#its gotta be my nose like 100000%
needylittlegirl · 1 month
sometimes ill be doing some normal everyday task and ill stop and realizing that im doing it pissed as hell cause i started thinking about yolanda saldivar
#brushing my teeth like 😡😡😡😡#selena quintanilla queen of tejano and queen of little mexican american girls that cant speak spanish (me)#when i was like 7 years old i was having a TOUUGHH time at school#cause kids were saying like oh your mom looks weird she doesnt look like our moms!#and my dads white and im very white like visually#so i was getting a lot of people asking like What Are You are you adopted etc etc#and then on the flipside all of my cousins speak spanish but i dont#cause im the youngest and by the time i was born all the spanish speakers in my fam had learned english#so it was very like whatever way i turned i wasnt fitting in#so my mom sat me down and made me watch selena and i criiies and cried#like no i dont look like her but we’re both 3rd gen girls who were a little lost with their cultures and stuff#also dont tell my mom any of this she says im white passing to white ppl but mexicans always Know#which is true ive had mexican people ask if im mixed or wtf is up#its gotta be my nose like 100000%#i think my nose and body type and hair are the noticeable features#i was also raised super culturally by my moms side of the family#also i think its funny that spanish speaking people dont assume i speak it so theyll be talkin shit or something and ill know#i understand it but i dont speak it#but im getting better!! i think i probably can speak it im just not at all confident#i had to drop highschool spanish cause my teacher thought i was cheating#and she did not care when i was like girl i promise i only know this cause of my abuela pls believe me#sorry im rambling i have no clue where this is coming from#but when my grandparents moved here it was like#like 50s racism running rampant#so my grandpa tried to ditch EVERYTHING and like oretend he was italian cause that was more acceptable and all that#so he got rid of every tradition and tried to smash it down as much as he could#so of course that rubbed off on my mom#but my grandpas sisters never tried to hide it#so me and my mom have really bonded over like relearning our culture and i get to go to his sisters to teach me and its just really nice#yeah ok bye
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frosted-night · 3 years
Pitch Concept Design Review
I tried to track down most, if not all of Pitch’s concept designs. Both book and movie designs. They’re really interesting.
Book Pitch Designs
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The first complete drawing of Pitch Joyce made. Honestly he looks like a corpse here and it’s p creepy. This what Joyce said about this design from his insta
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He looks like a shell of his former self tbfh. Rating: 5/10 creepy but not my cup of tea. Pitch get some face cream please.
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The refined version of his first drawing. I like this version much better but he still has something off about his face that doesn’t make me fully comfortable. Not to mention he is HUGE
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Thats a bonus honestly. Love the flowing hair he is depicted with.
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Here he is colored. I prefer this nightmare spear than the staff hes depicted with in those drawings. Overall this is a more human looking Pitch but still very likely to kill you. Book Pitch has a body count and he fits that. Love his flared color and long hair. Fancy
Rating: 9/10 Looking great while getting ready to commit murder
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This was  an interpretation of Pitch who was freshly turned by the fearlings/dream pirates. Joyce said he still wears his golden age armor but Ima be honest. This one is uh. Hm. I can’t for the life of me figure out what’s going on with his face/skin and honestly I’m trying not to think about it. Rating: 3/10 Looks like a burn victim steam punk man
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This one isn’t too different than the one before but it has more features here than before. Let’s see what Joyce said about it.
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He just can’t help himself with the steam punk can he. I think my feelings here are the same. Rating: 3/10 Interesting concept but still not vibing with it entirely.
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Ah yes the beetle juice looking one. Gotta love him. He’s got a much different aura than the other Pitch’s and its interesting. He looks like he very much enjoys giving nightmares as a form of entertainment. Rating: 7/10 A fun lad
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So uh This was in the art book .... I have no idea about this one either. Some say he looks like a hand, some say he looks kinda animal like? I can’t make heads or tails. But you’re cursed to see him now. Rating: 1/10 Please stay out of my dreams
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Another design from the art book. This one definitely looks like a sleep paralysis demon and a mix of ganondorf. Not much else to say besides hoo lord Rating: 5/10 Creepy please stay 60 ft away
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PROBABLY THE CREEPIEST ONE IN MY OPINION. He looks exactly like a shadow person/sleep paralysis demon and good lord. If i saw this standing at the end of my bed I’d pass away right then and there. Rating: 9/10 I dig this one so much
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Now we’re getting into the very abstract looking Pitch designs. I think these are all very similar so I’m just gonna group them together
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Okay so. These definitely give off an aura of this being is very old. Some accentuate his nose n some don’t but thats okay. This one doesn’t strike my fancy but I can appreciate him. He somehow looks dadly here too? I can’t explain it. Overall p good Rating: 6/10 decent and inhuman looking.
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Eldritch Pitch just gets less and less humanoid as the pics go on. I cannot stress enough how much I love this version of him. It feels much more ancient than the previous design. It’s incomprehensible almost, straight out of a lovecraftian horror. This is literal fear embodied and a cosmic level threat. I adore this Pitch with all my heart
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Rating:10/10 There needs to be more of him more love.
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Can’t go wrong with what we got though. I don’t even need to rate him y’all already know. His book design, the Eldritch design and this one are my favorites. (And the sleep paralysis one its a new fave.)
Rating: 100000/10 I’m gay.
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holylulusworld · 3 years
Chocolate Chip
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Summary: A witch. A spell. A guinea pig.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader; Dean Winchester x Chocolate Chip
Warnings: language, angst, adorable Dean, possessive Dean, I love guinea pigs, so does Dean, fun, fluff
A/N: I had a weird dream after one of my guinea pigs died a few weeks ago. I turned into a gp and Dean took care of me.
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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“SONOFABITCH!” you cry, chasing after the second witch only to feel strange out of the blue. You know the bitch you killed first chanted a spell and that you got hit, but nothing could’ve prepared you for what was about to happen to you. “NO, DEAN!”
“Sweetheart?” Dean gapes at you, eyes widened in surprise or terror – you can’t define his facial reaction right now, too busy to shrink in yourself, feeling your clothes slide off your body until you end up on the ground. “Fuck, Y/N!”
“Dean! Y/N! I got the second witch,” Sam pants, running into the room only to find you in Dean’s hands, well what’s left of you. “A guinea pig? Dean, we don’t have time to play with pets.”
“T-that’s Y/N!” while you look up at Dean, a high-pitched squeal leaves your mouth. You purr rubbing your cheek against his warm hand. “Uh—I think she likes it when I hold her.”
“Wait—What? This can’t be Y/N,” looking at the guinea pig in his brother’s hands Sam furrows his brows. “We don’t have time for bad jokes either, Dean.”
“How shall I name her?” Dean carefully picks your flannel up to wrap you in the warm fabric. “Any suggestions, Sammy?”
“Dean, you can’t give Y/N a new name. We need to find out how the witch turned Y/N,” Sam tuts while his brother carefully presses you to his chest.
“She likes me, look,” while you happily squeak, excited Dean finally gives you the attention you always wanted, Sam sighs deeply. “I will call her Chocolate Chip from now on.”
Looking up at Dean you squeak again, liking the new name. Even though you can’t speak, you want Dean to know you appreciate he cares for you.
“No, you won’t call Y/N like that. Let’s look around the house, maybe I can find a reverse spell or something.”
“She’s so cute. Furry and all,” Dean snickers, but he presses a soft kiss to your head. “We gotta find a way to turn you back into your old self, until then, I’ll take care of you, Chocolate Chip.”
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“Okay, we got hay, water, green stuff, and fresh cut grass, Chocolate Chip,” Dean built a compound only for you. It occupies most of the floor in his room, but he doesn’t care. “Look, I got a nice house for you to hide too, sweetheart.”
“Dean, stop talking to Y/N as if she’s a pet,” Sam watches you happily run around the compound, squeaking when you scent the fresh grass Dean cut for you. 
“But she’s so cute,” Dean kneels in front of the compound, watches you chew on the grass. “Can’t I keep her?”
“Y/N is human and guinea pigs live like eight years max! Do you want her to die?” head-snapping toward his brother to meet his gaze Dean tries to push the panic bubbling up back down.
“No, of course not. Lemme just take care of Y/N while you look for a spell,” Dean carefully pats your head, smiling when you purr in response. “Aw, she loves me. Don’t you Chocolate Chip? You love your daddy.”
“That sounded wrong on so many levels,” shuddering Sam looks at you feast on the grass. “I’ll go and check on the next spellbook.”
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“That’s my Baby, she purrs like a cat for me, Chocolate Chip,” watching his brother carry you around Sam snickers silently. “Look, there’s Sammy. We like him.”
“Dean, Y/N knows your car and me.”
“You can’t know that Sam. What if the witch stole her memories too?” Dean smirks when you nuzzle in his chest, squeaking when he runs his fingers over your furry back. “Look at my cute little piggie. You can keep on researching while I look for food for her.”
“Maybe we should get her a second guinea pig. I know you should never have only one,” turning around like in slow motion, his eyes narrowed, jaw clenching Dean glares at his brother.
“No other pig will touch my Chocolate Chip! What if you get a guy and he gets her pregnant? We can’t let my girl have their babies!”
“Dean—” laughing Sam looks at you in his brother’s hands. “I didn’t want her to be alone, is all.”
“She’s not alone,” Dean grunts. “Chocolate Chip has me, now take your hands off my guinea pig and find a way to turn her back into a girl…”
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“I bet Sammy can turn you back, sweetheart,” looking at you get comfortable on his chest, Dean smiles. “You’ve got a nice nose, Chocolate Chip. I bet you can smell me with it.”
(“Squeak”), lifting your head you try to answer Dean but all you get out is another squeaking sound.
“I get it,” he pats your head, careful to not hurt you. “You can’t understand me right now, but I want you to know that I’ll do anything to protect you. If Sammy can’t find a way to turn you back into a girl, I’ll build you a bigger compound and get you furry friends, promised.”
“Promised?” looking up at Dean you smirk. “I will take you up on that promise, Winchester.”
“Y/N,” Dean gasps, arms immediately wrapping around your body. “Uh—erm,” he clears his throat, tries to not look at you. “You are kinda naked.”
“Yeah, my fur is gone, and you didn’t give me clothes yet, Dean,” pecking his chin you try to purr one last time. “You took good care of me. Thank you, Dean.”
“Anytime, sweetheart,” he swallows thickly, looks down at you one last time before he stretches one arm to reach the abandoned flannel on his bed. “I’ll get you something to wear, Y/N. We don’t want Sammy to spy on you.”
“Aw, you’re still taking good care of me,” you sigh happily, head resting against Dean’s shoulder. “By the way, I understood every word, Dean…”
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“Three?” eying the guinea pigs you got for Dean said hunter smirks. “How’d you wanna name them, sweetheart?”
“Uh—the one over there is a guy, but don’t worry,” whispering the male guinea pig got castrated you smirk when Dean sighs deeply. “We don’t want them to get pregnant Dean.”
“Poor guy,” Dean looks at the male pet, shaking his head lightly. “I’ll name you Impala, buddy. I think that’s a great name for a brave pig.”
“What about the girls? We could name one Chocolate Chip?” 
“No, that’s your name, Y/N. I will name one Pie and the other Burger,” you chortle, even snort a little but Dean ignores your outburst while feeding the little pets. “Look, they like my food.”
“Yeah, they like you, Dean,” taking Dean’s hand you squeeze it tightly. “Just like me—”
“I know you like me, sweetheart,” snickering Dean wraps one arm around your shoulders, still watching the guinea pigs. “Me, my food, and that I’ll always take care of you. My sweet little Chocolate Chip…”
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
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matchamabs · 3 years
remember that load of horseshit i wrote about the hot guys of botw? this one? this is the sequel my dudes. dont expect any good takes cuz ive not grown since the last time i did this. complaints r taken in my asks at ur own fuckin risk 
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not terrible! not a fan of the fiercely pinned up fringe but hey what can u do, she’s royalty. she rlly is just. female link tho. esp in botw like those bitches could swap place and u wouldnt know. 5/10 cuz idk shes just. normal. extra point for the big eyebrows tho 6/10 big eyebrows represent. zelda fans dont come after me
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i lit cant mark this woman down or my ass will get fried by lightning. questionable armour but its a nintendo game so its out of her control. has a voice like butter melting into caramel melting into chocolate melting into like. fudge or some shit. and then melt that into coffee. thats her voice. girls w big noses r always the cutest tho 8/10 ambitious eyebrow shape but its not gonna take off
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i always wanted to squish her forehead and see if it would leave a dent. if she fell do u think like. the forehead would break her fall???? is it like soft and squishy??? the jewellery is an enormous bitch to draw and thinking about it makes me break out in hives. why does she have those dot eyebrows u can only get on mii maker. cute face tho. 7/10 botw voice acting is :/ but aoc voice acting is Beautiful
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i only just realise she has like matching nails, eyeshadow n hair dye. idk what the f she used 2 dye her hair. maybe she just smeared some wildberries in it or some shit. either way its a big look but glasses perched on your head and never actually used ESPECIALLY if they’re lenseless makes me want to break stuff so 6/10 ur the hipster of ur time babes. check it
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i just. i hate the fringe. i hate it i hate it i hate it why does it look like rolled up blinds. if u pull on the side bits is the fringe gonna come down like a curtain. is that one of her jutsus. i mean not 2 be That Bitch but. she’s paya with makeup. thats it. i still dont hate it tho. 5/10 terf bangs no jutsu
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where 2 begin,,,,, ok ill admit, the eyebrows r shorter than impas and the tattoo is longer but like. the similarity is 2 big to make different distinctions. 5/10 brings a new meaning to dressing up in ur grandmas clothes
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this is babey. this is what babey looks like. idk how her tiny lil head can hold up that big fuckin crown. neck muscles for Days. unfortunately irritating to draw but i forgive her. 6/10 adorable but get buliara to do your eyeshadow next time :(
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gotta admit, the pink is overwhelming. im not a big pink person but like. i do like the hair feathers, very nice touch. somehow has earrings without having ears. beak is cute. overall very cute! 5/10 biased because i want to steal your man
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ok now this chick can pull off eyeliner. its the think where u keep adding more eyeliner to even it out but it just goes up ur face except this is a look. again, too much pink, only partially nauseating, and u did screw me on paying for a gerudo outfit so like. 6/10 :( give me a discount next time and the score will change
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-100000/10 im gonna fucking put this bitch in the ground
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100000/10 ambitious and i like it. milfy dimitrescu has nothin on these bitches. its like if u went to hobbycraft and just rolled in the glitter aisle. u know those like fake sticky earrings that 8 year old girls wear but like. plaster them all over ur body. u are not glittery enough unless the presence of a single light makes ur entire presence seizure inducing. wish i had the presence. the glamour. 
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???/10 patricia is the only girl ever
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demyrie · 6 years
Maybe someone’s already asked, but do you have any other BNHA OTPs/Ships?
NO HISS ERASERMIGHT ONLY I AM A MONOSHIP GREMLIN no really that’s what it feels like sometimes looool, but I do have other ships I genuinely enjoy and cheer on! I’m a basic bitch though. No edgy shit here, just the FDA approved Standard Queer BNHA Ships. But thanks for asking even if I’m boring!!
Kiddo shippos! *DAB*
I love love love TodoDeku. Like. Todoroki just breathing steam through his nose every time oblivious Deku enters a room, shining with friendship? YES. Shouto hangs the moon by his gaze and their vibe is so soft and centered on healing!!! Shouto needs it. He needs the green boy love and it’s pretty much canon he’s never had a friend before and they both come from backgrounds of neglect and HE DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO PEOPLE OR BOND and *nodsnods*
MOMOJIROUUUUUUU *SCREAMS* PREP PUNK TWITTERPATION NATION they’re so in love and fashionable i cant, the sheer amount of blushing involved in a first kiss I jUST
Shinsou/anyone pretty much? in my hc he has a crush on the entirety of 1A and it gives Aizawa a fucking stomach ache of nerves and dread just like CHILD AT LEAST PICK ONE but no not that one not deku anyone but deku SHIT
TSUYURAKA OR WHATEVER ITS CALLED *SCREAMS LOUDER* FLOATY FROG LOVE HOW ARE THEY SO SOFT AHHHH guaranteed they just binge netflix and eat cake and popcorn and cuddle and Uraraka gathers tsu to her tummy fluff so her frog girl can stay warm and happy aaaaaaaaa it reminds me of me and Rae!
canonically I do appreciate Dekuraka because just … *squints* if we’re gonna have a het midoriya it’s mcfuckin whoppercute ai’ght let him blush and be a twitterpated kid ok… 
IIDA/ANYONE LET MY BOY BE HAPPY. TodoIideku is pure bliss and any fractal of the triad is bliss. TodoIida is hilarious and wonderful -- their personalities are so funny, with Iida being SO EXTRA and Todoroki being singularly unflappable but also secretly Soft. But I also like Iida + Uraraka in context of tododeku?? Like ... they would be so cute ...
I love KiriBaku / Bakushima because it’s just s-s-s-so pure. Like, Kirishima is such a Good Boy that he melts Bakugou with the brightness of his smile and that’s a canonical miracle. The way the shippers portray it is just so emotional and the only way I can lock into ships with Bakugou is explosionboy finally chipping a little off of the ice block around his heart and realizing he can Emote Softly. Hopefully after Breaking Down in the Fucking Loudest Way because … necessary. (in the same vein occasionally I’ll reblog a BakuDeku something or other, but I only jive with that when they’re way way older and have obviously done the DIFFICULT work to come to terms with their past and all the abuse Midoriya has suffered. Just to head off the purity police, obviously not fetishizing or expecting romantic relationships to solve, or emerge from, bullying =__= Bakugou is a little shit and has done a lot of harm, and could have done even more, but he’s learning and that’s better than the alternative.)
Well, I’m gonna be honest, I OT3′d (triangle) the big 3 before their anime debut and wanted to write so much dirty fic about Nejire and Mirio basically coaxing and praising Tamaki into a three-way (not like it’s a first time but like it happens EVERY WEEK and they STILL HAVE TO COAX HIM and everyone involved loves it, praise kink +100000%) but now I think it’s Miritama and Nejire + her best friend who worships her cuteness? But I dunno I’ll have to see more Nejire. Man. Writing about the ot3 makes me wanna do it though ugh I’m weak.
Adult ships!
Erasermight shut up
Midnight/me yep thats one of my faves. I’m kidding I mean Midnight/everyone, I fucking dig MicNight and AllNight like woah, but also can’t see her being anything but aggressively and professionally poly. She would D E V O U R a monogamous mate, you gotta spread that hunger out man. I know there’s a Mount Lady/Midnight community but I haven’t dipped my toes in! (*pokes fingers together* I-I have an OC … in fact I think the only OCs I make are Midnight’s current partners or her exes, like in Newsflash … and I think I just realized that … whoops im gay)
I like Erasermic in an ‘Over There’ sense – I loooove the art and I loooove the silly-ass shippers and can see why people adore it, but it doesn’t push my buttons. I never read fic because I exhausted all my ‘pining for your best friend’ tropes in my younger years and that well is dry now haha.
DAVEMIGHT? DAVEMIGHT but in the past, and sad, it has to be sad otherwise i don’t cum
Toshinori/happiness tbh
NightMight maybe once I meet the man??? Again, toshinori/happiness always wins you don’t even have to twist my arm let the man be loved
Those are my ships! Sometimes I get asked for fic recs for other pairings but honestly, I absorb all of these in a visual sense, especially the kids. It’s hard for me to sit my ass on one ship and stan it with the same fervor as Erasermight because they’re KIDS. They’re all just so young and have so many defining moments to go through (such zygotes!!!!). I just feel super happy and full of anticipation watching Horikoshi develop them
But hey man!!! if anyone has any really good fic recs for the aforementioned ships, please send them over!! I am always open to wooing and quality and am deeply, deeply terrified of and overwhelmed by the amount of fan material out there. SO. probly not gonna find it on my own without a panic attack. *shrugs*
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backfist · 7 years
1-104 d:
going to compress this for the people on mobile
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
“how in the world did i end up in texas? also what’s good you hungry?” @littytittymanda
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
we haven’t talked too much recently, she’s busy with school as am i
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
depends on the drug, and depends on how it affects them. but i care about them regardless so yes.
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
way too long yes
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
too many times
7. What does your last received text say?
“how evil” about this ask, also from @littytittymanda
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
a lot actually lol, good hundred or 2 at least
9. Where was your last kiss at?
in a car behind a sushi restaraunt
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
when im an only child
11. What do you drink in the morning?
hella water, so much water
12. Where did you sleep last night?
in my bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard? 
they dont have to be!
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
oh a few things, definitely. school wise, people wise, etc.
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
not really, we would just talk about life
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
rain! my favourite!!
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
i dont think so? at least off the top of the dome
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
none ;D
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
i could see it
20. Does anyone like you?
seems like they do!
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
yes indeed, 2 people
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
i dont think she is
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
indeed! ugh, i wish it wasnt that way
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
considered, yes, but unsure about the importance of it later in life
25. In the past week have you cried?
yes once
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
in the shower of course?? why would you do it out?
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
if you count powderpuff games lmao, but no
29. Do you think you’re old?
not relatively but this is the oldest ive ever been so
30. Do you like text messaging?
yeah, its fun
31. What type of day are you having?
decent is the best word, nothing TOO big
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
no, never!
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
cold over warm is where i like to be, a mild 50 is perfect
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
of course.
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
right now a fling because why not? but i definitely want a relationship in the future
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
i would say simple on the outside, but complex at least to myself
37. What song are you listening to?
right now..nothing, but the commentary of the Raptors vs Bucks game
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
always. i hate being the cause of someone’s pain or anger.
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
i like a lot of people, and they’re all great
41. When did you last receive a text message?
just this instant
42. What is wrong with you right now?
eh who knows
43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
decently? we only started talking a few weeks ago, so not much time but a good time
44. Does anyone disgust you?
LOL yes
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
no, not right now
46. Are you in a good mood right now?
id say so yes! (:
47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
my buddy Chuck from work
48. What color shirt are you wearing?
im...not? there’s a pattern here
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
UH yeah, nothing too harsh though
50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
sadly. a friend that has given up on trying to be successful in life.
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
not at all.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
53. Do you like rain?
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
not particularly, unless if becomes a problem
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
56. Do you like to cuddle?
57. Are you shy?
somewhat, more introverted but im a lot more open with people i feel comfortable with
58. Do you get along with girls?
id say so. i feel like i’m a very respectful person overall and that goes a long way
59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
nope lol
60. What do you carry with you at all times?
my phone and wallet and keys
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
i will spend a month in there give me a flashlight and some food
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
i CAN but will i? thats the question
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
no no
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
not really from what i can remember! oh well lmao
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
wow 3? gotta think about this one hmm. 
22 / 24 / 22
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    
shoot im paying, need an expert
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
both gaudy, but zebra
69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
i dont have my own car!!!!! :(
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    
i hate country so by default lil wayne
71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    
72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
wow at least like..5/6 years ago. pizza hut is overrated
73. Do you like diet soda?    
bad soda bad yuck
74. What color are the walls in your room?    
75. Are you 16 or older?    
76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    
watched it once, was decent, dont think id watch again
77. Do you have a job?    
heck yeah! get the money
78. What are your initials?    
79. Did you ever have braces?    
you said i got gum stuck in them all the time? heck yeah
80. Are you from the south?    
no im from M I C H I G A N
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    
“PC Gamers; what steam games do you reccommend?”
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?   
heck yeah! we’re cool (: 
83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? 
mom 100000 percent   
84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    
gymnastics when i was just a BABY BOY
85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    
oh gosh uh..that would have to have been..not the current one, but the last Fast and Furious movie
86. Do you smoke?    
not about it!
87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    
88. Is your phone touch screen?    
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    
straight because it’s so damn shorty
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    
almost impossible, i live on the second floor
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    
92. Have you ever made out in a car?    
you betcha, it was pretty great
93. …Had sex in a car?    
lol haven’t had sex
94. Are you single or in a relationship?    
95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    
talking to a friend and on here DUH
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    
4th of july last year i think
97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    
its pretty good! i take too many selfies to end up deleting them
98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    
kind of, yeah. an ex that was a best friend that becamne that, and then back to being good friends
99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
LMAO no i’ve only drank twice
100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    
i dont think so? that’s pointless
101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?   
102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
the acoustic version of Die Young
103. Do you have any tan lines right now?
hasn’t been sunny enough so no!    
104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?
0 notes