#jewish pride
prozionist 12 hours
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Exsistance is Resistance!
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nesyanast 2 months
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10 times Amy Winehouse was iconic showing off her magen david.
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mylight-png 2 months
In response to Jonathan Glazer denouncing his Jewishness at the Oscars:
I am a proud Jew. I will always be a proud Jew. I embrace my Jewishness, and I will always embrace my Jewishness.
I will never denounce my people, religion, heritage, and identity. Being Jewish is the foundation of who I am and I will never choose to denounce myself or my people.
Am Yisrael Chai 馃挄
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hindahoney 1 year
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magnetothemagnificent 6 months
I think most of us already knew how much the world hated us, but I don't think most of us realized just how much we actually love and care for each other.
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kippah-for-lemon 7 months
a neighborhood science teacher asked if I believed that the Genesis account of creation was true. I answered, yes. Great, he said. Would I like to speak to his class about my understanding of creation? This modern-day John Scopes thought he was inviting a modern-day William Jennings Bryan to reenact the classic duel.
However, I told the class that while I believed the Genesis account of creation to be true, I also believed the scientific theory of evolution to be true. My response was greeted by puzzlement on the part of twenty-five eighth graders and disappointment on the part of their teacher. I went on to explain that science is one of humanity's great truth traditions, and religion is another. The two have threatened each other since well before the theories of Charles Darwin were formulated. But they needn't be engaged in such a heated rivalry because their goals are so different.
Science can help us understand how the world was created, but it can't tell us why it was created. And religion has no business telling us how the world was created, but we desperately need it to help us under- stand why we're here.
Genesis doesn't discuss the survival of the fittest, but, as you well know, Darwin's scientific creation story does. That story's operativeprinciple of the survival of the fittest became known as Social Darwinism, which taught that only the truly gifted deserve to survive. It is unfortunate that this teaching has become an axiom of modern life. In contrast, our Jewish tradition has always taught that we are responsible for the survival of the least fit: the orphan, the poor, the lonely, and the stranger, to name just a few. And in Genesis 1:27 we are told that every single human being is divinely gifted and deserving of dignity. The opening of Genesis tells about the creation by God of a universe of harmony, balance, and beauty, formed from soupy chaos, tohu vavohu. It is the most profound story we know, and it reminds us why we are here. It sets forth our work, and our challenge. But is the story true?
Regretfully I must admit that the story is not true, or at least not yet. When will it be true? When we accept our responsibility as God's partners in creating the world described in Genesis.
-Rabbi Rick Jacobs (b. 1955)
An excerpt from my Temple's Rosh Hashanah prayer book. Under the cut is just a testimony from me but feel free to reblog for the quote alone.
It really stuck with me because I was raised Protestant. I even attended a private Christian (nondenominational) school for three years. Sixth through 8th grade (for non-Americans, I was the ages of 11-14 give or take).
I was taught that evolution wasn't real. I wrote an 8 page essay on why Charles Darwin was wrong and that The Bible was correct. Little did I know I actually did believe in evolution, and so did most of my peers as I reasoned that over a long time of adaptations maybe there could be a different species
I was shell shocked when I switched to a public high school (14 years old) and flat out told evolution was true (or well as true as a scientific theory can get). I lost my trust for authority, and I realized how damaging my education had been.
I'm AFAB, and so I was taught my responsibility was to be quiet and to please my husband. I often asked far too many questions, especially when it came to the teachings of the Bible, to the extent my own teachers, men and women who were supposed to nurture my curiosity and be my guide into the world, shunned me.
Starting my Jewish journey, I sobbed. I sobbed after the first service I went to. It's so different from what I had been through before. I'm so glad I'm allowed to ask questions and it's even encouraged. I'm glad the Torah is scrutinized and we are encouraged to study the book and even admit when G-d has done wrong.
My partner, knowing my past, pointed this specific excerpt out to me. I had to fight back tears. I feel so loved and welcomed in Judaism.
"...Jewish tradition has always taught that we are responsible for the survival of the least fit: the orphan, the poor, the lonely, and the stranger, to name just a few. And in Genesis 1:27 we are told that every single human being is divinely gifted and deserving of dignity."
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arunswild 1 month
It's almost purim!
Another holiday we celebrate because everyone wanted to kill us and didn't! And Hamas sounds like Haman, so this adds up perfectly.
Anyways, happy candy-eating-survival-celebrating! Be proud of who you are! don't let the antisemitic bastards ruin your day!
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jewishboricua 4 months
i REALLY don't know how to explain this thoroughly, but whenever i listen to Jewish music, i get the urge to cry??? and kind of in a sad way but mostly happy???
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pacing-er 2 months
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It is so important for us to be proud and open at times like this. I've had many similar experiences ever since I started wearing my Magen David at work. Seeing a person's face light up when they see my star and having them excitedly say that they're Jewish too, is something that has brought me a lot of happiness in these times when the anxiety and fear is constant and inescapable. It's something that I don't think many people understand, that the Magen David is not something that I wear for attention or as a political statement. I wear it so other Jews will see it and feel a little safer. I'm lucky that I am in a position where it is safe to do so.
It reminds me of a story my Booba told me about my Great Grandfather. When he was fighting as an American soldier during WW2, he chose to wear the Magen David on his uniform. He had been stationed in Nazi-occupied France when a French civilian approached him. At this time Jews were in hiding, but this person saw his Magen David and risked their life to invite him to celebrate Passover with them and their family. Obviously things are not THAT bad at the moment, but this text I received from my father reminded me of this story. I feel like I am making my family proud when I wear my star, and I am happy to provide even the smallest bit of comfort to other Jews when I do so. We will survive this, Am Yisrael Chai 鉁★笍馃挄
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girlactionfigure 4 months
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Just a bunch of proud, Jewish, Shalom Motherfu**ers
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thoughtaddictand 3 months
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Good, non-Israeli, jewish gays like myself, Noah Schnapp, and Ben M. Freeman deserve the world.
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mylight-png 4 months
Am Yisrael chai even if it's unpopular 馃挄
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hindahoney 1 year
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Artist: Alex Woz
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讜职讛执讬讗 砖侄讈注指诪职讚指讛 诇址讗植讘讜止转值讬谞讜旨 讜职诇指谞讜旨. 砖侄讈诇旨止讗 讗侄讞指讚 讘执旨诇职讘指讚 注指诪址讚 注指诇值讬谞讜旨 诇职讻址诇旨讜止转值谞讜旨, 讗侄诇指旨讗 砖侄讈讘职旨讻指诇 讚旨讜止专 讜指讚讜止专 注讜止诪职讚执讬诐 注指诇值讬谞讜旨 诇职讻址诇讜止转值谞讜旨, 讜职讛址拽指旨讚讜止砖讈 讘指旨专讜旨讱职 讛讜旨讗 诪址爪执旨讬诇值谞讜旨 诪执讬指旨讚指诐.
"And She is the One who stood for our forefathers and for us. For it wasn't just one alone that stood over us to exterminate us, but in every generation they stand over us to exterminate us, and the Holy One Blessed be He saves us from their hands"
[From the Pesach Hagaddah]
I know things are looking pretty grim right now, but remember that our ancestors have faced similar situations and nevertheless we have survived. We are unbreakable, in every generation there have been those that have sought to exterminate us, and we are still here today. We may be few in numbers, we may be outnumbered, but we are strong. Our existence is a miracle, whether you believe in miracles or not, and we are stronger together.
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kippah-for-lemon 7 months
This is so gorgeous and the beginning caption hits hard :')
Tiktok by Michal Lapidot
"Please share the video and its message, as soon as I saw this trend I had to do it, the Jewish people have experienced antisemitism almost every day for more than 2500 years, to be Jewish is to live with the knowledge that you are hated and you don't know why. The large "scarf" is called a "talit", a white cloth with blue stripes that is worn during prayer. "Milk and honey" are a reference to the way Israel is presented for the first time in the Bible, "a land of milk and honey."" Caption of the TikTok
ID under cut
[ID: Tiktok animatic to the trend "Just a simple Russian girl". The video is first captioned "To be born one of the most hated peoples in human history." Instead of vodka, the woman depicted has milk and honey in her blood and dances the Hora. End ID]
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happy first evening of hanukkah!!
so a little resource i use since I can not have an actual menorah (parents wont let me) print out a coloring page or draw one!!! and color in a flame every night of Hanukkah I find it helps since I am jewish
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