#i cant stand that hes doing this over and over again
sashi-ya · 2 days
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THAT BOY IS A MONSTER. hibino kafka x f! reader. sinze kink
⋆ requested by: anon. Congrats on 8k sashi!!! you deserve them all! I'm so happy you are writing for Kaiju n8!!! I hope I don't f up with my request, so here I go: kafka x f! reader, nsfw with any kink but can you add size kink? thank you sashi! 😁💓 ⋆ tw: mdni. explicit smut. oral. kinda public, no people around though. oral. size kink. sweet and hot best boy kafka. ⋆ wc: 2.5K // event masterlist // tagging: @i-literally-cant-with-this & @southside-otaku 💕
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“Hibino Kafka!” you exclaim. Another night, another late study session from the hard working “old man”.
“YES?!” he stands up, jolting from his seat, scared he might be in trouble. However, he calms down as it’s you instead of Hoshina scolding him for staying up too late.
However, you are there to do exactly that… and maybe, perhaps, win his heart.
“Sleeping is part of your j-“ “Sleeping is part of the job, I know…”
He knows you are right, but there is something he needs to do; to be able to fight along Ashiro Taichou. And that makes your blood boil…
“Just- never mind” you mumble, noticing no matter what you say it will never make him change his mind. And is not that you don’t want him to pursue his dreams, but there is a part of you that is absolutely jealous. However, about that, he doesn’t know a single thing.
Turning around, you know this will be yet another night like any other. No approaches to the man once saved you during battle. No  changes, no kisses… or so you thought.
As you are about to leave, his -pretty big- hand wraps around your wrist. A dominant grip it both made you shiver and scared you, prevents you from leaving.
The only light around, coming from the little table lamp, is the only source of light on the base library. Silence reigns as most of the officers sleep, and yet the only noise you could hear is your heart pumping blood alarmingly accelerated.
“You worry a lot about me, (Name). I must thank you!” him, solemnly and sweet, expresses.
You scoff. A thank you isn’t enough to your heart. That laughter sounds louder, absolutely tinted in sarcasm. Kafka, why are you so slow?
“is everything ok?” he continues, still holding your arm but this time softening the grip little by little.
“I care because I like you, Kafka” you finally spit, rather painfully or even annoyed. You understand how love works, but your heart can’t stand him having eyes just for Mina.
Silence. He is silent like a night with no Kaiju alerts. Like death, profoundly mute.
You get to release yourself from his hand, internally desperate to run away. You know there is no point in staying… you don’t want to hear apologies for liking her and not you. But then again, you were wrong.
“I LIKE YOU TOO!” he shouts, the only way he knows how to.
In awe, you turn around to discover a sweet -and sleepy- dumbass blushed up until the tip of his ears. His eyes, opened wide. His back straight. The little belly you love, sucked it up.
“You do?”
He swallows, takes a big gasp of air and his face transforms. From a silly teenager in love, to a mature man with a mission; communicate how much he likes you.
Kafka walks towards you, seizing the space in between you two. You swallow too, he is taller than you; bigger than you; stronger than you.
“Can we go to the rooftop?” he asks, as his hand reaches your cheek. It’s soft, and manly… the touch you never thought you would experience.
You nod, out of words. And out of words as well is how you walk behind him as you both climb the ladder to reach the terrace.
A soft breeze plays with your hair and his white flowy shirt. Ahead, the city lights of Tokyo glitter on a dark sky and everything around seems to be asleep as you two should be.
He bends over the railing; Kafka seems worried.
“Why did you… wanted to come here?” you ask, coming closer and yet keeping a reasonable distance from him.
He turns around, opening his arms, smiling sweetly so all of a sudden. “Come here” Kafka calls you to his embrace.
You hesitate for some seconds, but your smile finally takes over your whole face. How to say no to that big dumbass you are also in love with?
As you let yourself be engulfed in his big arms, you inhale his perfume. Never have you ever been this close to him, but you quickly get used to the scent of this manly man.
A hug so warm, his hands hanging loosely over the small of your back. A little bit lower, and those would meet your ass.
You keep your nose buried on the very centre of his chest, and your hands shyly around his waist. Even if you wish to hug his whole frame, you wouldn’t be able to.
“Silly” you murmur, muzzled. “Don’t call me silly… although, I prefer it over “old man”” he huffs, hugging you closer. So close, you are unable to breathe.
“See, I prefer someone older…” you whisper -lustfully looking into his eyes- the moment he lets you breathe for a little bit.
Kafka swallows, but it looks as if he had his throat dry. He can feel his palms getting sweaty, and all the blood of his human body migrating to a single place.
Your hand, because there is nothing else both could do to stop this, grazes his belly up his chest. You go slow, painfully slow. Your fingertips landing on his sharp mandible, feeling the raspier sensation of his unshaved chin.
He grabs your hand, allowing you to rest your full palm on his cheek for some time. But soon enough, it’s him who is placing his thumb on your lower lip. He softly plays with it, slowly and delicately opening your mouth, bringing you closer to his lips as well.
On tippy toes, you do your best to receive his kiss, but it’s him the one to bend enough to do so. Like a protective creature that is also about to attack you.
And oh, how he “attacks” you… his lips crash onto yours, with a surprising passion. Of course, he knows how to treat a woman, he is not a youngster anymore.
Tongues that dance, and huge hands on your body. Still respectful, but hot enough, one landing on your waist while the other presses your nape. His fingers tangle on your hair, pulling ever so slightly.
Your nails carve into his back, sure that those marks will be cause of interrogation coming from the officers during the next community bath time.       
The more the kiss deepens, the more he is tempted to undress you right there. And you, of course, think exactly the same way.
Kafka lifts you up, sitting you on the railing. You are safe; no matter how high you both are on that rooftop; you know you are if he is the one protecting you.
His kisses travel from your mouth to your neck; Kafka inhales your skin perfume, getting hungrier from your flesh the more he does. And the first bite arrives, leaving a mark you will need to dissimulate the next following days.
“I want you…” you mutter, in between heated breathe taking kisses. “I- ngh… I want you, too” he words, nervous, hard, needy, desperate, feral and also blushed.
You unzip your uniform jacket, praying no camera were on up there. Breasts still covered by your compression shirt, begging for Kafka to reach them. Nipples hard, ready for his tongue to play with them.
“Can I?” he asks, as if he needed to. “Please ~” you purr. “Hold on tight, I don’t want you to fall” he adds, using both of his palms to finally land on your turgent chest.
He squeezes and plays; he is still a little bit of a dumb. But soon enough, he focuses on sliding your shirt up. His eyes transform once again when he gets to see your naked upper part, almost like a salivating beast, he pounces right on to it.
Kneeled on the ground, he is able to bury his face on your breasts, followed by a wet mouth avid to devour each of them in the most delicious way. Sucking, biting and licking, making your eyes turn white.
But he wants to taste every single one of the delicacies you have to offer, and because of that he urges you to stand right back on the floor while he continues to kneel like a praying devotee of your godly anatomy.
And your most both pure and impure anatomy is what he discovers, as Kafka slides down your uniform pants into the floor.
“please… you are so perfect” he whispers, placing a sweet kiss on your right thigh.
You feel your muscles spasming, but also trembling. What a man he is.
Another kiss follows, right on top of your mound of Venus, causing your knees to faulter a little and for him to scoff in a cute way.
“Don’t- don’t laugh…” you scold him, pulling softly from his short hair. “I’m just happy ~” he smiles, kissing a couple of centimetres down the last peck.
You bite your lip; this game of lust is making you -and your sex- grow impatient. Already. Eat. Me. Out. Hibino Kafka.
He looks up at you, with eyes you’ve only seen while fighting Kaiju and a smirk that’s closer to a devil than anything else. Index slides your panties down, allowing your wet core out and dripping down your legs.
Gloating, he takes a final look at what he is about to eat, and so… there he goes. A tongue that’s suspiciously great and kinda long, plays in between your folds.
You try to supress moans and whines, but it’s tough work when it comes to such precise and delicious pleasure. And it is that Kafka lifts your right leg to make it rest on top of his shoulder, to suck and devour you even deeper.
“Kafk-Kafka-kun… my- ugh….” You can barely mouth incoherent words, a sign of your brain getting totally taken over by climax.
“Not yet..” he giggles, enjoying the taste of your core into his tongue. Kafka is not only delighted; he is over the moon -and probably trying to hold back his kaiju form not to finally reveal in front of you-
A last kiss on your belly button takes him to stand up; you, panting, can’t believe he has just stood up before making you come… but he has better plans for that matter.
“Can I fuc-“ “yes, you can fuck me” “Yoshi!”
The sweetest dumbass grabs you by your waist, and this time he doesn’t sit you on the railing but over what you presume must be some kind of air duct construction on the rooftop. You don’t exactly know what that is, but the chivalry on your lover won’t let your precious booty sit on a probably dirty cement surface, and instead, he takes his shirt off to place it in between to protect you.
You take a moment to appreciate his body; strong and still so real. A little bump on his belly, proper for his age… so. fucking. hot. Several marks, battle scars that haven’t healed just yet, catches your attention… when did he ever got his body cut with blades?
However, something you weren’t expecting -or maybe you did, imagining during lonely nights- was the size of his sex as it is freed from his lose pants.
You swallow. Is this… gonna fit?
“Kafka-kun?” you whisper. “mh…?” he asks, pumping a rather large shaft ready.
You blink rapidly, opening your legs enough for his hips to reach closer. With one hand sustaining your body over the surface, and the other shily touching the warmth of his throbbing dick you barely mumble words;
“You- big” “I’ll be gentle, I promise (Name)-chan”
He sounds by far sincere. But truth is… perhaps you don’t want him to be gentle, at all.  There is something, so absolutely attractive of a man like him. Of a man so sweet and still so feral… as if he had a confidential secret, as if he deep inside hid an untamed monster.
Well now, he has two secrets. And one of them has just been revealed by you. The size of that man is not only equivalent to his courage, but also quite literally in terms of anatomy.
“Don’t be gentle…” you moan into his ear, as his tip gets closer to your entrance and his body covers the moonlight above you.
Kafka grunts; you shouldn’t have said it that way…
Deep. Deep enough to show on your belly as a protruding bulge. Deep enough to make you loudly mewl. Hopefully nobody has heard. Deep enough to trigger your body to stand on the verge of precipice, on the verge of climax.
Slaps sounds take over. His belly against yours, the kisses inhaling the little oxygen left; that, and the soft growls and huffs of that man decided to fuck you until paradise.
It feels like your walls are being ripped apart, and so incredibly good at the same time. So full of him, the scent of his skin getting stronger; his body sweating, the faster and harder his thrusts become.
“Co-coming…” you communicate, muzzled by his lips. “Very good -ngh…” he does the same, hitting the right spot inside of you as if he was made perfectly for you.
Hands squeezing your butt, teeth pulling your lip. Your legs around his waist, pulling him closer, unable to go away… to pull back. Your nails once again carved on his back, your walls squeezing, milking him up.
“Ahhh fuck…” “fuck, fuck, fuck…”
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darylbae · 2 days
hiii, could you write something fluff with vamp daryl and a fem reader that really likes to stay in the sun? and even tho daryl cant stay for long in the sun he likes watching her enjoy herself for afar💕😭 sorry for the bad writting english is not my firt language
my girl and her garden — daryl dixon🩰
in which vamp!daryl just loves to watch you in the sun
note: i dont have a specific kind of vampire in mind when i write this, so none of my vamp!daryl stuff is really the same.
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It never took long for you to understand what Daryl was. You'd grown suspicious long before he'd admitted it to you, noticing he'd never eat around you and would always go out to find his own food. He'd find reasons to stay inside if he could, not that sunlight burned him alive, but too much of it was harmful. It terrified him when he finally told you, worrying he'd be go back to being alone again. He didn't want to, but he enjoyed your company, he enjoyed waking up and working around you, surviving with you. So now the pair of you were stuck together. Of course, you had a lot of questions. "Will you outlive me?" "Will you stay the same forever?" "Will you get sick of me and eat me?" And he answered them all however he could. Daryl loved how different you were to him. He found comfort in staying inside, keeping to himself, and that had all changed when he'd met you. You loved being outside. You loved the sun kissing your skin, you loved gardening and doing everything you could outside. The cabin the two of you shared was fenced in and kept safe, thanks to Daryl. And had a lovely open area of grass, you'd even built flowerbeds, to plant and watch over your food. Even as it had been raining a lot, you enjoyed at least being on your porch, watching your crops flourish in the rain, listening to the heavy thrum of the rain against the leaves and trees surrounding you. It had finally starting to shine again outside and you almost leaped out of bed to get some UV on your skin. Skipping coffee and breakfast, you'd put on a summer dress you'd kept over the years, and off you went. The sun was beaming down onto your skin, onto your plants, fruits, and vegetables. You couldn't be happier as you bent down to admire the growing strawberries. Daryl had only just rolled out of bed, feeling the vacant space beside him and worrying. Only to see the door to your cabin open, and could hear your sweet voice humming quietly in the distance. He'd poured himself a coffee, standing at the door frame and fishing into his pocket for a smoke. He could do this for hours, he could make a profession out of this. Watching you, studying you, the way you smile at every bit of progress your garden was making. If he were to eventually die, this is what his Heaven would be. You looked up, to see the moody shadow at the door frame and smiled sweetly at him, lifting a hand to wave. He'd returned the gesture, flapping his fingers at you and inhaling deeply on his cigarette. You'd leaped up from your squatting position, running excitedly up to Daryl to show him your work. "Dar! Look!" He stubbed his cigarette against the wall of the cabin, not wanting to blow smoke around you. "What is it, honey?" You lifted the strawberry, a large, deep red, juicy looking one, and held it up to his face. "I know it's not to your taste, but try it! Look how amazing it's grown!" You held it to his lips and he'd taken a bite, holding your gaze almost seductively. You wanted to drag him to bed and show him a good morning. But there were more exciting matters at hand, like your marvelous strawberry. "That's amazing. Well done, my girl." He cooed, wrapping an arm around your waist and tugging you into him. Your stomach tightened quickly at the praise, and you'd accepting the affection from him. Daryl always knew how to make you feel special. "Better get back out there!" You hurried back outside, after handing him the rest of the strawberry, and got back to work. Daryl stayed where he was, comfortably inside and had the perfect view of you. The sun lighting up your skin, making you glow as if an Angel had come and roamed the Earth. A small part of Daryl resented what he was, it limited what he could do, especially with you. If he could, he'd eat, sleep, bathe, and make love under the sun with you. He wanted to enjoy it as you did, but he was content with watching you for now.
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wxntxr-cxtrxs · 1 day
I'd love to see more Illumi x reader from you <3
Thank you so much for reqesting! I wrote some misc yandere illumi headcanons and drabbles, mostly pre-kidnapping. Feel free to request more!
Illumi is patient, especially in the beginning. He's content to follow behind you, unseen and unheard, watching you go about your normal day to day. He watches you go about shopping for groceries and despite how mundane and boring it is, he watches you pick out your desired meals with rapt attention. He watches you when you go out with your friends, watches the way they behave around you, the way they laugh and joke- when you laugh, he tries to comprehend what about them is so endearing to you. But when they make a joke at your expense, and yours smile doesn't quite meet your eyes, he decides that they done something unforgivable, and that they won't get the chance to do it again.
No matter how you met him, whether it was friendly or casual or even hostile, once he's laid eyes on you there's no way to get away from him. From the moment he saw you- you, who's looks and voice and smile have insnared him so entirely- he knew he had to have you. It's only fair for him to be on your mind since you're always on his. Even he cant place what about you is so interesting to him; just that you are, and that everything you do is worth taking note of and everything you say echoes in his head. It's strange; how obsessive and yet detached he is. How everything you do is so important to him, yet he takes so long to even consider trying to get closer to you.
When he does decide to try to engage with you, there's that same patience, that same cold detachment that both helps and hinders his attempts. On the one hand, he never comes on too strong, he nevergives off the vibes of a creepy pervert, he never seems too close for comfort. It's easy for you to overlook him the first few times he comes around. Little do you know how often he's actually around, wearing other faces, constantly trailing you. He's everywhere, but you don't know that. On the other hand, he's so cold towards you that you wonder who he is, why he seems so untouchable, why you've never seen him before but now you see him several times a week. The reasonable part of your mind tells you that you just didn't notice him before. But his eyes send a terror through you, and you find yourself hoping not to see him again.
But it's not enough to just interact with you is passing- it's not enough to stand behind you on public transit, it's not enough to bump into your shoulder, it's not enough to ask casually if you know directions to somewhere nearby. Pretending to be a stranger can only get him so far. He takes note of your friends and family, ofthe way you interact with them, who you know better than you know yourself and who you seem to like being around best. Trailing them isn't nearly the same satisfaction, but he knows the reward will be well worth it. Taking their place in your life is easy compared to other things he's done, you're so willing to write off any mistakes, so willing to forgive when you mention a memory together and they don't remember. Illumi is partly endeared and partly disgusted by how forgiving you can be.
But eventually you start to catch on, start to pull away from them- from him.
That's when you wake up in a room unfamiliar to you- nice, almost lavish, but the unfamiliar surroundings send a panic through you. Before you can even scream, there's a hand over your mouth, hard enough to muffle the sound but gentle in a way that makes you feel sick. Even in the dimly lit room, you recognize him from the times you've run into him while going about your day. You'd recognize those eyes anywhere- you'd always been uncomfortable under his gaze; but for the first time you're terrified.
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medusavsviperz · 2 days
Hiiii i hope your having a good day/morning/afternoon! I love your writings !
Can i request a dogday x fem reader smut where the reader was teasing dogday alot like rubbing and backing her ass against dogdays crotch while they were playing sports with the other smiling critters (like football or basketball) and dogday roughly fucks her when they get home and orgasm denials her and teases her the same way she was teasing him
warnings: smut, cussing, orgasm denial, slightly angry dogday, dogday is so cunty, KNOTTING
relationships: dogday x fem!reader
writing type: second person
genre: smut
an: YALL ARE SO SWEET I WANNA CRY OML also this one is short too 😭 I LOVE YOU TOO <33 art by my pookie @kima-s
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it was a hot and sweaty day, you, along with everyone else decided it would be fun to play basketball! a few games went by, and god... you couldnt help but watch as Dogdays muscles rippled every time he threw the ball. therefore, you came up with a plan. (hehe 😈) Dogday was on the opposing team, and he had to try to get the ball from you. you knew very well he was gonna let you win as always, but you figured you would put on a little show. Dogday came up behind you, and reached around you to grab the ball, ultimately 'failing'. as playful as you were, you decided to tease him. bumping your hips backwards, your ass smacks him in the crotch, emitting a groan of pleasure from Dogday. he doesn't let up though, continuing to try and grab the ball from you to score a point. So you make the move again. Bumping your hips backwards once more, this time emitting a whimper out of him. 
after a few points were scored between teams, it was halftime. Dogday was standing in a corner with a rag and a water bottle, doing the usual. you prance your way over to him, a knowing smirk on your face and giggles coming out of your mouth. he sighs softly and shakes his head, a smile on his face. "dont even think about it angel." you ignore him and walk closer, pressing your chest against his, and running your hand up his thigh. "angel." he warns, clearly getting harder by the moment. the moment you grabbed his crotch it was over for you. he slings you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carries you off, leaving the others to wonder where you went. Dogday bursts through his front door, quickly pacing to his room and throwing you on the bed with a force that had your panties SOAKED. you had never seen his this aggressive before. he practically rips off yours and his clothing, discarding it to another part of the room, before pouncing on you. he had you flipped on all fours, ass in the air, tits on the mattress. you close your eyes in anticipation, when suddenly you feel a wet, rough, round, tongue on your slit. Dogday starts ravaging you from behind, paying attention to both of your holes, and circling your clit with his tongue and lips. just as you are about to cum he pulls away. "Dogday.. please" you whine pathetically. he laughs and lightly swats your ass. "not now angel." he does this four more times until you cant take it anymore and he has you a begging whimpering mess. "so pretty.. i need to do this more often." he laughs when you whine out a 'NO!'. wiggling your hips backwards, Dogday gives you no time to adjust before hes pounding your needy hole into oblivion, his nuts smacking just right on your clit. "i get it now, you just wanted to be punished didnt you? thats why you teased me, hm?" he laughs at your pity, lightly smacking your ass again, his large veiny hands reaching around to rub on your needy clit.
after about an hour of constant orgasm denial, he finally let you cum. and when you came, you came HARD. with one final thrust from him, he had you spilling over the edge like crazy. you squirted, leaving his thighs soaked, and a white ring around his cock from where you came. he attempts to pull out, ultimately failing due to a thick knot he had inside of you. "dogday.. pull out.." you whine. he sighs softly, shaking his head. "cant. knot." you sigh and prepare for however long it takes that you will be stuck with him. still attached and inside of you, he lays by your side and spoons you. "dont tease me again angel."
"no promises."
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made by medusavsviperz, art by @kima-s
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thema-nr-2 · 1 day
so I can’t stop rereading can’t do it alone, and I might need another part to it, like right when he gets off the tour, and he meets reader at her house, and is literally so excited to just feel her around him, and to taste her again, he just can’t help himself. you don’t have to do this request I just want it but if you don’t want to it’s your choice anyway
cant do it alone (pt 2) - b.k
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✮ synopsis - a part two to this fic, Bill is finally off tour and gets to see his precious girlfriend again. But he can’t help himself but be all over her!!! 🎀
✮ genre - fluff to smut i guess?
✮ word count - 1.3k (kinda slow burn imo i’m a major in yapology)
✮ content warning - kissing, pet names, praise, fem!reader, sub!bill, dom!reader, oral (f receiving) very slight degrading, face sitting, bill gets hard 😞, begging
✮ a/n - man i need to start being normal
God, it was finally over. This long, gruelling, overwhelming tour was finally over. It was only a few months, but being away from Y/N felt like a genuine eternity. It was so hard to go even a single night without missing her, needing her arms around me and her soft voice whispering sweet nothings in my ear. But now I can finally see her again after all that time spent “bringing the mood down” as Tom would say. It’s not my fault he can’t hold a relationship for more than one night.
I wasted absolutely no time in driving straight to Y/N’s house. I didn’t even bother to unpack at my own home. I had my priorities set, and she was at the top of my list right now. I stepped up to her door and knocked loudly. I glance nervously at my phone; 2:40 am. “I hope I’m not waking her up…” I think to myself. I had left her a text letting her know I was home and on my way, but it looks like she didn’t see it. To be fair, it was at 1 am.
As he patiently waited for your response, your head slowly rose up as you heard knocking. You sit confused for a moment, who would be here at such an hour… then it hit you. Could it be? Your boyfriend is finally home??? You immediately jump out of bed, not bothering to even get dressed, and raced down to the front door to greet the love you had oh so missed.
The door swings open so fast you were scared you’d break its hinges. Both of your faces light up as your eyes lock.
“Oh, schatz, I’ve missed you so much!” Bill sighs. His arms wrap around your waist as he pulls you into a deep kiss. Your hands snake around the back of his neck as you stand up on your tip toes to reach the tall boy. The kiss feels like it lasts forever, you’re both lost in your own fantasies having not seen each other for months.
You finally pull away for air, panting ever so quietly. Not just out of shortness of breath, but excitement and anticipation. “Are you gonna stay the night, Bill?” You ask.
“Well I may as well.” He replies, gesturing to a clock on your wall.
“Well, I’m gonna go back to bed, so feel free to join me whenever you’re ready.” You give him a warm smile, and a final kiss on the cheek before returning upstairs to your room. Bill, eager to join you, dumped his luggage and quickly retrieved a comfy t-shirt and some shorts to sleep in.
As he opened the door to you room, he noticed you were already lying in bed, but you were still very much awake. “What’s wrong, baby?” He asked.
“Nothing, I’m just… so happy to see you again, my heart is buzzing!”
Bill climbed into bed and lied next to you, his eyes never leaving yours. “Trust me I’m just as excited as you, it feels like it’s been forever, no?”
“I know right…”
As you turn over to your side, you feel that familiar warm sense of safety wrap around you. As bill held you, you felt truly happy again.
But bill couldn’t help himself but be all over you. Your natural scent, the feeling of your warm skin against his, the smell of your freshly washed hair, so many overwhelming thoughts of all the things he wished you could do to him while he was away, it was all too much for the poor baby… as he and you lay together in silence, you were interrupted from your almost sleep with the feeling of something poking you.
“Bill, that better be your hand.” You say bluntly, rolling your eyes.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, liebe, I didn’t mean to… I just missed you so much and-“
You cut him off by turning around to face him, your expression dangerous. “And…?” You wait for him to finish.
“And I need you… badly…”
“Hmm, what do good boys say to get what they want?”
“Please… Y/N please it’s been months, I haven’t been able to get off properly since that call and it’s driving me insane…” God, his begging was like music to your ears. You could listen to him whine and plea for you all night, and still not give him what he wants.
“I don’t know if you deserve it yet, baby.” You sigh a sigh of fake disapproval as you threaten to turn your back to him, to which he immediately turns you back around.
“Yes, baby I do.. I’ll prove it to you..”
“And how would you do that, sweet boy?”
He hesitated for a moment. A little bit of stunned silence, because he thought you would just give in, so now he had to think of something quickly. “Sit on my face.” He finally said.
You cocked your head to the side and raised an eyebrow. “Oh? That’s what my baby wants?”
“Only if you want, I want to please YOU.”
You consider his offer momentarily before getting up to straddle his waist. You were already just in a shirt and panties, so you slowly slide them off, never taking your eyes off the desperate mess underneath you.
“Better be good for me, Billy, or you won’t be getting shit tonight, you understand?” You ask strictly. He nods rapidly in a desperate attempt to hurry things up so he could just taste you finally. Satisfied with his response, you hover yourself over him until you finally lower down onto his mouth.
His lips immediately wrap around your clit as he begins to kitten lick it. His hands find their way into the sides of your waist as he firmly holds you still, nearly digging his nails into your soft flesh in the process. A soft moan escapes your lips as you grind your hips onto his tongue. “Fuck… Bill…”
“I missed your taste so much…” Bill’s muffled voice groans from underneath you as he drags his tongue down from your clit to your entrance. Without hesitation he pushes his tongue as deeply as he can inside you, savouring every second your taste as much as possible.
Your moans only get louder as you feel his tongue brush against your g-spot. You hastily grab a fistful of your boyfriends spiky (though now quite flat) hair and tug on it, causing him to whimper in pain. You hear a soft “fuck!” from under you and you chuckle. “Did somebody like that? You.. little slut..” You say. After hearing nothing but cute little whines from Bill, you loosen your grip on his hair and clench your bed sheets instead.
Bills tongue was now delving in and out of you at quickly, he wasted no time and wanted to make you cum as quickly and as hard as he could. “You’re… doing so well for me, Billy… ah fuck!” Your mouth hung open, moans escaping it at every sensation. Bill moved one hand from your waist and started to tease your clit again with his thumb, slowly circling it and a teasingly slow pace. You almost found yourself begging him to speed up, but you restrained yourself. You felt your stomach begin to ache as your muscles tensed up, your release imminent. You stuttered out moans and broken sentences, letting Bill know how close you were. And under his muffled breath you could make out his accent whispering “Cmon, cum for me, baby.” You throw back your head in pure ecstasy as your orgasm came crashing over you. Bill held you as still as he could, licking up everything he could. With a final few moans, you slowly lift off your boyfriend’s face to see the mess you made of him, and for him to see the mess he made of you.
“That good?” His innocent smile beamed, full of pride.
“You tell me, seems like you enjoyed just as as much as I did.”
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RAHHHHHHH IDK IF I LIKE OR HATE THIS BUT WHATEVER, I GOT SOMETHING OUT AND THATS ALL THAT MATTERS. thank you so much the request, AND all the support i got for my first fic, it means so much to me as a burnt out writer that people actually still like my writing :)) ILY GUYSSSS
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beansnpeets · 5 months
May be asking boss if I can work from home for the rest of the week so I can be closer to Rollei.
Jon called me at noon. Rollei is very swollen and Jon wanted me to call the vet again. I told him he needs to call since he's the one with eyes on him. If the vet has questions, I can't answer them properly. He was grumpy about it but agreed to make the call. It's been 20 minutes and I haven't heard anything back, but hopefully I will soon.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I think I'm gonna die soon if I don't talk abt Martha and her brothers
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sneeping with his legs up over his head for some reason... weird boye
#cats#love the second picture... skrungly sleepy well rested boye face...#since he's an elderly boy now sometimes when he wakes up from a nap he looks a bit scruffy and squinty eyed#Hard to beleive he's like 15 though.. he still looks like a kitten to me.. due to his giant round creature eyes and childlike demeanor#I think it's interesting that like... baby cats are babies. kittens are kittens. and you can tell a cat is like 'young adult' phase#looking from like a few months to maybe 1yr or 2yrs.. but after that they just always look the same to me#a 5 yr old cat is a 10 yr old cat is a 15 year old cat. unless the cat in question is particulalry aged or youthful#I still have so so little energy... it's been icy here this week. like not even FUN but just scary icy even thoguh i lOOOVE the cold#and its my favorite weather. I think it'd be okay actually if I had a woodburning stove/fireplace/hearth thing. literally thats my only#concern with the power going out. I genuinely don't mind stuff like having to go to the bathroom in buckets or cook over a fire or do other#less conveninet things. Its just that if eveyrhtng is electric then you have no way to cook and all of that. well.. and I literally need#background noise to go to sleep lest my ocd sprials become so loud I am slowly driven into maddness.. but a few battery packs or something#and a phone with one downloaded video I could play on repeat is fine for that. I dont need internet. ANYWAY.. so so sad that my fav#orite season ever (winter) is here. and the first cold of the winter is like... just an ice storm that you cant even walk in. I#love like 4 feet of snow where you can play in it and stuff. But just a thin flat sheet of a few inches of ice over every imaginable surfac#is not really playable. the wind speeds are so high and so many trees fall it's actually not that safe to go hang out outside anyway unless#you were in a totally clear open field. which is SAD also because i love ice and high winds. i love to stand out there and get whipped in t#he face with ice crystals and feel like I'm in some dramatic movie or something. but alas.. the threat of being attacked by a falling tree.#I did go out some but again it's like. literallyyou cant walk on it. so I just squatted and dragged myself along the ground lol#One of my stories has a whole section where the main characters are trapped in a deadly cold environment for a week and have to use magic#to survive and etc. etc. so I'm always like.. ouuu.. I should go in the ice.. it's Writing Research actually.. *foolishly gets frostbite*#THOUGH yesterday I went on a harrowing evil journey down a bunch of icy hilly roads to go check on some person's cat because the cat#had been left in the house for like 5 days at that point with nobody to check on them and nobody else seemed to want to do anything#about it (like call all of the neighbors or try to get someone out there) so I just went myself with a roommate who agreed to drive me.#It seemed acting totally normal and I gave it more food and water but.. I am still worried about it.. Apparently the person will be able#to get back to their house tomorrow but.. I dont trust them. But I couldnt take the cat with me because it's like.. a stranger's cat#basically and also no carrier + very skittish.. so I feared if I just tried to carry them bare handed they'd definitely leap from my grasp#and then it'd be like.. sliding on a sheet of ice chasing a cat and so on.. I still think they need to be watched for health issues tho >:|#ANYWAY.... many cat adventures lately... and strange weather... I wish for a normal week without always so many Things Happening.. augh
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willowser · 11 months
oh my god i have to actually stop i need to be forcibly put six feet in the ground BUT I THINK THERE IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE this piece of gojo that is so painfully aware of how beneath him everyone else is. getou was his partner his friend someone he loved they were the strongest TOGETHER and now he's GONE and satoru is ALONE IN THAT. and he was surely raised !!!! being told !!!!! you are not a little boy you are not just anybody no you can't go outside and play no you can't have friends you are the end all be all !!!!! AND OVER TIME THAT'S CHANGED AND MORPHED into him wanting to be the strongest for those that are weaker than him and those that are beneath him but it's literally been ingrained into his VERY BEING that he is THE ALL MIGHTY ABOVE !!!!!!
and so even though his appreciation and respect has changed for those below him HE'S ALWAYS GOING TO BE AWARE OF IT and i think THAT'S what makes him SO CRAZY BONKERS NUTS OVER LOVING SOMEONE !!!!!! do you know what i mean !!!!!! bc you. you are so tiny and small and weak and could be crushed like a liddol tiny bug do you get it !!!!!!! and now you are suddenly the epicenter of his heart !!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK !!!!! at least before he could trust getou to handle himself !!!!! BUT YOU !!!! it does not matter if you are a great sorcerer or not YOU WON'T BE ON THE LEVEL EVEN GETOU WAS !!!! COULD NOT BE ON THE LEVEL SATORU IS !!!!!!!!! HE'S ABSOLUTELY INSANE ABOUT IT HE'S CRAZY !!!!! DO YOU GET IT !!!!!
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flamboyant-king · 9 months
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Cammy went on a trip for a month to meet up with old friends and told Harvey to do the same. So, Harvey had to fend for himself socially without his emotional support fairy and he realized, "Hey, I can do this. I don't need to have Camellia with me all the time to do these things I've been afraid to do....but I do *want* them here."
For Cammy's side, they realize that it's nice to have a home to keep coming back to. The fairy village used to be that, but Harvey's garden is their home now.
And yeah, I cry, what of it?
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skyburger · 3 months
"fnaf is the scariest game ever" "no its silent hill" "well i think its resident evil" everyone shut up!!!!!! youre all wrong. its actually zack & wiki quest for barbaros' treasure (on the nintendo wii) but only the level "keeper of the ice". that level scared me so bad as a kid and you can tell because its the only individual level i remember the name of off the top of my head. like there is nothing scarier than a) being chased and b) being on a time limit. and you know what this level has? BOTH OF THOSE. this level is still scary to me im like AHHHHH!!!! and then i die
#i had to google horror games after i thought really hard for silent hill and fnaf#because like. resident evil is just not a horror game in my mind... its just cool zombie game...#to be fair though. the only one i actually played a portion of was re6 which is probably the least scary one in the whole series#anyway do the kids still find silent hill and fnaf scary. i dont know.#well the former id say yes given how prevalent ps1 horror has been in recent years#fnaf i have no idea. im a massive wuss so its scary when i play it for myself#but watching someone else play them especially when i know them well isnt scary#and ive watched fnaf videos for YEARS#so i dont know. (old man voice) these damn kids... back in my day we watched markiplier scream at freddy fazbear and we LIKED it!#anyway its objectively a horror game and thata literally fine thats all i needed for this post#MY POINT HERE. my point here#IS THAT HIT ZACK AND WIKI LEVEL KEEPER OF THE ICE. IS SOOOOO SCARY#its not that scary but i see tjat level and im like 3 years old making my mom play this level for me again#and for the record yes me and my sister really did make our mom help us with z&w#she remembers helping us with frost breath the most because we like did notttttt get that one at all#and she could never remember how to do the mirrors based on what combination of stands is there (because tjeres like a few variations)#so she always had to look up a guide 😭😭#my poor mother on fucking gamefaqs or something in like 2010... legends only#anyway if you have no idea what level im talking about (any of my oomfs reading this that isnt end) (hi end) PLEASE look up this level#and i need you to think of like a 5(?) year old making her mom play this game.#this aforementioned child is still a massive wuss as an adult btw. some things never change#anyway watch that level and think about how someone like me. whos already a scaredy cat!#imagine how someone like me felt at age 5 possibly younger playing this level#I WISH I COULD LIKE CONVEY EMOTIONS OVER TUMBLR. why cant i attach a .emotion file to this post#anyway ramble over <- hes said that like a million times today#scariest level in a game ever...!!!!! FUCK that keeper of the ice bitch im GLAD he died#muffin mumbles
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capaldiera · 2 months
i started reading this fucking out of character thick of it fanfic like a week ago bc even tho i could tell from first glance it was going to be ooc i was just curious and it sounded kind of funny slash tragic. (how are you tagging grief child death domestic violence attempted suicide on a ttoi fic hello?) and i dooo like complaining And for the most part if it weren't supposed to be about those guys it would just be pretty good so im not Regretting it? but i didn't realise how many stories were in the series and im probably 150k words in. and not much more than halfway through
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blessedmoonsoul · 8 months
sufjan man.
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kyuala · 9 months
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i just woke up from a dream where mark was my bf how do i go on living like normal after this 😭😭😭😭
#i think i was like. at some sort of nct nation rehearsal and i was just listening to his parts#anton for some reason came up beside me and was like singing along and i was like omg thats so good!!! u rock!!#then hendery asked me what i was talking about bc from where he was standing he couldnt see anton so i explained it to him#i said anton rocks omg!!!! then he agreed then anton got all shy then we all ordered food (?)#WHICH WAS BURGER KING BUT LIKE ON A MEAL PLATE AND ALSO W WASABI???? anyways#mark discreetly showed up along w some of the other members and while they were all talking he came up to me tryna be all lowkey#but then i made grabby hands and kissy faces at him and he came closer so i could smooch his cheek 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭im gonna kms.#anyways. i kissed his cheek and while we were hugging he whispered smth abt asking a staff to drop me off at his house#or the other way around i cant rmbr it but i got all happy n excited bc i'd be seeing him again later#n we were like. just in a big love bubble it was so cute :( then fucking hendery and anton saw us and were like WHAT ARE Y'ALL TALKING ABOUT#we just giggled and said NOTHING MIND YOUR BUSINESS and then mark gave them his credit card to distract them like 😭😭😭 some rich men r ok#n then he went away and they started fighting over who got the card and what they should buy with it#and hendery was doing a silly dance to make me laugh and try to convince me to be on his side n say anton should give him the card it was SO#CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THE WHOLE ENTIRE DREAM IT WAS JUST SO CUTE I CANT IM VONNA DIE#screaming crying throwing up etc pls God make this a realityyyy i wanna date mark and have fun w the neos and neo-adjacent 😔#mari.txt#dreams
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
#LMAO I FUCKING CANT.#so missionaries came to my doorstep-- which is literally just hilarious. even more hilarious? one of them was from hawaii.#they ask about my religion&i tell them bc i dont see any point not to&the yt man speaking to me tells me#he was a surfer back in the day so--&this is a literal quote-- 'i went to hawaii&heard it all as a haole on the beach'#remember this is literally entirely unprompted from a missionary who knocked on my door in response to my answering a question#about my religion. so why did this come up? probably the same reason that he then went to on to ask me what would happen if HE wanted#to join my religion&when i answer 'you would probably have to handle that yourself as religion is entirely personal'#he literally stands there w no answer before going 'well our church accepts EVERYONE no matter what theyve done'#&--again this is a direct quote-- 'we have ppl who have done blood sacrifices to their ancestors who have found the REAL god' LMAO.#he then started talking about how the neighboring apartment complex has a primarily east european community?#like with actual statistics bc appartently he just knows that the next apartment complex over is 80% yt immigrants?#not entirely sure how they had anything at all to do w anything so thats around when i stopped laughing openly at him#&told him my neighbors were coming up the stairs&i found taking up the entire staircase to be incredibly rude#so they needed to get the fuck out lmao&the missionary from hawaii-- who had said almost nothing the whole time lmao--#wouldnt look me in the eye while telling me thank you for my time probably bc he now had to continue doing missionary work#w a man who spent a solid five minutes trying to prove im racist&exclusionay as a default#literally ONLY bc im hawaiian v traditional about it&proud as FUCK about all those facts#whiiiiich only made him look&sound. fucking TERRIBE lmao.#anyway its good to know that several hundreds of years later&a move away from my colonized home where yt missionaries destroyed my culture#i STILL cant fucking get away from yt missionaries&their ABHORRENT behaviour lmao.#i need to start checking who the fuck is at my door before opening it.#or at the v least start letting roxy just fucking tear ppl like this to shreds like she wants bc their vibes are so rank#my dog can't stand at my side w/o her ridge going so far up she doesnt NEED to growl to get the point across lmao.
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imaybeabear · 2 years
No you don't understand I love Boromir with my whole entire heart and nothing is ever going to change that
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