#how do people draw Mondo’s hair like
ecogirl2759 · 6 months
So, I decided to take a few photos of the Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS series and compile a few of the findings I thought were funny.
I don't have everything fully translated yet, so there may be a few issues with my findings. If you find any mistakes or have anything to add, please lmk :) I'll also update this if I find things later.
All of these drawings are NOT mine. Everything comes from the 4コマ KINGS series published by Spike Chunsoft. I'm simply photographing them and sharing them with others who may not have seen them before (since the series is out of circulation). If there is any issue with my post, please inform me so that I can take appropriate action.
All photos are below the break here :) (Warning, it's long lol) ((And there are a few minor spoilers))
(EDIT: As a side note, I've posted more pictures in an update. Idrk how this site works, so I'm letting people know here so you can find it if you want.)
Fun things that you can learn from the Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS comics:
Hifumi has written, drawn, or thought of making content relating to Sayaka x Kiyoko, Aoi x Sakura (on two occasions), and Makoto x Byakuya
Toko thinks that… something… happened between Mondo and Kiyotaka in the sauna, wink wink.
Toko wrote some sort of fanfiction in relation to Byakuya, Chihiro and Mondo. Idk what it is, but the title is along the lines of "The Byakuya Family Household Sweep Away a Beautiful Girl". (Pretty sure it's a Mondo x Chihiro fic, but I could be wrong.)
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^ pretty sure Syo is a heavy BL fan lol
Aoi's b00bs are so squishy, she can use them to launch herself off things.
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Everyone really likes drawing pretty boy Byakuya. Like, he looks fabulous in some of these panels. Here is one of those pictures:
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........Okay, fine, this is the right one:
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Hifumi has drawn gender swaps of a few of the boys, being Makoto, Byakuya, Leon, Yasuhiro, Kiyotaka, and Mondo.
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Leon really wants a harem lol
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Kiyoko's secret picture (from the last trial in-game) was of Class 78 hosting a cat maid cafe
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Yasuhiro's secret (the motive in Chapter 2) is that he's an idiot.
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Mondo, Kiyotaka and Sayaka all get along really well! So do Mondo, Kiyotaka and Chihiro :)
Mondo knows how to sew!
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Mondo doesn't wear eyeliner, he just has really long eye lashes.
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Mondo's hair is fluffy and bouncy :)
Makoto thinks Mondo's hair looks like a corn chip. Aoi thinks it looks like a chocolate croissant :)
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Chihiro once gave Mondo a game about dogs. He loved it lol
Chihiro and Mondo have actually trained together.
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^ they actually make a great team :)
(I'm pretty sure that) Kiyotaka was found guilty in a trial relating to black underwear. Unclear if he was executed or not. (This point is subject to change once I fully translate the comic.)
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Kiyotaka was brainwashed by the Mono-Rangers (parody on Power Rangers) in a different comic. He became Commander Ishimaru and enforced rules and dress code in a dictator-like fashion. (Full translation is still in the works.) This is what his outfit looked like:
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Daiya dies in 4K
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Komaru's here :D
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Mukuro shows up a lot as herself! She's so cute lol
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Kiyoko's kinda socially awkward lol, it's really cute.
Makoto has wanted to see up Kiyoko's skirt on multiple occasions.
Makoto has tried a couple of times to cheer Kiyotaka up. It does not work.
And now, here are some funny out-of-context panels to cap off this post! These were too hilarious not to include, I just couldn't make a bullet point out of them lol.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk :)
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mangywayway · 27 days
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SOOOO, I have a small "fandom wank" that's bothering me and I want to talk about it. Considering the doddle I attached to it you can already image what is this about and I'll not be surprised if a lot of people may not agree but eh, il mondo è bello perché è vario quindi.
I also understand that I'm just "recently" came back to the Harringrove fandom but eh, you can still skip this rant and be on your way if you aren't interested about what I'm saying so
You know, I have seen a various post about "how Billy should be drawn" and "why people use this color instead of this etc" and honestly? WHO FUCKIN CARES.
Is Billy your OC? No, it's not. We can love him as much as we want but he'll never be, let's be honest. Have you commissioned an artist to draw him in a specific way? No? Is this about an AU that you created? No? Then mind your how fucking business jeez. Everyone has their own style, and not everyone wants to draw a character to be a copy of the actor who represents them. I see so many artists drawing characters in a way that's not a copy of the orig and they are still pretty recognisable, with their own strength and energy because of that. Mind you, there is absolutely nothing wrong in deciding to draw a character in a way that's more close to the original, but even taking that road there is no need to say, multiple times, that you don't agree/you don't understand why and how other people choose to draw said character.
Everyone has their own vision of a character, a lot of artists tend to put part of THEMSELVES (literally) in those drawings and that's why they may be different from the original and that's what it makes it beautiful. Also, with all the love, he doesn't exist. He's a fictional character. I can draw him with fuckin fluo hair just because I can/want and nobody is going to get hurt for that. Draw him younger, draw him older, draw him in a completely different setting and style, WHO FUCKIN CARES. Just let ppl have fucking fun, that's what fandoms are made for ✌🏻
(I know this may seems random but stuff like this really gets on my nerves and I really wanted to let this out. That's said, do what the fuck you want and let other people do what the fuck they want with their drawings. And writings too, because honestly this applies to both)
Peace and love 🫶🏻✨
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pompadorbz · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts on the Beta Distrust designs? Favorites, prefer those or the finals, good riddance, etc?
Overall I think I much prefer the current designs. They fit the game's style much more to me in the end, but that doesn't mean there aren't some gems in the concepts, so I'll go through some of the pages and talk a bit about some of my favorite concepts.
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I really like the design of the hood on this beta makoto! I honestly think this would be cool to recycle with some changes made to it.
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Chihiro with a cape is just. So fucking good. I wish she got to keep her cape in ANY capacity.
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Get ready for me to have tons more to say about Taka and Mondo than everyone else but I actually kinda like the more sharp hair design. I like how it looks now but I think this sharper horn-like design could've worked well with some tweaking.
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The fact that a GUN was considered for the shape tho. when people draw beta mondo I wanna see more of the gun hair.
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For Taka my favorites are less design wise and more just. His expressions. I want him to have a dumb blushing sprite with a dumb anime nosebleed. Like this feels in character.
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It's really too bad that celeste didn't get to carry around her weird bunny doll! I'm glad it was at least referenced in her execution!
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I'm really fascinated with this art style on one of Kyoko's concepts... The hard black shading is really cool and it kinda makes me wish they kept it.
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One of Toko's concepts also has a really neat style, although its a bit different than the Kyoko one.
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This is less design stuff and more just. I wanna know how this would've played out...
These are just the things that stick out to me the most! Some character concept pages aren't as interesting to me, but it's interesting to see how much changed in the concept phases!
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danimals666 · 5 months
ur dr doodles make me frown /lh you made hifumi skinnier, took away celestias gothic lolita, took away important elements of characters ( mondos pompadour, sakuras skirt ) to make them trendier, why??
I'm sorry you didn't like how I drew the characters? It was my first time really trying out a new style and also my first time drawing Hifumi and I didn't want to make him look super bulbous with chicken legs how he is in game because I don't think that's really good body rep? It's my mistake if I made him skinnier than he should be.
And with Mondo's hair, I don't like his pompadour and I didn't think there'd be a problem changing it? Multiple people draw him without it so I don't really see an issue there.
Then with Sakuras skirt, I don't like the fact that almost every single female character in the games have skirts no matter their ultimate.
Sakura is a martial artist and Yes, she can wear a skirt, and I think she would like skirts, I don't think she should be wearing a skirt that short (or a skirt at all) when training or fighting or working out. I wanted to draw her in the type of outfit you would actually see people doing that kind of stuff in (plus I added in the cardigan to give her more personality because she's not just her ultimate.)
And with Celeste, I tried, man. I can't draw really intricate designs (ex; lace) very well and plus this style is heavily simplified so I tried my best to convey the gothic lolita style with what I was working with.
All of the outfits I put these characters in were just because I thought they were fun and that they would match the characters. That's all
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averybasicbitch · 3 years
They’re just so perfect, bro
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To the gayest of bros :)
Original post
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mickules · 3 years
But first:
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OOPS [for context]
My hand slipped.
Yous all ready for a MAMMOTH ask post? I mean it this is LONG
[edit: completely forgot to add the ‘read more’ rip your dash this is L O N G]
(next set of asks are [here]! in smaller bites this time)
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Honestly I’m kinda boring when it comes to headcanons, they’re mostly canon compliant or I end up floating about on the general consensus of popular fanon. Here, however, is a bunch of little titbits!
~Hifumi draws like Boichi. The idea he has a super detail oriented style and not a cutesy one cracks me up.
~The difference between Taeko and Celeste; those colour contacts are prescription. (Taeko doesn’t look too dissimilar to Toko and she hates that)
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~Likewise, Gundham takes forever to get ready as he re-applies the “wards necessary to allow mere mortals to withstand the presence of The Supreme Overlord of Ice”
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~Kazuichi on the other hand is au naturale. He just looks like that.
~Hiro is right, where do you think his clairvoyant abilities came from?
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~Taka has had to shave every morning since he was 13, (he looks like Masaaki Sakai from Monkey if he grows it out) Mondo will never be able to grow any facial hair, and he’s salty about it. His hair is naturally curly but he straightens the back for that Pomp Aesthetic
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~Taka is a very restless sleeper, never wakes up in the same position as he went to sleep. At Hope’s Peak he usually finds himself waking up across the room, on the floor.
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~Additionally, He eats like a gannet - maximum efficiency (until he gets indigestion) [more on this]
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~Red eyes and a diabolical resting bitch face is the dominant trait of the Ishimaru Bloodline. (POV trying to have a casual conversation)
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~Takaaki is a divorcee not a widower; his marriage was an arranged one organised by Toranosuke, and when the scandal went down the marriage was dissolved by the bride’s family. [more on this]
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She was 5′3′’
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Takaaki just wants someone tall enough so he can take a nice photo (I had to google ‘no homo with socks’, I hope you’re happy)
30% of Takaaki’s intimidation is his height, the rest is his Glare™
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Ah! I can understand the confusion! That was actually an older Mondo, as the anon had asked about Kaito being Mondo and Taka’s kid. I’m easy going when it comes to pairing characters together, I don’t mind answering questions along that vein! I love to see other people’s interpretations, and how they imagine a relationship develops. I’ve seen some absolutely adorable art of them as a couple! Personally however, I don’t have a good idea of their chemistry in my head, so I don’t think of them as being together. At the very least not in this weird AU thing I’ve got going on. 
Bold of you to assume Takemichi hasn’t been keeping it a secret. Not out of fear or shame, but rather because Michi would do anything to keep nosy, overbearing, meddling Daiya out of his love-life. He’s seen how Daiya absolutely ROASTS Mondo every-time he strikes out, and Michi ain’t about to open himself up to that. I imagine Daiya finds out whilst frequenting a gay bar- like that Doctor/Donna Doctor Who scene:
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He is then resolutely recruited as a Gay Consultant™ 
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They become very popular regulars. (tags got me creasing)
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You’re not wrong - that’s a fabulous concept, but they’re gonna have to catch him first. Surviving middle school gave Taka an unusually highly developed intuition for trouble and an excellent default flight or fight response
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Mondo having to deal with his gang associations negatively effecting his ‘civilian’ life and friends? *Chef’s Kiss*
Taka with his wooden sword would be a sight to behold. Unfortunately, I doubt brandishing a sword would be welcome in a school environment - so he’d unlikely use it for anything other than exercise. ISHIDA ON THE OTHERHAND
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Hifumi might have had a bit more trouble
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(Thank you so much! That’s so very sweet! I’m glad you like! :D) SO I didn’t originally have a timeline when I started making the comics, but NOW I do, so it’s a bit of a mess lol! BASICALLY: ~Daiya survived the bike crash  ~Mondo & Taka go to Hope’s Peak  ~They become friends (I have a comic planned for this, and it’s NOT a sauna scene *wiggles eyebrows*) ~[The Yakuza Incident] this is when Mondo catches feelings, but chalks it up to the adrenaline of the situation ~[Mondo meets Takaaki] and [makes a great impression] ~Daiya is introduced to Taka, and gives him “The Shirt” unbeknownst to Mondo  ~Taka has his own Gay Panic™ (this is another comic comin’ in the pipeline!) but he doesn’t recognise it for what it is. ~[Takaaki finds The Shirt, and him and Daiya make their plan] ~[The Hershey’s Kiss Incident] Mondo has to ask himself some PRETTY SEARCHING questions after this, whilst Taka has to wrestle with the revelation that if Mondo asked for a kiss, Taka would not hesitate to do it. ~ and Finally, eventually, a Confession (this is another comic, but it’ll deffo be a while before this one is done)
Takemichi sees the Oowada brothers as a single unit - he is 'second’ to both of them. So, whilst Mondo is at Hope’s Peak, Takemichi defaults to keeping an eye on Daiya to give Mondo some piece of mind, since Daiya still a target for rival gangs. Takemichi’s title of ‘second’ is just a formality of the gang. Daiya doesn’t really go in for the hierarchy stuff, but it’s the gang that insists on it and Mondo unfortunately really internalised it. From the gang’s perspective, you have the suave leader, his sharp, loyal 2nd in command and his volatile brother he has to reign in, when in reality Daiya delegated a lot of his responsibilities to Mondo and Michi over time, and was more a figurehead than an actual leader by his retirement.
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(I’ve got some more Leon in a future comic - have a peek, he’s got such a cheeky face) [this comic is now done!]
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Mondo’s unsuccessful romantic attempts are the favourite gossip topic of a surprising amount of class 78 tho’ not within earshot of Mondo obviously - They’re secretly cheering him on but they also have a betting pool based on how quickly he’ll scare the girl away. Celeste has made a very tidy profit.
Taka is 100% the type who’d inform the mcdonald’s cashier that they gave him too many nuggets and try to pay the extra. He’s IMPOSSIBLE to do a favour for.
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[persona ref here]
I agree, Mondo in specs is A+, but yes, ‘tis a persona reference.  I FULLY recommend Persona 4 if you get the chance! It’s a JRPG, but the ‘dungeons’ are people’s psyches, and when they’re inside they have to confront a ‘shadow’ which is basically some aspect of themselves they’ve repressed or heavily dislike. The stress of being in the dungeons causes people to get dizzy and confused, and the glasses stop that- it suggests Mondo has already confronted his own shadow, before Taka had to confront his. . .
That’s some excellent analysis right there! Taka 100% has some deep seated issues to do with his relationship with control. I think his new friendship with someone so far outside his understood norm of ‘acceptable’ would have rattled some of those insecurities loose.  There would be an inherent need for Taka to try to ‘improve’ Mondo’s behaviour - to try to make Mondo more “acceptable to society”, the way Taka was taught to be. But by doing so, he would be removing something that makes Mondo who he is. It would come down to an internal fight of being a hypocrite for overlooking Mondo’s anti-social behaviour, or trying to control Mondo and making him into something he’s not. Taka would hate himself for not being able to accept Mondo wholesale, the way he wishes people would accept himself, and the way he knows friends SHOULD do - basically a microcosm of the wider span of his anxiety with his chosen path and future.
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(ahhhh! !Thank-you! That’s supremely kind! I’m still really enjoying the Dangan stuff, and if I move on to other things and folk don’t vibe with it - It’s all good! No worries! My only goal on this tumble is to enjoy myself, and so far that ain’t changed :D)
NOICE! Excellent recommendations I’m lovin’ them! Always happy to get more! 👀
Also, from that DR chatfic:
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I have been outdone.
(AH! You flatter me! I’ll keep on tryna be cool!) [pic is here!] Daiya and Takaaki being casual allies is definitely a dynamic I really enjoy; Crazy Crafters is such an enjoyable fic! All the little interactions and character chemistry works so well together! Chasml’s fics are ones that I keep coming back to - I ADORE Their characterisations.
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Dang you right, Honestly I needed a kid and his mum for the Crazy Crafters [pic] and Hiro has such a fun design; it was inevitable.
(AH! Thanks!! What a compliment!! :-0 !! ) Normally, someone as jacked as Mondo would have a craggier face, not unlike Sakura’s sharp nose and defined cheekbones - but he’s got surprisingly soft features, I think those big eyes and long tapered eyelashes really add to it.
(!!!!!THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!) Taka doesn’t even smile that much in his in game sprites but I CANNOT HELP IT! He has such a wide, welcoming smile and I LOVE DRAWING IT!!
(Thank you! I loved doin’ it!) All credit 100% goes to @monikamarkovova They have the most SUPREMELY FLUFFY MOTHMEN art and I am in AWE, I cannot compare. I do not know how they do it. [here for ref]
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(ahh! <3 thanks very much!) Here’s a bit of a behind the scenes! I do all my sketches in colour ‘cos I find it easier on my eyes. I have trouble telling the difference between colours of a close tone, so it’s easier to see when distinguishing between the sketch and the black lines when I’m doing lineart. Red just happens to be my go to since it’s quickest to get to on the colour slider and I’m lazy. The sketches you see are pretty much 1 to 1 what I use for lineart, minus the half tones. If I have multiple sketch layers, I’ll use multiple colours so I can see easier, but usually I do all my sketches directly on my guideline layer because I’m a madman. Here’s a coupla examples:
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here’s a rare one where I didn’t draw directly onto my messy af guidelines- but I always start with red, then blue, then green and very occasionally purple if I need a fourth.
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I keep the mini-comic sketches in red since I think it looks better. Black is harsh and can be unforgiving and I think it makes it easier to see how rough my sketches are. In colour it’s a little softer - and to me - more pleasing to the eye! (and even when I do use black- it’s usually at partial opacity to soften it out)
AND cos I’ve been watching too much Natsume Yuujincho (FULLY RECOMMEND it’s delightful) Have a quick redraw: 
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As my brother described it “Kiyotaka and his Fat Biker Cat”
And that’s it for now! The ask box is nice and empty, thanks for so many brilliant asks and sorry it took so long! I’m working on ‘Taka and Mondo becoming friends’ comic and ‘Taka gets a clue’ (edit: this one is [done]) comic, and I hope neither will take too long! :)
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
hello!! could you make THH boys with a black reader?? :))
THH boys with a black S/O
note to readers; i am not black.
with that said, continue
currently listening: i / me / myself by will wood (and having a gender crisis over falling for a straight? man who teases me in a gay way and it's very unfair)
-Mod Souda
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Makoto Naegi
❤ This man has zero tolerance towards anyone saying shit about you ever. If they even make jokes about the two of you being a biracial couple than he is quick to shut it down. It's a bit cute to watch him get all heated up.
❤ He'll also get extremely flustered when somebody compliments you in public. You will say thank you, look over at him, and see his cheeks all pink.
❤ I think he's also the type to worry about being microaggressive. Like he'll make a remark and then his brain will go "??!!? is that offensive".
❤ For example, one time he bought you hair products for a birthday gift. Only after you opened it did he realize that you could have taken it in a weird way - it was probably just him overthinking.
❤ The thing that made him fall in love with you was your smile. Your smile is absolutely beautiful. It's lovely, and just seeing it brightens his day.
Mondo Oowada
❤ He loves riding all day with you sitting behind him. The best parts are the space in between time where he slows to a stop and you crawl off, because there he can see your skin glowing against the sun.
❤ He's starting to realize the racist things the other bikers would say. Not to you, obviously, but just in their every day life. It's things he hadn't thought about before.
❤ And he learns so much about black culture. Things like the history within the music he listens to, the clothes he wears and the hair styles his friends wear. So much of his life was influenced by black culture. It's interesting to him. Now, he wants to learn everything.
❤ He loves talking about hair. He loves styling hair and shaping hair. You catch him watching videos about kinky hair and styling tips.
Leon Kuwata
❤ You watch his pride when he sees you. He'll have to shoosh his girls away, opening his arms for you, and holding you tightly. He gives the best hugs. They're romantic, even before the two of you got together.
❤ Dating a black person was his 'excuse' to show off his knowledge about black hair types and curl safety. He showed you a tiktok about it, and you talked about it, only for him to go "oh I know-" and mansplain the process to you.
❤ He will absolutely listen to whatever music you recommend him. Jay Hawkins specifically he loves.
❤ I think he's also the person to blow up on strangers staring at you. In Japan, your blackness is something that makes people focus in on you. He doesn't like that (mainly likes the focus on himself - but anyway) he will definitely yell at people for you.
❤ He wants to braid your hair. Wants to so bad. Desires it.
❤ But he's going to go hella gentle with you and you'll have to be like "braid it tighter, please."
Hifumi Yamada
❤ In Japan, when strangers walk up to you and ask for pictures, he's the one that takes them. He always feels hella awkward.
❤ He'd start drawing more anime girls but with darker skin colors. He'll learn how to shade brown skin and the different types of brown skin colors. He gets a lot of backlash from drawing popular girls with brown skin, but he doesn't care.
❤ He'll also (do what I'm doing now) and write fanfiction with black people in it - not just side characters.
❤ He gets a new audience because of you.
❤ Dating a black person changes his material because he realizes just how much darker skin tones get left out of things.
❤ I think he'll start a trend and take requests, and you'll go on instagram and twitter or tiktok and see a bunch of black people you don't know using his art as profile pictures.
Ishimaru Kiyotaka
❤ He probably doesn't even realize that black people get treated differently.
❤ When someone assumes something bad of you just because of your skin color, he'll defend you, but it'll never hit him as to why you always get called out like this.
❤ He won't realize until he's reading up on a new word you taught him - microaggressions.
❤ That's one of the many words you add to his vocabulary. He loves learning new words. And the jokes within black culture - hearing people joke about it online confuses him - and he makes sure to ask you about it later.
❤ But you got to do the "say the n-word, I promise I won't tell" thing to him because he's going to get all pink and defensive.
Hagakure Yasuhiro
❤ His mother loves you. Loves you so much. She's happy he didn't 'forget his black culture' as she phrased it - which was a little weird to you - but you tried to ignore it.
❤ He hardly gets defensive when it comes to his friends picking on him. He got used to brushing it off. But when it came to the of course you're dating her - he gets upset in a way that people have never seen him upset before.
❤ He's happy he can be around someone who understands things about him that his Japanese friends couldn't relate to. He'll use his crotchet hook to pick at his dreads, shaping them together, and even combining a few just to see what would happen. You notice that he doesn't do this in front of anyone else.
❤ You love scratching under his chin, feeling his beard. Mostly because it makes him smile.
❤ If you wear your hair natural, he'll love picking through it, humming to himself. It's calming to him. He's excited to feel black hair that isn't his.
Byakuya Togami
❤ You hadn't noticed anything different about his behavior. You expected the Japanese man to ask you questions about your culture, the words you use, the difference in your family vs. his. But he never did. It was... strange to you. You assumed being in a biracial relationship meant a mutual cultural shock.
❤ It isn't until you approach him in his home's library do you realize why. He's reading books about black culture. Autobiography's, nonfiction, even fiction works by black authors about contemporary blackness.
❤ It amazed you. You hadn't even asked him to. So he did care. Very typical that he didn't show it.
❤ HIs family were more curious about whether you could have kids or not - and if he'd be able to carry on the legacy of the family. That whole conversation made you blush. It definitely was not the worst case scenario.
❤ His maids will absolutely want to know more about your hair, natural or styled. If you wear wigs, they'll want to learn how you apply them and how they stay so neat. If you have an afro, they are going to watch videos on how to use the picks. Braids, you'll have to explain the long process that it takes to get it done completely. They'll be smitten in love.
Chihiro Fujisaki
❤ You can explain anything about your day to him and he'll listen while he working. There's a lot of you sitting next to him, eating your breakfast, talking or ranting while he's on his computer. His small mhm's and oh?'s keep you going.
❤ Or you'll just read next to him. Sometimes out loud, sometimes in your head.
❤ Outside of the house is a rare place to be with him. When you bring him out on your birthday, hanging out with your black friends, he sees how different they are from the people he knows.
❤ If you and your friends use aave, he'll ask funny questions like "what does finna mean?"
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hopeymchope · 3 years
Judging the Danganronpa x Sanrio character pairings
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You may have already heard that a DANGANRONPA X SANRIO line of crossover merch was announced a few days ago! Which is obviously AMAZING, because they’re combining cutesy characters that have often been marketed to wee children with everybody’s favorite murderdeathkill game! I LOVE IT.
I have a niece who went through a Sanrio/Hello Kitty phase, so I actually know a few of these characters. In turn, this means that I have THOUGHTS on how the DR1 and Sanrio cast were paired up.
Granted, I still had to look up a lot of these guys and read about them. But now I feel adequately educated to the point where I can judge just how well the Danganronpa and Sanrio pairings actually match up. 
Makoto Naegi/Cinnamoroll - Obviously this totally works because Makoto IS something of a cinnamon roll, eh? EH? But Cinnamoroll is said to be shy albeit still very friendly. He also likes to seek out fun new adventures. So, aside from “very friendly,” I’m not sure that this sounds like Makoto. I also doubt that calling a character a “cinnamon roll” is common slang in Japan. So this is whatever.
Sayaka Maizono/Wish Me Mell - Mell has the power to connect people’s hearts by simply stating the feelings they keep inside. She was initially withdrawn and believed she didn’t have any friends, but the people who cared for her finally broke through her shell and convinced her that she DOES have friends. So uh, Maizono... I guess music can also bring out people’s feelings? And perhaps you could plausibly HC that Sayaka has often felt like her surrounding friends were “fake” and only there because of her celebrity status. There’s not really much to go on here. 
Leon Kuwata/Tiran - Tiran is an orange T-rex that is said to be scatterbrained but still a strong and reliable leader. Meanwhile, Leon has orange hair, and he’s certainly strong and kind of scatterbrained sometimes. It sorta works.
Kyoko Kirigiri/Marroncream - Marroncream is bright, positive, and fashionable. She is talented at making crafts and sweets. She lives in Paris. She has nearly nothing in common with Kyoko, although Kyoko did live abroad a lot in her younger years. So I could try to latch onto the Paris thing.
Hifumi Yamada/Pokopon - Pokopon is a raccoon that loves to read but dislikes ghosts and “the thunder god.” (uh... what?) He also finishes his sentences with the unusual suffix “-das.” Of course, Hifumi loves to write (which certainly is connected to reading), and he likes to end all names with a weird suffix (”-dono”), so I can see how they might make a cute pair.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru/Pekkle - Pekkle is a duck who is good-natured and kind. He loves to sing and dance. It kind of sounds like he should’ve been matched with Sayaka, but instead he’s here with Taka. While Ishimaru is definitely a good person, I don’t think most people would immediately describe him as “kind.” And he certainly isn’t known for his love of music.
Yasuhiro Hagakure/Monkichi - Monkichi is a laid-back, easygoing guy who is upbeat and loves puns. His dream is to become a poet. It’s said that once he sets his mind on something, there is no stopping him! And in comparison, Hagakure is... well, he’s kind of laid-back in the sense that he’s kind of lazy? But he’s actually pretty high-stress a lot of the time, too. Honestly, there’s not much linking the two.
Chihiro Fujisaki/Kurousa and Shirousa - Shirousa is the white one and is the older sibling to Kurousa, the brown one. Shirousa is described as an energetic leader and Kurousa is described as being nice but lazy. They like to make cakes. What does any of this have to do with Chihiro? Beats me. This particular pairing is nonsense.
Byakuya Togami/Badtz-Maru - Badtz-Maru is said to have a bad attitude and dreams of being “the boss of everything” when he grows up. He tends to act a bit selfish, and he mocks things he dislikes/disagrees with. He enjoys expensive food and collecting photos of movie villains. With the exception of that last point, I’d have to say that this sounds like a near-perfect match for Togami.
Mondo Owada/Goropikadon - The Goropikadon are a group of cave boys whose actual names are Goro (blue hair), Pika (pink hair), and Don (teal hair). Goro is always hungry and joking around. PIka is a thoughtful, shy mama’s boy. Don is serious and places a high value on honesty. Overall, I suppose that how quick Mondo is to get angry and resort to violence kind of makes him seem like a stereotypical caveman? But in terms of their distinct personalities, only Don’s focus on honesty rings true for Mondo. 
Toko Fukawa/Lloromannic - Another multi-character one. The Llormannic are a pair of creatures named Berry (the black one, who is male) and Cherry (the pink one, who is female). They are mischievous and love to play pranks on humans. Cherry was originally alone and created Berry for companionship; however, she mixed up her magic spell ingredients and used salt when she meant to use sugar, which resulted in Berry turning out to be a more hostile being than Cherry. I suppose the fact that Berry is a darker creation of Cherry’s sort of reflects the relationship between Toko and her other self, Genocide(r) Syo/Jack. However, Berry and Cherry are still best friends. Toko and Syo/Jack are definitely not that.
Celestia Ludenberg/Kuromi - Kuromi is the rival of a bunny named “My Melody” who doesn’t appear in this promotion. Kuromi is said to look “tough and punk” in her jester’s hat with the pink skull on it, but in reality she is very girly. She enjoys writing in her diary, reading romance books, cooking, and checking out good-looking guys. I suppose Celestia did have that dream of living in a mansion where she was served by handsome guys dressed as vampires? So... they both like hot guys? But that’s all I’ve got here. Pretty sure this pairing only exists for aesthetic reasons. And admittedly, their aesthetics mesh very well.
Aoi Asahina/Keroppi - Keroppi lives with his family on the edge of Donut Pond. He is bubbly, a fantastic swimmer and, because of the name of his home pond, is often associated with donuts and/or things that are donut-shaped. Ok, so this was an obvious pairing, then. They nailed it. Probably the single best pairing they came up with.
Sakura Ogami/My Sweet Piano - Yes, the character’s name is literally “My Sweet Piano.” She’s described as soft, kind, and girly. Given Sakura’s secret love of girly things, I can see how this soft, pink, girly sheep would be something she’d love to be around. 
Junko Enoshima (...?)/Hello Kitty - Hello Kitty (a.k.a. Kitty White) is described by Sanrio as “cute, bright, sweet, kind-hearted and tomboyish.” They also say that Kitty is very close with her sister, Mimmy. As for Junko... look, the only reason I think maybe this is supposed to be Junko is because Mukuro already has her own Sanrio matchup (see the next entry), but in terms of her appearance, this “Junko” sure looks like it’s “Junkuro.” The telltale sign is that giant bow on the left side of the head, which only Mukuro-as-Junko has ever worn. I doubt we’re supposed to be thinking that they did two Mukuros in two different outfits, though? 
It’s like this: If it’s Junko, well, I guess both Junko and Kitty are icons within their respective brands. And Junko tries to put on a “cute and bright” exterior persona, I guess? But that’s pretty thin. On the other hand, if this is Mukuro in disguise, this is actually a semi-decent matchup! Mukuro is arguably tomboyish and certainly very close to her sister (at least from her own perspective), so these two are not without their parallels. 
In either case, both Kitty and the Unknown Despair Sister have a big bow on the left side of their head. Which I think is the real reason they’ve been paired, honestly.
Mukuro Ikusaba/Little Twin Stars - Kiki and Lala are a pair of twins that were born on December 24th. Mukuro is one half of a pair of twins ALSO born on December 24th. Instant connection! Kiki (the blue-haired boy) loves fishing and inventing things. He is curious and cheeky. Lala (the pink-haired girl) loves drawing, writing poems, and cooking. She is rather timid. In short, the “twins with the same birthdate” thing is the only thing connecting Mukuro to these two. Still, it’s not bad.
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Also, the most amazing thing to come out of this team-up so far HAS TO BE MonoKitty. Hello Kitty cosplaying as our favorite psychotic MurderBear? How great is that? SELL ME MERCH OF MONOKITTY.
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floorbe · 3 years
Mondo x reader where he overhears her reader talking to another classmate about him but they're being horny on main 👀👀 (idk who'd partake in this conversation except for Miu so non despair au ig ????)
yeah! reminder that even tho i wrote miu in this lil fic i dont write for miu for x reader stuff :^) suggestive content under the cut//
“Fuck, Miu, he’s so hot,” Mondo pauses by the door to the empty classroom as he hears your voice. With a grin cracking across his face (and a clench of his fists as he buries his jealousy) he silently presses himself against the wall beside the just barely cracked open door. He may be envious, but Lord knows he can use this information to tease you later and see you all flustered and shit. (And, man, do you look cute when you’re flustered.) “Did you see him climb out of the pool earlier? Nobody should be able to look that good with wet hair,” you lament, and he can hear Miu giggling. 
He immediately searches his memory for the guys who were in class today. A lot of other guys are in your P.E. class, so it’s not as if the guessing pool has lowered by many. He sighs quietly, maybe you were talking about Leon? You always seemed to cheer him on when he’s swimming. Then again, he reasons, Leon is awful at swimming, so maybe you’re just motivating him.
"His hands are so big... I can already imagine them spreading my legs t-to take what he wants, y-y’know” he can hear the wanton whine to Miu’s voice, and he can imagine the dreamy look in her eyes as she drifts off into her fantasy. He’s expecting you to sputter and scold Miu for bringing it up; that’s what you do whenever he teased you suggestively, at least. A smile tugs at his lips at the memories.
“God, I know,” Mondo is snapped from his thoughts as he hears you sigh, and he has to hold back a grunt of surprise at the dreamy tone. Where was this side of you whenever he brought up sex? Come to think of it, have you ever said anything remotely sexual to him? You’d always get so embarrassed and punch his arm whenever he brought anything up. 
“Have you seen his muscles, Miu? That man is strong enough to fuck me against a wall,” Mondo’s eyes widen drastically as he hears you talk so freely. He swallows thickly at your admission, and he can feel himself start to harden as he imagines what it would be like for him to be the one to do that to you. He shakes his head to clear the thoughts before he gets too ahead of himself. Okay, so it’s someone buff. That lowers the amount of people considerably. 
Nekomaru is his top guess. He had come in today to help motivate swimmers into doing more laps, so it would check out that you’d seen him climb out of the pool. Not only that, but he’s visibly strong, so there’d be no way he wouldn’t be able to hold you up against a wall. A scowl stretches across his face as he entertains the idea briefly. He could do that, too. Jealousy starts to burn in his chest as he imagines you moaning out Nekomaru’s name. What does Nekomaru have that he doesn’t? He’s strong, he looks good with his hair down, his hands are-
“What about him fucking you on his bike?” Miu suddenly chimes in, a slight slur to her tone as if she’s imagining it already. 
He pauses. Nekomaru doesn’t have a bike. 
“Oh my God,” there’s a whine to your voice that he’s never heard before, and his breath hitches at it, “He wouldn’t, but that’s fucking hot.” 
He can hear Miu scoff, “Yeah, Mondo cares way too much about his fuckin’ bike to defile it like that, huh?”
He swears his heart stops beating. His jaw drops as he feels flames engulf his cheeks, and he can’t even begin to stop the loud strangled exclamation that falls from his lips. Him? You were talking about him this entire time? You- you think he looks good with his hair wet? You want him to fuck you against a wall? Holy shit. Holy shit. You want him to fuck you on his bike. You want his hands to spread your-
“M-Mondo?!” He’s torn from his heavenly realization by your voice. His head snaps to see you and Miu; you have that cute flustered expression again, and he has to bite the inside of his cheek.
“What, you peeping on us, you fucking creep?!” Miu growls, and Mondo can’t help but quirk a brow, at her drastic change in behavior. She was just talking about fucking him, and now she’s on edge? He sees you fidget out of the corner of his eye and is brought back to the severity of the situation. Fuck, they’d just caught him eavesdropping on a conversation he definitely wasn’t meant to hear. 
“Uh,” he swallows thickly, “...No?”
It’s silent for a moment. He has to tear his gaze away from you, and he shuffles his feet in an attempt to hide his very obvious arousal. Thank God his pants are baggy, because he really cannot get the thought of you moaning his name out of his head, especially now that you’re right in front of him. 
“M-Miu, could you give us a second?” you ask, averting your gaze as she scoffs and nods, sending another glare towards Mondo as she stalks off. It’s silent for another moment as you bite your lip. He struggles to stop thinking about what it would be like to bite it for you. 
“How... how much did you hear?” you finally force out. 
“Ah,” a hand reaches to rub the back of his neck subconsciously, “...All of it?” 
You immediately slap your hands over your face, groaning. “I’m so sorry, God, that must’ve been so creepy-” apologies are spilling from your lips, and before he comprehends it he’s cutting you off. 
“Did you mean it?” his eyes widen as he stiffens, did he really just ask that out loud? He did not mean to ask that out loud. “Sh-shit, uh, sorry, you don’t have’ta-” 
“Yeah,” you suddenly admit; your hands have slipped to cover your mouth, allowing your eyes to meet his as he abruptly cuts off. He can see you just barely shaking as he processes it. You actually want him to fuck you. Jesus Christ, he is so turned on right now. Your eyes suddenly flick away, and he realizes he’s taken too long to respond. 
Before you have a chance to say anything, he finds an impulsive courage and steps forward to sling his arms around you, leaning to press his forehead against yours shakily. He swallows thickly as you look at him almost shyly, eyes wide and hands coming down to lightly grasp his coat. Any confidence he had fizzles and dies. 
He licks his lips as he summons every last bit of suaveness and cockiness he can find within himself (which is... not a lot, because you’re very good at leaving him speechless and stupid). Steady breaths, keep your voice smooth, and... “I-I wouldn’t m-mind doing that shit with you!” Well, that wasn’t quiet. He winces both at his painfully awkward phrasing and at the way you jump at his sudden exclamation. 
“...Seriously?” you nearly whisper, and he’s suddenly hyper aware of how close your lips are. 
“Y-yeah,” his voice breaks mid word, but neither of you notice as your eyes flick to his lips. He cautiously leans forward, breath hitching as he watches your eyes slide shut. Your lips meet, and he’s sure that you can feel him shaking, but he ignores it as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. Your lips meld together, and Mondo swears he’s ascended into heaven or something, because nothing has ever felt more right than this. 
He presses himself closer to you, tightening his grip on you as you sigh against his lips. He pulls back when you suddenly grunt, and he worries he’s gone too far until he sees you grinning. “Mondo,” you start slowly, and he’s vaguely aware of how there’s an undertone of smugness in your voice, “So, uh, what’s poking me right now?” 
Poking y-? Oh. Oh no. Your grin widens as he feels his cheeks heat up for the umpteenth time in the last ten minutes. One of your hands slides down to grab his hand, and he swallows thickly as you draw back to tug him down the hall, a wicked glint in your eyes that tells him that you’ll be fulfilling all of the daydreams you’ve had about him.
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chinchillasinunison · 3 years
please,,, Hagakure-Ishimaru family sitcom hcs if you have any left,,, they’re so good and sjdjcijdjdjciejf you characterize them so well
Hgggh sorry I'm late I had school stuff to do
Mondo likes,,,, soft textures,,, especially fur/hair. I think that's basically canon, considering how he had a maltese, the first positive thing he says about cats in school mode is that they're fluffier than dogs, and one of his favorite presents is the chinchilla fur seat cover (animals with famously ultra-soft fur). How does that relate to the au, specifically? Well, firstly, whenever the holidays roll around at least one person in the fam gets him a very soft stuffed animal. He grumbles about this endlessly but he will bring it home and put it on his bed, he ain't slick. Second, he starts petting Taka's hair bc since it's very short and he washes it regularly it has a nice plush texture. Doing something with his hands helps him settle down when he's worked up.
The Hagakure-Ishimaru bathroom is overrun with hairspray bottles from the Diamond Brothers staying over and constantly forgetting that they have hairspray already there and it drives the Ishimarus bananas because it's like a hydra, you throw one away and two more pop up in its place
They don't have a swear jar, but instead a "shouting jar." It started because the adults with their high stress jobs would come home with killer headaches and that was a way to mitigate the damage, but it turns into a joke pretty quickly. It comes to be known as the "Taka Tax" because he is the largest contributor by a country mile. He constantly argues for its abolishment and only wins after one day Takaaki catches Hiro pass by the jar, dip his hand in, grab some cash and bolt.
I've already talked about how Hiro comforts Daiya, but sometimes when Hiro is hit with a really nasty vision and is having a rough time dealing with it Daiya helps ground him, hugging him tight to remind him that they're in the here and now and that it's alright. When he's up for it he'll ask what he saw and coolly logics out with him why it's an unlikely possibility.
Family game night, they play Uno. Hiro tries to soothsay what cards people are gonna put down. Taka growls whenever the card he has to follow up screws with his mental schematics of how his turn will go. Hiroko has a great poker face and will put down a draw 4 with a nonchalant smile on her face. Takaaki always forgets to say uno, it comes back to him and his brain goes on autopilot and he picks another card.
Yasuhiro: (holding up pack of dog treats) Dad, look! It's the Good Kush™! Takaaki, completely deadpan: This is the Dollar Store, how good can it be?
Family road trip/long car ride where they're listening to Yasuhiro's weirdcore playlist and Two Trucks comes on and he's run out of skips so he just has to wait it out
Hiro is canonically a gamer so when Taka talks about his pop culture "studying" he tries to play games with him like a good big brother, but Taka discovers he prefers to watch Hiro play instead. The transition to younger sibling is complete.
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ecogirl2759 · 6 months
My boy, Mondo!
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All of these photos are from the Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS series. I do not own any of the drawings, but these photos are mine. All credit goes to Spike Chunsoft for the characters and the books themselves.
The wait is over! It's time for Mondo spam :D
(Another long post lol)
He's always so angry lol
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Though, I guess it's not always...
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Ya'know how Mondo wanted to be a carpenter? He tried fixing a chair once. It went very well, as you can see.....
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Make way for the toughest guy in town!
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Mondo loves all small animals :)
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Happi boi
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What's with Mondo and getting essploded?
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Oh, I guess this is why. Just freely handing bombs to people LOL
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LMAO imagine watching your bro get executed. Can't relate.
[Not a spoiler, in case anyone is worried]
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My tracksuit isn't blue :)
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Saj :(
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Oh boy, I sure do wonder why his handbook stopped working...
[It's still in his pocket]
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He gives zero "effs"
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Mondo misses riding his bike :(
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He eepy
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I'm sorry, which manga am I reading again?
[Btw, funny note, Monokuma-bot is basically saying "I WILL make you wear white underwear!!"]
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HAHA what
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Alright, that's all for now! Go, my trusty steed!!
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I had a lot to say about this guy, if you couldn't tell :)
A lot of his appearances were actually just him interacting with either Chihiro or Taka, actually. Though, that said, after character pictures are done, I'm totally willing to post pairing pictures if you guys want! Just lmk who you want to see in a picture together and I'll post them :)
Also, lmk who you want to see after Kyoko! I've only got 6/16 students lined up so far, so there's plenty more room lol
I really like posting these photos for everyone! It's been really fun so far!
[Btw, use these photos for whatever you like. Credit is always nice, though!]
Next up: Aoi Asahina!
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mandoinevarro · 4 years
Words: 5.1k :))
Rating: E, baby
Warnings: Smut (surprise surprise), bad words :0, masturbation, a biiiit of praise kink, face fucking, cumplay? let me know on the comments, etc. etc. 
a/n: Happy Star Wars day!! The first few lines of this are an attempt at dumb comedy, but humor me a little and you’ll get a reward (smut) along the yellow-brick road
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Finally, the lanky kid behind the counter stops air drumming with two chicken bones gnawed dry and trails his dopey eyes from the gloved fist on the table, up a bracer, and along a flexed arm, until they settle on the Mandalorian helmet staring him down and waiting for an answer. The employee removes the music bandeau from around his ears and settles it down, its noise so loud Mando can hear it from where it lays. The kid scratches the whiskers of facial hair growing patchy on his cheeks and thoughtfully nibbles on one of the bones, trying to figure out what one does when a client shows up.
“Uh, what?”
“I need to speak to the owner,” the Mandalorian repeats slowly.
“Oh, uh.” Mouth gaping like a fish too stupid to know it should fear hooks, the kid calmly turns his attention to the four walls of the hardware store, searching for guidance in the fluorescent signs hanging around the room and dictating the store’s rules like they’re ancient scriptures:
“You, uh,” the kid continues, lingering on that last stanza and flicking open a dusty agenda that probably hasn’t been touched since the war ended, “you got an appointment, uh, sir?” He drags a greasy finger down the planner, squinting at nothing and pretending to read the page that Mando can clearly see is empty.
The bounty hunter sighs, holding on to the last reserves of patience that hang precariously on the cliff of his self-restraint, threatening to let go and leave him to his own anger. “No. But she’ll see me.” You better. You better fucking see him. “I was sold equipment here a few days ago, some of it faulty. I need to speak to her.”
The navigator. The fucking navigator. Of all the bunch of overpriced, black market scraps you’d somehow convinced the Mandalorian to buy from you last time, it just had to be the navigator. He still has his old blasters. Pumps are cheap. Even the deflector shields he could’ve done without for a couple of months. But the fucking navigator. The lack of droids on the Crest means that Mando relies solely on the navigator to set coordinates. Without it, he wouldn’t be able to find his way out of a system, let alone make hyperjumps. Even worse, the model is so old, its glitching isn’t recognized by the control panel, so he had to hover around the atmosphere of this damned planet for three days before figuring out what it was, throwing off his schedule and losing track of two bounties in the process. All because you sold him a damaged version of the one part he can’t do without.
But your gaping-mouthed kid worker seems too unused to visitors to really care about Mando’s request, too entertained nibbling on a bare bone and eyeing the costumer in front of him as a knowing smirk cracks his lips and he says, “I dig it.”
“You…you ‘dig it’? I don’t…”
“The whole, y’know.” He draws circles in the air with the bone, signaling the beskar armor while he wipes the sauce around his mouth with a sleeve. “The, uh, Mondolarian vibe you’ve got going on. Very retro, dude. I dig it.”  
Mondo…? Bewilderment overshadows irritation for a second, and Mando focuses all his energy into searching the kid’s vacant eyes for a sign of intelligent life. “I…I am a Mandalorian.”
Fucking stars above, it’s never easy with you. If not your endless teasing, it’s the exorbitant prices, your unwillingness to compromise, or your scurrying around so he’s forced to play cat and mouse with you. Your latest impossible challenge for him to tackle is, apparently, getting a straight answer from the obtuse employee you must have handpicked from a catalogue of idiots to torture Mando. Maker, he’s surprised your store hasn’t gone bankrupt yet. He can’t imagine anyone else in the galaxy putting up with your whims. And he only does it because…well, because…
After dedicating a couple of seconds to crafting the perfect response for what appears to be his very first client, the kid muses, “Well, shit, what do I know.” He flashes a toothy smile as he rereads the dogmas on the walls. “Says nothing about Mondolarians here, but, uh—”  
“—Look,” Mando bargains with your gatekeeper, trying to level the exasperation escaping the vocoder, “I only have one faulty part. Let me talk to the owner, and—”
“—Shit. I bet it was the microvalves.” Your staff of one hangs his tuff of hair in shame, swaying it limply from side to side, before staring straight at the visor apologetically. “My bad, dude, I’ve been trying to get them right, but I always fuck them up. It’s hard, y’know? Red with red, white with white. Why not red with white? Or—”
“—No. What? No. Listen to me. You sold me a busted—”
“—I sold you?” the kid scoffs, his eyes suddenly snapping wide and offended, ignoring Mando’s clenching fists, which usually make normal people cower. “Excuse me, mister Mondolarian sir, but I don’t, uh, don’t recall selling you shit, in fact—”
“—Not—not you personally, the store, look, just—”
“—in fact, I’ve never even met a Mondolarian before and you’ve, uh, no right—no right— to judge my microvalves that I worked hard on—”
“Let him in.” Your voice carries its usual amusement as it cuts between the Mandalorian and the kid, breaking off the bickering from both ends and drawing their attention to the melody’s source. You lean on the doorframe leading to your workshop, holding a pair of pliers in one hand and a wrench in the other. Grease is smeared on your face, where teeth bite down on a playful smirk and the twinkle in your eyes speaks of terrible intentions—like always. You tilt your head back to the room behind you. “C’mon, Mando. Let my receptionist work.”
With a sigh, the hunter moves towards the separate room, not before glancing back at the receptionist, who throws him one last disapproving look and wraps the bandeau that never stopped blasting music around his ears.
“Why do you keep him here?” the Mandalorian grunts as you push yourself off the doorframe to move inside your studio.
You shrug. “It’s him or droids.”  
Mando trails after you inside the cramped workshop, filled to the brim with piles and piles of sensors and motors and all the other scraps from dubious origins you collect, fix, and resell. He closes the door behind him and pushes a large tube hanging from the roof to the side to walk closer to you.
Facing him, you plummet on your wheeled chair with a sigh, your arms dangling off the armrests, still holding the wrench and the pliers, like you’re the monarch of your little kingdom of junk granting him an audience.
There, Mando finally gets a good look at you, and—much to his annoyance—you’re as lovely as always. Glistening and greasy, you’re still beautiful with oil stains on your skin and fat droplets of sweat trailing your temple. You beam at him from your squeaky throne with that faint grin that attracts nothing but trouble. Maker, no wonder you always manage to talk circles around him. But not this time. This time he won’t fall for your little games. He won’t, he won’t, he won’t. Tonight he’s walking out of here with all of his money, no matter how much you bat your pretty eyelashes at him.
The Mandalorian squares his stance and straightens his back in a futile attempt to intimidate you, strutting ahead firmly and pointing an accusing finger at your face.
“You sold me a—”
“—a busted navigator.”  You roll your eyes and push yourself to your legs abruptly before the hunter can get any closer. He stops dead on his tracks. You wave the wrench and the pliers in the air like the conductor of an orchestra. “I sold you a busted navigator.” The vowels are dragged out with an exaggerated tune to make fun of him. “Yeah, I heard you the first four thousand times, Mando.”
Without looking, you drop the pliers to the side. They land dead center on an open storage box. Perfectly. Almost rehearsed. Something clicks. The Mandalorian suddenly finds the missing piece of a puzzle he didn’t know needed solving, and he feels his shoulders deflate and release some of the anger that drove him to your store in the first place.
You peacock closer to him, one foot in front of the other and swaying your hips as you look down to the wrench in your hand. “But, you should know by now,” you murmur once you find yourself only inches away from the beskar, your voice morphing its earlier mock exasperation into the tone you only use whenever you two aren’t talking business. You look up at him, failing miserably at masking the mischief in your eyes. “I don’t do refunds.” You lift the wrench and grin as it taps the beskar breastplate lightly with a tink.
And before you can blink, Mando’s hand flies to your wrist to clutch it roughly, squeezing without hurting you, but with enough strength to force your fist open. Just like he knows you like it. The wrench falls to the floor with a bang that makes you jump. It’s Mando’s turn to smile when he pulls you by the wrist to press you closer against him. The cocky glint in your eyes dulls into confusion.
“I never said it was the navigator,” he informs you lowly.
You tense under his grasp and shift your jaw. “You knew I’d come back,” he continues, encouraged by your grimace. Staring at your feet, you half-heartedly try to wriggle away from his grasp, but he grabs your other wrist instead and holds you flush against the cold beskar. “Okay. I’m back. Now give me my money.”
But his satisfaction is short-lived, because if there’s anyone in the universe who knows no shame, that’s you. So you simply bite your lower lip and move your head from side to side to shake hair and embarrassment off your face. When you look up at the visor again it’s with that brazen insolence that secretly gets the Mandalorian going like nothing else in the galaxy.
“A girl gets lonely in here,” you purr. Your wrists relax, and make no attempt to pull away. “Can you blame me for wanting you back a little earlier?” Your plush lips curl into the perverse smile of someone who’s holding all the cards, making heat rush involuntarily to his crotch. And it drives him fucking insane. He could have you tied, shackled, or bent over, and you would still sneer at him like you had him wrapped around your finger.
At his silence, you wedge a leg tightly between his thighs and massage it against the bulge between. Your gasp in fake surprise when his length hardens at the first hint of a brush, too unused to any sort of physical contact to remain neutral to your bold caresses. He bites down hard on his lip to suppress a moan. He won’t give you the satisfaction.
Mando’s learnt, though, that his restraint only feeds your audacity. Only makes you taunt him more. His lack of response spurs you on, and you crane your neck forward to lick a slow line along the beskar of the chest. You blink at him playfully as you go, stuffing your tongue back into your mouth once you reach the top edge of the breastplate.
You must find it funny. How his ribs expand and contract in anticipation. How he tends to roll and unroll his fists in an attempt to suppress the instinct to throw you on top of the table so crowded by clutter that he can barely see the surface beneath and fuck the smirks off your face. How he always gives in. How he stiffens both scandalized and impossibly aroused every time you introduce him to some newer, filthier act. You must think it’s so fucking funny.
And as much as the bounty hunter wants to shove you back against your crumbling wheeled chair, he knows you’ll only enjoy it more. So he simply lets go of your wrists and steps back.
“I’m only here for my money,” he lies.
The vicious grin grows wider. “Oh, so you’re making me work for it tonight.” You step back and lean against a table with your arms crossed over your chest, purposefully pushing your tits against the cleavage. Mando shifts in his place. Licking your lips until they glisten, you give him a once-over. You study him inch by inch, and an uncomfortable rope knots in his stomach when he realizes that this is how his bounties must feel when he watches them wordlessly.
Your eyes settle on his visor, and a decision seems to cross them as you walk over to sit on your creaking chair. “Or maybe you just want to hear me beg.” You part your legs wide and clutch the armrest with one hand while the other disappears under the waist of your pants. The contour of your hand shifts up and down slowly inside the crotch of your trousers, and your lips crook into a full O as they release a deep, foul moan. “Is that it?” Your eyes are glossy and malignant, trained on his visor. “You want me to beg for your cock?”
His leather gloves ball into fists, trying to coax blood into his head and away from his…well, his other head.
Yet you hold him in place with that sinful stare and the lewd whimpers that you know get him off, and yes, fuck yes, he wants to hear you beg and sob for him all night as much as he wants to clog your throat with his shaft and make you swallow your teasing.
But he can’t let you win. You can’t scam five thousand credits out of him and expect him to throw himself into your arms no questions asked. He wants to put an end to your little tyrannical rule on his cock. And he wants his fucking money back.
So the powerful Mandalorian watches helplessly as your hand quickens under your clothing and you throw your head back in ecstasy. That fucking smirk doesn’t leave you, though. Even less so when your palm picks up some speed and you hear his breath hitch involuntarily at the visual, loud enough to override the vocoder.
“C-come on, Mando, don’t—” Your hand sinks deeper into your pants and you hum at the adjustment. “Don’t you wanna teach me what—what proper cos-costumer service looks like? Huh?”
His cock jumps in his pants when you say his name in a wanton gasp, and Mando can see you’re sweating and moving your hips faster against your palm. He’s so hard it hurts.
Your smile falters and you frown impatiently as the pent-up tension threatens to snap in your body.
“Don’t cum,” Mando blurts before he can stop himself.
“Or what?”
“Or I won’t give you what you want.”
Your movements halt on command, and the hunter almost envies the control you have over your own body to be able to backtrack on the very edge of your release. You hold your hands up in triumphant surrender as you watch the Mandalorian approach and stop just a breath away from your body. He stands tall before you, crowding you with his size and turning down the volume on the nagging voice that reminds him that he’s letting you win.
Eyes on the prize ahead of you, you lick your lips and snake a hand beneath your sit. You pull a lever and the chair plummets a few inches until your mouth is directly in front of the rigid tent growing in his pants. Expert fingers undo his belt and lower his fly, but, stars, nothing is fast enough when Mando already feels the veins of his cock growing thicker and thicker. Skipping all formalities, your hand sneaks inside, cups his balls, and pulls all of him outside. He groans when you grab his shaft and squeeze hard from base to tip, your bare palm catching awkwardly on his equally dry skin. Mando melts into the sensation all the same, but you seem displeased with your palm’s lack of fluidity.
“Fuck. Hold on.” A pair of fingers disappear into your mouth and down your throat as far as they’ll go. You choke on them dramatically and your eyes water slightly, but they shine when the two small intruders drag outside your mouth, pulling a thick string of elastic spit with them and dropping it on his shaft, pulsing with anticipation. You lean forward and look up through your lashes as you unroll your tongue slowly and more gooey saliva dangles from it. It’s too dense to spill onto its target, so you pluck the heavy ropes from your mouth and smear it manually on his cock, while a thread of it hangs on your chin.
“Fuck.” Your tiny clenched fist wakes up every nerve in his body as it drags up and down his shaft, obscene and perfectly lubricated. Mando’s hips buck into its grasp involuntarily, so suddenly that you flinch at the unexpected jolt. It’s a small comfort for him, to see that he can also surprise you. But then you’re giggling again, locking him in place by grabbing the buck of his belt with your free hand.
“Eager,” you remark. You lean forward and place a chaste kiss on the tip that digs into his spine. Maker, it was barely anything, but he’s so hard and your mouth is so close. “Aren’t Mandalorians,” you tease, “supposed to have self-restraint?”
Mando’s only answer is a low groan and a gloved hand that tangles on your hair and pushes you forward. You resist, though, instead wrapping a fist around his base and dragging your hot tongue up his underside, stopping just before the tip. A tortured whimper echoes around the helmet, and the Mandalorian is not sure if you could hear it because his muscles pull tighter, drawing his attention to his cock and your mouth and the fact that the latter is not wrapped around him for some reason. As if you could read his mind, you suddenly engulf him whole. Spit gathers on the edge of your lips as you suck on his length, swallowing around the tip and swirling your tongue around his girth.
“Fuck, you’re so—so fucking g-good at this.” You hum in response, sending vibrations through his shaft that make his knees buckle. He always forgets how good it feels with you. He forgets that you take him perfectly like all your holes were made for him to fuck. That you make his blood run hot with every swing of your tongue and every spasm of your cunt and every insolent remark that escapes your lovely mouth, now busy pleasuring him.
You settle on his head and suck on the bulb, hollowing your cheeks to let him feel the delicious inside of your mouth. Mando grabs handfuls of your hair with both hands, still trying to extinguish little whimpers before they leave his throat. And you can tell. He knows you can tell because determination clouds your eyes as you yank him closer by the belt. You drag your tongue in a circle around the ridge of the head, before dipping into the slit on the tip and finally earning a punched out groan and some beads of precum as a reward. Somehow, you moan and chuckle at the same time, opening your mouth as strings of spit fall to the floor.
“You’re hard, Mando,” you coo, pumping his length while you rub it on the side of your face, “throbbing and so, so hard. You should’ve come to me sooner, baby. You’re desperate.” You suck on the head again, and the Mandalorian’s grip on your hair turns to steel, pulling you into him and no longer asking. Moaning, you let him, taking him as far as you can and wrapping a fist where you can’t reach. Your other hand releases his belt and snakes down to your lap, fumbling with the waistband of your pants.
Somewhere in the swamp of sensations drowning his thoughts, an idea flashes in Mando’s head, and he holds on to it before you can suck it out of his tip. One glove lets go of your hair and quickly grans the hand lowering into your heat to resume touching yourself. His cock still in your mouth, you look up at him with furrowed eyebrows and a silent question.
“You can’t c-cum,” he explains, forcing words out of a throat that right now only wants to moan, “un-until you give me my—my refund.”
You groan and roll your eyes, taking your mouth off him with a pop. “Fuck no,” you breathe as you pump him faster and harder, almost making Mando lose his resolve. Almost. His hold on your wrist tightens. “It’s store policy.”
“Y-yeah?” You continue sliding your fist along his shaft, as you lean forward and lower your face to start lightly licking his balls. The room spins around Mando, and his grip on your hair pushes you into him until you suck on one ball gently. “Is—is it store p-policy to—ngh—to f-fuck your clients?”
You chuckle against his taint. Your head straightens to set your attention back on his tip, where he’s leaking an almost embarrassing amount of precum. A thumb brushes over his slit, gathering the pearls and bringing them into your mouth to taste him. The way you rub your core slightly against the chair is sneaky enough, but the Mandalorian catches the movements and tugs your hand and hair tighter as a warning. Your shoulders slump.  “I’ll give you half,” you offer.
Mando guides your hand lower and curls it around his swollen cock, silently begging for your attention. His hand wraps over yours as he squeezes your fist and drags it along his shaft at a pace of his liking that sets his insides ablaze. “Eighty.” The helmet falls back as he revels in the wet sounds of your hand sliding back and forth his cock and giving him a nice enough memory for when he inevitably goes back to the Crest and is forced to take care of his needs himself.
You let him guide you, cupping his balls with your other hand and swirling your tongue around his darkening tip. Mando’s chest trembles with a long moan at the toe-curling feeling of your warm spit and your clenched fist working so hard for him, until you drop him from your mouth and answer, “Seventy.”
“N-no, I—”
“—Seventy,” you repeat and twist your hand away from his grasp, leaving his seeping cock throbbing and abandoned, “or you don’t cum.”
Fuck, he was close. He was so fucking close, before you turned the tables. Like fucking always. A part of him cradles his already bruised pride, shaming him for—yet again—not being able to hold it together around you. But his cock tugs harder. More insistently. It pulls every fiber in his body and screams at him to give you whatever the fuck you want.
“Fine.” He nods his head once, before his better sense can convince him otherwise. “Seventy.”
A full, beautiful smile that almost makes Mando forget he’s getting scammed graces your plump lips. You waste no time shoving your hand inside your underwear again and moving your arm frantically as you give him a couple of throaty whines. You open your mouth as wide as it’ll go and blink up at him, inviting him to take you however he so pleases. He tangles his fingers on your hair and shoves you against him as you wrap your lips around his cock and muffle your mewls on it.
The Mandalorian starts fucking your face, getting his money’s worth as he moves you back and forth. Your eyes water and you gag with every shove, but you work earnestly for him, hollowing your cheeks and moving your tongue and pulling just about every trick on your toolbox to make Mando’s eyes roll to the back of his head.
And stars, even through your pants and his helmet, he can still smell your arousal. He hears the wet squelching of your fingers working your pussy fast and if he could only get a look. One look is all he needs to cum, he’s sure, one fucking look at your clenching cunt and he’s done.
“F-fuck, l-let me see,” he pants, “let—let me s-see you—see your p-pussy cum, just—fuck—just a mo-moment, please, j-just…”
Tears from all the gagging fall out of your pretty eyes as you open your mouth and stand up, taking your trembling hand outside to fumble with your trousers. Your thumbs are hooked under their waistband and push down slightly before you suddenly stop and stare at the Mandalorian gulping all the oxygen he can get and waiting for you. “Sixty,” you say carefully.
Too intoxicated with you and too focused on the blood beating hard on his cock, Mando couldn’t care less. He doesn’t give a shit about percentages or money or parts or whatever half-forgotten excuse he had to come here tonight. All that matters and all that’s real is whatever he needs to climax, and if it means letting you win, so be it. “S-sixty. Yes. Whatever. Just—just take your fucking pants off.”
One swift movement and your pants and underwear pool around your ankles. Yanking hard on the hem, you manage to pull the right leg off your boot. You don’t bother with the other one, letting it hang on your left leg as you climb back on the chair, spreading your legs and hooking one thigh over the armrest to offer him the best view possible.
Mando’s cock threatens to spill at the sight. You’re fucking soaked. Your folds are blushed and slick and swollen with all the blood accumulated on your cunt. Three fingers rub your aching clit and everything around it with messy strokes, as you stare at the bounty hunter with raw lust and moan for him loud and clear, and this. This is worth the fucking navigator.
As soon as his shaft ghost over your face you lean into it and reach for him with your mouth. Mando takes your head between his hands and resumes his previous brutal pace, his eyesight now directed at the way your cunt spasms and seeps more juices with every circle you press against your lips. And, fuck, you’re taking him like you’re hungry for his cock. Pushing harder and further and faster despite the gagging, you’re making Mando see blotches cloud his vision and feel how his muscles turn into hot, thick magma. Fuck, fuck, fuck, he can’t hold it in anymore. His balls start pulling up as a warning and you’re sucking harder and mewling around him.
“I—I…I’m gonna—I—”
Mando can’t find enough words to put together for the life of him, but you nod and manage a chocked “Mhmm” and bob your head to the pace of your quickening fingers and stars oh fuck—
The wave of his climax hits him hard on his back and makes him curl around you. He braces himself against the top of your chair and the change in position makes his cock slip outside of your mouth, but his vision goes completely black and all he can feel is the rush of pleasure crushing his bones into dust. Maybe your name is falling from his lips, but he can’t be sure. The never-ending spurts of cum falling somewhere hoard most of his attention, and he focuses on that thick and heavy release, so rare for him that he puts his mind into savoring every second.
It’s not until the echoes around his ears dissipate that the Mandalorian hears you’re still whimpering. Hunched over you, he opens his eyes just in time to see you gather some of the seed that he spilled on your neck and bring it down to smear it over your bundle of nerves, rubbing it one, two, three, four times, before you’re sobbing long and loud. Your hole tightens around nothing, your forehead resting on his cuisse, and Mando thinks he could get hard again just from the image.
You both stay like that for a while, curled into each other and panting in turns, until Mando gathers all the energy left in his system to pull himself upright and shove his softening shaft back into his pants. It’s only then that he sees just how much of a mess he made: Cum landed everywhere. It hangs thick all over your face, on your neck, on your hair, on your clothes. He blushes darkly and he’s about to open his mouth to apologize, but you sense it. Somehow. You wink and brush off his shame with a smile and a wave of your hand, standing up to get dressed. But Mando’s quicker. He kneels in front of you and gently raises your underwear until it hugs your hips, wishing for a fleeting second he could press a kiss on the supple flesh there. You grab his pauldron for balance to sneak your foot into the pantleg that Mando holds open for you.
For once, it’s he who breaks the silence. “I…I do want my sixty percent, you know.”
“Of course.” You smile sweetly at him, reaching back to your work table to grab a clean rag, rubbing it against your face and neck. “I’ll even throw in some free microvalves for good measure.”
Taglist of two so you can keep each other company :) : @rosetophighlander​ @hellomothermoon
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pompadorbz · 1 year
For all of fanon Smackas icks do you have anything you do like? Personally, I like how whenever there is like a timeskip/future drawing, no one changes his hair. Maybe they make it longer/fluffier but the general style is still the same as high school. Nothing new nothing change
I ALSO REALLY LIKE THAT HE KINDA JUST LOOKS THE SAME IN THE FUTURE INTERPS OF HIM. It's very silly and makes me smile, especially when paired with my Mondo timeskip design who is so UNBELIEVABLY different. As for other hcs.... I'll be honest I'm not all that sure!! Although I guess I could say that I really like the headcanon that he's autistic! It's very collectively agreed upon and I think that's actually why you tend to see a lot less Taka infantilization nowadays. I wouldn't call him autism coded however. Coding in media usually implies that it was clearly intended, but was never able to be mentioned for one reason or another, like with queer coding and the hays code for example. Rather, Kiyotaka having similar symptoms is more a result of complete coincidence, but it makes me happy to see other people be as passionate about this headcanon as they are!!
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Tropical Vacation pt. 3
Hey hi hello! This part has been my favorite to write thus far, obviously because I am obsessed with Sakura 💙 lol.
I hope you like it!
Characters in this part: Switch!Sakura, Switch!Mondo, Ler!Hiro, technically Ler!Taka?, Leon, Hina
Word Count: 3,299
PT 1: [Click here.], PT 2: [Click here.], PT 3: [You are here.]
Later on In the day, the vibe was back to normal. The beach sounds were actually pretty calming...
Well, that’s what they would have liked to say. The sounds would have been calming, had It not been for the loud laughter and swearing drowning It out.
You see, Mondo thought he would try to lie in wait for Sakura, but the minute he touched her, she grabbed his hands and judo flipped him onto the floor, pinning him down and proceeding to wreck him with tickles.
“You don’t learn, do you?” she hummed, her fingers tickling every patch of unprotected skin she could reach. “Did you honestly think I was going to let you jump me?”
“Fuhuhuhuhuhuck! Ahahahahahahaha!” Mondo laughed. “Hohohohohow did you eheheheheven seehehe me!?”
“I am not an idiot. I knew you would be waiting for me, You don’t give up that easily.” She replied. “But to answer your question, I didn’t. Hina gave you away.”
Hina giggled deviously as Mondo glared as best he could at her. “Youhuhuhu’re so dehehehehad AsahinahahaAAAHAHAHA-- SHIHIHIHIT!”
He shrieked as Sakura managed to slip her fingers under his arms, which were pinned to his sides. “Don’t threaten Hina.” She chastised.
“SAHAHAHAHAKURAHAHAHA I AHAHAHAM SOHOHO GONNA WREHEHEHEHECK YOU FOHOHOHOR THIS! MAHAHAHARK MY WORDS!” He declared through his fit of hysterical laughter, squirming to no avail.
“Yeah sure you will.” She rolled her eyes fondly at her hot headed friend. “You’d need two of you to hold me down, And unfortunately for you that doesn’t appear to be likely… Unless you have some kind of cloning power I was unaware of--”
Mondo was going to make a smartass retort, but was unable to when Hina joined in, tickling his stomach and ribs. “FAHAHAHAHACK! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!” He cackled.
“Are you able to clone yourself? No? Well… That’s unfortunate for you.” She teased, speeding up.
“Guess you’ll just have to lay here and laugh instead!” Hina giggled.
Oh, they were so going to the top of Mondo’s list- Move over Leon you’re no longer public enemy number one as far as Mondo Is concerned.
“Did you seriously try to tickle Sakura again? How dense are you, Mondo?” Leon chided, unable to help himself from grinning at the sight before him.
Okay, Maybe Leon stays at the top of the list too…
“Are you nuts? Do I look like I have a death wish??” Leon laughed.
Leon sighed. “Fine. Hey Hina, Wanna go get some donuts with me?”
Hina stopped tickling, perking up at the mention of donuts. “Donuts??” She looked up at Sakura with pleading eyes. Sakura chuckled.
“Yes, You can go.”
“Thank you!” She squealed, jumping up and running towards the kitchen, grabbing Leon’s arm and dragging him behind her.
Mondo managed to pull an arm free, he quickly latched on to the first part of her he could reach and wasn’t guarding or anticipating- her leg. He delivered a few squeezes to her leg just above her knee, this action made her flinch and a smile briefly cross her face.
She grabbed his hand and pried his off of her, pinning it down to the floor with a small indignant huff. “Was that your best attempt? I suppose I was expecting something better from you.”
Mondo narrowed his eyes as he caught his breath. “Yeah? How’s this?” He pulled his other arm free and shot his hand up under her shirt, attacking her side.
She yelped, her body jolting away from his touch, a few giggles slipping past her lips. “Mohondo-- I will rihip your hand off!”
“I thought you weren’t ticklish?” Mondo grinned, his fingers following her wherever she squirmed to. “You look pretty fuckin’ ticklish to me.”
Sakura giggled a bit more, deciding her best course of action now would be to get away from him before she broke out into full on giggles. Because as soon as she did that, She was toast.
Whenever Sakura has been tickled In the past, she would become completely helpless and immobilized by her laughter, like her body would lock up and just stop responding like some slow web browser.
Only two people knew about this weakness of hers, Kenshiro and Hina. The only two people brave enough to tickle her. She would prefer not to add Mondo to that list.
She flew off of Mondo, taking a moment to recompose herself. Though she could only take but a moment because Mondo swiftly followed, having since recovered from his laughing fit.
Sakura knew she couldn’t reach her room, she’d have to run right past Mondo who would undoubtedly be waiting and catch her in his arms. So she ran into the dining hall where Hina and Leon were eating donuts.
“Oh hey Sakura, How’s It going?” Leon asked casually.
Sakura ran around to the other side of the table as she heard Mondo burst into the room. She eyed him carefully, the table serving as a barrier between the two. “Where do you think you can run to that I won’t catchcha?” Mondo asked teasingly, approaching the table.
“Mondo… I will reverse anything you try.” Sakura tried to reason with the Biker as she backed up a bit so that she was out of his reach. “So It’s pointless to continue.”
He thought about It, she was probably right… She’s faster and as much as Mondo hated to admit it- stronger. Maybe he should--
“Nuh uh!” Hina interjected, her mouth full. “Sakura’s lying, She freezes up when you tickle--”
Leon snorted with amusement.
Mondo raised an eyebrow. “Reeeaally? Well, I guess It is pointless to continue… Pointless for you.” He smirked. “Just accept your fate and maybe I won’t be as merciless… though, I wouldn’t count on it after that little stunt you and Hina pulled.”
Sakura sighed internally. Thanks a lot Hina… Now her worst fear is coming true, Mondo now knows about her weakness. Guess she has to use her speed now. Her eyes darted around for a way out, but before she could find a route, Mondo lunged across the table at her.
Though thinking fast as always, she dove under the table at the same time and bolted out the door, with Mondo swearing and chasing after her.
She was going to run back to her room, but saw her friends In the hall and didn’t want Mondo to accidentally run them over so she made for the stairs and dove into the rec room to hide.
She leaned back against the wall next to the door, gasping softly, catching her breath. The room was empty, though she wasn’t sure if that made her feel better or worse.
She stilled her breath as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs, they lingered outside the rec room for a moment before becoming silent. She wasn’t sure If he was looking in the room or just standing there.
After another moment of silence, she heard footsteps go running down the hall and she let out a breath of relief. She stayed there a bit longer before peaking out the window, There wasn’t anyone there.
She opened the door and went to run down the stairs but a strong arm hooked around her waist and pulled her back into the rec room with a startled yelp. “Where do ya think you’re going?” Mondo grinned as he kicked the door shut.
Sakura pulled out of his hold and backed up nervously. “M-Mondo… Think about this, I told you earlier that It would take two of you to hold me down.”
“Oh, I know what ya said.” He chuckled evilly, advancing towards the retreating Martial Artist. “But I also know what Hina said, Too. Ya lock up when ya get tickled.”
“If that were true, then how did I get away from you earlier?” She challenged.
“If It’s not true, why are you nervous?” He retorted, closing in on the white haired girl.
Sakura didn’t have a response to that, well, except for a small gasp when she bumped into the couch and almost lost her balance.
Mondo took this opening and coiled his arms around her, pulling her down to the couch next to him. She resisted as he suspected she would so he had to throw all of his weight into it.
Immediately his trained fingers were scribbling all over her sides. “Gotcha~” he grinned.
She let out a strangled whimper before bursting into breathy giggles, she tried to get away but the remaining strength she had wasn’t enough to get free once he sat on her legs. “Mohohondo! Stohohop It!” She complained, wrapping her arms around her midsection in a feeble attempt to block off other spots.
“I thought ya weren’t ticklish? What happened to that?” Mondo teased, running his fingers across her toned stomach experimentally. He wished he had enough time to ask Hina where she was most ticklish at, but figured it would be more fun to find out for himself.
She giggled a bit harder. “Okahahay, I’m tihihicklish! Are you hahahappy?”
“Yes.” Mondo smirked. “‘Cause that means I can get some revenge on ya!”
“Ihihi swear you’ll rehehehegret thi-- AAH! NOHOHOHO!”
Mondo immediately honed in on that spot upon drawing that reaction from the fighter. “What’s wrong? A lil ticklish on your hips?” he asked teasingly, squeezing at her hips relentlessly.
Sakura tried to contain her laughter but it was no use. “DOHOHOHOHON’T!” She grabbed uselessly at his hands, unable to pry them away.
“Don’t? Don’t what?”
“I AHAHAHAM GOING TO KIHIHIHICK YOUR ASS!” She threatened, blushing bright red. Well, Looks like she wasn’t gonna fall for the obvious trick like Taka would...
Mondo laughed, shaking one of her hands off. He reached up and fluttered his fingers against her neck. “Oh yeah? Tell me all about how you’re gonna do that. All I gotta do Is tickle you and you’ll crumble to the floor In a cute giggly blushy heap.” He teased.
She brought her shoulder up to try to block him. “SHUHUHUT UP!” She blushed more.
Ah, So that’s what her trigger is. The cutesy teasing approach. Mondo grinned evilly at the realization. “What? You don’t like being told you’re adorable?” He cooed.
He moved his hand away from her neck to tickle her newly exposed ribs thanks to her trying to block him from her neck.
“STAHAHAHAP!” She laughed harder, trying to turn on the side he was currently attacking to protect her apparently very sensitive ribs.
Mondo released her hip much to her relief but to her dismay his fingers were now mercilessly wiggling against the ribs on her other side. “Man, We should tickle you more often… You’re just so cute when you laugh! Maybe I’ll tell Hiro and the others about--”
“DOHOHOHON’T YOU DAHAHAHARE!” She laughed, her body trembling, not used to being tickled.
“Why not? I think you could use it. You’re so stoic all the time.” Mondo chuckled, tickling the spots between her ribs.
While that may be true, Sakura still would prefer no one else be brave enough to tickle her because she finds it completely embarrassing. When she was training with Kenshiro sometimes he’d cheat and make her submit by completely destroying her with tickles. It was totally unfair, He knew all of her worst spots thanks to them being friends for so long.
She would also prefer no one hear her squeal like she just did. She tried to wrack her brain to come up with a way to turn this around and get out of Mondo’s tickly grasp, but It was really hard to concentrate with him viciously tickling her.
“What? Don’t got a smartass response to that?” He smirked, speeding up the tickles to her ribs. “Ya givin’ up already, Sakura?”
C’mon… Think! Think think thi… oh god It tickles so bad!
“NOHOHOHO! I NEHEHEHEVER GIHIHIVE UP!” She retorted stubbornly, trying to will herself to throw him off. But alas just as previously mentioned, her body wouldn’t respond to her brain.
“Aight, Whatever works for you.” He shrugged, giving a lopsided grin. “I’m pretty content tickling you and listening to your cutesy laughter.” he teased, marveling at the way her face turned pink at the teasing.
Oh! That’s It! Maybe she can’t outpower him right now, but she can outwit him!
Sakura managed to open an eye to observe his reaction, just as she hoped he would, he got flustered and turned pink himself. “U-Uh yeah, that’s ‘cus I’m not flirting with you.” He tried to dispute awkwardly.
“H-Hey! Don’t get it twisted!” Mondo stammered awkwardly, stopping his torment of her. “I’m not-- ACK!”
That was just the opening she needed, She grabbed him by the arms and flipped their positions, pinning his arms above his head as she caught her breath. “H-Heh….heheh…” She giggled still, her body still slightly trembling.
“Wh-Wha-- You fuckin’ tricked me!” Mondo growled.
“Of course… Just as you were… I used your weakness… against you…” She smirked tiredly. “I… Know you didn’t… mean It like that… But I also know… How awkward you are about that sort of thing…”
“That’s so not fair!” He complained, struggling in her iron grip.
“I don’t believe there were any ground rules laid out, were there?” She retorted. “You brought It on yourself when you started teasing me.”
Think quick, you’re in danger now Owada… Do to her what she did to you… Ooh, He can work with that.
“I brought it on myself when I started teasing you?” He repeated for confirmation, continuing after she nodded. “Soo… that mean you actually like being tickled, just not teased?” He grinned slyly.
She felt her face heat up. “Wh-What?!”
“Do you actually like being tickled?” He repeated.
“I heard what you said!” She snapped, flustered. “N-No! Of course I don’t! How girly do you think I am?!”
Ohh, Maybe he accidentally hit the nail on the head? Therapist Owada Is detecting some deep rooted issues she has about being perceived as weak or girly.
“Well, It’s just your wording Is kinda confusing… wouldn’t I have brought It on myself the moment I put my hands on you?” He grinned cheekily at her.
“Of course you did! I just meant that the teasing was the final straw!”
“So the tickling itself wasn’t bad enough?”
Sakura narrowed her eyes at the biker. “Do you think I don’t see what you’re doing? I know you’re purposely misconstruing my words to distract me so you can reverse our positions again.”
Before Mondo could argue, She used her free hand (bc of course she had a free hand) to mercilessly attack his belly and underarm. “I warned you that you would regret it.”
“BAHAHAHA! SAHAHAHAHAKURAHAHAHA STAHAHAP!” He barked through fits of laughter.
The door to the rec room swung open. “Bro?? I heard you scream! Are you--” Kiyotaka paused, taking in the unusual sight before him.
“Hello Taka.” Sakura greeted nonchalantly.
“FAHAHAHACK! TAHAHAHAHAKA HEHEHELP!” He cackled, trying to throw the Martial artist off.
Taka chuckled a bit after he got used to the scene in front of him. “Bro, What did you do to end up like this?” He asked amusedly, approaching the two.
“He thought I would let him get away with tickling me.” She answered.
Taka raised his eyebrows in surprise, Mondo actually managed to catch her? And he missed It? Damn. “Kyoudai, why would you do something so reckless?!”
Sakura chuckled.
“R-Right, Sorry.” Taka smiled sheepishly. “U-Um, How am I supposed to help you?”
“You don’t.” Sakura replied, her tone warning as she glanced at the Moral Compass.
“Taka,” She paused her torment of Mondo to look at Taka. “I feel I must offer you a fair warning, If you tickle me, I will hunt you down afterwards and make Mondo’s tickles look like child’s play.”
Taka squeaked nervously, his arms wrapping around his midsection subconsciously. “Y-Yes ma’am. U-Understood.”
“Fuck It, I’ll do It!” Hiro said, suddenly at the other end of the couch.
“Wh-Wha-- Hiro?? When did you get he--”
Hiro squeezed her sides, causing her to yelp and burst out laughing. She tried to get away by sliding to the floor, but Hiro followed, laughing along with her. “Man Sakura, I never would’ve guessed you’d be this ticklish!” He grinned.
“Stahahahap hehehehelping hihihim he stahahaharted it!” She complained childishly.
“I’m about to end It, too.” Mondo smiled evilly as he got down on the floor with them.
“Hey, Quit squirming will ya? It’s making It harder for me to--”
Hiro immediately stilled his fingers in surprise when Sakura shrieked. Mondo’s eyes shot to Hiro’s hands, they were resting on the back of her ribs. “Well well…”
“Hey are you okay, Sakura?” Hiro asked, concerned he had hurt her.
Before Sakura could recollect herself to get away, Mondo attacked. Wiggling his fingers incessantly against the back of her ribs.
She shrieked again, this time hysterical laughter following. “AAH! NAHAHAHAHA! MOHOHOHONDOHOHO DOHOHOHON’T!”
Hiro blinked In surprise. “Ohhh! I see, Your back Is ticklish!” He laughed as he realized, his fingers tracing delicately across her back. This made her squeal uncharacteristically as her body shook with laughter.
“Looks like Hiro found your ticklish spot.” He chuckled, tickling the spots between the back of her ribs without mercy.
“Hey, Don’t be mean!” Hiro frowned, squeezing her waist. This drew another squeal followed by louder laughter from the fighter.
“Yeah, It’s not our fault you’re so fuckin’ ticklish~” Mondo teased, He glanced up at Taka who was watching with a bit of amusement. “Wanna help us?”
“W-What? But she said--”
“You think she’s In a position to be threatening my Kyoudai?” Mondo smirked, speeding up his tickles to emphasize his point.
Taka hesitated, It felt kind of mean to gang up on Sakura like this, but on the other hand… When does an opportunity like this present itself? And her laughter does sound lovely…
Sakura was hoping that Taka wouldn’t give in, but was sorely disappointed when she felt another set of hands on her, Nails gliding gently across her back. This paired with the harsher tickles to her ribs and the squeezes to her waist and hips made her laugh turn wheezy and borderline silent as she shook violently with laughter.
It wasn’t long though before they heard the familiar chime come across the monitor. Mondo and Hiro both groaned as they all ceased their tickling, much to Sakura’s appreciation.
“Ahem! This Is a school announcement!” Monokuma’s voice spoke. “All Students please report to the Gym for a special surprise!”
“What do you think It Is this time?” Mondo sighed to his classmates.
“I have no idea, but whatever It Is It can’t be good.” Hiro frowned, crossing his arms, Taka nodded In agreement.
“Sakura? Ya good?” Mondo chuckled at the still giggling heap on the floor.
“G-Give me ahaha… minute… hehehe…”
“You have a cute giggle.” Hiro complimented, much to her dismay.
“D-Don’t sahahahay that… wohohohord to mehehe…”
“What word?”
“Cute.” Mondo snickered at the weak glare she gave him. “C’mon giggles, Let’s get to the gym.” He said as he stood up, offering his hand to help her up.
She took it and he pulled her to her feet, once up she pulled him in closer to whisper to him. “This Isn’t over, Owada.” She declared threatening, letting go of him.
Mondo cleared his throat nervously, He knew that wasn’t just a threat… It was a promise.
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salami2 · 3 years
I hope that you don't mind, but could I please get a Danganronpa match up?
I'm about 5'7 (possibly 5'8), I go by she/her pronouns, and I'm unsure of what my sexuality is, so go ahead and match me with either a male or female character!
I've got blonde hair that's about at the of my shoulder blades and blue eyes that oddly tend to change different shades depending on the season, I've got pale skin, and I'm extremely slim (I'm extremely self conscious about it and I hate my weight)
I'm extremely shy, but I've also got a big heart (though I apologize for everything even when the situation had nothing to with me), my self esteem extremely low, and I'm extremely bad about bottling up my emotions till I either blow my top or cry my eyes out. I also have extreme trust issues because of my past (neglectful parents, teachers hating me with out reason, and getting bullied in school), but if you can manage to earn (and keep) my trust I'll turn into a talkative and clingy ball of sunshine that you won't wanna get rid of (and you can't because I have problems letting people go)
My hobbies are reading books (fantasy and dystopian) and manga (MHA cause that's all I own), watching anime (Angles of Death, Moon Phase, MHA, TNP, ect.), attempting to draw without my self esteem killing me, and singing while I listen to music (though I get nervous when someone hears me and I have a habit of losing my balance and hissing at the person)
I hope this isn't too much of a problem
Take care of yourself, and have a good day!
A/N: Heyo anon! Matchups are free as long as my inbox hasn’t exploded with requests aha ^^” Your so sweet honey I hope you have a greater day! Take care
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I match you with…
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Mondo Owada!
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— This man is a tough cookie to crack-
— I think he saw you feeling down one time and decided to try and be nice
— Remember, he’s always really flustered around girls, so the first encounter might be a little awkward ^^”
- Especially around really cute girls like yourself lmao
— But Mondo really means well!
- When he knows you’ve been cheered up a bit, he’ll hesitantly ask you if you wanna be friends
- Of course you say yes and a great friendship blossomed!
- Soon enough, your guy’s’ relationship would start too! And Mondo is an awesome ass boyfriend
- When it comes to your passions, he’ll happily oblige and hang out with ya
- He’ll listen to you sing! He’s always really happy when you do, cause your expressing yourself to him
- If you ever feel insecure about yourself, he’ll immediately stop it
- Nobody insults his girlfriend!! Not even herself!!
- “Beautiful” is only one of the many words he uses to begin describing how amazing you are <3
- Has a habit of holding you close if you ever cry or blow your top off
- He gets it! Emotions are tough so he wants you to vent to him whenever and wherever you feel like it
- Also, just to throw it out there:
- He would and will hurt someone if they ever make you apologize for something stupid
- Mondo has your back if your in any tight spot
- He’ll catch you often when you fall, too. Big buff boi always has a feeling when your about to!
- And Mondo is a pretty decent cook! So making a healthy lunch, dinner and breakfast for you to stay healthy is guaranteed with him
- don’t tell his gang but he lets you touch his pompadour-
- Mondo realizes that you have trust issues. He wants to gain your trust but he’s patient, so he’ll wait until you give it to him
- Like I said he gets it!
- Imagine: It’s late at night and you feel down. Mondo will put you on his bike and take you around a peaceful, lit up city in the cool evenings.
- All in all? 10/10 boyfriend!!
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I hope you take good care of yourself and remember how beautiful you really are hun :))
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mickules · 3 years
i would love if ishida and ishimaru were twins! Their interactions would be great! People when they first see ishida are like did taka dye his hair?
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*whispers* H . . . Hope's Peak Parent Trap I might unironically love 'reunited long lost twins'? There's no way someone hasn't already done that tho' XD If Ishida and Taka were to meet at Hope's Peak; what would Ishida's Ultimate be? Feels appropriate that it'd also be work based like Taka's and not an inborn skill but I'm drawing a blank . . . Ishida is SO GOOD, I've seen so many versions, as a brother, as an alter, as a transformation - and I eat them up. The fanbase really picked up the slack from where Dangan dropped the ball.
(edit: *whispers* -> there’s now a [full comic] of these parent trap boys)
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Don't be so sure you haven't already seen him . . . 👀 (some of yous are observant as HELL and I LIVE for it! Gets me SO JAZZED!!)
I'll elaborate-
Unlike in THH, in this AU 'Ishida' isn't fully formed nor separate from Taka. But rather a different side of him that is very rarely ever seen. (Not unlike someone who has a total shift in attitude when they're hangry.)
Taka is pretty heavily repressed, and has no healthy outlet for it. 'Ishida' is every child-like impulse to bite back- to insult- to retaliate- to sink down to his detractors level, that Taka has to push aside in order to do the Moral Thing and be the 'bigger man'. If he's rattled enough however, he temporarily forgets to give a fuck about his self imposed rules and passes straight through flight/fight and goes into completely feral instead - THAT'S his 'Ishida' side.
Completely random example: if, mayhaps, his kyoudai were to be violently assaulted right in front of him? If he were thinking clearly, Taka would act to protect Mondo and escape from the attackers; but 'Ishida' would make sure to teach them a lesson by unnecessarily breaking a jaw, a nose and 3 ribs.
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his hair still goes white, having an effect like how a cat bristles its' fur - mostly 'cos I love the aesthetic, but also I think it's funny if Taka has no idea it happens.
(also kinda apropos- but I love this tag from that comic:
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didn't count on anyone being able to read my blurry ass handwriting XD)
(next set of ask mini-comics are [about Takaaki/Taka’s mum]) (previous set is this [big ol’ ask dump])
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