mywingsareonwheels · 1 month
Obscure fandoms mashing up in my head again: Jordan L Hawk's Hexworld universe would fit so beautifully with the morseverse. I mean one is a series of turn-of-the-20th-century m/m fantasy romance novels set in New York and the other is... not, but you have:-
some unrealistically good/anti-bigotry police detectives[1], but they are dealing with horrible amounts of corruption higher up.
general tackling of issues of discrimination but also ferocious loyalties
and a main character who keeps being very underestimated by the powers that be but whose colleagues really learn to adore them (even when they're an awkward git)
So I'm now envisaging Morse being a Familiar (cat, hedgehog, squirrel, something like that) and Thursday being his Witch (and things proceed more happily from there than in the show because Dammit). Morse becomes very much part of the Thursday family thanks to this, one way or another. And them both dealing with the discrimination Morse faces, but goodness would it work well. Jakes is an unbonded dog Familiar (and the boys at Blenheim Vale all were Familiars...); Hope his Witch but like Thursday she turns out to be an awesome one. Max could be a forensic hexman as well as a pathologist; at some point he ends up bonding with Dorothea (some form of bird Familiar?) with their relationship being platonic but utterly beautiful. :) Bright a Witch who starts out carrying the usual prejudices but unpacks them massively and then ends up bonding with a tiger Familiar (naturally). I'm not sure which way round Trewlove and Fancy are, but they had been wondering about bonding but hadn't actually done it by the end of series 5. *sobs a bit*
[1] Yes I *do* most emphatically include all of the main character detectives in Endeavour in that.
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bookbaran · 1 year
The problem I have now is deciding whether to listen to the rest of Hexworld. On the one hand, I want to experience the story again. On the other hand, I don't want to buy an audiobook so I can listen to it once out of curiosity. If I could borrow these from the library, I'd go for it, but I can't.
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three--rings · 2 years
Hi! I come from the danmei fandom and wanted to ask you if you pls have some good novels from the west to rec? What I'm looking for is: BL, fantasy & good plot. I'm not looking for political agenda just for a good read where the focus is on the plot and romance. I seriously don't know where to start looking. I tried checking out recs on google but honestly after the danmei books mostly everything looks unappealing to me. I was hoping you could help me out. Thank you in advance!
Ooo, yeah I can come up with a few things.
(All links are Amazon, but of course if you can buy elsewhere it's recommended, especially author sites. But if you buy from these links I get like a few pennies.)
The Magpie Lord (and rest of the series) by K.J. Charles - This is honestly the book that got me into reading modern m/m historical romance before I ever discovered danmei. 19th century England, magic, romance.
The Whyborne and Griffin series by Jordan L. Hawk - An incredibly long series of adventure novels set in a Lovecraftian 19th century America, starring a shy scholar and brash detective who get pulled into supernatural highjinks and romance together. The author's other series might also appeal. I'm a big fan of their Hexworld series which is recommended if you like the ideal of shapeshifters and their destined soulmate partners.
Lord of the White Hell by Ginn Hale - Fantasy European setting in a boys boarding school. Kiram is the first from his religion/ethnicity to attend this prestigious school and has to room with a boy who is supposed to be cursed by hell. Magic, religion, culture clash coming of age, and a fantastic romance. I love this whole world and series so much.
The Archer's Heart by Astrid Amara - Fantasy India setting with a rigid caste system where homosexuality is punished with death. So the romance between a prince and a warrior has very real stakes. Lots of politics and suffering for the characters. Sorta epic political fantasy but with queer romance. Definitely danmei esque.
The Nightrunner series by Lynn Flewelling - An older series in which a young man is taken as an apprentice to a thief/spy/rogue in a typical European fantasy world. Very interesting political and magical intrigue. The romance between the two main characters doesn't become textual until the second book and definitely is not a main focus or very in your face, most likely because of the age of the books. BUT I love everyone in this bar so so much. And they are explicitly the fantasy equivalent of married in later books, so it's not NOT a thing.
The High King's Golden Tongue by Megan Derr - A young man is trained to be consort to a king his whole life, but the king in question isn't interested in him because he's still mourning his late husband. Fantasy world with normalized queer relationships, slow burn romance development, a very gentle book without a lot of drama. (I haven't read the rest of the series but I think each book is a different couple.)
Okay and then a couple additional recs with special circumstances.
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland - I haven't read this one yet because I just haven't had time, but I've read some of their other works and trust that it's good. The author is @ariaste whose MDZS fic you may have read.
The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard - The reason I haven't read the above yet is because I've been deep in reading this and all the related books/stories in this world. Absolutely I think danmei fans need to read this book. The worldbuilding is fantastic and immense. The political intrigue is more West Wing than Game of Thrones. It's a book about making incremental change from inside a flawed system. And it's a book about two men opening their hearts to one another glacially slowly, with so many barriers in the way, but so much love.
The caveat is that it's not precisely a romance or primarily a romance so it doesn't meet your criteria. It's super long (again for danmei fans) but while these two (an emperor and his secretary) love each other so much, it's not explicitly romantic or sexual? At least not yet. (Next week, sequel next week aaaaaahhhh.) So...it's a weird one to rec. Which is why I've been waiting and putting off writing it's own rec post. But it's a magnificent novel I can't say enough good things about.
So yeah, that's what I've got for now. Thanks for asking, clearly I'm always just waiting for someone to ask me to rec things.
Other folks feel free to add your own recs in reblogs if there's stuff I've missed.
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theleakypen · 10 months
tagged by @aiyexayen, thank you!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have... SO MANY WIPs, but I'm gonna narrow it down to ones in (relatively) active development and ones that aren't secret:
MingQing soulmark AU trans man NMJ
Dan/Matt AFTG WWI AU ambulance driver/sergeant
Sangli platonic soulmates/Xuanli soulmark AU
Dan/Matt post-canon PWP
havemercy rook/thom pwp
songxiao witcher au translation Every time you leave / Каждый Раз Что Ты Уходишь
Zhao Zhuliu prequel story WZL
Nhs+LXC reconciliation
Sisi/NHS during canon SiSang
Make out for speech science big Sibs OT4 linguistics
Iuvenes Dum Sumus Viktor/Rind
Songxiao Hexworld
Kevin & Jean post-canon grieving fic
If you read this, you are tagged!
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j-tomalas-grimoire · 8 months
Books about Witches
A short and incomplete list. Feel free to add your own favorites.
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The Year of the Witching - Alexis Henderson
The Field Guide to Witches - varioues artists
The witching hour – Anne Rice
Cemetery boys - Aiden Thomas
Practical Magic – Alice Hoffmann
The Magpie Lord - KJ Charles
Woods of the Raven - Mary Calmes
Witches of London – Lars - Aleksandr Voinov
The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies, Band 1) - KJ Charles
Hexbreaker (Hexworld Book 1) - Jordan L. Hawk
Over my dead body – Sweeney Boo
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qbdatabase · 10 months
Daily Book - Hexbreaker
Hexbreaker Jordan L. Hawk Adult Fantasy / Historical / Romance (Hexworld #1), 2016, 240 pg Irish-American gay male MC x Italian-English gay male MC with trauma from past abuse Will a dark history doom their future together?New York copper Tom Halloran is a man with a past. If anyone finds out he once ran with the notorious O’Connell tunnel gang, he’ll spend the rest of his life doing hard…
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svenerd · 2 years
Dorf Romantik - Reveal Trailer
Dorf Romantik – Reveal Trailer
Dorf Romantik – Reveal Trailer The announcement trailer for the adorable hexworld builder coming soon to Switch. #GameTrailers #gamescom Ansehen auf YouTube
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drwhyborne · 3 years
Quick question, if Stephan Day were a familiar, what animal would he be?
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kd-heart · 3 years
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Sleepy familiars from the Hexworld books.
I started drawing Cicero and Mal about a year ago and I wanted to draw Nick and Isaac, but I got stuck (i haven't drawn a horse since middle school).
Also, Rook.
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unicyclehippo · 4 years
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working on my hexworld map - it’s messy, im not thrilled w these pens but it’s good for the planning process for sure
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bookshirecat · 4 years
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I came up with the idea of familiars taking a photoshoot for charity.
And, being who they are, you really can't expect them to stay still.
Here you have the photo that made it to the charity calendar and then you'll see what happened right after that.
You may notice that Isaac is the only one still posing and Nick is so done that he manages only to roll his eyes.
I spent 2 days on that, so I hope it makes you smile:)
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drchristineputnam · 4 years
There was nothing to be done. He couldn’t outrun the monster, and certainly he couldn’t outfight it. Bill closed his eyes against the sight of those terrible horns and conjured up the memory of Isaac’s smile. Of how he’d laughed in delight when they made love. If Martin’s assassin had succeeded, if Isaac was dead, they’d be together again soon. If not, Bill would wait for his love on the other side, just as he’d waited on this one.
Hexhunter by Jordan L. Hawk
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bookbaran · 2 years
Also, Jordan Hawk is apparently a fan of hawks? He definitely included multiple obscure species of hawk in Hexworld when he could have just said "hawk." I mean, one of the main characters is a mastiff and he didn't specify what kind of mastiff. It just seems he has a special place in his heart for hawks. Maybe that's why he chose the name Hawk.
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astudyinfic · 4 years
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Books read in 2020
#1: The 13th Hex, by Jordan L. Hawk
My review: All Dominic ever wanted was to be a witch and work for the MWP.  He might not be a witch, but as a Hex Maker, he could still do his part for the MWP.  But crow shifter Rook shows him he is so much more.  Short, sweet, lovely story.
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theleakypen · 1 year
WIP Folder Tag Game
Hey it's WIP Wednesday and I got tagged by @alovelyocean a million years ago!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. 
Not including the things that are SEKRIT PROJECTS for exchanges or gifts, or things where there's only, like, vibes and not actual work done on the WIP
This list is LONG so I am putting it under a cut.
Wymack & Abby after Baltimore
Dan/Matt AFTG WWI AU ambulance driver/sergeant
hurt in a clearer way
ChengQing Collab - Exfiltration + On the Run
Leverage OT3 Eliot fluff (untamed crossover verse)
Iuvenes Dum Sumus Viktor/Rind
But After All I Am A Wen
Wen Ning sex pollen
Vander/Benzo post-prologue Arcane scene
Kevin & Jean post-canon grieving fic
T4T MingCheng
ChengNingxian sworn bros cql/mdzs donghua canons
ChengQing golden core sharing
ILU Ladies Squad
NingXian wedding door games ch2
LXC/JYL breath play big sibs OT4
MingChengQing sequel to "Free Hole"
Zhao Zhuliu prequel story WZL
Chengyi soulmark + mingqing
Murderbot Magic AU Queerplatonic
NingCheng clothes shopping & haircare
Make out for speech science big Sibs OT4 linguistics
Chengxian bodysharing possibly wangxianchengyu?
Dan/Matt post-canon PWP
JZX The Old Guard crossover
Impact Winer post-canon
Songxiao Hexworld
Berel & Their Monster
Yumeng in-laws sequel MXY incoming
Sisi/NHS during canon SiSang
Irene Adler & trans Godfrey Norton in Paris
Nhs+LXC reconciliation
vampire!WZC still a theatre nerd chenglu
cql fandom au
Sangli platonic soulmates/Xuanli soulmark AU
JYL tentacle friend
JC gets a pet dog at Qishan Wen camp
I refuse to tag this many people, but uh.... @guqin-and-flute, @iamwestiec, @bladedweaponsandswishycoats, @shadaras, @vyther15, do y'all wanna play?
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j-tomalas-grimoire · 2 years
Currently enjoying: Hexhunter by Jodan L. Hawk. I have to confess that I adore the Hexworld books. I love the whole conspiracy plot as much as I love every single book. Hexhunter is no exception. The mystery is intriguing and the lovestory lovely. This was fun.
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