#inseong au
mirisss · 5 months
Path of Crowned Shadows
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Vampire! OT9 SF9 x afab! reader
 Soulmate, vampire au. 
Wordcount ≈ 8.5k
Warnings: None I think, 
Thank you for the request! And of course, I still write for Rowoon! 
Bolded words are a skip in time or the start of a new chapter. 
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Third Person POV
In the shadowy expanse of the dark kingdom, where the moon held sway over the night, there resided nine vampire princes. These enigmatic beings were intricately bound together by the mystical influence of the moon, their destinies interwoven like the phases of the celestial orb that adorned the night sky.
Driven by an ancient prophecy, the nine princes embarked on a quest to find their elusive soulmate, the one fated to complete the circle of their existence and unlock the dormant powers within them. Despite the captivating allure of the dark kingdom, their search proved to be a seemingly fruitless journey.
As the cycles of the moon waxed and waned, the princes pressed on, fueled by an unwavering determination to fulfill their destiny. The dark kingdom held its secrets close, and only time would reveal whether the celestial dance between the nine vampire princes and their soulmates would ultimately illuminate the shadows or forever remain veiled in the enigma of the night.
Youngbin, the second oldest among the nine vampire princes, possessed a unique blend of strength, charisma, and a natural inclination for leadership. Despite being younger than Inseong, the eldest of the princes, Youngbin assumed the role of the group's leader and, by virtue of a peculiar twist in their heritage, was designated as the heir apparent to the throne.
His demeanor reflected a balance of regality and approachability, making him not only a respected leader but also a figure his brothers could turn to for guidance. Youngbin's eyes, a mesmerizing blend of deep amethyst and the moonlit glow held a spark of determination that mirrored the responsibility he bore as the leader destined to guide their kingdom.
Youngbin's powers were uniquely attuned to governance and protection. He could command the elements, creating barriers of shadows and manipulating the very fabric of the dark kingdom to shield it from external threats. His leadership extended beyond the physical realm, as he proved adept at navigating the intricacies of vampire politics and ensuring the cohesion of the princely brotherhood.
In the quiet moments of reflection, Youngbin would often find solace in the moonlit gardens of their castle, contemplating not only the challenges of their quest but also the responsibilities that came with his imminent role as king. The moon, a silent witness to his thoughts, seemed to offer both guidance and reassurance in the face of the unknown.
Inseong, the eldest of the nine vampire princes, stood at the forefront of their quest with a regal demeanor that reflected both centuries of existence and the weight of the prophecy that bound them together. His eyes, like pools of ancient wisdom, gleamed with a timeless knowledge that surpassed the mortal realm. As the moonlight bathed him in an ethereal glow, it also highlighted the solitude that lingered in the recesses of his gaze.
Inseong's powers surpassed many, a testament to the accumulated strength of centuries lived under the moon's watchful eye. He could manipulate shadows, command the night, and communicate with the nocturnal creatures that inhabited the dark kingdom. Yet, for all his might, the one power that eluded him was the ability to unveil the identities of their elusive soulmate.
In the quiet moments between their pursuits, when the moon hung low and the kingdom slept in an uneasy stillness, Inseong would gaze at the night sky with a contemplative expression. The stars, distant and unattainable, mirrored the essence of the soulmate they sought—shrouded in the vastness of the unknown.
Jaeyoon and Dawon, the third and fourth vampire princes in line, complemented each other in ways that mirrored the delicate balance between dusk and dawn. Jaeyoon, with his captivating charm and beguiling aura, was a master of illusions, able to weave shadows into illusions that confounded and intrigued. Dawon, on the other hand, possessed a unique connection to the natural world, with the ability to manipulate flora and fauna at will.
Jaeyoon's powers of illusion made him a valuable asset to the group, capable of creating diversions and concealing their movements as they traversed the dark kingdom. His silver hair, like moonlit strands, framed his face in an otherworldly elegance, and his eyes sparkled with mischief as he navigated the shadows with an enigmatic grace.
Dawon, in contrast, had a deep affinity for the living realm. He could coax flowers to bloom in the moonlight, summon creatures of the night to aid their cause and draw strength from the very essence of the earth beneath their feet. His connection to the natural world brought a sense of vitality to the group, a reminder that even in the darkest of realms, life could flourish.
The bond between Jaeyoon and Dawon was as inseparable as day and night. Their complementary abilities often intertwined, creating a synergy that enhanced their effectiveness as a duo. In the moments of stillness, they would share quiet conversations beneath the moonlit canopy, reflecting on the journey and the mysteries that surrounded their quest.
As the group ventured deeper into the heart of the dark kingdom, Jaeyoon's illusions wove a protective veil around them, shielding the princes from prying eyes and malevolent forces. Dawon, in turn, would breathe life into the desolate landscapes they encountered, a testament to the enduring power of nature even in the face of darkness.
Zuho, the fifth vampire prince and known as the "dark one" within the kingdom, carried an aura of mystery and intensity that set him apart from his brothers. His icy glare, often accompanied by a stoic demeanor, earned him a reputation that echoed through the shadowed halls of the dark kingdom. Yet, beneath this façade of darkness, Zuho harbored a profound yearning for the love that the prophecy promised—a yearning that ran deep in the veins of his immortal heart.
His powers were as formidable as his reputation. Zuho commanded the element of ice, able to freeze time itself with a mere glance. The chill of his presence sent shivers through the hearts of those who crossed his path, reinforcing the moniker bestowed upon him by the kingdom's inhabitants. Yet, in the solitude of his thoughts, Zuho wrestled with the duality of his nature—the chilling exterior that concealed a warmth he dared not show.
Zuho's gaze, sharp as the moonlight reflecting off icy landscapes, held a complexity that mirrored the struggle within him. The shadows he cast were both a shield and a prison, a defense mechanism born of centuries spent navigating the intrigues of the vampire realm. Yet, as the moon waxed and waned, so did the longing in his immortal soul for a connection that transcended the cold solitude he had grown accustomed to.
On the moonlit nights, when the kingdom lay in a hushed slumber, Zuho would find himself standing on the parapets of their castle, gazing out into the vast expanse of the darkened landscape. His thoughts, like the swirling snowflakes around him, danced between the desire to embrace the warmth of love and the fear of exposing vulnerabilities that had long been buried in the frost of self-preservation.
Among his brothers, Zuho remained an enigma—a puzzle with edges that hinted at both strength and fragility. The other princes sensed the depth of his yearning, the silent plea for understanding and acceptance that echoed in the icy corridors of his heart. Yet, the path to unraveling Zuho's true self-proved to be as treacherous as the frozen landscapes he could conjure with a thought.
Rowoon, the sixth vampire prince, walked in the footsteps of Zuho, creating a striking contrast that seemed to embody the duality of their immortal existence. If Zuho was the embodiment of darkness, Rowoon emerged as the radiant counterpoint—the prince known for his charming and warm looks that endeared him to the inhabitants of the dark kingdom.
Tall and commanding, Rowoon possessed an otherworldly allure that drew eyes like moths to a flame. His golden hair, reminiscent of the sun's glow at dawn, framed a face that radiated kindness and approachability. His eyes, pools of warmth, held an innate ability to dispel the shadows that clung to the kingdom, earning him the affectionate moniker of the "light bringer" among the subjects.
Rowoon's powers were attuned to healing and restoration. He could mend wounds with a touch and infuse the air with an invigorating energy that dispelled the weariness that often accompanied their quest. His presence, like a beacon in the night, brought comfort to his brothers and a sense of hope to the kingdom that lingered in the perpetual embrace of darkness.
The dynamic between Rowoon and Zuho was a fascinating interplay of opposites. While Zuho's gaze could freeze time, Rowoon's smile had the power to thaw even the coldest hearts. Their connection, akin to the delicate balance of night and day, added a layer of complexity to the brotherhood, highlighting the diverse strengths that each prince brought to the collective journey.
Despite their differences, Rowoon and Zuho shared an unspoken understanding that ran deeper than the superficial contrasts in their appearances and abilities. In the moonlit nights, when the kingdom lay still, they would find moments of quiet contemplation, reflecting on the intricacies of their intertwined destinies and the significance of their roles in the prophecy.
Taeyang, the seventh vampire prince, brought a unique passion to the brotherhood—one that transcended the mystic powers and political intricacies that surrounded their quest. His heart resonated with the rhythmic beats of dance and the moon's warm glow served as both witness and inspiration to his profound yearning.
His name, meaning Sun, captured the essence of his vibrant spirit. Taeyang's movements were a fluid expression of grace and power, a dance that mirrored the celestial dance of the moon and the stars. His dark hair, like cascading shadows, framed a face adorned with the glow of someone who found solace in the rhythm of the night.
Taeyang's powers were intricately linked to his affinity for dance. As he moved, shadows swirled around him, creating ephemeral patterns that captivated the eyes of those fortunate enough to witness his artistry. His dance was not only a form of self-expression but also a means of channeling the very essence of the dark kingdom, infusing the air with a magical energy that resonated with the moon's warm embrace.
The moon, with its silver radiance, became both a muse and confidante to Taeyang. Under its watchful gaze, he would lose himself in the rhythmic flow of his own movements, imagining a future where he and his soulmate would dance together, creating a symphony that echoed through the darkened realm.
Among his brothers, Taeyang's passion for dance added a dynamic layer to their collective journey. The moonlit nights transformed into impromptu stages where the vampire prince would weave his spells, inviting his brothers to join in the celestial dance that bound them together.
Hwiyoung and Chani, the eighth and ninth vampire princes, brought a youthful energy to the brotherhood, their presence a reminder that even in the timeless realm of immortality, the essence of youth and discovery remained. Despite being the youngest, they carried a weighty responsibility as integral pieces in the celestial puzzle that bound them together.
Hwiyoung, with his tousled silver hair and mischievous eyes, possessed an affinity for the winds that whispered through the night. His powers allowed him to command the air, creating gentle breezes or powerful gusts that carried the secrets of the dark kingdom. His playful spirit added a lighthearted touch to the group, a refreshing breeze amidst the shadows.
Chani, on the other hand, was a creature of the moonlit forests. His connection to nature surpassed even that of Dawon, as he could communicate with animals and navigate the dense woodlands with an almost supernatural intuition. Chani's eyes, reflecting the deep hues of the nocturnal landscapes, held a wisdom that defied his youthful appearance.
The duo of Hwiyoung and Chani, inseparable like the moon and the stars, brought a sense of camaraderie and exploration to the brotherhood. Together, they discovered hidden pathways through the kingdom and reveled in the enchanting mysteries that lurked in the corners of their world. Their laughter echoed through the moonlit nights, a testament to the enduring spirit of youth even in the midst of their quest.
In the grand scheme of their quest, Hwiyoung and Chani, like the final strokes on a canvas, added a sense of completeness to the brotherhood. The moon, their ever-watchful companion, observed the unfolding destinies of the vampire princes, each step bringing them closer to the revelation of their soulmates and the fulfillment of the prophecy that bound them as one.
In the outskirts of the small town, nestled in the shadow of the dark kingdom, lived a girl by the name of (Y/n). Her humble existence unfolded in a small, weathered house, where she shared the simple comforts of life with fellow orphans from the town. The flickering candlelight and the warmth of shared stories painted the walls of their modest abode with a sense of camaraderie and resilience.
(Y/n), with her expressive eyes that mirrored the myriad hues of the moonlit night, navigated life with a quiet strength that belied her circumstances. Her days were filled with the simple joys of laughter and shared meals, and the nights brought the solace of a sky adorned with stars that seemed to echo the tales whispered by the elders of the town about the mysterious dark kingdom nearby.
Living on the outskirts allowed (Y/n) to catch glimpses of the kingdom's enigmatic silhouette, its dark spires reaching into the night sky. The tales of the vampire princes and their quest for soulmates were woven into the fabric of the town's folklore, a source of fascination and trepidation for the orphans who dared to dream beneath the moon's silver glow.
Among her fellow orphans, (Y/n) stood out as a source of comfort and inspiration. Her resilience in the face of adversity and her ability to find joy in the simplicity of life endeared her to those around her. As the moon cast its glow upon the outskirts, (Y/n) would often find herself gazing toward the dark kingdom, a spark of curiosity flickering in her eyes.
As (Y/n) went about her days, weaving the threads of her existence with those of her fellow orphans, the moon continued its watchful vigil over the unfolding tale. The dark kingdom, with its mysteries and the nine vampire princes bound by destiny, loomed ever closer, casting its enigmatic influence on the small town and the girl who lived on its outskirts.
The news of the impending arrival of the nine vampire princes stirred a mixture of excitement and trepidation throughout the small town. Whispers of their quest, their otherworldly powers, and the elusive search for soulmates spread like wildfire, casting a magical anticipation over the community.
As the summery day unfolded, the air buzzed with palpable energy, and the townsfolk couldn't help but feel the magnetic pull of destiny drawing near. The sunlight bathed the cobbled streets in a warm embrace, casting a golden hue over the town that contrasted with the mysterious shadows of the approaching dark kingdom.
In the outskirts, where (Y/n) lived with the other orphans, a sense of wonder mingled with the everyday routines. The small house, usually filled with the comforting sounds of shared stories and laughter, hummed with an added sense of anticipation. The orphans exchanged eager glances, their imaginations ignited by the prospect of encountering beings from the fabled dark kingdom.
Preparations buzzed throughout the town as its inhabitants readied for the arrival of the vampire princes. Merchants adorned their stalls with vibrant colors, flowers bloomed in window boxes, and the aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air—a collective effort to welcome the enigmatic guests with open hearts.
The summery day turned into a hazy evening, and the town's folk gathered in the central square, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of lanterns and the flickering anticipation of the impending arrival. The air shimmered with excitement, and whispers of hope and curiosity echoed beneath the moonlit sky.
The rhythmic sound of horse hooves hitting the ground echoed through the town, gradually growing louder until it became a steady and distinct beat. As the anticipation peaked, nine silhouettes emerged on the horizon, riding toward the town on majestic steeds. The moonlit night unveiled the figures of the vampire princes, their dark cloaks billowing in the night breeze as their horses gracefully carried them forward. The townspeople, collectively holding their breath, watched in awe as the nine mysterious figures drew nearer.
As the nine princes approached, the air became charged with a blend of curiosity and reverence. Rowoon, with his radiant charm, indeed drew the gaze of many despite his cloak covering his face, and the young girls couldn't help but marvel at the reality of the living legend before them. The collective heartbeat of the town seemed to synchronize with the hoofbeats of the approaching steeds, creating a harmonious symphony that underscored the significance of the moment.
The nine princes came to a graceful halt in the center of the town square, dismounting from their steeds with an otherworldly elegance. The small crowd hushed in anticipation, watched as the princes lowered their hoods one by one, revealing features that seemed to transcend the mortal realm.
Inseong, stood with a regal poise, his gaze sweeping over the assembled townspeople with a wisdom that spoke of centuries lived beneath the moon's watchful eye. Beside him, Youngbin exuded a calm confidence, a leader born of both authority and compassion.
The other princes followed suit, revealing faces that held a unique blend of mystery and allure. Jaeyoon, Dawon, and Zuho each bore expressions that hinted at the complexities beneath their exterior. Rowoon, with his warm and charming looks, smiled gently as he observed the townspeople.
Taeyang, the dancer, moved with a fluid grace that seemed to echo the very essence of the moonlit night. Hwiyoung and Chani, the youngest, exuded an energetic vibrancy that added a touch of youthful exuberance to the group.
As the princes faced the townspeople, their piercing eyes scanned the crowd, searching for a connection that would fulfill the prophecy. The air, charged with the unspoken hopes of the townspeople, crackled with a sense of destiny unfolding.
The townspeople, caught in the collective gaze of the vampire princes, held their breath as the celestial search began. Whispers rippled through the crowd, speculation and excitement intertwining in the moonlit night. Each prince, in his own way, sought the elusive soulmate who would complete the cosmic puzzle that bound them together.
In the midst of the town square, (Y/n) felt a mix of nervous anticipation and quiet curiosity. The gaze of the vampire princes, each with a unique allure, seemed to linger on the faces of the townspeople, a silent search for the one whose destiny would intertwine with theirs.
The moon, casting its ethereal glow upon the scene, bore witness to the unfolding drama beneath its celestial canvas. The small town, caught between the realms of ordinary life and the extraordinary fate promised by the prophecy, awaited the moment when the threads of mortal and immortal destinies would finally entwine.
A moment of quiet despair settled among the princes as their piercing gazes scanned the townspeople, and the weight of an uncertain future pressed upon them. The air, thick with anticipation, carried an undercurrent of melancholy as the possibility of not finding their soulmates loomed.
Yet, just as a shadow falls across a sunlit path, a subtle shift in the atmosphere caught the attention of the vampire princes. As their eyes swept over the crowd, the shadows seemed to part, revealing a figure standing at the back of the gathering. (Y/n), hidden from their direct sight, had inadvertently caught the attention of the princes through the revealing dance of the shadows.
The townspeople, unaware of the unfolding drama, continued to exchange hopeful glances, oblivious to the profound moment that hung in the air. The princes, guided by the serendipity of the shadows, felt a sudden surge of energy as their eyes locked onto the girl who stood at the periphery of the crowd.
At that moment, the world seemed to be still. The moon, the silent witness to the cosmic dance, bathed (Y/n) in its silver glow, casting her in a radiant light that captivated the vampire princes. The revelation unfolded like a dream, and the connection between the princes and the hidden girl felt palpable as if destiny had guided their eyes toward an undeniable truth.
The air shimmered with newfound hope as the princes, driven by an instinct that transcended the ordinary, began to move toward the back of the crowd where (Y/n) stood. The townspeople, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, turned their attention to the unfolding spectacle, their murmurs of anticipation giving way to a collective realization that something extraordinary was taking place.
As the princes closed the distance, the shadows continued to weave their silent narrative, revealing the connection that had eluded them moments before. Destiny, it seemed, had a way of illuminating the path even in the darkest corners of the unknown. And in that moment, beneath the watchful gaze of the moon and the curious eyes of the townspeople, the nine vampire princes and (Y/n) stood on the threshold of a fate that would bind them together in an immortal dance written by the hand of destiny. 
(Y/n), standing at the back of the crowd, felt a mixture of confusion and bewilderment as the nine princes, guided by an unseen force, began to move in her direction. The sudden attention, the weight of their collective gaze, left her feeling like the epicenter of a cosmic shift she couldn't comprehend.
The whispers and speculations of the townspeople reached her ears, adding to the surreal atmosphere that surrounded the unexpected turn of events. (Y/n)'s eyes darted between the advancing princes, each step they took amplifying her sense of disorientation.
As the princes closed the distance, their eyes, filled with an intensity that bordered on recognition, seemed to lock onto her. (Y/n) questioned the nature of this inexplicable connection, her thoughts racing to catch up with the unfolding reality. Why had the attention of the vampire princes turned toward her?
The moonlit night, usually a source of comfort, now felt like a silent witness to a mystery that eluded her understanding. The shadows, playing tricks with the light, seemed to dance around the princes and (Y/n), casting an ethereal glow on the scene.
Among the townspeople, a murmur of curiosity rippled through the air. The small community, caught in the currents of destiny, watched with bated breath as the princes and (Y/n) stood on the precipice of a revelation that promised to rewrite the narrative of their lives.
In the midst of confusion, (Y/n) couldn't escape the feeling that she had become a central figure in a tale that transcended the ordinary boundaries of her life. The questions lingered, and as the vampire princes drew closer, the answers seemed poised to unfold beneath the watchful eye of the moon, the silent orchestrator of a celestial dance that defied mortal comprehension.
In the moonlit glow, Youngbin, with an air of regal charisma, extended his hand toward (Y/n), breaking through the veil of confusion that enveloped her. As he stood in front of the much shorter girl, his eyes held a warmth that contrasted with the initial intensity, and a genuine smile graced his lips.
With a gentle gesture, he introduced himself and his brothers, each prince revealing a unique presence that mirrored the diverse facets of the moonlit night. Youngbin's voice, a soothing melody that resonated with authority and kindness, echoed through the square as he spoke of their quest. 
As the introduction concluded, Youngbin, still extending his hand, looked at (Y/n) with a sincerity that transcended the supernatural circumstances. "And what might be your name?" he asked, his gaze inviting her to step into the unfolding tapestry of destiny.
(Y/n), still bewildered but feeling a sense of reassurance in Youngbin's presence, took his extended hand with a small nod. Bowing respectfully, she introduced herself, "I am (Y/n)."
As (Y/n) took Youngbin's extended hand, an inexplicable spark ignited within her, a sensation that resonated with a force beyond her understanding. The touch, seemingly ordinary, carried a subtle current that whispered of connections woven by the hands of destiny.
Her world shifted when Youngbin, with a sincerity that mirrored the glow of the moon above, revealed a revelation that echoed through the quiet town square. "(Y/n)," Youngbin began, his gaze unwavering, "you are our fated soulmate,"
The words hung in the air, carrying a weight that transcended the ordinary. (Y/n), caught between the realms of disbelief and destiny, processed the profound declaration. The townspeople, overhearing Youngbin's words, fell into a collective hush as they witnessed the unfolding of a tale that defied the boundaries of their understanding.
The moon, casting its ethereal glow, seemed to intensify its radiance as if acknowledging the significance of the moment. The shadows, playing their silent dance, whispered secrets that only the celestial realm comprehended.
As the realization settled within her, (Y/n) met Youngbin's eyes, searching for confirmation in the depths of his gaze. The connection between them, sparked by the touch of their hands, resonated with the unspoken threads of destiny that bound the vampire princes together.
The small town, now a stage for an extraordinary chapter in the tale of the nine princes, held its breath as the cosmic dance of fate unfolded beneath the watchful gaze of the moon. In that moment, (Y/n) stood at the intersection of two worlds, her ordinary existence now intricately intertwined with the extraordinary destiny that awaited her and the vampire princes.
The weight of Youngbin's revelation hit (Y/n) with such force that she felt the ground shift beneath her. The shock nearly caused her to lose her footing, and she stumbled, the world tilting on its axis. However, before she could fully lose her balance, Jaeyoon, with reflexes as quick as moonlight, appeared by her side in an instant.
His strong and steady presence became her anchor, and Jaeyoon's supportive grasp ensured that (Y/n) regained her balance. The touch, though brief, carried a comforting reassurance, as if the vampire prince, with a silent understanding, sought to ease the overwhelming impact of the revelation.
"(Y/n), are you all right?" Jaeyoon asked with genuine concern, his eyes reflecting a mixture of empathy and curiosity. The townspeople, still caught in the collective hush, observed the unfolding scene with a sense of awe and wonder.
Taking a moment to compose herself, (Y/n) met Jaeyoon's gaze, a myriad of emotions swirling within her. The reality of being the fated soulmate of the nine princes began to settle, and the cosmic significance of the moment lingered in the air.
The moon, a silent witness to the unexpected turns of fate, continued to cast its glow upon the small town square. The shadows, now holding a different resonance, danced around the group, adding an ethereal quality to the unfolding drama.
As (Y/n) steadied herself, the realization of her newfound destiny intertwined with the journey of the vampire princes. The moonlit night, once ordinary, had become the stage for a tale that would leave an indelible mark on the quiet town and the girl who stood at the center of a prophecy that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding.
Inseong, with the authority befitting the eldest of the vampire princes, raised his hand, dismissing the rest of the crowd to allow him and his brothers some private time with their newfound soulmate, (Y/n). The townspeople, a mixture of awe and curiosity, began to disperse, giving the group of vampires the space they needed.
However, a handful of curious onlookers, drawn by the mysterious allure of the vampire princes and the unfolding saga, hesitated to leave. They lingered at the edges, attempting to catch a glimpse of the extraordinary encounter between the immortal beings and the girl who held the key to their destiny.
Among those who lingered, some tried to push the boundaries of Inseong's order, perhaps fueled by a desire for proximity to the supernatural spectacle. This disobedience didn't sit well with Zuho, the "dark one" of the vampire princes, who sensed the treacherous undertones in the lingering presence of the onlookers.
Zuho, with a stern expression and an icy glare that matched his reputation, decided to take matters into his own hands. In a swift and almost imperceptible motion, he summoned the power of ice, causing an ephemeral frost to trail from his fingertips. The temperature dropped, and a chill permeated the air, sending shivers through the lingering onlookers.
The sudden manifestation of Zuho's powers, coupled with his intimidating demeanor, sent a collective shudder through the crowd. The frost danced in the moonlit night, a warning that echoed the boundaries set by the vampire princes. The lingering townspeople, now thoroughly spooked, scattered like leaves in the wind, yielding to the will of the supernatural beings in their midst.
With the unwanted spectators dispelled, the town square returned to a semblance of calm. The vampire princes, flanked by the enigmatic presence of (Y/n), were left with the solitude needed for a conversation that would unravel the intricacies of the prophecy and the destinies entwined in the moonlit night. The moon, casting its serene glow upon the scene, bore witness to the unfolding tale that danced on the edges of the extraordinary and the ordinary, a tale that defied the boundaries between the mortal and the immortal realms.
Feeling the sudden drop in temperature induced by Zuho's display of power, (Y/n) couldn't help but shiver in response to the chilling atmosphere that surrounded her. The unexpected frost in the air sent a wave of cold through her, and she instinctively wrapped her arms around herself, seeking to ward off the sudden chill.
Noticing her discomfort, Hwiyoung, the gentle and breezy vampire prince, reacted with swift kindness. Without hesitation, he removed his cloak and, with a graceful motion, draped it around (Y/n). The fabric, imbued with the essence of Hwiyoung's powers over the winds, enveloped her in a cocoon of warmth.
"There, that should help," Hwiyoung said, his voice carrying a soothing quality that echoed the breeze. The cloak, with its ethereal touch, seemed to respond to the elements under his command, creating a pocket of comfort for (Y/n) amidst the lingering traces of frost.
The gesture didn't go unnoticed by the other princes, each of them keenly aware of the small yet significant interactions unfolding in the moonlit night. The group, now standing in a more secluded part of the town square, prepared for the conversations that would shape the next chapters of their intertwined destinies.
As (Y/n) stood enveloped in Hwiyoung's cloak, the warmth and protection it offered became a tangible symbol of the bond forming between the vampire princes and their fated soulmate. The moon above, a silent witness to the ebb and flow of emotions, continued to cast its serene glow, setting the stage for the unraveling tale that lay ahead—a tale in which the ordinary and the extraordinary danced in harmony beneath the celestial canvas.
As the moonlit night embraced them in a quiet solitude, (Y/n) found herself standing with the nine vampire princes, a question weighing on her heart that she couldn't ignore. In the hushed stillness of the moment, she mustered the courage to voice the inquiry that lingered in her mind.
"What does it mean to be your soulmate?" she asked, her voice a gentle yet earnest murmur beneath the night sky.
The princes, their expressions a blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary curiosity, exchanged glances as if silently communicating the gravity of the question. Inseong, the eldest, stepped forward, his eyes holding a depth that spoke of centuries lived beneath the moon's watchful gaze.
"To be our soulmate," Inseong began, his words measured and resonant, "means that your destiny is intricately tied to ours. It means you hold the key to unlocking the dormant powers within us, powers that, when united, can reshape the very fabric of our existence."
Youngbin, with his charismatic presence, continued the explanation. "It means that, together, we fulfill a prophecy that binds us as one. Your connection with each of us is unique, and through that connection, the magic that resides within can be awakened."
Hwiyoung, ever attuned to the winds of change, expressed, "Being our soulmate means becoming a part of a cosmic symphony, where each note, each thread, contributes to the grand design of our shared destiny."
Chani, with his connection to the natural world, added, "It means finding harmony not just with us but also with the elements that surround us, a balance between the supernatural and the ordinary."
In this exchange, (Y/n) gained glimpses into the complexities of the prophecy, each prince offering a piece of the puzzle that was their shared destiny. The moon, casting its silvery glow upon the group, seemed to listen to the unfolding dialogue that would shape the path ahead.
As the explanation unfolded, (Y/n) absorbed the weight of her role in this cosmic narrative, her ordinary existence now intricately woven with the extraordinary destinies of the nine vampire princes. The moonlit night, witness to their revelations, held the promise of a journey that would transcend the boundaries of the known and venture into the realms of magic, fate, and the timeless dance of the celestial.
Dawon's words echoed through the moonlit night, each syllable carrying the weight of an eternal promise. As the youngest among the vampire princes, his expression softened with a sincerity that transcended the ages.
"It also means," Dawon continued, his voice gentle yet unwavering, "to spend the rest of our lives together, an eternal bond of love."
The revelation hung in the air, a profound declaration that resonated with the timeless nature of the vampire princes' existence. The moon, casting its ethereal glow upon the gathering, seemed to embrace the weight and beauty of the commitment being offered.
The other princes, their eyes reflecting the depth of emotions that accompanied Dawon's words, nodded in agreement. In that moment, the small group stood at the threshold of an extraordinary journey—a journey that would unfold not just beneath the moonlit sky but across the vast expanse of time itself.
"(Y/n)," Taeyang spoke, "you are the missing piece in our eternal puzzle. The completion of our bond heralds an ageless love that transcends the boundaries of mortal understanding."
As the revelation settled, (Y/n) felt a mixture of awe and trepidation. The prospect of an eternal bond, a love that spanned lifetimes, held both the allure of the extraordinary and the weight of profound responsibility.
The moon, now a silent witness to the unfolding vows, continued its watchful gaze. The vampire princes and (Y/n), standing beneath its silvery glow, became a testament to the enduring power of love that, like the moon itself, wove through the tapestry of time, leaving an indelible mark on the pages of an immortal tale.
With the weight of the eternal bond and the unfolding destiny settling in the air, (Y/n) decided to lighten the atmosphere with a question that hinted at the practicalities of their newfound connection. A playful smile graced her lips as she inquired, "So, will I be moving to your castle, or are you all planning to live in my small town?"
The question brought forth a chorus of chuckles from the vampire princes, a welcome respite from the weighty discussions of destiny and eternal bonds. Each prince exchanged amused glances, their laughter reflecting the camaraderie that existed among them.
Chani, spoke with a twinkle in his eye, "Well, (Y/n), the castle does have a certain timeless charm, but we are more than willing to adapt to the comforts of your small town if that's your preference."
Youngbin, with his charismatic presence, added, "After all, the magic lies not just in the grandeur of castles but in the simple joys of everyday life."
The other princes, in turn, expressed their willingness to embrace the lifestyle of (Y/n)'s town, acknowledging that the choice was a shared one. Jaeyoon, with a warm smile, mentioned the appeal of a close-knit community, while Dawon playfully commented on the prospect of exploring the town's charms.
Zuho, known for his icy demeanor, surprised everyone with a teasing remark, "Who knows, perhaps the 'dark one' might find warmth in the quaint corners of your town."
Rowoon, with his charming demeanor, chimed in, "Whether castle or town, our home is where our soulmate is."
The playful banter continued, creating a lighthearted atmosphere amidst the profound discussions. The moon, still casting its serene glow, seemed to appreciate the balance between the weight of destiny and the joy found in the simplicity of shared laughter.
As the vampire princes and (Y/n) stood beneath the moonlit sky, the question of where their shared journey would unfold became a topic of mutual consideration. The choices ahead, whether within the walls of a castle or amidst the familiarity of a small town, reflected the harmonious dance of the extraordinary and the ordinary—a dance that would define the chapters of their eternal bond.
Youngbin's words, infused with the weight of responsibility as the crown prince, conveyed the practical necessity of returning to the castle. The reality of ruling a kingdom required their presence in the realm they governed. As he spoke, there was a sincerity in his gaze that sought understanding, recognizing the potential complexities that such a decision might carry.
"However, truthfully, we must return to the castle. We cannot rule the kingdom from here. Will you come with us?" Youngbin's question hung in the air, carrying the weight of the choices that (Y/n) now faced.
(Y/n), with a thoughtful expression, considered the implications of such a decision. The life she had known in the small town, with its simplicity and shared moments, tugged at the strings of familiarity. Yet, as she reflected, she found no binding strings that tethered her to the town. The unfolding connection with the vampire princes, the promises of an eternal bond, and the destiny that awaited seemed to beckon her toward a path that transcended the boundaries of her ordinary existence.
In the quiet moments that followed, Youngbin's gaze held a blend of anticipation and respect, recognizing that the choice was a significant one. The other princes, standing beside him, awaited (Y/n)'s response with a mixture of curiosity and understanding.
As (Y/n) pondered the question, the moon, the silent witness to the ebb and flow of destinies, continued to cast its gentle glow upon the scene. The night, pregnant with possibilities, held the promise of a journey that could unfold within the storied walls of a castle, where the echoes of their shared destiny would resonate through the corridors of time.
The decision, a pivotal moment in the tale that bound the vampire princes and (Y/n) together, awaited a choice that would shape the course of their eternal bond.
With the weight of the decision hanging in the air and the moon casting its serene glow upon the scene, (Y/n) took a moment to contemplate the choices before her. The prospect of life within the castle intertwined with the destiny of the vampire princes, and the responsibilities that came with ruling a kingdom were not decisions to be taken lightly.
After a minute or two of thoughtful consideration, (Y/n) looked at the vampire princes, her eyes reflecting a newfound determination. With a soft yet resolute voice, she answered, "Yes, I will come with you."
The words, like a gentle breeze, carried a promise that resonated with the destiny written in the stars. The vampire princes, their expressions a mix of joy and gratitude, exchanged glances that spoke volumes about the significance of (Y/n)'s decision.
Youngbin, the crown prince, nodded with a sense of responsibility fulfilled, recognizing the gravity of the commitment. The other princes, each harboring their unique connection with (Y/n), welcomed her decision with a shared understanding that their shared journey was set to take a new and extraordinary turn.
As (Y/n) stepped into the path of the unknown, the moon above seemed to smile upon the gathering, casting its approval upon the choice that would shape the destinies of mortals and immortals alike. The night, now filled with the promise of a shared future, stood as a testament to the enduring power of love and the harmonious dance of ordinary and extraordinary moments beneath the watchful gaze of the celestial realm.
And so, the vampire princes and their fated soulmate embarked on a journey back to the castle, where the tapestry of their eternal bond would continue to unfold in a tale written by the hand of destiny.
Taeyang's thoughtful inquiry about (Y/n)'s belongings, met with her admission of only having a handful of half-broken clothing, prompted a kind and considerate response from the gentle prince. "We'll make sure you have everything you need," he assured, a warmth in his eyes that mirrored the promise of care and provision.
Jaeyoon, known for his charming and affable nature, leaned down and whispered in (Y/n)'s ear. His voice, a soft murmur against the backdrop of the night, carried a reassurance that hinted at the opulence awaiting her in the castle. "At the castle, you'll have the most beautiful things and clothes," he shared, his words weaving a vision of a life beyond the confines of the small town.
The prospect of a new beginning, adorned with the luxuries and splendors of the castle, brought a glimmer of anticipation to (Y/n)'s eyes. The contrast between her humble belongings and the promise of a life filled with opulence seemed to symbolize the transformative journey she was about to undertake.
As the vampire princes and (Y/n) prepared to leave the small town behind, the moon, casting its silver glow, bore witness to the exchange of promises and the anticipation of the extraordinary destiny that lay ahead. The night held the echo of whispered assurances, the rustle of cloaks, and the collective heartbeat of those bound by the threads of an eternal bond.
The journey back to the castle, where the vampire princes and their soulmate would begin a new chapter, unfolded beneath the celestial canvas. The night, with its mysteries and promises, embraced them in its tender embrace, marking the commencement of a tale that transcended the boundaries of time and mortality.
As the decision was made to begin the journey back to the castle, the vampire princes, with an air of purpose, started to mount their horses. In the midst of this organized activity, Zuho, the "dark one," extended his hand toward (Y/n). The gesture was an unexpected yet graceful invitation—a hand offered not just in assistance but in a shared journey.
Zuho's icy gaze softened for a moment, revealing a depth of consideration and perhaps a hint of the vulnerability beneath his stoic exterior. The hand he extended toward (Y/n) held a silent promise of companionship on the path that lay ahead.
With a small yet appreciative smile, (Y/n) accepted Zuho's hand. His touch, surprisingly gentle, conveyed a silent understanding that transcended words. With his guidance, she mounted the horse behind him, finding herself positioned to ride alongside the "dark one" as they embarked on the journey back to the castle.
The other princes, mounted on their steeds, glanced back with smiles that held a mix of camaraderie and anticipation. The moon, now a celestial companion to the riders, continued to cast its ethereal glow upon the scene, blessing the beginning of a journey that promised to be as magical as the night itself.
As the group set forth on horseback, the clip-clop of hooves echoed through the night, harmonizing with the rustle of cloaks and the whispers of destiny. The small town, now a fading memory in the distance, marked the point of departure for a tale that would unfold within the walls of the castle—a tale written by the hand of fate, guided by the moon, and carried forward by the eternal bond that bound the vampire princes and their fated soulmate.
Life at the castle unfolded like a dream for (Y/n), a dream adorned with opulence, enchanting corridors, and the company of the vampire princes. Each passing day brought a cascade of romantic moments that seemed to transcend the ordinary boundaries of time and space.
The castle, with its majestic halls and secret passages, became a backdrop for shared laughter, whispered promises, and stolen glances. (Y/n) found herself immersed in a world where the extraordinary mingled seamlessly with the ordinary, where the moonlit nights held the promise of eternal love.
Her heart, once beating to the rhythm of a small town's simplicity, now quickened with every romantic gesture, every shared gaze, and every touch exchanged with the vampire princes. The bond between them deepened, and the feelings (Y/n) harbored for the boys grew, a symphony of emotions that resonated within the castle's grand walls.
As the moon continued its watchful gaze over the castle, the love story within its walls unfolded like a tapestry woven with threads of magic and destiny. The small town, now a distant memory, had given way to a life where each romantic moment marked a page in the timeless narrative that celebrated the extraordinary connection between mortals and immortals.
The romance, woven into the very fabric of their shared existence, became a testament to the enduring power of love that defied the constraints of mortality. Whether it was a dance beneath the chandeliers, a shared moment on the castle battlements, or a stolen kiss in the moonlit gardens, each romantic interlude added a new verse to the eternal ballad that bound the vampire princes and (Y/n) together.
In the castle's vast library, Youngbin and (Y/n) found a shared haven among the shelves of ancient tomes and modern novels. Engaged in passionate discussions about literature, their intellectual connection blossomed into something deeper. Amidst the scent of aging parchment, they shared stolen kisses, each one a promise sealed between the pages of a romantic novel.
In the serene castle gardens, Inseong became (Y/n)'s patient guide in the art of drawing. Surrounded by blooming flowers and the soft rustle of leaves, their afternoons were spent capturing the beauty of the world on paper. With each stroke of the pencil, a silent dialogue unfolded, expressing emotions that words could not convey.
Jaeyoon, with his affinity for nature, led (Y/n) through the enchanting castle greenhouse. Amidst vibrant blooms and exotic plants, they explored the hidden corners of the botanical sanctuary. The air filled with the sweet scent of flowers as they discovered the magic that flourished in the heart of the castle.
Dawon, with a penchant for elegance, whisked (Y/n) away on a shopping spree through the castle's extensive wardrobe. As he selected the most exquisite gowns, each fitting (Y/n)'s figure like a dream, their bond deepened amidst the swirl of silk and the shimmer of jewels.
In the heart of winter, Zuho created an enchanting ice rink within the castle grounds. Hand in hand, they glided across the frozen surface, the crisp air echoing with laughter and the scrape of skates. Under the starlit sky, Zuho guided (Y/n) through a dance on ice, a metaphor for the delicate balance of their shared journey.
Cozy nights in the castle's private theater became a sanctuary for (Y/n) and Rowoon. Snuggled under warm blankets, they watched movies that spanned genres, their laughter and shared commentary creating a soundtrack to their growing affection. In the dim glow of the screen, Rowoon held (Y/n) close, each frame capturing a moment frozen in time.
Taeyang, with the rhythm of a dancer's heart, twirled (Y/n) under the moonlit sky. The castle ballroom became a stage for their shared dances, each step a declaration of love set to the music that echoed through the grand halls. In the embrace of the waltz, Taeyang and (Y/n) found a harmony that transcended the ordinary.
Beneath the blanket of the midnight sky, Hwiyoung and (Y/n) shared intimate picnics on the castle battlements. Surrounded by the soft glow of lanterns, they exchanged innocent kisses as the stars bore witness to the quiet moments that illuminated the night.
In the castle's music room, Chani became (Y/n)'s patient instructor in the art of piano. Guiding her hands across the ivory keys, they created melodies that echoed through the castle corridors. In each chord and refrain, a symphony of emotions unfolded, expressing the depth of their connection in a language that only music could convey.
The castle, once a vast expanse that echoed with the footsteps of nine vampire princes, had held an air of grandeur that seemed to stretch into endless corridors. Despite the camaraderie among the princes, there lingered a sense of solitude, a quiet loneliness that whispered through the empty spaces.
However, with the arrival of (Y/n), the castle underwent a transformation. The once seemingly boundless halls now resonated with shared laughter, the warmth of companionship, and the echo of shared moments. The castle, once a majestic but solitary fortress, began to feel alive, each room infused with the energy of newfound connections.
The presence of just one more person had turned the castle into a home. The grandeur of its architecture and the opulence of its halls became the backdrop for a tale of love and shared destinies. The once-lonely corridors now held the imprint of shared footsteps, and the walls, witnesses to individual and collective moments, seemed to radiate a newfound warmth.
As (Y/n) navigated the castle's twists and turns, she found comfort in the familiarity of the vampire princes' presence. The once-never-ending halls now felt like a tapestry woven with threads of shared experiences, a testament to the bonds that had transformed a fortress into a home.
The castle, with its storied history and timeless architecture, became more than just a residence for the vampire princes. It became a haven, a sanctuary where love, laughter, and the echoes of shared moments filled the air. The once-lonely castle had found its heart, and that heartbeat in harmony with the collective rhythm of its newfound residents—a home that embraced the extraordinary and celebrated the magic of connection.
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divinefireangel · 9 months
Hi! Can I request an idol!au reaction where the reader is his crush and they brings up his name in an interview? Thank you!
Listen I'm making random stuff up according to my liking, hopefully you all like it too! 😂
Warnings: Fluff. Feels? I tried to make it cute but idk 😬. It's prolly terrible I'm sorry
But just a lot softer
Babyboy didn't even know you knew him
Kinda shocked that you noticed him out of everyone
He's a blushy baby the whole while and definitely the target of the MC's teasing and also Sanghyuk's 💀
When the topic of idols with degrees comes up and you mention how you and him have done the same course but at different times he's kinda bummed because he could've done it with you 😂
He's for sure someone who will like you back if you like him
Man will not stop stealing gazes for the rest of the time till he confidently comes up and asks you for your number (aka one of the few times he uses his sexiness)
He uses his dimples and giggles to lure you more into the Jaeyoon trap although you're already deep enough 😂
He will and I say WILL make you shy af using his aura
He just mutters a soft "thank you" and blushes so adorably I just can't
Then he will bite him lip like a menace that he is and seduce you 💀
Will confidently come and ask for your number offscreen 🤌🏼🤌🏼
Babyboy is just so shocked like "me? Are you sure it's me?" Pt. 1/3
He's so touched but also can't believe it because man probably worships you ik a non creepy way
He is still a social butterfly after all and will fall to his knees if you come to give your number to him before he asks
Babyboy is just so shocked like "me? Are you sure it's me?" Pt. 2/3
But in a kind of cocky way? Which is hot uk
Kind of gives you heart eyes when you speak and is so lost in staring at you that he has to be tapped back to reality lol
Will not hesitate to ask you out first, man's is too tired for the mind games
Yoo Taeyang
Babyboy is just so shocked like "me? Are you sure it's me?" Pt. 3/3
But he looks forward to how your relationship will progress
Uk how he did with his beloved Kai sunbaenim hehe 🤭
He is still shy ofcourse so you'll have to ask him for his number first
Man has too many friends and mutuals to hesitate to ask your contact
He will play it casual but he is freaking out on the inside
But wishes to have at least one private moment with you without your friends or staff around so he can get to know you a little better
I'm sorry but he won't have a crush on you it'll be the other way around 😂
I just think he will marvel in the fact that someone as cute as you idolizes him and that's gonna make him think about you a lot
Will try to find out more info about you from his "sources"
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lunnanunna · 2 years
Don’t Go
Summary: Miyoung was missing the two oldest who enlisted and the rest of her members are there for her.
Warnings: light swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung @galacticstxrdust @many-gay-magpies @precious-seungwooya @helladead-hellaradical @boss-baby-jongho @kimonmars @chagi-nana @wooya1224 @poutypoutybin @sunflower-0180 @frankenstein852 @jenseok17​ @keijikunn​ @glitteringcoffeefreak​
Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the taglist.
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
Requests are open. Feedback is welcomed.
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Miyoung sat on her bed reading. She had recently picked up No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai and was loving it. She was definitely going to reread it.
She reached for her coffee that she had on her bedside table as she reread the last bit of the current chapter she was on. She really liked the style of this author. Though she had really been liking a lot of different styles lately, seeing as she had been filling her time with reading lately. If she wasn’t filming for her channel, she was reading.
All this reading may or may not be her way of coping. (Coping with Youngbin and Inseong being gone due to enlistment.) Miyoung had no idea how she was going to deal with all of her members, if only two had enlisted and she was struggling.
Basically, in Miyoung’s mind, if she spends less time with her members now, it’ll hurt less when they leave. Was it working? Of course not. She was miserable. And she was pretty sure that her members were starting to worry, which was never a good thing.
Miyoung startled when the door to her room opened. Looking up, she saw Seokwoo and Sanghyuk walk in. She was not ready for whatever shenanigans they were about to bring, but judging by their faces, Miyoung knew that there was no way for her to avoid it.
“What do you want?” she asked, closing her book. She folded her arms over her chest, raising a brow at the two. They in turn, side-eyed each other then smirked as they walked over to her.
“We miss you,” Seokwoo said, pouting.
“We saw each other this morning,” Miyoung shook her head.
“Yeah, in passing. After you got your coffee, you came back in here and haven’t left ever since,” Sanghyuk whined, walking over to her and sitting on her bed.
Miyoung shrugged, picking at a loose thread of her sweat shorts.
“Mimi, we’re not scolding you. It’s just that this has been happening a lot. Other than practice, we’ve barely seen you,” Seokwoo said, sitting on the floor next to where she was on the bed.
She shrugged again.
“Is there a reason why you’re avoiding us?” the taller of the two asked.
“I’m not avoiding you,” Miyoung was quick to respond.
“Really, now?” Sanghuyk asked, raising his own brow at the girl.
“I’m not! I’ve just been busy,” Miyoung shrugged, though she wasn’t sure if that was going to hold up in court.
“Reading doesn’t count, Mimi. Plus you’re a fast reader. So when you’re done with a book you should have plenty of time to hang out with us,” Jaeyoon said from the doorway.
Miyoung glared at him as he walked through, the rest of the boys trailing behind him. This was starting to feel like an intervention of sorts.
“What is this?” she asked, waving vaguely at everyone as they sat at her desk, her bed, or on the floor.
“It’s exactly what you think it is,” Taeyang said, climbing over her to sit between her and the wall.
“An intervention,” Chanhee nodded.
“We don’t know what’s going on exactly, but last time you pulled away from us, you were being assaulted,” Juho said.
Miyoung stilled. They were right. She scoffed at herself, breaking her promise of always coming to them no matter what.
“You think this is funny?” Youngkyun asked, frowning.
“Listen, we can’t read you the way Youngbin-hyung can. We don’t know what’s wrong, but we can at least see that something’s wrong,” Juho said, folding his arms over his chest.
“I’m laughing, but not because it’s funny. It’s because I thought I had changed, but I didn’t. I’m still hiding things and possibly leading to trouble,” Miyoung said, running her hands through her hair.
The boys looked at each other then back at Miyoung, as Taeyang spoke up. “Then tell us.”
Miyoung covered her face with her hands. She could feel her face heating up. The fact that she was pulling away from them because she didn’t want to have to deal with the emotions that will come with them enlisting, was embarrassing.
“Are you in trouble?” Juho asked.
The visual looked up, shaking her head, “I’m not. I promise you.”
“Then what?” Sanghyuk asked.
“It’s embarrassing,” she answered, shrugging. Miyoung chewed on her lip, looking at her hands.
At that, the boys all looked at each other. Deeming it better that she feel embarrassed over unsafe, they agreed to wait for her.
“Then you don’t have to tell us now,” Seokwoo said.
“As long as you’re not in any danger,” Chanhee added.
Miyoung looked up at them. She could tell that they meant it, but now she was feeling guilty. There’s no reason she couldn't tell them. It’s not like they’d make fun of her.
She took in a deep breath then spoke up, “I don’t want you guys to go.” It came out mumbled.
“What do you mean?” Taeyang asked.
Miyoung shrugged, “Enlistment.”
“Oh, Mimi,” Sanghyuk said, grabbing her and pulling her onto his lap. She curled up, hiding her rapidly flushing face in his chest.
“Wait, Young-ah. Do you miss Youngbin and Inseong?” Jaeyoon asked.
Miyoung nodded her head.
“And now you’re already thinking  about how you’ll miss us too when we go?” Youngkyun asked.
She nodded again.
“I know that this is a serious thing for you, but God damn, this is fucking adorable,” Juho smiled.
Miyoung groaned. “Don’t make fun.”
“We’re not,” Taeyang said from behind her and Sanghyuk. He ran his hand through her hair.
“Noona, we’re not all leaving at once. You’ll never be alone,” the maknae assured.
“I know, but that doesn't mean I won’t miss each of you when you leave,” she pouted.
“Is that why you’ve been distant? You were embarrassed to tell us?” Jaeyoon asked.
“Sort of. But it was mostly because I figured if I spent less time with you guys, I’d grow less attached and it’s hurt less,” she confessed.
“Okay, my turn to hold our cute Mimi,” Seokwoo said as he pulled Miyoung from Sanghyuk’s lap and onto his. Sanghyuk squawked as she was pulled away. Miyoung on the other hand, flushed again as she was being handled like a ragdoll. (It was always like that when it came to cuddling with these boys.)
Once in the tallest member’s lap, she was turned to face the rest of her members, much to her embarrassment. Seokwoo wrapped his arms around her middle and nuzzled her neck. Miyoung squirmed.
“I’m going to tell you right now, Miyoung, that your plan was going to backfire on you so badly,” Juho said.
“I figured,” she mumbled.
“Listen, Noona. All you need to know is that you’ll never be alone, and we won’t be gone forever. Two years will fly by before you know it. Plus half of us aren’t due to enlist for years,” Youngkyun said.
Miyoung nodded. She knew all that. Still, that didn't stop her from not wanting them to go. “I know.”
“Then let’s focus on the now. Yeah the hyungs aren’t here now, but we’ll keep in contact and they’ll visit too,” Taeyang said.
“Youngbin-hyung will definitely come back if he hears that Miyoung was crying over him,” Seokwoo spoke into her neck, chuckling.
“Yah! I’m not crying over him,” Miyoung protested.
“At the moment, but if you’re missing them that bad, I can only imagine how many times you’ve had to stop yourself from crying,” Chanhee smirked.
Miyoung pouted, “Maybe it would be better if you all left.”
“You don’t mean that,” Taeyang said with a knowing look.
“No. No, I don’t,” Miyoung shook her head, frowning. The others chuckled.
“Okay. Okay. That's enough pouting. How about we order takeout and watch a movie then we can prove to Mimi that she’ll never be alone?” Jaeyoon suggested.
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Seokwoo said, standing up. He threw Miyoung over his shoulder and followed the others to the living room.
“Mimi, we love you,” Taeyang smiled, looking at Miyoung who was hiding her blush behind her hands.
“I love you guys too,” she mumbled out. She smiled despite herself.
Miyoung’s Masterlist
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springsnowmango · 2 years
Baker Inseong
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Inseong who perpetually smells like freshly baked dough and always gets a mixture of flour and cocoa powder on his clothes as he works
he always tries doing flashy things with dough to entertain customers
some attempts are great whilst others force him to make a new batch of dough
he's always experimenting with odd flavour combinations and funky new designs
his bakery's display case is filled with lemon cheesecakes that look like baby chicks and molten lava cakes garnished to look like bears
he has tons of notebooks and notepads stacked away in his office, all filled with scribblings of recipes and new ideas
successful inventions make it off the page and become real sweet treats adored by his customers
and the not-so-successful ideas are promptly forgotten about and never spoken of again
like the time Inseong was hellbent on creating the ultimate sweet-savoury treat and produced "The Chocolate Tomato Tart"
cut to the bakery closing for a week as Inseong and his staff all recovered from food poisoning
as an apprentice Inseong was always tasked with standing outside the bakery and giving out free samples to entice customers in
he was a natural pro at it with his loud voice and jumping-puppy personality
he'd spot someone walking in the bakery's general direction and run up to them with no hesitation
"Hello there! Would you like to try our newest dessert? I guarantee you will love our new peach pie it's got just the right amount of sweet and sour but the cream in between the peaches and the tart is what really brings it together and refreshes your tongue..."
and people follow him even if they weren't intending to go to the bakery because he's excitement is just so gosh darn infectious
whenever the bakery owner was able to secure a spot in the supermarket for a pop-up stand, they'd always send Inseong
Inseong who starts the day all enthusiastic and mentally pumping himself up but gets tired of standing after about an hour so he sits down in the little plastic chair given to him and ends up playing with his phone
but as soon as he catches someone in his peripheral vision he shoots up like a rocket and turns the charm on to the max
and suddenly he's gotten them to buy two jars of honey apple oat cookies (they just couldn't say no to him he was so nice to them)
now that he owns his own place, he happily gives out free samples if you tell him you were undecided on what to buy
he goes in-depth about all the premium-quality ingredients and careful baking process when all the customer asked was "are your chocolate croissants any good?"
Of course they are. Everything is good here. Its fantastic.
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mo-notmoe · 1 year
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and its gonna be my 9th concert this year...
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maessseongs · 7 months
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© photo/gif is mine, do not take or repost please
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dandelions [3k] youngbin, inseong, one shot
He looked at them, enraged, the vibrant yellow color stinging his eyes, and he wished to tear them apart into pieces.
If Dandelions used to be his favorites, he now loathed them more than anything.
do you do nudes? [10,5k] dawon, chani, one shot
“Do you do nudes too?” he ends up asking, genuine.
The younger tries, probably hopes, to find any funny undertones in his voice. It is what he has grown to knowing the man, but he quickly gives up. He is serious.
Chanhee sighs, and puts down his pencil on top of his artbook.
“First of all -”
Make A Move Series
a breathless mess [4,4k] zuho, rowoon,
Juho finally decided to make his move and ask Seokwoo on a date. Only for his original idea to not go exactly as planned.
the cafeteria's sandwich [8,5k] yoo taeyang, hwiyoung, chani
Youngkyun has a crush on Taeyang, but Chanhee is in the way. It's okay though.
bestfriends and more [8,5k] inseong, dawon
First and most important rule is to make sure you don’t catch feelings. Sanghyuk apparently can never, for the love of God, stick to the rules.
In his defense, there was no such rule to begin with.
reminisce about all [6,6k] youngbin, jaeyoon
Five years ago they made a decision together. Five years from then, they make an entirely different decision. Again, together.
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0 notes
icequeenbae · 2 years
Now or Never (m) KIS KSW
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Pairing: Rowoon (Seokwoo) x Reader x Inseong
Polyamory AU, Established Relationship, PWP, fluff, smut
Warnings: explicit content, unprotected sex, softdomvibes!Inseong, creampie, threesome, facesitting (messy oral, I warned ya)
Word Count: ~4.5k
Summary: If your partner is ignoring your needs, is there anything better than having another partner to tend to them?
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s note: Hi hi hi!! I feel like I haven't been posting for ages, so I'm super happy to finally be back ❤️ So... This time I bring something different (big thanks to my beta @baekshoney for bearing with me 🙃). AHHH so nerve-wrecking!! Anyways, this is my first non-EXO (non-Baekhyun??) story on here, which I had dusting in my gdocs for some time. Since I am about to hit 500 followers, I felt like it is as good of a time as any to experiment a little~ I really really hope that you enjoy it! Don't worry, Baekhyun stories are also coming!!
Since it is a different fandom, I just want to state my usual greetings - I am Ri, very chatty and welcoming of all asks/ comments/ questions etc., please don't be shy to reach out! Okay, it's getting too long, I'll just leave you to it hehe
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It has been two hours. Two torturous hours since you’d gotten home, ready to pounce, and your boyfriend Seokwoo was still not giving you anything but crumbs. Apparently, his friends waited for weeks for this day to come since he was too busy to play during the promotions, and now he was gaming like crazy for much longer than you were willing to tolerate.
At first, you took the opportunity to soak in a nice hot bath and take a relaxing shower. Then you took your time applying all of the skincare, hair products and whatnot to give him some extra time to finish up. You checked on him while your face mask was on, yet his session didn’t seem to be nearing an end. When you were all done (and slightly disappointed by the lack of attention), you rejoined him on the living room couch, looking for ways to distract him and coerce him to call it a day for his gaming. However, your advances didn’t produce much of an impact: Seokwoo simply nodded, asking you to wait for a bit longer.
He didn’t even glance your way. His eyes were glued to the screen the entire time you were ‘interacting’. Seokwoo was so deep into his game that he didn’t even notice the way you glared at him for 10 minutes straight before the noise came from the entrance.
‘Kids, I’m home!’
At this time, you were quite upset, so you weren’t in a rush to respond to Inseong, who was probably headed straight to the bathroom anyways. He had developed this habit of jumping in the shower as soon as he arrived home, probably because he became a sloth soon after – too lazy to remove his makeup or wash up. It was kind of endearing, the way he fell asleep in a matter of seconds sometimes, but personal hygiene was also a thing.
With the little patience you could muster, you waited for your older partner to finish his routine and proceed to the bedroom in order to put his home clothes on. But as Seokwoo continued to ignore all of your signals – the uncharacteristic pouting (you usually made use of it with his hyung instead), the hand on his thigh, the audible fuming – you were growing more and more frustrated.
You simply wanted him to spend some time with you! It was his fault too that you were this spoiled, basking in the ocean of his affection along with Inseong’s most of the time. The two of them were usually extremely clingy, and despite them being back home for several days already, you had hoped that their neediness would match yours and last for a bit longer.
And here you were, angry almost to tears from being completely ignored for the whole evening, especially after the extensive wait prior to this. Still, you were determined to get your share of attention in this house, one way or another.
The fact that Seokwoo simply gave you a casual pat on the butt when you stood up to leave only aggravated you further.
When you trudged into the bedroom, you were greeted with the familiar sight of your significant other splayed on the bed in just his shirt and sweats. His blond hair was a mess, his eyes were closed and his phone was on his chest. He was going to check something on there and then just decided to laze about for a minute, you figured. The sloth in him prevailed once again.
‘Oppa, are you asleep?’ You murmured, climbing onto the bed and taking a spot right next to him.
Flush to his side, you laid your head on his chest, and hugged him with both your right arm and right leg. The reciprocation of your gesture was instant, and his arm curled around your back, somehow tugging you even closer to him.
‘No, I was just going to join you,’ he replied, giggling softly as soon as you pressed an intense kiss to his neck. ‘What’s that about? Missed me?’
Inseong laughed in the charming way he did before looking at you with one eye. He caught the expression on your face way too quickly.
‘Why are you sulking?’
Multiplying your already exaggerated pout, you huffed and hid your face in his chest.
‘Seokwoo is ignoring me. All night.’
Reaching for your hair, Inseong brushed it away from your face and poked your cheek playfully. You huffed again like an angry little hedgehog.
‘Did you two have a fight?’
His tone was affable, and your defensiveness was down for the time being.
‘No. He’s… playing games!’ You frowned. ‘Instead of playing with me.’
‘I see,’ he hummed knowingly, digging his nose into your hair and inhaling deeply. ‘So, you’ve been pampering yourself all evening, and he gave you no attention at all?’
‘Yes!’ You replied begrudgingly.
This time, he didn’t give an immediate response. You lay there for a long minute, with his fingers brushing through your locks steadily. It was calming, you could not argue. There was something about Inseong that made you go mellow like this. He was chaotic at times, but when he was in his lazy domestic mood, you two would be melting together like two scoops of ice-cream on a pretty little plate.
And Seokwoo could very well be the plate. Since he was pretty and also unyielding (to your desires and whatever else) on days like this. Oh, you just wanted to smack his dumb little head every so often! What a meanie. He probably didn’t even notice that you weren’t around anymore, so your time was certainly better spent with someone who at least didn’t refuse to hold you for a good minute.
Acting all childish wasn’t something you did often, but sometimes a girl had to get what a girl wanted. And thankfully, it happened to work great on Inseong, who was a couple years older. Maybe it was him having a soft spot for you that made you this demanding, but who cared?
‘Cute.’ The blond finally replied. ‘You two can never stay out of trouble without the adults at home. It’s either fucking or fighting, no in between.’
‘Sometimes we’re playing around,’ you offered, cheeks suddenly getting heated at his comment.
Inseong snickered, chest shaking underneath your head.
‘I know how you ‘play around’. It counts as fucking, aegiya.’
You squirmed, feeling like you were trapped in rich honey. The hand that was patting your hair moments ago was now gently stroking the curve of your back, making your whole body tremble with excitement already. It wasn’t even anything special, but it was Inseong. His touch was just magical like this.
Relaxing in his arms and inhaling his fresh scent, you slowly turned into a purring kitty. The disappointment you felt from Seokwoo not giving you an ounce of his time this evening faded away, and you eagerly allowed your hand to snake under your elder’s shirt.
He hummed as his warm skin welcomed the caress of your fingertips, and you gripped his pec impishly. Both of you loved skinship a lot, so for some time it was just squeezing, and stroking, and rubbing, and hugging… You groped each other all over in a lazily sensual pattern, the tension growing just as steadily as Inseong’s boner underneath your palm. He startled you though, by reaching down and pressing two of his fingers to your clit.
You moaned before you could help it.
The shirt you were still wearing was all folded over your exposed breasts, so Inseong leaned in to press a wet kiss to your nipple. You squirmed, entangling your hand in his hair, and sort of pulling him closer. If that was even possible.
‘Mm, why are you wearing a thong at home?’ He murmured, licking at it broadly, leaving a moist trail over your breast.
‘Because my oppa is a pervert,’ you teased with a naughty smile, which quickly fell when he tapped you on the pussy.
‘Don’t be a brat,’ he warned in a singsongy tone, and circled your nub with just his middle finger.
The exhale that escaped your lungs was too breathy not to indicate your current state. But Inseong didn’t require any hints. He knew your body better than he knew his own, so pushing your buttons in the most efficient way came easy to him.
‘Next time don’t even bother wearing them,’ the blond continued, two of his fingers crawling underneath the triangle of fabric over your pubic bone to rub between your wet folds. ‘If you aim to please oppa.’
The soft squelch followed, and you moaned again, bucking your hips forward. Inseong smiled at your reaction, repeating his action a couple times to stimulate you further. You huffed impatiently, fingers digging into his deltoid, and presented the advanced version of your pout. It was a sort of ‘innocent baby girl wanting to get messed up by daddy’ kind of look. Very fitting for the current state of affairs, where you were reduced to watching him play with your pussy, all while wanting to curse him out to have him speed it up.
You’d had enough of waiting for tonight. It was time to be taken, and if anyone was to know better, it was him.
‘Inseongie,’ you called, skipping the honorific on purpose.
He knew it meant you were in a different state of mind already, too impatient to drag it out. So, he rolled his pants down, pressing your palm to his length.
‘You don’t have to wait for much longer, Y/N-ie,’ he murmured, voice sounding salacious without him even intending it.
There was just this… aura to him. Inseong could say the most mundane little thing, and not even mean for it to sound seductive, and still your body would react. And since it has been a long evening so far (of you being left unsatisfied), you were grateful that it was him. Because while Seokwoo preferred to take his time and essentially marinate you in his love (when he wasn’t too busy ignoring your very existence), Inseong was more impulsive in his lovemaking. He was less intense, but more… present. And while Seokwoo took you to another realm and made it an experience in itself, Inseong got things done. Exactly the way you wanted them done.
It didn’t even startle you when he suddenly pushed into you from behind, holding you by the waist. He stayed unmoving for a few seconds, helping you get your shirt off for good, and then tugged you so close your back ended up glued to his chest. Always his little dessert spoon.
He set a medium pace, his breath fanning over your ear just as steadily as his hips rolled into yours.
‘Mh-m,’ you moaned through your sealed lips, crazy about the wetness echoing in his every motion to pull out and slip back in.
You could picture his juice-covered cock from just hearing that. Saliva filled your mouth driven by instinct, and you gulped, reaching back to at least get a handful of his ass while at it. As if hearing you swallow, Inseong suddenly brought his hand up and traced your lower lip with his index finger. Shoving it into your mouth along with his middle finger, he urged you to give him a good suck. Pushing his fingers in and out, as if imitating oral sex, he made you drool even more.
Content with how well you lubricated his fingers, he brought them back to your nipple, making sure to press on it while squeezing your whole breast. You shivered.
‘Should I just go all in, baby?’ He inquired, slowing down, and you nodded frantically. ‘Okay. I’m not pulling out either.’
He chuckled at the way your nose scrunched up. You did enjoy raw sex, and having some cream on your cake was fine on any day. But having two boyfriends (who sometimes got pettily competitive) usually ended up in your whole crotch covered in cum. Also your butt crack, and your thighs, your boobs… sometimes it got smeared over your entire body. These boys could get so messy that afterwards you were in for an urgent shower and dealing with the laundry, even though you could barely keep your eyes open. It was helpful that there were two of them, but they were also double trouble.
When Inseong changed the position, it became a lot more… a lot more.
Your left leg was between his, and your right one was in the air, supported by your partner. Inseong pressed down on it to spread you open, and you knew he meant business in just a few moments – when he adjusted.
‘Ah-h!’ You couldn’t hold back your yelps any longer, getting louder with every thrust.
It was hard to reach for him in this position, so you tugged on your own locks instead, arching your back. Your shaky hand found the firm flesh of his thigh, and you held onto it for dear life and he snapped into you so hard your entire body bounced off the mattress.
‘Seongie- yes, yes-’
You were simply pleading at this point, the muscles of your core quivering around his cock.
‘Enjoying the show?’ Inseong suddenly asked, not wavering in his rhythm.
Blinking through the blurriness in your eyes, you looked up at his sweaty chest and then face, noticing a figure right behind him.
Seokwoo was right there in the doorway, watching you intently as you fucked.
‘Ah!’ You shrieked, a lightning bolt of pleasure hitting you in that very second.
Inseong kept your thighs open, pressing you down into the covers forcefully to use your orgasm to trigger his own. It only took him a few seconds to catch up.
‘Oppa-’ you cried, and he growled through the hammering of his thrusts, which kept filling you with more and more of his seed.
He wasn’t in a hurry to get off of your limp body once he was done, planting lazy kisses over your collarbone instead. Your weak arms wrapped around his shoulders, and he stroked your thigh. It was a cuddling session all over again.
It was cut short by a begrudged hum.
‘Aren’t you done yet?’
Seokwoo was the one who wanted attention now. How ironic.
‘What’s with the tone?’ Inseong inquired, knowingly furthering his donsaeng’s frustration.
‘Hyung! You could’ve waited for me, you know?’ He said, approaching the bed with his arms crossed.
‘Why would I?’ He snickered, lying down on his back comfortably, not even bothering to cover himself up.
Inseong toyed with people in the most infuriating, innocent, and arousing way. Always.
‘Noona,’ Seokwoo called helplessly.
But you ignored him, looking up at the blond next to you.
‘Now he remembers I exist.’
‘Sure he does. Raging boners tend to redirect your attention.’
Seokwoo pursed his lips together in frustration, looking down at the very obvious giveaway of his body.
He looked kinda cute when he was mad like this, so you gave a gentle nudge to Inseong, urging him to play with the junior some more. ‘Maybe he just likes to watch. We can give this punk another front row seat to the performance, can’t we?’
‘You’re so naughty, oppa. You know how wet and sensitive I am still…’
‘Yes. I could dive right in…’
‘Noona-ah!’ Seokwoo whined, pushing through to get between you and Inseong. ‘This isn’t fair. Why is he getting all of you?’
‘Missed your train tonight, aegi.’ You huffed, shoving him back to fall on his butt with the ball of your foot. ‘Go back to ignoring me and see how sad I am about it.’
‘I’m sorry, I just got carried away…’ He mumbled breathily, finding ways to touch your thigh discreetly with the pads of his fingers. ‘I can make it up to you.’
You met Inseong’s eyes, and despite his neutral expression, you could tell he was just as curious as you were.
‘Like how?’ You inquired, feigning indifference.
‘How would you like me to do it?’ He asked, and both you and Inseong rolled your eyes.
‘Seriously,’ Inseong sighed dramatically. ‘He has to be told what to do. Do you want hyung to give you instructions too?’
He only said that to tease his junior, but there was something in the way he phrased it… That had you bite your lip to deal with the raise in tension. And Inseong noticed.
‘On a second thought… Why not?’
Both of you turned to the blond now.
‘Strip, Seokwoo-yah. And make it entertaining for your noona.’
The pause didn’t last long, and you heard the ruffle of fabric as the taller one began to get rid of his clothes. He tried to do it slowly, in a more sensual way, one could assume, but it seemed slightly awkward and rushed. His long limbs demonstrated very little grace in setting themselves free, and your cold façade almost got destroyed with a chuckle.
Did he have to be so tall, clumsy and adorable?
Biting into your cheek from the inside of your mouth, you held it in. Inseong’s hand wandered across your breast.
‘You’re easily excitable,’ he murmured into your ear, and you squirmed from the tickling warmth of his breath.
Why were you turned on again this quickly? Whether it was the scent of Inseong’s sweat in the air and his cum dripping out of you, or Seokwoo’s toned body and delicious bronze skin in front of you, you had no idea. But it was clear that you wouldn’t refuse speeding things up at this point.
Inseong must have been reading your mind, because he reached out to grab Seokwoo’s wrist and pulled him onto the bed again.
‘Lie down. On your back.’
You watched with deep curiosity how he bossed the younger around. Usually, Inseong was quite soft-handed. He could take the lead at times, since he was older, but mostly preferred to live a life of a marshmallow. So now, as he had set out to help you ‘punish’ Seokwoo for his cold manner, you were suddenly coming to terms with finding this hot. Maybe a thing to bring up next time?
The blond turned his head to look at you.
‘Sit on his face.’ His tone was soft, yet the suggestion seemed bold.
‘Huh?’ You looked down on autopilot, thinking back about the semen smeared all over your pussy now.
The fact is, Seokwoo was quite used to his hyung’s cum on him, since they both got pretty messy taking turns. But it wasn’t usually anywhere close to his face. You were wondering…
‘Aren’t we teaching him a lesson?’ Inseong asked, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear in a casually flirty way he had about him. ‘He wants a go. Might as well clean you up first.’
You gulped at the thought of Seokwoo’s mouth on your cum-stained labia. Inseong visibly enjoyed your reaction, and it didn’t go unnoticed by the younger one either – he tugged at your wrist impatiently.
‘I’ll do it, noona. Please.’
Hesitating for a moment, you wanted to ask if he was sure. But if the apparent twitch of his cock and the restless licking of his lips were any indication, he was quite into it already. You quickly assumed the role you were offered.
‘What makes you think you deserve to do even that?’ You chuckled, raising an eyebrow at him.
Inseong snickered behind your back, enjoying the scene in front of him.
‘Don’t be so mean, sweetness,’ he murmured, the tip of his nose tickling your ear. ‘He knows exactly what he’s getting. He saw all of it happen.’
Thinking back to the way Seokwoo lurked in the door, watching Inseong fuck you into total bliss, you cocked your head to the side, looking at the blond’s lips.
‘I guess if he doesn’t impress me… He could always go back to watching, right?’
The question sent an electric charge through the air, and, as soon as Inseong nodded, you threw your leg over Seokwoo’s chest. Taking the right position didn’t require much time, although you were cautious not to smother him.
Seokwoo, however, didn’t seem to care about breathing whatsoever.
He buried his whole face in your vulva as soon as you sat down. You pursed your lips to contain a yelp and inhaled, feeling much less powerful now that he was holding your hips in a tight lock of his arms. The younger’s full lips worked hard, exploring your wet folds. When suddenly his tongue dipped inside you aggressively, there was no way to hold yourself back.
‘Agh!’ You gasped, pressing your palms into the wall in front of you.
The taller one continued with even more fervor. He clearly aimed to coerce more of these reactions out of you, and his technique was about to bring him success. You could hear his muffled breathing, and the slurping sounds he produced, and the low hums from a deep place in his chest… It was all too much to handle.
‘Seokwoo-ya-ah,’ you moaned, bucking your hips forward with the help of his palms on your ass.
Inseong bent over reaching for your inner thigh to get a better look, but the younger one smacked his hand away unapologetically.
‘Like a hungry lion,’ the blond snorted. ‘Seems like you’re his prey now, Y/N-ie.’
Turning to him like a hungry lioness yourself, you licked your dry lips.
‘Put your cock in my mouth,’ you demanded, and he smiled, giving your face a broad stroke up to your ear as if you were his pet.
Instead of giving you an answer, Inseong looked down at something behind you. It could only be assumed that it was the younger’s crotch. But before he could say anything, Seokwoo lost his resolve completely, suddenly pushing you off of himself and onto the bed.
It didn’t take you much longer than a second to register his rock-solid cock, bouncing against his lower stomach. Slightly surprised that he got this hard with zero touching, you were ambushed by his quick move to grasp you and likely get you on all fours.
Fighting him off playfully, you twisted and wriggled, not allowing him to lay you on your belly. As usual, he was careful not to hurt you, and you used your size difference to your advantage. He conceded all of the hits and shoves, determined to get you in his hold by catching your wrists. But soon he had to simply pin you down on the bed, using both force and his body mass. Finally submitting to his weight on top of you and showing your teeth in a defeated smile, you dug into his hair with one hand, battling his grip.
Kim Seokwoo loved when you touched his hair. The gentle scratch of your nails against his scalp almost sent him into ecstasy every time, so he hurriedly pushed into you before it was too late. You cried out, even though it didn’t hurt, and he pulled back slowly, eyes trained on your face.
‘Deep and hard,’ you told him, sounding hoarse and slightly desperate. ‘Make me come quickly.’
He swallowed, pecking you on the lips swiftly, and slammed back into you. After a round with Inseong and a torturous oral with Seokwoo, your pussy was so swollen and tender that you could barely stand the abrupt contact it was making with his skin. Squealing and grasping, you left superficial scratches on his back as your hands traveled down the curve of it.
His glutes were flexing rhythmically underneath your palms, and you were almost hypnotized by the way his tongue ran over his luscious lips. The mole on his chin added to your madness, and you grabbed his neck with one hand to plant a kiss over it. He wasn’t satisfied with just that, and his tongue slipped between your lips, momentarily taking over.
Whining into his mouth, you allowed him to devour you, while his hips continued hammering you down. It wasn’t his usual style, but your request (order?) was to make you come quickly, so he knew you were not in the mood for a slow session. And testing your patience was definitely a challenge for another day. Thus, he used all of his athletic ability to keep the intensity of his thrusts high, making your walls start to pulse in a familiar way around him.
‘Noona…’ He sighed, gripping you tighter as his movements became rougher.
‘Mm-ah,’ you jolted in his arms, body trembling uncontrollably.
A sling of curses followed, and you fist pressed into his shoulder in an attempt to get some distance between you. But he kept going, spurred on by your high-pitched moans, and in mere seconds you heard his breathy groan. Keening at the feeling of his seed flooding your insides and dripping out slowly when he rocked back and forth gently, you threw your head back. Seokwoo slipped out of you, moving down to rest his head on your exposed chest for a few moments, and you went with the flow.
Some time later, your trance was disrupted by the rustle of tissues.
Opening your eyes and turning to the side, you saw Inseong, who was wiping what could only be cum off of his stomach.
‘Oppa?’ You called, attracting Seokwoo’s attention as well, despite him almost dozing off on top of you.
Inseong met your eyes and chuckled.
‘What? You didn’t think I was gonna watch you and not get off?’
You motioned for him to join you.
‘I want cuddles.’
‘Yes, princess,’ he replied, throwing the used tissues on the floor without a care before scooting closer to you.
Seokwoo rolled off of you with slight displeasure, and Inseong tugged at the duvet to get it from under you. He knew you were getting cold quickly after sex, so the first thing he did after cleaning up was wrapping you in the covers. When all three of you were tucked underneath, the blond immediately clung to you from behind, intertwining your legs.
Seokwoo turned away already since he liked to lie on his side as well, but his bare back seemed quite lonely at this time. You traced his spine with your index finger slowly.
‘What lesson have you learned today?’ You asked him in a semi-stern tone.
‘I shouldn’t have ignored noona,’ he mumbled in response, sounding like a scolded puppy.
‘Are you gonna do this again?’ You asked, and were met with silence. ‘Hm?’
‘No..?’ He replied, and you huffed at the response.
‘He’s gonna toy with you even now,’ Inseong laughed, and you shoved at Seokwoo’s shoulder blade with your fist.
‘Yah, is that your final answer-’
‘I love you, noona!’ He interrupted, melting your anger away with the sucker punch phrase. ‘Please love me back.’
‘Ugh, this little-’ You rolled your eyes, unable to remain strict at all.
Inseong nudged your butt forward, and you got closer to the younger one’s body. Sighing, you finally wrapped your arms around his waist, accepting him as the (giant) little spoon. He instantly became a purring mess in front of you, stroking the arm you were hugging him with.
‘I guess it’s better late than never…’ You muttered, placing a soft kiss between his shoulder blades. Just like that, you officially made up.
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A/N: Not gonna lie, I'm dying for some feedback. It feels like I'm posting my first story ever, I was very uncertain about posting it 🙃 I do hope that there are many SF9 stans out there to enjoy this, but I haven't interacted with many (which I would love to). There are some other sf9 stories coming along... with different pairings (cz I'm a hoe? lol) Anyways, let me know what you think! Also, my masterlist is now mostly EXO, but check it out if you're interested~
P.S. Not at me rushing to post the story because I was just hanging out with Dawon in my dream today lmao Can't disappoint my bestie 😂😂😂
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moondark00 · 8 months
what turns the member on was sie anmacht
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Youngbin: Wenn du mit deinen Augen rollst: du forderst ihn ein wenig damit heraus, vor allem wenn du genervt wirkst, dann kann er nicht anderes. Du weißt schnell was los ist wenn er dir dieses kleine hämische Grinsen und einen Blick zuwirft, der dir soviel vermittelt wie" du wirst sehen was du davon hast". Eng vers
Youngbin: If you roll your eyes: you're challenging him a little, especially if you seem annoyed, then he can't help it. You quickly know what's going on when he gives you that little malicious grin and a look that says "you'll see what you get out of it."
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Wenn du über seine Witze lachst: Er liebt es wenn du über seine Worte oder Aktionen lachst, er bekommt nie genug davon, deswegen passiert es oft, wenn er dich währenddessen betrachtet, dass die Situation sich in eine andere Richtung lenkt. Eng vers
Inseong: When you laugh at his jokes: He loves it when you laugh at his words or actions, he never gets enough of it, so it often happens that when he looks at you during it, the situation takes a turn in a different direction.
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Jaeyoon: Wenn du dir auf die Lippen beißt: besonders wenn du konzentriert bist und dir unbewusst auf deiner Unterlippe rum kaust, er muss dich nur dabei beobachten, das ist alles was er brauch damit seine Gedanken in eine andere Richtung gehen.
Eng verse Jaeyoon: When you bite your lip: especially when you're concentrating and unconsciously chewing your bottom lip, he just needs to watch you do it, that's all he needs for his thoughts to go in a different direction.
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Dawon: Wenn du ihm die Stirn bietest: Du weißt wie sehr es ihn anmachet.Obwohl er es weiß das du es ab und an mit Absicht machst, lässt es ihn nie komplett kalt, deswegen wird er dir genau das geben was du dir davon erhoffst und noch mehr um es dir auch wirklich zu zeigen. Eng vers
Dawon: When you stand up to him: You know how much it turns him on. Even though he knows that you do it on purpose from time to time, it never leaves him completely unmoved, so he will give you exactly what you want from it and more more to actually show you.
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Zuho: Wenn du Zweideutige Anspielungen machst oder schmutzige Witze: Er liebt deinen Sinn für Humor und diese schmutzigen kleinen Witze, die du machst. Es passiert häufig wenn ihr mit den Member unterwegs sind. Während alle über deine Witze lachen, kann er nicht anderes, als zu schwer zu schlucken und an etwas ganz anderes zu denken Eng vers
Zuho: If you make double-entendres or dirty jokes: He loves your sense of humor and those dirty little jokes you make. It often happens when you are traveling with members. While everyone is laughing at your jokes, he can't help but swallow hard and think about something else entirely
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Rowoon: Wenn du zu ihm aufschaust: immer wenn du vor ihm stehst oder sitzt, und deinen Kopf nach oben neigst, damit du ihn mit deine großen Augen ansehen kannst, kann er sich nicht mehr zügeln. Eng vers
Rowoon: If you look up at him: whenever you stand or sit in front of him and tilt your head up so that you can look at him with your big eyes, he can no longer control himself.
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Taeyang: Wenn du seinen Hals berührst: Sein hals ist ein sehr empfindliches Körperteil, wenn du deine Arme darum legst oder ihn sanfte Küsst, geht es führ ihn los. Eng vers
Taeyang: If you touch his neck: His neck is a very sensitive part of the body, if you put your arms around it or kiss him gently, it will set him off.
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Hwiyoung: Wenn du schüchtern und/oder Verlegen wirst: Es macht ihn an, weil er genau weiß das nur er dich zum erröten bringen kann, du fängst oft an zu stottern und siehst immer so süß aus, wenn du versuchst dich zu verstecken, er kann nicht anderes als dich weiter zu necken. Eng vers
Hwiyoung: When you get shy and/or embarrassed: It turns him on because he knows that only he can make you blush, you start to stutter a lot and always look so cute when you try to hide, he can't other than continuing to tease you.
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Chanii: Wenn du die Führung übernimmst und aktiv wirst: Sobald du ihn stürmisch küsst oder dich rittlings auf sein Schoß sitzt, ist er wie hypnotisiert und würde glatt alles für dich tun Eng vers
Chanii: If you take the lead and take action: As soon as you kiss him hard or straddle his lap, he'll be mesmerized and willing to do anything for you
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urneverland · 2 months
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𝗂 𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝗂𝗇 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱: 𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘭𝘺, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲.
about: shyla. 25+. she/her. gmt+8.
status: not currently looking for more partners!
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hi and welcome to my blog! i used to be @momorini but i lost my login for that account, so i'm starting over. i'm currently looking for short-term or long-term rp partners for double rps with idols on tumblr or discord.
if you're interested, please continue reading the details below carefully.
what i'm looking for:
20+ partners
semi-lit to literate responses
okay with idol x oc ships
familiar with tupperbox if discord rp
non-demanding activity
puts equal efforts on both rps
groups i rp / write for:
monsta x
stray kids
groups & members i'm looking for:
ateez (hongjoong, seonghwa, yeosang, wooyoung)
blackpink (jisoo, rosé)
bts (seokjin, yoongi, hoseok, jungkook)
exo (xiumin, baekhyun, chanyeol, sehun)
(g)i-dle (soyeon, miyeon, yuqi)
got7 (jaebeom, mark, jinyoung, yugyeom)
itzy (yeji, ryujin, yuna)
monsta x (minhyuk, kihyun, i.m)
nct (taeyong, taeil, johnny, yuta, jaehyun, renjun, jeno, haechan, jaemin)
red velvet (irene)
sf9 (inseong)
stray kids (bang chan, lee know, changbin)
the boys (sangyeon, younghoon, hyunjae, juyeon)
twice (jihyo, sana, mina, dahyun, tzuyu)
what i will and won't do:
i'm okay with most aus, themes, and plots in rp, but i will let you know if i'm uncomfortable with what you're offering. i'm willing to find a compromise to get you something you want, while keeping my comfort. send "i am a top super lady" when you contact me.
i'm open to all types of ships (m/f, m/m, f/f, m/nb, f/nb, etc.) for idol x oc or idol x idol. for n.sfw stuff, i'm not comfortable writing it out, so i'd prefer to have it be implied s.mut or fade-to-black.
however, these are the ones i will never write for:
death of an idol in rp
little space/ddlg
underaged/minor idols
how to reach me:
for tumblr rps: please contact me on @shylarps via dms or asks, and all rps will be done on that blog.
for discord rps: please send your discord username to my askbox or dms, and i'll send you the server invite when it's ready.
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
SF9 Masterlist
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Promoting their idol s/o
Making out [s]
Drunkenly flirting with them in front of the members
Yandere!AU OT9
Being nice to them
Hurting yourself
Catching you masturbating [m]
Darling gets sexually interested in them [m]
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Want A Taste? (ft. Jaeyoon) × smut | 5.4k × Summary: You and Youngbin have been entertaining the idea of inviting another person into your bed for a while now, so when Jaeyoon accidentally barges on the two of you, it seems like fate.
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#1 [bringing a lover back home | fluff]
#2 [going public | fluff]
#3 [horror movie | fluff]
#4 [orgasm denial | smut]
#5 [slow and sensual | smut]
#6 [mirrors - ft. Zuho | smut]
#7 [caught masturbating | smut]
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Coffee Date × fluff | 1.3k × Summary: Inseong seems happier than usual and you’re suspicious - but is there really a reason to be?
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#1 [glitter | fluff]
#2 [stealing his food | fluff]
#3 [rooftop date | fluff]
#4 [suspension | smut]
#5 [autumn | fluff]
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Sleepy × fluff | 1.3k × Summary: You’ve warned Jaeyoon you’re not strong enough to carry him to bed. He doesn’t listen.
Want A Taste? (ft. Youngbin) × smut | 5.4k × Summary: You and Youngbin have been entertaining the idea of inviting another person into your bed for a while now, so when Jaeyoon accidentally barges on the two of you, it seems like fate.
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#1 [too hot to cuddle | fluff]
#2 [running in the rain | fluff]
#3 [cold hands | fluff]
#4 [slow and sensual | smut]
#5 [body worship | smut]
#6 [trying a new thing together | fluff]
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#1 [quarantine | fluff]
#2 [giggly | smut]
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Practice Visit × fluff | 1.3k × Summary: You wonder whether it’s weird how Zuho’s always on your mind while the members of SF9 need to think about a plan how to get Zuho to stop talking about you.
Champagne × smut | 5k × Summary: With his promotions over, you decide that Zuho deserves a reward and a chance to unwind after all his hard work.
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#1 [falling asleep first | fluff]
#2 [not picking up the phone | fluff]
#3 [spider | fluff]
#4 [corruption kink | smut]
#5 [stargazing | fluff]
#6 [slow and sensual | smut]
#7 [breakfast in bed | fluff]
#8 [mirrors - ft. Youngbin | smut]
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Promise × fluff | 1k × Summary: A meeting with friends gets Rowoon thinking about your relationship and your future together, as well as the ring hidden in his pocket.
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#1 [fireflies | fluff]
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Steam × fluff, comfort | 1.4k × Summary: Taeyang comes home exhausted and you’ve never seen him hurting so much before.
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#1 [first kiss | fluff]
#2 [reunion | fluff]
#3 [sharing an umbrella | fluff]
#4 [parting | fluff]
#5 [touch starved | fluff]
#6 [sharing a bed for the first time | soulmate au | fluff]
#7 [caught masturbating | smut]
#8 [threesome - ft. Hwiyoung | smut]
#9 [giggly | smut]
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Wild × angst, fluff | 3.1k × Summary: A collection of various moments from your life with Hwi, both happy and sad.
Rainy Night × fluff | 1.1k × Summary: It’s late and it’s raining, but Hwiyoung can’t sleep and he needs company on his late night walk.
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#1 [foreheads pressed together | angst]
#2 [shower | fluff/suggestive]
#3 [cuddling for warmth | fluff]
#4 [trampolines | fluff]
#5 [hot tea | fluff]
#6 [finding notes | fluff]
#7 [threesome - ft. YooTae | smut]
#8 [sharing a bed for the first time | fluff]
#9 [distraction | smut]
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#1 [taking pictures | fluff]
#2 [caught masturbating | smut]
#3 [come closer | fluff]
#4 [sharing a bed for the first time | fluff]
#5 [sexting | smut]
#6 [get over here and make me | smut]
#7 [comfortable silence | fluff]
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linohaven · 9 months
⠀𐚁 to be sensation, | a sf9's 10th member au
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go haneul (고하늘) is a fictional korean singer-songwriter and actress. she is a member of co-ed group sf9. she debuted in sf9 on 5th october 2016, with their first single album "feeling sensation"
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⠀⊹ basics
haneul's profile | a peak into haneul's closet | haneul's hair diary | dynamics with sf9 | relationships with other idols
⠀⊹ eras
feeling sensation | burning sensation | breaking sensation | knights of the sun | mamma mia! | sensuous | narcissus | rpm | first collection | 9loryus | turn over | rumination | the wave of9 | the piece of9
⠀⊹ chapters
2016 ⁺。˚⋆˙ — feeling sensation
2017 ⁺。˚⋆˙ — burning sensation | breaking sensation | knights of the sun
2018 ⁺。˚⋆˙ — mamma mia | sensuous
2019 ⁺。˚⋆˙ — narcissus | rpm
2020 ⁺。˚⋆˙ — first collection | 9loryus | special book history
2021 ⁺。˚⋆˙ — turn over | rumination
2022 ⁺。˚⋆˙ — the wave of9
2023 ⁺。˚⋆˙ — the piece of9
⠀⊹ extras
sepgu reaction to haneul's sleeping habits | sepgu's first impression of go haneul | haneul's reaction to youngbin & inseong's enlistment | haneul's reaction to rowoon's departure from the group
⠀⊹ socials
work in progress!
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divinefireangel · 9 months
i dont know if this counts as one headcannon au (maybe it’s a scenario, if it is then you can just do one member!) but can you explain(?) how the sf9 members have seggs in the dorm? (like the timing and where the other members are and how it is, etc)
Okay so I know that Rowoon and Juho live alone, separately. Inseong & Dawon live in one dorm with another person, manager I think. Youngbin + Jaeyoon + roommate in one room, Taeyang + Hwiyoung + roommate in another and Chani has his own room I think in the other new dorm.
Absolutely chill. Doesn't mind being walked on cause he's too horny and you're just too hot 😏. Also lowkey is ready to invite another person if you're up for it.
Rowoon, Zuho, Dawon
Kinda shy shy to have sex with other people in the same house but if he's in the mood nothing can stop him. Will scream and throw things if someone walks in lol.
Jaeyoon, Hwiyoung
Does not at all like the idea of having sex at his place but is down to have sex at yours cause for some reason that's less embarassing? Lol.
Youngbin, Yoo Taeyang
Nope, never, too shy to have sex in the dorms but will book a room in a fancy hotel every weekend to spend time with you aka fuck you till you physically canNOT move anymore
Chani, Inseong
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charliexhere · 2 years
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chibis from my AU comic Full Bloom🌸 inseong / rowoon / chani / taeyang / jaeyoon / hwiyoung / dawon / youngbin / zuho
Full Bloom is an omegaverse story about witchcraft and other shenanigans, if you wanna read it, head over to my n s f w fanart twitter acc heliotrxp <3
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springsnowmango · 2 years
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Baker AU
Warrior Prince AU
Heecho, Tomo, Shunya, Yugo
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dark-royals-cb · 2 years
Hongjoong: Taken// dating @ateezmystery Hanahaki Seonghwa
Hyunjin: Single // interested in @halloween-idols Daesung
San: Taken// dating @/ateezmystery Hanahaki Wooyoung
Seonghwa: Taken// dating @/ateezmystery Hanahaki Mingi
Joy: Taken // Married to @/ateezmystery Hongjoong
Kang-Mi: Single // Interested.
Special Tags: @fantasycafexbot Hangyeom
Wooyoung: Single// Uninterested
Soobin: Single // Heartbroken // Missing, Unavailable
Twilight: Taken // @multi-au-center dating Hyunjin
Yunho: Taken // dating @/multi-au-center Donghun
YangYang: Taken // dating @sirenaquariumcb Jaehyun
Beomgyu Taken // dating @/ateezmystery San and @sugardaddybangchan
Yeosang: Taken // Dating Kangdae @/ateezmystery
Jongho: Taken // dating @/ateezmystery Yunho
Jaemin: Single // Uninterested
Yuqi: [Unavailable atm]
Mingi: Single // Uninterested
Special Tags:
Rowoon: Taken // Mated to @k-pop-shelter Inseong
Special tags:
Keeho: Single // Interested in @k-pop-shelter Jaewon,
Special tags: @domxbot Minhyuk.
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warmau · 3 years
Love Struck!AU x SF9
lately i just need to write about every member of every kpop group being in capital L love. find other love struck!aus here: monsta x | day6 | ateez | the boyz
overcompensates with selfless acts that go above and beyond what any person deserves
offers to carry your bags, learns about plumbing when you mention you have a leaky faucet, asks if you want him to drive you to your appointments which you are perfectly fine getting to on your own
if there was a puddle of mud on the ground, youngbin would throw his brand new jacket over it just so you could walk over it
even though you could literally just. walk around it
doesn't even realize he's overdoing it
he just loves you and therefore knows he has to show it at any given part of the day
but not like in an aggressive manner
just a small smile and a "i can pick you up and drop you off if you want!"
dawon: actually, youngbin, we have practice at that tim-
youngbin, shoving a sandwich down dawon's throat: so you said noon right?
when you respectfully decline any of his help, mostly because you are worried you're using your friend for his kindness, everyone assures you that's not it
actually everyone is super confused how you haven't seen why it is weird that youngbin would commit hours of research for you when you ask offhandedly if you should visit europe for the summer and then show up at your door with ten pamphlets on different european destinations 'by chance'
because - that's weird - and weird means, in the great way of sf9, that he has a crush on you
"youngbin, you're being so nice to me these days how could i ever repay you?
youngbin about to say that there's nothing you need to do, he just likes being able to help
dawon, shoving a sandwich down youngbin's throat for revenge and also to answer on his leader's behalf: "actually, if you could finally go on a date with him - i think that would repay it."
you get all shy and murmur that you don't know if youngbin wants that, and youngbin can only vigorously nod that he does
(due to the sandwich)
no clue if puppy syndrome is a thing, but he's got it
the human embodiment of big puppy eyes whenever you're around, big puppy pout, big puppy wagging his tail at just the mention of your name
even without all that - the energy that exists around inseong when you are near him and giving him attention - it's enough to quite literally blow everyone and everything else away
and there are lasting effects
as in you walk away from the conversation and fifteen minutes later inseong still can't make out a single word, just chin on his palm - daydreamy look in his eyes
jaeyoon tries snapping his fingers in his face, tickling him, even flicking his best friend straight on the forehead but.
the only way he breaks out of the spell you cast on him is either a long time passes or you show up again and inseong is back at your full attention
it's getting bad, like to a point where he walks into walls or drops his phone in the sink when he starts thinking about you
incidents where he nearly topples over onto poor chain who is like get off of me you are built like a skyscraper
or just flat out doesn't move a muscle in the right direction during practice and it's literally driving youngbin mad
so jaeyoon (like the best friend he is) arranges for you to come hang out with him but tada it's actually a candlelight dinner in the sf9 kitchen he and the rest of the boys set up for you and inseong
and you're like w....whats all this and inseong is like i don't know either
and jaeyoon (who like the best friend he is picked the nicest smelling candle from the tj maxx sale aisle) appears and lights it and is like this is for you two to confess and for inseong to be cured of puppyism
you: puppyism?
inseong, red as a tomato: i think he means like the way i act around you like a - um -
jaeyoon: like a lovesick puppy, so like....collar him or whatever
you and inseong both looking at him like do what? and jaeyoon is like sorry that didn't come out right
either way you get the point please date the oversized man whose brain wont work unless you give him a kiss
opposite of his best friend, jaeyoon doesn't need to fall over his feet when he's lovestruck
he will literally just let you know how he feels
"i like you"
you smile at him and laugh, "i like you too!"
and jaeyoon is like amazing so we are both "liking" each other how lovely how nice
and that is....................where it ends
he literally is so preoccupied with the concept of confessing that he forgets the part where he has to like.
confirm the relationship
so for like a month after you are both just saying 'i like you' to each other and he thinks it's romantic and you still think it's platonic
it's a mess
he keeps asking himself when the right time to ask you to go to the movies with him is, if he should pull out the home cooking - why haven't you pulled out the home cooking? do you not "like" him enough for that?
he paces around before you come over because is he dressed too casual - i mean he's your boyfriend, he should put effort into it right?
and then you show up and nothing is different and everything is the same and when inseong is like
jaeyoon you're dating them right, why don't you guys like kiss? and jaeyoon is like holy shit i haven't even thought about that yet
and dawon is like how have you not thought about that kissing is all i think about ever
and so jaeyoon's head gets even more scrambled because now you come over and he's like ..... kiss......lips......mouth...hand? kiss on mouth...hand...lips.....hug?
and you're like what? and he's like hug lips mouth? and you're like jaeyoon are you ok?
oh my god at some point you're both alone and jaeyoon is walking you home or something and he reaches out to grab your hand because like that's normal right? people dating do that right?
and you're like oh! and he's like is this ok? and you're like a-does it mean something?
and jaeyoon is like it means the same thing as i like you....you know....like how i said it a month ago and i just thought we could take the next step-
he's rubbing his neck and blushing and he has always been sauve and straightforward and it dawns on you that the entirety of this month he has been saying he likes you like in that way
and you're like wait you like-love me? and he's like yes wait what did you think- and you're like i thought it was like-like ....like friend like?
you and jaeyoon just staring at each other and then he's like should i let go of your hand then
and you're like no. actually just kiss me we've wasted a LITERAL month
always the class clown, being lovestruck somehow only tends to make it worse
but not worse like oh he gets louder and cracks more jokes.
my man has upgraded to mildly dangerous body humor.
you are all together and dawon is suddenly like you guys think i can climb that uneven, rickety tree? and youngbin is like no and you're like no but dawon is like it'll be fun just watch
dawon: should i drink spoiled milk
you: why-
dawon: im hardcore it'll be fine - look im just a goofy guy who - oh my god. call an ambulance.
the idea is that every time you are in the vicinity and glowing like an angel without a halo dawon is like
gotta do something so outrageously stupid that it grabs their attention and/or lands me in a situation where i can excuse myself to run away from my feelings. perfect.
it's literally the dumbest logic on the planet
everyone tells him it's the dumbest logic on the planet
but dawon is convinced it's the best reaction to....to the butterflies in his stomach
of course, you don't find any of it amusing, you are just in a constant state of worry
one time dawon takes it too far and probably tries to do something that could actually seriously hurt him
and you stop him by grabbing him and being like stop - i don't know why you don't care about yourself but i care about you so stop being stupid
and dawon is staring down at you like
"pause, you care about me? like on a scale of 1-10 how muc-"
you kiss him and mutter a "11" and dawon thinks he sees stars
youngbin thanking you profusely like we were worried for his actual literal life
rather scream into the void than confront how he feels about you
the private twitter account is blowing up with tweets about how he wants to hold your hand and how that makes him pathetic
dawon replying under each of them: tru
rowoon replying under each of them: not true!!!!! love is awesome!!!! pog as chani would say!!!!!!
you talk to him about something and his ears are full of white noise and he cant help but think about how your face is somehow the most beautiful thing he's ever seen and how he could write a whole album about the curve of your nose and the color of your eyes and -
you ask him what he thinks and he can only reply with a sound that is both pained and high pitched and when you raise your eyebrow he's like gtg uh feed my cats
when you're around he disappears to "feed his cats" like . ten times
surprisingly being a lovestruck fool does fuel his ability to make music
but it is also sad and about being heartbroken and the members are like hey do you wanna talk about it and zuho is like no
there are spotify playlists with your name, there are journal entries about you, there are iPhone notes app scribbles about you
he's down bad
everyone knows he's down bad
you also figure out he's down bad and so you finally confront him
except you're like......... zuho who are you in love with? ill help you if i can
and he looks at you like a deer in headlights because that's the most bizarre shit you could ask him
and because of the shock he blurts out the truth
"you. i love you."
screams after and you jump up and he's like i need to leave and you're like AT LEAST LET ME SAY IT BACK?????
it's the cluelessism of it all
he looks at you one day and instead of just being a person you are beaming at him like a direct sunray and he's like woah! weird!
he just kind of becomes more clumsy around you since you've got this new effect on him
trips over his big feet, giggles randomly while you're talking, forgets he's in the middle of the street when you're walking by his side and someone has to honk three times for him to start walking again
honestly no one can tell what's wrong with him
because is he like ... is it early onset amnesia? is he just spacing out?
even chani notices the shift because rowoon has gone from annoying him to laying half off the couch with his hand in an empty pringles can
"what are you thinking about?"
rowoon just mutters your name and chani is like .... i don't know about all this but maybe you like them?
reality hits rowoon like a freight truck .... liking you? that's new
he googles 'what to do when you like someone?' literally googles it
tries to show you by playing it cool, tries to show you by showering you in random compliments but he's tongue tied when you smile so he's like i love your hair it looks like. cheese
embarrasses himself over and over and over until he just hunches himself over one day and is like
why is liking someone so hard? isn't it supposed to be easy?
and you're like haha i know the feeling, ive liked someone for so long but he never takes a hint and rowoon is like omg who
and you look at him and you're like well he's a tall clueless handsome guy
and rowoon stares at you like he sounds nice
and you're like you
and he's like oh that's nice - WAIT
flirts with you but it flops because he's been flirting with you since you first met
so you cannot tell the difference and taeyang is like what am i doing wrong
inseong: karma for always winking and calling them cute when now you want them to do it back to you
taeyang: shuttup sad old man
inseong: you've been hanging out too much with chani. sniffle
he decides ok so regular flirting doesn't work, so what about lowkey flexing?
he wears the expensive watch and puts his hand in front of you like, hey and you're like hi? and he's like notice anything? and you're like .... um..... oh, your tag is sticking out of your shirt! and taeyang is like .........F
ok so not flexing, what about compliments?
he piles like ten of them on you and you're like oh - thanks, but i don't really like this outfit anyway and he's like....F
ok so not flexing, compliments, let's try playing hard to get
he gives you the cold shoulder when you come over and you immediately are like taeyang are you mad at me if you are im sorry so stop being a weirdo and he's like........F
finally he just reverts to himself and just keeps up the regular flirting and the soft touches and smiles
and he realizes the difference now is when he flirts - he just has to follow up on it
so when he asks " i cant taste my lips, can you do it for me?"
and you reply with "sure" and roll your eyes
he just . does kiss you and you're like oh.
and he's like well what do you say and you're like your lips taste sweet and he's like NO I MEAN-
you just kiss him again because now you get what he actually means LOL
sulks when you're not around, and then doesn't go near you when you are around
it's like please make up your mind
is the definition of if i stare at you long enough you will fall in love with me right?
but he stares from ten feet away
it takes everyone all their strength to drag him out of his room when you're over and even then he puts his hoodie up and plays with his shoelaces and acts like he's a five year old
when he gets put next to you in the car ride somewhere he almost passes out from holding his breath from nervousness and you turn to him and you're like hwi you're turning purple?!?!?
you tap his shoulder when he isn't looking and call him hwi~ and he thinks his knees like. give out he crumbles to the floor and you're like oh my god are you sick??!?!!?
to put it simply, being in love forces him to lose his human ability to live
gets a pep talk from literally every member about how he cannot act like this. it's giving you the wrong impression and yet he just
he can't do anything about it you enter his personal space and the little nerves in his brain go haywire
"i don't want them to think im being rude, but it's kind of like im allergic to them."
"oh - you're allergic to me?"
hwiyoung turns and you're giving him a look and he's like oh god i mean - i don't - i mean like -
and he doesn't know what to say but you just giggle and you're like "fine, if you're allergic we'll have to make immune"
and he's like blinking like wha-
you wrap your hands around him and he's like !!!! and you're like here just take me in large doses until you build up immunity ok?
hwiyoung nodding because he has forgotten the entirety of the korean language
realizes he's being freaking weird when he bails on his plans to eat and game to hang out with you
prioritizing social interaction over being alone in his room......now that's not normal
yes, ok, so he likes you - but now he's like
no one can ever know that. i will not be left alone if anyone finds out.
unfortunately, he asks jaeyoon of all people if he knows what food you like and jaeyoon is like
chani standing in the doorway like. what. no....
the minute chani starts picking the spot next to you when you're all together is his downfall
the entire world knows how he feels and he's like oh fuck seriously
he helps you go shopping and he comes home and every member is just like :) tell us about the date :)
and he's like SHUTTUP
calls you by a nickname and rowoon almost chokes on his food in surprise, because chani?????? gave someone???? a nickname????? and it isn't a combination of the word ass and hole?????
he cannot escape the fact that little things for others, are big things for him
being attentive and caring and even just smiling in your presence is enough to give away how he's feeling
let alone he dropped a rank in league so everyone is like ah - he's distracted with someone~!
it gets unbearable to a point where chani is like i cant live with these people always bothering me so im just going to confess
he pulls you aside and is like "i want to date you - is that ok?" and you're like of course, was wondering when you'd ask dummy and he's like,,,,,,listen,,,,
assumes the teasing will die down when you both come into the room holding hands
inseong: i got dibs on being the wedding planner, eat dirt youngbin
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