#hrabia Podkop
smimon · 3 years
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Continuing from that one post...
They’re reading my master’s thesis 🙃
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smimon · 3 years
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Fantomius panel redraw but it’s the ruthless trio ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
I've been willing to do this since I read Il ladro e il miliardario like, two years ago lol
The three Fantomius protagonists remind me a lot of my silly villains, I mean:
the rich aristocrat who's up to no good,
his partner in crime - a proper lady who loves adventure,
and their tech supply - an experienced middle-class member of another species
...and while I can't imagine my trio having this kind of dynamic anywhere in the thee-part story, it could very much happen in the postgame. Still I used their Part 1 designs for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Hoffa wears Dolly’s outfit because I liked it a lot). Also I think I could make Rajmund a fan of chicory juice just for a little reference.
Original panel under the cut
Thanks to the generosity of OP you can read the source comic scanlated into English RIGHT HERE:
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smimon · 4 years
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Heh heh so, once again I've been overwhelmed by my own emotions and didn't see that coming. Using OCs as imaginary friends helps me a bit to calm down, still this time it took me four whole days to find balance. The worst part was finding hope that I can feel good again, hope that it's all just a matter of time. That's why I drew these panels, it's a message for future me (maybe for someone else as well?) that it will be alright.
Anyway, it seems I came back at a lower level of mood, and I remember it usually lasts weeks, if not months. Here's your warning that this blog might get a lot more melancholic now.
Tl;dr: I’m basically back, but haven’t caught up yet with what I’ve missed, that’s for later
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smimon · 3 years
Hoffa: You seem worried.
Podkop: I'm choosing the metal for my crown. It's not easy.
Hoffa: Why not gold?
Podkop: Cliché.
Hoffa: Silver then?
Podkop: Pretentious.
Hoffa: Copper?
Podkop: Won't last.
Hoffa: Bronze?
Podkop: Spare that for my statues.
Hoffa: Well maybe... red gold?
Podkop: Red... gold?
Hoffa: *nods*
Podkop: Red... gold...
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smimon · 3 years
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Back to art !!!
I've had this piece on my mind for many months, now feels like a good time for something that looks silly and has some more complicated meaning behind it.
Illustration to part 2 of my ryjkacze story, at that point (spoilers) the cast includes a shapeshifter character and one other character who is a master of disguise, so it is entirely possible to have, like, three Podkops at one place. You can try and guess which is the real one.
Oh and Dragan being Dragan fools around and pulls a silly pose to hide his doubts. See, he considers Podkop his friend, and seeing three Podkops made him worried since even he couldn't recognize the real one at first glance. After a while Dragan noticed the clues and found out which one is his friend, but still wasn't sure about it, not believing in himself. But! He remembered that this unusual vest that Podkop wears was custom made, actually even custom woven, and it's impossible for the impostors to have identical clothing, so he only needs to casually check the fabric to calm down a bit. (If you're wondering why does Dragan know the fabric's texture it's all in a scene from Part 1 which is basically MASSIVE spoilers so I will not elaborate).
Ah yes, their friendship. Dragan has absolutely no idea what's on Podkop's mind which makes him worried, and Podkop is intrigued that Dragan wants to know him as a person and not as his role in society which is not common and rather suspicious. But they both could use a friend from outside of their everyday context so they just shrug and try to relax.
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smimon · 4 years
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The noble family portrait, final version. Now I want to get better at chiaroscuro.
Detail of Skarpa's shoes right below.
These shoes are sparkly~
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smimon · 4 years
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Local boy traumatized by seeing elongated friend.
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smimon · 4 years
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Based on a scene from DuckTales reboot episode “Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System!”.
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smimon · 4 years
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Sooo when I said earlier that I’m going to draw hugs I really meant more of a “my steam boiler is about to shut down soon if I don’t fix that one malfunctioning component manually but it’s in such an inconvenient place that I’m not sure I can get there on time and suddenly! my boss! fell from above! so now I have only one free hand!!! I’m telling you, if this job wasn’t so well paid-”
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smimon · 4 years
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Day five of OC-tober with Podkop, the villain.
He's working hard until system shutdown.
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smimon · 4 years
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Long boss.
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smimon · 4 years
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Hrabia Podkop, Rajmund i Hoffa, czyli podła trójka... tyle, że dwadzieścia parę lat młodsi. 🙃
(To nie jest żadna ilustracja do ich historyjki, tylko zwykłe wygłupy z mojej strony - gdyby naprawdę się wtedy spotkali, Podkop nie dożyłby dorosłości ;_; )
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smimon · 4 years
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What if the story of ryjkacze was silly enough to allow drastic transformations so that getting all the powers would make Podkop elongate? (But only when the powers are active)
See I was never a fan of rapid big-scale transformations in works that pretend to be serious (it makes me wonder whether the author wants to tell a story or is just having fun with their imagination), but watching Netflix’s Bionicle miniseries reminded me that this is actually a staple in action/adventure fantasy works, especially in games: that getting a lot of new magical power makes the character bigger. (Of course Bionicle did this long before the miniseries with both gaining and losing power, see Takua or Toa Metru)
So this is just for fun, but come on, is it the first AU I created for this... this story that wasn’t even written yet... sigh.
Yeah yeah I know a power-up transformation usually means MUSCLES but honestly, muscles are meaningless for using elemental powers so I’d like to avoid such a cliche. Still some additional arm span would absolutely be advantageous for a magic user. And also Rajmund would surely feel more at ease when negotiating a pay rise if Podkop was a bit bigger lol.
Sometimes you will get an explanation for the apparent deviation from the law of conservation of mass, but most works simply depict the character as disappearing in bright light and the new form emerging. I thought that since the mass comes out of nowhere anyway, why not make the form change just happen within one frame, accompanied with the sound of uncorking a bottle? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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smimon · 4 years
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Feel the magic in the air, allez, allez, allez!
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Ciekawostka: tęczowe kredki nazywają się Koh-I-Noor Magic.
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smimon · 4 years
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Władza, sława i pieniądze ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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smimon · 4 years
Zorientowałam się, że Hoffa jest trochę jak Sasha Kobayashi - obie wyglądają ślicznie i uroczo, ale mają poważne, profesjonalne osobowości. Dobry kontrast nie jest zły, i najwidoczniej użyłam go tu podświadomie. I jak się chwilę zastanowić, to cała podła trójka ma podobnie. Hrabia Podkop z jego wyniosłością i dumą zachowuje się jak ktoś potężny, a przecież wygląda na słabeusza. Rajmund z nieuczesanymi włosami i brakiem manier sprawia wrażenie prostaka, a nie inteligentnego wynalazcy.
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