#implied lumax
imfinereallyy · 11 months
i'll be sure to come back July 2nd and wish you a happy birthday! but as for now, can i please request from your dialogue prompt list, n. 35 “Please leave a message, after the beep.” with Steddie? ♡
this is such a fun idea and i look forward to reading the stuff you'll create! ♡♡
@spicysix I hope this one is up to your expectations, it was a lot of fun to write! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ I had an angsty idea, if anyone is interested in it I might still write it, but today i needed some good old domestic fluff.
“Eddie, are you being serious right now.? Steve huffed, placing his hands on his hips. Steve loved the man beyond anything, but he could be an immature brat sometimes.
Eddie had his hands over his ears, yelling, “La la la, not listening.” In the middle of their apartment. He was refusing to hear Steve out.
“For the love of god, Eddie! Would you just—” Steve moved to grab his boyfriend's arms to yank them away from his ears. Eddie squealed and ran around the couch.
“Eddie isn’t here right now. Please leave a message after the beep. Beeeeep.” Eddie’s hands gripped the arm of the couch, trying to dodge Steve.
“Oh, now you’re just being ridiculous!” Steve crossed his arms in a huff. He thought the party being here would soften the blow, and just maybe Eddie would hear him out. But no, apparently, them being here made Eddie extra stubborn.
Steve really loved the damn fool.
“Is there a reason Eddie is being extra weird on movie night?” Dustin and Will walked out of their kitchen. It was Will, surprisingly, who asked. He had come a long way from the shy kid Steve once knew. He was proud of him.
Especially when he called Eddie out on his bullshit like now.
“I will have you know, little Byers, will of the wise, that I am not being extra weird! This is a perfectly reasonable reaction to an absolute travesty of a suggestion! Also, Steve, you love that I am ridiculous! Don't act like you don't.” Eddie collapsed on the couch dramatically, and heaved out a sound that could only be described as a mix between a sigh and a strangled cry.
Eddie should have gone into acting instead of music. Indeed the man would have made a killing.
“I haven’t seen Eddie this distressed since we told him the bat tattoo didn’t make it after the literal bats tore him apart. Maybe it’s serious.” Dustin bit his lip. It was clear to Steve he was torn between choosing sides between him and Eddie.
It was a tale as old as time really, at this point.
Max strolled into the living room with a bowl of popcorn in her hands. “What’s princess crying about now?” She shoved a handful of popcorn in her mouth.
Eddie gasped, “Princess?! I expect the blatant homophobia from Mike—“
A distinct “hey what the fuck!” comes from the bathroom but they all ignore it.
“—But from you Red? I’m devastated.” Eddie gripped his shirt where his heart is.
“I’m bisexual, you dumbass; how can I be homophobic? Besides, that wasn’t a dig at your sexuality but rather the fact you are being a spoiled brat right now.” Max shoved another handful in her mouth as she casually tore Eddie apart.
Steve knew he should defend his boyfriend, but he was a little proud of his kids right now.
“You don’t even know why I am upset! All of you are taking Steve’s side!” Eddie grumbled.
“Dude, I didn’t take anyone’s side. And you haven’t even told us what’s got you so upset.”
Eddie rushed over to grab Dustin by the shoulders. “Oh, Dusty buns, you’re not even prepared. Our dear boy Stevie, just told me…that he’s thinking about shaving his chest.”
The room was silent before Dustin finally said, “Oh, never mind, I am on Steve’s side. That jungle needs to go.”
Eddie fell dramatically into the floor in outcry. Jesus Christ, Steve thought. Why am I into this?
Max put the bowl down, suddenly getting serious. “No, I agree with Eddie; you can’t do that.” She looked Steve up and down; a blush rose as she remained stoic. “Yea, Steve, it needs to stay.”
“Ew, gross! Max! I’m telling Lucas and El you said that!” Dustin scrunched up his nose while Will giggled.
“And? They’ll agree with me!” Max shouted back.
Steve was starting to feel uncomfortable, but Eddie’s smile was wide. It made Steve smile a tiny bit.
But only a teeny tiny bit.
“I agree it has to stay,” Will spoke up with a blush blooming across his face, breaking up the fight.
“No, no! Not you too Will!”
“What? Maybe I just wish I could grow chest hair too.”
“Oh we both know that’s not what this is about!” Dustin tugged on his hair.
Max stuck her tongue out, “Sucks to suck loser.”
The next few minutes, we’re chaos as they all start to place down arguments on what to do about his chest hair. Okay, now Steve was definitely uncomfortable.
“Alright, alright. Enough.” Steve spoke calmly, “I appreciate your concern for my body hair, but please stop talking about it. All of you are my weird surrogate children—“
Dustin leaned over to Max and whispered, “Look mom finally admitted it.” She tried to smother her giggles as Steve leveled them with a look.
“—so it’s a little weird you guys are arguing about it.”
“Stevie, honey. Ignore the children. Actually, just ignore Dustin. And listen to the rest of us. Don’t shave it.” Eddie came up to Steve and rested his hand gently on his chest. His thumb softly stroked the fabric of his shirt. Steve hummed quietly at the gesture; for a moment, he’s forgotten that they weren’t alone.
Steve gently cupped Eddie’s cheeks, before speaking quietly. “It’s just…baby. Baby, i get so sweaty with it.”
Eddie’s eyes filled with mischief. “I know it’s why I like it.”
Steve barked out a laugh as he heard groans throughout the room. Suddenly a burst of noise from the other side of the apartment startled all of them.
“Why are you saying im homophobic? Im not homophobic!” Mike crossed his arms in a huff.
“Until you unlock that closet door, you’re homophobic, Mike.” Max glared.
“What the hell does that even mean!?” Mike stomped.
Steve interrupted before it got out of hand, “Calm down, Wheeler. They are just fucking with you. We know you’re not a homophobe. They are just arguing whether or not I should shave my chest hair.”
Mike scrunched up his nose in disgust. “Ew, why are you guys even arguing about it? It’s Steve. It’s gross either way.”
Steve glared, “Never mind, you’re homophobic for that one. The chest hair stays.”
Eddie screamed, “Victory!”, and started peppering Steve’s face in kisses.
And when the children, who were not really children anymore, started to scream at each other in the background, Steve didn’t even care. Because right here, with Eddie, who made grabby hands at his chest, and his gremlins filling up the place with noise, is home.
fluff fluff fluff. also I agree the chest hair should stay.
find the request game here.
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inklessletter · 1 year
Lucas was lying next to Max in the hospital bed. His face muscles were aching after being contorted all morning, from crying and smiling, and trying not to. Max was awake. After three months, Max finally was awake. 
The drugs were still filling her system, and his body was still recovering, still adjusting won’t let her move too much, but she was reaching out. She wanted to touch. She asked Lucas to get next to her, and they cried, and hugged, and cuddled. He couldn’t bring himself to go to the nearest telephone and call the others. 
It was Erica who did it. She offered.
And she was so happy, she didn’t even charge him for it.
Lucas was playing with her hand when he heard the party in the hallway, about to burst in the room. Max stiffened at the sound.
Soon after, they were all in, and Lucas stepped aside the bed, but Max clawed her fingers around his hand. She wouldn’t let him go, even when the others were hugging her, taking turns. 
Everyone was crying. Even Mike. Dustin was such an ugly, loud crier. Will couldn’t stop smiling. Nancy was tougher, but she was also beaming, even through her glassy eyes. Jonathan didn’t want to cry, too, but he definitely wiped a tear or two, not coming really close, but letting her know that he was so glad she was awake. Steve hugged her, too, blinking fast, kissing her hair, and telling her how brave, how proud everyone was of her.
Max was crying too, but she greeted everyone with a wide smile.
But when El approached the last, shy and timid, with puffy, wet eyes and a trembling lip, Max’s face faltered.
“El?” she asked, and Steve let room for her to get to Max. 
El smiled through her tears. “Yeah.”
Max let go of Lucas’ hand and hugged her as fiercely as she could. They didn’t speak for a full minute, both of them silently sobbing.
It felt intimate to watch Max’s face contorted, tears flowing, lips moving but no sound came out from them.
“Thank you,” they could all read what she was saying. El hugged harder.
“It’s okay,” she replied.
“Thank you for bringing me back,” Max mused against her shoulder. “Thank you.”
And Lucas looked around at everyone else’s faces, just to make sure he wasn’t the only one that was just realizing that El did not just jump into Max’ memories to fight Vecna, but—but also brought her back to life. 
Apparently, he wasn’t.
“You are my best friend. You were not going to go. I wouldn’t let you go,” El whispered, but everyone heard. 
“I love you,” Max said.
And there was such happiness in Lucas’ heart, that after all the hell she’d been through, she still had love to give. 
El looked briefly at Mike’s eyes and she half smiled, through one of the saddest expressions he’d ever seen her pull, and nuzzled her face in Max’ hair when she replied, “I love you, too.”
Lucas knew that there was something there he didn’t quite catch, some narrative that they kept to themselves. It was okay. He knew they had broken up at some point, but they were still close. 
What was sitting uncomfortably in his chest was the fact that he did not know until that very moment that Max was alive because of El.
If he ever held any doubt about where her heart relied, now they were all gone.
If he ever was scared about how incredibly powerful she was, he felt now utterly safe.
If he ever thought of her less than a friend, now he knew that he’d been wrong all along.
Because El was loyal, and truthful, and giving, and selfless.
And she loved her friends.
No, she loved Max, and that—that was enough for him to unconditionally love her, too.
And he’d never been particularly tactile to anyone, and her especially, but when they were alone�� on their way home he could do no less but hug her. She was taken by surprise, and didn’t hug him back right away. But then Lucas said, with a shaky breath “She’s here because of you. Thank you so much, El. Thank you.”
Then she wrapped her arms around his waist, and let herself be held. Lucas could feel her relax into his touch.
“I’m sorry if I ever—”
“It’s okay,” El whispered. 
“I owe you everything,” he said. “I could never repay you.”
El smiled and made herself home in Lucas’ arms.
“You don’t owe me anything. I would have done the same for you,” she mumbled, and Lucas could not repress a shiver. “I love you too. All of you.”
And Lucas laughed, but didn’t let go. “Really?”
“Yeah. We are friends,” she said, and looked at him, undoing the embrace, but not quite letting go of his touch. He beamed at her, with eyes still glassy.
“And friends don’t lie.”
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it's finally here! one month late, and a couple thousand words more than i thought it'd be! happy leap yeap!
Here's my entry for Lex's (@thefreakandthehair) Spicy Six Winter Fanworks Challenge! I had dialogue prompt #22 "Guess we’re the only two without dates, huh?”
pairing: steddie | word count: 10,446 | rated: E | on AO3: hey you really turn me on
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Why in the hell did he agree to this? It’s 20 fuckin’ degrees out and he’s outside?? In the snow?? Voluntarily?
If the boys could see him now.. “Who are you and what’ve you done with Eddie?”, “Since when do you do shit outside?”, “All this for Steve fuckin’ Harrington…”.
And that’s the rub, it is because of Steve. Hopeless crush aside, Steve is the reason he’s there. Why they’re all there in the first place.
When Steve got the call, Eddie and the other older teens of their world-saving group were just hanging out; movies, beer, snacks, a little weed, music playing low…all in all, a great kick-back. 
Then the phone rang.
It was relatively late too, 10 maybe?
Steve went to answer it of course, the conversation muffled through the living room and kitchen walls, but after a minute or so he came back. The long phone line stretched across the hall back to the hook in the kitchen.
“When is this again?” Steve says into the receiver, waving towards the sound system. Robin had scrambled up immediately, nearly falling back on her face to turn the volume down.
“Uh huh. And you and Dad won’t be there? Mm hmm.” he nods.
Eddie looked over to Robin first, eyebrow raised. She only shrugged, as does Nancy when he turned the look to her.
“And how many rooms?” Whatever the answer is causes Steve’s brows to shoot up. “Wow, okay, yeah we–” 
Eddie was closest to him, previously starfished out on the carpet, but had sat up and leaned back on his palms when Steve returned, so he could just barely hear the sound of another voice on the other end of the line.
“Yeah of course, that’d be great, we definitely will. Thanks Mom.”
Steve had sounded actually…happy to be talking to his mom. And here Eddie thought the Harringtons were objectively the worst.
“No, they’re going to love it, Mom, I promise.” another pause, “Nope. They’ll all be on their best behavior.” Steve glances down at Eddie, “We all will be.”
He scoffs up at Steve from his spot on the floor. Rude.
Steve only waves him off with a smile, “Yeah, the usual.” he says, “Rob, Nance, Jon, Jon’s friend Argyle–yeah, he’s the one from California, and Eddie.” Steve’s eyes flash down to Eddie again and his stomach twists sharply. Aw fuck, here it comes; the scolding, the yelling, the berating about how Eddie’s no good for him to be associating with, why are you stooping to his level, he’s a murderer, yadda yadda yadda.
“Yeah, he and Wayne are doin’ much better now, I’ll have to tell you about it next time, okay?” 
“Yeah, that’d be great if you don’t mind! Yep, Wheeler, Henderson, Sinclair,” He looks again at the other people in the room, they’re still just as puzzled as he is. What do the kids have to do with this? “I’ll talk to Hopper and Joyce, and I’m sure Ms. Mayfield would let Max go. Oh absolutely,”
Steve starts back into the kitchen, and Eddie can hear him all the way back to the hook. “No–Nope, it’s fine, I actually have a couple people over right now so I want to–yeah. Yep. Okay, love you too. Bye mom.”
Eddie looks around at the others; Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, even Argyle, though he’s not looking around wide-eyed at what all just occurred like the others are.
Steve comes back into the living room. “So…” he lets out a long breath, “How do you all feel about skiing?”
So yeah. Here they all are, at some ski resort up in Michigan. Boyd Mountain…or Bowie? Something with a ‘B’.
Turns out, Steve’s parents had a four-room cabin rental set aside as a perk for some deal they were trying to barter. It fell through though, and they wouldn’t be back from Colorado themselves until after the reservation would’ve expired so they offered it to Steve and whoever he’d like to invite.
They took care of everything too; got lift passes, boot and ski rentals set aside for each of them, even sent a whole ass passenger van to be dropped off in the Harrington driveway for them to make the drive; A huge 15 passenger one that even with the three extra seats, still barely held all their crap for the long weekend.
All of them piled into the van in the dark on a Friday morning, sleepy-faced and crusty-eyed; Robin as Steve’s co-pilot, and each of the rest of the older teens and the party piling in wherever they could (they’d fight about their seats when they woke up more, Eddie was sure of it).
The first rest stop on the way up went by without incident, but by time they stopped for late breakfast/early lunch at another, everyone was stir crazy. Sandwiches were passed out, gas was gotten, bathroom breaks were taken, and almost as soon as they got back in the van, Robin was snoring.
“Damnit, if I knew she was gonna tank like that I would’ve had someone else sit up here.” Steve had groused. 
“I’ve gotcha big guy, I won’t let you fall asleep.” Eddie said, now seated next to Dustin and El on the first bench behind the driver’s seat.
“Yeah, me either.” Dustin agreed.
He was snoring an hour later, El leaning into him for her own nap.
“That’s cute.” Was the first thing Robin said after waking back up.
All in all, not a bad drive. The worst part was tramping through the snow to the cabin after they’d arrived.
“Goddammit Steve, How am I supposed to get through this week in only my jeans?”
Steve sighs, “Eddie, you have made the same argument ever since my mom called; and every time you did, I told you everything would be here for you.”
He finally gets the door open, shoving it wide for them all and gesturing them in, “Get comfy guys, I’m going to grab the cooler with our groceries.”
“I’ll give you a hand,” Jonathan says, following Steve back out to the van.
The large open main floor has a full kitchen with a raised bar counter and four stools, tall peaked ceilings, a fireplace on one wall with two couches and a rocking chair situated around it, and a sliding glass door to a balcony off the back side of the building overlooking the trees below.
There’s stairs too, a set going up and a set going down, and at least one bathroom here on this floor, off the kitchen.
Eddie wanders into the living room, picks out some pieces of kindling from the bucket on the stone beside the fireplace and a couple logs from the stack nearby, and busies himself with starting the fire while the party pokes around the place.
He glances over his shoulder when he hears the fake leather of the couch cushions squeak together, only to see Argyle has perched himself on the backrest, squashing a cushion beneath his feet.
The fire takes less than no time at all, and once it’s going and he’s re-situated the trifold metal screen back in front of the fire, he sits down beside Argyle’s shins and is immediately entranced by the flames.
Steve and Jonathan return not long after, lugging their things with the cooler hanging between them.
“So how do y’guys want to split up the rooms?” Robin asks aloud, ignoring the yelling the other teens are already doing about the same thing.
“I’m not picky.” Eddie shrugs, standing up to stretch again, deciding he really did not want to be sitting anymore.
“Me either sister, whatever you decide is cool with me.” Argyle agrees. “What’re the rooms like?”
“There’s a master up here!” Max calls from above them, looming over the log railing at the top of the stairs with El.
“We walked right past it, but there’s a room with a queen off the front hall there,” Jonathan says, shuffling his bag against the kitchen bar.
“Hey! Assholes!” Steve yells down the steps, the boys must’ve gone down there. “Go get your shit out of the van and we’ll head over to the main lodge!”
The four thunder up the steps, how any of them can understand any other over the other is beyond him.
“Will,” Nancy calls as he rounds the stairs last, “There are bedrooms down there?”
“Yep!” he grins, “Two rooms with queen beds, and a bathroom.”
“I don’t mind taking one of the queens,” Nancy says, “Robin, wanna share with me?”
Robin starts to splutter, still somehow not convinced that Nancy’s got a thing for her. It’s obvious to him, but he and Steve have both tried to tell her this. To no avail. Even after Jonathan and her had confirmed they’d split and that he was moving back to California with Argyle come spring.
Steve rescues Robin from her spluttering. “It’s only fair that Argyle gets next dibs, since he’s the one that’s offered to cook for us.” he says, lugging the cooler over to the kitchen to unload it.
He’d insisted on picking up groceries for their stay, saying “There’s a restaurant, sure, but that’d get expensive quick and we’ll have a full kitchen so why not?”
“Appreciated my man; y’wanna bunk with me, Jonny?”
Eddie follows Steve, leaning on the bar across from the fridge from him, “So where’s all my snow gear, Stevie?” he asks the back of Steve’s head.
“Eddie, I swear to God.” Steve huffs in return, bending down into the cooler at his feet to fish out a couple of cartons of eggs.
Eddie does not watch how the denim of Steve’s jeans pulls tighter over any part of him, thank you very much.
“Mom called ahead and has everything we might need set aside in the main lodge, we’ll go there first before we hit the slopes.”
“Oh my god, did you really just say that?” Eddie asks as Steve stashes away two jars of jelly, one strawberry, one grape.
“Say what?” Bacon and some packs of lunch meat are next.
“Like, that’s an actual thing that people say? It’s not just in the movies?”
Steve sighs, finishing off the groceries with a couple 12 packs of pop stashed on the bottom shelf. “What is just like the movies?”
“‘Hit the slopes.’? Really?”
“You’re super annoying, you know that, right?” he says, closing the fridge and pushing the lid back onto their cooler.
“Awe, c’mon baby, you don’t mean that.” Eddie coos, slipping around the counter to cup Steve’s face in his hands, “What happened to the man who loves me for my antics, huh?”
“Get off me, dude,” Steve laughs, batting Eddie’s hands away, his cheeks tinged pink.
‘Yes! Success!’ When did he decide he was trying to fluster Steve? Eh, whatever. No harm, right?
 “So, did you guys figure out the sleeping situation?” Steve asks the rest of the group, walking back around the bar.
Eddie follows, leaning back on the counter in his previously vacated spot.
Nancy nods, “Jon and Argyle will take the room on the main floor, us girls will take the two downstairs, you can take the master, and the boys will take the couches.”
The boys return with their bags then, and Mike immediately starts complaining about being relegated to the fold-outs. Eddie also hears Dustin and Lucas trying to talk him down, saying things like “Dude, that means we’ll be close to the fire!”, “We can throw things in it!,” and “We can make s’mores!”.
Steve doesn’t seem to hear them though, otherwise he’d be shutting that shit down. Instead, his face only scrunches in confusion, “What about Eddie?”
Nancy looks surprised for a blink, then disgruntled, like she’s pissed she forgot someone.
“I’ll just crash out here on the floor with these losers, no worries.” he shrugs.
Steve turns toward his voice, a deep crease between his brows. “That’s not fair.”
“I promise I’ll survive Stevie,” Eddie chuckles. At least he’ll be the warmest out here in front of the fireplace. “I’ve slept on worse, believe it or not, I’ll be sleeping like a king compared to then.”
Steve’s brows scrunch almost all the way together, then spring apart and settle into determined lines. “You’ll sleep with me.” he says with a nod, his arms folding across his chest.
A beat passes.
Eddie can’t resist.
He leans close to Steve’s side, “A bit presumptuous, Stevie darling,”
Steve’s face practically glows with the flush that appears in the next beat, mumbling something to himself as he walks to the door and starts to pull on his coat and boots.
Eddie pushes off the counter and follows, obnoxiously holding a hand up to one ear. “What’s that, sweetheart?” he teases, walking to his own tossed-aside boots, “I didn’t quite catch that.”
“We going to the lodge now?” he hears Lucas ask as he passes.
“Finally.” Mike adds, unhelpfully.
Steve huffs, standing up again and leaning close to Eddie’s cupped hand, “As if you hadn’t thought about it, darling.”
Four of the other ten are in their coats and boots and out the door after Steve before Eddie comes back online.
So here he is: outside. In the snow. With skis strapped to his feet. All because of Steve and his surprisingly generous parents.
He watches, amused, as Robin stands as still as she possibly can, arms spread wide, while Nancy helps strap her into her skis. As soon as the skis had gotten remotely close to being attached to her, it was discovered that no matter what section of ground they may be standing on, Robin would start to drift away. Sliding down some sort of unseen incline backwards, frontwards, and/or sideways.
Jon and Argyle are already almost to the closest lift, and Eddie watches as they do a weird half-jump onto the bench as it comes up behind them.
The gremlins had scattered after Steve’s ‘be careful’ lecture, telling them all when to be back to the van by, or back to the cabin if they will be coming off the slopes near there, telling them all to be safe and to keep to pairs or more so they can be radioed.
They’d all brought their walkies with them, and Eddie can see where the boys are still huddled together, swapping out their batteries.
He watches them split off soon after, Dustin and Lucas pushing off to where Max and El are waiting at the standing lift to the top of the training hill.
Mike and Will scoot off together in the opposite direction, toward the centermost lift a few dozen yards away.
“Guess we’re the only two without dates, huh?” He says as Steve slides to a stop on his own skis beside him.
He’d meant it jokingly, was probably going to follow it up with some jabs about being Steve’s wingman if he needed (there were already a few ladies he’d seen giving Steve some looks while they waited for their gear in the main lodge), but Steve shrugs and says: “I’ll be your date this weekend, Eds. Wouldn’t want you to feel left out or anything.” 
Eddie whips his head around to look at him, “That’s not–” he starts, but cuts himself off at the look Steve is giving him. His goggles have been haphazardly pushed up his face, trapping a few loose locks of Steve’s hair between them and the roll of his beanie, his cheeks are already bitten red with the cold, and he’s smiling so painfully sincerely under that damn teasing smirk that all Eddie can do is acquiesce.
“You better be the best date here then, Stevie,” Eddie chides, starting off toward the lift Jonathan and Argyle had disappeared up, “I won’t settle for anyone other than the bes–” he pitches forward suddenly, one of his skis sticking to the snow under it more than it should’ve.
Steve catches him, of course, and says “Will I get points taken off as ‘Best Date Ever’ if I make you go on the training hill?”
They do go to the training hill, lovingly called the Bunny Hopper, but he and Robin are thankfully saved from the embarrassment of actually being taught by the volunteers there; Steve and Nancy taking them to the slightly taller ‘big kid’ hill and teaching them there.
Surprising even himself, Eddie picks up on the motions and the feeling of being on skis easily. The whole ‘pizza’ thing about stopping was still iffy but the rest is no problem. Fun, actually.
“That was great, man! You’re a natural!” Steve beams at him, his grin lopsided from the meat of his cheeks being squashed under his goggles.
“I just had a great teacher,” he brushes off the compliment, elbowing Steve playfully.
Steve somehow grins even bigger, and Eddie’s heart stammers.
“You ready to go to the real hill now?” “This isn’t a real hill?”
He’s positive Steve just rolled his eyes under his goggles. “C’mon smartass, let's get in line for the lift.”
Eddie bows him forward, “After you, sweetheart.” 
He follows Steve to the end of the line; thankfully it’s not too long, now that it’s late afternoon and will be getting dark soon. 
Steve seems to notice this as well, lifting his goggles off his face again. “We’ll have to call the gremlins back sooner than I thought. It’ll be dark soon.”
“Stop reading my mind, Stevie.”
Steve looks over at him, squinting hard and pursing his lips (Eddie’s stupid lizard brain has a split second thought of those lips pursed around something). “Ugh! Ew, gross Eddie, what would make you think about that?!”
He feels his face blanche and scrambles to recover. “I was only thinking about our good friend Robin, Steve-o, you saying Robin is gross?” He pitches his voice higher and glances down the line to where he can see Robin and Nancy.
Robin flips her mitten up at him, and he can infer the gesture just fine, thanks.
“Shut up, asshole.” Steve laughs, pushing him out of the line on his skis.
They’re the next to hop up on the moving bench, and Steve’s…everything…seems to seize up as soon as they’re seated and on their way.
“Could you imagine?”
“Hm?” He’s still looking down anxiously, so Eddie scoots just a bit closer, pressing what he hopes is comfortingly into Steve’s side.
“If we could read each other's minds? If the bats biting us both somehow linked us together?”
It works a little; Steve tears his eyes away from the ground as it drops away from them, huffing out a short laugh, “I don’t think I would survive inside your head, it’d be even more chaotic than you already are.”
“As if your head would be any better.”
“Hey, my head is great!”
Eddie grins wickedly, “You get told that a lot, Stevie?”
Steve seems unphased, smirking slowly. “I do, actually. Why? You tryin’ t’see if it’s true?”
His cheeks start to prickle, “You offering, big boy?”
“Maybe I am,” Steve shrugs then leans closer, “Now the real question is if you’re gonna take me up on it.”
Eddie’s head reels in the couple seconds he takes to respond.
Where in the hell is all this coming from? Is it just part of the ‘date’ thing? There’s no fuckin’ way Steve is actually into him, is there? He’s always been flirty, just like Eddie is himself, but there’s no way there are any actual feelings behind it… So there’s no harm in playing along.
“I’m gonna have to now, aren’t I?” he grins back, “Gotta see if it lives up to the hype.”
Steve smirks, his eyes hooded. He’s good at pretending, he’ll give him that.
His eyes glance away, then back to Eddie’s face. The sultry look he’d been hamming up for his sake is gone, just an easy smile remains. At least this sudden flirting Steve’s decided to do isn’t going to ruin their surprisingly solid post-apocalyptic friendship.
“It’s almost time to get off, ready?”
Eddie looks ahead to where the couple on the bench before them are hopping off. They stand up off the lift easily and don’t end up in a heap, but he is starting to feel the anxiety Steve was feeling only minutes ago. How’s he supposed to get out of the way fast enough, isn’t there a drop? That looked way too easy.
“As I’ll ever be,” he gulps.
“Give me your hand.” Steve says, not waiting for a response and snatching up Eddie’s hand in his, “Okay, when I say so, you just gotta stand up. Ready?”
“Stand up, what do you mea—” he feels his legs lift a bit as the ground rises to coast under his skis, and it makes sense.
Wait, no! He wasn’t ready!
He stands just a breath after Steve, but isn’t fast enough, the lift continues up on its path and catches him again, forcing his butt back into the seat.
“Eddie, you gotta–”
He tries again at the same time Steve pulls him forward and he pitches forward, landing with an “Oof–” on top of Steve and forcing the breath from the other man’s lungs.
“Aw fuck, sorry Stevie!” He rolls off of him and out of the path of the upcoming lift chairs. “That went exactly as well as I thought it would.”
Steve wheezes out a breathless laugh, standing back up on his skis with no problem at all. Wait, how did he do that? How’s he supposed to get up with these things on his feet?
“Here,” Steve arranges his skis for him, putting one long side of each onto the snow, “Give me your poles, and push yourself up with your hands. You want to get your feet under you.”
He does as he’s told and walks his weight around on his hands to the fronts of his skis until he’s bent forward at his hips, standing straight out of the bend.
“Good job, man!” Steve grins, handing him back his poles, “Getting up on skis can be a bitch and a half; way to catch on quick.”
Eddie grins mischievously, deciding to be a little shit. “I dunno, you’d think my date would like seeing me bent over for him, huh Stevie?”
Steve just rolls his eyes, snapping his goggles back down with a smile, “C’mon, asshole, let’s get out of the way; the run to the right of the lift looked shorter on the map.”
Thankfully, the chair behind them had been empty, but the next one had a full four people on it and it was coming up fast.
“‘Sides,” He says, pushing off toward the top of the run, waiting for Eddie to scoot in next to him at the crest before leaning in and murmuring low into his ear, “I’d rather wait ‘till we’re alone to bend you over properly.”
Steve’s a good 20 feet away by time Eddie comes back to himself enough to follow.
They get about an hour and a half in on the hills, a grand total of six wipeouts under Eddie’s belt, and a couple others under Steve’s, with one successful landing off one of the jumps on the main drag to finish off the day.
“Didja see that?!” Steve yells, pulling down the balaclava he’d unceremoniously added to his getup about an hour ago.
“Hell yes Stevie!” Eddie calls, breathless, still coasting to the bottom of the slope after him. “You landed it!”
“I landed it!” 
Steve holds his arms open as Eddie once again fails to slow himself down properly, and catches him at the bottom in a crushing hug. His cheeks are flushed with adrenaline, bitten with the cold, his eyes bright in the setting sun and smile nearly as beautiful.
Damn he’s pretty.
Courteous as ever, Steve waits until Eddie’s arranged his feet the right way again before letting him go to spin the pack off his back for their assigned walkie.
Steve radios the party, and everyone is packed away in their van a scant ten minutes later. The older teens had already made it back to the cabin, letting themselves in off a run near there, so it was only the similarly flushed and excitement-filled younger teens babbling away in the back seats.
There’s overlapping stories of their own wipeouts (including one Robin took that Max swears was hilarious), Dustin insisting he saw a brown bear through the trees at one point, and all six debating whether or not they’d want to go to the main lodge for the waterpark tomorrow instead of back onto the hills.
They are still debating amongst themselves when they pull into the driveway. “Alright dorks,” Steve calls over the bickering, “Go inside and hang up your shit next to the fireplace so it can dry out.”
Eddie follows the troop into the living room and watches them pile all their outerwear together on the two hooks closest to the stone fireplace, then tear off downstairs where he heard there may have been a Nintendo stashed in one of the bedroom dressers.
Jonathan and Robin start methodically re-arranging the coats and snow pants on the hooks so they’ll dry easier, while Argyle pushes up off one of the couches to start on dinner. 
“C’mon Eds, get comfy,” Steve says, coming up beside him and gesturing to the loveseat directly across from the roaring fire. Eddie can already feel the burn of it across his frigid skin, “I gotta make sure I get you unthawed before I get you into my bed.” Steve murmurs into Eddie’s ear.
And isn’t that a whole new type of torment. They will actually be sleeping in the same bed tonight…the next three nights!
Steve turns back to the kitchen when Eddie drops cross-legged onto the sofa, and the tingling feeling in his cheeks has nothing to do with the fire.
It’s half from Steve’s scarily earnest-sounding flirting, but also about half from the look Robin is giving him while she takes the spot next to Nancy on the other couch.
“What? What’s the look for?”
Robin shrugs, picking up what must’ve been her discarded book from the end table between them (which she’s got the already read half curled backward around its spine, like a heathen), “Nothin’ at all, Eds.”
His face is burning hotter than the fire by the time Steve returns.
He passes them each a mug of cocoa, then flops down on the floor in front of Eddie’s knees. 
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?” Eddie asks, surprised at the nonchalance he was able to muster up. He reaches forward and tugs on a lock of Steve’s hair without even thinking about it (and ignoring the muffled giggle coming from somewhere to Robin’s left. Oh great, Nancy’s in on his torment too?).
Steve lets out a contented hum, dropping his head back to lie heavily in Eddie’s lap, “Argyle’s whipping up some burgers.”
Eddie leaves his fingers in Steve’s hair, absentmindedly pulling them through a few tangles left behind by his hat.
Steve’s head lolls around in Eddie’s lap with the motions of his fingers for a whole thirty seconds before he snaps it back up, “Oh–ugh–wait, don’t do that,” Eddie pulls his hand away immediately, an apology on his tongue, but Steve continues, standing up and saying, “I’m all gross and sweaty, man, at least let me take a shower first. Be right back.” Steve grins, and heads upstairs to the master bedroom.
Eddie blinks into the space left behind by Steve’s departure, then Nancy is standing as well; “That’s a good idea,” she says, unfolding from her spot at Robin’s side and walking around the back of the couch, “I’ll be back up soon.” She gives Robin’s shoulder a squeeze, and heads downstairs.
Not a full five seconds pass before Robin says, “So...Steve’s super into you.”
Eddie balks at her, his eyes darting around the room automatically. Jon’s helping Argyle chop up toppings for their burgers, the two of them paying less than zero attention to him or Robin, there’s a yell from downstairs followed by laughter, the sound of a shower starting from the open balcony to the upstairs bedroom..
“You can’t just say shit like that, Birdie.” he whispers, his tone harried.
“What, the truth?”
“He is not into me.”
She nods in sarcastic understanding, “Ah, so you’re into him.”
“No I’m—” she levels him with a look. He sighs, glancing around at the no one around them, “Okay fine, yes, I am super into him. But he is not into me.”
Robin shrugs, going back to her book. “You don’t have to believe me, but I think he is. And I think you should make a move.”
“Make a mo—He’s straight as fuck, Robin!”
She gives him a glance, her brow furrowing for a split second then smoothing out. “Did he tell you that?”
“He didn’t have to.” he says, sinking back against the cushions.
She doesn’t say anything else, and he goes back to staring at the fire.
“If you make a move on Steve, I’ll finally make a move on Nancy.” she says a handful of minutes later.
He processes that slowly, takes a deep breath, then shoves his hand towards her without looking over.
She takes it, giving it one hard shake.
As soon as he takes his hand back, Argyle lopes into view with a plate in his hand, “Food’s ready my dudes.” He says, sinking into the armchair closest to the glass balcony door.
Robin snaps her book shut and sets it down on the little end table between them (the cover curls back up immediately, the poor thing), standing up and heading into the kitchen. 
Eddie has just let his feet fall to the floor and has scooted to the edge of his seat to stand up himself, when Argyle yells out “Nice tits!”
“Whose tits are out?” Eddie asks, following his gaze automatically. 
Argyle goes back to his plate. “Steve’s.” 
Uh…Yeah…He can see that for himself now.
Steve is standing at the railing of the upper floor in nothing but a towel. One hand is flipping Argyle off, and the other is preoccupied with scrubbing a second towel over his damp hair.
The towel wrapped around him is slung low on his hips, and Eddie’s eyes start to roam on their own.
Steve’s stomach is solid yet soft-looking with all its faded pink scars, and it and his chest are still as hairy as Eddie remembers; strong shoulders, solid jaw, dusty lips that pull up into a smirk, all of him is so fucking perfect.
“Hurry it up, dingus, food’s ready!” Robin calls, startling Eddie out of his gawking.
His face goes hot with embarrassment, chancing another glance up to Steve and hoping he didn’t get caught…
Steve winks at him, then turns out of sight, disappearing just as his hand comes down to grab the towel twisted around him.
His face burns, and doesn’t stop burning until long after Steve returns from upstairs.
He makes up a burger for himself, and once each of them have theirs, they call the rest of the hoard upstairs. The six teens all but destroy the remaining burgers, two whole bags of chips, and would have gulped down at least one whole 12 pack of Coke if Nancy hadn’t relegated them to one can each.
Steve’s about to herd them back downstairs when El pipes up and says that they’ve decided they want to go to the waterpark in the main lodge tonight instead of tomorrow. Surprisingly, Steve agrees to drive them over there on the condition “you shitheads are careful, and are ready to go as soon as the pools close at midnight. Got it?”
“Agreed.” they say in unison, splitting off in all directions to grab their swim stuff.
“I’m surprised at you, Stevie, letting them go off on their own.”
He just shrugs, “There’s lifeguards.”
The troops are back in the living room within ten minutes, and in their boots and out the door in 12. 
Once they’re out the door, Robin goes back to her book, Jon and Argyle step out onto the balcony to smoke, and Eddie follows Nancy into the kitchen without even thinking about it, grabbing up the hand towel hanging from the oven door and placing himself to her right.
“Thanks,” she says, handing him the first wet plate from the mess of suds in the sink.
They work in silence for a few minutes, listening to the crackling of the fire, the clanging of silverware in the sink, the muffled voices of the two on the porch.
“Yeah, Eddie?”
“If I–If Ste–” he wasn’t sure how to ask this, how to even approach the topic, “Robin said—”
“He’d be lucky to have you Eddie, and you him.” She says, not looking up from the sink.
“How’d you–?”
“Robin tends to ramble when she's nervous, have you noticed?”
He stares down at her, dumbfounded. Her lips quirk into a smile. “She’s like that around me a lot, actually.”
“I’ve noticed.”
They fall back into silence again; on the last plate, she says, “Robin’s already had this conversation with Steve about me, so I only assume it’s fair that you have it with me about him.” She passes the last plate to him and pulls the drain from the water. 
“Just remember Eddie,” She pauses and turns to face him, one hip cocked over to lean on the edge of the counter. “If you’re gonna go for it..Steve loves with all of him at once. Don’t take it for granted.”
He sets the dried plate onto the rack beside the sink as she passes behind him, patting him on the shoulder as she does.
He wants to take a moment to process all that, but just his luck, Steve returns then, passing in behind him where Nancy just left to grab up a six-pack.
Steve hands one to Eddie as he leaves, “You okay, Eds?”
“I’m good, thanks Stevie.” he says, fixing his face into an easy smile.
The six of them lounge around the rest of the evening, slowly sipping on their drinks while they play cards in front of the fire, but there’s a catch: Eddie’s going absolutely insane.
Steve’s touching him everywhere. His thigh and foot are sitting comfortably under Eddie’s own thigh where it’s crossed above it, his arm is draped across the back of the couch behind Eddie’s shoulders and methodically twirling long lengths of dark hair between his fingers.
Eddie’s been doing his damndest to ignore it, and succeeds, actually, for short periods of time while they are playing Uno, but every time Steve leans back from dropping his next card on the coffee table, he casually puts his arm back where it was, and grabs up a new lock of Eddie’s hair to torture him with.
And each time he does, Robin gives him the same knowing look.
It’s. Agony.
He wants to relax, wants to scream, he wants to swing his leg over Steve’s lap and press him into the cushions with heated kisses, he wants to haul the other man upstairs and throw him onto the bed…be thrown onto the bed.
Finally, Nancy calls it, breaking their little bubble to stand into a long stretch around nine. Steve hops up off the couch after Robin to gather up all the rest of the cans, and Eddie helps Jon and Argyle pull apart the couches enough to fold out the beds for when the goblins come back.
He escapes upstairs after a short goodnight to the two, Robin and Steve are still bickering in hushed tones about something in the kitchen, and pulls out his bag. He’s fishing out a new pair of boxers when Steve finally gets upstairs, shutting the room’s double doors behind him and heading into the ensuite.
He left the door open in his wake, so Eddie grabs up the rest of his things and follows. He drops his pile of stuff onto the closed lid of the toilet and shucks his shirt unceremoniously, tossing it to the floor.
The glass door of the huge half-walled stone shower squeaks softly on its hinges when he opens it to start the water, squeaking again when it swings closed. He reaches up to a shelf above the toilet to pull down one of the provided towels, turning to hang it on the hook beside the shower.
It’s while he’s turning back to the hook that he chances a look at Steve.
Steve, frozen at the sink with his toothbrush hanging listlessly in the air and a glob of foamy toothpaste slowly drooping off his lip, is staring. 
At Eddie’s bare torso.
Eddie caught and cataloged this in the split second it took Steve to realize Eddie was staring back, but it was enough. 
The flirting had been one thing, a natural, goofy continuation of their friendship that led to their ‘date’ today, the soft touches and hair-playing had been another, something Eddie could explain away just as easily. Steve is a touchy guy once you get close to him, and had been with Eddie since they’d gotten closer after spring break.
But this?
He’s looking at him with the same wide-eyed look Eddie’d given him earlier: gobsmacked and slightly hungry.
Steve turns away quickly, spitting into the sink and mumbling something under his breath while he finishes rinsing out his mouth. 
Eddie snorts, shaking his head and finally hanging up his towel.
“Oh, what, now you’re gonna be all shy?” he grouses, twisting around to scowl at the back of Steve’s head. Steve looks over his shoulder to glare at him in return, his cheeks glowing red. “Really? The guy who was joking about bending me over only a couple hours ago? The same guy who was winking at me in nothing but a towel earlier?”
Steve flushes darker, and it irritates him to no end. “Honestly Steve?” Eddie starts, turning back to the shower and pretending to fix how his towel is hanging, “If you’re into me, just do something about it. Otherwise, just…back off, okay? I’m super into you but I can be a big boy about it because honestly, I’d rather keep you around as a friend if nothing else and—”
His rambling is cut off by the click of the bathroom door closing.
Eddie lets out a long breath, “Yeah.. that’s about what I expected.” Robin was wrong.
He takes a moment to collect himself, but just as he pops open the button on his jeans, Steve’s voice breaks through the sound of rushing water.
“Were you being serious?”
“Jesus H. Christ!” Eddie yelps, spinning around to face the man who’s still very much in the bathroom with him. “What the fuck, Steve?”
“Were you?” he asks, pushing off from where he’d been leaning back on the door.
“...About what?”
“About how you’re ‘super into’ me?” he grins.
Eddie crosses his arms across his chest defensively, “You don’t get to be an ass about it, Steve.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Steve says softly, reaching out to unfold Eddie’s arms. His fingers follow the length of them and grasp Eddie’s in his, “I wasn’t trying to be, promise; I’m just surprised is all.”
“Well yeah,” he shrugs, “The super hot metalhead you’ve been mooning after since March confesses he thinks you’re also super hot? That’s kinda hard to believe.”
He can feel Steve’s shirt brushing faintly against his stomach now. “I never said you were super hot.” he manages to say.
Steve catches his eyes, smirking at him with an obnoxious head tilt, “Didja have to?”
“Shut up..” Eddie snorts out a laugh and pushes lightly at Steve’s chest; he’s laughing too. “Okay, okay, now leave me alone so I can shower.” he says, pushing a bit harder this time. “I’ll be out soon and you can do with me what you wish.”
Steve’s leaning his weight against him, fighting going back to the bedroom, “Or…”
“Or?” Damn, he’s heavy what the fuck!
“I could, maybe, if you want..Icouldgetinwithyou.”
Eddie stops pushing.
Steve scratches at the back of his head in embarrassment, “I mean, I’ve been wanting to get you naked for months now and there’s a perfectly good reason right there, and I think it’d be nice to shower, y’know…together.. and wow, I am being super awkward, actually..so I’m just gonna…yeah.”
Steve gestures over his shoulder toward the bedroom but he doesn’t even move to turn before Eddie is pulling him back the other way.
He lets him go a couple steps away from the glass shower door, “Better get t’stripping big boy, can’t shower very well with clothes on, can you?” he winks, then faces away from Steve to finally shed his jeans (and for his own sanity).
Eddie can hear the split second it takes for Steve to start pulling off his clothes, taking another second for himself before pushing his jeans and boxers off his hips.
He had been trying to be in the shower under the spray before Steve was even out of his clothes, but one of his legs got caught, then he had to pause further to pull off the stubborn sock that decided not to come off with his jeans.
Which of course led to him nearly toppling over.
He caught himself on the wall, but not before Steve’s hands caught him around the waist too. “Careful, Eds.”
Oh fuck. Steve’s hands should not feel that good against his skin..also, dammit! He was trying to be all suave and cool by getting in under the water before Steve could see him fully, and now his bare fuckin’ ass is out for all to see…
Eddie laughs to himself.
“Nothin’, I just thought I’d be…better? At this?”
“At what?”
“Stupid fuckin’—” Eddie finally gets his sock off, then sighs, “I dunno, being sexy, or mysterious I guess? Coy maybe?” 
“Why would you need to be any of that?”
Eddie shrugs, stepping out of Steve’s hold and into the shower and under the spray, staying faced away from the door while Steve follows.
“Are you gonna look at me?” he asks, voice devoid of anything but concern.
Taking a breath, Eddie steels himself and turns to face Steve in the large shower.
Steve’s expression is calm, open, but skews slightly into concern under Eddie’s gaze.
The long lean lines of his torso are just the same as the other two times he’s seen them, but they’re close now, and in good lighting too; Eddie can see a few other scars other than the ones from the bats, others he’s gotten over the years protecting the heard of goblins they’ve been co-parenting since last September.
He watches rogue droplets of water slough down the now-damp hairs on his arms, his legs, his chest, the ones that follow the path of darkening hairs down his stomach to his—
Steve steps closer, sharing the warm, wide spray of the shower with him.
He lifts his hand and brushes the damp hair back from the scar that marrs Eddie’s face and neck, stepping forward fully and cupping the puckered flesh in his palm when the hair settles wetly behind his shoulder
Eddie feels time stop for a brief moment. 
All of Steve is pressed into him and they line up perfectly, like they were made to share the same space. Steve’s other hand slides onto Eddie’s hip and it tugs him closer. Steve's half-hard length slots into place beside Eddie’s own, into the crevice where his crotch meets thigh.
Eddie shudders a breath at the feeling, opening his eyes to study the planes of Steve’s face and the way he is seemingly drooping forward into Eddie’s orbit. 
Steve’s smiling softly at him, the soft spray of water reflecting off their chests is misting up onto his cheek and lashes. His eyes are so much more green than he’d thought before, besides how little of the color he can see around the much larger pupil.
“Gorgeous.” Steve says, his voice is breathy and low, full of admiration, of longing…and it takes Eddie out of his reverie.
“Wha?” He says, eloquent as ever.
“You’re gorgeous, Eddie.”
Then, Steve’s lips are on his, tentative and sweet; soft, but becoming heady fast. 
The next time their lips meet, it’s punctuated with a short huff of air from Steve’s lungs when Eddie spins them, pressing Steve into the stone wall beside the shower knobs. He parts his lips to mumble out an apology, but Steve’s tongue decides to fill the space instead.
The hand Steve had on Eddie’s jaw snakes down to grab hold of his other hip and pulls him even closer, using the both of them to roll Eddie’s hips into his.
Their tongues slide languidly against the other, the fast pace they’d been building into falling off in exchange for slow, sanguine kisses instead.
Eddie lets out a shaky breath when they do part, blinking across the short distance between them at Steve’s kiss-bitten lips for only a second before letting his eyes fall shut with the exhale.
“Steve…is this—Is this real?”
Steve breathes out a shaky laugh of his own, “Why wouldn’t it be real, Eddie?” He asks, gently tracing the length of Eddie’s nose with his.
“I’m pretty sure I’ve had this exact dream before; are you sure I didn’t snap my neck during one of those falls earlier?”
The younger man laughs fully this time, and Eddie relishes in the slippery feeling of the wet skin of Steve’s stomach rippling against his own. He can’t help but grin in response to both the laughter and the funny feeling, his eyes opening without a second thought.
Steve looks like he’s floating, his face soft and dripping with a bright beaming smile..
“Do you need me to pinch you?” Steve asks, finally coming down from his brief fit of laughter.
“I don’t know if I want to find out this isn’t real.” Eddie grins in return.
One of Steve’s large hands leaves his hip then, snaking around to pinch the underside of Eddie’s asscheek.
He sucks in a short hiss of pain and lets out a soft whimper of something else (holy shit, when did that become a thing??) in the same breath.
“Okay…” he gulps down a mouthful of nothing, “Not a dream.”
“Not a dream..” Steve repeats. 
There’s a beat, two full breaths of more nothing before Steve spins them around and pushes Eddie back into the cold stone instead, his arm wrapped around him and up to cup the back of his skull protectively against the tile.
He presses a thick thigh between Eddie’s and does three things almost simultaneously.
The first, a second before the other two: He locks his heavy-lidded gaze on Eddie’s; two and three: presses the thigh between Eddie’s legs up, and pulls the hand at the back of his skull down along with a fistful of dark curls.
“Aahhh—ohhh fuck, Steve…” The sting from his scalp pulls a moan from his exposed throat, and Eddie scrambles to grab hold of something.
His nails dig into the slick skin of Steve’s back automatically, and he opens his mouth to apologize the same moment Steve latches onto his neck with a low groan of his own.
The hand not tangled in Eddie’s hair is starting to pull him down in waves against Steve’s thigh and hips, both of them hissing in pleasure with each pass of the other’s length against theirs.
“Mmmm, Eddie..” Steve moans, unlatching from the bruise he’s sure to have left on Eddie’s throat to lave his tongue and lips against his jaw instead. “Baby, you feel so good against me.”
“Ooh, and you sound so sweet..” His lips trail down from his jaw back to the definitely sore spot on his neck, one that he prods lightly with the tip of his tongue before continuing on to nip at the taught skin of his collarbone, kiss lightly over the skin of his scarred pec, finally landing tongue first onto Eddie’s remaining nipple. 
The reaction to this is immediate; Eddie arches his chest further into Steve’s mouth. Steve, the sonofabitch he is, suctions his lips away from Eddie’s flushed skin in response.
“Hhnng—what the actual fuck, Steve?” Eddie glares best he can though the panting, “Get that mouth back over here.”
Miraculously, Steve obliges, sliding forward into a saccharine kiss and pulling Eddie away from
the wall and back under the spray of water.
“C’mon Eds, tilt your head back before the hot water runs out.”
Eddie just gapes at him, at his dick, both their dicks, still standing at attention, back up to his face.
Steve just purses his lips together as if holding back a grin and tugs Eddie’s head back by his hair again, soaking the strands through under the water.
He lets Steve turn him this way and that, reveling in the feeling of the other man’s hands in his hair, slick with soap on his skin, the gentle nudges and pulls relaxing him further into this weird world where Steve’s totally into him and also they’re naked in the shower together.
Finally, when Steve tilts his head back for the final time to rinse the conditioner out of his hair, Eddie decides to be a little shit, pushing his hips forward to clash their (still half-hard) dicks together.
“What are you—really? A sword fight?”
Eddie lets out a long cackle, “What? You knew what you were getting into with me, didn’t’cha Stevie?”
Doubt crashes into Eddie’s chest the instant the words escape his mouth.
He did, didn’t he? He likes him for his antics right? Oh fuck…How long would it take for Steve to get sick of his shit?
Despite Eddie’s near-crushing doubts, Steve smiles and says, “That I did.” easy as breathing, then pulls Eddie flush against him in another heated kiss.
Steve walks him backward after a moment, and Eddie drops his hands behind him to feel for the inevitable press of cold stone on his back, shuddering when it finally makes contact.
His gasp from the cold tile only seems to egg the other man on, hunching down to grip him around the backs of his thighs.
Eddie’s legs lock around Steve’s waist in panic, but pleasure shoots through him with the motion too, the horny thrill of being picked up so effortlessly along with the pressure of Steve’s stomach against the underside of his dick.
“Mmph—Steve holy shit,” he’s only just managed to thread the fingers on one hand into those sleek brown locks when he has to stifle down a long groan with a bite to his knuckle. “Hnngh–Steve, Steve, you gotta—oh fuck..”
The muscles of Steve’s stomach bunch under him as he grinds up in slow, torturous rolls..
“Oh, fuck—” the words spill out of his mouth, loud and long; his palm snaps up to hold them in as Steve pushes his shoulders into the tile behind him and leans back, leaving Eddie’s body balanced between strong thighs and shower wall.
The tile hits hard on the back of his skull when Steve wraps one of those hands of his around both their lengths. Eddie manages to look down, only to knock his head back again at the sight. 
Even with the added height of being on top of Steve’s thighs, their heads are exactly level, disappearing over and over again into the water-warmed skin of Steve’s fist.
Steve hunches forward again, pressing kisses into Eddie’s sternum. “Gorgeous.” 
“Steve...” he whispers in return, grinding as much as he can against the length slotted along his.
Again, too soon, Steve is pulling away, releasing his grip on them both.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asks, already moving to drop his legs back to the floor. 
Steve stops him, hoisting his legs back around him and lifting him off the wall. “I’m taking you up on your offer.” He says, twisting off the now-cold stream of water and carefully stepping over the lip of the doorway through the glass door.
“My offer?”
“You said that after your shower, you’d come back out here to the bedroom and I could have my way with you.”
A half whine, half moan curls out of Eddie’s throat to his utter embarrassment.
“D’ya like that idea, sweetheart?” Steve says, grinning mischievously. 
Eddie manages to scowl at him as they leave the steamy bathroom, and is dropped down onto the mattress soon after. 
“Aw shit!”
“What? What happened?”
It’s cold as shit, that’s what.” The air-cooled temperature of the covers against his skin has him breaking out in goosebumps.
Steve winces, “Sorry, I didn’t think about that.”
What was calm and collected confidence flickers off his face, and Eddie can’t have that. “Jus’ come over here and warm me up, big bo–wait,” He sits up and stops Steve when only one of his knees has made it onto the bed. “Lemme look at you.” 
He looks down at Steve, and yep. Big Boy is very accurate. He’d felt it against him already, Steve’s too-gorgeous-to-be-real dick; he’s longer for sure, cut and curved up like something out of a wet dream. 
“Oh, definitely big boy,” Eddie grins, looking up at Steve’s somewhat embarrassed expression.
“It’s nothing special.” he shrugs, his cheeks heating up as he climbs up Eddie’s damp body. He lowers himself down lay between his legs, his dick slotting itself beside Eddie’s once again.
He hunches over to kiss lightly up the scars on Eddie’s left side, lips brushing along the healed edge of the biggest one. It tickles, then it doesn’t, then does, then doesn’t, his lips pressing halfway onto skin and halfway onto puckered pink flesh.
“Yeah baby?” he responds after a few more kisses.
“You’re giving me more goosebumps.” Eddie says, somewhat breathless.
Another kiss, “Mmmm.. You’re welcome.”
That shocks a laugh out of him, “You’re such a dork.”
Steve takes one of Eddie’s hands where it lays on the mattress, lacing their fingers together and pressing them back into the mattress beside his head.
“Says you.” he affirms, locking those ridiculous hazel eyes on his.
Eddie’s about to crack off another one liner, say something to…all that, but it’s completely erased from his mind when Steve ducks his head down to find his nipple again.
“Oh fuckin–nnng..” his hips buck up hard into Steve’s, who presses down into him in return.
He can feel it when Steve grins against his skin. “Shut up, asshole, that fee–ee–els so good.”
“Hmm, tell me about it, baby.” He’s grinding down slowly now, adding to the exponentially increasing Steve-addled brain fog he’s currently experiencing.
“Ahhh—I want to but–”
“But what?” Steve’s breath over the spit-slick spot on his chest sends a chill through him. 
“Oh fuck–If any of them hear us, we’re never going to hear the end of it.” he tries to warn around another stifled moan.
The Menace is undeterred, swirling his tongue around the little nub open-mouthed and hot once more before moving upwards, trailing his lips up Eddie’s breastbone until he’s sucking kisses into his throat once again. He continues up along the length of his neck until he reaches his ear, “Then you’d better keep it down, huh?”
Well that didn’t help. He lets out a long moan in response, clamping a hand over his mouth way too late.
“You sound so good though,” Steve says, continuing his slow grinding, “I can’t wait to get you alone so I can fuck you properly.”
That pulls another moan from behind Eddie’s palm. “Jesus H. Christ,” Eddie bucks his hips up as much as he can, but Steve's palms move down to hold him in place.
“Can’t have that now, can we?” Steve chides, trailing his lips down his stomach as he slides back to the edge of the bed, his eyes locked on Eddie’s.
“Wh–Why not?”
“Because I’d prefer,” a kiss above his belly button, “to choke,” a kiss below, “on my own accord.”, then swallows Eddie down in one go.
“Oh fffuuck—”
Steve hums in agreement around Eddie’s dick and the vibrations course up his spine to rattle around in his brain.
“Oh shit, Stevie, that feels so fuckin’ good.” He breathes, twisting his fingers into Steve’s hair.
In response, Steve starts to bob his head, swirling his tongue around Eddie’s on the upstroke, and sucking with fervor on the down.
“Steve, sweetheart–fuck–if you keep going I’m gonna—haah—”
“And what if I want you to?”
“And what if I want to to-together?”
Steve releases him with a wet pop, kissing his way back up to Eddie’s lips, humming in satisfaction when he reaches them, like kissing Eddie is the best part of all this.
And doesn’t that make his head spin.
“All you’d have to do is ask.”
Eddie pulls Steve back to his lips and bucks up into him again. “That’s me asking.”
Steve grins down at him and re-starts his slow, tortuous pace.
He’s rock hard against Eddie’s thigh, and this is getting fuckin’ ridiculous.
“Alright, you know what,” Eddie pushes his hips up hard and flips them over, straddling Steve’s thighs in no time at all.
“Holy shit—“ Steve blinks up at him in astonishment, like he’s surprised that he’s been flipped so easily.
 Eddie grinds down onto Steve, “You don’t get to tease me like that, big boy.”
“Is that so?” He chuckles, then groans when Eddie wraps his hand around their lengths. His hands grip onto Eddie’s thighs, squeezing tight to match the hold on them.
Eddie fucks forward into his fist, pulling his hand down to meet each thrust and watching as Steve’s head drops back onto the mattress.
He lets out a long groan. “Eddie…”
“Yeah, Stevie?”
Eddie runs his fingers over both their heads, adding to the slight slip of pre with a well aimed glob of spit that makes Steve hum out a short breathy moan as it makes contact with his head.
More noises of appreciation are pulled from the man under him as he rubs the pad of his thumb through the mess and under the head of Steve’s cock in small circles.
“Mmhm oh fuck..”
“You like that?”
“Mmhmm,” he nods dazedly “Keep moving though, feels so good, Eds.”
“You got it, sweetheart.” Eddie grins, wrapping his palm around them again and pushes forward into his fist.
Steve’s head drops back onto the pillow beneath him, “Just like that Eddie, fuck.” 
He gives them a few more strokes, then Steve’s hands start to move; his warm palms skirt along the wiry hair on his legs, one traveling around to grab onto Eddie’s horribly non-existent ass, and the other comes up to his remaining nipple, pinching it between two digits.
That did it. The hot coil of pleasure already broiling in his stomach twists even tighter. “Ahh—Stevie..I’m so close, Jesus Christ…”
“Me too..”
“Yeah? Well c’mon sweetheart, give it to me.”
A scant two passes of his hand later, Steve shoots hot across his stomach, and Eddie follows a half stroke later. 
He sinks down to the bed against Steve’s heaving ribs, tucking his shoulder under the other man’s arm.
After a few more breaths, Steve pulls Eddie into him and presses his lips to Eddie’s still-damp forehead.
“Ew gross, don’t do that, I’m all sweaty.”
“Don't care.” Steve mumbles softly into his hairline.
In return, Eddie wipes his soiled hand off on Steve’s stomach.
“Ew! Gross!” Steve laughs, shoving Eddie away with no actual intent behind it.
A few minutes later, Steve breaks the comfortable silence. “So,”
The word sinks heavily into Eddie’s gut. “So?”
When Steve doesn’t continue, Eddie turns his head to find Steve gazing at him with soft eyes, and even softer smile.
It morphs into a teasing smirk. “Did it live up to the hype?”
One snooze and another heated shower later, Eddie crawls back into their bed and gets comfy while he listens to Steve pull his clothes back on to go down to the main lodge for the hellions.
He hears a short shuf when Steve’s leg skirts around the end of the bed. “I’ll be back in 15,” he says, kissing the damp hairs on Eddie’s temple. “Go to sleep, Eds.”
“Hmmm…” he hums in return, cozy as ever, and is out as soon as the door clicks shut.
Too soon, the sounds of the shitheads scrambling into the house interrupts his dozing, the door to the bedroom squeaking open not long after.
“Eds? You awake?”
Instead of answering, Eddie simply opens his arms.
He listens to Steve strip off his clothes, beckoning the man forward again when he feels the end of the mattress sink under the other man’s weight. 
“I’m comin’, I’m comin’, hold your horses.”
“My horses have been patient enough.” Eddie grumbles as Steve finally shuffles between the sheets and into his waiting arms.
“Dude! What the hell happened to your neck?! Did you get attacked by a vampire?”
“Henderson, you are way too loud for how early it is.”
“It’s 10 am, Eddie.”
“Exactly.” the barstool creaks as he climbs onto it, gratefully accepting the plate of eggs and bacon Argyle passes him.
“Leave him alone, guys.” Steve says, coming up behind Eddie on his stool and kissing his cheek as he passes into the kitchen with his empty plate.
There’s three whole seconds of silence before the younger teens burst out into a cacophony of various outbursts.
“Aw, what? Eddie! Steve’s way too lame for you to be dating!”
“Steve, did you fuck my DM?!”
“I fuckin’ knew it. I told you they’d get together, didn’t I? Dustin, you owe me 10 bucks.”
“I don’t owe you shit, Maxine.”
“Holy shit, congrats guys.” Lucas is his new favorite… Will and El too, nodding along to Sinclair’s assessment.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough; All those heading back to the waterpark better be ready to go in T-minus three minutes otherwise I’m leavin’ without you.” Steve calls out over the noise.
The complaints follow him out of the kitchen and into the tiny laundry room off the entryway.
“Why don’t you guys get yelled at?” Eddie grumbles, poking up a forkful of egg.
Robin snorts a laugh, “Because none of us are sleeping with the babysitter.”
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okay, some notes:
steve's mom is a lawyer in this canon and she's the one who paid for eddie's legal counsel/helped with clearing his name after s4
wha?? steve harrington has good parents?? insanity
"canon" hawkins is about an hour outside of indianapolis so i used shelbyville, indiana as my base and from there to boyne mountain is about a 7 hour drive. if they left at 6 am from hawkins, they'd get to the resort around 1 or 2 and have a good couple hours to ski before it gets dark again at 6 (daylight hours in the midwest during winter are a bitch.)
i did way too much research into the ski resort i based this at, only to realize that neither the cabin itself OR the waterpark were there in the 80s. so...let's all just pretend, okay?
the map above is a trail map of the resort from 1985
when i asked my husband what i should add to 'my most recent blorbos' he said 'nice tits!' so that's why that line lmao
who'da thought this'd go from skiing to shower sex? cause i didn't
i got stuck on the smut part of this for way too long and i am so glad i am a) done with it and b) that it actually turned out relatively coherent.
on that note though, i have been looking at this damn fic for so so long that i don't know if it's actually good or what. 'cause to me, it's complete garbled garbage
the title of this is from 'Object of My Desire' by Starpoint
lex i am so sorry this is late ilysm 🫶
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myspacepoet · 1 year
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road trip to indianapolis (aka mike driving a rust bucket truck propaganda)
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samgelina-jolie · 11 months
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
lucas and michael heart to heart (maybe about their families or reflecting on their friendship)
ella hello! ok this isn't about their families, but i've been thinking about this type of scene in s5 for a while now, so here you go, my friend!!!
i still haven’t found what i’m looking for
Mike owes Lucas an apology, and he knows it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, whatever. He’s not the same stupid twelve year old kid that he was when all of this started. He’s lived through a lot of shit since then, and he’s done a lot of growing up, especially over these past couple of years. Living in an apocalyptic wasteland and essentially becoming a child soldier in an interdimensional war does that to a person. 
So… it doesn’t take any prompting for Mike to realize he owes his best friend an apology.
(Alright, maybe it takes a little prompting—aka Will merely giving him a look. But hey, Mike had already come to this conclusion on his own, so it doesn't really count.)
And that’s exactly why Mike finds himself walking through the empty hallways of Hawkins Lab this late at night. Everyone else has gone to bed, and tomorrow, whenever the others are distracted, the Party will begin its rescue mission to find Max and free her from the Upside Down.
Mike doesn’t want to go. 
Okay… that’s not entirely true. He does, because it’s Max, and she’s one of his best friends. It’s just that… One has been targeting Will this entire time, and running into the Upside Down is just asking for trouble. But the Party’s still a fucking democracy, and Mike’s the poor schmuck who seems like the bad guy now for pointing out how dangerous all of this is, especially for Will.
He and Lucas had fought… like really, really fought. They haven’t yelled at each other like that in years, and both of them threw out some nasty, hurtful things to each other. Best friends don’t say shit like that, and… and well, Mike knows he owes Lucas an apology. Now that he’s had some time to think about it some more, he knows he’s in the wrong here.
So, Mike takes a deep breath, and he knocks on Lucas’s door, waiting for a few moments before his best friend’s familiar voice says, “Come in!”
Another deep breath, and Mike opens the door. He doesn’t step inside the room yet, but he meets Lucas’s eyes. “Hey,” he says, quietly and tentatively.
Lucas’s eyes narrow. He looks suspicious and guarded. “Hi.” 
“Um… can we… can we talk?” Mike asks, his voice soft. 
For a moment, it looks like Lucas might say no, which would be really fucking annoying. Honest to God, Mike’s trying to be the better person here and trying to make amends. Lucas saying no would probably just piss Mike off again.
But luckily, the look on Lucas’s face softens, and he sighs. “Sure,” he agrees, patting his bed. “Why not?”
A dry smile forms on Mike’s face, and he shuts the door behind him, walking into the room and sitting on his best friend’s bed. There’s no point in beating around the bush, so Mike just holds out his hand.
It’s a familiar move. Suddenly, they’re not seventeen year old child soldiers anymore. Suddenly, they’re just twelve years old, desperately trying to get their oldest friend back and nearly falling apart in the process.
“I drew first blood,” Mike says softly, meeting Lucas’s eyes. “And I… I wanted to say that I’m sorry.”
For a moment, Lucas just stares at his hand, as if uncertain of whether or not to accept it. He doesn’t reach out yet, but he does look up at Mike. “What made you change your mind? Did Will or Dustin make you do this?”
“No.” Mike shakes his head, though it does sting a bit that Lucas assumed that about him. It just goes to show how… how much strain there’s been on their friendship—even if they haven’t wanted to admit it. “No, I came because I wanted to. Because you’re one of my best friends, and I don’t want to lose you because I was being an asshole, and… and…”
Mike hesitates, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Memories of their fight play through his mind like a broken movie reel, and the lump in the back of Mike’s throat grows.
“And because I’m a hypocrite,” Mike whispers finally, opening his eyes and watching as a confused look forms on Lucas’s face. “Dude… I, of all people, know what… what it’s like to lose someone you love to the Upside Down. And I… I get what it’s like… that… fear that you’re never going to get them back… that you… that you’ve lost them forever… and what it feels like to be willing to do anything to get them back. I… I get it. And I should’ve been the first one there to support you and to help you find Max, because you love her and also because she’s my friend. So… I’m sorry, Lucas. I really, really am.”
The room goes quiet. For what feels like an eternity, Lucas stares at him, as if searching and trying to read Mike’s mind or something. His own expression is curious but mostly unreadable, and it takes everything in Mike not to look away.
But then, finally, Lucas reaches over, and he takes Mike’s hand. 
And he pulls Mike into a hug, wrapping both of his arms around him.
For a moment, Mike just tenses. It’s been a while since the two of them have hugged… Though, actually, it’s been a while since Mike has hugged any of his friends. But the embrace feels comforting and familiar, and it reminds him of all the best memories he has with Lucas from their childhood. 
Lucas has always been someone steady—someone Mike can depend on through thick and thin and someone whom Mike knows has his back. And maybe he lost sight of that over the past couple years, but suddenly, it feels like the two of them are finding themselves and their friendship all over again.
It takes a while, but eventually, Lucas pulls away and offers Mike a watery smile. “I’m sorry too,” he says genuinely. “I… I said some shit that I shouldn’t have… and I’m sorry, Mike.”
“It’s cool.” Mike smiles back. “We both did.”
“Fair,” Lucas chuckles; then, he hesitates and reaches over, squeezing Mike’s shoulder gently. “Hey… you know we’re… all gonna be okay tomorrow, right? We’re going to find Max, and… and we’ll be safe. He’ll be safe. You’re not gonna lose him. I promise.”
Mike’s breath catches, and he tenses, unsure of what to say. He… he had specifically chosen not to say who he was talking about, hoping that Lucas would assume Mike meant El.
But of course, Lucas had known. Lucas always seems to know.
There’s nothing but understanding and acceptance on his best friend’s face though, so Mike finally just relaxes and offers him a small smile in return. “I know,” Mike whispers back. “And you’re going to get her back. Promise.”
An understanding passes between the two of them, and no other words are said. Both of them know just what the other is talking about and just what the other is feeling right now. Maybe they’re the only two people in the world who get it—who understand what it’s like to have the person they love the most stolen away from them and dragged into this awful place.
Tomorrow, the Party will go into the Upside Down. It feels a bit like deja vu, in Mike’s opinion—like they’re twelve years old again and on a mission to rescue their lost Party. And though the odds are stacked against them, Mike knows in his heart that they’ll find Max. He has to believe that, and he has to hold onto that hope.
They found Will, after all. 
And so, they’ll find Max too.
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elekinetic · 2 years
wish / lucas and el
"Do you think I'm weird?"
Lucas is tossing a rubber band ball up and down and trying to get to thirty consecutive bounces against the ceiling when El asks him if he thinks she's strange. Or, weird. Is there a difference? While he’s thinking, the ball comes down.
It doesn't hit him though. It hovers just above his face, where it would've smacked him square in the nose. But no damage done. Benefits of a telekinetic friend, he figures.
Lucas grabs the ball out of the air. "Thanks. And no! You're not weird. I mean... yeah, a little. But we all are! We're all weird. You're like, a normal amount of weird. So, normal." El seems unconvinced. Frankly, so does Lucas. Hell, he's holding a ball that was just levitating above his face.
“I thought you were cool with the whole powers thing, anyway.”
“I… it’s not that. I think I’m bad at making friends.” Lucas pauses. Sometimes he forgets how blunt El can be.
“I was at the store, with Joyce, and there were these girls. I think they are older than us? We were at the….check out?” Lucas nods. “I liked their shirts, so I said that and they just laughed. I thought it was mean but they said it was a joke, so… maybe I should be funnier.”
“Jeez. I mean, it doesn’t sound like they’re people you’d wanna be around anyway, right?”
“I guess. I wish sometimes I had met everyone at school. I don’t know if you would’ve wanted to hang out with me, but then we would’ve all learned how to be people together.”
“El, c’mon. We’d wanna hang out with you.”
“You wanted to send me to an asylum.”
“Goddamn it, Max. You showed up in the woods in just a t-shirt.”
“Weird,” El agrees.
Lucas sighs. “Yeah. But like, no one cool is normal. I heard Ralph Macchio had to do like, ten thousand push-ups every day for Karate Kid.” El’s eyes go wide. “Yeah, that’s insane! No one normal does ten thousand push-ups. You can be Ralph.”
El’s nose scrunches.
“Okay, bad example. Maybe… maybe you can just be El.”
 “Just El.” She smiles. “Thank you, Lucas. You are very cool.” She pauses for a moment. Her lip quirks up and her eyes glint mischievously.  
“Very weird.”
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bowiebond · 2 years
Power Rangers AU
(Kids Edition)
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Lucas Sinclair | The Red Power Ranger | Leadership & Bravery
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Dustin Henderson | The Blue Power Ranger | Loyalty & Intelligence
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Max Mayfield | The Yellow Power Ranger | Courage & Spirit
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Eleven Hopper | The Pink Power Ranger | Kindness & Power
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Mike Wheeler | The Black Power Ranger | Strength & Protection
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Will Byers | The Green Power Ranger | Wisdom and Heart
“They entrusted us with this power. We have to do our best to work not just as a party, but a team.”
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“I can’t imagine my life without you guys. I want us to be like this forever. When we do pass on the mantel…let’s never forget each other, okay? Ever.”
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
Hopper: Son, do you if the girls have boyfriends this week or not?
Billy: Max said no because Lucas was being dumb and Mike was being stupid.
Hopper: That’s good. They’re too young for boyfriends anyway. Hopefully, they’ll keep being single for a while like you’re doing.
Billy: Yeah, about that…
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“Oh, right! They’re the Young Justice League of America!” “No… We’re young, but Just Us.”
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The OG Party As the Young Justice core four, Mike Wheeler as Robin, Will Byers as Superboy, Dustin Henderson as Impulse + Lucas Sinclair as Wonder Boy
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Max Mayfield as Arrowette + El Hopper-Byers as Secret
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inutaffy · 2 years
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my friend nyx is queer i swear they love maya hawke soo sooo much
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rllymilerlly · 2 years
Lucas 🤝 El
Being in love with 2 ppl who start with the letter M
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sunflowersand-bees · 2 years
hi! what are your sexuality headcanons? for byler and any other characters! :) feel free to go into depth if you'd like 💛
eeeeeee ok
(i'm doing gender too bc you can't stop me XP)
will - he's gay. i kinda like the ace hc too. he/him, cis guy
mike - gay. full stop. genderflux or like bigender? i like bigender actually, let's go with that. he/she pronouns :D
dustin - i'm torn between him being panroace or demipan and him being heteroace. i love henclair tho, so i'm gonna have to go with pandemic! and he's transmasc, he/him
lucas - he's a bisexual boyyyyyyy. cis guy, he/him
max - bisexual. full stop. nonbinary fs, she/they
el - she's panroace. no i will not be taking criticism at this time. demigirl, they/she pronouns.
argyle - pansexual. nonbinary, he/him.
jonathan - pansexual or bisexual. one of the two, he can never really decide. genderfluid babyyyy he/she/they
nancy - bisexual bitch atw. she/her, demigirl
robin - nonbinary lesbian, they/them
steve - bisexual and bigender, she/he. ps jargyle and stonathan real
anon, you're an angel for going around and asking everyone!! <3333333
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lumaxramblings · 2 years
with lumax, lucas fell first and max fell harder, but with elmax, max definitely fell first and el definitely fell harder. hope this clears things up <3
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dulce-chisme · 2 years
why r we arguing over lumax and elmax like max has two hands!!!!!!!!
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lordystrange · 10 months
Mleven are calling bylers stupid for saying that the S3 movie scene looks like it’s a double date.
They can’t process the fact that looks like ≠ is. We know full well that they didn’t say ”hey let’s go on a double date in the movies we’re not even allowed in.”
Will and Mike are not on a date there.
But the writers made it look like that.
The stuff from that scene that we use as byler proof is all based on the writers’ choices:
They didn’t have to write them going to the movies. They could have gone somewhere else. With El. But they chose to write it like that.
They didn’t have to write them sneaking in secretly. They could have written them to normally go to the movies and have 4 reserved seats next to each other. But they chose to write it like that.
They didn’t have to write them sitting separately. The movie theater they snuck into could have been half empty and they could have sat together. But they chose to write it like that.
They didn’t even have to make the pairing be Lumax and Byler. Since Lumax apparently was on and off, they could have been off at that time. Or they could have decided that it’s not a double date and therefore make Lucas and Mike sit together and Max and Will sit together. But they chose to write it like that.
In conclusion: No, it wasn’t a double date. Yes, it looks like a double date. Yes, it was the writers’ choice to do it like that. Yes, it’s meant to imply/foreshadow byler being a couple.
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