#i swear so much larry so much yoonmin
kimjischyu · 7 years
BTS scenario // Meeting One Direction for the first time
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Summary ~ It was BTS’ first time attending the American Music Awards, but to their surprise, they were recognized by one of the biggest British boy bands of their generation.  
Word count ~ 1,099
Note ~ I’ve met a lot of army’s who uses to be Directioners, so I was wondering how many of my followers used to be 1D fans
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The seven members of Bangtan sauntered into the room, trudging after their leader in a formally line. It was the first time the members had been to the admired event of the American Music Awards, and they weren’t planning to do anything to give off a bad impression. As Jimin finally walks into the room - being the last one to emerge out the door - fear washes over them, realizing they were in a room with some of the biggest stars of their generation. People they look up to and people they admire.
Almost simultaneously, the clique gaze at each other, as if to say ‘what do we do?’. As great relief to the six members, Their fearless leader assures them that it was close to impossible to ruin their reputation, or even get noticed if they embarrass themselves , because of the insane amount of people around them.
They came to the agreement of staying together as a group - Due to the fact that the majority of members are shy when speaking English - and thought it would be best to just find their seats and stay to themselves. These plans were quickly ruined when The blue-eyed, former western boy group sensation, Niall Horan strolled by. None of them expected him to say anything, as for a matter of fact, they didn’t expect him to notice them, but to their surprise he stopped in his tracks, almost freezing immediately once he caught them in the corner of his eyes.
As he made his way over to the boys, they all shifted in their seats, feeling intimidated by Niall. “Excuse me, it’s BTS, isn’t it?” Niall inquired, with true curiosity and pureness in his voice. 
“Yes it is,” Namjoon held out his hand towards him “You’re Niall Horan, am I correct?” Niall responded with a mere nod, smiling towards the seven men sat infront of him, shaking Namjoon’s hand.
“We really like your music” Hoseok added onto the verbal exchange between the two, making sure neither Namjoon or Niall felt awkward. 
“Oh, umm, thanks!” Nialls face light up with pure delight, taking Hoseok’s appreciative comment to heart. Realizing that the other five members seemed to look left out, he tried to engage in conversation with them, truly wanting to get to know everyone. It was at this exact moment he noticed a familiar figure walk into the room. Upon closer inspection, he realized who it was. Liam Payne. Despite what many people believe, some of the former One Direction members are still close to this day, and in this instance Niall was ecstatic when Liam waved towards him.
Without second thought, Niall signaled his former band mate over, suggesting that he introduced himself to the Kpop idols which sat infront of him. Taking a seat next to Niall he held out his hand to Namjoon, introducing himself. “I’m Liam, nice to meet you”
“Nice to meet you too” Jimin replied before Namjoon could, wanting to show off his English skills. Yoongi giggled at his reply, smiling to himself.
“Well those two are Yoongi and Ji-” Namjoon was immediately cut off by Liam.
“I know who you guys are, don’t worry” Liam reassured them, smiling at Jungkook who had been looking at the floor, from pure shyness.
“Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, Hoseok,” Liam started listing all their names, starting at the member closest to him, ending at the furthest, “Seokjin, Jimin and Yoongi” The task seemed effortless to him, amazing the boys of bts.
“You know our names?” Jungkook responded hesitantly, looking towards his elders for help.
“Of course! You guys have done a lot of impressive things this year, how could I not know your names.” 
“Thank you” Jin smiled towards Liam, his eyes full of respect. 
“Well, we should probably get going” Niall started to stand up from his chair when a mysterious hand held him on his shoulder and pushed him backed into his chair.
“Look who’s here” Liam Joked, turning backwards to the two men standing directly behind him and Niall. 
“Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, you two just can’t seem to get enough of each other” Niall commented on the fact that the two always seemed inseparable and still were to this day.
“What can we say” Louis responded, jokingly rapping his arms around Harry’s waist, pulling him closer. Once the laughs from the newly reunited band died down, Harry noticed the seven men seated near them.
“Aren’t you guys bts?” He questioned, looking directly at Taehyung, expecting and answer from him.
“We are actually” Namjoon responded for his fellow member, not wanting him to feel pressured.
“We were actually just talking to them, they are quite interesting” Liam added onto the conversation, not wanting there to be an awkward silence.
“Do you think any of them are shorter than me?” Louis inquired, wanting to prove to his band mates that 1.72m is not short.
“Maybe Yoongi, no Jimin, maybe Jimin’s shorter than you” Namjoon sneakily smiled at his younger, expecting him to be shorter. 
Standing back to back, Louis and Jimin started comparing their heights, each one hoping their taller than the other. With a quick glance, you could see that Jimin was taller, maybe only by a centimeter or two, but definitely taller.
“See Lou, Everyone is taller than you, stop trying” Harry delivered the bad news to his friend, getting a laugh out of everyone around him.
“Well this time I really need to go, I need to get ready for my performance, but it was nice to meet you guys” Niall remarked urgently, clearly being in a hurry, Excusing himself as he left the area.
“Even though we only talked for a short amount of time, I really enjoyed getting to know you, all of you” Harry said, getting a hum of agreement from his members, walking towards his seat, on the other side of the arena.
“I would love to collab with you guys” Liam added on, his statement shocking the idols, making them all smile to themselves.
“Well we better go now” Louis finally vocalized, smiling at the boys in pure admiration. Once all four of them had left the scene, the members of Bangtan quickly slipped back into Korean, feeling more confident in their native tongue.
“That was Interesting” Yoongi finally had something to say, preferring to speak in Korean now that he had the chance to.
“They are definitely... different “ Jin hesitate in his answer, making the other six laugh, as the AMA’s finally began, making the boys excited for the rest of the night.
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