being really sweet too. If you don’t want to give Del a big old hung by the end of the film, you’re not human.
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27 - Navy Seals - 1990 If you can’t tell by now (assuming you’re actually still reading) I was kind of obsessed with all things military when I was a kid. Navy Seals is pure 90’s cheese (see beach volleyball scene), but it’s just a pretty awesome war movie. What I’ve always remembered about Navy Seals is one of the Seals was nicknamed God. He had a sniper rifle with a thermal scope and he was able to shoot people through walls. As a kid, it doesn’t get much cooler than that.
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28 - Adventures in Babysitting - 1987 More teens on an adventure! A lot of people have forgotten about Adventures in Babysitting, but it’s such a fun movie. I remember me and my sister watching this one all the time in the summer. Also, Elisabeth Shue was one of my first crushes.
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29 - Uncle Buck - 1989 John Candy again, as well as a pre-Home Alone Macaulay Culkin. Every kid wanted an uncle like Uncle Buck. He just seemed so cool and laid back. Plus, did you see that freakin’ pancake?!
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30 - Field of Dreams - 1989 I love baseball, but in all honesty, football has gained a lot of ground in recent years. That said, I was all about baseball in the 80’s. To me, Field of Dreams is the greatest baseball movie of all-time. Nothing gets me more in the mood for baseball season than listening to James Earl Jones’s monologue. Also, the film really nails the bond between father and son and how that bond is often fostered through baseball. Something I can totally understand.
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31 - White Men Can’t Jump - 1992 I watch White Men Can’t Jump once a year around the spring. No other film gets me in the mood to play basketball more than White Men Can’t Jump. I love the chemistry between Snipes and Harrelson. The other great part of the film is that both actors are legit athletes. There’s one thing you can’t fake in film and that’s sports. Any sports fan can spot a fraud from a mile away. These two guys can ball.
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32 - Stand by Me - 1986 Before I became the huge Stephen King fan that I am today, I remember watching Stand by Me, which is of course based on the Stephen King short story The Body. I’m not sure another film got 4 better performances out of child actors. The real standout was River Phoenix, which makes his young death all the more tragic.
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33 - National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation - 1989 Watching Christmas Vacation is as much a part of Christmas as putting up the Christmas tree. It just captures what’s so great about the holiday season, and what’s not so great. Of all the Vacation films, Christmas Vacation is my favorite. I love watching Chevy Chase slowly unravel.
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34 - Home Alone 2: Lost In New York - 1992 Yes, it’s pretty much a carbon copy of the first film, but I remember being really entertained while watching this in the theater. Lost In New York gets a boost by Tim Curry and how can we forget the HUGE performance from the President of the United States, Donald Trump.
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35 - Rocky IV - 1985 I know what you’re thinking, “Where is Rocky 1? Hell, where’s 2 and 3 for that matter?” Well, I remember watching Rocky 4 way more than those films. I know a lot of people hate it, and it is indeed super cheesy, but how can you not love those montages? Also, Rocky ends the Cold War by himself. Give the man credit where credit is due.
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36 - The Monster Squad - 1987 You haven’t heard of The Monster Squad, have you? For some, they might vaguely remember the film. That’s a shame because it’s a lot of fun. It’s kind of like if the Goonies fought monsters. Come to think of it, the Netflix show Stranger Things shares a ton of DNA with The Monster Squad. Do yourself a favor and track down a copy and watch it on Halloween.
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37 - Honey, I Shrunk the Kids - 1989 There’s something so cool about watching miniature people interact with the world. The film just featured so many unique perspectives and ideas. Also, the scene where the ant sacrifices himself still gets me today. You know what, I can’t. What’s next?
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38 - Silverado - 1985 I grew up watching tons of Westerns with my dad. Most of them were black and white and starred John Wayne. Then Silverado comes along and is in color and features a wiseass character like Kevin Costner and I was hooked. Silverado doesn’t get enough love when discussing great Westerns.
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39 - My Cousin Vinny - 1992 Joe Pesci is known for his roles in gangster films like Goodfellas and Casino, but his performance in My Cousin Vinny is easily my favorite. The film never gets old and 25 years later, my family and I are still quoting lines from this film. “I shot the clerk? I shot the clerk!?” “Two yutes.” If you, for some insane reason, haven’t seen My Cousin Vinny, maybe you were in a coma or possibly you just returned to Earth from being in a cryogenic state aboard a spaceship, then you need to see this film.
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40 - A Christmas Story - 1983 When I was a kid, I thought A Christmas Story was an old movie. Meaning, I thought it was made in the 50’s or something. That’s how well they nailed that time period. Like many people, I tune into the marathon on Christmas Eve, but it’s been decades since I actually sat down and watched the film from start to finish.
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41 - Radio Flyer - 1992 I haven’t run into a lot of people who have even heard of Radio Flyer, let alone seen it. It stars a young Elijah Wood and Joseph Mazzello, who was one of the hardest working child actors in the 90’s (Jurassic Park). The film deals with the heavy subject matter of child abuse. Not to give too much away for those interested in seeing it, but the boys are building their own plane so they can escape their ruthless step-father. The amazing thing is that as I got older, I heard of a pretty disturbing theory about the ending. Watching the film as a child and as an adult really hammers home the childlike innocence that we all possessed at some point. Fun fact, Tom Hanks narrates the film.
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42 - The Delta Force - 1986 I’ve always loved films that take place on airplanes and it doesn’t get much better than Chuck Norris in The Delta Force. It’s about time for me to rewatch this one. It’s been years since I’ve seen it. That said, the one scene that stands out in my mind all these years later is Chuck Norris blowing stuff up by shooting missiles from his motorcycle.
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43 - Romancing the Stone - 1984 Romancing the Stone was the answer to the Indiana Jones films. While not quite as memorable as Indiana Jones, it’s a lot of fun. The chemistry between Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner is great and Danny DeVito is an awesome villain. Romancing the Stone is kind of an underrated Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future) film. Like most films of the 80’s, there was a sequel called The Jewel of the Nile that is decent too.
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44 - Raising Arizona - 1987 Raising Arizona is one of those films that I must have seen when I was really young and an image stuck in my mind, but I had no idea what it was from until I saw the film again years later. The image was the crazy biker guy riding around on his motorcycle with a baby in a baby seat strapped to the front of it. Crazy stuff in an already pretty insane film. Who knew I was into the Coen Brothers at such a young age?
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45 - Three Amigos - 1986 Three Amigos features 3 of the greatest comedic actors of all-time: Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Chevy Chase. It really doesn’t get much better than that. There’s probably no Tropic Thunder if it wasn’t for Three Amigos. I just love the premise. Seeing these pampered actors thrown into a crazy situation is just fantastic. It also features one of the funniest scenes in film history. The Three Amigos are on their horses. The camera starts on Steve Martin, he uncaps his canteen and begins to take a drink but it’s empty. The camera pans to Chevy Chase, whose canteen is also empty. Finally, the camera settles on Steve Martin, who proceeds to essentially take a bath in the contents of his canteen. I mean, he’s gargling it, spitting it out. It’s comedic gold.
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46 - Lethal Weapon 2 - 1989 I don’t remember seeing Lethal Weapon until I was older, but I remember watching the second film and thinking Mel Gibson as Riggs was the coolest thing I’d ever seen. He wasn’t your normal cop. He really didn’t give a crap about rules or what anybody thought. He was just plain insane. That’s just perfect for my younger self who was used to seeing people play by the book. Riggs was having none of that. Of the 4 Lethal Weapon films, 2 is my favorite.
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47 - The Last Boy Scout - 1991 I’ve always had a thing for buddy action comedies and The Last Boy Scout is a really underrated one. Bruce Willis was about as bankable as it got when it came to action films in the 80’s and 90’s (except for Hudson Hawk of course). I’m not sure why Damon Wayans didn’t have a better movie career. I’ve always found him really likable and talented.
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48 - Tremors - 1990 Tremors is a B-Horror/Monster movie. It’s completely cheesy, but when you’re a kid, it couldn’t be more entertaining. If it’s on, I always watch it. The original spawned a slew of sequels (and a TV series), but I’ve actually only seen the original film.
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49 - Weekend at Bernie’s - 1989 Weekend at Bernie’s should suck. It really should, but it doesn’t. The entire film is just plain bizarre, but it works. It’s one of those films that continues to get referenced years later. Many people have probably referenced Weekend at Bernie’s unknowingly without ever seeing the film.
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50 - Project X - 1987 Here’s one that I’m willing to bet you’ve completely forgotten about. Project X stars Matthew Broderick and a young Helen Hunt trying to rescue chimps who are being used for experiments. It’s probably been 30 years since I’ve seen this one, but what really sticks with me are the cute little chimps. I remember being really worried that something was going to happen to them. It’s a pretty heart-warming film.
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51 - Three Fugitives - 1989 Three Fugitives is one of those films that had been completely wiped from my mind until I was looking up Nick Nolte’s filmography and saw it on there. I immediately remembered how much I loved this film as a kid. I don’t remember much from it, but I remember Martin Short really getting on Nolte’s nerves and how funny they were together.
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52 - Kindergarten Cop - 1990 Honestly, Kindergarten Cop is the kind of film that could only exist in the 80’s and 90’s. After becoming an action icon, Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to branch out a little bit. Kindergarten Cop was the first of a string of Schwarzenegger films that were on the lighter side (Junior, Jingle All the Way and Twins). Say what you want about Arnold, but he’s great in Kindergarten Cop. He has great comedic timing and seeing this massive human inhabit the same space as these little kids is just hilarious. Don’t forget, “It’s NOT a tooma!”
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