#heyyy tysm for sending this :)
akhmatowa · 9 months
Hey, I saw your good omens posts and I just wanted to say that I agree with you so much!
I first watched good omens when season 2 was already out, and thought Beelzebub x Gabriel was cute, but the more I thought about it the less I liked it. The whole personality shift in both characters (especially Beelzebub) was kind of jarring and the relationship just not developed enough to be convincing, especially with only the few scenes in s2e6 in my opinion at least.
I personally prefer season 1 Beelzebub. I also missed the buzzing in their voice in season 2 and since that doesn't have to be actor related, it bothers me a lot even if its only a very small thing.
And you are one of the only ones I saw pointing out, that of all demons present in the bookshop Dagon, who was shown to shadow Beelzebub at many instances in season 1 and with that could have picked up on how to do a lot of the required work, should be the one being promoted, rather than Shax, which felt rather random and unearned. Realistically a Duke should become prince, right? Are there even more Dukes than just Hastur, as Ligur is dead and Dagon is under-duke? Are there more princes? The hierarchy in hell is even more confusing than the one in heaven.
I hope this little rant was okay and that you have a great week!
I LOVE ranting. Cannot overstate just how pro-ranting I am. (And thanks, I hope you have a wonderful week too <3)
I know my opinion on B/G couldn't not be influenced by the stew I'd been cooking in for 4 years, so it's very surprising to see a new fan sharing that perspective. The majority of responses I've seen so far is "I never really thought about them before but I guess they're kinda cute"... which, I guess, is fitting if you've never cared about the characters on their own and not as a ship.
And in order for that ship to happen they've changed Beelzebub so much I am still seething about it over a month later. What happened to my terrifying, buzzing, demanding respect, take-no-shit demon? Why did the new face come with completely different mannerisms, completely different behaviour, even completely different speech patterns? S1 Beelz spoke very commandingly, used very few words because they knew everyone would listen to them the first time. One side-eye was enough to shut the unneeded comments down! And I'm supposed to believe that the very same demon would become so jittery and chatty in just a couple of years? It's not that they were anxious about Gabriel, it's not like that's the first time something's ever gone wrong in their life. They say "love" changes people - and I could probably believe that if we've seen them less tense, more pensive, perhaps, but not this!!!
And the buzzing was such a great character touch - a very clever little blink-and-miss it detail that still gave a lot of insight to their character. What was the point in removing it!!! I refuse to believe that the new actress couldn't pronounce words with "z" from time to time!!!
As for the whole mess that's the bookshop scene: not only did they change Beelz completely, but they also really dumbed them down and made them seem so much more uncaring than they used to be. I'm sure I've already made that post, but they still cared at least somewhat about Hell before; and then seeing Gabriel knocked their brains out to the point of causing a political crisis there without a second thought. Watching them appoint their successor felt like "eenie meenie let it be you idc". The but about other Princes is so right - except Neil had Aziraphale guess Crowley's new name as Asmodeus, so... I guess he decided to keep them just as works of humans' imagination.
I can only hope that in S3 demons get some common sense and rebel against everything that's happened. (Although, given how low Neil's opinion of them is, I doubt it lol)
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lcftcult · 3 months
🚗 to pull my muse out of the way of traffic. (Husk) - @moonlightsdew
WE  MEET  AT  LAST! || Accepting
🚗  to  pull  my  muse  out  of  the  way  of  traffic.
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"NOOOOOOOOOO!!! MY CHEESEBURGERRRRRRR!" Cried the sinner as Husk yanked her backwards by the back of her sweater. Moments after Husk reached out for her, Black Star had dropped her precious sandwich. Which then rolled out onto a very busy street in Pentragram City. Seconds later only to be run over by a taxicab. A loud squelch would sound and ketchup would squirt on the street after the burger was decimated by the vehicle.
But after Black Star's feet touched the sidewalk, her eyes blinked a few times as the realization hit her. That could've been her who was run over by the taxi and not her lunch! Now the sinner's heart was racing as Black Star clutched her chest with one hand, eyes wide in alarm. "Uh.. ah ah.." Black Star choked, her body trembling while slowly turning her head around to see whom had saved her from a grizzly fate. "Th-Th.. thank you.. feh.. for saving me.. s-sir.."
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rute-me · 7 months
heyyy i love ur art sm!! 🖤was wondering if you could draw sebastian and harvey at the clinic?
i just feel like harvey would always lecture him on how smoking is bad haha!
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Maru says you can see the doctor's hair turning gray every time Sebastian has an appointment
I really had fun making this one XD and TYSM (I'M FLATTERED) for the compliments S2, feel free to send other ideas if u feel like.
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firstbitten · 2 years
@trainedshot​​ asked: what did you need me for?
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          ❝ Well, for starters, you have the gun, ❞ Nick pointed out, nodding pointedly towards the gun that Kaitlyn was armed with. He’d discovered not long ago that she was a pretty good shot with it too. At the makeshift shooting range they’d set up, she’d been quick to fire off her shots without missing a single one, and he wasn’t going to deny that it was impressive. With these creatures lurking around and everyone becoming separated, he didn’t want to take any unnecessary risks.
          ❝ With everything that’s happened tonight, I don’t really want to go investigate the noise unarmed if I can help it, so...You can either give the gun to me and wait for me to return, ❞ assuming that he didn’t die, anyway, ❝ or you can come with me. It’s up to you. ❞ The Aussie shrugged his shoulders, gaze flitting between Kaitlyn and the firearm. ❝ The alternative is that we just wait here and hope nothing kills us. ❞
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mvltisstuff · 11 months
Hi! Could I please request a 911 fic, please? Reader is Buck and Maddie’s little sister and is dating Eddie. She goes for a hike and falls, maybe just like a broken leg and concussion... but she has to call 911 and is freaking out a little and Maddie does her best to calm her down til the 118 gets there. Then lots of fluff with the guys. Maybe they show up at her apartment the next day to help her out with things and binge some tv with her. Thank you in advance!
sos - e.d
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summary: request
eddie diaz x buckley!reader
a/n: tysm for the request, hope you enjoy 💗
y/n thought it was common sense to not disturb the wildlife in the trail. there were signs everywhere, you had to be blind to miss them. blind or stupid, at least. she also knew that the group of teenage girls had ignored the sign, trying to run after the deer and scare them away.
it was her one day off. it wasn’t a huge day to go to the hiking paths, so she went when it wasn’t busy. however, the mob of juveniles came across like they were the only people to exist, shoving anyone and anything out of their way. y/n had fallen victim in their path of destruction. she had been firmly distracted on the panicked deer, being able to outrun their pictures and harassment.
stupidly, her food stumbled on a pit, twisting her ankle as she fell down the rocky hill. she felt the massive rock jab her head, leaving a pitchy ringing in her ears. the fall had turned her leg in ways that it shouldn’t turn. finally, after what felt like minutes of falling, she landed on her back on the dusty floor of the woods. she lay there panting for a few moments, hoping someone would have seen her fall, but there wasn’t anyone but the excited shouting of the girls. she basically had no other choice but to fish her phone out of her pocket. she was so discombobulated and facing pain that she could only manage to type the three numbers.
“9-1-1, what is your emergency?” the voice of y/n’s older sister came through the phone, making y/n’s heart race in relief.
“maddie! oh, jesus,” she groans. “so, funny story, i just fell on my hike and i bashed my head on a rock, and then my leg did a weird thing and now it hurts like a bitch so i don’t r-“
“y/n?” she could tell the panicked voice of her sister. “wha- ok, first, tell me what trail you’re on.”
“i’m on the northeast trail at brush canyon,” y/n informs, despite the throbbing ache in her skull.
“alright, i’m sending units to you now, but stay on the phone with me?”
“i will. god, those girls were just running like maniacs an-“
“hey, hey, calm down, y/n. you’re going to be fine, just don’t get too riled up, yeah? police and rescue are 3 minutes away from your location now.”
“thank you, maddie,” y/n says into the phone, starting to calm down and grow more tired.
“of course, that’s why i’m here. the police should pull up in a minute, i love you,”
“i love you too, maddie,” maddie hangs up the phone, leaving her to buck and eddie now. they came to check the safety of the trail after hearing about the pits, and the concerns of people tripping and tumbling down the hills. when buck saw his little sister on the ground, his heart stopped.
“y/n?” he shouted, sliding down the hill and next to y/n’s body.
“heyyy, buck,” she says, being given pain medicine by chimney. “oh, i fell by the way.”
“eddie!” he yells, calling for her boyfriend as he walks down to see her too.
“what the hell happened?” he asks, completely alarmed by her state on the ground. “hey, are you ok?”
“splendid. not the best hike, but i’ll just leave a bad review. and someone tell those bitches to stop running after the deer!”
“alright, she’s fine,” buck laughs, getting his sisters personality back as they lift her onto the stretcher. bobby allows buck and eddie to travel with her to the hospital, as her eyes close in the back.
“i’m not sleeping, i’m just resting my eyes.”
“y/n, you probably should sleep,” buck tells her.
“yeah, baby, you hit your head pretty good,” eddie adds. he smiles at y/n’s scrunched eyebrows and shut eyes as she just continues to fall asleep one minutes later.
the doctors had confirmed that she did fracture her patella, and would be limited in movement for a few weeks. she had a light concussion from the impact on her head, but she’d heal perfectly fine. it wasn’t really anything to worry about.
she returned back to her apartment with maddie, helping her carry her things back in with the crutches. “thanks, maddie.”
“don’t thank me, just please be careful now,” she begs. “i don’t want you to push yourself like evan did and get all worked up.”
“i’m fine, maddie, i swear.”
“ok,” she concludes. “i have to go to work, but if you need anything in the world, call me or buck or eddie and i’m sure someone will help you. are you sure you don’t need anything?”
“maddie, get out of my apartment and go to work. i am fine!”
“alright, i love you. i’ll see you soon,” she says, shutting the door behind her as y/n sits on the couch, leaning her new crutches against it. she finally gets settled watching some old random reruns from tlc, getting invested in it when she realizes that she has to eat something with her new medicine. she tries to figure out something, when she hears an abrupt knock on her door. she limps over with her crutches, revealing a grinning buck and eddie by her door with a bag of food.
“we come with food!” buck smiles. “your favorite! cheesecake factory!”
“you guys did not have to do this,” she says, letting them come in and placing a kiss on eddie’s lips.
“well, we wanted you to have anything you need,” eddie tells her.
“i appreciate, i really do.”
“good, so what do you need done?” eddie asks. y/n thinks about what she could get away with, and manages to make them clean her entire kitchen. they did it willingly, so it’s nothing but a win for her.
“perfect! now, come eat with me and watch this show i found,” she beams, crutching over to the couch and placing the bag of food in front of her on the coffee table.
“what are we watching?” buck asks, starting to crack open his takeout box.
“i’m not really sure, some guy making cakes in new jersey,” she presses the volume as the voice of the man comes through the speakers. she sits back with her plate of food, looking at her two favorite boys in the world.
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number1jeonginstan · 7 months
My first time sending in an ask as an anon to you...sorry I haven't sooner.
Can we have a skz fluff (as your bf-established relationship) reacts to girlfriend who is a dancer (preferably ballet but if it's hard to write for if you don't do it, it can be general) who overworks herself trying to get something right, but she just can't get it and is getting irritated? Possible angst if some of the argumentative boys wanna argue her instead of comfort.
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A/N: I’m so glad I could write for you!!! I really hope you like it, I tried doing my research and using my amazing ballet skills (aka watching the Nut Cracker since I was little) to try and describe it more!
WC: 1.4k
Warnings: None, just fluff and a bit of angst, but everything gets resolved!
You were in your studio, trying to perfect a sissone sur le point, and you kept messing up. As you slid onto your pointe, you kept slipping and you were frustrated. As you tried again, you fell to the ground, eliciting a groan from your lips. 
You had been at it for a while, barely taking a break to even drink a sip of water. You had no idea truly how long it had been as the only window in the studio was secluded. It wasn’t until you heard a knock on the door. “What!” you yelled, still frustrated from not getting it. 
“Y/N, are you okay? You’ve been in here for 4 hours.” It was then when you registered truly how long you’ve been practicing for. “Oh, I didn’t realize” you sighed, finally taking a sip of your water. “You can’t be doing this, it’s not healthy” he sighed kissing your forehead. 
“I don’t really think you should be talking Channie, you are usually cooped up in your studio working and barely ever sleeping,” your voice coming off a bit more condescending than you meant it to be. 
“Hey, I know I do that, but at least I take a break. You haven’t been on your phone since you entered here, I should know, I texted and called you multiple times.” 
“You did?” you asked, not believing til you checked for yourself. “Yes, now please take a break, eat something with me. You won’t get it unless you take a break and reflect, and get something in your stomach.”
You just nodded, taking his hand as you both exited the studio. You were grateful to have him to make sure you don’t overwork yourself, hugging him from the side and kissing his cheek. 
“What was that for?” he giggled, placing a peck on your lips. “Just because,” you grinned. 
Lee Know: 
You had spent at least two hours in the studio trying to perfect your gargouillade, you were struggling, constantly annoyed by how you were doing it, but it wasn’t looking clean. Again, you told yourself, and you could feel your muscles tensing. You just had to perfect it by the end of the day and make it look clean, but you kept failing. 
You gave up, laying on the floor, tired of exerting your body for two hours straight. Anger was ridden on your face. Minho entered the studio giggling, holding a container filled with japchae for the both of you, only to see the anger on your face. 
“Is everything okay?” he asked, setting down the food next to your bag on the bench. 
“No!” you shouted, still not wanting to get up. “I don’t know why I can’t get it to look good” you groaned, placing your hands on your face. 
“Maybe you need a break, overworking yourself will only make it worse baby,” he said while kissing your head, “not to mention so sweaty.” 
“But I have to get it perfect, I don’t know how you get your dances perfect the first time you try, it’s so unfair.” 
“Y/n, first off I don’t, secondly, I practice a much different medium than you. Yours takes much more core strength, and to build that,” he runs over, bringing the japchae with two forks to you, “is to eat good food.” 
 “Don’t worry, you will get it, I believe in you, now please eat.” He held a fork of the food in front of your face and you caved in, taking a bite as he fed it to you.
“YAH!” you heard a yell from behind you, “do you know how much you’ve been overworking yourself?” 
Before you could even say anything, Changbin had thrown you over his shoulder, stopping you in the middle doing your hops en pointe. “Put me down!” you yelled, smacking Changbin’s ass in hopes he would. 
“Nope, take a break, your muscles will get too sore if you do this!” He yelled back, placing you in his lap. Before you could protest, he began massaging your calves, eliciting a groan from you. 
“See, I told you your muscles are tense, from now on you should listen to me” he grinned from ear to ear as you just nodded. 
Maybe all you needed was a quick break and a massage from your loving, but loud boyfriend. 
You were on the floor, practicing your arabesque penche, trying to make sure you were not falling or tilting to either side. Your body needed to be stable, and you couldn’t possibly get it down. 
Hyunjin came into the room clapping for you, causing you to fall down. “What was that for!” you yelled, not meaning to raise your voice or your temper.
Hyunjin looked startled by your reaction and profusely apologized. “Shit, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to distract you.”
“No, I’m sorry I’m just really frustrated” you sighed, walking over to him and peppering his face with kisses. “It’s okay, I understand, now go back to dancing, I want to draw you looking beautiful” as he took out his sketchbook and pencil eliciting a giggle from your lips. 
You were frustrated out of your mind, unable to complete your move properly, making you a bit angry. You just wanted to curl into a ball and never do ballet again at that moment. Han had decided to enter the studio at that exact time. 
He saw you curled up and decided to lie down next you. You didn’t notice he was there until you opened your eyes, flying back to see him. He erupted into a fit of giggles, “I didn’t mean to scare you, baby,”
It caused you to start laughing as well, being next to him while you both erupted into giggles was exactly what you needed to take your mind off of everything.
“I can’t do this anymore!” you groaned while Felix came in beside you. “I’ve been trying for hours and I haven’t gotten it down.”
“What if I dance next to you, I bet I would look really good in tights,” Felix said, trying to imagine himself in a pair. “What, you don’t have to do that?” you quickly replied, not wanting him to struggle with you.
“But whatever we do, we do together, right? So come on, let me do this with you, or you can do it perfectly now and we can go home and eat brownies.” 
That was all the motivation you needed to try one more time, and you got it. “Felix, I finally did it!” you shouted, running into his arms. “I told you, you can do anything, you just have to get out of your head at times,” he said, kissing your face with a smile.
“If you don’t want to do it anymore, you should just quit. It’s only 16 years of your life down the drain,” Seungmin told you, watching you struggle. 
You had been complaining for hours that you couldn’t get your sissone sur le point to look right. It was too difficult and very few people could do it perfectly. “I can do it, stop bringing me down,” you groaned trying it once again. 
“Come on, you are the one who said you just wanted to quit, so quit.” Seungmin said out loud, trying to get a rise out of you “I don’t know why you are trying if you know you are going to fail anyway.” 
That was all the motivation you needed, you needed to prove him wrong. You had tried once again, finally successfully doing it. “Ha!” you screamed “In your face Kim Seungmin!” 
He just laughed “Finally, now can we please go before we miss our movie?” 
“Can I try with you?” he asked. “Are you sure, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” You were confused, you were stuck on the same move for days, constantly crying to Jeongin about how you couldn’t get it down. 
“Just show me one more time, please?” 
You did, landing perfectly. “I did it! Wait, WHAT!” you yelled, tingling Jeongin’s eardrums. 
“I told you, sometimes you just have to leave that pretty brain of yours.”  
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imajinxnation · 2 months
Heyyy I saw that you wanted fic ideas and I love your other keanu fics. I hope this is one you want to write for, but if not that's ok xoxo
Would you be able to write a fic about Neo losing his virginity again (kinda) to the reader in the real world and it's also really fluffy. Maybe they're alone on the Nebuchadnezzar (idk why lol).
Tysm in advance 💕
Second The Best
Neo (Thomas Anderson) x FEM!Reader
SUMMARY // Soft (and kind of uncomfortable) sex with Neo in the Nebuchadnezzar
TW // Fluff, Smut, Soft Sex, Losing Virginity(kinda), Raw Sex (if you don't want kids, don't do dat)..
Neo is my soft bb boi and I love him
Lmk if I missed any warnings!!
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"A-are you sure..?"
"I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life.."
You and Neo are in his room on the Nebuchadnezzar, cuddling on his small bed while waiting for the other crew members to come and get ready to leave. They wouldn't be there for awhile, having to help with things around Zion and clean up a giant mess that was made, which could take hours. That meant you and Neo got to enjoy some quiet time on the ship before the rest come and ruin your peace and quiet.
"I never actually got to experience sex in real life.. and I think it's only right that I lose my real virginity to you.." Neo says, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nod slowly, taking in his words. While you're in thought, Neo stares and admires your facial features as if you're the most beautiful goddess he's ever seen. He can't help himself and leans over you to kiss you while you're in deep thought. Your eyes widen once his soft lips land on yours gently, but quickly your eyelids flutter shut at the beautiful sensation of his soft and loving kiss.
Your hand slides up the side of his neck and to the back of his head, your hands brushing over the port in the back of his head, his hair slightly covering it. Your hand runs through his short hair, nails scraping against his scalp, sending shivers down his spine at the relaxing feeling.
Neo breaks the kiss slightly and looks in your eyes, his deep, chocolate brown eyes staring lovingly into yours.
"Please.. I want this.." He whispers, placing his forehead gently onto yours.
"Okay.." you whisper back, kissing him once more, this time a little more desperately.
"Mm.." Neo lets out a low moan as he kisses back, his hand snaking around your waist and pulling you closer to him, your legs tangling with his on the bed.
You pull back, breaking the kiss and begin to leave gentle kisses down his cheek to his jaw, then to his neck, stopping at the junction between his neck and shoulder. You nibble and suck lightly on that spot, making him moan softly. Your hands slide up his shirt, feeling his body, and brushing your thumb over one of his nipples, making him let out a breathy laugh at the ticklish sensation. You smile into his neck, loving the way he laughs.
You tug at his shirt, wanting to take it off. He gets the hint and sits up, pulling his shirt up over his head and tossing it onto the grated floor.
"All those martial arts programs did wonders.." you mention, grazing your fingers down his the middle of his chest and stomach. He shivers, his need growing as you touch him gently.
"Ugh.. I need you, please.." he groans in a low tone as your hand stops at the waistband of his pants.
You smile gently and pull back, crawling off the hard mattress and pull your plain shirt off, kicking off your boots and shoving your pants off, leaving you in your underwear. Neo lifts his hips and pulls down his pants aswell, tossing them to the floor, adding to the pile of your clothes on the metal floor.
"Fuck.. (Y/n), you're gorgeous.." Neo whispers, his eyes scanning your body, engraving every curve of your body into his memory.
He sits at the edge of his small, uncomfortable bed, his cock straining against his underwear as he watches you strip off your bra, your breasts falling out with a slight bounce. Neo swallows hard, his adams apple bobbing in his throat as he admires your soft breasts. The size.. shape.. beautiful.
You smile and blush, walking over slowly to sit in his lap, your clothed core rubbing up against his strained erection, making him groan. His large hands roam all over your body, starting from your calves, his hands gently caress up to your thighs, your hips, grazing over your ribcage and wrapping his hands around your breasts gently, squeezing the soft flesh. He leans his face closer and gently takes your left nipple between his lips, sucking softly, pulling it between his teeth slightly every now and then while pinching your right nipple lightly between his fingers.
"I need you so bad, (Y/n)," he says, pulling away from your nipple and laying his head in your soft chest.
"Have me.. you have me," you respond, running your hand through his hair softly.
That was all it took, Neo's fingers traveling down your body to pull your panties off, then his briefs right after, throwing them to the floor. You look into his eyes for the go-ahead, and he nods, hands placed on your hips, guiding you as you position yourself over him. You steady his cock in your hand and sink down onto him, his length filling you to the brim.
You gasp at the feeling of his cock stretching you out, and so does he. It takes a moment for both of you to adjust to the feeling of each other. Neo slowly pushes you down further on his cock, suggesting he wants you to move. You let out a shaky breath and comply, rolling your hips onto him, moaning softly. As you start to bounce on his cock faster, he wraps his arms around your middle, burying his face in your breasts as he moans your name..
"(Y/n)! Ah.. fuck, you're so tight, so warm.. so fucking perfect," he groans and moves you to lay down on the bed, his cock still inside you.
He begins to thrust slow and hard, savouring the feeling of your warm cunt squeezing around his cock. As he thrusts, he leans down to kiss you gently, wrapping his arm around the back of your neck before breaking the sweet, sensual kiss and laying his cheek on the side of your forehead, groaning into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
His pace starts to quicken and his thrusts shallow, making you moan out in pleasure, knowing he was so close.
"Neo! Wanna cum.. wanna cum with you, ah!" You moan out, lifting his head with your hands to make him look into your eyes.
He grunts and nods, bringing a hand down to rub at your clit, making you gasp and moan louder, moving your hands to cling onto his shoulders, your nails digging into his freckled flesh as he continues thrusting into you, his fingers rubbing at you fervently.
The knot in your stomach becomes too much and Neo can sense your impending orgasm, so he thrusts harder, his own orgasm nearing, his fingers rubbing at your clit faster.
"Fuck, gonna cum!" You gasp out, eyes widening as the knot in your stomach snaps, sending waves of pleasure through your body, your nails digging into his shoulderblades, almost breaking the skin.
"Yes!" Neo grunts and gives a few more thrusts before coming undone. He stills, his cock throbbing and balls tensing, his cum spurting into your warm and welcoming pussy.
Neo collapses on top of you, panting, his cock softening inside of you. He slips out gently and lays between your legs, his head resting on your chest, satiated and out of breath.
"Well? How was your second time?" You grin down at him, petting his soft hair lovingly.
Neo grins back and rolls his eyes playfully, "Well.. you know the saying. Second's the best."
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wintfleur · 6 days
omg heyyy, I’d love to read something of how they would react if Juliette, mat and Quinn are out on a date night, and then when they’re out they get swarmed by paps and they’re kind of taking up their personal space and Juliette starts getting anxious??🤍
ᥫ᭡ Lights, camera, acción!
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﹕─┈ pairings ( Mat barzal x Leclerc f1 driver oc! x Quinn Hughes )
°. — details ( g; angsty. w; angst, the paps being fucking creeps. Mentions of the paps trying to see under Julie’s dress. wc; 2.2k )
au masterlist - everything for the AU is under #🍂 ͡ ꒱ Juliette Leclerc
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( hi lovely , tysm for sending in a request !! This is like the first fic I’ve really written for this au so I had so much fun !! So sorry it took so long to get out !! Hope you all enjoy it , and please let me know what you guys think !! )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( also !! I know this is a bit unrealistic because of the privacy laws and restrictions on professional photography in Monaco . . . but let’s just pretend those don’t exist for the sake of this fic please )
“We watched that last time” Quinn complained as he set down his glass of wine on the fine white tablecloth. The linen was so soft, softer than some blankets that he's slept on in the hotels he's stayed at, but he didn't expect anything less from the very nice restaurant Juliette had taken them too. 
He licked his lips, cleaning them of any remnants of the red wine that he knew wouldn't be able to pronounce correctly. What he did know was that his girlfriend sounded incredibly hot pronouncing it and he knew Mat felt the same way with how he bit his lip and adjusted in his seat, turning his attention towards the beautiful view of the sunset covered sky that they got from sitting on the patio. 
“So? Then we can watch the second one” Mat was quick to come up with a solution to their ongoing problem of picking a movie for tonight. Mat wanted to watch The Hangover again, Quinn didn't, and Julie was not going to get between them on this topic again. 
“What do you think sweetheart?” Mat turned his playful glare away from Quinn and to Juliette who had her elbow on the table, her chin in her palm as she watched the two playfully argue with a fond smile on her red lips, her own glass of wine long forgotten. 
“I think” Juliette leaned closer to the two as she spoke slowly, the chill air of Monaco giving her bare arms and legs goosebumps. She watched as both of their gazes fell to her cleavage, lingering on the necklace with their initials decorating her neck. She could tell by the way both of their breaths hitched that they thought she was going to turn there night towards a different direction. Julie gave them a teasing smirk as she continued “That I'm going to pick the movie tonight” 
“So, what you're saying is that we're watching twilight again?” Quinn teased with a smile as he leaned back in his chair, just itching to slip out of his whitebutton up shirt that Mat had picked out for him. Julie had a habit of watching the same group of movies depending on the time of the year and how she felt. And she was really feeling Edward Cullen as of late. 
“I'll even let you guys pick which one!” Julie giggled as she reached for her glass, taking a large sip of the expensive wine. Mat and Quinn could definitely tell that the wine was starting to get to her, she was far more giggly than usual. And with how she kept on nudging her stiletto foot against their leg, touchy as well. Two Telltale signs that she was tipsy. 
Mat and Quinn got lost in their own thoughts as they looked at their girlfriend who sat across from them, their thoughts very similar. Julie looked so ethereal under the fairy lights that hung across the patio, her smile and the look in her eyes were driving them crazy. They both desperately wanted to go home . . . or at least make it to the car. 
Quinn cleared his throat and turned the conversation into a different direction, he could see the look in Mat’s eyes, and they still had to wait for their desert to arrive, and mat wasn't one with patience. Julie slowly sipped on her wine as she listened to her boys talk, tilting her head to look out at the night sky with watchful eyes, just taking in the sweet moment of being with her lovers, in her home city. 
The sweet moment was ruined when she felt a cold chill run down her back, and it was like the calm air around them totally shifted into a tense and uncomfortable feeling. She felt like she was being watched. She looked back to Quinn and Mat who were smiling all lovey to each other, neither of them seems to have the same feeling she did. 
She sat up straight in her chair and quickly looked around the empty patio when she heard the subtle sound of a clicking. That anxiousness and fear started creeping up in her bones at the thought of them being watched, please not again. She cut off their conversation with her anxious tone “Did you hear that?” 
Mat and Quinn were quick to halt their conversation when they heard the desperation in her voice, a look of worry coming across both of their faces. Quinn was the first one to speak up while Mat reached across the table to rest his hand on Julie's trembling hand that rested on the table, caressing her soft skin with his thumb “No, what did you hear?” 
“I could have sworn I heard a camera click” Julie frowned as she looked behind her one more time, all she could see was the building next door and a little bit of the busy street. She couldn't see anything from the ground level. Quinn also looked around and he couldn't see much from where they sat “Maybe you misheard? 
The throuples heads all snapped towards the sound, Mat moved his hands from Quinn's thigh and Julie's hand and stood up from his chair and walked past the empty table next them to see over the protective railing. His eyes widen when he sees a man standing next to a light post on the street, a big black camera in his hands, pointed right at them. Mat clenched his fists as he hissed in anger “What the fuck” 
“Come on we're leaving” Quinn sighed as he stood up from his chair, holding his hand out to help Julie up. Julie was quick to get up and hold onto Quinn's arm, the world slightly spinning from her getting up so fast while being tipsy. Mat flips the man off before turning around and making his way back to the table, pulling his wallet out and leaving several bills on the table, not caring if he overpaid, it would be a nice tip. 
He followed them off the balcony and through the restaurant to the back exit that led to where her car was parked. Julie leaned against Quinn's side as he led them towards the door, mat was practically seething as he walked behind them, he hated how insensitive people were, it was disgusting how the paparazzi's treated Julie. 
Mat rested his hand on Quinn's lower back as he moved in front of them to open the door for them, he was angry, but he still made sure to smile at them both as they walked out of the door. Quinn could see the anger in mat’s eyes, and he could see the anxiety in Julie’s, he hated how such a good date night turned sour because some people were such fucking creeps. 
Quinn wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and she snuggled closer to him, his body warmth protecting her from the chill breeze of Monte Carlo. Mat quickened his steps so he could walk on the other side of Julie, his shoulders were tense as he kept on looking around them, hoping that his gut was wrong and that there weren't more paparazzi. 
They were quiet as they walked to the small car park, but the silence was quickly gone as they turned the corner to the car park. Julie let out a gasp of surprise and stepped back in shock at the loud shouts and flashes from the pictures being taken. Quinn was quick to gently pull Julie behind him, hiding her from the paparazzi that stood next to their car waiting for them. 
“Juliette! Juliette smile!” The paparazzi all screamed their names, shouting out questions and demands. The three of them knew better and kept their mouths closed, not giving them any attention that they desired. Julie winced and closed her eyes; every loud click and shouts made her flinch and move closer to Quinn who was leading her towards the car. 
Mat quickly pulled out the keys and unlocked the car for them to quickly get in, standing behind them protectively as the paparazzi's moved closer to them, they were surrounded, and mat was doing everything to hold back and not shove them away. Julie squeezed her eyes shut and trusted Quinn to lead her, her heart felt like it was going to shoot out of her chest. The flashing lights and the shouting made quick work to give her a headache, the wine in her bloodstream not helping. 
Quinn quickly opened the backseat door and helped Julie in the car while Mat got in the driver's seat. Quinn quickly stood behind her as she got in when he noticed one of the paparazzi crouching down, hoping to see up her dress. Quinn sent him a heated glare before getting in the backseat with her and closing the door. Mat quickly locked the doors and started the car. 
Julie slumped in the middle seat, leaning her head back with her eyes still closed as she tried to calm down. Quinn moved closer to her and softly brushed her hair out of her face, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her forehead as he whispered “It's okay honey, they can't get to us in here. Your safe” 
“Those fucking creeps, there lucky i didn't run them over” Mat hissed angrily with a scoff as he pulled out of the parking lot and into the streets. Quinn kisses Julie's forehead again as she cuddles into his side, Quinn says Mat's name in a calm town, wanting him to calm down before he gets too worked up. 
Mat lets out a heavy breath telling himself to calm down, he quickly looks in the rearview mirror and frowns when he sees the upset look on Julie's face, Quinn was playing with her trembling fingers, knowing that it would help calm her down. Mat asks softly, "Sweetheart, are you okay?”
“I’m sorry that I ruined our date night” Julie murmured sadly, so quietly that Mat almost didn't hear her from the front seat, Ignoring her boyfriend's question. Juliette had terrible luck with the paparazzi, they never left her alone, to the point where she’s had to move twice from the fear of her being watched at her home. A fear that made her anxiety even worse. 
Mat’s heart broke at how dejected she sounded, and he wished he could just give her a big hug and kiss all her sadness away; he would make sure to do so when they got home. It hurt both of their hearts to hear those words coming out of her mouth, especially when it's definitely not her fault. Quinn frowned and continued to play with her hands and hair “it's not your fault angel, please don't say that” 
“Yeah, it's those assholes' faults, besides we have a whole lot of night left” Mat was quick to reassure her, they hated seeing her upset and sad. Mat made eye contact with Julie through the rearview mirror when she lifted her head from Quinn's chest. Mat sent her a flirtatious wink “And i know a lot of ways we can enjoy out night” 
A small chuckle leaves Julie’s lips at Mat’s flirting, he never failed to make her smile. Both of them smiled at the sound of her laughter, happy to have cheered her up. Quinn pressed a quick kiss to her temple before saying sweetly “There’s that pretty smile we missed so much” 
Julie felt her heart flutter as she tilted her head to look up at Quinn, he looked so handsome. He had some stubble from not shaving this morning, his longer hair was a little messy, and God that smile on his lips. Quinn looks down at her with a teasing smirk before glancing at mat “Awe look Shes blushing too” 
“Where did your dirty little mind go sweetheart?” Mat teased as he leaned back in the driver's seat, his right hand falling in his lap as he drove with one hand. He glanced at her through the rearview mirror as he continues to speak “I was talking about us cuddling on the couch watching twilight and eating some sweets” 
Quinn laughs along with Mat when Juliette lets out a loud groan at their teasing. She playfully pushed Quinn away, but he just grabbed her hands and pulled her closer, she was practically in his lap now. Quinn gently cupped her chin and pulled her into a soft kiss. Julie hummed and closed her eyes, her hand coming up to cup his jaw as the kiss got heated. Julie could taste the wine on his tongue, and she wanted more. 
Mat bit his lip to hold in his groan at the sight of the making out in the back of the car, having to stop himself from pressing hard on the gas to get home faster. Julie slowly pulled away from the kiss and sat back in her seat in the middle, crossing her arms over her chest with an embarrassed pout “I hate you both” 
“No, you don’t” Mat smiled as he pulled into the street that led to the apartment building where Julie's penthouse was located. Julie scooted forward in her seat, leaning forward between the driver and passengers' seat to place a quick kiss on his before falling back in her seat with a surprised squeal when mat suddenly drove over a bump, Quinn had grabbed her, and his look of worry turns into a smile at the giggle she let out. 
 “No, no i don't” 
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˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( this is so poorly written omg I’m gonna sob 💔 )
°. — taglist ( @lovings4turn @toasttt11 @cixrosie @ru-kru @alwaysclassyeagle @theopenlocker @lavisenri @callsignwidow @willowpains @winterbarnesblog @yoontwin )
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
your writing is so cool btw
can I request a cricket crew with a classical musician partner or friend? (I play cello btw and I have a performance soon, rlly need some cricket crew brainrot)
hiii thank you 🫶🫶🫶 ; and yes of course!! idk much about instruments so bare with me, I had to do some research LMAOOO
HANDSOME BROS ; classical musician
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu
warnings ; language, jokes about killing
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tries to learn how to play your instrument
"Tommy, you're holding it the wrong way-"
"I've got it!"
good god it's... it's something
your ears are bleeding /pos
"You're gonna break it!"
"No I'm not!"
he's infatuated with hearing you play your instrument
will never miss a concert, he'd rather die than not be in the crowd cheering you on
if you got the lucky chance that the director gave you a solo, he will be recording and he will be posting it to the main insta to show your talent off
he's 100% your biggest supporter
loves watching you tune your instrument and maybe trying to learn how to do it
has you play it on stream sometimes too LMAO
bro turns on medievalcore yeah! by usher and gets you going 💀💀
he loves mixing your music together
you guys made a whole classical 50s-sounding song together (since he can play piano) mostly as a joke but it was so good???
jokes about slashing you with the bow of your instrument (if it's a string, sorry to anyone else out there 💀💀)
he loves going to your concerts, will cheer you on no matter how loud he accidentally gets
if you're trying to find him in the audience, he'll wave to you to try and help you find him better
he likes you trying to teach him how to play your instrument, even though he's never gonna get it
brings you food and some water after each performance and wraps you in a proud hug
watches you tune your instrument in silence. he'll never learn how to do it or even really focus, just likes watching you yk?
"new subgoal! if you guys hit it, y/n will play their instrument on stream for you. they're a one-man cover band"
you covering their favorite song with your instrument is 100% their ring tone
their voice-mail message is you playing some romantic tune in the bg while they go over the "send a message!" shit
he's going to all your concerts and will be rewarding you afterwards
probably got you to do some tunes for the genloss soundtrack tbh
will just awkwardly pose with your instrument in post-concert/rehearsal pictures like 😊👍
will talk to you post-performance like a proud mother 💀
you'll barge into his room, instrument in hand as you cover some popular meme song as he's streaming to just interrupt
you'll dedicate a whole stream trying to teach them how to play your instrument
it goes fairly well for someone who's never touched an instrument before
he knows piano and guitar, you're 100 percent covering songs or making joke songs for the bit 24/7
if you play brass instrument, he'll constantly, lightheartedly, complain about the spit, leading you to play out the window or in the bathtub 💀
your biggest fan at concerts, will give you a standing ovation at the end, he will be like a proud parent watching their child graduate
you guys probably start a duo band for the hell of it
sometimes you both get a little too bored and why not post your music?
he's accidently gotten hair dye on your instrument somehow
luckily it came off
if he's streaming, too bad, you'll purposefully play your instrument and/or walk in like a one man mariachi band
"y/n/n what are you doing?"
"being a musician, freddie!"
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hoshigray · 11 months
HEYYY🤪who ever requested y/n bratting off to toji is a blessing fr.🙏🏼 Can you also do the same thing but fluff edition. If the post is gone, dont worry about it. Love your writing!!
No worries, noonie, bc I made sure to save the fluff version as a Word doc if needed, lol. But here ya go, hope ya enjoy and tysm!!:)
Reminder: This is a sfw/fluff version of this thirst!
Cw: Toji x reader - fluff!! - pet names (baby, kid/kiddo) - implied that reader is shorter than Toji - first, the reader is sour, but then they're sweet :) - Toji calls you a 'bitch' but not in a belittling way, just frustrated with your antics - lots of humor bc we love making this man suffer, lol - the reader gives him a scare hiding from him (again, make him suffer! but he's hella worried about you so </3) - angst(?) - reader being a brat and Toji being a grumpy bf = a perfect couple ♡ Wc: 2.4k
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It's late in the night, WAY past the midnight hour. The streets are quiet, people are home sleeping, and the air is curtained in a cool mist from rain not too long ago.
And yet here you are, in an open grocery store skimming through the fruits section. You pick up a bag of apples and examine them before placing them back down, moving on to the next aisle.
Behind you, the squeaky wheels of the shopping cart follow your every step, driven by your boyfriend — Toji.
The two of you had left a movie theater to see a movie you'd been anticipating seeing, which only had seating at the last showing of its week — 12:30 a.m. The runtime was two hours and thirty minutes, so it wasn't to your surprise that the plaza was utterly empty by the time it ended. Although you're happy you got to see the movie, you made a mental note to get tickets earlier next time.
Suddenly, you realize you forgot to grocery shop, and most nearby stores are closed. But after many trips around the neighborhood, you've finally found a store open for twenty-four hours.
So here you are, scoping around the aisles to pick up things and check them off your list. Now all there's left is the toilet paper, which would be right on the top shelf...that you can't reach.
You turn to your side to see your boyfriend looking down at his phone. Well, he's no help. With a sigh, you place your phone inside your pocket and try to carefully reach for the toilet paper, stepping on the lower shelves and being mindful not to step on any of the items below.
Toji notices something up when he glances up at you trying to climb up to get something from the top shelf. Putting his phone in his jean jacket, he comes around and hovers over you while grabbing for the toilet paper. You watch, and you shake your head at him. Damn, tall people...Hold on. An idea pops inside your head, and a grin molds onto your lips.
"Hey!" You call out to the man before he puts the item at the bottom of the cart. "I was getting that."
"I know, but y'r lil legs and arms weren't getting you any far, baby." He sends you a sly smirk, causing you to take offense to his comment.
Oh, two can play this game, Mister..."Put it back."
His brows crease together. "What?"
"Put it back up there," you repeat yourself to the man and point at the top shelf. His confused expression is still present when he hesitantly does what you instruct him. "And then pick me up to get it."
He looks at you like you're crazy. "What kind of shit are you on?"
You giggle. "Oh, come on, Toji. I was trying to get it, so I wanna do it."
"You could barely touch it."
"Not unless I have my trusty, tall boyfriend to help me, so pick me up!" You lift your arms for your waist to be open for grabs, and Toji just stares at you. With a heavy sigh and a scrunched expression, he lifts you up effortlessly, and you happily take the toilet paper he just put back up.
You beam at him once you're put down, and the older man has never rolled his eyes so fast. "Actin' like a damn kid."
Your tone is matter-of-fact as you put the item under the cart: "You call me a kid all the time, so I gotta uphold the title. Okay, that should be everything from my list, so let's get the other stuff."
"Other stuff?"
"Yeah, like sandwich meat, chips, and juice for Tsumiki and Megumi. They're going swimming with their friends tomorrow, and they need lunch to take with them."
Toji crosses his arms, examining you walk past him with the cart. "I suppose you're the one paying for all that."
"I'm absolutely...not," you don't have to turn around to know the man behind you has his jaw dropped. "I'm paying for the things on my list, and you pay for the other stuff."
"And what makes you think I'd pay? I already paid for the dinner and the tickets for the damn movie."
"Yes, indeed you did. But guess what, I'm using my money for my things. So, Toji dearest, it's only right that you pay for the things for your children." You peek behind you to see your boyfriend throw daggers at you with emerald eyes. Your smile only grows. "What kind of father would you be if you don't care for those angels?"
Toji just groans and mumbles curses under his breath. "They're only angels when you're around, ya damn brat..."
The two of you head to the snack aisle, the right side harboring a massive assortment of chips. You stop the cart when you spot a brand of chips you remember is a favorite in the Fushiguro household. The only problem is that the flavor you're looking for — which is on the bottom shelf — is nearly empty, meaning the last few are further in the back.
"Hey, Toji," The named man comes from behind, resting his chin on your head. "Those chips down there, ya think there could still be some in the far back?"
"Mmm," His broad chest vibrates against your back from his gruff hum. "Probably."
"Mind getting them for me."
"....Why can't you get it?"
"Because I told you to get it. Besides," you bring up your hands with two fingers up to air quote your following sentence. "I don't think my 'lil arms and legs' will get me far."
Toji's quiet for a few moments, and you bite your lip to not laugh. But it's no use when he flicks your ear before leaving your side, giggles fake cries of pain exiting your lips. "Fuckin' bitch."
"I heard that!"
"Good." You blow a raspberry at him as he groans, kneeling to the floor, and crouches to put his head under the shelf. The image of your brawny man squeezing through the racks is a rarity, and you can't laugh because you know he'll kill you once he gets back up. So, with silent quickness, you grab your smartphone, take a picture, and swiftly put it back in your pocket. You chuckle to yourself in accomplishment. That's for calling me a bitch, you bastard.
The man comes up with a bag of chips in hand, the exact flavor you were looking for. However, "Woah, woah, woah, that's not the right size."
"What are you on about this time?"
"I always get the family-size. That's just the regular one."
"Yeah, so?"
"So?" The older man is visibly vexed that you repeat after him, yet you continue. "Toji, I know you're gonna snack on those later, but I'm gonna use it to pack lunch for the kids. And judging by how small the packaging is, that's not gonna last for the entire week — let alone three days. Miki and Megs aren't gonna like you for that. Go get the family-size pack."
"They don't have it down here; it's just this!"
"Well, what are you gonna do? Buy three more bags...Oh."
Toji notices you spot something that puts your thoughts aside, so he follows your line of sight to the top shelf. As you described earlier, family-sized chips were stationed at the very top, unlike at the bottom stand where they usually are.
All you can do is smile sheepishly at Toji when you two glance at each other, the older man giving you the heaviest glare you've ever received. "If you ask me to pick you up again, I'm throwin' ya up there and leavin' you til next time."
"Don't bother. I'm going to get the sandwich meats." You turn away from him and the cart to hide your laughs and head to the deli aisle. "You stay right there. I'll be right back."
"Hmph, whatever." The man grabs the right size of chips and chucks them into the cart. And then he leans against the shelves, waiting for your arrival so you two can finally leave the store.
One minute pasts. Then two...Three....Four.....Five—What the fuck!?
There's no way the store is that big for you to find the deli aisle. It's nearly been six minutes, and you have yet to return to the snack aisle! Toji can only wonder what it is that's taking you so damn long. They probably saw somethin' cute and will ask me to get it for 'em. Hmph, like hell. Or maybe they don't have the sandwich meats they're lookin' for and are tryin' to find something else to substitute. Or they could be lost, who knows.
But the more he thinks, his thoughts delve into darker reflections. And if they're lost, would they run into someone for help? What if that person doesn't work here, talking to a damn stranger. What if that bastard is making them uncomfortable? Taking advantage of them. Or worse: a kidnapping.
Dread corrupts all of Toji's senses when his mind wanders to the worst scenarios, but he can't help it when you haven't returned to him. There's already one person he's lost in his life, and he wouldn't want to lose you too. That's why he straightens himself up and ditches the cart full of your stuff to find you for himself. Because if you aren't in this store right now, things will start to get ugly.
He storms out of the aisle, looking around to assess the parameter. Deep breaths don't seem to calm him down, as the dry bob in his throat makes it difficult to swallow. He looks up to see the signs for every aisle. Deli...Where the hell is—
That thought grinds to a halt when he hears footsteps approach from behind. So Toji turns around with haste, grabbing the pocket knife always kept in his jean pocket.
However, he doesn't pull the defensive weapon out. Instead, his tense physique relaxes, and a wave of relief soothes him down back to Earth. Because the footsteps belonged to you. You were okay.
"Damn, you and your freaky senses! I was hiding behind that bread rack over there and waiting for you to turn around so I could surprise you. Hehe, but I can see you must've—Ow, ow, ouch!!!"
Unlike before, genuine cries of pain fly out your mouth when Toji pinches your cheeks, twisting them so hard that you scream louder the tighter the grip. He doesn't let go until you step on his foot, and even then, the hurtful wails are replaced with laughter.
"You absolute fucking brat." You try to cover your giggles with your hands, but the irritated expression on Toji's face makes it difficult to keep your composure. "Over here tryin' to scare me and shit when I'm wondering what the hell's takin' you so damn long. Not even my own damn kids give me this much trouble."
"Oh shit, pfffthaha. At lea-At least I—wheeze," You're trying so hard to look your boyfriend in the eye, but God was you in hysterics. Tears prickle, and you slowly reveal some packaged items in your hands. "At least I got the sandwich meat."
Toji swiftly snatches the deli products off your grasp, causing you to laugh even harder to the point of your stomach hurting and your eyes forced shut. But that doesn't stop the man from pulling you to the unattended cart by the back of your neck, caging you between him and the handlebar.
But no matter, because you still laugh walking down the aisle with him. You still laugh at the self-checkout. And you still laugh when putting the groceries in the trunk of Toji's car and placing the cart in the corral.
Even when you sit in the passenger seat, chuckles fill the silence and one-sided tension. You peer to Toji's side to see him harbor a scowl while facing the windshield, downright avoiding you. "Oh, come on, Toji, it was just a little prank. You gotta admit it was kinda funny!"
He shakes his head, eyes still honed in front of him.
"What? Oh, so you're not gonna talk to me?"
"Are you serious? Toji, it wasn't even that big of a deal. Were you worried about me for real—"
"Yeah, kid." Now he looks at you; his forest-green orbs capture yours as if luring you to listen to what he's saying. "I was fuckin' worried about you. Thought somethin' bad happened or...whatever, forget it." Toji lets a heavy sigh exit his system, resting his head on his hand.
And you just watch him, not bothering to say a word back. It doesn't take long for you to understand where he's coming from because you're already beating yourself about it with the uneasy silence between you two.
You know about Toji's loss — his late wife, Megumi's mother. You don't know too much about her passing. However, you're enormously aware of how significant a toll the loss took on Toji. It took him a long time to even consider dating again and putting a label on your relationship.
So now that he's with you, it's easy to understand that he doesn't want you getting hurt and anything dreadful happening on your end.
And yet, acting like a child isn't making things any better.
You silently exhale and hesitantly set a hand on the one lying still on his thigh. You notice his head turn in your direction from the sudden contact, but you don't address it, just leaning on him with your head on his shoulder. Toji lets you do so.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry like that." You say to him, your eyes on your hand rubbing on the back of his. "Just wanted to act silly with you, is all. Didn't want to scare you."
"Who told you to act silly?"
"Uhh, me? 'Cause it's like 3 a.m., just the two of us. And it's the weekend."
You can feel the rise and fall of his shoulder following the sigh he lets out through his nose. Toji then removes his hand from you and puts it on your shoulder to keep you close. "You can be a pain in the ass, ya know that, kiddo?"
"Yeah, yeah. But I know you love me for it~." You move to happily kiss him on the cheek.
"Yeah, sure." He kisses your temple and rests his head on yours. The two of you indulge in the comfortable silence of the car for a few minutes, relinquishing each other's presence before driving home. "Just be a lil' more careful, 'kay, baby?"
"Mmm, promise."
But you're still gonna make that picture you took of Toji your wallpaper. It's a true gem. Plus, it's what you get for calling me a bitch.
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lunicho · 2 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE >.< hopefully you’re enjoying your day!
Okay TMI but I swear I’ve been ovulating for over a week now and all I can think about is rough!Sohee. He truly doesn’t mean to slam into you the way he does but you’re just so warm and tight and you sound so good. Also he can’t get enough of you, once you’ve both came he’ll flip you over and get right back into it😵‍💫 I feel like he has a thing for cumming inside of you and whimpers like a WHORE when he sees his cum dripping from your hole. When you try to move he just grabs your thighs and sloppily eats you out, groaning at the taste of your sweet cum and his salty cum 😔
random question but do you ever wish you were born on a leap day 😭
send riize asks to @angeltsan
HII LMAOOO this ask just show show old it is im so sorry i didn't get to this sooner :( the motivation was NOT there but heyyy hehe, tysm for the birthday wish, i rlly appreciated it then and still appreciate it a whole bunch now <3
sohee really can't help but be super rough :( he's really just so pathetic cuz like u said u feel so warm and nice around him and he's utterly infatuated with you. the way your face twists with pleasure gets him going even more. his hips would go so so fast and he'd barely be able to catch his breath with how much he's moaning and whining all prettily. him cumming inside and eating u out?? ur insane. he has a thing for cum in general i think, like even when he jerks off just the sight of his cum on his hand gets him so like idk he's idkkk. but he'd drop to his knees so fast, hands grabbing your hips and pulling u close to him, he'd suck on your pussy, hands holding u in place omg. he's even vocal while giving u head, he's so so cute :(
also thats so funny like i've never thought abt that actually 😭 so no i never wish i was born on a leap day but now imma be thinking abt it LMAODJKS
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darkstar225 · 7 months
Twice's 10th member has Astraphobia ft a certain observant penguin (Mina)
A/N: Heyyy, I'm trying to make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that the anon who gave me this idea on Tumblr likes it!
The request: hiii, i want to request story y/n is afraid of thunder and it’s raining in the middle of the night and mina comforting her to make her falling asleep. thank you so much💕
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The sound of rain tapping against the window echoed through Y/N's quiet room (she had a single room in TWICE's dorm), a rhythmic melody that mirrored the pitter-patter of her anxious heart. She sat on the edge of her bed, her eyes wide and fixed on the droplets racing down the glass pane. The storm outside seemed to amplify the shadows in her room, casting eerie shapes on the walls that danced with the lightning's erratic glow.
Y/N, the 10th and youngest member of TWICE, had always been open about her fears, but there was one fear that she rarely spoke about... astraphobia, the fear of thunder and lightning. Tonight, the heavens had decided to unleash their fury, and Y/N found herself caught in the crossfire.
She hugged her knees to her chest, trying to drown out the thunderous roars with deep breaths. The anxiety wrapped around her like a suffocating shroud, and her mind raced with thoughts of impending doom. The storm outside was a wild symphony of chaos, each thunderclap sending shivers down her spine.
Y/N's phone buzzed on the bedside table, a soft hum against the storm's cacophony. Glancing at the screen, she saw a message from Mina, her dear elegant unnie.
Mina: Hey, are you okay? I'm outside but I heard the thunder, and I know it freaks you out. Want me to come home?
A surge of gratitude warmed Y/N's heart. Mina, always perceptive and caring, had a way of understanding without needing to be told. With a shaky breath, Y/N replied.
Y/N: Yeah, I'm not doing so well. If you don't mind...
Mina: Of course. I'll be near you in a bit, babe.
True to her word, Mina arrived at Y/N's door not long after. She was dressed in a cosy sweater, her expression a mix of concern and gentle reassurance. Y/N opened the door, and Mina stepped inside, closing the umbrella she'd used to shield herself from the rain.
The two sisters made their way to the youngest's bed, the only source of light coming from the soft glow of a bedside lamp. Y/N, still hugging herself, avoided Mina's gaze, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief.
Mina sat down beside her dongsang, her presence a comforting weight on the bed. She didn't say anything at first, knowing that sometimes silence spoke louder than words. The storm outside continued its wrath, but Mina's calm demeanour provided a much-needed anchor.
Mina - Hey... 
Mina finally spoke, her voice a gentle murmur. 
Mina - I brought something that might help. *smiles*
From her bag, Mina produced a plush blanket and a small speaker. She unfolded the blanket and draped it over her little sister's shoulders, tucking the edges snugly around her.
Mina - Close your eyes and listen, my love. 
The soft hum of raindrops against the windowpane merged with the soothing melody emanating from the speaker. It was a playlist of calming music, carefully curated by Mina to drown out the storm. TWICE's angel closed her eyes, focusing on the gentle tunes that wrapped around her like a musical cocoon.
As the music played, Mina started to hum along, her voice a sweet lullaby that blended seamlessly with the rain's rhythm. Y/N found herself gradually relaxing, the tightness in her chest loosening its grip. Mina's warm presence and the music created a safe haven amidst the tempest.
Mina - You're not alone, sweetheart. 
Mina whispered as her hand reached out to gently stroke Y/N's hair. 
Mina - I'm here with you, okay?
TWICE's lovebug nodded, grateful for Mina's comforting touch. The storm outside raged on, but at that moment, a quiet calm settled within Y/N. Mina's kindness was a support to end her fears, a reminder that even in the midst of a storm, there could be relief.
As the minutes stretched into hours, the fatigue from the emotional turmoil started to weigh on Y/N. Mina continued to hum and speak words of comfort until her little star's breathing steadied, and her tense shoulders relaxed.
Mina - You can rest now. I'll stay with you until the storm passes. 
Mina whispered, her voice like a feather-light caress before she lightly kissed her dongsang's forehead. 
Y/N, guided by Mina's reassurance, allowed herself to succumb to the embrace of sleep. The rain continued its lullaby, a gentle backdrop to the peaceful serenity that finally enveloped the room. Mina, sitting vigil by her maknae's side, watched over her with a tender smile, knowing that sometimes, the greatest comfort came from simply being there for someone in their darkest moments.
And so, in the quietude of the storm, amidst the melodies of rain and music, Y/N found solace in the arms of her older sister, and Mina, with a heart full of empathy, became the anchor that weathered the astraphobic tempest within.
And this made them share one thought:
I love my dear chosen family I found in TWICE.
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors. English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there is something wrong, ty for reading <3
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harveys-mustache · 5 months
heyyy :)
i’m new to tumblr and i want to start getting back into writing.
sooo… if anyone could send me fanfic requests THAT WOULD BE GREAT TYSM <3
i write for…
ellie williams (tlou), joel miller (tlou), vi (arcane), mizu (blue eye samurai), miguel o’hara (spiderverse)
i will be adding more soon but this is what it is for now lol.
THANK YOU :)) <3
- ria <3
(btw i do not do smut at the moment. maybe in the future tho)
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whatsleftofdishaa · 1 month
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Heyyy, I heard that you love the moon. So here are some moon pics for you. 🌙
Awww....tysm 🥹🫰🏻. I spam a lot of my mutuals with moon pics.....today I got the spam.
My legit reaction when someone sends me moon pics
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neontokyoo · 1 year
HEYYY can I have 33 + 97 with William James Moriarty?? Tysm in advance and keep writing! I really enjoyed ur work!!
Aww, thank you, nonnie! It really makes me happy knowing how many people love my work! I really wasn't expecting all these requests within four days of posting on here. Mostly because I originally just made this blog to improve my writing and keep the creativity flowing, so thank you so much! Just knowing that people absolutely love my posts really makes my day!
Pairing: William James Moriarty x reader
Prompts: 33, 97
Summary: Your husband decides to do something special for your honeymoon
Genre: Fluff, lime(?)
Warning(s): sexual themes, bad language, I'm not very experienced with this, so hopefully it's not as bad as I thought it would be.
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William hurried around the cabin you had rented for your honeymoon, trying to get everything set up for your special surprise. Everything had to be perfect.
The bed was neatly made, with rose-scented candles lit on some of the furniture in the bedroom. Once he was done in there, he made his way to the main room, kitchen, and dining room. After making a beautiful dinner and some tea, he put everything neatly on a silver platter, setting it down on the coffee table in front of the loveseat in the main room.
After making a few finishing touches, he was finally satisfied enough to settle down and read a book while he waited for you to return from the "shopping trip" he sent you on. But he didn't have to wait long. You returned, looking absolutely stunning as always, with an irritated expression on your face.
"Liam, they didn't have what you sent me for—" You began until you saw your husband sitting down on the couch, smiling at you.
"Oh, don't worry about it, darling," he assured you, "I wasn't expecting them to."
"You mean you sent me to the market for absolutely no reason?" You questioned.
"I believe I have," he hummed, closing the book he was reading and getting up to put it back on the shelf.
"Liam, all you've ever done this whole time we've been gone is lie to me and send me on wild goose chases for items that don't exist," You complained.
"It's all for good reasons, I swear," he said, kissing you on the cheek.
You took a second to look around the room, unsure of what to expect. You were almost convinced he had another woman hiding around somewhere, considering how often he's been lying to get you out of the rental. But nothing seemed off except for the romantic setting that wasn't there before you left.
"What have you been planning?" you asked suspiciously.
"Just sit down, and I'll tell you."
You rolled your eyes and sat on the couch, with your husband sitting beside you, and he told you everything that he had been working on in secret over the past few days.
He had been planning the perfect romantic evening for you, and it was finally coming together. Everything from the candles to the dinner, to the loveseat where you were sitting, had all been carefully chosen to make you feel at home, and to let the sparkle of love shine through.
You two have been married for a while now—a little over a week—and William decided that it was time to take everything a step further.
While most of the couples you've met over the years have spent their nights just having sex, your husband wanted to do something extra special. Something that would show you how much he loves you.
"So, are you in?" he asked you.
"Of course, darling," you said, running your hand along his cheek and smiling at him.
He leaned in and gave you a quick kiss on the lips. "Perfect," he whispered, before taking your hand and leading you into the bedroom.
Everything was ready. The candles were lit, dinner was ready, and the loveseat was ready for you two to sit down and enjoy a nice, romantic evening.
As you walked into the bedroom, William had the look of satisfaction on his face. He had done a wonderful job, and he couldn't wait to see the look on your face.
"So, tell me." You said, looking over at him. "Are you going to tell me what this special surprise is?"
He took a deep breath, let it out, and then began. "I've been thinking." He began.
"About what?" you asked.
"Well, darling," he said, running his hand along your arm, "we've been married for a little while now, and I've been thinking that we should take things to the next level."
"Hmm." You hummed. "I'm not quite sure what you mean by that."
"I mean," he began, running his hand along your arm and placing it gently on his leg, "that we should have sex."
"Oh." You took a deep breath, and looked over at the loveseat, contemplating whether or not you wanted to have sex with your husband.
"Is that what you want?" he asked, reading your expression.
You nodded, and he pulled you in for a quick kiss.
"Well then, shall we?" he asked.
You nodded, and he gently set you on top of the bed.
"I really wish you'd told me earlier." You said, as he took off his suit. "I could have prepared."
"Don't worry, darling," he said, running his hands along your hips, "I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I have an answer for everything."
"Is that so?"
"Well, good." You said, taking off your own clothes and climbing back on top of the bed. "Because I've been dying to know what you have in mind."
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yyxgin · 2 years
could u please do svt in a long distance relationship headcanon?? tysm and have a lovely day
heyyy im not really good at this headcanon thing tbh so i hope i did your request justice with this :p have a lovely day and thanks for the ask!
seungcheol - i'm a strong believer that gift giving is one of cheol's primary love languages so i can only imagine him sending you gifts,, like some pretty jewelry or even send you flowers with little notes in them whenever he feels like it!! never forgets an anniversary and always makes sure to visit you on the special day:)
jeonghan - travels to meet you so often you are worried for his health because of how jet lagged he gets. he insists that nothing beats quality time together though, so he doesn't really care. keeps cuddling you when he's around, you can barely move. tells you that it's because he wants to imprint you into his muscle memory so he can feel you in his arms even when he's away.
joshua - sends you covers of your favorite songs or just songs that remind him of you in voice memos. also, he's big on voice memos because it's just easier to talk than to type. loves hearing your voice so he only imagines you do as well. always cheers you up on bad days and just rambles about whatever when he's bored
junhui - double texts you all the time and always sends a long train of messages whenever he tells you a story. replies in memes only. whenever you post on instagram, his comments are peak comedy. somehow always facetimes you when he's sitting on the toilet or rushing somewhere.
soonyoung - randomly calls you in the middle of the night because he forgets about timezones and when he realises its 3am where you live, he gets very apologetic and feels so bad he hangs up and you have to call him back
wonwoo - truth is you two probably met through gaming,, like in league of legends or on a minecraft server lmao. you two call on discord a lot and he buys you nitro from time to time. if youre on a call w your other internet friends they keep complaining abt how sweet the two of you are towards each other. leaves u little notes in your minecraft house or drops a diamond sword in one of your chests >:(
jihoon - writes songs about you and sends you the drafts. jokes and tells you not to leak them. also im a strong believer that he organizes holidays for the two of you whenever you both have free time and insists on getting matching "i ❤ [city]" shirts wherever you two go. the collection of silly shirts reminds him of you. also i know he's a tsundere but i think he gives you a promise ring so you can remember his promise that one day, you'll live together and the distance will no longer be a worry :)
seokmin - sends you letters all the time because he's just romantic like that. i would even go as far as saying he keeps a locket with your picture on him and looks at it when he misses you. sends you postcards from every place he visits and brings you small souveniers or gifts from everywhere.
mingyu - uses snapchat more than anything. documents his whole day for you and also sends a few 'sexy' selfies u shamelessly screenshot. keeps whining about missing you and constantly asks you when he's gonna see you again.
minghao - definitely owns the touch lamps that change colors whenever the other person touches it. sometimes you two go back and forth and challenge each other on who will tap it the last. also, whenever the two of you meet, you go hiking, so you can relax from the technology you two use daily to communicate
seungkwan - whenever you complain about someone that made you mad, he keeps telling you that he's gonna fight them despite living thousand miles away. or when you're sad he tells you he's gonna kidnap you so you two can be together and he can cuddle you all the time
vernon - he's so terrible at texting that you two almost exclusively call. sometimes he falls asleep during the call, but that's okay. when you face time, you have to beg him to turn the light on so you can see his face. sends you spotify links to songs he likes and associates with you. also i lowkey feel like whenever you two meet, he keeps posting insta stories with you to brag.
chan - downloads one of these couple apps where you send each other little doodles or notes! compliments you on them all the time even though they literally suck. also,, has that app where it counts the days, minutes and seconds you two have been in a relationship and posts it on his story on your anniversary
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