#i kinda hate how junko looks here . tbh
stargloom · 13 days
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the worst people you know are dating
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laplacesdevil · 1 year
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@autismrobot5 yes. Yes tou can. I am SO sorry it took this long
We'll go over Miss B first because MMMMWAAAHHH!!!!! I LVOE HER!!!! YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MUCH SHE IS JUST SO!! OOOOOOO!!!!! All of this will be under cut because it's gonna be Lengthy. Most information can be found on their toyhou.se profiles as well! (They're in the Main Projects folder!)
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Miss B is a reporter! Specifically, she broadcasts to an outer audience (technically, us), making most, if not, all drawings with her canon. She also hosts podcasts, but she prefers to be seen the most! She has fourth-wall breaking powers where she speaks to the audience! I'd like to keep her backstory a secret for now, as I'm working on it on-and-off, but I will say she's drastically different from who she was back then and WILL stuff down all negative feelings bc of it. They hate talking about their past. I. Still haven't figured out their reporter voice, but their normal speaking voice is bugs bunny. They are both bunny-adjacent.
Miss B has her own universe btw! It's a floating-in-the-void studio mixed with a penthouse. Multi-floors. Middle floor is her whole studio. There's a compartment in the studio where all folders of possible candidates to interview. Btw the folders kinda hold like an wikipedia-level amount of knowledge on those characters.
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Oh yeah forgot to mention, but Miss B also has a little sidekick of sorts! His name is Frankie :3 (he/ted/hun) n he's a friend's oc! At the moment, while said friend also doesn't know Miss B backstory, Frankie is Miss B's cameraman! Also he is 2. (He's actually like. 7-10 I'm gonna be honest I don't remember.) Miss B and teds parents are on pretty good terms with each other. Miss B also cares a lot for Frankie and always makes sure ted stays behind when it's on dangerous interviews + when hun is sick. Miss B doesn't actually need a cameraman, as it knows it's always (or usually) being watched, but it appreciates the company! Think of them having a slight Sonic-n-Tails friendship
I need you to know that she was originally my fem Springtrap human design before FNAF 3 came out OK? I'm putting her old pic here. Her name was Boldenzie, if u even care...... also her red suit is inspired by old Spamton. Sorry for the gunshot. As for Miss B herself, she came to be because i thought boldenzie was pretty. and i wanted her back. she was actually gonna be a feddyverse oc (Rivals with gracie) but it wasnt workin. also she was gonna be a bit like junko from . the. the. the. the rompers. i thought it would be fun for her to be multiverse, i think bc of santana
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now..... santi..... My dearly beloved.
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so. Fun fact. He's been meant for MANY projects before, but I couldn't make him stick, or I couldn't figure anything for the universe he was in. His "most recent" (abt a year ago, tbh) universe, he was named Marikit Guinto, nicknamed "Calamansi"/"Kalamansi". He had a partner named Rey Basa (they/it), nicknamed "Juniper"/"Juni". Tammi's siblings were in the universe too, but like I couldn't figure out what the universe could be like, so I trashed it. Tammi's siblings are ok btw. Would love to draw them digitally some time. Santana's original design + personality were based off of vry2k gordon because he's so fucking pretty
So, how did Santana FINALLY get to stick? So you see, I had a dream where it was like fnaf roblox building mode. And then there was a pretty cute health inspector because Of Course There Was. I don't remember much abt what happened, but when I woke up, I IMMEDIATELY went to drawing him. Thats when I noticed "Hey this looks like cala". Not sure how I got to him being multiverse, tbh, but then i incorporated his past selves
anyways. to ACTUAL santana stuff.
santana is an angel. He has a true form, but he never feels quite comfortable exposing it, unless in dire situations. He was aware of his past universes, and used to answer to a being called The Almighty One, who he sees as the one who created all the universes he's been in. His backstory goes into it a bit, but basically, after so many requests of a new universe, The Almighty One offers Santana a deal of providing him a universe: record all of the universes that had been created. Santana was desperate and accepted it, and The Almighty One sends him off.
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so like that was a lie btw. well. not PARTICULARLY a lie, but it's an imposible task. The Almighty One isn't even the one who creates the universes, and there's different ones created every second.
Anyways I think I've said this before, but part of Santana knows his task is impossible. But he doesn't want to admit it. He doesn't want to admit that all this work is for nothing. Because if it's for nothing, then what does he have left?
He tries to make himself believe it's for something. To keep going. That the promise will be kept
By the dubs. he was also lied to that he couldn't interact with others. He can! The last time he did, The Almighty One FUCKED with him. Look, I've drawn Santana a few times and he seems elegant and shit, right? I promise you he is NOT that man is emotionally constipated but he's forcing himself to stay stoic and unattached because if he lets one vulnerability he's scared he will not be able to handle it.
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So, unlike Miss B, he has to record everything himself in a journal he conjures up! btw i need you to know miss b sometimes has santana conjure up accessories for their outfits smtimes.
oh this is important. santana and miss b relationship. they certainly do got sm stuff btwn them. problem is that they both have partner problems (i.e., for santana "i watched my boyfriend fucking die in front of me"). Miss B acts real sweet on Santana (she calls him Santi!) and finds him really fun and interesting! Like, wow! Another multiverse traveler! A pretty and smart one too! So fashionable!!! And there's no info on him too? Wowza... Santana, on the other hand, does enjoy Miss B's company after going so long without interaction (will not admit it) and believes she (and Frankie) are the only ones he can interact with safely. But also he pushes the both of them away because he's kinda scared otherwise. He does care for them though.
Santana and Miss B want to get close to each other, but at the same time, the two of them keep their secrets guarded HARD. they complement each other really well.
anyways here's their playlists
miss b: youtube spotify
santana: youtube spotify (missing a song </3)
btw i should note this bc i havent gotten to drawing it yet, but santana sometimes gives himself tits because he likes havin em. he's got some kind of gender going on and i want it
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deadmandairyland · 3 years
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Hi! I’m here to bring you yet another Danganronpa tier list: the sexuality tier list, which you can find here.
Now I’m going to be honest here: I don’t really have any LGBT headcanons. It’s just not really something I focus on much when it comes to fandoms. Instead I usually just focus on ships, and as a result from that I tend to present a lot of characters as LGBT in fanfictions and posts I’ve made or reblogged. In other words, a massive chunk of my “headcanons” here are a direct result of shipping (as well as information I’ve picked up from the games themselves). That being said, it was interesting to actually think about this for once, so I’m kinda glad I did the tier list. And it gave me an excuse to bring back the rainbow color scheme I usually put in my tier lists for aesthetic reasons.
The original tier list had Straight at the top, but I moved it to the bottom for two reasons. One, this is Tumblr and that’s not what you’re here for. Two, I gave it a neutral color, and having a gray section next to a white section (i.e. the title of the list) like that looked bad to me. I definitely prefer this setup just on aesthetic alone.
Because this is largely based on ships, I feel it needs to be said that representation does not factor into this chart in any way. I know it probably looks bad that the only character in the Lesbian category is one of my least favorite (though NOT hated or even disliked, I should point out) characters in the main series. That has nothing to do with the fact that she’s a lesbian. She’s just a jerk, and usually not in a way that’s at least entertaining enough for me to like her.
Also keep in mind that this is just the main cast of the main series games. If you were to include characters from the DR3 anime, UDG, or the spin-offs, the Gay, Lesbian, and Ace categories would get more rep, certainly. Think Juzo, Yui, Takemichi, that gay guy with the trumpet, etc.
With that said, let’s go through the list:
Not gonna lie, one of the reasons why Rantaro is here (and not in Ace) is because of ships. Though I do sometimes ship him with girls, canon suggests he’s not interested in dating girls, and most fans seem to headcanon him as either gay or ace because of this, so I respected that. That being said, I also acknowledge he’s a very popular character in mlm ships, and at the time I was putting this together I hadn’t gotten to Taka yet so the Gay tier was still empty, and Byakuya was already sitting in Ace, so all of that swayed me to putting Rantaro here instead of Ace.
Taka was much easier to place here. He strikes me as a closeted gay man who probably doesn’t even realize he is gay. “Hey, let’s all hang out in the bath, guys! Getting naked is essential to form bonds with your fellow man! No need to be ashamed, it’s tradition!"
Again, ships. I only ship Hiyoko with one other character, and as soon as I say that you already know who she is.
Bisexual (Male Preference)
Akane is mostly here to account for any wlw ships I may have of her (e.g. Hina, Sonia maybe). Obviously she has a thing with Nekomaru, so Male Preference.
Chiaki is here for the same reason as Akane. I’ve shipped her with characters like Sonia and Ibuki before, but she really digs Hajime.
Chihiro honestly could have been anywhere in the Bi and Pan sections, but I ultimately went with Male Preference because of ships, specifically the fact that outside of the more... R18 circles of the Interwebs Chihiro tends to be shipped with guys more often than girls. Also doesn’t hurt that my OTP is Naehiro. I mean, have you seen how often Chihiro blushes around Makoto? (There’s more to it than that, as I’ve covered in the past. I’m just trying to add more fuel to the fire.)
Himiko is probably one of the few characters that isn’t here mainly because of ships. I do think she has some attachment towards Tenko, but I also get “I’m uncomfortable around her” vibes from her, and there are moments where she seems to crush on Kokichi (of all people) so that’s why she’s here. Still very much bi, though.
Hina has a crush on Makoto and has a complex around wishing she was more feminine so she can attract boys. So why isn’t she in the Straight section? ...Because Sakura, duh. And Kyoko too. And any other wlw ship you can think of that might work with Hina.
Honestly if it wasn’t for Miu I probably would have considered putting Kokichi in Gay. Again, while shipping plays a big part of my choices here, much like with Rantaro I have no qualms with putting a character in a tier that contradicts any ships I might have with that character, if those ships aren’t something I’m super invested in. This is a very important distinction, because it’s why I let ships sway my hand for so many of these even if I am also okay with going “Just because I ship this doesn’t mean I headcanon it” as I did with Rantaro. And honestly Kokichi’s ship teasing with Himiko does come off as more trollish than a sign that he’s into her, but he really gets into his back-and-forth with Miu, in my personal opinion, and he gets into it far more often with her for that matter. It’s why it’s one of my favorite ships for both of them tbh, and it’s because I like the ship so much that I just can’t ignore it for this sexuality headcanon tier list.
Maki... is here because of ships (e.g. Kaede).
Sakura... is here because of ships (e.g. Hina). ...What, you were expecting me to put a guy in the example? Remember, she has a boyfriend in canon.
Sayaka... is here because of... NOT ships, but DRAT. Yes, really. (”We really got down and dirty, Naegi-kun.”)
Sonia... strikes me as someone who swings both ways. I can’t describe exactly why I feel that way, but yes.
Bisexual (No Preference)
Celeste wants a harem of vampire boys but shipping her with Kyoko is also very popular and honestly i feel like it would fit her character. She’s got a look that says “I could get any ass I want and I know it.”
Ibuki is decked out in blues and pinks, and also I ship her fairly evenly among both boys and girls. She just screams bi icon to me, more so than any other character in the series.
Junko is either bi with no preferences or pan. She is an equal opportunity heart-and-soul-breaker and lust-for-despair machine.
There is no Mukuro in this list, but honestly I would probably put her where I put Junko anyway.
Kaede... is here because of ships (e.g. Miu, Maki)
Honestly I had no idea where to put Kirumi, so I just randomly chose one that I wouldn’t regret later if I ever put more thought into who I shipped her with.
I’m pretty sure Nagito being bisexual has some degree of canon attached to it??? I think??? I’m not entirely sure tbh, but fuck it. I’m doing this for fun anyway, so this doesn’t really matter.
Shuichi, like all Danganronpa protags, is bi as fuck. I also find him to be more shippable with guys than the other two protags, so IMO he has no preference.
Toko might have a thing or two for pretty boys, but... Komaru, I mean, this isn’t exactly shocking, I don’t think. Probably was closeted before she met Komaru. I mean she did focus on Hina’s boobs a lot in DR1, let’s not forget.
Tsumugi, much like Kirumi, is here because I haven’t put much thought into her ships.
Bisexual (Female Preference)
Gundham has a thing with Sonia in canon, but I can see him being bi. So... yeah, ships again.
Hajime, like all Danganronpa protags, is bi as fuck. It’s just that his Chiaki and Mikan game is just too strong.
Hifumi might claim to only like 2D, but his interest in Chihiro both in human form and computer program form (and the fact that this didn’t go away after the gender reveal) places him here.
Kaito strikes me as a closeted bisexual. The kind that could start any given conversation with “I’m not gay, but...”
Kazuichi also strikes me as a closeted bisexual, only his “I’m not gay, but...” is rooted more in dumbass than it is in systematic homophobia.
Korekiyo... is here because of ships (e.g. Rantaro).
Kyoko is bi as fuck, and I can see her having a preference towards girls in particular. She gets shipped with girls a lot (e.g. Celeste, Hina, Yui, and even Junko and Mukuro), and when she is shipped with boys it’s usually just pretty boys (e.g. Makoto, Byakuya, Ryota, Shuichi, and, depending on your interpretation, Chihiro). Also note that aside from Makoto and maybe Byakuya, Kyoko’s girl ships are far more popular than her boy ships. Just something I’ve noticed over the years.
Leon... is here because of ships (e.g. Chihiro).
Mahiru is here because I’m pretty sure she has a thing for Hajime in her FTEs, but obviously she tends to get shipped with girls more often (especially Hiyoko), and I agree.
Makoto, like all Danganronpa protags, is bi as fuck. It’s just that his Kyoko, Hina, Sayaka, and Mukuro game is just too strong.
Mikan may be interested in Hajime somewhat, but her obsession with Junko cannot be ignored, no matter how much some of you may want to.
Mondo is another character that strikes me as a closeted bisexual. He is said to strike out all the time with girls, so I do think he’s attracted to women. And I do get some vibes that he’s attracted to Chihiro pre-reveal. And if circumstances had been different, I imagine he probably still would have been post-reveal. But obviously it’s his bond with Taka that I feel cements his sexuality in, at the very least, an mlm category.
Tenko... is here NOT because of ships, but because I’m pretty sure she’s at least sort of interested in Shuichi because of some canon thing... and also I don’t want to put her in Lesbian just because it feels like I’d be stereotyping the Lesbian category if I do that. If we were to compare her to the character that I did put in Lesbian, Hiyoko doesn’t treat people like shit because they’re men, she’s an equal-opportunity asshole. Still not the best representation for lesbians by a long shot, but at least Hiyoko doesn’t follow the stereotype of a man-hating lesbian. She’s just like that, and that’s okay. But putting Tenko there, especially if she’s shown some degree of interest in a male character at some point in the game, just rubs me the wrong way personally, because it would feel like I’m ignoring canon just to stereotype her. But that’s just a personal hang up of mine. No disrespect intended toward anyone who genuinely feels that Tenko is a lesbian. Maybe you see something there that I don’t, and that’s perfectly fine.
I don’t remember exactly how her FTEs went, so I’m not going to get into that, but Angie just comes off as pan to me, like gender doesn’t fit into the equation at all for her.
Gonta I can see as either pan or ace. I feel like he wouldn’t care about gender, and honestly the only reason I decided to put him in Pan rather than Ace is because of that scene with Miu.
Imposter is not only pan, they are currently OT3ing it up with Ibuki and Ryota as we speak, and that’s a fact.
Keebo... is mostly here because of ships. A lot of ships, actually. Mostly male ships (Kokichi, Shuichi, Kazuichi, and, depending on your interpretation, Chihiro) but there’s also Miu to consider. And the Miu game is SO strong that I put him in Pan instead of, say, Male Preference.
Just gonna lump them together because I have the same thing to say about both of them: Miu and Teruteru would **** anything that walks. What did I censor? Well, I’m doing the Nier: Automata thing, so you can put whatever you want in there and trust me, it would probably fit, for better or for worse.
I know this is an unpopular opinion, because Naegami, but I just don’t think Byakuya is interested in anyone, at least not in that way. He might be fascinated with how common people live, because it’s so foreign to him, but that’s about it.
Even though I do ship Fuyuhiko with some of the boys, his Peko game is so strong that honestly I can’t see him actually dating anyone aside from Peko outside of some very niche fanfiction.
Honestly, Hiro was another one that I was just like “I have no idea what to do with you.” I think maybe his team up with Kanon made me eventually choose to put him in Straight? I don’t remember. I clearly didn’t put much thought into Hiro.
I really only ship Nekomaru with Akane, so that’s why he’s here. I’m sure if I dive deep enough into my psyche I can pull an mlm ship with Nekomaru in it out of my ass, but like Rantaro that wouldn’t be significant enough to change anything.
Peko is in the same boat as Fuyuhiko. I have shipped her with girls before, but her Fuyuhiko game is just too strong.
Ryoma had a girlfriend once, and as far as I can remember he didn’t really seem interested in anybody in the game, so that’s all I have to go off of for him.
So there you have it. Explanations for literally all of them! Explanations that were definitely not pulled out of my ass as I was typing them, nope, certainly not. Definitely won’t be tagging all of them, but I may tag the ones with the longest entries. And like all the tier lists I’ve done, this was just for fun and honestly any opinion I have for any of these characters could change at a moment’s notice because my brain is fickle like that. Tried my best to make sure that every tier had at least one character in it, but I did so without trying to force characters in places that I personally did not believe they should go. I hope you all enjoyed my dive into this area of fandom that I rarely dive into (the LGBT headcanons, not the ships, obviously). It was a lot of fun, and hopefully it will stay fun and not result in angry anons blasting me for my opinions. I am grateful that this never seems to happen to me, but I’ve seen it happen to others and I know what Tumblr is capable of at its worst. These are just headcanons and a matter of personal opinion, and if you disagree with them, that’s perfectly okay. Your feelings and opinions are also valid.
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
Got the Aux hcs||Jujutsu Kaisen
A/N:  These hcs are prolly gonna vary from general artists/genres to general chaos towards the end :D also gonna do some for the kyoto school...eventually. Didn’t incl. Yuuta because he’s not here yet but tbh he prolly listens to MCR or smthng let’s be real. I apologize for Maki’s being so short, I know her fanbase is starving for content and I’m sorry I was unable to provide it this time.
Word Count: 1123
Plot Synopsis: Some dumb music taste headcanons for the tokyo school. ((I only included characters that have appeared in the anime like fully, onscreen w lines not just mentioned, and I also only did the main ppl from the Tokyo school so that’s why there’s no Yuta or Nanami.))
First and foremost
The man is a barb (Nicki Minaj fans) and a hottie (Megan thee stallion fans)
No I don’t take criticism
Aside from that, Yuji listens to pop and some rap (mostly megan thee stallion)
His pop taste is also not limited by generation, he definitely listens to artists like Anri and Miki Matsubara
Other artists he listens to are probably; Rihanna, Post Malone(he just does, idk why), Doja Cat, Brittany Spears, Shakira, Kesha, Lizzo, Ariana Grande
Fushiguro unironically listened to wake me up inside in middle school, again, I do not take criticism
He also listens to artists like Mother Mother
Fushiguro is kinda embarrassed of his music tastes though so he’ll lie about what he’s listening to
“Fushiguro what are you listening to?”
*cue panicked Fushiguro struggling to put his phone away* “N-Nothing why”
Also this man listens to Lady Gaga and probably some Panic at the Disco
But for sure panic at the disco
Also he makes playlist named after his friends and what not
Now one might say aww, how sweet
Which, yes it is, but also, Fushiguro refuses to let anyone know his true music tastes so adaptation is necessary for survival
If Fushiguro has the aux, it’s a good day, he knows everyone’s music tastes and probably already has a playlist tailored specifically to everyone’s taste, there’s never a single song that everyone hates
She listens to Avril Lavigne and Kesha
Her and Yuuji have pretty similar music tastes (himbo/lesbian solidarity)
She also listens to songs like Jenny(by the studio killers) and Youth(Troye Sivan) and just stares at the ceiling pining
Her playlist reflects this
From pop to pining and then back again
Also she hasn’t stopped streaming Driver’s License(Olivia Rodrigo), her and Yuuji listen to it and every time she just falls out (when it first came out, she got so invested in the drama of it all)
Genres she listens to are rock ballads, pop, and any playlist with words including but not limited to ‘wlw’, ‘girls are pretty’, ‘how to not have a crush on Maki-senpai’
Artists she listens to incl. Kali Uchis (stumbled upon Dead To Me and hasn’t ben the same since), Queen, pop girlies like Brittany Spears, and Troye Sivan
Maki mainly listens to workout music or indie/chill beats
 Like her playlists are lowkey dry
And she refuses to use spotify premium, even though Gojo’s paying fo it
I can also see her listening to an occasional orchestral/instrumental piece like Ushiwakamaru
Inumaki also kind of put her onto listening to video game soundtracks, she probably listens to the soundtracks of games like Persona tbh
She does allow herself the small pleasure of listening to Hozier from time to time
Inumaki is a menace
His music taste, while there are bangers, mainly consists of music found in memes/tiktoks/etc.
((He also listens to video game music, but more of the Mario Kart sort))
I’m thinking like Vengaboys, Aqua, etc.
He does listen to other artists like Junko Ohashi and Rina Sawayama on occasion, the majority of his music taste exists to make him laugh as he thinks of all the random jokes made to the songs
Whenever, Inumaki has the aux cord, everyone in the car just mentally prepares themselves
With Inumaki, they feel bad telling him to stop because he’s really sweet and nice, and, maybe he just doesn’t know 
But he does know, he just doesn’t care
Panda listens to 80/90s rap
Tbh he’s got the best music taste out of everyone sorry not sorry
He mainly listened to whatever Yaga put on growing up so that’s why his taste is older than he is
Artists for Panda include Biggie, Pac, Outkast, etc.
Principal Yaga is black I just know Panda grew up listening to Ice Cube and the like while he was training I just knowwww
Panda’s playlist choices though usually aren’t too egregious
While Panda’s no Fushiguro in terms of adaptability, who’s really gonna be opposed to listening to bangers from the 90′s
Gojo’s taste in music exists solely to torture Fushiguro
Now does he necessarily like any of these songs he plays? No
But does his desire to antagonize out rule his dislike? Yesyesyesyesyes
Gojo, unlike Inumaki, does not get the same sympathy
When Gojo syncs up his Bluetooth (bcus let’s be real that man does not have a car with a physical aux cord) everyone in the car just lets out the loudest groan
Just for that he’s gonna make 3 extra unnecessary turns
In actuality though, when he’s not bothering his students or Nanami, I imagine Gojo is a fan of 90′s rap as well as classical music
I think he also likes rock too, he discovered it back in his student days and it never really went away
He also definitely has a playlist called something like ‘my main character music’
General car shenanigans(imagine this as a class trip to some place that’s about 2 hours away)
Gojo and Inumaki team up to antagonize everyone
Like they will play 10 hour loops of caramelldansen with absolutely ZERO remorse
Fushiguro and Kugisaki slowly just go insane during the course of this
Although, Kugisaki will be a lot more vocal about it, cussing up a storm by the 4th loop.
This will then lead to Gojo and Inumaki being overthrown; Gojo being replaced with Ichiji at the wheel and Inumaki on thin fuckin ice
When the inevitable silence becomes too much to handle, Yuuji will tentatively offer to play his music
It’s all good, California Girls and Toxic instant hits
Yujji’s reign will end in one of two ways; 1) eventually, a Megan Thee Stallion song comes on a Gojo’s like “whoa kid, that’s not very family friendly” or 2)The sound of Kugisaki, Gojo, and Itadori singing poorly on purpose pushes Maki to take over out of frustration
Either way Maki takes over and they all kinda doze off because of how chill and soothing Maki’s music is
This ends when Ichiji gets a little too relaxed by the music and almost swerves, causing them to abruptly cut the music off
Panda just puts his paws up non-defensively like, “Don’t ask me, my music isn’t family-friendly either
At which point they all look to Fushiguro to save the day
And he does... until his phone battery dies
(Bonus) Sukuna
Sukuna probably tunes out all the miscellaneous stuff that Yuuji listens to
But one day he was minding his business till he heard Yuuji playing a Nicki Minaj song
Now, whenever Yuuji falls asleep, Sukuna will pop out every once in a while just to turn on Nicki.
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takonei · 3 years
I rate the DR 10th anniversary outfits because
Sooo someone posted scans of the thing and I am here to rate those disasters. Here we fucking go.
Makoto: 7/10 Simple and effective, but nothing special.
Taka: 7.5/10 A bit more classy than Makoto but still simple with not much originality.
Byakuya: 6/10 Out of all the characters who could have worn a jacket incorrectly, they choose McRich for the job. I hate it. But outfit is fine I guess.
Mondo: 10/10 So ridiculous and in character. Love it.
Leon: 5/10 What are you, scottish? The shoes ruin everything for me they’re so ugly smh. I know I can’t draw shoes either but what are those
Hifumi: 0/10 Look Hifumi, I know your character gets too much hate but I gotta say: Ew.
Hiro: 6.5/10 I like the outfit. But my guy, that color is piss. If you had just changed the color I would have added 2 points.
Sayaka: 7/10 Like Makoto, it’s nice but that’s it.
Kyoko: 9/10 Damn, she look classy as hell. I don’t like that much whatever is going on with the sleeves but the rest looks stunning.
Hina: 10/10 My girl looks SPLENDID in yellow. And the flowers are great too, I just love her. Plus that smile <3
Toko: 8/10 It’s nice, I like the bun(s?) and the dress looks good. The flower in her hair is a nice touch and the colors fit her.
Sakura: 9/10 My girl looks great in buns (+ flower). I like the kimono a lot but the colors used irks me just a tiny bit. Still love her, though.
Celeste: 8.5/10 I wish that veil was a bit more transparent so I could see her dress in it’s entirety. Either way, she looks stunning and that hairpiece is just in character.
Junko: 9/10 The dress looks fantastic, the mask is a nice touch but I feel like she would have been perfect with loose hair.
Chihiro: 7/10 Say what you want about the onceler, I like that outfit. Very cute but the socks(?) give me the same vibe as Miu’s bondage gear and mmmm don’t like that
Hajime: 7.5/10 See Makoto above but a little 0.5+ for that flower.
Nagito: 8.5/10 I’m a sucker for boys with tied hair, as you may already know. White looks nice on him, and the outfit is nice.
Twogami: 4/10 You just took Hifumi’s ugly outfit and put a fur coat on it. It doesn’t look that bad since it’s at least less flashy, but I just don’t vibe.
Gundham: 6/10 The outfit is okay I guess but are you telling me that this guy wouldn’t choose something 100 times more extra? He looks so plain. Give him the crazy outfit he deserves.
Kazuichi: 6/10 You fucking disaster. You just took your jumpsuit and made it fancy. This is so damn ridiculous, but I can still see some appeal in it but like, you’re a disaster man. Also nice glasses bro
Teruteru: 10/10 I love it. The vibe it has,,, I love this. The colors, the simpleness yet effectiveness, it’s just perfect.
Nekomaru: 6.5/10 It’s fine, I guess. It does fit him, but I don’t see that much stuff that could be considered out of the ordinary in a good way.
Fuyuhiko: 7.5/10 Palette color is good but like. The outfit is peak bisexual. I don’t even hc him as bisexual.
Akane: 10/10 THAT’S MY GIRL. She is more of a queen than Sonia will ever be, I’m sorry. She is rocking with that cape. And the outfit is great.
Chiaki: 7/10 It’s cute and effective, it fits her. I don’t like her hair that much for some reason, but overall she looks neat.
Sonia: 6/10 What do you mean this isn’t a miss universe contest?  I can’t vibe, I’m sorry. It looks nice, but it feels more like a popular girl’s dress than who Sonia really is.
Hiyoko: 7.5/10 It looks better than her in-game outfit, at least. The colors suit her, I like it.
Mahiru: 7/10 I have mixed feelings. I love the dress, but the headband is a huge no from me. Little plus for the flower, though.
Mikan: 1/10 Who thought this was a good outfit? Genuinely curious.
Ibuki: 9/10 This is so damn extra, I love it. So many ribbons for nothing, it almost gives a Touhou vibe. But the outfit itself? Horrendous color palette, but it fits because it’s Ibuki.
Peko: 9/10 Opposite of Ibuki on the same spectrum. It’s calm, classy anyway, and fits Peko. I don’t have anything to say, it’s just really good. Nice flower btw
Rantaro: 7/10 Outfit is fancy af, but you would have a better grade if it wasn’t for that damn fedora.
Kokichi: 7/10 Who the fuck wears purple socks with white shoes? Also as I said before, he looks like the type of person who gets drunk before coming to the party. Outfit’s good, but once you get to the details it’s a disaster.
Keebo: 4/10 I do not vibe. I don’t know what I’m looking at. Is this another armor? Is this an outfit on the armor? I don’t know. Scarf looks a bit out of place. Also Keebo, wearing your jacket like Hiro doesn’t suit you I’m sorry.
Gonta: 4/10 I do. do not vibe. Too many squares? Too green? idk what bothers me the most. Also he gave me a heart attack the first time I saw him bc I thought he had cut his hair.
Shuichi: 6.5/10 After those two disasters I am glad to see someone at least decent. The color palette doesn’t suit him that much, but I can respect it.
Kiyo: 10/10 The guy is so classy it hurts. I don’t even know if that’s a skirt or pants but either way I love it. This outfit just suits him 100%.
Ryoma: 3/10 What the fuck is this. What. What is this. This hat reaches Touhou levels of ridiculousness. It’s horrible. The outfit is kinda better than whatever some of them have going on but holy shit the hat ruins everything for me.
Kaito: 9/10 The coat is fantastic. Black with tiny moons and stars + a space interior? That’s beyond perfect. Outfit is nice, although I would have liked a different color for the vest and the pants.
Kaede: 8/10 It’s simple and effective. I really like the flowers but still, I can’t get used to Kaede’s haircut. At this this one has cute flowers and ribbons.
Miu: 8.5/10 Now you would think that with what Mikan got, Miu would get something super revealing, but this is surprisingly not the case. It’s very original and it suits her a lot, especially the huge sleeves.
Tsumugi: 7/10 The dress is nice, but that’s pretty much it. I like how she tied her hair, it does look nice. Also those shoes are weird tbh
Tenko: 9/10 I was wrong. This is, in fact, a mini-short. She looks so classy and I love the new placement of the hairpin. She looks a lot like a talentswap Magician!Tenko and I love it. So classy. Very good.
Kirumi: 10/10 That’s peak fancy. I just. I love. her. She’s so fucking great like the elegance, the classiness, everything is perfect. I believe in Kirumi supremacy.
Maki: 3/10 I’m sorry I hate this dress. It had good potentiel but the color palette irks me. No. I can’t. Hair looks nice tho.
Himiko: 8/10 It’s just so damn cute. Idk if the space theme is a reference to her beta design but either way, I love it.
Angie: 8/10 A different kind of fancy. I like the large pants, it does fit her vibe. Also that veil is cool af.
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k1ng-for-a-day · 3 years
DBD Headcannons #4: What Danganronpa character/ultimate would they have or be?
This is definitely going to be the weirdest thing I’ll do, but honestly I’m fucking stoked about this. I love Danganronpa immensely and I have my own little things for it. Alright here we go... (I have also excluded some characters since I didn’t know who would fit them). (Also ask boxes are opened).
❤️Dwight Fairfield: Makoto Naegi. That’s it. That’s all I can say. If I had to choose his ultimate than it would definitely be ultimate leader. However, it would be different from kokichi’s ultimate since he isn’t “evil” as you would say.
❤️Meg Thomas: Meg is definitely Akane Owari due to her ability to run. Additionally she’s very athletic, and I can definitely see her as this character. She would definitely be the ultimate runner.
❤️Claudette Morel: Surprising enough, Caudette’s character was the most difficult to find. The main reason for this is due to the people who have the ultimate, or the substitute character for the person. In Danganronpa there is an ultimate botanist, but he isn’t what I would assign Claudette. I would also assign her with Mikan, but I feel like they aren’t really similar. Instead I have nothing. Her ultimate is super high school level botanist.
❤️Jake Park: He would deadass be Rantaro. They are so immensely similar that I can’t see anyone else fitting this role. He would also be the ultimate... adventurer..? I’m not too sure. Does anyone have any better suggestions?
❤️Nea Karlsson: Nea definitely has those Ibuki and Maki vibes, however ima go with Ibuki on this one. Both of them have this very grudge, alternative aesthetic that kind of creates an interesting mood. She would probably the ultimate rebel or adventure. Again I’m not sure.
❤️Ace Visconti: Celeste Ludenberg. He’s a gambler after all, and they definitely have similar traits. Both of them are usually in it for the money, and don’t think twice about their actions. And he would be the ultimate gambler,
❤️Feng Min: Chiaki Nanami and ultimate gamer. Are there any questions?
❤️Kate Denson: Kate Denson is definitely the living embodiment of Kaede Akamatsu. Her personality is to become a sort of musician, which is what Kaede tries to do. She is also very calm, nice, and such towards other people as well. She would definitely be the ultimate guitarist.
❤️Adam Francis: Honestly Adam has those Shuichi vibes and I’m all for it. Though he enjoys writing literature like Toko, I can’t imagine him switching from calm to insane when he sees blood. It just doesn’t make any sense to me y’know? Hence we I chose Shuichi instead. He would definitely be the ultimate writer.
❤️Jane Romero: Jane would definitely be Junko before she was revealed as the ultimate despair. She is definitely a fashionista type person, and can be very diva-ish at times. She would be the ultimate actress.
❤️Yui Kimara: Yuri would DEFINITELY be Tenko. The stalker she faced somewhat scared her to the point she didn’t enjoy men much at all. She doesn’t completely hate them, but it made her feel more terrified. Her ultimate would probably be the ultimate survivor due to her backstory. Not because I love her a lot, (even though I do).
❤️Zarina Kassir: Due to Zarina’s calm nature, I feel like she’s similar to Maki and Kyoko in a sense. Mainly leaning towards Maki. She would be the ultimate analyst.
❤️Felix Richter: Byakuya Togami. Ultimate technician. Need 👏 I 👏 say 👏 more 👏
❤️Cheryl Manson: Weirdly enough, Cheryl gives me these Himiko vibes. She is sweet, innocent, and can be naive at times. She is kind of pure too. She would probably be the ultimate lucky student or ultimate hope.
❤️David Tapp: I know I said his name again, but Shuichi definitely fits in with David Tapp as well. And he would obviously be the ultimate detective.
❤️Quentin Smith: While I was looking through the survivor list and characters, I wanted to see who would fit Quentin the most. Then it hit me. Seiko Kimura. Hear me out: they both have some sort of familiarity with pharmacy and they both kind of focus on healing. With both of these components in mind, it made it easy for me to realize Seiko would definitely fit this state. And Quentin would be the ultimate insomniac.
❤️Laurie Strode: Laurie is definitely Kyoko Kirigiri. She has this detective nature about her that can simply figure out something within seconds. Additionally she acts very calm, and is somewhat hard to track down. She would be the ultimate survivor.
❤️Élodie Rakoto: Like Claudette, finding Élodie’s character was difficult. She would definitely be the ultimate explorer, but the character was difficult to find. I still have no clue who would fit her spot.
🖤The Trapper🖤: The trapper is really fucking basic. If I had to choose, he would be Monokuma. He would definitely be the ultimate lucky student.
🖤The Hillbilly🖤: I probably shouldn’t reuse characters, but Jantaro definitely fits the Hillbilly. For one both of their parents hated their looks, and they were kept away from them due to this form. For his ultimate, he would be the super high school level farmer.
🖤The Nurse🖤: Mikan obviously. She would also be the ultimate nurse lmaoooo.
🖤The Shape🖤: Michael would be the ENBODIMENT OF KOKICHI. Or Nagito. Basically they are both immensely insane, and have their own way of getting what they want. However, Michael is a killer unlike them, so he’d be the ultimate killer.
🖤The Huntress🖤: I feel like the huntress fits Chihiro a lot due to their somewhat feminine features. Additionally they both are somewhat childish and naive since one of them hasn’t grown up yet. I also get a small hint of Himiko as well. She would be the ultimate child caretaker.
🖤The Cannibal🖤: Gonta Gokuhara and ultimate cannibal. That’s all.
🖤The Nightmare🖤: Freddy... Ahh Freddy Krueger... I feel like Freddy would be the ultimate nightmare, obviously, but his character would be Tsumugi. I know it’s just ultimately stupid, no pun intended, considering she’s the ultimate cosplayer. HOWEVER, she is also Junko Enoshima in disguise. To elaborate further, Freddy manipulates your dreams into think it is going to be a simple, wholesome dream, but it becomes your worst nightmare quickly. He’s so filled with despair to the point fear fuels him. He definitely suits this, and will cause the most despair inducing incident on all of man kind! I went a bit far huh...? Sorry-
🖤The Pig🖤: The pig would definitely be Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack. I say this due to how she may seem nice, soft, gentle at first, but once in full force she’ll gut you till your end. I just love a small contrast between characters such as these due to how they can easily commit anything, and you wouldn’t notice. She would definitely be the ultimate despair. Her code ultimate would be the ultimate puzzle breaker.
🖤The Clown🖤: I was gonna say Kokichi Oma for this one, but Teruteru fits the spot much more. Definitely the ultimate clown.
🖤The Spirit🖤: Rin would definitely be Kirumi. They both are very intelligent, and attempt to do things perfectly in order to satisfy others. She would be the ultimate envy though.
🖤The Legion🖤: The legion are obviously the warriors of hope, (excluding Monaca because she’s awful and we hate her 🤩). For each character, however, Joey would be Masaru, Frank would be Nagisa, Susie would be Kotoko, and Julie would be Jantaro. For their ultimate, they would be the ultimate assassin club.
🖤Ghost Face🖤: This one is kinda difficult to decide.... it’s either Kokichi or Nagito Komeada... fuck it Nagito it is. And Danny would be the ultimate photographer.
🖤The Oni🖤: Peko Pekoyama. Ultimate swordsman/katana wielder. Need I say more?
🖤The Twins🖤: Call me crazy on this one, but they would be the despair sisters. That’s right, Murkuro and Junko Enoshima are these twos components. I had no other choice tbh. Their ultimates would be the ultimate siblings.
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authordgaster · 3 years
So I’ve always been more of an UnderTale centric blog, but I’m also in the Danganronpa fandom.
(Yes yes, Danganronpa, UnderTale, Kayne West, Fingers, MOVING ON!)
So I was looking at V3’s cast, and I thought to myself “hey! Shuichi is kinda like a Makoto/Kirigiri fusion.” And more than once I’ve seen AUs where Shuichi is there kid.
Then I thought of something. “Oh my god... are ALL the V3 members fusions?!”
And if you do the math, it adds up. 32 students from the first two games, 16 in V3.
So I went to work trying to determine if this theory bore any real fruit and started pairing characters (in a non romantic sense, this isn’t some big shipping post). When it came to determining these fusions, I focused on a few different traits for each character. For some it was their talent, others it was their personality traits, and sometimes it was both.
Some fusions admittedly make more sense than others, but I’m going to send each fusion and my reasoning for them.
Starting with Shuichi, who is a fusion of Makoto and Kyoko. (Side note, I’ll be sticking to everyone’s first names.) So the parts he got from Kyoko are pretty obvious, they’re both detectives and emo. From Makoto though, he gets the role of protagonist as well as a good amount of Makoto’s “good boy energy” or G.B.E. for short.
Next we’ve got Kaede, a Sayaka and Aoi fusion. Kaede and Sayaka have a few things in common. Their personalities are both cheerful, they’ve both got musical talents, they both wanted everyone to be friends, and they both jumped the gun and got themselves killed. Yeah... as for Aoi... uh... yeah this was one of those “I don’t really know where to put you so I’ll put you here” scenarios. I mean, Aoi ALSO kind of jumped the gun and almost got everyone killed, which is why I chose to put her in the Kaede fusion pair.
After our protagonists, who better than the rival? Kokichi’s fusion is easily one of if not the least surprising. He’s a fusion of Nagito and Byakuya. Like Nagito, he’s completely insane, obsesses over something (in his case lies) and he sacrifices himself in chapter 5, though for a relatively more selfless cause then Nagito. Keyword being relatively.
On the other end of the spectrum is Kaito, a fusion between Nekomaru and Yasuhiro. Hiro’s inspiration is pretty obvious once you think about it. There’s the jacket and it’s abnormal way of being worn, the airheadedness, and they both have space relations. (Didn’t aliens steal Hiro’s burger or something?) As for Nekomaru, well, it’s obvious right? He was a constant pillar of support for his friends and did exercises with Shuichi and Makinto help them both physically and mentally.
Speaking of Maki, she’s a Mukuro and Hiyoko fusion. Yeah, that’s a weird one right? Well here me out. The Mukuro part is obvious enough, she’s a solider and Maki is an assassin, each having a murder related talent, plus they both fell for lovable dorks. Hiyoko is another situation like Aoi unfortunately. The only common ground I could find was that Maki is kinda short and pretty mean at times. (Her talent could’ve been the Ultimate Tsundere tbh)
On the topic of short girls, Himiko is a Chihiro and Ibuki fusion. Yeah... definitely a weird one there. Chihiro has two main things that lead me to one conclusion. One is they’re both pretty meek except for when it comes to their talent. The other thing was that Chihiro was a tech wiz. Eh... get it, wiz? Right, moving on...
K1-B0 is a Hajime/Chiaki fusion. Like Chiaki, Kiibo is an artificial being, and then there’s the connections to Hajime. Both were evil versions of the Ultimate Hope, albeit unintentionally, and while Kiibo also has loads of G.B.E. he can also tap into his inner Hajime and be sassy as heck. Plus there was their problems revolving around their talents. Hajime wanting to prove he had a talent and K1-B0 wanting to prove his talent was useful, despite his numerous physical setbacks like being weaker and having worse eyesight than the average human.
Next is Tsumugi. Ah Tsumugi, at first I wanted to fuse Junko with Hifumi to make her, combining the Mastermind aspect of Junko with the weebiness of Hifumi. Then I realized that there was a more obvious fit. Twogami and his imposter talent practically mirror’s Tsumugi’s Cosplay talent. End result: Tsumugi is a Junko/Twogami fusion!
Rantaro is...uh... a Kiyotaka/Leon fusion...? Yeah I honestly didn’t know who to put with this guy and these two were just kinda there. I mean, Leon is a “ladies man” and I think Rantaro gave that vibe off? As for Taka, I would just look at him, and then Rantaro, and day to myself “yeah, that fits” for no real reason. Like, there were no grounds for my argument and even so! *sigh* moving on...
Ryoma is Fuyuhiko and Akane. This one kinda makes sense. Ryoma and Fuyuhiko are both smol men with baby faces that can be scary when they want to, and Ryoma and Akane both had it rough prior to school. Yeah I’m not too good with this one either.
Back to more realistic fusions, Kirumi is a Celestia/Peko fusion. Celeste’s goth aesthetic plus Peko’s unwavering sense of duty merge and that’s basically Kirumi in a nutshell.
Angie is Sonia and Hifumi. Angie and Hifumi are both artists, simple as that, and just as Sonia was the ruler of her country, Angie was basically the one running hers, not to mention they were both really weird.
I don’t like Tenko so I’ll make this fast. Mondo and Mahiru. I heard Mondo is supposed to represent toxic masculinity (but he’s portrayed in a way that makes his character GOOD!) and then there’s Mahiru with her constantly getting on guys’ case telling them that they should be doing all these things for no reason other than their gender. Put the two together and you get Tenko and her screaming about “Degenerate males” every five minutes. For someone who hates guys so much, she sure seems to talk about them a lot...
Korekiyo was one that was so obvious I kicked myself for not figuring it out sooner. Mikan and Touko. Touko’s split personality is the same as Kiyo being “possessed” by his sister, and his relationship with his sister mirrors Mikan’s relationship with Junko. Yeah, some dark basis for fusion reasoning, but it works.
Miu. Teruteru’s perverted personality meets Kazuichi’s technological prowess. Nuff said.
And last, but far from least is Gonta. He stronk and noble like Sakura, both sacrificing themselves doing what they believed was right, and he’s good with animals like Gundam.
WOW this took forever to write. Please comment or reblog with your opinions on this theory. How reliable is it? Should I switch some fusions around? Why? I take constructive criticism in stride.
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rubberduckyrye · 5 years
I did not mean to imply that Kokichi is a twisted sociopath. I REALLY don't want to perceive him that way, but a lot of people see him like that. And it kinda feels... unnatural for me. To go to your blog, to see portrayals of him as a leader, as a boy who is rude, callous and a trickster, but who still cares about his classmates with all his heart, who did horrible things out of desire to help others, to see him as a human instead of the evil incarnate. "There must be some kind of a mistake" I
think, "You must have been mistaken about something. How the hell can you interpret him as a flawed, twisted(in later chapters) but still likeable human being? It's clearly wrong because he is a villain" I don't allow myself to even slightly ponder the fact that Kokichi has feelings, that he is not a sociopath that enjoys human suffering, because for some reason it is WRONG. And I don't want to see him as "Nagito + Junko + Hiyoko but worse", but somehow in my head every interpretation of him
other that "sociopathic nazi gremlin" is WRONG and blasphemous. Somewhat like with Chara several years ago when I was into UT. I liked the Narrator/Player Chara theories because they showed Chara as a very flawed individual who did a lot of things wrong but also had many redeeming qualities despite that, because it gave them some depth instead of reducing them to the one-dimensional "for the evulz" villain and also provided an interesting deconstruction of game mechanics(narration, interaction         
game mechanics. But the voice in my head kept telling me that this game mechanics. But the voice in my head kept telling me that this interpretation is wrong, completely not canon in the slightest bit, Chara is pure evil, you are just stupid for daring to assume sth else about them. Because of it, I eventually started to hate Undertale and everything pertaining to it. This is a very simular thing to my Undertale experience. Surfing this blog and finding UT and DRV3 content made me realise that.     
All right gonna assume the rant is done here since that last ask looks like the end but tbh it doesn’t really matter because this is basically pushing my boundaries here and I’m getting really tired of this nonsense in my ask box.
Because gonna be blunt Anon, this sounds like a “you” problem.
First of all--this blog, impytricky, has over 900 followers. Meaning that ~900 people follow this blog and agree with the notion that Kokichi is not a terrible person. My blog over at @unweavinglies has over three hundred with a significant drop in total posts on that blog, and my theories there often get hundreds and hundreds of notes. People who don’t even follow this blog or that one will reblog my analysis posts in agreement.
So a lot of people see Kokichi as less “evil” and more morally grey. Actually, I’ve seen more positive interpretations of Kokichi than I’ve seen people making him into a true villain. That’s because making him a pure evil little bastard is kind of really boring and misses the entire point of his character and character arc.
You probably don’t see a lot of the “good” interpretations of Kokichi because you don’t go looking for it/ignore it/dismiss it when you come across it. Probably. Like how I see less of the villain interpretation because I don’t go looking for it/dismiss it/whatever.
Second of all: Kokichi is technically not a villain. While I still go by the policy that all interpretations are valid, it’s not canon that he is a “villain.” Narratively speaking, Kokichi is an anti-hero. An anti-hero is “a central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes,“ and yes, can be antagonists. Antagonists does not equal Villain, however. Anti-heroes are often marked by the idea of a hero doing bad things for the greater good.
Third of all: Please for the love of god cut that shit out with the Nazi thing. Kokichi is not a Nazi. I hated this stupid misconception before and I still hate it now--it’s offensive, outside of fiction, and it’s just plain inaccurate either way. This misconception comes from the fact that Japan especially tends to romanticize military attire, including attire in WWII Germany, which shows up in Kokichi’s hat in one promo picture. Another reason this misconception is the bane of my existence is because some fantranslator translated Kokichi’s ultimate talent to be “Ultimate Dictator” when it was apparently able to be translated as “Ultimate President” or “Ultimate Leader”. The Nazi misconception is just that--a huge misconception created by poor taste in design and fantranslations being inaccurate.
Please for the love of god, take that thought and unlearn it now. Seriously, it’s offensive. Stop it.
Fourth of all: This is where I see that this is more of a you problem above everything else. From what you’ve said, you seem to deem “morally grey” characters as “evil” or “Villainous” which comes with black or white thinking. From my perspective, what I’m hearing is “I can’t see shades of grey, so this must be black because it is not white.”
Let me ask you: Gonta Gokuhara. Whether or not Kokichi showed him the flashbacklight due to “””Evil””” intentions or whatever, he chose to kill Miu. Kokichi did not “trick” him into it, nor was he able to force Gonta into it via blackmail or what have you. Gonta chose to kill Miu of his own accord. This is a straight up canon fact. He chose to kill Miu because he believed that Mercy Killing her and everyone else before they found out the secret of the outside world would be kinder. This is canon fact that really cannot be disputed.
Let me ask you--is Gonta evil all of a sudden because he chose to kill someone? That he was aiming to kill everyone?
What about Frisk--or the player, in undertale--who has to actively choose to genocide run the game? Are players who choose ths path evil all of a sudden? What about Frisk, who would also be making this decision? Deltarune has implied that “Chara”, or the demon or whatever, is a separate entity that can control the character we play and we can’t control them when they’re in control. Meaning that for the whole Genocide route, Frisk had to actively choose to kill every single monster underground. If you go by the theory that the player isn’t just controlling their movements at any rate, you can see Chara take control in when thy kill Sans and Flowey. Yes, this means that Chara was not in control before then, thus putting the blame for most of the Genocide run on the player, or Frisk.
Yet the choice to do a pacifist run is there too. So which is it? What’s evil, and what isn’t evil? Can you really call Frisk pure good or evil? What about the player? What about Gonta?
That is the complexity of grey morality--the answer isn’t black or white and can’t be so simplified. Because what’s kinder, in Gonta’s case--killing everyone, or letting them find out that basically all of humanity was wiped out off of the face of the earth and the killing game they were forced into was all for nothing? Sure it’s terrible to kill someone, but it’s also terrible to allow people to be mentally tortured too, which the outside world basically did to everyone when they did find out.
It sounds like you’re stuck in the mind set of things being black or white. If you want to see characters like Kokichi and Chara as morally grey, then you need to tell that voice that says otherwise to shush up. No one is perfectly evil, no one is perfectly good. Good people can do horrible, terrible things and still be good people. Bad people can also do very, very good things, and still be terrible people.
I won’t be answering asks like this again. Please refrain from shoving your opinions down my throat. Maybe you didn’t intend to, but you are with lines like "There must be some kind of a mistake" and "You must have been mistaken about something. How the hell can you interpret him as a flawed, twisted(in later chapters) but still likeable human being? It's clearly wrong because he is a villain" because yeah that’s basically ways of saying “You’re wrong about Kokichi and I don’t like your interpretation.”
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ryouverua · 5 years
Trial 6 - (Fifty)Third Time’s the Charm, Post-Accusation (3)
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Is that all we are to you? Just a vehicle to solve your cases for you?! ... you know what on second thought don’t answer that -
Trial: 1 / 2
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hello darkness my old friend
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What an interesting reaction. Despite the weird back and forth she’s been having with Monokuma, he still had the Monokubs jump in to defend her - though with that said, the desperation of it all probably backfired in Shuichi’s eyes. The point is, her first reaction wasn’t to protest - I mean, she will, and she did a bit weakly earlier, but it’s to withdraw into herself and think. Isn’t that how we first came across her? Thinking deeply to herself and completely ignoring Kaede and Shuichi to the best of her abilities?
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A-are you attempting to plead ‘power of friendship’ right now -
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“There is no time for friendship in the court of law!!!”
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Clinging to that idea is the only thing he had to keep himself going all this time, too.
Also, after pushing behind the scenes for him to condemn three of the most well-meaning people in the class (and, y’know, Kirumi and Korekiyo lol), it’s interesting that she seems to think that this line of defense will work - especially considering what he’s accusing her of doing. You’ve managed to do something way beyond just murder, Tsumugi! Aside from Rantaro, you set the groundwork for everything that followed! And I feel like this game, more than the others, really pushed the idea that the survivors share some of the blame when the ‘blackened’ dies. I don’t agree with that mind you, but survivor’s guilt is very real and very powerful.
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Despite all of this, he still wants to be wrong and is happy to be wrong. Being awfully, painfully right seems to be a running trend with him, with the one glaring exception hanging over his head.
she’s just sitting there with this worried, anguished expression and I don’t know what I was expected but it wasn’t this?? Is she trying to frantically brainstorm a way out or -
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Seriously Monokuma do you actually hate her??? Despite working with her? Despite being intrinsically linked to each other???
Anyway whatever that just means it’s cute comic time, nice.
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“gdmt do I have to do everything myself -”
They kept her glasses on! Oh, they kept her glasses on it for this! I don’t know why that makes me so happy.
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Aaaaw look at Miu tinker away! The animation is really cute for it, tbh. Also something about Korekiyo eating all by himself with Kirumi waiting on him is kinda hilarious to me...
I just realized that everyone in the dining hall were killers/wanna-be killers of the game lmao. Also, if only the nosier people had been in the room, this could have been prevented. 8′\
.... Now I really wish we knew where Kokichi had been at the time.
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i just have this screenshot because Shuichi and Kaede are cute here
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What was the signal that clued Tsumugi in on leaving, I wonder? Maybe she waited a certain amount of time after seeing Rantaro leave with the others? Would she have been willing to wait longer if she needed to for Kaede’s plan to either work or not work, or was she counting on it happening in that five minute span?
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This was a pretty damn good set-up by Kaede.
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!!! New Act 5.
Also no shit he would’ve been surprised. Actually, I’d say that was an understatement. What a great expression by the artist - that is definitely the look of someone whose life or what he remembers of it is flashing before his eyes.
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oh god I was gonna say ‘did he not hear Tsumugi right behind him’ but 1) the video was still blasting 2) no, seriously, he was probably in shock and still processing that he nearly died and was a sitting duck
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okay now the glasses still being there is kinda hilarious but I love it
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This is another redundant picture because.... I’m not sure. I like this group together. We didn’t know anything about them at this point in the game, but they really did try so hard - and hell, Tenko, who I never got to know that well, was already putting aside her own bias this early in the game to work with Kaito for everyone’s sake. aaah now i’m getting sad
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Which was so believable because even Kaede thought it was the truth! I’m so torn. I really like Kaede, and honestly? I like the fact that she was willing to go after the mastermind so aggressively. Tsumugi did twist the truth, sure, and we convicted the wrong person - but I don’t want to lose the fact that Kaede only didn’t kill Rantaro because her calculations were slightly off and Tsumugi cleaned up after her. I keep going back to it, but that line of Kokichi’s, telling Kaede she lost the moment she let murder into her heart, does still ring true to me...
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THAT POSE.... I’d been waiting for her to make that type of pose all game. IS THIS WHY IT NEVER HAPPENED? BECAUSE YOU WERE SAVING IT FOR THIS DRAMATIC REVEAL?
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Damn I love this picture, and I love how we’re finally getting to see the first hints of menace in her expression (outside of the ‘backflip into a minefield and die’ lol).
So.... now what....?
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Aaaaw, even K1-b0 is willing to hear her out. :(
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“I’m giving you 5 minutes. Oh, we’re down to 298 seconds now. Tick tock, motherfucker.”
And... she has nothing. Pretty much nothing. I mean, I guess she manages to throw the word ‘plain’ out one more time - literally just, “it’s plain to see I didn’t do it” - and that’s... it. Not exactly what one would expect of the mastermind who was able to throw this all together...
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“Tsumugi I swear to god -”
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f m l    that’s actually
thank you based tsumugi
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Where are you going with this????
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I think everyone who‘s played the game has this scene seared into their memories and for good reason.
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oh thank god
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Wait no, Tsumugi. Wait. No, we’ve had something good going on between us, right? Right? Tsumugi please - please don’t -
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YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT shit she really is the Ultimate Analyst
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Wait, the 53rd???
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first of all BITCH -
second of all HOW DID YOU
third of all, which is really just an expansion of first of all, I actually still managed to keep liking her despite everything! Even that damn love hotel scene! DESPITE ALL THE ODDS I STILL EXIST -
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“I’m pretty sure Kokichi copyrighted that. You gotta wait at least 25 years before you can use it yourself, y’know.”
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omfg they
they’ve been holding back on this pose for the entire game
just for this moment
just for glasses!junko
fml I’ll allow it but I’M NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT
Also I... I still want to believe that this Junko persona was born from Tsumugi and not the other way around....
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Wait, does that mean Maki and the others know what Junko sound like? How? Were there recordings of the final trial or something? This just makes me more curious about the time separation between the last two games and this one! Especially with the number ‘53′ dropped - that would mean someone’s picked up the mantle 53 times, right??? So shouldn’t it be at least 53 years? but then how old was Naegi in that flashback, and that’s assuming every person that took the role would last no longer than a year, but then - wait -
No, if I’m going to stick with the idea that these students were made to replace actual Ultimates... then maybe this is a lot farther back than I initially thought...?
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Which is why she’s calling herself the 53rd... So Junko Enoshima is a title that can be passed down. It’s officially bigger than the person herself - the same way ‘Ultimate Despair’ belonged to Junko (and she pretty much defined it), but was also a title that could be earned by other people... right?
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“You literally keep bringing out your glasses. You can’t even see us properly from over there, can you?”
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“Please, Shuichi? Please? Can I do it now?!”
omfg Maki why is the answer to everything murder ARE WE REALLY GOING TO DO ROUND THREE HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING -
......... b u t  on the other hand we actually do have the confirmed mastermind here. H M M M M ....
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Sweetcheeks is staying on track! You’ve got her right where you want her, kiddo! :D
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“..... like, do you wanna go get some food or coffee after this, or....?”
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I’m... suddenly getting a terrible feeling that things won’t be that simple. We’re definitely not far enough into this trial for it to end...
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W-Why do I feel like I’m facing a Tsumugi-Junko tag team right now?
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FML I really like this transition between her initial sprite and this menacing one!
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I-I... I guess we’re just going to let her exposition-dump now? O-Okay...
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Ffffffuuuu where do the weird memory shenanigans mix into this and what part of this is the truth? Because Tsumugi clearly feels a deep connection to Junko (lmao inner Junko) but the flashback light machine showed us that we could literally choose scenarios where people other than us survived!
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.... Whoa this sprite looks really different from the rest. It’s ripped straight from the first game, right? I don’t know if the colours quite match up with the others. 8′D
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I didn’t realize I could hate the Remnant of Despair Kokichi theory more than I already did but then he, with the supposed talent Supreme Leader, was relegated to a mere follower. 8′D
Unrelated but I lowkey love this ^ line.
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... Do you ever just realize how small Kokichi was in a moment like this.
Anyway I thought we’d already drop-kicked Remnant!Kokichi into the sun but apparently we have to do it in-trial now. Or, well, soon, anyway.
Himiko and the others are trying to stay on track though - on the idea that there are viewers to the madness. At first I thought, ‘oh, that’s a bit of a tangent though’ then I remembered Kokichi was the one who gave us the tools to get all the evidence to prove that so it actually does make sense to bring it back up now!
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An intriguing line of thought, but bullshit.
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so thank god for Shuichi, who can help us get started.
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