#ill buy u fies :)
spamton · 2 years
Transgender Household in need!
Don't tag with d-n-tion/m-tu-al aid/etc
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Hi! We're three mentally ill trans folk (transmasc, nonbinary + west-asian transfem) that all live together under one roof and naturally because weve got all of that going on we are in a vunerable group esp considering we all live in the UK, which is infamously not very good for people like us.
Only one of us is employed at the second and the other two are full-time students at University. Even though I am employed I don't make enough money monthly to even cover my rent, let alone buy food for myself.
Below are links to our ko-fis, p/ypal and c/shapp ^_^
Carl -> Ko-Fi + Commissions + P-Pal! Kacper -> P-Pal Here! Riley -> £RileyGregorishvilli + P-Pal!
Unsure of a goal as of now but I'll keep it updated. Boost if possible, thank u all <3
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lemon-wedges · 1 year
Just wanted to ask (and feel free to not answer), but how do you draw so much so quickly? I'm always impressed by how fast you doodle or paint. Also, wanted to say that I appreciate your Barok and DGS art as a whole.
and with this ask i have finally reached an artist milestone 😭
Well theres a short answer and a REALLY long answer (which ill put under cut when i get there).
short answer: practice + refs
which.....can be an annoying thing to hear. And as someone who studies art and has bought a LOT of online courses trying to figure out how industry people can just churn out work like nothing. it feels like a let down every time i find out their big secret. just practice and photo refs. Every. Single. Time.
its how you studying your refs. heres how i do mine
sorry if this is rambly. but ill try my best to at least be clear. BUT THIS is the EXACT way i taught myself how to be quicker.
I do not know if youve taken any art classes but essentially one of the ways to study gesture drawing is by first tracing ur photo ref to get a sense of the flow/proportions of the body. youve probably seen a billion of these tutorials floating around:
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So last year around hmmmm june/july? i was NOT looking to get better at my anatomy or gesture. i was actually trying to get better at clothes. but my problem was it took me so long to draw out a figure (which i was fine with cause i liked how my people looked at the time) that i could never really just focus clothing part.
So i told myself look. ur not looking to draw in this style like this forever. so for now SIMPLIFY SIMPLIFY SIMPLIFY!!!! I WANT THE BAREBONES OF A HUMAN HERE TO MAKE A MANIQUIEN FOR CLOTHES OK
but how do i do that....
Im gonna use this piece as an example from my rise and yosuke fashion palooza month. FIRST u see i got all my photo refs together. i like those poses on the right and i want to switch out the clothes for the other ones i picked out. i trace out my poses. kind of like the tutorial up top but since this is about draping i was focused the exact places their waist/arms/legs/etc would bend.
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and like the tutorial u turn off the photo ref and do a drawing based off that traced piece.
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then i would turn on my refs and add on my clothes
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And after a month of just doing that over and over and over. i was surprised to find that figures and poses were so much easier to understand when i would break them down like this. and once u get familiar with them the faster and more confidently you'll draw them.
I and still do this btw. heres my otasune from the last week
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i used photo refs for all my sketches. if i cant find anything online to match what i want i just take photos of myself. and some might say well arent u just relying on reference TOO much?
AND AGAIN take it from someone who has spend a lot of money buying classes from their fav artists in the industry. The Secret of how they churn out so much cool work so fast always turns out to be this. practice and photo refs.
Every. Single. Time.(tho this is omitting a lot. im not getting into like they way they stylize their art work. that actually the fastest and funnest thing to do once u have ur base down)
The thing is, i dont actually post up all my work on this blog. So theres a ton of stuff you havent seen me do. These are some paintings i did 2 years ago for a class.
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I already know how to pick my values and set up lighting. When you see me painting my figures now. i am not focused on learning these basics im actually just honing a technique.
you might see me post readmores with these kinds of wips. I lay in all my colors and lighting with the lasso tool. ALL THE MAJOR DECSIONS ARE DONE HERE
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(the little miniature i add on the side basically tells me what the overall feeling is going to be when i blend in the lineart to be cohesive with my colors) ( also if you had any questions on my prepainting process tho. feel free to ask!!!)
and if you compare this wip to my finished piece youll actually find that i dont stray that far from what i've laid in.
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everything happening at THIS stage is about feeling out how i want the textures to blend with one another and getting funky with some brush strokes.
and thats it? im not sure if any of this is helpful but if anything. i hope you come away from this feeling like what ive been doing here is nothing special. "THATS IT???? THATS ALL THERE IS??? well i could have done that :T"
exactly man. you can do ALL OF THIS aND MORE!!! I BELIEVE IN U :D
but ill let this be the last thing i leave u with my friend: my barok sketch and the refs i used for his boobies
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borkb11 · 9 months
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Hi! Would you like to help an autistic mentally ill transgender mexican artist to pay his meds and be able to eat by buying him a ko-fi and getting a cool doodle in return? Well youre in luck
Click read more for context. And please share id appreciate it a lot and it would really help me
Hi! My name is diederik and i’ve been struggling a lot financially lately and i ran out of my antidepressants for a few days now and i dont know when i’ll be able to afford them.
Why don’t you get a job?
I’ve tried and keep trying but it’s genuinely really hard to get a job here
I am very scared of what could happen if i dont take my pills for a long time and i really dont want anything bad to happen and ive also been struggling a lot with food, i still have some but its not a lot and then we’re gonna have to pay rent and.. its honestly a nightmare
I would just really really really appreciate anything u guys could give like just by sharing you’d help me a lot.
You also could get a very cool and fun doodle if you donate me anything!!!
Please share this this is very important and it worries me a lot
Heres my ko-fi again
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ljandersen · 2 months
hey girl im back again i think abt sideways like evry single day pls pls pls when r u releasing the next update 😞
Hello again! Thanks for checking in.
Unfortunately, I don't have much of an update. I'm still working on my original sci fi series. It's my top priority. I'm almost done with the first book and then I will be focused on posting it.
That said, "Sideways" is always on my mind and heart. It means a great deal to me, and I'm incredibly flattered that you think about it too.
I wish I had better news for where Part 5 stood in the pipeline, but to tide you over, here's an excerpt from it. I opened the fire-proof safe and dragged out the notebooks just for you!
This is from "Sideways" Part 5. I typed it up from the handwritten rough draft. There are no guarantee that it will be close to the final version or that it won't be cut in editing. But, here you go!
“And after that, you’ll be back in this other timeline, hmm?” Dr. Quigley reached for the bishop and then paused.  He picked up his tower instead.
The med bay lights always felt extra bright reflecting off the room’s metal surfaces.  Shepard squinted at the chessboard on Quigley’s desk.  A bold move.  Too bold.  She had to not be seeing something here.
“You must be good chums with Alenko in this other life?”
“Quite chummy.  You’re really buying this story I’m telling you?”
“Naturally.”  Quigley rested back in his chair and steeped his hands in front of him.  “My most recent head scans for you are a little outdated though.  And I do need to inventory the narcs.”
“Not all mental illness is anatomical.”  Shepard vacillated with her queen.  Two good choices.
“I’m glad you’re giving me more doctor’s advice.  We needed this workshop.”
“So,” Shepard said lightly, keeping her eyes on the board.  “How’d Kaidan take the news?  You told him about the . .. permanent damage.”  Whatever medical consequences there were to his Red Death, the doctor had hinted at but refused to tell her.
She set the queen on the black square near his tower.  Slowly lifting each finger off, she leaned back in her chair. 
Quigley snatched her queen up with his rook.
“Dammit.”  She was losing her touch.  Or maybe just her concentration.  “You can answer my question though, right?  I’m not asking what you told him, just the reaction.”
“I don’t see much purpose sharing that.”  Quigley dropped her queen beside the board. He made a prompting motion for her to continue.
She gave up any pretense and looked Quigley in the eye.  “Was he all right?”
“Seems to be, doesn’t he?” Quigley nodded at the mess hall over her shoulder. 
Kaidan stood at the coffee machine, trapped between Cortez and Allison, listening to one of Adam’s tales, replete with exuberant hand motions.  Allison seemed to be the only one not anticipating the laugh beats.
Shepard sighed. “Hell. You’re right.  I’m being nosey.”
“I'm already sold on you being another Shepard.  Saying ‘you’re right’ is just overkill.”
The med bay doors slid open with a hiss air.  Cicero cut a clean figure in a well-pressed uniform and pressed-lipped smile.
“Here for medical treatment?” Shepard asked.
He wasn’t, of course.  His eyes had zeroed directly on her the moment his squeaky boots hit the threshold.
“I am to understand that you deserve congratulations.”  Cicero meandered slowly along the counter toward them.
“I don’t think so. The doc’s beat me.  Just took my queen.”
“Ah, that delightful humor.”  Cicero tapped a tray of scalpels as he passed it.  “Those have water stains.”
“Oh, dear.”  Quigley clutched his chest.  “I wondered what killed my last patient.”
Cicero ran his hand under the edge of the cabinets and examined it with rubbing fingers.  “This whole bay could use a thorough clean.”
“No objection here.”  Quigley shrugged.
“Anyway.”  Cicero ambled to the desk.  “You’re acting counselor or so I heard on ANN.“
“Forgot my tiara and sash downstairs, but yes, you heard right.”
“Congratulations then.  I’d share a glass of wine with you, but it’s been adulterated.  The antichrist must be aboard. Rather than water to wine, it appears wines can become water.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he was,” she said simply.  
“Regardless, a handshake will have to do.”
“Not even that is necessary,” she said begrudgingly, but shook his proffered hand. 
She checked her palm after drawing back.  There hadn’t been a noticeable sting, but she’d been fooled before with a handshake.  Nothing seemed amiss though.  He was trying to unsettle her with his politeness.
“I suppose the late Councilor Wilson would be grateful seeing you take bat.  He had grown rather close to you and Alenko.  That is, before the end.”
“Uh huh.”  Shepard’s blood pumped.  “If you give me a ‘God rest his soul,’ Cicero, I swear . . .”
“Swear what?  I think it’s well-established that attacking me, at least publicly, is not a route without consequence.”
Shepard lurched to her feet, knocking chess pieces over on the desk.  “Thanks for the handshake and veiled threat.  I’ll see myself out.”
“Ah, ah.  Not so fast.”  Cicero caught her elbow then quickly let go.  “Though my wine’s off the menu, I would be pleased if you’d join me in my cabin for conversation.”
“I’d rather be waterboarded.”  She shot toward the door.
“So sure?  Well, that is a shame.  There’s something you may like to hear.”
Her feet caught. 
She urged herself toward the door, even lifted a hesitant hand to the open button.  She should have taken Kaidan’s advice the first time.  Nothing good ever came out of a conversation alone with Cicero.
“About what?” She couldn’t help herself.
“Dr. T’Soni.”
Shepard’s gut twisted. 
“Well, if you change your mind, you know the floor number.”  He strolled around her.
Frozen in place, she could only watch his retreating back.  He cast a thin smile over his shoulder before disappearing through the door.
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r0zeclawz · 1 year
do u have 20 dollars.
if so buy pizza tower
im waiting for a sale atm cus im trying to save up but i REALLY wanna play it and ill definitely stream it. if anyone wants to gift it to me i have a ko-fi :)
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dixy · 4 months
is anyone interested in like $10 silly doodle commissions so i can get a haircut ill take 3 slots. i cant guarantee when ill be done bc im gonna be really busy this week but it shouldnt take longer than 2 weeks. (also if u just want to donate itd be greatly appreciated i need like $25 for haircut + tip, heres my just set up ko-fi where u can buy/donate ) examples under cut vvv
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(last one was done w my mouse when my pen was dead, i will be using my pen (unless u want me to use my mouse?))
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lossie92 · 11 months
I think I underestimated how long it will take me to get back on my feet. It's hard to find energy for anything and I'm honestly just tired of being tired😮‍💨
Unfortunately, that means I won't be posting stuff for now. The commissions will be delayed too, probably till mid-June, since I don't want to open the slots only to be unable to draw.
Ngl I'm in a slump rn regarding creating stuff for fandom in general. Probably because my mental health took a blow along with my physical health. I can fake it till I make it and joke around about being ill, but it's just not sustainable all the time. Rn is one of those times.
Drawing the piece I posted yesterday took all of my energy. Literally all of it. My hands were shaking and my wrist hurt the entire time, and I had to redo so many lines bc of that... And the piece got barely any notes anyway, so I feel like I posted it for nothing. I could have just shared it on my Discord and called it a day. Same difference.
I guess it just felt extra discouraging bc it took extra effort to do it? Idk. I don't think I want to unpack those feelings atm.
Anyhow, I hope I'll be back to posting stuff soon, but for now I'm on a semi-hiatus till mid-June to recover and get myself back together. I might post something in the meantime, I might not. We'll see. The point is rn I don't feel like creating for ppl outside of my immediate circle and that is that.
Thank u everyone for the continued support and if u feel like it, please buy me a ko-fi ❤️ It truly means a lot. As always I hope you're all happy and healthy, and I'll see u around 🫰
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delta-orionis · 2 months
do u have any good ways to sell someone on rain world?? its on sale right now and ive heard a lot good about it and seen u posting about it it just takes me a lot to buy a game (even though i think ill probably like it)
If you're following me and have seen me post about it, then you're probably aware of some of Rain World's major spoilers. The intended experience is that you go into it blind, and what seems to be a pretty standard difficult-but-fair platformer about a cute slug creature turns out to be an expansive sci-fi story with incredibly intriguing lore.
That said, I'll be honest, I didn't go into the game blind. I already knew the basics of the larger plot and I found it compelling enough that I really wanted context. Rain World's storytelling is an amazing mix of both sci-fi and fantasy elements, and the lore is much, much deeper than it might appear at first glance.
As for the game itself, I was also pretty iffy about it for a while (even though I had people telling me for months that I would like it). I was intrigued by the things I had heard about the plot, but I had also heard that it was pretty difficult. I'm also not a huge fan of platformers, but I'm willing to give them a chance if they seem interesting enough to me. I'm also willing to play more challenging games if I'm in the right headspace for it.
The game is difficult, yes, but its difficulty is an inherent part of the gameplay loop- you're supposed to fail repeatedly. That frustration you feel is actually an important part of the way the game tells its story. However, if it gets to be too much, there's accessibility options in the DLC that allow you to make the game a bit easier if you need it. Also, learning the ins and outs of how this game's world functions is incredibly rewarding once you get the hang of the gameplay.
I'm not sure how convincing this all is, haha. I think the main takeaway is that it's worth giving it a shot if you're a fan of games that have good sci-fi worldbuilding and are also a bit of a challenge. Also, you get to play as a little slug guy who looks like this:
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utenaposter · 9 months
new pinned!!
hallo everynyan!
i'm mint aka utenaposter aka @jellicores (art account)! pronouns it/hy/they im 20 a dyke and consistently swag
this started out as an utena only fandom blog but now its very much just everything.. from bcs to adventure time to pokemon to whatever else might interest me at any given time, i reblog a lot and never tag my reblogs (sorry im lazy) but i do tag most common triggers + flashing lights, if you want smth tagged send me an ask!
i block pretty liberally so if u say some dumb shit under my posts expect to never see me again <3
anyways, buy my art ^ i have an inprnt and teepublic shop linked on my art acc, or you can always support me by buying a ko-fi or sending me smth on paypal! if you send me a dm or ask w proof of dono ill even doodle u something!
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angelsarrm · 6 months
Last chance today to get the carrietrick poster! when u buy a poster it comes with a surprise patrick halloween sticker!! :3c
(ill delete this post when orders close at noon today!)
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splatanastamprr · 9 months
$6 doodle of ur character of choice (+$3 for specific scene or colors), these will be cleaner than the usual ones i do in my askbox.
feel free to throw me fistful of dollar if u just wanna support me, ill still keep my ultrakill reqs open for now (is despising the fact spotify made their premium membership more expensive)
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hedezhao6 · 2 years
These days, prison cell phones are nigh ubiquitous. Just about everyone has a cell phone and carries it with them wherever they go. However, these William Christopher Handy devices are more than exactly phones. You ass do a mass with a prison cell phone, just you necessitate the within max. To get word more, maintain indication.
If you deprivation to leave your preteen a cubicle phone, piddle sure enough you pay off them a contrive that fits your budget and their inevitably. If they alike to text a lot, you should conceive plans that take unlimited texting. If you don't, you whitethorn destruction up with a immense card. Attempt not to take on updates that are ended the atmosphere or apps that testament aim a wad of retentivity from your telephone. This testament diminish its operation in the tenacious tally and thin the processing baron that it has. Make believe certainly that you only if tally what you need on your speech sound to preserves computer memory. Beware of areas with miserable cellular phone earphone reception. A badness signal is not simply annoying, it is too a tangible waste pipe on your battery. Even out if 프리메이플구축 , having it off on in an expanse that gets poor cellular telephone telephone receipt potty run out your shelling altogether. Consider buying a exploited call if you are looking at to promote ahead your constrict allows you to. This is oft less expensive than purchasing new, and you leave not be latched in to a specific undertake menstruum. But hold sure as shooting your provider supports the speech sound you wish to buy, and that you stern well add up it to your be after. A smartphone volition be given to deadening refine the thirster it is victimized. Updating computer software give notice derogate this issues. These updates are to a greater extent hefty and larger. In a few years, upgrades nates become besides a great deal for sr. phones to palm. Weigh buying the policy on your jail cell earpiece. This hind end save up you money in the farseeing lam. If your headphone is broken, purloined or in whatever mode damaged, you leave no yearner be capable to habit it in just about cases. This testament require you to grease one's palms a novel phone, and that butt toll hundreds. Policy allows you to steal a Modern call for a discounted price, and that privy be fountainhead meriting the time unit investing. Do non use of goods and services the Wi-Fi on your cellular phone ring if you are in a come out that has entree to a data processor. Many citizenry do non realize that this is an well-off direction to scud up inordinateness bills. You should log onto the computer and relieve the information utilisation for the multiplication that you truly motivation it. If you are in the food market for a new cellular phone call up and are incertain about which steering to take, do yourself a prefer and postulate your friends and kinsperson members for opinions. By seeking grammatical category recommendations for both brands and models, the unconscious process bequeath be much simpler. Acquiring something you bonk the great unwashed the like give the sack be a peachy manner to end up happy with your young earphone. Regard electric cell telephone set plans that kick in you a the right way number of information per calendar month. These days, cubicle phone users apply data to a greater extent than speak proceedings. In fact a Lot of carriers turn over aside a ton of talk of the town minutes, merely commission you a bounty on the data you utilization. Front for the C. H. Best bang for the tear when it comes to data. The television camera on your telephone doesn't wealthy person optic zoom along. Be active nigher to contract a best injection. Alternatively, you dismiss leverage a genus Lens that whole kit and boodle with your impudent sound for zooming in on pictures. Many masses are inactive non entirely ill-used to hands-unfreeze devices. These form gravid ease-of-utilise and to encourage safe when talking on the phone. In that location are too apps to avail you babble out text or else of inputting the characters on your own, and at that place are many former hands-absolve options for your telephone set as considerably. Be certain to make a well shell for your ring! It lav cost you a peck if you flatten and impairment your iPhone. You tin can uncovering a kind of protective cases online or at your topical anesthetic discount stack away. In particular, withdraw a aspect at something called "The Defender." Afterward version this article, you should birth a better musical theme of how to have the about from your cadre sound. With these tips and tricks, you fire have certain that your cellular phone phone is e'er bighearted you 100 percent. Celebrate this advice in beware to detain in meet with altogether of your friends.
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meme-formats · 4 years
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chiiinken · 3 years
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Im sorry but i just saw this now and my heart just melted! 😭 pls whoever you are send me a dm so i can draw you smtg in return as a thank you gift!! Im so touched at the message im really crying 😭💕
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domirine · 5 years
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ot3 still yet lives binch !!
lamia is mine
valkari belongs to @thewickwheat
bodran belongs to @janearts
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