#it was so windy here
pretty-delulu · 1 year
My Western Vibe… a lot if y’all wont even get it
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reborrowing · 5 months
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Sadly I live in a box of an apartment and there's no good windows to stare out but I am hiding under a nest of blankets
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windydrawallday · 18 days
my swindle just so happpens to have his robo pawbs out in display. oooo lockdown you wanna touch them soooo bad oooooooooo
"... I thought those were for his inbuild reader-scanner?"
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(I know cybertronian technology is more advanced than an old Earth calculator and that they probably had their own numerical system but I COULDN'T RESIST THE STUPID JOKE)
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lewmagoo · 2 months
thinking about being out when it’s super cold and windy and rhett standing in front of you to shield you from the path of the wind 🥹
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rainyheartscrown · 5 months
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these two are the same images to me
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crovoroh · 1 month
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spearxwindart · 1 year
changed the title of this blog to match my main's >:3c
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windy-trickster · 13 hours
I get this like- Nice itchy sensation whenever someone compliments my art or my characters or something like that
It's a good sensation and it makes me really happy. Idk why I decided to make a post about this I've just honestly been having a good day today!!! Which is rare for me!!!
Hopefully gonna post another Remsis doodle at some point... He's on the brain rn and he's open for plotting too...
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prince-of-red-lions · 7 months
I’m going to CRY I’ve been wandering around this STUPID SHIP for like HALF AN HOUR trying to figure out WHERE THE NEXT STUPID THING IS to advance in the dungeons because I COULDN’T FIND OUT how to get into a room only to PASS BY THIS STUPID FAN and LOOK IN TO SEE A FREAKING TARGET (i already shot it but it was a target)
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ITS THAT GOLDEN THING. bruh. IM MAD AT MYSELF BCZ LITERALLY THE FIRST TIME I PASSED BY IT I THOUGHT “huh strangely placed fan. that’s weird. why would it be there? must be used for something” then BLATANTLY CHOSE not to INVESTIGATE. i could’ve saved 30 minutes of my life if I had just looked at it more closely the first time but that’s not how my brain works so uhhhh here I am 💀💀💀
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iero · 2 months
In other, good news (For once for me!) my mom and her boyfriend finally agreed to let me carpool with them when we all leave Pittsburgh on Tuesday morning. The bad news is I have to figure out a way that I'm getting to Pittsburgh now last minute because I'll be there longer then them.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
According to this, Jared didn't even hear about the renewal until day of as well... Sounds like they really are keeping everyone in the dark until the last minute.
There's a lot of other great information in the article, here are a few tidbits:
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I'm happy to see Jared's love of acting reappear! I hope he continues even after Walker is over! (But if he's happy just producing, I'll support that as well!)
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It sounds like we won't be getting a cliffhanger tonight, but certainly a set-up for next season!
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LOL! Jared enjoys being tied up and tortured! Good thing we love seeing it!
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I really hope they got gag reel or bts footage of the guys camping! It looked like so much fun!
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I love to read how great everyone is and how wonderful it is on set! I hope they can continue past Season 4!
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windydrawallday · 1 month
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Will all of you excuse me a moment if I interrupt my dinosaur hype to show off this cutie pie of a werefish/deep one? His name is "Lotto", and he is the monster form of my human OC Vincent in a casual Call of the Sea AU I share with a dear old friend x)
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killuaisaprincess · 1 month
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flecks-of-stardust · 1 year
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[image description: two images of a Northern Mockingbird perched on some branches. It is a soft grey-brown, with darker feathered wings that have a white band in the middle. Its eyes are a brilliant gold. In the first image, it is looking off to the right, one eye staring at the camera, and is somewhat hunkered down. Its body is framed by a curving twig. In the second image, it is perched higher up, rump facing the camera as it looks to the sky. There is a big fluffy white cloud in the background. end image description]
birdy :D
#big long ramble about my day so far in the tags just cause i felt like sharing#i had a rheumatology appointment today but i was Way early#arrived when the doctors had broken for lunch. the receptionist told me there was a new nature path past the parking lot#and i was like hell why not. maybe i’ll find a cool bug#i did not find many bugs but hooo there were so many birds it was amazing#this fella was the highlight#i was trying to get a picture of it through a bush cause it looked cool#but then it flapped up In Front Of Me. like less than a meter away#and i just stared wide eyed at it for like three seconds#snapped a few pictures because it posed for me for a little#it also gave me a little gift :’) i didn’t catch the poop falling on camera lol#then it flitted off back the way it came#there was also a hummingbird (anna’s hummingbird i think)#and a few others i couldn’t identify. probably a few bushtits and i think two goldfinches at least#and also some really fucking loud geese(?) that i could not find#it was nice. talking a walk here and there is so nice#i did eventually find some bugs. there was a honeybee that was getting blown across the ground by the wind#literally tumbling all the way. i scooped it onto a leaf and put it somewhere a bit less windy#and there was another in a flower that seemed a bit stronger#also there were these little solitary bee home tubes!!! didn’t see any bees come out though#and there was a cat :D#hshshshshdh it’s been nice so far#my appointment went well too#mockingbird blessing :)#if i had a nickel for every time i happened to somehow be allowed within a meter of a bird to get a super clean picture of them#i would have two nickels#which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice /ref#the other instance was of hatchlings too :’D god they were so round and cute#i miss them i hope they had lots of babies
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pcktknife · 10 months
slept thru most of new mexico we in oklahoma now ( -w-)
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literally got dressed and did my hair etc to go to the medieval studies holiday party tonight but now it is time to leave and it is 1) dark and 2) fucking cold so. I will once again be avoiding an opportunity to socialize with human beings in real life
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