#in 2023 we thank the people who brings us so much joy and inspiration!
just-french-me-up · 1 year
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slxshrfvcker · 1 year
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♡︎~Ten Years Of Hannibal~♡︎
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Today, April 4th, 2023 marks 10 years since Hannibal was released by NBC! So... HAPPY HANNIVERSARY, MY DEAR FANNIBALS!
It’s absolutely outrageous that Hannibal was released TEN YEARS AGO!
I don’t have the words to describe how grateful I am to Bryan Fuller and the cast of Hannibal for coming together and creating such an amazing and memorable masterpiece that I have loved and appreciated for so many years, and that had been embedded into my skull for the beautiful artistic mastery of not only the art, colors, displays, music, and culinary arts, but beauty of acting, and the way it made me feel throughout the time I had experienced while watching the show, I am forever thankful for the work they had done for us and will continue to be for the years to come, these people are truly awe inspiring and incredible people. So with that being said…
Thank you, Bryan Fuller, Mads Mikkelsen, Hugh Dancy, Hettienne Park, Caroline Dhavernas, Gillian Anderson, Laurence Fishburne, Kacey Rohl, Scott Thomson, Aaron Abrams, Lara Jean Chorostecki, and everyone else who helped make this show come to life, as well as the casting crew, the costume designers, producers, other designers and the visual/sound designers, all of you are amazing and we, as the fandom, the Fannibals, appreciate you all and your dedication, your hard work to come together and make this show such an incredible experience for us all and a legacy that will live on for years and an eternity to come. Again, THANK YOU! We love you, us Fannibals, WE LOVE YOU ALL!
Now, without further ado, here are ten things that you and your half of the murder husband duo do to celebrate your tenth anniversary of being in a long lasting and loving relationship~🎉❤️
*Reader is gender neutral~❤️ enjoy!
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Dr. Hannibal Lecter~
❥Hannibal is very proud to have you as his significant other, his love and his forever partner, so for the first show of appreciation and love for you on your 10th year anniversary, Hannibal would be awake very, very early, much earlier than his usual, to prepare you the most beautiful, thought out and special breakfast that he will bring to you and let you eat in bed, making sure that you don’t have to lift a finger in the morning so that you can be relaxed and ready for the long day he had planned ahead for the two of you.
❥Once breakfast has been devoured and your stomach full and satisfied, Hannibal would make sure to tell you had had canceled all of todays plans and proceed to help you to the bathroom where he had previously prepared a warm bath with soaks and all the things that you possibly could ever want for a bath, the ultimate relaxation time that Hannibal would let you have alone or join you in with whatever you would prefer and need of him. He would help wash your body and your hair, pour you some of that expensive bubbly stuff you always adored and just spend time with you for as long as you both possibly could before the water was to get cold and force you two out.
❥From then on Hannibal would have given you your first actual gift of the day, as if the breakfast and bath surprises weren’t enough. He had went out a few weeks prior to buy you that dress/tux you’ve been eyeing, and gift it to you wrapped in the most beautiful and luxurious gift wrap her ever could get, watching your eyes light up and sparkle with absolute joy was all he could ever want and need in his life. But he had to make sure you realized that this wasn’t all that was planned and that you should put on the dress/tux he had bought you, because he had more surprises up his sleeve~!
❥Hannibal had driven the two of you to the next location he had planned for, the whole restaurant and surrounding park had been rented out for just the two of them to enjoy, and he couldn’t help but smile and feel all the flutters of love and affection for you when he saw those tears of disbelief and happiness, and threw your arms around him in absolute appreciation and thankfulness. He held you tightly before he pulled away to bring you to the tables, letting you pick whatever you wanted from the rather expensive menu and treating you with the best possible alcohol or nonalcoholic beverages you wanted.
❥After the two of you finished eating, Hannibal brought you over to your next surprise, that of which being your [favorite activity], though he didn’t really enjoy it himself he knew you adored it, and let you have all the fun you wanted, he participated with you and helped you reach the end goal of the activity, smiling at your face as it lit up with happiness.
❥The night was slowly approaching and Hannibal had made sure the two of you had the best time of your life so far, and he was so very far from being done with the night for you. He brought you back to the house and sat with you on the couch, handing you a few more gifts that he watched you open happily, smiling at each gasp and smile of appreciation for what he had gotten you, happily returning your affection when you opened each one.
❥Hannibal smiled happily at you as he watched you while he sent out messages to everyone to inform them about the dinner party he was hosting that night, one where he would finish the night off with the grand surprise for you…
❥Dinner time was rolling around and the guests were filling the house, congratulating you two on surviving ten years of being in the relationship that many envied of you two. You ate happily beside Hannibal while conversing with the guests, happily accepting the few gifts some brought for you two to open later on. The dinner was incredible and delicious as always and you absolutely adored Hannibal with your entire heart.
❥The time was growing later and it was nearing the end of the dinner party, and it was time for Hannibal to elicit his final gift of the night, standing her tapped a knife to his wine glass and cleared his throat, he looked at you and smiled, announcing his love and passion for you, expressing his gratitude for you being by his side for this long and telling you that you mean the world to him, you saved him from himself many time than you can count and he couldn’t be more happy to spend his life with you, and with the final words, he smiled, promising you that he will stay with you forever and love you for the remainder of his life and until his dying breath, and even though after death it was uncertain what would be, he promised to love you even then.
❥Dinner had finally ended and everyone had went home after saying their final congratulations, before the two of you were alone yet again. The look Hannibal gave you was unconditional love, and you returned it with the same look that meant it all. The rest of the night, you two laid in bed entangled in each others arms making the most soft love you two had ever made, holding each other and whispering sweet nothings to one another before the two of you fell asleep in each other’s embrace, knowing full well of your mutual unconditional love and affection for the both of you…
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Special Agent Will Graham~
❥Waking up, Will had no idea it was a special day in all honesty. He had a small feeling that it was different than the rest but he didn’t know what exactly what it was, so he had done his usual morning routine, giving you a soft loving kiss on your head and making his way to the bathroom for a shower and his morning ritual. He did remember to make a small breakfast for you and leave it sealed in the fridge so that you didn’t have to worry about cooking anything and just taking what he made for you and heating it up before you went to work too. He left a cute little note on the top of the container that expressed his happiness and love for you, before he grabbed all his things and left for work, making sure his dogs were quiet and fed as he left.
❥When you woke up you found the breakfast rather quickly and smiled softly at the note, always enjoying these little displays of affection he showed you, knowing it was hard for him to do so anyways. You checked your phone as you ate and you noticed an event on your calendar… ten years… ten years! Oh my gosh! Today was your ten year anniversary with Will! How could you forget?? You mentally scolded yourself and hoped that he had forgotten as well to spare yourself the embarrassment of such a thing, and as you finished breakfast you washed the dishes and filled the dogs’ water bowls before taking the trash out and making the house much more tidy and smell much better (let’s be real here, it would definitely have a bit of an unpleasant smell with all those dogs running around the place) before you got ready for work yourself. Running out of the house you got in your car and went to work, remembering to stop by a little gift shop to buy a little something small for Will, to make up for the forgetfulness of your memory on todays special event.
❥Will got home to see the rather very clean house and it surprised him a bit, but he didn’t mind it. He was glad to have a sparkling clean house for once in what felt like forever. As he sat down at his desk to work on a few new lures for his fishing stuff, he suddenly remembered the day and importance! The tenth anniversary of your relationship was today and he had forgotten, oh how bad he felt for just now realizing this. He hadn’t even bought you a gift or done anything to plan for today, and he felt terrible about it. He quickly pulled his phone out and scrolled a bit through it to figure out what he would do for you today, as you would be home soon and he was absolutely in shambles on how he forgot about today. Concluding that he would take you out for dinner and let you pick something out at the mall no matter the expense he set his phone down and stood up, searching through his closet to find something nice to wear for dinner tonight. He called Hannibal and asked him advice on tonight, and with newfound confidence, Will picked a more fancier outfit out and then he heard the front door open.
❥Will immediately ran to greet you, enveloping you in a hug and kissing you before the two of you said your happy anniversaries at the same time, causing the two of you to break out into laughter and smiles. He was shocked but grateful as you handed him the small gift, admitting to him you had forgotten all sheepishly, yet he didn’t seem upset, he laughed and looked at you, admitting that he too had forgotten. He set the gift to the side and told you about the dinner plans and how he was going to take you to the mall to make up for forgetting and you happily agreed, kissing him gently before urging him to open his gift. He smiled excitedly as he saw it was some new equipment for his fishing lures, he thanked you with a loving kiss and a hug before he told you that the two of you should get ready and go to dinner before it was too late.
❥The two of you got dressed rather quickly and left, going to have a small candle lit dinner at your favorite restaurant, having loving conversation while drinking your favorite drinks and eating your favorite fancy foods. He smiled at you and you smiled at him as you both talked and laughed, having the best time of your lives.
❥After dinner, Will brought you to the mall and let you pick out whatever you wanted, insisting that he didn’t mind the price and he showed that by happily buying the things for you, spoiling you with all the love and money he could.
❥The two of you soon got home and just spent some time lazing around on the bed, watching movies on the tv and petting the dogs as they laid in your laps. You two occasionally shared a kiss or a small make out session, before the dogs interrupted and whined for kisses and affection of their own, which you two of course obliged to and happily gave.
❥Will and you just held each other all night and whispered soft affirmations to each other, reminding you how much you two meant to each other and how important you two were to one another.
❥Will eventually was the first one to fall asleep, holding you close and running his hands through your hair as he was at first trying to hum you to sleep, but he ultimately hummed himself to sleep. But you couldn’t be more happier, you held him and cling onto him until you fell asleep yourself.
❥You two just ultimately have such a deep connection and love for one another that you didn’t need anything big and extraordinary to profess your love, you two had each other and that was enough. You both were meant for each other and you two were eternal for one another. He loves you and you love him, and that’s enough, he is so thankful to have you for these ten years and for many more to come. As you too, were with him. ❤️
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Happy Ten Years, Hannibal~ ❤️🥀🍷🥩
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healthyhorns · 10 days
Mural Unveiled at University Health Services Gynecology Clinic
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Two students from the College of Fine Art collaborated with the staff at the UHS Gynecology Clinic to illustrate, design and paint a mural on a central wall in the clinic. The mural represents and celebrates the UT Austin community. 
Gabriella Carvelli, an art history major with minors in Italian, archaeology, and business and Josiah Brown, a studio art major, started the process of creating the mural during the Spring 2023 term after learning about the opportunity from one of their instructors. From there, the two met with representatives from the UHS administrative team and Gynecology Clinic, and pitched their ideas and inspiration. 
“We met through one of our professors, Megan Hildebrandt, who told us about this opportunity at the end of the Spring semester in 2023,” Brown explained. “During that following summer, we started a Google Document with all of our different ideas and narrowed them down from there.” 
The pair ended up creating sketches for five different mural ideas and collaborated with the UHS Gynecology Clinic to choose the final design. 
Amy Graf, CNM, APRN, Department Chief of the UHS Gynecology Clinic and Sheila Mahon, RN-OB, Assistant Director or Nursing in the UHS Gynecology Clinic both worked closely with the two student artists. Mahon said they had just taken down decorative quilts that were hanging on the walls and were looking for something to fill the blank slate. 
“I mentioned my idea for a mural to leadership,” Mahon said, “and they reached out to the College of Fine Arts.” 
Graf said working with the students was a pleasure from the very start, and she was impressed with their professionalism. 
“Sheila coordinated supplies and reimbursements, and the students worked around our clinic schedule,” Graf said. “It seemed like they got a lot done on weekends, and it made Mondays more fun to see how much they’d accomplished.” 
Carvelli said she and Brown wanted the mural to pay homage to all Longhorns and the city of Austin. 
“Thematically, we wanted the mural to be welcoming and familiar for the UT Austin community,” Carvelli said. “As a student of art history, I was deeply interested in exploring the role of women in artmaking practices throughout time, which inspired my fascination with recapturing toile, a 17th century French textile design, and subverting it in mural format.” 
During the winter break of 2023, Carvelli and Brown explored campus and Austin, taking photos of the landscapes, people and landmarks along the way, using the things they captured as inspiration for the details in the mural. 
“After we sketched these scenes, we interspersed some flora and fauna local to Austin and this area of Texas, such as crepe myrtle, Texas sage, and squirrels,” Brown said. “The style of our mural really gave us the opportunity for little vignettes of student life, which felt like it would honor our vision and the direction the Gynecology Clinic staff wanted to go in.” 
After several weeks of sketching and painting, the artists revealed the mural at a celebration event this spring. The pair said they are grateful for the learning experiences along the way and getting to create something that they hope will bring joy and warmth to others. 
“Opportunities like this really help open doors for the future,” Carvelli said. “To create a mural like this helped to connect me to my community on campus,” Carvelli said. “I have no doubt that this experience will open doors for the future." 
Brown said this experience was different from the things he learns in his classes. 
“I learned how to take something to a client and go back-and-forth on an idea,” Brown said. “In class we are typically given a prompt and go from there, but gaining the experience of collaboration with a client was very educational.” 
The pair said that neither of them have ever created anything on a scale this large, so they are thankful for this opportunity. 
“It was really cool to be able to do something like this that other people can enjoy,” Carvelli said. “I hope it brings joy and happiness to passersby for years to come.” 
Graf expressed the sincere gratitude of University Health Services for the hard work put in by the artists and the lasting impact their mural will have on Longhorns. 
“I hear students and staff praising the mural every day as they pass by,” Graf said. “What used to be a 10 second walk down the hallway has turned into a three-minute journey because there is always something new to discover. Not only is it relevant to our students’ lives, but also the craftsmanship is stunning. We want folks to feel comfortable and welcomed, and if they look hard enough, they will see an image of themselves portrayed in these vignettes because having student created art helps send that message.” 
-Erin Garcia, Healthyhorns Outreach and Social Media Coordinator
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orchideae · 5 months
Hey, Sae! 2023 is over on my end, but please know that I did perceive my inbox message and I want to thank you for sending it! We've been through quite a lot, but I've been watching you grow and thrive with muses I may not always know. But, you know what? I love seeing my friends happy, that's what. And if muses I don't know makes them happy, I am happy for them!
wishing 2024 brings you fulfillment, joy, the realization of your dreams and ambitions! for your rp life, I only wish you muses you love, muses who inspire you, muses who get out the best of you! take care! much love from Romania 🇷🇴 ♥️
— @furiaei // Prompt: 2023 has already concluded!
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Blu!! Do you realize that it's been like, 3ish (or something akin to that?) years since we first crossed paths? We got into FFVII roughly around the same time, and you introduced me to a portrayal of Seph that astounded me still to this day, especially considering that we were both newbies to the franchise if I recall correctly, and FFVII's remake isn't exactly very clear or informative for us new ones as to who is who and why they're exactly as they are ('who is this tall good looking and eerie looking individual, what is this?!'). But that's exactly the thing, despite being new to it, you didn't shy away from picking up the character who is arguably one of the most complex ones that the franchise gives us, and wrote one hell of a portrayal from start to finish (as if you're done by any means, I know what you're gonna be doing the moment Rebirth hits, and maybe I'll just join you again as well), letting nothing stop you whatsoever. And that's something to admire, and something I'll always admire; you're a fellow writer who will never let anything demotivate you from writing who you want. And then you prove time and time again, that you picked up said character for good reason. You're just one of those people, and I'll bear you a heck of a lot of respect for it.
Thank you for this, for it's so very appreciated. And I wish you all the same in return, I hope 2024 makes even more of your wishes come true, and that your life is filled with all the smiles, inspiration and all the meta humanly possible, because I know you'll digest it all so very happily. Here's to not losing touch again, we're here to stay this time, alright? 💙
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freeadmission · 5 months
Big Projects
Hello, 2024 and thanks for being so good to me 2023.
I had some big projects this year, ones that made me sit back and finally feel a bit of relief from all of the hustle because they made my year more stable, and more interesting and gave me the juice to carry on.
I began this year with a contract at La Movida sewing and design creating images for their website so they can sell fabric and notions online. I had a sweet little setup and got to work with friends which was a huge bonus. Laurie is a powerhouse and a great inspiration to work with, always creating and laughing. This gig was a perfect start to 2023.
You know those projects that bring you joy, the ones that bring you the cool people to work with, the ones that set your creative heart ablaze with hope and love. I had a few and I am beyond grateful for them. So much so that I haven’t been able to go back and look at the images like I usually do because I don’t want to break the seal. I just want the memory to stay as it was and not worry about adding the images to my website or social platforms.
I got to work with some really cool new clients like Denu and Home Team Models. Denim and diverse models are two things that I really look for and I found both in these clients.
I got to work for an entire semester creating marking and social media content at LaSalle College and I look forward to joining them again this year to make more magic.
I got to work with a wonderful stylist and create content for The Ecologyst where we received some amazing SWAG after the shoot.
I spent so much time in the studio working with wonderful models doing digitals, doing creatives and capturing my own denim collection. Alex Waber runs Doris and I was lucky enough to rent there for a year and a half. He is supported by Monika an amazing model and stylist who I got to work with creatively and commercially. We also celebrated the new year together in 2022/23 with some crazy karaoke.
I made some amazing new friends in this industry and was able to let my restaurant gigs go. I did pick up a part-time gig at The Only on Davie. It’s a brand new location and a sister store to their fabulous location on Commercial Drive. I love vintage and I have found a wonderful new home there with some great staff and amazing finds.
2023 was a challenging year for all of us and as we continue into this next chapter I know we are holding our noses as we are about to jump into what feels like the deep end. I just wanted to give a whole heap of gratitude for what I was lucky enough to experience because I also could not have done any of this without the amazing friends and clients I have. To you, I tip my hat and I can’t wait to create and collaborate our way through this next year too.
I will leave you with one of my favourite images from last year. I am still sorting through the mound that I have to choose from to update my websites, for now, 1 new one will have to do.
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yhwhrulz · 1 year
Worthy Brief - January 18, 2023
Walking out the will of God!
1 Thes 5:14-18 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
The apostle Paul's epistle to the Thessalonians contains clear and powerful exhortations concerning the will of God for believers. These exhortations express the specific will of God in relationships with others, with ourselves, and with the Lord. Packed into these short verses are patterns of life and behavior which receive His blessing in all these relationships.
"Warn them that are unruly"; people who are idle, undisciplined, pleasure seeking, need to know the danger they are in.
"Comfort the feebleminded"; comfort people who are disheartened; come alongside them with brotherly affection and encouraging words, and pray for them.
"Support the weak"; our natural tendency is to despise and neglect weaker people, to stay away from them since they have nothing to offer us, and can damage our reputation. Yeshua (Jesus) says no, find them, and lift them up however you can.
"Be patient toward all men"; realizing how patient God is with you, and that "patient" is the first thing that love is, [1 Cor. 13:4]. It means waiting in love and hope, with prayer, for people to see what they need to see, do what they need to do, change how they need to change.
"See that none render evil for evil;" do not allow evil men in this world to corrupt your own behavior and character. This is a constant temptation throughout life because evil people are everywhere, including the church.
"Follow that which is good"; being and doing good of every kind is our lifelong mandate as believers; there are millions of ways to obey it. This is God's will for us toward all men – even those who don't deserve it!
"Rejoice evermore"; Yeshua has rescued your eternity from unspeakable misery and pain to everlasting joy and pleasure. The constant reality of your life is undergirded by an ecstatic future forever. You can afford to be quite happy about it.
"Pray without ceasing"; 'impossible', you say. Given the fact that your relationship with the Lord is wide open to communication with Him 24/7, why not continually include Him in your words and thoughts?
"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you"; gratitude is a life saver, apart from being the most appropriate response to having been created, redeemed, and blessed by our loving Lord. Thankfulness in all things turns you into the beautiful soul your were intended to be. Gratitude in the midst of suffering is a special perfume for the Lord.
The will of God is not so hard to figure out when we read these simple statements. Just obeying these exhortations is enough to do for a lifetime. Wherever the Lord calls you, He calls you to this lifestyle. God's Holy Spirit inspired these words, and He alone gives the power to carry them out. Our part is to believe and act, He will fill us as we do.
Your family in the Lord with much agape love,
George, Baht Rivka, Obadiah and Elianna (Going to Christian College in Dallas, Texas) Baltimore, Maryland
Registration is closing soon! Join us on an epic, life changing journey through Israel, - https://worthynews.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b94ae97bb66e693a4850359ec&id=f6529b3cbc&e=3d3c649f0e through the eyes of those who are well acquainted with the culture, the people and the Land. This is not your average Israel tour— bring your family, bring your friends, and experience the REAL ISRAEL with George and Baht Rivka as your personal hosts.
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freedom-fighter · 1 year
day 69 - 18th Jan 2023
I am so Happy, so Grateful and so in Love with: 45) Slowly going back into the routine of 3-4x of workouts ! 44) To have good sleep and going subur at masjid once a weekly for now 43) Planning & execution of having a sustainable work routine for 2023 innshaaAllah yet having time for family. 42) As for point mentioned, it will be ungrateful of me if I dont put my best foot forward for the mercy, rizq and love Allah has shown us.
May Allah make it easy for me to develop the ilm, skillsets and habits to be the best version of myself. AMIN YA rabbi al amin.
41) For all the abundance reqzi Allah has bestowed us despite my shortcomings, one for the record, Wealth, health, even the greying hair is Rizq from Allah. Some scholars translate Rizq as ‘sustenance’, ‘provision’ and some call it ‘blessings’. It can also be seen as something that brings benefit or that which repels harm. Given that, it is quite difficult to encapsulate the meaning of Rizq in a single translation because Rizq is sustenance, provision, blessings and more. إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينُ
“Indeed, it is Allah who is the (continual) Provider, the firm possessor of strength.”
(Surah Adh-Dhariyat, 51:58)
وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ
 And indeed, it is Allah who is the best of providers
(Surah Al-Hajj, 22:58) "The concept of rizq is so beautiful. Even when you eat a piece of fruit, it was always written for you. From the moment it grew from a tree, it went through all these people and travelled all this way until it was in your hands. It was always meant to be yours."
ثم يرسل إليه الملك فينفخ فيه الروح، ويؤمر بأربع كلماتٍ: بكَتْبِ رزقه وأجله وعمله، وشقي أو سعيدٌ
“Then (Allah) sends to it an angel who is tasked to breathe soul into it. (The angel) is then commanded to write down four matters: the writing of the (developing child’s) rizq (sustenance), his life span, his actions, and whether he will be truly happy or miserable”
(Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)
From the mentioned hadith, we understand that Rizq, as with everything else in life, has been predetermined by Allah s.w.t. 
40) The adventures, joys, ups, downs, journey, lessons, people and family in the last year and we look forward for a better year of abudance innshaaAllah. May we grow closer as a family, amin!
39) Aish, for being our bundle of joy and just teaching and reminding me all the little joys of life as your papa
38) thankful for 2022 business year of opportunities, wins, lessons my wife & my in laws feelings towards me.
37) Alhamdulilah, a good run of Umrah with family. did my best Ibadah to my best of ability. Could be better but I know myself. Maybe I should have been more discipline and harder on myself. :/
36 ) To be the dark horse at work. I know I can do it and I’ll do it to be the best version of myself. AMIN. Run your own race.
35) When you have Islam, you have everything in this dunya. What for if you have all the riches in the world but live a life miserable than a person who is poor. The peace, barakah & time are resources that you cant put a monetary value on. 
34) IRAS & taxes. it’s always a good problem to have. 
33) My kind loving inlaws & family. I always pray for their good health, wealth and for their prayers/duas to be accepted. May our upcoming umrah go smoothly innshaaAllah. 
32) final burst of 8 weeks of 2022 before we call it a job well done, pat ourselves and get ready for a 2023!
31) My in laws, whom has always been wanting nothing but for us to be successful in our endeavours with the kind duas and encouragement all the time. <3
30) Abg Abu’s booster workshop, timely and such as inspiring man full of positive, energy and laughter. May Allah swt bless him with more success & barakah in the dunya and hereafter.
29) The montigo resorts for all the blessings and time spent and memories made as a family. It was indeed a much needed breath of fresh to f5 mind, body, soul and heart on what truly matters in life.
28) The long bus ride earlier with AMAZING lake view that I forgot existed in Singapore. It was so tranquil and peaceful. 
27) Silver surfer presence and to owing something that I never thought possible. It makes the job and day2day so much convenient! 
26) Despite everything, Allah still loves bountifully, he gives and provides in abundance for us. 
25) To wake up, start the morning feeling good & strong despite having a late nighter and 1 sustainable morning routine ! 
with WSM taking over the role of CMO. syukur Alhamdulilah !!!! 
Reconnected back with step and wan qi earlier 
SERIES of closings, trust of clients and the abduance of clients coming from EVERYwhere !   With finaz and Nadz in the team. cant wait for them to blossom and make their $$$$! 
The past one month has been exhilarating b2b appts, work. The flow is here and let’s finish 2022 with a BANG !!! 
With the breathe that I was able to take today and the abundance opportunities that have presented and/or that will come along our path innshaaAllah. My success is only through Allah swt. Syukur alhamdulilah
BREAKTHROUGHS !!!! No meds and my mood has been excellent. Energy levels and drive has been 100. Working out and eliminating toxic habits is a game changer. I’m ready for the many more to come. Bismillah. Focus, Believe and Achieve !
results of 2nd qtr performance, a good wake up call. if you are not going to put the time to work, results won’t come. Breathe, focus and keep ongoing. 
JOURNALING, it really puts your abundance blessings into place and whatever that was “lacking” seems so insignificant now. Syukur alhamdulilah! 
BEACH ULTIMATE HAT 2022 AUG with loads of sun tanning !!!!
Our beautiful messenger of peace, Nabi Muhammad SAW, I cant wait to see, meet and witness his presence in my sleep. One can only imagine a life with his dazzling presence.
Allah, how everything falls into place at the right place and right time. Keep on moving forward, tie the camel, pray and Dua hard.
how bountiful rizq has been appearing from EVERWHERE and the good streak of leads and closing, Bismillah. Platinum for aug 2022 ! Even a good hobby and soccer match is rizq. syukur Alhamdulilah.
Precious family time, it gives me perspective and to slow down. As a husband, father and son. After all, what matters more than family?
Bubai and bubai’s mother for their time, effort, priceless advices, syafakillah to bubai and we will keep her in our kind duas innshaaAllah. Here’s to alll the caretakers out there !!!! xx
being uncomfortable and being in fear, it has taught me to breathe, slow down, keep on showing up and the world isn’t as scary you think it is. It will come when the time is right. I’ll doorknock my way to the top !
my mental state and how it has taught me to be resilient, grateful grit, and not to take the small things in life for granted
Being selected as to be born as a muslim in the end of times. It is my purpose of life and acts as a moral compass in my decision making. 
Waking up and getting an opportunity to be better ME ! 
My REAL estate business. It gives me a fulfilling sense to actually come in and impact a family on so many levels. I am empowered and committed to touch as many lives as I can while contributing sadaqah jariyah with my work, knowledge and experience. 
BROtor, same boat, comforting words, focus, assurance and keep moving forward. #believe and #nevergiveup! 
Our tightly knitted family. They give loads of comfort and nothing beats coming home to a family that fills you with warmth, love and companionship
my lovely wife whom never fails to inspire me with her intellect, work ethics, opens my worldly perspectives. She gives me the best companionship, bff, spouse, wife, mother and ultimately, I will never forget that she is a prayer come true. I prayed for her when I was at my lowest, vulnerable and when I had almost nothing. She took me in graciously and showered me with TLC.
My foot injury, the importance of slowing down and watching our body as we age. The importance of strengthening and condition especially if we want play at the highest level of ultimate
My current fitness level and my dad bod. If anything, it will teach me the actual fruit of labour, the secret to success and limitless energy. The power of constant hardwork, focus and discipline cant be undermined!
Bismillah, Let’s go!!!
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freedom-fighter · 1 year
day 48 - 28th dec 2022
I am so Happy, so Grateful and so in Love with: 42) As for point mentioned, it will be ungrateful of me if I dont put my best foot forward for the mercy, rizq and love Allah has shown us.
May Allah make it easy for me to develop the ilm, skillsets and habits to be the best version of myself. AMIN YA rabbi al amin.
41) For all the abundance reqzi Allah has bestowed us despite my shortcomings, one for the record, Wealth, health, even the greying hair is Rizq from Allah. Some scholars translate Rizq as ‘sustenance’, ‘provision’ and some call it ‘blessings’. It can also be seen as something that brings benefit or that which repels harm. Given that, it is quite difficult to encapsulate the meaning of Rizq in a single translation because Rizq is sustenance, provision, blessings and more. إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينُ
“Indeed, it is Allah who is the (continual) Provider, the firm possessor of strength.”
(Surah Adh-Dhariyat, 51:58)
وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ
 And indeed, it is Allah who is the best of providers
(Surah Al-Hajj, 22:58) "The concept of rizq is so beautiful. Even when you eat a piece of fruit, it was always written for you. From the moment it grew from a tree, it went through all these people and travelled all this way until it was in your hands. It was always meant to be yours."
ثم يرسل إليه الملك فينفخ فيه الروح، ويؤمر بأربع كلماتٍ: بكَتْبِ رزقه وأجله وعمله، وشقي أو سعيدٌ
“Then (Allah) sends to it an angel who is tasked to breathe soul into it. (The angel) is then commanded to write down four matters: the writing of the (developing child’s) rizq (sustenance), his life span, his actions, and whether he will be truly happy or miserable”
(Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)
From the mentioned hadith, we understand that Rizq, as with everything else in life, has been predetermined by Allah s.w.t. 
40) The adventures, joys, ups, downs, journey, lessons, people and family in the last year and we look forward for a better year of abudance innshaaAllah. May we grow closer as a family, amin!
39) Aish, for being our bundle of joy and just teaching and reminding me all the little joys of life as your papa
38) thankful for 2022 business year of opportunities, wins, lessons my wife & my in laws feelings towards me.
37) Alhamdulilah, a good run of Umrah with family. did my best Ibadah to my best of ability. Could be better but I know myself. Maybe I should have been more discipline and harder on myself. :/
36 ) To be the dark horse at work. I know I can do it and I’ll do it to be the best version of myself. AMIN. Run your own race.
35) When you have Islam, you have everything in this dunya. What for if you have all the riches in the world but live a life miserable than a person who is poor. The peace, barakah & time are resources that you cant put a monetary value on. 
34) IRAS & taxes. it’s always a good problem to have. 
33) My kind loving inlaws & family. I always pray for their good health, wealth and for their prayers/duas to be accepted. May our upcoming umrah go smoothly innshaaAllah. 
32) final burst of 8 weeks of 2022 before we call it a job well done, pat ourselves and get ready for a 2023!
31) My in laws, whom has always been wanting nothing but for us to be successful in our endeavours with the kind duas and encouragement all the time. <3
30) Abg Abu’s booster workshop, timely and such as inspiring man full of positive, energy and laughter. May Allah swt bless him with more success & barakah in the dunya and hereafter.
29) The montigo resorts for all the blessings and time spent and memories made as a family. It was indeed a much needed breath of fresh to f5 mind, body, soul and heart on what truly matters in life.
28) The long bus ride earlier with AMAZING lake view that I forgot existed in Singapore. It was so tranquil and peaceful. 
27) Silver surfer presence and to owing something that I never thought possible. It makes the job and day2day so much convenient! 
26) Despite everything, Allah still loves bountifully, he gives and provides in abundance for us. 
25) To wake up, start the morning feeling good & strong despite having a late nighter and 1 sustainable morning routine ! 
with WSM taking over the role of CMO. syukur Alhamdulilah !!!! 
Reconnected back with step and wan qi earlier 
SERIES of closings, trust of clients and the abduance of clients coming from EVERYwhere !   With finaz and Nadz in the team. cant wait for them to blossom and make their $$$$! 
The past one month has been exhilarating b2b appts, work. The flow is here and let’s finish 2022 with a BANG !!! 
With the breathe that I was able to take today and the abundance opportunities that have presented and/or that will come along our path innshaaAllah. My success is only through Allah swt. Syukur alhamdulilah
BREAKTHROUGHS !!!! No meds and my mood has been excellent. Energy levels and drive has been 100. Working out and eliminating toxic habits is a game changer. I’m ready for the many more to come. Bismillah. Focus, Believe and Achieve !
results of 2nd qtr performance, a good wake up call. if you are not going to put the time to work, results won’t come. Breathe, focus and keep ongoing. 
JOURNALING, it really puts your abundance blessings into place and whatever that was “lacking” seems so insignificant now. Syukur alhamdulilah! 
BEACH ULTIMATE HAT 2022 AUG with loads of sun tanning !!!!
Our beautiful messenger of peace, Nabi Muhammad SAW, I cant wait to see, meet and witness his presence in my sleep. One can only imagine a life with his dazzling presence.
Allah, how everything falls into place at the right place and right time. Keep on moving forward, tie the camel, pray and Dua hard.
how bountiful rizq has been appearing from EVERWHERE and the good streak of leads and closing, Bismillah. Platinum for aug 2022 ! Even a good hobby and soccer match is rizq. syukur Alhamdulilah.
Precious family time, it gives me perspective and to slow down. As a husband, father and son. After all, what matters more than family?
Bubai and bubai’s mother for their time, effort, priceless advices, syafakillah to bubai and we will keep her in our kind duas innshaaAllah. Here’s to alll the caretakers out there !!!! xx
being uncomfortable and being in fear, it has taught me to breathe, slow down, keep on showing up and the world isn’t as scary you think it is. It will come when the time is right. I’ll doorknock my way to the top !
my mental state and how it has taught me to be resilient, grateful grit, and not to take the small things in life for granted
Being selected as to be born as a muslim in the end of times. It is my purpose of life and acts as a moral compass in my decision making. 
Waking up and getting an opportunity to be better ME ! 
My REAL estate business. It gives me a fulfilling sense to actually come in and impact a family on so many levels. I am empowered and committed to touch as many lives as I can while contributing sadaqah jariyah with my work, knowledge and experience. 
BROtor, same boat, comforting words, focus, assurance and keep moving forward. #believe and #nevergiveup! 
Our tightly knitted family. They give loads of comfort and nothing beats coming home to a family that fills you with warmth, love and companionship
my lovely wife whom never fails to inspire me with her intellect, work ethics, opens my worldly perspectives. She gives me the best companionship, bff, spouse, wife, mother and ultimately, I will never forget that she is a prayer come true. I prayed for her when I was at my lowest, vulnerable and when I had almost nothing. She took me in graciously and showered me with TLC.
My foot injury, the importance of slowing down and watching our body as we age. The importance of strengthening and condition especially if we want play at the highest level of ultimate
My current fitness level and my dad bod. If anything, it will teach me the actual fruit of labour, the secret to success and limitless energy. The power of constant hardwork, focus and discipline cant be undermined!
Bismillah, Let’s go
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