#i tried to make it look like a flash photo and fucked up idc i still hope its nice
grzybjek · 1 year
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The whole room is on fire, yet he’s the only one burning alive.
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luvring · 10 months
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gn!reader | haiii. it's been so long since i wrote for ll i'm pretty sure i'd commit the worst mischaracterization crimes i've ever committed Ever if i tried to write a oneshot but. happy birthday sage ^___<
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I'm Incredibly hazy on lore so i have modern au in mind but if it's accurate to the game pretend i didn't say this.
for someone who loves partying, i don't imagine sage is someone who'd tell you about his birthday. he doesn't feel very enthusiastic about it.
but You? he knows you. he knows you'd put something together after finding out. and in notorious sage lesath fashion, he's teetering between wanting that, wanting you and letting himself be cared for, versus going about the day as usual because why put in all that effort? he's content the way things are anyway
one of the others would mention it in passing if you didn't ask yourself. no one voices their opinions on how sage didn't tell you. it isn't unexpected. the conversation instead immediately moves on to what you should do for it
like,, is a bar too obvious. does it feel too shallow? where else could you all go. In my mind this is just a house party but do what you will. you have to be careful with planning a surprise because he Will catch on, especially the week or so leading up to the day. tulsi is definitely a huge help btw. oh tulsi. (said with longing and nostalgia)
ohhh my god him sitting while everyone sings happy birthday. he doesn't get to stop you before you decide to tease him with the very first note, hands ready to start clapping. he rolls his eyes, but he's smiling and not moving to touch the food before you finish anyway
! not totally sure what present(s) i would choose but he's definitely getting a heartfelt card with a few silly jokes that would be written with so much love and care that he'd keep and read it randomly and be overwhelmed by emotion. and then maybe a funny shirt. a sick fucking sword.
!! put a little party hat on him. idc. i will make sure he wears one. if you wear a matching one it's a little easier.
party activities... of course there's talking about past parties. love a little drama and gossip. perhaps truth or dare. someone that isn't even You ends up promising to do His chores for a week ? not sure how that will go but everyone knows where your spare key is now.
PHOTOS :( chaotic photos... group photo around the cake... there's one of sage trying to do a cartwheel for some reason. someone tried to take a selfie with the camera but it was held up way too close and the flash definitely hurt their eyes (it was sage and anisa together while trying to figure out why it wasn't taking a photo.) a photo of rime fighting off people trying to put a hat on him
photo of sage and tulsi copying a photo from when they were younger 😂😂😂 i can't breathe. i can't bre
sage keeps using the fact that he's the birthday boy as leverage / reasoning btw. you're like For someone who didn't even mention his birthday, you sure are welcoming it now. and he's like ? of course. you have to take advantage of the opportunities given to you. < felix is currently, begrudgingly, sort of singing karaoke ?
and then there's the time you spend together alone
i would have reassured him / told him Not to read my letter at the party and to keep it for later. so while he's sitting in bed waiting for you (you forced him to stay away while you cleaned up some stuff because It's his birthday), he decides to read it. Oh man
sometimes he wonders if you're real
by the time you finish up and get into bed with him, sage is quieter and feeling vulnerable, the card put away in the night stand next to him to look at later. he thanks you for everything and your gift while holding you close.
he's always a little confused, stunned, that you'd choose to be with him. choose to stick by him despite all his problems, want to see him happy, love him to the extent that you do. but you whisper happy birthday one last time, pressing a kiss to his head while your fingers run through his hair, and sage thinks maybe he'll let it happen this time, and promises to himself to make it worth it. (and also that your next birthday will be a dream)
as i was writing this i imagined it of course as like, the First birthday you celebrate with him. but i think the years after, he'd let himself expect something and look forward to it more. especially if you promise to one-up yourself like okayyy intrigue. gonna make it a competition now ?
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??? i still have my ll tag list but i don't know if it would be a jarring surprise to use it. or who'd still want a tag. um. if ur reading this tho Lmk what present u would get him. for research purposes. curiosity
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writing2live · 3 years
crazy, crazier, craziest
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pairing: pro hero! kaminari denki x reader
genre: sunny's fairy fluffy book
word count: 1.2k
warning: none, just a possibility of incorrect grammar, typos, and redundant use of the word "crazy"
author's note: okay *inhales deeply* this is the very first fluff that i wrote and posted here because i crave the readers' validation heh. denki's my comfort character and the idea of goofing around with him wearing pikachu onesie seems so cute and sweet, ya know? also, don't come at me when you find this cringe idc. your fairy god never have a bf. happy reading, bestie wanderer :))
ps. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated. i really want to interact with ya'll
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"pika, pika-" he looked at your curling form, hands tugging at your stomach as fits of laughter escapes your mouth.
"hey, babe, come on." head turning to your direction, the supposed yellow ears and black at the tip falling off. you cooed at the sight of your blond boyfriend as he stares at you.
you just come across the matching Pikachu onesie pajama online at a really cheap price and, without any hesitation, the package arrived at your shared apartment. being denki, he's always game with your antics and supports the craziest ideas that pops up your mind even in the middle of the night
and so, here you are at the mc donald's while you're boyfriend is trying to order your favorite with the pokemon's famous "pika pika". people are drilling weird stares at the two of you. some are swooning as they recognized the two pro heroes in a matching onesie at 3 am ordering fast food.
you can hear the "aww's" and the "such a cute couple" from the crowd and these positive response makes your the electric hero grinning from ear to ear.
"ya hear that babe? we're the cute pro hero couple." he said as the both of you exit the establishment, chest heaving proudly and smile never leaving his face while swaying your conjoined hands in the air.
you softly yanked his arm signaling him to stop in the middle of the deserted parking lot as another silliness blossoming in your head.
why?" he chuckles when he saw a playful smirk tugging at the corner of your lips while your brows wiggling up and down, almost egging him to find out what you're up to.
as the best boyfriend that he claims to be, he already memorized the meanings behind every expression that pulls off your face and this one, at the moment, is the one where excitement always course through his body every time you have it on. this just means that another smiling, laughing, and fun moments with you that he cherishes with his entire being.
"hurry, hurry!" you shouts at him as he ran towards you. the timer sets down to 1 and another silly pose of you was captured. your phone was propped against the windshield of his car as you suggested having a photo shoot at the parking lot.
it's just not enough to parade the cute onesie that only took a quick exposure with a small crowd. so, why not make this chance to etch this crazy antic of yours with a photograph. "oh my god, babe! that's the cutest and not-so crazy idea you have come up so far," says your boyfriend with a squish of your cheeks and peck on your lips.
half an hour with the impromptu photo shoot, the both of you tried different couple poses which most of the crazy ones was suggested by denki. there was one where the both of you nearly got injured when he put you on his shoulder, both of your arms spreading wide as he balanced with only one foot. luckily, you managed successfully with the pose.
he managed to convince you to piggy back him, carry him in a bridal style, and even tried the fireman's carry with you. the whole shoot, both of your laughs reverberates through the empty space when he fail to pose on time or when he pull off the wackiest face. of course, there were also cute and intimate basic couple pictures.
"pro hero Chargebolt? i think you still have a deal with me to accomplish." you grin at him, waving your phone to remind him something. he sighs when he remembered what you were trying to say.
"oh, babe. do i have to?" he pouts at you, flashing the puppy eyes.
"but you made a promise with me?" now, it's your turn to pout. "well, if that made you feel uncomfortable, i would not force you. i'll respect that-"
"hey, hey, hey. it's just a joke, y/n. i just wanna practice if you're going to give in to my adorable puppy eyes, yeah?" a chuckle left your mouth. really, he's so cute.
"okay, you ready?"
"yep, rolling in 3...2...1, go!"
"pikachu, u-use thunderbolt!"
"pika...pika...chuu!" he exclaimed loudly enough for the customers to be disturbed.
you tried so hard, for the love of all might, to stifle your laughter but you just can't help it when you're boyfriend doing his best to imitate the pokemon's actions and using it's catchphrase while emitting his lighting quirk. he's surely an off brand pikachu.
"oh god, y/n. you're ruining the vid."
"i'm sorry, denki. i just can't help it. you really look so cute!" emphasizing every syllables so that he can really feel your admiration straight to his heart while your hands squishing his cheeks again.
the two of you decided to rest your limbs and eat the take out that's already been cold. with a small banter and jokes thrown either ways and denki doing the cheesiest things like kissing you out of the blue to clean the stray ketchup on the corner of your lips.
"i think there's a bit of mess right here." you told him, smirking at the dripping soda, he saw where you are pointing—your cleavage. he whines, "babe, come on. unless, do you want me to?"
"dance with me, yeah?" he blurts out as you're scrolling down your phone, checking the results of your photo shoot. he's already pulling your hand as he placed your phone at the hood of the car.
"no music?"
"nope" he replies, popping the p, while snaking his hands around your waist. you comfortably pressed your face at his chest as he draws you closer to his body, leaving no space between the two of you, his read resting atop of yours. "i can sing, you know."
you can't refute as it is true that the pro hero Chargebolt can in fact sing which made you really wonder why he didn't disclose it to the public to garner more female fans.
"i only want you to hear my sacred voice, y/n. only you." he once said with his serious tone which made you combust right then and there. because, holy shit, that's so heart flattering, blush-inducing, and makes you feel even more special.
"fuck, you're so beautiful." your eyes met his and you can feel his finger caressing the visible scar on your forehead before kissing it. and this moment feels like your back at your UA days when you both realize that you fell in love with each other.
"aww thank you, denki." heart swelling, you cupped his cheeks and tiptoed to place a kiss on his lips. this night adds to the list of the longest and genuine smile he ever had in his life time. "and you're the cutest, most handsome pro hero i ever love."
for a second, he can't articulate a sentence as electricity is going hay wire in his body at your declaration of love. he only regain his composure when you nuzzle your head at his chest. he continue to hum the familiar song as you gently sway with his body.
under the moonlight, two lovers slow dancing with the beat of their hearts synchronizing with the slow hum of the pro hero. they say that people become fools when it comes to love. indeed, they are. the proof is right at the middle of the parking lot of mc donald's with two fools in love swaying to the rhythm of their hearts.
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