#i'm sure many have already gone over this idc
missycolorful · 11 months
q!Phil will never accept q!Forever's love as it is now (and that's good for many reasons)
so, like, I totally understand why people are upset with Philza's rejection. Especially with how he kept repeating it over and over to Forever. A beating the dead horse kinda situation, it seems, yeah? Unforunately, this has to happen, with how Forever is acting.
He had made this very clear with BadBoyhalo the other day. When Bad asked "You don't like Philza for Philza?". Forever says "No, I never have."
Never, he said. Even if he might be lying a bit (like maybe he's saying this to ease BBH's feelings), for him to say that is... ouch.
And no, Phil wasn't there for that moment, but Phil seems to be aware of this, regardless. And Forever's heart is set on Brunim, not Philza. The references, the requests to imitate Brunim, et cetra. Right from the start, Forever only pursued Philza because of Brunim (that, and he gave him things, but that's still a plastic reason to have affection toward someone).
And Phil knows not to enable that. Imagining looking at someone, and realizing that they see someone else in your eyes. Imagine having moments that are probably genuine, but you can never be quite sure if you're both sharing a moment, because he's probably pretending he's sitting by someone else as the sun sets. That seems like such a shitty feeling, no wonder Philza keeps pushing him away.
Yes, he complimented Philza during the wedding, complimented stuff about Philza specifically (like his laugh), but that doesn't take away the feeling that you're basically just leftovers. Like "is he really saying this about me? or is he saying this so he can pretend I'm him when he has the chance?" Feeling like a replacement creates so much uncertainty, even if Forever acts genuine toward him.
And here's the thing: if Forever stopped obsessing over Brunim, if he accepted Philza fully as his own person, if he were to seek out Philza for Philza, Philza might give him a chance.
I don't know how likely in canon this is, tbh, because Philza, the content creator, has never really done gay rp, and it's clear he's a bit awkward and hesitant about it. Like, at most he'd probably just "give Forever a chance" by doing the whole flirting bit a la Fit. However, there's still some things that make me think that this idea isn't impossible.
For example, even when he rejects him, Phil emphasizes that he cares about Forever as a person; there's a connection there. Most of all, he keeps telling him it's because Forever is only thinking about someone else.
Look at any clip where he's pushing against Forever's advancements. That is pretty much the only thing he ever mentions when rejecting him. That's the huge obstacle here. It's about being projecting onto, and not feeling like you're valued for being you. If Forever were to treat him like his own person entirely, maybe they can have something.
(That, and I believe that q!Phil likes the attention Forever gives him, but this one I also can't be certain as to whether Philza intends it. It doesn't even in a romantic way, just, hey, he likes having someone to flirt around with cause it's fun. Because, like... Philza, why did you take a picture of Forever and then place your hand over your heart right after during Festa Junina? Motherfucker you literally let Forever (and others, granted) sit in your lap while saying "yeah this works" during Tallulah's birthday. You chased after him during the wedding to further rub in the "I'm not him" rejection.)
I'm... I'm just saying.
But overall, I really don't think this 'ship' is dead like others might. If anything I feel like this dynamic might be going in the direction it needs to develop and thrive. Like maybe we'll reach the point of "I like you for you. This is genuine. This is real. Let's have a healthy, balanced relationship." There's just no way they can get there until Brunim isn't a lingering presence.
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f0point5 · 7 days
Boob tapes are a hellsend honestly 😭 I bought one roll thinking I'd try it at home before using in public and girl. Worst experience of my life. Like imagine taking off very strong tape off your sensitive boobs. I used nipple covers but my god it was still so painful.
And it was still so visible? I almost used over half of the 5 m tape for just one wear, I had to make a whole ass cup out of it otherwise my boobs just spilled out in any direction not covered. But this also made the tape lines very visible and honestly also made my boobs weird shaped. You would not catch me in public with boob tape. This is once again something for the small boobie girlies but they don't even need it 😭
(could just be that I was shit at putting it on, but let's be real the feeling and the tape lines and all are still an issue)
I've been thinking about a breast reduction for ages, but I'm sacred of the procedure itself and how I'd look disproportionate afterwards, I'm not exactly overweight but I would need to loose some to make smaller boobs work and I ain't exercising either lol
Oh. Oh damn. Yeah maybe I’m gonna stay away from the tape lol. They never make it look like you need a lot but realistically you must because boobs are heavy.
Maybe you were crap at using it but honestly if you have to be a pro it’s not even worth it. I’m not going to spend an hour getting my boobs to not look like custard escaping a cracked bowl just to wear a strapless dress it’s not actually that deep. That’s honestly a gripe I have with so many beauty products. If it’s not absolutely idiot proof I will not buy it because I’m not going to become a hair/make up/boob tape artist I’m sorry I’m already pretty good looking I don’t need to try *that* hard.
I almost had a breast reduction when I was younger. Went for consultations but didn’t end up going through with it because I wasn’t happy with my body generally and I was cautioned that weight fluctuations will pretty much nullify the results because it’s not like there’s implants in there. And it was a smart decision because I have gone through a pretty dramatic transformation since and honestly it wouldn’t have been worth it. However, the surgeon I saw was very good (from pics of his previous work) at getting them to look proportional to your body, so I think it’s more about where you go.
When I had wanted the reduction, I legit thought I wanted b cups lol I was like I am so sick of having boobs I want to be flat chested 😂 but looking back that honestly would have made me shaped like an apple so glad I grew out of my discomfort with them. I’m not sure I’d give them up to be able to go braless because I do like having an hourglass shape (even if it’s a boxy hourglass thank you protruding hip bones 😭) but I would love to be like a C cup so at least they’d stay up in a strapless bra 😂
Also 🤝🤝🤝🤝 on the not exercising. Idc if I have to stay hungry I’m not gonna run.
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akhmatowa · 8 months
Hey, I saw your good omens posts and I just wanted to say that I agree with you so much!
I first watched good omens when season 2 was already out, and thought Beelzebub x Gabriel was cute, but the more I thought about it the less I liked it. The whole personality shift in both characters (especially Beelzebub) was kind of jarring and the relationship just not developed enough to be convincing, especially with only the few scenes in s2e6 in my opinion at least.
I personally prefer season 1 Beelzebub. I also missed the buzzing in their voice in season 2 and since that doesn't have to be actor related, it bothers me a lot even if its only a very small thing.
And you are one of the only ones I saw pointing out, that of all demons present in the bookshop Dagon, who was shown to shadow Beelzebub at many instances in season 1 and with that could have picked up on how to do a lot of the required work, should be the one being promoted, rather than Shax, which felt rather random and unearned. Realistically a Duke should become prince, right? Are there even more Dukes than just Hastur, as Ligur is dead and Dagon is under-duke? Are there more princes? The hierarchy in hell is even more confusing than the one in heaven.
I hope this little rant was okay and that you have a great week!
I LOVE ranting. Cannot overstate just how pro-ranting I am. (And thanks, I hope you have a wonderful week too <3)
I know my opinion on B/G couldn't not be influenced by the stew I'd been cooking in for 4 years, so it's very surprising to see a new fan sharing that perspective. The majority of responses I've seen so far is "I never really thought about them before but I guess they're kinda cute"... which, I guess, is fitting if you've never cared about the characters on their own and not as a ship.
And in order for that ship to happen they've changed Beelzebub so much I am still seething about it over a month later. What happened to my terrifying, buzzing, demanding respect, take-no-shit demon? Why did the new face come with completely different mannerisms, completely different behaviour, even completely different speech patterns? S1 Beelz spoke very commandingly, used very few words because they knew everyone would listen to them the first time. One side-eye was enough to shut the unneeded comments down! And I'm supposed to believe that the very same demon would become so jittery and chatty in just a couple of years? It's not that they were anxious about Gabriel, it's not like that's the first time something's ever gone wrong in their life. They say "love" changes people - and I could probably believe that if we've seen them less tense, more pensive, perhaps, but not this!!!
And the buzzing was such a great character touch - a very clever little blink-and-miss it detail that still gave a lot of insight to their character. What was the point in removing it!!! I refuse to believe that the new actress couldn't pronounce words with "z" from time to time!!!
As for the whole mess that's the bookshop scene: not only did they change Beelz completely, but they also really dumbed them down and made them seem so much more uncaring than they used to be. I'm sure I've already made that post, but they still cared at least somewhat about Hell before; and then seeing Gabriel knocked their brains out to the point of causing a political crisis there without a second thought. Watching them appoint their successor felt like "eenie meenie let it be you idc". The but about other Princes is so right - except Neil had Aziraphale guess Crowley's new name as Asmodeus, so... I guess he decided to keep them just as works of humans' imagination.
I can only hope that in S3 demons get some common sense and rebel against everything that's happened. (Although, given how low Neil's opinion of them is, I doubt it lol)
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honking-up-a-storm · 11 months
Using this page to start off the day cuz idc that there's some doodles already on it. I think it's gonna be another slow day, 4 handicap spots are open, more open past the entrance, and the main lot is very empty. It could fill up who knows, but my hopes aren't very high. Funny how active online I was in 16'-17', maybe it's because that's when a lot of current websites came out that have a clear record. Ungh, I want to do something where is everyone? I guess I can get some reading done today. As long as my feet hold up I guess. I knew there would be slow days, but slow and standing in one spot is killing me. Oh! I bought the book so I can properly do this, it should be coming in 5-14 days, though the seller is in state so it should be quick enough. One car, not gonna touch it since it has the handicap adapter on it, I could drive it but I don't wanna adjust the settings. I think this writing is good for a least cracking a dent in this book. Had a very deep dream where things were okay again, makes no sense. If it's a premonition, I don't want it. Could try reaching out to her though. I feel bad and I miss her. Taking the easy way out isn't cute. There's totally shit going through my head right now that's too fast to write FFS. It's cuz I'm thinking about IT, which is annoying. I've exhausted all thoughts on the subject, made my conclusions, pretty much moved on less than a week later due to good timing on the new circles. I guess I'm frustrated with my exit. I had more time than I thought. I guess it's only natural to have wanted things to go your way. It just sucks cuz I wasn't attached to those thoughts and words anymore and the grief I have for them is still very potent no matter how much I try to hide and deny It. I find it odd too that I didn't feel sad after, I thought over the scenario so many times that I was sure I'd just fall apart, but I didn't and don't feel sorry for myself cuz I was a full-on bitch who deserved it. The frustration and grief are what linger. And I think grief is the appropriate word bc jesus christ I loved them, I loved all of them and I don't know why I was that fucking monstrous (Well therapy helped find the route of that but still, tldr: Family source, took that kinda shit talking as a normal way to vent and be done with it bc worse shit has gone around the house and yet everyone claims to love each other, should have never done it to my friends). And I'm frustrated because jesus christ even though I don't remember much of the exit I know I was just spewing bullshit and was pissed beyond hell that it was happening while I was not in a good spot mentally and physically. They probably think I threw myself into therapy because of the situation, but nah it's because for the first time in my life I let myself stand a little too close to the edge of the train platform and envisioned some things. But shit the only thing that stopped me was my own fear of death and that girl who got her leg torn off by the green line a few days prior. Anywho I'm glad I'm better, obviously not cured or perfect but much much better. My paranoia is gone, I'm less irritable, and life is just enjoyable again. It's kinda funny how I'm working a job where I was only in it for the money (financial issues strike again when the V work is said) but like I'm having like actual fun working, it's literally the perfect job for someone with ADHD, every day is different and I get to move a lot, interact with a lotta people. Also like I work with cars all day, I love driving. I'm in my pink era, I'm starting to love life again.
A - Truman show/ Fleabagging, mirroring, mimicking, repeating, fixations, extremely picky with food, shutdown rather than lash out
M - Overstimulation, IFYKYK, sensory issues
N - Can drive, good balance
it feels like summer again
I am made up of so many things
Gift of the day from funny old dude regular: 3 Musketeers bar
"FTM" license plate is real
0 notes
baekhvuns · 1 year
I'm literally leaving Feb 1st and coming back mid-March 🤡 I hate that someone I know will see them on Valentine's Day, even though idc for that holiday, she's gonna brag about it 🔫 maybe I'll catch a sight of them in the summer, but knowing my luck lmao. Also I need to save a lot of money for Korea, I'll earn some, but travelling isn't cheap, so yeah can't really get distracted with other shit. But I think I'm gonna see CIX in January then, their tickets aren't extremely expensive
Noooooo why would they give people more sex ideas 😭 do you even know why is the avocado there? I don't think Canada is particularly known for 🥑
I know GOMs don't do it for charity, but if your main priority is to win as many fan signs as you can, something is not right
The guy in My Little Monster was a yandere, so possessive and sometimes abusive? The girl was strange too, they're really mismatched, and he needed psychological help for sure. The story wanted to tackle serious problems, but ofc minimised them so 💀 I think the only good recent romance anime are Horimiya and Kaguya Sama, but yeah I need the isekai rom-coms back <3
Okay, but I'll forever be team Tasir, I'm sorry but he's smart, funny, entertaining, dumb and slutty, with good fashion sense and I think him and Latil fit together 😭 if he turns out bad I'm gonna kms. But the soft dick story??? The Great Sage curing it, what's going oooooon.
I wanted Neymar to cry, not score. Fuck poor SK IT WAS CARNAGE. I don't really watch a lot of matches, at least not actively, but I hope an underdog wins lol, it would be funny. Lmao so true Sorry, but Key is G.O.A.T get with the times. Also what a dumb banner anyway?
Yes a week-long wedding. The theme hmmm, is vampire too obvious?
If you knew how Alaric's story has ended too, nasty nasty man on and off screen
You're right, I can't stand not being able to see blonde Hwa, so no one should. Bald it is!
I don't remember all the SuperM songs that well, tbh and I don't trust SM now except for solo work and Shinee, because everything else is so mid or bad 💀
Bestie I don't even have legit winter boots ahdyasghzhsjssbgsgs but the snow is gone at least for now. It should be law to cancel everything once snow falls, life is over
I know Hyuna and Dawn were THE kpop couple and relationship goals etc, but people need to sit the fuck down and let them be. Yeah they were public, but it doesn't mean we need to psychoanalyse them
I know my tutor isn't very good at maths, but at least he's good looking <3. Yunjin is so cool, and actually you might be onto something with the Krystal comparison? Knock Down is so so good, I also recommend Pirates by them if you don't know it already, the song makes me a lil crazy and stupid
Hmmm. I prefer the beach, I clearly sucked at certain subjects, FUCK JACOB TEAM VAMPIRES who cares about some wolf men, family... no comment 🤐 but forest green is pretty nice
I wanted to say Seonghwa adopted Soul, but maybe it's the other way round. 🥰
Bestie have you seen Disenchanted... what a garbage, if they do the same to Princess Diaries 🔪
Naomi legit looked at him lmao, also Lewis Hamilton, Rob... fashion shows always bring so many unlikely matches together. I saw Eunwoo chatting with Robert though
Really trying to make me give model Hwa a second chance, huh?
I got two versions of the album, the Hwa one and one full black(?) idek I just wanna kiss vampire Seonghwa
This is appalling.... how, why, I'm not the best cook, but this???
My vampire instincts are kicking in... - DV 💖
I'm literally leaving Feb 1st and coming back mid-March 🤡 I hate that someone I know will see them on Valentine's Day, even though idc for that holiday, she's gonna brag about it 🔫 maybe I'll catch a sight of them in the summer, but knowing my luck lmao. Also I need to save a lot of money for Korea, I'll earn some, but travelling isn't cheap, so yeah can't really get distracted with other shit. But I think I'm gonna see CIX in January then, their tickets aren't extremely expensive
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NAURRRRR STOP IT GET OUT 😭😭😭 stop bc block her rn idc idc u gotta CHOOSE YOU DBWMFBS,, maybe in summer tho! cb season and them tours again!!! earning big girl money! OOOOOO CIX???? PICTURES VIDEOS EVERYTHING WE NEED EVERYTHING !!!!!
Noooooo why would they give people more sex ideas 😭 do you even know why is the avocado there? I don't think Canada is particularly known for 🥑
😭😭😭 LMFAOOOO RIGHT ITS THE WAY PPL FOLLOW THEM FBWKD i have absolutely no idea but apparently an artist had made it so u can sit in it and reflect on ur uni experience and it has a shiny side so it reflects ??? a $20k statue just for hookups 🥰
I know GOMs don't do it for charity, but if your main priority is to win as many fan signs as you can, something is not right
yeah! like in the end of the day, most just do it out of the good, so the shipping is cheaper and ppl can get their wanted pc’s but this 😭😭😭 it’s too far 😭😭
The guy in My Little Monster was a yandere, so possessive and sometimes abusive? The girl was strange too, they're really mismatched, and he needed psychological help for sure. The story wanted to tackle serious problems, but ofc minimised them so 💀 I think the only good recent romance anime are Horimiya and Kaguya Sama, but yeah I need the isekai rom-coms back <3
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IM SORRY???? but ur right, we need a comeback of those animes we are deprived of romance
Okay, but I'll forever be team Tasir, I'm sorry but he's smart, funny, entertaining, dumb and slutty, with good fashion sense and I think him and Latil fit together 😭 if he turns out bad I'm gonna kms. But the soft dick story??? The Great Sage curing it, what's going oooooon.
LOOK IF SONNAUGHT DIDNT EXIST TASIR WOULD BE MY MAIN CHOICE, he’s so witty and dumb and a SLUT with a tiny waist, I SHIP THEM !!!! but sonnaught 😩😩 DBWKDHWK THE GREAT SAGE IS SO FUNNY HE GIVES KLEIN A RUN FOR HIS MONEY 😭😭😭 im very team sonnaught bc they give me the duke and the general vibes but reversed
I wanted Neymar to cry, not score. Fuck poor SK IT WAS CARNAGE. I don't really watch a lot of matches, at least not actively, but I hope an underdog wins lol, it would be funny. Lmao so true Sorry, but Key is G.O.A.T get with the times. Also what a dumb banner anyway?
ITS SO FUNNY FHWJDHQK 😭😭😭😭 IT TRULY WAS BUT THEY HAD A GOOD RUN! richarlison came at it again! japan could’ve been the new underdog if not for the missed penalties now its just all super predictable 😭😭 morocco tho! can be considered a underdog, their defense was SCARY,,, BDMWBDAKBDKW RONALDO COULD NEVER !!!!! no bc the banner thing is so funny, why r u comparing kpop to football 😭😭 in the end of the day who won that match anyways 😭🤚🏼 also 😭😭
Yes a week-long wedding. The theme hmmm, is vampire too obvious? /// If you knew how Alaric's story has ended too, nasty nasty man on and off screen
week long wedding AND A VAMPIRE CONCEPT??? BESTIE THE DRESS BETTER BE SOME FLOWY VAMPRESS ART !!!! …i just looked up what he did,, what the fuck???
You're right, I can't stand not being able to see blonde Hwa, so no one should. Bald it is! //// I don't remember all the SuperM songs that well, tbh and I don't trust SM now except for solo work and Shinee, because everything else is so mid or bad 💀
EXACTLY!! if u can’t see the blond, no one else in europe can 🔫🤚🏼 BALD IT ISNTJWJHDKW,, ur right,, sm truly has amazing solo projects,, they tend to give their older groups (ngl the rv cb’s have been mid, we need to stop the experimental and constant orchestral pieces! give us something like zoo! or something that actually screams S M,, not nct or aespa better songs + bsides recently, the whole experimental music thing has taken it away from actual music,, where did the sm harmonies go??? where iS THE TITLE TRACKS THAT WOULD HAVE WAS BY OUR NECKS??? the quality has been deteriorating ever since that chris lee began his reign 😭😭😭
Bestie I don't even have legit winter boots ahdyasghzhsjssbgsgs but the snow is gone at least for now. It should be law to cancel everything once snow falls, life is over
I know Hyuna and Dawn were THE kpop couple and relationship goals etc, but people need to sit the fuck down and let them be. Yeah they were public, but it doesn't mean we need to psychoanalyse them
RIGHTTTT!!! the over psychoanalysis of relationships ruin the thing, the whole kai and jennie thing??? looking at posts and connecting the dots and shit??? when it was months apart?? the thv jennie thing?? analyzing every SINGLE interaction,, ppl have way, way too much time on their hands, kpop’s beyond ‘scary’ just leave them alone 😭😭
I know my tutor isn't very good at maths, but at least he's good looking <3. Yunjin is so cool, and actually you might be onto something with the Krystal comparison? Knock Down is so so good, I also recommend Pirates by them if you don't know it already, the song makes me a lil crazy and stupid
LMFAOOOO and just that factor alone will help u pass <333 yunjin is so cool, her ig?? i wanna be her friend so bad, her charisma?? of the ROOF,, DO U SEE IT TOO??? I THOUGHT I WAS GOIKG CRAZY I KEEP SEEING KRYSTAL IN HER ???? im about to stan yunjin to my deathbed after this
wait bestie do u rmr this, another year went by now 😭😭 we could’ve got krystal lore,, or even her in the new sm’s got! SM NEEDS TO ROT!!!!!
they are onto something
Hmmm. I prefer the beach, I clearly sucked at certain subjects, FUCK JACOB TEAM VAMPIRES who cares about some wolf men, family... no comment 🤐 but forest green is pretty nice
FBWKDHWK SET US UP AGAIN HC I GOT THE SAME 🔫🔫🔫 WHEN I SAW THE TWILIGHT I IMMEDIATELY SCREAMED BC FURRIES 😭😭furry core <33 💖💓🥰☺️✨ forest green is! pretty nice, what a calming colour truly
I wanted to say Seonghwa adopted Soul, but maybe it's the other way round. 🥰 // Bestie have you seen Disenchanted... what a garbage, if they do the same to Princess Diaries 🔪
IT DEF IS THE OTHER WAY AROUND THEIR FRIENDSHIP IS SO PURE BUT AWKWARD BUT WHOLESOME 😭😭😭 stop i have not IS IT THAT BAD??? if they ruin princess diaries oHo they’re catching HANDS
Naomi legit looked at him lmao, also Lewis Hamilton, Rob... fashion shows always bring so many unlikely matches together. I saw Eunwoo chatting with Robert though
THEY ALL DID AND THE MF WENT TO EUNWOO ALL GIGGLY AND SHIT 😭😭😭 no bc what was mr hamilton doing there?? 😭😭 eunwoo & robert ate idc idc, two modern age vampires in one photo 🤌🏼
Really trying to make me give model Hwa a second chance, huh?
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I got two versions of the album, the Hwa one and one full black(?) idek I just wanna kiss vampire Seonghwa
This is appalling.... how, why, I'm not the best cook, but this??? // My vampire instincts are kicking in... - DV 💖
they’re this bad??? how are they gonna get someone to marry then if they cant cook?🤨 vampire instincts or a neck kink..
u ever just be so jealous of someone’s lips
and this? what goes on 😭😭
this yeosang edit!
and 😶😶
got another quiz bc they set us up
0 notes
bunny-xoxo · 3 years
Bunny’s 200 follower event
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request: Hiii!!! Congratulations on 200. I'm so so proud of youuu 🥰🥰🥰. I hope that you're getting enough rest and breaks and staying healthy and hydrated. I would like my matchups to be from AOT if that's okay with you :) My pronouns are she/her and I prefer men, my love language is quality time/ words of affirmations, and I show love through acts of service, affirmations and a little bit of physical touch. My personality type is INTP-A/INFP-A my T and F are split 50/50. My star sign is Aries. I like reading a lot, writing, baking, cooking and anything creative really. Or even sometimes I just like sitting in silence, thinking to myself, getting lost in my head. I absolutely hate going outside. It makes me feel very anxious and I need someone to go out with me, I hate going alone. And when I do go out I always hold onto someone's sleeve or the back of their top, especially in crowded places. I'm a very open minded relaxed person, very witty and I enjoy making people laugh and having a laugh with people. Not open with my emotions, I like to keep them to myself and dont like sharing them, but I will always be willing to listen to your problems. For me, I'd want a partner that isnt really really immature or really really serious. Someone that can switch between the two. I dont like loud people at all. It really gets on my nerves, I prefer someone who's quite but can be loud if necessary as well. Personally, I switch really easily and quickly between being silly and being not so silly, so someone that can read my moods (not that I have that many) and someone that can read the vibe of the room. Also because I dont like going outside in crowds that much, id want someone to go on cute little domestic dates at home with or outside with. Please dont laugh at me, I'm really short, I'm just about 5ft 2, and quite chubby. I used to have long, dark brown, straight, hair up to my bum but I impulsively cut it up to my boobs. So it's still long but not that long. I'd consider myself a switch as I do like to be in control quite a lot of the time, but I also dont mind being the bottom as well. I'm more comfortable with giving that receiving tbh. Ummm I cant think of anything else so yeah. Thank you so so much!!! This is really really long, I'm sorry about that. But please make sure you're taking regular breaks and not over working yourself. Make sure you're drinking water!!!! Thank youuu xxx
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a/n: omg pls no why would I laugh at you asjfkskaks! You sound lovely ☺️ ❣️ I hope you enjoy this matchup and omg capricorn twins 💪🏼 also jesus thank you @plutowrites for help with this one! I was having some trouble deciding who I’d match you up with! Also this deleted half way through and I wanted to scream, but it’s ok now 😀 also thank you for your kind words🥺🤲🏼
Warnings: NSFW themes, minors please DNI
Reading your request, you have been matched with...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Erwin Smith
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I think he’d be perfect for you!
He’d be the perfect calm between serious and goofy 💓
He’d be good at keeping up with a silly conversation and making jokes here and there but also know when it’s time to be serious with you
Ok he would LOVE if you were to hold his shirt while walking through a crowd or just being in public in general
He’s the type of guys who likes to take care of his significant other and would be happy you let him do that
King of making pasta and a four course fancy meal at home
You would say date night but at home and he would go a little over the top like,,, mf made a menu, printed AND laminated it omg what a nerd
He’d learn to reel it in though 🖤
Ugh probably takes you on a drive to a private spot for a picnic omg
And the sandwiches are cut into tiny little squares omg
He’s so cute pls 😭
Ok I also think his love language would be quality time!!
He’d love for you to even sit in his office while he does work, you don’t even have to be talking he just loves your company tbh
He’d love for you to follow him everywhere cause he loves your presence! It does not matter how small the task is pls
Getting gas? Hop in!
Dropping off something at work? You’re already buckled up
Going to the post office? Your seat warmer is already on
Sorry not sorry he calls you puppy he finds it so cute! !
It started off teasing you cause you guys were always following each other around like lost puppies so one day he just
“C’mon puppy! Let’s go!”
And he just thought it was so cute and fitting and now it stuck
And because of your height he loves to pat your head and ruffle your hair, especially if he’s calling you puppy he does NOT care LMAO
I do see him as a top but I think he definitely wouldn’t mind you taking control he’d find it so sexy cmon now, but he would make it a tiny bit of a fight for dominance even if he lowkey likes letting you win hehe
Ok also he’s a big blusher he’d be a pretty bottom idc
Your acts of service would make him feel so loved deadass
Like you doing little things to help with the burden of his workload??
Yeah he’s keeping you forever
Your vibe reminds me of...
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Another suitable match for you would be...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Jean Kirschtein
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It was kind of hard to think of a perfect second match but I think Jean would be good for you!!!
He really matures through the show and I think he’d be really good at being in tune with your emotions!
He’d be able to tell the slightest change in your mood and is checking in with you in a matter of milliseconds
Would also love how you hold onto him in public
Like he’d just be so 🥺🤲🏼 my little baby
Yeah and then you’re topping him later like who’s the little baby now
But he PURPOSELY wear shirts loose enough for you to grab onto
If you had to go somewhere without him and were super anxious about it he would have you wear one of his hoodies and have his ringer on the whole time you were gone in case you needed him (this mf phone always blowin up so the ringers usually off LMAO)
Bake Jean any kind of treat and he is your slave for a week
I’m not kidding this man will just melt
Especially if it was intended for him and not just a treat you made??? Yeah
He’s gonna cry a lil
He’s a STUPID big softie
He wishes he could wrap you up and put you in his pocket he just wants to take you wherever he goes
Ok he wouldn’t want to admit but he loves when you top him 🤭 like he’d be such a brat about it but if you’re not a bottom “at all” Jean why does it keep happening 🤨?
He’s only really ~loud around eren so I feel like he’s chill when it’s the two of you 🖤 but if he’s ever being a little too much for you comfort and draining your social battery he’ll notice and try to chill out a bit
And will make up for it with a ~very cuddly nap sesh
Your vibe reminds me of...
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I was trying so hard to give you a perfect match I hope you liked it and I’d love to hear back from you!! I hope you enjoy!
Requests are open until February 26th 8:00 pm PST
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
So OperationBardo came out as a PR Twitter. Jason was aware of them. They gave out real and fake spoilers which I remember you saying would be the smart thing for spoiler accounts to do. Now they said Bellarke kiss but are not endgame. Now to me Bellarke kissing but then both dying I would still consider that as them being endgame. But I'm sure others wouldn't by definition of the term. What's your interpretation of a Bellarke endgame?
Honestly I think there are many ways to have endgame. Some of them happier than others. And I don’t really know how to answer that question.
He’s already said the show will have a bittersweet happy ending, he didn’t know if he’d end with hope for our heroes, or hope for everyone but not our heroes, that this is a TRAGEDY.
I still believe that according to the narrative of the show, in order to succeed, TOGETHER is the key phrase, and so is The Head and The Heart. And because Bellarke is the backbone of the show, the main relationship and the symbolic center of everything, that should mean that they end up together in an ending that has our heroes reaching victory and redeeming humanity. They have led their family to ALSO become heroes and leaders, so someone is there to take over after they are gone.
The metaphor of the binary stars is one that can be used here, because yes, the binary stars might go on forever in an equilibrium never meeting, but the story of bellarke, two soulmates who have been revolving around each other but not meeting are INDEED getting closer. What happens when they meet? They can either become one or they can supernova. 
Trying to figure out what that statement means, which might or might not be a fake spoiler (I TOLD YOU) and is quite likely to be misleading or at least ambiguous so that you could look at it multiple ways, since that’s the biggest secret they’ve had on this show, will they won’t they, is how you use it to help you figure out what it means.
Is BC kissing a truth or a lie?
Is not endgame a truth or a lie? 
Is not endgame an AMBIGUOUS statement that is messing with the definition of endgame? HOW might it be ambiguous? If they don’t make it to the end, then that’s not endgame maybe. Like if Bellamy dies after fifty years and they find Clarke alone, his widow after 51 years. OR they both die before the end of the story leaving only Clarke’s minddrive to tell the story of how they died together? Or their romance does not reflect on the endgame of the story which is about the last test/war? Or one of them dies and the other lives on honoring them? Or they both die but never get to really be together? Or there is no happily ever after because maybe endgame only counts if it’s happily ever after? Or they both find OTHER love interests to stick with? 
And I don’t actually remember what they said. Did they say bc wasn’t endgame? I just saw them say “i believe we said kiss, not endgame.” So does that mean what they SAID was kiss not endgame? It’s how the sentence was constructed. 
But it doesn’t matter what they actually said, they didn’t ruin it. If they said Bellarke wasn’t endgame, that could be a fake spoiler, which would fit with the whole “we can’t spoil whether or not bellarke is endgame” thing they’ve been doing for years. BUT it looks like that kiss script is real, which means canon, bitches.
I’m still holding out for endgame, whatever that ends up meaning. And not just some half way sorta interpretation. But my marperly ever after theory. Which could be counted in lack of endgame if they “die” before we get to the end of the series. Their game doesn’t reach the end. IDK and IDC. I’m sticking to my own theories backed up with canon narrative. And I’m quite pleased with this turn of events.
ANYWAY I just searched ob on twitter and am seeing people FURIOUS because it’s an official spoiler account and part of marketing and they feel betrayed that it was approved by JR. Which is just HYSTERICAL. 
I told y’all they are never satisfied. JR GIVES them real spoilers and infos, and adds in some fakes to not really spoil the excitement, and they take it as “manipulation” and not, like a gift. THEY WANTED MARKETING. They wanted spoilers. They wanted to be told what was coming. AND THEY GET IT. 
And it’s wrong/a betrayal?
Just nonsense. Total nonsense. Proving that all they want to do is find an enemy.
They’re less mad at the real fakes than they are at marketing trying to drum up excitement, make people think, toss out hints and not ruin it.
I am GLAD that they said some of it is real and some of it is fake. It’s like a that game, two truths and a lie and FAR more fun than some bitchy blorke or pineapple trying to ruin things for all the fans. 
What a delightful confession. Just so y’all know, I still think it’s bob and eliza. Their personalities match. So imagine y’all hating on bob and eliza, if it’s them, because they got freaking permission from JR. :/
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fanfics-await-you · 4 years
I never know what to expect from him (Part 3)
Pairing: Poe Dameron/Female OC
Summary: Poe Dameron is your friend, your fellow resistance fighter, but most of all he's a goddamn pain in your ass. And yeah, maybe you're falling for him and well yes, it seems like he's falling for you too, but now REALLY isn't the time.
Tags: angst, a pair of dumbasses unnecessarily complicating things, minor ROS spoilers
notes:  sorry it took so long, i'm bad at this lol. also I get the fleet is stretch but idc my dudes. Also, you KNOW that poe is a dramatic bitch, like plz. and yes, another part is coming.
Inspired by: @polkanote‘s post & @andhumanslovedstories‘s post
Word Count: 1,991
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Everything is black; the sky, the parachute above me, and the earth beneath that's threatening to swallow me as I draw closer and closer. My downward climb has started to slow, and I pull at the strings to try and control my landing. I spy a fleet of grounded enemy fighters and angle towards them. The lightning's gone but I still feel an awful ghost of the choking sensation.
I'm almost on the ground, just a little more, c'mon-
I hear a deafening explosion from above me just before its tumultuous heat and force hits me as a wall. It sends me flying down for the last few metres of my descent.
I'm not sure if I blacked out at all but holy shit did that fall hurt. My head's bleeding and some ribs are definitely cracked but I'm alive.
Now I've just got to keep it that way.
I roll over onto my back and stare up at the night sky; it is almost completely blotted out by ships.
I don't remember there being that many s- wait…
Despite myself and the pain in my chest, I can't help but raise my fist in the air and shout, "They came! The Resistance came!"
The sky is filled to every corner with Resistance ships of every size and standard and colour, and it is a sight like no other. This spark of hope gives me the strength to clamber to my feet and start towards the fighters.
I'm climbing into the nearest fighter when the terrible screech of tearing metal freezes me in my tracks. I look up to see a First Order Star Destroyer swiftly plunge into the earth, and seconds later a powerful shockwave almost knocks me to the ground. My head is still painfully ringing and for a second, I can't move. Then the moment passes, and it subsides. I scan the fight above and see more Destroyers are falling to the guns of our fleet.
While this brings me great joy, it also means that I am running out of time. I scramble up into the cockpit and start the engine.
More and more Star Destroyers are crashing into the black earth, sending up dust that clouds my vision and setting off earthquakes that shake the entire ship. Just as I get the fighter to hover off the ground, I'm cloaked in shadow. I don't want to look up, already knowing what's coming, but I can't help it. A massive Destroyer is hurtling towards me and I need to move now. I push the throttle and shoot forwards. Right now, I'm not so concerned with up so much as with surviving.
I'm transmitting my call sign on every frequency, but it seems Resistance fighters aren't willing to look past the insignia of the side of my ship. I sharply ascend to avoid a crashing Destroyer only to be met by friendly fire. As much as I want to stick around to see this battle through, I need to get out of here before I'm shot down by my own side. The rapid turns and evasions are also making me feel like my head is going to explode.
As I fly, I try to spot Poe's X-wing but there is too much chaos. You better still be airborne, Poe Dameron. I still have a lot to say to you, asshole.
Suddenly, I see a patch of clear sky and gun the engine while still trying to shake the Resistance X-wing on my tail. I break through the atmosphere and start punching in the coordinates for Ajan Kloss. Thankfully, the X-wing quickly returns to battle, evidently more concerned with the remaining Star Destroyers than a sole First Order deserter. The static ringing of unconsciousness is resonating around my head, calling me to let go, but I can't stop, not yet.
If I pass out here, my own friends will shoot me out of the sky.
I enter the last number and start the jump to lightspeed. The kaleidoscope of lights has barely begun before I finally slip into the black.
"I repeat, unregistered fighter, do not enter atmosphere or you will be shot down!"
Why…Why would I be shot down?...Who's shooting me?...
"First Order TIE Fighter, if you enter Ajan Kloss airspace, you will be shot down!"
Wait…First Order…Shit!
"Wait! This is X-wing pilot Kessandra James, call sign Black Eight. My X-wing was shot down over Exegol. Please don't shoot me." The words are slightly slurred.
"Kessandra? I- Ok, I'm going to need confirmation. What's your pilot code?"
I… I can't remember.
"I- Uh- 178...4…9? I'm going to be honest with you, I think I have a concussion and I can't remember. Please don't shoot."
"Crap, ok...Well- that's close, um- you can land but- you step out of line and we will take you down."
"Duly noted, sir, and sorry if I screw up the landing."
The time between being in orbit and landing on the Ajan Kloss runway passes in a colourful blur. I do land alright (how exactly, I'm really not sure) and flick open the hatch before even killing the engine. Eventually, the drive does fall silent and I'm thankful for the lull. Maker, I'm so tired.
"Kessandra!" The voice is very distant and indistinct.
"Kessandra James, call sign Black Eight… Are the other pilots back?" I just can't keep my eyes open.
"Kess, you're hurt!"
"Where is Poe? Is he safe?"
Someone is speaking but I can't understand them. I'm home. But where's Poe? He better be alright. I don't know what to do if he's not.
"Poe…Where's Poe?" I close my eyes and sink into the awaiting darkness.
The homecoming to Ajan Kloss is bittersweet. The First Order is dead but what we lost…I don't know if I can bear it. I'm so thankful for Finn beside me; I let him take all questions and congratulations while I silently nod and attempt to smile. Normally, I can act like the others; celebrate the living now and ask forgiveness from the dead later. But Kess is gone and I'm not sure how much meaning there is left in the universe without her.
What's the point of surviving the war if home's nothing but ashes?
When I see Rey amongst the crowd, bloodied but very much alive, for a second everything's ok. Finn and I sprint towards her and we envelope each other. Amidst the chaos, we stay that way for a little while, just holding each other tightly.
"I'm so sorry, Poe," Rey's voice is grief-stricken.
I pull away to look Rey in the face. There are tears streaming down her face and for a second, I can't say it. I can't say the words and make it true.
"First Leia and now- I was so close and then she just-" I crack.
I can't bear to look at either of them as the tears start, "What am I supposed to do?! Kess- She- She's dead!"
As I drop to my knees and feel the grief sink into my chest, Rey and Finn follow me and hold me close while I weep for what I've lost.
It turns out that being alone is worse. I can hear the voices of those who will never return from Exegol and the gentle memories feel like accusations of guilt. But loudest of them all, the one that echoes off the walls of my empty room, is Kess' laugh. It always made me smile but now it's just causes my chest to ache.
I can't bear the quiet. "I told you that you had to survive, Kess…Now I don't know what to do without you."
The silence offers no answer. It feels like a condemning witness, reminding me that this is inevitable, that I will always end up alone. Numbly, I turn on the music player to break the still. The opening strings of a waltz begins, and a memory rises without warning.
"I told you that I can't dance, Poe." Kess seems slightly shy about the fact.
Her hair is loose around her shoulders for once and she looks glorious. I catch myself reaching up touch it and instead offer my hand.
"That's just because you never had an excellent teacher like myself."
Kess rolls her eyes. "One day that ego is going to bite you the ass, you know that?"
My tone is honey sweet, "That's why I keep you around to keep me in check, my dear Kess,"
She huffs in faux annoyance but steps forward to take my hand anyway. The warmth of her hand is intoxicating, and I draw her closer automatically. As we gently bump into each other, Kess raises a curious eyebrow and I'm lost in her eyes for a moment. She squeezes my hand, and I'm back.
I squeeze back. "Let's begin. I'll make a dancer of you yet."
I lay back onto the bed slowly as the music drifts over me. I can feel the ghost of her as Kess' gentle laughter starts the tears all over again.
"Poe, I don't want to stand on your feet, I'll hurt you!"
"Don't worry about me, Kess, you can't hurt me."
"Poe, you-"
There's a series of sharp knocks on the door.
Finn's voice is faint through the metal, "Poe, I know you're in there. It's me, open up!"
The hint of urgency in his voice has me immediately on my feet. Please don't let the First Order be on its way. I don't think I have the strength. The door slides open with a clang. The fear loosens its grip on my heart when I see the massive smile on his face.
"She's alive, Poe! Kess is alive!"
I grab Finn by the shoulders to stay upright. My head is filled with white noise and my mouth won't work.
"I was in the medical wing with Rey and Dr Tsuana, you know her, she asked me-"
I cut him off by shaking him. "You're sure? Finn, are you sure? Because I can't- If she's not- I…" My voice trembles and trails off.
Steadily, Finn cradles my face so I'm forced to look him in the eye and nods.
"I saw her with my own eyes, Poe. She's unconscious but is going to be alright. Poe, Kess is alive!"
It takes a couple of seconds to properly compute, to sink in, and for my heart to tentatively accept it.
Shaking Finn off, I start running. I don't care that I'm barefoot, all that matters is that Kess is alive. I can hear Finn yelling behind me but I'm not waiting. The people that see me coming jump out of the way and shout out questions as I run past. The ones that don't are pulled out of the way by their friends. Finn is offering answers and excuses in my trail of disorder but I'll deal with the consequences later. I push through the medical wing door with a slam.
I shout at the nearest orderly, "Where is Kessandra James?!"
He meekly points down the corridor and I'm off again. As I round the corner, a hand grabs my wrist and I turn to see Dr Tsuana.
Her tone is measured, "She's just down here. You need to slow down, General, this is no place to run…Follow me."
Despite every instinct telling me to go, I fall into pace beside her. She slowly (so damn slowly) walks down the passage until reaching a non-descript door.
"Don't wake her, Dameron." Dr Tsuana turns away.
My heart's racing but I suddenly find that I'm nervous to open the door. There is this heavy fear in my stomach that there's been a mistake, that I'll open the door and someone who's not Kess will be there. To lose her once was one thing, but twice… I push away the thought and open the door.
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Ali & Carly
Ali: oi walsh Ali: wanna go to a party where the guestlist is undesirable Ali: not in the cool way Ali: but the drinks will be aplenty Carly: u had me @ party but keep talking Ali: obviously you love when I chat you up Ali: family function but they ain't gonna force smalltalk on you w the booze, like so no fear Carly: love wen ur offering 2 take me away Carly: compliments are a beautiful bonus Carly: ur hot bro gonna b there?? Ali: easy Ali: take you somewhere better than wherever he is after if you play your cards right Ali: and someone isn't too OD'd on beer and BBQ by tonight to organise a decent shindig Carly: yea lads r sooo easy Carly: its boring Carly: showing my cards we should get some 💊 & fly through it Ali: 👌 Ali: sadly my mother refuses to address her issues so no stocked medicine cabinet here to raid Ali: I'll ask about Carly: ha Carly: mine don't Carly: I've got this Carly: show your love later Ali: 🙌 Ali: gimme her number Ali: put in the groundwork now like the overachiever I am Carly: [does give her number out] Carly: k but you love me more Ali: obviously Ali: love of my life Ali: gotta rep my manners with your ma though Carly: said as ur slipping ur 💍 off & giving some other bitch the 👀 Carly: how my da works Ali: hmm Ali: better leave her alone then Ali: don't need to repeat her mistakes Carly: if 1 person did the cabinet wouldn't be full for us Carly: let's keep one 'rent 💔 at a time Ali: smart Ali: that's why you're my bae Carly: its cos I kno how to juggle 💘 Carly: & other body parts ofc Ali: 😂 Ali: and a decent trip, hopefully 🤞 Ali: your mum's got a mixture, yeah or do I need to bring tissues Ali: or 🥊 Ali: what's the #mood Carly: whatever you want it to be baby Carly: shes got docs wrapped around her finger Carly: hers anyway Carly: mine's a woman & she refuses to flirt w her own gender Ali: k am a bit in love with her now Ali: soz Ali: clearly send her in, she'll change her tune and your prescription Carly: other than my da who isnt Carly: taught me everything I kno Carly: leave her a message she'll hit you back if you pretend to be hot lad Ali: 💔 that Carly: same I could have two mas Carly: more clothes & drugs to steal Ali: idk, my missus might reckon your da's a style icon Carly: ha Carly: she coming? Ali: nah Ali: you wanna see actual flirting w a middle-aged woman, like, she's your woman Ali: I can't Carly: on her bday she'll propose a 3way w ur ma Carly: been there Ali: 🤢 Ali: that's vile Ali: her diehard need to be more chivalrous than any man should work in my favour for once, like Carly: k Carly: tell me I'm wrong wen she's 1 year older & you ain't had to nah that Ali: bold of you to assume we won't be happily married by then, babe Ali: it ain't til feb Ali: hint hint buy me something Carly: ur married to me Carly: so you gotta say no Carly: & i kno ur a typical aquarius Carly: but I said hers you weren't listening such a hubby mood Ali: wish I could be the man you want and say I don't remember when it is Ali: but I think I do so Ali: 💔 fucking estrogen and empathy strikes again Ali: ultimate cockblock Carly: im not wrapping myself in a ribbon for her so idc when it is Ali: gutted for her Ali: when's yours then Carly: I'm a gemini girl Carly: guess Ali: ah fuck Ali: gonna have to kick it belated Ali: just means I have to go harder so enjoy Ali: hmm Ali: gonna go for 21st Carly: 😢 Carly: nope Ali: damn Ali: just wishful thinking I'd only just missed it, tbh Ali: it's June though, not May Ali: I'm positive Carly: yea Ali: I'll ask our mans Ali: shake him down for all that knowledge I'm sure he's hiding Carly: try it Carly: be funny Carly: how wrong he is Ali: counting on it Ali: how else am I stealing his girl Carly: im not his Carly: already yours Ali: 'course Ali: you seen him much since partygate Carly: just waved him out before you hit me w your invite Carly: y i said yea so fast Ali: I get it Ali: making him leave was always harder than it had any right being Ali: least he didn't invite himself Carly: he makes himself comfortable if I am or not Carly: revolving door on this caravan too so Ali: having 'nam flashbacks Ali: yikes Ali: let's not waste any more time talking 'bout exes tonight Ali: or currents Carly: did your ma let him in on her way out too or does she only like the girls ur w? Carly: aw you don't wanna talk Carly: let me apply gloss hold on Ali: safe to assume he's not coming 'cos of multiple people Ali: not just Lene Ali: 🍓 if you got it, babe Carly: & she's not coming cos of multiple ppl not just ur ma Carly: you not a 🍒 girl hm Carly: interesting Ali: she's not coming 'cos I ain't asked her Ali: awkward if my mother has taken the initiative but help the party go with a swing, I guess Ali: nah, you're a 🍓 girl Ali: too sweet for 🍒 Carly: cos you asked me i kno 😍 so cute Carly: aw you want me to taste how i naturally do Carly: even cuter Ali: be more fun Ali: invite her to my next protest or something more fitting Ali: nothing personal Carly: hey i can be loud Carly: do it all the time Ali: aw you want all her invites now? 😏 Carly: yea Carly: you want me you got me 💍 Ali: alright Ali: you're on Carly: k Ali: get ready for so many adventures Carly: 😊 Carly: wot am i wearing to this 1? Carly: gotta dress for hot bros & disapproving mas Ali: 🙄 Ali: if that's the mood you wanna go for Ali: though idk why you'd choose that over turning my head but go off, honey Carly: i can do that in what Im wearing rn Carly: gimme a challenge Ali: love the confidence Ali: my ma ain't but you will need it with my brother Carly: they all play hard to get until i get there Carly: being easy keeps it easy for them Carly: not my first bbq Ali: nah babe Ali: remember, we're ditching before it gets to that part of the evening Ali: soz to 💔 but I'll be nicer about it than he would so also welcome Carly: throw the keys in the salad bowl as soon as i get there idc Carly: no foreplay needed Ali: gotta get you outta the caravan park more, babe7 Carly: yea Carly: im walking now before he can follow me Ali: meet you halfway? Ali: will bring a crowbar if he's being that clingy Carly: ha Carly: im in the stash don't be sad Carly: ill leave you lots Ali: 👍 leave me chance to catch up too and no worries Carly: ofc Carly: 💙 Ali: you're a doll Carly: yea thats y everyone wants to fuck me Ali: nah Ali: plenty of other reasons for that though Carly: its k you dont need to list off ur compliments 1 per 💊 Carly: i feel the love Ali: you ain't saving me that many, I know 💚 Carly: aw Carly: ur so sweet Ali: nicer to my wives than my girlfriends, obvs Ali: pecking order Carly: 😊 Carly: she's still lucky to have you cos ur an angel to me Ali: you Ali: trust, no angel Ali: and that ain't some juvenile attempt at a brag there Carly: it's a flirt 😈😉 ha Carly: you wanna misbehave w me in front of your whole fam im there Ali: assuming my brother ain't up for it, obvs Carly: cant i have both Carly: what kind of bi r u Ali: one that don't like her brother's handmedowns Ali: lived that life long enough Ali: he ain't a style icon either Carly: ur first Carly: hes maybe Ali: was hoping if we skipped ronan and lene off the guestlist we could avoid the punch-up, tbh babe Carly: aw you dont wanna fight for me Carly: 💔😢 Ali: I mean my brother's girlfriend will have you Ali: only tryna protect, not kill your vibe Carly: scarier than your gf? Ali: deffo Ali: she wishes, the real threesome request that'll spell the end of it all 🙄 Carly: hes forgotten then Carly: be more fun just me & you Ali: obviously Ali: been tryna tell you but easier to prove it Carly: k Carly: ready when you are Ali: soz, forgot shoes Ali: gimme 5 Carly: ha Carly: im not wearing any & im fine Carly: you just wanna do a last mirror check for me 💙 so cute Ali: 😂 Ali: such a pisstake, you walsh Carly: part time flower child you Carly: but its k i still love you Ali: just defending why I'm being so slow Ali: obvs my 😍 weighing me down but lemme have some pride, woman Carly: ha Carly: you're my cute 🐌 Ali: now you're gonna be adorable, fucking hell Ali: you're dangerous Carly: if you cant handle me now wait til I come up Carly: 💊s are the real danger baby Ali: I'll be caught up by then Ali: might have to double-down but I can handle that, no worries Carly: they r being so slow 😢😢😢 Ali: ride it out, baby Carly: you sounded like him then Carly: except hes never called me baby ever Ali: oh dear Ali: I've gone full dickhead Ali: 😬 Ali: I'll take it down a notch Carly: no youre being sweet Carly: theres just lots of ways to trigger a fuck flashback when youre me Carly: dont change Ali: dunno if I could but glad you still wanna keep me around Carly: ofc Carly: i love you Ali: you're so pure Carly: not for years soz boo Carly: & this stash aint either Carly: such a let down 💔😢 Ali: shh Ali: we can make it work Ali: there's enough here to get crossfaded Carly: just dont hate me k Ali: why and how could I ever Ali: silly wabbit Carly: easily Carly: my phones full of Ali: you gonna fuck my girlfriend? Ali: or me and leg it Ali: neither's likely so we're all good, baby girl Carly: she scares me still even if she would have an amazing collection of giant strap ons Ali: 😂 Ali: well I can neither confirm nor deny Carly: no need its every lesbian of her kind Carly: labelled herself Ali: just don't bring up penis envy Ali: she'll lose it Ali: #freudstarteditbabe Carly: can i ask her what she'd do first if she woke up w one? Carly: fave ice breaker Ali: it is gold Ali: but save it 'cos it's just me and you remember Carly: do you wanna know my answer Ali: of course Carly: guess Carly: you owe me a right answer for my wrong bday Ali: Hmm okay Ali: would you Ali: bang as many people as humanly possible Carly: i do that anyway Ali: well you get banged, if we wanna be misogynistic about it Ali: I know what I'd do Carly: more fun with more holes tho so I'm not mad Carly: first thing I'd do is measure to see if I need to brag or exaggerate Ali: pragmatic of you Ali: hadn't even considered that Carly: wanna know if mine's bigger than the lads I've been w ofc Carly: size matters idc what small dicked lads are trying to say Ali: yeah but they're always thinking length when really Ali: girth is where it's at Carly: yea Carly: shouldve taught that in school Ali: how to measure circumference Ali: they defs did Carly: yea?? Carly: idk Ali: I'll show you Ali: on a beer can Ali: unrealistic expectation but you get the idea Carly: all my expectations r unrealistic Carly: make me cum is a stretch for most lads on site Ali: babe Ali: gonna make me 😥 Carly: youre the pure 1 aint you Carly: aw Ali: hardly Ali: saying at least I get that, like Ali: minimum Carly: your gf has some uses that arent being your ma's BFF Ali: precisely Ali: I would've been a bit kinder with it but in a nutshell Ali: what about ronan at least Carly: have you forgotten him now youve upgraded Carly: shouldnt need my review Ali: shh, he'll cry Carly: he was when i wouldnt let him stay for dinner idc Ali: poor boy 😏 Carly: one of his other girls can cook for him Carly: my ma aint there & i aint doing it Ali: he needs to just give in and marry one of his own Ali: it's what he wants, no matter what he reckons Carly: he told me he is Carly: but hes said worse for a fuck so idk Ali: rude Ali: where's my invite to mourn my loss, boy Carly: ill tell him to text you Carly: wont have lost your number Ali: got the drunk texts to prove it Ali: bless Carly: ha Carly: only answer mine tho Carly: 💍 perks Ali: only if I ain't also there with ya Carly: yea Carly: youre gonna b w me forever so Ali: I'll just tell you in person then Ali: if you tell me Ali: deal? Carly: k Carly: i feel happy Carly: 😊😊😊😊😊 Ali: you're on your way Ali: where are you, btw Carly: the longest road ever Ali: hm, tell me about it Ali: I'll run Ali: in dramatic, sexy slo-mo Carly: me too Carly: only way i run Carly: see you when we collide Ali: wifey goals Ali: won't even try and make it our lips that collide Ali: scout's honour Carly: anticipations more fun Carly: plenty of other places I can touch you first Ali: we'll pretend you meant my 💘 Carly: i did that first night @ first 👀 Ali: no lie, we'll have to think of somewhere else innocent-sounding then Ali: do some experimenting, straight girl Carly: i have Carly: i told you ready when you are Ali: I told you, dangerous Carly: only if you get caught Carly: i won't tell if you don't Carly: so good at keeping secrets Ali: I'll sort it Ali: I made vows Ali: she'll understand Carly: were just taking them seriously Carly: nobody can be mad about that Ali: deadly, like Ali: also forgot a bra, naturally and this run is killing me Carly: somewhere innocent I can touch you then Carly: god works in obvious ways Carly: like you Ali: please Ali: if I was doing it for your benefit sure I'd put one on Ali: show 'em off Carly: you kno you dont need to Carly: not your first bbq either Ali: 😏 Ali: maybe Carly: no maybe u kno Carly: & you can feel my 😍 Carly: travelling faster than my slo mo run Ali: love being your wcw, babe 😉 Carly: idk what that is Carly: but if the first letters arent wild child I'm sad Ali: that's far less straight girl so we'll go with it Ali: hope for you yet, like Carly: youre not gonna tell me what it means Ali: woman crush wednesday Ali: used exclusively by girls like Leesha and that Carly: omg i think my ma said that @ the telly the other night Carly: it wasnt wednesday Ali: feeling like hyping up Chezza whatever the night Ali: I 👀 you Carly: but youre wrong Carly: i dont have a crush on you i love you Ali: so if I need a kidney you're down Ali: but no gay shit Ali: 👌 Carly: yea cos whats mine is yours Carly: all of me Carly: so you can have anything you want Ali: good to know Ali: make a killing on the black market Carly: just tell me if youre draining me in the tub so i can have a good last nite before Carly: & stop making me beg for gay shit that's not a mood Carly: i dont do the begging its the other way round Carly: ask anyone Ali: of course Ali: I ain't an animal Ali: you don't have to beg Carly: what do you want me to say then Ali: what you want Ali: obviously Carly: find me Carly: you can do that yea Ali: easy Ali: [does 'cos how long can one road be] Carly: [most excited hug that turns into the longest hug & moment because well we know] Ali: [turns it into linking arms and walking 'fore shit gets too real here] Carly: [is just happy & loling & chatting shit which is endless compliments basically like her eyes being tiny skies & sunshine hair etc you get the idea because high af] Ali: [is listening and not dismissing it 'cos not that bitch but also knows she's high so not being like ooh lol, 'you're so pure'] Carly: [dramatically stops cos remembers suddenly that she needs to give Ali her share so does, sad & mad at herself like she's so upset she nearly forgot bless] Ali: [cups her chin like hey and tells her it's okay whilst looking in her eyes as she takes her share] Carly: [back to being smiley just like that because reassurance bitch & takes her hand & leads her along cos handholding ftw] Ali: [is happy she's happy again] Carly: [her phone is going off cos Ronan but she's ignoring cos only got eyes for Alison rn] Ali: ['you put love eggs in or?'] Carly: [talks in depth about how she's drawing the line at borrowing that kinda shit from her ma cos oversharer even when she ain't high & also throws her phone to Ali playfully like no look so we can imagine how lovely those messages are even just from the first line preview thing] Ali: [takes Carly's thumb so she can open it and reply 'cos that bitch] Carly: [is just loling even though this is such a bad idea] Ali: [schools him in a way that probably sounds familiar lbr] Carly: [then a selfie sesh cos those bitches they love themselves] Ali: [takes her sunnies off her head and puts 'em on Carly 'cos her eyes are massive/pinholed depending which way we're rocking this lol] Ali: [does a 'shh' like no one's gonna know] Carly: [you know she's keeping them sunnies forever now soz] Ali: [just swinging their arms having a gay old time] Carly: [just singing something as they going cos no stage fright when high af & her voice is nice so its a moment] Ali: [😍] Carly: [more compliments when she notices Ali is looking at her cos she's pretty af lbr] Ali: ['how many other hidden talents you got, like?'] Carly: [thinks about it way harder than the question warrants like its a hard question cos lowkey is when you don't reckon you got any skills. Says 11 cos bday clue & lucky number with a mysterious expression like but then laughs cos if she has to ever back that up awks] Ali: [lols back but squeezes her hand like don't doubt it] Carly: [looks down at her feet because actually is shoeless here 'how far?'] Ali: [gestures like 'piggyback?' but ain't that far in my mind] Carly: [accepts because always, good thing Ali is strong & Carly is skinny cos they literally the same height] Ali: [galloping about and into your function like idiots 'cos she's coming up now too] Carly: [miracle that Carly don't fall cos not holding on properly cos wants to stretch her arms out so its like a bike with no handlebars situation lol] Ali: [imagine everyone's faces lmao] Carly: [Tess scowl be like seen from space] Ali: [gets situated on the grass and is just helping herself to drinks Carly: [is just having a little dance by herself cos feeling great not soz everyone especially not soz Ro cos you wish you could babe] Ali: [at least little rock can join in] Carly: [aw the two of them dancing together like cute nerds & she's spinning him round & everything] Ali: [just ignoring all her fam's questions and being chatty af like nothing's weird 'cos high, then joining in 'cos duh more fun[ Carly: [all you can hear is Carly's laugh which is the best so deal with it fam thank you, let my sweet baby angel be happy] Ali: [when you being blatant af] Carly: [when you don't need to be touching a girl who has a girlfriend this much when you dancing in a non sexy way but you is] Ali: [defs need a sprinkler they can all be running through] Carly: [wet t-shirts ftw I see you] Ali: [is motioning like come to my room but not like that lads, just get some weed like you need it] Carly: [takes some drinks with her but the only mental image I have is when Lily in Skins with armfuls when she says keep your vagina on & I'm loling] Ali: [hey ro hey] Carly: [okay but Carly trying to talk to her & being so nice cos she's so pure & Ro being so rude] Ali: [even in her state given her all the disappointed looks like ??] Carly: [this sweet child laughing it off cos how she do but how dare you Ro, I'm mad] Ali: [going to the kitchen for food, accidental ultimate ro shade] Carly: [just following Ali cos she's never been here & don't know where she's going but quieter cos you can tell she's thinking what did I do wrong cos how her brain works] Ali: [being reassuring af] Carly: [sitting on the kitchen counter swinging her legs looking so cute with her dirty feet & drinks from the tap cos she do what she want] Ali: ['you look beautiful'] Carly: [smiles & laughs like its chill but is seriously 😳 cos who says nice things to her like this ever] Ali: [gets them and rocky ice lollies bye everyone else] Carly: [when you eating it seductively without being aware or trying to be that cos its your life] Ali: [is giggling 'cos high] Carly: [more compliments because how cute] Ali: [lays her head in her lap to 'cloudgaze' aka sneak peeks] Carly: [playing with her hair & freckles sporadically because she's soft & intimate like that, be more blatant girl, love it] Ali: [doing daisychain around her wrist 'cos bringing it back] Carly: [finally remembers there are drinks so is on that but v distracted looking at & touching Ali, oh girl same we all would] Ali: [tryna be chill but obvs into it regardless of how 'straight she is] Carly: [lies in the grass & does snow angel moves like she can flatten the grass & make one, god bless you babe, brings Ali with her so they just snuggling cos we can be this blatant] Ali: [just stroking her hair nbd] Carly: [loves it & is making it known by talking about how good it feels & throwing out compliments like its her job sorry for how gay this is everyone but she thinks Ali is the best so] Ali: [backatcha telling her how pure and sweet she is and they're just blabbing at each other] Carly: [soz k stew but this is cute] Ali: [when you wanna kiss her so bad 'cos you're high and happy and this is a mood] Carly: [I'll either save or condemn us cos she's gonna go take some more pills so they don't wear off so they could be alone if Ali goes with & she'd be dragging her along so v dangerous] Ali: [looking at themselves in the mirror and making funny faces] Carly: [& Carly just peeing cos no shame, same tbh] Ali: [but doing like war/festival style paint on each other's face with like, whatever lipstick has been left in that bathroom] Carly: [but think how close Ali would have to be to her face to do that like how has she not kissed her, applause needed honestly] Ali: [draws a lil heart on Carly's nose] Carly: [can't stop looking at herself cos loves it] Ali: [takes loads of pictures, improtu bathroom photoshoot sesh] Carly: [likewise taking loads of pics of Ali but like weird close ups cos she gaaaaaaaay & focused on the details] Ali: [posing 'cos we know she's about it lmao] Carly: [more touching of freckles like she's gonna draw something connect the dots style but just using her fingers cos they are perfect as they are & she'd say so] Ali: [not much would phase her but she would be blushing rn] Carly: [just gushing about how adorable she is endlessly like it'd be too much from anyone else] Ali: [keeps saying ILY 'cos being off your face ftw] Carly: [saying it back of course & all the terms of endearment like baby, angel etc cos that's just how she is anyway] Ali: [someone, probably Tess, banging on the door like they're desperate, we see you ma] Carly: [jumps out of her skin, again same] Ali: [hugs her protectively] Carly: [smelling her hair like a peak gay during the hug because lbr it'd smell nice, no shade or shame here, more compliments for that obvs] Ali: [going back downstairs before there's a brawl but when you ain't even phased 'cos something happening here deal fam Carly: [when you lowkey dancing your way back out cos you happy af & you find the dog on the way so you're carrying him with you & kissing & loving him & its adorable sorry bye] Ali: [and spuds such a funny looking boy lmao] Carly: [lying on the grass again spooning the dog & singing to him probably a song from when she was little & her mum cared like he a baby] Ali: [just watching and melting 'cos actually so cute, don't cry bitch lmao] Carly: [sees her & crawls over like hey, curling up with her again because the lap is a mood forever & we need to claim it from your future child for the gays] Ali: [doing teeny tiny plaits in her hair and humming the song she was just singing to the dog] Carly: [just chatting shit the whole time soz everyone else but they loving life let them be] Ali: [just getting to know each other hardcore 'cos neither of them has much time for small talk or bullshit anyway so on drugs it'd be like 1000 percent more intense, also shamelessly ignore a call and multiple texts from your actual girlfriend] Carly: [but then after all that because I'm evil & she's 'straight' let's say she makes eye contact with Fraze somehow so off she goes to flirt with him as if that's even a possibility when you know it'd just be annoying like her taking his 🚬 to try & be so cool & seductive, babe no. He's just like Ali control your girls] Ali: [is annoyed but not gonna do anything unless it got more dramatic like you deal, casually going through her phone to find a party or something] Carly: [Fraze just being such a dickhead soz Carly also knowing that's Bea's lipstick because of course he does so loling about her & Ali's impending doom] Carly: [also Ro coming out cos someone made her to 'eat' so just being super judgey such joy] Ali: [fully like fuck this like don't kill my vibe fam so walking like she just gonna go in the house but really she peacing] Ali: if ur done come back out Carly: where d u go? Ali: found us a party Carly: k Carly: [catches up to her like oh hey] Ali: [tells her it ain't far to go and starts walking] Carly: [looks down at her feet like she only just remembered she's not wearing shoes but doesn't miss a beat in keeping in step with her because being gay is more important] Carly: dont b mad @ me Ali: [looks down too and is like, we can go get shoes first if you want lol] Ali: I ain't Carly: the colours around you have changed Carly: i kno u r Ali: nah it's like Ali: hmm Ali: I'm not sure what it's like Carly: like me again Carly: [is saying sorry because always quick to that one] Ali: ['I do, you don't need to say that'] Carly: [trying to give Ali her drink as a peace offering like hmm I've done something wrong must make amends somehow] Carly: [& then more pills when she remembers she has them still] Ali: [shrugs like why not and accepts, cue Leesha and probably her 'best' friend tottering out of her house looking the most overdressed] Carly: [Carly loling because she has the whole day but these bitches taking it as a slight against their everything] Ali: [Leesha started shouting the odds 'cos mother's daughter and obvs already white girl wasted, Ali like let's just go 'cos over it] Carly: [Carly offering her pills cos change your mood babe & being looked at like she's offering poison, you've been there before Leesha I get it] Ali: [tryna lowkey drag her away before this becomes the Thing tm they want it to be for the #drama] Carly: [Carly just chatting about Ali's heroics & how sweet she is cos knight in shining armor for her forever lbr just like 😍] Ali: [loling] Carly: [Carly just out the blue like 'you should kiss her, then she'd be happier' like no babe Leesha ain't you but I love the softness of your world view] Ali: ['fully converted, are you?'] Carly: [lols but is also like 'you haven't kissed me yet' with a cute little pouty face as she walks on slightly ahead looking at the sky] Ali: ['Night still young, baby'] Carly: [clearly is buzzing about this & not hiding that 'I love you more than her' how unspecific she could mean Leesha or K stew or both, god bless] Ali: [is all 'I know' but not 'cos she's a cocky bitch lmao 'cos you're pure'] Carly: [puts her arms up like a child who wants to be picked up cos she wants Ali to carry her into the party] Ali: [does 'cos duh even if she's joking about how high maintenance she is] Carly: [snuggling into her the whole time cos she's soft] Ali: [let's hope it's not too far, probably some 20-something hippie waster's chill thing] Carly: [when you humming but using Ali's heartbeat as your basis for a tune cos gaaaaaaaaaaay] Ali: [when you're harmonizing] Carly: [#goals for real] Carly: [but then she gotta stop so she can compliment Ali again cos we know her voice is fire but Carly didn't necessarily know this] Ali: ['we should jam for real some time'] Carly: [cue her rambling stage fright reveal because like we said no time for bullshit so its just being put out there & she's like 'you'll have to sing to me'] Ali: [is like okay but silently thinking of all the ways she could help her confidence 'cos that bitch but not gonna be pushy and patronizing about it 'cos not THAT bitch] Carly: [just staring at her adorably all like 'what are you thinking about?'] Ali: ['you'] Carly: [such a big smile but also blushing 'good things?'] Ali: [just gives her a look that's like what do you think and obviously, yes] Carly: [a big hug moment and kisses her on her forehead cos where the thoughts come from] Ali: [the mess of lipstick their faces are] Carly: [they must look crazy, living for it] Ali: [good thing no one at this party will care, turn up and chatting to people and the usual] Carly: [there should be someone there for Carly to hook up with to hurt Ali's heart & reaffirm the 'straightness'] Ali: [when you can't 'cos you got a gf, gutted] Carly: [who is probably still trying to contact you cos highkey] Ali: [text her back girl, come on] Carly: [do it while your real gf is getting you a drink lol] Ali: [let's text]
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survivor-kuwait · 5 years
Episode 7 - "Okay there we go. I'm caught up. Now give me my winner's edit back." - Trace
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Not only did nehe go but he did NOT play his idol AND i got him to tell me where he found it. Its a long shot but if the host rehide it in the same coordinates im set. Now I just gotta make sure I dont get crucified for it.
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Fuck! That just happened and it was great. Me working with Matt and Adrian was smart because they actually felt the same way I felt about Nehe. Like i really liked him but trusting him after he already backstabbed me!? Nahh. It is time to play this game.
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The past two days have been the greatest days in survivor history for me and no matter what happens and even if I’m out next no one can take away my masterful Nehe blindside, my earning the trust of the people I voted against last tribal and finding an idol with my best girl Kait. Let’s keep this energy please.
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I feel very fucking stupid. Have work and I am not able to talk to my tribe, I self-vote, and now I am considered inactive, rightfully so. I need to get that inactive label off my ass ASAP
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Madison really is trying it. She is trying to get isolated because it's obvious there will be an advantage there. She is saying it would be nice for someone on our tribe to have it, but I don't trust her. I doubt she would let anyone know what the actual advantage is if there is one. But at the same time, people will assume she has something and that will make the target on her back so much greater. Also, it's a round of safety so no shit she wants it. I don't think I can outright say "oh no no no, i don't want you going" even though that is how I feel. I would rather send Matt because I trust him more than I trust Madison.
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What's a guy gotta do to get voted into isolation? Positive or negative idc, if I'm forced into retrograde that helps my resume. Vote me Ma'an. How do these people not realize our vote doesn't matter aside from it being public, Ma'an is obviously going to vote together they have no reason not to especially with it being PUBLIC our vote is straight up how it will be perceived by people not deciding who goes to isolation.  For a bunch of smart guys they're being stupid.
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It’s the next day after tribal last night. I need to talk to Stephen. We have played before and Ive been hosted by him so we have some history. We techically havent been working together but we have had some communication and we havent gone after each other. I need to talk and see if he’s willing to work with me in this game. This Moon twist is so weird and i dont know whats going to happen. We are going to all cote together and its between Cloe and Thomas. They feel that sending someone to exile gives hosts the perfect numbers to do a swap. Which would be bad but not too horrible. Just if there is I want to be in a tribe with Aidan, Madison, Matt S, Stephen, and perhaps Ian/Timmy.
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It is coming close to 7 o’cock and im getting nervous to find out what happens. This moon twist could really mess things up or cause lots of trouble if person isolated gets an advantage or something.
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So what people might be thinking right now is "wow Timmy is an idiot and went against his entire tribe" but with the way this game is set up WHO CARES. I haven't spoken to Madison or Chloe much so I know neither of them are going to tell me what happened in the Oasis. Madison had been pushing all day for her to go but also saying "it doesn't matter much I'll do whatever" but whenever someone tried to bring up another plan she would immediately shut it down and suggest herself. That was super sketchy to me so no way in hell was I going to be sending her there. I got to make the final decision and I am so happy about that because I got to do what I wanted, which was not send Madison. There is no real reason to stick to any tribal lines for this season since you don't go to tribal as a tribe. Yea it helps with keeping more people safe with immunity, but I've been doing a good job at that on my own. I'm very methodical with this game and everything I do has a reason that is thought out for it and this one was because Madison is sketchy and I wanted her to feel not safe because she was already basically gloating about going. She didn't need it, Chloe needed it more because she was already in danger so why not give her a break and she deserves some possible advantage. Madison didn't need it by any means, I needed it more than she did because I have been safe for so many rounds that if I go to tribal I am a threat so a little solace of a possible advantage would have been nice but I wasn't going to shove my name into the ring. I know this entire thing could be my downfall, but at the same time you have to take chances so that's what I did and I don't regret it for one second.
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Basically what I was expecting happened and we had a tribe swap. Cloe is safe in isolation. Warzone is still a thing so no normal tribals yet. I want to win this immunity because i dont want to be at tribal while at disneyland. Or maybe if i am ill show u guys while im there.
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me at matt and owen rn: 
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Well. Hot diggity Dog huh? I’m kind of glad we swapped right before Ma’an literally imploded over who to isolate. I guess Chloe is there now which I feel bad about but I feel like I can work with her and whatever she’s got since we’ve voted together twice. I’m glad I have Madison here as an ally as well as Adrian, even tho he was giving me one word and emoji answers (suspicious!!! Emojis are never good). I hope he’s not afraid of me considering he literally spent last warzone going “I can’t believe how easily you got everyone to think Thomas was the vote you’re so good at this” like yes I am but don’t notice that! I have my idol which is nice and relieving and Kaits the only only person who knows about it, which might mean Kait may be a loose end for me. I love her to DEATH and really trust her but she kinda weirded me out during the isolation vote by being catty. If that’s how she is with that vote, does she go even harder during tribal? The thing with Kait and Owen is like they’re my best friends from high school or something. But going off to warzone with Maynor twice and Madison twice was like going to college and meeting new friends who you share insane experiences with and then go back to your high school friends and there’s a disconnect. I just hope me trying to be a friend to all doesn’t smush me in the middle. I’m not ready to be smushy.
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It too me 41 minutes to do this challenge. I think i did okay but i could be totally off. I really hope i was able to get atleast enough of it correct for me to win safety. I dont really want to go to tribal but I have a decent allies that i might be safe. Matt told Kait to talk to me and we are getting along. Id be down to work with her in this game. I have to wait and see what happens with these tribal results later. I dont wanna be worrying about the vote while im in disneyland.
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I only know of like, 5 of these people. Ians here thats good, Corey is here that isnt, maynor i think is good. Love the guy but he plays the game. Heres to another messy warzone! This challenge sucked.
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Fuck that challenge and fuck Arianna Grande. It's f17, I am not going to throw that much of my time away on a f17 challenge, that's just asinine. If anyone thinks those challenges are fun then there is something wrong with you. I'd rather burn my idol than subject myself to the torture that challenge was. Sort your own damn screenshots.
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Whale, whale, whale. New tribes and shit. I have a save vote thing that I may keep if I decide to not vote at my next tribal council. Unfortunately, if I am in the warzone tonight, (and I believe I will be due to my slow performance) I don't believe I will get this power; with only 8 of us there and Chloe joining the tribe that loses a person, I don't see myself refraining from voting. I am intrigued by the other tribe voting Madison and i assume she volunteered. I don't know what is up w Timmy and he is now the single person I have yet to speak to. Regardless, I have taken the opportunity to bond w Kait and a bit with Thomas. I need to shield my own ass in case I'm in WZ. Kait seems scared of it, understandably, and a sympathetic new boi to her is not threatening and she may see me as an asset if we end up there together. I'm thankful for Ian on my tribe as he's the only person I feel comfortable with talking game with and long-term and short-term strategy. Wish I had Matt, Devon, Adrian or Owen on my team though. Sucks that Maynor is here. BUT regardless! I am doing my best.
0 notes
Rio & Buster
Rio: Nancy is fun but she is so sad Buster: The fact that you're calling her fun, even if you retract it, shows me how gone you are Rio: How gone she is Rio: but she's home safe Buster: Well, cheers Buster: We all know she shouldn't drink. Can't like Rio: Not really a case of being good or bad Rio: not when needs must Rio: don't reckon my experience sneaking saved her from your 'rents but doubt they'll kick her whilst she's down, like Buster: They'll get over it Buster: Hardly the first or worst sin Rio: Ain't them I'm worried about tbh Buster: Be weird if you were, like Rio: What else is new Rio: Weirdo Buster: Shhh Rio: You love it Rio: what are you doing Buster: Talking to you now Buster: Telling you to drink some water Rio: I ain't the amateur Buster: Me either Buster: So listen to me Rio: You got anything worth saying tonight? Buster: Depends on what you wanna hear, babe Rio: How you been Buster: Standard Rio: Christ Buster: What do you want me to say? Buster: That I feel like shit? Is that better Rio: Least it's making conversation Rio: was hoping for better but you know take what I can get at this point Buster: Babe Rio: Forget about it Rio: talk to your sister Rio: not now Rio: but do it Buster: So what you're just gonna go back to telling me what to do like you never stopped? Rio: Yeah Rio: and what Rio: I'm right Buster: How are you right? Buster: What the fuck is trying to talk to Nance gonna do? Rio: For starters you can tell her you don't hate her Buster: Fucking hell Buster: Why would I do that? Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: cos that's what she reckons Rio: and i figure you want to put a stop to that no Buster: She doesn't reckon that Rio: Yeah Rio: she does Buster: Shut up Buster: She's just being dramatic. I can't blame her for that one Rio: You did fuck her bully Buster: Behave Buster: They were friends and they fell out and things got out of hand, like Buster: You don't have to join her in being dramatic Rio: Give me strength Rio: this is why you two need to talk Rio: not how it was like, remotely, not for her Buster: Leave it alone Rio: Whatever Buster: Not whatever. It's bullshit and the past and I'm asking you to Rio: Isn't going to make the problem go away Rio: but sure thing Buster: Yeah well it's my problem and she's my sister Buster: Not yours Rio: Yeah well act like it then Buster: What 'cause I'm not mothering and smothering, I ain't Buster: That's your way not the only way Rio: How's yours working for you? Buster: It's none of your business Buster: Act like it Rio: Is when I have to console your sister 'cos of the shit you've done Buster: You don't have to do anything Buster: Was she begging you? No Buster: You put yourself in the middle of it 'cause that's where you wanna be Rio: Alright then, I wanted to 'cos I'm not a massive cunt Rio: Don't lash out at me 'cos you're angry at yourself and feeling sorry Buster: You wanted to 'cause anything not to deal with your own shit and how you feel Rio: My shit really ain't no concern of yours Buster: If that's how you want it Rio: Yeah Rio: keep telling yourself this is all how I want it Rio: not how you've got it Buster: It is how you want it though, babe Buster: We're stopped talking 'cause you wanted space and we're talking now 'cause you wanna have a go at me Buster: None of my choice in it Rio: Sure Rio: You're just a blameless angel who deserves none of this Rio: My bad Buster: Don't be an idiot Buster: I know what I did and if you wanna punish me forever you can, but I'm not gonna pretend that's how I want things to be Rio: Yeah 'cos I'm loving this Buster: I never said you are Buster: But you're doing it Rio: It's a reaction Rio: there's no want about it Rio: it is what it is Rio: deal with it Rio: i'm trying Buster: I'm here, aren't I? Buster: I am dealing with it Rio: Good Rio: I'm glad Buster: You should be 'cause if I wasn't dealing I'd be at your door Rio: that meant to make me feel better Buster: Yeah Rio: Fucking hell Rio: you're so clueless Buster: Fuck that Buster: I am not Rio: You are Rio: completely clueless Buster: I'm not having that Rio: Well I'm out here spitting nothing but truth and wisdom and you ain't having that either Rio: whaddya want me to do boy Buster: You wish, babe Buster: Truth maybe, but hardly life lessons Rio: Please Rio: just 'cos you don't wanna hear it Buster: No I don't Buster: I've got enough bullshit in between my ears without you adding to it Rio: If you fucking talk about it Rio: it'll clear some space Rio: 'nother hot tip Buster: Sure, I'll get Granddad to stick the kettle on so I can pop round and spit some truth at him Buster: Fuck that Rio: Priorities Rio: he's fine without your chat Rio: you know who you gotta chat to pussy Buster: Fuck you Buster: Just drop it Rio: Good luck you trying that approach yourself Buster: Go to bed, Rio Buster: You've done your good deed for the night already Rio: Shut up Rio: I'm not tired you wish Buster: I will if you will Buster: Like you said, it's a reaction Buster: Shut up to shut me up Rio: Nah Buster: Then get new chat Buster: You're wasting your time saying it Rio: idc Rio: slow night Buster: At least you can't blame me for that as well Buster: Wrong twin, like Rio: I told you she's a laugh Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: I get it Rio: she ain't your biggest fan either, like Rio: which was fun, btw, fuck you Buster: Fun you decided to have Buster: I didn't twist your arm Buster: I didn't even know you were out so don't start on me Rio: it ain't a decision how many times Rio: i can't just ignore her when she's hurt like Rio: not got the distance Buster: You don't have to seek it out Buster: Not like you live with her Buster: Or go to school with her either Rio: She's family Rio: don't fool me Buster: So what? Buster: She's stuck with me, I don't have to make it worse for her by showing up and vice versa Rio: Impressive you've got it in you to do worse Buster: Cheers Rio: Very welcome Buster: Are mum and dad there still? Rio: Last I checked, yeah Rio: why Buster: 'Cause you said Nance was home Buster: You know her track record when she's had a few Rio: Yeah, they were there then Rio: she's fine Buster: Alright Rio: Yep, told you, not fooled Rio: leave you to your evening now though Buster: Fine Buster: Drink that water though Rio: Lame Rio: we're going on to another club Rio: or party idk Buster: Don't they have taps that far into the 24? Buster: Still doable Rio: Boring Rio: what can i get you darling Rio: oh a tap water Rio: sexy Buster: like you couldn't make it sexy Buster: come on Buster: try harder, babe Rio: fuck off Rio: need all the help i can get Buster: No you don't Rio: do tonight Buster: I'm not buying it Rio: good thing i ain't trying to get you to buy rn then Buster: Yeah Buster: Sure you'll still be a hit wherever you end up Buster: It's only the 24 after all Rio: Right? Rio: Always got Ryan to hit up when it gets real desperate ay Buster: That's not funny Rio: Neither are you Buster: I'm not trying to be Buster: If you're not fooled I'm not gonna bother playing the fool for you, am I Rio: Just a dick then? Rio: Fun Buster: Complain all you want now but you had your fun with that when it suited you Rio: Heaven forbid anyone ever calls you out on your shit Buster: You've been there and done it Buster: It's the same old shit Buster: Sorry to disappoint but I haven't actually fucked up again yet since we spoke last Rio: Sorry I ain't impressed when you're doing fuck all to sort what you did last Buster: Says you Rio: Sort of given yourself away Rio: even if Nance hadn't told me Rio: but go off Buster: What's a give away is that the only way to sort things between me and her is to leave each other alone Rio: Ignore the problem and hope it goes away Rio: especially if its her who does it right, you can feel left all over again Rio: brilliant Buster: Fuck you Rio: You could do better Rio: you both could Buster: So could everyone Buster: That's life Buster: I'm not gonna pick at wounds until they open up over and over again and pretend I'm fixing things Rio: What happened to the best? Rio: And I need to try harder Buster: You can always do better Buster: Truth and wisdom, babe Rio: You might be clueless but don't act like you're fucking hopeless and helpless too Buster: I ain't Rio: Of course not Buster: You want me to apologize for my high standards now? Rio: What standards? Rio: The ones you hold yourself to or your conquests, either way Rio: hardly aspirational Buster: Hilarious Buster: Well done on keeping it fun, like Rio: Like you said Rio: weren't complaining were you Buster: I'm still not Buster: You're the one dead set on it Rio: That's all you've done this entire conversation don't lie Buster: How do you work that out? Rio: Slow night or not Rio: don't need to sit here and pick out all the best insults Buster: Then don't Rio: Shame for your work to go to waste Rio: but there it is, no doubt i'll remember 'em still though Buster: Good luck with that Buster: All the best, like Rio: Piss off Rio: not above a reread anyway Buster: More fool you Rio: make it easier to keep ignoring you Buster: Like I said, good luck etc Rio: I hate you Buster: Understandable Buster: Stick with Nance, you're in good company there Rio: why don't you care Buster: I do Rio: then fucking show it Buster: I am Rio: if i can't tell Rio: and she can't tell Rio: then it isn't working is it Buster: You can tell Buster: And she doesn't want to Rio: you both just want it on your terms and won't budge an inch Buster: Yeah well Buster: Like you said, it is what it is Rio: For God's sake Rio: Buster Buster: What? Rio: Just.. why is everything fucked Buster: 'Cause of me Buster: It's that simple, like it or not Rio: No Rio: if only Buster: Yes. I fucked it. You didn't and Nance didn't Rio: Nah Rio: She's fancied her, loved her, whatever for years Rio: and same here so Rio: not like we didn't play our parts Rio: and its everyone Rio: all the time Rio: its all fucked Buster: You reckon? Rio: Yeah Buster: Then why bother. With any of it Buster: You still do though Rio: Someone has to Rio: What's the alternative? Rio: Be like Drew Buster: If it's all fucked anyway then why does someone have to? Buster: Why does it have to be you? Buster: It's cause you know it isn't Buster: Not everything and not all the time Rio: Just hoping to get into heaven still Rio: loves a trier, remember Buster: At least when you do you won't have to put up with me any more Buster: Worth it for that, yeah? Rio: Shut up Rio: stupid Buster: Not all the time Rio: Don't say things like that Buster: Like what? Rio: About you being gone Rio: 'less you really want me to have a panic attack in this car, like Buster: Babe Buster: Come on Rio: I mean it Rio: not even jokes Buster: Okay calm down Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Hmm Rio: better be Buster: I don't say things I don't mean, remember Rio: even the horrible things Buster: I mean them when I say them Buster: My anger does Buster: but Rio: Yeah Rio: it's alright Rio: least you're honest Buster: It's not really alright Buster: But bit late to try and change my ways now, like Rio: Dramatic Rio: not even 18 Rio: you won't be this twat for life, babe Rio: don't worry Buster: You've met my parents Buster: You can't say that with any certainty Rio: Rude Rio: and maybe they were even worse before Rio: shock horror Buster: Now that's funny Buster: I knew you were capable Buster: Sometimes Rio: Just gotta stop taking yourself so serious, McKenna Rio: trust Buster: Says you Buster: I saw your snaps, serious business trying to straighten my sister out Rio: 😂 Rio: there goes my conversion camp idea Buster: I don't reckon she'll be your poster child, nah Buster: But don't give up Buster: Plenty of gays in Dublin Rio: Spread the good word Rio: thank god we've left the gay club Rio: that's a bit brazen, even for me Buster: 😂 Buster: Your t-shirt slogan taking on a homophobic meaning like Buster: Even me, massive hero I always am, would struggle to save you there Rio: 😏 Catch me getting disowned forreal for that one Buster: Same Rio: Hoping you wouldn't see that snap though Rio: spot on with try harder but like 😬 Buster: Shut up Buster: You know you look good Rio: Ha Rio: only got Nance's skills with the 📷 to thank for that then Buster: Bullshit Buster: You look beautiful like always Rio: Now you can go to bed Rio: Your gentlemanly act outta the way too Buster: shh Buster: I'm being real Rio: Shh Buster: I don't want to Rio: If it's any consolation, I don't want you to either Buster: Rio Rio: Buster Buster: You should go Rio: Right Rio: 'course Buster: Go have fun now you've ditched my boring sister, like Rio: Idiot Buster: I'm serious Buster: Lightweight and dead weight on a night out Rio: Want me to do you the favour of pretending you've got a clue? Buster: Don't do me any Rio: Yeah right Rio: If I was really in the business of doing you favours, I wouldn't be replying so Buster: And I'm the one who hasn't got a clue, yeah? Rio: Yep Rio: Getting tragic, honestly Buster: Fuck off, honestly Rio: See? Rio: You want it so bad Buster: Shut up Rio: Make me Buster: You wish Rio: 'Course Buster: Get a clue, kid Rio: Ain't sharing with you if I do Buster: Very mature and polite Rio: Never too late to change, babe Buster: If you say so Buster: Still a know it all, obviously Buster: That ain't changing any time soon then? Rio: Can't unknow shit Rio: Better or worse, like Buster: Good Buster: Pretty shit being clueless, not that I'd know, like Rio: You reckon? Rio: Ignorance is bliss, supposedly Buster: I don't buy it Buster: Happiness is expensive and how many idiots do you know with plenty of cash Rio: Can name a few, honestly Rio: but that's pure 🍀 Buster: Exactly Buster: And they know it so not so stupid, at least not entirely Rio: Would be the first time you've been on his side Buster: What? Rio: Talking about Drew, obviously Rio: he's made quite the life out of being an idiot Buster: Firstly, I thought you loved him again now Buster: and secondly, not that much of an idiot given he's still standing Buster: It's everyone else who gets hurt not him Buster: Some would call that a smart move Rio: Can still think, fuck it, KNOW, he's dumb Rio: people who don't know how sad and fucked up he is, maybe Buster: Yeah Buster: So most people, 'cause who's in his inner circle Buster: Nobody Rio: And why would you care what they think if they ain't even good enough to be in your circle? Rio: Irrelevant Buster: Exactly Rio: Are we agreeing now or what? Rio: I don't think that's allowed Buster: No takebacks Rio: Wow, coming for my gig being childish too Buster: It's a time for firsts, obviously Rio: Hmm Rio: Don't know if that's a bad or good thing Buster: Well, since we were being childish I was gonna ask if you wanna play truth or dare but fine Buster: It's a no from you Rio: Nuuh Rio: I wanna play Buster: Alright Buster: Truth or dare, babe? Rio: Truth Buster: Are you gonna drink your water or not? Buster: I'm invested here Rio: 😂 Rio: 'Course, this skin routine's worth shit if I don't get my 8 glasses Buster: Well that's a relief Buster: I'll be able to sleep easy tonight now Rio: You're ridiculous but it's your turn Buster: So ask me Rio: Truth or dare? Buster: Dare obviously Buster: Not an amateur Rio: Neither am I, for the record Rio: Hmm Buster: 'Course not, babe Buster: Such a pro Rio: I dare you to talk to your sister Buster: Seriously? Rio: Yeah, deadly, like Buster: Fine Buster: [sends a pic of the text so she knows he sent it] Rio: 👍 Rio: Impressive Buster: Don't act like I ain't always Buster: Which one do you want then? Rio: I'm picking dare so I don't have to confirm or deny the above Buster: Where are you first before I decide Rio: It was a house party in the end Buster: I dare you to go up to someone and tell them how you feel about me Rio: I don't know how you want me to document that bar sending you a picture of their utter confusion and horror but Rio: okay Buster: You'll figure it out Rio: [Sends video of random saying hi Buster] Rio: There Buster: For that you'll get a truth from me Rio: Okay Rio: Are you having a good night? Buster: I wasn't but now I am Rio: Good Rio: Truth me Buster: Why did you really go out tonight? Rio: Was a lot to cheer Nancy up, and she asked so, couldn't say no Rio: but being able to get wasted and not be alone is an obvious bonus Buster: Babe you're not alone Rio: A bit Rio: feels like it in comparison anyway, yeah? Buster: You don't have to be wasted to talk to me Buster: You know that, yeah? Buster: I'm still here for you, whatever Rio: At least I have an excuse then Rio: rather than just wanting to Buster: You never need an excuse with me Buster: You're not the one who did anything wrong Rio: But I'm doing it all wrong if I just forgive you, aren't I Buster: If it feels wrong to you, yeah Buster: But if not, I always wanna talk to you Rio: It feels wrong not talking to you Buster: Then talk to me Buster: Even if all you wanna say is something annoying Rio: Ha Rio: You've got that covered, babe Buster: Rude Buster: I was gonna say give me another truth but if you don't wanna hear it Rio: Okay okay Rio: one last one 'cos everyone's getting annoyed with me Rio: Do you still want to be with me? Buster: Yeah Buster: It's all I want Rio: Okay Rio: Now I know Buster: Did you honestly not know that I'd get on a plane in a second if you told me that's what you wanted? Rio: Hey, I didn't pick Buster: I know but you have to know that, Rio Rio: I do Rio: but I know you've got to focus so I can't tell you that Rio: it wouldn't be fair Buster: No it wouldn't be fair 'cause I'm sober and you're not Buster: And if I did come and see you I wouldn't want you to feel bad about it Rio: Babe Buster: Just tell me you want me tomorrow if you still do Rio: I will Rio: don't think I don't if I don't, alright? Buster: It's like you always said, I won't hold you to shit you say right now Buster: Except the truths, of course Rio: I said some mean things didn't I Buster: It doesn't matter Rio: It does Rio: I'm sorry Buster: Don't Buster: I've said and done worse to you Rio: Doesn't mean I get a free pass to do the same Rio: or does it 'cos might need to cash that in I can feel the regret already Buster: I think it means exactly that Buster: At least Rio: Good stuff Rio: I don't wanna go Buster: You can stay Rio: What you gonna stay with me 'til I fall asleep like before Buster: Yeah Buster: If you want me to Rio: I really do Buster: Tell me when you're home Buster: I'll call you Rio: I love you Buster: I love you too
0 notes
Ali & Carly
Ali: ⚰ knock knock Ali: do i need to get the ouija out Carly: yea Carly: tho bit late to ghost the lad in my bed Carly: idk who he is Ali: 🤠 put on a disguise Ali: like whomst Ali: beats having to leave your own gaff Ali: tho it is a crime scene Carly: got love bites from my arse to my elbow Carly: is he a vamp or what like Carly: i taste good i kno Carly: [sends photographic evidence] Ali: bitch Ali: are you anaemic?! Ali: leech sounds more like it but is he sparkly with good hair Carly: bitch its too early for words i cant spell wtf Carly: he is sparkling but thats my shine ha Carly: the hair is a no Ali: low on iron, probs, i'll get you some iron tablets Ali: taste like blood, don't tell your bedmate, he won't wanna leave Ali: party's over n sharing ain't caring Ali: someone's feeling herself this morning Ali: here for it Ali: I've already been left so that's a no to me Carly: party only ended when i passed out a few hours ago Carly: so yea Carly: was fun Carly: baby no come over Ali: was whilst it lasted for me too but you know Ali: duty calls Ali: you sure Ali: don't wanna break it up if you're good to go again Carly: yea Carly: not scared to go hard on site cuz garda are to come around Carly: i am but hes snoring Carly: & boring Carly: come Ali: perks Ali: check he's not bumped his head Ali: they'd have to come if a normie went missing Carly: nah he has to go before he goes for a slash in my bed Carly: lads are ming Ali: want me to forward that to lene Ali: make her day Ali: steal my girl Carly: do Carly: never seen her party before Carly: weird Ali: Yeah Ali: she can hang but Ali: you know, other shit on her mind Ali: work being one of 'em Ali: thank god I ain't working today Carly: & i cant get a job Carly: ha Carly: can get rid of this boy easy tho Carly: hold on Ali: another skill for the CV Carly: yea Carly: better not have knocked me up Carly: not cute Ali: Umm Ali: you need to go to the pharmacy Carly: theres so much shit on the floor i cant tell whats us & whats party Carly: idc Carly: idk Carly: ill ask him Ali: Lemme know Ali: if I could pick it up for you I would Ali: guess I can, put on a oscar winning show for the nosy bitch in there Ali: Ma will die Carly: ha Carly: its k he wouldnt have gone near me w out Carly: quoted Ali: what a prick Ali: better not be there when i show up cunt Carly: hes leaving Carly: screaming him awake will do that like Carly: ha Ali: what he get for passing out 🤷 Ali: coulda shaved his eyebrows off like Carly: next time maybe Ali: get out the sharpie and all Ali: now it's a party Carly: need your artsy talents tho Carly: me just hold up i need my baby Ali: you got it covered babe Ali: i believe in you Carly: aw Carly: i gotta clean me & this place need belief Ali: how long are your rents away and are there enough stragglers we can rope in Ali: twatface not included, bye Carly: idk but yea theres lads everywhere Carly: mattress is covered Ali: 👏 Ali: put 'em to work Carly: while i lie here k Ali: hmm Ali: no bitch Ali: i know you're princess 'round these parts but still Ali: carriage is back to being a pumpkin sweetie Carly: but im 🤒 Ali: you're hanging Ali: can't claim morning sickness now bitch Ali: chop chop Carly: ha Carly: k bitch Carly: honeymoon over yea Ali: will be if your 'rents come back to this and murder you Carly: idc Carly: be sweet to me Ali: awh baby Ali: only playing tough love Ali: thinking i'm spending too much time with my gf? Carly: yea Carly: i missed you when she stole you away Ali: how dare she 😜 Ali: missed you too tho Carly: youre mine Carly: married you first Carly: & you didnt say bye to me 😢 Ali: are you sure Ali: 'cos I ain't Ali: but how unforgivably rude 😰 Carly: id remember Carly: never forget my boo Ali: baby Carly: you can make it up to me tho Ali: oh yeah? Ali: lemme guess, feed u grapes whilst you recline Carly: nah just be here Ali: easy Ali: got to yoga first but then i'll be there Ali: went too hard with the dancing last night obvs Carly: k ill shower that lad off me Carly: i think you went just right baby Ali: too descriptive babe 😬😂 Ali: calm down with your creative ways Carly: ha Carly: you should hear me sext Carly: so good Ali: sure Ali: maybe works on the straight boys 😉 Carly: not trying to work on anyone else Carly: tell your gf if shes gonna come for me Ali: you're alright, not her type Ali: I barely am Ali: 50% like Carly: shit odds Carly: that why shes so angry Ali: as shit as yours Ali: just in reverse Ali: not saying you're both wrong but Carly: k Carly: cant all be perfect babe Carly: thats just you Ali: 💁 Carly: you kno Ali: ugh my brother's being so annoying Ali: bitch i'm coming down i will fight you Carly: which 1 Ali: dancing one Carly: hes fun Ali: glad you think so Ali: send him over instead yeah Carly: you come here & stay at yours Carly: i'll Ali: alright Ali: you're getting a rough deal soz Carly: why Ali: 'cos he's usually the alright one, so if he's testing me, wait 'til the rest rock up Carly: idc i can sleep through anything Ali: be my guest Carly: but i want you to be mine Carly: had to share last nite Ali: you done w sharing? Carly: yea Carly: im mad Ali: aww Ali: pouty princess Carly: [sends a pouty selfie] Carly: cuz its better when you stay Ali: you're so cute Ali: it's rude and i object Carly: just for you my baby Ali: 😏 such a tease Carly: nah Carly: you can have anything you want Ali: yeah yeah Ali: anything you want from the shops Carly: theres nothing here Carly: i cant do that to you Ali: okay, i'll get breakfast and cleaning shit Carly: theres no money tho Ali: i don't mind Ali: s'only breakfast Ali: IOU if you want but honestly Carly: you're too good to me & for me boo Ali: nah i'm not Ali: no one deserves to be treated like shit the morning after Carly: got me crying Ali: baby Ali: don't be sad Carly: come down is a bitch but youre an angel Ali: 💚 i know Ali: you've survived it many a time before though, you'll be okay Ali: especially when you get some food and hugs Carly: yea Carly: shouldve invited your brother to my party Carly: what a bitch i am Ali: no no, he ain't here, just blowing up my phone being dumb Ali: you're alright, sure you'll meet him when summers out and he's out on town being fabulous Carly: k didnt fuck up the 1st impression Carly: love the gays Carly: your gf excluded like Ali: he's stalked your socials and liked what he's seen Ali: not in a creepy way 'cos gay, of course Ali: awh 😂 why can't we all get along Carly: he can add me i wont send him nudes Carly: cuz she looks at me like she was willing me to hang this hard Ali: oh good to know 😜 Ali: not letting him though, he chats shite and if he's gonna I need to vet it Ali: deal with it boy, crazy posessive wife like Ali: she's just angry with me Carly: idk who lads are if i cant id them in my usual and not seen his dick Carly: my bad if nudes go where they shouldnt Carly: whats he saying about me Carly: who could be angry at you too beautiful Ali: me either for a while, like Ali: feel it's unfair to describe it from memory of having to bath together Ali: awks Ali: just that you're cute Ali: n fun, of course Ali: and a hoe with it 😜 so her, easily lol Carly: aw Carly: but you didnt snog ronan last nite he werent there Ali: nah but she thinks i'm making a twat out of myself with you Ali: tragic straight girl crush, like Carly: cant have a crush on your missus Carly: weve gone beyond it Carly: real love Ali: yeah Ali: but you know Carly: she thinks were gonna fuck Carly: 3way would sort that Ali: exactly Ali: can't on principle Ali: and even if we whack out the strapon, no real dick for you so Carly: list where ive been Carly: puts loads of people off Carly: she'll know youre not trying to get w me Ali: i'm not gonna do you like that Ali: fuck that Carly: idc Carly: do what youve gonna do boo Ali: i know you don't Ali: but i do Ali: fuck those people who are just mad they weren't higher up in the list Ali: s'why you weren't so jog on Carly: stop being so nice to me Carly: if youre mean she'll forget her jealousy Ali: i don't want to Ali: i can handle it Ali: if she can't then Ali: that's that, isn't it Carly: yea Carly: but i dont wanna start shit for you Ali: trust, you didn't start this Ali: it's easier for her to pretend that's all it is Ali: that's all Carly: k Carly: if i was a lad id be fucked wouldnt i Ali: probably Ali: don't agree with that, it'd be the same but it'd be different in how she'd be able to deal, yeah Carly: thank god i grew some tits Ali: 😂 Ali: good job babe Carly: my ma was made up as well Carly: took a while like Carly: cant let her get the album out cuz i look like a lad Carly: pretty one tho Ali: you were always cute Ali: i remember Ali: grew into your ears and all 😉 Carly: aw Carly: do you tho? Ali: yeah, 'course Carly: you were always scrapping Carly: shouldve got w your gf then she'd like you more Ali: 😬 let us not think of how troubling the age gap woulda seemed then Ali: must've thought i was a right scouse stereotype Ali: bitches deserved it tho Carly: i thought you were cute Carly: & brave Carly: i was always behind my ma's legs Ali: like my sister Ali: I was always down for the more the merrier but her and Laoise said coven's had to be three so Ali: 🔮 number and all Ali: and tbh Laoise weren't that thrilled Ro was there, like Carly: black magic vibes from her forever Ali: legit Ali: shoulda been scrapping with her, like Carly: yea or fucking her first bf but i got there before you Carly: idk how she knew tho cuz he didnt tell anyone Ali: never lose that sixth sense, babe Ali: esp. when concerning keeping a man 🙄 Carly: did her a favor he was shit Carly: didnt have a clue what he was doing Carly: thought every virgin binge watched porn like Ali: 😂 Ali: have you ever binge watched? you're learning nothing of value from that shite Carly: yea but when youre bored youre bored Ali: I hear ya Ali: always bored Carly: me too Carly: & this sex drive isnt set for a cry wank or eye fuck Carly: no offence ma and da Ali: can't take it personally, lads Ali: ain't there's to try and control Carly: they gotta txt me back so i kno when they are coming home Carly: wtf got you two so busy Ali: all that sex they ain't having Carly: porn binge watch Carly: tho my dad likes reading his Ali: Can't beat a sticky page Ali: lost arm form Ali: art, lmao Ali: sure his form is grand Carly: doctor like howd you lose that arm Carly: epic cry wank Ali: 💪 on the right Ali: limp noodle on the other Carly: hot Ali: that's your father you're talking about Ali: no need to be that stereotypical Carly: shit my bad Ali: 😂 Ali: i love you bitch Carly: I love you too Carly: loads Carly: im mad at you again tho Ali: why what have i done>!> Carly: some1 came round the doorway & i thought it was you so i opened up but nah Carly: enjoy the eyeful lads Ali: oh babe Ali: 😏 bless you Carly: not gonna put clothes on for my girl Carly: waste of time Ali: obvs, charm you out so quick Ali: least it weren't the postie, or was it Ali: Ma reckons we were gonna get complaints, as if mother Carly: lad did deliver for me Carly: not letters tho Carly: least id showered Ali: gotta replenish Ali: you chasing off your comedown rn tho Carly: cant outrun that bitch Carly: some of the mas on site are mad tho you can tell yours Carly: state of their sons my bad Carly: should've kept em in if you were bothered Ali: oh great Ali: no you can't speak to the manager, piss off helen Carly: ha Carly: my da is gonna be in such a mood when he hears Carly: sorry you missed out Ali: parents Ali: not like anyone died Ali: calm it everyone Carly: dont want me to fuck on site dont want me to go off it Carly: talk sense Carly: other day you were trying to marry me off da Ali: just 'cos it brings people to his door Ali: soz to take you away from all the cranking but Carly: yea Carly: sorry im not hiding in the back like w i was little Ali: yeah Ali: too big for the caravan now baby Ali: need your own, how much is it to rent Carly: theyre on about it but the state on this one might change their minds Carly: im cleaning as fast as i can k Ali: we're gonna sort it, i am omw swear Ali: and i'm a parent pleaser so Ali: do the rounds, sweettalk to mothers Carly: he'll just take me back to the doctors like take her off the tablets shes too outgoing now thx Carly: another of your talents boo Ali: when the meds work TOO well Ali: but of course Carly: if he was around hed kno how shit they are Carly: ha Ali: 😔 Ali: baby Carly: its k just gotta double down Carly: pro now Ali: 💚 Carly: style the freakout out cuz ima bad bitch Carly: facts and talents Ali: no lies Ali: the baddest Carly: what we doing today that isnt boring Ali: you mean you ain't buzzing to make like kim and aggy Ali: rude, i'm living Carly: do anything w you but Carly: can only check you out every time you bend Ali: cheeky Ali: appaz imma check all of you out, like Carly: what you dont wanna Carly: your gf will be sad shes so wrong Ali: didn't say that but yeah Ali: hate to make her admit that as well, like Carly: ill tell her Ali: you gonna snitch on me Ali: 🍯 Carly: nah jk Carly: i like annoying her tho Ali: i know Ali: it is funny Ali: not taking sides but lol Carly: taking mine i kno Ali: shh Ali: there's no right or wrong here, babe Carly: k but you love me more Ali: its different Carly: maybe Ali: maybe huh Carly: idk she dont think it is Ali: yeah Ali: but we know the truth Carly: fact is we're ruling this place together Carly: no surprise shes jealous Ali: if the 👑 fits like Ali: soz babe Carly: & we fit Carly: cant fight it Ali: nope Ali: if it works it works Carly: yea & you work it better than anyone babe Ali: oh you Ali: save it for all the Ma's you gotta say soz to Ali: 💋 Carly: ha Carly: mine will kick my arse out if she gets on one better leave the mattress where it is Ali: not gonna come to that but always room for a lil one at ours Ali: i got you Carly: aw Carly: never had a sleepover when i was a kid Ali: 😧 then you gotta Ali: tbh they weren't all that always but you know mine were the best Carly: yea no doubt Carly: all the magic Ali: exactly, midnight snacks and scaring the shit out of each other Ali: can tell you who you gonna marry if you've got a tea light, like Carly: thats easy tho Carly: no1 Ali: alright then, excluding the fact we already is so rude, tbh Ali: i'll tell you who you next gonna bang Ali: same diff Carly: youre just gonna say you Carly: smooth Ali: please Ali: gimme some credit 😂 Carly: now i gotta kno Ali: we'll do it when i get there Ali: which will be soon Ali: got stuck chatting to an old lady in the shop Ali: assume she can't see or she'd have avoided me like hell 😂 bless her Carly: if its ronan again or his cousin dont tell me Carly: aw so cute Carly: youre the sweetest & prettiest ever Ali: i'll casually throw the wax in the bin like nothing to see here Ali: not this morning baby but 1/2 ain't bad #stillgotit Carly: tell me you see my death & run like k bye Carly: every morning Ali: you'd rather your literal death? they ain't THAT bad, predictable but like, damn Ali: that's some shade, feel the burn, lads Ali: so are you cutie Carly: idk but over ronan hard Carly: hes being such an arsehole to me Carly: cba Ali: don't Ali: ignore his Carly: yea but like im gonna see him even if i do Carly: fucking site life Ali: i kno but blank him Ali: nothing talks louder Ali: or if you gotta, be proper polite like he's a stranger Carly: ha yea Carly: amazing Ali: childish but so is he so Ali: two can play at that game Carly: youre right i kno Carly: ive deleted his txts so i cant show you but its k cuz youd be sad Carly: or mad Ali: i'm sure i could guess the gist Ali: you can tell me if you wanna talk about it though, i promise i won't go ripshit Carly: idc Carly: ive known him long so i didnt think hed go that hard but thats what lads are like Carly: he fucks around more than me too Ali: he's a hypocrite Ali: just 'cos he knows other lads can do it better Ali: he's just insecure, babe, ignore him Carly: i need a holiday from here Carly: but ma & da never take me w Ali: shit considering how many times they manage Ali: cut a hol off and you'd have enough funds lads Ali: maybe we can Carly: i did kick off last time cuz they didnt refill my prescription Carly: went crazy like Carly: wouldnt want that girl there either Ali: not your fault, that, though Ali: you were literally off your meds Carly: that they reckon i dont need tho Ali: if you didn't then you wouldn't act like that without Ali: simple as Carly: never thought of that Ali: we'll go, i promise Ali: even if it ain't far Carly: lets camp Carly: marshmallows are the shit Ali: hell yeah! Ali: let's find a cave forreal Carly: YEA Carly: dont fall over tho Ali: do my best 😂 Carly: you gotta Carly: only scaring me w ghost stories or whatever Ali: promise Carly: k we'll go Carly: 💙 Ali: 💚 done and done Ali: do you wanna bring anyone else or Carly: got my fave coming Carly: do you Ali: nah Ali: just wanna take you exploring Carly: k Carly: then you can Ali: 👌 Carly: id go now so whenever you want boo Ali: soon Ali: i'll work it out Carly: i kno Carly: got the belief Ali: 🔮 Carly: should get dressed or nothing'll get done Ali: awh Ali: you knew i just got here Carly: they arent on yet Carly: not that fast Ali: jk Ali: find me on the mattress when you're decent bitch Carly: baby no Carly: youll catch something off that Ali: sitting on the carrier bag Ali: always thinking Carly: so smart
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Ali & Carly
Ali: this is why i don't wear shoes Ali: i have lost one??? Ali: rescue it if you see it Carly: what do they look like Ali: just a kinda tan sandal thing Ali: just a penneys special so not the end of the world, should chuck the other one so someone can have the pair Carly: come & bring me food & then youll be here to reunite them Carly: but yea k will lean out my door & see if its there Ali: love the enthusiasm, babe 😜 Ali: can feel your come down from here Carly: dont barely remember the come up Carly: wtf happened last night Ali: not in a much better position myself but uhm Ali: mayhem, that's for sure Ali: i think you might've gone home with the wrong cousin Carly: shit Carly: my bad Carly: better read my txts Carly: who did you go w ? Ali: didn't go that far with anyone Ali: 💍 remember and such a 😇 Ali: ronan was in a mard though and i weren't up for listening to that so 🤷 Carly: aw Carly: sorry baby i'll calm him down Ali: it's chill 😂 bless him Ali: no need on my account tho i'm sure he'd be down, despite protests otherwise Carly: my inbox is Carly: cba w this rn Ali: oh baby, want a bacon sarnie and a secretary? Carly: yea Carly: gonna throw my phone w your shoe Ali: i woke up to a mystery dickpic on my phone Ali: is it rude to ask which one it belongs to because lads, sorry, not that memorable that i'm picking it out of a line-up Ali: you'll know, been more recent, i'll come over with food and lucozade for real and ruin your day with that lovely image and the actually rather creative sexts that went with it Ali: 10/10 for effort, sir Carly: cant put it on the cv or school report but my memory for 'em is good Carly: if ive seen it i'll id it Carly: ill laff if its the large ginge cousin whose name i never got Carly: sounded like a cough Ali: that's a talent and if the man can't see that, fuck him Ali: and his job in tescos, like Ali: i mean, shouldn't have a preference but i hope not 😂 Ali: soz honey but Carly: thanks baby Carly: I hope its that token english Carly: he was fit Ali: can reply if you like Ali: worse ways to waste a sunday morning than messing with boys Ali: sounding like a priest Ali: oops Carly: ha Carly: i found some fucking funny vids of us so maybe the phone shouldnt go out window before youve had a look Ali: yes, i need to see that Carly: [sends her fave of the vids] Ali: aww Ali: we're fun drunks Ali: love that for us Carly: yea Carly: im a messy bitch tho Carly: no wonder i went w the hero cousin Ali: meh, things happen at parties, everyone knows that Ali: not like you're proper attached is it Ali: though he's gonna be annoying now probs but day in the life when you're irresistible, yeah? Carly: youd know babe Carly: he wont be on site long never is Carly: so idc Carly: saved me for a nite boy youre welcome Ali: duh Ali: hottest couple in town Ali: one for the wank bank anyway Carly: yea & he is fit Carly: give him that Carly: esp when i dont understand what hes saying Ali: the best kind Ali: a boy you don't have to speak to 😜 Ali: if that's all it takes like, whip out the Gaeilge Carly: youve got the giggles but yea Carly: true Carly: but on site id just have all the oldies chatting at me if i could Carly: not trying to make them go weak Ali: they ain't daddies? boo 😥 Carly: some got many kids but thats it Carly: say something to me then Ali: [sends voice memo, probably has dirty words she'd recognise from site life and lots of loling] Carly: k Carly: so hot Carly: if your gf is mad at me for stealing you last nite you can smooth things over w her like that Ali: might have to Ali: though it ain't you she's 😤 with Ali: poor ronan, shoulda done more than snog him if she comes for him, not even worth it for that Carly: ill protect him when he lets me back near Carly: cant stay mad at this Carly: sure your girls the same Ali: She's mad 24/7 babe, just gotta hold on, like 😂 Ali: we want different things now but that's not a convo for this morning like jesus Carly: whos got the energy Carly: cba w angry Carly: yea you want a sarnie Ali: exactly, and i wanted to have fun last night but may as well have said i want his dick in or around my mouth k bye babe Carly: ha Carly: that would be fun tho Ali: tell that to past you, dashing his threesome dreams like 🤷💔 Carly: still time Ali: not me you need to promise baby Carly: yea but id rather talk to you Ali: 💚 Ali: you cute Carly: all you Carly: how you look so good coming from band? wtf Ali: psh please Ali: it was all about you 🙇 Carly: if that was true why is every memory i got from last nite just you Carly: facts Ali: had to get you away from that mirror somehow, like 😉 Ali: it was fun Carly: ha Carly: cuz your talents got me like Carly: yea it was Ali: helps when the canvas already beautiful babe Carly: aw Carly: youre sweet Ali: 🍓 Carly: gonna make me cry Ali: don't cry lil one Ali: the bacon is coming Ali: got roped into doing a shady kid swap, where is my ma, take this demon child Carly: you can bring him if you want Carly: ill put clothes on before Ali: cockblocked again 😉 Ali: nah, he needs to go get shoes Ali: ironically and unlucky, twat Carly: what size is he Carly: i can ask around when i look for yours Carly: lads flog everything and anything here on sundays Ali: his feet are big man Ali: he's only little but he's lanky af, unlike me Ali: that's fun tho Ali: imma go shopping Carly: aw Carly: yea wish i was taller Carly: ffs ma and da Ali: literally Ali: least neither of my sisters are model tall or i'd be more raging Ali: we make it work, babe Carly: & i dont have any sisters Carly: well done on that one tho ma & da Ali: speak for yourself Ali: i'm gutted Carly: oww Carly: trying to replace me like the vows were no thing Ali: you know you're my one and only Ali: but a woman got needs Carly: thats what your gf is for Carly: no Ali: yeah but i'm allowed wishful thinking too Ali: damn Carly: ive given you the mental image of me naked Carly: what more you need Ali: are you jealous of your hypothetical sister? Carly: yea if you like her more Ali: aw baby, 'course not Ali: she's a ride, yeah, but bit of a bitch too, like Carly: ha Carly: takes after our ma like Ali: sadly, straighter than you Ali: 👎 Carly: like theres a ranking Carly: just straight or not yea Ali: I mean, it is a scale but I'm not gonna try and bond with your Ma giving her the test for it, like Ali: could we tie her down for a sec, obvs Carly: hit her when shes washing up Carly: takes long Ali: okay, i'll dry 😉 Ali: what an offer Carly: trying to make me vom now Carly: take crying or blushing over Ali: soz babe Carly: her & my da dont fuck but still dont reckon youre her type Ali: don't know what's worse, that, or knowing they do Carly: im good w them not Carly: sound carries Carly: no secrets in the caravan Ali: sure there's a toilet block they could go to Ali: keeping it sexy Carly: sure my da's there doing his cry wank Carly: while my ma checks the talent Carly: we got that to look forward to in our marriage in a few years Ali: who's scouting who's cranking Ali: because frankly, i refuse either Carly: im the biggest slag so probs me Carly: sorry Ali: and I'm not Ali: igloo sisters how many times now?! 😂 Carly: ha Carly: but youre loyal Carly: me and my ma dont kno the meaning like Ali: am i Ali: you miss the part when i got on ronan Carly: o yea Carly: i forgot Ali: idk what i'm gonna do about that Ali: instant gameover but its literally so irrelevant Carly: hes a ride Carly: you should be excused for it Ali: she's a 6 on that scale, yeah, massive gay Ali: so she ain't seeing that, never mind the other shit Carly: shit yea Carly: dont tell her Ali: does that make me the worst? Ali: i should hm Carly: hes not gonna speak to her Carly: and if he brags you can call it that Ali: Yeah Ali: I don't know Carly: its that or tell her Carly: & say youre sorry Carly: we were all wasted Carly: not like you have feelings for him Ali: You're right, obviously Ali: like that's the truth but yeah Ali: might leave it unless I need to go there Ali: soz God, swing by confession later Carly: tell her youre a bi cliche Carly: she'd love it Carly: use the scale Ali: she would tho Ali: validate everything she's ever sneaky or not so thought about me Ali: soz, i need a constant stream of p n v or i die Carly: a girl has needs Carly: what am i a 1? Ali: its like dis Ali: 1- all straight 2- mostly straight but lil gay 3- equal/bi 4- mostly gay but still lil into opposite 5- total gay Ali: but not gonna resist the urge to tell you you a 10 Carly: ��� Carly: i like that you're 3 tho. 3's a lucky number Ali: and a magic one 🔮 Carly: yea cuz youre magical Ali: believe it baby Carly: i do Ali: right, finally leaving, be like 10 Ali: doing the opposite to a walk of shame rn, strutting back in like what's good Carly: you gotta Carly: own it baby Carly: havent found your shoe tho sorry Carly: maybe ronan took it cuz he loves you so bad Ali: 😂 oh my god Ali: like a horny puppy Carly: yea Carly: building a shrine to you rn probs Ali: or he wanna play cinderella Ali: such a ridiculous fairytale, as far as they go Carly: how wasted was the prince that he cant remember what she looks like Carly: k been there but not trying to wife anyone Ali: right?! also, sure plenty of bitches a size 5, like??? Ali: was it a magic shoe Ali: no explanation, frankly Carly: yea like me and you have the same size Carly: ill take your prince for a ride bitch Ali: 😂 Ali: he cool with that Ali: that's the tea Ali: boy gives no fucks, long as it ain't a man in drag Carly: he hasnt met your brother tho Carly: boy looks good Ali: eww Ali: stop that thought right there Carly: dont get jealous Carly: not gonna go there Ali: not jealous, but repulsed 😷 Carly: k babe Carly: if you say so Ali: trust, you wanna see jealous you'll see it soon enough if you go there Ali: 😂 bea don't fuck about Carly: have to go for one of your other hot brothers Ali: trying be my sister in law and wife Ali: kickin it country Carly: you kno Carly: been on site too long Ali: forreal, not gotta hang with the traveller lads that hard baby Carly: after last nite not gonna be hanging w them for a while Ali: let 'em fight it out amongst themselves Ali: defs for the best Carly: yea Carly: hide w me babe Carly: gonna be so bored Ali: gonna Ali: i'll peep their wares another day Ali: not a euphemism Carly: sounds dirty tho Ali: yeah, regretted it as i said it but hey Ali: love me a sale and a gypsy boy Carly: no regrets boo Carly: they love you too Carly: esp whoever send the dick pic Ali: the real mystery Ali: soz everyone else with your drama but we gotta know Carly: i do need to be knowing Carly: thats my wife lads Ali: awh you gonna defend my honour n delicate sensibilities Carly: yea Carly: youre an angel Ali: you're so cute Carly: its you Carly: my parents came back Carly: gonna have to run Ali: oh no i am en route Ali: where you going boo Carly: i'll catch you and we can find somewhere theyre not Carly: ha church Carly: can you eat there cuz im not looking to die for jesus Ali: yeah for sure, not in the pews like its the cinema, like Ali: can go park if you wanna Ali: or up the mountain if you can hack it, like Carly: youre so smart Carly: like your mouth Carly: but yea Carly: date time Ali: awh yeah Ali: this picnic ain't goals i'm so sorry babe Ali: least the weather's looking up Carly: idc Carly: get to be w my boo Ali: 😍 Carly: i look crazy Carly: havent got dressed faster w out getting fucked before since idc Carly: idk Ali: i like crazy Ali: and beside me you'll probs look totally normal 😉 Carly: you look hot every day baby Carly: facts Ali: all these compliments got me feeling 🔥 obvs Carly: thats how i want it Ali: gonna have you flying high too Ali: top of the world, baby Carly: aw Carly: whats in the food like Ali: 😂 Ali: just faith n trust n pixiedust, of course Carly: you can snort pixiedust yea? Carly: k Ali: you gon' be mad when i've got nothing but sandwiches and half a donut Carly: nah Carly: cant be mad at you Carly: too cute Ali: and donuts are life Carly: true
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