cosmoglass · 4 months
Fumito Ueda was inspired by… Gustave Doré's illustrations for La Grande Bible de Tours (1866).
I already knew that Shadow of the Colossus featured things from Genesis - the secret garden with its forbidden fruit (Garden of Eden) and Dormin is Nimrod spelled backwards (Nimrod was killed by Shem who scattered his body parts across the land of Shinar as a warning against idolatry). Is Lord Emon based on Shem? Do Wander's actions that cause Dormin to be resurrected amount to a sort of original sin?
@easternmind identified Gustave Doré's Bible illustrations on Fumito Ueda's shelf in this post, so I had a look at them, particularly the first 41 that are for Genesis and Exodus. The engravings show dramatic, awe-inspiring and destructive scenes in epic landscapes, which describes the look of Shadow of the Colossus pretty well. The ones that jumped out at me though were of Moses in the Bulrushes, and they did so for seeming like a story influence for Ico.
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The story from Exodus goes that Pharaoh put out an order for all male Hebrew babies to be drowned in the Nile, so Moses' mother placed him in an ark and concealed it in the bulrushes by the riverbank. The baby was discovered and adopted by Pharaoh's daughter, and raised as an Egyptian. Apparently, there's also a similar story in Genesis that involves Nimrod. Nimrod fears the birth of Abraham who will be his downfall so he too orders the killing of all newborn babies. Nimrod and Pharaoh are both archetypal cruel and persecuting kings with stories that seem to be reworking some of the same ideas. In Ico, the Queen is killing horned boys and where Moses was placed in his little boat by his mother and then retrieved from it by Pharaoh's daughter, Ico is placed in his little boat by the Queen's daughter. Is the Queen killing all horned boys because she believes that Wander’s descendants are dangerous to her? Is Ico perhaps a prophesied saviour archetype, similar to Moses and Abraham? Children are also taken in The Last Guardian where they are a source of energy/power.
I had another look at Jacob Geller's video essay called The Decade-Long Quest For Shadow of the Colossus’ Last Secret and spotted a Doré Bible Illustration for Isaiah called 'The Destruction of Leviathan' that's very reminiscent of Hyrdus.
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I'm sure that many of my observations were made 15 plus years ago by people like Ascadia whose quest to understand Shadow of the Colossus is at the heart of Jacob Geller's video. If you watch the video, make sure you read the pinned comment below it - Ascadia's cousin shares the sad news that Ascadia died very young in 2018. Well done him for doing such good work analysing Ueda's masterpieces.
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annabelle--cane · 2 years
hi old mutual! i saw one of ur posts on an instagram acc i follow and i was like wait,,,, I Recognise That Name funny shit
hello ancient mutual !!! nice to see you're still kicking
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deathtale0-0 · 3 years
Okay yeah so while I was playing fighting Argus (the 15th one) my brother was all like ‘ha this guy is like brothers with the other one with the sword and he has a little cave under the platform and you just came and disturbed him and everything’ and it ruined my entire day, so I made some Colossi headcanons to make myself feel even worse about killing all of them and yeah, hope you like them :)
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Nickname: Bubba
Element: Earth
Is the youngest
Has really soft fur
Is quiet, but only became this quiet once they lost Malus, most of the Colossi have never heard him speak, but they always include him and     ask what he thinks
Others will always come visit to chat, they’ll sit down together and he won’t say anything but they’ll talk forever and he’ll occasionally smile or make a sound, he’s never told them but it makes him happy that they come talk to him even though he doesn’t talk back
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Nickname: Simba
Element: Water
Likes to sleep curled up in his cave
Makes patterns in the grounds with his hooves
Every morning he wakes up early to leave the cave and sit on the beach watching the tide and looking at the horizon to see the sunrise
Likes his routine and enjoys spending time alone very much, and unlike with Hydrus, the others believe him
But thoroughly enjoys visits from Celosia, sees them as little sibling
Like a cat
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Nickname: Stargazer
Element: Air
Brothers with Argus, is the little brother
Likes to be out in the open looking at the sky which is why to you find him lying down
Enjoys daydreaming, stargazing and looking at the constellations
Is the tall, quiet one who’s a bookworm and secretly really knowledgeable
Gets along with animals
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Nickname: Sundance
Element: Air
A mare
Enjoys playing hide and seek with herself by pretending that there’s something in the tunnels
Loves her area but there isn’t a lot of space to run
A bit clumsy but intelligent
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Nickname: Windtamer
Element: Air
Will go and visit Hydrus since he knows he needs company even though he says he’s fine being alone
A good friend
Quirky, always checking up on the others
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Nickname: Uncle Iroh
Element: Earth
The tough, used to get in trouble uncle of Argus and Gaius, he will beat them both in a fight and taught them all they know
But gives the best hugs and always comforted them when they needed it
Most muscular Colossi
His fur is lined with muscle
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Nickname: Nemo (Avion gave it to them)
Element: Water or Fire
Is a bit of loner, content to stay by himself in his pool and he knows that the other Colossi can’t really visit much because of his spikes, but is okay with it
But, Avion has taken it up himself to visit Hydrus regularly and Hydrus secretly anticipates and loves his visits
They frolic together when he visits
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Nickname: Perseus
Element: Earth or Fire
Both Celosia and Cenobia come to visit him because they know he can’t get out much, and as the three smallest they have to stick together
Has befriended many lizards
Likes to imagine that he is a warrior fighting in the colosseum, whenever Celosia and Cenobia visit they go along with it and are cheering him on as members of the crowd
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Nickname: Scrooge
Element: Fire or Earth
Is quite cold and standoffish but the others have learnt to love him for it
Has taken Kuromori under his wing, whether he likes it or not
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Nickname: Loki
Element: Earth
Likes to play tricks on the other Colossi
Favourite Colossi is secretly Phalanx because he is the other sand-oriented Colossi, he looks up to him
Some of the others think his eyes are a bit scary/eerie so he tries not to look the others in the eye and is a bit self-conscious about them, but Phalanx said he likes them and that it makes him look like he has a fire burning within since they’re so bright which has made him a bit more comfortable
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Nickname: Nala
Element: Earth
Friends with Cenobia
Like a cat, more specifically a panther
Very proud of her armour
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Nickname: Treebeard
Element: Water
Speaks very slowly
Has little creatures in his moss, but doesn’t let the others take them off because he sees them as little friends
Has bad eyesight
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Nickname: Skyglider
Element: Earth
The second most respected after Malus
Is also the second eldest, none of the others know how old and they’ve never asked, just that he’s ancient
Fur is coarse, like you can feel the age of it
Phaedra sometimes likes coming to the desert just to walk around and gallop because there’s not much space to run in her cozy home, when she does Phalanx will fly beside her and the two will race
Sometimes when some of the others are stressed they’ll just come and sit and watch Phalanx fly
Has a deep, booming voice that makes him sound very wise but he’ll also use it to make the others laugh when they come and they’re sad
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Nickname: Pumba
Element: Earth or Air
Friends with Celosia
Looks like a lion
The dumber one out of the two
Phaedra likes to visit his area sometimes and mess around
Is mischievous
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Nickname: Heracles
Element: Earth
Brothers with Gaius, is the older brother
Has very thick fur he inherited from uncle Barba
Likes to train in his cave below the cliff
Is the popular jock type, he’s good at all sports but struggled a bit academically so Gaius has to tutor him sometimes
He was heartbroken when Wander injured his arm because it meant he could never train or play sports again, it broke him (like if a runner broke his leg or a baseball player injured his arm, they’d fall into a depression and never really be able to run, play the same way again)
Has protected Gaius when he was picked on and then started taking him along to uncle Barba’s training sessions
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Nickname: Caesar
Element: Fire
The original mentor for all the Colossi
Fur is like that of a bear, a protector, thick and rough but not unpleasant
When he was going to be chained down, all the others tried to fight back and resist but Malus told them to leave so they didn’t get hurt and that this was his fate
Has gotten quite lonely since the others were blocked off from coming to see him, but Avion and Phalanx come occasionally and tell him how the others are doing, once when Phalanx came along he tasked him with     the job of looking after the others since he could no longer do it
It broke his heart when he saw each light lift into the sky one by one, but he still couldn’t bring himself to kill Wander once he saw him up close and realised he was just a boy
Was actually willing to accept his fate once he realised all his friends were dead
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crimso-o · 7 years
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First day of Inktober ya’ll
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professor-fanalia · 3 years
Hey guys, my name is Rexi from @dragonofthenorth I was wondering if there was a time for me and my partner Seph to come down and meet Hydrus? I've been looking for another hydreigon line pokemon to raise to take some pressure off my partner.
Professor Fanalia: "Of course! I'm sure Hyrdus would be more than delighted to meet you and your partner Seph. While we get in contact with the inhabitant centre on Labardorite Claw Isle, I recommend you go to the Neverland Rehabilitation website to book an appointment date and time you would like to visit. And we can go from there. I'll send you the Brochure  so you know the rest of the details."
"Hydrus and I will look forward to your visit Rexi."
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sanjanasart · 7 years
Psst, I do pet portraits - Please send me a PM if you’d like to commission me! April the Pomeranian, painted using the following materials – ~ Hydrus quinacridone magenta - https://goo.gl/rNhqGq
~ Hydrus Hansa yellow medium - https://goo.gl/h53f9f
~ Hydrus alizarin crimson - https://goo.gl/qoJ84o
~ Hyrdus quinacridone violet - https://goo.gl/uEpvkX
~ Escoda Perla number 2 synthetic brush for the outlines - https://goo.gl/J5UiXV
~ Hahnemuhle cold pressed paper
+ A ton of other brushes for filling in!
Special thanks to Dyalla for kindly letting me use the track “People Say" - Check out more of her music on Soundcloud! https://soundcloud.com/dyallas Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel over here! >>> https://goo.gl/Wv7UZnCheck me out on Instagram @ sanjanasart
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hydrus · 3 years
Hi, Dev. Couple of questions: 1. What kind of network improvements are you planning on making to Hyrdus? 2. How well does Hydrus pull images from generic forums? Thanks.
1) For the most part, it’ll be janitor and admin stuff. There are a bunch of admin-side things that are really ugly to use or just haven’t worked for a long time that I want to get to. Now the PTR is run by users, I have had some good feedback on how to improve the petition processing workflow and so on as well.
I would also like to start exploring serverside ‘tag filters’, so janitors can say ‘don’t ever allow this tag’ or ‘don’t ever allow filename: tags’ and similar, so the same parsing typos and non-useful tags are stopped at the gate. That filter will be shared with the client, so you’ll see in some way in UI that a tag is not allowed.
There are a hundred things I’d like to do, but I will probably get five done. Mostly I need to dive into the network guts and clean a bunch of stuff and put out some fires.
2) Not great, but you could probably figure something out. I built the downloader to work on booru-style galleries, so anything that delivers ‘here are several pages of results in newest-first order’ work best. Since most forum threads are multiple pages in oldest first order, it may be more tricky.
The thread watcher I have is designed around imageboard threads, where everything is on one page. If your forum provides an API, it might be easier to figure out a solution, but I am not sure.
Forums also tend to have unusual formatting. An image is embedded in a post with custom html, rather than a clearly delineated ‘here is the picture that goes with the post’, so the actual parsing would be more complicated and might have false positives/negatives. You might end up grabbing a bunch of emojis at times.
If you have a forum you would like to pull from, please feel free to send in an example thread. I’ll keep it private. I’ve never been a forum guy, so I’d be interested in looking at an IRL example.
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wilx-hub · 7 years
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Hyrdus re-upload They’re the only one of the missing CE wilx to be re-instated.
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lookinlikeaking · 7 years
ahahahaa it’s 11 i did like shit today and i got wrapped up in hyrdus sorting and i have work tomorrow and i uh. hate everythig o k 
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sanjanasart · 7 years
Buy the original painting over here - https://goo.gl/dehmQh
Bird of paradise blossoms and foliage, painted using the following materials –
~ Hydrus quinacridone magenta - https://goo.gl/rNhqGq ~ Hydrus Hansa yellow medium - https://goo.gl/h53f9f ~ Hydrus Deep Hansa Yellow - https://goo.gl/gFxIok ~ Hydrus alizarin crimson - https://goo.gl/qoJ84o ~ Hyrdus quinacridone violet - https://goo.gl/uEpvkX ~ Escoda Perla number 2 synthetic brush for the outlines - https://goo.gl/J5UiXV ~ Hahnemuhle 640gsm cold pressed paper
+ A ton of other brushes for filling in!
Special thanks to Pryces for kindly letting me use the track “9th Wonder" - https://soundcloud.com/pryced
Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel over here! >>> https://goo.gl/Wv7UZn Check me out on Instagram @ sanjanasart
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sanjanasart · 7 years
Rooster painted using the following materials - ~ Hydrus cobalt blue - https://goo.gl/1rTBa7 ~ Hydrus alizarin crimson - https://goo.gl/qoJ84o ~ Hyrdus quinacridone violet -  https://goo.gl/uEpvkX
~ Hahnemuhle 640gsm cold pressed paper 
~ Escoda Perla number 2 synthetic brush - https://goo.gl/J5UiXV
+ A ton of other brushes for filling in!
Special thanks to Pryces for kindly letting me use the track “Medasin - daydreaming ft. JOBA" - Check out more of Pryces awesome music on Soundcloud! - https://soundcloud.com/pryced
Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel over here! >>> https://goo.gl/Wv7UZn
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sanjanasart · 7 years
Purchase this design on a T-shirt for a LIMITED TIME ONLY and HALF of all the proceeds will go to the ASPCA. Spread the love <3 <3
GET IT HERE >> https://teespring.com/fearless2017
Hand lettering painted using the following materials -
~ Hydrus titanium white  - https://goo.gl/dWy5dj
~ Hydrus blue aqua - https://goo.gl/nzoHcc
~ Hydrus cobalt blue - https://goo.gl/1rTBa7
~ Hydrus alizarin crimson - https://goo.gl/qoJ84o
~ Hyrdus quinacridone violet -  https://goo.gl/uEpvkX
~ Hahnemuhle 640gsm cold pressed paper
~ Escoda Perla number 2 synthetic brush - https://goo.gl/J5UiXV
+ A ton of other brushes for filling in!
Special thanks to Outertone records for kindly letting me use the track “Always Blazin" by Won
Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel over here! >>> https://goo.gl/Wv7UZn
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