#i have decided no matter what. deidara has never heard of him
mixelation · 8 months
okay since i have to invent mangetsu lore now.... how hype do you think mangetsu is. like his wiki page describes him as one of the strongest kiri-nin, so he's probably an a-rank.... is he an s-rank though? is there another world where akatsuki would have wanted him? discuss
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sakura-gyarugal · 2 years
Just me ranting about Sasuke vs Deidara because it’s funny!
Some dude decided to spend 30 minutes fighting with me about how Sasuke beat Deidara. I have no idea why people take the fight so seriously! Like I love the fight for how funny it was. And that’s just cap. If you generally believe that…das just crazy. Anyways it’s so funny how Deidara is triggered and Sasuke is just unbothered and Tobi is being Tobi.
Okay Unpopular opinion they both suck… I’m sorry this fight wasn’t their best. They nearly canceled each other out. I kinda expected way more from Sasuke and I understand he wasn’t trying to kill Deidara because it wasn’t his style and he wanted information from Deidara. Well um Deidara was being hostile. If I was Sasuke I never let that slide 🥱 I would’ve straight up bodied him the moment he threw a bomb at me. 😤 like who do you think you are? Twink 😒And I always wondered why Sasuke didn’t go after Tobi? And why did Sasuke attack Deidara.?Whew the anger issues in both of them 💀 he heard Itachi’s name in Deidara’s was like aight imma kill this ho. And then he straight up tells Deidara he got a big mouth. I would never let that side.
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Sasuke I know you ain’t talking. Tobi falling down in the back. ASGJFFJFJlkhgg
Also Why is Deidara purposely trying to fight a kid? Why is he fighting with a 16 year old who he doesn’t even know him!?. This man was like “hmmm should I go after Itachi’s brother or the nine tails?” Right in front of Itachi too! And I’m just like well you finna lose anyways. Deidara would’ve still been alive if he wasn’t so salty but nah he wanna be the entire Atlantic Ocean. Literally all of naruto is Deidara just being petty pffft.
I gotta give it to Sasuke for being a baddie. He flawlessly ate…as usual! But again he was at an advantage the whole fight obviously. He has sharigan, orochimaru’s curse mark, and he’s lighting nature which apparently beats lighting. Pokémon said otherwise but whatever. Anyways Deidara is complete opposite. The problem is how cocky both of them are. Sasuke thinks he all that which yes may be true and so does Deidara. Lmao and it’s so funny on how both of them were so cocky yet one gets killed and the other one almost gets killed. The fight was so mid. Sasuke counters all of Deidara’s attacks because he’s LIGHTING. That’s nothing special about Sasuke yet you guys praise him so much for it. He did the bare minimum. Be so fr guys. It didn’t matter what jutsu Deidara would do he would’ve still lost to Sasuke. (Which he didn’t) Sasuke didn’t try at all, in fact he was bored the whole time💀 and in the the middle of the fight they start having this long deep conversation about their powers it’s actually kinda wholesome too but…like do I care? No. Stop talking and starting throwing hands.
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“By the way my technique is called chidori.” 😛stop flexing on Deidara. Deidara honestly is amazing. I gotta give it to him. Bro was a disadvantage the whole fight yet he still gave a good fight and was still able to get Sasuke to use a lot of his chakra which was pretty good, but I hate how much chakra he used. I hate how he let Sasuke anger him and make himself lose control. It’s so dumb. He literally starting hating on Sasuke because Sasuke “killed” orochimaru and he was supposed to do it. It’s so immature, like come on Deidara. Deidara is a a strong character but his main weakness is himself. He has all these op powers which I wish were shown more in the anime. He literally can counter sharigan! Do y’all realize how impressive that is? And he trained his own eye, that’s crazy!! It was so dumb how his eye scope just falls off 😤 it would’ve made more sense of Sasuke just ripped out his eye, like straight up yank it out. Because can’t deidara still be able to counter it? Or is just the eye scope? And C4 is insane! It’s such an op power. He makes bombs that are so tiny that it’s the same size as an cell! Deidara is so talented, smart, and strong it’s mind boggling. He took off Sasuke’s wing, he saw through the genjutsu at first, he avoided Sasuke’s blitz, survived falling on the land mine, and used his legs to get unstuck from Sasuke’s shurikens. Bro is just amazing! 😍 plus he’s super sweet! He warns Tobi several times to move when he’s about to set off his bombs and even decides to not set one of them off putting himself in danger but he put Tobi’s life before his! And when he died he even apologized to Tobi 😭😭.But his big problem is that he gets too angry and overworked. He got pissed because he thought Sasuke was disrespecting his art when Sasuke was literally just trying to not get attacked by his bombs. Like deidara he’s not going to let himself get hit by the bomb just to make you happy.💀
But at least Deidara was funny in the fight. The subtle “ows” or he would just let himself fall or him just talking himself. He said “I’ve won!” About five times in the fight like he was trying to convince himself so badly. And then in the middle of the fight he has a mental breakdown and starts to bite his lip causing himself to bleed. He saw Sasuke and had a memory of Itachi beating him. Deidara sweetie it’s not that serious. 😭😭 Sasuke is mostly quiet during the fight too, and that sets Deidara off. Sasuke is like: … and Deidara explodes, literally. Sasuke is so sassy, and Deidara was getting pissed by his smart mouth. He probably mad because he finally found his match. They both got a slick mouth, sometimes I just wanna smack em 😒
And then these moments that make me laugh so hard. He’s so awkward and weird.
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Is he being /j or /srs!? Another thing I found so funny what is when Deidara is ripping off his shirt and stitchings and Sasuke is just watching. Stop staring and MOVEEEE!!!! You would think he would’ve transported or try to run away but he just stands there for a good minute. And then when deidara is like imma blow myself up and is a second from doing it, he actually does something. And then after he’s like “yeah he was stronger that I thought.” 💀💀💀 Sasuke you dumb fu-
You had all that time to leave. It was obvious Deidara wasn’t going to give you information yet you stayed there.
AND HE KILLED THE SNAKEEEEE! That poor snake did nothing wrong and Sasuke just sacrifices it. That snake would’ve still been alive if Sasuke wouldn’t have just left 🙁 RIP snake 🙏 Deidara also killed a salamander. PETA would be disappointed in both of them.
Also Obito was so funny. He had zero faith Deidara was going to make it. This man really said, “oh, you’re still alive?” BRO THE SHADE 😭😭. Like Obito chill you can’t even dodge a rock/j. Then the high pitch screams every now then LMAOOO. Tobi go play in some dirt or something. And bro doesn’t even stay to watch the fight. Bro just left 💀
I also love how Deidara solo’d himself. he’s the definition of “if I kms at least a real bad B killed me.” And I gotta respect him for that. People love to talk about how Sasuke beat Deidara as if Deidara didn’t take himself out. No one won. Sasuke escaped barely while Deidara just straight up beat himself. Ugh they’re both so amazing! But like Deidara was so confident with himself I lowkey felt bad when he was resurrected and he’s so proud of himself for taking out Sasuke while everyone is like
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Poor Deidara. And then his own sister is like
“Deidara you’re too obsessed.” Kurotsuchi transforms into Sasuke and makes him chase after her and then says that. I was like 😧😟 And deidara is so heart broken. He’s so dramatic, standing the moon light thinking about how no one respects his art 😟goofy!!! Sir there is a war going on and you’re think about your art??? while Sasuke out here chasing after his dead brother. Be so fr 😭 laughing and sobbing rn. Love those two dorks so much </3
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inactiveanimeblog · 3 years
breaking up with akatsuki members
akatsuki x reader
tw : angst, mentions of sex, toxic relationships
im not sure if i’ll make a part two for other akatsuki members, or a part where you guys will get back together.
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“i just don’t think we should be together anymore. i’m sorry, i still love you no matter what sasori.”
sasori was quiet for a moment, tinkering with one of his puppets while you were nervously confronting him about breaking up, fidgeting in the seat next to him.
“so you wanna break up hm?” he questioned, his voice amused. “where will you go?”
“i— i have money saved. i’ll go settle somewhere.. in a small village.”
sasori scoffed, even chuckled a bit. clearly mocking you. “you wouldn’t last a day without me.”
now you were starting to get upset, you frowned and scrunched your eyebrows. “you really think i need you that much?”
“please don’t act like you’re something without me. i take care of you, feed you, and give you a place to stay. all at no cost. you ungrateful brat.” he spat out, adjusting the placements of the puppets body.
“i never asked for any of that. see this is why i’m leaving you. you treat me like some incompetent child. i’m more than capable of taking care of myself.” you got up to pack your stuff, grabbing a suitcase out of the closet and taking everything you bought with your own money, leaving all the things he had bought you behind. as you were about to leave he spoke once more.
“you’re gonna regret leaving me, i’ll be here when you’re ready to come back.” he said, his voice monotone as he kept his eyes and hands on the puppet. you took your things and left.
“hidan for crying out loud. you’re such a pig. flirting with other women in front of me.”
you and hidan were out eating at a small hut near the akatsuki hide out, and he was very casually flirting with the girl working behind the counter, and she was flirting back like you weren’t there.
“babe, you can be so annoying sometimes. stop worrying that pretty little head of yours. it’s you i come home to fuck every night anyways.” he said, putting his arms behind his head.
“annoying? seriously? hidan, do you not know how a fucking relationship works?” you were angered. this wasn’t the first time hidan has done this to you. but this was certainly the last. you were over it. over him.
“watch your fucking tone with me bitch, don’t act all high and mighty. i’ll leave you.”
“you’ll leave ME? please hidan, you know what? we’re done. don’t try coming to see me anymore, i’m going back to the house, grabbing my shit, and leaving.” you got up, leaving him behind. him and the waitress snickered.
“my shifts over soon, wanna come over?” the women asked him.
hidan smirked and took a sip of his drink. “yeah, as long as you make me feel better.” she giggled at him, and gave a wink before finishing up her shift.
it’s been two weeks since you guys broke up. hidan regretted what happened between you guys and he ignored your words to go look for you. but you were no where to be found.
“obito, why do i feel like you don’t love me anymore. like your mind wanders elsewhere when we’re having sex, or even when we’re talking. are you still thinking about rin?” you asked, slightly upset to say the least.
you and obito have been dating for a few months and you knew about the women who he loved that tragically passed away. it was a terrible death that ruined him, but you were doing everything you could to mend his broken heart.
“y/n i don’t wanna hear that shit right now, i love you and i love rin. stop bringing her up. i’m over you being jealous.” he answered.
“jealous? as if i would be jealous of a dead women obito.” you scoffed. is he serious right now?
“what the fuck did you just say?” he turned to you, his raspy voice was now raising at you.
“you heard me. i would never be jealous of her. ever.”
“well you should be.” he chuckled lowly. “i loved her a lot more than i love you.”
and that was it. you heard enough.
“okay obito, if that’s how it is then we’re done. don’t even bother with me anymore.” you quickly got up from the living room couch to go upstairs and grab your things. obito followed you up there rambling non sense, cussing at you.
“if you leave now, don’t come back.” he yelled while you were packing your things.
“i won’t.” you yelled back. once you were done packing you quickly left. trudging out of the house and to a nearby hotel.
obito deeply regretted what he said, and he didn’t mean it. he loved you more than anything although his mind was elsewhere while you guys were together. but it wasn’t about rin in a way that he wanted to be with her. no, he had been stressed and having nightmares recently, not sure how to talk to you about it.
“you never pay any attention to me kakazu. it’s always ‘money this, money that.’ why won’t you spend more time with me?” you asked.
you were hurt. kakazu paid no mind to you at all, even getting annoyed with you when you tried having conversations with him.
“will you leave me alone? i’m busy right now and you’re starting to piss me off. go do something productive.” he responded, counting up the money his hand.
“kakazu all i ask is that you pay a little more attention to me. we’re dating, i’m your girlfriend. i need love sometimes.” you said, your voice starting to crack and tears forming in your eyes.
“y/n, i’m gonna ask you one last fucking time to leave me alone. stop being so clingy.” he still has yet to turn to look at you, still counting his money.
“okay fine, if that’s how it is then we’re through. i hope that money loves you as much as i do.” the tears we’re now spilling from your eyes as you packed your things.
kakazu didn’t say anything, he completely ignored you as you were leaving. if that’s how it was going to be then this break up was for the better.
“deidara, this relationship is getting too toxic for me. we fight almost every single day and the only thing we do to make up is have sex. i can’t do this anymore.” you said, getting up off the bed to put your clothes back on.
“babe, relax. come over here and cuddle with me. i wanna go for another round.” he smirked, still in bed butt ass naked.
“no, see?? do you think sex will solve everything? why don’t you start thinking with your brain instead of your dick.” you spat out.
“okay now you’re starting to fucking irritate me.” he said getting up to put his clothes back on as well.
“well maybe you should listen to me. you’re an adult so fucking act like one.”
“excuse you? all you do is whine and complain. if you’re so sick of me then just leave.”
“okay, if that’s what you want then i’m gone. we’re through. have fun trying to find someone that’s gonna put up with you.”
you packed and left. not turning around to look at him once. the anger inside you boiling up.
it’s been a month since you left and the both of you guys missed each other more than anything. you wanted to go back and see him, but you knew things would be the same if you went back. so you held your ground and decided you would never go back to him again.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
The Akatsuki at Karaoke Night
Being a group of insatiable killers is hard work, even in the best of circumstances. Like anybody else, the Akatsuki is constantly seeking out ways to unwind and de-stress during their off time. One day Konan goes out and comes back excited; a local tavern hosts a karaoke night every week. The others are reluctant at first, but this quickly becomes one of their new favorites pastimes. Drinking, eating, singing; what could be more fun than that?
Has to be really drunk to get up on stage and sing. Like, incredibly drunk. Like how-is-he-still-standing-drunk. When in this state, there’s one song that he’ll sing and one song only: “I’m A Barbie Girl.” Nobody in the Akatsuki knows why he chooses this particular song, but everyone has to admit that it suits him. He’ll take his hair out of his ponytail and have it cascading down his back, he’ll tie up his shirt in a front knot, and, if she’s wearing them, will borrow Konan’s heels to wear. And he’ll always try and drag Sasori on stage with him to sing the parts of Ken (C’mon, Danna! You’re literally like a doll, hm!), but Sasori will only comply if he’s in a really good mood/there’s not that many people around. Despite his intoxication he’ll actually sing beautifully, so much so that he’ll receive requests for encores; which he’ll do, until the booze catches up with him and he falls head-first off the stage and into someone’s (usually Tobi’s) lap. Won’t remember a thing the next day and feverishly insist that he’s never even heard of “some weird Barbie song”.
EDIT:: After days of this being on my mind I can also believe that Deidara would sing “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood(?) and stare directly at Sasori the entire time even though they’re not really dating they‘re “in a situation” and even though if they WERE dating Sasori isn’t the cheating kind but he’s listening to the lyrics and noting how intensely Deidara is singing it and his face is just 😳
He only goes because the others insist that he does. Honestly, this guy has a severe allergy to anything Fun. Chances are he’ll bring one of his puppets with him to work on/modify. He mostly refuses to get on stage and sing any songs of his own, BUT he’ll use his chakra strings to control his puppet and have it dance along on stage to a song of his choosing, that he has one of the other members sing for the puppet (giving them a taste of ventriloquism). The song he likes his performers to do most frequently is “Dancing With Myself” by Billy Joel; this must be his favorite song because he always silently mouths along to it as it plays. If literally nobody else is there besides the rest of the Akatsuki, he sometimes “makes” Deidara join him for a duet; he’s particularly fond of “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” by Elton John, although he and Deidara always fight over who sings the part of the girl.
It’s dangerous to let Tobi sing in front of people. Not because he’s bad at it, but because ... he’s good. Startlingly good. His voice changes completely from a goofy childish timbre, to very deep, and smooth, and mellow. There are sea legends about sailors being lured to their deaths by the songs of sirens, and the same principle seems to be at work here. Waitresses will drop their trays, people walking will run face-first into each other, and the area around the stage will be packed with men and women alike trying to get as close as possible to him. The fact that he sounds like that but won’t make his mask off makes him even more mysterious and alluring. His song of choice? “Unchained Melody” by The Righteous Brothers; which brings tears (and swooning) to the eyes and minds of anyone who hears him. After the song it’s like someone flips a switch, and he goes back to the weirdo that the Akatsuki knows and tolerates, seemingly completely oblivious to the chaos his singing caused. He also enjoys having drinks with his Senpai, as the alcohol makes the blonde much more friendly towards Tobi than he usually is; however he can’t keep up with the amount of booze Deidara can put away, and he feels sleepy after just a few beers.
As with most group outings, he’ll complain about thinking everything is stupid. His religion prohibits the consumption of alcohol, so he’ll occupy himself with eating lots of food and “lovingly” heckling his fellow Akatsuki members when they get up on stage. Once in a blue moon he can be persuaded to get up and sing himself, although again this is a complete rarity. He has no real music preferences and will usually just flip through the available choices until he finds something he knows the lyrics to. Tries to pick songs with a lot of swearing in it, which he won’t bother to bleep out and will instead scream out at the top of his lungs (which often results in the whole group being threatened with getting kicked out). Sometimes, though, when he’s in a more mellow state of mind ((a rarity for Hidan)) he’ll get the urge to do a duet (because that takes the pressure off of everyone staring only at him) and can convince Konan to go up with him. Their rendition of “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” always brings the room to its feet, and gets them thunderous applause. After the song Konan will blush and kiss his cheek, which Hidan pretends to act embarrassed about (but is secretly thrilled by). His favorite song to do solo, however, is “Sympathy For The Devil” by The Rolling Stones, which he ... really ... gets into.
Mostly comes out with the others as a sort of chaperone; making sure they get home safe after drinking, and trying to prevent them from blowing all their money on the “outrageously priced” food and drinks. Karaoke isn’t really his thing, and neither is being on stage in front of people. However if he’s in a decent mood, and there aren’t that many people around, he can be persuaded to get up and sing. He sings the most amazing rendition of “Ain’t No Grave (Can Hold My Body Down)” by Johnny Cash; his deep gravelly voice and slow speaking pitch are absolutely perfect for it, giving everyone listening goosebumps. Kakuzu is also a skilled guitar player, and sometimes he will sit on stage and play the guitar bits of certain songs for other Akatsuki members singing, “But I’m taking my fees out of your next paycheck.”
Surprisingly, this is one activity that the plant-man enjoys engaging in with the others. He’s not much of an alcohol drinker, and “human” food isn’t really his thing, either; but he loves to hear the others do their best at singing. It takes a lot to get Zetsu up on the stage himself, but when he does, he’s a fairly decent singer. He’s able to change the pitch of his voice quite effortlessly, so that it intend sounds as if two people are singing, instead of one. His song of choice is a long one: “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen. It takes a lot f stamina to get through this, but Zetsu always finds that half the time he can’t even hear his own voice with this one, as everyone in the place sings with him (because seriously, who alive doesn’t know this song?). But it’s not all fun and games; Zetsu will always be scoping out the crowd, discerning who the most intoxicated people are. He’ll lure these poor souls into the alley out back, and gave himself a tasty little snack. He tries his hardest not to let the others catch him doing this, though, as this is supposed to be a fun and stress-free night for all involved.
Konan and Pein
This whole thing was her idea, yet, unless it’s a duet with one of the others, she’s very reluctant to try and sing on her own. Thinks her voice is “nails on a chalkboard”, although everyone vehemently disagrees with this perspective. Never has to bring any money with her to the bar, because all of the boys will take turns buying her food and drinks. She goes crazy for fries of any kind, and can eat carloads of these alone. Konan is exceptionally beautiful, and she will be mercilessly hit on from the moment she walks in until they all leave. Well, not always — the boys ALSO like to take turns acting as Konan’s bodyguard, and protecting her from anyone who tries to come within three feet of her. They hide their more vicious tendencies for when Konan’s not paying attention, because they know she wants a relaxing evening, but still: there’s been quite a number of guys escorted out of the bar by Kisame and Hidan, that mysteriously never return. When persuaded to sing, almost anything she chooses will be an Amy Winehouse song, as this is her favorite artist. Her favorite song is “Wake Up Alone”, which moves her fellow teammates (Pein included) to tears. Joins Kakuzu as helper to make sure everyone gets home safe and sound. Pein doesn’t like singing, and does not want to sing ... but Konan always manages to convince him to be a good sport at some point in the evening. But the song he picks is disappointingly predictable: “Pain” by Three Days Grace. Expected, maybe ... but he puts real heart and soul into his rendition, nearly falling off the stage with his enthusiasm. As with all group outings, Nagato loves to experience everything through the Pein-body’s eyes, and spend time with this makeshift family of his.
One of the biggest drinkers, but something (perhaps his half-animalness) makes it near impossible for him to be totally drunk, no matter how much alcohol he consumes. Sometimes he’ll make a deal with Kakuzu: Kakuzu will scope out other drunks in the place, inform Kisame of their whereabouts, and Kisame will hustle them for money in either drinking contests or pool games. He’ll split the money with the old guy, making both happy. When it comes to the karaoke aspect, Kisame doesn’t really like singing, or being in front of a crowd; but decides to be a good sport and do a song lIke the others. He can sing almost anything (he has a wide vocal range), but he really seems to favor love ballads. His favorite is November Rain by Guns n Roses, and the rest of the Akatsuki is shocked at how damn soulful he sounds singing it. If not singing or hustling drunks, he likes to spend some quiet time with Itachi, buying him snacks and coaxing the thin ((TOO thin, in Kisame’s opinion)) young man to eat.
Is quiet and shy by nature, so naturally things like karaoke bars aren’t really his deal. But Kisame always insists that it’s good for him to get out ((out of the hideout and out of his head)) and socialize once in a while, so he goes. It’s the same deal as Konan, almost, where women flock to him and hit on him for nearly the entire duration of his visit. However, the group doesn’t act as a collective bodyguard for him, as the majority of them feel like he’d be better off, as Hidan delicately puts it, “If the fucker just got laid.” But Itachi doesn’t seem interested in anything like this; he’s polite to those who approach him, but so closed-off that eventually they give up. When one particularly persistent woman wouldn’t leave him alone, Itachi resorted to grabbing the person nearest him (who happened to be Deidara) and telling the admirer that he was his boyfriend. He even put his arm around the guy’s waist, squeezing him. Deidara went along with it, but after the woman left he angrily informed Itachi that he’d “blow your ass up if you ever try something like that again, hm!” That’s what he SAYS, but it should be noted that he blushes quite hard for some time afterwards. Itachi was only ever convicted to go up and sing one time, and it was a duet with Kisame. The song was “Under Pressure” by Queen and David Bowie. At the end of the song, Kisame was beaming, and Itachi had more admirers than ever clamoring for his attention. Not used to late nights so if they’re out past midnight will usually fall asleep sitting at the bar, and be carried home (and put into bed) by Kisame.
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Hidan the Jashinist: A Fem!Reader x Hidan Story (12)
Summary: Hidan was out on a mission to kidnap the kage of your hidden village with his partner Deidara, you were assigned to capture him and Deidara. Unfortunately that's not how things turned out, During the battle between you and Hidan he starts to realize that he has a strong liking towards you...
Series Masterlist
🚾 :2104
"Okay Y/n grab a chair-" Hidan cut his sentence short when he saw the position Y/n and Deidara were in. It made his blood boil.
You were sitting down on the singular chair that was there before Hidan had left. Deidara had his hand on the back of the chair and his other hand on the edge of the table. He was practically enclosing you within his toned yet skinny arms. Each of your faces were inches apart from the other. Deidara had to bend down because if wasn't he'd be towering over you.
Although your face was still turned upwards, while his was looking down slightly. Your arms were sitting comfortably in your lap and your legs were criss cross applesauce.
The two of you were just chatting about other things, Deidara actually took the time to learn more about you and ask, he didn't get annoyed when you asked him something, he made you feel comfortable, and he never pushed his boundaries with you.
Sure you guys were a talking closer to each other then needed, but neither of you objected to it, you guys had grown accustomed to each other in such a short amount of time so the distance between yourselves didn't matter. So who cared? Apparently Hidan did.
Hidan stormed over to the sight of you and Deidara. He pushed Deidara out of your reach.
"What the hell Hidan?!" Deidara demanded.
"Why the fuck aren't you doing the fucking letter we were supposed to be doing?" Blared Hidan.
You decided to step in before things escalated. "We finished the letter Hidan, stop starting unnecessary shit." Interjected Y/n.
"We were all supposed to do it. You guys purposely left me out so you guys could fuck after." Spat Hidan.
"We knew you wouldn't have done anything to help Hidan. And what are you talking about? I just met this girl." Deidara implied.
"I would've fucking helping you idiot! You were trying to steal Y/n from me. And you were letting him!" Hidan scolded. He pointed his finger at you.
"We were just talking. And you really think so lowly of me that you think I'd let someone fuck on the first night?!" You defended yourself. His words stung a little but what else would you expect from him?
"Well you let me, so what's stopping you from doing it twice?" Hidan claimed.
Hidan had realized what had just come out of his mouth. All three of you were in dead silence you could hear a mouse taking a shit.
Deidara's eyes widened, on a closer look at you he had noticed the poor attempts at hiding the bites and hickeys on your neck. He saw the look on your face once Hidan had said that. He could tell you were hurt. Who wouldn't?
"What the fuck Hidan? You're fucking the person you kidnapped? How low can you get? You know she's vulnerable and is practically trapped here for who knows how long." Deidara fretted disappointedly.
"Don't start with me Deidara. You better keep quiet about this or else I'll kill your blond idiot ass." Threatened Hidan.
"Nah you must be crazy if you think I'll keep my mouth shut about this. You went way too far." Criticized Deidara.
Once Hidan had heard what had come out of his mouth he lunged at Deidara. He was choking him against the wall with one arm. Deidara's feet were inches off the floor. His hands on Hidan's arm. Visibly struggling.
"I swear on your life Deidara, if this gets out of this room I won't hesitate to kill you, and I sure as fuck won't care about the consequences after." Hidan hissed.
"OUCH! Fuck!" Hidan screamed. You didn't see what happened but quickly after you figured it out.
Hidan had gotten bit by Deidara's mouth on his hands. Hidan was grazing over the sudden bite mark with his hand.
"Fuck Hidan you're fucking *cough* *cough* crazy, I can't-" The blond sputtered. He was holding onto his neck protectively.
"Do you understand Deidara? I don't give a fuck about what you think, don't say a word." Hidan roared.
Deidara stayed silent for a while but then silently complied with a nod. Hidan scolded Deidara for a few minutes longer than needed. Hidan then turned towards you.
"Let's go Y/n." He said calmly.
"But what about the letter?" You asked softly, you were a little scared of the state Hidan was in, you didn't want to push him.
"Deidara is gonna take care of it, right Dei?" Assured Hidan.
Deidara was a taken aback abit by the sudden abbreviation of his name, but he quickly nodded. He honestly just wanted to get out of there, if he had known that messing with Y/n would lead to him ending up like this, he wouldn't even have glanced over at her in the first place.
"There problem solved." Hidan replied.
Hidan grabbed your wrist to leave. You complied easily. Before you two left the room Hidan looked at Deidara one last time with a menacing look in his eyes. He turned back and began walking.
Hidan looked down at the hand that was holding onto your wrist and immediately adjusted it and instead interlaced your fingers with his. It was a small gesture but it made him feel better. You didn't reject the action either, so Hidan took that as a good sign for the most part.
You guys were walking rapidly back to Hidan's room. He was desperate to do anything with you, whether that be continue holding hands, talk, cuddle like last night, or just stare at each other.
You were looking at Hidan's face trying to decipher his emotions and expressions, but it was blank. Completely unreadable. You didn't know how to feel, although Hidan was verbally abusive to you, you didn't pin him as the type to abuse you physically, unless it was during a fight or with your consent.
You were nervous, the uncertainty of the situation made you uneasy, nothing was a guarantee that you'd come out of this hideout unscaved. You stayed silent the entire way, and Hidan followed your lead with that.
You guys arrived at Hidan's room and he let go of your hand. He closed the door behind you and locked the door. You stood there by the door awkwardly, not knowing what to do with your body.
Hidan turned your body around by your shoulders to face him. He looked at you, his eyes looked gentle, nothing like they had before when they were with Deidara. You were avoiding direct eye contact with him because you didn't want to make him angry, but you were still able to see the look he had on his face.
Hidan lifted your chin up with his index and thumb so you would look at him straight in the eyes.
"Y/n... I'm sorry for all the shit I've said to you today. I know I'm an idiot." Hidan decreed softly.
You widen your eyes slightly, you didn't expect him to apologize so easily, or at all for that matter. You didn't know what to say, so all you could do was stare at him for a while longer. As you finally thought of something to say Hidan spoke up once again.
"It's okay you don't have to say anything, I don't expect you to forgive me so easily, but could we at least sit down on the bed?"
You simply nodded your head.
You both walked over to the bed and sat down. Your back was to the headboard, and Hidan crossed his legs and was sitting comfortably in front of you. Your knees were up against your chest, while your arms were protectively wrapped arounds your legs.
"Y/n, I don't know how to properly talk about my feelings. But I wanna try to with you." Vouched Hidan.
"Why?" Is all that came to mind when you heard him say that.
"I don't know, I've never really told my feelings to anyone cause I didn't see a point in it. But for some reason I want to with you." Hidan paused. "Does that make sense?"
You simply nodded your head. "Okay go on then. I'm listening." You said.
"Well I don't know where to start. Maybe if you asked me a question it would help." He commented.
"Last time I did that it didn't end well." You blatantly stated.
"I know I'm a dick, and I'm sorry for saying those things to you, but I promise I won't get mad at you this time." Affirmed Hidan.
You silently thought about his words and his tone for a few moments, he seemed sincere, no ill will in his statement. You sighed. "Okay. Why were you covered in blood this morning?"
"Oh... Yeah. Well it's cause you know, how like I prayed to my God quickly before we... you know?" Rambled Hidan.
"Okay well I basically said that I'd kill twice as many people than normal to make up for my sins. Cause you know I wasn't supposed to do that ritual on you, usually I'm supposed to kill you when I do it." He replied.
"Oh..." Both of you stayed silent for a few minutes, then you continued, "why didn't you just tell me that?"
"Because it sounded stupid and embarrassing to say out loud. And I was already annoyed because it was hard to find some people to sacrifice." Claimed Hidan.
"I still don't think that excuses the fact that you verbally abused." You advised.
"Yes obviously I know that. I just have a terrible habit of doing that to the people around me when I'm upset." He clarified.
"That really is a terrible habit. You really hurt me Hidan. You don't know how I feel being trapped here. We've practically already had sex and I'm always wondering whether or not it was because I actually wanted to, whether I've developed Stockholm Syndrome for you, or because I'm trying to survive this situation." You finally confessed.
Hidan looked at you, whilst you looked at the mattress. He knew that this situation wasn't fair at all for you, and that he never did ask consent from you when you guys did stuff. He felt guilty, his actions since the very beginning had been selfish, he really hadn't put much thought into it up until now. Although, he couldn't help but think that your feelings towards him weren't something forced up her, and that she actually wanted them.
"Look Y/n I know this situation is fucked up and everything but I think that the reason that I've had so many mood swings around you is because I think I've grown to love you, and I don't wanna admit that I do so I instead push you away from me. But to be honest it's just not working."
Your eyes widened and you looked at Hidan directly in the eyes. He had a sheepish look, as though he was in elementary school and had just confessed to his crush.
You didn't know what to think, this seemed to come so suddenly. You tried thinking back to see if there had been any past hints of Hidan showing interest in you, that he 'loved' you.
Come to think of it there had been some times when he had been different from other times. Like when we kissed that one time he kissed me with a different sense of passion and lust than before. The real question though is do I love him? Or is this just my brain wanting to survive?
You had no other way of telling unless you actually tested it out.
You got out of the position you were in and sat with your butt touching the heels of your feet, while your knees were planted onto the mattress. You reached over to Hidan's face with putting a gentle and hesitant hand on his cheek. He looked up at you, his expression wary and confused.
You gave him a small smile as the distance between your faces was dissipating. Both sets of eyes were tender and needy for ones touch.
Both of you leaned in to each other's lips. Hidan tilted his head to the side so he could get better access to your mouth. He grabbed your face with both his hands. You could tell that it was out of passion.
As both of you quickly catched your breaths,  your lips crashed into one another once again. Before things escalated any further you put a hand to Hidan's chest and stopped kissing him to look at him.
You smiled. "I guess that proves it." You giggled.
"Huh?" Hidan asked.
"Nothing just kiss me you idiot." You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him as though it would be your last.
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
oh, in that chase could i get headcanons or Scenario of Deidara With a fem!S/o who is part of the royal family (of his respective nation) but it´s also (and opposite of how it has to be a princess) a ninja of anbu level and it becomes a traitor of her nation when they discover the relationship
I’m still not that far into Naruto, so apologies if Deidara is a bit ooc. Hope you enjoy ✨
𝔻𝕖𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕒 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣
As a member of the royal family, you had to abide by the etiquette that was imposed on you at a young age. It was important that, as the nation’s only princess, you act graciously.
You never found the appeal of pretending to be someone you were not, often rebelling against these royal rules.
However, you wouldn’t have to worry about these for much longer. Near your sixth birthday, an assassin would infiltrate the palace killing all members of the royal family, except you, before he was intercepted.
Left as the sole heir, you were destined to take the throne but because you were too young to rule an entire nation, self-appointed leaders began to appear. A civil war ensued, tearing the once peaceful country into shambles.
You had been sent to live with your uncle, the Third Tsuchikage of Iwagakure while the aftermath settled down.
The village was surrounded by mountain ranges, built from the same stone as those. Villagers, especially shinobi, were headstrong. They had rock-hard attitudes they applied to their lives. In fact, many of them practiced Earth Release techniques.
You quickly took an interest in becoming a shinobi to distract yourself from the pain of losing those closest to you. It wasn’t a healthy coping mechanism but your uncle allowed it. He thought if you used that as an outlet to let your anger and negative emotions out, you would eventually healed.
He was partly right. The events that occurred during your youth marked you permanently and would have led you into a darker, self-destructive path if it wasn’t for Deidara.
You met him through training. He was rather talented and his presence brought you peace. Deidara always seemed relaxed, even in battle, but that wasn’t what attracted you to him. It was his passion. More specifically, his love of art.
The two of you were resting from practice. “You see (Name), art is a fleeting moment of beauty that vanishes gloriously.” Though you weren’t necessarily an artist yourself, you nodded, holding your chin like a wise old man with a long beard. “Hm, art is explosive?” “Exactly!”
Being the Tsuchikage’s niece, you had more insight than the average genin. From time to time, you’d eavesdrop in conversations between high ranking nin and your uncle. “(Name) we know you’re there..” “!!!”
Your skills as a shinobi had improved dramatically throughout the years. Still, you were forbidden from joining any type of elite force as you were still an heir. “(Name)-sama, your safety is a priority. One day, you might become the next Tsuchikage if not the Queen of your country.” “Ugh! Uncle Ōnoki will never step down. He’s too proud to choose a successor.”
Deidara reluctantly let you braid his hair. He knew you were upset and knew that this was one of your most peaceful ways of distressing. Had it been someone else, he would have blown them away. “Deidara, you’re so lucky you get to join the Explosion Corps” you sighed mournfully.
The man in questioned mediated on your words. “I like using my clay sculptures in missions—” You interrupted, “They are great.” “But I want to be greater than this. I want my art to be elevated, yeah?”
Your fingers threaded gently down his scalp, giving Deidara goosebumps from the pleasant sensation. For someone who behaved rather roughly, you sure were tender with his hair. “I heard uncle talking about one of the village’s kinjutsu. It’s only passed through generations..”
Intrigued, your blond companion shifted positions to look at your face. “Supposedly it allows users to knead chakra into objects. Perhaps with your—”
It seems Deidara was thinking the same as you. “I could combine that with my Explosion Release!” He grabbed your hands, “(Name), do you know this technique hm?” You shrugged, “No. Only when I become—if I become Tsuchikage, I’ll be taught this.”
Deidara, initially excited, slumped. “That’s too long.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at his change in demeanor. “Are you in a hurry or something?”
Looking into your eyes, Deidara closed the space between you both. His stare felt intimate, speeding up your heart. “If I were to leave the village, would you come with me?”
You blinked in surprise before biting your lip guiltily. “I would love to, but I can’t. As much as I hate it, my duties lie within the village and my country.”
Deidara looked down, absentmindedly playing with your fingers. He said nothing but he didn’t have to, his actions spoke louder. “Why would you want to leave the village anyways? And, how would the two of us live a-alone?”
At your naivety, Deidara stood up ready to go but you grabbed his hand, stopping him in his tracks. “Wait. Don’t leave me..”
“Would you be able to locate the location of the scroll that contains it, hm?” You stood up, still not releasing from. “I guess so, but why—”
“Could you just do it…please..”
Perhaps you knew from that moment what Deidara had planned but you pushed yourself to think otherwise.
As promised, you used your skills to find where the scroll was being kept before passing on that information to Deidara.
He ran his fingers up your arms before settling on your elbows. “This face.. its so beautiful it should be considered art..” one of his hands settled on your waist while the other cupped your cheek. You figured what he was trying to do and kissed him. Passionately.
It lasted a while. Before this, neither of you had made a move. There were always the longing looks and casual yet intimate touches. Everyone around you noticed the closeness between the two of you, even deciding that you’d make a good couple. “You should go to sleep.”
“Okay..” you bid him goodnight. “See you tomorrow?” He smiled, “Sure.”
It was the middle of the night when you were awoken by loud explosive noises. Some of them shook the tower in which you lived. Clicking your tongue, you detangled yourself from the covers, running towards the window.
Curses left your mouth as you connected the pieces together. “Damn him..!” He’d really done it.
You rushed to get dressed and chase after Deidara. Though you were technically not allowed to leave the village, you could sort that out with your uncle later. You struggled to put on your shoes, jumping around in the darkness with one foot while the other refused to enter the shoe.
You weren’t given the chance as shinobi filled the room. Meeting your eyes with the Tsuchikage, disappointment reflected in them. He knew. He knew that you were the one that had given Deidara the information. The two of you were practically inseparable.
Bringing your other foot down, you didn’t spare anyone a last look before running towards the window and jumping. Shinobi were quick to follow but Ōnoki stopped them. “Let her go.”
The Tsuchikage was showing you the ultimate mercy he could afford. He was never a father figure to you, he knew that Deidara was the only person left who you loved.
Besides, you were an extremely skilled nin despite not joining a special unit. It was probable you would make matters more difficult for them. Not to mention, that no one knew if you’d stolen any secret techniques either.
You tried. You desperately tried to find Deidara now that you were considered a traitor. A traitor to your country and Iwagakure. There was no use going back.
Truthfully, you were lucky the Tsuchikage allowed you to go without repercussions. Like Deidara, you were now a rogue nin without means to travel or survive.
Speaking of which, Deidara seriously considered taking you with him even if it was by force but upon further thought, he couldn’t.
You were better off without him. By stealing from the Tsuchikage, Deidara knew he’d become a traitor and a fugitive. It was safer for you to not be associated with him. Maybe you could find a prince to marry or finally become the Fourth Tsuchikage.
His heart would heal with time. Deidara would be able to forget you, your face, your mouth, your soft lips..
Two years would pass before you found information regarding the whereabouts of your beloved. Word had it that there was a bomber for hire. People’s description of this individual sounded incredibly familiar so you sought him out.
Deidara had been hired by a mysterious person. He’d been given an address to meet and discuss the deal but they hadn’t shown up.
The place was bare so it couldn’t be a trap, but as the seconds trickled by he couldn’t help but doubt. As he was about to leave, a certain figure tackled him.
Deidara had not sensed them. Were they in the room the entire time?? He could barely process this as the cloaked figure grabbed his wrist and pinned them to the side of his head.
During the struggle, the hood fell revealing the individual behind this attack. You smiled, though the anger behind your eyes was clear. “I thought..” your hands tightened around his wrists “I had made it clear that you wouldn’t leave me.”
Not a lot of time had passed but you had become even more beautiful. Deidara couldn’t help but stare. Your face showed signs of maturity; eyes sharp and those sensual lips molding into a straight line.
You had abandoned everyone, everything you knew.. for him? You’d become a traitor, a deserter, a rouge nin for his sake. Was your love for him truly that strong?
Upon spotting the tongues on his hands, you tilted your head curiously, bringing back some of your innocence.
“Well, we can work with that.”
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
The Aftermath
After Tobi's little senpai episode things simply haven't been the same with Deidara, Sasori, and Itachi. But, Hidan and Kakuzu are enjoying the drama and tea.
Akatsuki Group Chat
Sasori: So what are we doing today?
Deidara: Idk
Itachi: Can I hang with you guys?
Sasori: Don't you have Kisame?
Itachi: He's on a mission won't be back till 4 weeks
Deidara: Wtf is his mission
Itachi: Wouldn't say. So that a yes or no?
Sasori: I'm sure Tobi would like to be around his new senpai
Ilovetea has went online.
Teaislife has went online.
Ilovetea: Sniff sniff. You smell that Kakuzu? Tea
Teaislife: Oh yes the pleasant aroma of drama and heartbreak.
Itachi: Fuck off you too Sasori
Sasori: I'm simply stating a fact no need to get hostile Itachi
Deidara: Sure why not Itachi
Deidara: What's so wrong with him hanging with us?
Sasori: For number one I wasn't aware he hanged with anyone less known people. (And because he likes you you idiot)
A/N: When I do the ( in the texting stories it is the characters inner thoughts.
Itachi: What's that suppose to mean?
Sasori: You guess genius. For number two it was only suppose to be me and you.
Itachi: Jealous much?
Sasori: No. (You have no idea)
Itachi: Hmph
Deidara: Sasori. Talk. Now
Ilovetea: Shit is getting real
Teaislife: Yaaaaasss
Sasori: What is it?
Deidara: YOU! You've been acting differently ever since Tobi and his little episode. Anything you wanna tell me?
Sasori: No Deidara. ( I only like you more then I should but, I'm way too old for you and I'm jealous that Itachi would even think to look at you that way but, he 's prefect in every way and I'm possessive. No not really)
Deidara: Hmph just let him hang with us please?
Sasori: (Man I hate when he does that) Sure
Deidara: Thank you danna
Sasori: Anything for you. (He's so dense)
Akatsuki Group Chat
Ilovetea: So yeah I told that bitch if she even tried to touch me I would stuff her into that cheap ass knockoff Chanel purse
Teaislife: That's my boy
Ilovetea: This is the one time your nice to me
Teaislife: Yeah because tea
Ilovetea: That's my man
Itachi: Yeah this is getting weird
Sasori has went online.
Deidara has went online.
Itachi: So you've decided?
Deidara: Yeah you can hang with us
Itachi: Cool what are we doing?
Sasoir: Watching a movie
Itachi: What kind?
Sasori: Um
Itachi: Let me guess? You haven't picked?
Sasori: Shut up
Ilovetea: And they're back at it
Teaislife: Reminds me of us when we were young
Ilovetea: lmao like hours ago
They all go to Sasori's room to pick a movie.
Itachi: I don't see why we have to use his room
Sasori: If you don't like it leave
Itachi: I'm just saying we could just go to a theatre
Deidara: But, I don't feel like going out
Deidara starts to pick out some movies and Itachi helps him.
Sasori is glaring at Itachi the whole time.
Deidara: We got one! I'm gonna get snacks
Deidara walks out leaving Sasori and Itachi alone. Together. In the same room.
Itachi: What's your problem?
Sasori: Don't know what's yours always being around Deidara?
Itachi: Your around him most of the time like a guard dog or a little lost puppy.
Sasori: Well this "puppy" could beat your ass
Itachi: You wish
Sasori: That a challenge?
Itachi: Hmph
Sasori: Stay away from Deidara
Itachi: Jealous he'll fall for me?
Sasori pushes him down.
Hidan and Kakuzu were walking by and just so happened to ahve a phone on them. They started to record.
Itachi grabbing Sasori by the leg.
Sasori grabbing Itachi's hair and pulled on it.
Itachi started to beat Sasori with a pillow.
It goes on for awhile.
Kakuzu: Maybe I will here a cha ching in my bank account after all
Hidan: This shit is going viral
Deidara: Wtf guys?
Sasori and Itachi turn around.
Itachi: It's not wha-
Deidara: Save your breath I only wanted a movie but you guys need to work some things out. Come on Hidan and Kakuzu.
Kakuzu: We got what we wanted
Hidan: Heh yea
They all walk away leaving Sasori and Itachi alone.
They sit in silence for a few minutes.
Itachi: Are we fighting just to be fighting or over Deidara?
Sasori: What do you like him?
Itachi: I mean yeah. You?
Sasori: Yeah...
Itachi: Then why not tell him?
Sasori: Take your own advice
Itachi: Hmph well you've liked him longer so yeah
Sasori: It'll never work out he's too young for me
Itachi: I mean if he likes you back isn't that what matters?
Sasori: Yeah I guess
Itachi: Then shoot for it
Sasori: I guess... but, still he's just too young. You can have him.
Itachi: But, Sas-
Sasori: Take care of him
Itachi: .....
Sasori: ....
Little did they know Deidara heard the entire thing.
Anyone got any love advice for them huh?
Sasori why you give up so fast you haven't even asked him damnit
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Lacking Love -Sasori x Reader
Maybe thinking about a part 2?
Bruh I love Sasori and you should to XD
You sat on the couch in Sasori’s room, bored out of your mind. The only noise was the overly familiar sound of your boyfriend tinkering with his puppets. As much as you loved him, you couldn’t stand just sitting there for hours on end while he ignored you.
It would be different if this wasn’t a normal occurrence, but as it was this was how you spent a lot of your time. There had been days when you had asked him if he’d wanted to do anything else, but every time you were promptly shut down.
You had really believed this day would be different, however, today was your special day. You didn’t want anything major, just some form acknowledgment from the one you loved. Somehow even that simple request seemed to be too ambitious. You weren’t going to tolerate it, though. You had friends within the Akatsuki and you weren’t going to spend your birthday moping.
“Okay, I’m leaving.” You stated simply, as you stood and walked to the door. As strange as it was, you weren’t surprised in the least when your movements suddenly ceased. In fact, you were quite expecting it, the kunai in your hands that cut the chakra strings in one swift movement could attest to that.
“Where are you going?” Sasori asked sternly. You shrugged opening the door. “Don’t know.” The door slammed behind you, but you didn’t leave the door. Much to your chagrin, you heard no sounds and it was obvious your ruby haired lover had already gone back to work.
You sighed, as you walked dejectedly towards the main area. The only one in sight was Itachi, who was snacking on dango and reading a book. You shot him a smile as you passed him. “I got you a gift.” He stated quietly. You looked over to him in surprise as he handed you a medium-sized bag.
You accepted it, thankfully. “Thank you, you didn’t have to.” He shrugged, smiling as you opened it. Inside was the last book in a series you hadn’t been able to find and three sticks of dango. A grin spread across your whole face and you wrapped your arms around him in a hug.
“Thank you! This is perfect!” He chuckled softly, hugging you back. “Happy birthday, I’m glad you like it.”
~~~Time Skip Brought To You By Kisame Crying At The Sight of Sushi~~~
In the space of two hours, you had received gifts from everyone. A (non-explosive) clay statue of [favorite animal] from Deidara, a new set of earrings from Pein, a goldfish from Kisame (you named him Bubbles), a beautiful bonsai tree from Zetsu, a few new nail polishes from Konan, a necklace from Hidan (Jashin related, of course, but it’s the thought that counts…), twenty dollars from Kakuzu, and a bag of candy from Tobi.
You were incredibly grateful for all the presents, but the one thing you wanted was Sasori and he still had yet to show his face. It was no matter, you decided, you were still going to enjoy your day.
You found yourself in Konan’s room, both of you redoing your nails with the polish you had gotten. “Thanks again, Konan. I really appreciate everything.” She flashed you a small smile. “We might be S-class criminals, but we’re still family. Albeit, a little… okay, really dysfunctional.” You both laughed in agreement. Any regular person would be traumatized at a normal day in the Akatuski base, it was chaotic, to say the least.
“So, what did Sasori get you? No one but you has seen him today.” You scoffed, shaking your head. “I was in there for two hours. I’m pretty sure he forgot.” Konan frowned. “Seriously? But he never forgets anything…” You shrugged helplessly. “Maybe he just doesn’t care.”
Konan painted her thumb a little more aggressively than needed. “Puppet bastard. I’m going to give him a piece of my mind!”
You shook your head, with a sigh. “It’s fine, you don’t have to. I’m sure that would only make it worse.” She screwed the top back onto the polish bottle. “Too late. I’ll be back.” Groaning at her persistence you watched as her cloak disappeared through the door.
You had no reason to leave your room, in fact, your bed was looking pretty comfy right now. You climbed in, beckoning sleep to come and take you.
Men. Who needs ‘em right? All you needed right now was a power nap.
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sariasprincy-writes · 5 years
Hollow Point 30
One // Two // Three // Four // Five // Six // Seven // Eight // Nine // Ten // Eleven // Twelve // Thirteen // Fourteen // Fifteen // Sixteen // Seventeen // Eighteen // Nineteen // Twenty // Twenty-One // Twenty-Two // Twenty-Three // Twenty-Four // Twenty-Five // Twenty-Six // Twenty-Seven // Twenty-Eight // Twenty-Nine // Thirty (here) 
Chapter Thirty A Shot in the Dark
"You do have an actual plan, correct? To bring down Akatsuki?"
Sakura just smiled upon Hashirama's question. This wasn't the first time he had asked her this over the course of her short visit, but rather than bring her unease or the need to sooth his concerns, she found herself amused.
"No," she answered honestly. Then she added quickly before his frown could fully form, "And that's why it's going to work. Because if I haven't yet figured out how I'm going to take out Madara and his operation, then he won't know either."
Hashirama sat across from her behind a large, oak desk in the middle of his expensively furnished study. He looked like someone of importance, someone of nobility behind it. It made her wonder if he had chosen it simply for that purpose.
"I do not approve of that idea," he told her sternly.
Sakura shrugged as she pretended to brush lint off the leather arm of her wide, plush chair. "I have your money. And Tobirama's men and my guns. There is little else I need to win this war."
"I do not like your confidence either," he frowned, his tone just short of chiding. Then he sat forward in his chair as if he had just decided something important. "I will help you strategize. Together, we can make a plan. One that I am sure will end with Madara dead and Akatsuki dismantled–"
"No," Sakura interrupted with a quiet but firm tone. "I have enough moving parts already. One more cog in the machine will complicate things. Make it easier for a part to stall. And this late in the game, I can't have any failures."
Hashirama eyed her. He stared at her so long she thought he might argue more. But then he leaned back again, the faintest glint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "You still talk like you are speaking Arabic."
"It's a pretty language. It's a shame you never learned it."
"Perhaps one day."
Sakura sincerely doubted that but she smiled pleasantly nonetheless. "Perhaps."
Then she stood, smoothing out the nonexistent wrinkles from her black, leather jacket. "Don't be too upset with me for my vagueness. I need you out of the line of fire. Once Akatsuki is taken out, someone will need to be there to swoop in to take their place before someone else can."
"Not you?"
His hard gaze didn't waver from hers but she smiled softly. "This is what I promised you, Hashirama. To take down Akatsuki so you can take their place in the New York Underworld."
His reply was a pleased smirk. A little dark, a little twisted. Knowing that he was satisfied with her words, she picked up the glass of brandy he had poured her at the beginning of their meeting and tossed it back all in one go. She didn't flinch at the burn. Simply smiled her farewell before she made her way out of the room.
One of Hashirama's staff was there to open the front door for her as she made her exit. They waited until she was down the marble staircase that led to the large, circle driveway before silently shutting it once more.
Only once Sakura was through the tall, iron gates and off the property did she finally feel Hashirama's gaze leave her. Her thoughts churned slowly as her conversation with Hashirama played over in her head. She hadn't been completely honest when she told him she didn't have a plan. She had one forming, but she'd need more information before she could organize the details and set it into motion. Something she hoped Ino could help her with.
They met at a little but busy café in Upper Manhattan. Ino was already there when Sakura arrived, sitting in the corner with a large coffee in a white, porcelain cup. The blonde drank it daintily, making sure not to spill it on her white blouse. In this setting, she looked like an accomplished businesswoman rather than a woman who knew something about everyone in the Underground.
"Any news?" Sakura asked, sliding into the seat across the small table.
"Nothing on the port you took over," she sighed disappointed. "All I know is Akatsuki is about to bring a huge shipment over, one big enough to rival Hashirama's supplies, but I don't know when. I keep listening for more information, but everyone who knows something either hasn't been given a date yet or they're keeping it all hush-hush."
"That's not surprising," Sakura said, sounding less disappointed than she was. "Madara knows that I'm speaking with the CIA. He'd want to keep that information under wraps."
Ino's eyes widened. "He does? Are you safe?"
"Never, but it's fine. Have you heard anything else?"
The blonde looked like she wanted to ask more but she reluctantly let it go. "Yeah, actually. I heard rumor that there are some Akatsuki members are in the city."
That caught Sakura's attention. "Who?"
"I don't know all their names, but for sure Deidara, as well as the arms dealer. The really big one."
Kisame, Sakura thought. It was news to her that he was back in New York, Itachi hadn't said anything to her, but she didn't say anything to Ino. It was best for everyone involved if as few people knew about Kisame's true loyalties as possible.
"Anyone else?"
Ino shook her head. "That's all I've heard. I'm meeting with another contact tomorrow night. I'll have more information later."
Sakura nodded slowly. "Let me know what you."
They lapsed into silence after that. Sakura lost in her thoughts and Ino quiet as she sipped her coffee. Some minutes passed before Sakura realized the blonde was watching her.
"What?" she asked.
Ino's gaze didn't waver from hers, unchagrined at being caught staring. "What's going on?"
Sakura shook her head, not understanding. "What do you mean?"
"I mean you're different. Something happened. Something's changed."
"Nothing happened," Sakura said. Then she let out the longest sigh someone had ever breathed. "But you're right: something has changed." When eyed her curiously, Sakura told her, "We're no longer just small time. We've moved up into the big leagues. There're greater rewards. Greater risks. So, I need to ask you something."
Ino's brow furrowed in confusion. "Ok?"
"Do you still want to stay?"
The blonde didn't immediately answer, as if a little lost for words. "You're asking if I want to leave you?"
"I'm asking if you're willing to lose everything. Your freedom. Your life."
Sakura felt her heart drop into her stomach when Ino's gaze fell to her coffee. When she raised them again, there was understanding and something strong reflecting in her blue eyes. "You're my best friend, Sakura. I know Shikamaru tried to shake you, that he blames you for dragging me back into the Underground, but it was only a matter of time before I came back myself. What I'm trying to say is…" she said with a small, unwavering smile, "wherever happens, happens. I'm not going anywhere."
Those words clung to Sakura even after she left the café. They filled her with a warmth she couldn't remember having for a long time. Knowing that her longest friend had her back and always would. She worried for Ino's safety, of course, but Ino was smart. Sakura knew she would keep herself safe. And if she did need help, Sakura would be right there. No matter Shikamaru's opinion of her.
However, her conversation with Ino had left her curious. Back in her condo, Sakura pulled her phone from her pocket. She spun the device slowly between her fingers as she considered her next move. Then she unlocked the screen and dialed out. Itachi answered on the first ring.
"I was just about to call you," he said.
"Hopefully to tell me that Kisame is back in New York."
His surprise was evident in his voice. "Yes, actually. How did you know?"
"I have every eye on Akatsuki. I know," she said, examining her nails.
"Well he has information for us," he told her, unperturbed by her lack of answer. "We need to meet. Tonight."
"It'll have to be somewhere discrete. Somewhere off the grid."
Sakura didn't immediately answer as her attention turned away from inspecting her nail polish to the view outside. Below, people hustled by in spring jackets, the morning drizzle likely to give way to afternoon sun.
"Madara knows about us," she eventually told him.
Itachi was quiet on the other end of the line for a long minute. Then he murmured, "How much danger are you in?"
Not exactly the response she was expecting but it made her smile nonetheless. Just a small upward turn of her lips. "None more than usual."
Sakura waited as he fell silent again. She could almost hear his thoughts through the line as he decided what he wanted to do. "Do you remember the place we first met? Officially."
Sakura's brow furrow as she thought back to all those months ago. Her first thought was Israel, but back then he had been undercover in another agency's uniform. Then she recalled that night at the club. How he had been alone in that upstairs balcony. She had bought them both shots if she recalled correctly and he had introduced himself in that utterly sexy, black button-down shirt.
"I remember," she said.
"Meet me there at midnight."
"Midnight it is. And Itachi," she said before he could hang up. "Wear that black shirt again."
Then Sakura ended the call. There was a brazen smirk on her face as she pressed the edge of her phone to the underside of her chin. Even without him standing before her, she could see the surprise that would be written on his face before it gave way to a soft smirk. It was one of her favorite expressions.
Then she chased the thought away. She needed to focus. Because she didn't doubt Madara still had a tail on her that she would need to shake if things were to go well tonight. And she wouldn't be going in alone.
Just before midnight, Sakura arrived in Lower Manhattan. Ino was already there dressed in a sparkling blue dress and a pair of stiletto heels. She gave Sakura a onceover as they met on the third floor of an underground parking garage a few blocks away. The blonde took in her black, lacy dress. It wasn't Sakura's favorite but it hid the gun in her skirt and the one along her ribs well.
"You partying or working business?" Ino asked, her tone vaguely teasing.
Sakura answered with a smirk as she spun once, making the skirt of her dress flare. "Have to dress the part, don't I? How do I look?"
"Like you could be here to seduce or kill someone. I honestly don't know," she answered, making Sakura laugh. Then she sobered some. "I swear, Madara has an obsession with you if he's been following you for over six months now."
"I think it's closer to eight at this point," Sakura said unperturbed. "It's getting a little annoying. I had to drop my car off across town and hitch another one just to lose my tail."
A frown crossed Ino's face upon hearing that. "You think this is a good idea then?"
"Probably not, but I have business I have to discuss tonight. Are we ready?"
Ino nodded. "I talked to Choji earlier. He roped off the upstairs for you. Nothing too noticeable, but it should give you enough cover to do whatever you need to do. Just try not to shoot anyone. I don't think he'll welcome me back if I cause him any trouble."
"This should be a friendly meeting," Sakura told her. "Any shooting wouldn't be by me."
"Well…" the blonde shrugged, "we both know how trouble likes to find you."
Sakura couldn't disagree with that. But then again, she supposed that's what happens when someone does what she does for a living.
"Alright, we should get going," Sakura said with a glance at her phone. "I want you to watch the front door. Text me if anyone comes in that even looks remotely out of the ordinary. I don't think this meeting will take too long. I'll text you when we're on our way down."
"And you're sure you don't want me to wait for you afterwards?" Ino asked.
Sakura shook her head. "No. If someone is watching, I want us to leave separately. But don't worry. Kakashi is around."
With that said, the women left the parking garage to head towards the club. It was just as Sakura remembered with its tall windows and flashing neon lights. Deep bass spilled out onto the street and throbbed beneath their feet as they approached.
Choji greeted them at the door. Ino pressed a friendly kiss to his cheek and murmured something in his ear before he let them pass. He gave Sakura a vague warning look as she stepped past the entrance door. Not so much a threat but more of a plea for her not to start any trouble for him. She smiled comfortingly before she followed after the blonde.
Side-by-side, Ino and Sakura descended the staircase into the club. At the bottom, it opened up into a large room where guys and girls dressed to party weaved through each other. The dancefloor was already packed, as were the bathrooms and the bar, both with lines a few people deep.
Neither Sakura nor Ino could hear one another over the heavy beats or the hundreds of voices already talk-yelling over the music. But they didn't need to. Ino glanced at Sakura to which she nodded. Then they went their separate ways.
In the back, Sakura found the staircase that led to the second floor. The door was shut with a bouncer a few feet away, but he said nothing as Sakura approached. Only opened the door for her without a word.
As soon as the door closed again behind her, the music dulled. She could still feel the heavy bass pounding through her chest and under her heels, but it was muted enough that she could talk without shouting to be heard. Or eavesdropped on. Exactly what she needed.
To her surprise, the upstairs room was empty. Neither Kisame nor Itachi were there yet. Which was a little surprising since the latter was usually the first to arrive.
Nevertheless, Sakura did a single circle about the room. She paused briefly at the railing that overlooked the rest of the club, her khol-rimmed eyes scanning the faces below carefully. None were familiar to her, nor did any have wandering eyes.
She checked her phone again. There was nothing from Itachi. Nor was there any news from Kakashi, whom was perched somewhere nearby. Her silent and deadly eyes.
There was nothing left for her to do but wait. And so she lowered herself into one of the plush chairs and did just that.
Sakura didn't have to sit long before she heard the door downstairs open, followed by light footsteps on the steps. Even without glancing over her shoulder, she knew it was Itachi. She would recognize his footfalls anywhere and against her will, a small smile spread across her lips.
"Hello, darling."
He stopped behind her before he braced his hands on either side of the armchair to lean over her. "Hi," he murmured in her ear.
The warmth of his breath sent a shiver down her spine and automatically heat began to pool low in her stomach. She gave away none of this though as she peered at him out of the corner of her eyes. "You're late."
"It is twelve o'clock exactly. I am perfectly on time," he told her.
Even with the music in the background, she could hear the smugness in his voice. She shot him an unamused look. "You think you're so hot."
"I am hot or need I remind you again?"
Sakura turned her head fully to regard him, her expression torn between being unimpressed and amused, but before she could answer, another spoke behind them. "Are you two going to flirt all night or can we do what we came here for?"
Kisame's voice boomed over the music. Itachi froze for one moment before he straightened and stepped away from her.
Sakura couldn't resist her smile as the Israeli Agent joined them. She made a point of looking him over as he stepped further into the room, taking in his jeans and dark blue, button up shirt. "Don't despair, Kisame. You're hot too."
She ignored Itachi's gaze as Kisame sent her a flat look. Her smile stuck as the men joined her. Itachi took the chair closest to her while Kisame grabbed one nearby and dragged in closer. Only once they were all settled did Itachi speak, his earlier playfulness gone and replaced with only business.
"You said you had something for us. Something important."
Kisame nodded. And got straight to the point. "Akatsuki's shipped. Everything's on its way here."
Like clouds rolling in over a summer sun, Sakura's entire mood changed. She shifted in her seat, sitting up a littler straighter. Nothing but business on her mind. "When?"
"It'll be here in four days' time."
"That is not a lot of time to plan," Itachi said.
Kisame merely shrugged. "That's all the notice I have to give."
"It takes over a week for a cargo ship to cross the Atlantic. Why are we just hearing of this now?"
"Because that's all I was told. They're delivering guns, money, drugs to a warehouse in Southern New York. It'll be the biggest shipment they've sent here in years," he told them all, his expression just as solemn as both Sakura and Itachi's. "Enough to take control over the Underground. Enough for them to fully take root in America permanently."
Sakura didn't outwardly react to that as she sat back in her chair. Her mind was reeling, already racing through what needed to be done if she had any hope, any chance of overthrowing Madara and Akatsuki.
"How did you hear of this?" Itachi asked, continuing the conversation.
"Pein told us," Kisame replied. "He's ordering all members of Akatsuki not tied up in Egypt to relocate to America."
"Not Madara?"
Kisame exhaled through his nose slowly. "We already had this conversation, Itachi. I didn't know of Madara's involvement in Akatsuki. As far as I'm aware, I'm the only one who knows he's the true leader. And that is only because you told me."
Itachi frowned in reply but Sakura spoke before he could continue, "Where?"
Kisame turned to her, his confusion evident. "Where what?"
"You said Akatsuki was delivering the shipment to the south," she repeated slowly. "Where in the south, exactly?"
"To a warehouse in Brooklyn just east of Borough Park," the Israeli Agent told them. "That's where Pein has had it ordered to."
Itachi's brow furrowed. "Isn't there an Army base just south of there?"
Kisame nodded. "He figured the military wouldn't think to look for it under their noses."
"He's smart," Sakura said with a small smile.
"Incredibly," Kisame agreed reluctantly, his gaze lingering on her. "Which means that you two need to come up with a plan to intercept the shipment. That warehouse is heavily guarded and even more heavily armed. It'll take next to an army to bring it down."
"Or me."
Both Kisame and Itachi looked at her when she spoke. She couldn't help her growing smirk as she told them, "I took over that warehouse nearly a week ago. It's been under my control ever since."
Kisame stared at her a long moment before he gave an unamused laugh. "That's not possible."
In the other chair, understanding dawned on Itachi's face. "That's the other warehouse."
Sakura smiled while Kisame frowned. "There's no way you could have taken down all those men without drawing some attention. And even if you did, Pein would know it's not his men manning it any longer."
"Because of the cloud?"
Itachi's eyes narrowed upon her question. "What cloud?"
When Kisame remained silent, Sakura answered, her gaze not wavering from Kisame's. "All Akatsuki members have a tattoo. A red cloud outlined in black ink. Even you have one."
Sakura didn't have to look to know she would find one of the inside of Kisame's wrist. It was the same one she had seen on the men guarding the warehouses during her two raids. She hadn't known at the time what they were, but Temari had. A mark of loyalty towards Akatsuki.
Kisame stared at her for a long time. His eyes pinning her in place as he took her all in. Then he smiled. "You're good, little viper."
Sakura said nothing, but she a faint, arrogant smile passed her lips before her attention turned to Itachi when he sighed. "Even with the warehouse under your control, Akatsuki's going to be bringing in more muscle," he said. "You are not going to be able to handle all the incoming men and product yourself."
"Then what do you suggest?" she asked.
Itachi merely shook his head, his expression thoughtful but a little uncertain. Like a half-formed thought was brewing in his mind. "I am not sure yet," he added, his tone a little distant. "I need to make a call."
Without another word, Itachi stood and made his way towards the stairs, phone in hand.
Sakura watched him leave, her gaze tracking his movements until he was out of sight. Once he was gone, she turned back to Kisame. Only to find he was already watching her. She cocked her brow. "What?"
"Itachi is right," he told her. "Even with your men occupying the warehouse, it won't be enough. Pein is bringing dozens upon dozens of men. Unless you get more, you and all of them will be killed."
They both knew he was right, but Sakura simply smiled. She refused to show weaknesses, even if they were loosely on the same side. "I didn't think you cared so much about me," she teased.
"You just need to be prepared. I can't risk getting caught by helping you. You and Itachi are on your own, little viper."
"It's Tsunade," Sakura corrected, her mouth suddenly unsmiling.
"But you're not Tsunade, are you?" he challenged, his voice quiet but not quite threatening. "Because Tsunade should be in her forties and you don't look a day over thirty."
Sakura didn't immediately reply as she studied him. She tried to gauge his thoughts, but his expression was unreadable as the flashing lights above the dancefloor flickered across his profile.
It was at that moment that she realized how long Kisame had been tracking her. Tracking the real Tsunade. Likely since she had come into the Underground twenty-some years ago. Sakura suspected that if he didn't need her help with Akatsuki now, he would probably be working to bring her down. And who's to say he wasn't still going to do that anyway.
It was only Itachi's return that saved them from forever sitting in that moment, stuck in time. He paused, glancing from Sakura to Kisame and back again. "Did I miss something?" he asked.
Without tearing her gaze away, Sakura shook her head. "No. We're done here."
Kisame left without another word after that. Sakura continued to sit for a few more minutes, her gaze staring without seeing out past the railing where she could just see the DJ on stage below. Her mind spun as quickly as the music below them, the quick bass and house beats as rapid and interwoven as her thoughts.
It was Itachi that broke through all of that, his voice nudging her back to reality. "What are you going to do?"
"Nothing tonight," she said with a long sigh. When Itachi shot her a look of confusion, she explained, "I need to figure out what I'm going to do first. I can't make a play until I count my pieces."
And she needed rest before that. With waking up early to talk with Hashirama and staying up late to meet with him and Kisame, she'd had a long day. Only made more stressful by the fact that she only had a few days to act before Akatsuki would have nearly an entire army to take control of New York. It wasn't exactly as much warning as she had been hoping for, but she reasoned that she had been planning for this for a while now. She had everything she needed. She just needed to set the pieces into motion.
"Are you ready?"
His question made Sakura stop and look up at him. It took her a second to realize that he wasn't talking about Akatsuki. He meant right now. For some reason that made the stress in her shoulders fade and she couldn't resist the small smile that curled in the corners of her mouth.
After sending Ino a quick text that they were heading down, Sakura followed Itachi down the stairs and back into the main room. Ino was already gone. Sakura let him take her hand and lead her through the crowd towards the far side of the club.
They made their exit through a side door. It dropped them out into the alley beside the building, the music only a faint throb compared to the pounding noise inside. It didn't escape Sakura's notice that Itachi didn't drop her hand but she didn't complain. Simply leaned closer to steal some of his heat as they walked through the night.
"I can hear you thinking," Itachi murmured after a few minutes of quiet.
Sakura inhaled deeply before she let out a long, slow sigh. "I'm just thinking about what Kisame said."
"He said a lot. What part?"
"Honestly, all of it," she told him. "But mostly the part where he said he didn't think we could take out Pein."
Itachi glanced down at her from where she was still leaning into his side. "You think he's right?"
"I do to a certain extent." When she continued to feel Itachi's gaze, she looked up at him. "He's right that if Pein gets here before we move, we're screwed. Akatsuki has more guns, more men, more resources than we do."
"But you have the Underground," he countered.
Sakura simply shook her head. "I have friends of friends and favors. But the Underground isn't mine to control. It's divided amongst a lot of players. I only hold power in one small part."
Itachi didn't immediately reply to that as they continued walking. Their footsteps echoing against the sidewalk as they slowly made their way. They passed another club, one with people still lingering out on the sidewalk, most drunk and stumbling down the street in pairs or groups.
"What if the CIA helped?" Itachi asked after a minute.
His question was so out of the blue, so unexpected that Sakura stopped abruptly. Itachi paused as well when she slipped out of his grasp. In the semi-darkness, she tried to read his expression. When she found only open honesty, her eyes narrowed in confusion.
"You said they wouldn't help."
"I said they would not unless they were sure they could corner Madara."
"But we don't know that Madara will be there," she countered.
Itachi shrugged. "What if the information hinted that he would be?"
Sakura stared, only one step below openly gawking. She opened her mouth only to close it once and then twice as his words registered. She didn't know if he actually believed that he could capture Madara or if he was willing to knowingly lie to his agency to get her manpower. He was willing to risk…perhaps everything and it was that fact that left her a little speechless.
Sakura opened her mouth again, but before she could speak the screech of tires pierced the night air. They both looked up in time to see a black car with its headlights blacked out screamed down the street towards them. Then the unmistakable pop of gunfire filled the air.
to be continued…
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bitternessbitesback · 5 years
Birds Of A Feather
Summary:  It was funny, really, someone like her dating someone like him. She was a bright and preppy whilst he was a cynical pessimist. People always say opposites attract, so who are they to disagree?
Pairing: Sasori/Sakura
      The two are like night and day, dark and light, yin and yang. One would think neither Sasori nor Sakura would ever be able to put aside their differences long enough to even think about dating, and yet here they were. Sitting in the mall food court doing just that. Sasori's friendly can recall just how many times the red haired man has lamented on and on about how he despises shopping despite the fact he went constantly with the pink haired medic. Never once complaining when his girlfriend drags them into the fifteenth store to try on a multitude of items only to either walk out with nothing or just a couple things. It was a well known fact that while Sasori acted patient, he was not a patient man. His friends honestly had no clue how the man could put up with the lively and talkative woman until they saw how soft his eyes seemed to get whenever she was around. Somehow, in spite of his introverted nature, the man always spent as much time as possible with the extroverted pinkette.
       Much like Sasori's friends, Sakura's friends also didn't quite understand how the two were dating. Ino could list five different times off the top of her head when the medic would burst into their shared apartment, annoyed at something a kid in her art class had done, only to find out that it was Sasori all along years later. Although the blonde was grateful to no longer have her messy best friend living with her, Ino couldn't help but worry about the other woman. Sasori was mean, cold, calculating, and incredibly cunning. The blue eyes woman is also convinced his morals are all out of wack regardless of Sakura constantly saying otherwise. Ino could tell, despite her preconceived notions of the man, that he made the green eyed girl much happier than the blonde had ever seen. 
       So in spite of some people's curious gazes, the two continued to enjoy themselves, laughing as they munched on mediocre mall food. Though Sakura would never admit it out loud, she too couldn't believe how the both of them have been together so long. Most men she dated got intimidated by her thriving career, fiery temper, and the fact that 9 times out of ten she was stronger than them. Sasori never once gave off that vibe and always told her how proud he was that she reached a new fitness goal or got a promotion at work. Those aren't the only reason's though for the unwelcome thoughts lingering in the back of her mind.
       Sakura was very messy, something Sasori absolutely couldn't stand, and they used to get into loads of arguments when they first moved in together. Since then she's actually gotten better about not just leaving her clothes lying around and actually doing the dishes once in a while. It's actually a little funny how he pretends to be annoyed when she puts her laundry in with his and he tells her to knock it off but does it anyway.
       Whenever she thinks about how little they have in common, she just laughs because there is so much that they do have in common, but sometimes she thinks they really are like yin and yang. For example, Sasori is such an art snob sometimes and even though she took an art class for college, she just doesn't get what he gets into arguments with Deidara for. After all, art is art, right? Wrong apparently as Sakura found out once as they both started spouting nonsense at her when she was trying to calm them down. Another example is how she is literally the definition of a prep/jock, and he is the embodiment of an angsty emo (eyeliner and all that Sakura (not so)secretly thinks is hot). And although he is taller than her, she can hold her liquor better, which you would never know since she gets into shenanigans more often due to two certain blonde friends of hers.
       Despite their differences though, they really do have somethings in common. They can both cook. for instance, even if his food always tastes better. They're both interested in medicine, albeit different sides of medicine. They both get jealous easily even though they trust each other 100%. She likes working out and he likes watching her work out, definitely not because she gets all sweaty and her hair is messed up, no way no how. Sasori loves it when she walks around their house wearing his shirts as does she. Both of them also really enjoy cuddling with Sakura as the big spoon holding Sasori while she plays with her hair. He loves drawing her and she loves that he thinks she's worthy of being drawn.
       Honestly there are as many differences as there are similarities between them, but the one that really brings them together is the fact that they're both only children. They understand what it's like to grow up wanting for siblings and finding them in your obnoxious blond friends instead. Sure they could focus on the differences that shouldn't make their relationship work like so many others, but why would they? Yeah, they could break up right now, or even tomorrow because of them, but if they only focused on the negatives that's exactly what would happen. After all, regardless of whether or not their relationship lasts, Sakura is going to continue to mooch off of her boyfriend for his heavenly back massages.
"You about finished with your smoothie?" Sasori questioned, breaking the girl from her thoughts.
       She took an extra large sip from her banana smoothie, a slurping sound coming from the straw letting them both know it was empty, while she raised one eyebrow up at him in response.
"Wow, Haruno, could've said 'no'." He teased in a sarcastic tone, "You don't have to be so dramatic."
"Oh as if I'm the dramatic one in this relationship," A scoff followed the end of her sentence as the pinkette stood up to throw their trash away.
"Nobody would be surprised." He retorted, grabbing her bags and following her lead.
"Just cause you've got them all fooled Red."
"Psh, whatever, you're the one who has everybody wrapped around her little finger."
"Oh are you jealous?"
"Hah! Of you? Never."
"I can see right through you sweetie, you're so jealous that Konan loves me more than you even though you've been friends longer."
"As if Haruno, I can't hold that against Konan or you for that matter since everyone who even comes within a five mile radius of you is immediately struck by cupid's bow."
       The woman merely scoffs and shakes her head at the absurd notion, a light blush dusting her cheeks. Sasori knew just the right thing to say to make her feel like a schoolgirl again. Giving her a light, happy feeling in her chest as her heart beat a little too fast for her liking. The man in question simply places his arm around her shoulders and pull her closer to him as they continue walking past stores and out to the parking lot.
"We done for the day?" Sasori inquired.
"Yeah," Sakura replied thoughtfully, "I'm pretty sure we've got the prefect gifts for everybody as well as some cute outfits for me, of course."
"Of course." He joked back, looking down at her with nothing short of adoration in his eyes.
       Sasori was not an overly affectionate man and he certainly did not like PDA. In general he was not even considered a loving man, in fact Sakura was the first real girlfriend he'd ever had. Of course he's dated girls before and slept around, but none of them ever made him feel anything. That was naturally before Sakura came running head first into his life, literally. She came barreling through the door of his art class on the first day of school and fell over herself trying to slow down so as not to run into him, but ultimately failing as they collided and their collective stuff fell to the ground with them. He was naturally annoyed with her, so he told her off, shocked when she decided to tell him off back. From then on he was intrigued by the energetic pink haired girl who's name he failed to catch.
       Growing up in a small town, Sasori was used to all the woman being polite and meek, and obviously Sakura was anything but. She is wild and loud and snorts when she laughs too hard. Sakura Haruno is a spitfire and if the red haired man was being honest with himself, he quite enjoyed teasing her and watching as her cheeks turned red from anger, although he wasn't sure why. After all, he'd never felt anything for anybody before, so why on earth would him having feelings for her even make the 'top 20 reasons why he could do this list' in his head? He actually told his grandmother about the strange woman in his class during winter break and could not for the life of him realize why the old lady was suddenly on the floor laughing her pants off at him.
"How did I raise such an oblivious child?" She asked him once she finally stopped chortling, "How is it you are so observant when it comes to other people, yet so obtuse when it comes to yourself and your own emotions?"
"What on earth are you talking about old lady?" He was getting tired of this.
"Honestly kid," She wiped a tear from her eye and chuckled in disbelief, "I never thought I'd see the day you'd actually get a crush on someone."
"I don't have a crush on her. She's annoying and obnoxious and her sense of justice is overpowering!"
"Whatever you say dear." His Grandma Chiyo was starting to walk away.
"She can't even draw!" Laughs could be heard from the kitchen as he called after her, " She didn't even know what oil paints were until last week!"
       Of course his grandmother was right, but Sasori wouldn't let the woman know that, despite the fact that the man introduced the two most important women in his life just after three short months of dating. Now here they are, going on six years, and he had never been happier in his entire life. At first Sasori was afraid of how much he cared about Sakura in the beginning and actually started to push the poor woman away. Could you blame him though? Here this seemingly perfect woman comes into his life, pulling his walls down brick by brick, and you expect him to not freak out? Especially one who wears her heart on her sleeve and seems to be everything he's not. However she was much smarter than she let on and refused to let Sasori shut her out. She actually came knocking on his door after the third day of silence and demanded to be let in. That was their first real fight and their combined tempers made it explosive. Somehow Sakura managed to calm down, which calmed him down, and they were able to have an actual progressive conversation as opposed to a screaming match, trying to force their beliefs on one another.
       They've been going strong ever since and Sakura has proved over and over that his insecurities about their relationship are unfounded as she will always prove just how willing she is to work on their relationship together. She eases his anxieties and vise versa. Who cares if he's a morning person and she's not, or if he enjoys quiet nights in while she wants to go out? Though are trivial things that don't matter when one looks at the big picture. Sasori can feel the familiar weight in his right inside pocket, the small box bringing a comforting feeling to the otherwise apprehensive man.
"When are you going to get hitched?" His grandmother's voice rang in the back of his head as the memory of her words played over and over in his mind. She always asked that whenever they would visit, always making sure to pull the man aside.
       Sasori always shrugged off the question, acting nonchalant about it. To be fair the ring has been sitting in his pocket for a little over two years now, but he never managed to find the right time. Sakura was constantly busy with her career and finishing off her last year of school, not to mention how she always had her friend dates every Thursday. Honestly the man took what he got when it came to what little free time the pinkette had, he was selfish like that. Was it wrong to want her all to himself though? He didn't think so, and Sakura didn't seem to mind either.
       He coveted the nights when she was able to get off early and he could actually make her dinner, or their lunches together in his studio. He enjoyed being able to draw her sleeping form as the sun began to peek above the horizon and creating a halo effect on the woman. As an artist, his girlfriend was quite possibly the most exquisite thing he'd ever had the honor of bestowing his eyes upon, especially when she was resting as the tension left her shoulders and pink strands fell around and on her face.
       Who cares if she makes him go hiking with her when he just wants to read a book? Her excuse is that she wants a workout buddy, but he knows she already has one. That just means she wants to spend time with him, and who is he to object? Really, everybody knows Sakura's the boss in their relationship anyway and he couldn't tell her no if he tried. Yeah he'll pretend to make a show of it whenever she asks him to go on a new trail with her, but that doesn't mean he doesn't already have his shoes on before the words even left her mouth. Plus, if she makes him go hiking then that means he gets to drag her to every boring art show he has to go to and show her off. The other people are superficial at those events anyway and somehow his girlfriend is the master of small talk, and he really thinks she's an angel at least fifty times a day.
               The red haired man probably couldn't have fallen harder for anybody else if he tried. Sasori was looking forward to having her yell at him for using all the hot water cause his showers took too long again, or how they can simultaneously sit in comfortable silence for hours on end and talk non-stop. Their conversations are enlightening and she forces him to look at things from a new perspective, her optimism rubbing off on him. Sakura Haruno is a storm and he is looking forward to each new day alongside her.
"What do you think of Akasuna no Sakura?" Sasori asked to woman beside him as they finally made it to their car, the sun beginning to set.
The question seemed to catch her off guard for a second as she simply looked at him before replying, "That's okay, but what about Sasori Haruno?"
               He shrugged and they got in the car and he started it, looking at his girlfriend from the corner of his eye.
"I don't mind it." The red haired man told her casually.
"Oh really now?" She inquired.
"Yeah." The radio played quietly as he waited for Sakura's reply.
"Did you just propose to me?"
"I suppose I did."
       This caused a laugh to rip through the woman's throat as Sasori looked at her quizzically, trying to pay attention to the cars driving around them, a slight annoyance flowing through him. Was the thought of marrying him really that funny? He was about to tell her off but then she started speaking.
"About time."
"What? What does that mean?"
"You know what it means Red."
"How long have you been waiting for me to propose?"
"How long have you had that ring in your pocket?"
They were almost home now, but that made Sasori do a double take. She knew? "You knew?"
"Of course I did, you started acting a little weird when I wore your jackets and always insisted on checking the pockets first."
       They pull into their garage, park, and he just looks at her for a minute. Really looks at her. Takes in her short pink hair that's no longer a chin length and to her shoulders, her emerald eyes that always had a mischievous twinkle in them, her straight nose that was just a little crooked from being broken although you couldn't tell unless she told you. She gives him her sweet smile that he knows never reached her eyes in the beginning of their rocky friendship, but is delighted at the fact that it almost always does now. Sakura was a firecracker and now she'd be his firecracker forever.
       Slowly he takes the ring box out of his pocket and her eyes follow the movement. Sasori opens it and takes her hand in his as she waits for him to speak those life changing words, both still in the car as one of them holds her breath. Meanwhile he takes a deep breath to steel his nerves, all the words he wanted to say, all the things she means to him, have suddenly vanished from his brain. It doesn't matter though, he can always tell her in his vows and every single day for the rest of his life if she wanted him to.
"Will you, Sakura Haruno, do me the pleasure and honor of becoming my wife?"
"Of course," She replies with a sigh, letting him put the ring on her finger before pulling him into a kiss.
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darquedeath4444 · 6 years
The Deity of Spring
Chapter EIGHT
Deidara slowly followed the Deity, her companions, and the rest of his team as they made their way deeper into the trees. Naruto and Sasuke were whispering between themselves and despite the way everyone had sheathed their weapons, he could feel the way none of his teammates relaxed.
Soon, he caught sight of something peeking out from between the trees. “Is that a house?” He asked.
“Seems like it,” Sasori said.
“So, Goddess live in houses in the middle of killer forests?”
“Seems like it,” Sasori said again.
Sakura walked straight towards the door and turned towards them. “Please, do make yourselves at home.”
Deidara was surprised to find that the house was just like something one might have found back when the Elemental Nations still existed as individual countries. The pinkette gestured towards a table, then followed Sasuke as he helped Naruto upstairs. The two of them returned a while later and soon joined them with trays of tea.
“I am afraid we do not have much here,” Sakura said apologetically. Sasuke pulled out a chair for her and she sat down.
“Please don’t trouble yourselves,” Itachi said. “Thank you for inviting us in.”
Deidara suppressed the urge to roll his eyes as Itachi conversed with a Goddess, albeit a rather pretty looking one, as though he were talking to an acquaintance he had come across by chance after years.
Sasuke took a seat next to the pinkette then poured her, and himself, a cup of tea before he rather unceremoniously shoved the teapot in their direction. Sakura took a sip before she linked her hands in front of her and leaned in towards them. “Now, tell me what you are looking for.”
Itachi, their designated spokesperson, cleared his throat. “Almost five years ago, rumors began arriving at the Elemental Nations, carried by travelers, of how an unknown force had decimated the area around the ruins of the Otsutsuki compound. Soon, Zetsu began appearing near the borders of the nations and the number of refugees increased. None of us took it seriously back then,” he admitted. “Then, everything changed soon after. A horned woman appeared before us. She claimed that her name was Kaguya, and she proceeded to flatten the capital cities of the elemental Nations with an unseeable force. Within seconds, everything we had ever known was simply gone.”
Deidara tried to gauge Sakura’s reaction. There was clear sorrow in her green eyes and as Itachi spoke, she raised a hand to her face. “She was angry,” she whispered. “so, so angry. She did not want to forgive the world, and I guess her anger has not died away in the least even after all these years.”
“What did we-what did mankind do?” Kiba asked. “This was thousands of years ago, right?”
Sakura slowly took a sip of her tea and closed her eyes. “To us, human lifetiemes mean nothing. We can fall asleep and wake up to find that decades, sometimes even centuries, have passed. To Kaguya, her anger might as well be mere days old.”
“But what did we do?” The Inuzuka pressed.
Sakura ran a finger along the rim of her cup, and Deidara was once again hit with how human she looked. “You existed,” she said after a while. “You existed.”
And there was nothing really anyone could say to that.
There were a few seconds of silence as they contemplated the Goddess’s words, and during this time Itachi tried to contain his curiosity.
He wondered if the Goddess before them called herself Sakura, or if that had been some official Godly name, with the title ‘Deity of Spring’ being something humans had given her on their own accord. Now that he thought about it, Kaguya had been recognized as a 'Goddess’, but the title 'Deity’ left a lot up to question. Perhaps humans did not know as much about the pinkette before him, though if she really did give them life he would have thought otherwise.
Finally, Sakura softly cleared her throat. Sasuke jumped at the sound and when he raised an eyebrow, the pinkette blushed. She quickly shook her head and turned back towards them. “I understand the immediate situation,” she said. “However, you must know that the Gods left the lands with the intention to never return, to never interfere with mankind. This is why no one is appearing to stop Kaguya.”
“Kaguya seems to be interfering a lot, if you get what I’m saying,” Sasori muttered, but Sakura must have heard him for she nodded.
“That is why I will lend you my help.”
Itachi paused, checking to make sure he heard correctly. He saw the way Sasuke tensed and clenched his fist, but he did not say anything.
“There are others like me who did not leave these planes,” Sakura continued. “However, I have not been in contact with any of them since…since the war, and I do not know if any of them will be willing to aid us. Kaguya is a past none of us like to admit to.”
“I’m guessing she was sealed for something?” Deidara asked. “There’re different versions of the legends going around these days.”
“I see.” Sakura nodded once, firmly, to show that she would not elaborate further. “Indeed, we sealed her.”
Itachi could feel the gaze of his team on him. After their intense fight with the blond, Naruto, who looked ready to kill them, the Goddess had easily accepted their request for help. However, what exactly did 'help’ mean? Kaguya could shatter the earth and summon armies of white Zetsu. They didn’t even know what exactly Sakura could do.
He felt just a little bit uncomfortable. “So, you will help us?” He asked.
Sakura nodded. “I will.”
There was another uncomfortable silence, where Itachi kept his gaze on his cup and Sakura continued to eye them expectantly. Finally, Sasuke seemed to take pity on them and leaned in towards the pinkette and whispered something. Sakura blinked.
“I can he-”
The words had barely left the Goddess’s mouth when the raven beside her roughly grabbed her wrist. He dragged the girl to her feet and towards the door. The last words Itachi managed to catch were “What else am I supposed to do-” before the door slammed shut.
Sasuke spun Sakura around and pinned her against the closest wall the moment the door closed. “No,” he said.
Sakura frowned. “What else am I supposed to do?” She repeated.
“You send us into battle,” he replied easily.
Sakura bit her lip. “You know I don’t like to do that,” she whispered.
“I know,” he said. “But you know we don’t mind.” He knew how easily Sakura could insist on doing things herself, knew how he really did not have much of a say in this all. Still, he hoped she would, for once, allow them to keep her from harm.
Sakura sighed. Sasuke decided he did not like the frown on her face and poked at her forehead. “Also, you copied that Itachi guy.” The pinkette’s cheeks instantly flushed, and he mockingly cleared his throat.
Sakura pushed him away. Sasuke allowed her to, and when she rather crossly ordered him to go check on Naruto, he relented with a grin on his face.
The pink haired Goddess reentered the room without her raven companion. Neji watched as she wordlessly sat back down on her chair and took a sip of her tea.
“Is everything okay?” Itachi asked, and she nodded.
“Of course,” she said. “I am sorry about that.” She put down her cup and linked her hands in front of her. “Naruto and Sasuke cannot go anywhere without me,” she said. “But they are tremendous fighting forces and will be able to aid you greatly. There are several conditions and limitations, but those are easy to work around as long as you know them.”
Neji had a feeling she would not be telling them what exactly those were, and she did not offer any more information.
“From what I am aware, you humans have set up a camp a day or so travel away from here,” she continued. “It is your last stand against Kaguya.”
Itachi nodded. “So far, Kaguya has only continued to send White Zetsu our way, but we know she is capable of destroying us whenever she truly wishes to.”
“I believe I know how exactly Kaguya flattened your home,” Sakura said, eyes unfocused. “Has she made an appearance since she first appeared before you?”
Itachi shook his head. “No.”
Sakura nodded. “The seals set to hold her were very powerful and comes in many parts,” she said slowly. “It was our last act before our banishment. If she managed to unseal herself, we may have a tremendous problem. If someone unsealed her, that is another tremendous problem.”
“Either way it’s a tremendous problem,” Sasori muttered, and Neji was almost in awe of the fact that the redhead always had some witty comment or another to throw their way.
Sakura, however, did not seem to notice his sarcasm. She simply nodded again. “Indeed we do,” she said. “At some point, I will have to go check on it.”
“The seal?” Neji asked, and they received another nod.
“So you will…lend us Naruto and Sasuke?” Itachi said slowly.
Sakura narrowed her eyes. “Simply put, yes,” she said. “You may consider them extensions of me.”
“And you will be accompanying us back to our camp?”
Sakura glanced around the house almost longingly before she closed her eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed for a moment. “Yes,” she said. “Kaguya…I must deal with Kaguya before…” she trailed off, and Neji had a feeling he did not want to know what came after.
There seemed to be some mutual understanding among them to not question Sakura beyond what was necessary, but as Sasori watched Sasuke once again join them for the simple dinner the pinkette herself had set up, looking nicely healed, he wondered who exactly the two males with her were.
Extensions, Sakura had said, so it was obvious that the two were closely linked to the Goddess in someway. The chakra they both had was nothing like anything Sasori had ever seen a human wield, so perhaps they were Gods themselves? However, that did not explain why she seemed to rank above them, for no matter how familiarly the three of them interacted, there was a sense of respect coming from the males for her, and Sakura, in turn, seemed aware of the authority she held over them.
Throughout dinner, he continued to keep an eye on Sakura, who, he realized, did not touch much of anything on the table despite being the one to serve it.
Apart from her rare colorings, she looked like any other girl he might have come across on the streets. She was easily pretty, and even with his critical eye, he could admit that she was probably one of the most beautiful beings he had ever seen, though being a goddess probably gave her extra cheat codes in the appearance aspect. Her eyes were pools of rich green that seemed to change color with every movement and her pink hair reminded him of the delicate flowers that had grown in Suna, back when it had still existed.
Sasuke was the first to finish but he impatiently waited for them as they cleaned their plates. Rather, he waited for Sakura while the Goddess waited for them. They were then led upstairs, where there were a set of closed doors.
They were offered the guest room to share for the night, and Sasori found himself sharing the bed with Itachi because he was most definitely not sleeping on the floor and Itachi was just being the little shit they all knew he secretly was on the inside. Still, Sasori did not put up much of a fight because the bed was big enough for at least two people and he did not really care as long as he did not have to share with Deidara or the Inuzuka, for they both looked like they would drool.
The rest of them spread sleeping bags out on the floor. They then checked around for traps and the likes then sat on the floor.
“For all the trouble we had getting here, they agreed to help us rather quickly,” Shikamaru said quietly. The Nara had been quiet since they had met the Goddess, and Sasori was willing to bet that this time, it was because he was actually thinking.
“I know right?” Kiba exclaimed. “That blond guy was trying to kill us I swear, and then Sakura just came out of nowhere and just easily agreed to help.”
“The Goddess said that it was not the first time people have visited her asking for help,” Itachi said thoughtfully. “I am guessing she declined them up until this point.”
“It seems as though Naruto and Sasuke might have killed them off before they got here,” Shikamaru agreed. “Naruto looked surprised when Sakura appeared and both of them looked panicked when the Goddess agreed to help us.”
“Perhaps she is only acceptable because of Kaguya’s involvement,” Neji said. “It is obvious there is some sort of history there.”
“Maybe it’s to lower our guard,” Deidara said. “You know, to make us lower our guard and then kill us in our sleep.”
“Why invite us in and feed us only to kill us?” Kiba asked.
“They could have gotten rid of us in the forest,” Itachi agreed. “Naruto alone could have killed us off sooner or later. I can only assume Sasuke is equally powerful, and they have a Goddess on their side.”
Deidara shrugged.
Sasori eyed his companions. “Are we just going to ignore the fact that her mode of transport was a bird man?” He asked.
Itachi shot him a look of exasperation. “That is an interesting point,” he admits. “However, perhaps it is simply a mutant effect, like the Byakugan and the Sharingan?”
“Those wings circulated chakra just like the rest of him,” Neji agreed. “It is possible that they were a more extreme form of chakra mutation.”
“And their chakra?” Kiba asked. “It didn’t seem human at all.”
“Their bodies looked human,” Neji said. “As far as I could see, they are mostly built the same way as us.”
“Mostly?” Deidara asked.
Neji nodded. “Just like the way the Byakugan changed the chakra circuits around our eyes, there were some clear signs of chakra mutation in both Sasuke and Naruto.”
“Their chakra interacts normally with their bodily functions?” Shikamaru asked slowly. “I’d have thought such intense chakra would burn away at a normal human from the inside.”
“There are a few areas I’m unsure about,” Neji admitted. “But there is nothing greatly different between them and us.”
“They were with a Goddess, protecting her from what we could see, for a reason,” Shikamaru said slowly. “Maybe they were chosen for their chakra, or their chakra became that way after they took up the roles.”
“And the Goddess?” Sasori asked curiously. “How does she look in your ghostly white eyeballs?”
Nehi did not at all look impressed, but he did not comment. There was a sense of unease as the Hyuga appeared to consider his answer in his mind. “The Deity…apart from her outward appearance, there is nothing that even mildly suggests she is human. Her entire being appears to be solely constructed of chakra.”
Deidara doubtfully glanced towards the door. “Really? If anything, her chakra is like that of an ordinary civilian’s.”
Neji nodded slowly. “I would say it is simply unnoticeable because it is very alike to chakra the trees and the grass and the natural environment emit.”
“The Deity of Spring,” Itachi said, and Neji nodded again.
“I guess that aligns with the story of humans being descendants of the Otsutsuki, who had given up godhood,” Sasori said thoughtfully.
Kiba hummed in agreement. “I think we should just accept it,” he said after a while. “We get the help we came here to look for; we should take what we’re offered.”
“Godly business isn’t something we should be messing with,” Shikamaru said in agreement. “Who knows when the Goddess will change her mind?”
But it was in Sasori’s character to stick his nose where he was specifically told not to, though it was his first time messing with someone he was not confident he could take down.
Deidara moved towards the door to take first watch. As Sasori lay down, he sensed movement on the other side of the door. Sasuke had taken up a perch right outside their room. A tense wariness settled, but when there was no further movement, no signs of entry, they all, one by one, fell into a fitful sleep.
When Shikamaru woke up, it was just as the sun was rising. Neji and Itachi were both already awake. Kiba, who had been the last watch, was crawling back into his sleeping bag to catch a few more moments of rest.
“Good morning, Nara,” Itachi called.
Shikamaru yawned and nodded. “Mornin’.” He sat up and stretched. Sadori was still lying down, but he could tell the redhead was already awake. Deidara was still curled up.
He turned towards the door where he could sense a different chakra signature right outside, where Sasuke had been the previous night. Shikamaru noted that Naruto’s chakra was nowhere near as explosive as yesterday.
“They traded spots a few hours ago,” Neji told him. “Just as the sun was coming up.”
“Are they watching us?” he wondered aloud.
“Perhaps they do not trust us to not attempt to kidnap the Goddess and escaping,” Itachi said, and it took Shikamaru a moment to realize that this was one of the raven’s attempts at a joke. Most of them were never funny, though, because the Uchiha heir had a habit of incorporating harsh realities as inspiration, and they only served to make those around him realize the helplessness of the situation.
“Perhaps,” Neji agreed, and Shikamaru caught him looking away. Maybe the Hyuga had realized as well.
There was a moment of content silence as those away slowly began preparing for the day. Soon, Kiba was rolling out of his sleeping bag and Deidara was sitting up as well.
“We didn’t discuss when we would be heading out,” the blond muttered. “Why are we getting up so early?”
“We will be returning as soon as possible,” Itachi said, and there was a disapproving look in his eyes. “Once we are all ready, we will head down and discuss plans.”
A second later, they heard movement outside and Naruto’s chakra moved away.
“He isn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was watching us,” Kiba muttered and Akamaru let out a soft woof of agreement.
“Do you think he heard us?” Neji asked.
Shikamaru shrugged. “Maybe,” he said because there really was no use pondering such things.
Minutes later, they had finished the last of their packing and they filled out the door and down the stairs, where Sakura was sitting at an already set up breakfast table. Naruto was seated where Sasuke had been the previous night and he shot them a dirty look as they approached.
Sakura easily seemed to ignore him, though, and she gestured towards the empty seats. “Good morning,” she said rather pleasantly. “I hope you have all slept well.”
Shikamaru bit back a comment about how comfortable they had all felt with some stranger sitting right outside their door. Instead, Itachi took the lead again. He sat down and smiled softly. “We did,” he said. “Thank you.”
Sakura beamed. “Please eat,” she said. “There is plenty.”
The team sat down, but none of them touched anything as Itachi leaned forward. “We would like to head out as soon as possible,” he said. “Even as we speak, Kaguya is launching attacks at us.”
Sakura’s smile did not falter for a second. “I am afraid we will have to wait until evening,” she said. “We missed sunrise by a few hours.”
Shikamaru saw no change in Itachi’s features, but he knew the Uchiha was growing increasingly worried the more time they spent away from their base. The heir opened his mouth, but Sakura raised a hand in a sharp gesture, making his stop.
“You are free to return whenever you please,” she said. “We will be leaving in the evening.”
Itachi clamped his mouth shut and lowered his head. Sakura eyed him for a while longer before her eyes became gentle. “We have our own circumstances,” she said softly. “This forest conceals my presence, but the moment I leave the vicinity of the trees Kaguya will know. She will know, and she will try to get rid of me. Sunrise and sunset are the two safest times of travel for us.”
Itachi nodded and Sakura straightened, smile back in place, and turned towards Naruto. “You heard us,” she said. “Prepare for departure coming evening.
Chapter NINE>
<Chapter SEVEN
Chapter List
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50. 5 Years Later
It’s been a great 5 years with your husband and child/children. There have been a lot of ups and downs; tears and smiles. Though no matter what, your husband and you have faced it all together.
“Pein! Get the towels. Elliot has spilled the cup of juice again!” You called from the kitchen. Moments later Pein came in with a new roll of paper towels in hand.
“Will these be enough?” Pein questioned, handing you the roll. You nodded your head, taking the towels. He helped you clean the spill as your child ran off giggling.
“Such an evil little child we have.” You told your husband with a smile.
“I wonder how he got like that.” Pein mumbled. You chuckled and shook your head. “I must get going now.”
“Alright Pein. Have a good day. Make sure you come back in one piece.” You said, kissing his lips.
“Of course _____.” Pein responded before heading out of the house. You smiled to yourself. It was always so great how he balanced being an Akatsuki member, well leader, and a family man.
“Danny, Sammy, get out of your father’s flowers!” You called to your two little boys. You were chasing them around, trying to wrangle them before your husband got home from whatever mission he was on at the time.
“What’s going on here?” A growl like voice asked from the entrance to the garden. The three of you froze and turned to see Zetsu standing there, looking horrified. A lot of his flowers were stomped on.
“Oh no! Dad is home! Run!” Both boys cried out before running away.
“Boys!” You cried out moving to chase them.
“It’s alright.” White Zetsu told you, even though Black Zetsu was not thinking of saying such a thing. Zetsu guided you out of the garden. “It’s good to see you again.”
“It’s great to see you too.” You leaned up and kissed your husband. Moments later you heard cries of disgust from your boys. Both you and Zetsu darted after them, while they just giggled. It was clear that not only you but the boys too enjoyed having Zetsu home.
Your two girls were currently sneaking into your bedroom to bother your sleeping husband. Sasori had stayed up the entire night fixing up his puppets that suffered damage during his last mission. You wanted to keep your daughters away from him but they were sneaky and tricked you into playing hide and seek so they could go to their father. As soon as they could they darted towards Sasori. They were so excited to have him back so you really couldn’t blame them.
“Daddy!” Both girls screeched while pouncing on him. He shot up, shocked. Both girls giggled and jumped on him. “Daddy! Daddy!” They cried happily. He couldn’t he angry with them even though he wanted to be, so he just internally smiled and pulled them to lie down next to him.
“Hush you two, daddy is tired and needs sleep.” He told them, calming them instantly.
“You’re a puppet though.” Tara said, questioning why he needs sleep.
“Yes, but still sleep is important.” Sasori mumbled. He lay back down and the girls lay with him, falling asleep almost immediately.
“Did they bother you?” You asked from the doorway where you had watched the whole thing.
“Of course not.” Sasori told you. You smiled and made your way to the bed. You snuggled up with all of them. Sasori leaned over and kissed the top of your head before pulling you all close. He was glad to have this time with his family between missions and your three were glad as well.
Itachi hadn’t gone on many missions since Serenity was born. He went on some still, but his sickness kept him home more often than not. You had grown concerned, but he was glad to be able to be himself and spend time with his two favorite people. That’s all how you ended up watching Itachi make several attempts to make an omelet. He was a great ninja, however, not a good cook.
“Itachi, you know it doesn’t have to be perfect right? I could also take over for you if you need me too.” You told your frustrated husband.
“No, I can do this.” Itachi calmly responded. Serenity was watching her father in awe as he moved around the kitchen attempting to cook.
“Daddy, you’re amazing. I believe in you.” Serenity said, happily next to him. The two of them were wearing matching aprons and looked so adorable.
“Thank you.” Itachi said, leaning down to hug his daughter. She giggled and hugged him back. She was just too adorable for him to not hug, and it was nice for you to see him showing his caring side. Unfortunately he should have been paying attention to his food.
“Um, Itachi, you’re burning the food.” You told him, slightly concerned. He gasped and hurried to handle the situation. “Come on Serenity, let’s go get some food for the three of us.” You and your daughter made your way to the market laughing and happy all the way. Eventually Itachi joined you, having run out of cooking supplies.
You and your daughter Super Nova, Nova for short, were on your way to Deidara’s bomb workshop. It was where he stored any explosive material so no young people could accidentally kill themselves. Nova was never allowed in there, until now. You both felt that she was mature enough to not touch what you tell her to stay away from.
“Deidara? You ready for a lunch break?” You called, entering his workshop. He was using his clay to mold another bird like bomb.
“Huh? Yeah just a minute, hm.” He responded, clearly focusing on his task. You and Nova sat on a bench and watched. She was so absorbed in it and it made Deidara proud that his child was so interested in his work. One day he planned on teaching her all he knew, but you both were going to make sure that Nova didn’t turn into a criminal like Deidara.
If there was any one thing that you were most concerned about involving your children, it was Hidan, their father. He’s a great father, but his terrible language and his brutal murders he commits as sacrifices were not appropriate for your children. You didn’t want them to be traumatized by your husband. So you and Hidan decided to wait for them to see the Jashin ritual and you had Kakuzu’s help keeping Hidan from swearing. So overall the first few years were good, no traumatized children. However it all ended when Sarah and Justin walked in on Hidan sacrificing some ninja. Why he was doing so in the living room, you’ll never know, but he did and the kids saw. Hidan and you waited for the kids to react horribly, but they shocked you.
“Oh wow dad killed him!” Justin laughed, along with his sister.
“That’s awesome, can we watch you from the beginning next time?” Sarah asked, hopefully. Hidan and you just looked at each other, shocked.
“Does this mean I can say fuck now?” Hidan asked, as hopeful as his daughter.
“Daddy said a bad word!” The twins cried out in unison. “Uncle Kuzu! Daddy said a bad word!” They both proceeded to run and find Kakuzu.
“I guess not.” Hidan mumbled, causing you to laugh at your husband’s pouting face.
You, your husband and your daughter, Kristina, were at a market so she could pick out a new summer dress. Kakuzu spent most of the time telling Kristina to not choose anything too expensive and she had agreed. Until she came across a beautiful bright sundress that she instantly fell in love with.
“Dad, mom come look.” She called out, summing the two of you which had been looking at new cloths for Kakuzu. She showed you the dress. It was the only one and in her size. It also was the only one in the store to look like that. “I choose this one!” She smiled brightly as she twirled around with it, imagining what it would be like to wear it.
“Kristina, it’s double what the budget is.” Kakuzu told his now upset child. She almost looked like she was going to cry, making you give your husband an ‘I’m going to burn all your money if she cries’ look. He quickly understood and began speaking again. “However it does suit you so you can get it.”
“Yay! Thank you!” She was once again as happy as can be. You smiled at your husband. He was a much better parent than you thought he’d be.
Even though your husband acted like a child most of the time, he was actually a great father. He was definitely great when it was time to play at the playground. He would run around and do all the things Dexter wanted to do. It was a great time for you to relax and just observe for once. Until they got to the swings.
“Mommy, come push us!” Dexter called out to you. You ignored him at first, and continued reading your book. You figured they’d just push themselves, but as Dexter kept calling for you, you sighed and closed your book.
“Tobi why can't you push him?” You asked, once you were standing with your family.
“I want to swing too.” He replied in his Tobi voice. You smiled but sighed as you began pushing your son first. He was easy to push; it was Tobi who gave you issues. He could be annoying, but at least you were never bored or lonely. Tobi wouldn’t allow you to feel either of them.
Swimming was a huge thing that Kisame loved to do. His child, Alexander, did not love it as much as his father did though. He actually was afraid of it. Which is why you and Kisame were now at a pool trying to convince Alex to at least touch the water. It took a while and a lot of reassurance, but finally he got in. he clung to Kisame as they swam around peacefully.
“This isn’t too bad.” Alex finally admitted to his father.
“Does that mean you want to learn to swim?” You asked from beside your husband. Your son nodded his head. Both you and Kisame were excited to finally be able to teach him to swim. It was a great bonding experience for the three of you considering you didn’t get to spend much time together because of Kisame’s missions.
Now that Eclipse, Adrien and Arcadia were older, you and Madara decided it would be a good idea to get a bigger house. It also was necessary considering there were not only 3 children, but 3 extra birds from Tiberius. The two of you had chosen a house alone, and were now ready to show the house to the children.
“So the house has 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. There is a pool and a large yard.” You explained to the three of them.
“So we each get a room?” Adrien questioned, happily.
“And Tiberius and her children get their own room?” Arcadia asked next.
“Yes to both.” You said, smiling.
“How did you buy the house?” Eclipse questioned, knowing fully well that your part time job and being a ninja did not pay enough to buy a house like this.
“The previous owners were murdered.” Madara simply replied.
“Daddy, did you kill them?”
“Yes I did. They wanted to hurt you all and your mother.”
“Oh, okay.” They all replied together. It honestly concerned Madara and you that all your children were completely alright with murder, but you knew they’d grow to be great ninjas because of it.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Under the Mistletoe with the Akatsuki // Part Six // Hidan
“Ah; you fucking lucky bastards! I should charge you all for this; to kiss an elite follower of the mighty Jashin is a privilege you assholes don’t deserve. Except you, Konan. In fact if you want to move the mistletoe to my bedroom then — ow! OW!! Kakuzu let go!! I was only kidding; can none of you take a fucking joke?!”
She sighs before she goes to him. He’s made a big deal all day about kissing her in particular, although she doesn’t get why. She feels nothing other than friendship for him, and, despite his ramblings, she doesn’t think he feels anything stronger either. Nevertheless, it’s her turn. She steps up to him and he reaches out and takes her small hands, giving them a surprisingly gentle squeeze. “You ready for this, gorgeous?” But something about that, about the word “gorgeous”, sets off the normally calm Konan. She yanks her hands out of his and plants them on her hips. “Gorgeous, beautiful, sexy — that’s literally all you ever say to me. I’m more than a pair of tits; I have a fucking brain in this head!” Hidan blinks, startled. “That’s - the first time I ever heard ya curse, Konan.” He grabs her hands again. He speaks in a soft voice and apologizes, and tells her that he has nothing but respect for her. “I only wanna kiss you so bad ‘cuz you’re beautiful INSIDE and out, and you bring lots of light to my shitty darkness.” She blushes and thanks him, and he takes the opportunity to lean in and kiss her lips. Just a soft touch, but both of them are smiling afterwards.
Both of them are hesitant to do this, to say the least. Hidan won’t ever admit this, but he’s held a small physical attraction to Deidara since the day they met. Very small, and *purely* physical, but still. He doesn’t like thinking about it, because to do so would be him admitting to himself that his own sexuality isn’t as black and white as he’d thought it to be. He tells himself that if he likes Deidara at all, it’s simply because the guy looks ridiculously similar to a woman. Deidara doesn’t wish to kiss Hidan because, although HE will never admit to it, Hidan scares him. The man’s proven immortality throws a wrench into Deidara’s long-held ideals of what life (and art) are ultimately about: beauty made greater by virtue of being fleeting. But Hidan being able to live forever — could it be that Deidara’s partner Sasori has been right this whole time? That art really is eternal? Still, everyone is watching, so the two shake off their feelings, and Deidara approaches him. “Keep your tongue in your mouth, okay?” “Same goes for you, blondie.” Hidan gives himself very quick peck to the lips, but both men are blushing quite hard regardless. And even as brief as that was — Hidan makes note to ask Deidara what kind of shampoo he used later, because he smelled absolutely incredible.
After the last kiss between them, when it was Kisame’s turn, Hidan is hesitant to get close to this guy again. But Kisame is grinning, and appears to be in a good mood. “Ah, come now, Hidan; surely we can let bygones be bygones?” Hidan starts to curse at him, but catches himself just in time: after all, his mouth was what got him into trouble last time. So he merely nods and stands still, while Kisame approaches him. “Are you afraid, Hidan?” “Ah? Why would I be —“ “I can smell the fear coming from you.” Hidan folds his arms in front of his chest and demands to know who wouldn’t be afraid at the thought of possible dismemberment. Kisame just laughs and promises he’ll behave himself. He leans in, locks eyes with Hidan, and flashes his teeth — before giving Hidan a closed-mouth kiss on the forehead. Hidan let’s out a shaky sigh of relief, and Kisame walks away, laughing.
Like Deidara, Hidan has a bit of a grudge against the raven-haired Uchiha. He’s fallen victim before to the power of Itachi’s sharingan, and the calm, quiet way that Itachi reacts to Hidan’s jabs and wheedles always serve to irritate. But even so — Hidan has to admit that the guy isn’t all THAT bad (certainly not the hell-spawn that Deidara makes him out to be, anyway). There was a time once when Hidan caught a cold, and Itachi braved going into his room to bring him a cup of sinus-clearing tea. Itachi steps up to him and nods, and Hidan leans forward and kisses him on the cheek. An oddly sweet gesture, and one that Itachi seems to like, as he actually smiles before he leaves. Hidan watches him go, thinking (and not for the first time) that having a talent like the sharingan is completely wasted in someone who isn’t immortal. Maybe he should talk to him later about joining the Jashinist movement ...
Pein (Nagato)
If the Akatsuki is a family, and everybody (save Konan) are Pein’s children, then Hidan is undoubtedly the problem child of the group. The loudest, the most foul-mouthed, definitely the most violent ... but still. When Hidan could find an ounce of maturity, and focus, he was one of the best members of the team. And Nagato finds his regenerative abilities to be amazing, and, if there was ever the time and opportunity for it, would love to study Hidan in-depth. Pein approaches him and Hidan bows his head, an act of respect he gives to the Leader ... and ONLY the Leader. Pein delivers a light kiss to the forehead and walks away. He can hear Hidan mumbling behind him about “those damn piercings could kill somebody” but chooses to ignore it.
Oh, God. Hidan smells like human blood most of the time (thanks to his many gory sacrifices), and Zetsu is attracted to this scent like a bee is to a flower. He’d hang around this guy all day if he could, if not for the smell then to act as clean-up for the bits and pieces of his victims that he leaves behind. But Hidan doesn’t quite care for the plant man, to say the least. He didn’t sign up for the Akatsuki to be made to work alongside non-human freaks of nature. When Zetsu walks up to Hidan, the gray-haired jashin lover is nervous, to say the least. Zetsu puts his hand on Hidan’s face, leans in, and kisses his nose. It should only take a second, but Zetsu lingers over the spot for an abnormal amount of time ... and Hidan realizes it’s because he’s sniffing him, like an animal. “Okay, freak; get the hell away from me!” But Zetsu doesn’t move, in fact tightening his grip on Hidan’s face. Hidan is surprised; Zetsu is quite a bit stronger than he’d realized. His surprise turns to fear when the expression in Zetsu’s eyes shifts, and Hidan hears a very noticeable stomach-growl come from him. Hidan is seconds away from fight or flight (he hasn’t quite decided yet) when Tobi comes into the room, seemingly breaking the trance Zetsu had been in. Hidan breathes out a sigh of relief as zetsu keaves, giving silent thanks to the moron in the mask.
After “scaring” Zetsu away, Tobi gleefully announces that its his turn with Hidan. “Ohh boy, Hidan-san! You and Tobi are gonna have fun!” Hidan is actually quite eager for this; not so much for the kiss itself, but for his chance to see this freak up close and unmasked. Tobi looks behind him; nobody else is around. He turns back to Hidan and slides his mash halfway off his face, revealing his pale skin, dark, long-lashed eyes, and full lips, pursed into a grin. Getting closer, Hidan can detect faded, jagged lines extending from the right side of his forehead to the bottom of his mouth. Still, even with them — “Fucking hot”, Hidan mutters, the words slipping out before he can stop them. Tobi grins and cups Hidan’s face, staring into his eyes. “So are you,” he murmurs, and is it Hidan’s imagination or is his voice ... different, somehow? Well, no time to think about it; suddenly Tobi’s (unbelievably soft) lips are on his own, and for the first time since this encounter started, Hidan feels a feather-touch of unease. The way Tobi’s kissing him ... this isn’t how an idiot kisses. What in the name of Jashin — and then just as quickly as it began, it ends. Tobi slides his mask back into place, and skips off to the kitchen. Hidan has to take a few moments to collect himself, and in the way-back of his mind is a small voice urging him to warn Deidara to watch himself around Tobi. About what? Hidan doesn’t know the specifics. All he knows is those two are alone a LOT for missions, and if Tobi really is more than he seems, then — But then again, why should he care what happens with the blonde jerk, anyway?
Another person that annoys Hidan. He was in the Akatsuki for almost an entire year before he’d realized that the ugly body that he was in, wasn’t even his own. His surprise when he witnessed a hatch open and a childlike-looking redhead step out was unprecedented. Learning that he was in his 30’s meant that Hidan should have shown him the proper respect, but Hidan just couldn’t take orders from somebody with the face of a young boy. Sasori seems to know this, and therefore avoids interactions with him as much as possible. Now, however, contact is unavoidable. “Can you even reach my face, shorty?” Sasori tilts his head and seems to really be considering Hidan’s question. Suddenly, without warning, Sasori’s wooden arm detaches itself from Sasori’s body, and hits Hidan full-force in the center of his stomach. Hidan curses and doubles over, and while he’s bent Sasori takes the opportunity to go to Hidan and kiss his forehead. “I can reach you just fine, brat,” he murmurs, before leaving. Hidan has a quick recovery time to all forms of pain, and he’s quickly back on his feet, staring after Sasori with anger — and a tiny bit of admiration.
“Hey old fucker; you’ve been waiting all day to get a taste of this, eh?” Kakuzu just rolls his eyes at Hidan’s comment. He’s not sure what he did, either in this life or another one, to be partnered with a creature as odious as Hidan. Normally with people that Kakuzu finds no value in, he kills, plain and simple. But Hidan is neither plain nor simple; no matter what Kakuzu hits him with, he keeps getting back up, just as loud and irritating as ever. But ... even someone as gruff as Kakuzu has to admit that Hidan isn’t all that bad. It’s actually a bit lovely, to have found another person (besides Sasori, who has made it clear that when everyone else expires, his complete solitude is something he’s looking forward to) to be with to share the blessing (and curse) of immortality. He walks up to Hidan and grabs him by the forearms, forcing him into stillness. “What the hell, old man?! Let go of me before —“ but Kakuzu interrupts him by inclining his neck and kissing his lips. Hidan’s mouth is soft, and he has a taste to him, something akin to cinnamon or pumpkin. Kakuzu let’s go of him and starts to walk away, when suddenly Hidan reaches out grabs him, pulling him into another kiss. Kakuzu is surprised, but he makes no attempt to break Hidan’s hold on him because ... this is nice. This feels good, this feels natural. Almost like — and then a sudden explosion makes them both jump; Tobi comes running past them, with Deidara (and his bombs) on his heels. “Get back here you little shit!!” Kakuzu sighs, and this time when he turns to go, Hidan doesn’t stop him. But Kakuzu can feels Hidan’s eyes on him, following him all the way to his room.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
A Date with an Angel // Part Two // Hidan and Obito
“Order whatever you want; I swiped the old fuck’s credit card so dinner’s on him!” Konan panics at this, and refuses to pick up her menu until Hidan takes out his wallet and proves that he was just kidding. Today was Hidan’s turn at entertaining the lovely little lady, and he had originally intended to take her to a heavy metal performance at bar downtown (he was friends with the lead guitarist so they would have gotten in free). However, after he informed Nagato of his plans, he was met with a disappointing “Konan hates heavy metal.”, so he decided to take her to dinner instead. She seemed entirely suspicious when he approached her earlier (wearing a dress shirt and tie instead of his usual dirty muscle tank and ripped sweatpants), but nonetheless agreed to go with him to a quiet little cafe a few blocks down from the house. Konan has never really known what to make of Hidan. He was just slightly older than Deidara, but (in Konan’s opinion) ranking much higher on the “immaturity” wheel. He’s been nicknamed by the rest of the group as “Mr. Never-Dies”, because no matter what happens, what job he takes on, how badly he’s hurt ... he just keeps getting back up. One time he came home with blood running from the crown of his head and flowing into his boots, but rather than let anyone take him to a hospital, Hidan took out a needle and made Kakuzu stitch the gash on his forehead. No painkillers, no alcohol, not even any flinching. Anyone else would have been substantially messed up after such a heavy blood loss ... but Hidan was just fine, in fact laughing and talking like nothing was amiss. He’s extremely foul-mouthed and has a thing for telling dirty jokes, but today, on his date with Konan, he’s making a great effort to restrain himself. Hidan wants very badly to put his arm around her waist as he walks along beside her, but resists as he knows Nagato will tear him a new asshole if he makes her in anyway uncomfortable. He’s at a loss for what to talk to her about, so he simply asks her how she’s feeling. There’s a pause, and she goes “I’m not really sure. I lost my mood ring yesterday.” He bursts out laughing, so hard that she blushes. “That’s pretty damn funny, lady.”Konan tilts her head in surprise; nobody had ever complimented her humor before. In fact she’s usually told that the few jokes she does make are very flat, or somewhat dark. Fast forward to the cafe, where Konan is surprised again that Hidan asks for a table that’s “quiet”, and pulls out her chair for her. The waiter comes back and Konan is amused by the amount of food that Hidan is ordering. When it’s her turn, her mind is a blank, so she just orders the last thing he said (which was spaghetti and meatballs). “That’s all?” he asks, as the waiter collects their menus and leaves. “No wonder you’re so slender.” She asks him how in the world HE’S so skinny when he eats so much, and he explains he has a fast metabolism, like his mother. Konan is interested; she’s never heard him mention his family before. As if reading her mind, he says, “Me and those guys just don’t get along. They wrote me off as a brain-dead bastard when I said I wasn’t goin’ to college.” “College isn’t everything, you know. People have to do what’s right for them.” Hidan agrees, and begins telling her his much he enjoys working for Nagato, and the type of jobs they do. It’s interesting; when you got him away from the others and in a calm, quiet setting, Hidan was ... normal. Normal and actually very charming. And although he never says it out-loud, Konan gets the strong impression that Hidan has come to consider the rest of the group as being a surrogate family. Then the food comes out and Hidan turns into a different creature altogether. He eats much like an animal, viciously and indiscriminately. But instead of being disgusted by this, Konan ... feels relaxed. There’s an unspoken feeling here, that with Hidan, she can let go and be herself. She doesn’t have to worry about looking pretty, or eating daintily, or acting “like a lady”. In fact Hidan orders them ice cream sundaes for dessert,
then challenges her to see who can eat theirs the fastest. Hidan ends up winning, but they end up with a horrible case of brain-freeze that leaves them both paralyzed for several moments ... yet laughing pretty hard. Even though Konan ate far less than Hidan, she feels quite stuffed nonetheless and mentions this to Hidan, who immediately offers to give her a piggy back ride home. She hesitates to accept; it’s a ways home and Konan feels she’s not the lightest woman in the world (especially after a big meal). But he insists, and she lets him hoist her into his back and trot back to the house with her. They laugh and joke the entire way, with Hidan making numerous comments about how light she is and how good she smells. “That’s one thing about living in a house full of guys for so long; I got so used to the smell of ass and dirty socks and Doritos that I forgot there’s people in the world who know what the fuck deodorant and shampoo are!” Konan laughs so hard at this that she slips off Hidan’s back and lands on her knees in the grass, holding her stomach and howling. Seeing that she likely won’t calm down anytime soon to grab onto his back again, Hidan picks her up and carries her in his arms the last two blocks home. He sets her down gently outside the front door, telling her how much fun she is to be with, when she throws her arms around his shoulders, squeezing him. “I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard,” she says as she lets him go, wiping tears from her eyes. “Thank you.” He hesitates, then leans down and very gently kisses her cheek, before telling her that she’s welcome to hang out with him anytime, because “I’ve got a million more jokes, doll, and I’ll gladly tell ‘em all to you.” He walks her to her room and chances giving her another kiss, this one on the forehead, before bidding her Goodnight.
“Can I ask you a question?” “Yeah?” “When we’re at home, when we’re around the others, why do you wear that thing?” It’s the next day, and Konan is at a bar (ironically, the same one that Hidan wanted to take her to the previous day) with Obito. Out of everyone in the house, Obito is the one that strikes Konan as being the most mysterious. To begin with, the day she met him he was wearing a unique orange half-mask over his face ... and never took it off. She questioned Nagato about it but he seemed reluctant to speak on Obito’s unique fashion choice, and none of the others acted as though there was anything strange about it. He joined he others for dinner each night but seemed to prefer sweets to actual food, and he was quiet. Nagato told Konan that Obito was more or less his right hand man within the organization, and had helped him recruit the other members. Obito never spoke to her unless she spoke first ... so naturally she had been surprised when he approached her as she was coming out of her room, and asked if she minded joining him for “a quick drink”. The bar, like everything else, was in walking distance of the house; but Obito took her on the back of his motorcycle. It was a short ride but an exhilarating one ... and it got even more exciting when, upon entering the bar, Obito glanced around, saw there weren’t many people, and took off his mask. He found them a seat at a table near the back, and ordered them both a glass of wine. Konan had tried her hardest not to stare at his face ((which was difficult; aside from a few jagged scars on the left side and what looked like a damaged eye, he was quite handsome)) but eventually he caught her looking, hence giving her the bravery to pose her question. Obito paused for several moments, as if contemplating what to say. “Why do women wear makeup? Why do people dye their hair or get piercings or tattoos or wear crazy clothes? It’s because they have something about themselves that they don’t like, so they try to cover it up. I don’t like my face. I haven’t since my accident.” Konan blinks, genuinely surprised at Obito’s answer. She chances it to ask “Accident?” He gave her a wry smile and ordered himself a shot of whiskey (and her an ice tea) saying he needed something stronger to tell her about it. “When I was a kid, my parents liked to go rock climbing. Took me with to National parks every summer. One year my dad got drunk and took me and my mom up a dangerous path. He pulled on a rock the wrong way, and it came out of the mountain, along with a bunch more, and crashed down on us. Really long fall; mom and dad killed right away. But me ... I guess the devil decided he wasn’t done with me. A boulder crushed this entire side of my body, and my face got fucked ... but I lived. Had to go to a lot of physical therapy. Also had to go live with my uncle Madara — that guy’s a piece of work. But anyway I lived and here we are, right?” Konan is quiet for a long while, watching the ice cubes float around in her glass. “I like you like this,” she finally says, and this time she’s looking him directly in the face. “I understand if you want to be someone different, or like, if you feel like your mask makes you different, but, if you ever want to be THIS Obito ... please come to my room. We can talk, we can listen to music and eat junk and watch movies and talk about books and —“ Obito interrupts her by putting both arms around her, squeezing her warmly. “Thank you, Konan.” They stay for another few hours, and Konan is pleasantly surprised to find that Obito without the mask, Obito away from the house ... is fantastic. He teaches her how to play pool, he keeps her laughing with countless stories about growing up with his “crazy uncle”. At one point in the night he convinces her to join him at the karaoke machine on the stage, and the two sing duets of Disney songs (to the thunderous applause of the few people at the bar).The ride back home is mostly quiet, him driving slower this time and her holding on to him, each filled with their own thoughts. Before they get to the front
door, Konan lifts Obito’s mask just the slightest bit, and kisses his cheek. “This is the best night I’ve had in a long, long time. I appreciate you letting me get to know you.” He smiles and blushes, then slides the mask back into place before opening the front door. Some of the others are in the living room, and Obito quietly greets them before heading to his room. Konan was awed by how effortless the switch from animated and somewhat goofy to reserved and calm seemed to be for him ... and found herself wondering if any of the others were putting on a facade as well. She takes her shower and goes to her room, intending to go to sleep early, but after about an hour of restlessly tossing back and forth, she gives it up. She turns her light back on and picks up the remote to her tv, thinking that maybe a good, boring show will put her to sleep. But before she can find anything, a knock comes on the door. She goes to open it, and is surprised to find Obito standing there. “I saw the light underneath your door. Can I come in?” She takes him by the arm and pulls him inside. Once inside, he slides off his mask and, looking around, finds a seat for himself on one of Konan’s chairs. He opens up his jacket to reveal a small book, worn and obviously read many times. “I saw you reading this last week. I remember you telling Sasori that you finished it. I was wondering; what did you think in Chapter seven, when —“
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darquedeath4444 · 6 years
Always, Together, Forever
"There are going to be fireworks later tonight," Gaara told Sakura. "We should go see them."
Sakura nodded in agreement.
Gaara quickly ran through the list of things available in the festival. "Is there anything you want to do?" He said.
Sakura frowned. "Um...I heard that...Sasori-sama was running a stall..."
"Sasori," Gaara corrected. He then smiled, pleased that Sakura had shared her own opinion. He nodded. "Okay." He knew where every stall was located, for he had planned most of it, then led Sakura off towards the stall his cousin was running with a friends of his, who had come from Iwagakure.
Anyone had been allowed to open a stall to sell things, or run activities, as long as they had applied for it and it had been approved of. Gaara had been surprised when Sasori had handed him his application form with a dark glint in his eyes.
How the two from completely different villages were friends, Gaara didn't know, but it didn't really matter.
Gaara trusted Sasori.
Gaara glanced at the crowd of people gathered around the stall Sasori and his friend was running. People politely opened at path for them, and after thanking them politely, Gaara and Sakura made their way past the crowd.
What he saw made him want to cringe, frown and sigh at the same time.
Sasori and his friend, a blond shinobi, were sitting facing each other. The blond was building something out of clay. Gaara caught sight of something on his hands, and decided that it had something to do with how quickly the blond was able to build up his clay work.
Sasori was not looking at anything in particular, just taking notes.
After a while, the blond let out a groan and made a hand sign. The sculpture exploded in a cloud of paint, splattering himself and everything in the close vicinity.
Gaara threw up his sand, protecting him and and the rest of the audience from being showered. This caught the attention of the blond, and an annoyed looked Sasori, who was covered in pink paint.
The blond’s eyes instantly lit up. "Oh! I got it!" He got to his feet and marched over to them. He stopped in front of Sakura and pulled her forward. Gaara tensed and Sakura let out a gasp but the blond ignored them. "Hey! Danna! How about her, un?"
Sasori sighed. "I suggest you let her go, Deidara, before our beloved Kazekage decides to challenge you to a duel for her hand." He stood up and made his way towards them.
The blond, Deidara, frowned. "Kazekage...?" He turned around, then leaned into Gaara's face. "You're the Kazekage?"
Gaara narrowed his eyes.
Deidara let out a chuckle. "You definitely look like Sasori no Danna, un."
Sasori whacked the blond over the head, then turned to Gaara, ignoring the yelp of pain. "This is Deidara. He has no artistic value whatsoever and he claims to be my friend, but he mean no harm."
Gaara nodded, feeling unsure. The blond still had a hand around Sakura’s wrist.
"Deidara, this is Gaara, but you already know that." He gestured towards Sakura, who tugged her limb of of Deidara's grasp and was now hovering behind Gaara. "That's Sakura, and everyone knows she's off limits, so-" Sasori stopped mid sentence, then slowly looked down, at his sand encased ankles. "If I'm sent to the hospital,” he began matter of factly, “you are going to have to take care of double the work you usual do.”
Gaara narrowed his eyes, then turned to the side, his face suddenly feeling hot.
Deidara's grin widened as he looked between Gaara and Sakura. "Oh! I see...I see..." He chuckled.
"What is your stall about?" Gaara asked, trying to change the subject.
"We started off as a 'Explosion VS Eternal!' stall," Deidara explained. "But there isn't much space for a real explosion, and it's hard to compare when you're not in a fight, so we decided to see if we could create something together." He waved at the crowd. 
Sasori sighed.
"But we had no inspiration," Deidara continued. "Then you guys came by..." He grinned. "Anyways." He turned to Sasori. "As I was saying, how about her, un?" He gestured towards Sakura again. "She's perfect, isn't she?"
Sasori narrowed his eyes. "Yes...she is."
That was why Gaara was now sitting on a makeshift chair made of sand, shooting glares of I-will-melt-your-eyeballs at the two artists.
Sakura was sitting in front of Deidara, still as a statue. The blond’s hands were flashing over a huge mound of clay, and Gaara could slowly but surely see the outlines of a sitting figure beginning to appear. Sasori was crouched next to Sakura, fiddling with a pallet of paint, comparing colors.
A while later, Deidara stood up, a proud grin on his face. "Done!"
He and Sasori switched places. This time, Sasori crouched by the clay structure which was no doubt Sakura. Gaara noted that the clay was already dry and decided that it had something to do with Deidara's hands. The blond noticed his staring and sent him a toothy grin, then raised his hands, showing the Kazekage the mouths on his palms. Tongues flicked out in his direction.
Gaara took a deep breath, then turned back to face Sakura. Sasori was narrowing his eyes, paintbrush hovering over the surface of the clay work.
"So," Deidara plopped himself down.
Gaara looked at his cousin’s friend from the corner of his eyes.
"What's going on between you and the Pink Sand Princess?" The blond grinned.
Gaara quickly looked to the side, suddenly feeling self-conscious. "Nothing," he murmured.
Deidara laughed. "That's not nothing, un." He leaned in closer to him. "Sasori no Danna's expecting a godchild. He told me, un."
Gaara lowered his head to use his red hair to hide his equally red face.
After presenting the lifesize statue to the crowd, Sasori and Deidara gave it to Gaara with devilish smirks on their faces. Gaara teleported it immediately to his office, telling himself that it was so that he wouldn't ave to carry it around.
No, definitely because he didn't want people to see the statue Sakura.
In the clay work, Sakura was still dressed in the kimono for the festival. However, Gaara noticed with a blush that the collar of the kimono was slightly lowered, and Sakura had a slightly vulnerable look on her face, something Gaara had never seen on the girl.
The way she looked up at him from between her lashes, hand clenched over her heart, a faint smile on her lips- 
He wanted to Sand Coffin himself when the dark part of his mind told him that he liked it.
Gaara shook his head to clear his head, making Sakura glanced at him with well concealed worry. The pinkette never showed vulnerability. If she showed him weakness, it would be because she trusted him enough to protect her when she was weak. He wanted to be the person she leaned on when she needed to rest. That was why-
She only has you to lean on. You deprived her of this choice the moment you marked her as yours. The dark part of his mind sneered. She only knows to turn to you.
Gaara took a deep breath to calm himself.
He flinched when something brushed his hand and he looked down to see Sakura's shaking fingers hovering a little away from his. He turned to look at her and saw that she was looked at the ground.
She was trying to comfort him in the only way she knew.
Gaara smiled softly and took her hand. "Come on," he said. "The fireworks are starting soon, and I know the perfect spot."
Chapter TWENTY>
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