dcoglobalnews · 2 years
Gunmen have abducted an Anglican Bishop, Reverend Oluwaseun Aderogba of Jebba Diocese, Kwara State his wife, and driver.The victims were abducted on Sunday along the new Oyo/Ogbomoso Expressway in Oyo State.The Police Public Relations of the command, Adewale Osifeso, confirmed the incident in a statement. Reverend Oluwaseun Aderogba of Jebba Diocese, Kwara State his wife. He explained that one…
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jeniffercheck · 8 months
it's always 'wyd' and never 'here's how we can make jess jordan a lesbian'
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accuratenewsng · 2 years
KWSG Charges Contractor To Speed Up Work At Jebba Waterworks
KWSG Charges Contractor To Speed Up Work At Jebba Waterworks
Kwara State Government has demanded improved speed in the ongoing construction of the waterworks in Jebba, Moro Local Government Area and expressed dissatisfaction at the pace of the contractor since the government has not defaulted on its part of the contractual obligations. Speaking at the site of the facility during an unscheduled visit on Thursday, Commissioner for Water Resources Hon. Wahab…
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truetellsnigeria1 · 2 years
Gunmen Abduct Anglican Bishop and Wife In Oyo
Gunmen Abduct Anglican Bishop and Wife In Oyo
Gunmen have reportedly abducted the Anglican Bishop of Jebba Diocese, Kwara State, Rt. Rev Oluwaseun Aderogba, and his wife.    The couple were abducted alongside their driver while traveling on the new Oyo-Ogbomoso Expressway in Oyo State. This reportedly occurred shortly after their car developed a fault at a lonely section of the road at around 8:30pm on Sunday June 12.   It is also alleged…
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artofmintea · 3 months
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Girls' dinner!
The maghreb getting together for a special occasion! Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia got kicked out of the AFCON so for now they're chilling
Have from left to right: Morocco in a djellaba Algeria in a Frimla + Gandoura
Tunisia in a Jebba + Framla
Libya wearing a Rda
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joyxel · 10 days
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now chilling at home jebba+qerdoun, 4 directions, look at her gooooooooooooooooooo
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scotianostra · 2 years
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September 10th 1771 saw the birth of Mungo Park at Foulshiels, near Selkirk.
Mungo Park was the seventh child of a well-to-do farmer. He was apprenticed to a local surgeon and undertook medical studies in Edinburgh. With a medical diploma and a desire for fame and fortune, Park set off for London, and through his brother-in-law, William Dickson, a Covent Garden seedsman, he got his opportunity. He was introduced to Sir Joseph Banks, a famed English botanist and explorer who had circumnavigated the world with Captain James Cook.
A life of adventure appealed to him, so he volunteered his services to the "African Association", a scientific organization dedicated to the exploration of the interior of West Africa.
At the time of Mungo's first journey, the interior of the continent of Africa was entirely unknown, due to very difficult traveling conditions and the lack of navigable rivers. According to the natives, it was said that a great river, called the Niger flowed between the Gulf of Guinea and the Sahara, but it was not known whether it flowed east or west, or whether it joined with any other rivers.
The mouth of the Niger, in modern Nigeria, formed a delta so broad and marshy that it was not recognized as the mouth of a great river. The natives claimed that the Niger was a major trading route and there were stories of wealthy and mysterious cities on it, such as Timbuktu, that no white man had ever seen. The idea of exploring the region was very intriguing, but the climate was so deadly and the traveling conditions so difficult, no white man had succeeded in penetrating the area.
After becoming acclimated to the region, Mungo set out with a small group of native guides from the Gambia river, one of the few navigable rivers in Africa. From that point, they journeyed on land, and succeeded in reaching the Niger near its western source. He followed its course over 300 miles to the east before returning over much of the same route he had come. 
His three year journey was fraught with difficulties and dangers and he was imprisoned and nearly perished on several occasions. The full story of his travels was captured in his book, Travels in the Interior of Africa, which became on his return an immediate best-seller.
After four years back in Scotland Mungo agreed to return to Africa with the purpose of following the Niger all the way to its mouth,  he proposed to learn Arabic, the language of trade in the region. On his second journey he traveled with a large party including both Europeans and natives. 
The second journey proved to be a disaster since it was far more difficult to travel with a large group than a small one. Many of the Europeans became sick and died, the natives were hostile to the large, armed group, and provisions were more difficult to come by. Within a year a large number of the party had died, and Mungo's last communication was dated near the end of 1805.
Some time afterward the story was told of Mungo's fate. He and the remaining group had reached the Niger and successfully traveled many miles by boat. Eventually there boat was lost in the rapids, and they were attacked by unfriendly natives. Only a single native guide survived the journey.
You can read the whole story with full details of how he met his end here https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Mungo_Park
Pics include his statue in Selkirk and  Monument to him at Jebba , Kwara State, Nigeria
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¿Cuáles son las diferencias culturales entre Corea del Sur y Túnez?
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¿Cuáles son las diferencias culturales entre Corea del Sur y Túnez?
Tradiciones familiares en Corea del Sur
Las tradiciones familiares en Corea del Sur juegan un papel fundamental en la vida de sus habitantes. La familia es considerada como el pilar central de la sociedad surcoreana, y se le otorga una gran importancia a la unidad familiar y al respeto por los ancestros.
Una de las tradiciones más arraigadas en Corea del Sur es el Chuseok, también conocido como el Día de Acción de Gracias coreano. Esta festividad se celebra en el octavo mes lunar y es una ocasión para rendir homenaje a los antepasados, así como para reunirse en familia y dar gracias por las cosechas del año.
Otra tradición destacada es el Seollal, que marca el inicio del año nuevo lunar. Durante esta celebración, las familias se reúnen para realizar rituales en honor a sus antepasados, como el Charye, una ceremonia en la que se ofrecen alimentos y bebidas a los difuntos.
Además, en Corea del Sur se celebra el día de los niños el 5 de mayo, conocido como Día de los Niños o Día de los Niños. En esta fecha, se llevan a cabo diversas actividades para honrar a los más pequeños de la familia y fomentar la importancia de la educación y el respeto.
En resumen, las tradiciones familiares en Corea del Sur reflejan los valores de respeto, unidad y gratitud hacia los antepasados, así como la importancia de la convivencia familiar en la sociedad surcoreana.
Vestimenta tradicional tunecina
La vestimenta tradicional tunecina es un reflejo de la rica historia y diversidad cultural de Túnez. Se caracteriza por su colorido, detalles ornamentales y una mezcla única de influencias que van desde el norte de África hasta Oriente Medio.
Uno de los elementos más icónicos de la vestimenta tradicional tunecina es el "jebba", una túnica larga y holgada que suele ser de color blanco y se usa tanto por hombres como por mujeres. Se complementa con accesorios como chales, cinturones bordados y joyas elaboradas que aportan elegancia y sofisticación al atuendo.
Las mujeres tunecinas suelen lucir prendas como la "sefsari", un vestido largo y fluido que se adorna con bordados intricados y tejidos de alta calidad. Además, el uso del "melia" o pañuelo tradicional en la cabeza es común entre las mujeres tunecinas como símbolo de modestia y tradición.
Por otro lado, los hombres tunecinos suelen vestir la "sarwal", unos pantalones amplios y cómodos, junto con una camisa de manga larga y un chilaba, una capa larga que les brinda elegancia y distinción.
En resumen, la vestimenta tradicional tunecina es un tesoro cultural que ha perdurado a lo largo de los siglos y sigue siendo una parte importante de la identidad nacional de Túnez, mostrando la belleza y la artesanía de este país del norte de África.
Valores socieconómicos en Corea del Sur
Valores Socioeconómicos en Corea del Sur
Corea del Sur se destaca en el mundo no solo por su desarrollo tecnológico y económico, sino también por sus valores socioeconómicos arraigados en su cultura. La sociedad surcoreana valora en gran medida la educación, considerándola como un pilar fundamental para el éxito personal y el progreso del país. Este enfoque en la educación ha llevado a altos niveles de alfabetización y a un sistema educativo reconocido internacionalmente.
Otro valor importante en la sociedad surcoreana es el trabajo duro y la dedicación a la excelencia. Los surcoreanos suelen tener una ética laboral fuerte, comprometiéndose con sus responsabilidades y esforzándose por alcanzar la perfección en sus actividades laborales. Esta mentalidad ha sido clave en el crecimiento económico del país y en su posicionamiento como una potencia mundial.
Además, la familia juega un papel central en la vida de los surcoreanos. Se le da gran importancia a la unidad familiar, el respeto a los mayores y la solidaridad entre sus miembros. Estos valores fortalecen los lazos familiares y contribuyen a la cohesión social en la sociedad surcoreana.
En cuanto a la economía, Corea del Sur destaca por su espíritu emprendedor y su capacidad innovadora. La inversión en investigación y desarrollo ha permitido que el país se posicione a la vanguardia en sectores como la tecnología, la electrónica y la automoción, generando así riqueza y oportunidades para sus ciudadanos.
En resumen, los valores socioeconómicos en Corea del Sur, basados en la educación, el trabajo duro, la familia y la innovación, han sido fundamentales en su desarrollo como una potencia mundial y en el bienestar de su sociedad.
Festividades religiosas en Túnez
Las festividades religiosas en Túnez son una parte integral de la cultura y la tradición del país. Túnez es un país diverso en el que conviven diferentes creencias religiosas, como el islam, el cristianismo y el judaísmo. Cada una de estas religiones tiene sus propias festividades y celebraciones que son respetadas y disfrutadas por la población, independientemente de su fe.
Una de las festividades más importantes en Túnez es el Ramadán, el mes sagrado para los musulmanes en el que se practica el ayuno desde el amanecer hasta el anochecer. Durante este mes, las calles se llenan de vida y espiritualidad, con familias y amigos reuniéndose para romper el ayuno juntos al caer la noche. Otra festividad relevante es la celebración del Eid al-Fitr, que marca el fin del Ramadán y se celebra con rezos en la mezquita y comidas festivas.
Además, en Túnez también se celebran festividades cristianas, como la Navidad y la Semana Santa, que son días de reflexión y celebración para la comunidad cristiana del país. Por otro lado, la festividad judía de la Pascua también es conmemorada por la pequeña comunidad judía que reside en Túnez.
En resumen, las festividades religiosas en Túnez son una muestra de la diversidad cultural y religiosa del país, donde las diferentes creencias coexisten en armonía y se celebran con devoción y alegría. Estas festividades son una oportunidad para unir a la población y celebrar la riqueza de la cultura tunecina.
Gastronomía típica coreana
La gastronomía típica coreana, también conocida como hansik, es una de las más apreciadas y reconocidas a nivel mundial. La comida coreana se caracteriza por su variedad de sabores, colores y texturas, lo que la convierte en una experiencia culinaria única.
Uno de los platos más populares de la gastronomía coreana es el kimchi, una preparación de col fermentada con especias que se sirve como acompañamiento en casi todas las comidas. Otro plato icónico es el bulgogi, carne de res marinada y cocida a la parrilla, que se sirve con arroz y verduras.
Además, la gastronomía coreana cuenta con platos tradicionales como el bibimbap, una mezcla de arroz, verduras, carne y huevo, todo servido en un tazón de piedra caliente. También destaca el samgyeopsal, panceta de cerdo cocida a la parrilla y acompañada de salsas y verduras.
Los postres en la gastronomía coreana son igualmente deliciosos, con opciones como el patbingsu, un postre de hielo raspado con frutas y sirope, o el tteok, pasteles de arroz rellenos de ingredientes dulces o salados.
En resumen, la gastronomía típica coreana es una combinación perfecta de sabores intensos, ingredientes frescos y presentaciones vistosas, que deleitan a todos los que tienen la oportunidad de probarla. ¡Una experiencia culinaria que no te puedes perder!
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sageglobalresponse · 3 months
Govt announces alternative routes for Lagos city Marathon
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Lagos State government has issued a traffic advisory ahead of the yearly Access Bank Lagos City Marathon coming up tomorrow Saturday, 10th February, 2024 between 5.00am and 2.00pm.
The state government said the following routes will be temporarily unavailable to motorists during the marathon: Funsho Williams Avenue from Stadium, Surulere; Ikorodu Road to Anthony; Gbagada to Third Mainland Bridge; Third Mainland Bridge (Inbound and Outbound);Dolphin Road to Alfred Rewane Road; Falomo Roundabout to Bourdillon Road; Lekki Bridge to Freedom Way and Akin-Adesola to Ahmadu BelloWay.
The state government in a statement by the Commissioner for Transportation, Mr Oluwaseun Osiyemi said that the alternative routes available during the marathon are: Apongbon bridge inwards Eko bridge through Costain Roundabout, Iponri and Bode Thomas for a desired destination or utilize Eko Bridge through Costain Roundabout and Apapa Road to link Oyingbo/Jebba to access Herbert Macaulay for a desired destination.
Motorists can equally go through Victoria Island to link Independence Bridge and CMS bridge to access Apongbon inwards Ijora-Olopa to Iddo and Oyingbo to connect Herbert Macaulay Road to continue their journeys.
For motorists trying to navigate the Third Mainland Bridge;The 3rd Mainland Bridge will not be available to Motorists from 12.00 tonight till the end of the marathon.
Osiyemi further hinted that all outbound journeys from Ikorodu Road, Funsho Williams Avenue enroute Lagos Island are exempted from the diversion, adding that Officers of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority will be deployed to the diversion points for seamless traffic flow and safety of Motorists.
The vommissioner however advised motorists who have no serious business along the marathon diversion routes to avoid the areas. He added that movement on the 3rd Mainland will return to status-quo immediately after the marathon is concluded.
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hardynwa · 5 months
25 die, 15 injured in Kwara tanker fire
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No fewer than 25 lives were lost while 15 others were seriously injured in a petrol tanker fire on Tuesday in Kwara State. The incident occurred due to an accident at Peke village along the Oko-Olowo area on the Ilorin/Bode-Saadu/Jebba express road. The accident involved a petrol tanker with registration number JJN 17 XW, a heavy-duty truck, and an 18-seater bus. Eye witness accounts revealed that the petrol tanker which was travelling from Niger State, was driving on the wrong side of the road which resulted in a head-on collision with a heavy-duty truck from Lagos State. The collision, it was further gathered, ignited a fire that rapidly consumed both vehicles and also affected the 18-seater bus which was also coming from Lagos. The Sector Commander, Federal Road Safety Corps, Mr. Stephen Dawulung, confirmed the accident to our correspondent on Wednesday, adding that he would provide the details later. He said that some of the corpses recovered from the scene had been buried by their relatives. The incident which was also confirmed by the Kwara State Director, Fire Service, Mr. John Falade, said that firemen responded to a fire at the village at about 3.18 p.m. on Tuesday. “On November 28, 2023, around 15:18 hours, the Kwara State Fire Service responded to a fire at Peke village along Oko-Olowo Bode-Saadu Expressway in Moro Local Government Area, Kwara State. “The firemen diligently worked to quench the inferno, but unfortunately, 25 lives were lost, and around 15 people were rescued with injuries,” he said. .Falade expressed deep sorrow over the incident that claimed many lives and stressed the need for road users to prioritise safe driving practices. He also warned drivers and other road users to adhere to safety measures consistently when driving on the roads. Read the full article
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crimechannels · 7 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Soldier crushed to death ain Checkpoint incident A yet-to-be identified soldier and a sugarcane vendor have been crushed to death in Kwara State. The incident, it was gathered, happened at one of the checkpoints along Bode Saadu/Jebba expressway in Moro local government area of the state. According to a resident who simply identified herself as Iya Khadija, the vehicle suddenly veered off the road and crushed the victims in the process. She said the vehicle had been towed to a police station in the community, adding that the corpse had since been evacuated. The sector commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Frederick Ade Ogidan, confirmed the incident during an interview with Daily Trust. According to him, “It was a lone accident involving a DAF truck which lost control and hit the victims. They were all males but two of them died while the other two didn’t sustain any injury,” he said. Ogidan cautioned motorists and transporters to avoid actions that could lead to distraction while driving and ensure their vehicles are in good condition always. #SoldiercrushedtodeathinCheckpointincident
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touchaheartnews · 8 months
Nigerian Power Grid Collapse: Seeking Renewable Solutions
The Federal Government of Nigeria is facing severe criticism from power consumers as the nation grapples with recurring power grid collapses. Touchaheart Nigeria reports that the recent blackout on September 14, 2023, was attributed to a fire incident and explosion on the Kainji/Jebba 330kV line 2, according to the government. However, consumers are frustrated with what they perceive as unending…
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accuratenewsng · 2 years
Gunmen Kidnapp Aglican Bishop of Jebba Diocese, Wife, Driver
Gunmen Kidnapp Aglican Bishop of Jebba Diocese, Wife, Driver
Gunmen have been reportedly kidnapped the Anglican Bishop of Jebba Diocese, Kwara State, Rt. Rev. Oluwaseun Aderogba, his wife and driver. The victims were said to have been kidnapped around 8:30 pm yesterday, Sunday at Oyo/Ogbomoso expressway while trying to fix their car that broke down on the road. When contacted, the Spokesperson of the Kwara State Police Command, SP Okasanmi Ajayi, said…
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forblogmostly · 1 year
Manaksia Limited — Independent Auditor’s Review Report on standalone unaudited quarterly financial results
The accompanying Statement of Standalone Unaudited Financial Results of Manaksia Limited for the quarter ended 31 December 2022, and for the period from 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022, is being submitted by the Parent as per the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended.
The responsibility for this statement lies with the company's management, and the Board of Directors has approved it. It has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in the Indian Accounting Standard 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”, as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, and other accounting principles generally accepted in India. Our role is to issue a report on these financial statements based on our review.
We have conducted a review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 2410, “Review of Interim Financial Information performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity” as issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard mandates that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. However, a check is restricted primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and therefore offers less assurance than an audit. We do not express an audit opinion as we have not performed an audit.
After performing the review as described above, we have not discovered anything that would lead us to believe that the accompanying Statement of Unaudited Standalone Financial Results, prepared in accordance with applicable Indian Accounting Standards and other recognized accounting practices and policies, does not disclose the information that is required to be disclosed in accordance with Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended. Additionally, we have not found any material misstatements in the financial statements. 
The Statement incorporates the outcomes of the following entities:
a) Manaksia Limited
b) MINL Limited
c) Dynatech Industries Ghana Limited
d) Jebba Paper Mills Limited
e) Manaksia Ferro Industries Limited
f) Manaksia Overseas Limited
g) Mark Steels Limited
After conducting our review and undertaking the procedures mentioned in paragraph 3 above, we have not encountered anything that leads us to believe that the accompanying statement, prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles specified in the aforementioned Indian Accounting Standard and other generally accepted accounting principles in India, fails to reveal the information that is mandatory to be disclosed according to Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended. Additionally, we have found no evidence of any material misstatement in the statement.
We have not reviewed the interim financial statements/financial information/financial results of two subsidiaries, which are part of the consolidated unaudited financial results, and whose interim financial statements/financial information/financial results indicate a total revenue of Rs. 22,559.89 lakhs and Rs. 67,268.00 lakhs, a total net profit/(loss) after tax of Rs. 2,356.89 lakhs and Rs. 8,206.51 lakhs, and a total comprehensive income/(loss) of Rs. 2,355.44 lakhs and Rs. 8,203.46 lakhs for the quarter ended 31 December 2022 and for the period from 1* April 2022 to 31 December 2022. These interim financial statements/financial information/financial results have been reviewed by other auditors, and our conclusion on the statement is based solely on the reports of the other auditors and the procedures performed by us as stated in paragraph 3 above. Our conclusion on the statement is not modified in respect of the above matter.
The consolidated unaudited financial results also include the interim financial statements/financial information/financial results of one subsidiary whose financial statements have not been reviewed/audited by their auditor, and whose interim financial statements/financial information/financial results indicate a total revenue of Rs. 112.89 lakhs and Rs. 436.41 lakhs, a total net profit/(loss) after tax of Rs. (22.30) lakhs and Rs. (89.06) lakhs, and a total comprehensive income/(loss) of Rs. (22.30) lakhs and Rs. (89.06) lakhs, for the quarter ended 31 December 2022 and for the period from 1" April 2022 to 31 December 2022, as considered in the consolidated unaudited financial results. The Management has informed us that these interim financial statements/financial information/financial results are immaterial to the Group. These subsidiaries are located outside India, and their financial results and other financial information have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in their respective countries. The Holding Company's management has converted the financial results of the subsidiaries located outside India to accounting principles generally accepted in India, and we have reviewed these conversion adjustments made by the Holding Company's management. Our conclusion insofar as it relates to the balances and affairs of such subsidiaries located outside India is based on the report of other auditors/management certified ac.
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joyxel · 10 days
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look at heerrrrrrr, being casual and shit
Jebba, also called a Jellaba in most regions. It's the traditional house wear in North Africa. I loooooove wearing them in summer, with the heat waves now omg... Also, she's straightening her hair with a Qerdoun, which is a long piece of fabric we wrap around the length of the hair to make it less frizzy overnight. It also keeps heat-straightened hair silky for a longer time!!!!
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earthsoundreports · 1 year
How this boy Kidnapped his Dad and Collected 2.5M Ransom.
How this boy Kidnapped his Dad and Collected 2.5M Ransom. A thread ⬇️
A Issa Naigheti, a suspect, was arrested for allegedly kidnapping his father, Bature Naigboho, in Igboho, Orelope Local Government Area, Oyo State. Issa admitted to collecting N2.5 million before releasing his father, according to the Kwara State Police Command. The suspect was apprehended by the anti-kidnapping team on Wednesday, January 4,2023, at the Kambi area on the Ilorin-Jebba road in…
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