#i saw a post on reddit at some point that was like 'is your player character supposed to be you or an oc'
piosplayhouse · 1 year
I guess it's more of a show of demographics than anything but I'm always a bit side eye-y when discussions around SSO's character customization update ONLY revolve around people being mad about there not being enough skinny body types (often with a weird undercurrent of fatphobia which people should absolutely fuck off with) and not like. Wow it's great that they're bringing in more ethnic features and skin tones and textured hair so more kids can actually feel comfortable and represented in the game
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ceeridwen99 · 2 months
BG3 is a R O L E P L A Y I N G GAME...
Okay, time to be a bit controversial but I need to get this off my chest. Mainly because I've been seeing it everywhere. Instagram. Here. Youtube. Even the cursed site that is Reddit. I doubt this will reach many people, but I'll feel better having gotten it out of my head.
I think that a lot of people who play/played BG3 have forgotten that it is of ROLEPLAYING game. Let me repeat that. ROLEPLAYING. That means, that your game is based off of YOUR choices and YOUR choices alone. Meaning that the things you choose to do in this game are based on YOUR interpretation of the media. There is NO canonical interpretation of the game because it is YOUR campaign based on how YOU play. The plotline, the romances, and everything that happens is based on YOUR choices and how YOU decide to ROLEPLAY it.
Why am I putting so much emphasis on this? Well, because with the new patch, some additions were made to Durge's storyline. Mainly regarding Gortash. Nothing major at all, honestly. But, as we know, durgtash is quite a popular ship in the fandom. There was an added line during Gortash's coronation when Gortash expressed that he "liked" the Dark Urge in comparison to his sibling. A line has been added where the Durge can reply "I think I liked you too." That's it. That's what all the fuss is about. Because oh boy, did some people interpret that as Larian forcing durgetash on the players. First...what? How--
Let me preface this by saying I'm NOT a durgetash shipper AT ALL. I don't even like Gortash. Believe me, I've tried to see what people see in it (and him). I went and found all the journals and letters trying to see the romantic connection, and I just couldn't. It seems more like admiration and respect than love for me, but hey...guess what...that's MY interpretation. That's not what those who love this ship feel and that's perfectly okay because it's THEIR Campaign.
My point is, in no way is Larian FORCING a romantic relationship between Gortash and the Durge UNLESS you interpret it that way. Gortash says he "liked" you. Okay, That can mean many things. He respected you as his partner in this whole scheme. He enjoyed your company in comparison to Orin. Or, he saw you as a true friend. Or if you want--and only if you want it--he liked you romantically. And this is vice versa for the new line that was added to further differentiate the Durge from a Tav. It is such a vague line and can be interpreted in so many ways, that I truly don't understand what all the fuss is about. If you don't see Gortash as a previous romantic partner...then don't.
The Dark Urge is in many ways a blank slate. Yes, they have a bloody past when it comes to murder, but you don't have to add personal relationships to it if you don't want to. Hell, in my latest playthrough, my durge was a virgin when this whole mess began lol (They, of course, didn't know that, but it's what I roleplayed). They also never fully recover their memory outside of what's shown in the game. They're a complete blank slate at the start and the end. The durge has no personal background so you can make your own. So you can ROLEPLAY.
If you don't like the idea of Durge and Gortash being a thing...don't roleplay it that way. And, if you interpret that line as romantic DON'T click it. But there is no reason to be going around saying something is being forced on you when it isn't.
(If you want to be mad about something, be mad about Wyll constantly being sidelined compared to every other companion, but that's another post in itself.)
Anyway, if you read this thanks and have fun with whatever headcanon you carry.
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cfs-melkire · 9 months
FFXIV: WoL, OC, and Roleplay
Since there were some questions and confusion in tags, I figured that an educational/informative post like this might be helpful for some folks, so I'm going to break a few things down for those who might be unfamiliar.
Namely, we're going to get into what "Warrior of Light" means to different people, what "OC" means in the FFXIV context, and what "roleplay" means to different people (and why those distinctions exist).
Since this is going to be a long post, click the "Read Below" for more under the cut!
Warriors of Light
"Warrior of Light," in general, refers to the main protagonist of the critically acclaimed hit MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV. Lore fanatics will know that this title once saw more widespread use in-setting (to refer to the Twelvesblades but also to historical heroes in general), but put that aside for now. WoL - Warrior of Light for short, in handy acronym format - is the main character, the hero, the person you play as. You even see the XIV devs (Yoshi P & everyone at CBU3) refer to the players themselves this way, as Warriors of Light.
FFXIV takes a different approach from other MMORPGs by making the story centered around a specific individual: you, as the WoL. This shift really kicks into gear towards the end of A Realm Reborn (2.0), as prior to that, you were just one of many adventurers in the realm of Eorzea (unless you were a 1.0/1.x player; again, set that aside for now). But starting with Operation Archon, your character starts taking center stage in terms of global affairs. By the time you're into Heavensward content, the story of the Scions is, fundamentally, your story: the Warrior of Light's story.
This creates an interesting situation in which players have a shared experience with different takes on how the main character did, should have, and or would have act, acted, react, or reacted. Part of that has to do with our differing selections on race and gender for our characters. Part of that has to do with us projecting our own thoughts and feelings onto the WoL, in effect playing the game as our own self-insert of sorts! Observant newcomers may have noticed that the game progressively gives you more and more dialogue options the further along you get; we had very few of them in ARR and HW compared to later expansions! That has been a good change, and it's really helped players to see how a story could take different twists and turns depending on what kind of person would be at the helm of making those decisions as the main character.
As a result, we've seen a lot of prompts crop up on social media - on Twitter, here on tumblr, even on Reddit - about how people's characters differ from one another. How would YOUR Warrior of Light react, what would THEY have done, but also: what was their childhood like? What do they do for fun? Who do they get along with best? So on and so forth, all sorts of questions. Anyone who's ever been in fandom for any length of time knows that these kinds of questions, these sorts of hypotheticals, are very fun to explore. We've been doing this since we were kids! "Oh but what if this happened instead in my favorite film/show/story?" It's our imagination at work, and it feels great to turn something over in our heads like that.
On Twitter, mainly, these prompts came to be referred to as "WoL prompts" and were often tagged something like "wolqotd" (Question of the Day). But as folks have been fleeing Twitter in droves lately thanks to a certain billionaire manchild being grossly incompetent and generally unsafe, there's been a lot of cross-pollination between social media platforms. Since tumblr has had a historically different approach to FFXIV prompts and our FFXIV friends from Twitter seem to have developed a blindspot, I posted a well-intentioned blurb about how, and I paraphrase, "not all OCs are WoLs."
There was some mild confusion on that point, which brings us to this post. I'm gonna help clear that up right now.
Original Characters
Most of us have probably seen, at least once on the internet, some form of the phrase "OC do not steal" (often humorously misspelled as the meme "OC donut steel"). An OC - short for "original character" - is a common concept in fandom. In fandom specifically, it generally refers to any character that a fan has created for their own use, whether that use be for artistic expression, drawing doodles, writing short stories (read: fanfiction), etc. The character is original, meaning they're not part of the established setting or lore as produced and put out into the world by the makers of the show/series/novel/game/what-have-you, and the character is unique, meaning the character itself (their personality, their history, etc.) is specific to that fan and they're not just Pidgey #2761 caught on Route 1 in the years since 1998 by one out of millions of kids with no other discernible traits, features, or background details.
In the FFXIV context, OC refers to any original character made or created by a fan or player. Often (but not always) this takes the form of their playable avatar, the character they sign into the game with and play as. But there's a context, a MMORPG-specific context, in which "OC" means something more specific to folks in the FFXIV community. The best way I can explain that other meaning is to walk you through the thought process, but in short, a FFXIV OC is a character who is NOT the main character you play through the events of the game as, but rather a character who inhabits the setting and has their own life full of adventures & misadventures, with their own story to tell.
The thought process goes a little something like this: I'm really having fun with FFXIV, but I'm getting real bored of my character. Maybe I'll fantasia them. You know what, I'm tired of seeing what my Warrior of Light gets up to. I'm more curious about what the average person deals with. There's all these monsters out there beyond the city limits! How does anyone get anything done? Maybe they need, like, caravan guards. Yeah, that's cool... but what about Lalafell? They're so small compared to other people, but they get by fine. Hmmm, let me go back to the character selection screen and fantasia into a Lalafell. I'll make something really cool and cute looking. Now, where would they be from? I see a lot of them in Ul'dah, a few in Limsa... you know what, I don't see a lot of them in Gridania or the Shroud. It'd be really interesting to learn how a Lalafell ended up living there. Yeah, let's do that! Fantasia's done, now to find them some day-to-day clothes to wear. I wonder, if they're a caravan guard, where'd they pick up their fighting skills? Are they an archer or a mage? Did their family help them get into a guild? Hmmm.
On and on it goes, in this very manner, with all sorts of characters and stories. This is a FFXIV OC, and even though the player will be progressing through this game with their new Lalafell, they're not really viewing this character (or whatever race they might choose, e.g. Roegadyn or Elezen) as the Warrior of Light. Sure, they'll play to see what the Warrior of Light experiences, but there's a distinction in the player's mind: this is Toro Tororo, of Gridania, they sometimes sign up as a guard to make money but on most days they help out their family at the botanists' guild. They've never once seen or fought a primal.
This is, fundamentally, an MMORPG OC, just specific to FFXIV. This is very much the exact line of thinking that gave us Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop RPGs! Someone was playing war games, said to themselves, "I really don't care about Napoleon or whichever general I am as I move these armies around, I really want to more about THIS soldier here, this guy, what's THEIR story?" and pointed at a single figurine of an infantryman standing alongside identically uniformed troops (thank you to Dave Arneson and his players). The full story is a bit more complicated than that, but the process itself is central to a lot of our own musings about tales and stories that we then spin out into our own creations.
But who plays FFXIV like this? Who goes through all of that effort to NOT be in the shoes of the WoL, and why?
In short: roleplayers.
Let's get the giggling out of the way. You've probably seen ERP referenced - short for "erotic roleplay" - and that has a long history that spiraled out of playing pretend in the bedroom & early internet chatrooms. But no matter what big streamers or people on Aether datacenter might tell you (I'm looking at you, Gilgamesh), that's not what most people mean when they talk about roleplay. ERP is only a very small facet of roleplay in general, the same way the horror-thriller genre is only one genre among many genres of film.
Roleplay is, fundamentally, writing in a collaborative setting where one or more writers act out the parts of one or more characters and make decisions for them.
You've seen this a lot, and have probably roleplayed without realizing it. Constructing a castle made out of Legos and having the knights fight each other, or setting up Barbie and Ken at the pool for a relaxing day and some barbeque, is roleplaying. You and a friend grabbing notebooks and writing out stories or drawing comics about your favorite characters from a popular series is roleplaying. Sitting around a table and playing Dungeons & Dragons is roleplaying, even if you're not doing character voices like the folks on Critical Role. Exchanging prompts about your WoL on social media is roleplaying.
Roleplaying within the actual game of Final Fantasy XIV is an extension of the above! Some folks really like to use the tools that MMORPGs gives them - character models, emotes, a chat box - to visually play out stories about all sorts of characters. FFXIV is particularly well-suited to this due to some crazy quality-of-life features, like target tracking (not only your character's head but their eyes move to follow whoever you target), multiple idle poses, an enormous range of emotes, being able to sit or lay down on furniture, etc. So when Felicia signs in on Toro Tororo, exits Gridania, and mounts up on their chocobo to head down to Bentbranch Meadows to meet her fellow player, Diego, who's on Heuloix Durendaire in order for Toro to sign up for the latest caravan down to Highbridge in Thanalan... that's roleplay!
There's such a breadth of stories to explore in any fictional setting, and FFXIV is no exception in that regard. It's often easier to make an OC who isn't saddled with the WoL's baggage in order to explore stories like this. Maybe someone wants to roleplay an Allagan who just woke up after being on stasis for 3,000 years. Or maybe someone else wants to play a Roegadyn pirate out on the open seas, and they put into port in places like Limsa and Kugane. Maybe Rockfist and Deathstaff want to host a fighting tournament to figure out who's the baddest of the bunch, or maybe the hardworkin' Miqo'te fellow wants to head into the Goblet for the evening to find a nice restaurant for a good meal and a nice drink, and maybe avoid being pressed for conversation by anyone other than the wait staff and that bartender who used to be their childhood friend.
Roleplayers make OCs to explore settings via collaborative writing, and often times those OCs aren't WoLs.
And sometimes they are!
And sometimes people roleplay via prompts or over Discord/messaging rather than in-game!
All valid. All good.
I could go on ad nauseum, but that just about covers it. If there are questions, please ask. In comments, in tags, via Asks, etc. I'll try to answer... or point folks to people who can provide better answers than I can.
Thanks for reading!
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fuckepilepsy · 1 year
I've been playing a game called Sky: Children of the Light. If you've not heard of it, it's a slow-paced storytelling/exploration game with an emphasis on social interaction. It has a soft aethetic and there's little in the way of harsh graphical effects. I would have sworn that it was a photosensitive-friendly game and recommended it to anyone.
However, I saw recently on a Sky subreddit that there have been multiple posts about a prominent feature of the game causing seizures. Apparently when players repeatedly perform a light-creating action in dark, confined spaces, it's enough to trigger a seizure in some photosensitive epileptics.
Unfortunately, because the game is mass-multiplayer with automatic matchmaking, photosensitive players are at the mercy of their fellow Skykids, who are likely entirely unaware of the problem. Furthermore, the game's player privacy functions make it difficult to communicate that there is a problem, especially if you can't even look at the screen.
I also saw a report on Tumblr recently about a glitch that can cause the dreaded red/blue strobe. It was a poor design decision to the color blue for "safe" and red for "danger" when the two states can glitch out and switch back and forth rapidly. I have actually seen it myself, albeit at a distance. It lasted oonly a second or two, but if you're photosensitive and focused on your phone/tablet/Switch/TV, that's too long.
I guess my point (aside from the warning, if you're going to play it) is that we really depend upon photosensitive people to sound the alarm. They're on the front lines, battling it out with the media they're trying to enjoy. Being that I'm not photosensitive, all I have to go on is observation, and clearly my judgement is insufficient. The red/blue strobe glitch was obvious, but I didn't find the triggers reported in those reddit posts to be harsh in the least.
Sad to say it but Sky is unsafe for photosensitive folks. Obviously there are some of them playing the game regardless, but it's clear that they are doing so at a risk.
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bthump · 5 months
saw this comment on Reddit about the latest chapter and thought it was interesting:
“The shot of Rickert kneeling down over Guts lying face down on his stomach saying “Guts, is that really you?” parallels the scene of Guts finding Griffith in the dungeon, also lying face down. Just swap the names and they essentially say the same thing.
Personally, I do think the behelit will activate for Guts sometime before the story is over. Or at the very least, it will start reacting, seeming like it wants to activate.
Thematically, I just can’t see it belonging to anyone else. It’s our Chekhov’s gun.
I see only one of two things happening:
The behelit activates for Guts, and obviously he will refuse.
He finds a way to infuse it into the dragonslayer to make it have the same potential as SK’s sword of actuation.
I’m leaning towards the former.
Though, there is one more possibility that I’m just now starting to consider: that the behelit belong’s to Rickert.
It seems like Rickert might become a major player for the final act. I think they might be building him up to be Griffith’s true foil. He evens looks a lot like a young Griffith with his new hairstyle. I’ve always felt like Rickert is the story’s moral center. He might not have directly suffered as much as Guts and Casca, but he still lost all of his friends — all of his family — and was betrayed by the man he once looked up to above all others. However, unlike Guts, instead of running off to seek revenge, or spiraling out into self-destructiveness, he faced the pain of his losses, honored the memories of his fallen friends, and turned his focus towards those precious few he had left in his life. The kid has been through a fucking lot, but he hasn’t let his pain harden his heart or crush his soul. Now, just like Griffith, he went from being a total nobody to an incredible leader at a very young age. But unlike Griffith, his reasons are not vain, selfish ones.”
Obviously there are elements in the comment that I know you will disagree with like the Griffith being selfish and the part where they say guts would never sacrifice. but I think the thing about the parallel with Griffith and also the stuff about Rickert is a thing I haven’t seen people consider yet. Sorry if you don’t like other peoples comments being posted here, I know you don’t like what happened with the metas but my intention isn’t to criticise this comment I just found it interesting and I kept them anonymous
Yeah no, I personally don't see anything wrong with discussing comments made publically, and yeah nothing about your vibe comes across as malicious or anything. I don't want to encourage these kinds of asks because they obviously do bother some people, but I'm not gonna turn them down either unless I get bad faith vibes from the asker, or whoever originally posted it makes it clear they don't want others discussing their takes.
So yeah my thoughts on the subject:
Basically I see their point about Rickert being the moral centre of Berserk - idk if he's a prominent enough character for me to describe him that way, but he's definitely meant to be a foil to Guts in how he handles the Eclipse and losing all his friends, and to illustrate a much healthier method of coping, forging new relationships and goals.
I think it's a stretch to suggest he's meant to be a foil to Griffith, a better version of Griffith in any sense. Like there's no indication that he's leading the troops here first of all, he's just one of them. I wouldn't describe him as a leader, certainly not without further information.
And I doubt the behelit is Rickert's, for the same reason I doubt it's anyone's except Casca's, possibly Guts', or mmmmaybe Serpico's: there's no foreshadowing of a despair condition or sacrifice material. It's possible Miura was just gonna cram it all in at the end, like surprise! lol, but idk, that feels cheap to me. It'd be disappointing if so, imo.
Also I do think there are Griffith in the dungeon parallels right now with Guts falling apart lol, so maybe that's purposeful? But I think Guts' despair is more likely to lead to the armour taking over than the behelit opening. Mainly because Guts doesn't need two separate ways to give in to his inner darkness lol, and now that he has the armour the behelit is both redundant and probably too permanent for a protagonist. The armour is perfect in that he can succumb and then be pulled back to himself after crossing a moral event horizon. The behelit is a little too conclusive whether he says no or yes to monsterism. Also the armour is just Guts' style. Passively make an agreement to become a monster? No, but lose his shit and start ripping people apart? Absolutely.
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endercasts · 1 year
once again I have been reminded how fleeting the canon in this fandom is. that stream you’re watching? doesn’t have a vod. if it does, it will expire in one, two or four weeks. if it’s uploaded to youtube it will either not have any music or might get deleted because copyright. or it’s only highlights. if it’s a riot organized tournament you might get the games, but not the full vod with analyst desk and pre-day or post-day segments. Or there is some incident and riot just straight up deletes the vod, like that one lec day where there was player audio audible on broadcast
and that’s just streams! The reddit thread where someone made a joke, that funny tweet, this team announcement or that riot blog post can all be gone in just one click. Often is already gone or impossible to find.
just like that that reference in your fic or thing you are referring to in your tumblr post is just gone to the wind. preserved only in your memories and your mention of it, if even that
thinking about my one jamada fic which references a stream moment of a stream with no vod. so like what 20 people saw that stream? likely none of the people reading my fic watched that stream
do you understand
I have a hard time putting this into words (and I write kekw) but is this the realisation of everything being finite? and sometimes finite means it only existed in the moment. yet I want to be a fan of the moments. but how can I be a fan of something already gone? already altered by my memories? what does it mean to write transformative works when the original work only exists in the memory of 20 stream viewers and one streamer. when the original work barely existed in the first place
the clips I made and uploaded? just seconds or minutes from hours of streams, completely divorced from context and twitch chat. those gifs and the flickr photos? just small parts of so much. the moments we cared about, but what about those we missed, what about those someone else would have cared about. what about those we weren't there for
and I already know what it's like to be in a fandom with this kind of canon after years. after a decade. there is no way to introduce new people to it because the canon is gone. how do you explain the jokes, the references. how do you invite someone to build a house when the foundation is gone. and that's just the tangibles. what about the intangibles - the community around it, the context of the wider world when the canon was created. the friends that I made, our skype groups and voice calls with crappy quality. the chat messages in the games we played together. all gone, nothing but memories.
maybe this is just a sign of me getting older, realizing that so much is in the past and will never be the same. that I will never be able to share that with someone else, that any attempt to recreate it is futile. somehow that seems fine because I am still here and I am shaped by the past. yet in the context of my fanworks, my fandoms, it's so different, it's all static. because what right to exist is there for headcanons without canon. what point is there in my poems, in my rants, in the dialogue, in the prose when the subject doesn't exist anymore. doesn't it just lose all meaning?
or does it create its own?
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hzrnvm · 9 months
this is your opportunity to infodump about sb. also I'm a glados and chell are vacillating quadrants truther but that's unrelated
ok first of all nice job sneaking that in there lol. i was definitely gonna keep forgetting to answer that one im sorry. anyways heres the smash infodump
So the other day while scrolling through Reddit I saw a post in which someone had designed hypothetical card designs for ssbu characters, which got me thinking about what a hypothetical Smash Bros card game would be like. Now to clarify, I never really knew fighting card games. I'm "designing" this mostly from scratch and guesses on how things work. (I learned recently that apparently the guy on Reddit was actually designing a game from this idea. Also apparently there's a game called Yomi that's like this exact idea too. But im gonna keep designing this bc like it's fine.)
The game would be based around the fundamentals of strategy in competitive play. It would be played with turn-based combat between two people. There would be a card for each of the about 86 fighters in the game (maybe there'd be color variants for skins or something I don't know). When two players decide to start a game, first they choose their fighters. The fighter card is placed directly in front of the player, or in the middle or something. The fighter you play as affects many things, such as your mobility, your recovery, and, most importantly, your moves! Your moves are, essentially, your main options at any given point in the game. Each character comes with a base set of 26 moves [this number is subject to change depending on the definition of "move"], but some characters have extra (e.g Samus and Luigi's z-air, Kazuya's back tilt, Donkey Kong's cargo throw, etc). These moves come as cards in packs for each character, with cool-looking designs that look really cool.
Now, I said the game would be based around competitive strategy. What does that mean, exactly? Well, when discussing games, most people look at it through a lens of states: neutral state, disadvantage state, and advantage state. They were not hardcoded into the game, however: they simply arise from the properties of the game itself: namely that it is a platform fighter that rewards air-play and punishes being closer to the edges of the screen. The states are used to look at the game in terms of stage positioning. The states' meanings are as such:
"Neutral" refers to the state in which neither player has a significant positioning advantage over the other, such as when the game starts, or in most cases of someone coming back after a death. This state is notoriously hard to master in a competitive environment, as unlike the other two there isn't a clear goal. "Disadvantage" refers to the state where the opponent has a positioning advantage over you, such as when you're getting combo'd, or when you're off-stage and the opponent is not, or when you're above your opponent. In these cases, your goal is to get out of disadvantage and into neutral or even advantage (e.g. DI-ing out of the combo, getting back on stage successfully, getting back on the ground). "Advantage" refers to the state where you have a positioning advantage over the opponent, such as all the disadvantage examples but you and the opponent are swapped. In advantage, your goal is to keep your opponent in disadvantage, deal damage, and kill if you can.
In the SSBACG (Super Smash Bros Awesome Card Game. Just came up with it), the concept of states are codified into the gameplay itself. Some examples of states include ledge, pure neutral, corner, and off-stage (low). Let's take ledge as an example for how the states form gameplay. Let's say you're playing Samus, and you're hanging on the ledge against ROB.
Now in SSBU, it would probably go something like this: you're hanging on ledge at about 65% damage. Because of your knowledge of basic ROB ledgetrapping, you understand that they're going to want to side-b, so you wait for them to use the move to capitalize on its end lag. You subconsciously consider your options, and since you want something aggressive, you decide to go for a jump and fair. Unfortunately, they manage to dodge before your hit connects, but since they dodged towards ledge (so as to avoid the following hits), you have taken center stage: that means stage control for you!
Now in the SSBACG, that sequence of events would go something like this: the state is Ledge, to the opponent's advantage. You have a good prediction of the move your opponent is planning to make on this turn, and with this knowledge, you decide to wait at ledge for this turn. Upon seeing your choice, they start putting the pieces together on what you're planning, and decide to dodge towards ledge on the next turn, so as to avoid the jump + fair he predicts of you completely. You, meanwhile, are looking at your ledge options (physical items) and deciding which you want (consciously). Since your hope is to capitalize on their side-b endlag, you can ignore any non-aggressive options, so stall, neutral getup, roll, neutral jump, and drop are off the table. That leaves you with getup attack and jump+aerial (This would be using two cards: the jump card and the card of the aerial attack you use with it. You don't lose cards when you use them by the way.), which would probably end up being a bread-and-butter jump+fair. You opt for that, as its longer-lasting hit box will have a higher likelihood of hitting them, and its best-case damage output is much better than the alternative's. Now that you have both selected your moves, the turn takes place. Their dodge successfully bypasses your jump+fair, but it's okay, because now the state changed and you are out of disadvantage. The state is now Corner, to your advantage. Now I just realized that's long as hell actually.
Let's make a slimmed-down, bare-bones version of that, without the thought processes, so you can see the structure of the game more clearly.
The state is Ledge, your disadvantage. Your move for the next turn is stall, and theirs is side-b. The turn passes, and no one takes any damage. The state remains Ledge. Your move for the next turn is jump+fair, and theirs is dodge towards corner. The turn passes, and no one takes any damage. The state is now Corner, your advantage.
As you can see, the game takes place in a system that incentivizes and prioritizes "reading": predicting your opponent's next move. A successful read can take you out of disadvantage, like in the example. A failed read, however, can knock you right into it.
Now let's talk about killing.
Killing is the goal, on the big scale. Your goal is to level up the opponent's damage, and kill them. Damage in the SSBACG is a simplified version of its SSBU counterpart. While in SSBU damage is measured in "percentage" (basically just numbers rounded to the nearest tenth), in the SSBACG damage is measured in larger chunks, or "Damage Levels" (often abbreviated as DL). Each move's damage depends on which move it is, and of which fighter. For example, Mario's nair does 8, while Luigi's does 12. The Damage Levels are used for determining knockback and death, not for attack damage output.
DL0 (White) is 0-20 DL1 (Yellow) is 20-40 DL2 (Orange) is 40-60 DL3 (Vermilion) is 60-80 DL4 (Red) is 80-100 DL5 (Crimson) is 100-120 DL6 (Maroon) is 140-160 DL7 (Danger Zone) is 160 and onwards.
Death happens when you are killed. It's easier to kill you the more damage you have, and the closer to the blast zone that you were launched (this is determined by your state: for example, being launched when you're at center stage is less likely to kill than being launched when you're offstage). When you die, you lose a stock and recover. Games are usually played with 3 stocks apiece. When you come back to the stage after dying, you come from the top, are placed directly into Neutral state, and are invulnerable for one turn.
Now that's all I have time for today. I didn't get into shielding and shield damage, grabbing, mashing and luck, combos, or even what the types of attacks are! Rest assured though, I will talk about this again someday later. For now, thank you for sending this ask. It turns out i had a lot more to say about it than i thought i would about. anything.
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wynterrolls · 5 months
HSR FAQ 𖡻 Speed
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Speed breakpoints within 5 cycles (550 AV in MoC):
• 109, 112, 115, and 121 spd = +1 extra turn • 128, 134, and 143 spd = +2 extra turns • 146, 156, and 161 spd = +3 extra turns • 164, 172, and 178 spd = +4 extra turns • 182 spd to 200 spd = +5 extra turns • 200.1 spd = +6 extra turns
Choose how many extra turns you want for your DPS to take within 5 cycles. Then you decide what SPD value can you afford to get while still maintaining your desired crit ratio.
Once you've decided the SPD of your DPS, your buffer/debuffer/sustain could have:
SPD of buffer/debuffer/sustain = SPD of dps + 5 spd
** Scroll down below to read about the order priority for buffer/debuffer/sustain/DPS.
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Long Text Below
To start off, the MOC requirements now needs 10 cycles max to clear. If we are going to consider that each floor has two halves, each side needs to be cleared within 5 cycles.
This means, when it comes to building your units, you need to consider building some speed into them so they could have extra turns within this 5 cycles.
I know there is this common concept that goes like this:
121 spd = low investment
134 spd = high investment
161 spd = desirable spd for supports
Ever questioned why the recommended speed has this gap in between 134 and 161 spd? Like, why is that a big difference? What do these numbers even mean?
These recommended speeds are actually from speed breakpoints that considers the fastest clear of MOC. This means, it only considers getting 2 turns in cycle 0 if you have 134 spd and getting 4 turns in cycle 1 if you have 161 spd. Those speed breakpoints are just for speedrunning MOC if you already have enough crit ratio for your DPS.
But, since we are going to consider balancing our build with enough required stats and enough speed for max 5 cycles, we are going to breakdown all possible speeds we could aim for and we'll know as well how many extra turns each unit will get if we have these specific speeds.
For this, we'll be using this chart from u/Elhant42 from Reddit that showed the speed vs number of turns comparison for each cycles.
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The highlighted cells showed the cycles in which we'll have double turns. This means that within 5 cycles, you'll see how many extra turns you'll get if you have a specific speed in your build.
From this chart, you could see that 134 spd is the minimum speed you'll need to have double turn in cycle 0, but overall, within 5 cycles, you'll only have 2 extra turns, which is also achievable with 128 spd.
Here's another chart from u/Yamasir which shows the speed breakpoints that is commonly talked about by other HSR players.
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** I only included until cycle 4 here because that is what we're aiming for - 5 cycles, if we are counting cycle 0 as the starting point.
Additional chart I recently added (since I only saw this chart late already) is from Hunterkee. The spreadsheet linked below has available SPD vs Cycle charts for 3/5/6/8 cycles. But in this post, I’ll only consider from Cycle 0 to Cycle 4 in his chart.
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** The charts showed the speed breakpoints down to its decimal places, but in-game we can’t see any decimals, hence I only wrote the values above in whole number. To know the exact decimal points of your speed, you could use this site: https://enka.network/?hsr
From the chart, you could see the speed breakpoints that will give extra turns for each cycle. People only consider 121, 134, and 161 since those three speed values gives the most turns at cycle 0 and cycle 1, but there are other speed values we could look into that could be useful to us if we either have more or less than those commonly mentioned three speed values.
Notable speed points we should glean on are these values below. Within 5 cycles, if you have these specific speed values, wherein the starting point is at cycle 1, you'll have these certain cumulative turns:
109 spd = 6 turns, double turn @ cycle 5
112 spd = 6 turns, double turn @ cycle 4
115 spd = 6 turns, double turn @ cycle 3
121 spd = 6 turns, double turn @ cycle 2
128 spd = 7 turns, double turn @ cycle 2/5
134 spd = 7 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/4
143 spd = 7 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/3
146 spd = 8 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/3/5
156 spd = 8 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/3/4
161 spd = 8 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/4
164 spd = 9 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/4/5
172 spd = 9 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/3/5
178 spd = 9 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/3/4
182 spd = 10 turns, double turn @ cycle 1/2/3/4/5
200.1 spd = 11 turns, triple turn @ cycle 1, double turn @ cycle 2/3/4/5
At this point, you could already see how the 134 spd and 161 spd is just similar to 128 spd and 146 spd when it comes to number of turns within 5 cycles.
It goes to show how these two values are overused as advice to players and that other speed values weren't really that gleaned on despite having the same number of turns with these two speeds.
— What SPD should I get for my DPS/Buffer/Debuffer/Sustain? —
This, my friend, is also my question before. Now, I'll say here what I learned.
The answer is -- it depends on how you want them to act within the cycle limit.
Normally, people would say to get 134 spd for your DPS. But, I would like to rephrase that answer.
Choose how many extra turns you want for your DPS to take within 5 cycles. Then you decide what SPD value can you afford to get while still maintaining your desired crit ratio.
The SPD values to choose from are these:
109, 112, 115, and 121 spd = +1 extra turn
128, 134, and 143 spd = +2 extra turns
146, 156, and 161 spd = +3 extra turns
164, 172, and 178 spd = +4 extra turns
182 spd to 200 spd = +5 extra turns
200.1 spd = +6 extra turns
Now that you have decided how much SPD you can afford to get for your DPS, the SPD of your buffer/debuffer/sustain would depend on the SPD of the DPS.
There's this theorycrafting term called "relative speed breakpoint", which means the allies' spd breakpoints would need to consider the give-and-take of SP economy in the team. Another is “turn relationships” which is about the SPD combos that are impactful/useful for DPS and supports. To learn more about these, you could check the sources below which links to the Reddit posts made by u/EtherealEch0.
But in this post, I'd rather make it simple instead because I'm lazy to do such menial minmaxing of SPD and RNG isn't really that cooperative anyways.
Once you've decided the SPD of your DPS, your buffer/debuffer/sustain could have:
SPD of buffer/debuffer/sustain = SPD of dps + 5 spd
That's it.
TBF, it doesn't really need to be 5 spd, but any number would do as long as the buffer/debuffer/sustain is faster than the DPS.
The reasoning behind it is that the three support roles should do their job first before the DPS action, because the buff on ally and debuff on enemies could greatly boost the dmg done by DPS on enemies.
As for the order priority of your team members, they could go in these ways:
Sustain could be the fastest or the slowest in the team. Buffer/debuffer should be faster than DPS.
Sustain > Buffer/Debuffer > DPS Buffer/Debuffer > DPS > Sustain
Bronya is recommended to be a bit slower than your DPS so the DPS could have double turn with her skill.
Sustain > Debuffer > DPS > Bronya DPS > Debuffer > Bronya > Sustain
Sub-DPS could either be faster or slower than DPS depending on how the sub-dps kit works. Preferably, Sub-DPS have similar SPD with DPS.
Sustain > Buffer/Debuffer > Sub-DPS > DPS Buffer/Debuffer > Sub-DPS > DPS > Sustain Sustain > Buffer/Debuffer > DPS > Sub-DPS Buffer/Debuffer > DPS > Sub-DPS > Sustain
** Buffer & Debuffer are interchangeable depending on your team.
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Speed spreadsheet: number of turns per 10 and 15 cycles by u/Elhant42
Extended Speed Breakpoint Chart by u/Yamasir
134 SPD is a social construct
Relative speed breakpoint by u/EtherealEch0
How Do Speed and Turn Order Work in Honkai: Star Rail?
SPD vs Cycle Sheet by Hunterkee
Turn relationships by u/EtherealEch0
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Author’s Note:
Back then, when I’m drafting this post, I can’t find any reliable sources for the speed breakpoints (partly because I’m not really part of the TC community). After 3 months, now I could find some more info about it which expands on the topic itself.
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Update Log
11/30/2023 - Uploaded this post
02/29/2024 – Added Hunterkee’s SPD vs Cycle Sheet; added more SPD values in the list
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literaphobe · 2 years
May I ask your opinion on the audience blackout. I know the subreddit because it essentially grants the most popular players aka Dream more power. A lot of the reddit has even pointed out with the strategic way Dream divides his and his team's audience basically guarantess his the decision will get picked. Some people just want to get rid of it, others are proposing changes like removing the percentages or doing it based on percentage.
Yeah i saw the percentages post. they can do what they want but dream’s gonna get the percentage majority anyway and the decision dome’s AI doesn’t support (im guessing) percentage probability votes that aren’t 50/50, and yet they expect it to be a percentage chance thing, which will never be seen as fair unless they have an actual thing that can pick based on specific percentages that isn’t in minecraft. and lets say they randomly implement this strategy during one mcc. next mcc dream stans will make like 10 alt accounts each or more because there’s no way to prevent anyone from voting more than once and we’ll steamroll the votes or something like i get that they’re salty dream has perfected the vote manipulation process so much that in recent events he always gets what he wants but have they considered L + ratio + i fucked their moms and their dads
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To OP: what do you think we can expect for the next AA (if we get one)? :3 and what are your thoughts on Spirit of Justice?
~~also for some reason, Tumblr is burying your posts so I can't see them on my homepage :(~~
:O Hard to say when we're not even sure who'll be writing the next AA game.
I think the only thing I can expect for certain is that Athena will be the one undergoing character development, since that was a hanging plot point in SoJ. That doesn't necessarily mean she'll be the player character for the entirety of it (Apollo finished his character arc in a game where Phoenix was the main character for a large portion of it) but she will probably be the central focus by the end.
Considering how long we've had without an AA game, I also fully expect a gimmick to draw in new players. Potentially this will be a new setting, a new main character, or a new mechanic--I'm leaning on the side of there being a heavier supernatural focus (or at least superhuman, like Athena's hearing and Apollo's eyesight) but I don't really know :o
I'm sure there will be returning characters too, as well. Hopefully Gumshoe this time > >
Whatever they do, I'll probably be there for it.
As for my feelings on SoJ, that ended up being wayyyyy too long so it's under the cut.
I really enjoyed it! and idk what the tumblr opinion is on that, all I know is that they really hate it over on reddit, so, sorry fdgkfdkgfk
It is the best looking Ace Attorney game outside of the spinoffs, and in particular I think the character models and in-game animations are at their best, so that's one huge point for me. I also loved pretty much everything surrounding the seance mechanic.
I thought each case was consistently exciting. Phoenix traveling to a different country with a radically different culture high-key appealed to me, and I thought the higher stakes of his trials fit that feeling that he was far from home; on the other hand, I liked that the filler cases that were literally closer to home employed themes from the previous games that are more personal to the characters (expanding on the legacy of the Gramarye family in 6-2, developing Athena and Simon's relationship in 6-4.) I also just liked a majority of the supporting characters---I found most of them pretty memorable and fun to watch, especially the culprits (aside from.... ehh, Paul. Ga'ran wasn't my favorite either post-outfit change, but I was going nuts over Inga at the time so I didn't mind as much.)
I liked how the returning characters were handled. Maya got to finally make it as a spirit medium and was acknowledged for all her hard work, after the first game in the franchise ended with her powers only working as a deus ex machina. Ema's crabby attitude was believably dialed back to RftA levels now that she had her dream job (with Apollo justifiably being nervous seeing her again,) and she struggled with themes of being professional and sticking to her duties vs. not wanting to see the justice system screw over her friends again, which I saw as a believable character arc for her.
And I liked Nahyuta! I know a looot of people did not, and while intellectually I can see why, sometimes I feel like I must have been playing different games than them with how much hate he gets compared to other prosecutors in the series. I found his ultimate theme of controllable helplessness, masking itself as restraint and enlightenment, to be very fascinating. And tbh I liked how chill he is in the courtroom, which makes it more notable (especially for comedic purposes) when he slips up and shows how passionate he actually is as a person.
His biggest flaw as a character to me was that his arc was underbaked. There needed to be more time to unpack everything he'd done by the end, and the things that were at stake for him just, weren't quite impressive enough when put against the things he'd been an accomplice to. But I feel like he was so close in that regard, as I can imagine a million little ways they could have fixed it.
Now this is my big rant dfgkdfks
Something I liked the most about this game, probably the biggest point that left me emotionally compromised towards it, was that it brought back some of the themes introduced in Apollo Justice that got dropped in Dual Destinies.
I left AJ frustrated by the fact that Apollo's first forays into being a lawyer featured him being manipulated, ridiculed and led along, mostly by his own mentor (Phoenix Wright, no less,) alongside being an orphan whose mother just... didn't want him to know she was still alive dgfkfkhdkgf and none of this actually got addressed by the end of the game. and then Dual Destinies completely ignored it, meaning I was never going to get closure on it.
But SoJ touched on those feelings again and actually gave me some closure. Looking broadly at what happens in the game--Phoenix finally does show that by this point, he trusts Apollo with even his own daughter's safety. Apollo finally does vent to SOMEONE about how hard it was starting out as a lawyer, and confronts a parental figure for abandoning him. He confronts Phoenix in court, and his relationship with Phoenix even seems to be characterized as "different" from that of his other allies. This is mainly because Phoenix is a mentor to Apollo more than a friend, but I like to think their bad first impression of each other was a contributing factor, too.
Yes, many of these are not exact follow-ups to Apollo Justice. A lot of them either touch on the story vaguely, or invent new scenarios to make these themes relevant to this specific game (like Apollo's backstory in Khurain was obviously not envisioned during AA4.) But considering how old Apollo Justice as a game was by this point, and that the writer evidently did not expect everyone to have even played it, I at least understand the decision to tie these themes to new plot points.
Also, I really like Dhurke, so I don't reaaally mind that he's a new addition to Apollo's backstory. Also like the idea that Apollo might have followed Kristoph as a mentor for so long because he bears a superficial resemblance to Nahyuta---cool-headed, confident, hair over his shoulder...
Like it's a bit weird to wrap my head around that Apollo spent his formative years in a different country/culture and this wasn't touched on in previous games, but I'm just not too stressed about it cause I got the core feelings I wanted dfkgsfdkk and Apollo just, has good chemistry with the new characters,
I could go on and on about all the little things I liked, but those are my big points. I think the game gets a lot of backlash nowadays, some of it fair and some of it I feel is unfair. But me personally, I liked it from start to finish, and the things it did wrong didn't bother me enough to take me out of my enjoyment of it.
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cydie · 27 days
double standards for not being sensitive to the situation bc i wasn't aware something was a trigger bc i recited the Reddit post i read that said assume ignorance instead of malicious intent
which is the same situation for Wednesday when he wasn't sensitive to how i might feel about it
but he decided to check out and come back with a rude remark of "i stopped listening when you started referring to it as dumb bc it reminds me of X so I don't really respect that in a conversation" and immediately I said "oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise" even though this entire conversation was on the back of how he never does nice things for me and he defensively brings up the 3 nice things he's done for me in the past year ?? even though they're regular daily nice things to remind your partner you love them, not selfless gestures to show your partner love and appreciation?? and he keeps stonewalling and I'm like "so I'm being punished for not realising??" BUT he recognised he was being an ass and checked himself so that was hopeful I hope that lasts
side note I literally just wanted to say that things he could do for me are like
let's take a trip to the AWL!
any animal experiencing activity instantly puts me at ease
let's go downstairs and get a smoothie!! the walk will do us good and getting out would do us good - if this came from him it would keep me in line with my health so much like I wish health was as important to him as it was to me BC physical health is a massive player in mental
let's go to the shops and do a little walk around! bc I want to!! (see you happy not go to the shops but I didn't lie)
hey I see you're having a tough day and ur muscles must be sore and u must be so tired
let's get you showered and tucked into bed with a Barbie movie and some ice cream!!
I wanna see you happy!!
I wanna do nice things for him all the time but I literally don't know what bc most of the things I try to do get harshly rejected
the other day he nicely rejected something for the first time and rescheduled it but then like rescheduled just means it won't happen
I have a motivation to do things for you to make you laugh or see you happy
it's really nice that you seem to have the same for me and you're expressing it (ramen danbo I don't need loyalty bc the points I get is seeing you happy) but I wish I saw it more often
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swallowtail-ageha · 4 months
hey i saw your post about vaatividya and i was wondering if you could explain your reasoning? i already kinda disliked some of his interpretations but i wanted to see your evidence before just confirmation biasing myself into believing you blindly.
Eeeh, it's not really about liking/disliking his lore interpretations (i think that every interp is valid as long as it doesn't explicitedly contradict the few confirmed canon elements) it's just that his videos have really... gentrified the lore community?
I think the beauty of soulsborne games is that you make your own lore interpretation and said lore interpretation is going to be different from the one of another fan, making the fandom very varied and keeping it alive. However this has kinda died down since the rise of big lore channels like Vaati because nowadays when someone searches for the lore other people in the fandom are just going to point you to him or repeat what he says without a dash of own interpretation or without encouraging the new fan to make their own spin on the story which imo defeats the whole purpose of the way the story in soulsborne games is told
And tbh i can't even blame him for doing these videos and people for following his interpetation, because soulsborne lore is obscure and hard to understand if you are more of a casual player, but my main issue is that usually (mostly on reddit) people see his lore interpretations as the set in stone truth and what miyazaki interpreted, and you get downvoted to hell and back whenever you try to have a more lax or bizzarre or out of fandom approved canons view of the lore
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dzone-16 · 9 months
I just saw a post on Reddit dunking on a professional COD player that was bitching about shotguns not being fun or useful in any game he played, and he's obviously a clown. People were putting up excellent examples like DOOM, Red Dead Redemption 2, and a bunch of other shotguns that were legendary and super satisfying. But I felt more comfortable adding my thoughts about this here, even though no one on that post actually mentioned this case specifically.
I played Overwatch from launch day, May 24th 2016, and because I'm a shotgun boy, I immediately gravitated toward Roadhog and his scrapgun. Using his chain hook back then was insanely satisfying, picking off squishies with a hook and blast of scrap to the face. As you would expect, this got nerfed (let's not forget that McCree was worse, able to take down pretty much every tank with his "fan the hammer" alt fire and roll away like an asshole, while also being able to snipe as well as Widowmaker with no scope and no damage drop-off). It was taken down to needing to hook, aim for the center of the enemy, blast, then a quick melee punch to take out a squishy. Ok, that's fine, no real problem, just more risky to hook a real damage dealer like McCree or Bastion. Seems fair to me. But he got nerfed further, the scrapgun did less damage, and you couldn't even take out a Tracer with this maneuver.
Idk man if a shotgun can't be effectively used for some close range carnage then what's the point. Roadhog was a pretty effective damage sponge, with his self-healing gas tanks. But if his offensive abilities kept getting shit canned, what's the point of even having him there? I know you gotta stick with your team, but I rarely ever played with anyone that cooperated with an offensive tank like Roadhog.
It was so frustrating watching in real time as a character I found fun to play as and also liked his design, backstory, and personality, slowly become almost completely unviable in even casual play. Among other things that were maddening about the progression of the game, this is one of the things that made me quit playing not only overwatch, but pretty much any online competitive game.
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mmorgnext · 2 years
When can we buy cube world
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lavaeolus · 2 years
A Peaceful Stroll: reaching level 50 without any recorded kills in Elder Scrolls Online
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To anyone on the EU servers who might've stumbled upon odd and erratic behaviour from a Wood Elf player, I'm very sorry. Maybe you saw me running as I was chased by everyone in a dungeon. Maybe you saw me being attacked and jumped in, only to wonder why I had been speedily circling an enemy while spamming cloak and doing jack-all. Maybe you saw hints of me creeping through a delve and then, the moment you took on the boss, saw me swoop past to take the objective and leave.
I had an urge over the Christmas season to revisit the game. Wanting a refresher but also not really wanting to just repeat content again, I decided to mix things up with a challenge: to beat the game without killing anything. At least, not officially. Not a unique idea to me: I've seen some threads here on pacifist characters and while preparing for this I found this old Reddit report from Zenitharr. But hey, four years have passed since that post, Vets are no longer a thing, and One Tamriel dropped -- so perhaps it'll be interesting to give it another look.
Terms and conditions
The rules I set for myself were relatively loose. My goal was to get to level 50, and there were just two firm, unbendable rules to follow while doing so:
1) Keep those kill counters at 0.
To my knowledge, a kill is added when an enemy you have dealt damage to is reduced to 0-health. If a quest needs you to 'weaken' an enemy or just 'challenge them to a duel', it'll generally be safe to do (just watch out for other players). Non-combat objectives that result in an enemy dying do not, generally speaking, count.
At one point I was doing a quest and was tasked to burn down some slaver tents; "Hell yeah", I yelled to no one in particular, "No more tents for you!" Immediately after, an animation of a slaver running out screaming and burning to death played. This is what is known in pacifist circles as an 'oopsie', but it did not increment the counter. Rule of thumb: if you attack and damage something to death, that's a kill; if you press E on something and an enemy explodes, you're probably in the clear.
2) No grouping up with killers.
I generally prefer to do these sorts of challenges without interfering with other people's games. If another person feels like grouping up for some sort of pacifist raid, well, maybe that could be fun, but you can probably understand why it'd be a little dull to write a post about "Can you sit back and let other people kill and do quests for you?" (The answer's yes.)
Still, I didn't bar myself from interacting with other players entirely, and every now and then you walk into a dungeon where everybody's already dead or you get credit for another player jumping in and defeating people. That's fun! Emergent gameplay, sort of. When opportunities made themselves apparent I used other players to my advantage, but I never explicitly asked anyone to tag along or gank a guy.
The build
Overall a simple one. I made a Magicka Nightblade with a Restoration Staff, using Medium Armor to enhance my stealth and sprint speed. In hindsight the Khajiit's racial stealth ability would've been nice here, and a race with boosts to Magicka would've had its charms, but Bosmer was decent enough even if not a particularly optimal pick.
Life mostly revolves around your cloak: you can pretty much just sweep through to the end of a dungeon with it. Get enough Magicka and you can practically run through most places. Sometimes confrontation is inevitable due to the time it takes for your character to interact with things -- but there your cloak comes in handy again. Turn invisible and everyone tends to freeze in place. So if someone's lured away from what they're guarding... and if you have the time to walk back and just interact with it before they can hit you... bye bye. Alas, it's a strategy that's a lot less consistent than it sounds.
Note: Since you don't tend to actually fight, a Restoration Staff isn't amazingly necessary. For the first 20 levels I had actually resigned myself to not having the Restoration skill at all. You can't kill something to pick it up, and Restoration seems to have no skillbooks to let you bypass that. So how do you get it? Er... I don't know. When beating someone up with the staff, the skill popped up mid-fight. I have three theories, then: 1) if you manage a certain amount of hits with a weapon without killing anything, it's automatically added; 2) I had been carrying around a Resto Staff and, as a failsafe, a skill's stuffed onto your character if it somehow reaches level 20 or so without being learnt; 3) I just accidentally hit a random 1-HP spider or rat during the fight, didn't notice, and it didn't increment the counter.
What can you do?
More than I expected, to be honest. Quests where you have to kill -- as an objective -- are common, but compared to other MMOs there are plenty of quests where combat is technically incidental. The game will set you up for a fight, but it won't always demand it. I ran into plenty of scripted ambushes that you can just... immediately cloak away and ignore, quest proceeds as normal.
Sometimes you'll stare at a delve boss aggressively standing in place and psyched for a fight, and you'll realise there's absolutely nothing stopping you just walking past them. That's always funny.
Which isn't to say this was a walk in the park, exactly. Presumably to stop exactly what I was doing, interacting with objects takes a noticeable amount of time. Which means sometimes, yes, you can just cloak past someone and do the objective while they're still turning to face you, but that's not always practical and sometimes takes a fair amount of maneuvering to pull off. If you're not willing to deal with the frustrations of possibly getting caught and having to flee and try again, you'll cut off most quests.
Nor is it to say that you won't get through a quest and hit a sudden roadblock where, uh oh, the objective suddenly does require outright combat and you'll have to abandon what you were doing. I'd say the story quests can be worse than sidequests here, as they're more likely to end in a climactic fight and leaving them undone is more likely to lock off other content.
What was it like?
There's an inherent fun in just bending a game and doing something you weren't meant to do. There's something fun about there being a dungeon and you just swooping through it. Did that wear off? Ultimately I ran into frustrations from the game not being designed to support me doing that -- arbitrarily suddenly being locked off a quest, progression assuming I'd be a killer, the amount of quests on offer in an area being very feast-or-famine, etc.
But the One Tamriel update was kind to this playstyle. This is not a character who'll ever have a complete track of the overarching main storyline, and they'll never officially mark a delve as complete -- but they can absolutely wander the world and dive into delves, stumble upon quests and attempt a lot of them, and gather skyshards or lorebooks or whatever else. Just be aware that I did most of this using double-XP from the New Life Festival, and I found towards the end that I was running the XP-well dry with just the base game. (I only started trying out DLC areas once I'd gotten to level 50.) Note that I got most of my XP through questing and exploration; it'd be theoretically possible to sit there and craft your way up to 50, but I was curious how much general content I'd be able to do.
It was interesting. I was, for most intents and purposes, locked off the main and faction questlines, albeit able to dabble here-and-there in the latter. The end result was that I pretty much lost all sense of direction. The flipside is that it freed me up to go anywhere, do anything. I got used to questlines not always having much of a conclusion and sort of adopted the mindset of a wanderer occasionally helping out. Jumped about a little and wasn't too certain on where I'd end up next. I did heroic things, but I wasn't the hero; indeed, the whims of other heroes charging about could have an immense impact on my gameplan.
I also had a lot less loot, obviously. I'm wearing the Servant's Robe disguise there, because my actual armour is pretty patchwork. Maybe not an experience I'd wholeheartedly recommend, overall, but an interesting enough change-of-pace for a gimmick alt.
The end
And that about wraps things up. I uploaded my character to ESO-Database and, while I'm not sure the stats are entirely accurate, you can see their quest history here; that'll give you some hints on what I was able to accomplish and what I wasn't. My Achievements are here.
If you see me in-game feel free to give me a /wave. Just don't invite me on a raid. My damage-per-second is terrible.
Originally posted to Reddit in 2019, followed by a post on the official ESO forums. It's actually a little outdated: kills are now tracked account-wide, across characters!
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Soo a few more pages of the comic released and no surprise, it continues to be badly written and Clem for some reason acts so damn angsty and moody for no reason (she really tells Amos "there aren't many good people left" like you're right Clem, but you literally lived with actually good people and willingly left them???) You know what someone pointed out on reddit though? Comic Clem is basically the scrapped-ending outcome of Violet. The team considered the outcome that if you didn't save Violet in Ep 2, she would still hate Clem in Episode 4 and end up leaving the school, her trust in people broken to the point she'd rather be alone. In other words, Violet would become a bitter, closed-off person leaving the school to be on her own, wandering on the road for some unspecified place and not wanting to get close to anyone ever again. Yeah, doesn't that sound familiar? Tillie might as well have made this comic based on "that scrapped concept ending of Season 4" changed Clem with Violet, change literally nothing else (i.e. her personality would be the exact same) and the comic would suddenly have made sense. Of course we know why not, Clementine is the character everyone knows and loves and who makes money, not Violet, it's just a shame she basically had to give Clem Violet's scrapped S4 personality in order for the comic to happen, cause it's really what it comes off as.
hhnnngggg there's not enough coffee in my cup for this hahaha
Okay so, yeah... more pages for Clementine comic came out. I had a post planned where I went through all the new stuff and talked about it as I usually do but I saw this ask and it's interesting.
For those who don't know, here's some context to what the pages contained- Clementine leaving the place where she got her new foot when Amos shows up and introduces himself to her, offers to take her with him, she's angsty, Amos apparently has a job he's trying do and if he does it, he could possibly see a plane... yep.
Also the timeline is weird because Clem mentions it's been seven years but I thought TFS took place eight years after the start?? am I misremembering?? Shit doesn't add up.
Note- so far, Amos is the most likable character in the comic so far. He seems pretty cheerful and polite, and overall a chill dude.... this isn't great because you'd think Clementine's supposed to be the more likable but uhh... no.
Also the heavy focus on Amos is interesting given the trailer that came out for the comic had put some focus into the love interest... who we still know nothing about other than the fact that she wears glasses. We don't have a name, we don't know a personality.... shit, for all we know, Glasses isn't even a girl. We know nothing.... but we know about Amos... just interesting.
But back to your ask, anon. I hadn't considered that but holy shit you might be onto something.
That Violet concept was scrapped because the devs knew that players who got that ending on top of getting Louis killed would be miserable and wanted more balance with the characters who you didn't save as well as a happier ending.... but look back on that concept, it does weirdly line up?
I mean, their reasons for leaving are different- Violet was kidnapped and it hurt her enough to never trust again so she left to wander. I mean... I guess they are the same reasons since it's safe to assume Violet was unhappy when she left... but I more mean the circumstances of the unhappiness.
Clementine, in her own words, was unhappy at Ericson but we don't know why exactly? She just says she unhappy and it's supposed to be real sad because she's leaving AJ behind... but it's not sad, it's confusing.
And I'm sure a theory could be made that Tillie saw that concept and thought "hey that's neat" and swapped Clementine in but I'm not convinced Tillie has done much research into the games to begin with sooooo I'd probably call it coincidence.
Plus Clementine's personality in this.... it's not great. She's pretty negative, she snaps at Amos, she tells him his job is a scam and his people are a cult [and mentions that she has cult experience??? what cult did she run into when I wasn't looking???] and overall she just has a way about her that's unlikable. It's hard to describe.
But yeah, interesting points, anon.... interesting comparison.
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