#ive absolutely loved his storyline so far
vani-candy · 1 year
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HI SORRY FOR THE RADIO SILENCE I'VE BEEN BUSY WORKING AND DRAWING AND being embarassed about posting art like this but anyways earlier this month i. finally cracked and drew this oc x canon art
I'M STILL SO EMBARASSED TO POST THIS CAUSE I'VE HAD VERY NOT GOOD EXPERIENCES WHEN SHARING MY OC x CANON ART BUT THE SANDROCK FANDOM HAS BEEN SO INCREDIBLY SUPPORTIVE THAT I FEEL LESS WEIRD POSTING IT NOW!!! (of course, it helps that the fandom is chock full of oc x canon festivities due to how the game is!!! ive found my people)
the OCs name is Mitty (which means i now have two ocs named Mitty, tfw you love a name sm you give it to multiple ocs) and i did indeed make a ref/bio for her!!! i'll post it later. want this post to simmer a lil. also i have to go to work soon-ish. PAIN
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scintillyyy · 2 months
tim drake high school friendships, ranked by closeness to tim at the end of post-crisis:
sebastian ives. ives, ives, NOBODY out here is doing it like ives. ives was the FIRST civilian friend ever introduced to tim & the first friend tim made upon entering public school for the very first time. ives has been there since tim's second mini-series. ives as tim's friend is so important he is one of the only high school friends to be brought back into tim's story by others after his creator, dixon, left: he makes an appearance/is referenced as a long term friend with lewis (robin), yost (red robin), & fabnic (red robin). he has at least two major health scares & a fakeout health scare. let's make one thing absolutely clear here: ives *is* tim's best civilian friendship, which has endured as a friendship through *multiple* high school transfers away from him. absolutely no contest.
danny temple. listen. danny & tim don't interact, like at all, post danny leaving brentwood but that's just because the whole kid kobra thing never took off. i'm sure if it did, tim & danny would have interacted a lot more post separation. and listen, danny is the "civilian" friend who *knows* tim is robin. they went on basically two vacations together. they're far closer than your standard high school friend.
zoanne. listen, she may have been a love interest who didn't work out, but that didn't stop them from also being friends. her friendship to tim is also referenced in yost's run in red robin. as far as tim & high school friends, since tim tends to drift apart from people once they're no longer at the same school, zo ekes through with a recency bias for tim. in an end of robin/red robin era she'd be on his current list of civilians he felt close to. she's shown to be extremely worried about him in red robin #10 indicating ongoing friendship.
kevin "hudmeister" hudman, hudson, callie evans: these lovelies were part of tim's core group and have the benefit of length of friendship going for them. hudman & hudson were a core part of tim's W&W group that made several recurring appearances through tim's initial high school years & had a significant part in his miniseries ii. only lower because ostensibly tim did lose contact with them upon going to brentwood, still higher because they played a decently important secondary/tertiary role through many years of tim's publication
darla: darla is the person at louis grieves tim actually likes, okay? he's devastated when she dies and he can't save her and she's brought back to interact with tim again as warlock's daughter & has a small but significant storyline with her friendship with tim as a result.
buzz & kip: when tim is at brentwood, he spends most of his free non-danny time hanging with buzz and kip. they both have a couple issue storylines that tim is involved in & he seems to like them pretty well. once tim leaves brentwood, however, the friendship dies away and is not mentioned again.
ali ben khadir: tim's first roommate, gets a significant storyline and then vanishes, so is below the other brentwood kids. tim likes him though, so that puts him above-
wesley: tim's second brentwood roommate is next, because they spent a significant amount of time together & again had multiple issues to showcase the development of their relationship. wes is under kip & buzz & ali though, because tim doesn't actually like him all that much despite the fact that they're nominally friends. he grows to he okayish with him. i guess.
bernard: listen *if we're talking post-crisis only* (which we are), bernard falls *solidly* at the bottom of the list as tim's least important/significant civilian friend. there's no significant story focused on tim's friendship to bernard specifically, tim is barely tolerating him most of the time & is friends with him basically only because bernard is pushy about being friends with tim & after tim leaves louis grieves he doesn't bother to keep in touch to the point where bernard doesn't even know where tim ended up, only that he's heard *from other people* tim might be in bludhaven (who apparently are in the know as to tim's location). now obviously we can't ignore the trauma that led tim to ghost him, but since bernard after this is never brought up again in post-crisis, he's a pretty solid 'that friendship definitely died once they were no longer in each other's immediate vicinity & were basically only friends with each othet due to circumstances of going to school together only'
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mrghostrat · 6 months
(Tumblr won’t let me post from my GO sideblog but hi I’m @spot-o-bodysnatchin)
Ok so I just wanted to say I absolutely adore your writing and art style, loved your Paris teachers AU and Chapter 5 of your Streamer AU was just 😚👌 Literally GASPED like 🫢 at Crowley’s panic over the secret angel crush account!!!!
And I wanted to ask…. They mentioned they’ve both been single for a long time. They’ve also lived together for a really long time. Was there a point where either of them were actively dating someone else (and having them over etc.) while living together? If they have, do you think you’ll bring this up in the story?
Also one idea if you’re looking for an extra angsty/jealous/self-conscious storyline may be to have one of Crowley’s exes show up at the Edinburgh meetup? Maybe they’re also a streamer?? Just for that lil extra bit of tension thrown in 👀
Anyways I agree with everyone else to take your time especially during this time of year, but excited for new fic updates!! Appreciate u!! 😊
IVE BEEN THINKING, vaguely, about this. i think it’s a good opportunity for conflict and tension but ive put it off because, i just Do Not Enjoy writing jealousy as a plot device.
it’s partly why my first GO fic (In A Place Like This) was the polar opposite of that: crowley watching aziraphale flirt and chat up human men, and instead of being jealous he’s just impressed and proud
but the way i’ve written streamer AU so far, it only seems fitting. i do picture them as having dated other people, but crowley’s flings never went anywhere (hard to put 100% effort into someone who isn’t aziraphale) and eventually he gave up dating altogether when he realised that about himself. aziraphale would’ve had a few more long term situations, but he too stopped bothering just because of the Way He Is (introverted, hyperfocused, allergic to inconvenience).
i’d love to fit it into the fic somewhere for the juicy tension, but not 100% set on when. for now it’s just floating around waiting to slither into a fitting conversation
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heymacy · 2 months
hi! i haven’t seen mickeyless seasons so i wanted to ask if ian ever has issues about being bipolar like he did with mickey? like him breaking up in s5 for not wanting to see mickey hurt and s10 when he asks if he’s crazy for wanting to be with him! i think i read somewhere that caleb? maybe had a talk about self love or whatever to ian but that dude was horrendous ( not that trevor was best for what ive seen ) so im not sure that counts ahah
hi anon!
yes, ian grappling with his disorder is a very very big theme throughout seasons 6, 7, 8, and 9. in fact i would argue that aside from him becoming an EMT, the bipolar storyline is his most significant one (i typed out my response and it got very long so i'm going to put it below the cut 💛)
in s6 he is fresh off of the diagnosis, the breakup, and coping with mickey going to prison (and he was definitely trying to cope, he still loved him and seeing someone you love locked up is immeasurably hard. i feel like we don't talk about this enough). he feels very aimless and it isn't until an incident (he's a bystander to a car crash and rescues a woman from a burning vehicle) that he finds his new path (becoming an EMT, which he does by the end of s6). caleb was absolutely awful in so many ways but the one good thing he did do was encourage and support ian in finding a new life path, which is the only credit i will give him. there's also a deleted scene in s6 that is so, so important re: understanding how mentally ill people are viewed and treated in society and of course ian's monologue about how he's good at his job because of his illness, which is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show.
in s7, he's getting healthy again and taking his meds, but it isn't without struggle. there's a very poignant and important scene (part one, part two) with lip where he expresses his struggles with his disorder and how hard it is for him to cope with taking his meds and listening to the warning signs for episodes (he was behaving in ways akin to a hypomanic episode/showing signs of slipping into an episode just before the conversation happens). by the end of the season, after he leaves mickey at the border, he's still relatively stable, but the emotional triggers of leaving mickey behind + monica's death start to take a toll on him, which we see in s8. there's also the trevor of it all in s7, but that's a whole other issue. trevor did not have a positive impact on ian's self-esteem whatsoever and even went so far as to demand ian forgive monica and "move on" after knowing 0.1% of the history between the two of them. that scene in particular makes me unfathomably angry and i just know it was deeply, deeply triggering for ian to hear that from someone he cared about.
in s8, we have the gay jesus storyline, which i absolutely detest and hate to discuss, but it's part of his story and it needs to be acknowledged. he's taken advantage of a lot this season, propelled towards some sort of fucked up end goal with very little control over his circumstances, and it quickly spirals out of control. while the writers never explicitly state that ian is hypo/manic during this season, you can watch the progression happen if you pay close enough attention. despite not being given a lot to work with, cameron did a great job at playing the nuances of bipolar disorder this season, showing ian's descent into hypo/mania as the gay jesus movement grows and warps.
in s9, he's in prison for the first time and is noticeably manic. after being released, he starts seeking out meaning and purpose in religion. eventually he's forced to face the consequences of his actions and pleads not guilty to arson by reason of insanity, not only defying the wishes of the gay jesus followers (they feared him going public with his diagnosis and pleading insanity would delegitimize the movement) but also finally choosing to really acknowledge his disorder, reckon with it, and make peace with it, in a strange sort of way. it's a very important and pivotal moment for his character and cameron absolutely delivers during his plea monologue.
if you've see s10 you know how his self-worth takes a hit regarding the marriage storyline, and how he's so terrified of marrying mickey because 1) he doesn't know if he's capable of being a good partner because he doesn't feel like he had good examples of healthy marriage standards growing up and 2) he isn't sure mickey knows what he's signing up for re: his disorder and everything it entails. which, of course, is not the case, because mickey doesn't love him in spite of his disorder, he loves him completely, and his disorder is just a part of that. he wants all of him, always, and that's a huge plot point in s10 and s11 ("i gotta worry, you're my husband" scene my absolute beloved).
anyway. the short answer is that yes, ian spends a lot of time grappling with his disorder and the realities of life as a bipolar human. he deals with issues regarding his self-worth, his purpose, and his relationships. speaking as a bipolar individual, i can say with absolute certainty that coming to terms with your diagnosis is a long, arduous process that takes many years and a lot of commitment to achieve. it's not easy, and though the writers dropped the ball on a LOT of storylines in the show, they did a pretty damn good job of showing how hard it is to cope and live with the realities of bipolar disorder and everything that entails.
if you ever want to see more of his journey, gallavichscenes on youtube has playlists of all of ian's scenes in season 6, season 7, season 8, and season 9. i highly recommend watching the show in its entirety but if you don't want to do that, i recommend at the very least watching the rest of ian's storyline. it colors so much of his story and mickey's and it's hard to fully comprehend the extent of their relationship without understanding that storyline. i hope this answered your question! sending tons and tons of love 💛
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Omg I’m so happy you replied!! I definitely have more questions.
1. What Cillian character do you like writing about the most and why?
2. What story from your master list are you most proud of?
3. Do you personally have any fic recommendations/ must reads? Other sites included.
4. What gets you inspired to write? Following that question have you ever abandoned a fic?
5. What do you think made you a better writer? If you have any doubts about your work, how do you get past it enough to continue?
6. Is there a Cillian character that you just don’t like, or aren’t interested in watching/ writing about? (Sorry if that’s a loaded question)
omg thank u so much for this!!! i srsly love interacting w u guys, tysm for the thought provoking questions😄🙌
i think i like writing most about robert fischer:) ik it probably doesnt translate considering ive written most for jonathan crane but robert fischer is just such a little sweetheart to me,,, and can go both ways in being a sassy dom douchebag or being a sobbing daddy issues sub darling LOLLL i just think he has a lot of duality to delve into and develop (which ive definitely not done so far☠️) and it helps that his characterization in inception was also very surface level— i have a lot of wiggle room y’know??
i think im most proud of “dine & dash” which im aware probably no-one has read, but getting chris o’doyle’s sassy little dialogue down was like taming a wild beast,,, otherwise, considering my more well-known work, i rly liked writing “honey, i’m home”. i go crazy for the unhinged readers (if u couldnt alrdy tell lmaooo) and seeing jackson get messed with like that was a real treat.
i seriously just recommend anything by @mypoisonedvine,,, they’re literally genius & are the reason i started writing for cillian:)!! other mentions include kitten fics by @pictureinme and, a personal fave, @floralcyanidee’s jackson rippner mile-high club fic!!! these writers are all incredibly talented and im just blown away at their work every single time🫶
my thirst is such a big motivator for writing LMAO😭i wrote “guinea pig” ‘cus i wanted to absolute wreckkk jonathan crane and have him be a sub, and i got a 6.8k words long fic out of said thirst! music & book quotes motivate me a lot too— i spend sm time digging thru my pinterest for a good quote for the beginning of my fic its actually insane☠️and yes,,, im ashamed to say ive abandoned fics numerous times,,, but thats because they were series’, not oneshots. i get bored of series’ pretty quickly, ‘cause i feel kind of trapped by the initial dynamic or mood set in the first chapter. with oneshots, its like writing one long chapter of this trope and this kink or whatever and then its done, and i dont have to exhaust myself going back to tropes or kinks or storylines ive already done.
i think reading made me a better writer. expanding my vocabulary through the words of others was a biggie; seeing something be described in a certain way in someones story had me thinking of out-of-the-box ways to describe another thing (that doesn’t make much sense but lets pretend it does😭). i have many, many doubts about my work, like constantly, but i usually just suck it up. i sound like an attention whore but seeing the reposts & comments & tags on my other work reminds me people like what i’ve written before and certain people will enjoy what ive written now, so i should just finish my work for them. i also take like 100 years rereading my stuff until i think its good enough lmao,,,
ive kinda watched his whole roster of films (atleast ones i could actually find on the internet and not gone missing as a lost piece of media lmao) and i could probably write for any cillian character given i had a good idea and proper motivation. writing for certain characters is definitely harder for me to do though, so its likely i wont write for them/will take a long time to do so. an example is lenny miller— anna was such an insufferable movie to me, and lenny’s screentime wasn’t long at all, atleast not long enough for me to properly grasp his character. he just felt like a horny hardass fbi goof the whole time i could not take his 5’7 ass seriously😭cillian is smexy as hell in anna tho, so we’ll see😈another would probably be robert capa from sunshine,,, hes beautiful and deliciously musty in that but the whole spaceship setting kinda freaks me out (considering i know 0 zilch nada about space, spaceships, or anything of the sort, so it’d definitely be inaccurate). an au with him id definitely do, though! (with that hair of his my mind is already forming a 90s band au, guitarist!capa x singer!reader story…)
again thank u so much for these questions!! i feel like i rarely get to chat to u guys so this was well appreciated😄🫶thank you so much for reading, for sending these questions in, and for being an overall sweetheart, anon!
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halucynator · 6 months
dividers by @cafekitsune
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requests: [ ] open [ ✓ ] closed
if you are going to request, i need a plotline and a character. specify if you want "fluff", "angst" or "smut" but that doesnt suffice. you need to tell me what you want the general storyline to be. also specify if you want a longer fic. i dont know what you want if you dont tell me.
please be kind when requesting. requests that go like "i want ___" or "when will you ___" will be ignored. any hate comments will not be addressed nicely.
please don't send requests in twice. respect that i'm taking my time. if you have sent a request it is very likely i have received it. if i can't write your request for a reason i will tell you: if anon is on, i will post it and if anon is off i will message you personally!
please don't tell me to hurry up, it makes me feel pressurised. i'll try to write your request as fast as i can but please remember youre not entitled to my time. i have a life outside tumblr and you don't know what someone's going through.
please don't ask me when i will finish something because frankly i don't know.
this one is a very important one: please do not send me requests you have already sent to other people. not only is it downright hurtful but also can be considered plagiarism. i work far too hard on my requests to then have it he considered plagiarism.
i do not and never ever ever will write dub cons, non cons, stepcest, incest, pedophilia or anything else illegal or just downright gross.
i can write female x female, female x gn, male x gn and male x female but im not like educated (?) enough to write male x male. please specify if you want y/n to be gn or female. i do not write y/n as male for the same reason i don't write male x male.
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i mainly write for theo and mattheo but if you have any requests for other characters feel free to ask and if im familiar enough with them i might just write your fic xx!
here's a list of characters that ive either previously written for or do plan on writing for either bc i have it as an ask or because i just want to xx
harry potter
theodore nott
mattheo riddle
lorenzo berkshire
pansy parkinson
tara carpenter
sam carpenter
ethan landry
chad meeks martin
mindy meeks martin
anika kayoka
please be kind. if you're rude you will be blocked.
english is not my first language so please don't be rude about it. if you see ive made a mistake please just nicely point it out. i also don't write for real people only characters because, well, they're real.'
thank you so much for taking your time to read this <333 feel free to request! these may seem like a lot but it's really just normal things and almost all requests i get follow this criteria! request as you normally would just keep in my mind the writers are human and that we love getting asks but we don't like having people be entitled or rude! tysm <33
do not repost my work in a different language/a platform. respect original work by refraining from plagiarism. if you use ideas from my post please credit me!! i absolutely love seeing different interpretations but please remember to credit <;33 thats all i'll update it if i remember more stuff <33
hi hello! check out my masterlist here!!
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kurjakani · 11 months
Alright quick question..we have similar taste in fictional men and I’ve never watched Bleach before should I start it so I can obsess over Mayuri as well?
HMMMMMMMAH rly hard to tell. Ok sorry bleach fans i love u but im gonna shit talk this show a bit. Pls dont read if u cant handle me rambling abt my personal experience w a show meant for 15 year old boys. I actually love it deeply !!!!!!! I enjoy ir a lot!!!!! However. I really struggle w watching the show sometimes. Its over 300 eps + the movies which i havent even gotten started with. It's difficult bc theres a lot of cool moments too but good lird esp at tge start the fights consist of characters deciding that they have more soul power bc of some memory they had and beatinh eachother. Everyone is confident there is character variety but everyone is like supposed 2 be a huge badass and idk thats just not my type of media (which is why orihime is actually one of my favourite characters bc she stands in such contrast w her confidence issues and damseliness. Also Ishida i love Ishida i love his arc in the umm when they had the bounts and his self reflection about his inabilitu to help the others + hes always rly analytical in fights. Mayuri too bcs all of his power comes from thinking & experimenrting & PREPARADNESS. I dont remember him ever mentioning soul power bc hes like only talking about technique. Zaraki is also incrhesting bc he is overpowered, but to a point of ridiculousness and where he has an one punch man styled conflict w being unable 2 find someone he has fun fightinh w) i like casts full of losers and freaks. Talking of freaks Tite Kubo is one and will NOT stop making fucked up jokes, esp about girls. His humour is shit theres been like. One scene where i laughed out loud and it was bc ichigos dad pelted him w no mercy bc hes used 2 him being able to fight but ichigo was just tired and he flew thru the room thats fr the only time ive laughed. Theres a lot of rly dark topics also treated very lightly, including when it comes to Mayuri??? Esp his treatment of Nemu. As far as ive seen!!! The storyline has an interesting end in the manga tho and like it seems more thoughtful but ive yet to see that. But the treatment of Nemu as a prop to show how awful Mayuri is and to also be fanservice rly. It frusturates me. Theres so much like, interesting stuff you could do w her character. Again tho im at ep like 180 so maybe there will be!!!! For the good tho Tite Kubo has just. Theeee most incredible eye for character design in my eyes hes so fuckinh good its ridiculous. Even a lot of the side characters are mega memorable and its no wonder a lot of thr characters are absolutely iconic. Also the show definetly gets better the beginninh is just so. Slow. As u can prolly pick up from my earlier notes there are a couple characters that i fuxking loooove aside from Mayuri. As for mayuri he is fuckinh viile and they make some gross jokes abt him too but he is so. Ill b real hes just sexy and also transformation coded so. Literally childhood fave chinhands emoji idc. There also are some great interactions between characters!!! Thr main characters rly care abt eachothef and are so devoted 2 taking care of eachother and i think thats lovely. They can be cranky and mean but theyre always worried for eachother and rwady to help and i think thats just so sweet i like that dynamic. Sorry i di have more to say abt the show as u can see i have some big big emotions abt it and i care abt iy sm but it also often frusturates me deeply a lot of tje time. Its a show you endure. Thank god it jas a dub bc i am watcjing it while knitting / drawing etc.
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nickgoesinsane · 10 months
If ur a fan of high fantasy and dnd, absolutely look into BG3! It's so much fun to play (ive sunk ~100 hours into it so far lmao), but it's just as entertaining to watch. Plenty of hilarious and heart-rending scenes, plus the biggest draw: you can fuck almost ANYTHING w a pulse. 6-10 insanely hot companions (depending on ur choices) who have their own unique, complex storylines and character evolutions. It's not just "do quest get sex as reward" (some of them it is at the start lmao but then they get vulnerable and more fleshed out after you progress more, we love sex as a coping mechanism) n you actually like. Genuinely connect to them. Plus the main storyline is insanely rich, detailed, and compelling, as is the like. Billion offshoot storylines and storymodes you can discover.
Back to the sex thing tho- you can fuck almost any npc you want, including a druid who'll wildshape into a goddamn grizzly before he goes down on you. There's another character whose whole thing is that he msub-ed so hard n so well he bagged the primordial goddess of magic for years, and in the third act of the game there's a few orgy options. It's not just limited to the humanoids too; there's a small selection of partners for the monsterfuckers out there, including a mindflayer who uses his tentacles EXACTLY how you'd imagine them. You can also bed most of the archdemons of the hells, and a giant succubus.
Overall 10/10 great game great graphics great story great characters great soundtrack tons of sex will play a billion more campaigns
Oh wow.
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steveharrington · 2 years
Could you talk more about the issues you have with s4? I’m only asking bc I think you’re very sensible when writing about ST!
yessss i love to whine and complain <3 plus ive had a lot of time to Reflect and Marinate on the season so i think these thoughts will be more coherent than some of the stuff i was posting directly after it came out. here we go <3
biggest overall complaint is steve's storyline taking a sharp left turn back into stancy territory. before anyone sends me a why dont you like stancy ask: stancy itself isn't even the reason i disliked this storyline! (also they arent compatible and want different things and its canonically stated like 5 different times in the show) but the Main reason i disliked steve's writing this season was that it largely undermined the value of his relationships with other people. season two established that steve would willingly put himself in harm's way for the kids both against billy and in the tunnels, and season three went on to establish that steve feels the most comfortable when he's hanging out with robin and dustin and just being himself, free from social expectations. all of these discoveries that we worked up to since season one were basically just forgotten in this season. steve is annoyed with dustin, annoyed about staying with the kids, gets injured and only has a meaningful interaction with nancy while robin just walks off screen, doesn't get a single emotional interaction with dustin about the danger they're in or the trauma they're undergoing even after eddie fuckin DIES and overall i just felt like he wasn't acting like himself in terms of his relationships with other people, and this to me seems like an issue with the duffers wanting to prioritize a love triangle once again
i also just have issues with the plot writing as a whole. soooooo many glaring mistakes that just do not seem typical of a stranger things season! ive seen people say "well what did we expect" NOT THIS?? idk from small details like will's birthday and hopper apparently just lying on the floor completely unscathed to larger overall bad writing like eddie's death being absolutely pointless and no one talking about it afterwards, the season somehow feels rushed? even though it was 2x as long as any other season and they had three years to write it? how do you have a 2 hr 30 min episode and not a single scene where the people who spent all season protecting eddie don't get together and talk about his death. that's just...unfathomable to me
out of the four storylines in volume one, two of them were like unbearably boring to me. im so sorry. it got to the point where every time it cut away from hawkins i would text em "FUCKKK" because they were far and away the most compelling story. i always predicted the russia plotline would be boring like the second s3 ended i said oh boy thats gonna be boring. but the HNL storyline......was somehow even more boring. and i love el! i liked venry as a villain! i LOVE JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER but jesus christ is brenner a redundant boring ass character who's always entering the frame sneakily and saying some shit like "eleven......the virus inside you is spreading.....you are an evil evil little girl" like JESUS dude we get it. idk ive never found his character nearly as interesting as the show seems to think he is, and i think spending this much time with him this season was honestly a mistake! so glad he's dead rip. i also wasn't a fan of the stretched out bullying plotline because it was very cartoonish to me and also just like. not necessary. we already know el feels alienated. watching her get shoved to the ground and have a milkshake spilled on her precious little dress just felt like kicking her while she was down
anyways theres a lot this season did well! quite honestly, it all falls apart in the last episode. without the mistakes made there, it would have been so much stronger. but alas i fear it's my least favorite season of stranger things so far because of these issues </3 to me there were times where i was like "am i really watching stranger things right now??" because the writing choices were just so bizarre and uncharacteristic of the show as a whole. praying season 5 is better but i have a strong feeling season 2 will always reign supreme
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rivaiin · 4 months
ok i need to talk about y8 i cant keep quiet anymore i love these games so much. i just started chapter 9 so spoilers until then i guess
So. after a ridiculously slow start (which im not complaining about. i love having time to explore and do secondary content without urgency) i feel like the story has finally starting picking up the pace since around. chapter 7 i guess. like sure there was plot before but you honestly spend like 20 hours going from one point in hawaii to another looking for clues and getting absolutely nothing. you dont get any real info until wong tou. but yeah. i really like where things are going now. it really feels like ichis big massive story that cements him as the new protag and a real final goodbye for kiryu
and speaking of kiryu i was soso sure he was gonna end up dead but now after seeing some scenes from his bucket list thing im not so sure anymore. like it feels theyre at least going to make him want to stay alive. which if they end up killing him its going to make it a million times more devastating. im fully ready to cry by the end
the combat has been a lot of fun and a real palate cleanser after [redacted] all the little improvements really feel like they listened to players complaints on y7. i LOVE that qtes during action scenes are back. those are like one of my favourite things in the series and i really really missed it in y7. general attacks feel super fluid and quick with the new positioning system and being able to bounce enemies around the companions feels great
im really enjoying the music and the visuals. sunset hawaii feels like something out of a dream with that orange light and really reminds me of y3. i miss okinawa tbh
now for characters. i really like all the new companions. chitose feels like a really solid charater and i cant wait to see more of her. yamai has honestly surprised me during later chapters. i love when you fight the same dude over and over and get little bits of their story/personality each time. as for the rest of the villians i guess theyre still falling a little flat cause they havent appeared much. sawashiro still seems to be on the same bullshit hes always been and i dont really care about ebina that much yet. hes been a kinda generic yakuza villain so far but well see. ichi and kiryu are still wonderful characters and i really love theyre making kiryu open up and be more vulnerable. its been a while since weve seen him like that and i missed it
as for the secondary content what can i say. its yakuza. im not gonna say how many hours ive put into dondoko island cause its shameful but i enjoyed its storyline. the snow substory had me fucking sobbing and the new minigames are fun. ive also spent a lot more time with the sujimon thing than i was expecting
i cant wait to see where the rest of the story goes tbh i know im getting close to seeing my babygirl and i cant wait
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vintage-bentley · 1 year
ik they arent even in the trailer and their story is done but im kinda bummed out thatin the good omens tag basically nobody is ever talking about the them or the human characters anymore like they make up most of the book and half the show but always get the side lines in fandom content :/ like ive never seen an anathema focused piece of anything shes always like crowleys bestie or something nobody cares to explore a female character deeper than is shown in canon like raphael doesnt exist in canon and yet had more people explore his intricacies
I’m guilty of this too, and I think aside from regular fandom tendency to focus on a ship and let that be all that matters, A/C’s story is so interesting and unique that it outshines the others.
But I love Anathema! I really like her storyline of following something for her whole life because she was told she has to, and having to navigate not having that guide anymore—after choosing not to have it. I wish we got to see how she deals with going about life without knowing what comes next, I can see it being a great source of stress for her. And it would’ve been neat to see it paralleled with Aziraphale going through something very similar, now that he’s abandoned his trust in Heaven. I saw a post a while ago talking about how both human couples were mirrors of A/C—Newt asks questions of Anathema’s unwavering faith and helps her to leave it behind, just like Crowley does for Aziraphale. Shadwell ends up with somebody he’s supposed to believe is an embodiment of evil and sees he was wrong about her, just like Aziraphale does with Crowley. That was really interesting to see and I have a feeling that season 2 will do the same thing with Maggie and Nina (of course I hope they’re more than just mirrors of the male characters).
But as far as fandom goes, I have to admit that I understand wanting to focus on A/C since they’re the most interesting. It does annoy me though, that Anathema often falls victim to the typical fandom treatment of female characters, where they only exist to mother the male characters. In fan fiction she tends to be the voice of reason and the “smartest one in the room”, which seems great because yay a woman is smarter than the men…until you realise she’s only “the smartest one in the room” because people can’t imagine a woman being silly and fun, only responsible and maternal. I think so much more could be done to explore her whole conspiracy theory thing.
As far as the trend of her being Crowley’s bestie, I think it’s cute, but it feels like people reduce her to being a “goth bestie” and don’t really pay attention to her interests. I feel like she’d really get along with Aziraphale and they’d bond over interest in/knowledge of books of prophecy. I’m sure Aziraphale would be absolutely fascinated to hear from an actual descendant of Agnes Nutter, and despite having left the descendant lifestyle behind I’m sure Anathema would be eager to share her history with somebody who’s knowledgeable and interested. Like imagine you dedicate your whole life to following in the footsteps of a historical figure that not many people know about except prophecy enthusiasts. And then you meet the enthusiast of all time. That would be exciting!
And, y’know, I’m sure she’d be more fond of Aziraphale over Crowley, considering A’s the one who healed her and treated her kindly while C didn’t care that he’d hit her with his car and instead focused on un-denting said car…
That being said, I’ve found that a lot of content with her being friends with the husbands, especially Crowley, ends up treating her like set dressing. I’d make a feminist analysis of this, but tbh I notice it with all the human characters, so I don’t think it’s specific to Anathema because she’s female. It’s possible it happens to her more though because of it.
Anyways. I agree it’s sad that the other characters don’t get much attention! They’re great, especially Anathema and Pepper who are my favourites. But like I said, I get it, when they’re up against the competition that is ineffable husbands.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
*slides in* several years ago there was this thing in the Dragon Age side of tumblr where people would write about what their main ocs would be like as companions and stumbling across that again made me wonder what Tyr would be like as a swtor companion?
Things like where he’d hang out on the ship, what his companion quest/storyline would be, his favorite and least favorite reputation gifts, idle dialogue, ect ect 👀
Absolutely no pressure to answer figured I’d just throw it your way!
Deryn, I love you I love you I love you I lo-
I took a stab at this a while back that could probably use a touch up or two, particularly on dialogue because I struggled to find a balance between loosely generic and revealing enough, and Tyr's interactions so largely depend on who he is interacting with. A specific background to work from would benefit that exercise a lot, so let's see if I can work through a few ideas.
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Probably easiest to adapt would be an Alliance Alert recruitment, likely provided by Lana or Theron directly if I could so indulge, but likely primarily as an asset for Admiral Aygo. Assuming he still was going by Cipher Nine (or some moniker of Cipher, to accommodate an Imperial Agent as the PC), this would assume you've run into him as one of Lana's contacts during the Shadow of Revan arc. In short, a Commander's theoretical history would thus, possibly, entail:
Cipher Nine was officially loaned to the Revanite investigation following the offensives on Korriban and Tython. Infiltration of Republic space revealed SIS Agent Theron Shan's investigations and he was a connector agent between Shan and Beniko on Manaan. He exercises caution with a Republic hero, but otherwise expresses the belief that the overall threat of the Revanites is far greater than factional differences.
Officially, Nine was disavowed and his clearances and protections from the Ministry of War struck during the investigation, sending him underground with Beniko, Shan, Jakarro, and D4 until Rishi. He's quite cooperative with a Republic hero on Yavin IV, though may be particularly cautious around a Sith.
He's met again on Ziost, having assumed Command of Sith Intelligence under Lana. He's no time nor interest in any factional or belief differences during this operation and will remark sharply if the PC speaks against Theron.
His activities during the 5 year gap for the Outlander would likely have still seen him working relatively closely with Lana and following her out of Sith Intelligence. During the course of operations either monitoring Republic space or investigating Zakuul, they may have lost contact, hence an Alliance Alert post Chapter 9. Tyr could be recruited to the Alliance thus by any class or faction, ultimately saboteur or not. Nine won't leave the Alliance regardless of the Commander's choices on Iokath or Ossus and onward, but he may be asked about returning to Sith Intelligence, to which he'll remark that his loyalty lies with the Alliance now. To a Republic on non-Sith Commander, he may express a mild distaste for Sith politics and mildly comment that he doubts the Empire has changed that much.
It would, however, be completely possible that Nine would saboteur against the Commander if they were an Imperial loyalist. He may grow suspicious of a Republic saboteur, but the game hasn't finish its trajectory with that arc, so where that'd all ultimately lead, I'm not sure.
A Republic Commander has the potential to coax him into revealing his history as a double agent for the Strategic Information Service. Appropriately encouraged, he can express gratitude for the Commander's work and for finally offering him an exit out of the Empire's shadow.
He could likely be found either in the main operations room, datapad in hand, or at the far end of the Military hangar by some of the Alliance ships overlooking the Commander's docking area.
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Paring him off as a class companion is... hmmm. He might make an interesting later-comer to the Smuggler's crew with background as a, in this case, successfully defected Cipher now employed by the Republic SIS, possibly with some friction based on his loose-leash habits developed under the autonomy afforded to an Imperial Intelligence Cipher operative. Tyr would be deeply interested in such a plot of corruption and betrayal as is uncovered to be the case with Darmas Palleran and Senator Dodonna. Adaptable, driven, and loyal to the Republic without being so righteous about it that they'd never get along, the ex-Cipher would certainly see the value in a network of underworld contacts to get work done that the red tape of bureaucracy just doesn't always get to - in a timely manner, at least.
Given Imperial history and conflict on Balmorra, I'd be favorable to saying a Smuggler could encounter him there, using his knowledge of Imperial protocols to weaken the Empire's grip on the planet. A history of infiltration work would lend him well to the Smuggler's purpose there, butttt it does bump against Akaavi's entrance and I don't know if I could rob Smugglers of their Mando, lol.
Considering the SIS is aware of the White Maw, we could table arguments to introduce him on Hoth as part of efforts there. Tyr would be aware of the value the Republic and Empire place on the ships lost there and he's about 500 times more likely to be directly helpful to the Smuggler's cause than Guss, lmao. It'd take a bit of reworking the Hoth storyline for Smuggler, but I'm sure we can find a reasonable trail of events that may have led him into an operation to infiltrate the White Maw and act as a contact planet-side. With little trouble still with swapping dialects, he's introduced solely as an SIS operative, and I'd say if you want drama, let them have a three-way clash between the Smuggler's goal, the pirates, and Imperial forces (this happens... somewhere on Hoth already, I'm sure, but where??? I'm blanking atm) or save it for part of Darmas's scheme on Corellia. More casually, it may be possible to coax it out of him during companion conversations - possibly a "how'd you end up on Hoth/in the SIS anyway?" based one.
And also, we're not cowards, so I'd say he could absolutely have a romance for a so-inclined Smuggler. Tyr likely hangs out in the lounge area, probably leaning against a wall, around the Smuggler's holo because I'd have a thing against hiding him in the engine area like Guss, lmao.
If questioned about his loyalties, Tyr will definitely lean into Republic support, regardless of whether his past of defection is revealed, though he won't necessarily pressure the Smuggler either way. He can understand and possibly even respect them prioritizing their own interests first - he'd believe they could still get along well enough and help each other out; he agrees to help the Smuggler track down Rogun on the interest of keeping an eye on such powers in the galaxy and what it might imply for the war. Who knows? Maybe he's even there to keep tabs on the Smuggler, too. The Smuggler may teasingly suggest this as a flirt, to which Tyr just as teasingly deflects from saying for certain, though they may also merely inquire or accuse him of spying on them, to a calm supposition that it wouldn't be improbable or a shorter defense that such measures may be necessary, respectively. I'd probably most like to see his companion story once again revolve around that defection, so you could probably love or hate him for "not being upfront" with you, but also because Dorne's is so damn good and I think we need more of it, hehe. Because I highly doubt he's run into exclusively positive reception in the SIS and going "off the books" like this to join the Smuggler may put him in hot water and lead to an awkwardly interrupted holocall with SIS brass where a Smuggler might be able to defend his actions or brusquely inquire what he's up to/what trouble he's created for himself. As a little easter egg, there's got to be at least one even throwaway line about playing Centran Sabacc sometime together just because I can, lol.
He'd sort of be a give what you get with the Smuggler - if the Captain is standoffish and snippy, expect Tyr to be short, blunt, and unfavorable in return, though always short of name-calling. He's a professional, after all.
He could ultimately still be recruited by any class later in KOTFE. A character that did not romance him in the class story may have the option to do so upon his reunion.
I did also somewhat consider a similar background, but plugged into the Bounty Hunter story, but the Hunter still largely operates within Imperial space and if Tyr's exiting Intelligence, he'd like to put as many parsecs between him and Imperial banners as possible. He'd probably strike a much better balance for respect for more shoot first, ask questions later methods than the current team make-up, however, so I'd still consider it. He wouldn't be so fussed about keeping their hands clean to act so overly finished with the Bounty Hunter on so many DS choices that it seems like the rest of the crew finds a bit excessive, but he's also not just a lawless brutish extreme like Skadge. He could even likely take Skadge's place as the Belsavis recruit, quite possibly after being one of Zale's ferried prisoners after possible capture by the Republic as an Imperial operative. Tyr's always had a dark-realist sense of humor about vacation stays owed to him on Belsavis or in Shadow Town after his work as a Cipher, after all. In exchange for protection of his previous identities, Tyr could be coaxed to join the Hunter's crew. I'd even probably leave him in Skadge's place in that middle area before the Hunter's bridge, lol. It's a good little hidey hole for him. Idk if he'd go for a romance with the Hunter though.
What do y'all think? Would you rather see him on the BH or Smuggler crew? xD
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joshuaalbert · 1 year
harry kim… ive missed your voyager posting but i want to hear your thoughts on dear harry boy…
favorite thing about them
he's my most favoritest guy. i love him. if like .03% of the things that had happened to him happened to me i'd be out there murdering bitches or something and he's still just out here being a nice friendly guy who tries his best for the ship and for other people. like sometimes they do a rly good job of making it clear that there's this very deep well of resolve to him and he is an incredibly hard person to break despite experiencing the horrors so so so often. BUT i also love it when he's unhinged like he absolutely deserves to get to go off the rails sometimes. and i like it when he's making little petty comments he deserves that too.
least favorite thing about them
i mean we all know this but he's SO fucked over by the writers/showrunners. there's literally no reason for the no promotion/left out of major storylines/frequently sidelined in favor of other characters deal except some like. racist bullshit. writers will be like "well we just don't think he's an interesting character" bitch then make him interesting lol that's your job.
harry and b'elanna literally the single most important dynamic in the show to me. every episode that they don't have a scene together i think about committing unfathomable acts of violence. i really enjoy that they genuinely feel like friends who care tremendously about each other (although i wish we saw them hanging out more off duty or in the mess hall or whatever).
also like idk if it's a brotp because they're not like Bros but the harry and janeway dynamic makes me feel uhh vaguely insane. now that you're here someone can understand what i mean when i say it's kind of the inverse of picard and wesley in a lot of ways lmao.
honestly i cannot deny the weird gay thing he and tom have going on. with tom and b'elanna i can be like yeah she deserves better but a) he's usually better to harry than b'elanna because the writers don't seem to know how to write romantic storylines without some bullshit and b) it lowkey doesn't matter if harry deserves better because regardless of my opinions they just Do Have a weird and compelling fucked up gay thing. the chute literally exists.
also my beloved friend @aberfaeth who was my source of voy knowledge before i started watching voy is a ptk enthusiast and i like. very much see that in some arrangement i like whatever they've all got going on
uhhh. hm. i dont know that i have one in terms of things that people actually ship? i am very not fond of the show's trend of giving him like tall blonde traditionally (western) beautiful women as like short term love interests that we're clearly supposed to assume he has absolutely no chance with because he's a lame nerd. in a vacuum him always going for like women that fit a specific mold of Hot Girl that he basically never actually has chemistry with would give comphet but i do think in this case it's far more representative of, again, the racist bullshit and it being very clear that they don't see him as being a viable romantic option.
random headcanon
i have not been rotating him in my mind long enough to have a ton of these but i do very much stand by my harry and b'elanna undefeatable battle bots build team headcanon
unpopular opinion
im not immersed enough in the voy ecosystem enough to know what opinions are popular tbh but i do think any headcanon that has harry like pining after tom is simply not a correct interpretation of events imo
favorite picture of them
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like I said. I like it when he’s unhinged and when he’s petty.
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skyblue-ringpops · 1 year
so if you've been following me for a while you know i always have the most controversial favs 😭 and im back with another... my favorite cruel summer character is jamie. but i have my reasons!! i could say a lot about him but let's start with:
jamie was not a villain in the '93 storyline in episode 7
ive seen so many people cite that episode as a reason why they hate him and... honestly i don't get it. not saying kate had no right to be annoyed, but he's not entirely to blame and didn't have bad intentions.
so let's break the scene down.
the promise ring. even though he was told it was too big of a commitment, he didn't care - he loved her and really did want to be with her. again, kate not being ready is absolutely not a problem. but he definitely did care about her.
next. the flask, brought by tenille. and then after the food court scene, jamie went off with ben while the girls stayed together. of course jamie is still partially at fault for what happened, but consider: he said whatever was in the flask (again, brought by tenille) was very strong - I actually saw a theory once that tenille intentionally made something intended for kate that would get her very drunk in order to embarrass her, not saying I think that's the case but it is very interesting to consider - and also, that ben was with jamie the whole time, and seemed to find the whole thing amusing. ben is another fav of mine so im not attacking him at all, but imo he's partially responsible as well.
then there's the spill. totally not done intentionally, and... also not jamie's fault. ben knocked into him, that's the only reason he spilled it. but still, jamie gets the full blame - and takes full responsibility. he apologizes (as far as we know, ben says nothing) and runs to find something to clean it with while everyone else stands around. honestly no matter who's at fault, the best solution would be the girls washing it off in the bathroom, but jamie was the one to step up.
and then, leaving the mall. when he asks what her favorite present was and she doesn't say the ring, he seems so sad about it... but then seems to have a moment of realization where he sees that the ring may have been a mistake (at least, that's my interpretation of his reaction.) then kate tries to assure him that she likes it... even though it's obvious she doesn't... and he's happy again. then asks about her favorite present and genuinely seems interested, because that's how much he cares.
then there's also the question of... why. why is he taking her home? yes, he brought her there. but he drove, and obviously that isn't an option on the way back. kate was running late and jamie could barely stand up (and yet still brought her home) and nobody else offered to help out? none of them could give them a ride, or at least offer to get jamie home so kate wouldn't be held back by him?
and then when they actually get to martin's. martin asks kate if they want a ride home. then, in the scene where they're in the car, they're talking as if they're alone when kate is dropped off, and if you look in the back during the one scene that shows it, jamie isn't there. but it doesn't make sense that he'd be dropped off first - even if you consider that martin wanted to be alone with kate, since she needed to get home and, as far as we know, he didn't have a curfew. so either jamie isn't totally to blame for kate being late, or he was abandoned in martin's front lawn.
either way. he's not the bad guy here.
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
hi, eonni! i dont know if you still would keep me in your thoughts. better if you do, or even if you don't, i’d be glad both the ways. maybe if i’m being so dumb and vague, im yun.. hello :')
i disappeared suddenly, because life has never been good on me. i miss you dearly, and i don't have the guts to come infront as a non anon, aka someone with a true blog. of the many people i met in my previous blog, you're the one with whom i felt the most safe with, so i just wanted to drop in..
is it too awkward or sudden to drop in?
i read ldomlt chap 10, and it absolutely broke me. of all the things ive learnt so far, i know it's okay to mess up, because we're all humans. but the avalanche of everything which went on..im alright, because it's just common and we're all humans. but one thing for sure is, yoongi and oc are both idiots, complete idiots, lacking proper communication. with jk, he's an amazing guy, is he single? askin for a friend, obv, ty ty
i do so realised that maybe they won't ever share that golden bond they did, but maybe they can improve and develop with time (: (:
and one thing for sure is, that yoongi totally is gaslighting.
i do know that one shouldn't presume anything, and me myself am, because i do know that yoongi is scared. yoongi is scared that he loves her, and she deserves someone who's better than him, and even some stances of past relationships which is making him gaslight everything, even his own emotions. i do get it, it's the human nature afterall. he's scared, but i hope he understands that life is all about feeling it..
don't know, if im logical for it, but it's, i suppose, oc is in the stage of grief and denial, as well as anger. it's okay, the storyline was great, and i absolutely appreciate you for keeping it so clean and natural, because (having faced some so similar situation myself,) some novel shit absolutely doesn't occur in real life, like they appear when you want them to. life makes you lick your shoelaces and taste the bitterness, and sometimes it burns you out...she has gone through a lot..
but however, i truly hope that the story has a good ending: i know some things can't be mend even after years of exile, but they can be better. i know that yoongi loves her, cares about her, which is why he even came to the party.. and the part when he said
“ i just want you to be happy ”
my heart broke too.
but i hope these idiots take upon and talk, and things get better.
and i hope everything is smoother on your side too, eonni (:
YUN BABY MY DONGSAENG OMG 🥺 it's so good to hear from you!!!!
of course you have been in my thoughts!! i have missed talking to you but i know life is hard and i don't take it personally when people take breaks/walk away from tumblr or i just don't hear from them for a bit!
i do hope things are looking up for you or will soon, if not now then definitely in the new year, bc you deserve good things!! 💜 and you are always welcome to say hi to me no matter how long it's been 🥺
oh god 😭 chapter 10 was so so much i know.... all the emotions and flaws and failures to communicate. so much humanity and MESS between these two. at least we have jk 🫠 who is single but i think you have an entire army of baby star candy stans to fight for his love 🤣
you are so so correct about both yoongi and reader. she absolutely called him tf out when she said he was scared. and i love that you pointed out he isn't just gaslighting her but also himself - that's soooo real. he thinks if he can just shove it down, push her away, and get back to work, the way he's feeling will dissipate.... 👀 guess we'll have to see how that plan goes lmao
i'm so glad you're enjoying the story and that you feel it's natural!! i loved putting in that little end moment even though it's obviously VERY sad... as a lover of tv shows/books and the many tropes that come with them, i have sadly had that moment far too many times myself. it can be so crushing when the imagined scenarios in your head don't come true 🥺 but she's off to start a new life.... and we have to see how it all wraps up!! 💜
ugh it makes me so so happy that you reached out, and that you're still enjoying this series!! i really wanna hear more about your life and how things are going - i'm pretty sure you have me on discord so pls don't hesitate to message anytime!!!
wishing nothing but the best for you in 2023 and beyond, and i'm manifesting that shit, so you know it'll come true 😉✨💜
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chaoticspacefam · 1 year
For the SWTOR NPC asks. What happened to Loyat and Cytharat in your canon?
From the [SWTOR NPC Headcanon Asks List]
thank you for the ask, as always! <3
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I’ll start with Cytharat since I definitely have more headcanons for him than Loyat atm! 
Based on him mentioning being Malgus’ apprentice and a very newly-appointed Lord, and also being way Pinker than the obviously-older Pureblood NPCs/the PC Pureblood skintone options, I’m assuming Cytharat is pretty Young for a Pureblood, so I figured him around about Ty’s age, maybe 10 years (~2 human years max age difference) younger if that
Vano and Kas are kind of working in tandem by the time the Makeb storyline comes around so they attend to the Makeb questline(s) together. 
Kas had one conversation with Cytharat and immediately went “Yep This Is My Apprentice Now If Malgus Wants Him Back He Can Come Fucking Fight Me” (Malgus was never brave and/or stupid enough to come fight her XD). Since they’re working together, Kas and Vano manage to split up so Vano saves Catha Niar and Kas manages to save Cytharat. Afterwards she offers him a spot on her crew and since its obvious to him that even if she might be A Little Weird, Kas obviously Cares unlike most of the other Sith so he accepts and ends up becoming part of Kas’s crew. 
While he’s hesitant at first about the idea of teaming up with Jedi/Republic personnel, he trusts Kas by that point so when she says they’re going with Lana and Marr to Yavin IV to help deal with the Revanites Cytharat just accepts it. When Kas is reunited with Rai after arriving there, Cytharat meets Ty and maybe (Definitely) gets a crush. They’re only together for a little while before the whole temporary alliance dissolves again and when Rai (and by extension Ty) refuses to go back to the Empire with them they part ways for a time
Cytharat misses Ty a lot more than he was expecting to and Kas Notices (™). She casually mentions that she has Ty’s holofrequency if he wants it and deliberately leaves said frequency where she Knows he can find it. Cytharat sneaks a few message/letters through and keeps chatting with him until Arcann and the Eternal Empire give them more pressing concerns at which point they lose contact again until one day Lana rocks up to Kas’s office with Rai and Ty in tow. 
Ty gets left with Kas and co. while Rai goes with Lana and Koth to Zakuul and the poor kid is a Nervous Wreck about it so Cytharat has to help Kas calm him down because they’re the only two people he Trusts. Kas then pulls a classic old “oh Cytharat do you think you could help us with this star chart, oh wait a second is that Ashara and Khem calling me? You and Ty can handle looking through this one by yourselves right? I’ll check on you later byeeee~” and at some point during their moving everything over to Odessen he ~finally~ asks Ty out. 
So of course Cytharat stays on with the Alliance afterwards. I’m not 100% sure if they’ll ever get married yet (haven’t gotten that far with their relationship planning yet but they’re defo solid as an item :’3) but Cytharat is absolutely okay with being the muscle of the relationship while his bf hides behind him when things get scary (which is, unfortunately, very often. Poor Ty XD) 
And Loyat!! (who I do not have any screenshots of rn since none of my current pub toons are as far as Ilum (anymore, I yeeted a few of them when I stopped vibing with them oopsie)
I have less solid plants for Loyat but I do love her and I am definitely kidnapping her she’s mine now Bioware /hj
Loyat and Aria are definitely buddies. Probably even drinking buddies, much to the abject horror of anyone who happens to cross paths with them when they’re out drinking XD
They absolutely would meet during the Ilum war/storyline. Though it’s not until after (the Assault on Tython FP) that Aria’s officially outed as a Sith plant, Loyat can probably Sense It so she agrees to go with Aria to the Jedi if only knowing that Aria probably has an Out Again if she’s managed to be in deep cover this long and not get caught.
It’s a minor wrench in the plan when Aria tries to fuckin fight Satele and gets arrested, but I’m kiiind of feeling like Loyat might go with her to Manaan. Especially since with Zenith and most of the other Consular crew lickity splitting when they realise Aria Was Sith The Whole Time. Ya girl’s gonna need some crewmates/friends, so why not Loyat? ;3 by the same vein, probably goes with Aria to the Alliance and ends up working under Kas’s Force Enclave sector, but where specifically I have yet to decide owo
I definitely want to expand on Loyat more, but for now sadly that’s all I got for Loyat! 😅😅
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