#it’s not even a baby that’s a fetus
omgkawaiipinkhime · 2 years
I’m still thinking about the abortion ban thing here and I need to ramble about it somewhere and my mom doesn’t want to hear it anymore so:
I can’t carry a pregnancy to term, or at least not a healthy one. If I were to get pregnant, I would need to abort it for my health (which I realize no one cares about) and the fetus’s health (which prolifers supposedly care about). I have a lot of health problems, I’m on a lot of medications that all cause birth defects and increase the possibility of miscarriage. No one knows what will happen if you are on all these medications at the same time while pregnant, only separately and that’s already bad enough. I can’t go off of them if I want to maintain my health and not die. I don’t know if I’d be forced to go off them or if I’d be punished for taking my medications as directed by my doctors if I were to miscarry. These medications are also all passed into breast milk so I wouldn’t be able to breastfeed because my milk would be toxic. There’s a fucking formula shortage. If I were to give birth, the newborn would go through withdrawals from the medications I’m on. Those are torture for me, a grown woman, if I just miss one dose of any of my medications. I can’t imagine what kind of torture it would be to a newborn to suddenly go cold turkey on all of the medications I’m on.
Going off the medications would be just as bad. It would also increase the risk of miscarriage (stress can cause miscarriage) and increase my risk of postpartum psychosis. Not to mention it could fucking kill me. Even ignoring the medication side effects, I have multiple health problems I can pass on to any offspring I have and I am not willing to knowingly inflict the torture I have endured on another human being. Especially since I do not ever want to be pregnant in the first place!!!
I’m doing literally everything in my power to avoid pregnancy, abortion would be my absolute last resort. I don’t even have any contact with men. I don’t date, I’m not looking to date, I don’t even have male friends. I’m on birth control. And still, all that doesn’t reduce my chance of pregnancy to zero because I can still be assaulted and my birth control can still fail. Even getting my tubes tied won’t completely reduce my chance to zero. There is absolutely nothing I can do to get rid of the vulnerabilities my body has simply because I was born into this body. Sure, I could get my ovaries and/or uterus removed, but that’s a really extreme procedure that has several severe health consequences. Not to mention that I shouldn’t have to practically gut myself just to maintain my bodily autonomy!!!! I shouldn’t even have to consider getting my tubes tied. It should be as simple as “just close your legs” but what dumbfucks don’t understand is that it’s not that simple in a world where men use their bodies like weapons!! Also that phrase is vulgar and disgusting regardless!!!
I wouldn’t even be able to access abortion with all my health problems because it wouldn’t be considered good enough. If lawmakers don’t even think ectopic pregnancies are a good enough reason to abort then my “little” problems won’t be good enough either. My life doesn’t legally matter because of a hypothetical fetus. I have less worth than a corpse. I am less human than a fetus that doesn’t even currently exist.
The fact that pro-forced birthers can’t understand that they are in the wrong is vile. These politicians shouldn’t have power, this shouldn’t be a debate. Abortion is a human right, end of discussion. These laws will kill people. They will kill women and girls. And the “prolifers” will not give a shit because the stuff they are advocating for has never been about “life”. It’s about control.
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paradimeart · 11 months
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prowl has 0 idea what goes on in protoform development these days
(V.S. = vector sigma)
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kylejsugarman · 7 months
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ur telling me the dude whose entire personality is being a Cop and whose favorite activities include being relentlessly racist to his latino partner, using his position to quite literally beat the shit out of anyone he doesnt like, and treating every "criminal" in the city like a cockroach isnt the hero?????????????
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foxqueen-katarian · 1 year
Essek telling Da'Leth to get friends, and Da'Leth going 'Gross, but what if.....' and using other peoples interpersonal connections to power his world ending murder machine is exactly the type of thing someone running on misplaced anger and hubris would take away from that conversation.
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menstits · 1 month
Idk why this whole diluc vs kaeya argument is even happening like it's so dumb because there is objectively a correct opinion to have in this debate. I literally like diluc, he's genuinely one of my favorite characters in the game, and honestly that's part of why it's so fucking annoying to me when people downplay the fight or act like he was justified in attacking his visionless younger brother with pretty clear killing intent because he very much was not justified and it's not treated that way by the game itself either AND. If you approach kaeya's character in good faith the whole situation is really heart wrenching and so is his reaction to the whole crepus delusion thing but obviously none of these people ever do that because they're dumb as fuck and only take whatever is said about kaeya at face value or read him as more malevolent and ~shady~ than he actually is even though that's literally not how he's written & then when it comes to diluc they will entirely make shit up about his character that is nowhere to be seen in his actual characterization to make him nicer and more meek than he actually is . I need to stop bitching about this recreationally because I'm getting so mad I'm getting dizzy but you get the gist. It's just all around very clear when people will afford a character the benefit of the doubt when they react like an insane person to strong emotions vs when they will interpret someone's reaction to grief in the most cruel possible way literally entirely because they either consciously or subconsciously consider kaeya's grief at the loss of their father "less real" on account of him being adopted even though one fact that genshin keeps hammering into our brains at literally every chance they get is that family bonds don't depend on blood ties alone.
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all I'm saying is that if pro-lifers were actually about protecting children's lives...they'd also demand that the father serves as an obligatory blood and organ donor later.
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lottieurl · 1 year
ngl i will never understand why people think eating the baby specifically would be crossing a line. cannibalizing your actual dead friend you've known for years is fine but eating a dead fetus isn't. just fascinating to me
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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He likes to hear himself talk, but I like to hear him talk too. 😅
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platypusisnotonfire · 30 days
The post i recently reblogged about the Romeo and Juliet with heelys in reminded me of the way I got my first heelys.
It was when we lived in the states (NYC area) and my mother had a drs appointment that was going to take at least an hour. I was 8, and allowed to either stay in the waiting room or go to the rooftop garden, but that was all.
At the age of eight I had gotten my first job that paid like, appreciable money (I worked for the family business for five dollars an hour prior to this but got a job with a friend of the family pulling 100 dollars a week doing two nights of office cleaning with them. Yea, child labor. Not the point of my funny story tho. I liked my money. I’m honestly not mad about it.)
So I had cash.
And damn I wanted heelys.
So I illicitly left the building and walked six blocks to the closest Modell’s (gotta go to mo’s) and bought my gorgeous heelys for 30 big bucks.
At this age I had taken to carting around a huge messenger bag for all my books and I had premeditated this excursion and packed an empty box in the bag to make it look full, chucked that in a crosswalk garbage bin and carried the shoebox back.
Not questioned by the mother. None the wiser I had left.
No one was awake to see me leave for school wearing them and no one was home to see me come home wearing them and I got away with this for literal years (I had had a fairly large growth spurt at 8 and bought two sizes too big so they fit for ages)
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mostlyinconvenient · 1 month
A person becomes pregnant and suddenly their life needs to take a backseat, no matter if they want it or not. They're no longer an independent woman or human being, now they're a dirty whore and an incubator for a precious angel worth far more than themselves.
The mothers life is tainted by the sin of actually living, and is therefore worth less than the fetus at any stage. She can be respected but only if she embraces her role as a good mother should and doesn't fight it. Only if she accepts her place as a lesser being only meant to continue mans legacy.
If she even thinks of abortion, she is worse than a murderer for trying to destroy a life more pure than hers.
When that baby is born and it begins to be selfish and human, it too will lose its purity and it's right to life... but for now, it's life is more than yours and you will pay for failing it
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hella1975 · 2 years
id like it to be known that i wholeheartedly support abortion. i support abortion for the person whose pregnancy has become too dangerous to come to term. i support abortion for the victim of rape. i support abortion for those who don't have the financial means to have a child. i support abortion for those underage. i support abortion for someone middle-aged with a stable family and finances and loving partner who quite simply does not want a child. i support abortion for people who sleep around. i support abortion for someone who thought they wanted a child but changed their mind. i support abortion in all its infinitely different situations. if it comes to me picking between a bunch of cells that look like fish eggs and an actual living breathing person with a name and future then babe we're having caviar
#fun fact! 9/10 abortions happen before 12 weeks#and over half happen in the first 8 weeks#at 12 weeks your fetus (bc it's not even a baby yet if u want to be technical) is the size of a lime. a fucking lime#i wasnt going to make a post about this bc i dont like bringing politics onto tumblr#bc after how jaded i got with covid and now Everythign Else i wanted a site that could be safe from real world shit#and also it's very tiring that an American Issue suddenly becomes Everyone's Issue and it can be quite frustrating#when that energy isn't met for literally any other country. and i didnt want to contribute to the en masse posting about roe v wade atm#for those two reasons (at least on tumblr. im not actually spiteful about this and obviously really care about the topic. it's just tiring)#but it's come to my attention that somehow i have pro-lifers in these parts#and i want to make it very fucking clear that i dont want them here#me and this blog are completely wholeheartedly pro-choice in any form it may show itself as#because i have enough critical thinking skills to know two basic facts#1) that people have ALWAYS had abortions. the only thing that's changed is the safety in which they're carried out#you will NEVER get rid of them you will only ever endanger the people and women you're trying so hard to 'protect'#and 2) i have never heard of a single person that was happy to get an abortion. not one. it's not a fun experience#it's incredibly hard and traumatic but oftentimes necessary for whatever personal reason specific to that person#stop fucking making laws about other people's bodies#it really shouldn't be difficult
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skullvis · 1 year
Hey Gen Z! You guys are doing great and if you’re an older Zoomer like your 26 or 27 or whatever you’re not old! You’re literally still so young and you have time! I promise!!
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a-polite-melody · 2 years
I’ve noticed that propaganda against certain forms of specifically early term abortion procedures tends to show an itty bitty human baby inside the uterus. And I suppose if you want to conceptualize it that way, whatever, but it doesn’t change that a fetus doesn’t really look anything like a human until roughly half way through a pregnancy.
It’s one of the many ways anti-abortionists use imagery to pull at heart strings. It’s much easier to make people feel disgust over something when you can paint it as happening to an itty bitty person than happening to an actual fetus.
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silantryoo · 1 year
im not even that much younger😠😠
you are a blastula fr
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cats-in-the-clouds · 1 year
it’s important to try very hard to be as patient and understanding and reasonable as possible and i tell myself aw c’mon how hard can it really be to just chill out and be nice? but every now and it hits me again how we’re all being subjected to a mass gaslighting campaign and then i’m like ah that’s why i’m exhausted deep in my soul all the time. i’m being made to think i’m utterly insane for wanting words to have actual meanings so maybe that makes me a bit cranky y’know
#there really is just an attack on the art of human communication going on right now huh#man it’s so much easier talking to people about literally anything else other than transgenderism#even if it were the most controversial; vitriol-filled topic in the world#nothing compares to the exhaustion of going back and forth with a person because the two of you have different definitions of basic words#the exhaustion of you trying to use pronouns that the basic rules of the english language call for#becetse you paid attention in first grade#but being instantly shut down for it because no matter how hard you argue they do not care if you’re right#you get slammed for being ‘disrespectful’ as if they have a real definition of that word either#like you can’t even converse with someone else like that if the basic parts of the language are something that can’t be agreed on#but neither of you can even concede and agree to the other’s terms because that undercuts the point of the argument#it is a war over language itself and that sure does make communication with those on the opposite side impossible#like in other cases conceding and agreeing to use a specific word in conversation is totally fine and easy#i have no problem saying ‘fetus’ as opposed to ‘baby’ because those terms aren’t mutually exclusive to me. it’s fine#but i can’t say ‘trans woman’ when the correct term is man#i refuse to act like ‘transgender’ is just another simple adjective#as opposed to a buzzword that indicates that the following word is actually the opposite of whatever it says#it’s very tiring having to read through a message written in this kind of opposites day code and have to translate it to yourself first#but i’ll do it idc i’m not giving an inch
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cornedbread · 1 year
I decided to do the math, in the discord messages MrDrNose says that, “one human year = one demon day.” So I have made a list:
Demon Age | Human Age
1 years old | 365 years old
2 years old | 730 years old
3 years old | 1095 years old
Asmodena’s human age is 170, how did MrDrNose get 16 - 17 😭 (I am aware the lore is outdated, but it’s funny how he got that value. What mathematic error happened to get that number.)
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