#i cook and give my friends the food
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Culinary appreciation
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sweetsuke · 8 months
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narukana bffs. you agree 🫶
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lesbiansanemi · 10 days
In a turn of shocking events absolutely stunning no one more than myself, I might actually enjoy cooking and not only that, be good at it
#it’s like a switch just flipped or something it’s crazy#cooking genuinely used to be in my top 10 most hated activities#but these past couple days I’ve been loving it?#I wonder if the secret is that I’m ACTUALLY cooking#as in like making things from scratch and not relying on premade frozen and stovetop meals#like on Saturday I made a ran of ribs#(made bbq sauce from scratch and everything!)#and then shredded the meat for tacos#they were delicious! and I loved the process of it!#they were so yummy I brought the leftovers to work for lunch the next day!!!!#I’ve *never* done that before#last night I made pasta#and while the pasta was premade (I don’t think I’ll ever reach a point where I’m making pasta from scratch regularly lol)#(I would like to give a shot eventually though)#I made the sauce myself and actually grated fresh Parmesan cheese instead of using the powdered shit#and it was so yummy!!!!#today a friend is coming over and I’m gonna make her fried rice with some of the leftover rib meat#I woke up this morning and first thing made French toast and bacon#not frozen French toast like I actually turned the stove on#tomorrow night I am planning on making Turkey meatloaf with glazed carrots and some peas#what is HAPPENING#this used to be HELL for me and now I’m enjoying it#and food tastes???? good????#this is insane who was gonna tell me food could taste good??????#I used to hate food and only ate when I needed to#is this what cooking from scratch does???? it makes it taste good?????#mannnnnnn#but anyways yes I’m loving it I’m loving the process and it’s tasting good#I haven’t had a horrible accident where something tastes awful yet#(I expect it will happen eventually haha but so far!!!)
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bueris · 15 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
roghan josh 🙏🙏
when it rains really hard in the summer
really mossy lawns
orange juice
black ink
I'm so fucking hungry rn I saw a video of loa sticky rice and I've never wanted something in my mouth more oh my god this is so off topic sorry
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dragonanne4fun · 27 days
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scribbling-dragon · 2 months
sometimes I think about my years as a scout. and then wonder how im still alive/sane
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softpine · 1 year
what if i said finn was bill and asa was frank................ what then........................
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lem-argentum · 3 months
i reallyreally like the exarch i want to give him a bunch of little gifts. <33
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monsteravariegata · 7 months
ooh bell hooks was right, it really is all about love
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seiwas · 9 months
hi hi! just dropping be blessed by your thoughts ✏️!!
also — your writing makes me think of thoughtful prose written with a fountain pen and reading it under candlelight. + of hushed “i love you’s” and stolen glances in crowded rooms. + it makes me think of comfort and security + of how love grows like ivy, slowly engulfing someone’s entire being (col!!)
augustine!! 🥺 thank you for playing 🤍
your writing reminds me of:
coming home to freshly cooked meals, scent wafting through through the door; lazy sundays on the couch, blanket thrown over; sunshine during walks along the park; an old friend, one you always want to see again.
omg 🥺 ur description augustine i am !! so flattered and touched !! u put it so beautifully !!! thank you thank you thank you !! i am keeping that in my heart forever 😭 how love grows like ivy omfG heLp & stolen glances across the room (im a sucker for that!!) aaah
send me a ✏️ and i’ll tell you what ~~vibe i get from your writing! (alternatively, you can also tell me what vibe you get from mine!)
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
Might just pass the fuck out actually
#it has not been a good day. the first thing i had to do today went badly and i’m not looking forward to doing the second thing#and it’s hot and my house feels like a soup and my knee is acting up so i’m essentially walking like i don’t even know what#i was going to say frankenstein’s monster but i don’t even know if he has a limp#i wish the lecture i have tonight wasn’t the FIRST one in the course. if i’d already done a couple i feel like it’d be more acceptable#for me to email the lecturer or the guidance person or somebody and be like ‘hey chief i had an absolute disaster this morning.#is it okay if i take a personal day to cry into chinese food and try to drown myself in the bath? i’ll watch the lecture tomorrow & recap’#but i haven’t established a reputation for showing up & being competent yet#ugh and i looked on the website and the cohort is exactly 8 people which… idk what i was expecting but why must it be small#if i get asked to introduce myself i’m just going to cry on camera#god i bet i do get asked. that’s going to be fucking horrible#‘i’m ellen; i don’t work anywhere because i left my first shift at my new job in tears today bc i almost fainted because my knee decided to#give out; i know enough html and css to know that this course is going to kick my ass. i’m also learning python#because my friend roped me into it. also sorry that i’m eating right now but i decided there was no way i was getting through this class#without ordering fried rice. i don’t know why i’m here. nice to meet you i guess’#i’m so hungry but i don’t want to eat anything because i want to order food. but also. do i have the mental fortitude to talk to someone#on the phone. but i don’t have the mental fortitude to cook either…… it’s a big problem#ultimately cooking would be physically harder but i would also get my food sooner. calling them would be mentally harder and i would get my#food later. ohhhhh god and i just remembered this other takeaway place that opens at 4:30 (💖) but they’re CLOSED ON MONDAYS#i guess there’s also the chinese place in the village. AND their prawn toast is better. and they open earlier and deliver super fast. 🧐#i might just order beef fried rice from them and whatever happens to me happens to me. (i have a beef intolerance lol#but they cook their chicken in a way that makes it really chewy. it won’t make me sick or anything; never has before; but it’s not the vibe.#it’s chinese food cooked by english people. that’s the problem. the prawn toast is good though)#anyway! for personal reasons i will be passing out#personal
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brainmoss · 1 year
someone i only properly talked with like 3 times told me about a food they really like and now im looking up recipes and wondering after how many hang outs would it be aceptable for me to gift them a tupperware filled with that dish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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quack-city · 2 years
I am a simple man i cook something and it's so good i want to share it with my friends so i drop my laptop into a pot and feed all the blorbos in my internet
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adore-gregor · 2 years
#i'm back after disapearing from tumblr (again🥲)#so uni was stressful#but i passed all my tests so far (well one i'm still waiting for the results but i did so well on it i could hardly have failed it)#i even did well 😁 got a b on the first one and a c on the 2nd one (which i'm happy with because quite a few failed and many d's)#(for the one i'm still expecting i should have at least get a C or i might even get a B or an A)#so yay#but my mental heath is always getting worse when i'm studying anyone else 🥲#like i do nothing else or feel like i can't do anything else often order food because i feel like i don't feel like i have time for cooking#and the anxiety i stress so much before the exam until the very moment i have it then i'm calm again😂#like it's whatever i can't do anything more now anyway so i might just do this#i then talk myself up i'm gonna do great on it because i studied well#but it still got better compared to when i was younger i still cooked some meals i saw my best friend during exam week#i also stay positive most of the times because generally i'm a very positive person but sometimes the nerves get to me still#also i find these study tiktoks or tumblr pages so funny the studying part with the clean desk and morning routines life together 😅#i feel like it's not realistic and putting so much pressure on you i kinda hate it#i mean you shouldn't give up on trying to be balanced and relaxed with studying but some amount if mess is normal i feel like#my desk always rather looks a mess when i study#but it's unnecessary pressure fr studying is not an aesthetic and it doesn't need to look like it#all that matters is that you pass your exam and staying in a positive headspace ig#anyway now it's over i'm happy and i have a life again after those 2 weeks#no tests until end of january#only the extra studying for the medicine entrance exam is still a lot🥲#besides i really love playing tennis so much lately this sport is everything to me :))#it helps my mental health so much it gives me so much motivation and makes me happy whenever i play#also my progress was so big this half year 🫶 more than over the course of the last years fr#i went from probably below average in my team to one of the good players#almost won a set against our best player it was close months ago i lost 2:6 i had no chance#everyone says i improved sm 🥹 and yeah this makes me proud bc i trained sm so i really earned it (also found a coach again)#and it's exciting bc i made it a challenge for myself of how far i can go and how fast i can improve#with quick improvement certainly a lot is possible and i love a good challenge 😄
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tatoasting · 2 years
Hehe, I really like them <3
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