#honestly if you want I'll 100% spoil my fics
aethersea · 1 year
WIP ask game
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
I was tagged by @smallblueandloud​. unfortunately my wip titles aren’t that exciting, but we all know by now that titles are my achilles’ heel, so hey so it goes!
stranger fics
The Arrangement
kencyr beauty & the beast
romance novel snippets
And We Danced
I’ll tag @executeness​, @tanoraqui​, @thesuninperigee​, @crocwork-clockodile​, @wildfaeworld​, and @minutia-r​, if any of you would like to!
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makeste · 7 months
Just out of pure curiosity, isn't this a horrible way to experience the story lmao?
I'm not saying it's for everyone, but it's worked for me personally so far. more than I would have expected, tbh!
honestly though, this might sound kind of backwards, but a big part of my decision to read these chapters early had more to do with me NOT wanting to be spoiled. let me explain.
I went on hiatus from the BnHA manga beginning in January 2022. I remained completely spoiler-free for almost eight whole months without the slightest issue. then August happened. :')
the thing is, despite my taking a break from the manga, I didn't stop reading fanfiction. in fact I probably read more fic than I usually do, because I missed the series and the characters. it may sound odd that I had the time to read fic but couldn't use that same time to catch up with the manga instead, but they're very different things as far as mental load and time commitment. one is very passive, almost relaxed, while the other requires me to be quick-witted and mentally engaged (at least if I want to do a halfway decent job). something which I wasn't really capable of being at the time. so yeah.
anyway so at the time I generally thought of fanfic as a relatively safe activity, spoiler-wise. and to be fair it was. right up until the single most popular character in the series fucking DIED in the most grisly way possible while fighting the main villain, right in the middle of everyone's fucking summer break. after which pretty much the entirety of fandom erupted into "BAKUGOU DIED??!" and "HE DIED THINKING ABOUT IZUKU??!" and "BABY BOY WANTED ALL MIGHT TO SIGN HIS TRADING CARD?!?!" and "RAIN!?!?" etc. etc. pretty much 24/7 on all social platforms for weeks on end.
so what I learned from that experience is that no matter how good you are at dodging spoilers, it is literally impossible to do so when something THAT momentous and life-altering happens your favorite character who also happens to be fandom's most beloved blorbo. hell, I didn't even get spoiled on AO3 initially; they got me over on YouTube of all places. literally nothing I could do to prevent it. and after that, no matter how meticulously I avoided all of the fics tagged with "362: Light Fades to Rain spoilers", I still kept getting caught off guard because people would casually drop spoilers into untagged fics as well. so I had a bunch of additional little details spoiled for me unexpectedly and I was pretty much defenseless against it. pretty much the only way I could have avoided it all would have been to stop reading Kacchan whump entirely. which, idk about you, but to me that would have been a far more horrible fate. :p
anyway so fast forward to last month, and Kacchan finally came back, and you bet your ass I spoiled myself for it immediately. because I knew it would still take me forever to get caught up The Right Way, and in the meantime I would once again be leaving myself at the mercy of the internet. at least this way I have control over where and when and how I find out. and I got to experience the moment via the manga itself, rather than a third party. and I have to say, this way was vastly preferable to the alternative.
and at the end of the day that's pretty much the same rationale I had for giving in and reading 404 - 406 as well. I knew that once Kacchan was back, the pace of the Final Battle was going to start picking up, and things were going to start happening, and I'd rather read all of those things for myself! like just for example, there's close to a 100% chance the "Kacchan" line from this week would have been spoiled for me in someone's fic if I hadn't read 406 beforehand. just little things like that. anyway so this way, no matter what happens to Kacchan and Deku from this point forward, I'll get to read it fresh and experience it in a way that I unfortunately never got to with the chapter 362 moment. and so to me, that's more than worth the trade-off.
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amethystina · 5 months
I was casually rereading whtd, as one does, and reading the comments (because i love the extra insight you give about the information that we're limited to in Ga On's pov) when i stumbled upon this comment: "… sort everything out? (and no one dies along the way, hopefully) He'll be very happy for them." about lawyer Ko and that in combination with the "minor character death tag" has made me Extremele worried about him. (plus you have also said that the kidnapping tag is not the one we should be worried about!!) I know you probably can't say anything about this because of spoilers, but know that it has been noted!!
Also kind of want a scene wherein lawyer Ko, Yo Han and Ga On are all together. Their dynamic would be so exquisite!! (obviously no pressure to actually write this, just a thought)
Anyway, whtd remains so good even after already having read and reread it in its entirety at least 5 times (and some scenes/chapters much more than that) (my ao3 history says i've visited whtd 200 times… so uh. yeah. i'm normal). I love slow burn so much (to the point where most romance book leave me disappointed bc they MCs get together like 100 pages in), i just love reading/watching the build up of a relationship and you write it so well!
I guess i just wanted to thank you for writing! I hope you're doing well <3
I'm usually very careful not to spoil what's going to happen in future chapters but I'll make an exception this time and flat-out say that you don't have to worry — Lawyer Ko is not going to die. I would literally never forgive myself if I killed him xD Not to mention that you all would probably come for my head if I did. He's just too amazing to be killed off!
So, rest assured, he's not going to die :)
And there will be at least one scene with Ga On, Yo Han, and Lawyer Ko in the same room unless my plans change dramatically. Which they rarely do, but "rarely" isn't the same as "never" so we'll see. Truth be told, though, I'll probably try really hard to keep it because I totally agree — the dynamic would be SPECTACULAR. So yeah. Stay tuned for that, I guess? ;)
You've definitely read Who Holds the Devil more times than I have x'D At least in its entirety. I mean, I reread the chapters at least twice (often three or four times) but I rarely start from the beginning and read it all the way through. I did at the end of my long break last year to get back into the swing of it, but it's difficult to find the time for that since I always have to focus on the next chapter. Which is a bit stressful at times, I will admit, since it puts more pressure on me to remember things at the top of my head (or at least know where to look if I want to check any details) but I'm lucky enough to be blessed with a really good memory, so that helps.
Anyway, I'm so glad you're enjoying it 💜 I honestly didn't plan for the slow burn to be quite this slow when I started the fic, but I can't say I have any regrets. Much like you, I just enjoy it too much ;) There's something so incredibly satisfying about delving this deep into Ga On and Yo Han's feelings and slowly developing relationship. And I guess that's also why I can't help throwing out tidbits of information in the comments, since there's usually so, so much happening within this story that you readers don't see (especially within Yo Han's head).
And I'm still not sure how to handle the knowledge that some people read the comments specifically to find those tidbits. Like, I don't mind you doing so! Go right ahead! They're public and all that. But it kind of blows my mind that some of you are so interested in what I'm writing that you'll do that. It feels a bit surreal to me, but in a good way? Like I'm an ACTUAL writer or something xD
Anyway, thank you so much for this kind and supportive message 💜 I definitely needed it right now because things honestly aren't all that great. Partly because of overall exhaustion and restlessness — mostly due to work — but even more so since it's now been a month since I posted a chapter and the requests for me to please update soon are starting to come in. I swear, it happens like clockwork every time I don't post within a month. And, what makes it worse, is that it's often from people I don't see comments from when I actually DO upload more frequently. As in, they don't comment on the fic itself, only when they think I don't update fast enough. Which is pretty disheartening, not going to lie.
Tragically enough, once the month mark passes, I have to start bracing myself whenever I get a comment or ask because there's now a 50/50 chance that it'll be someone asking me to update soon. They usually try to be nice about it, but it kind of always fails.
So, again, thank you for this. Because while I know that I should take my time and update on my own schedule, it's not always easy to remember that when people start asking me why it's taking so long. This was a nice change of pace and I'm very grateful for your kindness. Thank you 💜
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seaweedbraens · 5 months
Yo it’s your local late night 6.5/10 PJOTV reviewer here to offer yet another perspective, especially after the new episode.
I think the core of the issue is that this show has two major MAJOR differences from the book, those being tone and pacing. The latter has been discussed a lot, and all i really have to add to that cesspool is that it is in fact very different and faster, leading to tighter story beats and less character development, which is the only thing i truly hate.
The tone thing hasn’t been talked about nearly as much as it should be, but i think it IS affected a ton of people’s perception of the show. The witty, dry humor of the first book that defined Percy and Annabeth as kids is kind of lacking a little? This is probably the fault of Rick attempting to write for TV and kinda struggling with humor. This makes the TV characters slightly different from the books, with Annabeth being more serious and less sarcastic, while Percy is just snarky sometimes instead of being an absolute little bitch. (This is also a lot because of the lack of narration BY Percy, where he can be a lot more humorous)
Without spoiling much, the newest episode fixes some of the issues with story and pacing elements, but still lacks in some development in terms of the subtext of the story, if that makes sense. The best part is that it reworks and redoes certain parts of the story in a way that just WORKS for TV and this specific cast.
Honestly, the only character that has 100% benefited from the change in focus with character development is Grover. The fact that the show just generally cares less about these characters somehow makes grover less of an anxious, shy companion and more of a fun, wholesome dude which i love SO MUCH!
About LMM as Hermes, i’m totally for it. LMM has pretty decent acting jobs, and the tired look he always has totally works with Hermes being canonically overworked as hell.
Another thing i do love that some people don’t is the Gabe changes. IDK how much you know, but the changing of Gabe is an unforeseen and interesting change. However, i like it because it makes Gabe a more dynamic character, and makes it possible to change who is in a negative light, rather than making him go from “abusive bitch” to “physically abusive bitch”. This all comes from someone intimately family with parental abuse and someone who loves reading fics that discuss Gabe AS a horrible abuser. Like, one of my fav PJO fics (that i did suggest to you) is an entire therapy fic about Percy dealing with that abuse and the scars of trauma. I know what i want from Gabe’s character is all i’m saying.
Finally, one last topic i wanna rant about on the internet is fucking LA Luke. They had absolutely no right to make this dude the most lovable bitch at camp. Hell, even the most anti-live action ppl out there can admit Luke got a lot more sympathetic in the show. Anyone can see they really cared about that aspect of the character. (not the weak-ass attempt at a scar tho lmao)
This entire rant and all of my (and everyone’s really) feelings can change drastically as soon as the next episode drops though, so take everything ANYONE says with a tablespoon of salt and a pile of blue food.
duly noted, and thank you for the update on your thoughts with the new episode, anon - it's so interesting to see thoughts change with every new one! i'll probably binge it all in one go at the end.
from what you've said, i think the gabe changes still bother me, but i'm all for a more likeable luke. that'll make the betrayal that much more painful. honestly, i've been toying lately with the idea of a later betrayal on luke's end, rather than at the end of book 1. i feel like we don't fully get to see how much percy trusts him and likes him in the limited time we get with them in the lightning thief. one day, maybe, i'll write a fic that really gives luke and percy the Bonding Time i think they deserve before the rug's pulled out from underneath percy's feet.
i wonder how your 6.5/10 rating will change by the end of the final ep!
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Crazy but I saw you said Henry used to be your favorite so do you have some headcanons to share with us?
i'm glad you asked, actually! i've been writing a fic about him for 2 months (someday i'll finish it) so i have some thoughts on his character. but i haven't shared them because well, let's just say that mafia 2 is super valuable to me for honestly revealing not the best human traits (and i'm trying to make these mf even worse) and henry is like. fandom's fav boy so i just didn't really want to get burned at the stake like some kind of a witch
anyway  1) about henry’s family i've seen a lot of hc about him being the youngest + spoiled child. but for some reason it seemed to me from the beginning that he was the middle child and clearly not spoiled. and it's not about an abusive childhood full of deprivation, no. i think inside his family was quite cold (maybe not from the beginning, but if you take henry as the middle child - it had time to become so by the time he was raised). i think henry's mom wasn’t exactly tough, but strict (have you ever talked to mothers who raised multiple sons practically alone? i have and they’re some of the strongest and toughest women i know). and I think she took on the main responsibilities of parenting because her husband just didn't have time for it.
and then there's the whole Sicilian conformity thing (this reminds me of a story of an acquaintance of mine whose mother wouldn’t let him go to the store to buy bread as a child until he put on a suit and tie. he was seven or so btw)
especially since henry's mother had to organize the emigration of the family and the Empire Bay settlement all by herself (i.e. i'm sure there was help from clemente, but the point here is to create a home(!) in a new place in a new country. emigration is often a heartbreaking situation in general, and when you flee to another country to survive, it's hard. you also have to stay strong because you’re responsible for an entire family). i based this whole story of coldness within the family on one (1) documentary about mafia families (it’s called mafia women i think??women of mafia??? i dont remember) and my hair just stood on end at how far from normal relations within the families are. i.e. if his family found out he was a rat, they wouldn't come to his funeral, and if he survived, they would consider him dead. it's wild, but interesting. the fact that even in the families slides mafia traditions  back to henry and how his upbringing affected him.
arrogance - memories of how his family was treated in sicily.
coldness - his parents' prohibition of weakness/emotionality. this is where his outbursts of aggression come from - repressed emotions always lead to a breakdown.
critical of others - rare praise from his parents.
wounded pride - he lives in the shadow of his father and perhaps more successful brothers. a sense of competition, to which he reacts not by wanting to grab his rival by the throat, but by trying to hide and run away from it, just so that these feelings don't torment him. an attempt to change his mind and pretend that he is really cool and successful (instead of actually doing something. fake it till u make it only without making it). he's trying to be lana del rey but really he's just an aggressive wounded dog. maybe a flea-bitten one
mistrust of people is probably a consequence of the fact that mafia families are closed and live in a very detached space (?)
 anyway. it's absolutely 100% henry to me:
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+ henry in relation to vito and joe (at least at first? can't say i thought much about their relationship to each other)
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+ closure because of the trauma of death. because of the deep understanding that in this business it’s useless to have close ties, friends, love, anything. in the end you will lose everything. and for what?
2) henry and religion i've been wanting to write about this for so long, but i thought (still think) i'd get kicked to death for it
anyway, i'm sure henry's religiosity is totally hypocritical and selfish
hypocrisy - "if they wanna kill themselves so badly i'll gladly help them out. especially for twenty grand". excuse me. suicide is considered one of the worst sins in christianity (at least in orthodox christianity). that phrase couldn’t be uttered by a man who truly believes in god. not to mention what he does for a living.
religiosity is his way of asserting himself, his way of standing above others. the way he (not directly?) chides vito and joe for not going to church. it's actually an attempt to humiliate the other person and show that "i'm better than you".
and!!!! it's funny!!!! he believes in superstition!!!!! as far as i remember it's against christianity. booo poser 🙄
it's funny that he tries to appear to be a religious man and yet he's in the most abusive family in the city
nevertheless i think he donates money to the church but it's all some kind of payoff attempt too! not sincere!!!
3) random analysis - to me he is a fatalist! hence the lack of ambition. fate is inexorable and cannot be changed. maybe it's the trauma of emigration and upbringing, reinforced by the fact that he never succeeded. the idea of henry being a fatalist is based on his "it's the 13th contract, it’s a jinx" etc. lack of ambition due to fatalism - you blame external circumstances/fate for your own failure. maybe he broke his bones a lot as a kid and stuff, maybe he's got a reputation for failure? i don't know. not because he's bad, but because all sorts of bad things keep happening to him for some inexplicable reason (maybe if he prays especially hard it will go away?)
- the further he goes, the more he moves towards a crisis and a fractured personality. frustration, big losses that he couldn't deal with and that just weren't worth it (betty's death probably had something to do with criminality; i think almost all of his brothers were criminals and some died). and i have a hc about clemente who was going to make henry a capo after luca died. but then chapter 10 happened and everything was ruined. such a crisis could be a reason to work for the feds, or it could be an attempt to make a big score with objectively very little chance of success (............. or to become a don, which is the plot of my fic). either way, all of these actions to me lie in deep despair and entrapment
 - hypocrite hypocrite hypocrite hypocrite 
 - funny how he positions himself as a professional even though in the game he fails every time (character = actions, not words). i don't know, maybe he was once good, maybe it's wounded pride and he never admits to himself that he's not good at "the one thing he's good at" and considering this dialogue:
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the situation is again quite tragic. it's like "im no artist i've wasted my life". i can totally understand that feeling and it's very hard. to me he's a man trapped in a world he can't get out of. he's trapped in a cage of a life he didn't choose (i think that may be one of the reasons he started working for the feds).
4) henry and betty i think they had a lot of genuine love for each other (..... unlike falcone and lauretta who are much more complicated) and for some reason i like to think that he and betty met because they lived next door to each other in neighboring apartments (the first scene with them in my head was betty looking out of the window and seeing henry in the next window taking dried clothes off the ropes that run between the houses. idk i like to think that he was helping with the household). and it does somehow seem very natural and right that betty was more proactive and that their relationship started because of her (he probably pushed her away at first btw?)
 if betty was killed by one of the families, henry never had a vendetta (probably clemente didn't allow it? one of the first reasons henry has a growing disgust for alberto)
5) random hcs - he knows francesca. very fucked up story because to francesca, henry is just a low-key polite christian (which evokes simple human sympathy), but he is actually the person who put her brother in jail. a person who commits the most heinous sins on an almost daily basis. henry doesn't know francesca is vito's sister either - if henry had spent more time with vito and joe: henry projects his traumas onto joe and vito: "you're so fucking naive." but then at some point he gets a brotherly instinct toward them - when eddie came to collect some of the profits from the drug deal he greeted henry with a punch in the face 🙂 personal grudge among other things (and since henry has many addresses, eddie went to each one and only the last one was correct. man was on the verge of a mental breakdown) - vinci and henry really are distant relatives - in the short time that henry and eddie have been working together (i want to believe that they’ve been working together), they have grown attached to each other. they’re opposite personalities, but they share a deep sense of loss and loneliness (in that don henry fic, there's a gunfight scene where henry and eddie are on opposite sides of the conflict and neither of them dares to shoot the other. eddie resigns and bows his head first. in this version, he also realized that he secretly wanted carlo to fail (still canon thing to me), he was incredibly tired of him and carlo's potential death seemed like a release) - one of henry's brothers took up boxing upon arriving in empire bay and was very successful at it. i have a random hc about this random brother having a fight with eddie. one of the reasons henry vaguely remembers eddie - i haven't written about luca and clemente here but my main point is that over time he developed an aversion and the family as a whole. this is the reason henry says he doesn't care about clemente family's destruction
6) vibesssss (there was supposed to be more here, but i forgot what i wanted to add while i was writing the main text) - about emigration. very painful and realistic topic for me. these screenshots aren't mine anyway it makes me think about henry and his attitude to emigration (which in my understanding is most often a tragedy for a person, because it is the destruction of the old familiar world and loss of emotional ties):
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henry after betty's death. to me (esp the last one):
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sorry henry it's you:
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- it's also him. to be completely honest:
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7) track list"Sinnerman" by Nina Simone: makes me thing about his death & character as a whole. his main song to me "Oh, sinnerman, where you gonna run to? Sinnerman where you gonna run to? Where you gonna run to? *** So I run to the Lord Please hide me, Lord Don't you see me prayin'? Don't you see me down here prayin'? But the Lord said Go to the Devil, the Lord said Go to the Devil He said go to the Devil All on that day So I ran to the Devil He was waitin', I ran to the Devil He was waitin', all on that day *** So I ran to the Lord I said Lord, hide me Please hide me Please help me, all on that day He said, hide? Where were you? When you oughta have been prayin' I said Lord, Lord Hear me prayin', Lord, Lord Hear me prayin', all on that day Sinnerman, you oughta be prayin' Oughta be prayin', sinnerman"
"Cold Cold Cold" by Cage The Elephant "I've been breathing air, but there's no sign of life Doctor, the problem's in my chest My heart feels cold as ice, but it's anybody's guess *** Well, it's cold, cold, cold, cold inside Darker in the day than the dead of night Cold, cold, cold, cold inside Doctor, can you help me 'cause something don't feel right? *** Counselor, give me some advice Tell me how hard will I fall if I live a double life *** And as the darkness falls, it fills up both my eyes My life before me like a flash in the night With my arms open wide"
"Snakes" by Pixies about the disaster he caused "Snakes Are coming to your town In tunnels underground Some travelling overground A plague for our mistakes They'll be right next to you Snakes up against me too There'll be nothing to do When the rattle shakes"
"Christmas Kids" by Roar about him trapped in a cage of a life he didn't choose "The Christmas kids were nothing but a gift And love is a tower where all of us can live *** I'm going to escape, but you won't know how Or where to find me when I'm gone I'll drink myself to death inside this prison cell This prison cell So get me out of here Get me out of here *** You'll change your name or change your mind And leave this fucked up place behind But I'll know, I'll know"
"Little Green Bag" by George Baker Selection (not really about his character. it's about a drug deal)
i apologize for a lot of text (i could write more tbg but a) i'm too lazy for it b) i need more time for this (which i just don't have) ) all this is probably ooc but idk idk. this is the version of his character that has settled in my head (and i honestly!!!!! rewrote him a lot in october-november because at some point i realized that i was actually giving him falcone's traits. just because falcone is 100% my type of character) anyway i hope you'll have a nice day/night/etc and all this mess will be interesting to read💓
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enam3l · 2 years
in rockstar!eddie-verse I know the CIA & shit was heavily involved in the coverup of hawkins & eddie’s past there but do you think eddie would ever open up to reader about everything that went down later in their relationship 👀
maybe it’s always been this guessing game between them about the scars on eddie’s torso where he always teasingly replies with an off the wall answer in which she always rolls her eyes in response to while waving him off
good question! i think i've maybe mentioned it and hinted at it throughout the fics but yes reader 100% knows!
**an added note: honestly i hope this doesn't spoil it but probably more than anything i'll ever write, reader's personality is v much shamelessly based on me so more or less her approach is my approach sorry
Y/N never asks about Eddie's scars because just looking at them she instinctively knows this isn't from a standard accident. As she gets to know the gang more and more, it's undeniable there is something huge that bonds them beyond friendship and she recognises not too dissimilar scars on Steve. By the time they move in together November 89, they've been together ten months and without having to discuss it particularly, they know they're going to spend the rest of their lives together. Eddie explains it all to her by December with the gangs permission.
Eddie can live with the scars since meeting y/n before she even knew their meaning she would delicately kiss them every night. Nowadays they've faded well and are mostly covered by tattoos. The biggest across his chest has yours and your daughters names covering it.
Their kids don't know and unless something happens again with the Upside Down, they'll never know. The gang want the traumas of that world to die with them. Never wanting anyone to continue to be haunted by what they know.
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seijorhi · 1 year
dear rhi,
i am so incredibly awed by shelter from the storm. you are an incredible writer, especially for oikawa, and i think this fic in particular demonstrated that so beautifully. without trying to spoil anything for people who haven’t read it yet, oikawa was such a perfect balance of calming and protective yet brutally, genuinely horrific.
i will always and forever be shocked and in love with your stories, but i honestly believe that anything to do with this theme and oikawa is such a perfect combination that i love to read from you. your writing is worth a love letter, and that’s 100% what i’m writing to you right now. 🫶
over time, i think you’ve become, by far, one of my favorite writers on tumblr. i love looking to see if you’ve posted another fic, and i love the feeling of excitement every time i see you have. scion, inexorable, undertow, and the lion’s den have changed the chemicals in my brain, and i love it. glitter and rot is also an honorable mention! <3
all in all, thank you so much for doing what you do, i hope you know how amazing you are!
with love,
🦢 anon <3
ahh nonnie, thank you!!!!
while all of my fics play into the concept of 'i love you and i'll do monstrous, awful things to keep you' i really wanted shelter from the storm to take that to the extreme. the softest oikawa, sweet little neck kisses, bonding with your brother, quite literally acting as your protector – and then have him commit arguably the worst act of any yandere i think i've written, purely out of selfishness. i'm glad you liked it <33
and you're so sweet!! cvghdjsklkvgfdhsjk gonna have me blushing and melting and twirling my hair around my finger like??? nonnie pls i love you!
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wooahaes · 11 months
hiiii!! im so excited about the cheol part for UTS!! i have been reading fanfic since like 2011 and i am being so fucking serious when i say uts is one of my favorite things i have read. i am seriously considering getting a darl+ing inspired tattoo with like hints of under the sun themed art work tied into it because the little world that you built means so much to me!! i saw that you said you were planning on writing a poly fic and is that gonna be a continuation of under the sun? like idk if you are planning to and i hope im not overstepping but i feel like it would be so cool if you went deep into explaining the lore and reasons why they were there, why they remember certain things about their past when they are with the reader etc. i would love to hear your plans if you’re willing to share without spoiling it too much lol. i hope you are doing okay and life treats you well!! p.s. if you have any suggestions or anyone has any artistic ability to give inspiration ideas for an UTS tattoo or uts artwork in general that would be so helpful!! would it be okay with you if i got an UTS inspired tat? idk if thats weird to get a fanfic themed tattoo i feel like i should ask permission LOL just to make sure ur comfortable with that. have a great day!!
anon i dont know how to tell u that i all but Literally screamed when i saw this like i have several friends who can attest to the fact i sent them a screenshot going "WHAT THE FUCK /POS" bc of how floored i was to see this ??? like i dont know if u know how like... genuinely thrilling it is to read something like this as a writer but its the kind of thing that keeps me writing
anyway!! yes 100% feel free to incorporate UtS into ur tattoo if u want!! its ur body so its fully up to you, but you absolutely have my blessing to do so if you decide on it! i literally played around with the idea of like. maybe making some sort of subtle stickers to sell on redbubble or something if anyone would be interested in those? i do love the idea of a darl+ing inspired tattoo in general like its not my fave song at all but the vibes are still so comfy <33 my go-to thoughts would either be literal sun-inspired stuff or flowers since both are mentioned within UtS, but anyone more artistic than i am (which is probably most ppl haha) is 100% welcome to weigh in <3
i dont really know what all i can share from my current poly fic plans other than the fact that i think i'm going with a genuinely bittersweet ending? plus the fact that some of the scenes i already have envisioned for poly fic involves alternate perspectives on various scenes seen throughout the different parts of UtS if tht makes sense. i kinda called it pulling back the camera mentally while i was planning it the first time around (my example is... literally a scene i cant talk about bc it happens early in cheol UtS haha its not a major spoiler but i'll leave it obscure for now). theres some angst from tension planned tho that im rly looking forward to writing <3 but i think like... idk if its a major spoiler, but i feel like a huge part of UtS is acceptance? and i think that really comes through in poly fic <3
anyway!!! im literally gonna save a screenshot of this ask to like. remember forever. literally im still not over the fact ur asking to get a tattoo that incorporates my silly fic into it like thats literally the sweetest thing and honestly the kind of sentiment that most writers dream about!!! i hope u have a lovely day anon ty for making mine <3
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wordsbymae · 2 years
I really don't know how to finish Alwyn's Au after resurrection 🧍🏽‍♀️
Like I'd be so mad at him that I'd forget about the sadness and from there the transition from bitter reader to spoiled reader begins.
Like "do you want me to love you? Okay but you'll suffer first"
Then the absurd demands begin, remember that he always took expensive and better quality things? Reader would demand 100 times better but would never be grateful because it's not good enough
Don't let him touch you without him having something to offer always frowning and irritated just hearing Alwyn's voice
While I think this would be a good idea I also think it would make Alwyn more and more aggressive or desperate to please to be good enough I'll leave his reaction to your discretion (because the character is yours 🤠)
Sorry for the delay in responding I'm nervous to reveal myself 🧍🏽‍♀️
Honestly me neither, I kinda backed myself into a corner with that one, I did really like the prompt and the storyline as well but I do see it kinda as an endpoint for that particular AU. In my mind, the resurrection fic was more of a spooky tale for the celebration of Halloween and the best thing about AUs is you can go crazy with the timeline and plot points because you can just say it's a slightly different AU. I also really don't mind adding or taking things away from my AU's, I have plans for my main fics, but I'm happy to add on AU's, headcanons, and prompts onto the sides of any of my OC's storylines. So feel free to send me any prompt or thought you have! I don't want you guys to feel restricted when it comes to AUs.
Back to the resurrection au, it would be devastating for the reader, not only was she ripped from her family alive, she was stolen from them in death. She really is just the embodiment of being completely trapped both emotionally and physically. So you are completely right, she turns from this internally bitter person to showcasing it in the form of demands. If she can't have her freedom at least her cage can be gold. So she's manipulating him at the same time, promising affection if he gives her jewels and silks, and YES! It's never enough, no matter what he does it disappoints her. And she can't stand talking to him and she hates being around him, except when he comes back with pearls and opals, but even then she doesn't like red opals, and no she doesn't care they are the rarest, she only likes the blue ones.
Oh boy! you are right he would be getting aggressive with everyone and so desperate for her love. Maybe he turns one day when she throws a gold-plated music box on the ground, destroying the mirror inside, he just snaps and thinks to himself if she wants to act like a spoilt brat he'll treat her as such, then comes in the punishments and almost a lack of care for her. He gave her plenty of time to fall in love with him, so clearly it isn't his fault it's hers.
That's ok! Everyone has a life and it can get a bit busy. I love talking to you! That's ok! If you ever want me to post privately or just have us chat privately you tell me! Love talking with you :) <3
Sorry, it's a bit short! I'm off to the gym :)
Lots of love mae xx
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paimonial-rage · 1 year
i think the establishment of a relationship is super important! it basically defines the way the couple acts in a relationship, so i understand the want to establish the pre-relationship before talking about the relationship. that's one reason why i like plot and longfics as there is space for such growth. i face a similar situation where i find it hard to categorize my fics as fluff or angst, so i've just adopted this belief that if it ends well it's fluff. if it ends badly, it's angst. whatever happens along the way will all lead to the ending so it doesn't matter fluff/angst whatever. i hope in 2023 you will find peace in your writing! may there be progress in the romance and fluff department if that is your goal :)
i'm glad that my encouragement helps, but really, your existence helps me because it's good to know i'm not alone in the x reader community XD (i have so much to say about Writings and how x readers can be more than wish-fulfillment but anyways--another day.)
!!! I WOULD love to read said isekai. i will be patient though because i'm also drafting a rather large project and it has been Months but I have gotten 0 words out. good luck to both of us :) may they be the wips we complete in 2023 HAHA.
lastly, about harem isekai, i 100% agree with your sentiment about it. i personally only read harem isekai after knowing who the main love interest is (novel updates is my go-to for spoilers, fr) and there is an overarching plot that supersedes the romance, so the harem isn't actually the main driver of the plot but just a fun, whimsical arc where the love interests all fight for the protag's attention while everyone is trying to solve the main Plot. (i can't rec anything rn. it has been ages since i last touched isekai, but the genre is dear to my heart </3) -- @milkstore
Okay so first off, thank you for the wonderful anon analysis request thing you sent in. I already decided who to pair with you. LOL I'm almost done!
But yeah you totally get me when it comes to fics. At one point, when I read fanfiction, I preferred more oneshots. But the older I get, the more I prefer longfics. But that's the thing like??? With typical fanfiction, it's okay to do oneshots because the relationship between two characters is already established. When you're writing original fiction or character x reader stuff, nothing is established! That's why I really envy those that can write amazing character x reader fics in a limited amount of words!
The fluff vs angst thing made me laugh. I'm p much the same way. The ending dictates the genre of the story! And yes, I will do my best with honing the skill of romance and fluff. I dislike labels, but if I had to categorize myself, I'd fall more close to being aromantic. I love reading romance, but I don't understand romance and the desire for it on a base level. I understand devotion, loyalty, and a desire for exclusivity, but romance is???? In my mind, relationships go from acquaintance --> friendship --> deep friendship --> deep exclusive bond reminiscent of a couple 5-10 years to their relationship. My brain skips the romance phase. LOL Honestly I just need to do more research.
I'll try to get started on that isekai soon though! It's going to be one of those ones where each character gets a paragraph. Each will get a completely unique isekai plot (they won't be interconnected). But unforitmately…. Like you, I haven't even gotten started yet HAHA. And that's on top of so many other WIPS I have, some technically done. May 2023 give us the strength to complete things :')
As for harem isekai, honestly I'm just laughing at what you wrote bc like?? Only choosing to read a story when you know the end game pair? Spoiling everything with Novel Updates????? THAT'S ME LOOOOL I love things with an overarching story, but seeing everyone fall for the main character always gets me so mad. The other characters just look SO PATHETIC. LIKE THEY'RE USUALLY COOL CHARACTERS TOO. THEY DESERVE MORE. But then again, I'm a loser that hates bad endings. I just want everyone to be happy, so everyone gets a love or nobody does. LOL
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princepipper · 3 months
Is Gabe a good dad? The story you posted ends when Abby is still just a baby so I wanted to ask if she and Gabe are close when she gets older.
Heh. Well, not to spoil too much since I want to write some fics set in the future, but overall I would answer that yes, he and Abby have a good relationship and he's a pretty good dad!!
I posted some headcanons on my personal Twitter with thoughts about how Abby is literally a perfect mix of her parents when it comes to looks and personality. Like Gabe, Abby has a very wide and toothy grin, and she can be a little bit insensitive to other people, even enjoying the act of provoking her peers (she seems to be entertained by arguments and drama)... She also isn't very bothered by things like scary movies or graphic/gory content. Mind you, Pip isn't either, the entire household rather enjoys the horror genre and Abby will likely grow up to analyze and laugh at such films instead of being nervous or disturbed.
Abby is a troublemaker. Gabe had a streak of rebellion when he was young, somewhat due to his strict upbringing- Pip and Gabe aren't very strict parents but they DO try to raise Abby to be polite. Unfortunately she is very hyperactive and even more curious, so she tends to wind up in situations where she needs scolding... I have a collection of drabbles in the works that contain her asking random questions during her childhood, some of which give her parents quite a headache.
The last things I'll mention is the subject of Gabe's mental illness, and whether or not anything like that passed onto Abby genetically. To be honest I have not 100% decided if I want to play with that idea, because as interesting as it could be to have something like that as a conflict or plot device, I really hate to think of Abby in such a rough situation!
So, for the sake of ambiguity, I will say that if she ever did show troubling symptoms, Gabriel would be the first one to not only notice, but do what his parents failed to, and help her right away. There's a line in my posted fic, The Wheel Of Life, from Gabe's dad- when Gabe is talking to him on the phone and saying he's scared that Abby will end up like him, and his dad says, "Who better than you to help her find her way?"
I know it's funny to quote my own writing but like, honestly, after everything Gabe went through and how much he changed and bettered himself, he's the best person to help guide his kid through that kind of thing. It really speaks to how important he is to Abby, and how crucial it is that he be present as a father. She needs him, and truly, he needs her (and Pip) too.
I joked once that if Abigail DID show any weird signs, he'd probably have a heart attack and be packing her in the car to go to the hospital at 11pm on a Sunday because "We are NOT taking chances on this," and Pip would have to settle him down, convince him that their daughter would not self-destruct in the span of one night, haha.
So! Gabe might have had a bit of a hard time adjusting to fatherhood, but he does his best and there's no strain in his and Abby's relationship, nothing like the way he was with his parents. He actually rather likes the experience of watching Abigail grow, always interested to see just how similar she is to both him and Pip, and also often amused by her mischievous side.
Abby's first word is literally 'Dad', so even from that long ago, the two of them were more or less two peas in a pod.
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succubusphan · 3 years
Only Phans
Summary: Dan was enjoying his new sex toy as he watches Phil's new PPV video when he got an intriguing DM.
Rating: E
Tags: Thirst trapping, Phil is a YouTuber with an OnlyFans, Dan is one of his best clients. There is smut but it's brief since it's not the point of the fic.
Word Count: 1k
A/n: This is part of my project 100 fics: I'm posting 7 fics before April 22nd so that my OSPBB fic can be my 100th story posted. I don't have them written so this could fail but I'm pretty set on it, so I hope to do it. PS: I wrote pretty late so I'm sure there are mistakes but I'll catch them in the morning.
Read on ao3
Dan set a few pillows against his bed frame and settle down on them, excitement running through his naked body. His new sex toy had arrived the day before, it was a bulky contraption consisting of a plastic base with handles at its side and a space to place a fleshlight in and get a nice automated wank. His skin had been itching to try it out but he had saved his first ride for Phil’s weekly pay per view DM. Dan was one of his top fans so he was on a special list, or so had Phil said. As soon as he got the OnlyFans notification, he lubed his cock and his favourite fleshjack before attaching it to the device. The idea of a machine that could move your fleshjack on your cock was both weird and amazing, so before letting it anywhere near his junk, he flipped the switch and watched it move up and down, playing around with the speed and the depth of the stroke. He was going to enjoy this.
With a huge smile on his face, Dan lowered the toy onto his cock, grabbed his Vr headset and pressed play on the video as he turned the 'Universal Launch' on. His brain couldn’t choose what to focus on, his cock was being stroked in a way that was making him drool he was watching Phil’s new video which was a fucking treat. It was honestly the best 150 pounds he had ever invested, the video was a pov of Phil sucking cock and looking straight into his eyes. Dan could only dream of that ever happening to him, having those gorgeous pink lips wrapped around his cock and sucking him dry, he moaned, he would die a happy man.
Dan’s legs shook as he came way too fast, but it didn’t bother him since he had nobody to impress but himself.
He turned off the toy and slowly pulled it off his cock, his come dripping all over his chest in the process. He set it aside along with the Vr headset and didn’t bother moving to clean anything up just yet. A long and happy sigh escaped his lips as he thought back to the ongoing conversation he had with Phil, he wouldn’t dare say he and Phil had a thing; that would be silly. Phil just enjoyed the attention and money that came from his sex work. To him, this was a very lucrative hobby, not a relationship. God, Dan would love to pretend it was, but he knew it wasn’t. It wasn’t even Phil’s main job; he was quite a popular Youtuber.
Sometimes Dan wished he was rich. Then, he would feel more confident to pursue Phil outside of their little chats. If he had the money to spoil Phil rotten he would. He would give it all away for him. Was it possible to fall in love with someone you’ve never met? Probably not. That’s why he never mentioned Phil to his therapist. He didn’t want her to get the wrong impression of the situation. It’s not like he was some sort of pervert chasing after his favourite star…
He scrambled to remove the headset when he heard the OnlyFans notification. It was a DM from Phil.
Only Phans:
How did you like my video?
I loved it. You looked so beautiful in it.
Only Phans:
Just beautiful?
Fine, it was hot. I came in like two minutes like a freaking teenager.
Only Phans:
Show me.
I don’t think I can send you pictures here.
Only Phans:
I know you follow me on Twitter. I’ll follow you back so you can DM me.
Dan looked around himself, his bed was a mess, he was a mess. Did he really want to show Phil how nasty he looks?
His phone dinged, letting him know that Phil had followed him.
“Fuck, fuck fuck fuckity fuck. Uuuuummm.” Dan cursed as he opened his front camera and tried to arrange his curls into somewhat of a more decent style, but his state was unsalvagable. He wasn’t sure he wanted to do this, not because he didn’t want to DM Phil a nude but because his self-esteem was not doing great. Phil was an absolute God with everything in its right place and a massive cock. What did he have to offer?
Phil Lester
Hey Dan. Do you have some juicy pictures for me?
Daniel Howell:
I look… not great right now.
Phil Lester:
Great. Show me the mess you made because of the video I sent you. If you want, that is.
Daniel Howell:
Ok, give me a sec.
He laid back against the mountain of pillows he’d been resting on and angled his phone so his flushed face, sweaty and come covered chest and his soft cock were in the frame before taking a few pictures. He briefly wondered if he should attempt to add a dirty message but he felt stupid even thinking about what to say.
Daniel Howell:
Phil Lester:
Fuck! Do you wanna meet up?
Dan dropped his phone and cursed as it landed right on his nose.
Daniel Howell:
What? Really?
Phil Lester:
Yeah. I mean, would you be interested in shooting something with me for my account?
Daniel Howell:
Hmm. I don’t know. I’m not sure I would like everyone to see me naked.
Phil Lester:
What if it was just me?
Daniel Howell:
Is this really happening?
Phil Lester:
Yes, unless I read this all wrong and you don’t want to.
Daniel Howell:
No! No! I would love to meet you. What would I need to do for that?
I’m not rich.
Phil Lester:
I’m not charging you…
Daniel Howell:
Then, would you like to go out for a coffee before that? I would like to get to know you a bit. If that’s ok.
Phil Lester:
Actually, that sounds perfect. Are you free now?
Daniel Howell:
Let me have a shower and I’ll meet you at Trafalgar square, by the fountain.
Phil Lester:
Ok, see you there in one hour.
Dan smiled. This was going to be an amazing day.
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alo-piss-trancy · 4 years
Ok hi, I didn't wanna say anything, but please don't write knifeplay/bloodplay for Yuri. I def don't wanna spoil anything, but it's learned on a certain route that Yuri has a s*lf h*rm problem (I'll leave it at that).
You honestly seem like you're not trying to be a jerk with this ask, so I'm going to do my best to answer this as politely as possible without compromising my personal beliefs on the matter. This is going to be long and a little serious, but please note I'm not attacking you or trying to start a debate. I'm just laying all my thoughts on this down at once so I make myself clear, because a short answer would leave a lot of nuance out.
I understand what you're trying to do here. For the record though, I also considered that a pretty massive spoiler and I did not appreciate that at all. Even if you all think you're 'helping', don't do that again. Y/uri was pretty much the only character I'd managed to avoid most spoilers on and you killed the surprise for me. This game is already so full of fluffy 'filler' in the beginning that I don't have a ton of big plot points to look forward to in each route.
Now, I realise this is a very delicate topic and incredibly triggering to some people, especially with those two things combined. I am 100% willing to tag it with just about any variation needed to ensure you or others affected can blacklist/block it and never have to see a word of it in the future. I'd also be happy to go back and tag that original text post I made if needed. I mean that. You all are welcome to ask me to tag things anytime, and so long as you're polite about it I'm perfectly willing to oblige to the best of my ability in future posts! If I occasionally forget, just toss me a light reminder and I'll jump into editing and add it in.
That said, I want to make it clear that I am very firmly against censorship. I'm willing to take all necessary precautions to ensure people can curate their experiences on this blog and AO3, but at the end of the day I can still post whatever fictional stuff I choose to. As can anyone else. Same goes for more formally published media.
Now, it's entirely possible I would have gotten to that part of the game and decided 'oh dang, I'm not so enthused about that fic idea anymore...'. My whims and ideas change frequently, and what you mentioned is a heavy topic with a lot to unpack and process. It's also entirely possible that future plot would only provide more fuel.
Fyi, when I originally mentioned the knifeplay I was actually thinking a lot more along the lines of her doing it to the protagonist, not the reverse. But for the record, if I did choose to write it with focus on Y/uri, I would still be well within my rights to.
This next part of my answer is going to address some heavy topics, this is your warning!!!
Sometimes people's kinks are a way to take a thing that is personally scary or upsetting to them and find a way to reverse it. To find pleasure or power or get used to the idea of the awful thing in a safe, controlled fashion. I'm not going to go into the full details on this because there's plenty of explanation and research elsewhere already written up, as well as an excellent book on the subject, and I'm not turning this blog into a discourse debate. But I needed to mention it for my point.
There are plenty of stories that could be explored with Y/uri in this context. Did she have this kink before the self harm events started and it was completely unrelated, or did she develop it afterwards? How did she discover it beforehand? If developed afterwards, did it start out as another way of harming mixed with pleasure in a self-destructive way, often done sloppily and without proper technique? Or was it strictly used as almost exposure therapy to deal with those urges and thoughts in a safer, more contained scenario, maybe even allowing the partner she trusted to wield the knife to prove their bond/reinforce that she can be loved without being hurt deeply, that she is worthy of affection and trust and loyalty. Maybe this finally helps give Y/uri a tool to embrace her 'weirdness' without harming herself and others. Or, what if she thinks it can be a useful tool and is sure she's ready, but partway through the scene she gets triggered or has flashbacks... how does she deal with it? How does her partner? Can it be overcome with effort, research, and taking things slowly, or does she realize this kink is actually completely off the table for her?
What if she has this kink and is excited to try it, but her partner isn't? How does she take that rejection? Or do her poor social skills mean she skipped negotiation to begin with and attempted it in the middle of a vanilla session? Would her partner freak out or even get mad, or try to swallow their fear and let her do it so they don't hurt/offend her, even at the cost of their own comfort?
This topic also opens a ton of potential plots for darkfic, but I'll refrain from discussing that out of respect for you and others.
So as you can see, there's much more to explore than 'Knife=Hot'. I believe those discussions and ideas are necessary and provide important fuel for thought when explored fictionally, especially since mainstream media doesn't cover a lot of them.
I feel I should take a second to clarify knifeplay for those who may be unaware. It doesn't always equate to actual cutting/drawing blood. That can be an aspect, but usually only by those far more experienced and, you know, actually into that. A lot of participants don't actually go that far. Mostly, it's either about the physical sensation of the knife touching you at all, or the adrenaline/controlled fear and intimate trust of a partner bringing an object like that so close/teasing you with it.
In fact, it's frequently advised in those circles (especially to newcomers) to use a dull butterknife instead, because it simulates the same feelings of metal on skin/can dig in a little without any real risk of cutting/drawing blood. Even if one chooses to use a different knife, it's still pretty common to dull the blade, or some people even substitute with a closed pair of scissors (combined with the partner blindfolded, you can't really tell it apart from the real thing).
These versions of knifeplay are well controlled and ultimately pretty harmless, so long as both parties know what they're doing and stay alert. And more experienced players with sharper knives are even more cautious/have studied extensively to know where/how deep to go without risking scarring/serious injury.
Remember the golden rules of kink: Safe. Sane. Consensual.
With those in place, it is not nearly the same as self harm. Just as controlled, consensual, well-negotiated BDSM with safewords, respected boundaries and a trusted partner is never in the same league as abuse.
Now that that's out of the way, back to my point:
There's no perfect representation or narrative for everyone, in any group (be that gender/sexuality/triggered by certain things, etc). Every human being is different, everyone interprets media differently, and everyone takes away different elements from stories.
What one person in a particular group may find cathartic, relateable, or painful but necessary food for thought, another may find completely repulsive, personally hurtful, offensive, something they can't stand to hear. And guess what? Both of those can be true at the same time. One side is not immediately right over the other.
There are queer characters or interpretations of them in fics that I vehemently despise, might even find hurtful or sickening and think 'how can anyone create this, it's insufferable! People in 'my group' aren't like that, it's a horrible representation. I can't relate to it at all!' But you know what? Other people can and do, may find comfort in those exact narratives and experiences, may heal their pain instead of inflicting more. And that's great. It's what they needed or wanted and if I don't like it, I click away and do my best to avoid it.
There are specific tropes and narrative themes I personally cannot get through without being triggered into anxiety attacks or dragged back to bad times and places in my life. Sometimes I see them tackled in ways that are hurtful or seem insensitive to me. But I recognise that for someone else, it's exactly what they needed to see to get through that or come to terms with it, or see a way they wish that thing could play out. I would never dream of telling those people they aren't allowed to enjoy it, OR telling the creator of that piece of media or a tv show 'Hey ummm please don't use this plot because it turns me into a human wreck for a week'. Because it's not remotely my place to do so. They can create whatever they want, they have no responsibility towards me or my well being. A few might be kind enough to include a warning at the beginning of that episode or in the description, but they are in no way required to. It's up to me to curate my experience and try to keep my guard up/research what might have those tropes, and in the rare occasions I get blindsided, yeah, it hurts like hell. I struggle, I might even backslide a bit. But I just have to try my best to deal with it and make a note to be more careful next time. Because you can't control the world around you, not even the online world, and you have absolutely no right to. The only right you have is to protect yourself without infringing on other people's boundaries/rights.
And there's also another important point. There doesn't have to be a big important point or explanation for why a creator creates something, or why consumers can enjoy that creation! If someone wants to create a plotline with all of my triggers used in the most 'insensitive', 'wrong', pointless ways possible, strictly for Entertainment or pure kink material instead of some deep dissection of the issues involved? They can go hog wild!!! They are 100% allowed to do so on this earth, and I can't (and wouldn't want to) do a thing to stop them.
One person can read a kink fic and it hits a very emotional theme for them/they think it explores a deep topic well. Another person can read that same fic and get nothing out of it except their rocks off. Both of those readers are completely equal and 'allowed' to enjoy that fic. Both reasons are completely valid reasons for why the creator was 'allowed' to post/create that fic in the first place. Nobody needs permission, nobody has to answer to anybody except themselves. Period. This extends to any topic, any type of fic.
Yes, even for things I find absolutely abhorrent and insensitive and don't understand/want to read ever. I may resent everything about its existence, but I will defend to death the creator's right to make it exist in the first place.
It only affects me if I let it affect me. If someone's making content I despise or am upset by and can't handle, I can choose to ignore or avoid them, blacklist those tags, I can block them and move on with my day. I can do anything within my own bubble, but the second I consider going into their bubble and saying they can't make that thing, I am in the wrong. Because I'm not respecting their space and rights.
If someone makes cookies with ingredients I'm highly allergic to, pastes the ingredient warnings all over the box where I read them, and I still eat one, would anyone cheer me on for blaming them when I have a reaction? Would anyone think it was remotely okay of me to start calling up every bakery in town and saying they weren't allowed to bake those cookies EVER, because some people somewhere might be allergic?
No. They'd tell me I was crossing the line, because I'm infringing on other people's boundaries and lives. I'm expecting everybody else to take responsibility for something that, while horrible and painful, was my fault for touching.
Now, if someone sets out unlabelled cookies not realizing I'm allergic to something in them, and I eat it and have a reaction, that sucks. It's an awful experience. But is it the baker's fault? As long as they didn't do it maliciously, not really. They can be advised politely to label it in the future, and I can do my best to remember to ask/be more cautious next time I come across something I'm unsure of, but they're still allowed to bake those cookies for themselves and others.
Now, if I deliberately baked cookies with an ingredient that people are very frequently allergic to (ex. peanuts) and set it out in a crowded buffet without a warning label, that's a jerk move. That's intentionally trying to cause harm to others. But simply baking that flavour of cookies still isn't a crime or harmful by itself.
I'll be honest, I'm running out of steam and I think I've said most of what I have to say, so I'll wrap it up. I want to reiterate that I'm not ripping into you with this long answer, anon! I understand why you sent me what you did and I'm trying not to come off as harsh. I'm happy to go back and tag things and will tag anything else similar in the future!!! But at the end of the day, regardless of whether I personally end up writing that fic or not, or even want to after I get to that plot, I don't agree with telling anyone they can't/shouldn't write it at all. I wanted to try and explain my viewpoint thoroughly, and I hope you can respect that, just as I'll respect and try to accommodate you and other followers. This is the only time I'll really get up on a soapbox like this, and I have no interest in debating these things on my blog further, but it is a topic I've been passionate about all my life so I'm afraid I'm not budging on it.
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itswildwinters · 3 years
Hello lovebug! Hope you slept tight and are ready to enjoy December 3rdn. If not, I'll just send you good vibes so you get through the day. You deserve that and I love you so very much for being the sweetest ever. Feels like I'm the one being spoiled getting you as the person I have to message as a secret santa.
I 100% agree with what you said! I'm all for the angst, but fluff can definitely warm one's heart. It's a really good way to ease some of the pressure. That being said, I love reading so much that angst can have that effect on me. I love diving into fics until I'm in a bubble no one can intrude. It tastes amazing forgetting about the world from time to time!!
As for your exams, I'm sure you'll ace them. I'll keep you in my thoughts, asking the universe to give you a hand with the 3 remaining ones. What are you studying? Do you like it? I get that it must be very exciting being able to devote more time to your fics, but I hope your studies aren't too much of a burden for you to begin with. I'm sure I'll enjoy reading them, as I did with the previous ones. You wrote one for Halloween this year–or maybe last year? I can't tell, time just seems to fly. But anyways, it was amazing and made me fall even more with your writing–don't fret, I was already in love before that, I'm just trying to put my feelings into words.
And to answer your question, my break will begin at the end of December. I have my exams to take before that, so it seems very far away for now. I'm gonna focus on that to keep going tho!
I think I've bored you enough so I'll leave you to these last words! Tell me if you want me to be more more succinct next time, by the way!
Sending frozen kisses and warm hugs your way;
Your Secret Santa
NB: the "formating" of this message is very weird, so I hope you won't see it. But what happened is that I copied paste your last message so I wouldn't forget to answer anything and now there's this weird grey line on the left side. I hope you won't mind.
Hii sweetness!!!
Don’t worry the formatting doesn’t bother me at all!!
How are you real? You’re the sweetest to me it makes me squeal. I’m so blessed to be having you as my secret Santa, you’re making this experience so special to me and I’m so grateful to you for that.
Reading is so magical, it’s such a gift honestly I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t read.
I have one last exam tomorrow and then I’m done, and I can’t wait!! Honestly I don’t see exams as a bad thing but rather the opportunity to prove oneself, it’s just tiring. As for yours, I’m wishing you all the luck in the world and I know you’re gonna absolutely smash them!!
Yup I wrote two Halloween fics, one last year and one this year :)! I just love Halloween cause it’s my excuse to write gory stuff haha.
If you could see me… I’m blushing. I’m very grateful that someone out there appreciates my writing, you motivate me to write more, to improve, because having one reader like you makes writing so worth it.
I can’t wait for you to be on break and rest!! You deserve it.
You could never bother me grrr never claim so!! I love reading your messages, they are becoming my rock at this point - a source of happiness.
I love you very much 💓
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